Operator & Service Manual: Zimmer A.T.S. Automatic Tourniquet System REF 60-3000-101-00

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& Service Manual

Zimmer A.T.S.® 3000

REF 60-3000-101-00
Zimmer, Inc. warrants the Product (A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet System) for one year from date of purchase. During the warranty
period, Zimmer will repair or replace, at its option, any product which is defective in materials or workmanship or which fails to
meet the published specification for that model. This Limited Warranty is made only to the original purchaser of the product and
is non-transferable. The remedies described in this Limited Warranty are the exclusive remedies for breach of warranty. THIS


The forgoing of Express Limited Warranty is given in lieu of any and all other express or implied warranties. ZIMMER

In no case shall Zimmer, Inc. be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages whether based on breach of
warranty or other legal theory whether or not such damages are foreseeable. Some states do not allow limitations on warranties
or on remedies for breach in certain transactions. In such states, the limits in this paragraph and the preceding paragraph do
not apply.

In the event of a warranty claim within the warranty period please take the following steps:

1. Notify Customer Service Department, Zimmer Surgical, at 1-800-348-2759 or contact your local Zimmer representative.
Please provide details about the nature of the problem and include the product serial number. Upon receipt of this
information, Zimmer will provide a date for service or a return shipping authorization.

2. Upon receipt of the shipping authorization, forward the equipment, freight prepaid, to the location specified in the
shipping authorization.

Your compliance with these steps will help assure that you receive prompt warranty service for your product.


Please contact your local Zimmer Representative for warranty information.

Unit Serial Number _______________________


1.1 Specifications ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Intended Use ........................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Contraindications ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Precautions in Use ............................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Adverse Effects .................................................................................................................................... 7


2.1 Initial Inspection .................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Controls, Indicators, and Connectors .................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Initial Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Functional and Calibration Check ....................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Pressure and Time Defaults ................................................................................................................. 11
2.6 Limb Occlusion Pressure (LOP) Determination ................................................................................. 11
2.7 Single Cuff Operation .......................................................................................................................... 13
2.8 Dual Cuff Operation ............................................................................................................................ 14
2.9 Bier Block Cuff Operation (IVRA) ..................................................................................................... 15
2.10 Speaker Volume Setting ....................................................................................................................... 15
2.11 Contrast Display Setting ...................................................................................................................... 15
2.12 Alarm Conditions ................................................................................................................................. 15

3.1 General Maintenance Information ....................................................................................................... 24
3.2 Access to Parts ..................................................................................................................................... 24
3.3 Limb Occlusion Pressure (LOP) Sensor Cleaning and Disinfecting .................................................. 24
3.4 Periodic Maintenance .......................................................................................................................... 24
3.5 Calibration............................................................................................................................................ 25
3.6 Leak Testing ......................................................................................................................................... 26
3.7 Battery Voltage and Battery Service .................................................................................................... 27
3.8 Fuse and Fuse Drawer Replacement ................................................................................................... 27
3.9 Unscheduled Maintenance ................................................................................................................... 28
3.10 Troubleshooting Guide ........................................................................................................................ 28
3.11 Expected Test Point Readings ............................................................................................................. 28
3.12 Replacement Parts................................................................................................................................ 32
3.13 Storage ................................................................................................................................................. 32
3.14 Warnings, Cautions, and Symbology................................................................................................... 39

Alarm Conditions ................................................................................................................................. 16
2.2 LOP Alarm Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 18
2.3 Error Codes .......................................................................................................................................... 18
2.4 EMC Guidance and Declaration - EMC Emissions ............................................................................ 20
2.5 EMC Guidance and Declaration - EMC Immunity/Disturbances ....................................................... 20
2.6 EMC Guidance and Declaration - EMC Immunity/RF ....................................................................... 22
2.7 EMC Guidance and Declaration - EMC Immunity/Separation Distances .......................................... 23
3.1 Board Plug Designators ....................................................................................................................... 24
3.2 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................... 29
3.3 Expected Test Point Readings ............................................................................................................. 31
3.4 Parts List .............................................................................................................................................. 32

1 A.T.S. 3000 Overview – front ............................................................................................................. 33
2 A.T.S. 3000 Overview – rear ............................................................................................................... 34
3 Main and Second Calibration Kit Setup .............................................................................................. 35
4 Battery Removal Overview ................................................................................................................. 35
5 Rear Power Cord Cover Removal ....................................................................................................... 36
6 Rear Clamp Removal ........................................................................................................................... 36
7 Wiring View of Control Board ............................................................................................................ 36
8 Rear Case Separation ........................................................................................................................... 37
9 Control Board Layout .......................................................................................................................... 38



Mains Line Voltage Range: PRESSURE
100–240 V ~ (AC), 50/60 Hz. Auto switching
Line Current:
670 mA RMS @ 120 V ~ (AC)
Input Power:
53 Watts typical Used in conjunction with the shuttle knob to adjust the
Battery Type: pressure set point. Can also be pressed to verify the set
point. The Main Cuff and Second Cuff have separate
Rechargeable, 12 VDC sealed lead acid,
Pressure buttons.
4.0 amp hours
Battery Discharge Time: TIME Button:
Unit will operate on battery power for 240 minutes minimum TIME
with a fully charged battery.
Battery Recharge Time:
24 hours
Unit should be plugged in 24 hours before initial use.
In the event of a deep battery discharge that cannot be
recovered in the first 24 hours, a second 24 hour charging Used in conjunction with the Shuttle Knob to adjust the time
period may be required. In this event, the A.T.S. unit should alarm set point. Can also be pressed to verify the set point.
be unplugged for 60 seconds and reconnected to AC The Main Cuff and Second Cuff have separate Time buttons.
power prior to starting the second charging session.
Power Cord:
Type SJT or international equivalent of HO5VV-F, INFLATE
AWG 16 (1.31mm2), 14 ft. (4.27 m)
Power Plug:
Hospital grade, 3 prong straight blade, 15 amp or proper
equivalent power plug
Line Protection:
2 time delayed 1.0 amp 250 volt fuses Controls inflation or deflation of the respective cuff.
The Main Cuff and Second Cuff have separate INFLATE /


Allows operator to manually silence most alarms for

Turns the unit ON / sets unit to STANDBY.
30 seconds.

Limb Occlusion Pressure (LOP) Button:
Cuff Pressure Range:
LOP 50–475 mmHg, 1 mmHg increments

Pressure Accuracy:
±3 mmHg (50–475 mmHg)

Pressure Regulation:
±4 mmHg of set point
Controls the LOP feature. When the pulse sensor is in place (10 second average under non-transient conditions without
and cuff applied, pressing this button will start the process to external leaks)
measure the patient’s LOP and give the user a recommended
tourniquet pressure (RTP). Maximum Pressure:
475 mmHg cuffs
AC Indicator Light Icon (Green LED):
Time Alarm Set Range:
5–240 minutes; 1 minute increments

Timer Accuracy:
0.25% of elapsed time

Internal Diagnostics:
Indicates unit is operating on AC Mains. This is the normal Program, memory, watchdog timer, transducer calibration,
means of operation (battery power is only intended for improper valve actuation.
emergency power loss or patient transport).
Battery Indicator Light Icon (Orange LED): Height:
13.0 in. (33.02 cm)
9.5 in. (24.1 cm)
Indicates unit is operating on backup battery. This indicator 10.375 in. (26.35 cm) (including clamp and ports)
always flashes. Weight:
16.3 lbs. (7.4 kg)
Alarm Indicator Light Icon (Red LED):
The A.T.S. 3000 uses a backlit 1/4 panel LCD.

Pressure Display: Displays pressure setting, sensed cuff

pressure, and hardware failure conditions / other
Visual indicator to show the unit is in an alarm condition.
Time Display: Displays time alarm set point, elapsed
LOP Heart Indicator Icon (Yellow LED): time, and hardware failure conditions / other messages.

Visual indicator to show the LOP function has been invoked.

UL60601-1 Classification:
Type of protection against electric shock: Class I or Internally Powered Equipment*

Degree of protection against electric shock: Type BF applied part

Classification according to the degree of IPX0

protection against ingress of water:

Mode of operation: Continuous operation

*When the unit is operating on backup battery, the type of protection against electric shock changes to internally powered equipment.

This device is not suitable for use in the presence of flammable anesthetic or gases.

The A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet System complies with EMC criteria set forth in EN 60601-1-2. The user of this device should be
aware that precautions should be taken in regards to EMC. The device should be installed and used according to the EMC
information provided in the instructions for use. See EMC Guidance Tables included in this manual.

Cables Maximum length

Zimmer LOP sensor cable 98 inches (249 cm)
Mains power cord 170 inches (432 cm)

WARNING: use of an LOP sensor cable or mains power cord with a length other than those specified may result in
increased emissions and decreased immunity.

