P22 May June 20

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I A mixture of ice and water is left to stand and the ice melts.
' Which row describes what'happens as the ice is melting?
salid -'r til,rid ( b:f;'t"l5)
temperature of mixture energy changes

& lncreases average kinetic energy of particles increases

B increases _ energy is used to overcome attractive forces
c stays the same average kinetic energy of particles increases

16r stays the same energy is used to overcome attractive forces

2 Which piece of apparatus is used to measure 25.0cm3 of aqueous sodium hydroxide?

A B @
( rrrorc qg,umlo)

3 Paper chromatography is used to determine the Rr values for four different food colourings.

Which food colouring has an & value of 0.5?

solvent front

2A 0
15 n
10 e
Rt, dis.|anra am*d ruLcFncc s 0
'.<r r,r,vd ! srtrartr drnt
O.6 " 'rt

0'e (rs): rr,

lg ra^: h r
3 7 pn*"n
4 The diagram shows the electronic structure of a particle with a nucleon number (mass number) of

Llc$t<n = lO

-+ g \)4Vt\Lo *uffin

The table shows the suggestions that three students, 1,2 and 3, made to identify the particle

1 2 3

particle Ar ct ca2*
s+4hk- o0l<:;
Which students are correct?
oq(* OLoufrcq qYa+*6tt*a*
qlz4r"gn Atr-rrnfiE r*rf
A 1 and 2 only and 3 only C 2and3only D 1,2and3

5 The electronic structures of two atom$, P and Q, are shown.

nch - ,*,frl) ,*(.,+*,1)

6r? 6t

lPl I

alu[-r' h ayrri*1tait 2 rl 2r I
P and Q combine together to form a nd
q ianic Q*p**A
What is the type of bondi in the compound and what is the formula of the compound?

type of bonding formula

ionic PQ
B ionic PQz

c covalent PQz

ffi covalent PQ

{5 Which statement about the structure of a metai explains why metals are malleable?
A The electrons can movb freely throughout the lattice.
-) A.^ und,*(* c^to,fr<
The layers of metat ions can slide over each other.

C The metal ions are positively charged.

D There is a strong force of attraction between the metal ions and the electrons.
q UisL, MP ! BP
7 The bonding, structure and melting point of sodium chloride and sulfur dichloride are shown.

compound bonding structure melting point/'C

r,*tal @ Wl sodium chloride ionic giant lattice 801

hr\- tvr|1 - sulfur dichloride covalent simple molecular -121

y,+t<l @ vertal
whv does sulfur dichloride have a lower melting pplnt than sodium chinrictq?
A The covalent bonds in sulfur dichloride are weaker than the attractive forces between
molecules in sodium chloride.

B The covalent bonds in sulfur dichloride are weaker than the ionic bonds in sodium chloride.
iC 'The attractive forces between motecules in sulfur dichloride are weaker than the attractive
forces between molecules in sodium chloride.

[il ,n" attractive forces between molecules in sulfur dichloride are weaker than the ionic bonds
uv in sodium chloride. (wcr,Y Tv.-llo,.*.Act-,t"" ftn s
/ \
wt*,V \l^n &r d..la F"+ I
I Lead(II) nitrate, Pb(NOr)2, reacts with potassium iodide, KI, to form a yellow precipitate, PbI2,
and a soluble salt, KNo3.
,otrdolr + 6o(*L(a lnjrt*bra t s4,r[te
What is the equation for the reaction? ( f ,*Apr+qtr>,,)
A . Pb(NOs)2 + KI -+ PbI2 + KNO3
B Pb(NO3)2 + zKl -+ PbIe + KNOo
C 2Pb(NQ)2 + 2KI -+ PbIz + 2KNOg
r7. +
T z^r + zruv\.r3
W) Pb(No3)2 2KI --) PbIz T
-+ rel2 2KNos
\.H ) H, ; 2 N*r
g o'"#\ : ) h^'l
rhe Haber process is a reversible reaction.
Nz(g) + 3Hz(g)
9.6 rnol
2NH3(g )
o.9 *t I
r, ; o'S,'.al
The reaction has a30% yield of ammonia. vot. af I'Sr I ,.,1 =
# p" x 4ooo)
Which volume of ammonia gas, NH3, ffieosured at room temperature and press;ure, is obtained
by reacting 0.75 moles of hydrogen with excess nitrogen?
t SLoo qn,
@ sooor*' B s400cm3 c, 12000cm3 fh
t{t o$'
10 Electrolytes can be broken down by electrolysis.
Catfi*fu, h,wAL
Which rows are correct for each electrolyte?

