Seed Germination

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SEED GERMINATION is the resumption of the growth of the seed embryo after the period of


Most of the local farmers, who are in small scale vegetable gardening, save their own seeds for the
next planting season. To make sure that the seeds are still viable, conducting seed testing is

One of the most important reasons of conducting seed testing is to determine the quality of seeds -
meaning the level of degree of the suitability for a particular purpose - producing a crop.

The objective of seed testing is to assure that the seeds you are going to plant is still viable for

Purposes of Seed Testing

1. To remove impurities
2. To find out the percentage of seed germination
3. To economize labor and expenses in replanting
4. To obtain a uniform standard of crops
5. To discover whether or not the seeds are true to its name

Methods of Seed Testing

The following are the various seed testing methods which can be performed by the home gardener /

1. Floating in Water

The duration for this method is about 15-20 minutes. It is the quickest method.

a. Take your seeds and put them in a jar or basin of water. Allow them to set for 10-15 minutes.
If the seeds sink, they are still viable for planting. If they float, they presumably will not
sprout. This method works well for large seeds like corn and bean seeds, but this may not
work if the seeds are very tiny like petchay and carrot seeds.
Source: https:

2. Rag Doll Method

The duration for this method is about 3-14 days depending on the kind
of seeds you are going to test. This is the time-tested method for old

Materials Needed: paper towel or any moisture holding materials,

seeds, water and plastic zip bag

 Wet the paper towel and fold in fourths. It should be moistened, not dripping.
 Put the seeds inside the paper towel and make sure the seeds are not touching.
 Place the wet paper towel inside the plastic bag.
 Check the package every few days and note the germination.
3. Petri Dish Method. The seeds will be germinated in petri dish.

Materials needed: petri dish, filter paper, seeds

 Moisten a piece of filter paper in a petri dish.

 Place the seeds in row.

4. Seed Box Method

Fill the seed box with soil. Water them thoroughly and let the excess water drain out. When
you plant the seeds, make sure that the soil should be moist but not soaking wet.

Percentage Germination

Percentage germination provides a good estimation on the viability of the population of the seeds
tested. In obtaining the percentage germination, you will determine whether the seeds you bought or stored
are of good quality or not.

Computing the Percentage of Seed Germination

How do you compute the percentage germination of the seeds? What formula will be used to obtain
the percentage germination?

The percentage germination is computed using the given formula:

No. of seeds germinated

% germination =_______________________________ × 100
Total number of seeds sown/tested

Safety Precautions in Handling Chemicals

 Use PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

 Dispense chemicals in a well-ventilated area.
 Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
 Label and restore the chemicals properly.
 Provide emergency eye wash.
 Clean up spills immediately.
 Change the clothes after using chemicals.
 Do not smoke when handling chemicals.
TLE 10
Name: ________________________ Date: __________________

Directions: Analyze the situation. Answer the problem and write your answers on another sheet of paper.

Angie performed the paper towel method in testing the viability of her eggplant seeds. She tested 120
seeds of eggplant. After several days there were only 95 seeds germinated.
Using the formula given, compute the percentage germination of the eggplant seeds.

Given: No. of seeds tested =

No. of seeds germinated =

No. of seeds germinated

% germination =_______________________________ × 100
Total number of seeds sown/tested

% germination = ___________ x 100

% germination = _____________

Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect. Write your answers on
another sheet of paper.

_______ 1. Seed treatment is performed to determine the viability and purity of the seeds.
_______ 2. Seed testing is the operation involving the identification as to whether or not the seeds are
viable, clean and free from diseases and mixture.
_______ 3. Always use protective equipment when handling chemicals.
_______ 4. Label the chemicals.
_______ 5. Floating in water method is applicable to all types of seeds.
TLE 10
Name: ________________________ Date: __________________
Directions: Choose and encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. It is the resumption of the growth of the seed embryo after the period of dormancy.
A. seed dormancy
B. seed germination
C. seed viability
D. seed maturity
2. The following are the purposes of seed testing except _____.
A. removing impurities
B. obtaining uniform stand of crops
C. economizing expenses in replanting
D. none of the above
3. This will provide an estimation on the viability of the population of the seeds tested.
A. seed quality
B. seed quantity
C. percentage germination
D. seed testing
4. Mang Juan sows 130 tomato seeds in a tray. After several days, only 100
seeds germinated. What is the percentage germination?
A. 86 %
B. 96 %
C. 76 %
D. 100 %
5.It is performed to determine the viability, cleanliness and percentage germination.
A. seed treatment
B. seed testing
C. seed viability
D. seed maturity
6. How do you to compute the percentage germination?
A. Percentage germination is obtained by multiplying the number of germinated seeds by
100 and divided by the number of seeds tested.
B. Percentage germination is obtained by multiplying the number of germinated seeds by
50 and divided by the number of seeds germinated.
C. Percentage germination is obtained by multiplying the number of seeds tested by 100
and divided by the number of seeds germinated.
D. Percentage germination is obtained by multiplying the number of germinated seeds by
the number of seeds tested and divided by 100.
7. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Clean up the spilled chemicals after working.
B. Avoid labeling the chemicals.
C. You can smoke when handling chemicals.
D. Always use mask, gloves and other protective gear when handling chemicals.
8. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. Always provide emergency eye wash when handling chemicals.
B. Handle the chemicals even without protective gear.
C. Change the clothes after using chemicals.
D. Always wash the hands after handling chemicals.
9. Why is seed testing important?
A. It helps to determine the quality of seeds.
B. It gives assurance that the seeds to be planted will still germinate.
C. to determine whether the seeds are still viable
D. all of the above
10. If you test 100 seeds and only 79 seeds germinated. What is the percentage germination?
A. 79 %
B. 50 %
C. 69 %
D. 87 %
Analyze the situation below and compute the percentage germination of seeds used.

