Crotalaria Verrucosa
Crotalaria Verrucosa
Crotalaria Verrucosa
Crotalaria verrucosa (blue rattlepod) is a species of flowering plant in the legume
family, Fabaceae. This shrub belongs to the subfamily Faboideae.The herb found in
Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal,
Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; Australasia and Africa and Americas regions.
It is a common weed of roadsides, marshes and agricultural land that can grow rapidly
and develop ground cover. However, some studies have shown it does not adversely affect
yield when grown with crops such as maize and cassava, while out-competing other weeds. It
has not been classified as an invasive species in any country.
“Annual, herbs, taproot present, nodules present, stems erect or ascending, stems or
branches arching, spreading or decumbent, less than 1 m tall, solid, stems or young twigs
sparsely to densely hairy, leaves alternate, petiolate, stipules conspicuous, green, triangulate
to lanceolate or foliaceous, persistent, leaves simple with entire margins, glabrous or nearly
so. Inflorescences of axillary clusters, terminal or leaf-opposed few-flowered racemes, bracts
very small, caducous or absent. Flowers zygomorphic, calyx 5-lobed, hairy; corolla
papilionaceous, petals white, blue, lavender to purple, or violet, bicolored or with red, purple
or yellow streaks or spots; banner petal suborbicular, broadly rounded; wing petals narrow,
oblanceolate to oblong; keel abruptly curved, or spirally coiled; stamens 9-10,
Monadelphous, filaments united below, glabrous; style terete, hairy; legume, stipitate,
elongate, oblong or ellipsoidal inflated or turgid, hairy, 11-many seeded; seeds cordiform,
mit-shaped, notched at one end, surface smooth, olive, brown, or black”.
A common weed throughout the tropics, C. verrucosa is found growing along
roadsides, by rivers and on marshy ground, in fallow fields and at field edges and in sparse
evergreen and deciduous forests. The activity patterns of C. verrucosa include rapid growth,
ability to develop ground cover, high litter fall and good weed suppression. It has a symbiotic
relationship with nitrogen fixing bacteria that form nodules on the roots. It prefers sunny
conditions, with well-drained soil, at elevations of up to 1300 m. It can tolerates saline soils.
Economic Value
Sometimes used as a cover crop for weed control because of its ability to shade out
weeds without adversely affecting yield of associated crops, and as a soil improver
(Akobundu et al., 1999). Crotalariaverrucosa has been successfully used for weed control and
soil fertility maintenance in a three-year field study in the forest/savanna transition zone of
southwestern Nigeria where it was intercropped with maize (Akobundu and Tucker, 1991).
Social Benefit
In Hong Kong, it is grown in gardens (Seeman, 1852). It is used in traditional
medicine as an antidiabetic (Kumar et al., 2014), to reduce salivation, to treat skin conditions
such as scabies and impetigo (Watt, 1972) and to treat biliousness, dyspepsia, fever, blood
impurities, throat and mouth diseases and heart ailments (Yadava and Mathews, 1993).
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