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ĐỀ 1

Write a short paragraph (about 150 words) about advantages and disadvantages of playing
computer games.
Computer games are addictive. That is the main reason children play them for hours on end. There are
several disadvantages to spending a lot of time in front of the computer.

Computer games merely provide entertainment. Children who are addicted to computer games tend to
have poor grades because they do not get enough time to focus on their studies. Also, they have
reduced social skills. They are constantly glued to their screens and show hardly any interest in
interacting with their family members or peers. This can lead to social isolation and serious behavioural

Some popular computer games glorify violence and crime. Children who grow up playing these games
may get into anti-social activities. Even if they don’t become criminals in the future, they may still
exhibit a disregard for values.

Computer games also cause vision problems in children. Children are not supposed tao stare at the
computer screen for hours on end. If they do, they will develop serious eye strain which may also affect
their studies.

On the bright side, computer games make children competitive. Games that require them to play
against virtual or real opponents living in another part of the world improve their concentration and
ability to take decisions quickly. These are definitely positive aspects but a child does not have to play
computer games to develop these skills.

To conclude, after analysing the advantages and disadvantages of playing computer games it is not hard
to see that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. In my opinion, parents should restrict the
amount of time their children spend in front of the computers. That said, there is no harm in playing a
game or two every now and then, but addiction is definitely a problem.

ĐỀ 2
The number of people using computers is increasing rapidly. What are the benefits of a
Computers are devices that store and process information. They are used in many aspects of our lives.
A computer is an electronic device that processes data according to a set of instructions called a
program. Computers can be used for many purposes, such as for playing games, word processing, or
controlling the operation of machines. Computers are usually not built by hand; they are mass-
produced in factories and assembled at the point of sale. The benefits of having a computer depend on
what you use it for and how often you use it. For example, if you need to do some work on your laptop
while commuting, then the benefits would include being able to work on your way to work or home
from work. Computers are an integral part of our digital lives. They are used to process information,
store data, and help us do tasks that would otherwise be impossible. The benefits of computers are
plentiful. They can make your life easier by helping you with work, school, and even at home. The
more you use a computer the more benefits you will gain from it. Computers have been a part of our
lives for decades now. They have been an integral part of our lives in the workplace, at home and even
in the classroom. The benefits of having a computer are innumerable. You can be more productive at
work, you can save time when doing your daily chores and you can learn new things. They also help in
saving money by being able to do your shopping online and buy things from the comfort of your own
ĐỀ 3
Some people say that cell phones have improved modern life. Others believe that cell phones
have caused many problems to people.
What is your opinion?
In about 250 words, write an essay to assert your point of view on this problem.

