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Department of Environmental Protection Library

SCM Chemicals Ltd
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The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) invites people to make a submission on this proposal.

SCM Chemicals Ltd (now known as Millennium Inorganic Chemicals) is proposing to expand its existing chloride process titanium dioxide plant at
Kemerton to permit an increase in production to 195.000 tonnes per annum, and to establish a new finishing plant at Kemerton with a capacity to
process up to 116.000 tonnes per annum of pigment. This Consultative Environmental Review (CER) has been prepared by SCM Chemicals to meet the
requirements of the Western Australian Government. This CER describes the proposal, examines the key environmental factors and discusses the
proposed environmental management procedures. The CER will be available for comment for 4 weeks commencing Monday 3 November 1997.

Comments from Government agencies and the public will assist the EPA to prepare an assessment report in which it will make recommendations to the
Minister for the Environment.

Copies of the CER may be obtained from:

Millennium Inorganic Chemicals Ltd

P0 Box 245
(08) 9780 8333


A submission is a way to provide information, express your opinion and put forward your suggested course of action - including any alternative
approach. It is useful if you indicate any suggestions you have to improve the proposal.

All submissions received by the EPA will be acknowledged. Submissions will be treated as public documents unless provided and received in
confidence subject to the requirements of the Freedom of !nformatwn Act, and may be quoted in full or part in each report.


If you prefer not to write your own comments, it may be worthwhile joining a group or other groups interested in making a submission on similar issues.
Joint submission may help to reduce the workload for an individual or group, as well as increase the pool of ideas and information. If you form a small
group (up to 10 people) please indicate all the names of the participants. If your group in larger, please indicate how many people your submission

You may agree or disagree with, or comment on, the general issues discussed in the CER or the specific proposals. It helps if you give reasons for your
conclusions, supported by relevant data. You may make an important contribution by suggesting ways to make the proposal more environmentally


clearly state your point of view:

indicate the source of your information or argument if this is applicable; and
suggest recommendations, safeguards or alternatives.


By keeping the following points in mind, you will make it easier for your submission to be analysed.

Attempt to list points so that the issues raised are clear. A summary of your submission is helpful.
Refer each point to the appropriate section, chapter or recommendation in the CER.
If you discuss different sections of the CER, keep them distinct and separate, so there is no confusion as to which section you are considering.
Attach any factual information you may wish to provide and give details of the source. Make sure your information is accurate.

your name;
whether you want your submission to be confidential.

More information on how to make a submission can be obtained from the free pamphlet Environmental Impact Assessment - How to Make a Submission
available from the Library of the Department of Environmental Protection. Telephone (08) 9222 7127.

The closing date for submission is Monday 1 December 1997.


Environmental Protection Authority

Westralia Square
141 St Georges Terrace

Attn: Xuan Nguyen




Prepared for:

Millenium Inorganic Chemicals Ltd

P0 Box 245
Bunbury, WA 6231
Telephone (08) 9780 8333; Facsimile (08) 9780 8555

Prepared by:

Kinhill Pty Ltd

ACN 007 660 317
47 Burswood Road, Victoria Park, WA 6100
Telephone (09) 362 5900; Facsimile (09) 362 5627

October 1997

Chapter Page



1.1 Background
1.2 Project proposal 3
1.3 Scope and timing of the planned expansion 4
1.4 The proponent 5
1.5 Legislative framework and environmental approval process 6
1.6 Scope and purpose of this document 8
1.7 Structure of the CER 8



2.1 Forecast demand and alternative source of supply 10

2.2 Evaluation of alternatives 10
2.3 Benefits of the proposed expansion 11
2.4 No project option 13


3.1 Process description 14

3.2 Components of the proposed Kemerton expansion 17
3.3 Location and conceptual layout of process plant 24
3.4 Raw material requirements 24
3.5 Water requirements 24
3.6 Products and by-products 27
3.7 Associated infrastructure 31
3.8 Workforce requirements 33

Title Page


4.1 Background 34
4.2 Existing environmental legislative conditions 34
4.3 Existing environmental management programmes 36
4.4 Environmental performance 40
4.5 Conclusions 46


5.1 Background 47
5.2 The consultation programme 47
5.3 Issues raised 48


6.1 Regional setting 51

6.2 Kemerton Industrial Park 52
6.3 Dalyellup 55
6.4 Pipeline route and Leschenault Peninsula 56
6.5 Social environment 61



7.1 Atmospheric emissions 63

7.2 Dust 66
7.3 Saline water 67
7.4 Solid residue 70
7.5 Noise 75
7.6 Radiation 76
7.7 Risks and hazards 80
7.8 Social impacts 81
7.9 Construction 82
7.10 Decommissioning and final land use 85
7.11 Management plans 85

Title Page


8.1 Atmospheric emissions 95

8.2 Groundwater 96
8.3 Treated saline water 97
8.4 Radiation 99
8.5 Noise 99


9.1 Consolidated list of commitments 100

9.2 Summary of previous commitments made by SCM Chemicals Ltd 103
9.3 Summary of previous ministerial conditions 105


Appendix Page

A Abbreviations A-i

B Weights and measures B-i

C Glossary C-i

D Results of noise modelling D-1

E Preliminary risk assessment E-1

F SCM Chemicals environmental policy F-I

G EPA guidelines for CER G-1

H Previous environmental management commitments made by

SCM Chemicals

I Previous recommendations and conclusions made by the EPA


Figure Page

1.1 Regional location 2

1.2 Environmental impact assessment process 7

3.1 Chloride process titanium dioxide manufacture 15

3.2 Finishing process 18

3.3 Proposed conceptual layout 19

3.4 Water treatment process—existing 23

3.5 Water balance 26

3.6 SCM location within Kemerton Industrial Park and saline water pipeline route 30

4.1 Public commitment to PACIA "Responsible Care" code 37

6.1 Seabed profile 59

7.1 Radiation flow paths 78


Table Page

2.1 Value added by processing 12

3.1 Components of expanded chloride process plant and new finishing plant 20

3.2 Process raw material requirements 24

3.3 Comparison of raw water usage - 27

3.4 Quantities of products and by-products produced at Kemerton (t/a) 27

4.1 Environmental performance index 38

4.2 Emission limits from the process stack 40

4.3 Wastewater discharge concentration limits 41

6.1 Population for the Preston census area 61

6.2 1992 Labour force and unemployment estimates 62

7.1 Proposed emission limits from the process stack 64

7.2 Proposed ground level concentrations of various gases at nearest 65

residential area

7.3 Composition of treated saline water and water quality guidelines 69

7.4 Solid residue production 70

7.5 Elemental composition of typical residue solids 71

7.6 Management framework—operations 86

7.7 Management framework—construction 93

9.1 Summary of previous management commitments made by 103

SCM Chemicals in reference to the existing titanium dioxide plant

9.2 Summary of previous recommendations and conclusions made by the 105

EPA in reference to the existing titanium dioxide plant


SCM Chemicals Ltd—Asia/Pacific (SCM) (now known as Millennium Inorganic

Chemicals Ltd) wishes to obtain environmental approval to expand its existing chloride
process titanium dioxide plant at Kemerton, near Bunbury. SCM is seeking to increase
the production capacity of the Kemerton plant from its current level of 79,000 t/a of
titanium dioxide to 195,000 t/a, and to establish a new finishing plant at Kemerton with
a capacity to process up to 116,000 t/a of pigment (see Table Si). The existing
Australind finishing and packaging plant, and all support facilities for SCM's operations
in the Bunbury region at the Australind site, would remain. The Kemerton and
Australind plants combined would then have the capacity to produce a total of
195,000 t/a of finished pigment.

The original application for expansion of the pigment plant was for a total production
capacity of 190,000 t/a. However, during the design stages, investigation showed that
the plant output could reach 195,000 t/a. All the discussion in this document is based on
the higher figure for the expected total output, i.e. on 195,000 t/a. While this figure is
marginally higher (by 5,000 t/a) than that quoted in the Guidelines for the preparation of
this document, it is not anticipated that this will have any impact on the issues to be
addressed by the proponent.

It is proposed to commence construction to upgrade the titanium dioxide processing

facilities in mid-2000, to enable production to start by early 2002.

The purpose of this document is to describe the proposal, to review the environmental
impacts of the current operation at Kemerton, and to identify the environmental
implications associated with the construction and operation of the facilities required to
provide an additional 116,000 t/a of finished titanium dioxide pigment.


Titanium dioxide is a non-toxic, white pigment used in the manufacture of a wide range
of products—including, paint, paper, plastics and rubber—to make them opaque.
Titanium dioxide pigment is produced from synthetic rutile, which is produced from
mineral sands by a variety of suppliers in western australia.

The chloride process for the preparation of titanium dioxide from synthetic rutile is
based on the production of titanium tetrachloride by chlorination of the ore. The
purified titanium tetrachioride is subsequently oxidised, yielding titanium dioxide and

allowing recovery of chlorine. The raw titanium dioxide pigment is then treated with
chemicals and dried to form various grades of finished pigment.

It is proposed to increase pigment production by installing two new chiorinators and

associated collection systems with larger capacities than those presently used. As part
of the expansion, it is also planned to duplicate the titanium tetrachioride purification
equipment. It is proposed to duplicate most of the items of equipment in the titanium
tetrachioride oxidation system with units of increased capacity. Some of the items of
the expanded chloride process plant can be accommodated alongside the existing units.
However, the new chlorination and oxidation stream and plant support facilities would
be sited south of the existing chlorinator section.

The finishing plant would be a completely new facility. This would include pigment
treatment and vacuum filters, driers, pigment mills and packaging equipment. The
finishing plant would be sited to the west of the existing plant.

Extra chlorine, compressed nitrogen and compressed oxygen would be required to serve
the proposed expansion. It is proposed to obtain these from external suppliers.



SCM has an exemplary environmental record attained through conscientious and

consistent management of its existing operations. SCM has implemented environmental
management programmes in accordance with its quality control system and
environmental policy. Integrated environmental management systems have been
developed for all phases and facets of SCM's Western Australian operations. SCM has
a firm corporate commitment to responsible environmental management, striving to
achieve full compliance with regulatory requirements and minimise impacts on the
surrounding environment. SCM has initiated a programme of continuous improvement
and accountability for the entire life cycle of all its sites.

Regular internal audits are undertaken to ensure adherence to the environmental

management plan and systems. SCM reports regularly to, and is also audited by,
Government authorities and its parent company. Monitoring results demonstrate
excellent compliance with regulatory limits and conditions. An environmental
performance index, developed by SCM, shows a significant improvement since the
plant was commissioned, reflecting a reduction in solid residue generated and an
improvement in control of gaseous emissions. No adverse long-term environmental
impact has resulted from SCM's operations at Kemerton.

The major potential environmental and social issues arising from the proposed
development relate to gaseous emissions, dust, saline water disposal, solid residue
disposal, radiation, noise, and risks and hazards. These issues are discussed in more
detail in the following sections.

