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Lesson Plan Shopping

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Unit 2.

Daily Life and School: Zharkyn secondary school


Date: 18.10.2018 Teacher name: Syzdykova S

Grade: 8 Number absent:
The theme Online Shopping
Learning recount some extended stories and events on a growing range
objective(s) that of general and curricular topics
this lesson is understand the detail of an argument on a range of familiar
contributing to general and curricular topics, including some extended texts plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little
support on a growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All students will be able to
- read the text to get the main idea;
- talk about shopping using the text
- Write for and against essay with some support
Most students will be able to
- Apply detailed information in the reading text to talk about
- Do proofread work at text level with little support
- Some students will be able to
- Express their opinions to the issue mentioned in the reading
- plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level
Assessment Students will be considered successful if they are able to answer the
criteria discussing questions in the post- reading activities.
Value links Respect for self and others. Cooperation. Academic honesty. These
values can be fostered through pair, group work, when students do
reading and speaking practice.
Cross curricular Social sciences, Economics
ICT skills Interactive board
Previous learning Daily life and Shopping lessons


Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your Resources
timings planned activities)
Beginning 1.Warm up:
A quick warm-up game is played. Explain to the class that you PPT 2
are going to say a sentence and will chooses someone to
continue the sentence with a new item of shopping. Say the
Yesterday I went shopping and I bought a newspaper.
Choose a member of class to continue:
LEARNER Yesterday I went shopping and I bought a
and a . . .
That person then nominates another learner and so on. The
game PPT 1
finishes when no one can remember the whole list.
2. Teacher elicits from students the theme of the lesson and
introduces the lesson objectives.
Middle 3. Brainstorming
Teacher asks the class to think of types of places where we can PPT 3
- Now, look at the table, find and say where we can buy
these things


Answer key: 1. Clothes shop 2. Chemist 3. Gift shop 4. Coffee

shop 5. Travel agent 6. Book shop 7. Toy shop 8. kiosk
4. Pre-reading
Teacher asks the class if their local shopping area has changed
in the last years - which kinds of shops have appeared or PPT 5
disappeared or changed.
Study skills For-and against essay
• An introduction (presenting the topic)
• A main body (for and against (advantages and PPT 6
disadvantages) points)
• A conclusion (ballanced summary)
Use these linking words for:
• Add points: Firstly, Secondly, To start with, …
• Introduce examples: For instance, Therefore, As,
Since, As a result, ….. PPT 7
• Show contrast: On the other hand, However,
Although + clause, Despite + ing form, ….
• Conclude: In conclusion, To sum up, All in all,
Lastly, . ….

Purchase PPT 8
In a hurry

Reading “Online shopping”
Thinking Hats
1. Each student is given one of six coloured hats. They PPT 9-10
have to view the problem from point of view of that coloured
2. In a group setting each member thinks using the criteria
given for the group’s coloured hat. The group focuses on the
same thinking challenge—this is called focused parallel
thinking--a tool that facilitates creativity and collaboration. It
enables each person's unique point of view to be included and
The six hats:
White hat - This is the information seeking hat. The focus is on
pure facts, figures and objective information. Questions that this
group should ask could include:
• What are the facts?
• What information is available? What is relevant?
• When wearing the white hat we are neutral in our thinking.

Red hat - This is the emotions and feelings hat. It focusses on

hunches and intuition. Questions include:
• What do you feel about the suggestion?
• What are your gut reactions?
• What intuitions do you have?
• Don’t think too long or too hard.

Black hat - This hat plays devil’s advocate. It focuses on logical

and negative judgment - on why it won’t work. This is the
caution hat. Questions include:
• What are the errors or pit-falls?
• What are the risks or dangers involved?
• What difficulties and problems can be identified?

Yellow hat - This hat promotes sunshine, brightness and

optimism. It is the hat of positive constructive thought. The
traits of this hat are that it is positive and constructive. It is
about effectiveness and getting a job done. Questions include:
• What are the benefits, the advantages?
• Logical reasons for decision making given

Green Hat - This is the creative mode of thinking. This hat is

creative and is open to new ideas, movement and provocation.
In the green hat we look to new ideas and solutions. Questions
• What are the ideas and alternative solutions?