The A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet System is intended to be used by ◆ The tourniquet system must be kept well calibrated
qualified medical professionals to temporarily occlude blood and in operable condition. Accessories should be checked
flow in a patient’s extremities during surgical procedures regularly for leaks and other defects.
on those extremities. Tourniquets have been found useful in ◆ The tourniquet cuff must never be punctured; therefore
producing a bloodless operation field in surgical procedures towel clips used near the system must be handled with
special care. Cuffs with inner rubber bladders must be
involving the extremities including:
completely enclosed by the outer envelope to preclude
ballooning and possible rupture of the bladder. Cleaning and
Reduction of certain fractures
assembly instructions of the cuff manufacturer should be
Kirschner wire removal
followed carefully.
Tumor and cyst excisions ◆ Do not use an elastic bandage for exsanguination in
Subcutaneous fasciotomy cases where this will cause bacteria, exotoxins, or malignant
Nerve injuries cells to spread to the general circulation, or where it could
Tendon repair dislodge thromboemboli that may have formed in the vessels.
Bone grafts ◆ The tourniquet cuff must be applied in the proper
Total wrist joint replacement location on the limb, for a “safe” period of time, and within
Replacement of joints in the fingers an appropriate pressure range. Never apply a tourniquet
Knee joint replacements over the area of the peroneal nerve or over the knee or
Amputations ankle. Do not readjust an already inflated cuff by rotating it
Replantations because this produces shearing forces which may damage the
underlying tissue.
WARNING: Do not use tourniquet cuffs to control the ◆ Prolonged ischemia may lead to temporary or permanent
distal flow of CO2 or any other gases used as a distention damage to tissues, blood vessels, and nerves. Tourniquet
media. Tourniquet cuffs have not been evaluated for safety or paralysis may result from excessive pressure. Insufficient
effectiveness in controlling gas flow beyond the surgical site pressure may result in passive congestion of the limb with
possible irreversible functional loss. Prolonged tourniquet
during arthroscopic insufflation procedures. Possible effects
time can also produce changes in the coagulability of the
of using a tourniquet cuff in this manner include serious
blood with increased clotting time.
subcutaneous emphysema proximal to the cuff. ◆ Inflation should be done rapidly to occlude arteries and
veins as near simultaneously as possible.
◆ Careful and complete exsanguination reportedly
The medical literature lists the following as possible prolongs pain free tourniquet time and improves the quality
contraindications. However, in every case, the final of Intravenous Regional Anesthesia, (Bier Block anesthesia).
decision whether to use a tourniquet rests with the In the presence of infection and painful fractures, after
attending physician. the patient has been in a cast, and in amputations because
Open fractures of the leg of malignant tumors, exsanguination before tourniquet
Post-traumatic lengthy hand reconstruction application may be done without the use of an elastic
Severe crushing injuries bandage by elevating the limb for 3 to 5 minutes.
Elbow surgery (where there is excess swelling) ◆ In case of failure, the tourniquet cuff must be fully
Severe hypertension deflated and the limb exsanguinated again before reinflation.
Skin grafts in which all bleeding points must be Reinflation over blood-filled vasculature may lead to
readily distinguished intravascular thrombosis.
Compromised vascular circulation, e.g., peripheral ◆ Tourniquet users must be familiar with the inflation-
artery disease deflation sequence when using a dual-cuff tourniquet or two
tourniquet cuffs together for IVRA (Bier Block anesthesia),
Diabetes mellitus
so that the wrong tourniquet will not be released accidentally.
The presence of sickle cell disease is a relative
◆ Test for hemoglobin type and level before using a
contraindication. (See PRECAUTIONS IN USE.) tourniquet on patients with sickle-cell anemia. When the
A tourniquet should also be avoided in patients who tourniquet is used for these patients, the limb should be
are undergoing secondary or delayed procedures carefully exsanguinated and the PO2 and pH should be
after immobilization. closely monitored.
◆ Select the proper cuff size to allow for an overlap of
about 3 to 6 in. (7.6–15 cm). Too much overlap may cause
cuff rolling and telescoping, and may lead to undesired
pressure distribution on the limb. The skin under the 1.5 ADVERSE EFFECTS
tourniquet cuff must be protected from mechanical injury by A dull aching pain (tourniquet pain) may develop throughout
smooth, wrinkle-free application of the cuff. the limb following use.
If the tourniquet cuff is applied over any material that Pathophysiologic changes due to pressure, hypoxia,
may shed loose fibers (such as Webril) the fibers may hypercarbia, and acidosis of the tissues occur and become
become embedded in the contact closures and reduce their significant after about 1 1/2 hours of tourniquet use.
effectiveness. As an under padding, a section of stockinette Symptoms of tourniquet paralysis are motor paralysis
may be used. The deflated cuff and any underlying and loss of sense of touch, pressure, and proprioceptive
bandage or protective sleeve should be completely responses.
removed as soon as tourniquet pressure is released. Intraoperative bleeding may be caused:
After the cuff has been fully deflated and removed from 1. By the slight impeding effect exerted by an
the patient, the unit can be set to STANDBY. Even the unpressurized cuff (and its padding, if used),
slightest impedance of venous return may lead to congestion which prevents venous return at the beginning of
and pooling of blood in the operative field. the operation.
◆ If skin preparations are used preoperatively, they should 2. By blood remaining in the limb because of
not be allowed to flow and collect under the cuff where they insufficient exsanguination.
may cause chemical burns. 3. By inadequate tourniquet pressure (between systolic
◆ Whenever the tourniquet cuff pressure is released, the and diastolic blood pressure of the patient), or slow
wound should be protected from blood surging back by inflation and deflation, all of which allow arterial
applying pressure dressings and, if necessary, elevating the blood to enter while preventing venous return.
limb. Transient pain upon tourniquet pressure release can be 4. By blood entering through the nutrient vessels of the
lessened by elevation of the limb. If full color does not return long bones, such as the humerous.
within 3 to 4 minutes after release, the limb should be placed
in a position slightly below body level.
◆ Whenever IVRA, Bier Block anesthesia, is used, it is
recommended that the tourniquet remain inflated for at least
20 minutes from the time of injection.
◆ WARNING: Cuffs will not deflate in STANDBY
mode. Ensure cuffs are fully deflated before setting the
unit to STANDBY.



Unpack the A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet upon receipt and inspect Inflation of the respective cuff is initiated by depressing
the unit for any obvious damage that may have occurred the INFLATE button.
during shipment. We recommend that this inspection be 6. DEFLATE buttons
performed by a qualified biomedical engineer or other Deflation of the respective cuff is initiated by depressing
person thoroughly familiar with electronic medical devices. the DEFLATE button. For greater safety, the DEFLATE
If the unit is damaged, notify the carrier and your Zimmer button has a delay and, therefore must be held for
representative immediately. If the initial inspection results approximately 2 seconds before the unit will allow a cuff
are satisfactory, a functional and calibration check should to deflate.
be performed after a 24-hour charge. The attention label 7. ALARM SILENCE button
covering the ON/STANDBY button can be removed and The ALARM SILENCE button will silence most audible
discarded after the 24-hour charge. alarms for 30 seconds after the button is pressed.
When an alarm sounds because of an internal hardware
2.2 CONTROLS, INDICATORS, AND CONNECTORS malfunction, the alarm cannot be silenced.
Refer to Figure 1 in the back of the manual for the locations
of the unit’s controls, indicators, and connectors. NOTE: The alarm messages will continue to flash on
the displays until the alarm condition is corrected.
1. ON/STANDBY button
Turns the unit ON or sets the unit to STANDBY. This 8. AC INDICATOR light
button will not set the unit to STANDBY when the The AC INDICATOR light indicates that the unit is
cuff pressure is at a non-zero value. Ensure both plugged in and is being powered by AC Mains. This is
cuffs are fully deflated and have been removed the normal means of operation (battery power is only
from the patient as well as all underlying bandages intended for emergency power loss or patient transport).
or protective sleeve prior to setting the unit 9. BATTERY INDICATOR light
to STANDBY. The BATTERY INDICATOR light indicates that the
unit is operating on backup battery. The light will
NOTE: During STANDBY, the power to the A.T.S. flash continuously while the unit is running on battery
3000 instrument and all instrument functions (i.e. backup power.
inflation, deflation, etc.) are OFF but power continues 10. PRESSURE displays (independent)
to supply the battery charging circuitry anytime ~ (AC) During normal operation with no buttons being pressed,
power (Mains) is present. the independent PRESSURE display areas will show the
monitored cuff(s) pressure. At other times, depending on
2. Shuttle Knob alarm conditions and buttons pressed, the display may
Changes the value of set time or default time and set communicate other information such as alarm messages,
pressure or default pressure. Turn knob clockwise set pressure, or default set pressure.
to increase the value; turn knob counterclockwise to 11. TIME displays (independent)
decrease the value. During normal operation with no buttons being pressed,
3. PRESSURE button the independent TIME display area will show elapsed
Press to verify or modify set pressure. inflation time of each cuff. At other times, depending on
4. TIME button alarm conditions and buttons pressed, the display may
Press to verify or modify set time. communicate other information such as alarm messages,
set time, or default set time.
NOTE: The elapsed inflation time can be “zeroed” at 1. Connect the power plug of the unit to a properly
any point in the procedure by pressing the TIME and polarized and grounded power source with voltage
PRESSURE buttons for the respective cuff simultaneously. and frequency characteristics compatible with the
specifications listed in Section 1.1.
12. Cuff connector ports Observe that the green AC Mains indicator light turns on.
The Cuff connectors are the ports used to connect the 2. Turn the unit ON by pressing the ON/STANDBY button
unit to the cuff hoses. Please note that the Main Cuff is and observe the following:
the RED ports and the Second Cuff is the BLUE ports. a) “Zimmer” along with the circle “Z” appears on the
The A.T.S. 3000 is designed and tested for use with LCD display.
Zimmer dual port cuffs. Zimmer does not recommend b) The unit displays “SELF TEST” below the
the use of any cuff other than Zimmer dual port cuffs. “Zimmer” name. The unit is self-testing specific
Do not use single port cuffs with the A.T.S. 3000. system hardware and software.
13. Pole Clamp c) Emits tones while “SELF TEST” is displayed.
The Pole Clamp is used to mount the unit on an d) The front panel “Alarm”, “LOP”, and “Battery”
I.V. pole. indicators flash on and off while “SELF TEST”
is displayed.
NOTE: Do not hang articles on the tourniquet pole that e) “CAL” is displayed in the PRESSURE display areas
are not related to tourniquet use. For stability reasons, do during the calibration check.
not use an I.V. pole with a base less than 27.56 inches f) “0” is displayed in the PRESSURE and TIME
(70 cm) in diameter. display areas after the startup routing is complete.
If a number other than zero is displayed in the
14. Hose hangers
PRESSURE display, the unit should be calibrated.
The A.T.S. 3000 is equipped with hose hangers that
3. Test the PRESSURE set point system as follows:
pull out of the unit’s handle. The cuff hoses can be
a) Press either PRESSURE button.
temporarily hung on the hangers for transport or when
b) The PRESSURE display should read “*250” (the
disconnecting from the cuff.
factory default set point) for approximately 2
NOTE: Do not hang articles on the tourniquet’s hose seconds.
hangers that may cause the tourniquet to become c) Within the 2 second time frame, rotate the
unstable. Cuff hoses or the LOP sensor should be the SHUTTLE KNOB to change the pressure set
only item to utilize the hose hangers. point (clockwise to increase, counter-clockwise
to decrease). The set pressure can be maintained
2.3 INITIAL SETUP between 50 mmHg and 475 mmHg in increments
Inspect to ensure the correct fuse drawer with the of 1 mmHg.
appropriately rated fuses is present. The 100–120 V unit d) Repeat step 3 for the other PRESSURE set point.
uses the gray fuse drawer with 1.0 A time delay fuses. 4. Test the TIME set point system as follows:
The 220–240 V unit uses the black fuse drawer with 1.0 a) Press either TIME button.
A time delay fuses. See Section 3.8 Fuse and Fuse Drawer b) The main TIME display should read “* 60” (the
Replacement. The power cord should be plugged into the factory default set point) for 2 seconds.
power entry module on the back of the unit. The unit should c) Within the 2 second time frame, rotate the
be plugged into ~ (AC) power (Mains) for 24 hours SHUTTLE KNOB to change the time set point
before initial use. During shipping and storage, the unit’s (clockwise to increase, counter-clockwise to
battery could become weak. Always charge 24 hours decrease). The set time can be maintained between
before any initial use including any calibration checking 5 and 240 minutes in increments of 1 minute.
procedures, initial checks, tests and any institutional d) Repeat step 4 for the other TIME set point.
performed biomedical evaluations.
NOTE: Anytime an asterisk (*) appears in the left most
display digit, the data being displayed is the set point. Set
pressure and time will revert back to the default pressure and
The unit shall produce the results explained in the following
time settings when the unit is set to STANDBY.
steps exactly as indicated. Failure to do so indicates that
a problem may exist and the device is not to be used until
necessary repair or calibration has been made.
5. Calibration Check i) Increase the pressure to 475 mmHg. Both
PRESSURE displays should read 475±5 mmHg.
NOTE: During the power-up diagnostic self-test described j) Decrease the pressure to 0 mmHg and remove
above, the unit will test the calibration. Should an out of the calibration hose assembly from the unit. The
calibration condition be detected, the unit will display either PRESSURE displays should return to 0 mmHg.
“CAL” “FAIL”, “CAL M” “FAIL” or “CAL 2” “FAIL” in k) Press and hold in the Main Cuff INFLATE and
the PRESSURE and TIME display areas. Even though the Main Cuff DEFLATE buttons to advance to the
unit performs this check at every power-up, the following reservoir calibration check.
quantitative check is recommended at regular intervals.
NOTE: At this point the reservoir pressure, if pressurized,
a) Verify the unit is in the STANDBY mode. will be exhausted through the source ports and the Main
b) Enter the calibration mode by pressing then Cuff PRESSURE display should go to “0” while the Main
releasing the ON/STANDBY button then Cuff TIME display should continue to display “CAL” “0” as
immediately depress and hold in the Main Cuff described earlier.
INFLATE and Main Cuff DEFLATE buttons during
power on self test. The unit will enter calibration l) Insert one end of the calibration hose assembly
mode after momentarily displaying “ZIMMER” connector into the Main Cuff source port on the
“SELF TEST”. When “CALIBRATION” is unit (red port). The source port is the first port from
momentarily displayed, release the Main Cuff the left side of the unit.
INFLATE and Main Cuff DEFLATE buttons. The m) Insert the other end of the calibration hose assembly
unit will also display the software revision level in connector into the Second Cuff source port on the
the lower left corner. The software revision level can unit (blue port). The source port is the third port
be recorded for future reference. over from the left side of the unit.
n) Increase the pressure in the calibration hose assembly
NOTE: The calibration is only being checked in this section. to 250 mmHg. The display should read 250±5 mmHg.
For complete calibration, see Maintenance Section 3.0. o) Increase the pressure to 475 mmHg. The display
should read 475±5 mmHg.
c) Connect a calibrated 0 to 700 mmHg pressure meter p) Increase the pressure to 700 mmHg. The display
(minimum requirement) to the calibration hose should read 700±5 mmHg.
assembly. The calibrated meter will be used as the
pressure standard (See Figure 3 in the back of the NOTE: If any reading is off by more than ±5 mmHg, the
manual). entire unit must be recalibrated by following the calibration
d) Connect a pressure source capable of supplying 0 to procedure as outlined in Maintenance Section 3.0.
700 mmHg of pressure, minimum.
e) Insert one end of the calibration hose assembly q) To complete this procedure, turn the unit OFF by
connector into the Main Cuff sense port on the unit holding in the ON\STANDBY button until the unit
(red port). The sense port is the second port over is set to STANDBY.
from the left side of the unit. r) Calibration check is complete.
f) Insert the other end of the calibration hose assembly 6. Low Pressure Alarm Check –
connector into the Second Cuff sense port on the Turn the unit ON by pressing the ON/STANDBY button.
unit (blue port). The sense port is the fourth port Connect a cuff and standard length hose set to the Main
over from the left side of the unit. Cuff ports. Inflate the cuff to 250 mmHg. Create a
leak in the cuff by partially detaching the hose (either
NOTE: The unit will be displaying “0” where the cuff port) from the unit while a cuff is inflated. Make the
pressures are normally displayed and alternating “CAL” and leak large enough that the pressure drops more than
“0” where the cuff times are normally displayed. 15 mmHg below set point. Observe:
a) A 1.5 second delay is instituted to reduce nuisance alarms.
g) Increase the pressure in the calibration hose b) The PRESSURE display flashes between “LO-P” and
assembly to 50 mmHg. Both PRESSURE displays the monitored pressure (if a substantial leak has been
should read 50±5 mmHg when compared to the present for more than 9 seconds, the PRESSURE display
calibrated meter. will show “CUFF” “LEAK”).
h) Increase the pressure to 250 mmHg. Both c) An audible tone will sound and the red alarm indicator
PRESSURE displays should read 250±5 mmHg. will illuminate announcing the alarm condition.
d) Stop the leak and observe the monitored pressure 2.6 LIMB OCCLUSION PRESSURE (LOP)
returns to regulated state, the audible tone stops, the red DETERMINATION
alarm indicator turns off, and the alarm message is no
longer displayed. NOTE: Limb Occlusion Pressure (LOP) determination is not
Repeat this procedure with the Second Cuff ports. intended for use in pediatric procedures.

