DS32 01 Pump Stations Borehole Mechanical
DS32 01 Pump Stations Borehole Mechanical
DS32 01 Pump Stations Borehole Mechanical
MAY 2022
Design Standard DS 32-01
Pump Stations – Borehole – Mechanical
The intent of Design Standards is to specify requirements that assure effective design and delivery of fit for
purpose Water Corporation infrastructure assets for best whole-of-life value with least risk to Corporation service
standards and safety. Design standards are also intended to promote uniformity of approach by asset designers,
drafters and constructors to the design, construction, commissioning and delivery of water infrastructure and to the
compatibility of new infrastructure with existing like infrastructure.
Design Standards draw on the asset design, management and field operational experience gained and documented
by the Corporation and by the water industry generally over time. They are intended for application by Corporation
staff, designers, constructors and land developers to the planning, design, construction and commissioning of
Corporation infrastructure including water services provided by land developers for takeover by the Corporation.
Nothing in this Design Standard diminishes the responsibility of designers and constructors for applying the
requirements of WA OSH Regulations 1996 (Division 12, Construction Industry – consultation on hazards and
safety management) to the delivery of Corporation assets. Information on these statutory requirements may be
viewed at the following web site location:
Overview of Western Australia’s Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 (dmirs.wa.gov.au)
Enquiries relating to the technical content of a Design Standard should be directed to the Senior Principal
Engineer, Mechanical Section, Engineering. Future Design Standard changes, if any, will be issued to registered
Design Standard users as and when published.
Head of Engineering
This document is prepared without the assumption ofa duty ofcare by the Water Corporation. The document is not intended
to be nor should it be relied on as a substitute for professional engineering design expertise or any other professional advice.
Users should use and reference the current version ofthis document.
© Copyright – Water Corporation: This standard and software is copyright. With the exception of use permitted by the
Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced without the written permission of the Water Corporation.
Water Corporation accepts no liability for any loss or damage that arises from anything in the
Standards/Specifications including any loss or damage that may arise due to the errors and omissions of any
person. Any person or entity which relies upon the Standards/Specifications from the Water Corporation website
does so that their own risk and without any right of recourse to the Water Corporation, including, but not limited
to, using the Standards/Specification for works other than for or on behalf of the Water Corporation.
The Water Corporation shall not be responsible, nor liable, to any person or entity for any loss or damage suffered
as a consequence of the unlawful use of, or reference to, the Standards/Specifications, including but not limited to
the use of any part of the Standards/Specification without first obtaining prior express written permission from the
CEO of the Water Corporation.
Any interpretation of anything in the Standards/Specifications that deviates from specific Water Corporation
Project requirements must be referred to, and resolved by, reference to and for determination by the Water
Corporation’s project manager and/or designer for that particular Project.
The revision status of this standard is shown section by section below:
REV. REVISED (Section, Clause, Sub-Clause)
1 1/0 1.05.11 All New part standard EJP SE
1 1/2 10.12.12 12, 14-16 Clauses 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.4, 1.6, 1.7 , GWR SE, 1.8.5 amended,
1 1/3 11.04.14 12,15 Clauses 1.1.1, 1.83 amended GWR SE
All 1/4 16.05.22 n/a Periodic review, no change SE SE
required except minor change
to Sec 7 pages 54-55 as detailed
below (Clause 7.3.8 - DS25-01
replaced with DS40-08)
- Placement of borehole equipment on contaminated surfaces e.g. the ground, prior to installation or after removal
from the bore
- Open boreholes and/or where items of equipment have been removed from the headworks pipework potentially
allowing entry of vermin etc.
1.2 Purpose
The Corporation’s mechanical design standards are documented in its DS 30 Standards series.
Designers shall comply with these standards for the design and specification of mechanical
components of assets being acquired for the Corporation (refer Note).
The purpose of the DS 30 Standards series is to provide:
(a) Standards and guidelines applicable in the design of Corporation assets,
(b) Explanatory or specific design information,
(c) Information relating to Corporation preferences and practices which have evolved from over a
century of experience in the water industry.
