Understanding The Self The Digital Self: Padua, Rosleen Hannah L. Dvm-1Bstm

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Padua, Rosleen Hannah L.




Reflective Essay 1

The technology which is present in our environment is now relied upon in the
generation of the millennial. Our everyday habits and routines include using gadgets,
appliances, and other technological equipment. As a member of the millennial
generation, I use technology, gadgets, and social media in my personal life,
particularly to further my education, stay in touch with friends, family, and loved
ones, and find products that suit our everyday lives.

Your "digital self" is your online persona. Some people have one or more online
identities that are distinct from their real-world personalities, while others have a
single online self that is approximately the same as the one they occupy there. The
simple answer is that if you register for a website using your real name or appear and
log in as yourself, you have an online presence that might be connected to your
physical location. It's difficult to conceal your online presence, difficult to control,
and straightforward for hiring managers and recruiters to find you. Maintaining
adequate control over your online identity is essential for ensuring that your business
and public image are presented in the best light.

Although my digital self is not quite my ideal self, it is still not too far off. Social
media has made me more vulnerable and open, which makes me more vulnerable.
Through social media, I gain more motivation to complete my work and am more
inspired to face and overcome obstacles in life. My digital self and my ideal self are
rather different from one another, particularly in terms of how I find the will and
fortitude to overcome obstacles. As I previously stated, social media provides me with
the drive and fortitude I need to be my best digital self. However, when it comes to
being my ideal self, I find and derive my drive and fortitude from the people around
me, particularly my family and friends, who support and encourage me in everything I
do. In addition, how I portray myself in person may differ from how I portray myself
online. I am sometimes more at ease speaking to someone online, and vice versa,
depending on the situation. Because I'm not interacting face-to-face, I feel less shy
when I'm being my digital self and can say and share whatever I want online.The
main distinction between my digital self and ideal self is that I am free to move
around in my digital self without having to pretend everything is okay, especially
when there are issues.

We build our digital selves, in my opinion. My brain is still capable of doing this, and
I don't think the Internet has harmed it. Our lives can indeed be made easier by the
Internet. The Internet, however, has no impact on our basic propensity for violence or
our capacity for love, just as it has no impact on the fundamental truth of my
reasoning. There are many benefits and drawbacks to using various social media sites,
so we must exercise responsibility when interacting online.
Reflective Essay 2

Being a college student and attending university is difficult. I've come here to better
my chances, but despite my home life experiences, I'm not sure what is expected of
me in this foreign atmosphere. I believe I need to improve in a lot of different areas
when it comes to my study habits. I'll need to develop a crucial study habit, which is
time management. Regarding different subjects, my study habits are often the same.
Study habits aid students in understanding their coursework and in creating a
comfortable and engaging learning environment. I need to develop a good study
habits if I want to succeed in life. I'm hoping that by adapting to the changes around
me, I can make things better for everyone and return to my normal position. Sincerely
speaking, I have come across very few individuals who enjoy learning anything that is
presented to them, unless they have a strong passion in that particular field. Being
passionate about the subject helps since it makes studying more enjoyable.
I believe I do a pretty good job of following techniques that has given on this topic.
By reading everything first and then using outlines in class, I know that I'm working
smarter rather than harder. After reading everything, I'll go to further simplifications
of the knowledge. By reviewing the content a few days before my test, I also
eliminate the need to cram. Mnemonics are something I should think about doing
because I don't currently utilize them. In order to learn the topics I need to know for
each of my classes, my study habits include a variety of methods. Prior to class
discussion, I like to read the information from the textbook. Then, while in class, I try
to comprehend how the material in the textbook connects to what is being taught by
taking notes. Then, a couple of days or so before an exam or quiz, I review my notes
and outlines and make note cards for the terms I need to be familiar with. After that, I
devote as much time to studying as is necessary to master the material, taking into
account both its difficulty and the volume of information that must be learned. I can
use implicit memory in class if I have already read the content. Even if I don't fully
grasp what I read, it will still aid in my understanding of what I study in class. It
would take too much time for me to read the chapter repeatedly, and I couldn't
possibly learn everything from doing so. If you are learning something new, it may be
challenging to understand what is being taught to you. I might be able to comprehend
what is being discussed in class more clearly by using implicit memory.
Reflecting on my own study patterns and being aware of what and when I acquire and
retain information the most effectively are also examples of exercising person
knowledge because they include my considering and comprehending my own learning
and studying capacities. Healthy study habits that you develop as a student eventually
become your concentration habits as an adult, and they may have a big positive
impact on how you live your life and how you can have a truly interesting and
balanced approach to a healthy existence going ahead. What's most exciting is that if
students are ready and able to develop these wholesome focus habits now, it will not
only change the way they study in the present but also open up amazing possibilities
for them in the future.
Reflective Essay 3

Stress is unavoidable in life. Stress is unavoidable in one's existence. As a result, the

ultimate goal is to eliminate unneeded stress from your life rather than to eradicate
stress entirely. One should learn how to deal with various stressful situations. Learning
to deal with stress in a healthy way will make you, those you care about, and those
around you more resilient.
I looked at some of the coping mechanisms I employed after experiencing a stressful
situation in which I misplaced my phone during a hiking excursion. I came to the
conclusion that I lacked several personality traits that would have altered how I would
have reacted. Stress tolerance was one of the things I lacked. I altered my behavior
during the trip after I learned I was traveling without my phone. With everything going
on around me, I was barely paying attention. I was unable to experience the same level
of happiness as the people we were with during the event. Another thing that helped me
know I couldn't handle stress was when I sobbed in front of everyone when I realized I
had left my phone at the campground and there was nothing anyone could do to stop
me. I was having physical and psychological problems as a result of the encounter. The
stomach aches and migraines were indications that the stress I was under at the time had
really taken a toll on me.
You can handle typical stress symptoms once you are aware of them. Finding your
personal relaxation techniques is incredibly beneficial because everyone is unique. I
have discovered more about myself throughout this course, including the fact that stress
is more common than I had previously realized and that it affects people all over the
world. I've discovered that if I take the time to practice breathing techniques or write in
a notebook about my feelings, I immediately experience a great sense of relaxation and
am far less anxious. Making a list and planning ahead has proven to reduce my stress
when I have a lot to do. When I have a lot to accomplish, I've discovered that making a
list and planning ahead reduces my stress. I've discovered that practicing breathing
exercises makes me feel much more at ease and comfortable whether I'm in a
demanding position or when the stress of the week has reached its peak for me.
I have learned that I am not doing so well in coping with stress from life since I have
been taking this class. There have been numerous incidents that have served as warning
indicators for both my health and my emotions, but I have ignored them all. To
comprehend how to handle life's stresses and unforeseen circumstances, it is first
necessary to establish what the word "adjustment" means in physiology. Situations and
difficulties we encounter in daily life. “Adjustment is the physiological process of
adapting, coping with and managing.” (Santrock, 2006. P.5). Even though I need to
develop greater self-control, I believe that I manage work stress when it arises in a
positive manner by constantly looking for solutions.

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