Tes Evaluasi Level 3 - Part 1

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UTBK - Literasi Bahasa Inggris

English Level 3
Tes Evaluasi Level 3 - Part 1
Doc Name:001235 Tes Evaluasi Level 3 - Part 1 Version:202212120857

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No. 1
The collapse of the colonial empires of the past and proclamation of independence of African countries did not mean the
end of an era of exploitation of former dependent countries, both from the former colonial powers, and by the other
industrialized world-powers. Classic colonialism, based on military coercion and implying incorporation of colonial
territories into the political system of the metropolis, has given way to neocolonialism. 
The latter is a latent form, not based on direct coercion and deprivation of sovereignty exploitation of developing
countries by the developed world-powers. Neocolonialism included numerous specific methods of political and economic
manipulation. These include the planting of corruption and outright bribery of African political elites, the system of bonded
loans, the use of so-called humanitarian aid as a tool of manipulation, the use of armed force in the name of maintenance
of peace, and the use of inciting tribalist conflict.

Source: inafran.ru (with modifications)

Which of these statements is correct according to the passage?

A. African countries have been exploited by the colonial empires before neocolonialism arose.
B. Developing African countries have not been totally freed from colonialists.
C. Developed world-powers have used military coercion to exploit African countries until now.
D. The colonial empires had planted corruption before neocolonialism arose.
E. Developing African countries have been coerced indirectly by the developed world-powers.

No. 2
Which of these statements is incorrect?

A. Will you have done everything by seven?

B. Will we have arrived by the time it gets dark?
C. This Sunday they’ll have been staying in London for three weeks.
D. I won’t have left by six.
E. I don't know if Sarah is coming. I will have talked to her tomorrow.

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UTBK - Literasi Bahasa Inggris
English Level 3
Tes Evaluasi Level 3 - Part 1
Doc Name:001235 Tes Evaluasi Level 3 - Part 1 Version:202212120857

No. 3
Studying the biomechanics of the vertebra, Marianne Porter of Florida Atlantic University has found the relationship
between the vertebral column and band pair changes in sharks. Small, medium and large specimens of seven shark
species were examined and included shortfin mako, white, porbeagle, dusky, blue, common thresher, and Atlantic angel
The goal of the study was to explore the potential relationship between band pair formation, vertebral structure and body
shape, and not just age. Examining different species allowed differences in the band pair deposition rates, swimming style,
body shapes, and maximum sizes to be considered.

source : https://www.sciencedaily.com (with modification)

How many gerund phrases and present participle phrases can you find in this paragraph?

A. Gerund Phrase : 2, Present Participle Phrase: 1

B. Gerund Phrase : 1, Present Participle Phrase : 2
C. Gerund Phrase : 1, Present Participle Phrase : 1
D. Gerund Phrase : 2 Present Participle Phrase : 0
E. Gerund Phrase : 0, Present Participle Phrase : 2

No. 4
Tama: Perhaps we should sell this cupboard for our next week's expense.
Hana: You know what, ...

Which sentence is correct to fill the blank in Hana's statement?

A. if I had a million dollars, I will divorce you.

B. if I had married the other guy, I would not have gone through this suffering.
C. I would not have known suffering if I don't know you.
D. if they hadn't signed the contract, we would have been rich.
E. if you hadn't been unemployed, I wouldn't have sold my mom's antique earrings.

No. 5
Restaurante Botin is a cozy, family-owned restaurant in Madrid, Spain, located next to the Plaza Mayor and known for its
traditional Spanish dishes. It also holds the Guinness World Record for being the oldest restaurant in the world!
The restaurant was opened in 1725 by French chef Jean Botin, initially as an inn and tavern, under unique conditions and
restrictions. Throughout the 18th century, it was illegal for tavern-owners to sell food themselves. Instead, diners would
bring their own meat, wine, and food, and the restaurant would prepare it for them. This was a common Spanish practice
not exclusive to Botin’s establishment, but Restaurante Botin is one of the few inns and taverns that has survived to this
day, eventually transitioning into a modern-day restaurant.

Source: travelawaits.com

Which of these statements is true according to the passage?