NOTE: Section 2 of this Standard covers general design requirements associated with borehole pumping plant most
of which refer to the DS 30 Standards series.
1.4 Standards
All materials and workmanship shall comply with latest revisions of the relevant codes and standards.
Water Corporation Strategic Product Specifications (SPS), or in their absence the latest editions of
Australian Standards, or Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) Codes, shall be referenced
for design and specification. In the absence of relevant Australian Standards or WSAA Codes,
relevant international or industry standards shall be referenced.
1.5.1 Abstraction
(a) Water meters are required to be closed conduit type fully charged complying with AS 4747.
(b) The DoW requires abstraction volume readings to be taken using a cumulative water meter of a
type approved under the Rights in Water and Irrigation (Approved Meters) Order 2009 for each
bore under the licence.
(c) Readings are to be taken as close as practicable to the end of each month. Should there be an
unforeseen event preventing volume readings being taken then the Corporation is required to
notify the DoW. Notification should include an estimated date when readings can be taken.
(d) The abstraction readings are to be reported to the DoW annually in compliance with the
Corporation’s Operating Licence for borefields;
(e) The bore abstraction readings are to be accurate (rounded) to the nearest 1 kilolitre;
(f) Installation of water meters are required to comply with DoW “Guidelines for water meter
installations 2009” and ATS 4747 (refer Section 7 of this Standard “Abstraction Flowmeter”);
(g) Water meters are required to be accurate to ±2½% when laboratory tested or ±5% when tested
in situ and shall be tested in accordance with ATS 4747;
(h) The DoW should be notified in writing of any water meter malfunction within 7 days of the
malfunction being noticed;
(i) Should a meter malfunction and/or is to be removed then the Corporation is required to
formally notify the DoW providing a timeline to rectify the malfunction, or to replace the meter
and explain how abstraction is proposed to be measured during period of meter removal.
1. This Standard complies with the DoW “Guidelines for water meter installation 2009” and the above represents a
general summary. More detailed requirements are addressed in later parts of this Standard.
2. Verification of magnetic flowmeter accuracy is achieved via testing of the electronic meter head only as this is the
only component that would normally be subject to change over time.
(b) WRL readings for monitoring bores are ‘where required’ by DoW. The frequency for
monitoring is monthly, 3 monthly or 6 monthly depending upon the frequency assigned for the
particular bores. The readings are required to be reported to the DoW annually in order to
comply with the Corporation’s Operating Licence requirements for borefields.
(c) The water level readings are to be accurate to the nearest 0.1 m.
1.5.3 Conductivity
(a) The DoW requires conductivity (salinity) to be monitored for each bore. The frequency for
monitoring is monthly or 3 monthly depending upon the frequency assigned for the particular
(b) The readings are to be reported to the DoW annually in order to comply with the Corporation’s
Operating Licence requirements for borefields.
1.7 Notations
Statements expressed by the use of the word ‘shall’ are mandatory or ‘normative’ requirements of the
Standard. Statements expressed by the use of the words ‘should’ or ‘may; are ‘informative’ but not
mandatory and are provided only for information and guidance. Notes in Standards text are
informative however notes that form part of the Standards tables are normative.
1.8 Nomenclature
1.8.1 Engineering Definitions and Relationships
For definitions of the terminology and relationships referred to in this Standard the reader is referred
to the Engineering Definitions and Relationships section of DS 30-01 and the following. Flood-Plane Bores
Bores that are located on flood planes and subject to shallower and less damaging flood waters than
would otherwise be experienced for riverbed bores. The switchboard (elevated) and headworks are
located at the bore head. Foot Valve
A poppet type (valve disc sliding on a central spindle) non return valve, which is fitted on the suction
side of the pump e.g. lineshaft turbine pump. Pump Non Return Valve
A poppet type non return valve, which is fitted on the discharge side of the pump e.g. submersible
electric borehole pump. Riverbed Bores
Bores that have been located in a riverbed, and subject to relatively deep and turbulent flood-waters.