Gaseous emissions

Apart from boilers, heaters and driers, which would emit carbon dioxide, nitrogen
oxides and water vapour as a result of the combustion of natural gas, the only gaseous
emissions from the chloride process would be produced at the exit of the titanium
tetrachioride purification section. The exit gases would be scrubbed with water to
remove residual titanium tetrachioride, metal chlorides, and hydrogen chloride. An
additional scrubbing train, consisting of a spray tower, a venturi scrubber and a packed
tower, would be installed to cater for the expanded plant.

With the expansion of the plant, it is proposed to expand the current suction vent system
to collect potential fugitive emissions which would be scrubbed and released to the
atmosphere via the existing process stack. It is also planned to direct all scrubbed
process emissions to a thermal converter where they would be burnt and to direct all the
hot exhaust gases from the thermal converter to a waste heat boiler to generate steam.
The steam generated in the waste heat boiler would be used to supplement boiler steam.

The installation of a thermal converter prior to the new main process stack would result
in reduced emissions from the entire plant, particularly of carbon monoxide, carbonyl
sulphide and hydrogen sulphide. The combustion gases would be scrubbed in a caustic
scrubber before they are discharged to the atmosphere through the main process stack in
order to remove 95% of the sulphur dioxide produced by the oxidation of the sulphur
gases. The resulting solution would be oxidised in a process developed by SCM, to
produce a sulphate solution that would be injected into the saline water for disposal.
The atmospheric emissions would then consist mainly of carbon dioxide and nitrogen
with minor proportions of nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide (the 5% that is not
removed by the scrubber).

Increased efficiency in the process would reduce the emission of sulphur oxides per unit
of finished pigment. Reuse of heat in the process through the thermal converter would
reduce the plant's requirement for natural gas and reduce the associated production of
carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. The specification of efficient, low nitrogen oxide-
generating gas burners would also reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The expected result would be a significant overall reduction in the total atmospheric
emissions from the plant per tonne of pigment produced, compared to the total
emissions of the present operations at Kemerton. Since all emissions from the current
plant have been considerably below licence conditions, where they have been set, as
well as SCM's internally imposed goals, it is anticipated that gaseous emissions would
have negligible impact on the environment.

Dust emissions

The main potential source of dust from the proposed expanded plant is from the
finishing section.

Measures to control dust would include the use of dust extraction systems with bag
filters on the product pneumatic conveying system, on the driers, on the bagging

machines and on all conveying transfer points. The design emission from the bag filters
would be 100 mg/rn3, which is 40% of national guidelines for control of emission of
particulate air pollutants from new stationary sources of 250 mg/rn3. Actual dust
emissions are likely to be much lower.

As a consequence of these measures, dust generated from the site during operation is not
expected to increase ambient levels of suspended particulates in areas outside the
boundaries of the plant.

Saline water disposal

The plant would generate wastewater from a number of sources including process water
treatment, scrubbing of waste gases and pigment washing. In addition, the plant would
accept wastewater from the external suppliers of chlorine, compressed nitrogen and
oxygen, and lime.

The chloride process plant at Kemerton currently incorporates extensive internal water
recycling. This recycling results in 60% of all water used being recycled within the
current plant. The recycling means the current plant uses only 40% as much water per
tonne of pigment produced as other plants using the chloride process. A similar water
recycling and reuse system would be incorporated into the proposed expansion.

Water treatment plant wastes, which includes filter backwash water and ion exchange
regeneration water, would be used to sluice solid residue or prepare lime slurry. In
addition, some water generated by the proposed finishing plant would be recirculated or

Reuse of the water increases its salinity. SCM would continue to explore opportunities
to recycle and reuse process water within the expanded Kemerton plant, but reuse of all
the water produced would not be economic as the water would become too saline for
further use. Following reuse of water in as many applications as possible, the saline
water that could not be reused would be treated. It is proposed to upgrade the current
wastewater treatment section associated with the production of titanium dioxide to cater
for the expanded production and to construct a wastewater treatment plant to handle
liquid wastes arising from the finishing plant

The treated saline water would be collected in a holding pond and pumped
approximately 9 km to an existing ocean outfall located west of the northern extremity
of the Leschenault Peninsula. To cater for the increased amount of saline water to be
pumped to the ocean from the plant expansion, the pipeline and the ocean outfall would
be upgraded. The saline water would be discharged to the ocean via a 'multi-port tee'
diffuser. The diffuser has been designed to ensure mixing with sea water occurs within
20 m of the discharge points.

Following mixing of the saline water with seawater, the water quality near the outfall
would fall within the limits specified by the EPA for the protection of aquatic
ecosystems and human consumers of fish and other aquatic organisms.

SCM is currently licensed to discharge saline water into the ocean off the Leschenault
Peninsula. Measurement of the quantity and quality of the discharge, and a monitoring
programme within the receiving environment of the outfall, have been undertaken in
accordance with these licence conditions. The data from the monitoring programme
show that the concentration of all chemical parameters in the saline water have been
considerably below the licence conditions. Sampling of the ocean near the marine
outfall indicates that outside the mixing zone (a radius of 20 m), there are no significant
adverse effects of the discharge on water quality, sediment quality or marine life.

Solid residue disposal

As a result of treating the process water streams from the plant, approximately
340,000 t/a of washed solid residue slurry containing 11-15% solids would be
produced. This slurry would be transported by tanker to an existing solid residue
storage area at Dalyellup, south of Bunbury. At Dalyellup, the slurry would be
discharged into a pond to allow the solids to separate from the supernatant water.
Progressive dewatering of the solids would occur through evaporation and seepage.

The solid waste would consist mainly of unreacted ore and coke, and metal hydroxides
from the raw pigment process. The potential impacts of the disposal of solid residue
include incompatibility with neighbouring land uses, erosion and dust generation,
groundwater contamination from the slightly brackish slurry water and increased
background radiation levels.

Monitoring data shows that impacts of the existing disposal practice on groundwater are
minimal, and no adverse impacts have been observed from the slightly radioactive
nature of the solid residue. The rate of deposition of the residue slurry would increase
with the increased production rate, but the quality of slurry water would be similar.
Consequently, it is anticipated that there would be no adverse environmental impacts
from the continuing disposal of solid residue at the Dalyellup site.

SCM has approval to use the site for the 'life of the site'. The increased solid residue
production rates associated with the expanded pigment plant would reduce the life of the
Dalyellup disposal site. Under current production rates, the existing areas would be full
within ten years. The company has in place approvals for the 'life of the site' and the
actual time when the site would be fully utilised would be dependent on the expansion
commissioning time frame. However, the proposal for expansion of the plant does not
involve construction of any more storage areas at this time.

SCM and relevant Government authorities are actively investigating alternatives for the
long-term management of the solid residue produced by the plant. This includes
investigations into residue minimisation, recycling, alternative uses, alternative residue
disposal methods and alternative sites.

SCM has already achieved a 40% reduction in the quantity of solid residue produced
since 1988, primarily through recovery of unreacted ore and coke in the residue.

Alternative uses currently under investigation include the potential for use of the residue
in brick manufacture, as a pavement base course for roads, and for soil conditioning and
nutrient retention, particularly phosphorus.

Trials conducted to date indicate the solid residue performs favourably in all these
applications, with little risk of dust, solute leaching or radiation exposure, and SCM has
received provisional approval to use the solid residue in bricks and for road base course.
However, the cost of transporting the material to Perth could limit its use to the local
region, which is probably not a large enough market to use all the residue generated. In
addition, the low radiation levels in the material may make it difficult to obtain
permission for the use of the solid residue for some of these purposes.

In addition to research into possible uses for the solid residue, SCM is committed to
continuing its research into residue minimisation, recycling and alternative methods of


Synthetic rutile, the feedstock for the process plant, contains low levels of thorium and
uranium impurities from the original mineral sands. The majority of the radiation
associated with these contaminants ends up in the solid residue. However, during
processing into raw pigment, the potential exists for these contaminants to become
concentrated in certain areas of the plant.

SCM's policy is to ensure that all exposures to radiation are kept 'As Low As
Reasonably Achievable'. This includes a decision to adopt the limits of exposure for
members of the public for its own personnel, rather than industrial or mining industry
exposure limits which are substantially higher. Radiation management procedures have
been developed to ensure compliance with appropriate regulations, and to minimise
radiation doses to personnel.

As part of the Radiation Management Plan developed by SCM, radiation levels are
measured in the plant, in the waste water, in marine sediments and at the Dalyellup solid
residue disposal site. Monitoring results indicate that there are no concerns for
occupational or environmental radiation exposure from any of SCM's activities, and this
is not expected to change as a result of the proposed expansion.


In designing the new plant, particular attention would be paid to the major noise
contributing items to ensure the plant is as quiet as can be reasonably achieved by
incorporating Best Practice design features into the new plant. With these measures, it
is anticipated that noise levels close to SCM's plant and at the boundary of the
Kemerton Industrial Park may increase as a consequence of the plant's expansion.
However, on most occasions, the large buffer zone that surrounds the Kemerton
Industrial Park, and the location of the plant within SCM's site, would ensure any noise
generated meets current and proposed regulations and does not cause disturbance to
residences outside the Kemerton Industrial Park.

Risks and hazards

Risks and hazards at the Kemerton plant are controlled in accordance with a
comprehensive Total Hazard Control Plan, developed to the requirements of the
Department of Minerals and Energy. The Total Hazard Control Plan and safety
programmes are regularly audited, internally and externally, to ensure compliance to,
and adequacy of, both these systems.

The Kemerton plant's safety record is very good. It is highly rated under the
International Safety Rating System. The effectiveness of the Total Hazard Control Plan
and SCM's safety system is reflected in the fact that there have been only two 'lost time'
accidents since the plant was commissioned in 1989, none of which were related to
process-type events.

A Preliminary Risk Assessment (PRA) of the proposed expanded plant has been carried
out. This assessment showed that the one-in-a-million risk contour for the proposed
SCM plant and the neighbouring Nufarm chlor-alkali plant combined falls almost
entirely within the SCM property boundary, thereby easily meeting EPA risk criteria.


SCM currently undertakes regular monitoring of all facets of its operation at Kemerton.
This includes stack monitoring for a variety of gaseous emissions, monitoring of
production bores and groundwater around its plant site at Kemerton and around the solid
residue disposal site at Dalyellup, emission and ambient noise monitoring, monitoring
of the quantity and quality of the treated saline water discharged to the ocean, and
monitoring of the seawater and sediments surrounding the ocean outfall. Personnel
radiation exposure monitoring and radiation surveys at the plant and the solid residue
disposal area at Dalyellup are also undertaken regularly.

