Background Guide & Delegate Preparation - ECOSOC

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Background guide & Delegate

---- Paula Rodriguez /Alejandro Castro

ECOSOC President and Copresident

● Russian invasion to Ukraine: economic disaster
● Global inflation: uncontrolled

IBS Forum 2023

President’s letter
Dear delegates,
I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of you. For this upcoming and exciting event, I
will be your president in the ECOSOC committee. The ECOSOC is one of the six principal
organs of the United Nations responsible for coordinating the economic and social fields of the
organization. This committee serves as the central forum for discussing international economic
and social issues.
Having said that, I would really appreciate it if all of you would take the time to further inform
yourselves about the committee and the topics that are going to be discussed. It is of utmost
importance that all delegates are well informed, so that everyone can participate and have an
enjoyable experience.
Finally, take the time to read this background guide, highlight the key points, make a vocabulary
list, take notes, make resolutions, and build a clear and strong position according to the country
you have been assigned or chosen. If any of you have a question I will try my best to help all of
you, you can contact me with the following email: [email protected]
I hope to see you soon,
Sincerely, Paula Rodriguez.
ECOSOC President.

Co-president’s letter
Delegates, it is crucial that the information you need during the model session be printed
out to avoid the need for technological devices. If the accuracy of this information is
required for the proper operation of the committee, the chair may demand it. Please feel
free to contact us at either of the two emails if you have any questions or issues.

For those who have never participated in a MUN; don’t be afraid to speak, from this
experiences you learn how to improve your oral skills. this kind of events are made for a
reason in particular, to hear students' (future world leaders) voices.

you can contact me with the following email: [email protected]

Wishing u the best,


Alejandro Castro Castrillón

Ecosoc’s Co-president.

1. Stand up while the chair is talking to you.

2. Always talk in third person.

3. Don’t address another delegation directly but through the chair.

4. Don't disrespect another delegation during a speech, otherwise it will be punished.

5. Don't disrespect the chair, otherwise it will be punished.

6. Don't talk if your delegation is not recognized.

7. Don't ask questions in an informal debate, it is not allowed to ask questions during

8. Make a good use of the point of information to the speaker during formal debates.

9. Cell Phones without permission will not be allowed during the committee session.

Tips on Research
There are few aspects all delegates must follow every time, and they are there not because
we want them to, but because they are meant to be there.

Preparing for a topic at first is considered to be the most easy part, but in reality, if done
incorrectly, it can become quite stressful. I have been in that position and I don’t want you
to go through that too. When you are researching, you should always aim at something.
Make a question to yourself about the topic, and try to answer it with all the research you
have done. By making questions to yourself and answering them, you are not only proving
that you have done good research, but it also shows how well you understand the topic.
Try to always start with a brainstorm. Research about EVERYTHING, gather as much
information you can get, but try to cover up every single point you can. Do that and after a
while, you can go deeper into the topic. By “Deeper”, in MUN delegate slang it means:
Researching about something specific. With that in mind, to make a great performance at a
model, you should as well have a great research. In the guide, there will be some tips to do
a great research.

Researching Tips)

A. Research things you may find interesting.

B. Always note down the sources.

i) The reason behind this is that many delegates tend to just baffle whatever they
want, without even caring for the sources. And that’s unforgivable. We know that you did
your research, but that doesn’t mean everything you say is always coming from reliable
sources. Always take note of the places you visit, since many of them can alter the

C. Always start by researching your committee

i) Many delegates don’t do this, and that doesn’t mean you need to follow them.
Researching your committee is essential because many believe all UN committees work the
same, but that isn’t the case. An example can be the difference between DISEC and the
Security Council. There’s a lot of people who believe both are the same, but when it comes
down to the structure, they don’t even come that close. Knowing how your committee

works is perfect for you since this allows you to know until what point your committee
works, or how important it can be. The resolutions are discussed in the GA (General
Assembly) every time, in fact, the UNICEF body has more major world issues that need to
be solved immediately due to children.