The switchboards and headworks are located beyond the river bank. Snifter Valve
A small vacuum breaker valve (one way ‘air in’) fitted upstream of the surface NRV designed to
admit air in order to break vacuum that may form in the column pipe when the pump stops. Surface Non Return Valve
A dual plate or swing check type non return valve fitted above ground as part of the headworks
pipework. Top of Bore Cover (TOBC)
Is the top of the:
(a) Bore cover body top flange for column type submersible electric pumps;
(b) Bore tee head body flange for columnless type submersible electric pumps;
(c) Bore at the level where the discharge head baseplate is mounted for lineshaft pumps;
The top of bore cover shall be referenced to AHD. (Refer also Clause 3.6.1) Top of Casing (TOC)
Is the top of the production casing (or its flange if the production casing has one) when first installed
by the drilling contractor. (Refer also Clause 3.6.1)
1.8.3 Abbreviations
For abbreviations referred to in this Standard the reader is referred to the Abbreviation section of DS
30-01 and the following.
AC – Alternating current
AV – Air valve
BYS – Bronze ‘Y’ strainer
DoW – Department of Water
LT – Level transmitter
MFM – Magnetic flowmeter
NRV – Non return valve
ODSS – Operational data storage system (for manual and low frequency data collection)
OSH – Occupational safety and health
PLC – Programmable logic controller
PI – Plant information data storage system (for high frequency data collection)
PRV – Pressure reducing valve
PSV – Pressure sustaining valve
RTD – Resistance temperature detector
RTU – Remote terminal unit
TOBC – Top of bore cover
VB – Vacuum break valve
WPL – Water pumping level
bearing due to the repetitive shock loading it induces. Where pumps run continuously this is not
an issue;
• A decreased head on the pump can produce over-pumping on start which may exceed the flow
capability of the bore screen, and surging of the bore due to the action of over-pumping and
water backflow;
• Normal air valve cycling in a pipeline expels and admits small quantities of air due to air
accumulation in the pipeline. The bore head air release and vacuum break valves by comparison
can admit and expel relatively large quantities of air during each pumping cycle. This may
represent a potential minor contamination risk where air admission occurs on bore sites which
are located in dusty polluted environments e.g. where stock can roam. This risk is low and will
not be addressed as to do so could adversely affect the performance of critical air transfer
• A two-way air valve (e.g. air in/air out) poses a potential contamination source from entry of
flood waters if inundated and small wildlife e.g. small lizards and large insects. This issue has
been addressed by specifying a one-way ‘air release only’ air valve in conjunction with a small
vacuum break valve e.g. snifter valve. Since the air release valve is one-way ‘air release only’
there is no risk of admitting contaminants into the pump column through this valve. Also the
small vacuum break valve incorporates small inlet holes which whilst admitting air would
exclude all vermin except very small insects.
NOTE: During the development of this Standard the use of a bypass around the surface NRV to address potential
pump NRV leakage was considered as a possible alternative to an air valve. However use of the bypass was
dismissed because of the potential for bore contamination (e.g. iron bacteria) arising from backflow of water
from the collector main into the bore in the event of pump NRV or footvalve failure.
NOTE: The use of a pump NRV is preferred and provision of a suitable valve should be investigated (refer to Section
4.2.6 for further details).
2.6 Coatings
For general information relating to coatings refer to the Coatings section of DS 30-02.
2.12 Earthing
Headworks pipework, pipe specials, valves and appurtenances (including the bore head casing cover
assembly), shall be earthed in compliance with the Earthing Section requirements contained in DS 21
and DS 22.
2.13 Fasteners
Structural fasteners shall comply with the Fasteners for Structural Applications section of DS 30-01
and the Bolting Structural Joints section of DS 38-01. Flange fasteners shall comply with DS 38-02.
2.17 Installation
For information and specific requirements relating to installation and workmanship relating to
mechanical plant refer to DS 38-01.
2.18 Materials
For general information regarding elastomers, metals and materials for sea water refer to the relevant
Materials sections contained in DS 30-02.
