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Tutorial Letter 101/3/2018

Safety Management IIA


Semesters 1 and 2

Department of Operations Management

This tutorial letter contains important information

about your module.


Open Rubric


1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 To get started .............................................................................................................................. 4
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ...................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Focus of each study unit ............................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Prescribed book .......................................................................................................................... 12
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................. 12
3.1 Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Lecturer availability ..................................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Department ................................................................................................................................. 13
3.3 University .................................................................................................................................... 13
4 RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................. 13
4.1 Joining myUnisa ......................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Recommended books ................................................................................................................. 14
4.3 Other resources: printed support materials ................................................................................. 14
4.4 Library services and resources information ................................................................................. 15
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES .............................................................................................. 15
5.1 What it means to study online ..................................................................................................... 15
5.2 The myUnisa tools you will use ................................................................................................... 16
5.3 Predatory providers of classes and examination support ............................................................. 16
5.4 TVET agreements ....................................................................................................................... 17
6 STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................................................. 17
6.1 Suggested study programme ...................................................................................................... 17
7 PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING ................................................... 19
8 ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................... 19
8.1 Assessment plan ........................................................................................................................ 19
8.2 Unique assignment numbers and due dates ............................................................................... 19
8.3 Year mark and final examination ................................................................................................. 20
8.4 Feedback on assignments .......................................................................................................... 22
8.5 Examination period ..................................................................................................................... 22
8.6 Examination paper ...................................................................................................................... 22

7 COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENTS – SEMESTER 1 ..................................................................... 23

8 COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENTS – SEMESTER 2 ..................................................................... 31
9 SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS ........................................................................................... 39
10 ANSWERS TO SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS .................................................................. 41
11 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 46

Dear Student

Welcome to Safety Management IIA. This exciting field of study will be useful in both your
personal life and in the workplace. I trust that you will enjoy your studies and make the most of
this opportunity.

As an adult student in distance education, you have to take full responsibility for your studies.
Whether you succeed or fail is up to you – and it depends on the amount of work you put in. We
suggest that you keep to the study programme set out in this tutorial letter diligently. In the study
programme you will notice that the study material must be covered in sequence and by certain
target dates. The programme includes two compulsory assignments and one self-assessment

Because this is an online module, you need to use myUnisa to study and complete the learning
activities for this course (as applicable). You should therefore visit the websites on myUnisa for
MNO2603 frequently.

1.1 To get started

As already mentioned, this module is online. You need to go online to see your study material
and read what to do for the module. Go to the website at: and login with
your student number and password. You will see MNO2603 in the row of modules in the orange
blocks across the top of the webpage. Remember to also check under the More tab if you
cannot find it in the orange blocks and to click on the module you want to open.

In addition, you will receive this tutorial letter and a printed copy of the online study material of
your module. Although the printed material may appear to be different from the online study
material, it is exactly the same since it has been copied from the online myUnisa website.

We wish you success on your journey!



2.1 Purpose
Students who complete this module successfully will be able to understand the multidisciplinary
nature of safety management. They will also be able to understand and apply safety
management; analyse the structure and functioning; and judge the appropriateness of the
safety management control measures and programmes needed to meet efficacy requirements
in the day-to-day management of business operations and deal with disasters.

The module is delivered by means of myUnisa, the internet and peer group interaction, as well
as community engagement in some activities. We will interact with you on myUnisa and via

2.2 Outcomes
For this module, there are several outcomes we hope you will be able to accomplish by the end
of the course:

 Specific outcome 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the history of safety

management and the contextual imperatives of safety management.

 Specific outcome 2: Demonstrate an understanding of the various disciplines and

processes within an organisation that impacts on safety management.

 Specific outcome 3: Demonstrate an understanding of the governance framework

that is applicable to the management of safety.

 Specific outcome 4: Justify the selection of a safety management programme that

meets the requirements of a particular business enterprise and apply such a system.

 Specific outcome 5: Interpret the difference between engineering for safety and
safety engineering with the view to selecting an acceptable system for managing safety.

 Specific outcome 6: Explain the process and practices of managing disasters as

well as managing the rectification of these disasters in conjunction with implementing
recommendations from an accident and safety audit report.

2.3 Focus of each study unit
The outcomes for each of the units you have to study are given below. They are broad-based
knowledge you should have acquired by the end of the module.

Study unit 1: Introduction to safety management

You should be able to do the following:

 Explain the developments of safety management.

 Understand safety management as a science.
 Explain the nature and characteristics of safety hazards.
 Understand the origins of safety risks, the safety risk assessment process and safety risk
 Clarify the role of safety practitioners in the structure of organisations.
 Explain safety management hierarchy of controls and basic legal safety responsibilities of
employers and employees.
 Motivate the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE).
 Explain theories of accident causation.
 Understand the structure, role and functioning of multidisciplinary and cross-functional
teams (CFTs) in the workplace.
 Explain the role and importance of safety signs.
 Explain guidelines for emergency preparedness.
 Understand the basic approach to safety management.

Study unit 2: Safety management and organisational policy

You should be able to do the following:

 Define organisational policy.

 Motivate the need for organisational policy.
 Explain the contents of organisational policy related to safety.
 Clarify the safety management accountability for safety in an organisation.
 Explain the implementation of organisational policy pertaining to safety.


Study unit 3: Safety management and operations management

You should be able to do the following:

 Differentiate between the structural parts of an organisation and its basic functions.
 Structure and explain the different elements of operations management in an
 Relate and explain the role of safety management to each of the structural
elements of operations management.
 Explain the interdependent nature of the roles of operations management and safety
management in an organisation.

Study unit 4: Safety in the industry

You should be able to do the following:

 Explain the legislative requirements linked to safety in industries.

 Explain the international standards of the ISO and how these standards link into industry.
 Describe industrial safety.
 Describe industrial management and work practices.
 Explain who the safety man is and the responsibilities linked to this person.
 Describe safety practices in industry.
 Explain the essentials of hazard communication.
 Describe emergency management and response plans.