This programme would continue following the expansion of the plant and would be
expanded to include dust emission monitoring from the finishing plant stacks.
Table Si Inputs and outputs from current and proposed titanium dioxide plant*

Material Unit Current Proposed expansion

Proposed Absolute Variance % Variance

Production tpa 79,000 195,000 111,000 147

Synthetic Rutile tpa 84,000 206,000 122,000 145
Petroleum Coke tpa 18,000 42,000 24,000 133
Chlorine tpa 16,000 35,000 19,000 119
Oxygen tpa 39,000 96,000 57,000 146
Nitrogen tpa 59,000 145,000 86,000 146
Water tpa 1,500,000 5,000,000 3,500,000 233
Natural Gas Gjpa 370,000 980,000 610,000 165
Electricity Mwh 29,000 97,000 68,000 234
Wastewater m3 950,000 3,000,000 2,050,000 216
Residue Slurry tpa 141,000 397,000 256,000 182
CO tpa 6,700 3,600 (3,100) (46)
CO2 tpa 70,000 194,000 124,000 177
TiC14 tpa <0.5 <0.5 nil nil
C12 tpa <0.5 <0.5 nil nil
HCI tpa <0.5 <0.5 nil nil
COS tpa 540 540 nil nil
SO2 tpa 200 240 40 20
H2S tpa <0.5 <0.5 nil nil
NOx tpa 25 60 35 140
N2 tpa 59,000 145,000 86,000 146

* Assumes thermal converter on-line 75% of the time

Table S2 Summary of key environmental factors, environmental management objectives, management actions and monitoring, and predicted outcomes

Key Environmental Factor Environmental Management Environmental Management Actions and Predicted outcome
Objective Monitoring

Atmospheric emissions SCM's management objective is to: Install a thermal converter to oxidise carbon Reduced emissions of carhonyl sulfide,
ensure that atmospheric emissions monoxide, carbonyl sulphide and hydrogen sulphide carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide.
comply with current standards and to carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. Ground level concentrations of licensed
do not adversely affect the Install a scrubber to remove 95% of the resultant emissions would not exceed current
environment, or the health, welfare sulphur dioxide. levels.
or amenity of nearby land users; Recover hydrochloric acid for
maintain or reduce stack emissions Scrub the exit gases to remove hydrochloric acid, commercial use.
and ground level concentrations of Utilise hot waste gases from the thermal converter to Reduced use of natural gas per unit
licensed gases; produce steam. product.
reduce fugitive emissions within the Optimise process and thermal converter efficiency to Reduced output of greenhouse gases per
plant; reduce emissions, unit product.
ensure there is no unacceptable Install low NOx emitting burners to gas fired systems. Automatic shutdown of plant and no
odour impact outside the boundary Install chlorine detectors in main process stack, chlorine releases.
of the Kemerton Industrial Park; Reduced incidence of fugitive emissions.
minimise emissions of greenhouse
minimise dust emissions during Install a suction vent system to remove fugitive
operation; emissions and direct them to the current 66 m stack
minimise dust during construction. and associated scrubbing system.

Install bag filters on finishing plant stack. No increase in ambient dust

Regularly monitor bag filter integrity. concentrations during normal operation.
• Undertake stack and ambient air quality monitoring in Compliance with license conditions
accordance with any license conditions.
Use water sprays and minimise surface area exposed Minimal increase in ambient dust
to control dust during construction, concentrations.

Table S2 Summary of key environmental factors, environmental management objectives, management actions and monitoring, and predicted outcomes

Key Environmental Factor Environmental Management Environmental Management Actions and Predicted outcome
Objective Monitoring

Saline water SCM's management objective is to: Continue recycling of process water and seek further Through a continuous improvement
reduce overall water usage and opportunities to reduce water usage. programme, water usage has reduced by
saline water production; 32% since 1989. Further reductions in
maintain ocean water quality within water usage per unit of production are
the levels specified in the draft expected.
Western Australian Water Quality Maintain saline water quality to a standard consistent No significant change to ocean water
Guidelines for Fresh and Marine with current DEP licence. quality outside 20 m mixing zone.
Waters (EPA Bulletin 711) Develop a new outfall diffusion system to maintain or No significant change to sediment
minimise impact of saline water improve dispersion of the saline water into the marine quality.
disposal on the terrestrial environment. No significant impact on marine fauna.
environment. Monitor environmental impact by continuing the
current water and sediment sampling programme.
Construct expanded or duplicate pipeline in same Minimal disturbance during construction.
Bury and mark pipe and rehabilitate any disturbed No change to existing land use or
areas. amenities along pipeline route after

Solid residue SCM's management objective is to: Fully neutralise, treat and wash solid residue. Insoluble metal oxides in the solid phase.
dispose of solid residue by utilising Continue disposal at the Dalyellup site which has an Minimal leaching beneath ponds.
methods that minimise expected life of 10 years at current rates.
environmental impact; Use pond management techniques to minimise
ensure the integrity of the disposal leaching.
site by continuing the current Undertake monitoring of groundwater in accordance Minimal impact since 1989. No adverse
monitoring and audit programme; with Environmental Management Plan and systems long term environmental impact to site or
reduce the amount of solid residue manual. surrounding land uses.
produced_per tonne of product; I

Table S2 Summary of key environmental factors, environmental management objectives, management actions and monitoring, and predicted outcomes

Key Environmental Factor Environmental Management Environmental Management Actions and Predicted outcome
Objective Monitoring

Solid residue continue research into potential uses Undertake monitoring for radiation in accordance
(continued) of the solid residue. with Radiation Management Plan.
Undertake annual audit at disposal site and associated
Report annually to DEP and RCWA.
Continue to pursue residue minimisation
Identify and pursue markets for proven potential uses Significant usage of the solid residue in
of solid residue. various applications.
Explore options, and seek approval from relevant
authorities, for beneficial use of the solid residue.
Locate and seek approval for alternative disposal sites
in consultation with the Government task force.
Continue research into suitable rehabilitation Completed site rehabilitated to meet the
techniques for the Dalyellup site. requirements of the EPA and Capel Shire

Groundwater SCM's management objective is to Seal and bund process area. No significant adverse impact on
prevent groundwater contamination Direct all process area drainage to wastewater groundwater quality beneath the process
from process areas. treatment pond. area.
Direct stormwater to infiltration ponds.
Continue groundwater monitoring, near the process
plant and the solid residue disposal area.
Prepare and submit an annual report to the DEP and
Water and Rivers Commission.
Table S2 Summary of key environmental factors, environmental management objectives, management actions and monitoring, and predicted outcomes

Key Environmental Factor Environmental Management Environmental Management Actions and Predicted outcome
Objective Monitoring

Noise SCM's management objective is to: Consider noise emission factors during design phase. There are no noise problems from the
ensure that noise levels due to Enclose noisy machinery, position equipment or fit existing plant.
SCM's operations meet acceptable suppression devices where required. Noise levels from the proposed plant will
criteria at residential areas adjacent Undertake regular ambient and source noise be low and will continue to meet
to the Kemerton Industrial Park; monitoring. statutory and licence conditions.
minimise noise generation during Fit noise suppression devices to construction
construction, machinery.

Off-site risks and hazards SCM's management objective is to Prepare and maintain Total Hazard Control Plan. Preliminary Risk Analysis has shown that
ensure off-site risk is as low as Maintain high plant safety rating through plant design plant will meet EPA's risk criteria.
reasonably achievable and complies and maintenance planning.
with EPA Bulletin 611 which Undertake regular internal and external audits to
establishes levels of individual and ensure Total Hazard Control Plan remains effective.
cumulative risk which is considered
acceptable by the EPA. Undertake Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) to The one in a million risk contour falls
confirm the results of the Preliminary Risk Analysis within the property boundary.
to the satisfaction of the Department of Minerals and
Energy and to meet EPA criteria.

Radiation SCM's management objective is to Maintain an up-to-date Radiation Management Plan No adverse impacts on employees or the
ensure that all radiological impacts are and ensure personnel are aware of its content and general public.
in accordance with the ALARA (as low responsibilities. Compliance with statutory requirements
as reasonably achievable) principle and Dispose of waste material in accordance with the
comply with currently accepted Radiation Management Plan, Environmental
standards and Codes of Practice. Management Plan and Environmental Systems
Table S2 Summary of key environmental factors, environmental management objectives, management actions and monitoring, and predicted outcomes

Key Environmental Factor Environmental Management Environmental Management Actions and Predicted outcome
Objective Monitoring

Radiation Install warning signs and control employee exposure

(continued) to the public limit.
Measure radiation levels on all process vessels.
Monitor radiation levels and personnel radiation
exposure in accordance with the Radiation
Management Plan.
Implement decontamination procedures.


This chapter of the Consultative Environmental Review for the proposed expansion of
the Kemerton titanium dioxide plant presents a brief description of the history of
operations at the site and the relationship of the Kemerton plant to the plant at

The chapter also includes an overview of the project proposal, an introduction to the
proponent and a brief description of the legal framework within which the
environmental consultation and approval process for the proposal takes place.


Titanium dioxide is a non-toxic, white pigment used in the manufacture of a wide range
of products—including, paint, paper, plastics and rubber—to make them opaque.

The manufacture of titanium dioxide started in Western Australia in 1963 at Australind,

with the production of some 10,000 tla of titanium dioxide—using the sulphate
manufacturing process. The Australind plant's capacity was gradually expanded,
reaching, in 1975, 36,000 tla. In 1984 the plant was acquired by SCM Corporation.

In 1988, SCM Chemicals Ltd—Asia/Pacific (SCM) expanded its operations by

increasing titanium dioxide production to 70,000 tla and transferring it to a new plant at
Kemerton (see Figure 1.1). At the same time, SCM changed the production method
over to the chloride process, a more environmentally friendly and viable process than
the old sulphate one.

The Australind site was converted into a plant for manufacturing finished pigment
products from the Kemerton-produced titanium dioxide, and for packaging the final


At the time it was established, the titanium dioxide plant was the first industry to be set
up in the recently opened Kemerton Industrial Park Today, the design and operational
features of the plant incorporate the knowledge and expertise SCM has gained from
managing four chloride plants overseas and from operating in Western Australia for
more than thirty years.
Figure 1.1

The operation at Kemerton is the largest titanium dioxide plant in Australia and the
Asia—Pacific region. The capacity of the Kemerton plant was increased by more than
10% in 1994, to reach its current level of 79,000 tla. The plant now employs some 123
people, out of a total workforce of 426 for SCM in Australia.


Since the transfer of titanium dioxide processing to the Kemerton plant, SCM has made
a number of improvements to the Australind complex. The sulphuric acid plant,
previously required for titanium dioxide production, has been removed, along with the
titanium dioxide production process plant. The site of these facilities has been
extensively rehabilitated and planted with grass. SCM has also developed a nursery,
which produces about 3,000 seedlings per year for planting around the sites, adding to
the thousands of seedlings produced for planting by volunteers within the Bunbury

Stopping sulphate-based titanium dioxide production at Australind has resulted in a

number of environmental benefits. Dust and odour emissions have been virtually
eliminated. SCM has progressively reduced noise levels at the plant and will continue
its noise reduction programme.