Mang Juan tested 150 tomato seeds. After several days, only 130 seeds germinated. What is the
percentage germination of tomato seeds tested?
SEED SOWING is a basic skill in horticulture. Many plants especially vegetables are easy to grow
from seeds. You only need less equipment and all you have to do is to provide the basic requirements for
germination: the moisture, suitable temperature and oxygen.

Prior to sowing of seeds, always start the operation by preparing the soil. Remove the weeds then
loosen the soil. Moisten the beds thoroughly a few days before sowing. Seed sowing is an important activity
during the crop production operation. Sowing is a process of planting or placing the seeds in a moist soil
medium. The seeds must be placed at a required depth in a moist soil to get enough moisture.

Two Methods of Planting

1. Direct Planting
 The seeds are directly planted in the soil where they grow until harvesting.
 Direct planting is usually done when plants have large seeds.

2. Indirect Planting
 Seeds are planted first in the seed box or seed bed. As soon as the seedlings have three or more
leaves, they are transplanted to the area where they grow until harvesting. This method is usually
done when plants have tiny seeds like pechay, eggplant, etc.

Proper Seed Growing Techniques

Seed germination is when the seeds are developed into a new plant.

Seed Germination Stages

 Imbibition. Germination begins with absorption of water. The seed coat, also known as the testa,
ruptures, and the embryonic root or the radicle grows into the ground to absorb nutrients and
minerals from the soil.
 The cotyledon emerges and produces the primary leaves.
 The growing plant can be divided into parts: the epicotyl or embryonic shoots, embryonic stem,
also known as the hypocotyl, and the developing roots.
Factors That Affect the Germination of Seeds

1. Water
Seeds need to take enough amount of water. It provides moisture and helps in rupturing of

2. Temperature
Different seeds require different optimum temperatures. The optimum temperature of most
crops is around 25 °C - 30 °C.

3. Adequate Sunlight
Some species require adequate sunlight before germinating.

4. Suitable Growing Media

5. Seed Dormancy
There are seeds which require more time to germinate. Some seeds become dormant
because of thick seed coats and / or immature embryo.

Depth of Sowing

Planting seeds at the right depth help them develop into hardy seedlings and increase the rate of
germination. The depth varies depending on the size and types of seeds. Generally, seeds can be sown
into the soil not deeper than twice its diameter.

General Guidelines for Seed Depth

 Seeds should be planted at a depth of two times the width or diameter of the seeds. Example, if
your seed is ½ inch wide, you plant the seeds an inch deep.
 For tiny seeds, place them on the surface of the soil and barely cover them with soil.
 Do not compress the soil at the top of the seeds as you plant them. The soil should not be
 You can also refer on the required planting depth of the variety from the package of the seeds that
you bought.

Importance of Seed Sowing

Sowing is the most important operation in vegetable production. The seeds must be placed at a
required depth in a moist soil to get the optimum condition for its germination. It is important because you
can make lots of new plants for your garden. Seed sowing also gives you great satisfaction in knowing that
you have played a part in creating those plants, which is one of the most rewarding aspects of producing
TLE 10

Name: ______________________ Date: __________________

Directions: Check ( / ) the plant seeds listed below that are directly planted and ( X ) for those that are indirectly planted.

___ 1. Okra ___ 6. Beans

___ 2. Eggplant ___ 7. Pechay
___ 3. Squash ___ 8. Tomato
___ 4. Bell Pepper ___ 9. Radish
___ 5. Carrots ___ 10. Cucumber

Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and analyze the statements or questions. Choose and encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. It is a method of planting in which the seeds are sown directly to the soil where
they grow until harvesting.
A. direct planting
B. indirect planting
C. hydroponics
D. planting
2. It is the embryonic root which grows in the ground.
A. testa
B. radicle
C. mebryonic stem
D. hypocotyl
3. The depth of sowing seeds should be _____.
A. five times the diameter of the seeds
B. two times the diameter of the seeds
C. four times the diameter of the seeds
D. three times the diameter of the seeds
4. The method of planting where the seeds are planted first in the seedbox and transplanted to the area where they
grow until harvest as soon as they have three or more leaves.
A. direct planting
B. indirect planting
C. hydroponics
D. planting
5. It is the part of the seed which emerges and produces leaves.
A. hypocotyl
B. radicle
C. epicotyl
D. cotyledon
6. It provides moisture to the seeds.
A. temperature
B. growing media
C. water
D. sunlight
7. Why do you need to plant the seeds at the right depth?
A. The right depth helps the seeds develop into hardy seedlings.
B. It increases the rate of germination.
C. both A and B
D. none of the above
8. Why do some seeds fail to germinate?
A. due to thick seed coat
B. because of the immature embryo
C. both A and B
D. none of the above
9. Generally, seeds can be sown into the soil _____.
A. deeper than twice its diameter
B. equivalent to its diameter
C. not deeper than twice its diameter
D. both B and C
10. It is the placing and depositing of seeds in a moist soil for good seed germination.
A. seedbox
B. seed sowing
C. soil sterilization
D. growing media

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