Study unit 5: General workplace safety and the OHS Act

You should be able to do the following:

 Explain OHS in terms of the Constitution of South Africa, NEMA and COID Acts.
 Discuss the history and purpose of the OHS Act.
 Explain OHS policy as stipulated in the OHS Act.
 List the general duties of employers to their employees.
 Explain the general duties of employers and self-employed people to people other than
their employees.
 Discuss the employer's duty to inform.
 List the general duties of employees at work.

 Explain the duty to not interfere with, damage or misuse things.
 Explain the role and functions of health and safety representatives and committees.
 Describe reporting incidents to the inspector.
 Discuss victimisation.
 Discuss the role of the Department of Labour in ensuring OHS compliance.
 Differentiate between direct and indirect costs of incidents or accidents.
 Discuss the role of ethics and moral obligation on OHS.
 Explain the importance of and ways to ensure OHS communication across languages.

Study unit 6: South African OHS general and health regulations

You should be able to do the following:

 Explain the role of standards and codes.

 Explain fundamental legal principles and related legal terms.
 Explain the role of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996
as applicable to safety management.
 Explain the role of the Department of Labour in health and safety in the workplace.
 Understand the role of the Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act 181 of
1993 and its regulations.
 Discuss important general sections of the Occupational Health and Safety
Amendment Act 181 of 1993.
 Explain the role of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases
Amendment Act 61 of 1997.

Study unit 7: South African OHS mechanical and electrical regulations

You should be able to do the following:

 Explain the Driven Machinery Regulations.

 Discuss the General Machinery Regulations.
 Explain the Lift, Escalator and Passenger Conveyor Regulations.
 Indicate what is included under the Regulations Concerning the Certificate of
 Discuss the Pressure Equipment Regulations.
 Explain the elements of Electrical Installation Regulations.


 Discuss the Electrical Machinery Regulations.

Study unit 8: Safety management accreditation

You should be able to do the following:

 Define the term “accreditation”.

 Explain the purpose and benefits of accreditation.
 Differentiate between the different categories of accreditation of safety practitioners
that perform safety management in South Africa.
 Explain the different criteria for each level of accreditation.
 Explain the procedure for accreditation.

Study unit 9: System safety

You should be able to do the following:

 Explain the essential nature and importance of the safety charter.

 Verify the importance of selling the safety charter to the management of an organisation.
 Explain the nature of the system safety effort.
 Explain the life cycle phases and the system safety process.
 Define the term “system safety” and clarify its nature.
 List and explain the fundamentals of system safety.
 Indicate how to apply system safety within the context of safety management.
 Define the term “system safety analysis” and stipulate the reasons for utilising system
safety analysis techniques.
 Grasp the fact that system safety analysis techniques cover a wide range.
 Explain the change analysis technique (CAT).
 Explain the event and causal factor chart technique (ECFCT).

Study unit 10: Engineering for safety and safety engineering

You should be able to do the following:

 Explain the nature of engineering for safety.

 Explain the role of engineering for safety when dealing with safety in the workplace
and working environment, and differentiate between the foci of different types of

 Discuss the role of safety engineering in dealing with safety.
 Explain the contribution of both engineering for safety and safety engineering in
ensuring safety under all working conditions.

Study unit 11: Functional safety

You should be able to do the following:

 Define functional safety and discuss the goal and aim of functional safety.
 Describe the functional safety of electrical, electronic or programmable electronic
 Explain computer and electronic safety.
 Discuss fire risk assessment of data centre.
 Explain the elements of computer security.
 Describe the safety of computer workstations.
 Discuss electrical safety.
 Explain the relationship between ethics and functional safety.
 Describe failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) as a formal method for recognising and
mitigating hazards.
 Explain the hierarchy of safety controls.
 Describe functional safety of safety-related systems.

Study unit 12: Confined space safety

You should be able to do the following:

 Explain and identify the nature of confined spaces.

 Explain the role of legislation applicable to work in confined spaces.
 Discuss the dangers of working in a confined space.
 Explain the important requirements relevant to entering and working in a confined space.
 Describe the nature and purpose of a confined space entry permit.
 Explain the role of a confined space entry safety programme.
 Explain what should happen when work is being done in a confined space.
 Discuss the arrangements required for an emergency rescue.
 Explain what documents are required in case of a confined space incident.

Study unit 13: Ergonomics

You should be able to do the following:

 Define ergonomics and the scientific subject matter it includes.

 Explain the impact ergonomics has on safety and the ergonomic risk factors.
 Explain the diseases and disorders that relate to ergonomic risk factors.
 Understand and explain the nature of an ergonomic risk assessment in a workplace.
 Identify ergonomic risk factors.
 Discuss and list some of the South African legislation related to ergonomics and
ergonomic work factors.
 Understand the need for ergonomists and their areas of speciality.

Study unit 14: Fire safety

You should be able to do the following:

 Explain the nature of fire hazards.

 Explain how heat transfer takes place.
 Discuss the components of fire and fire prevention strategies.
 Understand and explain the spreading of fire in buildings.
 Discuss the principles of fire extinction.
 Distinguish between classes of fire and the types of hand-held fire appliances.
 Explain detection and reduction of fire hazards.
 Discuss fire dangers to people.
 Explain risk management and administration regarding fire.
 Describe the principles of and responsibility for fire safety.
 Explain disaster preparations.
 Discuss life safety.
 List the basic requirements for structures or buildings in terms of the Life Safety Code of
the National Fire Protection Agency.
 Explain means of egress.
 Discuss the South African legal considerations on fire safety in the workplace.

2.4 Prescribed book
The compulsory prescribed book, which you must acquire, is:

Louw, L.B. 2017. Safety Management in an Organisational Context. Cape Town:

Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd. ISBN 9781485125075.




3.1 Lecturer(s)
The primary lecturer for this module is Dr Elriza Esterhuyzen.

She can be contacted at 012 429 3612 or by e-mail at [email protected].