reaction product
at cathode at anode

1 dilute aqueous sodium chloride + 2e- -+ Hz

2H* oxygen
2 concentrated hydrochloric acid 2H* + 2€ -+ Hz chlorine
3 molten aluminium oxide 2O2- -+ Oz + 4e- aluminium
i^rn Br \,\
)tl*noll -
4 qoncentrated aqueous sodium brorlidq Na*+e-+Na bromine

o l and2 B 1 and4 C 2and3 3and4

11 The electrolysis of aqueous copper(Il) sulfate, using inert electrodes, is shown.

aqueous copper(Il) sulfate

Which statement about a reaction at an electrode is correct? Cq lt s? rt'

o Copper ions gain electrons at the negative electrode t*t

@ Copper ions gain electrons at the positive electrode. Cttfue4<- 4tl.,erl1,

C Hydrogen ions gain electrons at the negative electrode

D Hydrogen ions gain electrons at the positive electrode.


i2 Methane burns in excess oxygen. cr f .{

o 0\ 2.6 {t
The equation is shown. \\ L lt
eH+(g) + 2oz(g) -+ eOz(g) + 2HzO(g)

Bond energies are shown. 0

H r{

Er,oA3 g^r/q!
E,er"i! bond
bond energy
taa*a* peh* /kJ mol-I

C=O 805
'futrrr) * 2(ri6,
C_H 414
+ t{ (\r,r)J
O=O 496
G-H 460

What is the_energy chanqe for the reaction?

@ (4x410+2x496) -(2*Bo5+ 4x46a|

B (2 x 805 +2x460)-(410 + 2 x 496)

6,. tu,,o + 2 x 496) - (sos + 2 x 460)

D (410 + o:u, - (80s + 460)
! in c,tc+r*t7(B el+tpfcr
13 Which statements about hydrogen fuel cells are correct?
trp lL a5 +y,A lo sc,,* *{+\
1 Water is formed as the only waste product. 7 Or
2 Both water and carbon dioxide are formed as waste products.
3 The overall reaction is 2Hz + Oz -+ 2H2A. 7
4 The overall reaction is glgg*gg . ) ttc{,*r*E

1and3 B 1and4 C 2and3

Which list contains oniy chemical changes?

D Zand4

A fiielting, evaporating) Oissolving lr\ ( ) all phgeical

B rusting ,fueezing, sublimin$ I Cl*<wqt g

neutralisation, polymerisation, combustion

o ( uoiling, condensino)distittation

15 The results of adding excess marble chips (calcium carbqlgl$ to hvdrochloric acid at 50 "C and
at 30'C are shown. Only the temperature isEfian@


volume of ,' 30 "C

carbon dioxide
given off/cm3

0 timei s

Which row describes the reacting particles at 30 "C compared to those at 50]Q?

collision rate collision energy

&B higher
c lower higher

6 lower lower

16 Methane reacts with steam and an_equilibrium is reached.

q ,-S^ aofllt'nrv;'
cno(g}+ Hzo(g) + Co(g) + 3Hz(9)
The fonrvard reaction is qndothermic. ' d*n*n".r" O
Which row shows how the amount of hydrogen at equilibrium changes when the pressure or
temperature is changed as i nc,lcated'1
l*p on,A oh rrrry6. sf rwrl
"t lnS
change in 6rng" irif amount of
T P , r,hi{t *, laueP nrm'o{
temperature \qessurg/ hydrogen
vnol o* C4t4

6 B
no change

no change
decrease ar*'or{l+ lt, L/
no change increase decrease
D no change decrease decrease
?"Or I
17 When aqueous iron(III) chloride is added to aqueous potassium iodide a chemical reaction
occurs and iodine is formed.