2.19 Noise
Operating noise levels are not normally an issue for submersible electric borehole pumps, in fact this
type of pump can be used to minimise noise in sensitive locations over conventional surface mounted
pumps. Noise considerations relating to borehole pumps would normally be restricted to noisy
headworks valves or diesel driven pumpsets e.g. engine driven lineshaft pumps or generating sets
providing power to submersible electric borehole pumps.
The following noise reduction strategies should be considered where noise sensitivity may be an
(a) Endeavour to minimise the noise and vibration levels during selection of the equipment e.g. by
use of water cooled engines in lieu of air cooled (noisier);
(b) Provide a sound attenuated enclosure over the diesel engine;
(c) Use of low slam non return valves.
For information relating to noise the Designer should refer to the ‘Noise’ section contained in DS 30-
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© Copyright Water Corporation 2011 - 2022
Design Standard DS 32-01
Pump Stations – Borehole – Mechanical
2.21 Redundancy
Maintenance requirements for the borefield shall be determined and documented as part of the design.
The maintenance regime will impact on the level of built-in redundancy in the borefield operation and
the design needs to address this.
For critical operational scenarios where repair times are likely to be unacceptably long, spare pumps,
motors, spare rotating element, impellers or spare parts shall be considered for as follows:
(a) A spare pump or pumpset should be considered for small production pumps in critical or
remote situations in lieu of spare parts;
(b) A spare pumpset should be considered for engineered pumps.
2.24 Valves
For information on valves refer to the relevant parts of the Pipework section of this Standard and DS
2.26 Vibration
Mechanical equipment vibration values shall be designed to a minimum. The acceptable limits for
particular equipment are detailed in the Vibration section of DS 30-02.
2.28 Welding
Welding shall comply with the relevant parts of the ‘Welding’ section contained in DS 30-02.
level shall be graded up to the edge of the concrete apron to eliminate an otherwise tripping hazard
and shall be stabilised to prevent wind or water erosion.
Table 3.2 Minimum Concrete Apron Dimensions
Headwork Size Minimum Apron Size Minimum Slab Depth
≤ DN150 2.5m x 2.5m 200mm
≥ DN200 3m x 3m 200mm
1 The TOC level should be determined by a surveyor, referenced to AHD and recorded on the original bore log before
any changes to the production casing are made.
2. If the TOC is changed, it should be levelled again to AHD, or if small then measured and recorded. The original bore
log would provide accurate measurement below the TOBC to the bottom of the bore or screens or transitions etc.
3. As the top of casing is usually 0.3 m to 0.5m or so above ground level for PVC bores and about 0.5 m or so for GRP
bores, the cut off are usually small, say 0.1 to 0.3m. As drilling measurements below ground probably are no more
accurate than this, it is probably rather academic, unless the TOC is changed a lot, e.g. bore is raised due to
significant earthworks or due to rising above flood level.
1 Table 3.3 is primarily intended for bores utilising columns. For columnless bores the production casing is usually
DN350 GRP (refer Section 1.1.1 regarding use of columnless bores).
2. For bore flow ranges >10ML/d, contact Principal Mechanical Engineer, IDB for advice before proceeding.
3. For pumpsets located above the screens the critical factor affecting casing sizing is generally the size of the pump
column couplings with monitoring ducts. For pumpsets located in and below the screen the critical factor is generally
the size of the pumpset motor plus a shroud (refer Section 4.2.7).
(ii) the discharge head is mounted on a fabricated steel base which would require the
production casing to extend above the concrete apron by 100 with a plain end (not
4.2 Pumpsets
4.2.1 Pumpset Selection
Pumpset selection shall comply with the relevant parts of the ‘Water Pump Stations - Pumpset
Selection’ section contained in DS 32.
