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Necesidades de los traductores en relación con las

tecnologı́as de traducción:
estudio de usuarios de herramientas de traducción

Anna Zaretskaya

Tesis doctoral

Dirigida por
Dra. D. Gloria Corpas Pastor
Dra. D.a Mı́riam Seghiri Domı́nguez

Programa de Doctorado en Lingüı́stica, Literatura y Traducción

Facultad de Filosofı́a y Letras
Universidad de Málaga

AUTOR: Anna Zaretskaya

EDITA: Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica. Universidad de Málaga

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Esta Tesis Doctoral está depositada en el Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de

Málaga (RIUMA):

This dissertation investigates the needs of professional translators regarding trans-

lation technologies with the aim of suggesting ways to improve these technologies
from the users’ point of view. It mostly covers the topics of computer-assisted
translation (CAT) tools, machine translation and terminology management. In
particular, the work presented here examines three main questions: 1) what kind
of tools do translators need to increase their productivity and income, 2) do ex-
isting translation tools satisfy translators’ needs, 3) how can translation tools be
improved to cater to these needs. The dissertation is composed of nine previously
published articles, which are included in the Appendix, while the methodology
used and the results obtained in these studies are summarised in the main body
of the dissertation.
The task of identifying user needs was approached from three di↵erent per-
spectives: 1) eliciting translators’ needs by means of a user survey, 2) evaluation
of existing CAT systems, and 3) analysis of the process of post-editing of ma-
chine translation. The data from the user survey was analysed using quantitative
and qualitative data analysis techniques. The post-editing process was studied
through quantitative measures of time and technical e↵ort, as well as through the
qualitative study of the actual edits.
The survey results demonstrated that the two crucial characteristics of CAT
software were usability and functionality. It also helped to distinguish the fea-
tures translators find most useful in their software, such as support for many dif-
ferent document formats, concordance search, autopropagation and autosuggest
functions. Based on these preferences, an evaluation scheme for CAT software
was developed. Various ways of improving CAT software usability and function-
ality were proposed, including making better use of textual corpora techniques
and providing di↵erent versions of software with respect to the required level of
functionality. Another major concern of the survey respondents was the quality
of machine translation and its usefulness for creating draft translations for post-
editing. In this direction, a part of this dissertation is dedicated to evaluation of
machine translation, and investigation of the post-editing process. The findings
of these studies showed which machine translation errors are easier to post-edit,
which can be of practical use for improving the post-editing workflow.


First of all, I would like to thank my supervisors Prof. Gloria Corpas and Dr
Miriam Seghiri for their support and for being there whenever I needed help.
Their professional and personal guidance helped me a lot during my research.
Another person who I could always rely on with any kind of matter was my
fellow researcher Hernani Costa. Thanks for the many shared office hours and
being an example of patience and persistence for me.
Special thanks to the people from other EXPERT institutions who contributed
to this thesis through their collaboration, supervision, ideas and advice. Especially,
from the University of Saarland, Mihaela Vela, whom it was a great pleasure to
work with, and Josef van Genabith, whose ideas played an important role in this
research, as well as Manuel Herranz and Alex Helle from Pangeanic.
Of course, I would like to thank other EXPERT colleagues, first of all Con-
stantin Orasan and University of Wolverhampton for the hard work and e↵ort
they put into making the best of this project, Alessandro Cattelan from Trans-
lated for the help with the survey distribution, as well as the rest of the commercial
partners. All ESRs and ERs for being an example of dedication to research. Col-
leagues and friends who I met along the way: Katja Lapshinova, Anne Schumann,
Marcos Zampieri, José Martı́nez, and Carla Parra. Thank you for your ideas and
enthusiasm about my work.
I would like to thank Rut Gutiérrez for always being there for us and for her
unconditional readiness to help with practically anything.
Finally, I am extremely grateful for the love and support of my family Yuri
Zaretsky, Lilia Zaretskaya and Natalia Zaretskaya, and my friends Eleni Kriezia,
Maja Orešković and Tilia Ellendor↵. Without them, this dissertation would never
have been possible. And above all, my deepest thanks to Antonio Mata for being
a great support and my main source of optimism, strength and inspiration during
a major part of this time.
My work was financially supported by Marie Curie actions and the EXPERT
project (ref. 317471-FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN), to which I am very grateful for
this great opportunity, and partially carried out within the framework of the
LEXYTRAD group (HUM106-J.A.), the TRAJUTEC thematic network, and the
INTELITERM (ref. FFI2012-38881), INTERPRETA 2.0 (PIE17-015), NOVATIC
(PIE15-145), TERMITUR (ref. HUM2754) and VIP (ref. FFI2016-75831) projects.

List of Figures

1 General methodology of the thesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Classification of translation technologies by Hutchins & Somers
(1992). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3 Quah’s structure of applied translation studies. . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4 Example of a question with check-boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5 Example of a question with comment field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

List of Tables

1 Lynne Bowker’s classification of translation tools. . . . . . . . . . . 21

2 Questionnaire structure and topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3 Open-ended questions in the survey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4 Education and training in translation and use of electronic tools. . 56

List of abbreviations

CAT Computer-Assisted Translation

IMT Interactive Machine Translation
MT Machine Translation
NLP Natural Language Processing
PE Post-editing
PEE Post-editing E↵ort
PEMT Post-editing of Machine Translation
SMT Statistical Machine Translation
TM Translation Memory
TSP Translation Service Provider
TT Translation Technologies


Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Practical motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Research questions and methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Research context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 List of associated publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5 Thesis structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Chapter 2 Theoretical background 13
2.1 The origins of translation technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2 Classification of translation technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3 Identification of user needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4 Previous surveys on translation technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4.1 General surveys on translation technologies . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4.2 Translation memory surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.4.3 Machine translation surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.4.4 Surveys on terminology tools and resources . . . . . . . . . 31
2.4.5 Summary of previous surveys on translation technologies . 31
2.5 Evaluation of translation technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.6 Post-editing of Machine Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Chapter 3 Research design, methodology and results 41
3.1 Survey design and implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.2 Data analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2.1 Quantitative data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2.2 Qualitative data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.3 Survey results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.3.1 Summary of the descriptive analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.3.2 Machine Translation and user attitudes . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.3.3 Further findings of the user survey on translation technologies 55
3.3.4 Use of corpora in professional translation workflow . . . . . 57
3.3.5 Concluding remarks: survey results and user needs . . . . . 59
3.4 Evaluation of translation technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.4.1 Machine Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.4.2 CAT tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.4.3 Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

3.5 Machine translation in CAT workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.5.1 TM and MT combined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.5.2 Post-editing of Machine Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.5.3 Results summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Chapter 4 Conclusions and future work 75
4.1 Summary of contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.2 Future lines of research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Bibliography 119
Appendix. Original publications 133


The creation of personal computers a↵ected all aspects of our lives, and translators’
profession is no exception. Growing demand for translations that came together
with the processes of globalisation and the appearance of large international in-
stitutions such as European Commission and United Nations became a reason for
investments in research and developments in the field. The goal was to find au-
tomatised solutions to facilitate the translation process and make it cheaper, faster
and more efficient. This is how the first ideas of automatic translation appeared.
Today, translation technologies are largely established in the industry as an indis-
pensable part of the translation practice, whether you are a freelancer, an in-house
translator, an agency, or a public organisation with multiple official languages.
A translation job, depending on its size and on the type of translation service
required, involves multiple parties, starting from the client, and including project
managers, account managers, accountants, translators, and reviewers. They all
play their own roles in the process and use di↵erent software, which requires spe-
cial standardised worklows and document formats. Furthermore, translation itself
is a complex process that includes di↵erent sub-tasks. A translator’s job does
not only consist of translation itself, but also of other tasks, such as analysis of
the document for invoicing, maintaining terminology databases, reference docu-
ments and textual corpora, terminological research in di↵erent online and o✏ine
resources, and formatting. In addition, some translators extract terms from texts
to build glossaries, and build their own translation memories by performing sen-
tence alignment of previously translated texts.
For these and some other tasks that are part of the translation workflow there
are computer tools that aim at assisting human users. All these tools fall under the
umbrella of computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools. In a broad sense, this term
includes all computer programs for working with texts or terminology, whether
they are specifically created for professional translators, or are used by them on
a regular basis while not being translation-specific. In a more narrow sense, the
term CAT tools is used more and more often to refer to translation software
that combines many of the above mentioned functionalities, but its main purpose
is the translation memory (TM) search and retrieval. The principle of the TM
technology is re-using previously translated texts: there is a database of parallel
texts separated into sentences (or segments), which are suggested to the user
when an equivalent or similar segment needs to be translated. As many translated
texts contain repetitions, and many translation projects involve similar subjects
and domains, this helps translators save considerable amounts of time and e↵ort.
Apart from the TM functionality these tools o↵er many others, starting from
terminology management and concordance search of TM databases, to support
for automatic translation systems, sentence alignment for parallel texts, project
management features, quality assurance and many others. In addition to that,
many tools have adjustable settings for various functions, so that users can tune
the tool to their personal tastes.

1.1 Practical motivation
The motivation for this dissertation is, first of all, of a practical character. From
a translator’s point of view, translation tools are computer software that aims to
facilitate the work of translators, make the project delivery faster and easier, save
translators’ time by solving easier tasks in an automatised way and allow them
to concentrate on more challenging and creative parts of the translation process,
and finally, to increase their income. Nevertheless, a number of user studies have
established that translators are not completely satisfied with the state-of-the-art
technology (Gornostay 2010, TAUS 2011, Torres Domı́nguez 2012).
There are various issues that are known to hinder full adoption of translation
technologies by professional translators. Firstly, it is not a surprise that the mul-
titude of features and settings included in modern CAT tools makes them highly
difficult to use. In general, TM systems, since their appearance on the market,
have been generally positively accepted by the majority of translators as they seem
to serve the purpose of time and cost saving. However, they include more and more
complex features and functionalities, which makes their adoption a challenge for
translators. It happens even that translators buy expensive tools and do not use
them because of the steep learning curve. Some of the additional functionalities
such as terminology extractors, tools for compiling corpora, and especially auto-
matic translation systems are already integrated in some translation software (for
instance, the terminology system SDL Multiterm in SDL Trados Studio,1 the cor-
pora building system LiveDocs in MemoQ,2 among others). Additionally, they are
also available as standalone programs that can be used aside when there is such
need. It is unknown, however, how translators prefer to work with these tools,
whether they mostly use integrated or standalone systems, and what degree of
flexibility should developers allow in this relation to satisfy users with di↵erent
tastes and preferences.
Another example are machine translation (MT) services available nowadays not
only for translators but also for common users, such as Google Translate,3 Bing
Translator,4 or Babel Fish,5 which evoke contradictory attitudes among profes-
sionals. On one hand they are costless and easy to use, and therefore can provide
a fast draft translation. On the other hand, the quality of translation is not sat-
isfactory enough for all domains and languages even as a draft, so these systems
fail to contribute to productivity increase. Hence, many translators find them
useless for their job and prefer to make translations from scratch. In addition,
there is a growing concern related to the security of the information translated on
the web, and many translators who do like working with MT are imposed to sign
1 [last access date 15
November 2016].
2 [last access date 15

November 2016].
3 [last access date 15 November 2016].
4 [last access date 15 November 2016].
5 [last access date 15 November 2016].

confidentiality agreements with their clients for not using any such service.
Another recent industry development is also linked to web technologies, namely
the increasing amounts of translation-related resources available online, such as
termbanks and translation memory repositories (e.g. the biggest public translation
memory database MyMemory6 ), which open a new way for developing powerful
web-based applications, such as the web-based CAT tool Matecat.7 Many tools
today even o↵er di↵erent versions according to users’ preferences. For instance,
Worfast TM software8 was developed as an add-on to Microsoft Word through
macros, and now is also o↵ered as a standalone tool or as a web-based application,
and users can make a decision according to their tastes and budget. Thus, it is
interesting to investigate how web-based systems are perceived by professionals in
the industry and what types of systems they mostly prefer.
In addition to the usability and quality issues, translation technology develop-
ments cause contradictions on the social level. As more and more tasks become
automatised with the help of computer programs, translators’ rates become lower,
as it is considered that they apply less human e↵ort. Translators, in their turn,
view this as an injustice, as the e↵ort needed to learn how to use those tools is
rarely taken into account.
It is thus evident that, despite all the advantages it brings, the current trans-
lation software leaves a lot to be desired. One of the possible reasons is that these
tools are created without taking into account the users’ needs. Hence, this disser-
tation intends to pursue ways to improve the existing translation technologies from
the point of view of their direct users – professional translators. Current research
on translation technologies approaches the task of creating better translation tools
from di↵erent perspectives: better performance, higher speed, increased efficiency
in terms of computer resources. The aim of this research is to bring the user
perspective into the research context.

1.2 Research questions and methods

The overall goal of this research is to identify the needs of professional translators
regarding translation technologies with the view to make necessary improvements
that would facilitate translators’ interaction with these technologies. The im-
provements can be made by 1) introducing new features in already existing tools,
2) proposing new type of tools that do not exist yet, and 3) changing the interface
design or the way di↵erent features intervene with each other. The main research
question is, therefore, the following:

How can existing technologies be made more useful and convenient for trans-
Naturally, it can be divided into a number of sub-questions:
6 [last access date 15 November 2016].
7 [last access date 15 November 2016].
8 [last access date 15 November 2016].

(1) What are the user needs regarding technologies? In other words, what
does it mean ‘useful and convenient’ from the translators’ perspective?
And in particular:
a) What characteristics do they find important? For instance, it can
be ability of software to increase their productivity, user-friendliness
of the interface, flexibility, or other characteristics.
b) What features and functionalities do translators find useful? The
answer to this question can di↵er among translators, as some of
them might prefer to use, for instance, MT, or autosuggest function,
but others do not use either of those. Thus, the task is to find a set
of functionalities that most translators find useful to some degree.
anyaz | May
(2) Do the existing technologies satisfy user needs? Answering this16,ques-
tion, in fact, means developing a methodology for evaluating translation
technologies from the point of view of the user preferences identified.
We need to decide, among other things, on the quality characteristics
of TT that should be taken into account in this evaluation.
(3) How should the identified limitations be addressed to develop better
tools for translators?

The methodology that is employed in this dissertation to answer the research

questions can be divided into separate steps, by following which we aim to gain
insights on the preferences of professional translators as translation software users,
and suggests how currently existing drawbacks can be overcome. These di↵erent
stages are illustrated in Figure 1.

User Translators'
survey needs


Existing tools

Figure 1: General methodology of the thesis.

As the illustration suggests, step one consists in conducting a user survey which
is distributed among professional translators. The survey includes questions on
technology-related topics, such as:

• current working practices of professional translators, i.e. which tools and

resources they use and how they do it;

• degree of satisfaction with these technologies concerning the quality of out-

put, learning curve, o↵ered functionalities, productivity and income increase;

• levels of awareness of di↵erent types of technologies available;

• possible reasons for low usage rate for di↵erent tools and missed opportuni-
ties for reaching potential users;

• overall attitude towards current technology-related industry trends;

• ways that can lead to creating future systems and to expanding and improv-
ing existing tools.

Thus, a part of the research work presented in this dissertation is based on the
survey results. The analysis of the survey data consisted of a descriptive analysis
in form of percentage statistics and charts, and deeper analysis focusing on finding
correlations between di↵erent variables, such as factors in the respondents’ profile
and how they a↵ect the use of selected technologies.
The next step of the methodology is to study and evaluate existing tools taking
into consideration the findings of the user survey. Thus, another part of the
dissertation is dedicated to the task of finding a method of user-oriented evaluation
for MT, CAT tools, and the combination of the two (i.e. MT integrated in CAT
tool environment). Based on the survey results and the evaluation it is planned
to attempt to establish whether the existing tools satisfy the users’ requirements
and suggest possible improvements.
To summarise, the present study is a combination of various techniques of
identification of user needs. While it is based on the findings of a user survey, it also
incorporates results of evaluation of various types of translation tools, which also
provides a context for reflecting on the suitability of existing evaluation techniques
for specific types of tools. Furthermore, having identified various issues related to
combination of machine translation and translation memories, which are the two
mostly used types of TT, it studies possible types of such combinations from the
technological and the user perspectives, specifically focusing on the post-editing
of machine translation type.

1.3 Research context

Research on the improvement of translation technologies (TT) has been motivated
by the needs and requirements of researchers and users in both academia and the
industry. From the economic point of view, technologies help increase translation
throughput and consequently income. Therefore, more and more translation ser-
vice providers (TSPs) understand the financial advantages of investing in not only
licences for commercial software but also their own in-house implementations, such
as, first of all, local machine translation engines. In academia, research on trans-
lation technologies is motivated by advancements in natural language processing
(NLP) and computational linguistics, and also involves translation studies, corpus
linguistics and general linguistics. Therefore, the topic of this dissertation is in
many ways multidisciplinary, covering translation studies, sociology (survey design

and data analysis), statistics (quantitative data analysis), NLP, in particular MT
and its evaluation, and analysis of experimental data.
One of the existing approaches to gather feedback of software users for identifi-
cation of their needs is by means of user surveys or questionnaires. It is a universal
approach meaning that it can be applied to any type of software. For example,
Wiegers & Beatty (2013) state the following:

Questionnaires are a way to survey large groups of users to determine

what they need. Questionnaires are useful with any large user popula-
tion but are particularly helpful with distributed groups. If questions
are well written, questionnaires can help you quickly determine ana-
lytical information about needs. Additional elicitation e↵orts can then
be focused according to the questionnaire results. (p.49)

Most of the questionnaire surveys conducted in the area of TT in the recent

years do not go far beyond a simple descriptive analysis of the data. One of the few
works where a more profound analysis was performed was the PhD dissertation
by Lagoudaki (2008), although it only covers a specific type of software, namely
translation memory systems. Other well-known user surveys in translation in-
dustry and research are the TTC 2010 survey (Gornostay 2010) on terminology
management and related tools, the survey by Translation Automation User Soci-
ety and Localisation Industry Standards Association (TAUS 2011) on translation
interoperability, the QTLaunchpad survey on MT practices in the industry (Do-
herty et al. 2013), and the most recent study by SDL (2016) on the role and the
future of technology in translation industry. All of them addressed di↵erent as-
pects of the use of technology by translators, as well as di↵erent types of tools,
but there is one common point that all these surveys make: translators do not
take full advantage of the existing technologies, whether it is because of the lack
of awareness or the lack of satisfaction by what they are o↵ered.
Apart from the questionnaire approach to improving user satisfaction, which
is rather sociological, there are other methods that are specific to the field of
translation technologies. In TT, it is commonly considered that the main pur-
pose of translation tools is to enhance translators’ productivity, which in many
cases means increased translation speed. For instance, in post-editing of machine
translation (PEMT or simply PE), it is normally measured how much time and
e↵ort translators need to correct an automatically translated sentence. It is the
most widespread research field that involves user experience with MT in CAT
tool environment. This topic gained popularity for various reasons. It is being
more and more commercialised and accepted as a common industry practice. In
research, PE is a source of very interesting data on human interaction with MT
systems, that can be used to improve both MT performance and user experience.
The research on PE mostly focuses on the following questions: Is PE useful? and
How one can measure its usefulness? The topic of PE is specifically interesting for
this research, because it takes into account the needs of end users and provides

a translation-specific type of user feedback that can help identify the needs of
PE of MT is only one of the existing research directions that try to make
use of the MT technology to assist professional translators. There are several
ideas suggesting to use MT techniques for enhancing translators’ experience when
working in a familiar translation software environment. This type of research
explores, for instance, how one can use Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) in
order to translate unknown parts of fuzzy matches in a translation memory system.
In other words, when a new segment that needs to be translated only partially
matches with a segment in the TM database, the rest of the new segment is
translated automatically using SMT, and the user is provided the final combination
of TM match and SMT translation (Koehn & Senellart 2010, Zhechev & van
Genabith 2010). To our knowledge, this has not yet been implemented in the
most popular commercial CAT tools. Furthermore, so-called Interactive MT is
another way of using MT in a CAT tool environment. In this case, the users
receive translation suggestions based on what they are typing and can choose one
of them or simply overwrite them if none of the suggestions is suitable for the
target text (Ortiz-Martı́nez et al. 2010). Finally, the latest research ideas that
are currently being implemented in the industry involve MT engines that learn
from the user feedback in an online mode. In this scenario, the user works in the
usual setting of CAT tool, and each time a correct translation it confirmed, it is
being fed directly into the MT system, which is being constantly retrained (Nepveu
et al. 2004, Wuebker et al. 2015). These studies focus mostly on the technical side
trying to make the most of the existing MT and TM technologies. However, they
do not pay enough attention to the user experience. It has to be investigated, for
instance, whether translators are willing to use such techniques, how convenient
they find it, and whether, when it is fully implemented, it will contribute to user
satisfaction and productivity.
Finally, when talking about the research context of this dissertation, it is impos-
sible not to mention that it was part of the EXPERT project. EXPERT (EXPloit-
ing Empirical appRoaches to Translation),9 funded by the European Union’s Sev-
enth Framework Programme for research, technological development and demon-
stration aimed at improving existing data-driven translation technologies by ad-
dressing their well-known shortcomings. An important quality of the project was
that it intended to build not only more technologically advanced tools but also
to take into consideration the user requirements and feedback, thus improving
both translation quality, productivity and user satisfaction. The research top-
ics included MT enhancement and evaluation, automatic post-editing of machine
translation, CAT tools architecture, translation quality estimation, using NLP
techniques for improving TM leverage, techniques for collecting multilingual data,
among others. The present research was part of the User Experience work pack-
age, which addressed the problems of user requirement analysis, user satisfaction,
9 [last access date 15 November 2016].

user evaluation, and improved translation workflow.
Consisting of six universities10 and various commercial partners,11 the project
o↵ered a unique infrastructure for training, collaboration and exchange of expe-
rience between the researchers. Thus, research activities within this PhD project
included three visits (secondments) to other institutions that were part of the
EXPERT consortium. These secondments contributed to this research with a
possibility to study the practical aspect of the subject of translation technologies
within the context of two translation companies, as well as a chance to get ac-
quainted with research methods applied in other academic partners of the project.
In particular, the first two-month secondment took place in Pangeanic (Spain),
an innovation-driven machine translation, software translation, post-editing and
localisation company. It provides various cutting-edge MT services as well as
multilingual processing technology consultancy and training. The secondment in
Pangeanic contributed to this research by providing an opportunity to study the
company’s translation workflow and project management process, in particular
di↵erent ways of MT integration in the workflow. In addition, the company had
licences for di↵erent translation software packages, which were evaluated using a
specific user-oriented approach which is part of this research. The following one-
month secondment took place in Translated (Italy), a leading language service
provider and translation technologies developer. Translated has created MyMem-
ory, the world’s largest translation memory, and Matecat, a web-based CAT tool.
Thus, Translated was an excellent place to investigate a completely di↵erent work-
flow with the use of various types of cutting-edge web-based technologies. Fi-
nally, the last three-month secondment took place at the University of Saarland
(Germany), the Department of Applied Linguistics, Translating, and Interpreting,
which o↵ers a research-oriented course of academic studies providing professional
qualifications in translating and interpreting. The Department accommodates one
of the leading research groups on machine translation and a number of recognised
researchers in computational linguistics. The topics of research carried out at the
Department include, among other things, user interaction with translation systems
and experiments on post-editing of MT (Vela et al. 2014, Zampieri & Vela 2014,
Scarton et al. 2015). This was a perfect environment for conducting research on
PE, which is part of this dissertation.

1.4 List of associated publications

A major portion of the work detailed in this thesis was presented in previously
published peer-reviewed articles. Below is the list of these articles. They are
named Article 1, Article 2, etc. and we will refer to them so further in the text.
10 Apart from University of Malaga, the other five academic partners were University of Wolver-
hampton, University of Sheffield, University of Amsterdam, University of Saarland, and Dublin
City University.
11 Translated (Italy), Pangeanic (Spain), Hermes (Spain), Wordfast (France), and Etrad (Ar-


They are presented in the order that corresponds to the goals of this research
described above, i.e. the order is not necessarily chronological. Thus, Articles
1–4 describe the results of the user survey concerning the needs of the users,
where articles 1 and 4 summarise the results of the whole survey, Article 2 focuses
specifically on machine translation, and Article 3 focuses on the subject of textual
corpora. Articles 5 and 6 describe work on evaluation of translation technologies,
namely MT (Article 5) and CAT tools (Article 6). Articles 7–9 report on research
in the area of machine translation post-editing: Article 7 makes an overview of
di↵erent ways of combining MT and TM, and Articles 8 and 9 present results of
two post-editing experiments.

Article 1. Zaretskaya, A., Corpas Pastor, G., and Seghiri, M. (2015). Trans-
lators’ requirements for translation technologies: a user survey. In Corpas-
Pastor, G., Seghiri-Domı́nguez, M., Gutiérrez-Florido, R., and Urbano-Medaña,
M., editors, Nuevos horizontes en los Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación
(Trabajos completos) / New Horizons in Translation and Interpreting Studies
(Full papers) / Novos horizontes dos Estudos da Tradução e Interpretação
(Comunicações completas), Proceedings of the AIETI7 International Confer-
ence, January 2015, Malaga, Spain. AIETI, Tradulex, Geneva, Switzerland,
pp. 247–254.

Article 2. Zaretskaya, A. (2015). The use of machine translation among profes-

sional translators. In Costa, H., Zaretskaya, A., Pastor, G. C., Specia, L.,
and Seghiri, M., editors, Proceedings of the EXPERT Scientific and Techno-
logical Workshop, June 2015, Malaga, Spain, Tradulex, Geneva, Switzerland,
pp. 1–12.

Article 3. Zaretskaya, A., Corpas Pastor, G., and Seghiri, M. (2016). Corpora
in computer-assisted translation: a users’ view. In Corpas Pastor, G. and
Seghiri, M., editors, Corpus-based Approaches to Translation and Interpret-
ing: From Theory to Applications. Peter Lang, Frankfurt, pp.253–276.

Article 4. Zaretskaya, A., Corpas Pastor, G., and Seghiri, M. (In press/2018).
User Perspective on Translation Tools: Findings of a User Survey. In Cor-
pas Pastor, G. and Duran, I., editors, Trends in E-tools and Resources for
Translators and Interpreters, Brill, pp. 37–36.

Article 5. Zaretskaya, A., Corpas-Pastor, G., and Seghiri-Domı́nguez, M. (2016).

A quality evaluation template for machine translation. Translation Journal,

Article 6. Zaretskaya, A. (2016). A quantitative method for evaluation of CAT

tools based on user preferences. In Litzler, M. F., Garcı́a Laborda, J. and
Tejedor Martı́nez, C., editors, Beyond the universe of Languages for Spe-
cific Purposes: The 21st century perspective. Proceedings of the AELFE XV
International Conference. University of Alcalá, June 2016, pp.153–158

Article 7. Zaretskaya, A., Corpas Pastor, G., and Seghiri, M. (2015). Integration
of machine translation in CAT tools: State of the art, evaluation and user
attitudes. SKASE Journal for Translation and Interpretation, 8(1), pp. 76–

Article 8. Zaretskaya, A., Vela, M., Corpas Pastor, G., and Seghiri, M. (2016).
Measuring Post-editing Time and E↵ort for Di↵erent Types of Machine
Translation Errors. New Voices in Translation Studies, 15, September 2016,
pp. 63–92.

Article 9. Zaretskaya, A., Vela, M., Corpas Pastor, G., and Seghiri, M. (2016).
Comparing Post-Editing Difficulty of Di↵erent Machine Translation Errors
in Spanish and German Translations from English. International Journal of
Language and Linguistics, 3(3).

1.5 Thesis structure

The remainder of the dissertation is structured as follows. Its main part is com-
posed of a summary of the original publications mentioned above (Chapter 3).
Prior to describing our main contributions, we outline the research background of
this work in Chapter 2. This chapter includes six sections, which describe the-
oretical and practical contexts of di↵erent aspects of our research. In order to
explain how computer technologies became a part of translators’ profession, we go
back to the first attempts to build automatic translation systems and trace their
development into the variety of di↵erent tools translators use nowadays (Section
2.1). Then, we consider di↵erent theoretical approaches to the concept of transla-
tion technologies, namely what kind of tools are included in this term according
to di↵erent researchers, and how those researchers classify these tools into sub-
types according to di↵erent principles (Section 2.2). Before presenting our own
approach to identifying the needs of translators, we describe how the task of user
needs identification is typically being addressed in di↵erent areas of studies (Sec-
tion 2.3). Section 2.4 makes a summary of the user surveys previously conducted
in the field. In order to understand to which degree the existing technologies sat-
isfy the user requirements we identified, it is necessary to propose a method for
their evaluation from the user point of view. Thus, we discuss di↵erent approaches
that have been applied in the fields of evaluation of translation technologies and,
in this context, post-editing of machine translation (Sections 2.5 and 2.6). Finally,
Chapter 4 contains a discussion of the results and recommendations for future
research. The original articles are provided in the Appendix.


Theoretical background
As it was mentioned in the Introduction, this study is multidisciplinary, involv-
ing methods and theories form di↵erent areas of research. The following chapter
serves as a theoretical background for the study, outlining the concepts, meth-
ods and research directions that are necessary to fully understand the argument
of this study. In order to define the object of our research, namely translation
technologies, we go back to the first automatic translation projects and follow the
process of development of di↵erent types of tools, including machine translation
and translation memory systems up to the current times (Section 2.1). Then we
consider di↵erent types of TT, and di↵erent criteria that are commonly used in
academia to group them into these types, as well as the term CAT tools and how
it is understood by di↵erent researchers (Section 2.2). Following that, we outline
the existing approaches to identification of the needs of software users, specifically
focusing on how this task is addressed in the case of translation software (Section
2.3). Previous user surveys in translation industry have already pointed out some
barriers on the way of translators’ adoption of certain tools, which we will describe
in Section 2.4. The subject of evaluation of translation technologies, which is one
of the central issues of this research, is covered by Section 2.5. Finally, Section
2.6 is dedicated specifically to post-editing of machine translation as a method to
gather valuable information on the user interaction with MT and CAT systems.