Thanks to advanced technology, cell phones have become more and more popular in our life. From my
point of view, cell phones have improved modern life. First and foremost, cell phones are a good means
of communication. Thanks to them, people can keep in touch with their family, their relatives and their
friends regardless of the distances. For example, only by a cell phone can you daily talk to or chat with
your friends who live very far away from you. In the second place, cell phones are also good for every
angle in life. Thanks to its small size, people can take them everywhere at anytime. For example, in
business, people can make a deal with their countership by a video chat on a cell phone rather than
have a meeting face to face. This is very convient especially for their partner living abroad. Moreover,
cell phones are a necessary for people’s entertainment. To illustrate, after a busy day at work or at
school, they can listen to music or play games or watch a movie, as a result, they may feel more relaxed
and more energetic to many things such as doing housework, homework and so on later. Last but not
least, it is estimated that almost all of the people who use cell phones are teenegers. Therefore, no one
can deny that cell phones have minute by minue become an indispensable in teenegers’ routine. In
reality, cell phones help teenagers to study better and better. For example, before an exam, instead of
being up to all night to reivise so many lessons they had studied, teenagers can benefit greatly from cell
phones. They can try on some tests on Internet, search for information they want or look into some
parts in the lessons which they don’t take in too much. Seeing that the speed of Internet is very fast,
students can acquire a lot of knowledge in a very convient way. While I appreciate the advantages of
the cell phones, I think that they also have some drawbacks including having bad effects on people’s
mind, causing some diseases and so on. All in all, it is immediately obvious that cell phones make out
life more and more modern, hence people should take them into consideration to make our life better
and better.
ĐỀ 4
Write a composition (300 words) about the following topic:
How do movies and television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to
support your answer.
The 21st century sees the domination of technology on the globe. That why movies and television can
have a great affection on people's behavior. Today, watching television or seeing a movie is a piece of
cake for anyone of all ages. Even a three-year-old child can take an iPhone to watch videos on youtube.
We use television and movies as tools to relax and also to get to know about everything outside there.
And usually, we believe in what we see on them without any wondering.
It's no problem with good and positive content, but things will go wrong if they are violent and negative
content. Unfortunately, lots of television programs and movies now have obscene, violent, or gossip
substance to attract people's attention.
The cinema industry and television increasingly expand. A filmmaker or a producer now has to compete
with many rivals. This has forced them to look for new ways to attract viewers. Moreover, something
which is violent or obscene can make people pay their attention to it easily. And the first consequence is
a tendency to violence that you may have.
As an obvious result, the more we see violence on television, the less sensitive we become to it. Then
violence will become very normal for us. An actor or actress can have many violent actions in movies,
and with some music, some reasonable reasons, people can accept what they do easily. For example,
Ted-a character in " a night
in Paris" brutally beat another man when he offense his nationality.
Dangerously, many young people try to imitate their idol-"Khá Bảnh" when he destroys a motorbike
since they think it's cool and fun. Finally, people think violence is normal and sometimes it's very cool
to take dangerous actions.
Otherwise, people can imitate what they see in movies, even such gossip things as eating raw fishes,
make a dangerous joke, etc. Adults can realize what is suitable for themselves but kids cannot. Kids
always curious about everything new and try to do it. They can try to smoke tobacco, drink alcohol,
make a bomb, etc. Lastly, a five-year-old girl imitates suicide by using a veil as what she saw on a
television cartoon warns us about the bad affection of television and movies. Dangerously, many people
believe in what they see in movies even in something wrong. For instance, Hollywood filmmakers
usually contribute Asians as conservative, short-sighted, and unattractive people. We hardly see an
Asian actor or actress become the main character in a Hollywood movie. That makes many people in
other continents think wrong about Asians.
Despite all of these negative affections, we can not deny the benefit that television and movies bring to
us. To get to know the world, we don't have to travel like what we used to in the past, now all we need is
a television with lots of foreign channels. We can stay at home and know about what is happening
around us or even around the world. We can also see a movie to understand a culture. I usually see
Japanese and Indian movies, now I have common knowledge about these people. Such as most Indians
follow religion and all of them are devotees or many Japanese old people now aren't taken care of by
their sons or daughters so they have to live lonely.
Finally, the affection that television and movies bring to us depends on ourselves completely. So when
we own some basic skills to enjoy and live with technology, technology will be the most useful media
for us. Be an intelligent user in the century of technology is the only way to enjoy television programs
and movies perfectly.

ĐỀ 5
Write a short paragraph (about 100 words) about a film you have seen
Today I’d like to talk to you about Harry Porter which is one of my favourite films. It was a fiction film
telling a story about people in the wizarding world. The central character was Harry Porter, who used
to be an orphan in the normal world before discovering that he was a wizard. Afterwards, he went to a
special school called Howard where taught him necessary skills to succeed in wizarding world. He also
had to deal with challenges in terms of study, friendship, love and even the fight against dark power.
I saw the first episode of this film when I was at high school, at about grade 11. As the film had 7 parts,
and the last part was introduced just 2 years ago, I was always looking forward to catching the lastest
episodes of it.
Why I decided to see the film might be because at that time, Harry Porter was recommended as a
masterpiece, making me feel curious about it. Moreover, I had read the original novel before, and I
really can’t put it down, reading it from cover to cover. So I guess the film would be as attractive as the
I think the most important reason why I enjoyed this film was that it made me feel adventurous. It was
really a fantastic film.
ĐỀ 9
Write a short paragraph (about 120 words) about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet
"The Internet is a global information system. Nowadays, the internet is popular everywhere in the
world. The Internet provides many useful utilities for users but besides that it also has negative. I will
analysis advantages and disadvantages of Internet specifically.

