Learning Engagement 1a Group Discussion Forum

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Learning engagement 1a group discussion forum

1. What is the most striking or important idea in this section? 

2. What questions does this section raise?

International mindedness is the way you think and act by an openness to the
world and a recognition of our deep interconnectedness to others. Be open the
world requires a deep understanding of the local and global issues and ideas .In
addition, you also need to engage and contribute to the community you belong,
so as to make a better world to the future generations.

It raise the question about how IB support and develop this overarching aim.

Learning engagement 1b discussion forum

Introduction to TOK talk-what students will learn in their TOK course
It is the first year to start a TOK course of our school. We will create units of study that are
based on the elements of the course so that it’s more straightforward to organize.
Students will reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know, what we claim to
We will explore three parts of TOK. Core themes, area of knowledge, 2 optional themes
out of 5. In the end, you will have the TOK essay and one exhibition.
1.Learning objectives
● The learning objective highly relevant to the content of the lesson.
● Students should be able to answer the question “What is the learning objective of
this lesson?” at any point
We will base lesson activities on the objectives. Different types of activities will be
conducted according to the requirement.
 critical thinking (assessing evidence, busting assumptions, identification of personal
 creative thinking (design tasks, etc.)
 collaboration (see above)
 communication (expressing ideas - on a class and personal level, thinking time)
 Lessons will driven by great media sources (short videos, articles, podcasts, etc.)
 Students should play a role in resourcing lessons

Learning engagement 2 discussion forum

Choose one of the questions and suggest a different specific situation or question
from which the knowledge question could arise, other than the one provided in
the guide.

How significant have notable individuals been in shaping the development of

mathematics as an area of knowledge?

The question can be discussed in the area of Mathematics that how a certain
celebrity contribute to this area by looking at the theorem given by their names,
how their discovery apply and promote social development.

Learning engagement 3 discussion forum

 How does the person want to come across to others? 

 Do you think the post was truthful/deceitful? 
 How do you know whether to trust what was said? 
 Is there something contestable in the post? 
 What has influenced the person’s post? 
 How does this influence your perspective

I choose a vlogger in Little Red Book (a popular social application in China) who is
a doctor in the grade 3 and first-class hospital. He often posts something about
popular science, answers to the questions raised by netizens, regrading with
some health problem, and correction to the misinformation about health care in
public. I think the post is true since he’s the expert in that area and try to convey
the professional knowledge in an easier and more interesting way that can be
accepted by the public. He will use some data and information from academical
essays or perspectives from other experts as reference. Sometimes he makes a
video about a doctor’s daily life and some medical cases which makes us feel
closer and real about the doctor, thus breaking the wall between patients and
I don’t think there is something contestable in the post, or in other words, there is
some contestable health care topics in the cognition of the public, and the doctor
makes them into the vlog and explain to the public. Patients he come across in
working hours, questions raised by netizens and hot topics in health care have
influenced his post. People to some extent choose to believe what they believe,
there isn’t a deliberate thought process to decide what is true. People are
affected by social pressure and community beliefs. That’s why people in media
should be responsible for what they say and how they convey to the public. The
doctor is a responsible and high-quality vlogger. I get to know more about
knowledge by browsing videos , making comments under his posts and chatting
with other netizens.

Learning engagement 4 discussion forum 


1. Choose one of the optional themes and in your Learning journal, prepare a

two-column page with the headings “opportunities” and “challenges”. On
this you will write good reasons for working on that theme, and challenges
of working on that theme. Then add ideas for links to the IB learner profile
and to elements of the framework. Also add ideas of how this optional
theme can support international mindedness. Consider a couple of real-life
examples you could use to reinforce your ideas. 
2. Now think of an example of a lesson which you think works well, and you
could use to teach about that theme. It can be a specific aspect, but you
should use it to relate to the concept of international-mindedness. Look
back at your notes in your Learning journal for further ideas.
3. Write out your lesson plan and post it in the Learning engagement 4
discussion forum.
4. Look at the contributions of two other participants and provide positive
criticism for how they could improve the lesson.

How do languages reflect people’s understanding towards the world in different


Optional theme: Knowledge and language

Opportunities Challenges
 I’m a language and literature  Looking for appropriate resources
teacher who teach Chinese, which and examples according to the
makes easier to understand this topic.
optional theme.  How to focus on knowledge
 It will benefit my teaching in rather than discussions on the
Chinese. language
 We all use language to learn
something new and it’s universal
in our life.
 Language plays a key role in
communication and dissemination
of knowledge.