2.5 PRESSURE AND TIME DEFAULTS The patient’s limb occlusion pressure is the lowest pressure
To modify the default pressure or time limits for either cuff, required to stop the flow of blood in the extremity. The A.T.S.
follow the following steps. 3000 has the ability to estimate the patient’s limb occlusion
1. Default Pressure pressure based on their physiological characteristics. The
a) The Default Pressure is selected by depressing and A.T.S. 3000 will also take into account anticipated changes in
holding either PRESSURE button for 2 seconds. blood pressure during the procedure by adding an additional
When the default mode is entered, the audible pressure margin to the LOP measurement at the end of the
alarm beeps once and a “D” is displayed in the first LOP determination. This additional pressure margin added
position on the selected cuff PRESSURE display. to the LOP measurement is referred to as the Recommended
b) The Default Pressure is modified via the Shuttle Tourniquet Pressure or RTP. The RTP is calculated using the
Knob and can be set between 50 and 475 mmHg in LOP with the following:
increments of 1 mmHg.
c) After the correct value is selected, it is saved by LOP 100–130 mmHg LOP + 50 mmHg = RTP
momentarily depressing the PRESSURE button or it
will be saved automatically in 3 seconds. LOP 131–190 mmHg LOP + 75 mmHg = RTP
d) The new default value will be displayed for
LOP 191–300 mmHg LOP + 100 mmHg = RTP
1.5 seconds and the audible alarm will beep once
signifying a new default value has been stored. The RTP can be accepted or rejected based on the
e) The new default pressure will be stored and remains physician’s discretion. The RTP value is presented at the end
the default every time the machine is turned on. of the LOP determination.
2. Default Time Limit
a) The Default Time Limit is selected by pressing and When deciding to accept the RTP value or not the physician
holding either TIME button for 2 seconds. When may take into account other factors such as the patient’s
the default mode is entered the audible alarm beeps blood pressure, anesthetic technique to be used, expected
and a “D” is displayed in the first position on the procedure duration, cuff location, cuff type, cuff width,
selected cuff TIME display. snugness of cuff application and surgical procedure to
b) The Default Time Limit is modified via the Shuttle be performed. The physician may also choose to use an
Knob and can be set between 5 and 240 minutes in alternative method such as the Doppler stethoscope to
increments of 1 minute. manually determine the patient’s LOP, or to confirm the
c) After the correct value is selected, it is saved by LOP determined by the A.T.S. 3000. The accuracy of the
momentarily depressing the TIME button or it will automatic determination of LOP can be verified manually, by
be saved automatically in 3 seconds. employing a Doppler stethoscope and carefully following the
d) The new default value will be displayed for published technique for manual LOP determination.
1.5 seconds and the audible alarm will beep once
signifying a new default value has been stored. The A.T.S. 3000 will suggest the RTP as the lowest pressure
e) The new time limit default will be stored and for the extremity to ensure the field will remain clear even
remains the default every time the machine is during changes in blood pressure. However large changes
turned ON. in the patient’s blood pressure during surgery may result in
reduced visibility in the field. The pressure may need to be
NOTE: The elapsed inflation time can be “zeroed” at adjusted slightly to improve visual quality. The RTP may
any point in the procedure by pressing the TIME and be overridden at any time simply by changing the pressure
PRESSURE buttons simultaneously for each respective set point.
cuff time.

It should be noted that certain physiologic conditions in NOTE: If the LOP determination is performed on the Main
some patients may prevent the A.T.S. 3000 from making Cuff, all readings and recommendations are for the Main
a determination of LOP, in which case the instrument Cuff only. If the LOP determination is performed on the
will display an appropriate message and will terminate Second Cuff, all readings and recommendations are for the
the attempt to measure LOP. In that event, the physician’s Second Cuff only.
judgment should be used to set tourniquet pressure in the
absence of LOP and RTP values. c) Connect the LOP pulse sensor to the LOP socket in the
The determination of LOP is intended as additional, front of the A.T.S. 3000.
supplementary information for the physician responsible d) Prepare the patient in accordance with your established
for selecting the tourniquet pressure to be employed for a procedures and cuff manufacturer’s instructions. The
specific patient and procedure. The physician’s best judgment precautions of Section 1 and the following are offered as
should always be paramount in the selection of tourniquet a guide to assist in this process.
pressure. In most cases a tourniquet cuff should be applied to
the widest part of the limb to allow as much tissue
NOTE: The pulse sensor appears very similar to other as possible to lie between the cuff and any nerves or
sensors used for pulse measurements. It should be noted, vascular structures susceptible to damage. The optimum
the A.T.S. 3000’s pulse sensor does not measure oxygen positions are the upper arm and the proximal third
saturation nor can it be modified to do so. The A.T.S. 3000 of the thigh. In certain cases of fore-foot surgery, the
uses a custom sensor. Non Zimmer sensors will not work tourniquet cuff can be applied around the calf or to the
with the A.T.S. 3000. Use of a non Zimmer sensor could area proximal to the malleoli. The valve port and hose
damage the A.T.S. 3000 or cause unpredictable operation. connections should be placed so that the hose will not be
Never use any sensor other than approved Zimmer kinked when the limb is positioned for surgery.
pulse sensors. e) Attach the LOP pulse sensor to the patient’s index
finger or second toe on which the tourniquet cuff has
2.6.1 Single Bladder Cuff LOP Measuring been applied.

NOTE: LOP determination temporarily inflates then deflates NOTE: The LOP Pulse Sensor is applied to a finger or toe
the tourniquet cuff automatically to obtain the patient’s LOP. on the operative limb.

a) Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the unit ON. f) Ensure the sensor is fully engaged to achieve the best
The unit will execute a self-check diagnostic test as possible and most accurate reading.
described in Section 2.4 of this manual. Successful g) With the cuff and sensor applied to the patient, press the
completion of the self-check indicates the unit is ready corresponding LOP icon to start the LOP determination.
for use. The A.T.S. 3000 will begin to inflate the cuff
incrementally while continuously analyzing the patient’s
CAUTION: If a connected cuff is pressurized to pulse. If the sensor or cuff were not properly installed,
50 mmHg or more during power-up, the A.T.S. 3000 the unit will display alarm messages. The meanings to
Tourniquet will declare it an abnormal start-up sequence. the alarm messages are found in Table 2.2.
It will assume that a surgical procedure is in process, h) The LOP determination will last approximately
and will adopt the pressure sensed in the cuff as the new 30 seconds depending on the quality of pulse sensed.
set point. It will automatically go into the regulate mode i) At the end of the LOP determination, the A.T.S. 3000
on the cuff. To alert the operator of this condition, the will beep and display the LOP and RTP pressures
unit will sound a tone and display a “CUFF” “INFL” in the lower display area for that cuff. The unit will
alarm. The operator should immediately check the automatically display the RTP in the cuff pressure
pressure set point and readjust to the proper set point if display area preceded by a “*”.
necessary. The alarm will be cleared as soon as the set
point is examined, (press the correct pressure button). NOTE: The RTP is the summation of the pressure margin
and the LOP which ensures the field visibility remains clear
b) Connect a dual port cuff to the unit at the Main Cuff or during the procedure.
Second Cuff port connectors. The Main Cuff and Second
Cuff both have the ability to perform the LOP function. j) To accept the RTP and return to normal operation
press the corresponding PRESSURE button. To reject
the RTP value and enter a user defined pressure value, be “cleared” from the display but will return following a
turn the Shuttle Knob and follow the procedure in 3-second delay.
Section 2.4.3.c.
k) To retry the LOP procedure, repeat section 2.6 steps 6. If the RTP from the first LOP determination is higher
f thru i. than the second RTP, turn the Shuttle Knob and follow
the procedure in Section 2.4.3.c to adjust the second
NOTE: The A.T.S. 3000 will not automatically inflate the RTP to equal the first RTP.
cuff at the end of the LOP determinations. It is the user’s 7. If the RTP from the first LOP determination is
responsibility to accept or reject the RTP. lower than the second RTP, press the corresponding
PRESSURE button to accept the RTP from the second
l) If the RTP is acceptable and no other adjustments are LOP determination. Next, follow the procedure in
required, pressing the respective INFLATE button will Section 2.4.3.c to adjust the first RTP to equal the
inflate the cuff to the RTP. second RTP.
m) In the event the quality of visibility is reduced by
an increase in patient blood pressure, the tourniquet 2.7 SINGLE CUFF OPERATION
pressure can be increased manually. To increase the 1. Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the unit ON.
tourniquet pressure manually, momentarily press the The unit will execute a self-check diagnostic test as
corresponding PRESSURE button and rotate the Shuttle
described in Section 2.4 of this manual. Successful
Knob clockwise to increase the pressure set point.
n) After the LOP has been measured and the unit has completion of the self-check indicates the unit is ready
offered an RTP, the unit is ready to be used. However, for use.
the user need not perform a LOP measurement to use the
tourniquet system. CAUTION: If a connected cuff is pressurized to 50 mmHg
or more during power-up, the A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet will
NOTE: The LOP is only used to obtain patient LOP prior declare it an abnormal start-up sequence. It will assume
to tourniquet use. Once the patient LOP measurement is that a surgical procedure is in process, and will adopt the
complete, remove the LOP sensor from the patient and store. pressure sensed in the cuff as the new set point. It will
automatically go into the regulate mode on the cuff. To alert
2.6.2 Dual Bladder Cuff LOP Measuring the operator of this condition, the unit will sound a tone
and display a “CUFF” “INFL” alarm. The operator should
NOTE: LOP determination temporarily inflates then deflates immediately check the pressure set point and readjust to
the tourniquet cuff automatically to obtain the patient’s LOP. the proper set point if necessary. The alarm will be cleared
as soon as the cuff set point is examined, (press the correct
LOP measurement for a dual bladder cuff is identical to a PRESSURE button).
single bladder cuff except for the following points:
1. A dual bladder dual port cuff is connected to the unit 2. Connect a dual port cuff to the unit at the Main Cuff
(Reminder: Main Cuff is the Red ports, Second Cuff is connectors (red ports).
the Blue ports). 3. The default settings for cuff pressure and time limit are
2. At the end of the LOP determination using the first retrieved from the nonvolatile memory during power up.
bladder, press the corresponding PRESSURE button to For each patient, tourniquet pressure required to occlude
accept the RTP for that cuff. blood flow to the operative site should be set to the
3. Initiate an LOP determination using the second bladder minimum effective pressure. The minimum effective
by pressing the corresponding LOP button. pressure should be determined by factors such as:
4. At the end of the LOP determination using the second whether the cuff is to be applied to an upper or lower
bladder, the RTP will appear in the corresponding limb; whether the limb is normal, hypertrophied, or
pressure display area preceded by a “*”. obese; the patient’s preoperative systolic pressure;
5. Compare the RTP currently being displayed with the and the maximum anticipated rise in systolic pressure
RTP that was accepted in step 2 above. during the procedure. The A.T.S. 3000 has the unique
ability to estimate the minimum effective pressure. This
NOTE: The RTP accepted in step 2 above is now pressure is referred to as the Limb Occlusion Pressure
the pressure set point for that cuff. To verify the RTP, or LOP. Refer back to Section 2.6 for using the LOP
momentarily press the corresponding PRESSURE button. measuring feature.
During this activity the RTP in step 4 will temporarily
4. Prepare the patient in accordance with your established time alarm clock. The Main Cuff inflation information
procedures and cuff manufacturer’s instructions. The will be displayed on the LCD screen. If the unit cannot
precautions of Section 1 and the following are offered as pressurize the cuff to within 15 mmHg of the set point
a guide to assist in this process. in less than 30 seconds, a leak alarm will be sounded.
In most cases a tourniquet cuff should be applied to See Section 2.12 for information about possible alarm
the widest part of the limb to allow as much tissue conditions. Once the cuff is inflated, the time display
as possible to lie between the cuff and any nerves or will track elapsed inflation time.
vascular structures susceptible to damage. The optimum 6. At the end of the procedure, deflate the cuff by pressing
positions are the upper arm and the proximal third of the the Main Cuff DEFLATE button for minimum of
thigh. In certain cases of fore-foot surgery, the tourniquet 2 seconds. The Main Cuff PRESSURE display will show
cuff can be applied around the calf or to the area the deflation of the cuff and the elapsed inflation time
proximal to the malleoli. For emergency surgery of the alarm clock will stop.
hand, a sufficiently small tourniquet can be fitted around
the wrist. NOTE: The elapsed inflation time can be “zeroed”
Apply a leak-free tourniquet cuff smoothly without at any point by pressing the TIME and PRESSURE
wrinkles. The valve port and hose connections should buttons simultaneously.
be placed so that the hose will not be kinked when
the limb is positioned for surgery. The viability of the 7. Remove the tourniquet cuff and any underlying
skin and deeper tissues should be established prior to bandages or protective sleeve immediately following
exsanguination of the limb and tourniquet inflation. final deflation. The time of tourniquet cuff removal
Exsanguinate the limb by elevating it for a minimum of should be noted, and the circulation of the limb should
2 minutes and wrapping it, distal to proximal, using an be checked.
Esmarch, Martin, or elastic bandage. The bandage should 8. After the cuff has been removed, disconnect the cuff
come up approximately to 1 in. (2.5 cm) from the edge from the A.T.S. 3000.
of the tourniquet cuff. The elastic bandage is removed 9. During normal use, the A.T.S. 3000 should not be set to
following inflation of the cuff. If regional anesthesia is STANDBY if pressure is present in either cuff. Once
being used, the anesthetic agent or nerve block is then the cuff has been properly deflated, removed from the
administered. The tourniquet time depends greatly on the patient, and disconnected from the A.T.S. 3000, the unit
patient’s anatomy, age, and absence of vascular disease. can be set to STANDBY.
The surgeon will determine:
1) When the tourniquet is to be inflated; Operation of the unit is identical to Single Cuff operation
(see Section 2.7) except for the following points:
2) What pressure is applied;
1. Two dual port cuffs are connected to the unit (Reminder:
3) How long the tourniquet is applied;
Main Cuff is the Red ports, Second Cuff is the
4) Whether to allow for intermittent aeration of tissue
Blue ports).
by deflating the cuff for 10 to 15 minutes;
2. The Main and Second LCD screen section will display
5) To what point in the operation the tourniquet should
inflation information and begin timing the cuff inflation.
be released.
3. Deflation of one cuff will not be permitted while the
In many operating rooms, it is customary to prominently other cuff is inflating.
note the time of inflation, and to warn the surgeon after 4. When inflating a second cuff with the other cuff already
a certain time has elapsed. This will allow the surgeon to inflated, the unit will continuously check the original
assess the need for further tourniquet time. cuff to ensure that the pressure is within allowable limits.
There is a general agreement that, for reasonably healthy The unit will stop its inflation and maintain the original
adults, 2 hours should not be exceeded without releasing cuff to within 10 mmHg of the set point before returning
the tourniquet to allow the underlying tissue to breathe. to the inflating cuff. This ensures that at least one cuff
During this time, the limb should be elevated to about maintains occlusion at all times. If there is a significant
60 degrees, and steady pressure should be applied to the leak in the original cuff, this feature could cause the
incision with sterile dressings. inflation rate of the subsequent cuff to be longer and
5. The cuff is inflated by pressing the red Main Cuff perhaps even cause the 30-second inflation alarm
INFLATE button. The unit will pressurize the Main to sound.
Cuff to the set pressure and start the elapsed inflation
5. When both cuffs are inflated, the LCD screen displays 2. Press and hold both the Main Cuff TIME and Main Cuff
independent information for each cuff. That is, the PRESSURE buttons for approximately 3 seconds.
PRESSURE and TIME displays are independently 3. When the volume selection screen appears, the user can
operated and controlled for each cuff. adjust the volume up or down by turning the Shuttle
6. In order to deflate the final cuff, a sequence must be Knob. Clockwise rotation increases volume while a
followed to prevent accidental deflation: counterclockwise rotation decreases volume. With every
a) Press and hold the DEFLATE button on the cuff to increment or decrement the speaker will sound to give the
be deflated; user feedback of the volume level setting selected. After
b) When the “CUFF” “DEFL” alarm is active, 5 seconds of inactivity the system will accept the volume
release the DEFLATE button; setting as displayed and return the display back to its
c) Within 5 seconds of the alarm discontinuing, press normal mode of operation.
the DEFLATE button once again; 4. The user can accept the volume setting by pressing the
d) The cuff will deflate. This safety feature is Main Cuff PRESSURE button which stores the setting
particularly useful when using the unit for Bier and returns the display to its normal mode. Or, wait
Block Cuff Operation, (IVRA). approximately 5 seconds as noted above to allow the
system to accept the new volume setting.
and DUAL CUFF OPERATION. An operator may want to change the display contrast setting
1. The following are suggested cuff connections: from the default. The following steps will allow a user to
a. The proximal cuff connected to the Red Main Cuff customize the display contrast default setting.
ports using the white/red cuff tubing; 1. Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the unit ON. The
b. The distal cuff connected to the Blue Second Cuff unit will execute a self-check diagnostic test as described
ports using the white/blue cuff tubing. in Section 2.4.
2. Follow the cuff inflation sequence adopted by your 2. Press and hold both the Second Cuff TIME and Second
institution or requested by the surgeon. Cuff PRESSURE buttons for approximately 3 seconds.
3. Deflation of a cuff is not possible while the other 3. When the contrast control setting selection screen appears,
is inflating. the user can adjust the display contrast by turning the
4. When requested, the first can be deflated simply by Shuttle Knob. Clockwise rotation increases display
pressing and holding the DEFLATE button for a minimum contrast while a counterclockwise rotation decreases
of 2 seconds. display contrast. With every increment or decrement the
5. In order to deflate the final cuff, a sequence must be display will show the new contrast setting selected. After
followed to prevent accidental deflation: approximately 5 seconds of inactivity the system will
a) Press and hold the DEFLATE button on the cuff to accept the contrast control setting as displayed and return
be deflated; the display back to its normal mode of operation.
b) When the “CUFF” “DEFL” alarm is active, 4. The user can accept the new setting by pressing the
release the DEFLATE button; Second Cuff PRESSURE button which stores the setting
c) Within 5 seconds of the alarm discontinuing, press and returns the display to its normal mode. Or, wait
the DEFLATE button once again; approximately 5 seconds as noted above to allow the
d) The cuff will deflate. system to accept the setting.
6. For Bier Block procedures follow the cuff inflation/
deflation sequence adopted by your institution or 2.12 ALARM CONDITIONS
requested by the surgeon. There are a number of conditions for which the A.T.S. 3000
Tourniquet will produce a visual and/or audible alarm. Those
2.10 SPEAKER VOLUME SETTING conditions, indications, and appropriate actions are shown
An operator may want to change the speaker volume setting in Table 2.1. The appropriate actions indicated are based on
from the default. The following steps will allow a user to the most probable causes and should only be used as a guide.
customize the speaker volume default setting. Other causes of alarm conditions may indicate a need for other
1. Press the ON/STANDBY button to turn the unit ON. The actions. In addition to the conditions shown in Table 2.1, it
unit will execute a self-check diagnostic test as described is conceivable that a malfunction could occur for which
in Section 2.4. the indications are unintelligible and unpredictable. In this

