RPR FY2008 6-2 Appendix 6

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Appendix 6

Philippines Country Review:

Economy and Environment in the
Philippines: Issues and Imperatives

Cielito F. Habito
Ateneo Center for Economic Research and Development, Ateneo de Manila University

March 2009

This chapter should be cited as

Habito, C. F. (2009), ‘Economy and Environment in the Philippines: Issues and
Imperatives’, in Habito, C. F. and S. Kojima (eds.), Mainstreaming Sustainable
Development Policies in East Asia. ERIA Research Project Report 2008-6-2, Jakarta:
Appendix 6
Philippines Country Review
A.6 Economy and Environment in the Philippines:
Issues and Imperatives

Cielito F. Habito *
Professor of Economics and Director,
Ateneo Center for Economic Research and Development,
Ateneo de Manila University

1. Introduction

With its rich and vast array of natural resources, the Philippines should be among the most
affluent countries in the world. But like most other similar naturally-endowed countries, it
appears to have fallen victim to the “natural resource curse,” 1 the phenomenon whereby
countries and regions with an abundance of natural resources tend to have worse development
outcomes than those that are less endowed (see Auty 1993; Sachs and Warner 1995).

A richly-endowed archipelagic country of around 7,100 islands, the Philippines traces a long
history of geological formation that has yielded a unique assemblage of bio-physical ecosystems
teeming with biological and natural resources. Its 30 million hectares (300,000 square
kilometers) of land area, which had 70 percent forest cover just over a century ago, hosts an
extremely rich and diverse array of plant and animal species that has put the country among the
top mega-diversity countries in the world. Similarly, its 36,289 kilometers of coastline and its
abundant inland waters endow it with an extremely rich array of marine and freshwater
resources acknowledged to be among the richest and most diverse in the world. Conservation
International (CI) reports that the Philippines possesses more than 50,000 documented plant and
animal species, more than 65% of which are found nowhere else on Earth. Furthermore, more
new species are discovered in the country every year than in any other country in the world.

The country’s mineral resources are similarly among the richest in the world. In terms of
minerals per unit of area of land, it is considered to be the fifth most mineral-endowed country
in the world. While it does not have the substantial petroleum resources of its Southeast Asian

* Professor of Economics and Director, Ateneo Center for Economic Research and Development, Ateneo de Manila
University, Philippines and currently Visiting Fellow, Asian development Bank Institute, Tokyo, Japan.
This observation has also been described as the “paradox of plenty.”
neighbors Indonesia and Malaysia, it is the world’s second largest producer of geothermal power,
with its available capacity of 1,900 megawatts supplying 16% of the country's installed electric
power generation capacity. Sources of water are likewise abundant, with potential water
supplies well beyond the country’s requirements.

With such abundance of natural wealth, the Philippines possesses all the necessary basic
elements that should be able to support broad-based industrialization, self-sufficiency, and
prosperity. But instead of harnessing its superior natural wealth to fuel a dynamic and
broad-based economic development over the years, the country found its economy lagging
behind most of its neighbors for more than four decades. The economy found new dynamism
in the 1990s amid aggressive reforms under President Fidel V. Ramos, but the Asian financial
crisis of 1997-98 cut short what appeared at the time to be a building momentum of growth.
Subsequent reversals in the quality of politics and governance set the country back once again in
its efforts to keep in step with its dynamic East Asian neighbors.

The relative weakness of the Philippine economy through the years has translated into weak
human development and environmental indicators as well. Nearly a decade after the turn of
the 21 century, it faces the challenge of persistently narrow, shallow and hollow economic
growth, 2 which has been accompanied by worsening poverty, 3 and continued degradation of
the environment and depletion of the nation’s natural resource base.

This paper takes stock of the environmental situation in the Philippines amidst its mixed record
of economic development. Section 2 reviews the environmental consequences of the country’s
economic growth experience. Section 3 highlights priority policy issues and thrusts to achieve
proper balance among the social, economic and environmental dimensions of development in
the country. Section 4 describes institutional and other implementation hurdles that must be
overcome to ensure proper translation of the priority policies and measures into action and
achieve their desired impacts. The concluding section provides a summary and draws
attention to priority areas for future action.

2. Economy and the Environment: Past Record

See Habito (2005).
Latest official data report poverty incidence in the country to have risen from 24.7 percent of families in 2003 to
26.9 percent in 2006.

The World Bank’s 2004 Philippine Environmental Monitor (PEM 2004) described the
Philippine economy as one that “remains acutely dependent on natural resources. The rural
sector employs some 11.2 million people, and is a substantial contributor to national gross
domestic product. In 2003, it generated 632 billion Philippine pesos (PhP) through agriculture,
fisheries, and forestry-based industries.” In terms of contribution to total output, services now
actually dominate the Philippine economy, accounting for about half (49 percent) of total output,
with industry accounting for 31 percent (21 percent from manufacturing), and agriculture
providing the remaining 20 percent. However, the share of agriculture in total employment, at
37 percent, is much larger than its output share, while services and industry account for 49 and
15 percent, respectively. This implies that labor productivity in agriculture is low relative to
the other major sectors. One direct consequence of this is a much higher incidence of poverty
in the rural areas, which account for about 70 percent of poor Filipinos.

