Does The Number of Operating Specialists Influence The Conversion Rate and Outcomes After Laparoscopic Colorectal Cancer Surgery?

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Surgical Endoscopy (2018) 32:3652–3658 and Other Interventional Techniques

Does the number of operating specialists influence the conversion rate

and outcomes after laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery?
Nader K. Francis1,2   · Nathan J. Curtis1,3   · Louise Crilly1 · Emma Noble1 · Tamsin Dyke1 · Rob Hipkiss4 ·
Richard Dalton1 · Andrew Allison1 · Emad Salib5,6 · Jonathan Ockrim1

Received: 21 July 2017 / Accepted: 7 February 2018 / Published online: 13 February 2018
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018

Background  Laparoscopic techniques in colorectal surgery have been widely utilised due to short-term patient benefits but
conversion to open surgery is associated with adverse short- and long-term patient outcomes. The aim of this study was to
investigate the influence of dual specialist operating on the conversion rate and patient outcomes following laparoscopic
colorectal surgery.
Methods  A prospectively populated colorectal cancer surgery database was reviewed. Cases were grouped into single or dual
consultant procedures. Cluster analysis and odds ratio (OR) were used to identify risk factors for conversion. Primary outcome
measures were conversion to open and five year overall survival (OS) calculated using the Kaplan–Meier log-rank method.
Results  750 patients underwent laparoscopic colorectal cancer resection between 2002 and 2015 (median age 73, 319 (42.5%)
female, 282 (37.6%) rectal malignancies, 135 patients (18%) had two consultants). The single surgeon conversion rate was
20.4% compared to 5.5% for dual operating (OR 4.4, 95% CI 1.87–10.2, p < 0.001). There were no demographic or tumour
differences between the laparoscopic/converted and number of surgeon groups. Two-step cluster analysis identified cluster
I (lower risk) 406 patients, 8% converted and cluster II (higher risk) 261 patients, conversion rate 30%. Median follow-up
was 48 months (range 0–168). Five-year OS was significantly inferior for both converted and single surgeon cases (63% vs.
77%, p < 0.001 and 61% vs. 70%, p = 0.033, respectively).
Conclusion  In selected colorectal cancer patients operated by fully trained laparoscopic surgeons, we observed a reduction
in conversion with associated long-term survival benefit from dual operating specialists.

Keywords  Conversion · Colorectal cancer · Survival · Laparoscopy

The use of minimally invasive techniques for colorec-

tal cancer resection benefits short-term patient recovery
Oral presentation at the European Association of Endoscopic with comparable long-term oncological outcomes [1–3].
Surgeons Congress, Frankfurt, Germany, June 2017. A widespread uptake of laparoscopy and willingness to
attempt complex cases has resulted. However, laparoscopic
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this
article (https​://​4-018-6097-0) contains colorectal surgery (LCS) requires advanced skills and is
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

* Nader K. Francis Information Management Team, Yeovil District Hospital
[email protected] NHS Foundation Trust, Higher Kingston, Yeovil BA21 4AT,
Department of General Surgery, Yeovil District Hospital 5
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of Liverpool,
NHS Foundation Trust, Higher Kingston, Yeovil BA21 4AT,
Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK
2 Aidmedical Statistical Support
Faculty of Science, University of Bath, Wessex House 3.22,
Bath BA2 7AY, UK
Department of Surgery and Cancer, St Mary’s Hospital,
Imperial College London, Level 10, Praed Street,
London W2 1NY, UK

