2nd Written Knowledge Test

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2nd written English knowledge test 3rd Feb 2023

2nd written knowledge test

Name and surname:

Class: Date: 3rd Feb 2023

Points: _________/ 87 Percent: Mark:

do 49,5 % = 1 50 % – 63 % = 2 64 % – 78 % = 3 79 % – 89 % = 4 90 % – 100 % = 5
0 p. – 43,5 p. 44 p. – 55 p. 55,5 p. – 68 p. 68,5 t – 77 t 77,5 t – 87 t
Good luck!
1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (Present simple and continuous, past
simple and continuous, future simple, going to future and present perfect simple).
1. My boyfriend _______________________ (fall) ill last week and still _______________________ (not
recover) from it.

2. _______________________ (you have) a match? No, I’m afraid I don’t.

3. What _______________________ (go on) here right now?!

4. I _______________________ (not write) any postcards yet.

5. You _______________________ (just ruin) my pencil case.

6. While my mother _______________________ (clean) my room yesterday, she _______________________

(find) my diary.

7. I _______________________ (break) your neck if you say a word to anyone.

8. Donna _______________________ (becoming) a real doctor in three weeks!

2. Fill the gaps in the sentences with must, mustn’t, need, needn’t, should or shouldn’t. ___/9

1. We’ve run out of paper clips. I _______________________ get some more in the morning.
2. You _______________________ finish that report tonight if you’re too tired. Midday tomorrow is the
3. What are you doing here? _______________________ you be at the meeting downtown?
4. He really _______________________ have told his brother about this deal. It was supposed to be absolutely
5. You _______________________ clean the office because we haven’t been using it today, but could you tidy
the shelves in the storeroom, please?
6. You _______________________ make so much noise. We’ll be asked to leave otherwise.
7. I’m going to be in trouble. I _______________________ have posted this yesterday afternoon and I
completely forgot.
8. You _______________________ have typed this – a handwritten note would have been quite adequate.

9. The meeting’s finished. We _______________________ find out what’s been decided any moment now.

2nd written English knowledge test 3rd Feb 2023

3. Present perfect or past simple? ___/18

1. I _______________________ (cut) my hair. Do you like my new hairstyle?

2. She _______________________ (be) feverish since this morning.

3. I _______________________ (know) Peter since we _______________________ (go) to school together.

4. Where _______________________ you _______________________ (get) this car? – I

_______________________ (borrow) it from my friend.

5. She _______________________ (type) the letter and _______________________ (ask) her boss to sign it .

6. They _______________________ (change) six jobs since they _______________________ (come) to live here.

7. I _______________________ (not have) a cup of coffee yesterday, but I _______________________ (have)

one today.

8. I _______________________ (drink) since I _______________________ (not have) my nose.

9. I _______________________ (not have) any trouble since I _______________________ (have) a few words
with him.

10. She _______________________ (not work) much since her husband _______________________ (die).

4. Make passive sentences. Mind the tense! ___/8

1. We feed our dog every 12 hours.

2. My cat is eating a fish.

3. We broke the mirror while running around.

4. I’ve heard nothing so far.

5. I was sweeping the floor.

6. My mum coloured her hair.

7. She’ll make some space for you.

8. The teacher is going to explain the problem.

2nd written English knowledge test 3rd Feb 2023

5. Put in a, an, the or zero article (mark with X). ___/10

6. ________ Apples cost two pounds ________ kilo. 7. Who’s ________ tallest pupil in ________
1. My sister goes to ________ school five times ________
8. I know ________ lot of ________ people.
2. Are you ________ footballer? 9. ________ Paris is ________ capital of France.
3. ________ Queen is still old, but ________ King is still
10. That’s ________ worst thing i’ve ever heard.
4. I’m ________ best worker here. 11. She said ________ few words.

6. Explain these terms in your own words. ___/5

A PETROL STATION: _____________________________________________________________________________

SPEED LIMIT: __________________________________________________________________________________

A CRIMINAL: __________________________________________________________________________________

NATURAL DISASTERS: ___________________________________________________________________________

A FORTNIGHT: _________________________________________________________________________________

7. Fill in the table. ___/15







2nd written English knowledge test 3rd Feb 2023

1. Listen to the text and answer the following questions ___/12

1. What does Barney think of the programmes on British TV?
2. What kind of TV programmes does he like watching?
3. Do they get any American programmers?
4. Until when can he watch TV?
5. What kind of programmes is he not allowed to watch?
6. Does he have a TV in his room?
7. When do Brooke and Lindsay usually watch TV?
8. What do they watch at the weekends?
9. Until when can they stay up at the weekends?
10. What does Lindsay not like about American TV?
11. How many TV channels do Lindsay and Brooke get back?
12. Are there any foreign shows on American TV?

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