(c) For column type boreholes the pumpset shall be suspended on a flexible or rigid corrosion
resistant discharge column (refer also Pump Discharge Column section below); or
(d) For columnless boreholes the pumpset shall be supported by an inflatable packer assembly and
hanger pipe (refer Pump Discharge Column section below);
(e) Electric drop cable and pump earth cable;
(f) Motor temperature transmitter (as required);
(g) Bubbler tube (except columnless);
(h) Groundwater level monitoring ducts (for column type pumpsets) including;
(i) duct for dip tape (well space permitting);
(ii) duct for level transmitter (well space permitting);
(i) Level transmitter (well space permitting);
(j) Integrated monitoring system for large rigid column pumps (eg. CTS system) and columnless
pumps (e.g. Pheonix)
(d) The electric drop cable, ground water level monitoring ducts (well space permitting) and
bubbler tube shall be secured to the column using the manufacturer’s cable straps;
(e) The bubbler tube end shall be taped to the stainless steel fitting at the commencement of the
column and fed through the cable straps to the surface. Accordingly the bubbler tube will be the
same length as the column. The location of the tube end may be moved closer to the pump inlet
for special cases and the position recorded e.g. marginal production bores. The bubbler tube
shall be cut at an angle at the sensor end e.g. 45°.
(f) The flexible column stretch under the pump operating conditions shall be factored into the
design and installation of the down-hole components using the manufacturer’s stretch formula.
1. Flexible column requires a site which has sufficient space to allow installation and removal of the pumpset and
2. The break-off plug is fitted internally at the bottom of the flexible column. Prior to removal of the pump a torpedo is
lowered down the column to impact the plug causing it to break-off and allow the column to drain. The deflated
column is then able to be pulled over a roller at the surface to facilitate removal of the pump.
3. The break off plug system replaces the previous method of column drainage which was to drill a small hole in the
pump NRV prior to installation. This practice is no longer desirable for the reasons previously stated in the Pump
Non Return Valve clause and associated Notes.
· Maintenance of the packed gland, gearbox and setting positions for impellers etc, which in
combination with the added complexity and a multiplicity of components contributes to a
potentially higher failure risk and higher operation and maintenance costs;
· Further, bore straightness is more critical for the proper operation of. a lineshaft pump than for
a submersible pump
5.2 Pumpsets
5.2.1 Pumpset Selection
Pumpset selection shall comply with the relevant parts of the ‘Pumpset Selection’ section contained in
Clause 4.2.1 of this Standard, and as amended by the following. Pump Selection
High bore water temperature can be a factor for deep lineshaft borehole pumps where differential
expansion of the shafting with respect to the column could cause pump damage. Differential
expansion will occur after pump start or pump stop until the water temperature stabilizes either hot or
cold respectively. The Designer shall take this into account when selecting pumps.
The housing bore, rim threads and lands shall be precision machined to provide accurate alignment
and positive sealing between the adjacent column sections.
The bearing housings shall be fitted with water lubricated, removable elastomeric bearings to provide
vibration-free radial support.
NOTE: Oil lubricated lineshaft bearing are available but not used by the Corporation because water lubricated
bearings are considered effective and to reduce potential oil contamination of the borehole.
5.3.3 Lineshaft
The lineshaft shall be manufactured from smooth-ground stainless steel conforming to ASTM A276
grade 431 or 316. Each lineshaft section shall incorporate precision machined threads at each end to
provide correct alignment of the assembly. The lineshaft couplings shall be manufactured from
stainless steel of a minimum PREN of 22 and of hardness sufficiently different to avoid galling (e.g.
50 HBW). Couplings shall be accurately machined with internal threads of the correct hand to prevent
unscrewing during pump operation.
For information relating to calculation of the PREN refer to ‘Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number’
in the ‘Definitions’ section of DS 30-01.
(i) Incorporate provision for a water level bubbler monitoring tube assembly complete with a
sealing gland where the tube exits the discharge head. The bubbler tube shall terminate in a
‘Swagelok’ quick connector and mounting bracket fitted to the discharge head;
(j) Incorporate a DN 25 BSP casing vent fitted with a DN 25 bronze ‘Y’ strainer oriented
1. A mechanical seal would be preferred providing it is an option available from the pump manufacturer.
2. Refer also to the Clause ‘Discharge Head Sealing’ in this section of the Standard.
(k) Oil level sight glass or level plug, filler plug and drain plug;
(l) Lifting points to facilitate installation and removal;
(m) High efficiency e.g. exceeding 95%.