situation, it is likely that the valves will be disabled causing will cause the cuff to hold pressure (in the absence of
the system to hold cuff pressure. It is also likely that a tone leaks). Clamp the cuff lines with hemostats and replace the
will sound under these conditions. Most audible alarm tones tourniquet unit.
may be silenced for 30 seconds by pressing the ALARM
SILENCE button. The tone will be re-enabled at the end of 2.12.1 PRESSURE ALARMS
the silenced period. Pressing the ALARM SILENCE button A pressure alarm will occur when the pressure in a cuff is
will cause the alarm tone to be silenced again. more than 15 mmHg from the pressure set point. It is also
The A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet will also provide Error Code possible for a cuff to have a leak that is substantial but which
information for critical alarms as shown in Table 2.3. the unit can compensate for by continual pumping. This type
To minimize nuisance alarms (i.e. “HI-P”, “LO-P”) that can of leak could be due to a pin hole in a cuff bladder, or a loose
be caused by vigorous movement of the patient’s limbs, a pneumatic fitting. This type of leak could progress into a
1.5-second delay has been designed into the alarm actuation. total failure of a cuff to hold pressure. To alert the operator
Under certain conditions, such as when a FAIL indication that a substantial leak is present, a pressure alarm is declared
appears in the TIME display or the information that appears when this type of leak is continuously present for more than
in the TIME and PRESSURE displays is unintelligible, 9 seconds. If a pressure alarm occurs, and the displayed
the operator should conclude that a hardware failure has pressure is not more than 15 mmHg from the set point, then
occurred, rendering the unit unusable. The appropriate this type of substantial leak has been detected and all cuffs
action is to set the unit to STANDBY by pressing the ON/ and pneumatic fittings should be checked for leaks.
STANDBY button. Since this removes power from the
internal instrument circuitry, all instrument functions,
commands to the valves and pump will cease. This

Table 2.1 Alarm Condition

CUFF PRESSURE LOW LO-P normal This condition is generally caused by a leak in
The pressure in the cuff is the system, or a hose occlusion. All lines and
15 mmHg below set point connections should be checked.
CUFF PRESSURE HIGH HI-P normal Normally caused by transient conditions such as
The pressure in the cuff is patient movement, controller overshoot, or hose
15 mmHg above set point occlusion. This condition, for an extended period,
would indicate a hardware failure and the A.T.S.
3000 unit should be replaced.
CUFF SIDE LEAK CUFF LEAK normal A substantial leak has been present for more
A leak has been present for at least the 9 seconds. All lines and connections should be
9 seconds. checked.
RESERVOIR LEAK RES LEAK normal Do not use the unit. Service the unit.
A leak is present between the pump
and valves
INFLATION TIME IN EXCESS normal TIME UP Surgeon should be warned of time up condition.
OF SETTING Only on the direction of the surgeon, time should
The cuff has been inflated beyond be set to new value.
the set time limit
CUFF INFLATION ON CUFF INFL The system assumes that a procedure is in progress
POWER UP and adopts the sensed pressure as the new set point.
Cuff pressurized to 50 mmHg or The operator should immediately check the set
greater at power up value to determine if it needs reset.
CUFF NOT DEFLATED normal CUFF NOT Check for kinks in hose. If alarm persists,
Pressure in deflated cuff is a non- DEFL disconnect hose from cuff. If attempting to
zero value set the unit to STANDBY, ensure that cuff is
fully deflated.

Table 2.1 Alarm Condition Continued
LINE OCCLUSION LINE OCCL normal Check for hose kinks or other defects.
An occlusion is present in the
cuff tubing
LOW BATTERY VOLTAGE normal BATT LOW Plug unit in. If the unit is not plugged in, a battery
Low battery voltage PLUG IN failure condition will occur and the unit will shut down
in a fail safe mode closing all valves. While running
with a Low Battery Voltage Alarm Condition other
alarm conditions can not be guaranteed.
CHECK CUFF CHK CUFF Check to see that a cuff and hose assembly is
An increase in cuff pressure has not connected to the proper ports on the unit.
been sensed within 1 second after
depressing the inflate key
BATTERY FAILURE BATTERY FAIL Plug unit in and cycle the ON/STANDBY Button.
Battery voltage is too low to ensure
proper operation
The transducer calibration is out FAIL (CALIBRATION SECOND) indicates a cuff
of specification transducer circuitry is out of calibration. Pressure in
error by at least 6 mmHg will cause these failures.
Calibrate the unit.
CALIBRATION OUT OF SPEC CAL FAIL Indicates general calibration fail. Calibrate the unit.
A transducer calibration is out
of specification
AMPLIFIER FAILURE AMP FAIL Cycle the ON/STANDBY Button. If problem persists,
Amplifier is out of range service the unit.
MATH FAILURE MATH Cycle the ON/STANDBY Button. If problem
Result of math operation was out FAIL persists, service the unit.
of range
ROM FAILURE ROM Cycle the ON/STANDBY Button. If problem
Microprocessor failed a ROM FAIL persists, service the unit.
memory check
RAM FAILURE RAM Cycle the ON/STANDBY Button. If problem
Microprocessor failed a RAM FAIL persists, service the unit.
memory check
VALVE FAILURE VALVE Cycle the ON/STANDBY Button. If problem
Improper valve combination FAIL persists, service the unit.
WATCHDOG FAILURE WDT Cycle the ON/STANDBY Button. If problem
Windowing watchdog system FAIL persists, service the unit.
detected a malfunction
persists, service the unit.

Table 2.2 LOP Alarm Condition
No LOP pulse sensor detected Message displayed at bottom Plug LOP pulse sensor in. Reattach LOP pulse sensor and
during LOP of display area. retry. Replace LOP pulse sensor with known good working
“CONNECT LOP SENSOR” sensor and retry. If problem persists, service the unit.
LOP pulse sensor not properly Check LOP pulse sensor and retry. Replace LOP pulse sensor
secured to patient normal with known good working sensor and retry. If problem persists,
service the unit.
Check LOP pulse sensor and retry. Replace LOP pulse sensor
normal with known good working sensor and retry. If problem persists,
service the unit.
Check LOP pulse sensor and retry. Replace LOP pulse sensor
normal TIME OUT with known good working sensor and retry. If problem persists,
service the unit.
Cuff is leaking or not connected Check cuff for leaks and retry. Connect cuff to correct port and
to unit or connected to incorrect normal CUFF INFL retry. Connect cuff to unit and retry. If problem persists, service
port during LOP function the unit.
Patient LOP is too high for LOP Check LOP pulse sensor and retry. Replace LOP pulse sensor
measurement normal HIGH LOP with known good working sensor and retry. Do not use the
LOP function, follow normal tourniquet procedures.
LOP pulse sensor attached to Attach LOP pulse sensor to correct limb and retry.
incorrect limb normal Replace LOP pulse sensor with known good working
sensor and retry. If problem persists, service the unit.
LOP procedure stopped A front panel button may have been pressed while in the LOP
normal STOP function. Wait for the message to clear and retry. If problem
persists, service the unit.

NOTE: 1 Some Error Codes are followed by a four-digit numeric code. This code represents detailed
Table 2.3 Error Codes information related to the failure. Contact the manufacturer for information concerning those specific codes.
A timing error was detected during self-test. Cycle the ON/
E001 XXXX1 SYSTEM FAIL STANDBY button. If problem persists, note error code and contact
A Safety Monitor signal error was detected. Cycle the ON/STANDBY
button. If problem persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
A pneumatic system error was detected during self-test. Cycle the
E003 SYSTEM FAIL ON/STANDBY button. If problem persists, note error code and
contact manufacturer.
A Safety Monitor timing error was detected. Cycle the ON/
E004 WDT FAIL STANDBY button. If problem persists, note error code and contact
The Safety Monitor detected an illegal valve state. Cycle the ON/
E005 VALVE FAIL STANDBY button. If problem persists, note error code and contact

Table 2.3 Error Codes Continued
A Safety Monitor detection error was detected. Cycle the ON/
E006 SYSTEM FAIL STANDBY button. If problem persists, note error code and contact
E007 A processor error was detected. Cycle the ON/STANDBY button. If
problem persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
The processor received an unknown interrupt. Cycle the
E008 SYSTEM FAIL ON/STANDBY button. If problem persists, note error code and
contact manufacturer.
A non-volatile memory value was detected during power-up.
E010 ROM FAIL Cycle the ON/STANDBY button. If problem persists, note error
code and contact manufacturer.
ROM check error detected a self-test. Cycle the ON/STANDBY
button. If problem persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
A microprocessor RAM error was detected during self-test. Cycle
E012 RAM FAIL the ON/STANDBY button. If problem persists, note error code and
contact manufacturer.
Battery voltage below minimum threshold. Plug unit in and cycle
E013 BATTERY FAIL the ON/STANDBY button. If problem persists, note error code and
contact manufacturer.
A battery charging circuit failure was detected at power-up. Verify a
E014 BATTERY FAIL battery is connected and cycle the ON/STANDBY button. If problem
persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
Incorrect zero pressure calibration point was detected. Calibrate unit.
If problem persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
Incorrect calibration point was detected. Calibrate unit. If problem
persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
Calibration error was detected. Calibrate unit. If problem persists, note
error code and contact manufacturer.
Main cuff transducer calibration error was detected. Calibrate unit. If
problem persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
Second cuff transducer calibration error was detected. Calibrate unit.
If problem persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
A software exception error was detected. Cycle the ON/STANDBY
button. If problem persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
A transducer reference voltage is out of range. Calibrate unit. If
problem persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
Reservoir transducer is out of range. Calibrate unit. If problem
persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
The Main cuff transducer is out of range. Calibrate unit. If problem
persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
The Second cuff transducer is out of range. Calibrate unit. If problem
persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
A voltage level is out of range. Cycle the ON/STANDBY button. If
problem persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
A voltage level is out of range. Cycle the ON/STANDBY button. If
problem persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
A speaker or alarm tone generation circuitry failure was detected.
E027 XXXX1 SYSTEM FAIL Verify that the speaker is connected and cycle the ON/STANDBY
button. If problem persists, note error code and contact manufacturer.
Table 2.4 EMC Guidance and Declaration - EMC Emissions
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic emissions
The A.T.S. 3000 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environments specified below. The customer or the user of the
A.T.S. 3000 should assure that it is used in such an environment.

Emissions Test Compliance Electromagnetic environment - guidance

RF emissions The A.T.S. 3000 uses RF energy only for its internal function.
Therefore, its RF emissions are very low and are not likely to
Group 1
CISPR 11 cause any interference in nearby electronic equipment.