2.1 The origins of translation technologies

The idea of mechanical translation goes many decades back. Even though the first
real-world inventions of “translation machines” were registered already in 1933,
the main developments started after the Second World War, when computers were
used for cryptography and code-breaking. In 1949 Warren Weaver published his
memorandum (Weaver 1949), which is nowadays commonly considered to mark the
beginning of research in MT. It was based on the idea that the task of automatic
translation can be solved using cryptography techniques. Weaver’s memorandum
raised a wave of interest to the field of MT and during the next fifteen years
numerous MT research groups emerged in USA, USSR, UK, Canada and other
In 1964 the US government created the Automated Language Processing Advi-
sory Committee (ALPAC), which had to investigate whether the large investments
into MT research were paying o↵. Their report “Language and Machines” pub-
lished in 1966 (ALPAC 1966) had major consequences for the MT research and
was highly negative. It argued that MT is more expensive, less accurate and
slower than human translation. In addition, it concluded that fully automatic
high quality machine translation was impossible to achieve due to the complexity
of language and that high quality translation requires human capabilities that are
impossible to simulate with a computer program. From the current perspective,
the results of the ALPAC report are not surprising, as high expectations related to
this new field did not correspond with the little convincing results achieved in such

short period of time. The technical capacity of computers was not enough for com-
plex processing of large amounts of data. Moreover, linguistic analysis did not yet
reach a high level of formalism. Thus, these ‘first-generation’ MT systems mostly
employed a simple, dictionary approach, and comprised little syntactic analysis
and no semantic analysis. The source-language text was treated as a string of
words, which are then replaced by words in target language and reorganised to
form a proper sentence (Quah 2006, 69). After the ALPAC report, there was very
little research on MT within USA and USSR. However, political and social needs
in Canada, Japan and western Europe were di↵erent. Due to Canada’s bilingual
policy, the MT group of the University of Montreal continued their activities. In
1976 they presented the TAUM-Météo MT system, which translated weather fore-
casts between English and French and operated up to 2001. The same year, the
European Commission bought the Systran system, which is still extensively used
nowadays. In Japan the research in automatic translation was encouraged by the
success achieved in handling the complex Japanese writing system.
The remaining research groups reconsidered their approach to MT. Thus, most
of the systems developed during these years, or ‘second-generation’ MT systems,
used a more complex ‘indirect method’ with two dominating approaches: transfer
and interlingua. The whole translation process is generally divided into sub-tasks
with respective modules. First, the source language is analysed into an abstract
representation. In transfer approach it is then mapped to an abstract represen-
tation of the target language, and finally, the target language text is generated.
In interlingua approach, the abstract-level mapping is avoided by having an even
more abstract universal representation. Each of the modules consisted of gram-
mars created by linguists (Somers 2003). This change in the approach was closely
related to the changed in the linguistic research paradigm and the Chomsky’s gen-
erative grammar that was gaining popularity during that time (Chomsky 1965).
It provided methods of formal linguistic analysis that allowed creating abstract
representations of linguistic structures. For the same reason, these methods were
mainly based on syntax, while semantics and phraseology were pushed into the
background of linguistic research until the 1990s (Ellis 2008).
At the same time, as research in MT was discouraged, there was a shift in re-
search direction, and it was proposed to focus instead on the development of com-
puter programs that would assist translators. Thus, the ALPAC report includes a
description of a system for ‘automatic dictionary look-up with context’ (ALPAC
1966, 34) which seems a to be one of the first descriptions of CAT tools. This
system was intended for terminological research and included tasks such as text
alignment and term retrieval, which are still present in today’s tools. Computer-
based terminology resources were gaining popularity also because of an increasing
need for more efficient terminology management in large organisations. In the
1970s terminology data bases were being built in such organisations as Siemens
and the European Commission, many of which were multilingual and included
definitions and translations for individual words or phrases, or allowed to per-

form concordance search (Hutchins 1998). Researchers also elaborated on the idea
of terminology banks and suggested di↵erent system designs that would support
translators’ work (Krollmann 1971, Lippmann 1971).
The idea of reusing already translated texts, which is the basis of the concept
of what we know today as translation memories, was probably first implicitly
described by Peter Arthern in 1979. In his paper (Arthern 1979) he drew attention
to the high degree of repetitiveness of some of the texts translators work with, and
envisaged a translators’ workstation that can store and easily retrieve previous
translations and immediately insert them in the new text. This way, translators
can avoid spending time on texts that have been already translated.
This idea was further developed by Martin Kay (1980) who strongly criticised
the MT approach, suggesting a system which will support translators while allow-
ing them to be in control of the final outcome. It included various functionalities,
such as multilingual word processor, dictionary look up, and a possibility to con-
sult previous translations. It also included an automatic translation component,
which would work under translator’s control. Kay’s description of the system has
many resemblances with the CAT tools we have nowadays, and indeed he is of-
ten considered to be the first to create the concept of a translator’s workstation
(Somers 2003).
It only took one more step forward, namely the appearance of powerful per-
sonal computers, for these ideas to finally be implemented. In 1987 the LinguaTech
company introduced on the market the Mercury, later MTX, software package that
ran on personal computers. It enabled translators to compile their own glossaries
either as a separate task or while working on documents, as well as access re-
mote terminology databases and share their terminological data (Hutchins 1998,
12). Later, the Multilingual Word Processor was made by ALPS (Automated
Language Processing Systems), which allowed the translator to create glossaries
of terms for a specific text. In addition, ALPS software provided a ‘repetition
processing’ feature, which allowed to consult already translated segments from the
same document, and which clearly was an early version of translation memory.
Meanwhile, other systems were developed specifically for professional translators
and combined similar features, which are also present in today’s TM models, such
as a text-processor, an automatic dictionary lookup facility and a concordance
In the early 1990s there was a major turn in the MT research again, which was
caused by the development of the statistical machine translation (SMT) method
(Koehn 2010). Large amounts of accumulated parallel texts together with higher
level of computer power made it possible to use statistics to train computer algo-
rithms to translate new sentences. The idea behind SMT is that a good translation
is 1) accurate, i.e. the meaning of the source text is fully preserved in the target
text, and 2) fluent, i.e. the target text is produced according to the rules of the
target language. Thus, the SMT approach consists in building probabilistic mod-
els of accuracy and fluency and combining them to choose the best translation.

The main advantage of this approach was that it did not require manual craft-
ing of linguistic rules. SMT is the prevailing approach in the field up till now,
even though hybrid methods (i.e. statistics and linguistic analysis combined) are
gaining popularity.
The first SMT system was developed between 1988 and 1993 by the Candide
project at IBM (Brown et al. 1993). The results of this project were very encour-
aging, especially considering that the system worked without any manually crafted
rules. The first SMT systems only considered word probability, but later systems
started working with phrases (although they were just sequences of words and not
phrases in the common linguistic sense). This method is referred to as phrase-
based SMT. Subsequently, researchers started incorporating syntactic information
into the systems, usually in form of dependency trees, which is called hierarchical
SMT. MT took one more step further with the creation of Moses, an open source
MT engine. It was made publicly available together with the documentation, so
that anybody who disposed of a corpus of parallel texts could train their own MT
system. It has had a big influence both in research and in the industry. In re-
search, it serves as a base for training statistical models of translation and testing
di↵erent refinements on di↵erent stages of the translation process. In the indus-
try, TSPs can train their own systems, for instance, for specific domains or big
clients, which show higher accuracy than general systems. Because SMT requires
minimum human e↵ort, and there exist automatic metrics for its evaluation (Pa-
pineni et al. 2001, Banerjee & Lavie 2005, Snover et al. 2006), it allows to fully
concentrate directly on applying improvements, which is one of the reasons this
research direction is very popular. However, it has been criticised, which is mainly
due to the nature of automatic evaluation metrics, which are said to have little
in common with human evaluation (Callison-Burch et al. 2006, Tan et al. 2015).
In other words, an MT system that scores best in automatic evaluation does not
necessarily provide the best translation from the point of view of its users.
Another important point in the history of translation technologies was the
launch of Google’s automatic translation system. It is the most popular service
that is publicly available for free not only for translation professionals but also
for common users. Services like Google Translate12 made translation technologies
accessible for everybody and widely used all over the world. In addition, as speech
recognition techniques reached a high level of performance, speech-to-speech trans-
lation became a new direction of research (e.g. the Microsoft Skype translation
which translates distance conversations in real time).
In the area of CAT tools, most of the advancements have been made in relation
with user interfaces, while there are some technological novelties as well, such as the
autosuggest feature (SDL Trados Studio13 ) and the segment assembly (MemoQ14 ).
12 [last access date 13 May 2017].
13[last access date 15
November 2016].
14 ssembly.html [last access
date 15 November 2016].

In addition, there are web-based tools that make use of online technologies, such as
Matecat that provides suggestions from the biggest TM repository MyMemory.15

2.2 Classification of translation technologies

In order to investigate the needs of professional translators it is necessary first to
understand the concept of translation technologies. In this section we will clarify
what exactly we refer to when talking about translation technologies, describe the

existing kinds of technologies, as well as the characteristics that allow researchers
to group them in di↵erent categories.
One of the earliest attempts to classify translation tools was made by Hutchins
& Somers (1992). Their classification is based on the degree of automatisation and
human involvement in the translation process. It can be illustrated by the scheme
in Figure 2.

Machine involvement Human involvement

Fully Human-aided Machine- Human

automated machine aided human translation
high quality translation translation

computer-aided translation

Figure 2: Classification of translation technologies by Hutchins & Somers (1992).

One of the drawbacks of this classification is that the boundary between the
human-aided machine translation and the machine-aided human translation is very
unclear. In addition, nowadays, when many tools are multifunctional, it becomes
more and more difficult to associate them to only one of these categories, as they
often have combined functionalities. However, the idea behind this classification
is very helpful for illustrating the field of translation technologies as a continuum
between fully automatic and fully human translation.
Another classification by Alan Melby (1998) was made with regard to the stage
of translation process during which the tools are applied. Taking this into account,
the author additionally considers on which language level they are applied (term-
level tools, that mostly deal with terminology, and segment tools). Thus, he comes
to the two-dimensional classification with eight types.

1. Infrastructure: these tools are not designed specifically for translation, but
are necessary or useful in the translation process. They include document
creation/management systems, text editors, terminology databases, e-mail
clients, web browsers, etc.

2. Term-level tools for pre-translation stage allow search of candidate terms to

15 [last access date 15 November 2016].

be included in terminology databases. This is normally Internet search and
search in text databases.

3. Term-level tools used during translation can, for instance, automatically

search terms in the terminology databases and suggest a target language

4. Term-level post-translation tools check the consistent use of terminology

after a translation has been completed, and tools that flag terms that the
translator wishes to avoid.

5. Segment-level pre-translation tools align the segments of a source text with

matching segments in the target text.

6. Segment-level tools used during translation include translation memories and

machine translation, in other words, they provide translation for segments
of text.

7. Segment-level post-translation tools can, for example, detect missing seg-

ments, check grammar and retain the original text format.

8. Translation management tools help to control the workflow, deadlines, dif-

ferent document versions, etc.

Frank Austermühl (2001) presented another approach to classification of TT,

which is also based, first of all, on distinguishing di↵erent stages in the translation
process. For every stage he suggests electronic tools and resources that support
the translator. In the reception phase, the translator understands the source
text. During this phase, online encyclopedias, search engines, and domain expert
knowledge retrieved through mailing lists and newsgroups are being used. In
addition, in order to define specific needs for information, the translators make
use of terminology extraction tools and concordancers. The extracted unknown
terms can then be looked up in electronic dictionaries and terminology databases.
Then follows the transfer phase, which is the core phase of the translation process.
Austermühl suggests to include here the tools that help “adopt the source text map
to match the context of the target text culture”, such as elaborate terminology
databases and hypermedia systems. Finally, the formulation phase consists in
production of target-language text. Apart from already mentioned dictionaries
and terminology databases, there are other important production tools such as
style guides, colocational dictionaries, and text corpora. In addition, apart from
tools assigned only to a specific stage, there are tools that aim to fully or almost
fully automotise the whole translation process. These technologies include machine
translation, translation memories and localisation tools.
Lynne Bowker (2002) also uses the Hutchins and Somers’ idea of a contin-
uum between human translation and machine translation. She divides di↵erent
electronic tools used by translators into three groups according to the degree of

automatisation, as shown in Table 1. In human translation (HT) no specific trans-
lation task tools are used. Computer-aided translation (CAT) tools include elec-
tronic tools designed for translation purposes, but they do not imply high degree
of automatisation, as in machine translation (MT) systems.

Word Processors Data-capture tools MT-systems
Grammar checkers Corpus-analysis tools
Electronic resources Terminology-management systems
(e.g. CD-ROMS) Localisation tools
Internet Diagnostic tools

Table 1: Lynne Bowker’s classification of translation tools.

An important contribution into the subject of classification of translation tech-

nologies was made by Amparo Alcina (2008). In her approach, a clear distinction
is made between tools and resources. She suggests that ‘the word tool refers to
computer programs that enable translators to carry out a series of functions or
tasks with a set of data that they have prepared and, at the same time, allows
a particular kind of results to be obtained’ (Alcina 2008, 94). In other words,
tools are software that is designed for a specific task. For instance, a TM system
is a tool for automatically extracting translations from already translated texts.
On the other hand, resources are sets of data that are organised in a particular
way and which can be used in the course of translation activity; whether they are
stored online or on a storage device, they do not perform any task and are only
made for consulting.
Chiew Kin Quah (2006) in her extended scheme of the Translation Studies field
divides Translation Technology into two branches: automatic translation tools
(or machine translation) and computer-aided translation tools (Figure 3). Unlike
Hutchins and Somers, she does not make a di↵erence between human-aided ma-
chine translation and machine-aided human translation. Instead, machine-aided
human translation is considered a synonym of computer-aided translation (CAT),
and human-aided translation is a class on its own. Then, CAT tools are further
divided into translation, linguistic and localisation tools, where translation tools
are translation memory (TM) and terminology managing systems (TMS), linguis-
tic tools and localisation tools. An interesting observation is made here about
linguistic tools: they can be divided into two classes based on whether or not
they depend on language. For instance, dictionaries and glossaries belong to the
language-dependent class, and optical character recognition (OCR) systems and
concordancers are language-independent.
A slightly di↵erent concept, Translation Environment Tools (TEnT), was de-
fined by Bowker & Corpas-Pastor (2015). It normally comprises several systems for
performing di↵erent translation-related tasks, like translation memories and ter-
minology management systems, interacting with each other in such a way, that the
output of one such component can be the input of another. TEnTs are also some-

times called translator’s workstation or workbench, or simply translation memory
systems, and they are probably the most popular tools on the translation software
market. TEnTs are di↵erent from localisation tools, which deal only with digital
content (web-sites and software texts). Even though they have similar components
to TEnTs, they additionally provide the user with an interface within which it is
possible to separate translatable text from the code, translate it and insert it back
into the code.
Apart from the above-mentioned tools there are also web-based resources,
which are not initially created with the translation task in mind. They are
search engines, termbanks, corpora, specialised databases, and others. They can
be resources for general reference, such as specialised portals, encyclopedias or
metasearch engines, dictionaries. In additions, there are online tools that per-
form lookup in di↵erent resources simultaneously: in dictionaries, encyclopedias,
forums, etc, and even multilingual search engines in two languages at the same
time. And finally, there are monolinlgual and bilingual parallel corpora and web

Translation Studies

Pure Applied

Translator teaching Translation Translation Translation

& training technology policy criticism

MT systems CAT tools

Linguistic tools Localisation TM


Language Language Project Document

dependent independent management management

Figure 3: Quah’s structure of applied translation studies.

All these classifications were created at di↵erent moments of the development

of translation technologies. There is one fact that is becoming more and more
obvious nowadays, namely that translation tools are multifunctional, i.e. they
consist of components that perform di↵erent functions and automatising di↵erent
sub-tasks in the translation process. Thus, translation memory systems do not
only provide the TM retrieval functionality, but a number of other features that
are to be used on di↵erent stages of the process, such as translation job analysis
for invoicing, sentence alignment of parallel texts, compilation of corpora, termi-
nology management, automatic translation, concordance search, and many others.
Therefore, the term TM software or TM system is becoming obsolete. These mul-

tifunctional tools are now mostly being referred to as CAT tools. Following this
tendency, if not specified otherwise, these tools will be referred to as CAT tools
in the text of this dissertation. Correspondingly, when talking about the whole
variety of translation-specific tools that translators use in their work, the term
Translation Technologies will be used. It will include such tools as aligners, ter-
minology management and extraction tools, programs for building and analysing
corpora, machine translation systems, among others.

2.3 Identification of user needs

Understanding user needs and requirements is a crucial step for designing in-
teractive computer systems. User-centred design can increase productivity, en-
hance work quality, reduce support costs, and increase general user satisfaction.
This concerns translation software and professional translators to a great extent.
Productivity and working speed are crucial for their work, while they cannot be
achieved at the cost of quality, which is strictly required in most translation jobs.
Even though translators now have access to a great variety of tools that help them
increase both productivity and quality, many translators do not fully exploit the
potential of these tools, ignore many helpful features and seem irritated by others.
That is why user needs are essential and should be taken into consideration when
designing translation tools.
User requirement analysis is not always a straightforward task. Some of the
most common obstacles are the following:

• When there is a new type of system to be developed, it is a logical step to ask

the target users about how they would like the system to be. However, no
system of this type exists yet, so the users cannot base their opinions on ex-
perience, and therefore it is difficult for them to decide which characteristics
they want the system to have.

• Users and developers often think within traditional boundaries and leave no
place for innovation.

• There is a gap between the users’ and the developers’ way of reasoning, which
is caused by their di↵erent backgrounds, perspective and knowledge of the

• It is not clear how exactly these requirements must be represented so that

the system designers can incorporate them in the development process.

• Finally, it is also necessary to decide on the best way to identify these re-
quirements, which depend on the user profile as well as on specific aspects
of the system to be developed.

User surveys are one of the common methods for user requirements identifica-
tion. It consists in administering a set of written questions to a sample population

of users (Maguire & Bevan 2002, 137). One of the biggest advantages of this
method is that it allows to reach a large population of users with minimal costs.
Furthermore, surveys are normally composed of both closed and open types of
questions, allowing to obtain both quantitative and qualitative data in large quan-
There are other ways of gathering information on user needs, such as focus
groups. They bring together a group of stakeholders in a format of a discussion
group. During these discussions, each participant’s actions can stimulate ideas in
other group members and as the discussion goes on, the collective view becomes es-
tablished which is broader and more objective than the individual parts (Langford
& McDonagh 2003).
One more method of identifying user requirements is interviewing, where users
are questioned in a semi-structured way, i.e. the interview contains some fixed
questions but also allows the interviewees to expand their answers in a free manner
(Courage & Baxter 2005, 246). Interviews allow to collect very rich, detailed data
thus providing a holistic view of the picture. However, they are not suitable for
gathering information from a large sample of users.
Scenarios of use provide detailed information on how the users will carry out
their tasks and interact with the future system in a real working setting. They
are built specifically for understanding the users’ working practices and possible
related requirements and for providing examples for future use and probably in-
formation on task completion time (Maguire & Bevan 2002, 137).
Finally, evaluation of existing or competitor systems can provide information
on whether the existing systems meet user requirements and to which extent, and
help identify existing usability problems that should be avoided in future systems.
On the other hand, it can also indicate the features that are considered useful in
existing systems and that should be included in the future systems as well.
Other techniques for obtaining feedback from users, such as brainstorming
and card sorting, are described in more detail by Courage & Baxter (2005), and
Maguire & Bevan (2002). All of these methods are suitable for di↵erent purposes
and development stages, as some of them (for instance, interviews) are good meth-
ods for developing a general picture of initial set of requirements, while others (like
card sorting) are more useful for validating an existing system prototype.
Apart from the general methods mentioned above, in the translation technolo-
gies field some specific techniques are used to gather user feedback by registering
interaction between users and translation systems. These techniques are mostly
used for improvement of already existing systems. Thus, the most popular source
of user attitude towards output of MT systems is the post-editing (PE) process. Its
outcome can be extremely useful for MT systems developers as they provide the
real-world user feedback. This feedback is particularly valuable because it appears
as an outcome of a natural work process, i.e. the data generation is done without
any additional arrangements and expenses and without disturbing the translator’s
natural workflow. Even if the translators do not evaluate the translation quality

explicitly, the evaluation can be inferred, for instance, by the amount of editing
performed or by the amount of accepted or rejected sentences. PE can be used
to extract di↵erent types of human feedback of di↵erent levels of granularity, such

• binary quality score (good/bad);

• fine-grained quality score (the percentage of changed words);

• correct translations of incorrectly translated words or phrases;

• time spent on correction of di↵erent segments.

All this information can be fed back to MT systems in order to improve them.
The online re-training of MT systems is an especially promising direction, as it
allows improving a system continuously while a translator is working and dynam-
ically adapt to the domain of the current document. In addition, the analysis of
post-edits can help predict potentially wrong segments in automatic translations
produced in the future.
It is also worth mentioning that post-editing of automatic translations is not the
only way of user interaction with MT systems. The interactive machine translation
(IMT) architecture (Ortiz-Martı́nez et al. 2010) has been designed particularly to
suit the human-in-the-loop scenario, although the case studies show that some
users find the work with IMT systems ine↵ective (Alabau et al. 2012). Another
type of scenario allows a user to compose a sentence from translation options
generated by an MT system (Koehn & Haddow 2009). These technologies have
not been implemented in the most popular CAT systems yet. However, they
are being studied in order to understand if any of them can be accepted by the
translation community as alternative ways to gather user feedback for identifying
user requirements for these tools.

2.4 Previous surveys on translation technologies

User surveys are one of the main methods for identifying user needs, and it is
also one the methods employed in this research. This section presents an overview
of recent surveys on the use of translation technologies by professional translators
and companies, their attitude towards various types of such technologies, potential
benefits and drawbacks of their use. These works have served us as inspiration for
the design of the questionnaire that constitutes the main part of this research.

2.4.1 General surveys on translation technologies

A number of previously conducted surveys in translation industry and transla-
tion studies focused on issues related to di↵erent types of translation tools, rather

than one specific type. One of them was designed and distributed by Rut Tor-
res Domı́nguez (2012). It collected responses on the use of translation technologies
from 509 professional translators and translation students from 59 countries.
According to the findings, the most commonly used type of translation software
were TM systems. The majority (more than 60%) of respondents used TM soft-
ware, and 20% were planning to use it. However, it should be mentioned that the
motivation for using TM tools did not necessarily come from translators’ needs as
such. Thus, only about half of those who adopted TM tools used them by personal
choice, while 37% were requested to do so by their agency, and about 13% by the
client. Nevertheless, the advantages of using TM were recognised by the majority.
In particular, they mentioned working time saving (80%), terminology consistency
(78%), improved translation quality (72%), working e↵ort reduction (60%), faster
delivery (54%), cost savings (38%) and glossary/TM exchange (35%). Regard-
ing the systems’ limitations, translators reported using file formats that were not
supported by TM systems (46%), hard-copy documents (42%), documents with
embedded tables, illustrations, etc. (32%), while 32% claimed to lack training to
work with TM. Using TM for texts with low repetition rate could be challenging
for 28%, and about a quarter of participants thought that TM was not suitable
for all texts and too complicated for short texts.
Machine translation applications were used considerably less compared to TM.
Thus, only 21% were using it at the time of the survey, and 9% were planning to use
it. About a quarter of translators did not use it, and 7.5% were not familiar with
MT at all. Concerns about the quality of translation produced by MT systems
seem to be the main reason for neglecting them. And even translators who used
MT mostly evaluated its output quality as flexible (54%), and 26% used MT just
to get the gist of the text. Despite the quality concerns, more than half of the MT
users believed that it helps save working time and e↵ort. Only 39% thought it
accelerates delivery, for 35% it helps maintain terminology consistency, and 32%
mentioned cost savings.
Most of the participants also employed textual corpora as a translation aid.
However, not many of them used automatic tools to build or analyse corpora, and
72% were not familiar with any of such tools at all. Overall, the survey proved
that the majority of translators nowadays find translation tools useful, as 81.7%
of respondents reported using some translation software.
A similar situation was described in the previous 2010 TTC survey (Gornostay
2010, Blancafort et al. 2011). This survey was carried out as part of the TTC
project (Terminology Extraction, Translation Tools and Comparable Corpora).
Answers were received from 139 translation specialists (translators, editors, ter-
minologists, etc.) from 31 countries. The main objective of the survey was to
summarise trends in translation tools, first of all concerning terminology manage-
ment, but also MT tools and other applications such as corpora and concordancers.
A rather high percentage of translators reported using MT compared with the 21%
reported by the above-mentioned survey: 23.7% of the respondents used MT com-

bined with CAT tools and 10.5% used only MT systems. Those 18.5% who did
not use any translation software, as expected, mostly had concerns about transla-
tion quality (31.8%), but also mentioned high prices (22.7%), while some of them
claimed working with specific domains that are not supported by any software
Another finding that was in line with the survey discussed above was that few
translators used specific tools for building and analysing corpora. Thus, about
a half of the respondents collected corpora for relevant domains, but only 7%
used automatic processing. The most common strategy was to work with corpora
manually, so only 30% used corpus concordance tools and 10% used NLP tools to
manage corpora.
Another survey, conducted by Trad’Online (2011)16 focuses on the changes in
translation industry caused by arising of new technologies, translators’ attitudes
and expectations regarding these changes, as well as evolution of technology as a
whole. Among 1330 respondents 96.5% were freelance translators and interpreters,
12% worked for translation agencies, and 4% were students. A big part of the
respondents (48%) believed that automated translation will have impact on how
translators do business in the near future, while 26% thought there would not
be any changes in the next 3-5 years related to MT, and 22% were foreseeing
significant changes coming along. The process of sharing translation memories
appeared to be another promising technology innovation. Thus, TM sharing was
considered as an opportunity by 51% of respondents, and 34% saw it as a risk.
Crowd translation is seen as “useful in certain contexts” by 54% of the participants.
Another perspective on the impact of new technologies on translation practices
was presented in the 2011 survey by Joanna Gough (2011). This survey focused on
Web 2.0 technology and the related developments in the industry in general and
issues these changes present to translators. The survey was based on 224 answers
from translation specialist in 42 countries. Similarly to the studies discussed above,
the vast majority (over 80%) of translators were using proprietary CAT tools, of
which 75% used them on a regular basis. Open tools (including open source
translation tools such as Omega T and open translation or sharing platforms such
as TAUS search, MyMemory, Worldwide Lexicon or Open TM2) were used by
25% of the respondents, with 6% using them on a regular basis. Despite the low
current usage of open tools, 75% of participants admitted that they were likely to
use open tools in the future.
In general, the participants seemed to have adopted the habit of following
the latest technological developments in translation industry. Only 6% claimed
that they did not, while 62% confirmed that they followed to some extent and
32% did it regularly. The main reasons for not keeping up with technological
developments were financial constraints, the lack of time, and the lack of need.
To summarise, the results revealed that translators displayed a certain degree
of awareness of general concepts related to the technological developments and

trends. However, this awareness seemed to be lacking in depth, with frequent
answers such as ‘heard about it but don’t know the details’ and ‘quite familiar’,
which resulted in reluctance to adopt these new tools and involve in collaboration
An earlier survey was conducted in 2004 with 391 UK-based freelance trans-
lators (Fulford & Granell-Zafra 2004, 2005). It focused on the range and types of
electronic tools and resources they used to support di↵erent activities that consti-
tute the translation workflow, including not only translation technologies, but also
general-purpose software such as email clients, translators forums, account man-
aging systems, etc. Only 24% used terminology management systems (MultiTerm,
Lingo, TermWatch), and half of the respondents were not familiar with these tools
at all. Quite unexpectedly, these results do not di↵er much from the ones of more
recent surveys discussed above. Translators who have adopted terminology man-
agement tools mostly specialised in technical and scientific fields. An interesting
observation was that productivity levels were higher for this group.
On the contrary, the results regarding CAT tools were significantly di↵erent
from the current situation showed in more recent surveys. It was reported that
only 28% of respondents used TM tools and about half of them were not familiar
with these tools at all. Moreover, only 5% of the respondents used MT, and 75%
were not familiar with it. Only 2% were using localisation tools such as Alchemy
Catalyst and Passolo. On the whole, approximately one third of the translators in
the sample were using terminology management and CAT tools, which presents a
striking di↵erence with the 2012 survey by Torres Domı́nguez.
As to translators’ attitudes towards new technologies, most of them were posi-
tive. A vast majority of respondents believed that technologies were important for
supporting all the activities in the translation workflow, especially for terminology
identification and collecting background reference material. However, the respon-
dents seemed less convinced about benefits and revenue derived from CAT tools
specifically. The ones who had already adopted CAT tools seemed more positive
about their value than the ones who had not yet adopted any. It is interesting
to see these results from today’s perspective when almost all translators use CAT
tools to some extent. The scepticism we observed more than ten years ago has
now almost disappeared, partly because these tools became more common and
familiar to translators, and partly because of the improved interface designs and
a variety of useful features.

2.4.2 Translation memory surveys

A certain number of surveys focused specifically on the use of translation memory
systems, due to their popularity in the industry. One of them is reported in
(Lagoudaki 2008). The survey was based on 874 replies from translation companies
and translators from 54 countries. Similarly to other surveys, the overwhelming
majority of respondents (82.5%) used TM systems. A notable characteristic of this

study is that it considered di↵erent variables to discover aspects that may influence
the use of TM. Thus, it was discovered that company owners were slightly more
likely to use TM systems, followed by company employees and then freelancers.
Surprisingly, there was a big di↵erence in the motives for using TM compared
to the 2012 Translation Technology survey discussed above: the majority (71%)
of users claimed to have adopted TM by personal choice, while for 20% it was
imposed by the company. A major finding of the survey was that the use of TM
depended on the type of texts. Thus, respondents who specialised in technical texts
were more likely to use TM tools, followed by those who specialised in financial
and marketing content. Those who reported legal specialisation were also likely
to use TM tools, but less than the previous groups. Only 27% of respondents
reported using TM tools for all their content for translation (probably because
they specialise in technical texts), whereas 38% reported using TM for 75-99%
of their total content. The reasons for not using TM for the whole content were
hardcopy documents (38%), not supported file formats (28%), too complicated for
short texts (18%), and low repetition rate (18%).
Another TM survey took place in 2004 in the UK, and 59 replies were received
from translators from the University of Westminster and the UK-based Institute
of Translation and Interpreting (Dillon & Fraser 2007). Just over a half of the
translators who participated in the survey (52%) claimed that they used TM
systems on a regular basis. An interesting observation that derived from the
results was that more experienced translators were more likely to be using TM.
On the other hand, translators who were new to the translation industry had a
more positive perception of TM and were more open to the idea of adopting it
than translators with more experience, irrespectively in both cases of whether they
actually used it.
In 2003, a survey was carried out within the eCoLoRe project.17 This survey
took place in the UK and Germany and aimed at measuring the usage of TM, iden-
tifying the main reasons for the usage of and possible reluctance to TM, domains
of use and required training. Out of 208 participants, 64% were using TM systems.
This number is significantly lower compared to more recent surveys. In addition,
only 29% reported to be using TM daily, 15% were using it weekly, 8% monthly,
and 12% even less frequently. Technical documentation was again confirmed to be
the most common type of texts being translated with TM. Thus, almost all daily
users of TM translate technical documents, whereas only about a half of those
who do not use TM mentioned this type of documentation. Naturally, very few
TM-users cited literary texts, compared to every third non-user.
Summarising this part of the literature review, it is worth mentioning two
tendencies. Firstly, the use of TM systems seems to be constantly increasing over
the years. And secondly, TM systems are much more useful for working with
technical domains. This is due to the high repetition, which is typical for this kind
of texts, as well as to big amount of terminology they normally contain.