The first, the Internet is a big store of information. Any kind of information on any topic is available on
the Internet. You can find it by the most popular search engines, for example: google.com, search.com,
yahoo.com, etc. Beside, you can share information with other people around the world.

Secondly, the Internet connects many people all over the world. Stay up date with happening in the
whole world and the new technology and information. You can get latest news of the world on the
Internet. Most of the newspapers of the world are also available on the Internet. It easier to stay in
touch with your friends by chatting, e-mail messages, forum….

 Another benefit, there are many services on internet. Such as online banking,
job seeking,purchasing tickets for your favorite movies, and hotel reservations.  Especially
entertainment, you can see movies, listen music etc… You can play games with other people in any
part of the world and there are many games for you choose.

Online education is also popular on the internet. Many websites provide lectures, books and
documents on different subjects or topics. You can also download these lectures into your own
computer. You can listen and see these lectures repeatedly and get a lot of knowledge.

Besides, there are also disadvantages. Children can connect to these websites that are for adult only.
They can see the information which is not good. This is perhaps the biggest threat related to your
children's healthy mental life.

 Another drawback, today, Internet is the most popular source of spreading viruses. These viruses
create different problems in your computer .Viruses that can attack your privacy and get some
information about you. It’s hard to predict what will happen if you were hacked the account

 The next drawback is accuracy of information. A lot of information stored is stored on the websites.
Some information may be incorrect or not. Sometimes you may be confused.

 Another problem is the wastage of times. A lot of time is wasted to collect the information on the
Internet. Some people waste a lot of time in chatting or to play games.

At home and offices, many people use Internet without any positive purpose.
In conclusion, there are many advantages and disadvantages of the Internet, Depend on you, it will be
the advantages or disadvantage. You should balance study and play. "

ĐỀ 10
“Participating actively in volunteer work makes you become a responsible person to the