SCM has also established a groundwater recovery and decontamination programme to

reduce the contaminated groundwater plume from the original plants. The programme
has successfully reduced the area affected. The small section of Leschenault Estuary
shoreline adjacent to the plant is now decontaminated. Groundwater recovery will
continue until contamination has been reduced as far as practicable.


The manufacturing operations based at Kemerton and Australind make a significant

contribution to the Western Australian economy. As well as employing people and
bringing economic benefits to the surrounding communities, the plants are important
users of ilmenite, a titanium-bearing ore mined locally in Western Australia. In
addition, approximately 70% of the titanium dioxide products manufactured by SCM in
Australia are currently exported to Asia, providing a significant value-added benefit to
the Western Australian export economy.

SCM would now like to respond to business opportunities by expanding its operational
capacity in Western Australia. As a result, SCM wishes to obtain environmental
approval to increase the capacity of the chloride process titanium dioxide plant, and to
establish a new finishing plant, at the company's site in Kemerton.


The proposed development of the Kemerton plant would increase production capacity
to 195,000 tla of titanium dioxide pigment. SCM also proposes to construct a new
finishing plant at Kemerton with a capacity to process up to 116,000 tla of pigment.
The Kemerton and Australind plants combined would then have the capacity to produce
a total of 195,000 tla of finished pigment.

The residue disposal systems at the Kemerton plant would also be upgraded to handle
the amount of residue generated by this production rate.

The original application for expansion of the pigment plant was for a total production
capacity of 190,000 tla. However, during the design stages, investigation showed that
the plant output could reach 195,000 tla. All the discussion in this document is based on
the higher figure for the expected total output, i.e. on 195,000 tia. While this figure is
marginally higher (by 5,000 tia) than that quoted in the Guidelines for the preparation of
this document, it is not anticipated that this will have any impact on the issues to be
addressed by the proponent.


Up to 79,000 tia of titanium dioxide would continue to be sent to the existing Australind
plant for finishing into various grades of pigment. Within the scope of this project, no
changes are proposed to the Australind finishing and packaging plant, and support
facilities for SCM's operations in the Bunbury region would remain at the Australind



The scope of the planned expansion to SCM's titanium dioxide processing facilities is
summarised here. The proposal would involve the following:

increasing capacity to 195,000 t/a by installing additional or upgraded equipment;

increasing on-site storage of chlorine at the chlorine production plant from 50 t to

150 t;

constructing a new 116,000 tla pigment finishing and packaging facility at

Kemerton, similar to the facility at Australind;

continuing the present use of the pigment finishing plant at Australind;

constructing a process water treatment facility at the new finishing plant;

increasing the capacity of the existing process water treatment facility from 1.5 to
5 m3/a (which means 60 % of the process water would be recycled);

increasing the capacity of the neutralisation plant for the titanium dioxide process;

increasing disposal of clarified saline water into the ocean to 3 Mm3/a;

storage of an additional 340,000 tla of residue slurry at the approved and already
developed Dalyellup facility.


It is proposed to start construction to upgrade the titanium dioxide processing facilities

in mid-2000 to enable production to start by early 2002.


The proponent for the proposed expansion of the Kemerton titanium dioxide processing
plant is Millennium Inorganic Chemicals Ltd (formerly SCM Chemicals Ltd), a
subsidiary of Millennium Inorganic Chemicals Inc.

The parent company, Millennium Chemicals Inc., is based in Iselin, New Jersey, USA,
and was formed as a result of the demerger of Hanson PLC, a UK public company, in
October 1996. The main operating units of Millennium Chemicals Inc. subsequently
changed their names with effect from 3 March 1997.

Today, Millennium Chemicals Inc. is the third largest producer of titanium dioxide in
the world—the second largest using the chloride process—with a total of seven plants
on three continents. The company's worldwide headquarters are in Baltimore, USA;
with titanium dioxide manufacture based at four plants in the USA, and a further three
in the United Kingdom and in Australia.

Millennium Chemicals Inc.'s Australian operation, Millennium Inorganic Chemicals

Ltd, is headquarted in Australind,Western Australia. The company operates the
Kemerton and Australind plants.

This document was produced prior to the company's name change. Hence, the
former company name of SCM Chemicals Ltd—Asia/Pacific (or SCM) is used
throughout the text.



The legislative and statutory requirements that would apply to SCM's construction and
operation of the expanded Kemerton plant are the same as those that apply to the current
operations at Kemerton, Australind and Dalyellup. These include the following:

Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA)

WaterAuthorily Act 1984 (WA)
Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1984 (WA)
Radiation Safety Act 1975 (WA)
Radiation Safety (General) Regulations 1983 (WA)
Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act 1961 (WA)
Town Planning and Development Act 1928 (WA)
Bush Fires Act 1954 (WA)
Soil and Conservation Act 1945 (WA)
Transport Code 1990 (Cwlth).

SCM's operations are defined as prescribed premises under Part V of the Environmental
Protection Act 1986, and expansion of the Kemerton plant would be implemented and
operated in accordance with the requirements of all relevant acts and regulations. In
addition to the requirements of the licence to operate, SCM would continue to fulfil the
Commitments and Ministerial Conditions set on the existing chloride process plant (see
Chapter 9).


The environmental impact assessment process for this proposal is shown in Figure 1.2
and described in this section.

The process commences with a proposal for development being referred to the
Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). The EPA determines the appropriate level
of assessment required for the referred proposal. Once the EPA has determined the
level of assessment, the proponent is advised of the decision and guidelines on the
documentation are issued.

The proponent prepares the documentation required by the guidelines and submits a
draft to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) which must be approved
before being finalised and released for public review. The review period allows
interested parties and Government agencies to submit written comments on the
proposal. At the end of the review period, the DEP summarises the environmental
issues raised in all submissions received; this summary is provided to the proponent. A
formal response to each of the issues is then provided by the proponent.

SCM refers proposal for the expansion to the EPA and DEP

Decision by the EPA on level of assessment*

The EPA advises SCM on level of assessment—expansion to be assessed

under Section 46 of Environmental Protection Act 1986

SCM prepares report outlining the expansion and their potential environmental impacts
and conducts public consultation programme

The DEP examines report for suitability for review by government agencies
and interested groups and individuals

Public review period—four weeks

Government and public submissions prepared and sent to the EPA

The DEP summarizes environmental issues raised in all submissions received

SCM prepares responses to the DEP summary of environmental issues

The EPA undertakes assessment of project and publishes report and recommendations*

Minister for the Environment decides on approval of the proposal

and amends environmental conditions** where appropriate

* Point at which an appeal may be lodged

** Appeal by proponent only

Figure 1.2
(relevant to SCM's proposed expansion to Kemerton Pigment Plant)
After reviewing the proponent's responses, the EPA assesses the proposal and reports its
findings and recommendations to the Minister for the Environment. The EPA report to
the Minister outlines the environmental acceptability of the proposal and, where
appropriate, makes recommendations on conditions that may apply if the proposal
should proceed.

Following resolutions of any appeals by the proponent, or other parties, against the EPA
recommendations, the Minister determines if the proposal is environmentally acceptable
and may issue a set of legally binding environmental conditions under which the
proposal must be implemented.


The scope of this document is to review the environmental impacts of the current
operation at Kemerton, and to identify the environmental implications associated with
the construction and operation of the facilities to provide an additional 116,000 t/a of
titanium dioxide pigment. The document would be released as a Consultative
Environmental Review (CER) for public comment, with the approval of the EPA. The
purpose of the CER is to provide the following:

a description of the planned expansion of the pigment plant, and identification of

potential environmental impacts and the measures that would be implemented to
manage and monitor these;

a description of the finishing plant, and identification of potential environmental

impacts and the measures that would be implemented to manage and monitor these;

sufficient information for Government agencies and interested parties involved in

the initial Kemerton proposals to make informed submissions to the EPA;

information to the EPA to enable it to adequately assess the proposal and make its
recommendation to Government.


The CER presents the information it contains in the following way:

the need for the proposed expansion (Section 2);

an outline of the project and details of the proposed expansion (Section 3);

a review of the environmental performance and impacts of the current operations at

Kemerton (Section 4);

an outline of the development and analysis of the public consultation programme
(Section 5);

a description of the existing environment at Kemerton, Dalyellup and along the

pipeline route towards the ocean at Leschenault Peninsula (Section 6);

an evaluation of the potential environmental and social impacts of the expansion

and their minimisation (Section 7);

the proposed monitoring programme (Section 8);

a summarised list of environmental commitments (Section 9).


This chapter describes the need for, and benefits of, the expansion, and describes
alternative options for meeting the requirement.


Demand for titanium dioxide in the Asia—Pacific region is projected to grow at an

average rate of 5.7% each year from 1994 to 2002.

The expanding economies in the region, the increasing demand for titanium dioxide
and the growing market preference for chloride-based products make this the fastest
growing market in the world.

Projected demand for titanium dioxide will soon exceed the capacity of SCM in
Western Australia to supply product to the market. Without increased production at
the Kemerton plant, additional demand would have to be met from alternative

With the additional capacity from the proposed expansion of the plant, however, SCM
would be able to supply market growth and increase market share, without importing
titanium dioxide from other regions.


SCM evaluated three alternatives to the proposed increase in production capacity at

the Kemerton plant. These were as follows:

Increasing capacity to 150,000 t/a (45,000 t/a lower than this proposal), as
originally envisaged. Results showed that only the economies of scale produced
by expanding to 195,000 t/a would enable the project to become viable.

Constructing a greenfield plant. This would have resulted in a much larger

investment, greater risk in a new area and a longer lead time before starting
production. It was, therefore, not considered to be viable.

Undertaking a joint venture in another part of the Asia—Pacific region. This

proposal would also have resulted in a much larger investment, greater risk in a

new area and a longer lead time before starting production, and so was not
considered viable.



The proposed expansion of the raw pigment processing plant at Kemerton would have
a significant positive effect on employment in the south-west region of Western

SCM currently has 426 employees with an annual payroll of $20 million
(1995-96). It is expected that permanent operational employment would increase
by 200 jobs, with an estimated total payroll of $3 I .million. The majority of these
employees would live in Bunbury and the surrounding district, and would make a
significant contribution to the local economy.

In addition to the plants at Kemerton and Australind, the Nufarm Coogee Pty Ltd,
Cockburn Cement Ltd and BOC Gases of Australia Ltd satellite plants would be
expanded to supply resources for the Kemerton operation. Employees of these
plants would also be local.

During the construction phase, employment would peak at 500 people over a
twenty-four month period. The income generated during the construction phase,
through both direct and indirect employment, would result in a considerable
increase in economic activity in the region.

SCM's policy is to give preference, where possible, to local organisations when

contracting out construction, maintenance and services work. The employment
multiplier effect to the local economy would be about four times. That is, for
every new job created, four additional jobs would be created in local support

A total of 200 skilled and semi-skilled positions would be directly created as a

result of this project. The chloride process technology is advanced and highly
sophisticated, requiring an extension of transferable skills in all categories of

The expansion of the Kemerton plant would mean new opportunities, not only for
the company and its employees but for the community. As such, the project
would be a commitment by SCM to the future of south-west Western Australia.