Surgical Endoscopy (2018) 32:3652–3658 3653

acknowledged to hold a high learning curve. 152 and 143 Yeovil District Hospital served as a national training cen-
cases have been suggested as a threshold for competency tre in the LapCo UK national training programme [14] and
with a reduction in conversion to open surgery and compli- all four consultants contributing to this study were inde-
cations respectively at this point [4]. pendent, fully trained surgeons with at least 200 independ-
Although widely reported by surgical studies, the defini- ent laparoscopic colorectal procedures. Dual operating was
tion of conversion within the literature varies and rates often defined as the planned presence of two consultant colorectal
rely upon surgical honesty. Conversion to open surgery can surgeons in theatre and actively involved in the procedure
remove the short-term recovery benefits of a minimal access compared to standard practice of a single consultant surgeon
approach [5] and of clear concern, meta-analysis has shown operating with a trainee. Where non-colorectal consultants
an increase in local recurrence, short- and long-term mor- were involved in operations this was not considered as dual
tality following colorectal cancer resection [6]. Strategies operating. Based upon our initial experiences of dual operat-
to reduce conversion rates are therefore strongly indicated. ing with perceived advantages, the model of two consultant
Initial reports from the ROLAR study did not show a reduc- colorectal surgeons was incorporated in job plans allowing
tion in conversion when novel technology was utilised [7] advance scheduling. The role of the second consultant was
but other potential strategies have not been explored. pragmatic and varied depending on the level of difficulty of
When training, mentored cases are associated with a each case from assisting in certain parts of the operation to
lower conversion rate when compared with independent acting as lead surgeon, allowing the primary surgeon the
cases [8] and no differences in conversion and post-operative opportunity for a break during long cases.
clinical outcomes were observed between expert performed Patient demography including age, gender, body mass
and mentored training cases [3, 8]. It is unknown if this index (BMI), previous surgery, neoadjuvant therapy as well
beneficial effect is applicable to the specialist (consultant) as pathologically defined tumour staging data were recorded.
setting and whether the presence of two specialists operating Length of stay (LoS) was calculated as number of hospital
on laparoscopic colorectal cases can influence conversion nights stay until discharge to home, rehabilitation or care
rates and hence the subsequent patient outcome. Therefore, facility as appropriate with the day of surgery designated
the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of dual day zero. Readmission was defined as unplanned hospital
specialist operating upon conversion rate, short- and long- readmission within 30 days. All patients entered a standard
term outcomes following LCS. clinical, radiological and endoscopic follow-up programme
until 5 years post-surgery or death. This manuscript has been
designed in accordance with the STROBE guidelines [15].

An observational review of a dedicated, prospectively com- Statistical analysis

piled colorectal cancer patient database managed by a spe-
cialist information analyst team was performed. Initial data- The data were analysed using SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics
base creation and review of already held, anonymised data v24, USA) and STATA (v11, StataCorp Texas, USA) for
was approved by our local research ethics and data govern- uni, multivariate and survival analyses. For categorical data,
ance committees. Study inclusion criteria were laparoscopic analysis included the use of cross tabulation, odds ratios
surgical resection, with curative intent, for biopsy-proven or and chi-squared to test the difference or association between
radiological or endoscopic suspicion of colorectal adeno- groups. Fisher’s exact test was used when indicated. The
carcinoma between 2002 and 2015. Emergency resections Pearson chi-squared test of association was used to examine
were excluded. No hand-assisted or hybrid laparoscopic the relationship between each variable and outcome. The
procedures were performed. Since 2002, all patients were magnitude of the effect was quantified using the odds ratio
managed within a previously described enhanced recov- (OR) with 95% confidence interval. Data are displayed as
ery programme [9–11] and cared for by a specialist multi- medians with interquartile and overall ranges unless speci-
disciplinary team. Conversion to open was defined by our fied. T-test and Mann–Whitney U were used to compare
institution as the inability to complete the dissection laparo- medians from normal and non-normally distributed popu-
scopically (including the vascular ligation) and/or requiring lations, respectively.
an incision larger than that required to remove the specimen To guide future decision making, two-step cluster anal-
[12, 13]. Primary reasons for conversion were prospectively ysis was performed to divide the cohort into low- and
captured and subdivided into proactive (anticipation of dif- high-risk groups to identify pre-operative demographic
ficulty or failure to progress) or reactive (in response to an and tumour risk factors associated with conversion. The
adverse event) groups. Kaplan–Meier log-rank method was used to estimate


3654 Surgical Endoscopy (2018) 32:3652–3658

5-year overall survival (OS) outcomes. A p value of Results

< 0.05 was considered significant.
750 consecutive patients met inclusion criteria (median
age 73 [25–96], 319 (42.5%) females, 282 (37.6%) rectal
malignancies, Table 1). Median follow-up was 48 months
(range 0–168). 616 operations (82%) were performed by a

Table 1  Patient demographics, tumour data, perioperative and short-term outcomes displayed for the entire cohort, laparoscopic and converted
and the two cluster groups
Whole cohort Laparoscopic Converted p value Cluster I Cluster II p value
N 750 623 127 406 261