5.6.3 Clutch
Large diesel engines shall incorporate a clutch to enable uncoupled engine warming up and cooling
down periods.
5.7 Driver
5.7.1 Electric Motor
Electric motor drives are not addressed in this Standard as the pump would normally be diesel engine
driven for new installations.
5.7.3 Baseplate
The diesel engine shall be mounted on a fabricated steel baseplate complying with the design and
construction requirements contained in the ‘Baseplates’ section of DS 30-02.
5.8 Headworks
Aboveground pipework for lineshaft borehole pumps shall comply with Section 7 of this Standard,
which specifies requirements for headworks pipework and collector main connecting pipework, but
shall exclude:
(a) The bore head casing cover assembly;
(b) The headworks 90° bend.
(i) 400 mm high for flexible column applications in order to accommodate the bore head
roller; or
(ii) 750 mm high for rigid column applications (in order to provide a convenient working
height for servicing requirements);
(f) Incorporate cable cover mounting brackets (as required).
(g) Incorporate a drain plug.
(b) Incorporate DN 40 BSP boss for the dip tape (refer Note);
(c) Incorporate a removable gland plate incorporating bosses sized to accommodate the power
cable(s), earth cable and level transmitter cable (if fitted) and bubbler tube.
NOTE: Level transmitter and dip tape conduits would only be fitted where space permits. The level transmitter would
have to be protected for flooded conditions.
(d) Designed to facilitate simple connection of the electric drop cable to the above ground power
(e) Manufactured from:
(i) mild steel, which shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with AS 4680 after
manufacture, or
(ii) stainless steel grade 316 to ASTM A480M which has been pickled and passivated after
manufacture in accordance with ASTM A380.
1. The cable connection canister is specifically designed for riverbed bore sites subject to relatively high levels of
submergence and fast flowing waters e.g. Gascoyne River with the switchboard located remotely on the riverbank
above flood level. Riverbed bores are limited to pumpsets ≤50 kW.
2. The installation should incorporate a slack cable provision to facilitate withdrawal at 90º to the canister.
3. The cable connection canister has been used in Carnarvon for some 25 years without major problems and accordingly
the design is deemed to comply with IP 68 to AS 60529. Condensation has not been an issue.
(f) Incorporate earthing studs in accordance with the ‘Earthing’ clause contained in the General
Design Criteria section of this Standard.
Table 7.1 – Standard Copper and Stainless Steel Headworks Pipe Sizes
Pipework Dia - mm Velocity Flow Range
Nominal Actual I/D m/s L/s ML/d
Copper1 S/steel1 Copper S/steel Copper S/steel
50 48.4 52.48 2.5 0 - 4.5 0 - 5.5 0 - 0.4 0 – 0.5
80 73.0 77.92 2.5 4.6 - 10.5 5.6 – 12.0 0.5 - 0.9 0.6 – 1.0
100 97.6 102.26 2.5 10.6 – 18.7 12.1 - 20.5 1.0 – 1.6 1.1 – 1.8
150 - 154.06 2.5 - 20.6 - 46.8 - 1.9 – 4.0
200 - 202.82 2.5 - 46.9 - 80.8 - 4.1 – 7.6
250 - 254.51 2.5 - 80.9 - 127.2 - 7.7 – 11.0
300 - 304.79 2.5 - 127.3 - 182.4 - 11.1 – 15.8
400 - 387.36 2.5 - 182.5 - 294.6 - 15.9 – 25.5
1. Flow calculations based on actual I/Ds for Type B copper for sizes ≤DN 80, Type A for size DN 100 and schedule
40S stainless steel.
2. The shaded rows highlight the overlap with respect to MSCL pipework (Table below), which would normally be
NOTE: Flow calculations based on Actual I/Ds and a velocity of 2.5 m/s.
3. DN 200 is the minimum size considered suitable to allow cement mortar lining reinstatement.
(c) Where 45º bends are used to achieve the correct working height for the headworks they shall be
double flanged for MSCL applications.