SCM purchases locally wherever possible. For instance the feedstock, synthetic rutile,
is obtained from south-west suppliers RGC Mineral Sands Limited and Westralian
Sands Ltd.

Many other goods and services are also currently supplied by state and local
businesses. During 1995-96, for example, Western Australian purchases were
estimated to have been in excess of $110 million. The proposed expansion of the
plant at Kemerton would considerably increase the demand for local goods and
services by SCM in the future.


If the proposed expansion took place, there would be a total of $470 million in direct
expenditure, and $70 million or more in indirect expenditure (for example, on the
satellite plants gearing up to meet the expanded operational requirements) during the
construction phase of the project. In addition, many millions would be spent by
support industries as they expanded to supply the increased demand.

The expansion would represent the largest capital expenditure ever undertaken by
SCM in the region. It would make the company a world class producer, injecting
millions of dollars into a project that would create wealth for the region.


During both the construction and operational phases, income for both State and
Federal Governments would be generated.


SCM currently contributes about $120 million annually to the country's export
income. This would increase to $300 million when the expansion of the plant became
fully operational. The $300 million increase would have a positive effect on the
balance of payments for Western Australia and for the nation as a whole.


The production of finished pigment from ilmenite is carried out in several stages, each
process increasing the market value of the original Western Australian resource.
Table 2.1 gives an idea of the wealth generated downstream in the economy from each
dollar of ilmenite processed by industry.

Table 2.1 Value added by processing

Material Added value ($)

Ilmenite I
Synthetic rutile 5
Titanium dioxide pigments 22


If it were decided that the proposed expansion of the raw pigment plant at Kemerton
should not proceed, the following benefits would be lost:

Direct employment for 500 people during the twenty four month construction
period, direct employment for an additional 200 people when the plant is
operating and flow-on effects in local employment.

Income generated by the operation during both construction and operational

phases, and through flow-on effects.

Project expenditure by SCM and its suppliers in the south-west, including flow-
on effects..

Increased export income of up to $300 million each year.

Revenue for State and Federal Governments.

Opportunities for local people to gain experience in working with highly

sophisticated modern technology.


This chapter describes the process of manufacturing titanium dioxide from synthetic
rutile and details the proposed expansion of the plant at Kemerton.



The chloride process for the preparation of titanium dioxide (Ti02) from synthetic rutile
is based on the production of titanium tetrachloride (TiCI4) by chlorination of the ore.
The purified titanium tetrachloride is subsequently oxidised, yielding titanium dioxide
and allowing recovery of chlorine.

The process is shown schematically in Figure 3.1. Details of the various steps are
described in the following paragraphs.

Titanium-rich synthetic rutile, together with a supply of carbon in the form of petroleum
coke, is fed into a refractory-lined chlorinating vessel which operates at a temperature of
approximately 900-1000 C. Chlorine (C12) entering the vessel reacts with the titanium
dioxide, and some of the impurities present in the ore, to form volatile titanium
tetrachloride and other metal chlorides as well as carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon
dioxide (CO2). The reaction is as follows:

3TiO2 +4C+6Cl2 -> 3TiCI4 +2C0+2CO2

The gaseous and solid chlorinated products, and unreacted solid fines, pass out of the
reactor via refractory lined ducting into the purification area of the plant.

No liquid wastes or atmospheric emissions are produced during this step.


In the purification area, solid impurities are separated from the hot gas. The gas is
condensed and then distilled to produce pure titanium tetrachloride as an intermediate
product which is stored in steel vessels prior to the next stage of the process.










Figure 3.1
The solid residue separated from the gas stream typically consists of metal chlorides,
oxides and hydroxides, various silicates, unreacted ore, coke and ash. These are flushed
from the system with recycled water which originates from, and is treated in, the process
water neutralising system. Synthetic rutile and coke are also recovered and separated
prior to reuse in the production process. The dried residue is an inert, insoluble, non-
toxic, clay-like material.

The only gaseous emission from the chloride process is produced at the exit of the
purification section. The exit gases are scrubbed with water to remove residual titanium
tetrachloride, metal chlorides, and hydrogen chloride. This produces concentrated
hydrochloric acid which is recovered for reuse on site and for external sales. A thermal
converter is used to burn carbon monoxide, carbonyl suiphide and hydrogen suiphide
from exhaust gases. The resulting sulphur dioxide is then absorbed in a caustic scrubber
and the resulting sulphur solution is oxidised in a process developed by SCM, to
produce a sulphate solution that is reinjected into the saline water for disposal. Carbon
dioxide and nitrogen are exhausted to the atmosphere.


After the purification process, the titanium tetrachioride is pumped from storage and
passed through a heat exchanger. It is then reacted with preheated oxygen, in a
proprietary reactor, to produce titanium dioxide and chlorine. The mixture of solid
titanium dioxide, recovered chlorine and nitrogen is cooled before entering the next
stage of the process.

The only wastes or emissions produced in this step of the process are the products of
combustion resulting from the natural gas used for preheating.

Pigment separation and slurry storage

The cooled mixture of titanium dioxide and gases containing chlorine is passed through
a filter where the solid titanium dioxide pigment is removed and slurried in water. The
slurry is stored before being transported either to the finishing plant at Australind (by
truck) or pumped to the adjacent Kemerton finishing plant.

The gases containing chlorine and nitrogen are separated from the solid titanium
dioxide and returned to the chlorinator section, together with fresh make-up chlorine, to
chlorinate more feedstock at the start of the process.

No wastes or emissions are produced during this stage of the process.


The Kemerton finishing plant comprises a wet surface treatment followed by drying,
micronising and packing. The slurry is surface treated with chemicals and neutralised
with caustic soda and hydrochloric acid. The treated slurry is then washed using
vacuum filters to remove excess salts, before being thickened and dried in a gas-fired
spray drier to remove remaining moisture and produce a fine powder. Dried pigment is

collected from the drier exhausts by bag filters. Pigment is air conveyed between
processing stages and again collected in bag filters. The bag filters are vented to the

The dried powder is pumped pneumatically to the fluid energy mills, where high
pressure steam is used to grind the particles. The ground pigment is then conveyed to
surge bins prior to packaging in 25 kg bags or bulk bags. This finishing process is
presented schematically in Figure 3.2.


Gaseous wastes from the purification section are passed through three scrubbers prior to
being burnt in the thermal converter and the combustion gases are then scrubbed with an
alkaline solution. Gaseous wastes absorbed in the scrubbers are processed to recover
valuable materials and minimise the production of waste. The recovery process
produces hydrochloric acid which is sold or neutralised before disposal.

In a neutralisation process to treat the solid residue slurry separated from the chlorinated
gas stream, lime is added to each of a series of tanks to raise the pH and precipitate the
contaminants as hydroxides. The water is then sent to a clarifier where the solids settle.
The solid residue is filtered in a vacuum filter, washed to remove a large proportion of
the soluble salts, water added to make a 11-15% slurry and transferred to 40 t capacity
tanker trucks. The filtrate from the vacuum filter is returned to the process water stream
after the lime dosing tanks. Some of the treated saline water is reused for sluicing solid
residue after the chlorination section, while the remainder is pumped to a holding pond
prior to disposal.

SCM continues to pursue a range of disposal techniques and remains fully committed to
on-going research into residue minimisation, recycling and alternative uses for residues.
The objective of residue minimisation is to segregate individual constituents of residue
and provide material that can be recycled through the process plant or sold. A residue
minimisation plant was commissioned in December 1992 and, combined with improved
process efficiency, has resulted in a 40% reduction in residue solids.


The layout of the expanded chloride process plant and the new finishing plant at
Kemerton are listed in Table 3.1 and shown in Figure 3.3. Details of the proposed
expansion are discussed in more detail in the following sections.


M A R R I 0 T R 0 A 0 4N
......... l ------------------
0000 XYGEN



POND,' Z x
\ / m
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/ '5 0
'5 Z
Table 3.1 Components of expanded chloride process plant and new finishing plant

Section Components

Ore and coke handling Add two new storage silos

Add five new conveying systems
Modify ore elevator to feed new silos

Chlorination Add two new chlorinators

Add one new cold cyclone
Add one new sluice system

Condensation/purification Add one new primary condenser

Add one new secondary water cooled condenser
Add one new brine cooled condenser
Add two new brine refrigeration systems
Add new purification system

Oxidation Add new TiCL and oxygen heaters

Add new aluminium chloride generator
Add one new reactor
Add new bag filter
Add four new slurry storage tanks
Add ten new media mills

Finishing Build two identical lines consisting of

one treatment tank
three wash filters
one drier
two fluid energy mills
Add four pigment recovery thickeners
Add chemicals make-up and storage facilities
Add four bag packaging machines
Add one semi-bulk packaging machine

Waste treatment Add new process stack and scrubber

Extend piping from existing maintenance scrubber
Add thermal converter and waste heat boiler
Extend suction vent system
Add one new neutralisation system
Upgrade pipeline to ocean

Utilities Upgrade primary electrical substation

Replace water treatment system
Replace boiler
Add new five-cell cooling tower
Upgrade utility distribution system

Buildings Expand workshops

Expand laboratories
Add new offices
Add lunch room, change rooms and toilets
Upgrade technical and engineering offices
Add finished product warehouse
Add materials stores
Upgrade computer system


SCM proposes to expand the materials handling equipment on the Kemerton plant site
by installing new ore silos and a new coke silo, and converting the existing coke silo to
handle ore. New ore and coke conveying equipment would also be installed. The
existing off-site coke storage facility would not be upgraded; additional coke
requirements would be met by more frequent topping up of the storage facility.


It is proposed to increase pigment production by installing two new chlorinators with a

larger capacity than those presently used. As part of the expansion, it is also planned to
duplicate the current gas—solids separation system, titanium tetrachioride (TiCl4)
condenser, crude TiC14 accumulation tank, and crude and pure TiC14 storage tanks with
larger units. The TiC14 purification equipment, including a distillation vessel, reboiler,
cooler and heat exchangers, would be duplicated with larger capacity equipment. Two
additional refrigeration units would be installed.

Extra chlorine would be required to serve the proposed expansion, and it is proposed to
obtain this from an external supplier. Extra compressed nitrogen would also be required
to convey raw materials and products around the plant. This would also be obtained
from an external supplier.

A new gas scrubbing train, consisting of a spray tower, a venturi scrubber and a packed
tower, would be installed to cater for all the process gas wastes from the entire plant. In
addition, a thermal converter would be installed following the scrubbing system to
incinerate all waste gases including those from the existing plant. Treated gases would
be scrubbed to remove acid gases before release to the atmosphere through a new main
process stack.


It is proposed to duplicate most of the items of equipment in this area with units of
increased capacity. The duplication includes oxygen and TiC14 heaters, oxidation and
aluminium chloride reactors, gas/solid separation filter, slurrying and slurry water tanks,
cooling pond, water cooler and slurry storage tanks.