Over the past two decades, and especially in the 1990s, the Philippines undertook aggressive
reforms in the form of liberalized trade and investment policies, privatization, and deregulation
of key industries including the oil, banking and finance, telecommunications, domestic air
transport, and shipping industries. Economic progress attained in this period, especially in the
1990s, is largely attributed to such market-based policies and the increased participation of the
private sector in the development process, all aimed at enhancing growth and competitiveness of
the Philippine economy, as espoused in the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan.
However, Philippine Agenda 21 (PA21), the planning document embodying the country’s
national sustainable development strategy, observes that

"....while there is an acceleration in economic growth, there is evidence that environmental

quality is fast deteriorating, as dramatized by the increased incidence of environmental
disasters such as problems associated with mine tailings, deforestation, pollution, salt-water
intrusion and a host of other destructive activities. The regenerative capacities of already
fragmented areas in various bio-geographic zones are similarly threatened."

The problem with environmental degradation that accompanied the economy’s growth lies in its
close interlinkage with what remains the country’s paramount challenge of widespread poverty.
One in every three Filipinos (33 percent) is poor, and 70 percent of the poor live in the rural
areas. PA21 continues:

“The harm from environmental degradation invariably falls more heavily on the poor. At
the same time, poverty drives people into environmentally degrading economic activities, as

in the uplands, the coastal fisheries, or small-scale mining. The poverty-environment nexus
is thus a critical front in the pursuit of sustainable development, making poverty reduction a
critical concern in the country’s sustainable development agenda.”

Thus, the pattern of economic growth over the years has dealt the country’s poor a double blow:
the economy’s narrow, shallow and hollow growth has provided them little benefit and led them
to left farther behind; at the same time, the harm from the attendant environmental degradation
has fallen more heavily on them as well.

In examining the impacts of the country’s economic development experience on the

environment, these may be grouped into the green (biodiversity and forestry-related), blue
(coastal and marine resources-related), and brown (solid waste, air and water quality, and
mining-related) environmental issues. Each are discussed in turn below. 4

2.1 Green Environment Issues

2.1.1 Forest Depletion

The Philippines’ forest cover is estimated to have declined from 21 million hectares (or 70
percent of its total land area) in 1900 to just around 7.2 million hectares (24 percent) as of 2005,
with less than a million hectares left in primary forests. On the other hand, biologists estimate
that forests must comprise more than half the land area of the Philippine archipelago for the
interrelationships of ecosystems to be sustainable. With such rapid pace of forest depletion in
just over a hundred years, per capita forest cover in the Philippines is now the lowest in Asia
(World Bank 2004), with the remaining primary or intact forests continuously under threat.
All this has resulted from land conversions, swidden (slash-and-burn) farming, and illegal
logging, apart from destruction due to forest fires and natural causes such as pest infestations,
and typhoons. Between 1990 and 2005 alone, an estimated 3.2 million hectares of forest cover
was lost, and it is estimated that the country continues to lose its forests at the rate of 157,400
hectares or 2% per year. 5

The following sections draw liberally from World Bank (2004), ECP (2005), PCSD (2006) and Ibon
Foundation (2006).
Data are estimates by Haribon and other NGOs, as cited in World Bank (2004) and Ibon Databank (2006).
DENR estimates tend to be lower.

In the early 1960s, the timber industry was the country’s largest foreign exchange earner.
From being the world’s biggest exporter of tropical hardwoods in the 1970s, the Philippines had
turned into a net importer of forest products by the 1990s. It is estimated that the country now
imports 60% of its wood requirements. At the height of commercial logging operations in the
country, there were 420 logging firms who had been given licenses to extract timber form the
majority of the forested areas. As a result of unsustainable management and massive
deforestation, estimated to have peaked at 300,000 hectares per annum in the late 1960s, the
industry began to decline in the 1980s. At present, forestry accounts for less than 1 percent of

Figure 1 is a visual depiction of the dramatic depletion of the country’s forest cover through the
past century, from 70% cover in 1900, to 24% as of 2005.

2.1.2 Biodiversity Loss

The Philippines is one of the world’s 18 “mega-diversity” countries, which together account for
between 60 and 70 percent of global biodiversity. It has also been identified by the International
Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as a biodiversity “hotspot” – that is, a country where
biodiversity is subject to extreme threat from deforestation, conversion, fragmentation of natural
habitats, unregulated trade, and overall low environmental quality.

Animal diversity is very rich in the country, with over 1,000 species of non-fish vertebrates
identified, 48% of which are endemic to the country. For mammal species, 64% are endemic,
while 70% are endemic for reptiles, 75% of amphibians, and 44% of birds. Nearly 200
vertebrate species are now threatened by extinction. Endemic species such as the Cebu flower
pecker, the golden-crowned flying fox, the Philippine cockatoo, the Negros forest frog, and the
Philippine eagle are barely surviving in remaining small forest fragments.