2.4.3 Machine translation surveys
Surveys on machine translation seem to confirm the aforementioned concerns
about the output quality of MT systems. The QT LaunchPad survey was car-
ried out in May 2013 by Globalization and Localisation Association (GALA) and
was specifically focused on translators’ use of MT. Under 500 translation services
buyers and vendors gave their opinion on translation quality methods and tech-
nologies. Apart from questions on translation quality assessment, the respondents
were asked about their adoption of MT systems.
Over one third of the respondents reported that they were using machine trans-
lation, while a slightly higher percentage stated that their businesses were currently
not using MT, but were planning to do so. However, 28% of the respondents said
they did not use MT and had no plans to start doing so. The most popular type
of MT systems was statistical machine translation, which was mentioned by over
a half of MT users. Hybrid MT was used by 36%, followed by rule-based sys-
tems with 22%. One third of all the MT adopters use external online systems like
Google Translate, BabelFish and Bing. The rest of MT users had o↵-the-shelf
MT systems, and 84% of them performed some kind of customization of the sys-
tems. Popular modifications lied in the areas of terminology (61%), in the use of
additional domain-specific corpora (32%), and by providing tailor-made linguis-
tic rules (21%). Regarding the quality of MT output, 69% stated that less than
half of their outbound translation requirements were satisfied with MT, while 12%
could use more than half of MT translated content and 4% used MT for all their
content. Despite of the general user dissatisfaction about MT quality observed in
other studies, opinions of the respondents on the quality of translation performed
by the systems were predominantly positive, 43% rated it as fair, 41% as good,
and 2% as excellent. Surprisingly, only 7% of respondents rated it as poor. This
is probably because most of the respondents used local MT systems specifically
trained for certain domains, which eventually produce better quality translations
compared to free public MT services often used by freelance translators.
An earlier survey that also aimed at shedding light on the use of machine
translation was carried out by the SDL company in 2009.18 The answers were
received from 228 participants from translation companies all over the world. The
results revealed that 17% respondents were using MT 28% and had used it in the
past or were planning to use in the future. The major concern (76%) preventing
respondents from using MT was, again, quality. Due to the quality concerns, 37%
of respondents would not use a public Internet-based service, while 28% considered
the usage of a public service to be inappropriate. The type of documents that was
most frequently translated with MT were technical texts (60%). A solution to the
problem of MT quality seems to be human post-editing, as 57% of participants
were more likely to adopt MT when used in a post-editing scenario, while 30%
indicated that they were already post-editing or had imminent plans to do so.
18 The results of this survey are summarised in (DePalma & Kelly 2009).

2.4.4 Surveys on terminology tools and resources
One of the findings of the 2010 TTC survey that has already been mentioned
above (Gornostay 2010, Blancafort et al. 2011) was that the majority of transla-
tors dedicated considerable amounts of time to terminology management. Thus,
56% of respondents were spending from 10% to 30% of their time working with
terminology. The most popular of these activities include terminology research,
collection, editing terminology in texts. The five most popular terminology tools
were SDL TermBase, MultiTerm, TermStar, among others, whereas Excel sheets
and Word documents were still more popular. For terminology research, respon-
dents mostly used online resources (35%), followed closely by internal resources,
such as dictionaries, glossaries, databases (33%).
One of the conclusions made by the authors was that the situation in terminol-
ogy tools usage had not changed greatly, as spreadsheets were still being the most
popular means of storing and collecting terminology. The reasons for reluctance
towards adoption of new terminology tools were budget and time constraints, in-
formation duplication and inefficiency. However, most of the users (65%) were
still willing to learn about new solutions and tools in this domain, as terminology
consistency and productivity were high priorities for translators.
Previously in 2008, SDL ran two surveys on terminology management with the
objective of exploring the trends in terminology management within businesses
(140 respondents) and within the translation and localisation industry from the
point of view of translators (194 respondents). It turned out that 29% of the busi-
ness survey participants already had a terminology management solution and the
major methodologies for managing terminology: they were publishing terminology
in style guides (36%), using terminology lists in Microsoft Excel (33%) and using
specific terminology management tools (28%). Within the translation and locali-
sation industry, 95% answered that they were spending a major part of their time
dealing with terminology. In addition, 87% of translators thought that a termi-
nology management process would improve their productivity. The most common
methods used by translators were Microsoft Excel (42%) and specific terminol-
ogy management tools (31%). An interesting finding was that most of translators
(77%) considered it very important to have a terminology management system
integrated into existing translation applications. As for terminology extraction,
only 10% of translators used specific tools instead of selecting the terms manually.

2.4.5 Summary of previous surveys on translation technolo-

To conclude, some general observations can be made based on the reviewed sur-
veys. Translators seemed to give much more preference to CAT tools (or, in some
studies, TM tools), compared to MT. The use of CAT tools has considerably
increased during the last decade. Even though these tools are currently domi-
nating on the translation technology market, their usage has been often imposed

by translation companies, which means that they do not necessarily comply with
the actual needs of translators. The reasons for dissatisfaction among translators
were inability of TM systems to support certain document formats, texts with ta-
bles, illustrations, etc., lack of training necessary to use TM, as well as additional
expenses they implied. Machine translation, in its turn, seemed to help reduce
working time and e↵ort, but the quality of MT output was still far from satisfac-
tory. One of the possible solutions to this issue could be post-editing. Finally, both
MT and TM were considered more suitable for technical texts with high repetition
Terminology was still being collected in spreadsheets by the year 2010 by the
majority of translators, while they also preferred to select terms from the text
manually instead of resorting to automatic term extraction tools. However, they
used to spend significant amounts of time working with terminology and they were
open to technological ways of facilitating terminology processing. Corpora were
used by many translators, even though not many of them had adopted automatic
tools for corpora compilation and analysis. Finally, collaboration tools and open
resources were considered useful, but there was a lack of training in this area, which
prevented translators from fully understanding and exploiting their benefits.

2.5 Evaluation of translation technologies

One of the objectives of this research is to determine whether the existing trans-
lation technologies fully satisfy the needs of the users. It means, in other words,
to evaluate TT from the point of view of user experience. Thus, it is necessary to
find an evaluation methodology that is most suitable for this task. This sections
describes the evaluation methods that have been proposed so far and how they
can be applied to evaluate di↵erent kinds of translation technologies.
Most of the research on evaluation has been done in the area of machine trans-
lation. The development of statistical methods in automatic translation, and the
creation of Moses (see Section 2.1) made it relatively fast to implement an SMT
engine and work on di↵erent enhancements to improve its performance. Therefore,
fast automatic methods were needed to be able to easily assess the advancements.
Up to the current days, automatic MT evaluation methods are the prevailing ones,
even though they have been criticised for a number of reasons. The intuition be-
hind the automatic evaluation is that a good translation is one that is close to
a reference human translation. Thus, in this approach segments of a candidate
automatically translated text are compared to segments of one or several refer-
ence human translations. Among the most popular automatic metrics are BLEU
(Bilingual Evaluation Understudy) (Papineni et al. 2001), METEOR (Banerjee &
Lavie 2005), Translation Edit Rate (TER) (Snover et al. 2006), WER and PER
(Tillmann et al. 1997).
Automatic MT evaluation provides a somewhat reliable way for fast and cheap
MT evaluation, for instance, in order to observe improvements of an MT system

under development, and to diagnose or compare MT systems. However, it is not
capable of reaching a high enough accuracy to replace human judgement when a
precise evaluation is needed. Moreover, since these metrics take into account only
sentence-length segments they do not show judgement upon such text properties
as consistency, intratextual references, style or grammaticality, among others. And
most importantly, automatic metrics are reference-based, i.e. they rely on one or
several reference human translations, while there can be a big (or even infinite)
number of possible correct translation for one source sentence.
Manual MT evaluation accounts for this problem, but has its own limitations,
which include, first of all, high costs of human labour, and also the subjectivity
of evaluation. In addition, there is no established universal metric for manual
evaluation that could suit any purpose. However, there have been some attempts
to create such metrics, which included MQM quality metric (Lommel 2013) and
the TAUS Data Quality Framework (DQF) (Görög 2014). They are quite similar
(and even have been unified into one) and allow a certain degree of flexibility, so
that one can adapt the metric to the specific purpose of evaluation. The main
idea is to mark the errors present in the target text produced by an MT engine,
according to a specific error taxonomy. Additionally, they allow to assess more
general translation quality characteristics, such fluency and accuracy, among oth-
ers. TAUS provides various tools and APIs for its metric,19 which thus seems to
be a convenient solution for MT quality evaluation when something more reliable
than automatic scores is needed.
Moving on from machine translation, evaluation methods for other types of
translation tools have not been developed to the same extent, and their evaluation
is less straightforward. However, some attempts to evaluate translation memory
software have been made. Unlike MT systems that generally speaking accom-
plish only one function, i.e. translating text from source to target language, TM
systems nowadays do not only retrieve matches from the TM database, but also
provide a number of additional functions that help translators on di↵erent stages
of translation process. In fact, as it has been mentioned in Section 2.2, they are
less often called Translation Memory tools, but rather CAT tools, meaning that
TM is not their only purpose any more. The question is, therefore, what would
be the right approach to evaluating these tools.
Some works published in Internet journals (Zerfass 2002, Waßmer 2002) o↵er
a practical systematic comparison of functionalities each tool provides, which is
helpful for translators when they decide which tool is suitable for them. Because
di↵erent translators prefer di↵erent features, it is clear that there is no such thing
as the ‘best’ tool for everybody. Thus, Angelica Zerfass (2002) makes a brief
comparison of the basic TM system features. She distinguishes two types of TM
model: the database model, where the source and the target segments are saved as
bilingual translation units, and the reference model, where the source and the tar-
get texts are saved separately. To our knowledge, nowadays most systems include

both of these types, and the database model is now the actual TM functional-
ity, whereas the reference model is used when the user wants to consult reference
materials such as related texts.
Furthermore, she compares the following features:

1. working environment: whether the tool is an add-on to a word processor or

it has its own environment;

2. supported file formats;

3. level of TMX compliance (i.e. what kind of file information is included in

the TMX file);

4. the word count feature and how it is implemented in the tool;

5. handling of special elements in the text, like abbreviations and acronyms.

This comparison of some of the basic features of popular TM systems at the time
provides useful information for translators having to make a purchasing decision.
It does not make any conclusion about which tool is actually better, because in
this case it depends on individual user preferences.
Similarly, Thomas Waßmer (2002) makes a review of 5 localisation and TM
systems. He makes a comparison table which includes a number of features to be
evaluated, which are grouped into categories.

1. Translator assistance tools: the additional features that complement the

basic TM/localisation functionality, such as spell checker, MT, thesaurus,
glossary, etc.

2. Supported file types.

3. Leveraging: evaluates whether the software has the functionality to retrieve

fuzzy and perfect matches and to perform concordance search.

4. Software engineering and testing features: pseudotranslate (which ‘identifies

programming errors’) and validation expert.

5. General variables: other features, such as price, system requirements, time

to learn, technical support, integration with speech recognition software, etc.

This work, similarly to Zerfass (2002), presents only a summary of features

that these particular systems have, which serves to compare them in case a user
needs to choose the most suitable one.
The first attempt to create a consistent methodology in this area was made by
the EAGLES project,20 which worked on evaluation of natural language process-
ing systems and specifically on the standardisation of the evaluation procedure.
It was initially based on the ISO9126 Standard for Software Quality (ISO/IEC
1991), which defines quality characteristics to be used when evaluating computer

software. This standard is specifically interesting for this research because, simi-
larly to the EAGLES framework, we will use some of its definitions of the software
quality characteristics to develop a user-oriented evaluation method (particularly,
in Article 6). The software quality characteristics are the following:

1. Functionality - A set of attributes that bear on the existence of a set of

functions and their specified properties. The functions are those that satisfy
stated or implied needs.

2. Reliability - A set of attributes that bear on the capability of software to

maintain its level of performance under stated conditions for a stated period
of time.

3. Usability - A set of attributes that bear on the e↵ort needed for use, and on
the individual assessment of such use, by a stated or implied set of users.

4. Efficiency - A set of attributes that bear on the relationship between the

level of performance of the software and the amount of resources used, under
stated conditions.

5. Maintainability - A set of attributes that bear on the e↵ort needed to make

specified modifications.

6. Portability - A set of attributes that bear on the ability of software to be

transferred from one environment to another.

One of the deliverables of the EAGLES project was the 7-step recipe (EAGLES
1999, King 1997) which is essentially a set of instructions on how to proceed when
evaluating language technology systems. The main advantage of this recipe is that
it allows the flexibility needed to adapt this methodology to di↵erent evaluation
scenarios. In other words, it does not instruct on how exactly to evaluate software,
but rather on how to proceed to establish evaluation criteria suitable for each
specific case. Thus, the evaluation preparation consists of the following steps.

1. Decide on the purpose of evaluation and the object of evaluation: what is

being evaluated and why?

2. Elaborate a task model, establish how the system will be used and what the
users are like.

3. Define top level quality characteristics. What features need to be evaluated?

Are they equally important?

4. Produce detailed requirements for the system. On this stage, the features de-
cided to be important for evaluation have to be broken down into measurable

5. Devise metrics for the attributes.

6. Design the evaluation, prepare the materials and the setting.

7. Execute the evaluation.

A number of later works on CAT tool evaluation are based on the EAGLES
methodology and the 7-step recipe in particular. These models normally pro-
pose a checklist for evaluation which includes features of CAT tools grouped
into categories according to various criteria (Rico 2001, Höge 2002, Starlander
& Morado Vázquez 2013). Thus, a recent work by Starlander & Morado Vázquez
(2013) suggests a methodology to train translation students to evaluate CAT tools.
Choosing one of these tools is a challenge every translator has to face, so evaluation
of their utility and appropriateness is an important part in translators’ training.
In the described experiment, each student had to compare two CAT tools taking
into consideration a particular use case, i.e. imagining a situation where they
have to choose a system for their translation company or freelance work. In the
end of the experiment, the students were supposed to develop their own evalua-
tion procedure suitable for the specific user scenario they chose. In addition, they
answered a survey with a series of questions about their experience of using the
EAGLES 7-step recipe, it’s usefulness and comprehensiveness. According to the
survey, there is no visible agreement on this issue among the students: some of
them found the methodology hard to implement and not very useful, while almost
the same amount said it helped them establish their own evaluation criteria and
was easy to understand. These results point to the fact that the 7-step recipe in
its initial form is not a perfect evaluation model.
Many works specifically stress the fact that there is no unique evaluation
methodology suitable for any situation and user, and thus each time the eval-
uation criteria are di↵erent. This is also the idea behind the EAGLES framework,
and it is also the basis for the reproducible evaluation model by Rico (2001). She
suggests that every evaluation should take into account such aspects of the process
as translation scenario and stakeholders, and therefore the set of features to be
evaluated is divided into four categories:

1. Client: these features would include, for example, client-specific conventions

and style, deadlines, pricing, etc.

2. Product: the product of the translation is the target text, so product-related

features are the quality of translation, formatting, factual and terminological
consistency, among others.

3. Features related to the translation process, such as project size, budget,

team, quality assurance requirements, and other.

4. System: the system’s intrinsic characteristics are those established by the

ISO 9126 quality standard for software products: functionality, usability,
maintainability, reliability, efficiency, portability.

As the next step Rico proposes to build a check-list of features based on the
characteristics described above. Each feature is weighted every time the evaluation
takes place according to the particular user scenario, which is what makes Rico’s
model adaptable for di↵erent evaluation purposes and use cases. The weights as-
signed to each of the features in the checklist show how di↵erently those contribute
to outlining the translation scenarios (Rico 2001).
Rico’s model has an advantage of giving an example checklist which can be used
in various scenarios and at the same time is adaptable and takes into consideration
the di↵erent user cases. It is very complete and has an extensive list of features
that can be selected from in every particular evaluation case. However, it is not
clear how some features are to be assigned scores. For instance, the concept of
usability. For a particular evaluator, one software product can be more convenient
that another, but that is just an individual opinion. How many evaluators should
give their usability score to a tool for it to be statistically significant? Another
example is pricing policy. Some software companies o↵er a licence monthly plan,
others o↵er a single purchase, sometimes with a reduced price if upgrading from an
earlier software version. There is no best pricing policy (except for free software),
each time it depends on a particular user.
Finally, Höge (2002) in her PhD thesis proposes an interdisciplinary evaluation
methodology which combines methods from software engineering, translation and
decision analysis. This evaluation method is a cyclic process, consisting of ‘exam-
ining and describing features of both the user and the systems under evaluation’,
which is followed by ‘elaboration and structuring of the system context, the qual-
ity attributes relevant, and the test types that will allow the measurement of the
required attributes.’ In the next step the attributes are given values by testing the
system, and the test results are then validated and returned back to the user (Höge
2002, 2). The proposed framework is supposed to help evaluators in two di↵erent
evaluation situations, namely in the situation proceeding a purchase decision, and
while supporting the development process.
To summarise, we can observe two tendencies in the evaluation of CAT tools.
One consists in listing and comparing the functionalities and features that the
tools have (such as big number of supported file formats, concordance search,
and others). However, this evaluation is not complete, since even if a tool has
the most complete set of functionalities, it does not mean that it is convenient,
fast, easy to learn and use. In other words, using the ISO terminology, it only
evaluates some of the quality characteristics, namely Functionality (whether the
software accomplished all the required functions), and at most Maintainability
and Portability. The Usability characteristic, being as important as Functionality,
is much harder to evaluate using quantitative methods. Therefore, following the
EAGLES framework, many researchers try to develop an evaluation model which
would include all these aspects as well in a most objective way.
We argue that, first of all, when approaching the task of evaluation of CAT
tools, it is necessary to make it clear which aspect of software quality is being

evaluated. We cannot talk about software quality in general while only evaluat-
ing the features it provides. Secondly, translation time and speed are crucial for
any translation software user. The software aims at increasing translators’ speed
and at making the translation process easier. An ‘easy-to-use’ and convenient
tool is, therefore, supposed to increase translators’ speed and, subsequently, their
productivity. Thus, we suggest that in order to measure Usability of translation
software, one can measure translation speed, and, additionally, other variables
related to productivity, such as cognitive load and technical e↵ort. In this case,
Usability is measured for a specific feature or combination of features, as opposed
to software as a whole: this allows to decide whether this specific feature brings
productivity increase compared to the same translation setting without this fea-
ture. One of the examples of such evaluation is the research on post-editing of
machine translation.

2.6 Post-editing of Machine Translation

Post-editing of machine translation (PE) is recognised to be a beneficial prac-
tice for companies and translators, as it has proven to increase productivity in
certain translation scenarios (Läubli et al. 2013, Zampieri & Vela 2014, Zhechev
2014). Apart from that, it is an important source for research, as it provides
user-generated material that can be further investigated in order to understand
the way users interact with the MT system and the PE environment and employ
this information to improve the user experience. And furthermore, it can also
be seen as a way of evaluation of the MT system. Depending on the amount of
changes made, on the editing speed, and other variables, we can make conclusions
on the quality of translation produced by the engine. Both the user feedback and
the evaluation aspects of PE are highly relevant for this research. This section
introduces some of the most important concepts in PE research.
The practice of post-editing machine translation output appeared with the aim
to make use of MT. Even though the first success of SMT that seemed to produce
excellent results on some separate segments without almost no human e↵ort cre-
ated a new wave of hope that high quality MT is possible, quite soon these hopes
were left behind. However, the idea that MT can still be useful in a professional
translation setting remained. One of the possible ways to incorporate MT output
in translation workflow is to use it as a draft translation that is to be edited by
a human translator. Many state-of-the-art CAT tools provide a possibility to use
PE. Usually it is done via a plug-in, which o↵ers a machine translation for each
segment along with other suggestions, i.e. matches from the TM, terminology
database, and others. Then, the translator has three options: choose the MT sug-
gestion without any further corrections, select the MT suggestion and post-edit it,
or ignore the suggestion.
PE is normally understood as ‘a human being (normally a translator) compar-
ing a source text with the machine translation and making changes to it to make

it acceptable for its intended purpose’ (Koby 2001, 1). This definition, in our
opinion, reflects the fundamental understanding of the term, and it is important
that it also mentions the translation purpose, as many aspects of the final output
of PE depend on the purpose. First of all, it is the quality requirements: for some
tasks, only light editing is enough; that is when the translation is performed only
to transfer the meaning of the source text. In this case the post-editing consists
only in verifying whether no semantic meaning is omitted and no extra informa-
tion is inserted in the target text. For publishing purposes, however, it is also
the grammar, the typography, the spelling, the punctuation, among other errors,
that need to be corrected. Therefore, when giving a post-editing task, it is usually
specified, what the purpose of translation is, and what degree of quality needs to
be achieved.
As we have stressed before, research on PE is important for a number of dif-
ferent reasons: increasing translators’ productivity, MT evaluation and obtaining
user feedback, among others. Even though PE research can focus only on one of
those things, there is a concept that is central to the field in general, namely the
post-editing e↵ort (PEE). In order to measure the viability of PE as a practice,
for instance compared to translation from scratch, compare the benefits of PE in
di↵erent user scenarios, or compare users between each other, we need to be able
to measure the advantages PE brings, or more specifically, whether it reduces the
e↵ort. Thus, finding an optimal method for measuring the PE e↵ort is one of the
main objectives of PE research. The first researcher to introduce the concept of
PEE was Hans P. Krings (2001), who distinguishes three types of PEE: temporal,
technical, and cognitive. These three types are recognised by most PE researchers.
The temporal e↵ort, or the time taken to post-edit a segment, is the most common
measurable aspect of PEE, because time is crucial in translation job, and at the
same time it is quite easy to measure. The technical e↵ort is reflected by the
amount of corrections made, the number of keystrokes or mouse clicks performed.
And the third, cognitive aspect is the cognitive e↵ort required to identify the error
and think of the right solution.
There have been developed various quantitative metrics that allow to assess
the three types of PE e↵ort. The temporal e↵ort is often measured by the time
taken to correct a segment, or the number of words corrected in a given timeframe
(translation speed) (Plitt & Masselot 2010). In addition, one can measure the
average time taken to post-edit one word. Currently, there are several CAT tools
that provide time-related statistics, that can be used for research experiments,
such as MemoQ21 , among others.
One of the existing approaches to measuring cognitive e↵ort is based on hu-
man assessment of perceived cognitive difficulty. Di↵erent difficulty scales were
proposed for this purpose (Specia 2011, Lacruz et al. 2014, Popović et al. 2014).
Another method of measuring cognitive e↵ort consists in using eye-tracking soft-
ware, which registers the point in the screen where the person is looking. The eye

movements provide information on the cognitive processes of the mind, while the
longer fixations or pauses indicate the most difficult places in the segment (Carl
et al. 2011, Daems et al. 2015). Thus, one can measure the number of pauses per
segment or per word, and their duration as indicators of cognitive e↵ort.
As for technical e↵ort, it can be measured by the number of keystrokes and
mouse clicks performed in order to convert the MT version into the final post-
edited version. There exist tools that allow to measure keystrokes, such as PET
(Aziz et al. 2012) and iOmegaT (Moran et al. 2014). In addition, a number of
metrics have been proposed to measure the ‘di↵erence’ between the two versions.
One of the most commonly used metrics is the Human-targeted Translation Edit
Rate (HTER) Snover et al. (2006), which compares the MT and PE versions of a
sentence and computes the minimum number of word-level changes between them.
A similar metric is used in the Matecat tool (Federico et al. 2012), which provides
an editing log feature with di↵erent statistics, which also include PE time.


Research design,
methodology and results
As explained in the Introduction, the methodology of this thesis is threefold, con-
sisting of user needs identification by the means of a user survey, evaluation of ex-
isting systems, and research on post-editing of machine translation. This chapter
presents the research methodology employed to gather user feedback and identify
translators’ needs, the data, data analysis methods, and results obtained. The
sections of the chapter largely correspond to the three constituent parts of the
methodology. The first three sections are dedicated to the user survey and de-
scribe its design and implementation (Section 3.1), the methods of data analysis
applied to the collected results (Section 3.2), and the results obtained (Section
3.3). Section 3.4 describes the research on evaluation of translation technologies.
Finally, Section 3.5 studies integration of machine translation in the CAT work-
A major part of this chapter describes research previously published in the
original articles that compose this dissertation. Thus, Sections 3.3–3.5 essentially
summarise the research contents of the publications, the data and the results
obtained, as well as explain how these studies are related with each other.

3.1 Survey design and implementation

The starting point of this research was a user survey on translation technologies
distributed among professional translators. This method of identification of user
needs was chosen for a number of reasons. First of all, our task consisted in
covering a broad range of di↵erent types of computer programs and resources,
including, first of all, machine translation and translation memory systems, but
also corpora building tools, terminology management systems, and others. The
survey format allowed us to obtain information about di↵erent aspects of all these
tools without being limited to one specific type of systems. Furthermore, we aimed
to reach di↵erent user groups as each group has a di↵erent profile and therefore
di↵erent requirements. For instance, translators who work in-house in a translation
company supposedly have a workflow and working habits which are di↵erent from
those of freelance translators. Finally, as has been mentioned before, the survey
method allowed us to obtain and analyse both quantitative and qualitative data,
which can contribute to answering previously formulated research questions as well
as bring in new ideas originating directly from the users.
The survey22 was designed using SurveyMonkey, an online questionnaire build-
ing tool.23 It was composed of separate sections, where the first section concerns
the user profile, the second section includes general questions on the use of tech-
nologies, and the rest of the sections are focused on specific types of tools. This
structure was chosen in order to be able to use the ‘skip logic’: if respondents were
not familiar with tools of a particular type or were not using them in their work,
22 The questionnaire can be consulted online via the following link:

most of the questions in the corresponding section were irrelevant to them, so they
could be skipped automatically and the respondents were redirected to the next
section of the questionnaire. ‘Skip logic’ makes the survey navigation much easier
and allows saving respondents’ time and increasing the response and completion
Di↵erent parts of the questionnaire focused on machine translation, transla-
tion memories, corpora compilation and terminology extraction, which are the
main topics of research in the EXPERT project, and also covered some aspects
related to quality assurance tools and web-based lexicographical resources. The
structure of the questionnaire is illustrated in Table 2, where the left column in-
cludes the section titles of the questionnaire, and the right column includes the
topics addressed in each corresponding section.
One of the main difficulties one encounters when collecting information on
user requirements is the high subjectivity of obtained data. Often users are not
certain about their own needs or do not know how to explain them in a clear
straightforward way. In addition, the questionnaire method of collecting user
information is prone to ambiguities and misunderstanding. In order to prevent
this kind of issues, various preparation and testing steps were carried out prior to
launching the survey.

1. The first step consisted in analysing publicly available information, such as

translators’ blogs, forums, social networks and web sites that could shed light
on the most discussed topics related to translators’ use of translation tech-
nologies and identify potential issues and problems that needed to be tackled.
Based on this information together with various user surveys previously con-
ducted in this field (see Section 2.4), the first draft of the questionnaire was

2. Next, cognitive interviews were conducted with two potential respondents

who worked as freelance translators. Cognitive interview is a common survey
testing technique where the respondents read the questions and have to speak
aloud commenting their reasoning during question answering. This way the
interviewer can detect difficulties that participants might encounter while
completing the survey and make sure that they do not misinterpret any
question and that the procedure of completing the survey is clear (Willis

3. Several representatives of the EXPERT commercial partners were asked to

complete the survey and provide feedback in terms of the questionnaire con-
tent, structure, design, and question wording. This testing stage relies on
the knowledge and expertise of the professionals in the translation domain
and its main purpose is to reveal more profound content-related defects of
the questionnaire and possible terminological issues.

4. After the feedback was collected both from the interviewees and the domain

experts, the appropriate changes were made, and we proceeded to the last
testing step, the pilot study, which consisted in collecting a small sample of
responses (in our case 12) and analyse the results to identify possible defects
and redundancies. After that, the final amendments were made.

Questionnaire Section Topics

Participants’ age
About you
Working languages
Professional experience
Employment type
Professional Information
Average productivity
Average income
General Technologies Familiarity with di↵erent tools
Usage rates
Quality of MT
Languages used with MT
Machine Translation
Free online MT vs. standalone MT
MT incorporated in CAT tools
Usage rates
Reasons for using/not using TM
Favourite and annoying features
TM sharing
Translation Memories
Learning curve
Usefulness of TM software
Performance of TM software
Working practices
Usage rates
Preferred types of corpora
Textual Corpora Compiling corpora
Tools for compiling/processing corpora
Features of corpora tools
Terminology management tools
Terminology Management
Integrated vs. standalone
Usage rates
Terminology Extraction Integrated vs. standalone
Features of TE tools
Web resources Usage di↵erent resources
Usage rates
Quality Assurance Integrates vs. standalone
Features of QA tools
Ideas? Suggestions? Respondents’ comments

Table 2: Questionnaire structure and topics

In addition to the preparation and testing step, other known methods for avoid-
ing ambiguity, redundancy and similar problems were applied during the question-

naire design (Iarossi 2006):

a) using as little technical jargon and very specific terminology as possible;

b) when necessary, using the check-box question type, where respondents are
able to select multiple options (Figure 4) instead of being forced to choose
only one;

c) providing “I don’t know” and “Other” options for cases when the respondent
does not find any suitable answer among the ones available;

d) providing comment fields and open-ended question, where participants could

answer questions in a free manner and use wording of their own choice (Figure

Figure 4: Example of a question with check-boxes.

Figure 5: Example of a question with comment field.

The questionnaire link was distributed in November 2014 through transla-

tion companies within the EXPERT project, translation mailing lists, translation
groups in social media such as LinkedIn and Facebook, specialised web sites such
as, and translation associations. The survey was open during two weeks.
The participants responded actively and many provided feedback and comments.

3.2 Data analysis
The first step of data analysis consisted in data collection, cleaning and arranging
into subsets. Data cleaning and further analysis was performed with the R software
environment.24 It is an environment and a programming language for statistical
computing that allows to manipulate data, perform visualisations and di↵erent
statistical tests, which we will talk more about in the following sections.
The decision on how to approach the task of survey data analysis depends, first
of all, on the research goals, as well as on the types of the data obtained. The
data obtained from the survey includes numerical, or quantitative data, as well as
verbal, or qualitative data in form of respondents’ comments.

3.2.1 Quantitative data

The quantitative data consisted of the answers to closed questions, which included

• single-choice questions,

• check-box questions, where more than one option was possible

• questions of the Likert-scale type, where respondents had to assign di↵erent

items a value on a defined scale.

Prior to the analysis, the collected answers were coded. Coding quantitative
data consists in assigning numerical values to the answers. For example, for the
question “What is your age” the first group, “less than 18” will be allocated the
number 1, the second group “18-25” will be allocated number 2, and similarly for
the rest of the age groups. After performing coding on the questions where it was
necessary, the data was analysed in three steps.
The first, exploratory stage consisted in descriptive analysis summarised in
form of charts and tables. At this stage we considered general statistics on the
survey population, respondents’ profile characteristics and the usage rates of dif-
ferent translation tools. This stage aimed only at making general observations and
give an idea about the survey population and some overall statistics on translation
technology use, such as, for instance, what part of the population used machine
translation, or how many respondents worked with textual corpora. The findings
of this initial analysis were reported in Article 1.
The next stage was aimed at finding dependencies between variables. This
type of analysis considers pairs of variables to check whether they are related, and
is called bivariate analysis (Lee & Forthofer 2006). As a simple example, one can
study how the usage rates of MT programs depend on the translators’ country
of residence by looking at how many MT users and non-users there were from
each country, or, in other words, building a two-way table with the two variables
‘country’ and ‘MT use’. These kind of tables are called contingency tables.

Depending on the types of variables under consideration, one can perform
correlation analysis and statistical independence tests to further prove or discard
the hypothesis that the two variables are related. Most of the variables in our
survey were ordinal or categorical (also called nominal). Ordinal data is the type
of data that can be ranked, i.e. there is a particular order in the values that the
variable can take. For instance, a typical Likert-scale question is analysed as an
ordinal variable, where the values represent a scale, or ranking (e.g. ‘Inconvenient’,
‘Not important’, ‘Not so useful’, ‘Useful’, ‘Essential’). Nominal data represents
values that di↵er by certain qualities with no specific ordering. A nominal variable
would be, for instance, type of employment, with the values ‘student’, ‘freelance
translator’, ‘in-house translator’, etc.
One of the suitable statistical independence tests for nominal data, as argued
by Rao & Scott (1981), is the Chi-square test. It is used to determine whether
there is a significant association between two such variables. Thus, in cases where
the values of a contingency table indicated that there is an association between
the two variables in question, this hypothesis was tested using the Chi-square test
for independence (Sirkin 2006). This method was applied in the studies described
in Articles 2 and 3.