RF emissions
Class A

Harmonic emissions
The A.T.S. 3000 is suitable for use in all establishments other than
Class A domestic and those directly connected to the public low-voltage
IEC 61000-3-2
power supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic
Voltage fluctuations/
Flicker emissions
IEC 61000-3-3

Table 2.5 EMC Guidance and Declaration - EMC Immunity/Disturbances

Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
The A.T.S. 3000 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environments specified below. The customer or the user of the
A.T.S. 3000 should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 Compliance level Electromagnetic environment – guidance
test level
Electrostatic Floors should be wood, concrete or ceramic tile.
discharge (ESD) ± 6 kV contact ± 6 kV contact (230 Vac If floors are covered with synthetic materials, the
50 Hz / battery) relative humidity should be at least 30%
IEC 61000-4-2 ± 8 kV air
± 8 kV air (230 Vac/
Electrical fast Mains power quality should be that of a typical
transient/burst ± 2 kV for power ± 2 kV for power supply commercial or hospital environment.
supply lines lines (120 Vac 60 Hz / 230
IEC 61000-4-4 Vac 50 Hz)
± 1 kV for input/output
lines ± 1 kV for input/output
Surge Mains power quality should be that of a typical
± 1 kV line(s) to line(s) ± 1 kV line(s) to line(s) commercial or hospital environment.
IEC 61000-4-5 (120 Vac 60 Hz / 230 Vac
± 2 kV line(s) to earth 50 Hz) In the event of a power surge, the A.T.S. 3000’s
LCD screen may malfunction, but all other
± 2 kV line(s) to earth functions should continue to operate. Power
(120 Vac 60 Hz / 230 Vac down the device to reset. Consult the Operator and
50 Hz) Service Manual for additional specifications.
Table 2.5 EMC Guidance and Declaration - EMC Immunity/Disturbances Continued
Voltage dips, Main power quality should be that of a typical
short interruptions <5% UT <5% UT commercial or hospital environment. If the user of
and voltage (>95% dip in UT) (>95% dip in UT) the A.T.S. 3000 requires continued operation during
variations on For 0.5 cycle For 0.5 cycle power mains interruptions, it is recommended that
power supply (120 Vac 60 Hz / 230 Vac the A.T.S. 3000 be powered from an uninterruptible
input lines 50 Hz) power supply or a battery.

IEC 61000-4-11 40% UT 40% UT The A.T.S. 3000 is equipped with a backup battery
(60% dip in UT) (60% dip in UT) in the event of power mains interruptions. Consult
(120 Vac 60 Hz / 230 Vac the Operator and Service Manual for additional
50 Hz) specifications.

70% UT 70% UT
(30% dip in UT) (30% dip in UT)
(120 Vac 60 Hz / 230 Vac
50 Hz)

<5% UT <5% UT
(>95% dip in UT) (>95% dip in UT)
for 5 s for 5 s
(120 Vac 60 Hz / 230 Vac
50 Hz)

Power frequency Power frequency magnetic fields should be at levels

(50/60 Hz) characteristic of a typical location in a typical
magnetic field 3 A/m commercial or hospital environment.
3 A/m
IEC 61000-4-8
Note: UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.

Table 2.6 EMC Guidance and Declaration - EMC Emissions/RF
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
The A.T.S. 3000 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environments specified below. The customer or the user of the
A.T.S. 3000 should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 Compliance level Electromagnetic environment – guidance
test level
Portable and mobile RF communications
equipment should be used no closer to any part
of the A.T.S. 3000, including cables, than the
recommended separation distance calculated from
the equation applicable to the frequency of the

Conducted RF 3 Vrms 3V Recommended separation distance

IEC 61000-4-6 150 kHz to 80 MHz
d = 1.2√P

d = 1.2√P 80 MHz to 800 MHz

d = 2.3√P 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz

where P is the maximum output power rating

Radiated RF 3 V/m of the transmitter in watts (W) according
IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to 2.5 GHz 3 V/m to the transmitter manufacturer and d is the
recommended separation distance in meters (m).
Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as
determined by an electromagnetic site survey, a
should be less than the compliance levels in each
frequency range. b
Interference may occur in the vicinity of
equipment marked with the following symbol:

Note 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
Note 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection
from structures, objects and people.
a Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephone and land
mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy.
To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered.
If the measured field strength in the location in which the A.T.S. 3000 is used exceeds the application RF compliance levels
above, the A.T.S. 3000 should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional
measures may be necessary, such as re-orienting or relocating the A.T.S. 3000.

b Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.

Table 2.7 EMC Guidance and Declaration - EMC Immunity/Separation Distances
Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communication equipment and the A.T.S. 3000
The A.T.S. 3000 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled. The
customer or the user of the A.T.S. 3000 can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance
between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the A.T.S. 3000 as recommended below,
according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment.
Rated maximum Separation distance according to frequency transmitter
output power of m
transmitter 150 kHz to 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz

d = 1.2√P d = 1.2√P d = 2.3√P

0.01 0.12 0.12 0.23

0.1 0.38 0.38 0.73

1 1.2 1.2 2.3

10 3.8 3.8 7.3

100 12 12 23
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance d in meters (m) can
be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of
the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.

Note 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies.
Note 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection
from structures, objects and people.


3.1 GENERAL MAINTENANCE INFORMATION To reduce the risk of damage, tubing should not be
While the A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet has been designed and disconnected at the transducer.
manufactured to high industry standards, it is recommended NOTE: Failure to plug the electrical or pneumatic
that regular inspection and calibration be performed to ensure components into the correct associated receptacle can
continual safe and effective operation. This section contains result in damage to the control board.
information to assist in the effort as well as serve as a guide
When reassembling the unit, be extremely careful not to
to expediting unscheduled maintenance.
pinch any wiring or tubing.
CAUTION: Be sure that the unit is set to STANDBY and CLEANING AND DISINFECTING
the power plug is unplugged before disassembly. To remove Clean or disinfect the sensor before attaching to a
mains power from unit, disconnect power cord from wall new patient.
or rear of unit. Many of the parts on the control board are 1. Cleaning
static sensitive. Take precaution when servicing the board. Unplug the LOP sensor from the A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet
To gain access to all internal parts, remove: before cleaning. Clean the sensor and patient contact
a) Rear – 4 (#6) nuts surfaces with a soft cloth moistened in water or a mild
b) Rear – 2 large pole clamp screws soap solution.
c) Rear – 2 carrying handle screws 2. Disinfecting
d) Bottom – 4 foot pad screws Unplug the LOP sensor from the A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet
See illustration 4 through 8 in the back of the manual. before disinfecting. Disinfect the sensor by wiping the
sensor and patient contact surfaces with disinfecting
When opening, take care not to damage any of the wire
solution. Isopropyl alcohol is recommended as a
harnesses or pneumatic tubing. The control board is attached
disinfecting solution. If another commercially available
to the front housing therefore the harnesses and tubing will
disinfectant is used, follow the manufacturer’s
need to be disconnected for full disassembly. Follow the
recommendation for use.
table below to reassemble.
Table 3.1 Board Plug Designators
Test and inspect as per this section at minimum every
Component Board Plug ID six months.
ALARM SILENCE P1 1. Cleaning
AC Mains P2 The exterior of the unit may be cleaned with a cloth that
has been dampened (not dripping) with a mild detergent.
LCD Panel Display P5 The interior of the unit may be vacuumed or blown out
Valve Harness Second P6 as required. The exterior of the cuff hose may be cleaned
Valve Harness Main P7 using a mild detergent solution or alcohol. The interior
of the cuff hoses should not be cleaned. Tourniquet cuffs
Membrane Panel P8
should be cleaned in accordance with their cuff package
LOP Harness P9 insert instructions.
Backup Battery P10 2. Inspection
ON/STANDBY P11 The unit should be inspected at regular intervals. It
is recommended that a qualified technician perform
Factory Test Port P12 a visual inspection at least once every six months.
Speaker P13 Inspection points are:
Pneumatic Pump P14 a) Obvious internal or external damage.
b) Condition of the power cord.
c) Tightness of pneumatic fittings.
d) Condition of internal tubing. 2. The unit will display “0” in the PRESSURE displays
e) Accumulation of dust or dirt within the unit. and alternating “CAL” and “0” in the TIME displays.
f) Mating integrity of internal connectors. Throughout this procedure, the TIME display(s) will
g) Integrity of the pump. indicate the pressure in which the user is calibrating.
h) Security of circuit board. 3. For zero, allow the port to be open to atmospheric
i) Security of the membrane panel. pressure so the unit can sense the zero point (i.e. when
3. Functional and Calibration Checks setting the zero point, nothing should be connected to the
It is recommended that the functional and calibration cuff ports). Press the Main PRESSURE button, the unit
checks described in Section 2.4 are performed at least will calibrate the zero pressure. The unit will beep to let
once every three months. the user know the set point was taken.
4. Connect the calibration hose, calibrated pressure meter
3.5 CALIBRATION and adjustable pressure source to the Main and Second
Calibration should be performed every six months, or Cuff sense ports. See Figure 3 for more details.
after any unscheduled maintenance. a. The Main Cuff sense port is the second port over
Calibration of the A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet allows the output from the left side of the unit.
signal from the pressure transducers to be compared against b. The Second Cuff sense port is the fourth port over
a calibrated pressure source. The difference between the from the left side of the unit.
known pressure and the pressure measured by the transducers 5. Once the zero point is calibrated, press the Main Cuff
is recorded at each of four set points for cuffs (0 mmHg, INFLATE button to advance the unit to the next pressure
50 mmHg, 250 mmHg, and 475 mmHg) and 4 set points level. The unit’s TIME displays will now be alternating
for the reservoir (0 mmHg, 250 mmHg, 475 mmHg, and between “CAL” and “50”. Apply 50 mmHg of pressure.
700 mmHg). These calibration points are used to correct the Once the pressure has stabilized, press the Main
signal from the pressure transducers during normal operation. Cuff PRESSURE button so the unit can calibrate the
The calibration points and a checksum are stored in non- 50 mmHg point. The unit will beep to let the user know
volatile memory. the set point was taken.
6. Once the 50 mmHg point is calibrated, press the Main
EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Cuff INFLATE button to advance the unit to the next
A.T.S. 3000 calibration hose (supplied). pressure level. The unit’s TIME displays will now be
Calibrated 0 to 700 mmHg pressure meter alternating between “CAL” and “250”. Increase the
(minimum requirement). pressure to 250 mmHg. Once the pressure has stabilized,
Adjustable 0 to 700 mmHg pressure source (minimum press the Main Cuff PRESSURE button so the unit can
required pressure source). calibrate the 250 mmHg point. The unit will beep to let
the user know the set point was taken.
CAUTION: The following steps must be taken in the exact
7. Once the 250 mmHg point is calibrated, press the Main
order to calibrate the unit. Failure to do so may result in
Cuff INFLATE button to advance the unit to the next
incorrect pressure readings while the unit is in operation.
pressure level. The unit’s TIME displays will now be
alternating between “CAL” and “475”. Increase the
pressure to 475 mmHg. Once the pressure has stabilized,
Below is a step-by-step procedure for calibrating both
press the Main Cuff PRESSURE button so the unit can
cuff transducers as well as the reservoir transducer. The
calibrate the 475 mmHg point. The unit will beep to let
calibration procedure will not be complete until both cuff
the user know the set point was taken.
transducers are calibrated as well as the reservoir transducer.
8. After the 475 mmHg set point has been taken, press the
1. To enter the calibration mode, press and hold the Main Main Cuff INFLATE and Main Cuff DEFLATE buttons
Cuff INFLATE and Main Cuff DEFLATE buttons to advance to the reservoir transducer calibration step.
while powering the unit ON. When the unit displays When in the reservoir calibration process the Second
“CALIBRATION” release the Main Cuff INFLATE Cuff display area goes blank and the Main Cuff display
and Main Cuff DEFLATE buttons. Calibration mode is area switches to “RESERVIOR”. Calibration mode is
indicated by alternating “CAL” and “0” in the TIME indicated by alternating “CAL” and “0” in the lower
display windows and indicates the unit is now ready to display area and indicates the unit is now ready to
be calibrated. calibrate the reservoir transducer.