Additional compressed oxygen would also be required to oxidise the TiC14. This would
be obtained from an external supplier.


This section would be all new equipment. This equipment would include pigment
treatment and pre-treatment tanks, as well as vacuum filters with associated vacuum
pumps and slurry tanks for washing and dewatering pigment. Driers would be used to
remove the remaining water from the pigment cake. Bag houses would separate the
pigment powder from the drying air stream and the powder would be pneumatically

conveyed to a fluid energy mill to grind the powder. The ground pigment would then be
conveyed to surge bins prior to packaging in 25 kg bags or bulk bags.

A ducted vacuum system would be installed throughout the dry pigment handling areas
and a dust extraction system would be included within the packaging area. Both
systems would make use of a fan and baghouse to allow recovery of the pigment dust
for reuse or disposal.


The suction vent system would be expanded to collect fugitive emissions from tanks,
sample points, equipment washdown areas and other locations. Fugitive emissions
would be scrubbed before emission to the atmosphere.

It is proposed to expand the process water treatment section associated with the
production of titanium dioxide and construct a waste treatment plant to handle wastes
arising from the finishing plant. A diagrammatic representation of the existing system is
provided in Figure 3.4.

The additional units to be installed include the following:

neutralisation tanks;
solid residue washing filter and vacuum pump;
filtration and thickener tanks;
solid residue holding tank;
saline water pipeline descaling (pig) launcher.

The existing saline water pipeline descaler retrieval system would be replaced with a
larger and more efficient pipe cleaning system. A second water recovery pond would be
added to the existing pond system.

A new pigment finishing process water treatment plant consisting of filtrate recovery
thickeners, polishing thickeners, clarifiers and neutralisation facilities would be


With the expansion of the plan't, it is proposed to direct all hot exhaust gases generated
from the thermal converter to a waste heat boiler to generate steam, before they are
passed through a caustic scrubber and discharged to the atmosphere through the main
process stack. The steam generated in the waste heat boiler would be used to
supplement boiler steam. Options for a co-generation facility to provide additional
power requirements are also being investigated.






j 1••••



FA _____________

Additional bulk water storage tanks, cooling towers and a water distribution network
would be installed. A larger water treatment plant and a self-contained package sewage
treatment plant would be constructed.

New offices, pigment storage areas and maintenance facilities would be constructed to
cater for the finishing plant. The existing office and laboratory complex would be
expanded. Additional motor control centres would be constructed. Computer systems
to support the motor control centres would be upgraded to meet the control demands of
the new facility.


The conceptual layout of the expanded chloride process plant and the new finishing
plant are shown in Figure 3.3. Some of the items of the expanded chloride process plant
can be accommodated alongside the existing units. However, a new oxidation stream,
plant support facilities and waste pond would be sited south of the existing chlorinator

The finishing plant would be sited to the west of the existing plant in an area that is
presently uncleared.


The raw material requirements for the proposed plant expansion, compared to existing
requirements, are shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Process raw material requirements (tla*)

Major inputs Current requirements Requirements of proposed expanded plant

Synthetic ruffle 84,000 206,000

Petroleum coke 18,000) 42,000
Chlorine 16,000 35,000
Oxygen 39,000 96,000
Nitrogen 59,000 145,000
Water (m3/a) 1,500,000 5,000,000
Natural gas (GJ/a) 370,000 980,000
Electricity (MWh) 29,000 97,000
Note * unless indicated


With the expansion of the plant and construction of a finishing plant, the quantity of
water required would increase considerably from the quantity required for the existing
operation at Kemerton. At present, water for the existing chloride process plant is

obtained from three bores which extract water from sub-artesian aquifers. Within these
aquifers, two bores extract water from the Cockleshell Gully Formation and one bore
extracts water from the Leederville Formation. These aquifers would not be able to
supply the water requirements of the expanded plant, due to existing uses and

Options to obtain additional water include the following:

nearby surface waters, such as the Wellesley River;

Wellington Dam;
shallow groundwater;
deep groundwater.

Use of shallow groundwater to supply the plant may cause a lowering of the water table
which would adversely affect wetlands in the immediate vicinity. The nearby rivers,
such as the Wellesley, are highly variable in flow and quality. The quantity available is
not adequate for the proposed expansion without compromising existing uses and
stream flow. These two options are therefore not appropriate.

The Office of Water Regulation has recently received environmental approval to

construct the Kemerton Industrial Park water supply pipeline to supply water to the
Kemerton area (EPA 1994). This proposal involves the release of water into the Collie
River from the Wellington Dam. The water would be collected at a weir on the river at
Burekup and pumped to the Kemerton Industrial Park (Water Authority 1993). SCM
could utilise this pipeline to provide the balance of water required for the proposed plant

The raw water would require treatment, including filtering, before being used by the
pigment plant. Approximately 70% of this filtered water would be passed through a
water softening process in the proposed plant. A third of this water would then be
demineralised. Residual liquids from the treatment processes would be treated in the
process water treatment system. A flow diagram describing the water balance and
recycling proposal is presented in Flguie3.5.

The design of the expanded chloride process plant and the new finishing plant
incorporates several water-saving innovations currently in use at the existing Kemerton
and Australind plants. Table 3.3 details the current and predicted water used in tonnes
per tonne of titanium dioxide or finished pigment produced.

Reuse of the finishing plant effluent in the raw pigment plant, and utilisation of closed
cooling water loops, are estimated to conserve 65 m3/h of water. Recycling of recovered
water to Cockburri Cement would save an additional 19 m3/h. These conservation
measures would reduce the water required to produce each tonne of finished pigment
from 40.9 to 31.9 t of water.


1640 1214

TITANIUM DIOXIDE ____________________




This balance displays hourly water flows
in m3/h, based on a full years usage.
Instantaneous flows may be higher.
Table 3.3 Comparison of raw water usage

Plant Current production* Proposed productio n*

Titanium dioxide plant—Kemerton 18.6 11.8

Finishing plant—Australind 22.3 23.3
Finishing plant—Kemerton - 18.7
Total (based on typical proportional production 40.9 31.9
at each finishing plant)
Note * water usage in tonnes per tonne of product

A survey of fifteen similar plants worldwide has shown typical raw water use to be 120-140 t
to I t of finished pigment produced in plants using the chloride process, and 200-400 t
to 1 t of finished pigment produced in plants using the sulphate process. In comparison,
the water-saving technologies at the Kemerton and Australind plants provide significant
economies in water use.

SCM would continue to supply filtered water to the Nufarm, Cockburn Cement and
BOC satellite plants and accept their effluent for treatment.



The quantities of products and by-products generated by the proposed plant expansion,
compared to present production, are shown in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 Quantities of products and by-products produced at Kemerton (tla)

Major outputs Current production Proposed production

Finished pigment 79,000 195,000

Hydrochloric acid (as 100% acid) 6,000 14,400
Solid residue slurry 141,000 397,000
Neutralised saline water* 950,000 3,000,000
Carbon monoxide 6,700 3,600
Carbon dioxide 70,000 194,000
Titanium tetrachloride <0.5 <0.5
Chlorine <0.5 <0.5
Carbonyl sulphide 540 540
Sulphur dioxide 200 240
Hydrogen sulphide <0.5 <0.5
Nitrogen oxides 25 60
Nitrogen 59,000 145,000

Note Atmospheric emissions assume thermal converter with 25% bypass

* cubic metres per annum

The Kemerton plant would be able to produce up to 183,000 t/a of raw pigment, which
could be processed into 195,000 t/a of finished pigment. It is proposed to produce
116,000 t/a of the finished pigment at Kemerton. The remainder, i.e. 79,000 t/a, would
be produced at the Australind plant.


Gaseous emissions would be generated from the following sources:

main process stack

suction vent system stack
start-up stack
raw pigment plant boilers and heaters
finishing plant driers
finishing plant boilers

The boilers, heaters and driers would only emit carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and
water vapour as a result of the combustion of natural gas. The installation of a thermal
converter prior to the main process stack would result in reduced emissions, particularly
of carbon monoxide, carbonyl sulphide and hydrogen sulphide. Heat from the thermal
converter would be used to generate steam, therefore reducing natural gas uses.
Scrubbing of the gases after they have passed through the thermal converter would
remove 95% of the sulphur dioxide.

The integrated thermal conversion system is new technology and would require further
development to achieve optimum reliability. While SCM is committed to the principle
of introducing 'best available technology', its experience suggests that to establish
consistent and continuous operation of the overall process, bypassing the thermal
conversion system would be required to allow for process optimisation. It is the
company's intention to maximise the potential of the thermal converter. The proposed
emission levels (Table 3.4) allow down time for any maintenance and modifications that
might be required for optimum emission control. The emissions would meet current
licence limits, even during down time periods.

In addition, the chloride process plant would produce hydrogen chloride gas as a by-
product. This gas would be recovered in a scrubber prior to combustion of the
remaining gases in the thermal converter. The recovered hydrogen chloride would be
converted into 14,400 t/a of hydrochloric acid. This acid would either be used within
the process, sold or neutralised prior to disposal.


Effluent from the water filtration plant, water softening plant, demineralisation plant,
residue wash facility and raw pigment plant, along with the effluent from off-site
providers, would be sent to the neutralisation treatment system for treatment. The
effluent would be neutralised, clarified and then piped to saline water holding ponds
prior to ocean disposal. Saline water from the finishing plant filtration system would

also be sent to the saline water holding ponds. A diagram describing the current process
water treatment system is presented in Figure 3.4.

The upgraded process water treatment system includes a new saline water pond with
three times the capacity of the existing ponds. The rate of disposal to the ocean outfall
would increase from 110 m3/h to 395 m3Ih. This includes wastewater generated by the
pigment surface treatment facilities at Kemerton.

The chloride process plant at Kemerton currently incorporates extensive internal water
recycling. This recycling results in 60% of all water used being recycled within the
current plant. The recycling allows the current plant to use about 40% of the total water
usage of most other plants using the chloride process. A similar water recycling and
reuse system would be incorporated into the proposed expansion. Water treatment plant
wastes, which includes filter backwash water and ion exchange regeneration water,
would be used to sluice solid residue or prepare lime slurry. In addition, some water
generated by the proposed finishing plant would be recirculated or reused.

Reuse of all the water produced would not be economic as the water would become too
saline for further use. Following reuse of water in as many applications as possible, the
saline water that could not be reused would be treated. The treated saline water would
be collected in a holding pond and pumped approximately 9 km to an existing ocean
outfall located west of the northern extremity of the Leschenault Peninsula. To cater for
the increased amount of saline water to be pumped to the ocean from the plant
expansion, the pipeline would be upgraded. The proposed pipeline would be
constructed of high density polyethylene pipe and would be buried up to a depth of
600 mm.