Address: Room 3-34 AJH van der Walt Building
Muckleneuk campus
Letters should be sent to:
Dr Elriza Esterhuyzen
Department of Operations Management
PO Box 392
The secondary lecturer who assists Dr Esterhuyzen on this module is Ms Leonie Louw.
She can be contacted at 012 429 4799 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Address: Room 3-42 AJH van der Walt Building
Muckleneuk campus


3.2 Lecturer availability

The lecturer for this module will be available to take phone calls on academic matters and/or to
attend to students who may prefer to visit personally for academic engagement. However, the
days and times of lecturer’s availability will be communicated in the module page on myUnisa.
These days and times are subject to change from time to time in order to accommodate the
lecturer’s work schedule and other commitments. The changes on the days and times will be
communicated by the lecturer in advance through the Announcement option on myUnisa as
and when this happen. Students are advised to check the module page on myUnisa before
making phone calls or visiting the lecturer’s office for academic enquiries/engagements.

3.3 Department
The contact information for the Department of Operations Management is:

Tsholofelo Raseroka
Departmental Secretary
012 429 3176
[email protected]

3.3 University
To contact the university, you should follow the instructions in the Study@ Unisa brochure.
Tutorial Letter 301 (MNALLEQ/301) also contains relevant contact information for the university.
Remember to always have your student number available when contacting the university.

When you contact the lecturer, please do not forget to provide your student number. This will
help the lecturers to assist you.

4.1 Joining myUnisa
If you have access to a computer that is linked to the internet, you can quickly access resources
and information at the university. The myUnisa learning management system is Unisa's online
campus that will help you communicate with your lecturers, other students and the
administrative departments at Unisa – all through the internet.

You can start at the main Unisa website,, and then click on the myUnisa
orange block. This will take you to the myUnisa website. To go to the myUnisa website directly,
go to When you are on the myUnisa website, click on the “Claim UNISA
Login” at the right-hand side of the screen. You will then be prompted to give your student
number to claim your initial myUnisa as well as myLife login details.

Consult the publication Study @ Unisa which you received with your study material for more
information on myUnisa.

4.2 Recommended books

There are no recommended books for this module.

4.3 Other resources: printed support materials

Because we want you to be successful in this online module, we also provide you with some
study material in printed format. This will allow you to read the study material, even if you are
not online.

 The printed study material will be sent to you at the beginning of the semester, but you
do not have to wait to receive it to start studying – you can go online as soon as you
have registered and all your study material will be there.

 Therefore, the printed material is not something you need to wait for before you start with
the module. It is merely an offline copy of the formal content for the online module.

 This will give you the chance to do a lot of the studying for this module WITHOUT having
to go onto the internet or to an internet café; and it will save you money. You will be able
to take as much time as you need to read, and to re-read, the materials and do the

It is therefore very important that you log on to myUnisa regularly. We recommend that you
check for the following at least every week or every ten days:

 Check for new announcements. You can also set up your myLife email so that you
receive the announcement emails on your cell phone.
 Do the discussion forum activities. For every unit in this module, we want you to
discuss the activities with the other people in your group.


 Do other online activities. For some unit activities, you may need to take a quiz or
complete a survey under Self-assessment. Do not skip these activities because they will
help you complete the assignments and the other activities for the module.

We hope that this system will help you succeed in this online module by giving you extra ways
to study the materials and practise, by applying theory. At the same time, you MUST go online
to complete the activities and assignments on time and to get the most from the online course.

Remember, the printed support material is a back-up to everything that is found online on
myUnisa. It does not contain anything extra. In other words, you should NOT wait for the
printed support material to arrive before you start studying.

4.4 Library services and resources information

For brief information, go to

For detailed information, go to For research support and services

of personal librarians, click on "Research support".

The library has compiled a number of library guides:

 finding recommended reading in the print collection and e-reserves –
 requesting material –
 postgraduate information services –
 finding, obtaining and using library resources and tools to assist in doing research –
 how to contact the library/finding us on social media/frequently asked questions –


5.1 What it means to study online

This module is taught online – this means that it is totally different from some of your other
modules at Unisa and this has the following implications:

 All your study material and learning activities have been designed for online
delivery on myUnisa. Despite the fact that we give you a printed copy to support your
studies, the module is designed for online delivery.

 All your assignments must be submitted online. This means that you must do all the
activities and submit all the assignments on myUnisa.

 All the communication between you and the university also happens online – by
email, in discussions and through questions and answers. You can use all these ways to
ask questions and contact your lecturers and they will be able to communicate with you
in the same way – through emails and using the Announcements, Discussions and
Questions and Answers tools.

5.2 The myUnisa tools you will use

All the information about myUnisa tools is located on the myUnisa website for this module, in
unit 0.

In this module, there are three different types of assessments, using different myUnisa tools:

 Discussions. This tool is the place for online discussion forums, where you share your
ideas and insights with the other students in your small groups. Under the Discussions
tool, there may be several other discussion forums where you can share ideas and post
your discussions online. We also give you a place just to chat socially with the other
students who are also doing the course – we call this the "Student Lounge".

 Assignments. The assignments for this module consist of two compulsory multiple-
choice assignments. These assignments must be submitted, using the online
Assignments tool on myUnisa.

 Self-assessment. You can use the Self-assessment tool to test your knowledge. It will
give you access to a selection of questions to help you prepare for the examination.

5.3 Predatory providers of classes and examination support

Please be aware of the existence of multiple fraudulent and predatory providers of classes and
examination guidance to Unisa students. Please note that Unisa does not have agreements
with any of these agencies/schools/colleges to provide tuition or support to our students. Unisa


also does not provide these predators with study material, guidelines or your contact

These providers may not have the necessary expertise to assist you and often charge
exorbitant fees. If you receive an invitation from any agency or college, it is best to confirm with
your lecturer if the provider is a legitimate Unisa partner.

5.4 TVET agreements

Unisa does, however, have agreements with a number of TVET Colleges to provide contact
tuition and support for students in the following Higher Certificates:

 Higher Certificate in Economic & Management Sciences

 Higher Certificate in Banking
 Higher Certificate in Tourism
 Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences
More information on this is available on the Unisa website.

