Directions: For each statement in the survey, please indicate your answer by putting a
check in the box on the right side of each statement. There are no right and wrong
answers. Your answers will be kept strictly confidential and you will not be identified.
4 – Agree
3 – Neutral
2 – Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree
Questions 5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
Agree agree or Disagree
1. I learn better by reading what
the teacher writes on the
2. I remember things I have read
in the class better than the things
I have heard.
3. I learn better if there is a
picture in the blackboard.
4. I find it useful if the teacher
shows a visual presentations.
5. I learn more by reading
textbook than by listening to
Questions 5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
Agree agree or Disagree
1. I learn best in class when I can
participate in related activities.
2. When I do things in class I
learn better.
3. I understand better things in
class when I participate in role
4. I benefit more from computer
lab classes than lecture classes.
5. I learn better in class if there is
a group activities.
Questions 5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
Agree agree or Disagree
1. I learn better by listening of
what the teacher is trying to
2. I remember things I have heard
in the class better than the things
I have read.
3. I remember things I have heard
in the class better than the things
I have read.
4. I find it useful to read out loud
when reading the textbook.
5. I learn better in class when I
listen to someone.
Questions 5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
Agree agree or Disagree
1. I made myself ready in all my
2. I pay attention and listen
during every discussion.
3. I want to get good grades in
every subject.
4. I actively participate in every
5. I gain focus when I see
technical problems.
6. I enjoy homework and activities
because they help me improve my
skills in every subject.
7. I exert more effort when I do
difficult assignment.
8. Solving problems is a useful
hobby for me.
9. I study hard to achieve better
10. I spend vacant time in doing
assignments or studying my