Lenlgtlh, Mnaterial: Anld Giveni. Eachl

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2, iFBRUARY 1978

sprightly style and is interesting from cover to cover. The comments, discrete Fourier transform, and other properties of discrcte time systems.
critiques, and summaries that accompany the chapters are very helpful in Oppenheim and Schafer also discuss in some detail the fast Fourier
crystalizing the ideas and answering questions that may arise, particularly transform algorithms, which are given only cursory attentioni by Rabinier
to the self-learner. The transparency in the presentation of the material in and Gold. Both texts treat the theory of digital filters at lenlgtlh, but again
the book equips the reader to proceed quickly to a wealth of problems with different emphasis. Altogether, these basic topics mlake up about half
included at the end of each chapter. These problems ranging from elemen- of each of the two books.
tary to research-level are very valuable in that a solid working knowledge In the remaining two halves the difference in the choice of mnaterial
of the invariant imbedding techniques is acquired as well as good insight reflects the authors' own research interests, particularly in applications.
in attacking problems in various applied areas. Furthermore, a useful Oppenheim and Schafer devote one chapter to homomorphic filtering of
selection of references is given at the end of each chapter. various types of signals and another to autocovariance and power spec-
This book may not appeal to those mathematicians who are interested trum estimation. Rabiner and Gold, instead, write four chapters on hard-
primarily in the sophistication of mathematical theory, because the ware aspects of digital signal processing, and concentrate on radar and
authors have deliberately avoided all pseudo-sophistication in attaining speech processing in their last two applications chapters.
transparency of exposition. Precisely for the same reason the majority of Digital signal processing teachers will probably find Oppenheim and
the intended readers who are applications-oriented and are eager to use Schafer more suitable as a course textbook in view of its more extended
the techniques quickly in their own fields will welcome and appreciate the treatment of basic material and the inclusion of a large number of prob-
efforts put into writing this book. From a purely mathematical point of lems, which are completely absent in Rabiner and Gold. However, some of
view, some of the invariant imbedding results may be considered to be the advanced material can only be found in the latter. If one can afford it, I
generalizations of the classical theory of first-order partial differential would strongly advise the purchase of both. At the prices, both are
equations, and a part of the analysis of invariant imbedding is still at a excellent value.
somewhat heuristic stage despite successes in many computational appli- The reviewer is less enthused by Brigham's book. Not thcat it is poorly
cations. However, those who are concerned with mathematical rigor will written, in fact, it is quite easy to read. I particularly like the author's use ol
find opportunities to explore the foundations of the invariant imbedding figures as aids to explanation. A reader with background in calculus anld
method. computer programming should have no difficulty in learning the method
In conclusion, let me quote the following: "What is the best method to of fast Fourier transform from this book. Some Fortrani routines are giveni.
obtain the solution to a problem'? The answer is, any way that works." The main reason for my dissatisfaction with the book is its thinnless,
(Richard P. Feyman, Engineering and Science, March 1965, Vol. XXVIII, both physically speaking and contentwise. Though its price cannot be
no. 6, p. 9.) In this well-written book, Bellman and Wing have indeed considered excessive in today's market, one cannot help noticing that eachl
accomplished the task of introducing the simplicity of the invariant im- of the other two books reviewed here has more than twice the number of
bedding method to tackle various problems of interest to engineers, physi- pages but costs only slightly more. In regard to conitent, Brigham tries to
cists, applied mathematicians, and numerical analysts. do no more than introduce Fourier series, the F'ourier integral, anid the
discrete Fourier transform: derive several fast Fourier transform algor-
ithms; and demonstrate the evaluation of correlation and consvolutioni via
the Fourier transform. Little attention is given to such conisiderations as
accuracy and error propagation, fast algorithms for bit reversal sorting
Digital Signal Processing-A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer (Engle- (for both internally and externally stored data), hardware realizatiolns, etc.,
which are so importanit in practical applicationis. Further. though the
wood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975, 608 pp.).
author does a good job in presenting the material clealily nld coOIl-
Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing--- L. R. Rabiner and B. prehensibly through most of the book, overall, the treatment is conlVenl-
Gold (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975, 720 pp.). tional and somewhat superficial. Reading the book, one hardly gets a
The Fast Fourier Transform-E. 0. Brigham (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 1974, 252 pp.). feeling of the exciting and revolutionary effect the fast F ourier transform
has had on digital signal processing.
Reviewed by C. K. Yuen, Atistraliani National University, Canberra,
A4ustralia. Although the fast Fourier tranisform is of interest to numerous disci-
plines, it is still reasonable to expect that most of this book's readers would
As the reader may have already recognized, the five authors listed above be engineers and physical scientists. Such people would already know
have all published extensively on various aspects of digital signal proces- about Fourier series and the Fourier integral, and( perhaps the discrete
sing in the past ten years or so. With these three books, they bring to the Fourier transform also. They might find it more worthwhile to study the
reader the benefit of their wide experience with this exciting and still relevant chapters of Oppenheim and Schafer. or refer to original papers, in
fast-developing subject. order to learn the fast Fourier transform. Even those with less background
The reviewer is favorably impressed by both of the digital processing may be better off doing that if they are willing to make the effort in order
texts. In each, one finds the most up-to-date material presented with to learn more. All in all, The FIust I- ourier Trasfiorori
1 is not ,t badl book
clarity and with the right amount of rigor for the intended audience. but, had the author tried a little harder, by including otorc material and
Overall, the formerassumes somewhat less previous background and treating what he did include more imaginatively. it would hblve been so
gives more extended treatment to basic topics like the z-transform, miuch better.

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