Write a paragraph about the benefits of doing volunteer work

Bản quyền thuộc về VnDoc nghiêm cấm mọi hành vi sao chép vì mục đích thương mại
Gợi ý viết bài
- Volunteering helps you make new friends and contacts (Làm việc tình nguyện giúp bạn có sự liên lạc
và bạn mới)
- Volunteering increases your social and relationship skills (Tình nguyện tăng kỹ năng xã hội và mối
quan hệ của bạn)
- Volunteering can provide career experience (Tình nguyện có thể cung cấp kinh nghiệm nghề nghiệp)
- Volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life (Tình nguyện mang lại niềm vui và sự viên mãn
cho cuộc sống của bạn)
Bài viết số 1
Doing volunteer brings lots of benefits. Firstly, it connects you to others. Volunteering allows you to
connect to your community and make it a better place. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can
make a real difference to the lives of people, animals, and organizations in need. Moreover,
volunteering is good for your mind and body, more detailed, it increase self-confidence. Doing
volunteer can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. The
better you feel about yourself, the more likely you are to have a positive view of your life and future
goals. Last not but least, you will have a chance to try out a new career when doing volunteer work.
For example, you might be interested in nursing after you volunteer at a hospital or nursing home.
Finally, there are numerous benefits that people can gain by doing volunteer work.
Bài dịch
Làm tình nguyện viên mang lại rất nhiều lợi ích. Thứ nhất, nó kết nối bạn với những người khác. Hoạt
động tình nguyện cho phép bạn kết nối với cộng đồng của mình và biến nó thành một nơi tốt hơn.
Ngay cả việc giúp đỡ những nhiệm vụ nhỏ nhất cũng có thể tạo ra sự khác biệt thực sự cho cuộc sống
của con người, động vật và các tổ chức đang gặp khó khăn. Hơn nữa, hoạt động tình nguyện rất tốt
cho tinh thần và thể chất của bạn, chi tiết hơn, nó làm tăng sự tự tin cho bản thân. Làm tình nguyện
viên có thể thúc đẩy sự tự tin, lòng tự trọng và sự hài lòng trong cuộc sống. Bạn càng cảm thấy tốt
hơn về bản thân, bạn càng có cái nhìn tích cực về cuộc sống và mục tiêu tương lai của mình. Cuối
cùng, bạn sẽ có cơ hội thử sức với một nghề nghiệp mới khi làm công việc tình nguyện. Ví dụ, bạn có
thể quan tâm đến việc điều dưỡng sau khi bạn tình nguyện tại bệnh viện hoặc viện dưỡng lão. Cuối
cùng, có rất nhiều lợi ích mà mọi người có thể đạt được khi làm công việc tình nguyện.
Bài viết số 2
Doing volunteer work brings both mental and physical health. The first advantage is that it increase
your social skills. You will have an opportunity to talk to new people and sharpen your social skills. By
spending a lot of time working with others and using these social skills, you’ll have the opportunity to
develop your future personal and business relationships. It also helps you stay physically healthy.
Many volunteer opportunities involve physical labor that helps you keep active. It helps you to reduce
stress and boosts happiness. Next, volunteering can advance your career. It gives you the opportunity
to practice important skills used in the workplace, such as teamwork, communication, problem
solving, project planning, task management, and organization. You might feel more comfortable
stretching your wings at work once you’ve honed these skills in a volunteer position first. To sum up,
volunteering brings lots of benefits so you should do at least one time.
Bài dịch
Làm công việc tình nguyện mang lại sức khỏe cả về tinh thần và thể chất. Ưu điểm đầu tiên là nó làm
tăng kỹ năng xã hội. Bạn sẽ có cơ hội nói chuyện với những người mới và rèn giũa các kỹ năng xã hội
của mình. Bằng cách dành nhiều thời gian làm việc với những người khác và sử dụng các kỹ năng xã
hội này, bạn sẽ có cơ hội phát triển các mối quan hệ cá nhân và kinh doanh trong tương lai. Nó cũng
giúp bạn khỏe mạnh về thể chất. Nhiều cơ hội tình nguyện liên quan đến lao động thể chất giúp bạn
duy trì hoạt động. Nó giúp bạn giảm căng thẳng và gia tăng sự hạnh phúc. Tiếp theo, hoạt động tình
nguyện có thể thăng tiến sự nghiệp của bạn. Nó mang đến cho bạn cơ hội thực hành các kỹ năng quan
trọng được sử dụng tại nơi làm việc, chẳng hạn như làm việc nhóm, giao tiếp, giải quyết vấn đề, lập kế
hoạch dự án, quản lý nhiệm vụ và tổ chức. Bạn có thể cảm thấy thoải mái hơn khi vươn cánh trong
công việc khi trước đó bạn đã rèn luyện những kỹ năng này ở vị trí tình nguyện viên. Tóm lại, hoạt