Points and Motions

Okay delegates,

For your preparation and the better flow of the committee, I´m going to introduce you to
the points and motions that will be allowed in the UNICEF committee.


● Information: when you have a question in general about the topic or committee,
this point can interrupt a speech or debate, so be careful with this point and make
good use of it.
● Order: when a delegate is doing something out of the rules of the committee, or is
violating parliamentary behavior, this point can interrupt a speech or debate.
● Parliamentary procedure: when the chair has done something out of the
procedure or is wrong.


The chair will say what motion is the chair entertaining so the delegate that the chair chose
can make the motion and continue with the committee session.

Remember the rules, the ones that said that if they were not to be followed will receive a
punishment? Well that's what a warning is, the method that the president will use for those
delegations that do not follow the rules, take into account that if you have received 3
warning you would be leaving the room for 5 min and take 10 points out of your score, so it
would affect the chance of you receiving an award, in the case that a delegate has 3+
warnings the delegation would be leaving the room for 15 min and take 20 points out of
your score, in the maximum case, if the delegate accumulates 5 or 5+ warnings, the
delegation would be leaving the room and have no chance to win any award.

In order to be able to win an Academic award, each delegation would have to submit to the
president the following items, and if they are not to be submitted they would not be able to
win any type of award. (The portfolio is mandatory to each delegation)

I. Position paper
The format of the position paper is:

Committee: (Official full name)

Topic: (Full name)

Country: (Official full name)

Student name: (Full name, with the two surnames)

Student grade: (The number and the letter ex: 10-A)

1. Background of the Topic and Country

In your country’s opinion, what are the main elements of the problem? What
are the roots of those elements?
2. Position taken by your delegation
What are your national interests in the situation? What are your nation’s
policies on the topic? What steps would you like to see taken to deal with the
3. Proposed Solutions
What does your nation believe needs to be done to solve the problem?
What do you predict will be the main opposition to your proposals? Here's an
example of a Position Paper that uses the same format.

NOTE: The document should be submitted via google documents or word, so if there is
something that needs to be corrected the chair would contact you and tell you what to
correct, also, these documents should be 2 pages. (These documents have to be given to
the chair virtually and printed too).

Due date: April 10th until 6:00 pm sharp.


II. Opening speech

Each delegation should submit the opening speech which will be 1:00 min per
speaker, and taking into account that there will be a Best Speech award in the
UNICEF committee the evaluation for these award will be 50% - written and 50% -
oral. (These document has to be given to the chair virtually and printed too).

Due date: April 10th until 6:00 pm sharp.


Country: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Committee: Security Council

Topic: The Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question

Name: Maria Fernanda Mendoza

Good morning honorable chair and fellow delegates, the Delegation of Venezuela greets

you all with gratitude.Today we see conflicts between countries on a daily basis, this

ones carrying with them social, economic and political repercussions worldwide, and as

a great example we have Palestine and Israel who have been in confrontations

throughout history for a long time, but why is it?

Due to a seizure of territory, many people are being affected thanks to the constant

attacks by delegations such as Israel, in which continuous bombardments have been

seen, even in the month of Ramadan, which is a holy month for the Arab community.

The Venezuelan delegation wants to remind the rest of the committee that such acts are

an explicit example of the violation of human rights and the only way to end this

situation is through a dialogue in which Palestinian independence is achieved.

Last but not least, what will happen to all the Palestinians who were and have been

removed against their own will from their own territory, not to mention those who have

already loose their lives?


III. Links
These document has to be submitted in order to check the places where you
delegates are taking your information off, so that the chair has proven that the
information is 100% verdict and not from an unflattering and untrusted website.

The format is the following:

Committee: (Full name)

Country name: (Full name)

Title: (Links)

The links should be listed by numbers.

Due date: April 10th until 4:00 pm sharp.

NOTE: If the chair considers that the information is not valid or verdict the chair would let
you know. (It can be as many pages as the delegates need, but it can't be mixed with
the position paper or opening speech).