3.2.2 Qualitative data

Qualitative or verbal data was obtained from the open-ended questions and ques-
tions with a comment field, where respondents were o↵ered to provide comments,
additional remarks, or answer the question entirely in their own words. A com-
mon method for structuring qualitative data is coding. Coding qualitative data
is somewhat di↵erent from coding quantitative data and consists in dividing the
data into categories, or units of meaning, and assigning a label to each category.
Codes are attached to chunks of text of varying size, including words, phrases,
sentences and paragraphs in the collected data which present some kind of inter-
est for the current research. It is done to identify various phenomena in the text
and analyse them, find examples for these phenomena, find meaningful relations
between di↵erent phenomena, patterns, and structures. It also allows to build a
conceptual scheme of data, organise the data in a hierarchical order.
Researchers distinguish two approaches to coding (Miles & Huberman 1994,
Auerbach & Silverstein 2003, Basit 2003). In the first one, an initial list of codes
is created before collecting the data. This ‘start list’ comes from the conceptual
framework, from the research questions, hypotheses, problem areas and/or key
variables that the researcher brings to the study (Basit 2003, 145). In the second
approach, no codes are created prior to the data collection, as the researcher
does not want to conceptualise any data before collecting it. This approach is
called Ground Theory and it was originally proposed by Glaser & Strauss (1967).
In our research, we seek not only to confirm or deny certain hypotheses about
translators’ needs regarding translation technologies or answer specific research

questions about these needs, but also discover new attitudes, new tendencies and
new ideas about how these technologies can be improved from translators’ point
of view. The initial hypotheses and research questions served as a foundation
for closed questions of the survey. Open-ended questions were mostly created to
obtain new ideas, that is why it was opted for the ‘grounded’ approach to coding
the qualitative data.
There were six open-ended questions in the survey, and various questions in-
cluded a comment field where respondents could add information or remarks if
they found necessary. The open-ended questions are listed in Table 3.

Section Question
Translation Memories Q1. What is your favourite feature or func-
tionality in the TM software that you use?
Q2. What is the most annoying feature or
functionality in TM software that you use?
Q3. If you were to advise developers on some
additional features that you would like to have
in your TM system, what would you say?
Textual Corpora Q4. Are there other features you would like
to be included in a corpora compilation tool?
Please, type them here.
Terminology Management Q5. How do you think these tools can be
changed to become more useful for transla-
Ideas? Suggestions? Q6. We welcome any additional comments or
suggestions. Which features would you like to
be improved? Which new features would you
like to be included? What functionalities do
you consider completely useless?

Table 3: Open-ended questions in the survey.

Results for each question were coded separately, and we will here consider the
example of the first question to explain the coding procedure and how the cat-
egories were assigned. Question 1 from Table 3 yielded 403 responses, in which
we identified 45 coding categories. Each comment could contain more than one
category. Thus, the comment in the Example (1) below was assigned four di↵erent
categories: ‘Automatic formatting’, ‘Glossary’, ‘Merge TMs’ and ‘Concordance’.
Further, the categories were grouped into more general categories. For instance,
‘two column view’ and ‘target text preview’ were grouped into a more general cat-
egory ‘Editor Design’. Features like ‘Autopropagation’ and ‘Concordance search’
were merged into ‘Features’, whereas characteristics such as ‘Usability’ and ‘Com-
patibility’ were merged into ‘Characteristics’. In total, there were two levels in
the hierarchy of categories. Thus, each comment was assigned all the first-level
categories and all the corresponding second-level categories that were identified in

(1) ‘‘Many: I can translate within Word files, no tags that

Trados, MemoQ and others have, I can see glossary terms and
several memory matches, concordance terms. +Tools for memory

This stage helped to structure the qualitative data and facilitated its further
analysis, which consisted in finding patterns in the participants’ answers to each
question, to generate ideas that help explain why those patterns occurred, and to
make general discoveries about the needs of translation professionals. The results
of this analysis, along with the analysis of quantitative data, were presented in
Articles 1, 2, 3, and 4.

3.3 Survey results

The application of the data analysis methods described in the previous section
to the survey data made it possible to discover some tendencies and attitudes in
the community of professional translators towards translation technologies. This
section presents the part of this research dedicated to describing these findings.
It is fully based on previous publications, namely Articles 1–4, and is, essentially,
a summary of the goals, and methods of those studies and the results obtained.
In particular, the profile of the population is described to define the users whose
needs are investigated, and the general statistics of the use of translation tools are
presented (Section 3.3.1). The analysis of these findings evoked further questions
that were studied in the three subsequent publications, namely the use of machine
translation (Section 3.3.2), translators’ education and its influence on the use of
tools, as well as the problem of translators’ needs in research (Section 3.3.3), and
the use of textual corpora in translation workflow (Section 3.3.4).

3.3.1 Summary of the descriptive analysis

Article 1 presents the first stage of the exploratory analysis, which summarises the
descriptive analysis of the data on a selection of the most important topics. This
stage is crucial for identifying potential problems and questions that need further
investigation through more thorough descriptive analysis and bivariate analysis.
The findings of each section of the survey were summarised in tables and charts,
and the most interesting results were included in the article, which was presented
at the AIETI7 international conference as a poster.
Below are the main topics that the study focused on.

1. In order to understand user needs, it was necessary, first of all, to define the
user group who participated in the survey. Therefore, the first objective was
to get familiar with the survey population by describing the participants’
profile, in particular

• number of participants;
• participants’ geographical origins;

• amount of professional experience they had;
• whether they worked as freelancers or in a company;
• participants’ education.

2. The next step consisted in inferring user preferences regarding di↵erent types
of tools: what tools were more popular and less popular among respondents.
This could help identify possible problems with specific tools and potential
ways of reaching more users.

3. Ultimately, users’ practices and attitudes regarding di↵erent types of tools

were studied, in particular MT, TM software and textual corpora. This
included purposes of using those tools, reasons for refusing to use them,
tasks performed with their help, satisfaction with their performance, and
other aspects of technology-supported translation.

Many of the findings of this stage of analysis are of specific interest, as they
defined the following steps of this research. The employment types of the popu-
lation were quite di↵erent: some translators worked with an agency, others were
independent freelancers, and the majority worked with an agency as well as inde-
pendently. It was a motive for further investigation of whether working with or
without agency influences translators’ attitude towards technology, as some agen-
cies might encourage their translators to use certain tools, while restricting them
from using others.
A surprising fact was that almost a quarter of all the population had not
have any education or training in translation. On the other hand, based on the
education and training of the participants it is clear that they showed a strong
interest in technologies. At least 43% of them had finished some courses and
seminars on Information Technology (IT), 30% had done specialised courses on
CAT tools, and only 39% did not have any computer training. It is logical to
suggest that IT skills have some influence on how translators adopt computer tools,
which will be verified in further studies. Another question is whether the education
and training in translation play an important role in the usage of technologies. Are
translators taught how to use these tools, or do they have to resort to their own
sources of information to stay updated in the technology sphere? These issues
were addressed in Article 3 (Section 3.3.3).
As far as specific types of tools are concerned, it has been shown that MT
technology raises certain contradictions. In particular, a much lower percentage
of participants reported using MT compared to, for instance, translation memory
software. Generally, MT is used in professional translation workflow to create a
draft translation for further editing, as reported by 58%. However, more than a
half of the participants had to edit a significant part of the MT output (from 30
to 90%). This means that the quality of MT is an issue and probably the reason
why the majority of translators refuse to use it. On the other hand, translators see
the benefits of having high quality MT, i.e. a system that would translate almost

everything correctly. This is understandable, considering the quality problems, but
also surprising, as it is known that translators generally see advancements in the
area of MT as a threat for their profession. Thus, the question remains how MT
can be incorporated in translators’ workflow to better satisfy translators’ needs.
This problem is tackled from di↵erent perspectives further in this dissertation in
Sections 3.3.2, 3.4.1 and 3.5.
Another finding that needs further investigation was the low percentage of
translators who reported using textual corpora (only 15%), and even fewer re-
spondents compiled their own corpora using special tools. The main reason for
not compiling corpora was that it is time-consuming, according to the answers
of the participants. In general, corpora are known to be useful in many research
fields and language professions, and several researchers in translation studies also
recognise its usefulness (Corpas Pastor & Seghiri 2009, Bernardini & Ferraresi
2013). Therefore, it is necessary to discover ways to take full advantage of this
technology in translation workflow. In addition, there exist various tools on the
market created to easily compile and work with corpora, which translators do not
make use of. These issues are further studied in Section 3.3.4.

3.3.2 Machine Translation and user attitudes

There is a long history of research in machine translation, which is one of the
first types of translation technologies created. Investments in MT research are
mostly motivated by the intention to reduce costs for human translation, including
international organisations, public institutions and companies, and also companies
who want their product to reach foreign markets. The problem of research and
development in MT is that until recent years the focus was mostly on improving
the MT performance, i.e. to make MT systems produce better translations. These
advancements are often measured using established automatic metrics, which have
caused many doubts because they are often said to be less reliable than human
evaluation. Thus, a large part of research on MT improvements, focusing on the
technical part, does not take into account the scenario where MT is used as a
translation aid, in other words, in a professional translation workflow. In this type
of work, MT can be considered as one of CAT tools, as it is used not to obtain a
final translation, but to help a professional translator in the translation process.
As it has been mentioned in the Introduction, MT technology creates many
contradictions in the translation community. There are free online MT systems
that are easily accessible for translators, but their use is restricted by the agencies
or the clients because of the information privacy issues. In addition, in many cases
the quality of translation provided by those systems is not good enough to use
it in such scenarios. One of the possible solutions that many agencies opt for is
implementing an in-house MT engine, which is based on local servers and thus
does not create privacy issues. In addition, these engines can be tuned for specific
domains, clients or big projects, which increases their accuracy. However, the user

perspective of MT has not been explored sufficiently, in particular how MT is used
as a translation aid and how it can be improved from the point of view of the user.
The low percentage of participants that used MT reported in Article 1 (see Sec-
tion 3.3.1) pointed out the need to investigate more thoroughly the survey data
related to MT. Article 2 analyses the survey results related to MT and di↵erent
user aspects that potentially can have an influence on the usage rates. This infor-
mation can be used to decide how MT can be better incorporated in translation
workflow. In particular, the research presented in Article 2 aims to identify

• existing problems preventing translators form using MT;

• practices, or how exactly MT is used by translators;

• attitudes and opinions about advancements of the MT technology;

• factors that influence the usage of MT, whether there are population sub-
groups that use MT more than others and why.

The latter topic is investigated by testing various hypotheses that some factors
might influence the use of MT, in particular translators’ working languages, do-
mains of specialisation, education, IT competence, and type of employment. The
methods used to discover dependencies between these variables were contingency
tables and Chi-square test for independence, described in more detail in Section
3.2. The results are summarised below.

a) MT usage rates

Despite the low percentage of MT users compared to other translation tools (36%),
it was higher than reported by previous surveys in the field (DePalma & Kelly 2009,
Torres Domı́nguez 2012, Doherty et al. 2013). Another positive finding was that
the majority had a positive attitude about the potential advancements of MT,
74% reporting that they could benefit from high-quality MT. The arguments in
favour of better MT that were retrieved from the qualitative data were mostly
productivity increase and cost savings. The main reasons for not using MT were
unsatisfactory quality of automatic translations, as claimed by 67%.

b) MT and languages

In order to discover whether there is a dependency between the use of MT and

translators’ working languages, the languages were distributed between two groups:
resource-rich and resource-poor. The hypothesis was that MT is used less with
research-poor languages. As the most popular MT systems nowadays are statisti-
cal, they need to be trained on large amounts of parallel data in order to produce
translations of satisfactory quality. And as the quality is the main obstacle for
translators, it is assumed that they do not use MT systems with rare languages as
much as with languages like Spanish and English. However, the Chi-square test

for independence did not yield any significant result. This might be an indica-
tion that other factors are more significant than languages for translators when
it comes to decision whether or not to use MT (such as, for instance, domain of
specialisation), and that the working languages do not influence the quality of MT
output as much as it is thought. In addition, the division of the languages into
resource-rich and poor should be considered more thoroughly based on specific
data. Furthermore, another factor that has not been taken into account in this
study is the structural similarity of the source and target languages. The perfor-
mance of MT systems also depends significantly on how similar the languages are:
if they are structurally similar (i.e. syntax, vocabulary, phraseology), the system
generally can produce better output while requiring less training data.

c) MT and domains of specialisation

It is widely considered that MT, and computer aids for translators in general,
are more suitable for working with some content types than with others. For in-
stance, MT systems perform better with technical language than with literary,
marketing or other types of creative texts, which is mainly due to the specificity
of language and terminology, high amount of repetitions, and a smaller number
of idiomatic expressions. Another example of “good content” for MT is software
localisation content. According to the survey results, the domains that are related
with higher MT usage rates were statistics, biology, Internet and communication
technologies, software localisation and computer science. The percentage of MT
users was especially low in literature, sports and social sciences. It was also stud-
ied how translators working in di↵erent domains saw the advancements in MT
and whether they could benefit from high-quality machine translation. The most
positive attitude about advancements in MT was expressed by translators work-
ing in a wide range of domains, including technical, legal, marketing, tourism and

d) MT and computer competence

Another assumption that was tested was that translators with higher level of com-
puter competence are more likely to use MT. In particular, it was investigated
whether MT use is related to translators’ self-assessed computer competence. In-
deed, there were more MT users in the group of respondents with an ‘Advanced’
level of computer competence (134 participants), compared to ‘Experienced’ (99
participants) and those with ‘Average’ (23 participants) or ‘Poor’ (0 participants)
computer skills. This was also confirmed by the statistical independence test for
the two variables. In addition, courses on IT or CAT tools also showed to increase
the probability of using MT for translators.

e) MT and type of employment

There were six di↵erent types of employment among the participants: independent
freelancer, freelancer working with an agency, freelancer working both indepen-
dently and with an agency, in-house translator in a translation company, transla-
tor in a public or governmental institution, and student. The results showed that
more translators who work with agencies were using MT (127 working with both
with an agency and independently and 36 working with an agency) compared to
translators who worked fully independently (71 participants). This might be due
to the di↵erences in the workflow and the project management process that exist
in the agencies. In addition, many agencies develop their own local MT engines,
which are part of the workflow, and often produce better results than generic
online systems used by independent freelancers.

3.3.3 Further findings of the user survey on translation tech-

Article 4 is an extended version of Article 1 and aims at giving a broader perspec-
tive on the obtained results with a special focus on the education of the respondents
and how it is related with their perception of technologies. The field of translation
technologies is constantly undergoing changes with new types of software and fea-
tures appearing, whereas the education programmes in translation cannot adapt
to these changes as fast as necessary to prepare translators to the current situation
and to teach them how to fully take advantage of the variety of tools and resources
they have at their disposal. By a way of example, in recent years there have been
developed many web-based tools that can be used in translation workflow, such
as SketchEngine25 for working with corpora, online resources, such as the online
TM repository MyMemory,26 and many others. Apart from that, there are also
new types of workflow, such as interactive MT, or post-editing of MT. All these
new developments must be considered in the training programmes for translators.
In addition to the data presented in the Article 1, Article 4 studies the following

1) influence of education and training on the use of TM tools, MT, corpora and
related tools, and of the tools for working with terminology;

2) influence of computer competence on the use of these tools;

3) translators’ favourite features of CAT tools;

4) translators’ perception of usability of existing tools;

5) translators’ attitude towards the growing multi-functionality of CAT tools.


Summarising the findings of this study, a number of observations can be made.
The highest percentage of users for all the types of translation tools was observed in
the population group that had finished specialised courses on CAT tools, compared
to university education on translation (Table 4). However, translators who finished
specialised courses on translation and those who had a university degree in the field
were more likely to use electronic tools than those who did not have any training
at all. In other words, even though the education in translation helps to adopt
electronic tools to some extent, many translators have to resort to some additional
courses to add to the training provided by the university. Our hypothesis is that
commercial courses are more flexible and up-to-date with the current technology
trends. Computer competence seems to be also directly related to how translators
adopt electronic tools, as most advanced computer users showed higher usage rates.

TM MT Corpora Corpora tools TE
BA 78% 47% 18% 13% 59% 27%
MA 87% 46% 25% 28% 36% 26%
Courses 78% 52% 13% 30% 66% 29%
92% 54% 19% 30% 78% 35%
None 67% 43% 11% 67% 45% 23%

Table 4: Education and training in translation and use of electronic tools.

Translators’ favourite features in their CAT tools were possibility to save TM

on their own PC, high working speed, simple interface, support for a big number
of document formats, and support for formats originated from other TM software.
In addition, concordance search was the most popular feature mentioned in the
comments. An interesting finding was that terminology management appeared
both among the favourite and most hated features. This might be a sign that
terminology management is important for translators, but they are not satisfied
by the way this feature is currently implemented in their tools.
In general, the qualitative data contained many indications to translators’ low
level of satisfaction with their tools’ usability. In respondents’ own words, ‘some
of the functionalities are too complicated’, ‘it is still complicated to learn how
to use’, and there are ‘too many features to learn’. On the other hand, transla-
tors still prefer to have one system that includes di↵erent modules, rather than
using separate computer programs. Thus, terminology management, terminology
extraction, quality assurance and machine translation are preferred as integrated
features within a multifunctional CAT tool than as separate installable systems.

3.3.4 Use of corpora in professional translation workflow
A corpus can be defined as a collection of machine-readable authentic texts (in-
cluding transcripts of spoken data) that is sampled to be representative of a par-
ticular natural language or language variety (McEnery et al. 2006, 5). With the
appearance of corpus linguistics, corpora started being used in research and in
many language-related professions. In language technologies, they provide a ma-
terial basis and a test bed, as many NLP tools use statistical algorithms that are
trained on big amounts of linguistic data, or corpora. Language professionals con-
stantly use textual corpora too, and translation is not an exception. In fact, as
argued by Bernardini (2006), applying corpora in translation has many benefits.
This is true for both monolingual and multilingual corpora, but the most obvious
purpose of using corpora in computer-assisted translation is for creating transla-
tion memories from parallel bilingual texts. Parallel corpora, or texts in two or
more languages, are aligned on the sentence level and stored in the TM database
in order to be retrieved during the translation. Parallel corpora are also useful for
translators as a resource when it comes to searching for translation equivalents.
However, for many specific domains or rare languages parallel texts are not always
available. In such situations comparable corpora can be used, which are defined as
collections of similar texts in two or more languages. The similarity between texts
within a comparable corpus can concern their subject, domain, genre or register.
Finally, monolingual texts (both in source and in target language) are often used
during translation as well. For example, the analysis of a source text against ref-
erence corpora in the same language helps to identify stylistic patterns as well as
register- and genre-specific conventions. Browsing target language corpora both
before and during the production of the target text can help to avoid too-literal
translation and calques, and to identify terms, collocations and other idiomatic
expressions in the target language, contributing to more fluent, more naturally
sounding translations.
Despite that many researchers have pointed out the importance and advan-
tages of using corpora in translation (Bowker & Pearson 2002, Zanettin et al.
2003, Corpas Pastor & Seghiri 2009, Bernardini & Ferraresi 2013), professional
translators seem not to be aware of them. This contradiction was addressed in
Article 3, which aims at identifying 1) the reasons why corpora are not popular
among translators, and 2) possible technological solutions that can help them see
more benefits in using corpora.
The article makes an overview of existing tools for working with corpora that
are available for translators. In particular, there are special tools for compiling
and managing corpora, such as BootCat (Baroni & Bernardini 2004) and Sketch
Engine (Kilgarri↵ et al. 2004), that are created for linguists and language profes-
sionals in general, but not for translators specifically. In addition, some CAT tools
have special corpora functionalities (such as LiveDocs in MemoQ27 ), which are

supposedly better adapted to the translation workflow. In particular, the output
of such functionality module can directly be used as an input of another mod-
ule of the same CAT tool. For example, LiveDocs corpora can be used to train
Muses, which are dictionaries used for predictive typing in MemoQ. This way the
users will see phrases and words extracted from the corpora as suggestions when
they type. As we can see, the technological solutions for working with corpora
that are adapted specifically for translation workflow are quite scarce. Probably
that is the reason why, as it has been demonstrated by several previous surveys
on the subject (MeLLANGE 2006, Gornostay 2010, Torres Domı́nguez 2012), not
many translators use corpora, and those who do so only use conventional word
processing tools for search and other tasks.
The findings of the survey conducted within this research were not very dif-
ferent, and even showed a lower usage rate of corpora (15% of all respondents),
especially compared with other types of technologies. In addition, many respon-
dents were familiar with tools for working with corpora, but did not use them,
which means that probably they do not have time to learn how to use them or
do not find it useful. With the aim of identifying reasons for that (aim 1 of the
study presented in the article), we considered a number of variables related to the
respondents’ profile, that could be possible factors influencing the usage of textual
corpora, namely:

• education in translation,

• education in IT,

• computer competence,

• professional experience.

It was discovered that the education in translation has an impact on the use
of corpora. Thus, the biggest di↵erence between the number of corpora users and
non-users was observed among translators with no training, with the number of
non-users significantly higher (19 users and 159 non-users). On the other hand, the
di↵erence was significantly smaller among the MA (45 users and 134 non-users) and
PhD degree holders (8 users and 10 non-users). A similar tendency was observed
with education and training in IT: translators with training were more likely to use
corpora than translators with no training in IT. Computer competence also seemed
to be a significant factor for adopting corpora. The di↵erence was especially visible
between the ‘Advanced’ users and all the rest (‘Experienced’, ‘Average’, ‘Poor’).
Amount of experience in translation, on the other hand, did not have any influence
on the corpora usage rate.
The second goal of Article 3, namely identifying possible technological solutions
for increasing the use of corpora, was addressed by analysing the survey data that
concerned the tools for compiling and managing corpora. The most useful fea-
tures and characteristics that such tools must have, according to the respondents,

were concordance search (considered essential by 20 respondents and useful by 7
respondents), simple interface (15 and 11 respondents), possibility to manage cor-
pora, i.e. explore, delete, and rearrange documents into di↵erent corpora (14 and
11 respondents), and also to reuse old documents when building a new corpus (13
and 14 respondents), as well as automatic retrieval of Web documents (10 and 16
respondents). Interesting suggestions were made by some respondents in the com-
ment field: “language recognition feature for false entries”, “self-zip and extraction
ability for PC storage”, “side notes, margins or highlighting for certain words or
phrases”. Respondents were also asked whether they preferred a web-based tool
or an installable tool for compiling corpora. They seemed to favour an installable
version or a combination of both, but very few preferred only an online version.
Finally, we considered what corpus-related functions translators find useful to
have in their CAT tools. “The corpus function” and MemoQ’s LiveDocs were
mentioned among the respondents’ favourite features of CAT tools. Alignment
of parallel texts was also reported to be among the most useful features, and
concordance search, which essentially is corpora search for context, was mentioned
as the favourite feature by the majority of translators.
To summarise, the study reported in Article 3 identified various important facts
related to the use of corpora. Education is an important factor in adopting corpora
technologies, especially higher degrees. Apparently, in many cases, bachelor degree
or courses are not enough. Thus, translation training and teaching should include
more material on corpora. Education and competence in IT also help the adoption
of the corpora technology.
It was interesting to find out that, despite that most translators reported that
they did not use textual corpora, the concordance search function in CAT tools
seems to be very important for them. In fact, they use it to search their TMs
for words or phrases and look for translation equivalents. This practically means
that they use their TM databases as corpora. Therefore it was suggested that the
concordance search function can be extended by adding more searchable sources,
like comparable corpora and monolingual reference documents in source and tar-
get languages. This will allow translators to search not only their TMs but also
monolingual documents. One can go further by also providing access to online
bilingual search engines, e.g. Linguee,28 within the CAT tool.

3.3.5 Concluding remarks: survey results and user needs

Summarising the results presented in Articles 1–4 we can point out the findings
that mostly drew our attention as important for identifying the problems prevent-
ing translators from taking full advantage of existing technology. First of all, we
saw that there are many types of technologies, but most translators only use a few
most common types, such as TM software and only sometimes automatic transla-
tion systems. Mostly they do not know about them, or do not have time to learn

how to use them, such as in the case of corpora tools.
The increasing multifucntionality of state-of-the-art CAT tools, which has been
already mentioned in the introduction of this dissertation, has shown to be one
of the biggest problems for translators. Thus, Lagoudaki (2008) talks about the
concept of conflict of user needs, which occurs when the same tool is used by
di↵erent types of users. They can be users with di↵erent employment type, such
as freelance translators, in-house translators, and project managers; or users with
di↵erent education or experience in IT. Accordingly, di↵erent user types have dif-
ferent preferences as to what features they find useful in their tool. One solution
that the developers mostly opt for is to make these tools multifunctional and cus-
tomisable, thus giving the user a chance to adjust the tool according to his or
her needs, to avoid having to use features that are too complex or unnecessary.
However, translators’ comments pointed out the problems with usability that they
experience in existing CAT tools, which are often too complex, with many settings
that have to be adjusted and many steps to go through when starting to work on a
project. Therefore, including all possible features is not always the right solution,
as improving functionality by adding more features can decrease usability. One so-
lution to this can lie in creating several versions of one tool for di↵erent purposes.
For instance, for CAT tools, such solution was suggested by several respondents,
who proposed to create “Professional version (licenced and not for free), ‘free-
lancer’ version (limited functionalities, compatible with full version sources, free
of charge) and web based version (limited functionality, confidentiality ensured,
free of charge)”. This way, the translators can choose the “light” version of the
tool or the full set of features depending on their needs without having to adjust
all the settings.
Despite that multifunctional tools are often difficult to learn, respondents still
seemed to prefer di↵erent systems integrated in their CAT tools as modules, rather
than having separate software programs for each of the functions like terminology
management and quality assessment. Machine translation systems, for instance,
were used within a CAT tool, as well as separately. A surprising finding was that
about a third part of the respondents who used CAT tools could not say whether
they had an MT system integrated in their tool. There can be two reasons for
that, namely that they did not use any MT integration, or that they used the
suggestions coming from di↵erent sources, such as TM, MT, and terminology
databases, without really knowing where those suggestions came from. Therefore,
it has to be further investigated how translators work with MT integrated in
CAT, both from the technical point of view (i.e. how exactly this integration is
implemented) and from the point of view of the user (i.e. whether it actually
increases the users’ productivity and satisfaction).
The studies described in this section also revealed an interesting fact about
translators’ use of textual corpora. A very small percentage of respondents actually
reported using corpora as such, but the majority of them used the concordance
search feature and even mentioned it as their favourite. This means that those

translators search their translation memories for context, essentially using TMs as
corpora. Thus, it can be suggested to incorporate more textual resources into the
concordance search function, such as bi- and multilingual parallel and comparable
corpora, monolingual corpora, which are often used as reference material, and
web search (monolingual as well as bilingual), which essentially also functions as
concordance. The need for more Web resource integration was also confirmed by
some of the respondents:

Web search integration in my CAT tool with at least some

standard resources such as Linguee or EU termbanks - General
approach of integrating/making available more external
linguistic resources within CAT tool (e.g. as plug-in,
customisable ‘web search buttons’ etc.)

Another topic that has to be further investigated is the terminology man-

agement process. Many popular CAT tools, such as SDL Trandos Studio and
MemoQ, have a terminology management feature that allows to perform di↵erent
terminology-related tasks, such as save new terms in the database and perform
term search. Those features, on the one hand, were recognised as very useful
by many respondents, but on the other hand, many named them as their most
hated feature. This might be an indication that the existing ways of implementing
terminology management systems do not satisfy translators’ needs, although the
feature itself is necessary for their work.
The analysis presented in this section was based only a part of the great amount
of valuable material that was collected by the means of the user survey. A big ad-
vantage of this method is that it allows to collect information on a large number
of subjects and variables. In addition, it provides a way of collecting qualitative
data, which is great source of information coming directly form the user. Nev-
ertheless, the method has shown some limitations. For instance, in many cases,
di↵erent users had di↵erent preferences and needs. An example of this was the
question about usefulness of di↵erent features in CAT tools. Even though it was
possible to identify some of the features that were mostly useful, the opinions on
the subject were quite spread. The survey approach was not the most appropriate
for deciding what features are more useful or less useful, and what features should
be included in or removed from the tools. In addition, users cannot be asked about
software types or features that do not exist yet, or that they have never tried to
work with, as they cannot base their answers on real-world experience. We suggest
that for deciding on the usefulness of such systems or features, one should apply
experimental methods.

3.4 Evaluation of translation technologies

Evaluation of competitor systems is one of the methods of identification of the
needs of software users. It is supposed to identify the potential ways of improving

current systems, or to create ideas for new types of systems that do not exist yet.
It is also a way to compare systems of the same kind between each other.
In Natural Language Processing, evaluation is normally based on the concepts
of precision and recall. These measures reflect the performance of a system on
a specific task, such as a spelling checker or a named entity recognition system.
The evaluation is based on the notion of correctly or falsely identified instances
(spelling errors or named entities). In these cases, it is easy to define correct or
erroneous performance of the system. In translation technologies, it is not always
the case. Di↵erent problems occur when one tries to apply precision- and recall-
based metrics to evaluate translation systems, and in particular MT. One of them
is that translation involves a certain level of creativity, so there can be more than
one correct translation for one sentence. In addition, it is easy to see that some
translation errors are more important or “wrong” than others, i.e. there are errors
that significantly influence the translation quality, and there are ones that are less
significant. By a way of example, in case of MT these problems have not yet
been fully resolved, even though evaluation of MT is a popular topic among MT
researchers: the widely used automatic evaluation metrics that currently prevail
in the field are more and more criticised (see Section 2.5).
A more relevant problem for this dissertation is that these evaluation methods
do not always take into account the needs of the end users. The research presented
in this section addresses this issue by suggesting di↵erent methods that can be used
to evaluate translation tools from the user perspective. In particular, it considers
machine translation (Section 3.4.1) and TM software (Section 3.4.2).

3.4.1 Machine Translation

The main goal of Article 5 was to make an overview of translation quality evalua-
tion methods, both for automatic and for human translation, employed in research
and in the industry. The study tries to shed light on how approaches to evaluation
of MT are di↵erent from evaluation of human translation, which makes part of
the discipline of Translation Studies. It is suggested that those metrics can also
be suitable for evaluation of MT. By a way of example, based on the overview
a template for evaluation of MT systems was proposed, which was based on the
methods used in human translation evaluation.
The procedure of evaluation of translation quality, like almost any evaluation,
depends of a number of di↵erent characteristics of the evaluation scenario. Apart
from defining what a good translation actually is, one has to take into account, first
of all, the purpose of translation. Thus, the evaluation criteria for a translation
that was produced as a final version for dissemination would be di↵erent from
the criteria used to evaluate a translation that was performed only for gisting
purposes. The text genre has to be also taken into account, as the quality of a
legal translation has di↵erent criteria than the quality of a literary translation. And
finally, the purpose of evaluation itself is another important factor for evaluation.