Age 73 72 70 0.268 72 71 0.8

Males 57% 56.5% 66.7% 0.043 57% 62% 0.11
BMI 26 26 27 0.192 26 26 0.73
ASA 2 2 2 1 2 2 1
Previous surgery 30% 33.3% 35.8% 0.613 33% 28% 0.43
Tumour factors
 Rectal cancer 38% 38.9% 40.4% 0.762 27.8% 56.3% 0.003
 Neoadjuvant treatment 11% 10 12% 0.394 4% 15% 0.006
 Tumour (TNM 5th)
  Benign 47 (6.3%) 40 7 (5.5%) 0.075 31 (7.6%) 11 (4.2%) 0.366
  pT1 59 (7.9%) 52 6 (4.7%) 30 (7.4%) 23 (8.8%)
  pT2 135 (18%) 118 20 (15.7%) 76 (18.7%) 44 (16.9%)
  pT3 387(51.6%) 321 67 (52.8%) 205 (50.5%) 144 (55.2%)
  pT4 88 (11.7%) 64 21 (16.5%) 48 (11.8%) 31 (11.9%)
  Unknown 34 (4.5%) 28 6 (4.7%) 16 (3.9%) 8 (3.1%)
  pN0 449(59.9%) 387 (62.1%) 62 (48.8%) 0.08 253 (62.3%) 150 (57.5%) 0.415
  pN1 179(23.9%) 149 (23.9%) 30 (23.3%) 93 (22.9%) 68 (26.1%)
  pN2 88 (11.7%) 59 (9.5%) 29 (22.8%) 44 (10.8%) 35 (13.4%)
  Unknown 34 (4.5%) 28 (4.5%) 6 (4.7%) 16 (3.9%) 8 (3.1%)
  pM0 676(90.1%) 565 (90.7%) 111 (87.4%) 0.165 370 (91.1%) 237 (90.8%) 0.519
  pM1 40 (5.3%) 30 (4.8%) 10 (7.9%) 20 (4.9%) 16 (6.1%)
  Unknown 34 (4.5%) 28 (4.5%) 6 (4.7%) 16 (3.9%) 8 (3.1%)
 AJCC stage
  0 47 (6.3%) 40 (6.4%) 7 (5.5%) 0.088 31 (7.6%) 11 (4.2%) 0.365
  1 153(20.4%) 138 (22.2%) 15 (11.8%) 85 (20.9%) 52 (19.9%)
  2 245(32.7%) 204 (32.7%) 41 (32.3%) 134 (33%) 86 (33%)
  3 231(30.8%) 183 (29.4%) 48 (37.8%) 120 (29.6%) 88 (33.7%)
  4 40 (5.3%) 30 (4.8%) 10 (7.9%) 20 (4.9%) 16 (6.1%)
  Unknown 34 (4.5%) 28 (4.5%) 6 (4.7%) 16 (3.9%) 8 (3.1%)
Operative factors
 Operative time (min) 213 206 251 0.134 203 235 0.004
 Blood loss (ml) 154 103 415 < 0.001 137 186 0.013
 Conversion 16.9% - - - 8% 29.9% 0.001
 Stoma formation 31% 33.2% 39% 0.018 23.7% 53% 0.005
 Two consultants 17.9% 20.4% 5.5% < 0.001 20% 15% 0.06
 Length of stay (days) 7 7 7 0.219 7 9 0.001
 30-day readmission 14.8% 14.2% 15.% 0.817 13.8% 16.3% 0.005