NOTE: The bore head flanged bend is not relevant for columnless submersible electric or lineshaft borehole pumps.
Columnless borehole pumps utilize a flanged bore head tee fitted directly onto the production casing.
Lineshaft borehole pumps utilize a proprietary discharge head incorporating an integral flanged bend. In both
instances the headworks pipework take-off is via a horizontal flange.
(j) Accurate to within ± 2½% when tested under laboratory conditions and ± 5% for in-situ testing
conditions in accordance with DoW requirements and ATS 4747.8 (refer Notes 3 and 4).
(k) Related instrumentation components shall be rated for the ambient conditions e.g. relatively
high summer temperatures existing in the North West regions.
1. The magnetic flowmeter is located downstream of the surface non return valve in order to remain submerged under
all operating conditions e.g. in the event of the use of an upstream air valve.
2. The upstream and downstream straight pipe lengths are a DoW requirement in accordance with Australian Technical
Standard ATS 4747 (and DS 40-09). ATS 4747.5 specifies the straight pipe lengths to the manufacturer’s
specifications shown from the vertical centreline of valves and the meter (e.g. not necessarily the connecting flanges).
The Corporation specifies flange-to-flange pipe lengths for new works which exceeds DoW requirements. This
Standard specifies 10 D x 5D to cover a worst case scenario e.g. a 5D x 3D meter can be later changed to a 10D x 5D
meter without having to extend the headworks pipework.
3. Verification of accuracy of magnetic flowmeters in-situ should be conducted in accordance with Corporation Generic
Work Instruction No. E00016
4. Currently older style magnetic flow meters require "simulation” calibration of the active electronic components at 12
month intervals and newer style magnetic flow meters "verification" calibration at commissioning and thereafter
yearly for first two years, then at 5 years if demonstrated to be stable at the previous "simulations". The latter interval
should be reviewed as these types of meters age. This methodology has been accepted by the DoW in their letter
WT1609 of 8/2/2011.
7.3.11 Scour
Where required for operational purposes (refer Note 1) the headworks shall incorporate a scour to
enable bore flushing and pump performance testing. The scour shall comprise a line size branch off-
take and isolating valve as follows:
(a) The takeoff tee for the scour shall be provided downstream of the conductivity tapping point (or
where provided, downstream of the control valve);
(b) A stainless steel orifice plate or wafer flow control valve (Maric or equivalent) shall be fitted to
the scour for susceptible bores to restrict the flow from the pump in order to avoid over-
pumping when scouring (refer Note 2);
(c) Scour isolating valve shall be a butterfly valve as follows (refer Note 3):
(i) for pipe sizes ≤DN 150 the scour outlet pipe shall be fitted with a lugged manually
operated butterfly valve complying with SPS 260 located immediately after the scour
branch tee;
(ii) for pipe sizes ≥DN 200 the scour outlet pipe shall be fitted with a lugged or double
flanged) manually operated butterfly valve complying with SPS 260 or SPS 261
respectively located immediately after the scour branch tee;
(iii) for vandal-prone areas valves shall comply with Clause 3.1(g)(ii);
(d) Scour discharge pipework shall be run to an underground sump or to self draining open ground
as appropriate. The open ground discharge point shall be designed to prevent soil erosion
during operation of the scour.
1. Some bore headworks do not incorporate a scour however are provided with an alternative scour point nearby in the
collector main.
2. An orifice plate or flow control valve on scour is not required where a flow control valve or pressure sustaining valve is
installed upstream on the main headworks pipeline.
3. Use of a butterfly valve as the scour isolating valve allows throttling to facilitate bore flow and pump performance
NOTE: 45 º bends are not preferred as they are a potential tripping hazard above ground.
B2 Installation Guidelines
The following represents a step-by-step approach to the installation of the pump, water level
transmitter sensor, bubbler tube and columns in the bore
(a) Measure the water level in the bore from the top of the spool piece (riser), on the bore column,
with a dip tape. A typical dip tape could be a GEO Systems GSDM Series Tape.
(b) Insert the bore pump in the bore.