Evaluation of human and automatic translation traditionally use essentially
very di↵erent approaches. The human translation evaluation methods are often
based on the concepts of accuracy (also called fidelity) and fluency. The evaluation
consists in deciding whether the meaning of the source text is well transferred into
the target text without any additions or omissions (accuracy), as well as whether
the translation complies with the norms of the target language and sounds natu-
ral (fluency). When assessing human translation, the evaluation often consists in
identifying and counting errors, which belong to either fluency or accuracy cate-
gory. Such metrics were proposed, for instance, by Darwish (1999) and Williams
(2004). The errors can also be assigned di↵erent weights corresponding to their
impact on the quality. In addition, some metrics also assess holistic or general
characteristics of the quality of the translated text, such as overall accuracy and
fluency (Toledo Báez 2010). In translation industry, the error counting approach
is also the prevailing one, and it is mostly based on internationally recognised
quality standards, such as LISA QA Model from the Localisation Industry Stan-
dards Association, the SAE-J2450 standard,29 ATA Framework for Standard Error
Marking,30 and others.
The most common methods for MT evaluation are automatic metrics based
on comparison between the MT output and one or several reference translations.
As those metrics are widely criticised (see Section 2.5), some attempts were made
to compare human translation evaluation and automatic MT evaluation methods
(Vela et al. 2014), and to apply the methods used in translation studies to MT
evaluation. The two main evaluation frameworks that were created with this idea
in mind were the Multidimensional Quality Metric (MQM) (Lommel 2013) and the
TAUS Dynamic Quality Framework (Görög 2014), which have been also merged
to create a unified version.31 In particular, MQM is a fine-grained taxonomy of
errors, suitable both for analysing human and machine translations, that can be
tailored for di↵erent evaluation scenarios depending on the purpose.
As a prototype of a metric for evaluation of MT based on human translation
evaluation methods, an evaluation template is proposed, and a part of Article 5
is dedicated to development of this template. It is proposed for a specific type
of systems, namely free online MT systems, as it was the most popular type of
MT systems used by the respondents of the user survey. The template can be
consulted in its full version in Article 5, and some important aspects of its design
are presented below.

1. The template is based on three di↵erent existing taxonomies, most of them

were developed for human translation: the MQM metric (both human and
machine translation), the metric by Toledo Báez (2010) (human translation)
and by Darwish (1999) (human translation). In addition, some new evalua-
tion parameters were added.
30 rror.php.
31 The description of the mapping is available at


2. The template combined the error-count method and holistic evaluation.

3. Only the error types suitable for free online MT were chosen.

4. The template consists of three parts corresponding to the quality character-

istics: Fluency, Fidelity and Global Parameters.

5. While Fidelity and Fluency are measured by counting the corresponding

errors, the Global Parameters are measured on a scale from 1 to 5.

A suggestion for future work in this direction would be to conduct a case study
with various free online MT systems applying this evaluation template.

3.4.2 CAT tools

The study reported in Article 6 also belongs to the part of this dissertation that
corresponds to the subject of evaluation of translation tools. More specifically, it
tries to understand how the task of evaluation of CAT tools can be approached.32
Understandably, CAT tools cannot be evaluated using the same approaches as
MT systems. So far various approaches have been proposed for such evaluation.
Some attempts were made to apply the precision and recall metrics to evaluation
of the retrieval of TM matches. However, it is not straightforward, mostly because
TM search includes fuzzy matches that cannot be directly captured by precision
and recall measures (Whyman & Somers 1999). Another, more practical approach
consists in evaluating the tools’ functionality rather then performance. It is based
on a feature checklist and the evaluation consists in comparing the tools as to
which features or functionalities they have. Finally, some of the existing evaluation
methods are based on the EAGLES framework (King 1997), which is essentially a
standardised step-by-step methodology for evaluating di↵erent kinds of language
processing software. One of the advantages of this framework is that it considers
di↵erent quality characteristics of the software, such as its functionality, usability,
adaptability, interoperability, among others.
The current study also takes as a starting point the EAGLES framework, and
attempts to introduce the user perspective into the evaluation. The evaluation
method proposed is based on a feature checklist, where the features are grouped
into quality characteristics according to EAGLES. Namely, only three of the ini-
tial characteristics are evaluated: Functionality, Adaptability and Interoperability.
The features of CAT tools considered in the evaluation were taken from the user
survey and cover most of the features included in state-of-the-art tools. Based on
the feedback of the survey participants, we assigned a value from 1 to 3 to each
feature that corresponds to its usefulness as assessed by the respondents. These
values serve as weights that are assigned to the features during the evaluation.
32 Itshould be specified that, as it was explained in Section 2.2, the term CAT tools is used to
refer to TM software with extended functionalities, i.e. the most common type of translation
tools on the market.

This allows to give more importance to more useful features, thus influencing the
final numerical quality scores.
The case study presented in Article 6 analysed four popular CAT tools: SDL
Trados Studio, MemoQ, Matecat and Memsource. As a result of the evaluation,
each tool was assigned a total quality score, as well as a score for each quality
characteristic. For instance, the highest total score was obtained by SDL Trados
Studio, while its functionality score is lower than for MemoQ. Thus, the evaluation
method allows not only to make conclusions about the total software quality, but
also about di↵erent characteristics of the software. Finally, in order to see how
the weights influenced the evaluation, these evaluation results were compared to
results obtained with the same scheme with no weighting. The total ranking of
the tools remained the same, but there were some di↵erences in Functionality and
Adaptability scores.
This study showed how certain software quality characteristics can be evalu-
ated using quantitative methods. It is important to mention that the obtained
quality score is not an absolute score, but only reveals something about the func-
tionality, adaptability and interoperability of the software. There are other qual-
ity characteristics that it does not cover, such as, first of all, Usability, which
requires di↵erent methods of evaluation, namely experimental methods. These
methods can be applied to measure usability of a specific feature or a combina-
tion of features in certain software by comparing translators’ productivity when
the feature/combination of features is enabled with the productivity without this
feature. An example of such research on usability is research on post-editing of
machine translation, which tries to investigate if machine translation increases
translation productivity. Such research will be further discussed in the following

3.4.3 Concluding remarks

This section described two works that reflect on the methods for evaluating ma-
chine translation and CAT tools. For machine translation evaluation, it is sug-
gested that one can apply the methods used in translation studies for assessing
quality of human translation. For CAT tools, we proposed a metric that evaluates
the features of CAT tools and takes into account their usefulness based on the
feedback of the user survey.
When evaluating translation tools, it is necessary to keep in mind what quality
characteristics are being evaluated. Thus, when evaluating the quality of MT, it
is the performance of the MT system. When evaluating the features of CAT tools
it is mostly the functionality. Even though the Functionality of CAT tools is a
crucial component of their quality as software, we suggest that the Usability is, at
least, equally important. Moreover, as has been pointed out in the introduction,
software developers often pay attention to functionality at the cost of usability.
While functionality is relatively easy to measure quantitatively based on the eval-

uation method proposed in Article 6, usability is a more abstract concept and
its evaluation is not that straightforward. As CAT tools are created to increase
translators’ productivity and speed, and reduce their e↵ort, the usability of CAT
tools or their specific features can be measured in terms of translation time and
e↵ort. In particular, the following section presents research on machine translation
integration in CAT tools, and specifically on post-editing of MT. In the context
of evaluation of usability, research on post-editing is interesting because it pro-
vides various methods for measuring translation time and e↵ort, allowing to make
conclusions on the usability of such workflow.

3.5 Machine translation in CAT workflow

Translation memory software along with machine translation are the two types of
translation aids that constitute a major part of the translation software market.
The survey results presented in this dissertation have also shown that they are the
two most popular types of tools among translators. However, while TM software is
already established as a common part of translation workflow, MT has much lower
user rates, and not all translators recognise its benefits. Nevertheless, it is believed
that MT can be used in translation work resulting in productivity increases, and
one of the related research directions tries to investigate whether it can be done
by combining TM and MT technologies in one workflow. This section presents
a part of this dissertation research that studies di↵erent ways of MT integration
in CAT workflow, user opinions on such integration retrieved from the survey
results, as well as experimental studies conducted with such integration, namely
in the machine translation post-editing (PE) scenario.

3.5.1 TM and MT combined

The goals of the study reported in Article 7 were 1) to investigate the existing
approaches to combining TM and MT in one system, and 2) to explore the survey
results in order to find out to what degree translators found such combination use-
ful. As a result of an extensive literature analysis on MT, post-editing, translation
workflows, and CAT software, the study suggests a classification of the types of
MT integration with TM and CAT tools, which is summarised below.

• Internal integration, as opposed to external integration, uses MT methods

to complete or combine matches retrieved from the TM database. There are
two sub-types of internal MT integration: segment assembly and completing
fuzzy matches using SMT.

– Segment assembly is a technique similar to example-based MT and

essentially consists in combining matches retrieved from the TM and
terminology databases to form longer translation suggestions.

– Using SMT to complete TM fuzzy matches, or in other words, using
SMT techniques to translate the parts of segments that are di↵erent in
a fuzzy match retrieved from the TM.

• External integration, which can be divided into online and o✏ine methods:

– Batch (o✏ine) processing consists in translating the entire source text

using MT, creating a bilingual document from it and feeding it to the
TM database as a TM.
– Real-time (online) processing
⇤ Autocompletion, or Interactive Machine Translation (IMT), is a
type of workflow where the user receives suggestions while typing,
which are produced using MT techniques.
⇤ Post-editing of MT is a type of workflow in which the user receives
MT-generated suggestions within the CAT tool, often along with
suggestions from the TM, termbase, and other sources.

Not all of these scenarios have been already implemented in commercial CAT
tools. Even though there are several open-source research projects on IMT (Langlais
et al. 2000, Koehn & Haddow 2009), to our knowledge IMT has been only recently
implemented in Lilt (Green et al. 2015). The same is true for the method of
repairing fuzzy matches with the help of SMT techniques (Biçici & Dymetman
2008, Zhechev & van Genabith 2010). On the other hand, the segment assembly
functionality exists in di↵erent forms in some of the commercial tools. By a way of
example, MemoQ has the “Fragment assembly” feature, which searches for parts
of the source segment in TMs and termbases, and inserts their translations into
the target segment. Similarly, Déjà Vu X3 uses terminology databases to translate
the ‘unmatched’ parts of fuzzy matches. However, there is no doubt that the most
popular of these scenarios is post-editing of MT, where an MT system is integrated
into the CAT tool via a plug-in (e.g. SDL Trados Studio, MemoQ), or through an
API (Wordfast Pro, Matecat). Almost all state-of-the-art commercial CAT tools
have such integration.
Having in mind that MT integration in CAT tools is becoming more and more
popular, it was of specific interest for this research to analyse the results of the
user survey to identify users’ attitude towards such integration. In particular,
considering that most CAT tools allow MT integration, it was surprising that
the usage rates of MT were still quite low. In one of the survey questions, the
participants were asked whether their translation software had integration of MT.
About 35% of the respondents reported having an MT feature in their CAT tool,
while 29% answered that they did not have it. Surprisingly, almost an equal
part of respondents (36%) said that they did not know whether there is an MT
system integrated in their CAT tool. Furthermore, in general, integration of MT
in translation software was perceived as something useful only by about a half of
respondents: in particular, 10% evaluated it as “essential”, 46% as “useful”, while

“not so useful” was chosen by 23%, not important by 12%, and about 10% chose
“inconvenient”. Another contradictory finding was discovered when analysing the
quantitative data from the survey: the MT functionality appeared both among the
favourite and the most hated features of CAT tools that translators mentioned.
In particular, out of 403 respondents who provided their comments about their
favourite feature, two mentioned automatic translation, while it was named the
most hated feature by five out of 311 respondents. The following comment can
serve as an example of such opinion:

‘‘Machine translation to me is rather useless and harmful to

the profession - I don’t want to end up post-editing
automatically translated texts’’

To summarise, the study presented in Article 7 proposed a way of classifying ex-

isting types of MT integration in TM software, including commercial solutions and
research projects. The analysis of the user feedback on the subject of such integra-
tion revealed contradictory attitudes. Approximately equal number of participants
liked and disliked having MT in their CAT tool. Also, there was approximately
the same percentage of participants who had and did not have such integration.
And more surprisingly, about a third of the respondents did not know if they had
an MT system integration in their software. There can be various reasons for that,
such as that the respondents of the survey did not use MT and were not aware of
such function in their tool because they did not need it. Alternatively, they were
using MT suggestions along with other suggestions from the TM and terminology
databases, without realising where exactly these suggestions came from. In this
case, it is a sign that in such workflow, the di↵erence between TM and MT sug-
gestions becomes more and more vague: in practice, the translator does not need
to know the origin of the translation suggestion to use it in the translation, with
or without further editing. In this sense, the post-editing workflow is not very
di↵erent from working with a TM, where the translator decides whether to use
a certain suggestion based on its usefulness for translation, and not based on its

3.5.2 Post-editing of Machine Translation

The interest that moved this research further in the direction of post-editing of
MT came from some of the findings of this dissertation discussed above. The an-
swers of the survey participants showed that the attitudes around the integration
of MT in CAT tools were rather contradictory. While some of the respondents
reported using such integration, others mentioned MT as their most hated feature.
This proved that more research on MT in professional translation workflow was
necessary in order to find better ways of making use of MT for the benefits of
translators. In addition, from the point of view of MT evaluation, post-editing
provides valuable material for approaching this task from a practical user perspec-
tive. As it also has been demonstrated by the survey results, MT is mostly used

to produce a draft for further editing, which means that post-editing was the main
purpose of using MT for the respondents. Therefore, the task of evaluation of MT
output from the user perspective can be narrowed to deciding whether a given
translation produced by an MT engine is useful for PE, or it is not worth editing
because translating the source segment from scratch will not take much more time
and e↵ort.
Di↵erent MT evaluation methods were already discussed in Section 3.4.1, where
it was suggested that methods initially created for evaluation of human translation,
in particular translation error taxonomies, can be successfully applied to MT.
These methods consist in identifying errors of specific types in the translated text
and calculating the final quality score based on the number of errors. Considering
the post-editing scenario, it is natural to wonder whether there are errors that are
more important for a post-editor, in other words, whether some errors are more
difficult or easier to edit, and whether it is possible to identify these errors. The
studies presented in Articles 8 and 9 aim at investigating how di↵erent error types
influence the post-editing process. In addition, they study other theoretical and
practical aspects of the PE process, namely how post-editors are di↵erent from
each other and in which ways; how di↵erent indicators of post-editing difficulty
are related to each other; and how accurate they are in reflecting PE difficulty.
The two studies used similar methods, but had di↵erent goals. The first study
aimed to compare di↵erent error types with respect to the post-editing e↵ort they
require. It describes an experiment in which students post-edited sentences that
contained errors of di↵erent types, and after that the post-editing time and the
technical post-editing e↵ort applied by the post-editors were analysed and com-
pared between the error types. The second study compares the results of the first
study with a similar experiment with a di↵erent target language, i.e. it intends
to investigate whether the same errors are difficult to post-edit in di↵erent lan-
guages. The sections below summarise the data used for the experiments and
the experimental design, after which the results of each of the two studies are

a) Experimental data

The data used for the post-editing experiments was selected from the MQM er-
ror annotation corpora (Burchardt et al. 2013). The corpora contain English to
German and English to Spanish translations produced by statistical, rule-based
and hybrid engines. The sentences in the corpus are not directly related and come
from di↵erent texts, domains and genres, although some of them may originate
from the same text. The corpora were designed so that they contain sentences
that exhibited only few errors, or almost perfect translations. The translations in
the corpora were annotated for errors by translation professionals, according to
the Multidimensional Quality Metric (MQM). The metric was designed to provide
a method for translation error annotation for various purposes and with various
degrees of granularity (Lommel 2013), and contains an error taxonomy as well

as guidelines for annotation. In order to be able to compare error types, it was
necessary that all sentences contained only one error. Thus, just the sentences
where only one error was found by all or the majority of annotators were used in
the experiment. The selected sentences amounted to 200 for the English–German
language pair and to 163 for English–Spanish.

b) Experimental design

The sentences were given for post-editing to translation students who were native
speakers of the target language, i.e. of German and Spanish, in two separate
sessions for each language. There were 19 German-speaking participants and 24
Spanish-speaking. The location of the errors was indicated for the students to
ensure that they post-edited only the same strings that were previously annotated
as erroneous. The CAT tool used for the experiment was Matecat.33 It was
given preference for the editing log feature it provides and its user-friendliness.
The editing log allows to collect various statistical information on the post-editing
process, including PE time and PE e↵ort (PEE), which were used in these studies
as indicators of post-editing difficulty (See Section 2.6).34 In this case, PE time is
an indicator of temporal post-editing e↵ort, as defined by Krings (2001), and PEE
is an indicator of technical e↵ort. In Matecat, PEE is a measure that is calculated
similarly to the fuzzy match score used in TM systems and approximately describes
the amount of changes made in the segment in proportion to the number of words
in the segment.

c) Results of the first study

The aim of the first study, which is described in detail in Article 8, was to compare
indicators of post-editing difficulty, namely PE time and PEE, in di↵erent MT
error types according to the MQM error taxonomy. The hypothesis was that for
some error types the indicators will be consistently higher or lower than for others.
In addition, it was investigated how much variation there was among post-editors
as to their translation speed and the amount of changes they make, as well as how
the two indicators of PE difficulty are related. This experiment was conducted
only with German students. Each student post-edited 48 or 49 sentences, so that
each sentence was post-edited by four or five students.
In order to compare the editors between each other, inter-annotator agreement
was calculated, which turned out to be quite low, especially for PE time. The PEE
scores showed somewhat less variation probably due to the error marking, which
narrowed the di↵erent editing possibilities. In other words, because the students
knew where the error was, their edit operations were not so di↵erent. Nevertheless,
it turned out that, despite the error marking, the final edited versions were very
34 Inorder to avoid confusion between the two meanings of the term post-editing e↵ort, namely
the general meaning introduced by Krings (2001) and the technical meaning used in Matecat,
we refer to the first general meaning as post-editing difficulty.

di↵erent: only 17% of the sentences had the same final version, while 13% had
di↵erent versions between all of the post-editors. This is an indication that 1) PE
time is very individual, and 2) in the post-editing scenario, similarly to translating
from scratch, in most cases there are more than one correct final translation.
The two difficulty indicators were not strongly related, as only weak correlation
was observed between PE time and PEE. This is an interesting result from the
point of view of post-editing process: is appears that, even when the error requires
a big number of editing operations, it does not necessarily mean that it requires
much time. And, vice versa, when there are only few corrections to be made, the
editor might still spend a long time finding the right translation. Thus, in this
case, there was no strong dependency between the temporal and the technical PE
Comparing the error types in terms of temporal e↵ort, an average PE time
value for each error type was calculated. In addition, the variation of PE time
between all edited sentences within the same error type was considered. Many
lexical and idiomatic errors, such as mistranslations, overly literal translations,
named entities, showed more variation in edit time and were on average slower to
edit. In addition, spelling errors also seemed to require more editing time. At the
same time, grammar-related errors (word form, function words, and word order)
did not take very long time to edit, as well as locale convention errors, omissions,
and typography errors. They took generally less time to correct, and the variation
between post-editors was lower. The fact that word order errors took less time
was quite surprising, as according to previous studies, these errors tend to be
cognitively difficult based on manual difficulty assessment by translators. This
can be a sign that these errors are perceived as difficult, but in practice do not
require much time.
The average PEE scores were very di↵erent among the di↵erent error types and
rarely correlated with the average PE time values. However, the overly literal error
type had a high average PEE as well as average PE time. In some error types,
the variation between editors was surprisingly high, such as in typography errors,
where supposedly PEE should be low for all editors. Analysis of quantitative data
showed that this is due to the di↵erent strategies employed during the editing:
some of the students only corrected one character, while others replaced the whole
word. Except for typography and overly literal errors, the highest average PEE
was observed in the ‘unidiomatic’ errors, and the errors where ‘untranslatables’
were translated into target language.

d) Results of the second study

The second study was a follow-up of the first experiment that aimed at investi-
gating whether its results are language-independent, and whether similar results
would be achieved with a di↵erent target language that has di↵erent grammatical
and lexical characteristics. Among other things, it was expected that some error
types can be specifically difficult for post-editing in one target language, but not

necessarily in a di↵erent language as well. Thus, the study reported in Article 9
compares the results of the first study on post-editing with the results obtained
during a similar PE experiment with the Spanish part of the MQM corpora.
The agreement between post-editors was significantly higher for Spanish both
in PE time and PEE. The reason for this is probably that the Spanish students
followed the instructions more carefully, but also that the Spanish experiment took
place after the German, and that is why it was better planned and controlled. The
correlation between PE time and PEE was also stronger in the Spanish data.
Generally, the segments in the Spanish experiment took longer to post-edit,
and the PEE was lower almost for all error types. The analysis of the post-editing
data revealed that this was due to the di↵erence in the sentence length. German
corpus contained shorter segments of about 10 words per sentence on average,
compared to the average of 14.4 words per segment in the Spanish corpus. A strong
correlation was observed between target segment length (i.e. the length of the
machine translation output) and PE time, and strong negative correlation between
target segment length and PEE. This means that in many cases longer segments
take more time to edit and tend to have smaller PEE. Considering that PEE
approximately expresses the number of changes made in relation to the number of
words, the dependence on the segment length is clear: when a character is replaced
in a short segment the PEE value is bigger than when a character is replaced in a
long segment. Thus, the main finding of the second study was that sentence length,
more than the characteristics of the target language, has a crucial influence on the
indicators of PE difficulty that were used in the first study, namely PE time and
In order avoid the influence of the segment length on the measure of temporal
PE difficulty we suggested the time-per-word measure, which reflects the average
time taken to post-edit one word. As to the technical difficulty, in future research,
if the e↵ect of segment length needs to be avoided, one can apply other methods
suggested in PE research that are not related with the segment length, such as,
for instance, counting keystrokes.
Based on the time-per-word and on the PEE, it has been shown that the diffi-
culty of errors varied significantly between the two languages, and also between the
two difficulty indicators. For instance, mistranslations, additions, and typography
errors seem to take much more time in German than in Spanish. On the other
hand, there were cases like function words, where we can observe higher time-
per-word in Spanish. Based on PEE, apart from mistranslations and typography
errors, the biggest di↵erence was also observed in terminology, untranslated words,
and grammar, where German showed higher difficulty scores. On the other hand,
addition errors showed lower PEE in German than in Spanish. Nevertheless, there
were some similarities among the two languages: the ‘unintelligible’ error type
was among the most difficult in Spanish as well as in German in terms of both
temporal and technical difficulty, and style and register and function word errors
were among the easiest ones.

3.5.3 Results summary
The summary of the main findings of the two experiments are presented in this
section, which intends to o↵er some insights on di↵erent aspects of the post-editing

a) Influence of the segment length

It was discovered that PE time and PEE are related only slightly, while both
indicators depend strongly on the length of the segment: naturally, longer segments
take more time to edit, while normally having smaller PEE values. The influence
of the segment length on PE time and PEE is an important finding for research in
post-editing, as these two measures are widely used to study post-editing difficulty.
For instance, when comparing PE time and PEE for di↵erent error types, it is
necessary to be able to separate the e↵ect of the specific error type from the e↵ect
of the segment length. Therefore, we have suggested the time-per-word measure,
which reflects the amount of time spent on editing one word.

b) Di↵erence between annotators

Another important aspect of the PE process is the di↵erence between annotators.

Based on the obtained results, post-editors di↵ered significantly between each
other. In our case, the di↵erences were more significant in editing time than in
PEE. Even though, in this particular research, the reason for that might be the
error marking, our results are in line with those of Koponen et al. (2012), who
also reported that editors di↵ered more in terms of PE time than in terms of
technical e↵ort. The di↵erences between annotators were also considered from the
point of view of translation choices. It turned out that, even though the editors
corrected the same errors, the final edited versions were still very di↵erent, and
there was only a small percentage of the segments that were edited identically
by all experiment participants. In addition, post-editors also di↵ered as to their
editing strategies. Even when the final edit version is identical, di↵erent editors
can make bigger or smaller amount of editing operations, for instance, correcting
only the wrong character or the whole word.

c) PE difficulty of error types

Based on the English–German post-editing experiment, comparison of di↵erent

types of MT errors in relation to their difficulty for post-editing revealed that
the most difficult errors included mistranslations, unintelligible translations, and
overly literal translations. Essentially, they are errors that require lexical choice,
a↵ect the meaning of the text, or involve idiomaticity. The errors related to id-
iomaticity and mistranslations were already reported to be specifically difficult in
other studies (Koponen 2012), thus this study confirms previous results. A num-
ber of studies also showed that word order errors were cognitively difficult for PE

(Popović et al. 2014, Daems et al. 2015), while, based on the results obtained in
this study, this error type was not specifically difficult or easy. This is probably
an indication that cognitive difficulty does not always imply longer editing time
or higher PEE score. The least difficult errors were mainly those related to gram-
matical issues, which do not strongly a↵ect the meaning, such as function words
and word form errors.

d) Di↵erences in target languages

Comparison of the PE difficulty between two target languages showed that there
can be significant di↵erences between languages in this aspect. Errors that are
difficult in one language would not necessarily be among the most difficult in
another target language. Only from the comparison of German and Spanish,
one can see that, at least based on the difficulty measures used in the study,
only few error types showed to be specifically difficult or easy in both languages.
For instance, in terms of time-per-word, the errors that were difficult in both
languages included unintelligible translations and terminology. Higher PEE scores
in both languages were observed in unintelligible translations, mistranslations, and
word form errors. Even though the corpora of machine translations used in the
experiments were very similar, sentence length and other characteristics of the
corpora might have influenced these results. In future research in this direction,
it is desirable to make a comparison with the same source texts.


Conclusions and future work

This dissertation aimed at identifying the needs of translation technology users in
order to understand how translation technologies can be improved from the users’
point of view. This topic was motivated by theoretical and practical factors. In
particular, state-of-the-art research mostly focuses on the technical aspect and
performance of the software, while commercial software developers are more con-
cerned with its increasing functionality, so that the needs of the end users are not
fully taken into account. The methods applied in this research allowed us to gen-
erate theories about the needs of professional translators regarding technologies
they use, understand whether the users are satisfied with existing technologies,
identify problems that require more thorough research, suggest further methods
of evaluation of translation tools and gathering user feedback, as well as possible
ways to improve existing tools. The main findings of this work are summarised
and discussed below, followed by suggestions for future research.

4.1 Summary of contributions

The task of identification of user needs was approached from several di↵erent per-
spectives. The user survey method was successfully applied to gather large amount
of feedback from translation software users, both in form of quantitative and qual-
itative data. Evaluation of existing software is another method of identification of
user needs that was considered, in particular, this research includes studies of eval-
uation of machine translation systems and CAT tools. Essentially, this method
aims at understanding whether the existing software systems satisfy user needs
and in which ways they can be improved. Apart from that, it allowed us to reflect
on what software quality characteristics need to be evaluated in order to take into
account the user perspective, and how the evaluation should be designed for each
specific type of tools. Finally, this dissertation also included experimental meth-
ods of gathering user feedback. As translation technologies are mostly created
and used to increase translators’ productivity, experimental methods are applied
to measure translators’ productivity in a specific setting, with the aim of obtaining
evidence on whether a specific software feature or combination of features yields
productivity increase and e↵ort saving.
The main issues concerning TM software, as identified by the user survey,
evolve around their increasing multi-functionality and their usability, which are
two software qualities that are mutually dependent. It happens that developers
of the most popular tools introduce more and more new features and functionali-
ties into TM software, trying to o↵er their users more automatisation of di↵erent
sub-tasks of the translation process. Thus, modern tools, apart from their main
function of providing matches from translation memory, can include several other
systems, such as an aligner, a terminology management module, a corpora build-
ing and managing functionality, among others. These modules are inter-related in
a way that the output of one of the modules can be used as an input in another
one. The survey results showed that the increasing multi-functionality of CAT

tools is not solely an initiative from the side of software developers. In fact, most
translators preferred having di↵erent functions in one tool rather than purchasing
and installing a system for each of these tasks. Thus, more respondents preferred
to manage and extract terminology, perform quality assurance, and use machine
translation within their CAT tool rather than installing a separate software. On
the other hand, all the di↵erent functions and features harm the usability of the
software, that becomes too complicated to use. According to the survey respon-
dents, some of them do not use many of their software functions and are, in general,
dissatisfied with the software usability. They would like developers to opt for sim-
pler interfaces and, illustrating this with one of the respondents’ comments, they
advise developers to “just make it simple”. Functionality and usability being the
two most important characteristic of translation software for users, the challenge
developers have to face, therefore, consists in finding a trade-o↵ between usability
and functionality of CAT tools. A possible solution was suggested by one of the
respondents, who proposed to make di↵erent versions of the same CAT software,
which would have limited or full sets of functionalities. In fact, similar models
have been already implemented by some software companies. For instance, Atril’s
Déjà Vu X3 is o↵ered in Free, Professional, and Workgroup versions, and users
can choose the configuration that best corresponds to their needs.35
The survey method also allowed us to identify some of the functionalities of
CAT tools translators find the most useful. They were terminology management,
support for a big number of document formats, support for formats from other
software, concordance search, autopropagation and autosuggest functions. Web
and cloud technologies are still adopted by translators with prudence. Web-based
version of the tool, as well as possibility to save TM and other files in the cloud
were one of the least useful features for the respondents. That is probably a sign
that translators are reluctant to upload their data online because of information
privacy issues, which are very important in translation industry. Developers of
the tools that employ web technologies can improve the situation by providing
extensive information and training on web and cloud technologies and informa-
tion protection. In general, the importance of translation training for adopting
translation tools should not be underestimated, as the survey results showed that
there is a relation between translators’ education and training and their usage of
di↵erent types of software.
Another finding was related to the concordance search functionality of CAT
tools. It turned out that it was one of the most favourite features among respon-
dents. Indeed, seeing a word or phrase in context together with its translation is
very helpful for finding translation equivalents. On the other hand, most of the
translators reported that they did not use textual corpora. This can be seen as a
contradiction, as concordance search is essentially an operation applied to corpora,
only in this particular case it is performed on translation memory databases, so
what translators do is actually using their TMs as corpora. Many researchers have

pointed out that using corpora in translation workflow, including not only parallel
corpora but also comparable and monolingual, can be very beneficial for transla-
tors’ productivity and the quality of the output. Therefore, it might be beneficial
to incorporate more textual resources in the concordance search function, such as
di↵erent types of corpora, as well as, possibly, online resources, such as bilingual
search engines.
It has to be mentioned that generally, it was rather difficult to select features
that were specifically useful or specifically not useful or even inconvenient for all
respondents of the survey. Indeed, translators, as any other types of software
users, di↵er notably in their tastes and preferences, working routine and habits,
and tools they use.
Some problems with the existing tools could be also inferred based on the sur-
vey data. Apart from the low level of usability and steep learning curve mentioned
above, the most apparent was, probably, the quality of machine translation. Low
quality of MT output was the main reason for not using MT that respondents men-
tioned. Thus, as the majority of translators use MT to produce a draft translation
for further editing, the quality of this draft should be good enough, so that editing
it is faster than translating the segment from scratch. According to the answers
obtained, in many cases it is not the case. Another interesting observation was
made about terminology management in CAT tools, which was mentioned among
the most favourite and the most hated features. Apparently, some of the respon-
dents were happy with it, and others did not like it at all. Managing terminology
is one of the most important tasks in the translation process, and translators re-
alise it more than anybody, but they are probably not happy with the way these
systems are implemented, find them hard to work with. This is, however no more
than a suggestion that has to be confirmed by further research in this direction.
The practice of terminology management, and especially within a CAT tool en-
vironment when it interacts with other components of the tools, must be further
studied to understand how this feature can be improved.
Apart from the findings of the practical nature and corresponding hypotheti-
cal suggestions as to how the discussed technologies can be made more beneficial
for translators’ productivity increase, the study provided some material for the-
oretical implications, namely for reflecting on the limitations of the user survey
approach to identification of user needs. First, in many cases it was rather hard
to establish any preferences of the respondents regarding some software feature or
characteristic, as the answers were distributed very evenly. This is an indication
that the users might have di↵erent tastes and habits, so the survey method can-
not always provide a straightforward solution when developers need to generalise
about the tastes of the user majority. This was the case, for instance, when the
respondents were asked whether they preferred an installable, web-based, or com-
bined tool for compiling and managing corpora: approximately equal number of
respondents chose installable tool or a tool that has both versions. Secondly, even
though the survey included open-ended questions where respondents could express

their ideas in their own words, the wording of the closed questions imposed certain
pre-determined concepts and ideas, within which the respondents had to answer.
Those concepts, coming from the researcher’s perspective, might turn out to dif-
fer from how the object of the study is reflected from the respondents’ point of
view. In addition, some concepts were not very familiar to the respondents, which
included, for instance, technical terms. This created misunderstandings and pro-
duced false results. By a way of example, the majority of the respondents who
used MT reported that they used the hybrid MT type. Considering that most of
the respondents used common free online MT systems, which are mostly statisti-
cal, we concluded that they were probably not familiar with di↵erent types of MT
and the di↵erences between statistical and hybrid systems. As a suggestion for
researchers working on a similar topic, we propose to make a short introduction
of one or two sentences when starting a new section of the questionnaire, which
would briefly define and explain the main concepts use in the section. And finally,
another limitation of the survey approach is that essentially, users can base their
answers only on own their experience and, therefore, it is difficult for them to en-
visage or propose types of tools or features that do not exist yet, or decide whether
those features or tools would be useful for them.
One of the research questions addressed in this dissertation was how exist-
ing technologies can be evaluated from the user perspective, i.e. how to decide
whether they satisfy the needs of translators. Following this research direction, it
was argued that, in case of CAT tools, di↵erent software characteristics can be eval-
uated, such as functionality, adaptability, usability, interoperability, among others.
A scheme was suggested for evaluating some of these characteristics, namely func-
tionality, adaptability and interoperability, based on the set of features provided
in the software. The proposed scheme takes into account the preferences of the
users as retrieved from the survey results. However, this method is not suitable
for evaluating software usability, which, in the case of CAT tools, was one of
the major concerns on the part of translators. As software usability is normally
related to productivity increase, in the case of translation software it can be eval-
uated by measuring increase in translation speed and throughput, and decrease of
working e↵ort. Developing a methodology for evaluation of usability is one of the
potentially fruitful directions for future research.
Evaluation of MT systems was another topic addressed in this dissertation.
Despite that MT was the second most popular type of tools among the survey
respondents, most of them expressed negative opinions regarding its performance.
Thus, we proposed a template for evaluation of free online MT systems, which was
based on the idea that the metrics used for evaluation of human translation can
also be applied to MT. Future work will include case studies of evaluation of some
of the existing free online MT systems with the proposed scheme.
From another perspective, considering that most translators use MT for further
editing, MT evaluation can be interpreted as a task of deciding whether its output
is useful for post-editing. Apart from being an important method of MT evaluation

from the user perspective, post-editing research also provides information on the
user interaction with translation systems, which is crucial for understanding user
needs. That is why a part of this dissertation is dedicated to the topic of PE.
Thus, the studies allowed us to identify the types of PE errors that take longer
time to edit, which were mistranslations, overly literal translations, named entities,
and those that take more post-editing e↵ort, such as overly literal and unidiomatic
translations and typography errors. Considering that these errors are specifically
difficult, this information can be taken in to account when evaluating MT output
by, for instance, assigning more weight to more difficult errors. Furthermore, these
errors can be automatically identified and, for instance, highlighted for translators,
or the segments containing them can be marked as specifically difficult for post-
editing. This might help editors identify and handle the most difficult segments.
Furthermore, these and other findings of the post-editing studies presented in this
dissertation can be used in post-editing training, both in the academia to train
future translators and in translation companies that have a post-editing workflow
in place. Finally, these errors can be taken into account to improve MT systems
trained specifically for professional post-editing purposes.
In addition to practical use, the PE studies had also some theoretical impli-
cations regarding the PE process and PE research. One of the most important
discoveries was that, based on the two target languages considered, not all error
types are equally difficult in di↵erent languages. In other words, some errors can
require more time and editing e↵ort in one language compared to another. An-
other important discovery was that the segment length strongly influences the PE
difficulty indicators, which has to be taken into account in any PE research. And
finally, post-editing is a very subjective and individual process. Thus, post-editors
who participated in our experiments, di↵ered not only as to the time and e↵ort
they applied to post-edit the same sentences, but also as to the final edited versions