Incomplete data meant 83 patients were excluded from cluster analysis

Surgical Endoscopy (2018) 32:3652–3658 3655

Table 2  Conversion rate in Conversion Total Table 3  The number and percentage of patients converted to open
patients who operated on by one and frequency of single and dual surgeon procedures in the two clus-
or two consultants. A greatly No Yes ters
reduced conversion rate was
observed in dual surgeon cases Single surgeon Conversion Operating Total
(p < 0.001)  n 496 120 616 surgeons
 % 20.4 No Yes Dual Single
Two surgeons Cluster II (higher risk)
 n 127 7 134  Count 183 78 39 222 261
 % 5.5  % within two-step cluster 29.9 15 85
Total Cluster I (lower risk)
 n 623 127 750  Count 375 31 81 325 406
 % 16.9  % within two-step cluster 7.6 20 80
 Count 558 109 120 547 667
single consultant with 134 cases (18%) operated by dual % 16.3 18.0 82.0
colorectal consultants. There were no differences in T, N,
M or stage between one consultant and dual surgeon cases
(p = 0.329, 0.372, 0.844 and 0.627, respectively). The overall results with a non-significant lower OS observed in higher
conversion rate was 16.9% (n = 127, Table 2) and did not stage cancers (Supplementary Fig.  2a–c, p = 0.062 and
vary across the study timeframe (p = 0.109, Supplementary p = 0.105, respectively). OS did not differ between study
Fig. 1) or between colonic and rectal cases (16.3% vs. 17.5%, surgeons (p = 0.676).
p = 0.701). No differences in tumour data were observed In those converted, OS was significantly inferior com-
between the laparoscopic and converted groups (p = 0.088, pared to those receiving a laparoscopic completed procedure
Table 1). The conversion rate for those who were operated (63% vs. 77%, p < 0.001, Fig. 1). There was also a signifi-
on by a single consultant was 20.4% compared to 5.5% cant improvement in 5-year OS observed between those who
for dual operating surgeons (OR 4.4, 95% CI 1.87–10.2, were operated with two consultants (70% (95% CI 69–85)
p < 0.001, Table 2). vs. 61% (54–67), p = 0.033, Fig. 2).
The majority of conversions took place for proactive
reasons (88%). Commonly, adverse tumour factors such as
local invasion or perforation (32%), adhesions (25%) and Discussion
patient factors such as high body mass index (BMI) or nar-
row pelvic inlet (18%). Reactive conversion due to adverse Despite the advancement in LCS techniques, technology,
events was encountered in 15 patients (12% of conversions training and experience, the conversion rate after colorectal
and 2% overall). cancer surgery remains variable and in certain cases, con-
Cluster analysis was carried out on 667 patients as 83 cerningly high [6]. Conversion negatively impacts on short-
(11.1%) cases were excluded due to incomplete data. 406 and long-term outcomes making this a potential target for
patients were identified as low risk (cluster I, 7.6% con- quality improvement with direct translational patient benefits
verted, Table 3) with 261 patients classified as high risk for [6]. This study was designed to investigate whether there
conversion (cluster II, 29.9%). No demographic differences was any advantage to dual consultant operating with particu-
were seen between the two clusters including histopathology lar focus on conversion and long-term survival.
defined TNM tumour data (Table 1). Rectal cancer (OR 2.3, To our knowledge, this study is the first to report on
95% CI 1.1–4.9, p = 0.003) and neoadjuvant therapy (OR 3, this method of colorectal cancer surgical service delivery.
95% CI 1.7–5.4, p = 0.006) were identified as risk factors for Whilst our overall conversion rate is comparable with pre-
conversion. Operative times (203 (88) min vs. 235 (98) min, vious reports [6, 16, 17], we observed a four-fold conver-
p = 0.004), blood loss (137 ml vs. 186 ml, p = 0.013) and sion increase in single surgeon cases, compared with dual
stoma formation were significantly higher in cluster II (53% consultant procedures, despite no patient demographic or
vs. 24%, p = 0.004, Table 1). Fewer dual operating consult- tumour stage differences between the groups. Overall sur-
ant cases were seen in cluster II (19.7% vs. 15.1%, p = 0.06, vival was significantly inferior for patients either operated
Table 3). LoS and 30-day readmission were significantly by a single consultant or converted to open surgery. We
higher in cluster II (9 vs. 7, p = 0.001; 16.3%, vs 13.8%, observed few adverse events requiring immediate laparot-
p = 0.005). omy, as 88% of conversions were proactive, most commonly
For the entire cohort and both the laparoscopic and con- tumour or adhesion related. We can hypothesise that the sec-
verted patient groups, OS was seen to follow tumour stage ond consultant provided sufficient support at critical steps


3656 Surgical Endoscopy (2018) 32:3652–3658

Fig. 1  Kaplan–Meier graph
displaying overall survival
for converted vs. laparoscopic
completed cases. Laparoscopic
procedures were associated
with an improved 5-year OS
(p < 0.001)

Fig. 2  Kaplan–Meier graph
displaying overall survival per
number of operating consult-
ants. Dual procedures were
associated with an improved
5-year OS (p = 0.033)