6.1 Suggested study programme
A proposed study programme is provided in the box below to help you plan your academic year.
Complete the column with due dates according to your own planning.


Read through tutorial letters

Register on myUnisa

2 Study unit 1 and complete the self-assessment questions

Study unit 2 and complete the self-assessment questions

3 Study unit 3 and complete the self-assessment questions

Study unit 4 and complete the self-assessment questions

4 Study unit 5 and complete the self-assessment questions

5 Study unit 6 and complete the self-assessment questions

6 Study unit 7 and complete the self-assessment questions

05 March 2018

Try to submit by
26 February 2018
27 August 2018

Try to submit by
20 August 2018

8 Study unit 8 and complete the self-assessment questions

Study unit 9 and complete the self-assessment questions

9 Study unit 10 and complete the self-assessment questions

Study unit 11 and complete the self-assessment questions

10 Study unit 12 and complete the self-assessment questions

11 Study unit 13 and complete the self-assessment questions

Study unit 14 and complete the self-assessment questions

03 April 2018

Try to submit by
26 March 2018
12 ___________
25 September 2018

Try to submit by
18 September 2018

Revise study units 1–4

13 Complete the self-assessment questions at the end of each study

Revise study units 5–8

14 Complete the self-assessment questions at the end of each study

Revise study units 9–11

15 Complete the self-assessment questions at the end of each study

Revise study units 12-14

16 Complete the self-assessment questions at the end of each study


Note: The golden rule is to set regular study sessions and keep to them. Remember to include
all your subjects in the programme!

With regular study you will be able to identify your problems in good time for discussion with us.
You should spend no less than six hours per week on Safety Management.


Not applicable to this module.

8.1 Assessment plan
We will use two types of assessments in this module. The first is a formative assessment. The
formative assessment consists of two compulsory assignments. You need to complete both
assignments to gain admission to the examination. The second type of assessment is a
summative assessment. The summative assessment is the examination paper you will write at
the end of the semester.

The two compulsory assignments must be submitted for assessment. The mark you obtain
for these assignments will make up your year mark for Safety Management. Therefore, it is of
the utmost importance that you submit the assignments.

8.2 Unique assignment numbers and due dates

The due dates for the compulsory assignments are as follows:

Semester 1 Semester 1
Compulsory Assignment 01 Compulsory Assignment 02
Unique number: 691445 Unique number: 812337

05 MARCH 2018 03 APRIL 2018

Semester 2 Semester 2
Compulsory Assignment 01 Compulsory Assignment 02
Unique number: 795037 Unique number: 854746

27 AUGUST 2018 25 SEPTEMBER 2018

There are thousands of assignments that need to be processed by Unisa on the due
dates. To avoid system problems that might occur, try to submit your assignments
a week or two in advance.



8.3 Year mark and final examination

You will be awarded a mark for both Assignments 01 and 02. This mark will be combined with
your examination mark to determine your final mark.

Your final assessment mark for this module will be a combination of the assignment
marks and the examination mark. Your assignments count 20% towards your final mark
and your examination 80%.

Students who do not submit assignments for assessment purposes or do not obtain a pass
mark in the compulsory assignments but write the examination must still obtain a minimum of
50% for the assignment marks and the examination mark combined ( for the final assessment
mark). Please note that irrespective of the year mark obtained, you must obtain a subminimum
of 40% in the examination. You will therefore not pass the module if your examination mark is
less than 40%.

How will this work in practice?

Study the following example of how the assignment mark will contribute to the final assessment


 Compulsory Assignment 01 contributes 50% to the year mark.

 Compulsory Assignment 02 contributes 50% to the year mark.

(Both assignments contribute 20% to the final mark.)

 The examination contributes 80% to the final mark.


You submit Assignments 01 and 02 and write the examination:

Say you obtain the following marks:

Assignment 01 = 80%

Assignment 02 = 70%

Examination = 60%


Assignment 01: 80 x 0.50 = 40

Assignment 02: 70 x 0.50 = 35

Total: 40 + 35 = 75

Since the assignments account for 20% of the final mark, the marks obtained for your
assignments will be:

Assignments: 75 x 0.20 = 15%

Since the examination counts 80% towards your final mark, your examination mark will be
calculated as follows:

Examination: 60 x 0.80 = 48%

The results of these two calculations will be added to each other in order to calculate the final
mark for the module.
15% + 48% = 63%
The higher your year mark, the more it will contribute to your final marks.

8.4 Feedback on assignments
You will automatically receive the correct answers to Assignments 01 and 02. Feedback on the
self-assessment questions are provided at the end of this tutorial letter. As soon as you receive
the feedback on your submitted assignments, please check your answers. The assignments
and feedback constitute an important part of your learning and should help you to be better
prepared for the examination.

Please note that feedback will only be sent after the due date of the assignment and we will
not provide any answers on the assignment question before that date.

8.5 Examination period

The examination for this module will be written in May/June 2018 for first semester students
and October/November 2018 for second semester students. You will receive adequate
guidelines during the year as to what you should study and how you should prepare.

8.6 Examination paper

The paper will count 70 marks and the duration of the examination will be two (2) hours.
The exact time and date of the examination will be forwarded to you by the Examination
Department later during the year.

 If your final mark (as calculated according to the method shown above) is 50% or more,
you will have passed Safety Management II.
 If your final mark is below 50%, and your examination mark is between 40% and 49%,
you fail, but will be registered for the supplementary examination.
 If your examination mark is below 40%, you will not be allowed to write the
supplementary examination and you must re-register in the next registration period.




Indicate which of the following statements are correct by entering the correct answer on myUnisa.

This assignment covers study units 1 to 7.


1. Which one of the defences listed below nullified employer liability if the injury resulted from
employee negligence?

(1) The Code of Hammurabi.

(2) Contributory negligence.
(3) Assumption of safety risk.
(4) The fellow servant rule.

2. What characteristic must something have in order for it to be a safety hazard?

(1) It must be tangible.
(2) It must not interact with other things.
(3) It must not be material.
(4) It must have caused harm or injury.