Forest destruction has been the single biggest threat to biodiversity in the Philippines. Hunting
for trade, trophy or meat, especially of birds, is a major threat to the country’s animal
biodiversity. Still another threat is the reckless introduction of exotic species to the islands.
The risks associated with biotic invasions have increased enormously in the past 40 years.
Among the most damaging invasive alien species in the Philippines have been the giant cat fish,
black bass, the golden snail, toads including the marine toad, and the American bullfrog.
Aquatic plants like the water hyacinth and water fern have also had a significant adverse impact
on wetland biodiversity.

Figure 1. Philippine Forest Cover, 1900 & 2005

1900 2005

Source: Ibon Foundation (2006)

2.2 Blue Environment Issues

Water comprises more than four-fifths of Philippine territory, based on the 200-nautical-mile
exclusive economic zone covering some 2.2 million square kilometers defined by the
government in 1976. The Philippine archipelago lies in the “coral triangle”, the center of the
most diverse habitat in the marine tropics. Philippine coral reefs comprise about 26 percent
of the total reef area in Southeast Asia, and are recognized to be among the richest and most
diverse in the world, with about 464 species of hard corals and more than 50 species of soft
corals identified. However, over 30 percent of the coral reefs in the country are considered to
be in poor condition. Moreover, there has been a steady decline in the quality of the coral reefs,
with only a tiny 0.24 percent reported to be in excellent condition in 2004, against 4.3 percent in
2000 and 5.3 percent in 1991. Ninety-eight percent of these reefs are under medium or high

threat. 6

An estimated 60 percent of the Filipino population of 89 million live within the 832
municipalities lying along the archipelago’s 36,289 kilometers of coastline. Coastal fishing
activities account for an estimated 40-60% of total fish catch, with the fisheries sector
accounting for 4.3% of GDP. Exports of fishery products amounted to PhP26 billion in 2002,
with the top commodity exports being tuna, shrimp, and seaweed. The Philippines is also the
largest producer of aquaculture products in Southeast Asia, dominated by seaweed production.
In 2002, a total production of 3.4 million tons of seafood was recorded, with an average annual
rate of production increase of 2.5 percent between 1990 and 2002. The fishing industry provides
employment to about one million people (3.3 percent of the country’s labor force), of which 68
percent is accounted for by the municipal fishing sector, 26 percent by aquaculture, and the
remaining 6 percent by commercial fishing. 7

Apart from fish and seafood, coral reefs, mangrove forests, and sea grass beds contribute to the
richness, diversity and productivity of coastal and marine resources. These resources also
attract tourists, creating local business opportunities and thereby generating further income and

The country’s rich endowment of some of the world’s most unique marine ecosystems has been
increasingly threatened by over-fishing, pollution, and other human economic activities. Rapid
population growth especially in coastal communities has put strong pressure on the country’s
coastal fisheries. The average annual fish catch exceeds 2 million metric tons, with nearly
half made by municipal and subsistence fishers who operate small boats in shallow coastal

While municipal fisheries dominated the sector in the early 1980’s, contributing more than half
the national output, its share had gone down to 30 percent by the 1990s. Furthermore, there
was an observed slowdown in growth of total production of commercial fisheries, suggesting
resource limitations in fish capture and threats on its long-term sustainability. There has been
clear evidence that over-fishing is occurring in important fishery areas of the country,
manifested in increasing effort required per kilogram of fish catch (see Figure 2). This decline
of fishery resources in the country appears to be the combined effect of excessive fishing effort,

Data cited from various authors in World Bank (2004).
Data cited from various authors in World Bank (2004).

inappropriate exploitation patterns, and coastal environmental degradation.

Figure 2. Declining Fish Catch in the Philippines, 1950-2000

Sources: Dalzell et al (1987) and NSO (2000), cited in http://www.oneocean.org.

There has also been massive loss of coastal mangrove forests over the years. Conversion to
fishponds, charcoal-making and over-harvesting has historically been the cause of the dramatic
loss of the primary mangroves in the Philippines. The most rapid decrease occurred during the
1960s and 1970s when the aquaculture industry expanded rapidly in response to favorable
government policies. As of 2004, fishponds were estimated to cover about 289,000 hectares,
80 to 90 percent of which were in areas formerly covered with mangroves. This expansion
occurred largely during a period when real prices for fish and shrimp were steadily rising.
Between 1980 and 1988, the rate of conversion was still about 8,200 hectares/per year, in spite
of a 1980 government ban on further conversion of mangroves to fishponds, and rules
mandating the reversion of idle fishponds back to mangroves. Besides fishpond conversions,
illegal cutting of mangroves for fuel wood, charcoal-making, and construction have also been
major causes of the loss of the resources.

The vast majority (95%)of the remaining mangroves in the country are secondary growth areas.
Only five percent are old or primary mangroves, and these are mostly found in the island of
Palawan. While there now exists an official policy for mangrove protection, cutting of
mangroves remains rampant all over the country.