Blue Hat - This is the control hat. It is cool and controlled. It

tries to rule over other hats. It sets the focus, calls for the use of
other hats. Blue is for planning.
• Let us reflects on the thinking processes used.
• What plan can we put in place?
Students in groups view Online shopping from different
Exercise 5 Write an essay “Should teenagers have credit

End Reflection PPT 11

5 min Teacher comes back to lessons objectives to understand what
students have done during the lesson.
PPT 12
Students reflect on the lesson by telling five things:
you have learnt today
you have done well
the group has done well
you would like to find out more about
you know now that you didn’t know 50 minutes ago

PPT 13
Homework: W/B EX 1,2,4,5 p.19

Additional information
Differentiation – how Assessment – how are you planning to check Health and
do you plan to give learners’ learning? safety check
more support? How do
you plan to challenge
the more able learners?

• Pair, Group • Points from

Work: Students
• Monitor learners to check reading activities. Safety rules
collaborate in pairs
• Record what they considered they had learned were used at
whose membership from the lesson. Could they express what they this lesson.
changes as needed. had learned about content and language? Could •Breaks and
• Differentiation by they express which skills they had developed? physical
individual support, taking activities
• On-going assessment
into account individual used.
abilities of learners • Formative assessment is held through
• Assessment:
• Differentiation
by enrichment and Use the Survey Says worksheet to determine
support students' understanding of collating the results


Were the lesson

objectives realistic? Did
all learners achieve the
If not, why?
Did my planned
differentiation work
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make
from my plan and why?
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of
individuals that will inform my next lesson?

1. Каждой группе дают одну из шести цветных шляп. Они должны рассмотреть проблему
с точки зрения той цветной шляпы.
2. В группе, устанавливающей каждого участника, думает, используя критерии, данные
для цветной шляпы группы. Внимание группы на ту же самую интеллектуальную
проблему — это называют сосредоточенными взглядами параллели - инструмент,
который облегчает креативность и сотрудничество. Это позволяет уникальной точке
зрения каждого человека быть включенной и рассмотренной.
Эти шесть шляп:
Белая шляпа - Это - информационная шляпа поиска. Центр находится на чистых фактах,
числах и объективной информации. Вопросы, которые должна задать эта группа, могли
• Каковы факты?
• Какая информация доступна? Что релевантно?
• Нося белую шляпу мы нейтральны в наших взглядах.

Красная шляпа - Это - шляпа эмоций и чувств. Это сосредотачивается на догадках и

интуиции. Вопросы включают:
• Что Вы чувствуете о предложении?
• Каковы Ваши реакции пищеварительного тракта?
• Какие интуиции Вы имеете?
• Не думайте слишком долго или слишком трудно.

Черная шляпа - Эта шляпа играет защитника дьявола. Это сосредотачивается на

логическом и отрицательном суждении - на том, почему это не будет работать. Это -
шляпа осторожности. Вопросы включают:
• Каковы ошибки или ловушки?
• Что включены риски или опасности?
• Какие трудности и проблемы могут быть определены?

Желтая шляпа - Эта шляпа способствует солнечному свету, яркости и оптимизму. Это -
шляпа положительной конструктивной мысли. Черты этой шляпы - то, что это
положительно и конструктивно. Это об эффективности и получении сделанной работы.
Вопросы включают:
• Каковы преимущества, преимущества?
• Логические причины данного принятия решения

Грин Хэт - Это - творческий способ мышления. Эта шляпа творческая и расстегнутая для
новых идей, движения и провокации. В зеленой шляпе мы обращаемся к новым идеям и
решениям. Вопросы включают:
• Каковы идеи и альтернативные решения?

Синий Хэт - Это - шляпа контроля. Это прохладно и управляется. Это пытается управлять
по другим шляпам. Это устанавливает центр, призывает к использованию других шляп.
Синий для планирования.
• Позвольте нам, размышляет над используемыми мыслительными процессами.
• Какой план мы можем положить на место?

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