What Is A Bank? How Does A Bank Differ From Most Other Financial-Service Providers?
What Is A Bank? How Does A Bank Differ From Most Other Financial-Service Providers?
What Is A Bank? How Does A Bank Differ From Most Other Financial-Service Providers?
4. What is happening to the bank’s share of the financial marketplace and why?
Lately, banking's financial market share frequently has fallen for traditional banks as
other financial institutions have moved in to fight for the same turf.
Financial-service providers are converging in terms of the services they offer and
embracing each other's innovations.
Legislation, such as the U.S. Financial Services Modernization (Gramm-Leach-Bliley)
Act of 1999, has allowed many of the financial firms to offer the public one-stop
shopping for financial services.
Thanks to relatively liberal government regulations, banks with quality management
and adequate capital can now truly become conglomerate financial-service providers.
The same is true for security firms, insurers, and other financially oriented companies
that wish to acquire bank affiliates.
5. How have banking and the financial services market changed in recent
years? What powerful forces are shaping financial markets and institutions
a. How have banking and the financial-services market changed in
recent years?
- Financial markets have experienced many changes during the last two
decades. Technological advances in computers and telecommunications, along
with the globalization of banking and commerce, have led to deregulation.
- While these developments have been largely positive, they have also created
problems for policy makers. This leads to the fact that the government
tightened the financial-services sector due to crises and market collapse in the
previous few years.
- At the same time, the number and variety of banking services has increased
greatly due to the pressure of intensifying competition from nonbank
financial-service providers and changing public demand for more conveniently
and reliably provided services and increase in returns on their money invested.
- There has been service proliferation and greater competitive rivalry among
financial firms that has led to a powerful trend— convergence. The trends of
convergence, consolidation, geographic expansion, and technological change
will continue to proliferate in the future years.
- The latest banking technology trends allow banks to provide faster, more
efficient, and more personalized services to customers. Banks can offer 24/7
customer service, personalized investment advice, and customized products
and services while minimizing financial losses with AI.
➔ To sum up, increased competition has led to a fluctuation in the bank 's share
of the financial service marketplace. Technological advances have significantly
lowered the per-unit costs associated with high-volume transactions, but they
have also depersonalized financial services.
b. What powerful forces are shaping financial markets and institutions
In our group perspectives, Technological advancements, Globalization, Regulatory
changes, Demographic shifts and Economic cycles are powerful forces which would
shape financial markets and institutions today.
Of these forces, Technological advancements and Globalization are likely to continue
shaping financial markets and institutions in the future. The use of technology will
only increase, leading to greater efficiency and innovation, while globalization will
continue to drive competition and risk.