2.3 Brown Environment Issues

Emissions into the atmosphere by both mobile (motor vehicles) and stationary sources (factories,
power plants) have rendered the atmosphere hazardous to health in urban centers, especially
Metro Manila, apart from contributing to the worsening climate change problem. Lack of
public facilities for both solid waste and wastewater disposal amid growing urban populations
has led to pollution and contamination of waterways and groundwater, again to the detriment of
public health. Many years of intensive monoculture farming have degraded the quality of the
soil in agricultural areas, and massive amounts of topsoil are lost yearly due to erosion from
flooding brought by frequent natural disasters, exacerbated by deforestation and destruction of
the nation’s watersheds.

Alongside industrialization, the mining industry grew rapidly in the 1970s with active
government efforts to promote the industry. After declining in the mid-1980s with the fall in
world metal prices, the industry is again being promoted by the government as a major potential
source of wealth for the economy in the years ahead. However, there is strong resistance to the
policy from oppositors who see mining as a major source of environmental and social problems.

2.3.1 Solid Waste Management and Water Pollution

Solid waste has emerged to be one of the most pressing environmental challenges in the
Philippines. Urban-dwelling Filipinos are estimated to generate an average of 0.5 kg
of waste per capita/day, while their rural counterparts generate 0.3 kg. 8 Metro Manila
alone generates one quarter of the total garbage generated annually nationwide. A
recent study by the Asian Development Bank estimated that 6,700 MT of waste is
generated daily in Metro Manila alone, and annual waste generation is expected to grow
40 percent by 2010. Metro Manila’s garbage is currently disposed of in six controlled
dumps. However, these sites are expected to reach their capacity within two years.

The 1998 National Demographic and Health Survey reported that only 30 percent of
Philippine households had access to solid waste collection services at varying
frequencies, ranging from twice a week to once every two weeks. More recently, the

Estimates by the National Solid Waste Commission.

National Solid Waste Management Commission estimated collection efficiency at 70
and 40 percent in urban and rural areas, respectively.

Where residents lack access to solid waste collection, garbage continues to be thrown
indiscriminately or burned. The most common disposal system is open dumping,
burning or throwing into rivers. It is estimated that 145 million liters of used oil are
being dumped into rivers yearly. Last year, the Marilao River in Bulacan – which is
among the sources of drinking and agricultural water supplies for around 250,000
people – was identified by the US-based Blacksmith Institute be among the world's 30
dirtiest rivers and worst polluted places. Pollution of the river has resulted from years
of indiscriminate and continuous waste dumping by tanneries, gold and precious metals
refineries, the largest lead smelter in the Philippines, and numerous municipal
dumpsites. Similarly, Laguna de Bay, one of Southeast Asia's largest freshwater lakes
situated just south of Manila, is projected to become biologically dead within a few
years unless rampant pollution due to domestic and industrial waste is arrested. The lake
produces about a third of Metro Manila's supply of milkfish and other edible fish, helps
generate electricity and serves as a key transport route.

Another major reason for degradation of water quality in urban areas has been the
indiscriminate disposal of domestic wastewater. Only one percent of the country’s total
population is connected to sewer systems (Table 1). Sewerage services outside Metro Manila are
almost non-existent, leaving the non-Manila-based urban poor with no access to sewerage
services. The common method of household sewage disposal has been through individual
septic tanks, where seepage to groundwater sources is common and collected sludge often
indiscriminately disposed of in waterways.

The World Bank estimates the total annual economic loss resulting from water pollution
at PhP67 billion (US$1.3 billion). This figure includes, PhP3 billion for health costs,
PhP17 billion for lost fisheries production and PhP47 for lost tourism revenues.

Table 1. Sewage Disposal in the Philippines

Population Access to Sanitation Services (%)

(millions) Sewerage On-Site None
Metro Manila
13.3 4.0 41.0 55.0
Other Urban
63.0 0.0 88.0 12.0
and Rural

National 76.3 1.0 74.0 25.0

Source: Robinson (2003)

Overall, waste generation is increasing rapidly as consumption rises. Meanwhile,

collection efficiencies are dropping as service levels deteriorate due to insufficient and
inappropriate equipment and inability to reach households or collection stations.
Improvements in recycling, collection, and disposal have become critical challenges as
garbage production continues to increase with population growth and economic

2.3.2 Air Pollution

Air pollution is one of the major environmental threats affecting public health in the Philippines.
Metro Manila has been ranked by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the five most
polluted cities in the world. The problem is also felt in most major cities in the country where
urbanization has resulted in more factories, rising population density, and increasing vehicle
registration. The largest contributors to air pollution are fossil fuel combustion from industries
and vehicle exhaust. Exhaust emissions from buses, jeepneys, utility vehicles, and trucks are
estimated to be the largest contributor to urban air pollution, and are also recognized
carcinogens. Despite a significant drop in ambient lead levels in the last few years because of
the phase out of leaded gasoline, other air pollutants such as particulate matter, sulphur dioxides
and total oxidants still tend to exceed safety standards and remain a major concern.