The route of the proposed pipeline would follow the existing pipeline route, as shown in
Figure 3.6. Generally the pipeline follows Marriott Road, the Perth—Bunbury Highway
and Buffalo Road. From the plant, the pipeline crosses the road and runs through
private property along the northern side of Marriott Road. It then runs through cleared
private property along the eastern side of the Perth—Bunbury Highway. The pipeline
crosses underneath the Perth—Bunbury Highway and runs, partly through cleared private
property and partly in the road reserve, along the northern side of Buffalo Road, through
the dunes at the northern end of the Leschenault Peninsula and terminates in a break
tank situated behind the final dune line. The route then continues in a south-westerly
direction along a natural gully down to the shoreline.

From the shoreline, the pipeline would be partially buried in the ocean floor, and
continue westwards for a distance of 270 m off shore. The treated saline water would be
discharged through an expanded diffuser attached to the end of the pipeline, in a water
depth of approximately 7 m. The pipeline would be adjacent to a proposed pipeline to
be installed by Western Power, but the outlet of Western Power's pipeline would be
outside the zone of influence of SCM's outlet.



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The waste treatment plant would produce about 340,000 t/a of 11-15% residue slurry.
This slurry would be thoroughly washed, allowed to settle, filtered and re-slurried in
water for transport by road tanker to the existing solid residue storage area at Dalyellup,
south of Bunbury.

At Dalyellup, the slurry would be discharged into the disposal pond to allow the solids
to separate from the water. Progressive dewatering of the solids would occur through
evaporation and seepage. The downward seepage of pore water contained within the
residue would infiltrate the unsaturated zone of the superficial formation.

During this process, leachate constituents would chemically interact with a range of soil
materials. Research and site monitoring results indicate that trace levels of soluble
heavy metals in the slurry water leachate are immobilised or attenuated within the soil
layer. Leachate passing through the soil layer would be mixed and diluted by
groundwater as it flowed toward the ocean and was mixed at the interface with the
seawater (SCM, 1991).



To prevent leakage into the groundwater, all process plant areas would be sealed using
concrete or bitumen. Stormwater and runoff from within the process plant would be
contained, collected and pumped to the neutralisation plant for treatment. Some of this
water would be recycled within the process.

Stormwater and surface runoff from hardstand areas, such as car parks and roads,
outside the process plant areas would be collected through a series of covered drains,
and directed to low-lying areas where stormwater basins and ponds would be
constructed. Additional parking areas would be constructed using the principles of
water-sensitive design, where only kerbing is used to redirect stormwater into planted
areas or natural vegetation.

It is anticipated that plants indigenous to the local area would be used for buffers and
shade around car parking areas.


To undertake production of raw and finished pigment, a number of substances classified

as 'dangerous goods' within the provisions of the Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act,
are currently stored at Kemerton. The goods are stored in accordance with Department
of Minerals and Energy (DOME) licence conditions. For the expansion, additional
storage facilities would be provided in accordance with the Dangerous Goods
Regulations 1992 and relevant Australian Standards (AS). The goods and their storage
are described below.

A hydrocarbon used in the process is stored in an underground 55.5m3 tank from where
it is transferred to a 2 m3 day tank prior to use. The hydrocarbon is inflammable with a
threshold limit value (which represents the safe working atmospheric concentration) of
100 parts per million. Groundwater monitoring bores are located down gradient to
detect any leakage. Spill suppression equipment is maintained on site. The effect of a
spill would be confined to the tank area.

Hydrogen peroxide is used to react with any dissolved chlorine in the raw pigment.
Hydrogen peroxide is stored in a 46 m3 tank from which it is supplied to a 2.5 m3 day
tank before being added to the process. These tanks are situated next to the hydrocarbon
fuel storage and day tanks, described above.

Diesel is currently used on site; it is stored in an above ground tank.

Natural gas is delivered to the site through the Alinta Gas reticulation network and
distributed around the site through 50 mm and 80 mm pipework at a pressure of 350
kPa. The pipework complies with AS 1697.

A liquefied petroleum gas storage tank, similar to those at service stations, would be
installed next to the maintenance workshop. Liquefied petroleum gas is used to fill the
fuel cylinders on the forklift trucks. The tank would be installed and operated in
accordance with AS 1596. The tank would be protected from damage by forklift trucks,
and would be installed away from other potential sources of heat that could cause tank
failure or ignition. The tank's location would be readily accessible to fire suppression

Hydrochloric acid would be stored in three tanks with a combined capacity of 500 m3.
They would be contained in a bunded area equipped with foam applicators. The effects
of a spill from any of these tanks could be contained within the confines of the site using
on-site control procedures.

The process requires intermediate storage of titanium tetrachioride and sodium

hydroxide in above ground tanks. The additional titanium tetrachloride would be stored
in six new tanks with a total capacity of 410 m3. The sodium hydroxide would be stored
in a new tank with a capacity of 85 m3.

All underground tanks have been installed with cathodic protection to minimise
deterioration of the tank shell. All above ground tanks stand within bunded cells which
are capable of holding the total capacity of the tank, should it rupture or spill. The
contents of the bund would be directed, via drains, to the neutralisation plant, which is
designed to handle and treat any spills.


The construction workforce on the expansion project is expected to peak at about 500
persons. SCM proposes that this work force, wherever practical, would be segregated
from the ongoing operations of the existing pigment plant during the construction phase.
This separation is planned to be achieved through judicious project planning and
construction management.

The construction work force would receive adequate training to create an awareness of
the personal and occupational hazards associated with the existing plant. The
emergency procedures to be observed and undertaken when required would be included
in the induction of the construction work force. Their training would include an
environmental awareness component to ensure they understood the basic strategies
associated with the environmental management required for completion of the
construction phase with minimal environmental impact.

An additional 200 employees are expected to be necessary to operate and maintain the
expanded pigment plant. These employees would be selected to complement the
existing SCM work force. Their induction would include introduction to the
environmental policies and ethic that exists within the existing Kemerton and Australind
operations. They would also be introduced to the role of the Kemerton Industrial Park
and the place of SCM's operations within it. They would be encouraged to take part in
environmental management programmes as part of their daily work, in a manner
consistent with current work practices on the site.


This chapter provides an overview of the environmental aspects of the existing

development at Kemerton, and demonstrates SCM's exemplary environmental


In 1986, SCM sought environmental approval under the Environmental Protection Act
1971 (WA) and Laporte Industrial Factory Act 1961 (WA) to convert its titanium
dioxide pigment plant at Australind from the sulphate process to chloride process
technology (Kinhill Steams 1986).

The EPA assessed the proposal and presented its recommendation in Bulletin 275 (EPA
1 987a). This report concluded that the chloride process plant could be operated in an
environmentally acceptable manner, but that the Australind site was an environmentally
inappropriate location.

Subsequently, in 1987, SCM submitted a Notice of Intent (NOT) for a 70,000 tla
chloride process plant at Kemerton. The EPA assessment of this proposal was presented
in Bulletin 283 (EPA 1987b) which concluded that the proposal was environmentally
acceptable and required the plant to operate under the Environmental Protection Act
1986. This plant was commissioned in 1989.

In 1994 SCM sought environmental approval to increase production to 79,000 tia by

'debottlenecking' the process or unbiocking some of the slower stages. Environmental
approval for this project was granted.


The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has defined the operation as

prescribed premises under Section 5 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and has
issued pollution control licences. In addition to these operational licences, SCM is also
bound by Ministerial Conditions and their own environmental commitments given at
various stages of development. These commitments and Ministerial Conditions are
discussed in Chapter 9 and copies are provided in Appendix H and Appendix I.

Specific elements of the operation are covered by additional licences and permits.
These include the following:

Operation of prescribed premises (chemical works class 2 and waste water
discharge ) from 1 October 1994 to 30 September 1995: DEP Licence 5223;
Extraction of groundwater from three deep production bores: Water Authority of
Western Australia (Water Authority) Licence 0042481 Cockleshell Gully
Formation, and Licence 0042480 Leederville Formation;
Storage of chlorine gas: Health Department of Western Australia (HDWA) Poisons
Permit 7-1579;
Radiation monitoring: Radiological Council of Western Australia (RCWA)
Industrial Gauges Licence 1003/91-7 191, and Licence RS 226/88-5390;
X-ray analysis equipment: RCWA X-ray Analysis Licence LX 367-87-5004;
Storage of dangerous goods: Department of Minerals and Energy (DOME)
File 10886.

SCM is required to submit annual reports to various Government departments detailing

monitoring data and performance. Examples of annual reports and reports of
monitoring data produced since 1989 are as follows:

Woodward-Clyde. 1996. Kemerton water supply welifield assessment—annual

Woodward-Clyde. 1989-1996. Kemerton pigment plant groundwater monitoring
programme—annual reports;
Dames & Moore. 1989-1996. Management review of the Dalyellup residue
disposal facility;
Kinhill. 1989-1996. Environmental monitoring studies of the wastewater ocean
outfall at Kemerton, Years 1-8;
SCM. 1988, 1993, 1996. Progress and compliance reports to Department of
Environmental Protection on conditions and commitments set on chloride project;
SCM. 1992-1996. Environmental audit reports - Dalyellup residue disposal
SCM. 1993. Radiation management plan.
SCM. 1996. Environmental management plan.
SCM. 1996. Environmental systems manual.
Terry. 1989-1996. Radiation Wise - Dalyellup Radiation Monitoring. Reports on
operational radiation monitoring programme at solid disposal site, Dalyellup.


SCM has a separate environmental department which co-ordinates all its environmental
management programmes. Importance is given to maintaining a high standard of
environmental performance. The company is committed to continually improving its
environmental procedures and performance.


SCM is a quality endorsed company through accreditation of its quality control system
to AS/NZS ISO 9002:1994. The company has been registered and received quality
accreditation in Singapore and Japan.

The Environmental Management Plan (EMP), developed in 1989 and revised in 1996,
the Total Hazard Control Plan (THCP) and the Radiation Management Plan (RMP) are
tied into, and compatible with, the company's quality system and are regularly upgraded
to accommodate improvements in control systems.


SCM has a firm corporate commitment to responsible environmental management,

always striving to achieve full compliance with regulatory requirements and minimise
impacts on the surrounding environs. SCM has initiated a programme of continuous
improvement and accountability for the entire life cycle of all its sites.

In addition to the operational, water use, groundwater and waste disposal programmes as
covered by licences, the environmental department is involved in a broad range of
community and employee based activities. The department conducts environmental
management and radiation procedures courses, distributes literature and mounts
workplace displays as part of an ongoing employee environmental awareness
programme. The aim of these programmes is to ensure that all facets of the operation
are conducted in an environmentally friendly manner and incorporate the current best
practices of environmental management.

SCM works closely with such groups as the Leschenault Inlet Management Authority
(LIMA) and the Water and Rivers Commission (WRC) to further environmental
awareness within the community and promote regional environmental management.
This is achieved, in part, by development and sponsorship of the school based 'Caring
for our Waterways' education programme, presentations to community groups on
environmental management procedures at SCM, and sponsorship of several Leschenault
Inlet Management Authority projects.