Surgical Endoscopy (2018) 32:3652–3658 3657

allowing safe continuation of laparoscopic procedures and [23]. During bilateral breast cancer surgery, dual operat-
therefore avoiding the negative patient outcomes associated ing reduced theatre time by 35% [24]. Two surgeon liver
with conversion. resection resulted in lower blood loss and a shorter LoS
Although many surgeons already support each other dur- [25]. We are unaware of any prior reports on dual special-
ing complex cases, this often remains an informal practice. ist operating in laparoscopic surgery or long-term patient
In our institution, two operating consultants were possible outcome data.
through job plan restructuring following the initial perceived Future directions of study should focus upon the global
positive impact of this strategy. The role of the second sur- impact of dual specialist operators, including economic
geon was often pragmatic and based upon pre-operative case and human factors. The health care economics of this prac-
assessment and on table progress. tice has not been evaluated and we understand that this
Deciding which patients would benefit most from dual approach may have an implication on service provision,
specialists is crucial as health services are unlikely to sup- particularly in the private sector. However, we propose
port dual surgeon operating for every LCS case. Therefore dual consultant operators only in selected cases and pre-
we performed cluster analysis modelling to guide future dominantly, the second consultant was only required for
practice by identifying conversion risk factors that may ben- 1–2 h during the critical phase of the procedure. Job plan
efit from dual consultant operating. Our model identified the restructuring was necessary to ensure availability of the
known challenges and current areas of controversy in LCS second surgeon but this was still only possible in 18% of
of rectal cancer [18, 19], neoadjuvant therapy and requiring patients. The associated cost implication may be offset
stoma formation as predictors for conversion. These patients by reduced conversions and their resulting benefits par-
may benefit most from a dual operating approach. Interest- ticularly a shorter LoS. Whilst the presence of a physi-
ingly, in contrast to previous reports, we observed that age, cally and mentally fresh surgeon for complex parts of a
gender, ASA, BMI and tumour location were not predictors procedure appears to be a logical one, further research
for conversion in our cohort [16]. One possible explanation is required to define the mechanism behind the observed
is that dual surgeons may help to overcome these traditional benefits. Future studies should investigate factors known
surgical difficulties. to influence patient outcomes such as specimen quality,
Two specialist operators are commonplace in compara- lymph node yield and resection margin status. Capturing
ble high-risk industries such as commercial aviation where intraoperative events including performance would also
standard practice mandates both a pilot and a co-pilot with help to explore these core considerations. Finally, although
clearly defined roles [20]. In our centre, the second surgeon’s a trainee was always present during dual procedures and
role was flexible in response to each case. In addition to frequently the additional consultant continued to teach
providing support and assisting decision-making processes, whilst working with the first surgeon, the impact upon
the second surgeon could also lead surgery and allow the training has not been explored and focused assessment of
primary surgeon the opportunity for a break during long this issue is indicated.
cases. Prolonged surgery can present physical, ergonomic Whilst we present a large mature cohort of consecutive
and visual challenges and is associated with inferior out- patients from a well-established LCS training centre with
comes [12] whereas surgeons report focus and performance experienced surgeons, this study has a number of limita-
improvements when short breaks are taken [21, 22]. We tions. The finding that conversion correlated with long-
observed that a common role for the second consultant term survival may not imply a causative association and
was to assist the lead surgeon in difficult parts of the pel- should be interpreted with caution as it was not possible
vic dissection and act as a “navigator” particularly when to control for the large number of confounding factors that
planes were obscured by adhesions, radiotherapy and/or an can influence this result. Although we used histopatho-
advanced tumour. Dual operating is likely to promote good logical results for tumour staging, this would not be avail-
team working practices and continuing professional develop- able to inform pre-operative decisions. Clinical staging,
ment. The second consultant can gain detailed knowledge disease-free survival and specimen quality data are of
of the patient and their procedure which may potentially interest but was not routinely captured in these patients.
foster post-operative patient care benefits particularly where Our subjective risk stratification did not correlate with the
multisite or shift working is employed. cluster analysis findings and further research is required
There are few previous reports on dual specialist operat- to validate and refine this model. Nevertheless, we still
ing, all coming from complex procedures in other surgi- achieved a four-fold reduction in the conversion rate for
cal disciplines [23–25]. Spinal deformity surgeons subjec- those patients who were operated on by dual consultants.
tively reported dual operating improved safety, decreased Extrapolating this result, if dual operating surgeons were
complications and improved outcomes. However, financial applied to the whole high-risk cluster, a further 60 patients
considerations limited widespread uptake of this strategy may have avoided conversion.


3658 Surgical Endoscopy (2018) 32:3652–3658

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