3. Which one of the following concepts refers to the beginning point where, if exceeded,
irreversible adverse effects will definitely occur?
(1) A threshold.
(2) A threshold limit.
(3) The competence of people.
(4) A safety risk.

4. What is a course or principle of action adopted by an organisation referred to?

(1) Management.
(2) Vision statement.
(3) Mission statement.
(4) Organisational policy.

5. Which section of the OHS Act 85 of 1993 provides that every employer or organisation must
prepare an organisational policy on the protection of its employees’ health and safety?
(1) Section 1.
(2) Section 3.
(3) Section 7.
(4) Section 11.

6. Whom must safety management assist with safety hazard identification and safety risk
(1) Auditors.
(2) Inspectors.
(3) Line managers.
(4) Any employee.

7. To which part of an organisation do safety practitioners belong?

(1) The strategic apex.
(2) The operating core.
(3) The middle line.
(4) The techno-structure.

8. Who is responsible for the design of the layout and flow of the production and service
delivery process?
(1) Safety management.
(2) Operations management.
(3) Engineers.
(4) Executive management.

9. What is the use of materials that are less hazardous called?

(1) Intensification.
(2) Substitutions.
(3) Attenuation.
(4) Simplification.

10. Standards are documents providing specification and guidelines that are used within an
organisation to ensure that products, materials, processes and services are within the legal
parameters and fit for the purpose intended. What does the ISO 9000 series of standards
(1) Occupational health and safety management systems.
(2) Environmental management systems.
(3) Operations management systems.
(4) Quality management systems.


11. Which type of hazard refers to work stress, fatigue and boredom?
(1) Physical hazards.
(2) Ergonomical hazards.
(3) Psychosocial hazards.
(4) System hazards.

12. Automatic systems to detect abnormal conditions where action is either stopped, or
corrective measures automatically taken, is referred to as which one of the following
(1) Process interlocks.
(2) Safety interlocks.
(3) Intrinsic safety.
(4) Fail-safe designs.

13. Which one of the following is the highest law in South Africa?
(1) The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.
(2) The National Environmental Management Act.
(3) The Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act.
(4) The Occupational Health and Safety Act.

14. Which section of the OHS Act indicates the general duties of employers to their employees?
(1) Section 6.
(2) Section 7.
(3) Section 8.
(4) Section 9.

15. In terms of section 17 of the OHS Act, which provides for the appointment of health and
safety representatives, how many employees must be employed before the appointment of
a health and safety representative is compulsory?
(1) Five (5).
(2) Ten (10).
(3) Fifteen (15).
(4) Twenty (20).

16. Intoxication is covered in which Regulations of the OHS Act?

(1) General Administrative Regulations.
(2) General Safety Regulations.
(3) Construction Regulations.
(4) Health Regulations.

17. Which one of the following aspects is covered in the Facilities Regulations of the OHS Act?
(1) Thermal requirements.
(2) Fire precautions.
(3) Reporting for medical surveillance.
(4) Drinking water.

18. Which Regulations of the OHS Act require a responsible person to be designated, in writing,
in a full-time capacity for every premises on or in which machinery is being used?
(1) General Machinery Regulations.
(2) General Administrative Regulations.
(3) Driven Machinery Regulations.
(4) General Safety Regulations.

19. In terms of the Lift, Escalator and Passenger Conveyor Regulations, to whom must the
appropriate form be submitted in order to obtain an official number for the lift, escalator or
passenger conveyor?
(1) The national director.
(2) The provincial director.
(3) The health and safety professional.
(4) Executive management.

20. To whom must an application be made in order to become an approved inspection authority
for electrical installations?
(1) The chief inspector.
(2) The employer.
(3) The health and safety professional.
(4) The provincial director.

20 x 1 Mark each = [20]



Indicate which of the following statements are correct by entering the correct answer on myUnisa.

This assignment covers study units 8–14.


1. Which one of the following options serves the purpose of authorising and sanctioning the
official recognition of the professional competence of an individual in a particular field of
service delivery?

(1) Accreditation.
(2) Recognition.
(3) Certification.
(4) Award.

2. For which level of accreditation does a person qualify with educational qualifications on
Grade 12 and NQF Level 3?
(1) Registered Occupational Safety Coordinator (ROSCord).
(2) Registered Occupational Safety Practitioner (ROSPrac).
(3) Registered Occupational Safety Professional (ROSProf).
(4) Registered Safety Engineer.

3. At ROSCord and ROSPrac levels, two years of experience may be substituted for how many
years of formal education?
(1) 2 years.
(2) 1 year.
(3) 3 years.
(4) None.

4. System safety comprises which of the following components?

(1) A person, the machine, and legislation.
(2) A person, the working environment, and organisational policy.
(3) A person, the working environment, and management.
(4) A person, the machine, and the working environment.

5. Which one of the following is a basic system safety concept?
(1) Safety is a staff responsibility.
(2) Safety is productive.
(3) Safety does not require upstream effort.
(4) Safety is a line responsibility.

6. What is a safety risk with system loss or death as effects described as?
(1) Catastrophic.
(2) Critical.
(3) Marginal.
(4) Negligible.

7. Which one of the following options serves as the basis for determining the system safety
(1) Hazard analysis.
(2) Safety risk assessment codes.
(3) Standardisation.
(4) Data.

8. The safety charter differentiates between which responsibilities pertaining to safety in an

(1) Employers and employees.
(2) Management and employees.
(3) Line and staff.
(4) Important and negligible.

9. During which phase in the safety programme life cycle does training start?
(1) The concept phase.
(2) The design, definition or development phase.
(3) The production phase.
(4) The operation and deployment phase.

10. Which step of the design process allows for potential solutions developed to determine if the
solutions will satisfy functional requirements?
(1) Problem identification.
(2) Synthesis.
(3) Analysis and evaluation.
(4) Produce and deliver.


11. What is the first step when introducing safety control measures in the workplace?
(1) Personal protective equipment (PPE).
(2) Substitute the hazard.
(3) Design for safety.
(4) Eliminate the hazard.