A. Restaurante Botin has already been selling their food for nearly 300 years.
B. Spanish tavern owners have only been preparing diners’ food until now.
C. Jean Botin has been owning the restaurant for nearly 300 years.
D. Restaurante Botin has been serving Spanish dishes for nearly 300 years.
E. Spanish diners have been transitioning to more traditional Spanish restaurants.

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zenius.net @zeniuseducation
UTBK - Literasi Bahasa Inggris
English Level 3
Tes Evaluasi Level 3 - Part 1
Doc Name:001235 Tes Evaluasi Level 3 - Part 1 Version:202212120857

No. 6
I was at my friend’s house yesterday (1). We had been playing a new video game he bought (2). Sadly, we had to stop not
long after that because there was a huge thunderstorm (3). It lasted for hours (4)! I was even stuck at his house and could
only go home after dinner (5).

Which sentence contains the Past Perfect Continuous Tense?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

No. 7
Some of the most notorious of the CIA’s operations to kill world leaders were those targeting the late Cuban president,
Fidel Castro. Attempts ranged from snipers to imaginative plots worthy of spy movie fantasies, such as the famous
exploding cigars and a poison-lined scuba-diving suit.
But although the CIA attempts proved fruitless in the case of Castro, the US intelligence agency has since 1945 succeeded in
deposing or killing a string of leaders elsewhere around the world – either directly or, more often, using sympathetic local
military, locally hired criminals or pliant dissidents.

Given the long list of US involvement in coups and assassinations worldwide, the agency was forced to cut back on such
killings after a US Senate investigation in the 1970s exposed the scale of its operations.

Following the investigation, then president Gerald Ford signed in 1976 an executive order stating: “No employee of the
United States government shall engage in, or conspire in, political assassination.”

Source: theguardian.com

Which of these sentences best summarizes the passage?

A. The CIA had been trying to kill world leaders until president Ford found out about its operations.
B. The CIA had been targeting world leaders after an executive order was signed.
C. The CIA has been engaging in assassinations until the US Senate investigated its operations.
D. The CIA had been investigating assassinations until the US Senate exposed its operations.
E. The CIA had been engaging in assassinations until president Ford signed an executive order.

No. 8
Which sentence is not a correct form of the Future Perfect Tense?

A. I will have finished my homework tomorrow.

B. I will have baked the cake tonight.
C. I will not have left at 11 AM.
D. Will you have eaten your lunch by 1 PM?
E. She will have been reading that book for two hours.

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zenius.net @zeniuseducation
UTBK - Literasi Bahasa Inggris
English Level 3
Tes Evaluasi Level 3 - Part 1
Doc Name:001235 Tes Evaluasi Level 3 - Part 1 Version:202212120857

No. 9
       Can’t stop checking your phone, even when you’re not expecting any important messages? Blame your brain.
       A new study by researchers at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business has found that information acts on the brain’s
dopamine-producing reward system in the same way as money or food.
    “To the brain, information is its own reward, above and beyond whether it’s useful,” said Assoc. Prof. Ming Hsu, a
neuroeconomist whose research employs functional magnetic imaging (fMRI), psychological theory, economic modeling,
and machine learning. “And just as our brains like empty calories from junk food, they can overvalue information that
makes us feel good but may not be useful–what some may call idle curiosity.”
Source: Neurosciencenews.com

Which of these sentences corresponds to the text above?

A. Information addiction, a condition in which our brain produces dopamine, is real.

B. Assoc, researcher at UC Berkeley, has found that the brain overvalues information that makes us feel good but
may not be useful.
C. Information, whether it’s useful or not, ceases the brain’s dopamine-producing reward system.
D. The neuroeconomist Prof. Ming Hsu has found that information makes our brains feel good regardless of its
E. Information addiction, a condition in which the brain filters out information, hijacks the brain’s dopamine-
producing reward system.

No. 10
Ksenia’s mom is constantly worried about her. If Ksenia ... how to take care of herself, her mom ... about her so much.

A. knew, wouldn’t have worried

B. has known, wouldn’t worry
C. knew, wouldn’t worry
D. had known, wouldn’t have worried
E. would know, hadn’t worried

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