The health costs of particulate matter pollution in the four cities of Metro Manila, Davao, Cebu,
and Baguio (representing 28.4 percent of the total urban population) were estimated to reach

more than US$400 million in 2001. These costs account for 2.5 to 6.1 percent of per capita
income in these cities, equivalent to 0.6 percent of the country’s GDP. If the rest of the
country’s population is assumed to be exposed to pollutant levels similar to those in these four
cities, a high annual estimate for urban health cost for the country would amount to over US$1.5
billion. 9 The World Bank estimates that 6,000 Filipinos die each year due to air
pollution-related diseases. Air pollution also accounts for 20% of deaths among children
under 5 years old. (see Figure 3)

Figure 3. Incidence of Diseases By Type, 1992-2000

Others 4%
Circulatory 3%






Source of Data: Department of Health, National Epidemiology Center

2.3.3 Issues on Mining

The Philippines is naturally endowed with abundant deposits of copper, chromium, gold, and
nickel, plus smaller deposits of cadmium, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, and
silver. Industrial minerals also present in the country include asbestos, gypsum, limestone,
marble, phosphate, salt, and sulphur. The Philippines ranks third worldwide in abundance of
gold deposits (and second to South Africa in terms of gold production), fourth in copper
deposits (and third in copper production), fifth in nickel deposits, sixth in chromite deposits, and
so on. The richness of the country’s mineral resources is well-known to the international
mining industry, and many firms have been keenly interested in taking part in tapping the
nation’s mineral wealth. The Philippine Congress enacted a controversial Mining Act in 1995,
which eased rules for foreign participation in the industry. Meanwhile, small-scale miners,

Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (http://www.cleanairnet.org/caiasia).

especially those mining for gold, have traditionally operated in certain rich mining grounds,
often practicing unsafe and unsustainable mining methods.

The environmental threats from mining include risks of major spillage of mine tailings in the
case of medium to large-scale mining operations, and mercury pollution, soil erosion,
sedimentation of water bodies, and non-reclamation of land after mine closure in the case of
small artisanal mines. It is estimated that some 131 million metric tons of metallic mine waste
and about 136 million metric tons of mine tailings were generated in the Philippines from 1990
to 1999. Table 2 lists the various adverse environmental effects that can arise from different
mining processes.

Table 2. Environmental Damage from Mining Processes

Activity Potential Effects

ƒ Destruction of plant and animal habitat, human
settlement, and other surface features (surface mining)
ƒ Land subsidence (underground mining)
ƒ Increased erosion; silting of lakes and streams
ƒ Waste generation (overburden)
Excavation and ore removal ƒ Acid drainage (if ore or overburden contains sulphur
compounds) and metal contamination of lakes, rivers,
streams, and groundwater
ƒ Waste generation (tailings)
ƒ Organic chemical contamination (tailings often contain
residues of chemicals used in concentrators)
Ore concentration ƒ Acid drainage (if ore contains sulphur compounds) and
metal contamination of lakes, rivers, streams, and
ƒ Air pollution (sulphur dioxide, arsenic, lead, cadmium,
Smelting and refining and other toxic substances)
ƒ Waste generation (slag)
Source: Ibon Foundation (2006)

Apart from environmental effects, mining is also commonly associated in the Philippines with

the social problem of displacement of indigenous peoples and upland settlers by commercial
mining interests.

3. Reconciling Economic and Environmental Goals

3.1 Philippine Agenda 21: Broad Thrusts

The challenge facing the country lies in mitigating the above-described problems in the green,
blue and brown environment contexts even while attaining ample broad-based and sustained
economic growth in order to reduce widespread poverty. This entails an economic strategy
that integrates sound environmental management with sound economic management.
Philippine Agenda 21 (PA21) espouses a poverty reduction agenda that seeks to create an
enabling economic environment for sustained, broad-based and ecologically-sound growth that
improves employment, productivity and incomes and ensures food security. In its
recently-enhanced form, 10 PA21 identifies five broad goals, namely: (1) Poverty reduction, (2)
Social equity, (3) Empowerment and good governance, (4) Peace and solidarity, and (5)
Ecological integrity.

To these ends, PA21 defines a broad strategy that will:

ƒ ensure the enforcement of or compliance to domestic and international environmental

laws through collaborative efforts of government, business and civil society
ƒ promote the wider adoption of ecosystems and communities as the basic units for
natural resource management
ƒ promote proper pricing and valuation of resources through the wider application of
market based regulatory instruments
ƒ expand availability of alternative livelihood opportunities for sectors that have
traditionally relied on natural resources for their economic survival
ƒ institute proactive measures to redress the degraded state of many natural resources and
thwart imminent threats to protected areas and other critical environmental systems

Philippine Agenda 21 was officially promulgated by the Philippine Council for Sustainable Development (then
chaired by the author), on September 26, 1996, after two years of wide consultation. It has recently been updated,
modified and enhanced into what is now known as the Enhanced Philippine Agenda 21.

ƒ harness the full potentials of science and technology and indigenous knowledge systems
in achieving greater efficiency in resource use while adopting the precautionary principle
in managing environmental problems, and
ƒ propagate the view of environment as a common heritage, intricately woven into the
fabric of the Filipino way of life, culture and traditions.