12. What is the primary focus of a safety engineer within an organisation?

(1) To ensure that employees behave safely.
(2) To ensure that employers comply with all applicable safety legislation.
(3) To ensure that the safety programme of an organisation is up to date.
(4) To ensure that the safety programme of an organisation functions as a holistic system.

13. Which one of the following options is true with regard to functional safety?
(1) Safety is a stand-alone concept.
(2) Safety is not focused only on individual components that add to safety levels.
(3) Safety does not focus on the interworking of components at the system level.
(4) Safety is not part of our everyday lives.

14. Systems that are used for the storage of data should have a fire-resistant rating of at least
how many hours?
(1) One (1) hour.
(2) Two (2) hours.
(3) Three (3) hours.
(4) Four (4) hours.

15. Who is posted outside the confined space and continuously monitors the other workers
inside the confined space?
(1) The employer.
(2) The supervisor.
(3) The safety observer or standby.
(4) The health and safety manager.

16. In emergency rescue procedures certain aspects should be considered. Which one of the
following statements is true in with regard to the capabilities of rescuers in emergency
rescue procedures?
(1) Rescuers need not be properly trained.
(2) Rescuers need to be trained at least in first-aid and CPR.
(3) Rescuers need to be registered as paramedics.
(4) Rescuers need not know how to use equipment provided.

17. The scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions of humans and
other elements of a system is referred to as what?
(1) Safety systems.
(2) Ergonomics.
(3) Occupational health and safety.
(4) Engineering.

18. Which focus area of ergonomics is concerned with the way in which humans interact,
process, memorise, retrieve and react to information and stimuli in their environment?
(1) Physical ergonomics.
(2) Cognitive ergonomics.
(3) Organisational ergonomics.
(4) Managerial ergonomics.

19. Fire is a chemical reaction between which two components?

(1) Oxygen and hydrogen.
(2) Oxygen and heat.
(3) Oxygen and a combustible fuel.
(4) Oxygen and safety hazards.

20. Which class of fire does electrical fires belong to?

(1) Class A.
(2) Class B.
(3) Class C.
(4) Class D.

20 x 1 Mark each = [20]




Indicate which of the following statements are correct by entering the correct answer on myUnisa.

This assignment covers study units 1 to 7.


1. The assumption of safety risk nullified what if the injured person was familiar with and
accepted the safety risk that led to the injury?

(1) Employee liability.

(2) Employer liability.
(3) Government liability.
(4) Servant liability.

2. With reference to the structural characteristics of safety hazards, which characteristic

focuses on the point of contact between safety hazards?
(1) Density.
(2) Weight.
(3) Shape.
(4) Texture.

3. Which one of the following concepts constitutes the furthest extent of endurance close to the
level at which a specific adverse effect may instantaneously manifest?
(1) A threshold.
(2) A threshold limit.
(3) The competence of people.
(4) A safety hazard.

4. Which section of the OHS Act 85 of 1993 stipulates that an employer is responsible for
establishing and maintaining a workplace that guarantees the safety of an employee?
(1) Section 2.
(2) Section 4.
(3) Section 6.
(4) Section 8.

5. What does the responsibility of safety management with regard to training entail?
(1) Conducting training.
(2) Continuous improvement of the contents of all safety training in an organisation.
(3) Preparation of training material.
(4) Ensuring that certain staff members are competent in performing their tasks safely.

6. Who should conduct safety inspection tours to ascertain the effectiveness of current safety
procedures in operational activities of an organisation?
(1) Senior management.
(2) Middle management.
(3) Senior and middle management.
(4) Safety management.

7. To which part of the organisation does maintenance staff members belong?

(1) The strategic apex.
(2) The middle line.
(3) The operating core.
(4) The support staff.

8. Who is responsible for ensuring that safety is duly considered in the design of products and
the delivery of services?
(1) Management.
(2) Engineers.
(3) Safety management.
(4) Operations management.

9. Which term refers to the use of materials that are less hazardous or functioning in conditions
that are less hazardous?
(1) Substitutions.
(2) Attenuation.
(3) Limiting effects.
(4) Simplification.

10. Which term is used to refer to all aspects within an industrial setting concerning the
protection of employees and assets by minimising hazards, risks, incidents and accidents?
(1) Occupational health and safety management systems.
(2) Quality management.
(3) Environmental management.
(4) Industrial safety.


11. Which type of hazard includes thermal, ventilation, illumination, vibration and radiation
(1) Physical hazards.
(2) Biological hazards.
(3) Mechanical hazards.
(4) System and programme hazards.

12. Risk or exposure, equipment and personnel, operating procedures, and an incident
command system are objectives of which plan?
(1) A safety plan.
(2) A response plan.
(3) A management plan.
(4) An operational plan.

13. The Bill of Rights is found in which section of the Constitution of the Republic of South
(1) Section 10.
(2) Section 12.
(3) Section 18.
(4) Section 24.

14. According to section 9 of the OHS Act, employers must ensure that who are not exposed to
unacceptable safety risk to their health and safety?
(1) Only management.
(2) Only employees.
(3) Employees and people directly affected by their activities.
(4) Employees and people indirectly affected by their activities.

15. How much time does an employer usually have to rectify a contravention as indicated by a
contravention notice?
(1) Ten (10) days.
(2) Twenty (20) days.
(3) Fourty (40) days.
(4) Sixty (60) days.

16. In terms of the General Administrative Regulations of the OHS Act, who may stop an
inspector from entering a business’s premises?
(1) Only the general manager of the business.
(2) Only the health and safety manager of the business.
(3) Any employee.
(4) No person.

17. The Major Hazard Installation Regulations of the OHS Act require that safety risk
assessment must be conducted. How often must such risk assessments be conducted?
(1) At intervals of not more than five (5) months.
(2) At intervals of not more than five (5) years.
(3) At intervals of not more than ten (10) months.
(4) At intervals of not more than ten (10) years.

18. Whom must be notified, in writing, prior to undertaking any asbestos work as stipulated in
the Asbestos Regulations of the OHS Act?
(1) The health and safety manager.
(2) The general manager.
(3) The provincial director.
(4) The national director.

