FDKB722UK XRF Analyser Brochure (12pp) Nov 18

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XRF Analyser

Testing at sea, offshore or on land

Meeting new Sulphur limits
for marine fuel oil
The ability to spot check the Sulphur content
of fuel oil onboard a ship will help
shipowners and operators ensure compliance
with the latest IMO (MARPOL) regulations.
From January 2020 the maximum allowable Sulphur content
of marine fuels is changing: for all areas outside the existing
Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECAs) the limit will be reduced
from the current level of 3.50% m/m to just 0.50% m/m.

Introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO),

the new limit is being applied worldwide and covers the fuel
oils used in main and auxiliary engines as well as in
boilers. Compliance with the new regulations will be
monitored by Port State Control.
For shipowners and operators, the new limit leaves
little room for error. The traditional method of Sulphur
level confirmation by Bunker delivery note significantly
increases the risk of non-compliance and subsequent
penalties, furthermore waiting for a laboratory analysis
is equally flawed as the vessel could have sailed by the
time that is received and the Sulphur level found to be
outside the specified limit.
With this new equipment bunkers can be sampled during delivery and non-
compliance could be identified in the first few minutes of delivery (and at any
other time interval) thereby preventing expensive de-bunkering and payment for
non-compliant fuel.

It will be essential for each vessel to know and comply with the Sulphur limits of
0.10% m/m in SECAs or 0.50% m/m in all other areas worldwide. Furthermore,
the XRF Analyser is particularly helpful for demonstrating legislative compliance
during fuel changeovers conducted at the entry or exit of a SECA.

On-Board testing is one of the most effective means of establishing fuel

compliance with the Sulphur regulations.
Testing at sea,
offshore or
on land
As a lightweight, portable and self-contained
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer, the
XRF Analyser enables in-situ lab standard
testing of fuel oils at sea or on land.
The XRF Analyser can, for example, be used in the engine room
or control room of a ship to test the Sulphur content of fuel oil as
it is being delivered. Checking the fuel during delivery allowing
ships personnel to verify that the Sulphur content shown on
the bunker delivery note is correct, thus eliminating the risk of
accidental non-compliance.

The XRF can be used by suppliers, brokers, surveyors and

producers of bunker fuels. Faster and more accessible testing
means that the XRF Analyser allows fuel oils to be tested more
frequently and conveniently compared to sending samples to a
laboratory. By allowing test results to be downloaded, or storing
them for up to two years, the XRF Analyser also plays
an important role in helping vessel operators to manage
compliance audits more efficiently.

“The Parker Kittiwake XRF Analyser is

factory calibrated according to the widely
accepted ISO 8754 standard."
Dr David Atkinson - Principal Chemist
In addition to measuring the Sulphur
content in fuel oils, the XRF Analyser can be
used to measure a range of other elements
that are common contaminants which can
affect lube oil performance and indicate
accelerated wear conditions.

Wear elements measured by the Parker Kittiwake XRF Analyser and their
likely sources on board a ship (if any).

Element Likely sources onboard a ship

Chromium Cylinder liners or pistons/piston rings, gears

Copper Cylinder liners, pistons/piston rings, or bearings, stuffing box, gears, hydraulic systems
Iron Cylinder liners or pistons/piston rings, gears, stern tubes, hydraulic systems
Lead Cylinder liners, pistons/piston rings, or bearings, gears, stern tubes
Nickel Fuel contaminant
Vanadium Fuel contaminant
Zinc Lubricant additive
Molybdenum Trunk piston engine cylinder liners, pistons/piston rings
Silver Trunk piston engine bearings
Calcium Lubricant additive
Titanium Not applicable for marine
Manganese Not applicable for marine
Cadmium Not applicable for marine

Element Source within fuel

Sulphur Crude oil

Portable XRF Analyser
The XRF Analyser combines simplicity with
accuracy. Its standalone operation means that it
offers immediate plug-and-play operation.
Integrated into the small, lightweight housing is a high-resolution
LCD touch-screen display which enables fast operation and delivers
clear results.

The operator simply draws the sample of fuel oil from the ship’s
system into the sample container, places it in the XRF Analyser and
presses the test button. As the sample is not damaged or altered
during testing, it can be retained for any additional sample analysis.

The result of the test is displayed percentage of Sulphur in the

sample. This helps to avoid ambiguity and human error by
eliminating the need for the operator to interpret the test data.

