Thesis (In Progress)
Thesis (In Progress)
Thesis (In Progress)
(A Brief Case Study in Bhumlu Rural Municipility, Ward no. 6)
A Thesis
Rural Development
Submitted By
Anil Sedhai
This thesis entitled of “Employment in Agriculture, (A Brief Case Study)” has been
prepared by Mr. ANIL SEDHAI for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Masters in Sociology is prepared under my guidance and supervision. He has conducted
research in the year 2022. Therefore, I recommend this dissertation to the evaluation
committee for its final approval.
Date: 22/11/2079
Thesis Supervisor
The thesis entitled “Employment in Agriculture, (A Brief Case Study)” in Bhumlu Rural
Municipality Ward no.6, Submitted by Mr. Anil Sedhai in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master’s Degree (M.A.) in Sociology has been approved by evaluation
Evaluation Committee
Mr. Nara Prasad Koirala Mr. Narayan Poudel Ms. Mahima Singh
Date: 23/11/2079
I am also thankful to my friends and all the participants during data collection for their
support and cooperation without whom this work would be incomplete. Further, I would like
to thanks my family for providing me environment of the preparation of this research.
At last, I would like to thank and remember all the people who have helped me to complete
this dissertation.
Anil Sedhai
Kathmandu, Nepal
Page number
Recommendation Letter i
Approval Letter ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
Abbreviations ix
3.6.1 Questionnaires 15
3.6.2 Interview 15
3.6.3 Observation 15
5.1 Summary 34
5.2 Conclusion 35
5.3 Recommendation 36
Annex I: Questionnaire
4. Family Types 21
5. Year of Starting 22
4. Family Types 21
5. Year of Starting 22
AD After death
BS Bikram Sambat
KM Kilometer
NG Nepal Government
NP National Park
TU Tribhuvan University
UK United Kingdom
UN United Nation
US United States
Of Homestay Of Homestay
Status of homestay of
Chitlang Livelihood
The Chapter one include introduction where background of study, statement of problem,
objective of study, significant of study, limitation of study, conceptual frame work and
organization of study are written.
The Chapter two consists of literature review, concept of tourism and homestay tourism,
components of home stay tourism, and some stay tourism in Nepal and some finding of home
stay tourism are written.
The Chapter three consist of Research methodology where Research methods, universe
and sample, Nature and source of Data, tools and techniques of data collection and analysis
are written.
The Chapter four consist of presentation of data were collected data are presented and
analysis are written.
Finally, Chapter five consists of summary and conclusion where summary of report,
conclusion and recommendation is written.
Tourism society of Britain defines ‘tourism’ is the temporary short term movement of
people to destinations outside the places where they normally live and work & their activities
during the stay at these destinations including movement for all purposes as well as day visits
or excursions (Bhatia, 1994). It involves a complex set of interrelationships between people,
places and product through the transportation of people to various destinations outsides of
their normal place of residence & their stay at those destinations with the short time period in
nature consist of pleasure activity in that does not involve earning related travel even if the
associated income is not earned in the destination, region or country collier (1989).
Community-based tourism (CBT) is a form of responsible tourism that supports local
communities and improves livelihoods. The tourism destination is managed by the local
community members themselves. With general tourism, visits are often marketed and
organized by private travel companies. The bulk of the profits leave the community, and only
a few private individuals may benefit from the enterprise. In contrast, CBT is managed and
run by the community members themselves. All of the management decisions are made by, or
in consultation with the community, and all of the profits directly benefit the local
community. The main positive impacts include benefit sharing among the community
members, community participation, community control, empowerment and conservation. By
managing the interactions between the host and the visitors, the negative impacts of tourism
to the community and environment can be minimized. Community-based ecotourism (CBET)
addresses the well-being of the community and the surrounding environment. While
supporting local communities and improving livelihoods, the natural and cultural resources of
the area are protected and conserved. Ecotourism is a type of sustainable tourism in which
tourists experience, appreciate and enjoy the nature and culture of their destination. The
negative impacts of tourism are minimized while an incentive for conserving natural and
cultural features is provided (Tourism of Cambodia, 2018).
