Personal Statment

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Personal Statement

A large portion of who I am today comes from my brother. My brother indirect has

taught me many skills and perspectives to see the world. My brother is a hard-working

individual, despite him always being in the collective group of people. My brother, like most, did

not learn how to independent, he had to learn through someway. Oren, my brother was not

responsible in his middle school years, which means his grades plummeted. My parents tried and

tried to get him to be responsible and do his job as student, but he didn’t, so he was punished. I

observed my brother was forced to break his toys. My brother is not the type to simply like his

toys, he loves them. He distorted his world, lived a fantasy to better play, dedicated time and

effort to know more about them, so breaking them was a huge impact. Think of it like having to

destroy your source of happiness and comfort. I watched as my brother was forced to smash the

things he loved because of his actions. My brother, one who seemed untouchable, in absolute

destress, panic, a awful flurry of emotion. I watched my brother finally crumble out of his own

doing. I observed the workings of punishment. I watched carrot or whip occur. Change was a

requirement but reward the good was not working. I saw the human machine altered and changed

because of lack of success.

This taught me a powerful lesson, the worse you do, the worse punishment. This detailed

to me many lessons, those who do not succeed, lose what they want, no one is invincible, and I

must never let go. I etched in my brain the solutions to these issues. I must never fail, I must

always grow to ensure leeway in order to never let that happen to me, and I am just a man. The

world does not care that I have feelings, it cares on results and efficiency. The world cares not

for the strengths of one, just their vulnerabilities. I must use the strengths I have. I can observe

what is happening or what can happen, I can change what is happening, in order to derive
happiness. My brother has educated me to see the world and made me have a goal-oriented mind

set, making me want what I want and to solely focus on it.

I chose to go into bioengineering because of I found the idea of working with people and

machines amazing. People work like machines, so I thought I can apply what I learned about

people to machines and vice versa. If I derive happiness from my career, I will never let it go, I

will always work to keep it. I must know more because if I can be better than the competition,

then I nigh guarantee my position in this career. My mentorship allows me to see the career I

want to go into, which is critical for me. If I do not maintain such passion for my career I will

slowly descend into collapse. I was taught to do my best and more. I must never allow myself to

lose what I enjoy. I have learned to observe from my family, so I may be critical of what I see.

Bioengineering promotes my observative nature that I gained from my brother. Bioengineering

needs creativity and logic, so observing many examples or creations and then applying them with

engineering logic allows me to succeed. I can ensure my happiness with my bioengineering from

my observation of my brother by reinforcing my will and skill. My mentorship gave me a taste of

this field and confirmed my bias. I chose bioengineering because I can dedicate myself to

making one task perfect, applying observed tactics, and achieving happiness from my interest in

the field.

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