4.2 Future lines of research

Even though we tried to analyse most of the data obtained by the questionnaire,
there were some issues that were left uncovered. Thus, for future research, it
would be particularly interesting to investigate how the use of tools depends on
the participants’ countries of residence, on their years of experience, and on the age.
We have already investigated how working languages influence the use of machine
translation, but it would be also interesting to determine whether they influence
the use of other technologies, such as textual corpora or online lexicographical
Another potentially worthwhile topic for investigation is the terminology man-
agement process within the CAT environment. As it has been pointed out, ter-
minology features that exist in CAT tools showed contradictory attitudes among
the survey respondents, who either found them very useful or too complicated. It

would be interesting to further investigate what task constitute the terminology
management process and how they can be better integrated in the workflow in a
more convenient way.
A further step in the direction of more accurate evaluation of MT for post-
editing purposes could be based on the combination of the studies reported in
Article 5 and Articles 8 and 9 of this dissertation. Namely, instead of using a
general-purpose evaluation scheme for MT one can think of a specific scheme for
evaluating MT output with the purpose of deciding how useful it is for post-
editing. More specifically, it would be interesting to develop a new taxonomy of
errors specific for the post-editing, which would take into account the di↵erences
between MT errors with regard to the post-editing process and their difficulty. It
can be based on edit operations typically performed by post-editors, and refined by
incorporating linguistic and grammar concepts. We suggest that such taxonomy
can make MT evaluation for PE purposes more accurate.

Conclusiones y futuras lı́neas de
Esta tesis tenı́a como principal objetivo identificar las necesidades de los usuar-
ios de las tecnologı́as de traducción para comprender cómo se pueden mejorar
dichas tecnologı́as desde su punto de vista. La elección del tema vino motivada
por factores tanto teóricos como prácticos y se centra, sobre todo, en el aspecto
técnico y en el rendimiento del software. En contraposición, encontramos el en-
foque de los actuales desarrolladores de software comercial, quienes se preocupan
más por su creciente funcionalidad, de manera que las necesidades de los usuarios
no se tienen debidamente en cuenta. Los métodos utilizados en este trabajo nos
han permitido generar teorı́as sobre las necesidades de los traductores profesionales
en cuanto a las tecnologı́as que utilizan, comprender si los usuarios están satis-
fechos con las tecnologı́as existentes, identificar los problemas que requieren una
investigación más exhaustiva, sugerir nuevos métodos de evaluación de herramien-
tas de traducción y de recopilación de opiniones de usuarios, y determinar posibles
formas de mejorar las herramientas existentes. Las principales conclusiones de este
trabajo se resumen y se analizan a continuación, seguidas por algunas ideas para
futuras lı́neas de investigación.

Resumen de las contribuciones

La tarea de la identificación de las necesidades de los usuarios se aborda en esta
tesis desde varias perspectivas diferentes. El método de encuesta de usuarios se
aplicó con éxito y se obtuvo una gran cantidad de información de los usuarios de
software de traducción, tanto en forma de datos cuantitativos como cualitativos.
Se evaluaron también los programas existentes como otro método de identificación
de las necesidades de los usuarios. Concretamente, este trabajo incluye estudios
que evalúan sistemas de traducción automática y herramientas de traducción asis-
tida por ordenador. Este método pretendı́a establecer fundamentalmente si los
sistemas informáticos existentes satisfacen las necesidades de los usuarios y en qué
manera se podrı́an mejorar. Además, estos estudios nos permitieron reflexionar
sobre las caracterı́sticas de calidad del software que deben ser evaluadas a fin de
tener en cuenta el punto de vista del usuario, y sobre la manera más apropiada de
planear y llevar a cabo la evaluación de cada tipo especı́fico de herramienta. Por
último, esta tesis también incluye métodos experimentales de recopilación de opin-
iones de los usuarios. Puesto que las tecnologı́as de traducción se crean y se utilizan
en su mayorı́a para aumentar la productividad de los traductores, se suelen aplicar
métodos experimentales para medir la productividad de los traductores en unas
condiciones especı́ficas, con el objetivo de saber si un software o una combinación
de funcionalidades aumentan la productividad y ahorran esfuerzo humano. Los
principales problemas relacionados con los programas de MT, según la encuesta de

usuarios, se son aquellos relacionados con su creciente multifuncionalidad y su us-
abilidad, dos cualidades de software interdependientes. Los desarrolladores de las
herramientas más populares introducen cada vez más funcionalidades nuevas en el
software de MT para tratar de ofrecer a sus usuarios una mayor automatización en
las diferentes subtareas del proceso de traducción. De este modo, las herramientas
actuales, además de su función principal de proporcionar coincidencias, pueden
incluir otros sistemas, tales como un sistema de alineación de frases, un módulo
de gestión de terminologı́a, una funcionalidad de creación y gestión de corpus, etc.
Estos módulos están interrelacionados de forma que la información generada por
uno de los módulos puede ser utilizada en otro. Los resultados de la encuesta de-
mostraron que la creciente multifuncionalidad de las herramientas de TAO no es
únicamente una iniciativa de los desarrolladores de software. De hecho, la mayorı́a
de los traductores indicaron que preferı́an utilizar una sola herramienta que al-
bergara diferentes funciones en lugar de comprar e instalar un sistema para cada
una de estas tareas. Ası́ pues, un mayor porcentaje de encuestados preferı́an ges-
tionar y extraer terminologı́a, realizar el control de calidad y utilizar la traducción
automática dentro de su herramienta de TAO en lugar de instalar un software
aparte. Por otro lado, las diferentes funciones y caracterı́sticas interfieren en la
usabilidad del software, que se vuelve demasiado complicado de usar. Algunos de
los encuestados no utilizan muchas de las funciones de su software y, en general,
no están satisfechos con su usabilidad. Señalan que les gustarı́a que los desarrol-
ladores optaran por interfaces más sencillas y, si lo ilustramos con un comentario
de uno de los encuestados, les recomiendan ”simplemente hacerlo sencillo”. Te-
niendo en cuenta que la funcionalidad y la usabilidad son las dos caracterı́sticas
más importantes del software de traducción para los usuarios, el reto que los de-
sarrolladores tienen que afrontar, por lo tanto, consiste en encontrar un equilibrio
entre la usabilidad y la funcionalidad de las herramientas de TAO. Una posible
solución fue sugerida por uno de los participantes de la encuesta, quien propuso
hacer diferentes versiones del mismo software de TAO, pudiendo elegir entre la
versión completa o la que ofrece únicamente funcionalidades limitadas. De hecho,
modelos similares ya han sido implementados por algunas empresas de software.
Por ejemplo, Déj Vu X3 de Atril se ofrece en tres versiones: gratis, profesional y
para grupos, de manera que los usuarios pueden elegir la configuración que mejor
se ajuste a sus necesidades.
El método de encuestas también nos ha permitido identificar algunas de las
funcionalidades de las herramientas de TAO que los traductores consideran más
útiles: la gestión de terminologı́a; la compatibilidad con distintos formatos de
ficheros, incluidos los ficheros de otro software; la búsqueda de concordancias; y las
funcionalidades de propagación y sugerencia automáticas. Los traductores todavı́a
están adoptando con prudencia el uso de las tecnologı́as web y las tecnologı́as de
nube. Algunas de las funcionalidades menos útiles para los encuestados fueron
tener una versión web de la herramienta y que se les diera la posibilidad de guardar
archivos de la MT u otros archivos en la nube. Esto puede deberse a que los

traductores son reacios a tener sus datos en lı́nea por cuestiones de privacidad de
la información, cuestiones que inquietan mucho a la industria de traducción. Los
desarrolladores de las herramientas que emplean tecnologı́as web pueden mejorar
la situación proporcionando información detallada y formación extensa sobre las
tecnologı́as web y las tecnologı́as de nube y sobre la protección de datos. No se debe
subestimar la importancia de la formación para la adopción de las herramientas de
traducción, ya que los resultados de la encuesta demostraron que hay una relación
directa entre la formación de los traductores y el uso de diferentes tipos de software.
Asimismo, a través de las respuestas de la encuesta descubrimos que la función
de búsqueda de concordancias que poseen las herramientas de TAO. Es una de
las preferidas entre los encuestados. De hecho, para encontrar equivalentes de
traducción es muy útil estudiar una palabra o una frase en contexto junto con su
traducción. En contraposición, la mayorı́a de los traductores declararon que no
utilizaban corpus textuales. Esto puede ser considerado una contradicción, puesto
que la búsqueda de concordancias es fundamentalmente una operación ligada a
los corpus, aunque en este caso en particular se realiza con bases de datos de
memorias de traducción, de modo que lo que hacen los traductores es realmente
utilizar sus MT como corpus. Muchos investigadores han señalado que el uso
de corpus en traducción, y no solo corpus paralelos, sino también comparables y
monolingües, puede ser muy beneficioso para la productividad de los traductores
y la calidad del resultado final. Por lo tanto, podrı́a ser beneficioso incorporar
más recursos textuales a la búsqueda de concordancias, como diferentes tipos de
corpus y algunos recursos online, tales como motores de búsqueda bilingües.
Cabe mencionar que, en general, nos resultó bastante difı́cil seleccionar fun-
cionalidades que todos los participantes de la encuesta hubieran encontrado espe-
cialmente útiles, inútiles o incluso inadecuadas. De hecho, los traductores, como
cualquier otro tipo de usuario de software, se diferenciaban considerablemente en
sus gustos, preferencias, costumbres de trabajo y herramientas que utilizan.
Gracias a los datos obtenidos a través de la encuesta hemos podido inferir
también algunos problemas relacionados con las herramientas existentes. Además
del bajo nivel de usabilidad y la empinada curva de aprendizaje mencionados ante-
riormente, el problema más evidente era, posiblemente, la calidad de la traducción
automática, en concreto, la baja calidad de la TA, razón principal por la cual los
encuestados no la utilizaban. De este modo, puesto que la mayorı́a de los traduc-
tores utilizaban la TA para producir un borrador de traducción que poder editar
después, la calidad de esta traducción debe ser suficiente, de manera que editarla
sea más fácil que traducir el mismo segmento desde cero. No obstante, según las
respuestas obtenidas, a menudo este no es el caso.
Otra observación interesante se hizo sobre la gestión de terminologı́a en las her-
ramientas TAO, la cual fue catalogada por algunos usuarios como su funcionalidad
favorita mientras que otros indicaron que era la que más odiaban. La gestión de
la terminologı́a es una de las tareas más importantes en el proceso de traducción,
y los traductores lo saben mejor que nadie, pero es probable que no estén con-

tentos con la forma en la que estos sistemas están implementados y los consideren
difı́ciles de utilizar. No obstante, esto no es más que una hipótesis que debe ser
confirmada con una mayor investigación en esta lı́nea. La práctica de la gestión
de terminologı́a, y especialmente dentro de una herramienta de TAO donde esta
tarea interactúa con otros componentes de la herramienta, debe estudiarse más
para determinar cómo mejorar esta funcionalidad.
Además de los resultados de carácter práctico y de las ideas surgidas sobre
cómo las tecnologı́as pueden hacerse más ventajosas en favor del incremento de la
productividad, el estudio proporcionó material de implicaciones teóricas, concreta-
mente para reflexionar sobre las limitaciones del método de encuestas de usuarios
para la identificación de las necesidades de los usuarios. En primer lugar, en
muchos casos era bastante difı́cil establecer las preferencias de los encuestados
en cuanto a una funcionalidad o caracterı́stica concreta del software porque las
respuestas estaban distribuidas casi equitativamente. Este hecho denota que los
usuarios pueden tener gustos y costumbres diferentes, por lo que el método de
encuestas no siempre puede proporcionar una solución inequı́voca cuando los de-
sarrolladores necesitan hacer generalizaciones sobre los gustos de la mayorı́a de
los usuarios. Este fue el caso, por ejemplo, cuando se preguntó a los participantes
si preferı́an una herramienta de instalación, una herramienta web, o una combi-
nación de ambas para compilar y gestionar los corpus: aproximadamente el mismo
número de los encuestados eligieron la primera y la tercera opción. En segundo lu-
gar, aunque la encuesta incluyó preguntas abiertas donde los encuestados pudieron
expresar sus ideas con sus propias palabras, la redacción de las preguntas cerradas
impuso algunos conceptos e ideas predeterminados, dentro de cuales los encues-
tados tenı́an que responder. Esos conceptos, que atendı́an a la perspectiva del
investigador, pueden llegar a ser distintos de la imagen del objeto de estudio que
tienen los encuestados. Además, estos no estaban muy familiarizados con algunos
conceptos, como podı́an ser ciertos términos técnicos, lo que pudo dar lugar a
malentendidos y resultados falsos. Para ilustrarlo con un ejemplo, la mayorı́a de
los encuestados que utilizaban la TA indicaron que utilizaban el tipo hı́brido. Si
tenemos en cuenta que la mayorı́a de los encuestados utilizaban los sistemas de TA
en lı́nea y gratuitos más comunes, los cuales suelen ser estadı́sticos, concluimos que
los encuestados no estaban probablemente familiarizados con los distintos tipos de
TA y con las diferencias entre los sistemas estadı́sticos e hı́bridos. Por todo ello,
sugerimos a aquellos investigadores que utilizan métodos similares que hagan una
breve introducción de una o dos frases al principio de cada sección de la encuesta
donde se definan y expliquen brevemente los principales conceptos que aparezcan
en la sección. En último lugar, hemos determinado que existe otra limitación en
el método de las encuestas que consiste en que, por lo general, los usuarios pueden
basar sus respuestas únicamente en su propia experiencia y, por lo tanto, es difı́cil
para ellos imaginar o proponer otros tipos de funcionalidades o herramientas que
todavı́a no existen, o decidir si esas funcionalidades o herramientas serı́an útiles
para ellos.

Una de las cuestiones de investigación que se abordó en esta tesis era cómo las
tecnologı́as existentes pueden ser evaluadas desde el punto de vista del usuario y de
qué manera podemos determinar si satisfacen las necesidades de los traductores.
Esta lı́nea de investigación condujo a la premisa de que, en el caso de las her-
ramientas de TAO, es posible evaluar diferentes caracterı́sticas de software, tales
como la funcionalidad, la adaptabilidad, la usabilidad y la interoperabilidad, entre
otras. Propusimos un esquema para evaluar algunas de esas caracterı́sticas, conc-
retamente, la funcionalidad, la adaptabilidad y la interoperabilidad, basándonos
en el conjunto de las funcionalidades incluidas en el software. El sistema propuesto
tiene en cuenta las preferencias de los usuarios identificadas por los resultados de
la encuesta. Sin embargo, este método no es adecuado para evaluar su usabilidad,
que era una de las principales preocupaciones por parte de los traductores en el
caso de las herramientas de TAO. Puesto que la usabilidad de software suele estar
relacionada con el aumento de la productividad, en el caso del software de tra-
ducción puede ser evaluada midiendo el aumento de la velocidad y del rendimiento
de la traducción y la disminución del esfuerzo de trabajo. Ası́ pues, el desarrollo
de una metodologı́a para la evaluación de la usabilidad es una de las futuras lı́neas
de investigación que se perfila más fructı́fera.
La evaluación de los sistemas de TA ha sido otro de los temas que se ha tratado
en la presente tesis. A pesar de que la TA era el segundo tipo de herramienta más
popular entre los encuestados, la mayorı́a de ellos expresaron opiniones negativas
en cuanto a su calidad. De este modo, propusimos un modelo para la evaluación
de los sistemas de TA que se basa en la idea de que las métricas utilizadas para la
evaluación de la traducción humana pueden aplicarse igualmente a la TA. En tra-
bajos futuros incluiremos casos prácticos de evaluación de algunos de los sistemas
de TA gratuitos y disponibles en la web utilizando el esquema propuesto.
Desde otra perspectiva, y si tenemos en cuenta que la mayorı́a de los tra-
ductores utilizan la TA para crear una traducción rápida y después editarla, la
evaluación de la TA puede interpretarse como la tarea que nos permite decidir si
el resultado que nos ofrece la propia TA es útil para la posedición. Además de ser
un método importante de evaluación de TA desde el punto de vista del usuario, la
investigación en posedición también proporciona información sobre la interacción
de los usuarios con los sistemas de traducción, lo cual es fundamental para com-
prender las necesidades de los usuarios. Todas estas razones justifican que una
parte de nuestra tesis estudie la PE.
La investigación nos permitió identificar los tipos de errores de TA que re-
quieren un mayor tiempo de posedición, a saber, traducciones erróneas, traduc-
ciones demasiado literales y nombres de entidades, ası́ como errores que requieren
mucho esfuerzo técnico, como son las traducciones demasiado literales y en abso-
luto idiomáticas y los errores de tipografı́a. Teniendo en cuenta que estos errores
tienen una dificultad alta, esta información puede utilizarse al evaluar resulta-
dos de la TA, por ejemplo, asignándoles mayor peso a los errores más difı́ciles.
Además, estos errores pueden ser identificados automáticamente y, por ejemplo,

marcados para ayudar a los traductores, o los segmentos que los contienen pueden
ser señalados de modo que se entienda que son especialmente difı́ciles para la
posedición. Con este método se podrı́a ayudar a los editores a identificar y cor-
regir los segmentos más complicados. Asimismo, podemos hacer uso de estos y
otros resultados de la investigación en posedición aquı́ presentada en la formación
de poseditores, tanto en el ámbito académico para formar a los futuros traduc-
tores, como en empresas de traducción que trabajan con posedición . Por último,
estos errores pueden ser de utilidad para mejorar los sistemas de la TA entrenados
especı́ficamente para la posedición profesional.
Aparte del uso práctico, los estudios en PE también tienen algunas implica-
ciones teóricas en relación con el proceso y la investigación de la PE. Uno de los
hallazgos más importantes fue que, basándonos en los dos idiomas de destino estu-
diados, descubrimos que no todos los tipos de errores resultan igual de difı́ciles en
todos los idiomas. En otras palabras, algunos errores pueden requerir más tiempo
y esfuerzo de edición en un idioma que en otro. Asimismo, determinamos que la
longitud del segmento influye considerablemente en los indicadores de dificultad
de la PE, información que debe tenerse en consideración en cualquier investigación
sobre PE. Y, por último, no podemos olvidar que la posedición es un proceso muy
subjetivo e individual. Los poseditores que participaron en nuestros experimentos
no sólo se diferenciaban por el tiempo y el esfuerzo que invirtieron en poseditar el
mismo segmento, sino también por las versiones finales corregidas que produjeron.

Futuras lı́neas de investigación

Aunque intentamos analizar la mayor parte de los datos obtenidos en la encuesta,
algunas cuestiones se quedaron fuera del análisis. Por este motivo, para aun fu-
tura investigación serı́a particularmente interesante investigar cómo el uso de las
tecnologı́as puede verse influenciado por el paı́ı́s de residencia de los participantes,
por sus años de experiencia o por su edad. Ya hemos investigado cómo los idiomas
de trabajo influyen en el uso de la traducción automática, pero también serı́a in-
teresante determinar si los idiomas tienen influencia en el uso de otras tecnologı́as,
como los corpus textuales o los recursos lexicográficos en lı́nea.
Otra lı́nea de investigación tema que potencialmente merece un estudio más
profundo es la gestión de terminologı́a dentro de herramientas de TAO. Como se
señaló anteriormente, las funcionalidades de las herramientas de TAO relacionadas
con la terminologı́a producı́an actitudes enfrentadas entre los encuestados, que
o bien las encontraban muy útiles o demasiado complicadas. Serı́a interesante
investigar más a fondo qué tareas constituyen el proceso de gestión de terminologı́a
y cómo estas tareas pueden integrarse de una manera más cómoda.
Por último, con el fin de conseguir una evaluación más precisa de la TA para
la posedición, serı́a positivo combinar los estudios presentados en los artı́culos 5,
8 y 9 de esta tesis. De este modo, en lugar de utilizar un sistema de evaluación
genérico para la TA, se puede diseñar un esquema especı́fico que evalúe los resul-

tados de la TA con el objetivo de decidir si son útiles o no para la posedición.
Asimismo, serı́a interesante desarrollar una nueva taxonomı́a de errores especı́ficos
para la posedición, donde se tendrı́an en cuenta las diferencias entre los distintos
errores de la TA con respecto al proceso de posedición y la dificultad de los errores
en sı́ mismos. Esta taxonomı́a puede basarse en las operaciones de edición que
más habitualmente realizan los poseditores y, a su vez, puede perfeccionarse in-
corporando conceptos lingüı́sticos y gramaticales. Por ello consideramos que esta
nueva taxonomı́a podrı́a contribuir a una evaluación más precisa de la TA para la

The term Translation Technologies (TT) can be understood as computer soft-
ware and electronic resources that professional translators and common users can
employ to facilitate the translation process. In the professional translation envi-
ronment, computer technologies are becoming more and more popular, as there
are more and more tools specifically created for professional translators, as well
as large public Internet resources and online applications. One of the reasons why
technology plays a more important role in professional translation today than ever
are the advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) that we have been
witnessing in the last decades. These advancements allowed to introduce a cer-
tain degree of automatisation into the translation process, leaving repetitive and
mechanical tasks to the computers and allowing human translators to concentrate
on the creative and challenging work that cannot be done automatically.
A typical example of a computer tool for translators are Translation Memory
(TM) systems, whose main purpose is reutilisation of previously translated texts,
which saves human translators’ time and e↵ort and improves the consistency of
the final translation. In a TM workflow, there is a database of parallel texts that
are split into segments (ideally sentences), which are suggested to the user when
an equivalent or similar segment needs to be translated.
The TM systems that exist today also o↵er other functionalities apart from
the TM search and retrieval, such as concordance search, glossaries, terminology
management, support for automatic translation systems, sentence alignment for
parallel texts, project management features, quality assurance and many others.
In addition to that, many tools have adjustable settings for various functions, so
that users can tune the tool to their personal tastes. As their functions are no
longer limited to TM, these tools are often called Computer-assisted Translation
(CAT) tools. Apart from these tools, there also exist Machine Translation (MT)
applications, standalone terminology management tools, and tools for analysing
and building textual corpora. All of them fall under the umbrella term Translation
Technologies (TT).

Research object and goals

This dissertation investigates the needs of professional translators regarding TT
with the aim of suggesting ways to improve these technologies from the users’
point of view. In particular, the work presented here examines three main ques-
tions: 1) what kind of tools do translators need to increase their productivity and
income, 2) do existing translation tools satisfy translators’ needs, and 3) how can
translation tools be improved to cater for these needs.
The scope of this research is mainly limited by specific types of technologies,
namely CAT tools, machine translation, and textual corpora, while also briefly
covering some topics related to terminology management and extraction tools,
translation quality assurance, and online lexicographical resources.
The motivation for this research has both practical and scientific origins. From

the practical point of view, translation tools are created to facilitate the work
of translators, make the project delivery faster and easier, save translators’ time
by solving easier tasks in an automatised way and allow them to concentrate on
more challenging and creative parts of the translation process, and finally, to in-
crease translators’ income. Nevertheless, a number of user studies have established
that translators are not completely satisfied with the state-of-the-art technology
(Gornostay 2010, TAUS 2011, Torres Domı́nguez 2012). Some of the reasons for
dissatisfaction are already known. Firstly, in general, TM systems, since their ap-
pearance on the market, have been generally positively accepted by the majority
of translators as they seem to serve the purpose of time and cost saving. However,
they include more and more complex features and functionalities, which makes
their adoption a challenge for translators. So it is not a surprise that the multi-
tude of features and settings included in modern CAT tools makes them highly
difficult to use.
Another example of professional translators’ mixed opinions are machine trans-
lation services available nowadays not only for translators but also for common
users. On one hand they are costless and easy to use, and therefore can provide
a fast draft translation. On the other hand, the quality of translation is not sat-
isfactory enough for all domains and languages even as a draft, so these systems
fail to contribute to productivity increase. Hence, many translators find them
useless for their job and prefer to make translations from scratch. In addition,
there is a growing concern related to the security of the information translated on
the web, and many translators who do like working with MT are imposed to sign
confidentiality agreements with their clients for not using any such service.
In addition to the usability and quality issues, translation technology develop-
ments cause contradictions on the social level. As more and more tasks become
automatised with the help of computer programs, translators’ rates become lower,
as it is considered that they apply less human e↵ort. Translators, in their turn,
view this as an injustice, as the e↵ort needed to learn how to use those tools is
rarely taken into account. Moreover, some translators even see it as a threat to
their profession, as they think that eventually they will be replaced by computers.
These are the known issues that prompted this research, which searches for
ways of improving the technologies so that professionals can better benefit from
them. In addition to that, current research aims at identifying other possible
problems and reasons for translators’ dissatisfaction with computer tools.
The practical motivation for this dissertation is further justified by previous
research related to CAT workflow. As we mentioned earlier, the development
of TT was largely prompted by the advancements in NLP. Thus, most of the
current research in the field of TT focuses on the technological aspect of the tools,
i.e. on their performance. For instance, researchers in MT work on finding the
best features to train statistical algorithms, word alignment techniques, and on
implementing linguistic analysis in statistical MT. In translation memory research,
for instance, one of the topics consists in improving TM suggestions by completing

fuzzy TM matches with automatic translation. These research directions are very
useful, as good performance of translation tools is crucial for translators’ work.
However, not much of this research takes into account the user perspective. This
is the reason why this research attempts to bring some insights about translators’
needs regarding technologies. The most common way of collecting users’ opinions
in the field of TT has been the user surveys. Considering this, current research
also uses this method and reflects on its limitations and on possible additional
methods that can be efficiently used for eliciting translators’ feedback.
With respect to this motivation, the overall goal of this research is to identify
the needs of professional translators regarding translation technologies with the
view to make necessary improvements that would facilitate translators’ interaction
with these technologies. To be more precise, the improvements can be made by
1) introducing new features in already existing tools, 2) proposing new type of tools
that do not exist yet, and 3) changing the interface design or the way di↵erent
features intervene with each other.
Hence, the main research questions addressed in this dissertation are the fol-

1. What are the user needs regarding technologies? In other words, what does it
mean to make them ‘useful and convenient’ from the translators’ perspective?

2. Do the existing technologies satisfy user needs? Answering this question, in

fact, means developing a methodology for evaluating translation technologies
from the point of view of the user preferences identified.

3. How should the identified limitations be addressed to develop better tools

for translators? The dissertation is composed of nine previously published
articles, which are included in the Appendix, while the methodology used
and the results obtained in these studies are summarised in the main body
of the dissertation.