I. Unique opportunity to experience the rich and hospitable culture of the village.
II. An opportunity to see and experience astonishing objects no one else has seen or done
before especially amazing food.
III. To meet and really connect with local people from the host country and not just see
them through a bus window.
IV. Become a part of a family and an important part of household, that is, homely
V. Learn about environment and culture through others eyes.
VI. Contribute directly to rural economy and people in need.
VII. Provide opportunities to support the community in conservation initiatives.
(Devkota, 2008).
25 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50
age group
Table 4.1.2 shows the Gender status of Respondents, among the respondents 9 (75%) of
participants are male and 3 (25%) of participants are female. Since the study is conducted by
taking sample of homestay owner so, majority of homestay owner are male as compare to
All these information are shown in following figure:
Figure 4.1.2:
Sex of Respondents
Male Female
Uneducated 2 16.67
SLC 5 41.67
Total 12 100
Table 4.1.3 shows the education status of homestay owner, among the respondents, 2
(16.67%) of participant is uneducated, 3 (25%) of participants are under SLC, 5 (41.67%) of
participants pass SLC and 2 (16.67%) of participants study above SLC. All these information
can be shown in following figure:
Educational Status
17% 17%
Under SLC
25% Above SLC
Table 4.1.4 shows the family types of respondents. Among the respondents 9 (75%) lives in
joint family and 3 (25%) lives in single family. The data shows the most of the homestay
owner live in joint family so in homestay business engagement of family member is high. All
these data are present in following figure:
Family Types
Single; 3
Joint; 9
Table 4.2.1 shows the years of starting of homestay business. Among the respondents,
2 (16.67%) of respondents started home stay in 2071 BS so, the run homestay from 4 years. 2
(16.67%) of respondents started home stay in 2072 BS so, the run homestay from 3 years. 7
(58.33%) of respondents started home stay in 2074 BS so, the run homestay from 1 years and
1 (8.33%) of respondents started home stay in 2075 BS so, the run homestay from 1 years.
From the data most of homestay are established from 2074 BS. All these information are
shown in following figure:
Figure 4.2.1:
Year of Starting
number of homestay
2071 BS 2072 BS 2074 BS 2075 BS
year of running
Table number 4.2.2 shows the average earning from tourism per day by the homestay
owner of Chitlang. Among them 1 (8.33%) homestay owner earn below Rs. 1500 per day
from tourist in an average. 7(58.33%) of homestay owner said that they own between Rs.
15001 to Rs. 2500 as income from hone stay service. Another 3(25%) home stay owner
believe that they own between Rs. 2501 to 3500 average income from homestay tourism and
1(8.33%) of homestay owner earn above the Rs. 3500average earning from tourism per day
from home stay tourism. All these information is display in figure below:
Figure 4.2.2:
Average Earning per Day by Homestay Owner
no. of respondents
Below 1500 1501 to 2500 2501 to 3500
income per day
Job 1 8.33%
Other business 3 25%
Total 12 100%
Source: Field Survey, 2019
Table number 4.2.3shows the involvement of home stay owner involves in other
sector then homestay. Among them 8 (66.67%) homestay owner are involve in agriculture
sector, 1(8.33%) homestay owners are job holder and 3 (25%) are involved in other business
besides home stay business. All these information are shown in following figure:
Figure 4.2.3:
Involvement in Other Occupation
Other business; 3
Job; 1
Agriculture; 8
Table number 4.2.4 show the availability of room for tourist in homestay of Chitlang.
