F. The 1973 Constitution (1973-1986)

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The 1973
Dec. 30 1965 Marcos Was Inaugurated
1967 Philippine Congress passed a resolution
calling for a Con-Con to change the 1935
1969 Marcos was re-elected with allegations of
overspending and use of government funds
during campaign period
Nov. 20, 1970 elections of Con-Con delegates
June 1, 1971 Con-Con began with Carlos P.
Romulo as convention president
Controversial for removing presidential term
Presidential Decree 1081 was proclaimed
declaring on September 21. 1972 martial law
(Article VI. Sec11 (2)) when public safety
requires...). caused by rampant corruption of
the constitutional process growing communist
insurgency, thus suspended 1935 constitution
1973 Constitution introduced parliamentary-
style government
Legislative power was vested in unicameral
National Assembly elected for six-year term
A President was chosen from National
Assembly, ceremonial, could be reelected for
unlimited terms not to hold any other office
Executive power be exercised by the Prime
Minister also elected by the National Assembly
Prime Minster was head of government and
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces
Amended four times
16-17 October 1976 "Citizen Assemblies
martial law be continued and ratified the
Interim Batasang Pambansa substitutes for the
interim National Assembly
President would also become Prime Minister
and continue exercise legislative powers until
such time martial law was lifted
Sixth Amendment authorized to legislate on his
own “emergency” basis
1973 Constitution further amended in 1980 and
1980 amendment extended retirement age of
members of judiciary to 70 years
1981 Amendment modified parliamentary
system into French-style semi-presidential
Executive power was restored to the President
Direct election of the president restored
Executive Committee composed of the Prime
Minister and not more than 14 members was
created to "assist the President in the exercise
of powers and functions and in the
performance of duties as he may prescribe”
Instituted electoral reforms
1984 amendment abolished the Executive
Committee, restored the position of Vice-
1973 Constitution provided a true
parliamentary system
Marcos used manipulation to keep powers for
The final form was the abolition of the Senate
House of Representatives became known as
Batasang Pambansa Departments became
"Ministries", cabinet secretary ministers".
Executive Secretary to "Prime Minister to
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring
the aid of Divine Providence, in order to
establish a Government that shall embody our
ideals, promote the general welfare, conserve
and develop the patrimony of our Nation, and
secure to ourselves and our posterity the
blessings of democracy under a regime of
justice, peace, liberty, and equality, do ordain
and promulgate this Constitution.

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