PA21 lists various initiatives and reforms to pursue the five broad goals listed above. It now
integrates the action agenda of government, civil society and the private business sector, after
explicit efforts were made to incorporate the Business Agenda 21 prepared by the business
community. Given the hierarchy of sustainable development challenges facing the nation,
especially at this time of global financial crisis and economic downturn, there is need to define a
focused set of priority concerns and corresponding actions to address both short-term and
medium to long term objectives.

3.2 Priority Initiatives

Along with addressing the priority green, blue and brown environmental challenges described
above, initiatives to mitigate and adapt to climate change have also become urgent and critical,
and must now form part of the national and local agendas for sustainable development.

The following form part of the priority agenda over the next five years and beyond:

3.2.1. Green environment initiatives

Apart from tighter enforcement of existing forestry laws and proper pricing of forest resources,
the following are the imperatives:

ƒ Continued replication of community based forest management (CBFM) schemes,

which has been adopted as the national strategy for reversing the destruction of Philippine's
remaining natural forests.

ƒ Further expansion of reforestation activities both by the public and private business
sectors, i.e., via government and industrial plantations and private tree farming.

Both have already shown positive results in past years, and are credited with the recorded

increase in forest cover from its lowest point in 1988, when forest cover had been estimated at
only 5.4 million hectares or 18.3 percent of total land area, to the current estimate 7.2 million
hectares (24 percent).

3.2.2. Blue environment initiatives

The Coastal Environment Program (CEP) of the Department of environment and Natural
Resources (DENR), which integrates programs, projects and initiatives related to or concerning
coastal environments, must be faithfully and aggressively implemented. Its primary thrust is
promoting community-based management and sustainable use of resources in the country’s
coastal areas by encouraging the use of environment friendly technologies, providing
livelihood opportunities to coastal communities, promoting equitable access to resources, and
building DENR capabilities in the management of coastal areas.

In numerous occasions, citizens have expressed the view that the most successful “blue”
initiatives are those that empower communities and their respective local governments to
enforce laws and manage resources within their jurisdiction. There is growing use of
community-based management in the establishment of marine sanctuaries. A key element
for success in such sanctuaries is effective partnership among the local governments, the local
business sector (including owners and operators of beach resorts), and the coastal communities.

3.2.3. Brown environment initiatives

There is need to strengthen the capabilities and accountabilities of the local multi-sectoral
Solid Waste Management Boards established in provinces and municipalities according to
law. 11 The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (Republic Act No. 9003), passed by the
Philippine Congress in 2000, defines the roles of the different levels of local government in the
various aspects of solid waste management. The law mandated the shift to sanitary landfills by
February 2004, but at the end of 2004, there were only two operating in the country. As of
December 2004 there were only 125 controlled dumpsites and 866 open and non-controlled
dumpsites nationwide, representing only about 65% of all municipalities.

The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (Republic Act No. 9003), passed by the Philippine Congress in 2000,

defines the roles of the different levels of local government in the various aspects of solid waste management.

A stronger and more active role for private sector participation in the management of solid
wastes nationwide also needs to be promoted.

3.2.4. Climate change initiatives

With its extensive coastline, climate change and global warming are critical issues for the
Philippines, which ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2003. There has emerged widespread
awareness of the climate change threat in the country, whose agriculture sector and food
security are particularly vulnerable to changing climate patterns.

The Inter-agency Committee on Climate Change (IACCC) chaired by the Secretary of

Environment and Natural Resources had been established in 1991, and is tasked with
coordinative, development and monitoring functions with respect to climate change-related
activities in the county. The country has also been an active and early participant in the Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM), and established the Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF) to pioneer
emission reduction purchase transactions, and to support projects that generate high quality
certified emission reductions (CERs) suitable for registration with the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). CDM projects for which certified
emission reductions (CERs) have been traded include a wind power generation project,
sugarcane bagasse co-generation projects, and commercial piggery biogas power generation

An action plan for climate change adaptation is also under formulation through the IACCC.

3.3 The Global Downturn: Challenge and Opportunity

The current global economic downturn poses the special challenge of ensuring that short-term
responses adopted to stabilize economies in the short term will not undermine longer-term
sustainability. This challenge came to the fore during the East Asian financial crisis of
1997-98, when immediate “fire-fighting” responses by governments (including those prescribed
by multilateral financial institutions, especially the International Monetary Fund) and by
individual firms tended to set aside environmental concerns. On the part of governments, such
short-sighted responses included postponement or actual cancellation of budgetary allocations
for environmental concerns, and easing of environmental standards in the effort to stimulate
immediate economic activity. On the part of individual firms, there was an observed tendency

to defer investments in environmental control equipment, and in the effort to cut costs, not
operate those already in place. Such tradeoffs that become more acute in times of crisis make
the task of planning and defining an action agenda for sustainable development more sensitive
and difficult at this time.

There is, on the other hand, an opportunity that the current economic downturn presents. A
major difference between the Asian financial crisis episode and the current global downturn is
the opposing nature of fiscal policy prescriptions for responding to the respective crises.
Whereas Asian governments were called upon to exercise fiscal prudence and undertake
spending cutbacks in 1997-98, 12 the unanimous call at this time is for fiscal stimulus. This
implies a substantial ramp-up in government spending to provide the demand for goods and
services that is not forthcoming from private consumers, export markets, and business investors.
In this policy context, the “Global Green New Deal” proposal of the United Nations offers an
opportunity for a win-win outcome for both the economy and the environment. The task at
hand is to identify the most appropriate public investments (“green public investments”) that
would meet both objectives of maximizing the multiplier effect of government spending, and
attaining long-term sustainability objectives.