There is 1(8.33%) homestay owner who provide only two room for home stay. 7 (66.67%)
home stay owners provide fourrooms for homestay tourist. 3 (25%) homestay providers
provide five rooms for homestay tourist and 1 (8.33%) homestay owners provide seven
rooms for home stay tourists. All these data are shows in following figure:
Room Available for Tourist
no. of home stay
2 rooms 4 rooms 5 rooms 6 rooms
no. of rooms
4 6 50%
5 3 25%
More than 5 1 8.33%
Total 12 100%
Source: Field Visit, 2019
Table number 4. 2.5 shows the average number of tourist arrival per day. Among the
respondents, 2 (16.67%) homestay owner said that on an average three tourist arrived per day
for home stay. 6 (50%) homestay owner believed that on an average four tourist were arrived
per day for home stay. 3 (25%) homestay owner believed that on an average five homestay
tourist were arrived for home stay and 1 (8.33%) homestay owner believed that on an average
more than 5 tourist were arrived for home stay. Form the data it is found that most of
homestay owner believed that per day 4 tourist is arrived. All these information are shown in
following figure:
Figure 4.2.5
Average Tourist Arrival
3 person
25% 4 person
5 person
More than 5
Table number 4.2.6 shows the number of homestay that provide the employment
facilities to other people. 5 (41.67%) homestay owners provide the employment opportunity
facilities to other peoples and 7(58.33%) homestay providers does not used outsider as full
time worker. All the information can be shown in following figure:
Figure 4.2.6
Employment Provider
No employment
Table 4.2.7 shows the number of family member engaged in homestay business.
Among the homestay, 6 (50%) homestay business used 2 members from family, 5 (41.67%)
used three members from family and 1 (8.33%) used 4 member from family in home stay
business. All these data is shown in following figure:
Figure 4.2.7
Engagement of Family Member
4 persons
2 persons
3 persons
Total 12 100
Source: Field Survey, 2019
Table number 4.2.8 shows the types of batting facilities provided to tourist. Among
the sample of 12 household, 4 (33.33%) homestay owners provided normal bathing facilities,
8 (66.67%) household providehot water bathing in winter season and none of homestay
provider has modern bathing facilities for tourist. Following figure shows the data of bathing:
Figure 4.2.8:
Types of Bathing Facilities
Normal Bathing
Hot Water
The table 4.2.9 shows the source of food provided by homestay owner. 1 (10%) of
homestay owner serve only local foods to visitors, 6 (60%) of homestay owner serve mostly
local foods to visitors, 3 (30%) of homestay owner serve mostly non-local foods to visitors.
Data indicate that most of the homestay owner provide mostly local food available in market.
All the data are shown in following figure:
Figure 4.2.9:
Source of Food
Mostly Non-local
Mostly local
Table 4.2.10shows the items available for tourist by home stay owner all home
stay owner offer eggs, vegetable, meat, mineral water, cold drinks, fruits juice and
bear, 9 homestay owner offer fresh fruits to tourist. Following figure shows the
product offer by homestay owner:
Figure 4.2.10:
Product Offer
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 3
no. of homestay
12 12 12 9 12 12 12 12
Eggs Vegetable Meat Fresh Mineral Cold drinks Bear Fruit juice
Fruits water
Item Offer
Total 12 100
Source: Field Visit, 2019
Table number 4.2.11shows the gender base ownership of home stay by registration.
Among the sample there are 10(83.33%) homestay which are register in the name of male
member and there are only 2 (16.67%) homestay which are register in the name of female
person. The data shows that majority of homestay are register in the name of male. All these
data are shown in following figure:
Figure 4.2.11:
Ownership of Homestay
Table 4.2.12
Types of Attractions
Attractions No. of Participants Percentage
5.1 Summary
This research work is done on the subject of tourism policy and its indicator analysis,
a study of homestay in Chitlang. Tourism seems potential industries which push for economic
development of country. A tourism industry provides direct and indirect employment
opportunities to the rural as well as urban people. Tourism industries also promote local
industries. Tourism seems second vital sector to earn foreign currency.
The Home stay tourism seems niche tourism activities which are practice by some of the
countries. This type of tourism seems very importance from tourist point of view because
they can enjoy the cultural aspect of local people along with natural beauty. Chitlang is the
historical place but now a day due to its sophisticated home tourism facility it becomes
famous for home stay tourism. Tourism is now days become very essential for the income
generation sources in Chitlang. It significantly contributes the per capita of Chitlang’s people
as well as GDP of country. Chitlang is most facilitated home stay tourist destination for
tourists now a day due to its modern facility provided for homestay tourists. In first chapter
title introduction to research, which include background of study, statement of problem,
objectives for research work, theoretical framework is done to operationalization of concept,
limitation of study and organization of study. In this chapter the problem of study is mention
objectives is set operation of concept is done through building theoretical framework and
limitation of research while doing research work. The second chapter of research includes the
literature review. In the first part of this chapter concept about homestay tourism, their
importance, component etc, are written. In the second part of this chapter empirical review
about history of Chitlang is written.