XRF Consumables Pack (Part code: ACCK04001)

XRF Consumables Pack Quantity

Sample Cup 100

Dose Syringes 100
Test Mylar for Cube 100S Plus 1 reel (30mtr)
Copper target Pack of 5
Adhesive labels 1 reel (10mtr)

XRF Check Standards (Part code: ACCK04002)

XRF Check Standards Quantity

0.35 % Sulphur Standard 100ml

2 % Sulphur Standard 100ml
3 % Sulphur Standard 100ml
A proven partner
The XRF Analyser is part of Parker
Kittiwake’s range of condition-monitoring
This equipment is used where maximum efficiency and total
confidence are vital in protecting capital plant and equipment.
Our equipment is used extensively throughout the Marine, oil
and gas, energy generation, aviation and industrial sectors.

Sustained investment in R&D over the past 25 years has

enabled Parker Kittiwake to produce best-in-class systems for
the accurate monitoring and analysis of in-service lubricants,
hydraulics, wear metals, fuels, gasses and acoustic emissions.

In addition to ensuring compliance to global regulations, Parker

Kittiwake’s conditioning-monitoring systems are used to
provide the earliest indication of failure. This enables operators
to use predictive and proactive maintenance to minimize repair
costs and extend the lifetime of the equipment.

By supporting an intelligence-led approach to maintenance,

condition-monitoring equipment can significantly reduce
system downtime and make a direct contribution to increasing
productivity and profitability.

Parker Kittiwake is part of a $16.5bn engineering corporation,

serving customers from a worldwide network of technical
support centres. Winner of the Lloyds List Engineering Award,
2016, Parker Kittiwake holds several patents and its systems
are used to monitor many thousands of vessels over the past
25 years at all levels of sophistication value and complexity. In
every case giving the operator vital information in advance of
the action required.

As a global leader in condition-monitoring equipment, Parker

Kittiwake is synonymous with efficiency and innovation and is
trusted to ensure the highest levels of protection.
Product Description


Open lid button


Power on / off USB socket

Warning lights Power socket

Unit dimensions 212 mm (w) x 258 mm (h) x 258 mm (d)

Technical specification

Rated Input Voltage 9 V D.C.

Operating temperature 15 to 30 °C
Operating humidity < 70 %
Instrument weight 4.5 kg
Test time 130 seconds (typical)
Unit dimensions 212 mm (w) × 258 mm (h) × 258 mm (d)
X-ray tube 40 kV, 100 μA
Detector type Silicon drift
Measurable elements Sulphur, calcium, titanium, vanadium,
chromium, manganese, iron, nickel, copper, zinc,
molybdenum, silver, cadmium, lead

Chemical Compatibility
The XRF Analyser is only intended to measure liquid
hydrocarbons, such as lubricating oils and fuel samples.
Any liquids that are chemically incompatible with polyester may breach the Mylar
film used to retain samples and destroy the X-ray detector.
The Parker Kittiwake XRF Analyser is factory
calibrated according to ISO 8754 and makes
field sulphur concentration measurements that
correlate strongly with ISO 8754 laboratory
The repeatability of the instrument, established at three different
sulphur concentrations using accepted laboratory and statistical
techniques, is actually better than that provided in ISO 8754. Given
this information, the reproducibility of the unit should also be no
worse than that stated in ISO 8754.

Sulphur conc. / % Repeatability / % (1) Reproducibility / % (1) Accuracy / % (1)

0.100 ± 0.004 (3) ± 0.014 (3) ± 0.014 (4)

0.500 ± 0.010 (2) ± 0.037 (3)
± 0.037 (4)
1.000 ± 0.017 (2) ± 0.065 (3) ± 0.065 (4)
3.000 ± 0.045 (2) ± 0.179 (3) ± 0.179 (4)

1 - 19 out of 20 repeated measurements fall within the stated

range for each sulphur concentration.

2 - Measured instrument precision.

3 - Inferred instrument precision.

4 - Inferred instrument accuracy (assuming zero bias).

Wear metal
The repeatability of wear metal concentration
measurements has been established using
accepted laboratory and statistical techniques.
Instrument repeatability has been determined
for a subset of measurable elements at a
variety of concentrations.

Metal Conc. / ppm Repeatability / ppm

Calcium 11,249 ± 150

Vanadium 49 ±4
Chromium 6 ±2
Iron 6 ±2
Nickel 17 ±1
Copper 2 ±1
Zinc 204 ±4
Case contents

Quantity Description

1 XRF Multi element unit

100 Sample cup (type 1)
1 Power supply
1 USB cable
100 Dose Syringes
1 Test Mylar (30 mtr reel)
1 Bluetooth label Printer & power supply
1 Adhesive labels for printer (10 mtr reel)
5 Copper targets
1 Sd card


© 2018 Parker Hannifin Corporation. All rights reserved. Parker Kittiwake FDKB722UK
3 - 6 Thorgate Road, Littlehampton,
West Sussex BN17 7LU
United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0)1903 731470
Fax +44 (0)1903 731480
[email protected]

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