MCQ Series-5 Applied Mathematics-XII (Application of Derivatives) M.C.Q.

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Applied Mathematics-XII
(Application of Derivatives)
1. The interval on which the function ( ) is decreasing is
a. [-1, ) b. ( c. [-2, -1] d. [-1, 1]
2. The function ( ) strictly increases on
a. (-2, 1) c. ( ) ( )
b. (0, ) d. none of these
3. The function ( ) is strictly
a. Decreasing in (1, ) c. increasing in (- , 1)
b. Increasing (1, ) d. increasing in (-1, 1)
4. The function ( ) is strictly decreasing in the interval
a. (- ) b. (1, ) c. (-1, ) d. none of these
5. The function ( ) is increasing on the interval
a. (0, e] b. ( ) c. ( ) d. none of these
6. If is real, the minimum value of is
a. -1 b. 0 c. 1 d. 2
7. The minimum value of is
a. 75 b. 55 c. 50 d. 25
8. The function ( ) has a local minimum at
a. b. c. d.
9. The minimum value of is
a. e b. c. e2 d. 2e
10. The maximum slope of the curve is
a. 0 b. 12 c. 16 d. 32
11. If ( ) , then
a. ( ) c. ( )
b. ( ) d. ( )
12. The least value of the function ( ) ( ) is
a. √ b. √ c. d.
13. For manufacturing a certain item, the fixed cost is Rs. 9000 and the variable cost of
producing each unit is Rs. 30. The average cost of producing 60 units is
a. Rs. 150 b. Rs. 180 c. Rs. 240 d. Rs. 120
14. If the demand function is , when is the number of units produced and is
the price per unit, then the revenue function ( ) is
a. ( ) c. ( )
b. ( ) d. ( )
15. If the selling price of a commodity is fixed at Rs. 45 and the cost function is ( )
, then the breakeven point is
a. b. c. d.
16. The demand function of a monopolist is given by . The quantity at
which MR (marginal revenue) = 0 will be
a. 25 b. 10 c. 50 d. 40
17. If the total cost of producing units of a commodity is given by ( )
, then the marginal cost when is
a. Rs. 25 b. Rs. 20 c. Rs. 30 d. Rs. 50
18. If the total cost function is given by ( ) , then the marginal
average cost function (MAC) is given by
a. c.
b. d.
19. If the total cost function for a production of units of a commodity is given by
, then the number of units produced for which MC = AC is
a. 4 b. 6 c. 9 d. 36
20. If the total cost function of producing units of a commodity is given by
, then the level of output at which the total cost is minimum is
a. 24 b. 12 c. 6 d. 3
21. If the demand function for a product is where is the number of units and
is the price per unit, then the value of for which the revenue will be maximum is
a. 40 b. 20 c. 10 d. 80
22. The function ( ) ( ) increases on the interval
a. (1, 2) (b) (2, 3) (c) (1, 3) (d) (2, 4)
23. Function ( ) is increasing on R, if
a. (b) (c) (d)
24. The least and greatest values of ( ) in [0, 6] are
a. 3, 4 (b) 0, 54 (c) 0, 3 (d) 3, 6
25. If ( ) , then its greatest value is
a. –2 (b) 0 (c) 3 (d) none of these
Question:- A particle is moving along the curve represented by the polynomial
( ) ( )( ) , as shown in the figure given below:

Based on the above information, answer the following questions:

26.The critical points of polynomial ( ) are:
(a) 2, (b) 2, (c) 2, (d) 2,
27.The interval where ( ) is strictly increasing is
(a) ( ] [ ) (c) [ )
(b) ( ] [ ) (d) ( )
28.The interval where ( ) is strictly decreasing is
(a)( ) (b) ( ) (c) [0, 2] (d) none of these
29.What is the local minimum value of ( ) ( )( ) ?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 3
30.What is the point of local maxima for ( ) ( )( ) ?
(a) 2 (b) (c) 0 (d)

Question:-Mr. Dhar is an architect. He designed a building and

provided and entry door in the shape of a rectangle
surmounted by a semicircular opening. The perimeter
of the door is 10 m.