Knowledge question: How do our values and assumptions influence the language
in which we express our ideas?
Learning objectives:
 Students will be able to reflect how values and assumptions influence the
language in which people express their ideas.
 Students will be able to watch videos about social hotspots, have a discussion
on comments and danmaku people have made.
 Students will be able to understand why people of different values and
assumptions use different language.

1.Introduction of the girl lost her right leg in Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. She
was buried under the ruins for three days and finally rescued. She restarted her
life by posting videos, photographing, acting as a model and so on. Her mental
fake leg is both her scar and honor, attracting many publics. Her original intention
by posting vlogs online was to inspire and encourage disabled people like her.
But recently she was cyber bullied by many netizens after her model show in a
fashion week. They sent her many vicious and mean words through private
messages and comments. She fought back by publishing them out and showing
positive aspects to the public that she would never give in to fate.

2.Watching two videos and discuss

Video 1: How the girl inspired the disabled.
What value does the girl want to convey by expressing her ideas through

Video 2: Bullying words to the girl and some positive words from supporters
Discussion: How different values and assumptions that influence the language of
those supporters and cyber bullies?
Supporters Cyber bullies

3.Group work
Share one another example in your life or from the media and explain how our
values and assumptions influence the language in which we express our ideas.

Learning engagement 1 - Ethics

1. Read what the guide says about your element and look over the
suggested knowledge questions for all five areas of knowledge for your
2. Prepare a short explanation of your element that you could give to
students so that they understand it. 
3. Post your explanation in the Learning engagement 1 discussion
forum related to your element. All members of a group will post
individually in the same thread. You can add to or comment on what
another participant has written.

The knowledge framework with the four compulsory elements can help students explore and
analyze different parts of the curriculum and make connections between the theme and areas of
knowledge. This element focuses on exploring ethics and ethical considerations in different topics
and areas of knowledge. Such as the relationship between facts and values, how are ethical and
values embedded in the search for knowledge? It also includes issues related to knowledge and
inequality , knowledge and injustice.

Firstly, the purpose of the knowledge we acquire should be morally justifiable. we need to ensure
that the way in which we gather knowledge is morally justifiable. As always, in TOK we should
consider the criteria we might use to decide whether knowledge production is moral or not. Does
the outcome of our research ever justify the means? Is it possible to provide a rational basis for
ethical decision making when it comes to knowledge production in the human sciences? How
might we "define" a morally sound methodology  we could use to obtain knowledge about human

The knowledge created through this experiment can be used for sound ethical reasons. After all, it
makes us more aware of the potential harm we might inflict on others, which could prevent future
immoral actions. However, throughout the conduction of the Milgram experiment, participants
were not told that they would be tested on their willingness to inflict pain on innocent citizens.
Instead, they were told they had to take part in a memory experiment. When the participants found
out how willing they had been to inflict pain, some suffered serious emotional distress. We could
wonder whether it is justifiable to conduct such experiments for moral reasons.
Without the ability to repeat an experiment, we may not get enough data to be statistically
relevant. Ethical limitations may prevent us from gathering knowledge about human behaviour
because we cannot always repeat these experiments. It may also be morally wrong to gather
information about human behaviour in some situations. In addition, knowledge about human
behaviour can be used for immoral motives. It is not always easy to set the criteria to decide
whether knowledge production about human behaviour is moral or not, but it is important to be
aware of the possible ethical limitations.

Learning engagement 2 discussion 

1. First of all, together decide on a historical event on which you will do this
2. One task for the group will be to write a critical paragraph about the scope
of history in looking at this event and the other task for the group will be
to write about the methods and tools which could be used by historians to
look at this event. You should explore, for instance, the evidence, ideas,
sources, and significance of the event and the process, technologies and
kinds of proof available. Look at the knowledge questions for scope and
methods and tools and consider the TOK concepts—you will find them
useful for the discussion.
3. Your group will post your paragraphs  on the Learning engagement 2
discussion forum.
4. Now individually look at the postings of another group and offer

The Atlantic slave trade:

The Atlantic slave trade refers to the the transportation by slave traders of enslaved African
people, mainly to the Americas. The slave trade regularly used the triangular trade route and
its Middle Passage, and existed from the 16th to the 19th centuries. More than one hundred
million black slaves were sold to many areas of European countries during hundreds of years,
endured grievous oppression and exploitation by undertaking high risk and long time working.
And the culprits were honored as "heroes" because they brought economic benefits to their
country. Just like Hawkins from England, who was also approved by Queen Elizabeth of England,
awarded a medal engraved with the pattern of black slaves tied in chains!

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