Pregnancy & Dietary Deficiencies

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Sociodemographic factors affecting pregnancy and dietary requirements

SOC 4144

Prof. Willow Scobie

Saabtavy Basharan (8697403)

A balanced diet is encompassing and reflecting of access to knowledge and the means to attain

the goals of nutrient and quality diet intake. This entails the sociodemographic, environmental,

socioeconomic, and physical involvement aspects. The fundamental requirements of a healthy

dietary habits include consuming foods and food groups with a high macro and micronutrients.

This will ensure that the mother achieves a healthy weight gain and avoids the consumption of

harmful foods. Many studies have shown that there is an increased risk of adverse pregnancies,

should these dietary habit changes are not made. Sociodemographic, health education, lifestyle,

and environmental factors determine the dietary restrictions and patterns during pregnancy. A

balanced diet, during the time of pregnancy is one of the main factors that impact both maternal

and fetal health, as well as the child’s development throughout the life course. There have been

recent epidemiological studies that have emphasized the importance of practicing healthy dietary

habits and forming patterns during pregnancy. 

To assess the prevalence of dietary inadequacy amongst the individuals that place on a lower

position, socio demographically, it is important to understand what social chance is, and the

influence it has on individuals in society. Social change takes place all around the human

population, in different walks of life, through medicine, globalization, gender norms, sexuality,

etc. Social change is not a linear process, rather the ongoing transformation that affects the day-

to-day relationship one presents with, against the world. It is important to understand that social

change is a process that takes place over a period, leaving a lasting effect upon society. In most,

if not all cases, the purpose of social change is to reinforce a positive attitude or behavior in

society, resulting in beneficial attitudes that are spread society-wide. 

As a social change becomes an official part of the society, it can be deemed a public policy,

which affects every member in society whether they actively take part in the implementation. An

example of this is the implementation of health regulations ensuring clean air, water and food.

The implementation of public policies can also take place through the enhancement or through a

change in old policies. 

Public policies, inevitably, exist in healthcare and medicine as well. Healthcare institutions are

very much affected by public policies, and are applicable in many aspects, from finance to the

actual practice of medicine. These applicable health policies are affected by technological and

medical advancements, as well as changes in management. 

In focusing on social change, many social factors have become essential components to leading a

healthy lifestyle. These components include education status, socialization & urbanization, food

& healthcare security, housing, and lack of poverty. Many physicians also advocate for the

education on the healthcare system, human rights, global health, and healthcare disparities

amongst the professionals. 

When socioeconomic status remains at a low, the level of medical care given is of a lesser value,

and inadequate, associating with adverse pregnancy outcomes. A study conducted in Korea,

explains that the healthcare system is segregated into two sections - the Medical Aid system for

low-income families and the National health Insurance system for the middle and high-income

families. The Medical Aid system provides access to healthcare to those at bottom of the

hierarchy, at a “minimum cost.” The main finding amongst this study is that individuals with a
lower socioeconomic status, received less frequent prenatal care and were at a higher risk for

obstetric complications, such as cesarean deliveries, abortion, stillbirth and perineal tear, to name

a few.

In implementing the importance of dietary habits and adequate nutrient intake, it is important to

identify the factors that influence these choices, assessing the needs, developments, public health

advocacies and interventions. It is important to be well versed and aligned with health-conscious

behaviors such as influence of age, education, physical activity, etc. The environmental

pollutants that exist in the food we consume - for example, the existence of methyl mercury in

seafood - also contribute to the choices we make, dietarily. The lack of key nutrients, such as

iron, iodine, zinc, folate and calcium, can lead to preeclampsia, anemia, hemorrhage and even

death in mothers. Not consuming an adequate amount of macro and micronutrients can also lead

to the retardation in fetal development during the earlier stage of pregnancy. To be specific, there

is evidence of deficiency of folate and the development of the neural tube - anencephaly and

spina bifida. 