Third chapter include designing the research methodology and sample selection
methodology. This research is descriptive in nature in nature and selects the sample as per
title of the research design. In Chitlang, 12 homestay is selected as sample of this research
and analysis was done on the basis of this data. In fourth chapter collected data are presented
and analyses with the help of table and figure are used for presentation of data. Statistical
tools are used for analysis of data. Pie chart, tabular presentation and test are used to analysis
the data. In final chapter include summary and conclusion. In summary the summary of all
the research work is describe in short and in conclusion part the conclusion was written from
the analysis of data in chapter four. From the study it is found that 58.33% homestay are
started in 2074 BS, 58.33% homestay earn between Rs. 1501 to Rs. 2500 per day, 66.67% of
the homestay owner are also engaged in agriculture and 25% are engaged in other business
beside homestay, 66.67% of the homestay owner have 4 rooms available for homestay
business, 50% of the homestay owner said that on an average 4 tourist visit for homestay per
day and 25% said the on an average 5 person visit for homestay, 58.33% of homestay owner
does not provide employment opportunities where as 41.67% provide employment
opportunity to other people, 50% homestay used 2 member form family for homestay
business and 41.67% used 3 family member, 66.67% homestay provide hot water bathing and
other provide normal bathing facilities to visitors, 66.67% use mostly local food to serve
homestay tourist and 25% use only local food, All homestay provide egg, vegetable, meat,
mineral water, cold drinks and beer to tourist, 83.33% of homestay think that tourist visit
Chitlang for natural beauty and 75% also believes that cultural and religious richness factor to
visit Chitlang.
5.2 Conclusion
This part of research contains the conclusion of the findings of research. In this part
the summary of different data present of chapter four are present. On the basis of conclusion
different conclusion has been drawn which are explain in following paragraph.
On the basis of study it is conclude that there is generation of income through home stay
programmed in Chitlang. The second conclusion of this research is the average length of stay
of home tourist is very low. It means that home stay tourism plan and policy are not directing
the tourism industry in right direction. The third conclusion from study is the revenue from
home tourism is not sufficient to run the homestay business. Another conclusion of the study
also suggests that the female owner of homestay is also very low. The investment for the
establishment of home stay is also very low. The bathing facilities are also not good for
tourist. The conclusion of this research is that homestay programmed is helping to generating
direct and indirect employment.
5.3 Recommendation
Following are the recommendation from the study:
To promote homestay inter-district coordination unit is necessary so that they can
easily recommended their guest to visit other districts also Publicity, promotion and
marketing should be done.
Regular interaction should be organized at central level for homestay operators.
Transportation Facilities and Easy Accessibility, Proper Accommodations,
Communication and Information, Waste Management, Hygiene Environment
Protection Other Physical Facilities
Clarity on Rural Tourism, Trekking Tourism, Agro Tourism, Seminar/Workshop
Tourism, Entertainment Tourism, Health Tourism, Education Tourism and
Sports/Adventure Tourism
Tourism Development Fund should be created so that it can be addressed all
possibilities for tourism development including homestay as well as proper orientation
and Capacity Development of homestay Operators
Possibly short term training is required for homestay Owners and it should be done by
expert consultants – having excellent exposure in homestay.
Exposure visit is required for upgrading the business.
Provision of bank loan in low/suitable interest rate is necessary for upgrading the
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Name of Respondent:
Age of Respondents:
Education Level:
Under SLC
Plus 2
Above plus 2
a. Nepalese
b. Foreigners
Family and friends
Government Support
Chandragiri Homestay
Proprietor :Radha Krishna Basnet
3.Bhimsensthan Homestay
4.Narayanhiti Homestay
Narayanhiti Homestay
proprietor:Mina Shrestha