Wh ich statement is correct? 2 FL(c4, t 6f'[ --+ 3I" r6Yol trFc

:1.- L, t )c- Lo*a*td)
lodide ions are oxidised, they gain electrons in this reaction. -l
BC lodide ions are oxidised, they lose electrons in this reaction.

lron(III) chloride is oxidised in this reaction.

D Neither iodide ions nor iron(III) chloride is oxidised in this reaction

PllX at.S'<l +1,"h

18 The graph shows how the pH of a solution changes as an acid is added to an alkati . d*ut*w
acid + alkali -+ salt + water as hdA il
Which letter represents the area of the graph where both acid and salt are present? ^w).
14 B
hlt ar 4dd
*.",t*=,1 b'tk
c pnc.r,..t h" t pH 17

volume of acid added

19 Which statement describes a weak acid?

A lt is a proton Eeceptor and is fully ionised in aqueous solution.

6C It is a proton acceptor and is partially ionised in aqueous solution.

lt is a proton donor and is fully ionised in aqueous solution.

It is a proton donor and is partjally_tqnised. in aqueous solution

\ qltitv ,ralA
[+ (pr-t;','o-) y*e1>*rhY-5

- ACd p vp<.rga
I 6P{^'bb sa[F

2A The apparatus shown is used to prepare aqueous copper(Il) sulfate.

filter paper
excess of solid X
solid X
i& o*c+ss rwt-*<\
,..C+*t o*td-o
Y aqueous
copper(Il) sulfate

What are X and Y?


8 B
coppe(Il) chloride
aqueous iron(II) sulfate
dilute sulfuric acid

o D
coppe(Il) oxide
dilute sulfuric acid
aqueous copper(Il) chloride

21 Which process is not used in the prepa ration of an insoluble salt?

A filtration fl c-c.dpflefiwrr





22 Which statement about Group I and Group Vll elements is correct?

dl al-or'"1<
l\ Group Vll elements are#gtog:gg9non-metals. X
B Lithium it4rylyg with water than caesium. .( 6 ot13 &owa qf , .roqn"'b t
C The melting poi nts of Group I metals increase down the group. $4,cavt6e 1s,vur' 1c Afrrp,
Potassium bromide reacts with chlorine to produce an orange solution
fFrnsiltbn ekw.ull

21! The properties of the element titanium, Ti, can be predicted from its position in the Periodic Table

Which row identifies the pr<iperties of titanium?

can be used conducts electricity forms coloured

has low density
as a catalyst when solid compounds

A ./ x
@ ,/ x

& D x

afin"fa gaf
24 Which diagram shows a mixture of noble n G ^^'e'.o

@ c D

o aa o
o & % @@
€ E
o a o 08 I o
25 Which property is shown by all metals?

A They are extracted from their ores by heating with carbon,

They conduct electricity.

They. form acidic oxides. .4 6h0\r4r in P.r'te'd 3 e,t o'v*'tt

D They react with hydrochloric acid to form hydrogen.

26 Many metal carbonates decompose when they are heated.

Which row describes what happens when potassium carbonate, calcium carbonate and
copper(Il) carbonate are heated using a Bunsen burner?
* dt+o'tas ,a rca,.fil' d p**,t
decomposes does not decompose at
decomposes easily
with difficulty Bunsen temperatures

A calcium carbonate copper(II) carbonate potassium carbonate

copper(II) carbonate calcium carbonate potassium carbonate
c copper(Il) carbonate potassium carbonate calcium carbonate

ffi potassium carbonate calcium carbonate copper(Il) carbonate


27 Mlolten iron from the blast furnace contains imourities.

The process of turning the impure iqqn into steel involves blowing oxygen into the molten iron and
adding calcium oxide.