(c) Before inserting the first column in the bore, attach the water level transmitter sensor to the
column immediately above the bore pump outlet by the use of heavy duty pipewrap tape
suitable for underwater use. This does not apply to columnless pumps which have the sensor
located under the pump and readings transmitted via the power cable.
(d) Locate the submerged end of the bubbler tube (cut at 45 ºC) at the same level as the tip of the
water level transmitter sensor which is attached to the column.
(e) Install the rest of the columns in the bore as required.
(f) After all the columns have been installed the static water level will change as the water in the
bore is displaced by the submerged pump and submerged part of the columns. It will take a few
minutes before the static water level stabilises in the bore.
(g) After allowing static water level in the bore to rest, check the reading of the sensor and also the
current output of the sensor.
(h) Take a measurement of the water level using the bubbler tube. This reading should be the same
as the water level transmitter sensor.
(i) Check the reading is displayed at the Operations Centre at Leederville.
B3 Sample Calculation
The following provides sample calculation that would be required to determine the water level in the
bore from the top of the riser.
• The total length of the columns installed = 27.665 m made up as follows;
Length of Each Column:
Column 1 = 5.922 m
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© Copyright Water Corporation 2011 - 2022
Design Standard DS 32-01
Pump Stations – Borehole – Mechanical
Column 2 = 5.925 m
Column 3 = 5.930 m
Column 4 = 5.918 m
Column 5 = 5.915 m
Column 6 = 3.975 m
Total Length = 33.585 m
• Length of the top of the pump from the inlet of the pump = 1.00 m (say)
• Height of the sensor, on the first column, above the pump = 0.00 m
• Sensor Reading of Water Level in the Bore = 12.655 m (which should also correspond to a
bubbler reading of 124.1 kPa)
• The depth of the sensor from top of the riser on the bore column = 33.585 + 1.000 - 0.000
= 34.585 m
• Sensor Reading of Water Level = 12.655 m
• Calculated water level from the top of the RISER on the bore column = 34.585 – 12.655
= 21.930 m
1. Measured water level from the top of the bore head casing cover on the bore column should be equal to 21.930 m.
2. The measured water level should be referenced in terms of the Australian Height Datum.
water table. Overtime the water held in suspension within the pores of the saturated ground is
overcome by the force of gravity and this water drains down into the cone of depression. This water
has a re-charging effect thereby slowing the rate of drawdown.
If a well is pumped continuously, and we assume the aquifer is also being recharged from some
external source, then the drawdown will eventually reach a level where it reaches equilibrium and
stabilises. At this point the water extracted equals the water re-charged into the wells area of
influence, the WPL remains constant and the rate of drawdown equals zero. This point is called the
long term drawdown and is defined at a given flow rate.
To obtain an accurate estimate of the long term drawdown at a given flow is a difficult task because
of the complexities involved in well hydraulics and the difficulty in being able to quantify and model
the many variables. For this reason the Water Corporation generally takes a simplified approach to
obtain a general indication of the long term drawdown. This simplified approach is as follows. Using
the well’s rate of drawdown at a given flow together with a measured reference point of the
drawdown at some time the drawdown is extrapolated out to a period of 1 year. This value is termed
the long term drawdown.
What this drawdown actually represents is the drawdown after 1 year of continued operation at a
given flow, if the rate of drawdown remained constant. The validity of using this value as the long
term drawdown is based on the following:
· After 1 year aquifer re-charge will roughly be occurring at a rate which will either significantly
reduce or bring to zero the rate of drawdown.
· Even if there was absolutely no re-charge at all into the aquifer the next log cycle of drawdown
will not be felt for another 9 years of continuous pumping.
Once the long term drawdown at a given flow is determined, two key terms can be derived. They are
specific capacity and specific drawdown.
The specific capacity is how much flow (m3/day) a well can deliver per meter of long term
The specific drawdown is how many meters of long term drawdown a well will experience at a unit
flow of (1 m3/day).
(Note: specific capacity and specific drawdown usually relate to long term drawdown figures.
However they can also be based on short term drawdowns where required).