NOTE: At this point the reservoir pressure, if pressurized, NOTE: If the “CALIBRATION” “COMPLETE” message
will be exhausted through the source ports and the lower is not displayed, the calibration is incomplete and the
portion of the display should continue to display “CAL” “0” adjustments will not be saved. Be certain to end the
as described earlier. calibration session by simultaneously pressing the Main
Cuff INLFATE and Main Cuff DEFLATE buttons and
9. For zero, allow the port to exhaust to atmospheric verify the “CALIBRATION” “COMPLETE” message
pressure so the unit can sense the zero point (i.e. when is displayed.
setting the zero point nothing should be connected to any
cuff port). Press the Main Cuff PRESSURE button, the If any pressure setting is off by more than 15 mmHg
unit will calibrate the reservoir zero pressure, the unit or adjusted incorrectly, a “CAL” “FAIL” alarm will be
will beep to let the user know the set point was taken. generated and service or calibration to the user’s pressure
10. Connect the calibration hose, calibrated pressure meter meter or pressure source is recommended.
and adjustable pressure source to the Main and Second
Cuff source ports. See Figure 3 for more details. If the pressure signal from the internal transducer
a. The Main Cuff (red port) source port on the unit is the requires more than a 15 mmHg correction to equal the
first port from the left side of the unit. applied pressure, a “CAL” “FAIL” alarm will also be
b. The Second Cuff (blue port) source port on the unit generated. Service to the unit is recommended.
is the third port over from the left side of the unit.
11. Press the Main Cuff INFLATE button to advance the 15. The unit remains in calibration mode until it is set
unit to the next reservoir pressure level. The display will to STANDBY.
now be alternating between “CAL” and “250”. Apply 16. The stored calibration factors are retrieved from the non-
250 mmHg of pressure. Once the pressure has stabilized, volatile memory during the power-up sequence. If the
press the Main Cuff PRESSURE button so the unit can checksum is invalid, a “CAL” “FAIL” alarm is generated
calibrate the 250 mmHg point. The unit will beep to let in the displays. The alarm will persist until the unit is set
the user know the set point was taken. to STANDBY. Re-calibration is required if this occurs.
12. Once the 250 mmHg point is calibrated, press the 17. It is recommended to check the calibration by following
Main Cuff INFLATE button to advance the unit to the steps in Section 2.4 Step 5 “Calibration Check”
the next reservoir pressure level. The display will before using this unit on a patient.
now be alternating between “CAL” and “475”. Apply
475 mmHg of pressure. Once the pressure has stabilized,
The A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet is capable of keeping a cuff with
press the Main Cuff PRESSURE button so the unit can
a substantial leak inflated. Naturally it is desirable to keep
calibrate the 475 mmHg point. The unit will beep to let
plumbing leaks to an absolute minimum. For this reason,
the user know the set point was taken.
a check for significant leakage is recommended at regular
13. Press the Main Cuff INFLATE button to advance the
intervals as well as following any service procedure.
unit to the next reservoir pressure level. The display will
After verifying the operation of the A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet
now be alternating between “CAL” and “700”. Apply
per Section 2.4, connect a 24 in. (61 cm) (or larger) cuff
700 mmHg of pressure. Once the pressure has stabilized,
which is known to be leak free to the Main Cuff ports (Red)
press the Main Cuff PRESSURE button so the unit can of A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet System. Adjust the Main Cuff set
calibrate the 700 mmHg point. The unit will beep to let point to 475 mmHg. Ensure that all external connections
the user know the set point was taken. are tight. Inflate the Main Cuff and allow the pressure to
14. At this point, press the Main Cuff INFLATE and stabilize. At this point, the unit must be set to STANDBY.
Main Cuff DEFLATE buttons. The unit will display Under normal use, the unit cannot be set to STANDBY
“CALIBRATION” “COMPLETE”. The message with a non-zero pressure value displayed in either cuff.
tells the user the calibration set points have been However for leak testing purposes, a bypass feature has
calibrated to the unit and have now been saved into the been incorporated. Press the ON/STANDBY button until the
non-volatile memory. alarm message “CUFF” “NOT” “DEFL” appears. Release
the ON/STANDBY button and within 5 seconds of the
alarm discontinuing, press and hold the ON/STANDBY
button again. The button must be held in for an additional
10 seconds before the unit will be set to STANDBY.

NOTE: During the 10 seconds, the alarm message will be battery in the A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet System be replaced
displayed, the alarm will continue to sound and the ALARM annually. As a reminder, the A.T.S. 3000 System should
SILENCE button will not silence the alarm. be plugged in 24 hours before initial use.

Once the unit is set to STANDBY, wait for approximately NOTICE – BATTERY DISPOSAL
10 minutes and turn the unit back on. Operation will resume
under cuff inflated start-up conditions (See Section 2.7 Part THE BATTERY IS OF A LEAD ACID TYPE.
1 for explanation). Cancel the alarm using the ALARM BATTERY MUST BE RECYCLED OR DISPOSED
SILENCE button. Display the set point by activating the OF PROPERLY.
PRESSURE button and view the current (new) pressure set
point. The set point is always displayed with an asterisk in 3.8 FUSE AND FUSE DRAWER REPLACEMENT
Depending on region, A.T.S. systems are factory
the far left position. The current set point for the cuff should
installed with two fuses in one of these types:
be at least 400 mmHg or more. Values less than this indicate
an unacceptable leak rate and the source of the leak should
be traced and corrected. The first connection to check should
1A, 250V Time Delay Fuse ¼ inch x 1 ¼ inch
be the connections of the cuff. Different cuffs and/or cuff
hoses may be tried to determine if the leak is internal or
external of the unit.

Repeat the test for the Second cuff ports.

1A, 250V Time Delay Fuse 5 x 20 mm
NOTE: This section assumes that the unit has been
charged for at least 24 hours. The unit’s bottom battery
compartment must be removed to measure battery voltage. NOTE: When using the ¼ inch x 1 ¼ inch fuses, the
See Section 3.2 “Access to Parts” and be sure to follow GRAY fuse drawer must be used and the BLACK fuse
cautionary statements. drawer will not be needed. When using the 5 x 20 mm
fuses, the BLACK fuse drawer must be used and the
1. Battery Voltage Check GRAY fuse drawer will not be needed.
Be sure the unit is unplugged. Measure the battery
voltage. The battery voltage should not be lower Fuse drawer holding clip
than 12 volts while the unit is unplugged and set to
STANDBY. If, after 1 minute, the voltage reads less than
12 volts, the integrity of the battery should be suspect
and should be replaced.
2. Battery Service
The 12-volt sealed lead acid battery is charged using
lead acid charging technology. The charging circuit is Fuse Drawer (removed from device)
active anytime the unit is plugged into an acceptable
AC Mains outlet. The charger automatically sequences To remove and install a fuse drawer:
through several charge states based on the battery 1. Locate the power entry module at the rear of the
voltage and charging current conditions. Based on device where the power cord attaches.
a charger test, the best charge mode is selected. No 2. If still attached, remove the power cord to ensure no
maintenance is required of the battery charging circuit. power is being supplied to the device.
3. Using a tool such as a slotted small screwdriver,
The life of the battery depends on the type of service
gently pry the holding clip of the fuse drawer to
and the storage method. Battery replacement will release the latch. The fuse drawer and fuses will
need to be more frequent with continued cycles of release and can be removed.
deep discharge and/or storage in a high temperature 4. Install the proper fuses in the appropriate fuse
environment. Infrequent short-term use of the battery drawer – the ¼ inch x 1 ¼ inch fuses fit the GRAY
and storage in a room temperature environment will fuse drawer; the 5 x 20 mm fuses fit the BLACK
result in maximum life. It is recommended that the fuse drawer.

5. Push the fuse drawer into the power entry module
until the fuse drawer locks into place (an audible
click will be heard).
6. Reconnect power cord to power entry module, plug
in to AC and verify device AC power is active.


The A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet is designed with several specific
self-test features to assist in fault isolation. These features
are designed to show messages in the Pressure and Time
displays. The meanings of these messages are delineated in
Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.
Another mode of failure that may occur is when an audible
alarm occurs that cannot be silenced by the ALARM
SILENCE button. The valves and pump will be disabled
which seals off the cuff to prevent pressure loss. The
displays may show random characters. Should this occur, the
watchdog timer circuit of the safety processor has detected a
problem. The microprocessor may not be executing reliable
instructions and is not able to display the correct failure
message. The unit should be serviced if this occurs.
The calibration error message “CAL” “FAIL”, “CAL M”
“FAIL” or “CAL 2” “FAIL” may be due to defective circuitry
or may simply indicate the need for calibration.


To aid in unscheduled maintenance, Table 3.2 delineates a
number of possible malfunctions that could occur with the
unit. The most likely causes are shown for each symptom.
While it is not practical to enumerate every conceivable
malfunction and all possible causes, the table will assist in
isolating the most common problems.


To expedite unscheduled maintenance, Table 3.3, Expected
Test Point Readings, has been incorporated into this manual.
This table, as well as Table 3.2, Troubleshooting, should
give a qualified technician a good starting point from which
to locate and repair most problems that could occur during
the life of the unit. Unless noted, all measurements are to
be made at room temperature with the cuffs disconnected,
and the unit plugged in. All voltage measurements are with
respect to ground and are to be made with the unit ON.

Table 3.2 Troubleshooting


a) Membrane Panel not properly plugged into P8.

b) Tubing inside unit may be pinched or
improperly connected.
c) Deflate valve is stuck open.
1. Main Cuff or Second Cuff will not inflate. d) Pump not properly plugged into P14.
e) Pump’s electrical harness damaged.
f) INFLATE button not working.
g) Valve’s electrical harness damaged.
h) Defective valve driver circuitry.

a) Membrane Panel not properly plugged into P8.

b) DEFLATE button not pressed long enough
(at least 2 seconds).
2. Main Cuff or Second Cuff will not deflate. c) Deflate valve is stuck shut.
d) DEFLATE button not working.
e) Valve’s electrical harness damaged.
f) Defective valve driver circuitry.

a) Unit not plugged into wall outlet.

b) No power at wall outlet.
c) Mains AC harness not properly plugged into P2.
3. No green AC Indicator light. d) Blown fuse(s).
e) Membrane Panel not properly plugged into P8.
f) Defective AC indicator.
g) Defective AC indicator circuitry.

a) Unit running on AC.

b) Membrane Panel not properly plugged into P8.
4. No flashing orange Battery Indicator light.
c) Defective battery indicator.
d) Defective battery indicator circuitry.

a) ALARM SILENCE button not properly plugged

into P1.
5. ALARM SILENCE button not working. b) Non-silenceable alarm (System Failure).
c) ALARM SILENCE button defective.
d) Defective alarm silence circuitry.

a) Membrane Panel not properly plugged into P8.