4. Institutional and Implementation Hurdles

For many years, it has been a widely-cited observation in the Philippines that there is no lack of
sound plans, programs, policies and laws, but it is in enforcement and implementation where the
failure lies. In the Philippines, failures in enforcement and implementation can be attributed to
at least three weaknesses: (1) law enforcement failures, (2) legal failures, and (3) coordination

4.1. Law Enforcement Failures

The most conspicuous case in point manifesting the breakdown of environmental law
enforcement has been in the enforcement of the logging ban. The government banned the
export of unprocessed hardwood logs in 1986, both to arrest the rapid depletion of the nation’s

In the active policy debates during the time, it was argued by some even then that this prescription was misplaced
and outright erroneous.

forests, and to stimulate domestic processing of raw lumber into finished products. In 1991 the
Government imposed a selective logging ban. In spite of these, illegal logging has persisted –
often attributed to powerful national and local politicians – and massive cutting of trees in the
Sierra Madre and Cordillera forests in Luzon, and in forested areas in Mindanao continues to
this day. 13 An estimated 40% of the country’s industrial round wood comes from
undocumented sources, thwarting earnest management and conservation efforts.

A similar failure in law enforcement is seen in the continued incursion of commercial fishing
vessels within the 15-kilometer zone reserved by the Fisheries Code to small artisanal municipal
fishers. Still in fisheries, a perennial problem has also been the persistence of illegal fishpens
in both inland and coastal fisheries. Again, the problem in many cases is in powerful political
or military interests being either behind or directly responsible for the incursions. Thus, the
problem in enforcement of laws protective of the environment commonly boils down to rampant
corruption in government.

Apart from corruption, lack of capacity or political will has been another reason for violations of
the law on the part of local governments. The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
mentioned above had mandated that all municipalities have a sanitary landfill by February 2004.
This provision of the law has been widely and flagrantly been ignored, as only a minority of
local governments have so far complied with this requirement.

Still another example of unimplemented legislation is the provision in the Local Government
Code of 1991 (R.A. 7160) that provides for the establishment and functioning of
multi-stakeholder local development councils at the provincial, municipal and barangay
(village) levels of local government. Most local government units (LGUs) have not been
faithful in organizing these valuable forums for participatory governance, with most LGUs not
even having established such councils, or where they have been established, they are not
convened in any regular or meaningful way.

4.2. Legal Failures

Some of the difficulties of past years stemmed from inconsistencies and ambiguities in the laws

Annual confiscations have amounted to 12 to 15 thousand cubic meters yearly. However, the level of confiscations
is not a reliable indicator of the real extent of illegal logging.

themselves. Among the most controversial legislations pertaining to the environment has been
the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (R.A. 7942), whose constitutionality had been questioned at,
and later affirmed by the Supreme Court. The other major problem has been the inconsistency
of certain provisions of the Mining Act with the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) of 1997
(R.A. 8371), which recognizes and promotes the rights of indigenous peoples to ancestral
domains and lands; their right to self-governance, economic and social rights; and their cultural
integrity, including indigenous culture, traditions and institutions. However, the Mining Act is
being invoked by investors and certain government offices (including the Office of the
President) in allowing mining exploration and development activities in areas that would
otherwise be barred from such by the IPRA.

Still another problem with legislation concerns the Clean Air Act of 1999 (R.A. 8749), which
among other things provided a total ban on incineration, thereby creating difficulties for the
disposal of certain types of hazardous wastes.

These instances have led to situations where non-enforcement and non-implementation of

environment-related laws have been facilitated by flaws or impractical provisions in the laws

4.3. Coordination Failures

Most of the environmental challenges confronting the country require inter-agency,

multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approaches and solutions. While the Philippines has been
at the forefront of establishing multi-stakeholder coordinative and consultative mechanisms to
deal with sustainable development and other governance concerns, difficulties of coordination
remain, especially because government has always been organized along distinct sectoral lines.
Notwithstanding this, overlapping and duplicating functions across government departments
and offices is common.

A fundamental obstacle to sustainable land and natural resource use in the Philippines is its
inefficient and ineffective land-use administration system. As observed by the European
Commission Delegation in the Philippines, “there is a complex situation of overlapping of
agencies and laws. There are also multiple standards for land valuation, which offer ample
opportunities for corruption.” 14 The country's land administration and management system is in

ECP (2005).

dire need of an overhaul, which would involve consolidation of functions currently lying within
several land registration and administration agencies.