động tình nguyện mang lại rất nhiều lợi ích vì vậy bạn nên làm ít nhất một lần.
Bài viết số 3
Due to busy lives, it is hard to fine time to volunteer; however, the benefits of volunteering can be
enormous. Firsly, volunteering provides a unique opportunity: it connects people with very specific
shared values. You will meet people and make new friends that share common interests, values, and
outlooks. Next, doin volunteer boosts your self-esteem. When you challenge yourself through
volunteering and receive appreciation from others, it can make you feel better emotionally and
mentally. Last but not least, it increases your brain functioning. Volunteering has been shown to
increase your ability for problem solving, increase your long-term and short-term memory, and
reduce your risk of developing age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s. In short, volunteering brings
lots of benefits so you should do at least one time.
Bài dịch
Do cuộc sống bận rộn, thật khó để dành thời gian tốt cho việc tình nguyện; tuy nhiên, lợi ích của hoạt
động tình nguyện có thể rất lớn. Tuyệt vời hơn, tình nguyện cung cấp một cơ hội duy nhất: nó kết nối
mọi người với những giá trị được chia sẻ rất cụ thể. Bạn sẽ gặp gỡ mọi người và kết bạn mới có chung
sở thích, giá trị và triển vọng. Tiếp theo, làm tình nguyện viên nâng cao sự tự tin của bạn. Khi bạn thử
thách bản thân thông qua hoạt động tình nguyện và nhận được sự đánh giá cao từ người khác, điều
đó có thể khiến bạn cảm thấy tốt hơn về mặt tinh thần và cảm xúc. Cuối cùng nhưng không kém phần
quan trọng, nó làm tăng khả năng hoạt động của não bộ. Hoạt động tình nguyện đã được chứng minh
là giúp tăng khả năng giải quyết vấn đề, tăng trí nhớ dài hạn và ngắn hạn, đồng thời giảm nguy cơ
phát triển các bệnh liên quan đến tuổi tác như Alzheimer. Tóm lại, hoạt động tình nguyện mang lại rất
nhiều lợi ích vì vậy bạn nên làm ít nhất một lần.
Bài viết số 4
Voluntary work has some interesting benefits which attract many people nowadays. Firstly, being a
volunteer is a meaningful thing to mention. Doing voluntary work means doing work without asking
for money or wave. In this way, people can contribute their enthusiasm and energy to the society,
which also results in spending free time more usefully. Besides, when doing voluntary tasks,
volunteers can receive some significant skills. They may learn how to socialize with others, or learn
how to cooperate in a diverse team, or with deal with problem in a logic way. Last but not least,
voluntary work connects different people. It provides a chance for volunteers to meet up and
establish new relationships. To sum up, volunteers can not only give but also receive many useful
experiences from voluntary activities.
Bài dịch
Công việc tình nguyện có một vài lợi ích thú vị hấp dẫn nhiều người ngày nay. Đầu tiên, việc trở thành
một tình nguyện viên là một điều ý nghĩa cần phải nhắc đến. Làm công việc tình nguyện có nghĩa là
làm công việc mà không yêu cầu tiền hoặc lương. Bằng cách này, mọi người có thể đóng góp tâm
huyết và năng lượng của mình cho xã hội, điều này cũng dẫn đến việc sử dụng thời gian rảnh rỗi một
cách hữu ích hơn. Bên cạnh đó, khi thực hiện các nhiệm vụ tình nguyện, tình nguyện viên có thể nhận
được một số kỹ năng quan trọng. Họ có thể học cách giao tiếp với người khác hoặc học cách hợp tác
trong một nhóm đa dạng hoặc giải quyết vấn đề theo cách logic. Cuối cùng nhưng không kém phần
quan trọng, công việc tình nguyện kết nối những người khác nhau. Nó tạo cơ hội cho các tình nguyện
viên gặp gỡ và thiết lập các mối quan hệ mới. Tóm lại, tình nguyện viên không chỉ cho đi mà còn nhận
được nhiều trải nghiệm bổ ích từ các hoạt động tình nguyện.
Bài viết số 5
Volunteering activities brings a lot of benefits for you. First, it is a great way to meet new friends as
well as strengthen existing connections with friends, family and coworkers. As a volunteer, you’ll
typically interact with people from diverse backgrounds, which allows you to learn other perspectives.
Next, it increases your social skills. It gives you a chance to talk to new people and sharpen your social
skills. Last not but least, volunteering may improve your self-esteem and self-confidence. When you
do something you feel is worthwhile and valuable for your community, it gives you a sense of
accomplishment that may help you feel more fulfilled about your life and any future goals. To sum up,
if you have a chance, do volunteer work as much as possible.
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