6. Alarm indicator light not working. b) Defective alarm indicator.
c) Defective alarm indicator circuitry.

Table 3.2 Troubleshooting


a) Transducer amplifier not working.

7. No cuff pressure reading. b) Internal tubing kinked.
c) Transducer tubing on incorrect transducer.

a) Leak in internal hose or connector.

b) Internal tubing kinked.
8. Pump will not stop running.
c) Transducer(s) not working.
d) Transducer tubing on incorrect transducer.

a) Blown battery fuse (board mounted F1).

9. Battery Fail alarm/message. b) Broken battery wire harness.
c) Dead or depleted battery.

a) Blown battery fuse (board mounted F1).

b) Battery not properly plugged into P10.
c) Unit not plugged into wall outlet (verify the
green AC indicator is illuminated).
d) Mains AC harness not properly plugged into P2
10. Backup battery not charging.
(verify the green AC indicator is illuminated).
e) Unit was not permitted to charge for at least
24 hours.
f) Defective battery.
g) Defective battery charging circuitry.

a) Transducer(s) amplifier out of range.

11. AMP FAIL alarm. b) Battery fully depleted or defective.
c) Extremely high pressure exerted on transducers.

a) ON/STANDBY membrane not properly plugged

into P11.
b) Pressure sensed in the Main or Second Cuff
12. Unit cannot be set to STANDBY.
(unit will alarm “CUFF” “NOT” “DEFL”).
c) ON/STANDBY not fully pressed.
d) ON/STANDBY button defective.

13. Unit does not turn ON.

a) Membrane Panel not properly plugged into P8.
b) ON/STANDBY button defective.
c) Blown fuse(s).
d) Unit not plugged in and battery fully depleted.

Table 3.3 Expected Test point Readings
Board Location Nominal-Reading Tolerance Description / Comments

TP1 5.0 Vdc +0.2 5 Volt DC supply for battery charge circuit
0.0 Vdc 0 Vdc while on battery operation
TP2 26.9 Vdc +1.5 Battery DC bulk charging voltage
12 Vdc nominal while on battery operation
Voltage will vary while on battery operation and condition
of battery
TP3 N/A N/A Not used for any measurement
(high voltage DC common only)
TP4 DC Common +50 mV DC common supply
TP5 5.0 Vdc +0.2 5 Volt DC switch mode supply
TP6 13.6 Vdc +1.0 Nominal system voltage
Voltage will vary while on battery operation and condition
of battery
TP7 14.0 Vdc +1.0 Bulk system voltage
0 Vdc while on battery operation
TP8 N/A N/A Development programmable pins only
TP9 N/A N/A Development programmable pins only
TP10 5.0 Vdc +0.2 Nominal voltage under normal use
Voltage goes to 0 Vdc under system reset condition
TP11 4.1 Vdc +0.2 ON / STANDBY switch logic
TP12 5.0 Vdc +0.3 5 Volt DC regulator supply
TP13 Removed Removed Not used
TP14 5 Vdc 5 Vdc Transducer reference voltage supply
TP15 Removed Removed Not used
TP16 13.6 Vdc Nominal system voltage
Voltage will vary while on battery operation and condition
of battery
TP17 4.095 Vdc +50 mV Precision reference voltage supply




Note: If the unit is locked in a failure, not all test voltages will be valid. Above voltages are listed for normal
readings because failure readings will likely be unpredictable.

The following is a list of field replacement parts that can be ordered from Zimmer. To obtain part or additional information
regarding your unit, write or phone:

MAIL: Zimmer Surgical

200 West Ohio Avenue
Dover, Ohio 44622 U.S.A.
PHONE: 1-330-343-8801 or 1-800-830-0970

You can also contact your Zimmer distributor. To ensure prompt service, please include the following information with
your order:

Model Number
Serial Number
Description of Part
Part Number (if known)
Quantity Desired
Shipping Address
Shipping Means (if any)

We strongly recommend that all repairs be done by Zimmer staff.

Parts marked with an “*” are commonly used maintenance and/or preventative maintenance parts.

Table 3.4 Parts List

Replacement Part Description Replacement Part Description
Number Number
06001304883 1A Time Delay Fuse, 5 x 20 mm * 622100096DK Operator & Service Manual (Danish)
60200011000 Calibration Hose Assembly * 622100096ES Operator & Service Manual (Spanish)
60236000100 Pole Clamp Knob 622100096FI Operator & Service Manual (Finnish)
60300010500 LOP Sensor Kit * 622100096FR Operator & Service Manual (French)
60300070200 Battery Kit * 622100096GR Operator & Service Manual (Greek)
60300071100 Pole Clamp Kit 622100096IT Operator & Service Manual (Italian)
60460000100 Power Cord Kit – Central Europe / Korea 622100096NL Operator & Service Manual (Dutch)
60460000400 Power Cord Kit – Denmark 622100096PT Operator & Service Manual (Portuguese)
60460000500 Power Cord Kit – Italy 622100096SE Operator & Service Manual (Swedish)
61210000200 Cord/Pole Clamp Cover 622100096TR Operator & Service Manual (Turkish)
62113700100 Fuse Drawer, 1/4 x 1-1/4 in. 62460000200 Power Cord – UK / Hong Kong
62113800100 Fuse Drawer, 5 x 20 mm 62460000300 Power Cord – Switzerland
62117900100 1A Time Delay Fuse, 1/4 x 1-1/4 in. * 62460000600 Power Cord – Australia
62210001900 Battery Plate 62460000700 Power Cord – Japan / Taiwan
62210002000 Battery Clamp 62460000800 Power Cord – India / South Africa
62210009600 Operator & Service Manual (English) 62800001000 Power Cord – North America *
622100096DE Operator & Service Manual (German)

The A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet System has an operating range of 50˚F to 100˚F (10˚C to 38˚C).
The following are environmental conditions for transportation and storage:
A. Ambient temperature range ..............................................................1˚F to 149˚F (–17˚C to 65˚C).
B. Relative humidity range ...................................................................10% to 80%
C. Atmospheric pressure range .............................................................500 hPA to 1060 hPA.


1 25


21 6

19 8

18 12



15 13


1. Carrying Handle 14. LOP Port Socket
2. ALARM SILENCE Button 15. Main Cuff Ports
3. Display Window 16. Quick Reference Cards
4. Second Cuff TIME Button 17. Main Cuff DEFLATE Button
5. Second Cuff PRESSURE Button 18. Main Cuff INFLATE Button
6. Second Cuff LOP Button 19. Red Alarm Indicator
7. Green AC MAINS Indicator 20. Yellow LOP Indicator
8. ON/STANDBY Button 21. Main Cuff LOP Button
9. Second Cuff DEFLATE Button 22. Main Cuff TIME Button
10. Second Cuff INFLATE Button 23. Main Cuff PRESSURE Button
11. LOP Sensor Holder 24. Shuttle Knob
12. Orange Backup Battery Indicator 25. Pull Out Hose Hanger – One on each side of unit
13. Second Cuff Ports


2 7


8 5 2


1. Power Cord 5. Pole Clamp
2. Cord / Pole & Clamp Cover 6. Mains Fuse Block
3. Potential Equalization Conductor Stud 7. Rear Case and Handle Screws
4. Factory Test Port 8. Bottom Feet Case Screws



3 1


Main and Second Calibration Kit Setup

1. Calibrated Pressure Meter with a minimum range of 0 to 700 mmHg.

2. Pressure Regulator / Source adjustable from 0 to 700 mmHg minimum.
3. Calibration Hose Kit included with unit.

4a 4b

Removing the Battery Continued

2) Carefully slide the bottom Battery Plate to the left
Removing the Battery – Easiest if unit is mounted
and away from front of unit. Battery will drop out.
to stand. Caution: battery is heavy
1) Remove two (2) screws from Battery Plate.


4c 5

Removing the Battery Continued Removing the Rear Power Cord Clamp Cover
3) Disconnect battery at the cord plug connection. 1) Remove the 4 #6 nuts holding the Cord / Pole Clamp
4) Replace battery by removing Battery Clamp. Cover.
5) Make note of wire color to battery polarity.
6) Reverse the process to reassemble.

6 7

Removing the Pole Clamp Disconnecting wiring from control board.

1) Remove the two (2) Pole Clamp screws from the rear. 1) Use caution when disconnecting wiring from printed
circuit board headers.
2) Mark wires before disconnecting and see
Section 3.2 Table 3.1 for proper re-connect of Board
Plug Designators.


Rear case separation

1) All components are easily accessed when the rear case is removed.
2) Remove the Cord / Pole Clamp Cover and Pole Clamp before proceeding. See illustrations 5 and 6.
3) Remove the power cord from the back of the unit.
4) Remove the two screws from the rear bottom feet.
5) Remove the rear handle screws, one on each side of the handle.
6) Slide the rear cover away from the front cover.
7) Remove mufflers from inside of rear case.
8) Reverse the process to reassemble.
Be extremely careful not to pinch any wiring or tubing when reassembling!


9 15 14


13 1


16 8 9 7

Control Board Layout

1. LCD Panel Header (P5) 9. Battery Fuse (F1)
2. Main Cuff Valve Header (P7) 10. Second Cuff Valve Header (P6)
3. Factory Test Port Header (P12) 11. ON / STANDBY Header (P11)
4. Speaker Header (P13) 12. ALARM SILENCE Header (P1)
5. LOP Sensor Socket Header (P9) 13. Not Used - Development Ports Only (P4)
6. Shuttle Knob Retaining Washer/Screw (not shown) 14. AC Power Input Header (P2)
7. Front Membrane Header (P8) 15. Power Supply Area
8. Battery Header (P10) 16. Pneumatic Pump (P14)

3.14 Warnings, Cautions, and Symbology


M h Pd
Contains or presence of

Replace fuse as marked

This product contains a Lead Acid CAUTION: Federal law (USA)

Battery that must be recycled. restricts this device to sale by or on
the order of a physician.

This product contains electrical or

Do not dispose of battery in trash. electronic materials. The presence
of these materials may, if not
disposed of properly, have potential
adverse affects on the environment.
Presence of this label on the product
means it must not be disposed of in
UL / C-UL Classification mark normal household waste and must
Medical Equipment with respect be disposed of separately. To find
to electric shock, fire, and out how to properly dispose of this
mechanical hazards only, in product, please contact your local
accordance with UL 60601-1, Zimmer Representative.
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 601.1, and
IEC 60601-1
This product contains one or more
toxic or hazardous substances or
elements. The Environmental
Declaration that a product meets the EMC Protection Use Period on the logo
regulations per marking requirements. refers to the period in years which
toxic or hazardous substances or
elements contained in the product
will not leak or mutate under normal
operating conditions.

Zimmer Surgical, Inc.
200 West Ohio Avenue
Dover, Ohio 44622 U.S.A.

Revision: 12-10
© 2005, 2010 Zimmer Surgical, Inc. P Zimmer U.K. LTD.
9 Lancaster Place
Printed in U.S.A. South Marston Park
62210009600 ENG Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 4FP
United Kingdom

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