The Philippine Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD), the first national council for
sustainable development established in the world after the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, was
established to provide the venue for inter-agency, inter-sectoral and multi-stakeholder
coordination, consultation and consensus-building. Chaired by the Secretary of
Socio-economic Planning, who exercises an oversight role in government in the implementation
of the country’s development plans, the PCSD’s effectiveness has varied through its 16 years of
existence, primarily conditioned by the degree of commitment to sustainable development and
PCSD by the top leadership, including the President and the Secretary of Socio-economic
Planning. While such commitment was strong under the presidency of Fidel V. Ramos in the
1990s, the same degree of support was not provided by his successors and their respective
planning secretaries, thereby rendering PCSD to lose its former prominence. This has led
many to question the usefulness and efficacy of PCSD as a forum for pursuing sustainable
development goals of the country at this time.

From the above discussions, the picture that emerges is one where the appropriate elements of a
strategy and action agenda for reconciling economic and environmental objectives of Philippine
development are already in place. The main barrier, however, to achieving desired outcomes
and impacts is inadequacies in institutions and mechanisms – and in the people comprising them
– for translating strategies, policies and programs into concrete action.

5. Summary and Conclusions

Being a country that is among the most naturally-endowed in the world, the Philippines has
fallen victim to the commonly-observed “natural resource curse,” with its abundant natural
wealth seemingly having become a liability rather than an instrument for achieving prosperity.
Its mixed record of economic growth through past decades has been marked by rapid
degradation of the environment and depletion of its natural resource base. From an economy
dominated by primary resource-based production activities up until the 1980s, it has
transformed into one primarily propelled by services, although the primary industries in the
rural sector continue to provide a disproportionate share of employment for the working

The abundant wealth in the country’s forests was rapidly exploited and depleted in the past
century, most especially in recent decades until the 1990s, when policies finally began to take
cognizance of the need to arrest the decline. Population pressures and short-sighted human
economic activities have severely stressed the country’s marine and freshwater resources,
posing serious threat on the country’s food security and public health. Industrialization,
urbanization, and intensive agriculture over the past decades have dramatically impaired the
quality of the country’s air, water, and soil, in most cases resulting in clear and present danger to
public health. Economic activities have also contributed to the global phenomenon of climate
change which is of particular importance to the country, whose vulnerability to this global threat
draws from its archipelagic geography and more than 36,000 kilometers of coastlines.

The strategy and corresponding action agenda for reconciling the country’s economic, social
and environmental development goals is already well laid out in Philippine Agenda 21, which
has been described as the most widely-consulted planning document the country has had so far.
Concrete programs, initiatives and mechanisms are in place for addressing the various green,
blue and brown environment issues confronting the country. For maximum efficiency and
effectiveness, there is need to focus on approaches that promise greatest success.
Community-based approaches have already demonstrated positive track records, particularly in
the sustainable management of forest and coastal resources. Mechanisms based on
multi-stakeholder partnerships have likewise proven effective when allowed to function fully
and freely. The way forward, then, is to scale up and scale out such tested mechanisms that
work well, and to strengthen them with the necessary policy and resource support.

Within government, the imperative is for close teamwork and coordination, given the
multi-dimensional, inter-disciplinary and multi-sectoral nature of sustainable development
challenges. Thus, bodies like the Inter-Agency Committee on Climate Change, Local Solid
Waste Management Boards, and Local Development Councils need to be made to function
actively and spearhead concrete initiatives to operationalize sustainable development at the
national, local and community levels.

Good governance is the critical underlay that provides the vital foundation for all efforts to
achieve sustainable development for the country. Until the current persistent governance
weaknesses in the Philippines are overcome, and law enforcement failures, legal failures and
coordination failures are transformed from current realities into things of the past, achievement
of win-win outcomes for the economy and the environment will remain a distant dream.

1. Auty, Richard M. 1993. Sustaining Development in Mineral Economies: The Resource
Curse Thesis. London: Routledge.
2. Center for Environmental Concerns. 2008. “In a State of Chronic Crisis: The Philippine
Environmental Situation.” (Paper)
3. Dalzell P., P. Corpuz, R. Ganaden and D. Pauly. 1987. Estimation of Maximum Sustainable
Yield and Maximum Economic Rent from the Philippine Small Pelagic Fisheries. BFAR Tech
Paper Series 10(3):23, National Statistics Office (2000).
4. European Commission in the Philippines (ECP). 2005. Country Environmental Profile.
Makati City, August.
5. Habito, Cielito. 2005. “The Philippines: The Continuing Story of a Crisis-prone Economy,”
Southeast Asian Affairs 2005, Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.
6. Ibon Foundation. 2006. The State of the Philippine Environment. 3rd edition.
7. Philippine Council for Sustainable Development. 2006. Revisiting Philippine Agenda 21.
National Economic and Development Authority.
8. Robinson, A. 2003. Urban Sewerage and Sanitation: Lessons Learned from Case Studies in
the Philippines. (Based on a report prepared by Robinson, with the Engineering and
Development Corporation of the Philippines, Urban Sewerage and Sanitation: Final Report,
April 2003). World Bank Water and Sanitation Program, East Asia and the Pacific in
Partnership with the Government of the Philippines and the Government of Australia.
9. Sachs, Jeffrey D., and Andrew M. Warner. 1995. Natural resource abundance and economic
growth. NBER Working Paper 5398.


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