Topic A Information

On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine in a major escalation
of the Russo-Ukrainian War, which began in 2014. The invasion has resulted in tens of
thousands of deaths on both sides and instigated Europe's largest refugee crisis since
World War II. About 8 million Ukrainians were displaced within their country by June, and
more than 8.1 million had fled the country by March 2023.

After months of Russian officials denying plans to attack Ukraine, Russia invaded Ukraine
on 24 February 2022 upon Russian President Vladimir Putin's announcement of a "special
military operation" seeking the "demilitarisation" and "denazification" of Ukraine. In his
address, Putin espoused irredentist views, challenged Ukraine's right to statehood, and
falsely claimed that Ukraine was governed by neo-Nazis who persecuted the ethnic Russian
minority. Minutes later, Russian air strikes and a ground invasion were launched along a
northern front from Belarus towards Kyiv, a north-eastern front towards Kharkiv, a
southern front from Crimea, and a south-eastern front from Donetsk and Luhansk. In
response, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy enacted martial law and a general

Russian troops retreated from the northern front by April. On the southern and
south-eastern fronts, Russia captured Kherson in March and then Mariupol in May after a

siege. On 18 April, Russia launched a renewed battle of Donbas. Russian forces continued
to bomb both military and civilian targets far from the front line, including electrical and
water systems. In late 2022, Ukraine launched counter offensives in the south and in the
east. Soon after, Russia announced the illegal annexation of four partly occupied oblasts. In
November, Ukraine retook Kherson. On 7 February 2023, Russia had mobilized nearly
200,000 newly mobilized soldiers to participate in a renewed offensive towards Bakhmut.

The invasion has been met with widespread international condemnation. The United
Nations General Assembly passed Resolution ES-11/1 condemning the invasion and
demanding a full withdrawal of Russian forces. The International Court of Justice ordered
Russia to suspend military operations and the Council of Europe expelled Russia. Many
countries imposed sanctions on Russia, and on its ally Belarus, and provided humanitarian
and military aid to Ukraine. Protests occurred around the world; those in Russia were met
with mass arrests and increased media censorship. Over 1,000 companies left Russia and
Belarus in response to the invasion. The International Criminal Court (ICC) opened an
investigation into possible crimes in Ukraine since 2013, including possible crimes against
humanity, war crimes, abduction of children, and genocide during the invasion, ultimately
issuing an arrest warrant for Putin in March 2023.

Guidance questions (topic a)

¿Which can be the most critical implication after Russian invasions ?

¿How could nations find a peacefull solution to this problematic?

¿ Which countries are directly involved and affected?

¿What caused this sudden invasion?

¿How does this affects global economy?


A worldwide increase in inflation began in mid-2021, with many countries seeing their
highest inflation rates in decades. It has been attributed to various causes, including
pandemic-related economic dislocation; the fiscal and monetary stimuli provided in 2020
and 2021 by governments and central banks around the world in response to the
pandemic were also instrumental. Unexpected recovery in demand through 2021
ultimately led to historic and broad supply shortages (including chip shortages and energy
shortages) amid increasing consumer demand. Worldwide construction sectors were also

In early 2022, the Russian invasion of Ukraine's effect on global oil prices, natural gas,
fertilizer, and food prices further exacerbated the situation.Higher gasoline prices were a
major contributor to inflation as oil producers saw record profits. Debate arose over
whether inflationary pressures were transitory or persistent. Central banks responded by
aggressively increasing interest rates.

Economists have noted that in the US as of February 2023, inflation has continued even
though the Federal Reserve increased interest rates because consumers still have

significantly larger average household savings than pre-pandemic, have seen wage
increases, and have been willing to continue their spending even as prices have risen.

Guidance questions (topic b)

¿Who is directly involved ?

¿How could nations find a solution to a problematic like this?

¿ Which countries are directly involved and affected?

¿What caused this problematic?

¿How does this affects global economy?








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