Related research
Prior to describing the methodology and summarising the results, we analysed
the related works that were most important for our own study. Thus, in order to
define its object, namely TT, we make a brief overview of its history starting from
the first machine translation systems, in order to show how they came to be an
indispensable part of the professional translation process. When the first machine
translation systems appeared, there was a strong enthusiasm about the future of
this technology provoked by the surprisingly good results. However, quite soon its
limitations became obvious, which were mostly caused by the complexity of the
natural language and the limited capacity of existing computers. As the research
in MT was mostly discouraged in the 70s, researchers started thinking about tools
that would aid human translators instead of doing all the work automatically. It

was at that point when the first ideas about TM and terminology management
tools emerged. At the same time, some of the remaining research groups in MT
reconsidered their approach incorporating more complex linguistic analysis. These
systems, however, still required considerable manual work for crafting linguistic
rules. This was true until the early 1990s when statistical methods came into
the picture. Since then, statistical machine translation (SMT) has been the pre-
vailing method. These technologies started gaining popularity among translation
professionals with the appearance of commercial systems, such as the Systran MT
system and Trados translation memory software.
Nowadays there exist many di↵erent types of TT, which are also described
in this dissertation, along with di↵erent criteria that are commonly used in the
academia to group them into these types. In particular, a special attention is
paid to the term CAT tools, as it is studied what this term means for di↵er-
ent researchers, such as Bowker & Pearson (2002), Quah (2006) and Bowker &
Corpas-Pastor (2015). This helps us define our own concept of CAT tools pro-
vided in the Introduction of this dissertation, which describes translation software
that combines various translation-related functionalities, starting from terminol-
ogy management and concordance search, to support for automatic translation
systems, sentence alignment for parallel texts, project management features, qual-
ity assurance, but its main purpose is the TM search and retrieval. Nowadays,
this is the most popular type of translation technologies on the market.
Subsequently, we outline the existing approaches to identification of the needs
of software users, specifically focusing on how this task is addressed in the case of
translation software. In particular, we consider previous user surveys in translation
industry, which have already pointed out some barriers on the way of translators’
adoption of certain tools (Gornostay 2010, TAUS 2011, Torres Domı́nguez 2012).
In addition, main works in the area of evaluation of translation technologies, are
analysed which is one of the central topics of this research, and one of the methods
of identification of user needs. In MT, the most popular evaluation methods are
automatic metrics such as BLEU (Papineni et al. 2001) and METEOR (Banerjee &
Lavie 2005), among others. Nevertheless, they have been criticised for a number of
reasons, and some methods for human evaluation of MT have been proposed, such
as MQM quality metric (Lommel 2013) and the TAUS Data Quality Framework
(DQF) (Görög 2014), which are created both for research purposes and for industry
use. Moving on from machine translation, evaluation of TM systems is a less
popular topic in research. A number of articles published in specialised journals
propose to evaluate these tools based on a checklist of their features (Waßmer
2002, Zerfass 2002), which serves to compare them in case a user needs to choose
the most suitable tool. Another direction within the evaluation of TM systems
is adopted by the works based on the EAGLES framework for evaluation of NLP
applications. This framework proposes a consistent methodology for elaborating
an evaluation scheme, which takes into consideration, among other things, the
quality criteria to be evaluated, the purpose of evaluation and the scenarios of

software use (Höge 2002, Rico 2001, Starlander & Morado Vázquez 2013).
Finally, a section of the literature review is dedicated to the research on post-
editing of machine translation as a method to gather valuable information on the
user interaction with MT and CAT systems. It describes the main concepts within
this topic, in particular the temporal, technical and cognitive post-editing e↵ort as
defined by Krings (2001), and existing approaches to measure them. They include
measuring the time taken to correct a segment, or the number of words corrected in
a given timeframe, human assessment of perceived cognitive difficulty, measuring
the cognitive load with eye-tracking techniques, measuring edit distance or the
number of key strokes.

The task of identifying users’ needs was approached from three di↵erent perspec-
tives: 1) eliciting translators’ needs by means of a user survey, 2) evaluation of
existing CAT systems, and 3) analysis of the process of post-editing of machine
The starting point and the main method employed in this research was a user
survey distributed among professional translators, where they were asked about
di↵erent aspects of their work with technologies. More specifically, its objective
was to find out 1) current working practices of professional translators, i.e. which
tools and resources they use and how they do it; 2) degree of satisfaction with
these technologies; 3) levels of awareness of di↵erent types of technologies available;
4) possible reasons for low usage rate for di↵erent tools; 5) overall attitude towards
current technology-related industry trends; 6) ways that can lead to creating future
systems and to expanding and improving existing tools.
The survey contained both multiple-choice and open-ended questions, where
respondents were o↵ered to provide answers and comments in their own words.
Thus, the obtained data included quantitative and qualitative data in form of
respondents’ comments. The qualitative or verbal data was analysed using the
coding methodology, which consists in dividing the data into categories, or units
of meaning, and assigning a label to each category. It is done to identify various
phenomena in the text and analyse them, find examples for these phenomena, find
meaningful relations between di↵erent phenomena, patterns, and structures. It
also allows to build a conceptual scheme of data and organise it in a hierarchical
The analysis of the quantitative data consisted of a descriptive analysis in
form of percentage statistics and charts, and deeper analysis focusing on finding
correlations between di↵erent variables, such as factors in the respondents’ profile
and how they a↵ect the use of selected technologies.
More specifically, contingency tables and statistical tests for independence were
used to study the influence of translators’ working languages, their type of employ-
ment, education, domains of specialisation, and computer competence on their use

of di↵erent translation tools.
The next step of the methodology consisted in studying and evaluating existing
tools taking into consideration the findings of the user survey. Thus, another part
of the dissertation is dedicated to the task of finding a method of user-oriented
evaluation for MT, CAT tools, and the combination of the two (i.e. MT integrated
in CAT tool environment). More in detail, a template for evaluation of free online
MT systems was proposed. This type of systems was chosen because it was re-
ported to be the most popular type among the survey respondents. This template
was based on the idea that evaluation methods used for human translation can be
also suitable for evaluation of machine translation, namely the error count meth-
ods. Thus, the template combined di↵erent existing templates (mainly created for
human translation) and included some new error types.
For evaluation of CAT tools, we proposed a scheme of their features, where
all features corresponded to a software quality characteristic established by the
ISO standard for software quality. In this scheme, we also took into account the
preferences translators expressed in the survey regarding di↵erent features they
use in CAT tools. Then, a case study was presented with four popular CAT tools
to illustrate how this evaluation scheme can be employed.
Finally, we also studied existing ways of combining MT and CAT environment.
This topic was identified as problematic based on the survey results. Specifically,
it has been identified that there was a lack of knowledge and/or mixed attitudes
about such workflow. In addition, MT in spite of being a powerful technology,
failed to prove its usefulness for many translators. Aiming at envisaging possible
ways to improve the situation, we studied the post-editing process, in particular,
the difficulty of various error types for post-editing in a CAT setting. This was
studied through quantitative measures of time and technical e↵ort, as well as
through the qualitative study of the actual edits.
More in detail, we carried out several post-editing experiments, in which trans-
lation students – German and Spanish native speakers – post-edited translations
from English into their respective native language, which were generated by MT
systems. The data used for the experiments was taken from a corpus of annotated
MT errors. The annotation of errors in the corpus was performed by language
professionals according to a specific error taxonomy, namely the Multidimensional
Quality Metric (MQM) (Lommel 2013). The errors were marked for the editors,
so they only had to correct the previously identified errors.
The two studies based on these experiments had a similar methodology but
di↵erent goals. The first study aimed to compare di↵erent error types with respect
to the post-editing e↵ort they require. It describes an experiment in which students
post-edited sentences that contained errors of di↵erent types, and after that the
post-editing time and the technical post-editing e↵ort applied by the post-editors
were analysed and compared between the error types. PE time was measured in
terms of time taken to post-edit a given segment, and technical e↵ort was measured
by the PEE measure, which is provided by the CAT tool and is based on the edit

distance. These measures were compared for di↵erent error types. The second
study compares the results of the first study with a similar experiment with a
di↵erent target language, i.e. it intends to investigate whether the same errors are
difficult to post-edit in di↵erent languages. This study is also based on the PE
time and PEE measures.

The survey was distributed in November 2014 and yielded 736 complete responses
originated from 88 countries. The majority of the respondents were freelance trans-
lators, while some of them worked with an agency, and some independently. A
small percentage worked as in-house translator in translation and non-translation
companies and public institutions. Summarising the most important survey re-
sults, first of all, it was striking that in spite of the large variety of technologies
available, most translators only used a few most common types, such as TM soft-
ware and only sometimes automatic translation systems. Mostly they did not
know about more rare types of tools, or did not have time to learn how to use
them, such as, for instance, in the case of tools for building and managing textual
As predicted, the increasing multifunctionality of state-of-the-art CAT tools
has shown to be one of the biggest problems for translators. This happens because
the same tools are used by translators with di↵erent user profiles, i.e. di↵erent
employment type, such as freelance translators, in-house translators, and project
managers, or di↵erent education or experience in IT. One solution to this can
consist in creating several versions of one tool for di↵erent purposes. For instance,
for CAT tools such solution was suggested by several respondents, who proposed to
create “Professional version (licenced and not for free), ‘freelancer’ version (limited
functionalities, compatible with full version sources, free of charge) and web based
version (limited functionality, confidentiality ensured, free of charge)”. This way,
the translators can choose the “light” version of the tool or the full set of features
depending on their needs without having to adjust all the settings.
Despite that multifunctional tools are often difficult to learn, respondents still
seemed to prefer di↵erent systems integrated in their CAT tools as modules, rather
than having separate software programs for each of the functions like terminology
management and quality assessment. Machine translation systems, for instance,
were used within a CAT tool, as well as separately. A surprising finding was that
about a third part of the respondents who used CAT tools could not say whether
they had an MT system integrated in their tool. There can be two reasons for that,
namely that they did not use any MT integration, or that they used the sugges-
tions coming from di↵erent sources, such as TM, MT, and terminology databases,
without really knowing where those suggestions come from. This finding led this
research to further investigation of how translators work with MT integrated in
CAT, both from the technical point of view (i.e. how exactly this integration is

implemented) and from the point of view of the user (i.e. whether it actually
increases the users’ productivity and satisfaction). In this direction, we carried
out a study of existing ways of such integration and studies of the post-editing
process that we have already mentioned above. The survey results also revealed
an interesting fact about translators’ use of textual corpora. A very small percent-
age of respondents actually reported using corpora as such, but the majority of
them used the concordance search feature and even mentioned it as their favourite.
This means that those translators search their translation memories for context,
essentially using TMs as corpora. Thus, it can be suggested to incorporate more
textual resources into the concordance search function, such as bi- and multilin-
gual parallel and comparable corpora, monolingual corpora, which are often used
as reference material, and web search (monolingual as well as bilingual), which
essentially also functions as concordance.
Another interesting finding of the survey was about the terminology manage-
ment process. Many popular CAT tools have a terminology management feature
that allows to perform di↵erent terminology-related tasks, such as save new terms
in the database and perform term search. Those features, on the one hand, were
recognised as very useful by many respondents, but on the other hand, many
named them as their most hated feature. This might be an indication that the
existing ways of implementing terminology management systems do not satisfy
translators’ needs, although the feature itself is necessary for their work. Thus,
terminology management within CAT workflow can be a potentially fruitful re-
search direction that can lead to valuable improvements of existing tools from the
user point of view.
From the methodological perspective, this research was able to point out some
limitations of the survey approach to identification of user needs in the case of
translation software. For instance, in many cases, di↵erent users had di↵erent
preferences and needs. An example of this was the question about usefulness of
di↵erent features in CAT tools. Even though it was possible to identify some
of the features that were mostly useful, such as terminology management, con-
cordance search, autopropagation and autosuggest functions, the opinions on the
subject were quite spread. The survey approach was not the most appropriate for
deciding what features are more useful or less useful, and what features should
be included in or removed from the tools. In addition, users cannot be asked
about software types or features that do not exist yet, or that they have never
tried to work with, as they cannot base their answers on real-world experience.
We suggest that for deciding on the usefulness of such systems or features, one
should apply experimental methods. Finally, the population sub-groups were not
evenly distributed, which made it hard to compare them between each other. For
instance, there vast majority of translators were freelancers, and there were very
few in-house translators.
As it has already been pointed out, evaluation of existing software is another
way of studying user needs. The evaluation methods of translation technologies

applied in this dissertation helped to make some conclusions about the evaluation
of di↵erent translation technologies. Thus, when evaluating translation tools, it is
necessary to keep in mind what quality characteristics are being evaluated. For
instance, when evaluating the quality of MT, it is the performance of the MT
system. When evaluating the features of CAT tools it is mostly the functionality.
Even though the functionality of CAT tools is a crucial component of their quality
as software, we suggest that the usability is, at least, equally important. Moreover,
as has been pointed out in the introduction, software developers often pay attention
to functionality at the cost of usability. While functionality is relatively easy to
measure quantitatively based on the proposed evaluation method, usability is a
more abstract concept and its evaluation is not that straightforward. As CAT
tools are created to increase translators’ productivity and speed, and reduce their
e↵ort, the usability of CAT tools or their specific features can be measured in
terms of translation time and e↵ort. Such evaluation should be performed in an
experimental setting and use quantitative methods.
In particular, the final part of the methodology consists of research on machine
translation integration in CAT tools, and specifically on post-editing of MT. In the
context of evaluation of usability, research on post-editing is interesting because it
provides various methods for measuring translation time and e↵ort. This allows
to make conclusions not only on the usability of such workflow, but also more
detailed insights on the process of user interaction with such systems. We paid our
attention to di↵erent translation errors produced by machine translation systems
and their difficulty for post-editing, which can be of practical use for improving
the post-editing workflow.
One important finding of these studies was that both PE time and PEE depend
strongly on the length of the segment: naturally, longer segments take more time
to edit, while normally having smaller PEE values. The influence of the segment
length on the two measures is an important finding for research in post-editing,
as they are both widely used to study post-editing difficulty. For instance, when
comparing PE time and PEE for di↵erent error types, it is necessary to be able to
separate the e↵ect of the specific error type on the measure from the e↵ect of the
segment length. Therefore, we have suggested the time-per-word measure, which
reflects the average amount of time spent on editing one word.
Based on the English-German post-editing experiment, the comparison of dif-
ferent types of MT errors in relation to their difficulty for post-editing revealed
that the most difficult errors included mistranslations, unintelligible translations,
and overly literal translations. Essentially, they are errors that require lexical
choice, a↵ect the meaning of the text, or involve idiomaticity. The least difficult
errors were mainly those related to grammatical issues, which do not strongly
a↵ect the meaning, such as function words and word form errors. Comparison
of the PE difficulty between two target languages showed that there can be sig-
nificant di↵erences between languages in this aspect. Errors that are difficult in
one language would not necessarily be among the most difficult in another target

language. Only from the comparison of German and Spanish, one can see that,
at least based on the difficulty measures used in the study, only few error types
showed to be specifically difficult or easy in both languages. For instance, in terms
of time-per-word, the errors that were difficult in both languages included unintel-
ligible translations, grammar issues, and terminology. Higher PEE scores in both
languages were observed in unintelligible translations, mistranslations, and word
form errors. It has to be mentioned that, even though the English-German and
English-Spanish corpora used in the experiments were very similar, the segments
were not exactly the same, which might have influenced the results.

To conclude, we overview here the main contributions of this dissertation. First
of all, they include the data collected by the user survey and its analysis, which
allowed to identify drawbacks of existing tools. The main issues concerning TM
programs, as identified by the user survey, concentrate around their increasing
multi-functionality and their usability, which are two software qualities that are
mutually dependent. On the other hand, the survey results showed that the in-
creasing multi-functionality of CAT tools is not solely an initiative from the side of
software developers. In fact, most translators preferred having di↵erent functions
in one tool rather than purchasing and installing a system for each of these tasks.
One solution for this problem that translators seem to favour is to have di↵erent
versions of one tool with di↵erent levels of complexity.
The survey method also allowed us to identify some of the functionalities of
CAT tools translators find the most useful, such as terminology management, sup-
port for a big number of formats, concordance search. However, the opinions on
this topic were rather spread and respondents’ preferences were distributed among
di↵erent features. This demonstrates how, in many cases, user needs are subjec-
tive and dependent on specific tastes. Taking this into account, we studied how
di↵erent characteristics of the user profile can be related with the use of translation
tools. For instance, there was observed a relation between translators’ education
and training and their usage of di↵erent types of software, so the importance of
translation training for adopting translation tools should not be underestimated.
Some potential directions of work on making existing tools more user-friendly
were identified. For instance, it was proposed to incorporate more textual re-
sources in the concordance search function, which was one of the most popular
functions among translators. They can be di↵erent types of corpora (parallel,
comparable, monolingual), as well as online resources, such as bilingual search
engines. In addition, terminology management within CAT workflow appeared to
be a contradictory topic. Apparently, some of the respondents were happy with it,
and others did not like it at all. Managing terminology is one of the most impor-
tant tasks in the translation process, but the users are probably not happy with
the way these systems are implemented and find them hard to work with. This

assumption needs further research on how terminology-related tasks are performed
in CAT environment and how such workflow can be improved.
In general, the survey method proved to be efficient for some purposes, but
not sufficient for others. In particular, even though it helped gather large volumes
of information from the users, in some cases it was not representative enough to
compare certain phenomena, which was difficult to control during the survey dis-
tribution. In addition, some terms were unclear or unknown to the respondents,
which influenced the statistics on certain questions. For other questions, no clear
preferences could be identified: the responses were distributed almost equally be-
tween various options.
Considering the above-mentioned limitations of the survey method, we also
carried out experimental studies on the PE workflow, which revealed some findings
on the PE process. We identified the types of MT errors that are harder to edit
than others, and found out that they are not the same for all languages. We
also found that the difficulty of post-editing a certain sentence strongly depends
on its length, and suggested the time-per-word measure that accounts for this

El término tecnologı́as de traducción (de ahora en adelante, TT) puede definirse
como aquellos programas informáticos y recursos electrónicos que los traductores
profesionales y usuarios habituales pueden utilizar para facilitar el proceso de tra-
ducción. En el entorno de la traducción profesional, las tecnologı́as informáticas
se han vuelto cada vez más populares, ya que existen cada vez más herramientas
creadas especı́ficamente para traductores profesionales, ası́ como sendos recursos
gratuitos en Internet y aplicaciones web. Una de las razones por las que la tec-
nologı́a ahora tiene un papel más importante que nunca en la traducción profe-
sional son los avances del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (PLN), que hemos
observado en las últimas décadas. Estos avances han permitido introducir un cierto
grado de automatización en el proceso de traducción, dejando a los ordenadores las
tareas repetitivas y mecánicas y permitiendo a traductores humanos concentrarse
en el trabajo creativo y desafiante que no se puede hacer automáticamente.
Un ejemplo tı́pico de una herramienta informática para los traductores son
las memorias de traducción (MT), cuyo principal objetivo es la reutilización de
textos previamente traducidos, lo que ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo a los traductores
humanos a la par que mejora la consistencia de la traducción final. En un entorno
con MT hay una base de datos de textos paralelos que se encuentra dividida en
segmentos (idealmente frases sintácticas), que se proponen al usuario cuando este
tiene que traducir un segmento equivalente o similar.
Los sistemas de MT que existen hoy en dı́a ofrecen también otras funciones
aparte de la búsqueda y recuperación de coincidencias de la MT como, por ejem-
plo, la búsqueda de concordancias, los glosarios, la gestión de terminologı́a, la
posibilidad de incluir traducción automática ası́ como las aplicaciones para alin-
eación de textos paralelos, gestión de proyectos, control de calidad y muchas más.
Además, muchas herramientas tienen ajustes adaptables para diversas funciones,
de manera que los usuarios pueden adaptar la herramienta a sus necesidades. Visto
que sus funciones ya no se limitan a la MT, a menudo estas herramientas reciben el
nombre de herramientas de traducción asistida por ordenador (TAO). Además de
estas herramientas, existen también aplicaciones de traducción automática (TA),
herramientas independientes de gestión de terminologı́a, y herramientas para el
análisis y creación de corpus de textos. El término tecnologı́as de traducción (TT)
abarca todas estas herramientas.

Objetivos de la investigación
La presente tesis doctoral estudia las necesidades de traductores profesionales en
cuanto a las TT con el objetivo de proponer nuevas formas para mejorar estas
tecnologı́as desde el punto de vista de los usuarios. El trabajo que aquı́ se presenta
se articula en torno a tres cuestiones principales: 1) qué tipo de herramientas
necesitan los traductores para aumentar su productividad y sus ingresos, 2) si las
actuales herramientas de traducción satisfacen las necesidades de los traductores,
y 3) cómo se pueden mejorar las herramientas de traducción para satisfacer esas

Esta investigación se centra principalmente en tres tipos de tecnologı́as, a saber,
las herramientas de TAO, la traducción automática y los corpus de textos, al mismo
tiempo que incluye algunos temas relacionados con la gestión y la extracción de
terminologı́a, el control de calidad de la traducción y los recursos lexicográficos en
En cuanto a la motivación de este trabajo, cabe destacar su carácter tanto
práctico como cientı́fico. Desde el punto de vista práctico, las herramientas de
traducción existen para facilitar el trabajo de los traductores, agilizar la entrega
de proyectos, ahorrar tiempo mediante la automatización de las tareas más sencil-
las y permitir que el traductor se centre en los aspectos más creativos del proceso
de traducción y, por último, para aumentar los ingresos de los traductores. Sin em-
bargo, se han llevado a cabo varios estudios de usuarios que han establecido que los
traductores no están del todo satisfechos con la tecnologı́a actual (Gornostay 2010,
TAUS 2011, Torres Domı́nguez 2012). Algunas de las razones de insatisfacción ya
se conocen. En primer lugar, los sistemas de MT, desde su aparición en el mer-
cado, han sido acogidos positivamente por la mayorı́a de los traductores, ya que
parece que cumplen el propósito de ahorrar entiempo y costes. Sin embargo, estos
sistemas incluyen cada vez caracterı́sticas y funcionalidades más complejas, por lo
que su adquisición supone un reto para los traductores. No es ninguna sorpresa
que la multitud de caracterı́sticas y ajustes propios de las actuales herramientas
de TAO dificulten su uso.
Otro ejemplo en el que no hay unanimidad de opiniones entre los traductores
profesionales son los servicios de traducción automática disponibles hoy en dı́a no
sólo para los traductores, sino también para cualquier usuario. Estos servicios
tienen la ventaja de que son gratuitos y fáciles de usar, de forma que pueden
proporcionar rápidamente un borrador de traducción. Sin embargo, la calidad de la
traducción no es lo suficientemente satisfactoria para todos los dominios e idiomas,
por lo que estos sistemas no contribuyen al aumento de la productividad. Por lo
tanto, muchos traductores los consideran inútiles para su trabajo y prefieren hacer
la traducción desde cero. Además, hay una creciente preocupación en relación con
la seguridad de la información traducida en la web y muchos traductores a los que
les gusta trabajar con TA están obligados a firmar acuerdos de confidencialidad
con sus clientes donde se incluye la prohibición de utilizar este tipo de servicio.
Además de los problemas relacionados con la usabilidad y la calidad de tra-
ducción, el desarrollo de la tecnologı́a de traducción también provoca discrepancias
en el plano social. A medida que aumenta el número de tareas que se automatizan
con la ayuda de programas informáticos, el salario de los traductores se ve mer-
mado, ya que se entiende que el esfuerzo humano es menor. Los traductores, por
su parte, lo consideran una injusticia, dado que el esfuerzo necesario para aprender
a usar esas herramientas rara vez se tiene en cuenta. Además, algunos traductores
lo ven incluso como una amenaza para su profesión y piensan que con el tiempo
serán sustituidos por ordenadores.

Estos son los problemas que han motivado esta investigación, la cual busca
formas de mejorar las tecnologı́as de manera que los profesionales puedan bene-
ficiarse de ellas aún más. Además, este trabajo también busca identificar otros
posibles problemas y ası́ como las razones de la insatisfacción de los traductores
con las herramientas informáticas.
La motivación práctica de esta tesis está ampliamente justificada por las in-
vestigaciones previas que se han venido realizando sobre la TAO. Como men-
cionamos anteriormente, el desarrollo de las TT fue impulsado en gran medida
por los avances en el PLN. De este modo, la mayor parte de la investigación actual
en el campo de las TT se centra en el aspecto tecnológico de las herramientas,
es decir, en su rendimiento. Por ejemplo, los investigadores de la TA tratan de
encontrar los mejores métodos para entrenar algoritmos estadı́sticos, técnicas de
alineamiento de palabras, y maneras de aplicar el análisis lingüı́stico a la TA. En
la investigación relativa a las memorias de traducción, por ejemplo, uno de los
temas de estudio consiste en mejorar las sugerencias del sistema de MT comple-
tando las coincidencias parciales que nos proporciona la MT mediante el uso de
la traducción automática. Estas lı́neas de investigación son muy útiles, pues el
buen rendimiento de las herramientas es fundamental para el trabajo de los tra-
ductores. Sin embargo, no muchos de estos estudios tienen en cuenta el punto de
vista del usuario. Por esta razón, con este trabajo se pretende aportar un mayor
conocimiento sobre las necesidades de los traductores en cuanto a las tecnologı́as.
La forma más común de recoger las opiniones de los usuarios en el ámbito de
las TT han sido las encuestas de usuarios. El presente trabajo también utiliza
este método y reflexiona sobre sus limitaciones y sobre otros posibles métodos que
pueden utilizarse de manera eficiente para obtener las opiniones de los traductores.
Ası́ pues, el objetivo general de este trabajo es identificar las necesidades de los
traductores profesionales en cuanto a las tecnologı́as de traducción con el fin de
implementar las mejoras necesarias que faciliten la interacción de los traductores
con estas tecnologı́as. Para ser más precisos, las mejoras se pueden conseguir 1)
introduciendo nuevas funcionalidades en las herramientas que ya existen, 2) pro-
poniendo nuevos tipos de herramientas que no existen todavı́a, y 3) cambiando el
diseño de la interfaz o la forma en la que las diferentes funcionalidades interaccio-
nan entre ellas.
Por lo tanto, las principales preguntas abordadas en este trabajo son las sigu-

1. Cuáles son las necesidades de los usuarios en cuanto a las tecnologı́as? En

otras palabras, qué significa hacerlas más ”útiles y cómodas” desde la per-
spectiva de los traductores?

2. Satisfacen las tecnologı́as existentes las necesidades de los usuarios? Respon-

der a esta pregunta supone desarrollar una metodologı́a para la evaluación
de las tecnologı́as de traducción desde el punto de vista de las preferencias
del usuario.

3. Cómo deberı́an abordarse las limitaciones que se identifiquen para desarrol-
lar mejores herramientas para los traductores? La tesis se compone de nueve
artı́culos anteriormente publicados, que están incluidos en el apéndice, mien-
tras que la metodologı́a utilizada y los resultados obtenidos en estos estudios
se resumen en el cuerpo principal de la tesis.

Trabajos relacionados
Antes de describir la metodologı́a y resumir los resultados, analizaremos los estu-
dios que han sido más importantes para nuestro propio trabajo. De este modo,
a fin de definir su objeto, a saber, las TT, haremos un breve recorrido por su
historia, comenzando por los primeros sistemas de traducción automática, con el
fin de demostrar cómo han llegado a ser una parte imprescindible del proceso de
traducción profesional.
Cuando aparecieron los primeros sistemas de traducción automática, surgió
un gran entusiasmo alrededor de esta tecnologı́a y sobre su proyección de futuro,
alentado principalmente por los sorprendentemente buenos resultados que ofrecı́a.
Sin embargo, muy pronto se hicieron evidentes sus limitaciones, en su mayorı́a
causadas por la complejidad del lenguaje natural y la limitada capacidad de los
ordenadores de la época. Mientras la investigación en TA fue en su mayorı́a aban-
donada en los años 70, los investigadores comenzaron a centrar su atención en
herramientas que ayudaran a los traductores humanos en lugar de hacer todo el
trabajo de forma automática. Fue en ese momento cuando aparecieron las primeras
ideas sobre las herramientas de MT y gestión de terminologı́a. Al mismo tiempo,
algunos de los grupos de investigación que seguı́an investigando sobre la TA recon-
sideraron sus métodos e incorporaron análisis lingüı́sticos más complejos. Estos
sistemas, no obstante, requerı́an un gran esfuerzo humano pues se debı́an crear
primero reglas lingüı́sticas. La situación cambió muy poco hasta los años noventa,
década en la que entraron en escena los métodos estadı́sticos. Desde entonces,
la traducción automática estadı́stica (TAE) sigue siendo el método predominante.
Estas tecnologı́as empezaron a ganar popularidad entre los profesionales de la
traducción con la aparición de los sistemas comerciales, como el sistema de TA
Systran y el software de memoria de traducción Trados.
Hoy en dı́a existen muchos tipos diferentes de TT, en los cuales se profundizará
también en esta tesis al mismo tiempo que se estudiarán los diferentes criterios
que se utilizan habitualmente en el ámbito académico para clasificarlos. Concre-
tamente, se presta especial atención al término herramientas de TAO, y se estudia
lo que este término significa para algunos investigadores como Bowker & Pearson
(2002), Quah (2006) y Bowker & Corpas-Pastor (2015). Esto nos ayuda a definir
nuestro propio concepto de herramientas de TAO presentado en la sección Intro-
ducción, el cual se describe como un software de traducción que incluye varias
funcionalidades relacionadas con el proceso de traducción, desde la gestión de
terminologı́a y la búsqueda de concordancias hasta la traducción automática, la

alineación de frases para textos paralelos, la gestión de proyectos y el control de
calidad, si bien su principal objetivo es la búsqueda y la recuperación de las MT.
Hoy en dı́a, es el tipo de tecnologı́a de traducción más popular en el mercado.
Posteriormente, resumiremos los métodos existentes para la identificación de
las necesidades de los usuarios de software, y nos centraremos en el modo en que
esta tarea se aborda en el caso concreto del software de traducción. En concreto,
estudiaremos las encuestas de usuarios que se han llevado a cabo con anterioridad
en la industria de la traducción y que han señalado algunos obstáculos que impiden
a los traductores acoger determinadas herramientas (Gornostay 2010, TAUS 2011,
Torres Domı́nguez 2012). Además, se analizarán los principales trabajos en el
ámbito de la evaluación de tecnologı́as de traducción, que es uno de los temas cen-
trales de este trabajo y uno de los métodos de identificación de las necesidades de
los usuarios. En la TA, los métodos más populares de evaluación son las métricas
automáticas como BLEU (Papineni et al. 2001) y METEOR (Banerjee & Lavie
2005), entre otras. Sin embargo, estas métricas han sido criticadas por distintas
razones y se han propuesto algunos métodos para la evaluación humana de la TA,
como la métrica de calidad MQM (Lommel 2013) y el Marco de Calidad de Datos
de TAUS (Data Quality Framework,DQF) (Görög 2014), que se han creado tanto
con objetivos académicos como para el uso en la industria. Si dejamos a un lado
la TA y pasamos a otro tipo de herramientas, podemos observar que la evaluación
de sistemas de MT es menos popular en la investigación. En algunos artı́culos
publicados en revistas profesionales se ha propuesto evaluar estas herramientas
basándose en un listado de sus caracterı́sticas (Waßmer 2002, Zerfass 2002), lo
que sirve para compararlas en el caso en el que un usuario tenga que elegir la
herramienta más adecuada para su trabajo. En otra dirección se encuentran los
estudios de la evaluación de sistemas de MT que se basan en el marco EAGLES,
el cual se ha desarrollado para la evaluación de aplicaciones de PNL. Este marco
propone una metodologı́a coherente para elaborar un sistema de evaluación que
tiene en cuenta, entre otras cosas, los criterios de calidad que van a ser evaluados,
el objetivo de la evaluación y las situaciones del uso del software (Rico 2001, Höge
2002, Starlander & Morado Vázquez 2013).
Por último, repasaremos los trabajos de investigación sobre la posedición de la
traducción automática (PE) como método de obtener información valiosa sobre la
interacción del usuario con sistemas de TA y TAO. En esta sección se hablará de
los principales conceptos que aborda este tema, en particular el esfuerzo (tempo-
ral, técnico y cognitivo) de posedición como lo define Krings (2001), y los métodos
existentes para medirlos. Estas mediciones buscan determinar el tiempo invertido
en corregir un segmento o el número de palabras corregidas en un plazo determi-
nado, ası́ como la evaluación humana de la dificultad cognitiva percibida, la carga
cognitiva que supone la posedición mediante la ayuda de técnicas de seguimiento
de ojos, la distancia de edición o el número de veces que se teclea.