Based on the above information, answer the following questions:

31.If 2x metres and y metres be the breadth and the height of
the rectangular part of the door, then the relation between
x and y is
(a) ( ) (c)
(b) ( ) (d) ( )
32.If A (sq. m) is the area enclosed by the door, then
(a) A = ( ) (c) A = ( )
(b) A = ( ) (d) a = ( )
33.To allow maximum airflow inside the building, the width of the door is
(a) (b) (c) (d)
34.To allow maximum airflow inside the building, the height of the door is
(a) (b) (c) (d)
35.The area of the door which permits the maximum airflow inside the building is
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Question:- A cable network provider in small town has 500 subscribers and he used to
collect Rs. 300 per month from each subscriber. He proposes to increase the monthly
charges and it is believed from past experience that for every increase of Rs. 1, one
subscriber will discontinue
Based on the above information, answer the following questions:
36.If Rs. x is the monthly increase in subscription amount, then the number of subscribers
(a) x (b) 500 – x (c) x – 500 (d) none of these
37.Total revenue ‘R’ is given by (in Rs.)
(a) R = 300x + 300 (500 - x) (c) R = (300 + x)(500 – x)
(b) R = (300 +x)(500 + x) (d) R = 300x + 500 (x + 1)
38.The number of subscribers which gives the maximum revenue is
(a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 300 (d) 400
39.What is increase in charges per subscriber that yields maximum revenue?
(a) x = Rs. 100 (b) x = Rs. 200 (c) x = Rs. 300 (d) x = Rs. 400
40.The maximum revenue generated is
(a) Rs. 200000 (b) Rs. 180000 (c) Rs. 160000 (d) Rs. 150000

Questions:- A company is planning to launch a new product and decides to pack the new
product in closed right circular cylindrical cans of volume 432 cm3. The cans are to
be made from tin sheet. The company tried different options.

Based on the above information, answer the following questions:

41. If r cm is the radius of the base of the cylinder and h cm is height, then
(a) rh = 216 (b) r(r + h)=216 (c) rh2 = 432 (d) r2h = 432
42. If S cm2 is the surface area of the closed cylindrical can, then
(a) S = 2 ( ) (c) S = ( )
(b) S = ( ) (d) S =
43. For S to be minimum r is equal to
(a) 3 cm (b) 6 cm (c) 8 cm (d) 12 cm
44. Minimum surface area of cylindrical can is
(a) 54 cm2 (b) 108 cm2 (c) 216 cm2 (d) none of these
45. The relation between the radius and the height of cylindrical can of minimum surface
are is
(a) height is equal to radius of base
(b) height is equal to twice the radius of base
(c) radius is equal to twice the height
(d) radius is two-third of the height
Question:- A factory owner wants to construct a tank with rectangular base and rectangular
sides, open at the top, so that its depth is 2 m and capacity is 8 m3. The building of the
tank costs Rs. 280 per square metre for the base and Rs. 180 per square metre for the
Based on the above information, answer the following questions:
46.If the length and the breadth of the rectangular base of the tank are x metres and y
metres respectively, then the relation between x and y is
(a) x + y = 4 (b) xy = 4 (c) xy = 8 (d) xy + x + y = 4
47.The cost of construction of the base of the tank is
(a) Rs. 180 (x + y) (c) Rs. 720 (x + y)
(b) Rs. 360 (x + y) (d) Rs. 1120 (x + y)
48.If C (in Rs.) is the cost of construction of the tank, then C as a function of x is
(a) C = 1120 + 720 ( ) (c) C = 1120 + 360 ( )
(b) C = 720 + 1120 ( ) (d) C = 1120 + 180 ( )
49.The cost of construction of the tank is least when the value of x is
(a) 1 (b) (c) 2 (d) 3
50.The least cost of construction of the tank is
(a) Rs. 2000 (b) Rs. 3000 (c) Rs. 3600 (d) Rs. 4000

1. C 14. A 27. D 40. C
2. B 15. D 28. A 41. D
3. B 16. C 29. C 42. A
4. A 17. B 30. B 43. B
5. C 18. C 31. A 44. C
6. C 19. B 32. C 45. B
7. A 20. D 33. B 46. B
8. B 21. A 34. B 47. C
9. A 22. B 35. D 48. A
10. B 23. D 36. B 49. C
11. C 24. B 37. C 50. D
12. B 25. A 38. D
13. B 26. B 39. A

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