What are the reasons for blowing in oxygen and adding calcium oxide?

blowing in oxygen adding calcium oxide

a carbon is removed by reacting with oxygen reacts with acidic impurities making slag
B carbon is removed by reacting with oxygen reacts with slag and so removes it

6 D
iron reacts with the oxygen
iron reacts with the oxygen
reacts with acidic impurities making slag
reacts with slag and so removes it

28 Four iron nails are added to four different metal sulfate solutiogs.
ln which solution does a displacefnent reaction occul?
t"{'t-rl l^''r Ih pasi}iv"' tr'*t"' fa n^
O "orper(Il)sulfate rvao+rri,f- rtrlcs
B magnesium sulfate
att ^ve./ ht6l^*r h
C ' sodium sulfate
nc sulfate 3 peffrrvn {^^,r\ tr1

29 Which statement about pure water i@nrr""tt

A lt condenses at 1A}"Cl, 4
ts ltfreezes atA"C. S
@ It turns cobalt(Il) chloride paper blue.

It turns anhydrous copper(Il) sulfate blue.


30 Three processes in the carbon cycle are shown.

1 MS[ir" *t ?t *,i)"*fn;r*o*[#rg carbon dioxide and water.

2 Carbon dioxide and water are absorbed and used by plants to make oxygen.
3 Oxygen is used by living things to release energy.

Which processes have taken place?

1 2 3

combustion photosynthesis
@ respiration
B combustion respiration photosynthesis
c photosynthesis combustion respiration
D respiration photosynthesis combustion

31 ln the Haber process, nitrogen and hydrogen areeX$*,*make ammonia.


The forward reaction is exothermic. CD
Which conditions ? p*t

T P, e,y*llforinr,n sh.ft f & sk

p A high



lovq,r n^^ - 4 t*pl of A'r$s

G high
JT, cl,ritlbrirem s,hiff +" r^laht '{" st|Abc
D low low &o r+ ha.'P h {*f bqt* lo wovtal

32 Which process, used to prevent iron from rusting, involves sacrificial protection?

A alloying
B electroplating

_6 D



33 A student suggests three uses of calcium carbonate (limestone).

1 manufacture of cement

2 manufacture of iron

3 treating alkaline soils

Which suggestions are correct?

6 1 and 2 only
6 1 and 3 only C 2and3only D
(pxt*o* gmt*,

34 One of the reactions used in the manufacture of sulfuric acid is shown.

Which catalyst is used to increase the rate of this reaction?

A iron

B manganese(fv) oxide

@D vanadium(V)

35 Ethanol is made on an industrial scale by the fermentation of sugars or by the reaction of ethene
with steam in the presence of a suitabl"
What is a disadvantage of making ethanol from ethene rather than by fermentation?

A A continuous production process is used.

qfl n non-renewable raw material is used. ( c,*or.* 'tr 6r1f-na)
c The product is very pure.

6 The rate of reaction is very high.

36 Which statement about compounds in the same homologous series is correct?

F atoms. They have the same chemicl! properties because they have the .samHnumber of carbon
^ n
B They have the s'ame physical properties because they have the same number of carbon

C They have different chemical properties because they have different numbers of carbon

They have different physical rties because they have different numbers of carbon
@ atoms.

9s!v+ llv*"rtt,rl pn,rp*rfi4{ , &if{ phg<iatt p*ptrttcs



37 in one molecuie of a hydrocqrbon increas_es the amount of

What is the correct order?

less energy ----+ more energy

released released

A ethene ethane methane

B ethene methane ethane
methane' ethane ethene
?6) methane ethene ethane Jnorr-g4 wrrn, ol obns
CH,l (>*q GHs
38 An organic compound, P, reacts with zinc to produce a gas, Q.

What are P and Q?

P o P + 2n-r a
A ethanoic acid carbon dioxide
&r,t.t t
^/+^l f [, 4.rS
ethanoic acid hydrogen
c ethanol carbon dioxide
D ethanol hydrogen

39 Alkanes
C"$... *,
undergo substitution reactions in the presence of UV light.

Which equation represents a substitution reaction of ethane?

& C2H5

+ Clz -+ C2Ha + 2HCl
+ + HCt .,/
Cl2 -+ C2HsCI
c C2H6 + Cl2 -+ C2HaCl2 + 11,
D C2H6 + HCI -+ CzHsCI + Hz

40 Which substances are natural polymers?

1 proteins ,,/
2 carbohydrates 7 'ft,
3 nylon
4 poly(ethene)
1and2 B 1and3 C 2and3 D 3and4

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