19. Under which of the Mechanical Regulations are circular saws specifically addressed in the
OHS Act?
(1) Driven Machinery Regulations.
(2) General Machinery Regulations.
(3) Regulations Concerning the Certificate of Competency.
(4) Pressure Equipment Regulations.

20. When must portable electrical tools be connected to a source of electrical energy that has
an earth leakage protection device according to the Electrical Machinery Regulations of the
OHS Act?
(1) When it has a voltage of more than 20 V.
(2) When it has a voltage of more than 30 V.
(3) When it has a voltage of more than 40 V.
(4) When it has a voltage of more than 50 V.

20 x 1 Mark each = [20]



Indicate which of the following statements are correct by entering the correct answer on myUnisa.

This assignment covers study units 8–14.


1. Which one of the following options is a benefit of the certification of safety practitioners that
goes together with the accreditation of safety management?
(1) People who are accredited are more productive.
(2) People who are accredited do not maintain acceptable service standards.
(3) The quality of service cannot be benchmarked against the service of other similar
(4) Accredited people are less reliable in their service delivery.

2. For which level of accreditation does a person quality with educational qualifications on
Grade 12 and a relevant NQF Level 8 qualification?
(1) Registered Occupational Safety Coordinator (ROSCord).
(2) Registered Occupational Safety Practitioner (ROSPrac).
(3) Registered Occupational Safety Professional (ROSProf).
(4) Registered Safety Engineer.

3. Which one of the following concepts involves the application of engineering and
management principles and techniques to optimise safety?
(1) Safety management.
(2) Operations management.
(3) System safety.
(4) Risk assessment.

4. What is the basic point of departure in system safety?

(1) Safety must be done right as soon as possible.

(2) Safety must be done right most of the time.
(3) Safety must be done right the first time, most of the time.
(4) Safety must be done right the first time, every time.

5. Less than minor injury, occupational illness or system damage is seen as which one of the
following risk categories?
(1) Risk category 1.
(2) Risk category 2.
(3) Risk category 3.
(4) Risk category 4.

6. A mishap that is likely to occur several times during the life of an item is described as which
one of the following options?

(1) Frequent.
(2) Likely.
(3) Occasional.
(4) Remote.

7. System safety analysis of a safety system must be seen as what type of approach?
(1) An active approach.
(2) A passive approach.
(3) A proactive approach.
(4) A reactive approach.

8. Safety risk assessment codes is the basis for determining alternative design approaches as
early as in which phase?
(1) The concept phase.
(2) The design phase.
(3) The production phase.
(4) The testing phase.

9. Which one of the following terms implies that someone must take responsibility for the
effective safe functioning of the system during its entire life cycle, from cradle to grave.
(1) Life cycle.
(2) Responsibility.
(3) Accountability.
(4) Compliance.

10. Which step of the design process allows for the gathering of information, consideration of
constraints, and reviewing of specifications?
(1) Problem identification.
(2) Synthesis.
(3) Analysis and evaluation.
(4) Document and communicate.


11. What is the last step when introducing safety control measures in the workplace?
(1) Eliminate the hazard.
(2) Substitute the hazard.
(3) Safe behaviour.
(4) Personal protective equipment (PPE).

12. The scientific study field of making human behaviour safe in the workplace, that focuses on
human behaviour to the field of occupational safety, is called what?
(1) Safety management.
(2) Human resource management.
(3) Operations management.
(4) Behaviour-based safety (BBS).

13. Which one of the following statements forms part of the definition of functional safety?
(1) Functional safety is part of the overall safety of a system or a piece of equipment.
(2) Functional safety focus on electronics and related hardware.
(3) Functional safety does not focus on ensuring that a device or system is working correctly
in response to the given demand.
(4) Functional safety does not identify potentially dangerous conditions.

14. Building and data centre site design should ensure that the data centre be equipped with
doors of what level of fire-resistance?
(1) Doors must be more fire-resistant than the walls.
(2) Doors must be less fire-resistant than the walls.
(3) Doors must be equal in fire-resistance to that of the walls.
(4) Doors need not be fire-resistant.

15. Consumption, displacement, and reaction processes can lead to what danger in confined
(1) Restricted access.
(2) Lack of oxygen.
(3) Dust.
(4) Fire and explosions.

16. Which regulation of the General Safety Regulations in the OHS Act states that an employer
or a use of machinery shall take steps to ensure that a confined space is entered by an
employee or other person only after the air therein has been tested and evaluated?
(1) Regulation 5.
(2) Regulation 7.
(3) Regulation 9.
(4) Regulation 11.

17. Which focus are of ergonomics is concerned with sociotechnical systems?
(1) Physical ergonomics.
(2) Cognitive ergonomics.
(3) Organisational ergonomics.
(4) Safety ergonomics.

18. Vibration as an ergonomic risk factor affects the body in which three areas?
(1) The hand-arm system, the spinal column, and hearing.
(2) The hand-arm system, the spinal column, and vision.
(3) The hand-arm system, the spinal column, and touch.
(4) The hand-arm system, the spinal column, and taste.

19. What is heat transfer through the movement of hot liquids and gases called?
(1) Fire.
(2) Conduction.
(3) Radiation.
(4) Convection.

20. Which class of fire does solid materials such as wood, plastics and textiles belong to?
(1) Class A.
(2) Class B.
(3) Class C.
(4) Class D.

20 x 1 Mark each = [20]






Answer the following questions. When you have completed this assignment, compare your
answers to the model answers provided.