La identificación de las necesidades de los usuarios se aborda desde tres perspec-
tivas distintas: 1) determinar las necesidades de los traductores por medio de una
encuesta de usuarios, 2) evaluar los sistemas actuales de TAO, y 3) analizar el
proceso de posedición de la traducción automática.
El punto de partida y el principal método empleado en esta tesis ha sido una
encuesta distribuida entre los traductores profesionales que contiene preguntas
acerca de diferentes aspectos del uso de las tecnologı́as en su trabajo. Concre-
tamente, el objetivo de la encuesta ha consistido en identificar 1) las costumbres
de los traductores profesionales, es decir, qué herramientas y recursos utilizan y
cómo; 2) su nivel de satisfacción con estas tecnologı́as; 3) su nivel de conocimiento
de los diferentes tipos de tecnologı́as disponibles; 4) las posibles razones del escaso
uso de las distintas herramientas; 5) la actitud general hacia las tendencias que
existen actualmente en la industria de la traducción relacionadas con la tecnologı́a;
6) posibles maneras de crear nuevos sistemas y ampliar y mejorar las herramientas
que ya existen.
La encuesta contiene preguntas de selección múltiple y preguntas abiertas,
donde los encuestados han podido dar respuestas y comentarios con sus propias
palabras. De este modo, las respuestas incluyen datos cuantitativos y cualitativos
en forma de comentarios de los encuestados. Los datos cualitativos o verbales se
han analizado mediante la metodologı́a de codificación, la cual consiste en dividir
los datos en categorı́as, o unidades de sentido, y asignar una etiqueta a cada
categorı́a. El objetivo de este tipo de análisis es identificar diversos fenómenos en
el texto, encontrar ejemplos de estos fenómenos y hallar relaciones significativas
entre los diferentes fenómenos, patrones y estructuras. También permite construir
un esquema conceptual de los datos y organizarlos de forma jerárquica.
El análisis de los datos cuantitativos ha consistido en un análisis descriptivo en
forma de estadı́stica de porcentaje y gráficos, y un análisis posterior más profundo
con el objetivo de encontrar correlaciones entre las diferentes variables, como es el
perfil de los participantes y su efecto en el uso de determinadas tecnologı́as. Para
ello utilizamos tablas de contingencia y pruebas estadı́sticas de independencia con
el fin de estudiar la influencia que ejercen los idiomas de trabajo de los traductores,
su tipo de empleo, la educación, los dominios de especialización y la competencia
informática sobre su uso de diferentes herramientas de traducción.
El siguiente paso de la metodologı́a ha consistido en estudiar y evaluar las
herramientas existentes teniendo en cuenta los resultados de la encuesta. De este
modo, surge también la tarea de encontrar un método de evaluación para la TA,
las herramientas de TAO, y la combinación de ambos (es decir, la TA integrada en
el entorno de las herramientas de TAO). Ası́ pues, se propuso una plantilla para
evaluar sistemas de TA gratuitos disponibles online, los cuales fueron elegidos por
ser los más populares entre los encuestados. Esta plantilla se ha basado en la idea
de que los métodos de evaluación utilizados para la traducción humana pueden ser

adecuados también para la evaluación de la traducción automática, concretamente
los métodos de recuento de errores. De este modo, la plantilla combina algunas
plantillas existentes (principalmente creadas para la traducción humana) e incluye
algunos tipos de errores nuevos.
Para la evaluación de las herramientas de TAO hemos propuesto un esquema
de sus caracterı́sticas en el que todas ellas se corresponden con una caracterı́stica
previamente establecida por la norma ISO de calidad de software. En este esquema
también hemos tenido en cuenta las preferencias que expresaron los traductores
en la encuesta en cuanto a algunas funciones de las herramientas de TAO que les
resultaban útiles. Tras elaborar el esquema, se ha presentado un caso práctico
donde intervienen cuatro herramientas populares de TAO con el fin de ilustrar
cómo puede utilizarse dicho esquema de evaluación.
Por último, también hemos estudiado las formas de combinación de la TA y
las herramientas de TAO. Basándonos en los resultados de la encuesta, este tema
fue identificado como problemático. En concreto, se ha detectado que existe una
falta de conocimiento y/ o actitudes contradictorias hacia este tipo de sistemas.
Además, a pesar de ser una tecnologı́a poderosa, para muchos traductores la TA
no ha podido demostrar su utilidad. Con el fin de concebir posibles formas para
mejorar la situación, hemos estudiado el proceso de posedición, y en concreto las
dificultades que acarrean diversos tipos de errores para la posedición durante la
TAO. Para ello se han realizado mediciones cuantitativas de tiempo y esfuerzo
técnico, ası́ como un estudio cualitativo de las correcciones.
Asimismo, hemos realizado varios experimentos de posedición, en los que es-
tudiantes de traducción (hablantes nativos de alemán y español) poseditaron tra-
ducciones generadas por sistemas de TA del inglés a su lengua materna. Los datos
utilizados en los experimentos provenı́an de un corpus de errores de TA anota-
dos. La anotación de errores en el corpus fue realizada por lingüistas profesionales
según una taxonomı́a especı́fica de errores llamada la Métrica Multidimensional de
Calidad (MQM) (Lommel 2013). Durante el experimento los errores aparecı́an ya
señalados, de modo que los editores solo tenı́an que corregir los errores identificados
Los dos estudios basados en los experimentos que se han llevado a cabo tienen
una metodologı́a similar pero diferentes objetivos. El primero tiene como objetivo
comparar diferentes tipos de errores atendiendo al esfuerzo de posedición que im-
plican. Este estudio describe un experimento en el cual los estudiantes poseditaron
frases que contenı́an errores de diferentes tipos, y después se analizó el tiempo de
posedición y el esfuerzo técnico de posedición que se requirió y se hizo una com-
paración entre los distintos tipos de errores. El tiempo de PE se midió en función
del tiempo invertido en poseditar un determinado segmento, y el esfuerzo técnico
se midió con lo que se conoce como PEE, el cual está incluido en la herramienta
de TAO utilizada y que se basa en la distancia de edición entre la traducción au-
tomática y el resultado final. Posteriormente, se compararon las mediciones de
diferentes tipos de errores. El segundo estudio se desarrolla de igual forma que

el primero pero con otro idioma de destino, de forma que se puedan comparar
los resultados de ambos estudios, es decir, su objetivo es investigar si los mismos
errores son difı́ciles de poseditar en idiomas distintos. El segundo estudio también
utiliza las medidas del tiempo de PE y el PEE.

La encuesta se distribuyó en noviembre de 2014 y produjo 736 respuestas com-
pletas procedentes de 88 paı́ses. La mayorı́a de los encuestados eran traductores
autónomos, si bien algunos trabajan con agencias y otros de manera independi-
ente. Un pequeño porcentaje trabajaba como traductores internos en empresas de
traducción u otro tipo de empresa y en instituciones públicas.
Si resumimos los resultados más importantes de la encuesta, en primer lu-
gar, consideramos sorprendente que a pesar de la gran variedad de tecnologı́as
disponibles la mayorı́a de los traductores solo utilizaba algunas de las más co-
munes, como puede ser el software de MT, y únicamente a veces los sistemas de
TA. Por lo general, no conocı́an otros tipos de herramientas menos frecuentes, o
no tenı́an tiempo para aprender a usarlas, como, por ejemplo, en el caso de las
herramientas para la creación y gestión de corpus de textos.
Como ya se anticipaba, la creciente multifuncionalidad de las herramientas
de TAO de última generación ha demostrado ser uno de los mayores problemas
para los traductores. Esto ocurre porque utilizan las mismas herramientas tra-
ductores con perfiles de usuario diferentes, por ejemplo, con diferentes tipos de
empleo, como traductores autónomos, traductores internos y gestores de proyec-
tos, o con diferente educación o experiencia con la tecnologı́a. Una solución para
este problema puede consistir en crear varias versiones de la misma herramienta
para diferentes finalidades. Esta solución fue sugerida por varios encuestados, que
proponı́an crear una “versión profesional (con licencia y pagada), versión para
autónomos (con funcionalidades limitadas, compatible con ficheros de la versión
completa, gratuita) y versión web (funcionalidades limitadas, confidencialidad ase-
gurada, gratuita)”. De esta manera, los traductores pueden elegir la versión básica
o la versión completa de la herramienta en función de sus necesidades sin tener
que modificar todos los ajustes.
A pesar de que a menudo es complicado aprender a usar las herramientas
multifuncionales, los encuestados preferı́an herramientas de TAO con diferentes
sistemas integrados, como son los módulos, en lugar de tener un programa aparte
para cada de las funcionalidades, como pueden ser la gestión de terminologı́a o
el control de calidad. Por otra parte, los sistemas de traducción automática, por
ejemplo, se utilizaban tanto dentro de una herramienta de TAO como de forma
independiente. Un resultado sorprendente fue que alrededor de un tercio de los
encuestados que utilizaban las herramientas de TAO no sabı́an decir si tenı́an un
sistema de TA integrado en su herramienta. Existen dos posibles razones para ello:
que estos participantes no usaban la TA integrada, o que usaban las sugerencias

procedentes de diferentes fuentes, como la MT, la TA y las bases de datos de
terminologı́a, sin saber realmente de dónde venı́an esas sugerencias. Este resultado
condujo la tesis hacia la investigación de cómo los traductores trabajan con la TA
integrada en la TAO, tanto desde el punto de vista técnico (es decir, cómo se
realiza exactamente esa integración), como desde la perspectiva de los usuarios
(es decir, si llega a aumentar la productividad y satisfacción de los usuarios). En
esta direción, hemos llevado a cabo los estudios de las formas de integración y del
proceso de posedición anteriormente mencionado.
Los resultados de la encuesta también revelaron un hecho interesante sobre
el uso de los corpus de textos. Un porcentaje muy pequeño de los encuestados
declararon que utilizaban corpus, pero la mayorı́a de ellos utilizaban la búsqueda
de concordancias e incluso la destacaron como su funcionalidad favorita. Esto
significa que los traductores utilizan las memorias de traducción para buscar con-
textos, por lo que hacen uso de ellas esencialmente como corpus. De este modo, se
pueden incorporar más recursos textuales en la búsqueda de concordancias, como
corpus paralelos y comparables bilingües y multilingües, corpus monolingües, que
se utilizan mucho como material de referencia, y búsqueda en la web (tanto mono-
lingüe como bilingüe), la cual también funciona como concordancia.
Otro resultado interesante de la encuesta ha sido el proceso de gestión de termi-
nologı́a. Muchas herramientas populares de TAO incluyen una función de gestión
de terminologı́a que permite realizar diferentes tareas relacionadas con la termi-
nologı́a, como guardar nuevos términos en la base de datos o realizar búsqueda
de términos. Por un lado, muchos encuestados consideraron estas funcionalidades
muy útiles, pero por otro lado, muchos las destacaron como la funcionalidad más
odiada. Esto podrı́a ser un indicador de que las formas de implementar los sis-
temas de gestión de terminologı́a existentes no satisfacen las necesidades de los
traductores, aunque sea imprescindible para su trabajo. Asimismo, la gestión de
terminologı́a en un entorno con herramientas de TAO puede ser una dirección de
investigación potencialmente fructı́fera que puede conducir a valiosas mejoras de
las herramientas desde el punto de vista del usuario.
Desde la perspectiva metodológica, este trabajo ha podido detectar algunas
limitaciones en el método de las encuestas de usuarios en relación con la identifi-
cación de las necesidades de usuarios en el software de traducción, pues en muchos
casos los usuarios tienen preferencias y necesidades diferentes. Un ejemplo de ello
fue la pregunta sobre la utilidad de distintas caracterı́sticas en las herramientas
de TAO. Aunque fue posible identificar algunas de las caracterı́sticas que en su
mayorı́a eran útiles, tales como la gestión de terminologı́a, la búsqueda de con-
cordancias, y las funcionalidades de propagación y sugerencia automáticas, las
opiniones sobre el tema eran muy dispersas. La encuesta no ha sido el método
más apropiado para decidir qué caracterı́sticas son más o menos útiles, o qué carac-
terı́sticas deberı́an incluirse en las herramientas o eliminarse de ellas. Además, los
usuarios no pueden reflexionar sobre los tipos de software o sus funcionalidades
si este software todavı́a no existe o si los usuarios nunca han trabajado con él,

pues no pueden basar sus respuestas en experiencias prácticas. Ası́ pues, sugeri-
mos que para decidir sobre la utilidad de tales sistemas o caracterı́sticas se deben
aplicar métodos experimentales. Por último, cabe señalar que los subgrupos de
población no estaban distribuidos equitativamente, lo que dificultó la comparación
entre ellos, dado que, la gran mayorı́a de los traductores eran autónomos y habı́a
muy pocos traductores internos.
Como se ha mencionado anteriormente, la evaluación de los programas exis-
tentes es una forma más de estudiar las necesidades de los usuarios. Los métodos
de evaluación de tecnologı́as de traducción utilizados en esta tesis han ayudado
a sacar algunas conclusiones sobre la evaluación de diferentes tecnologı́as de tra-
ducción. Del mismo modo, para evaluar herramientas de traducción es necesario
tener en cuenta las caracterı́sticas de calidad que se están valorando. Por ejemplo,
en la evaluación de calidad de la TA, la caracterı́stica a estudiar es el rendimiento
del sistema de TA y en las herramientas de TAO, es principalmente la funcional-
idad. Aunque la funcionalidad de estas herramientas es un componente crucial
de su calidad como software, creemos conveniente indicar que la usabilidad es, al
menos, igual de importante. Además, como se ha señalado en la introducción,
los desarrolladores de software prestan generalmente más atención a la funcionali-
dad en perjuicio de la usabilidad. Si bien la funcionalidad es relativamente fácil de
medir de forma cuantitativa basándose en el método de evaluación aquı́ propuesto,
la usabilidad es un concepto más abstracto y su evaluación no es tan sencilla. Dado
que el propósito de las herramientas de TAO es aumentar la productividad y la ve-
locidad de los traductores y reducir su esfuerzo, la usabilidad de estas herramientas
o de sus funcionalidades se puede medir a través del tiempo y el esfuerzo de tra-
ducción. Una evaluación de este tipo se debe realizar en un entorno experimental
y debe emplear métodos cuantitativos.
La última parte de la metodologı́a consiste en la investigación sobre la inte-
gración de la TA en herramientas de TAO y especı́ficamente sobre la posedición
de la misma. En el contexto de evaluación de la usabilidad, la investigación sobre
la posedición es interesante porque ofrece diversos métodos para medir el tiempo
y el esfuerzo de traducción, lo que permite sacar conclusiones no solo sobre la
usabilidad de este tipo de trabajo, sino también obtener información más detal-
lada sobre el proceso de interacción de los usuarios con dichos sistemas. Nos
centraremos en diferentes errores cometidos por sistemas de TA y en su dificultad
para la posedición, lo que puede tener utilidad práctica para mejorar el trabajo de
Un resultado importante que han revelado estos estudios ha sido que tanto el
tiempo de PE como el PEE dependen en gran parte de la longitud del segmento.
Naturalmente, los segmentos más largos requieren más tiempo de edición, al mismo
tiempo que suelen tener menores valores de PEE. La influencia de la longitud del
segmento sobre estas dos medidas es un resultado valioso para la investigación en
posedición, ya que ambas son ampliamente utilizadas en estudios relacionados con
la dificultad en posedición. Por ejemplo, al comparar el tiempo de PE y el PEE

en diferentes tipos de errores, es necesario separar el efecto que tiene el tipo de
error especı́fico sobre la medida en cuestión del efecto que ejerce la longitud del
segmento sobre dicha medida. Teniendo en cuenta estos detalles, hemos propuesto
la medida de tiempo-por-palabra, la cual refleja el promedio de tiempo dedicado
a editar una palabra.
Basándonos en el experimento de posedición del inglés al alemán, hemos com-
parado los diferentes tipos de errores de la TA en relación con su dificultad para
la posedición. El experimento reveló que los errores más difı́ciles incluyen “tra-
ducciones erróneas”, “traducciones ininteligibles” y “traducciones demasiado lit-
erales”. Esencialmente, son errores en la elección del léxico, o que afectan al
sentido del texto o a su idiomaticidad. Los errores menos difı́ciles eran princi-
palmente los errores gramaticales que no afectan mucho el sentido, como en las
palabras funcionales y errores en la forma de la palabra.
Posteriormente, la comparación de la dificultad en PE entre los dos idiomas
de destino demostró que existen importantes diferencias entre idiomas en este
aspecto. Los errores que son difı́ciles en un idioma no estarán necesariamente
entre los más difı́ciles en otro idioma. Únicamente a partir de la comparación
del alemán y el español se puede ver que, al menos basándose en las medidas
de dificultad utilizadas en el presente estudio, sólo unos pocos tipos de errores
se mostraron especialmente difı́ciles o fáciles en ambos idiomas. Por ejemplo, en
términos de tiempo-por-palabra, los errores que eran difı́ciles en ambos idiomas
incluyen “traducciones ininteligibles” y errores gramaticales y terminológicos. En
los dos idiomas se observaron puntuaciones superiores en PEE cuando se trataba de
“traducciones ininteligibles”, “traducciones erróneas” y errores en la forma de las
palabras. Cabe mencionar que, aunque los corpus inglés-alemán e inglés-español
utilizados en los experimentos eran similares, los segmentos no eran exactamente
iguales, lo cual podrı́a haber influido los resultados.

Para finalizar, repasaremos las principales contribuciones de esta tesis. En primer
lugar, encontramos los datos recogidos en la encuesta de usuarios y su posterior
análisis, el cual posibilitó la identificación de los inconvenientes de las herramientas
existentes. Según la encuesta de usuarios, los principales problemas relacionados
con los programas de MT se concentran alrededor de su creciente multifuncional-
idad y de su usabilidad, que son dos cualidades interdependientes del software.
Por otro lado, los resultados de la encuesta demostraron que la multifuncionalidad
de las herramientas de TAO no se debe únicamente a una iniciativa por parte de
los desarrolladores de software. De hecho, la mayorı́a de los traductores preferı́an
tener diferentes funciones en una sola herramienta en lugar de comprar e instalar
un sistema para cada una de estas tareas. Una solución a este problema que los
traductores parecen apoyar es tener diferentes versiones de una herramienta con
distintos niveles de complejidad.

El método de encuestas también nos ha permitido identificar algunas de las
funcionalidades de las herramientas de TAO que los traductores consideran más
útiles, como pueden ser la gestión de terminologı́a, la compatibilidad con muchos
formatos de ficheros y la búsqueda de concordancias. Sin embargo, las opiniones
sobre este tema eran bastante discrepantes y las preferencias de los participantes
quedaron repartidas entre distintas caracterı́sticas. Esto demuestra como, en mu-
chos casos, las necesidades de los usuarios son subjetivas y dependen de gustos
particulares. A raı́z de esta consideración, estudiamos cómo diferentes aspectos
del perfil del usuario pueden estar relacionadas con el uso de las herramientas. Por
nombrar un ejemplo, existe una relación entre la formación de los traductores y
su uso de diferentes tipos de software, ası́ que la importancia de la formación en
la elección de las herramientas de traducción no debe ser subestimada.
Por otro lado, hemos identificado algunas posibles lı́neas de trabajo para crear
herramientas más fáciles de usar. De este modo, hemos propuesto incorporar
más recursos textuales en la búsqueda de concordancias, que era una de las fun-
cionalidades más populares entre los traductores. Estos recursos podrı́an incluir
diferentes tipos de corpus (paralelos, comparables, monolingües), ası́ como, posi-
blemente, recursos online, tales como motores de búsqueda bilingües. Además,
la gestión de terminologı́a en las herramientas de TAO parece ser un tema que
provoca opiniones enfrentadas: algunos de los encuestados estaban contentos con
esta funcionalidad, pero a otros no les gustaba en absoluto. La gestión de termi-
nologı́a es una de las tareas más importantes en el proceso de traducción, pero
es probable que los usuarios no estén contentos con la forma en la que estos sis-
temas están implementados y los consideran difı́ciles de utilizar. Esta hipótesis
requiere más investigación sobre cómo se llevan a cabo las tareas relacionadas con
la terminologı́a en un programa de TAO y cómo se puede mejorar este tipo de
En general, el método de encuestas ha demostrado ser eficaz para algunos
propósitos, pero insuficiente para otros. A pesar de que el método ayudó a recopi-
lar grandes cantidades de información sobre los usuarios, en algunos casos dicha in-
formación no era suficientemente representativa para comparar ciertos fenómenos,
algo que era difı́cil de controlar durante la distribución de la encuesta. Además,
algunos términos eran confusos o totalmente desconocidos para los encuestados,
lo cual influyó en las estadı́sticas de determinadas preguntas. Asimismo, en otros
casos no se pudo identificar ninguna preferencia evidente, pues las respuestas se
distribuyeron casi equitativamente entre las distintas opciones.
Por último, hemos realizado estudios experimentales sobre el proceso de trabajo
en la PE, los cuales arrojaron algunas conclusiones sobre dicho proceso. Se identi-
ficaron los tipos de errores procedentes de una TA que son más difı́ciles de editar,
y se descubrió que los tipos de errores que los usuarios consideran más difı́ciles no
siempre coinciden en todos los idiomas. También descubrimos que la dificultad de
PE de una frase depende en gran medida de su longitud, por lo que propusimos
la medida de tiempo-por-palabra, que sı́ tiene en cuenta esta dependencia.

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Zaretskaya, A., Corpas Pastor, G., and Seghiri, M. (2015). Translators’ requirements for
translation technologies: a user survey. In Corpas-Pastor, G., Seghiri-Domínguez, M.,
Gutiérrez-Florido, R., and Urbano-Medaña, M., editors, Nuevos horizontes en los
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Switzerland, pp. 247–254.


This article presents some of the results of an online survey that was carried out in order
to identify professional translators’ requirements regarding translation technologies.
Participants in the sample seem to show high interest in technologies, based the large
number of participants who has received training in IT. Although machine translation
(MT) is mainly ignored due to the low quality and big post-editing effort, most translators
see a potential benefit in high quality MT. Translation Memory (TM) software, according
to the users’ preferences, should be first of all intuitive, compatible with other tools and
support a great variety of formats. Very few translators compile their own corpora, which
is mainly because they are unfamiliar with suitable tools and techniques.


Zaretskaya, A. (2015). The use of machine translation among professional translators. In

Costa, H., Zaretskaya, A., Pastor, G. C., Specia, L., and Seghiri, M., editors, Proceedings
of the EXPERT Scientific and Techno- logical Workshop, June 2015, Malaga, Spain,
Tradulex, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 1–12.

This paper presents results of a user survey for professional translators, which was aimed
at identifying their needs regarding translation technologies. It focuses specifically on
machine translation (MT), which user groups are more likely to adopt it and how they
perceive technological advancements in this field. Based on the data, some connections
could be made between the use of machine translation and translators’ domain of
specialisation. However, future advancements of MT technology are perceived
independently of the domain. Translators with advanced knowledge in IT tend to use MT
more than the ones with less IT skills. Similarly, education in IT also has an effect on MT
usage rate. Finally, we identified that more freelance translators who work with an
agency tend to use MT more than those who work without an agency.
3. Zaretskaya, A., Corpas Pastor, G., and Seghiri, M. (2016). Corpora in computer-
assisted translation: a users’ view. In Corpas Pastor, G. and Seghiri, M., editors, Corpus-
based Approaches to Translation and Interpreting: From Theory to Applications. Peter
Lang, Frankfurt, pp. 253–276.



Since the first ideas of using computers for translation appeared in the middle of the last
century, translation technology evolved to become both a field of research and an
industry. Language professionals today have to be up to date with new technological
developments in order to handle the highly competitive market requirements. There are,
however, various problems preventing them to fully adopt some of the technologies.
Thus, even though researchers have pointed out the benefits of using corpora in
translation workflow, the fact is that translators almost never compile their own corpora.
This is also confirmed by user surveys previously conducted in this field.

The survey “Computer tools for Translators: User Needs” was carried out in order to
identify possible ways to make these technologies more user- friendly, functional and
useful for professional translators. In this article we present the findings of the survey that
concern textual corpora and related technologies. First, we make an overview of existing
computer- assisted translation (CAT) technologies and focus specifically on tools for
working with corpora. Then, we discuss the findings of previous surveys on corpora
usage among translators, which are partially in line with our own findings.

One of them was that corpora were much less popular compared to other electronic
resources and CAT tools. Bilingual corpora were used more often than monolingual
corpora. More translators used publicly available ready-made corpora and online
resources rather than compiling their own corpora. Only a small part of corpora users
reported using special computer tools for compiling them. However, even if not used,
these tools were familiar to many translators. Most of respondents agreed that
concordance search, simple interface and terminology extraction are necessary features
that a tool for compiling corpora must have. We also investigated how corpora can be
used within a CAT tool environment. The concordance search function in CAT tools
seems to be very important for translators as they use it to search translation memories
(TM) for words or phrases and look for translation equivalents. Some CAT tools include
a corpora-building functionality, which a number of translators mentioned as their
favourite feature. Aligning parallel texts to create TM entries is another necessary feature
of CAT tools, according to translators.

Based on these findings we propose some ways of enhancing various functionalities in

existing CAT tools to help translators fully benefit from corpora. We also stress that
creating an easy-to-use tool for compiling and managing monolingual and bilingual
corpora can make a big difference by increasing the usage of corpora in translation


Zaretskaya, A., Corpas Pastor, G., and Seghiri, M. (In press/2018). User Perspective on
Translation Tools: Findings of a User Survey. In Corpas Pastor, G. and Duran, I., editors,
Trends in E-tools and Resources for Translators and Interpreters, Brill, pp. 37–36.

DOI: 10.1163/9789004351790_004


Electronic tools have become an important part of a translator’s work. However,

professional translators are not always satisfied with the tools they have at their disposal.
In addition, many translators are not aware of all the existing types of tools they can use.
In this way, it is necessary to investigate translators’ needs regarding electronic tools, as
well as to provide them with the necessary training to help adopt them. In this article we
discuss different methods that can be applied to investigate user requirements in the
context of translation tools. User surveys are one of the most popular methods. We
present the process of implementation and the results of a user survey on translation
technologies focusing on different factors that influence translators’ adoption of tools,
such as their education and computer competence. We also discuss translators’
preferences regarding features and characteristics of computer-assisted translation (CAT)
tools. The findings of the survey show that translators do not only expect their cat tools to
have a full set of features, but also to be easy to use and intuitive. We suggest that
usability of translation tools is closely related to the users’ productivity, which has to be
taken into account when investigating translators’ needs regarding electronic tools.


Zaretskaya, A., Corpas-Pastor, G., and Seghiri-Domínguez, M. (2016). A quality

evaluation template for machine translation. Translation Journal, 19(1).


Even though Machine Translation (MT) is one of the most advanced and elaborate
research fields within Translation Technology, the quality of MT output has always been
a great concern, and MT evaluation is a popular research topic. In this paper, we first
provide an overview of existing translation quality assessment methods for human
translation, including translation industry quality standards and theoretical approaches to
translation quality. Then we analyse some of the existing metrics for evaluation of MT:
both automatic and manual. While automatic metrics (BLEU) are cheap and suitable for
tracking progress in MT research, development of a specific system, or comparing
different systems, they have various limitations compared to manual evaluation. Manual
MT evaluation methods tend to overcome these drawbacks, at the same time, however,
being expensive, time-consuming and subjective. Finally, we introduce a quantitative MT
evaluation method based on error-count technique. This method is an attempt to combine
techniques for machine and human translation evaluation for the purpose of evaluating
the quality of MT.


Zaretskaya, A. (2016). A quantitative method for evaluation of CAT tools based on user
preferences. In Litzler, M. F., García Laborda, J. and Tejedor Martínez, C., editors,
Beyond the universe of Languages for Specific Purposes: The 21st century perspective.
Proceedings of the AELFE XV International Conference. University of Alcalá, June
2016, pp.153–158


Translation software evaluation is a task that highly depends on its purpose. The purpose
can be comparing and ranking of existing tools, evaluating advancements in the
development of one tool, assessing usefulness of a tool for a specific working scenario,
etc. There is no evaluation methodology that could fit any evaluation purpose. In this
article we attempt to evaluate four popular translation tools from the point of view of user
preferences. The evaluation is based on a user survey where respondents ranked features
of translation tools by their usefulness. The evaluation scheme we propose takes into
account three software quality characteristics: Functionality, Adaptability and
Interoperability. We suggest that the scheme is suitable for evaluating how currently
existing tools satisfy the requirements most of the users regarding these characteristics.


Zaretskaya, A., Corpas Pastor, G., and Seghiri, M. (2015). Integration of machine
translation in CAT tools: State of the art, evaluation and user attitudes. SKASE Journal
for Translation and Interpretation, 8(1), pp. 76– 88.


There have been proposed various techniques for combining machine translation (MT)
and translation memory (TM) technologies in order to enhance retrieved TM matches and
increase translators’ productivity. We provide an overview of these techniques and
propose a way of classifying them. According to the results of our user survey, many
translators are not aware of MT feature in their computer-assisted translation (CAT) tool.
However, more than a half of the population perceive such combination as useful. We
argue that it is necessary to take into account user perspective when evaluating MT and
CAT integration and suggest characteristics of such evaluation.


Zaretskaya, A., Vela, M., Corpas Pastor, G., and Seghiri, M. (2016). Measuring Post-
editing Time and Effort for Different Types of Machine Translation Errors. New Voices
in Translation Studies, 15, September 2016, pp. 63–92.


Post-editing (PE) of machine translation (MT) is becoming more and more common in
the professional translation setting. However, many users refuse to employ MT due to
bad quality of the output it provides and even reject post-editing job offers. This can
change by improving MT quality from the point of view of the PE process. This article
investigates different types of MT errors and the difficulties they pose for PE in terms of
post-editing time and technical effort. For the experiment we used English to German
translations performed by MT engines. The errors were previously annotated using the
MQM scheme for error annotation. The sentences were post-edited by students in
translation. The experiment allowed us to make observations about the relation between
technical and temporal PE effort, as well as to discover the types of errors that are more
challenging for PE.


Zaretskaya, A., Vela, M., Corpas Pastor, G., and Seghiri, M. (2016). Comparing Post-
Editing Difficulty of Different Machine Translation Errors in Spanish and German
Translations from English. International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 3(3).


Post-editing (PE) of Machine Translation (MT) is an increasingly popular way to

integrate MT in the professional translation workflow, as it increases productivity and
income. However, the quality of MT is not always good enough to blindly choose PE
over translation from scratch. This article studies the PE of different error types and
compares indicators of PE difficulty in English-to-Spanish and English-to-German
translations. The results show that the indicators in question 1) do not correlate between
each other for all error types, and 2) differ between languages.

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