In relation to the fetus, it can lead to stillbirth, low birthweight, and developmental delays. It is

important for breastfeeding mothers to consume an additional 330-400 kilocalories per day in

order to remain well-nourished. In maintaining a healthy diet prior to and during gestation, the

development of the embryo from which the fetus is formed. This takes place when the embryo is

implanted in the wall of the uterus and divides into the fetus and the placenta. A well-balanced

diet has an influence on the proportion of nutrients that travel towards forming the fetus versus

the placenta. When malnutrition takes place, a greater proportion of nutrients travel towards

forming the placenta, allowing for compensation in the development of the fetus. This, evidently,
increases the likelihood of a premature birth, or an infant that is extremely underweight. A study

conducted with the Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition (APrON) in 2009, analyzed

dietary changes among new mothers, and the reasons for said modifications. Some of the

common dietary changes were increments of dairy, fruit and sweets while decreasing caffeine,

alcohol, and fish. 

According to Unicef, women are required to have certain nutrient thresholds that must be met

over the course of their life, especially during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. This will not

only benefit the well-being of mothers, but also their children’s development. In many countries

around the world, the nutritional value of their consumption is far too low, putting their babies at

risk in terms of survival, growth, and development. Although many, if not most women, are

aware that diet is one of the most important aspects during pregnancy, they may not have the

means, knowledge or skill required to improve upon their diet. The lack of dietary knowledge,

regarding the consequences of dietary deficiency, can transcribe into the result of excess dietary

indiscretion, which may lead to either the deficiency or excess of energy and nutrients, leading

into an abnormal pregnancy. 

A study illustrates that pregnant women experience complex social factors, many of which have

gone unaddressed. According to the article, there were external studies that highlighted a few

social issues that have impacted the outcome of either the child, the mother or both members.

Saving Mothers’ Lives (2007) focused on the aspect of socially excluded women being at a

higher risk of death during or after pregnancy. It was studied that overall, 17% of the women

who died, had only sought maternity care after 22 weeks of gestational age. Maternity Matters
(2007) focused on the women in vulnerable groups, who recognize their pregnancy and attend to

it later. It was also addressed that perhaps the maternity services needed to be provided with

flexibility in regards to time and place, to meet their needs. Perinatal Mortality (2009) illustrated

that non-white, ethnic women were prone to stillbirth and neonatal death rates that were almost

double than that of white women. There was also attention drawn towards the stress that was

experienced during the pregnancy that caused the subsequent effect on fetal development. As

conclusion in the report, according to the NICE guideline, the antenatal care routine was

illustrated to emphasize providing choice, easy access, and continuity of care. Pregnancy care

should revolve around making informed, autonomous decisions based on necessity, after

consulting with a healthcare professional. It is important that families are involved and informed

as well, while respecting their views, beliefs, goals, morals, and values. Clear communication

between healthcare professionals and making those resources accessible are also vital. There is

recognition that there is no set list of social factors, rather a range that may impact pregnancy.

For instance, unemployment, poverty, lack of knowledge, lack of support system, etc). 

This guideline also sheds light on those who have recently immigrated into the country within

the past year, as either asylum seekers or refugees. It is to be noted that these women may not be

fully competent with the language spoken in the foreign country of residency. Some

complications and poor outcomes can be the result of difficult accessing services in foreign

language due to barriers in communication. This improvement is the main focus of the guideline,

which would appropriately be targeting migrant women, as a whole, in consideration. Given that

the focus and scope of the study is giving through towards the most appropriate method of

maternity care, overcoming barriers and facilitating change such as interpretation services,
communication of information to mothers and allowing for autonomy in decision making, and

finally, the thorough usage of resources. 

In conclusion, having a low sociodemographic and low socio-economic status, evidently affects

the health, access to health care and level of care provided to an expecting mother. The

limitations arise from the lack of knowledge to take a different route, the lack of ability to afford

a higher-level of care and the lack of access to care due external barriers such as means of

transport and language difference, to name a few. It is essential that authorities and health care

professionals should work towards eliminating the discrimination of humans and the existence of

barriers affecting adverse pregnancy complications.


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