1.1 Historically, there were three (3) laws that employers relied upon to defend themselves in
the case of employees sustaining occupational injuries. Explain what each of these
common law defences entailed. (6)

1.2 The practice of safety and safety management is guided by basic principles. What are
the basic philosophical directives about managing occupational health and safety in the
workplace? (10)

1.3 Illustrate the process for implementing a safety policy in an organisation by means of a
diagram. (10)

1.4 What are the questions that guide risk assessment? (4)


2.1 What strategies can be used to convince employees about the importance of wearing
PPE or wearing it properly? (7)

2.2 The goal of process safety management is to ensure that preventable tragedies do not
occur. The process safety management system standard was developed by the
American Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It includes 14 elements that
are aimed at minimising catastrophic disasters. What are these elements? (14)
2.3 What does the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COID Act)
provide compensation for? (4)


3.1 The safety precedence sequence comprises a list of controls that should be
considered and implemented according to a prioritised sequence in order to control
safety hazards and eliminate safety risks. List the prioritised controls that must always be
implemented. (5)

3.2 Designing for safety is associated with two clear interdependent elements, namely
designing hardware and designing work processes. Differentiate between designing
hardware and designing work processes. (6)

3.3 Briefly explain the external factors that may present hazards to the operation of the data
centre, which is where computers and data systems are stored. (3)

3.4 What is work-related upper limb disorder (WRULD)? (1)


TOTAL: [70]




1.1 Historically, there were three (3) laws that employers relied upon to defend
themselves in the case of employees sustaining occupational injuries. Explain
what each of these common law defences entailed. (6)

(Refer to 1.2.3 in prescribed book)

 Contributory negligence, which nullified employer liability if the injury resulted from
employee negligence.

 Assumption of safety risk, which nullified employer liability if the injured was familiar with
and accepted the safety risk that led to the injury.

 The fellow servant rule, which nullified employer liability if the injury resulted from the
negligence of a fellow employee.

1.2 The practice of safety and safety management is guided by basic principles. What
are the basic philosophical directives about managing occupational health and
safety in the workplace? (10)
(Refer to 1.13 in prescribed book)
 Safety is a value, not a priority.
 Production includes safety.
 All tasks and work processes pose safety risks.
 No task justifies harm or damage.
 Rigorous analysis.
 Interdependent responsibility.
 All safety incidents are preventable.
 Multidisciplinary approach.
 No one knows everything.
 Mandating and monitoring the role of government.

1.3 Illustrate the process for implementing a safety policy in an organisation by means
of a diagram. (10)
(Refer to 2.6 in study guide)

1.4 What are the questions that guide risk assessment? (4)
(Refer to in study guide)
 How severe are the injuries that might potentially occur?
 How frequently are employees exposed to hazards?
 How possible is it to avoid a hazard?
 How likely is the occurrence of an injury if a safety control system fails?


2.1 What strategies can be used to convince employees about the importance of
wearing PPE or wearing it properly? (7)
(Refer to in study guide)
 Use administrative and engineering controls before resorting to PPE.
 Make use of risk assessment to ensure that the PPE used is the optimum choice.
 Ensure that employees are involved in all aspects related to PPE.
 Comprehensive training and education programme should be provided.
 The proper use of PPE should be reinforced and its improper use challenged.


 Fit, comfort, and style of PPE should be considered.

 PPE should be a normal part of the work uniform.

2.2 The goal of process safety management is to ensure that preventable tragedies do
not occur. The process safety management system standard was developed by the
American Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It includes 14 elements
that are aimed at minimising catastrophic disasters. What are these elements? (14)

(Refer to 4.2.5 in study guide)

 Management of change
 Employee involvement
 Process safety data
 Process hazard analysis
 Operational procedures
 Contractors
 Safety reviews
 Permit systems
 Mechanical reliability and integrity
 Incident and accident investigations
 Compliance audits
 Emergency preparedness
 Training
 Trade secrets

2.3 What does the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COID
Act) provide compensation for? (4)
(Refer to 3.4 in prescribed book)
 Disablement caused by occupational injuries sustained by employees in the course of
their employment.
 Diseases contracted by employees during the course of their employment.
 Death resulting from these injuries and diseases.
 Matters connected with these injuries and diseases.


3.1 The safety precedence sequence comprises a list of controls that should be
considered and implemented according to a prioritised sequence in order to
control safety hazards and eliminate safety risks. List the prioritised controls that
must always be implemented. (5)

(Refer to 9.3.1 in study guide)

 Design for minimum safety risk.

 Provide safety devices.
 Provide warning devices.
 Control with procedures and training.
 Accepted remaining residual safety risk.

3.2 Designing for safety is associated with two clear interdependent elements, namely
designing hardware and designing work processes. Differentiate between
designing hardware and designing work processes. (6)

(Refer to 10.3.2 in study guide)

 Designing hardware. The engineer is responsible to design for safety. A series of design
elements can be used to minimise safety hazards in the workplace. Hardware design for
safety focuses on the design of equipment, infrastructure and the working environment.

 Designing work processes. Engineers are the first people to understand the safety risk
that their hardware design of equipment holds. Therefore, they should be aware of and
better understand the critical safety behaviour that is required to deal with hardware
design. Understanding the safety risk involved in hardware design enables the
engineer to design work processes that will minimise the safety risk that
hardware holds for workers who use it. The engineering design of work processes
is an element of great concern because it contributes significantly to reducing life-
threatening safety risk. It is the responsibility of the engineer who designs the machine
or equipment to design a safe work process or procedure that will ensure the safety of
the user at all times.


3.3 Briefly explain the external factors that may present hazards to the operation of the
data centre, which is where computers and data systems are stored. (3)
(Refer to 6.3.2 in prescribed book)
 Other energised electrical equipment that can cause damage or exposure to the
computer systems, even though this equipment does not form part of the data operations
when it malfunctions.
 The interruption of electrical power systems, such as overloading, and power failures,
such as load-shedding.
 Fires that have their origin in other areas of the facility, including smoke that travels from
these from these fires, which can have a damaging effect on computers and other

3.4 What is work-related upper limb disorder (WRULD)? (1)

(Refer to 13.4 in study guide)
Work-related upper limb disorder can be developed by employees who work in
suboptimal environmental conditions and it is classified as an occupational disease.


TOTAL: [70]


Do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail if you are experiencing problems with the content of this
tutorial letter or any other aspect of the module.

We wish you a fascinating and satisfying journey through the learning material and trust that
you will complete the module successfully.

Enjoy the journey!

Dr Elriza Esterhuyzen

Senior Lecturer: Safety Management

UNISA 2018


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