As part of the company's commitment to the 'Responsible Care' codes of practice of the
Plastics and Chemical Industry Association (PACIA), formerly the Australian Chemical
Industry Council (ACIC), ,regular open days are held to ensure that the community has
every opportunity to inspect and become familiar with company operations. SCM's
public commitment to the code is presented in Figure 4.1.

is proud in be an naive parlici pant in


As a member of the Australian Chemical Industry Council this Company is committed to the industrvs
responsible management of chemicals. We pledge to:
1T Recognise and respond to community concerns about chemicals and our operations.
E Operate our plants and facilities in a manner that preserves the environment and protects the health
and safety of our employees and the public.
O Develop and produce chemicals that can be manufactured, transported, used and disposed of safely.
O Give health, safety and environment considerations priority in our planning for new products and
Report information on relevant chemical-related health or environmental hazards promptly to
appropriate authorities, employees, customers and the public and to recommend protective measures.
O Give advice to customers on the sale use, transportation and disposal of chemical products.
O Increase knowledge by conducting and/or supporting research on the health, safety and environmental
effects of our products, processes and waste materials.
Co-operate with customers, authorities and affected groups and individuals to resolve problems created
by the handling and disposal of chemical substances considered hazardous.
0 Co-operate with government in developing laws and regulations to safeguard the community, the
workplace and the environment; to endeavour to ensure that such laws are based on scientifically
supported data and/or expert opinion.
[1 Promote these principles and practices hy sharing experience and offering assistance to others who
produce, handle, use, transport or dispose of chemicals.

Managing Director
Signature Title

bm Australidn Chemical Industry Council

Figure 4.1

The Environmental Management Plan, and its associated Environmental Systems

Manuals, cover all facets of SCM's operations from the design phase, through
construction, commissioning, operational, decommissioning and rehabilitation phases,
to the post-rehabilitation phase.

The Environmental Systems Manuals describe the various management systems and
procedures that SCM has established to minimise any impact from its activities. The
systems particularly cover corrective action and procedures for abnormal operating
situations or incidents. The systems are, where appropriate, cross-referenced to other
SCM systems and related data collection records.


SCM maintains comprehensive records of all monitoring results to demonstrate

compliance with regulatory limits and conditions. An environmental performance index
has been developed to measure the effectiveness of the various environmental
programmes. The parameters chosen are as follows: the amount of solid residue
produced, total dissolved solids and total suspended solids concentration in certain
waste water streams, and the amount of atmospheric emissions of carbon monoxide and
hydrogen chloride. The weighted parameters are combined and expressed as a
percentage of the base year, 1990. The lower the number, the greater the reduction in
the parameters, and the fewer releases to the environment.

The environmental performance index since 1990 is shown in Table 4.1. The large
reduction in the index in 1992 reflects the introduction of SCM's solid residue
minimisation programme.

Table 4.1 Environmental performance index

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

% of 1990 100 99 58.3 54.9 48.6 46.0 34.5

Source: SCM 1996 Environmental Status Report,

4.3.5 AUDITS

SCM adheres to PACIA's code of practice and auditing procedures, and is a member of
its 'Responsible Care' programme. PACIA requires members of this programme to
have independent audits of their operations on a random basis to maintain accreditation
and conform to programme objectives.

SCM conducts environmental audits annually on its south-west operations. Both

performance and compliance audits are carried out by the environmental department and
SCM's legal department in the USA. All corrective actions arising from these audits
have been completed.

In August 1993, the DEP Auditing Branch conducted an environmental impact audit on
the SCM Western Australian operations. This included the Kemerton chloride process
plant, the Australind finishing plant and the Dalyellup disposal facility. This audit
covered all Ministerial Conditions and company commitments in relation to the
Kemerton, Australind and Dalyellup operations. The audit found compliance with all
conditions and commitments. SCM have submitted a progress and compliance audit
report for 1996 to the DEP Auditing Branch.

The Total Hazard Control Plan (THCP) is regularly independently audited in accordance
with DOME procedural requirements. The most recent audit found that all DOME
requirements had been complied with.


SCM's comprehensive safety policy and plans complement the Environmental

Management Plan. One of the stated aims of the safety policy is 'commitment and
support for the minimisation of incidents (safety, health, environmental)'.

The Kemerton plant's safety record is very good. It is highly rated under the
International Safety Rating System (ISRS). The system provides a systematic analysis
to determine the extent and quality of management control. It measures 'performance
and control' through auditing. The various system elements are as follows:

Leadership & Administration

Leadership Training
Planned Inspections
Task Analysis & Procedures
Accident/Incident Investigations
Task Observations
Emergency Preparedness
Rules & Work Permits
Accident/Incident Analysis
Knowledge & Skill Training
Personal Protective Equipment
Health Control
System Evaluation
Engineering and Change Management
Personal Communication
Group Communications
General Promotions
Hiring & Placement
Materials & Service Management
Off-the-Job Safety

Safety will continue to be a priority of SCM operations and the latest safety features
would be incorporated into the design of the expanded facilities.


In addition to regular monitoring, reporting and auditing of its operations, the company
has commissioned studies into the nature and possible uses of the treated solid residue.
In 1992, a residue minimisation plant was commissioned that considerably reduced the
dry solid residue produced per tonne of raw pigment. SCM is committed to continuing
research into residue minimisation, recycling and possible alternative uses for the


The SCM Kemerton Plant has received only six valid environmentally related
complaints since the plant was commissioned in 1989. All of the complaints were from
within the Kemerton Industrial Park buffer zone; none were from the general
community. These complaints were all addressed and resolved, and the DEP and
complainant notified of the outcome.



SCM discharges process gases into the atmosphere from the process stack in accordance
with their DEP licence. Licence limits and SCM's more rigorous limits for the process
stack are given in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2. Emission limits from the process stack

Parameter Licence limit (gIm3) SCM internal 1996 average

limit (g/m3) (g/m3)

Carbon monoxide 200 42.4

Acid gases 0.4 0.0005 0.0003
Titanium tetrachloride to be determined Nil
Chlorine and chlorine compounds 0.8 <0.003
Carbonyl sulphide to be determined 5.7 3.4
Sulphur dioxide not a licence condition 6.7 1.21
Hydrogen suiphide no odour beyond KIP* 0.012 0.002
Reduced sulphur compounds nil

Note * Kemerton industrial Park.

These data show that all emissions have been considerably below any specified licence
conditions, as well as SCM's internally imposed goals.

Any abnormal emissions are reported to SCM's environmental department. When an

incident occurs, the relevant Environmental Systems Manual procedures are
implemented to determine the cause and consequence of the incident, and to initiate the
required remedial action.

There were four 'reportable' incidents in 1994. Of these, the only one with an apparent
odour at the boundary of the Kemerton Industrial Park resulted from a hydrogen
chloride release on 30 March 1994. In 1995, only two reportable incidents occurred and
one reportable incident occurred in 1996. They were all of a short term nature involving
relatively small releases of titanium tetrachioride, hydrogen chloride or chlorine gases
with no long term impacts. There have been no reportable incidents to date in 1997.


SCM is licensed to discharge saline water into the ocean off the Leschenault Peninsula.
Measurement of the quantity and quality of the discharge, and a monitoring programme
within the receiving environment of the outfall, have been undertaken in accordance
with these licence conditions.

Table 4.3 gives the licence limits for the treated saline water, the quality attained in
1995, and predicted future levels.

Table 4.3 Wastewater discharge concentration limits

Parameter Licence limit Current average Predicted future levels

Discharge volume (m3/h) 150 115 376

Temperature (°C) 50 33 45
pH 7-10 8 8
Total suspended solids* 100 14.9 20
Total dissolved solids* 55,000 29,700 30,000
Chromium* 7 0.1 0.1
Chlorate* 400 51 60
Iron* 7 0.2 0.2
Manganese* 7 0.2 0.2
Vanadium* 7 0.4 0.5
Radium 226f 15 4 4
Radium 228t 30 12 15
Thorium-228f 260 0.2 1
* g/m3
t kBq/m3

Discharge through the pipeline began in December 1988, and monitoring of the
receiving environment has been undertaken by Kinhill on a biannual basis since 1988.
This monitoring programme measures quality of both water and sediments at the outfall.

These data show that the concentration of all chemical parameters in the saline water
have been considerably below the licence conditions. Sampling of the ocean near the
marine outfall indicates that outside the mixing zone (i.e. outside a radius of 20 m),
there are no significant adverse effects of the discharge on water quality, sediment
quality or marine life (Kinhill, 1995).


Solid residue disposal at the Dalyellup site began in March 1989 under an agreement
with the Capel Shire and the EPA. Initially the EPA provided a licence for three years,
until February 1992, with an option for extension of time if environmental performance
was satisfactory.

SCM submitted proposals for, and was granted, time extensions for use of the Dalyellup
site in 1991 and 1993. Approvals were issued to continue the use of this site for the 'life
of the site'. At the current rate of disposal, the Dalyellup site has capacity to accept
solid residue to the year 2006. Continuation of the use of the site is dependent on SCM
providing the EPA with sufficient information to show that environmental performance
is satisfactory.

SCM is required to submit annual audit reports. Audit reports have been issued in 1992,
1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997.

A groundwater monitoring bore network of twenty bores at sixteen sites has been
installed. Monitoring data show that impacts on groundwater quality and levels from
the disposal operations are minimal. This issue is discussed further in Section 7.4.

Radiation monitoring is continuing in accordance with the Radiation Management Plan

and SCM commitments. The RCWA has reduced the reporting periods from biannual
to biennial as no adverse impacts have been observed. The monitoring period remains
biannual. These results confirm that the solid residue is not a radioactive substance
under the Transport Code 1990 (Cwlth) nor under the Radiation Safely (General)
Regulations 1983 (WA).

Monitoring reports conclude that all conditions required under the agreement with the
Capel Shire and the DEP pollution control licence have been complied with. The
environmental performance of the Dalyellup disposal site continues to be satisfactory
with no adverse impacts observed.

SCM remains committed to continuing investigations into alternative residue disposal

methods, residue minimisation, recycling and alternative uses. A 40% reduction in the
quantity of solid residue produced has been achieved since 1988.

A number of alternative uses currently under investigation include the following:

potential use in brick manufacture;

provision of pavement base course (the layer immediately below the bitumen
surface) in road construction;

soil conditioning and nutrient attenuation (retaining nutrients in soils), due to the
dried oxidised residue's ability to absorb nutrients, especially phosphorus.

Brick manufacture

SCM has conducted trials to assess the suitability of aged, solid residue for
incorporation with clay in the production of kiln-fired clay bricks and payers. The trials
included production, testing and performance evaluation. The results indicated the
material was suitable for use in brick manufacture.

A submission to produce and use bricks produced from solid residue was considered by
the RCWA, approval was given, and a suggested criteria to determine the quantity of
residue incorporated was agreed.

Development work on using residue in brick manufacture is continuing.

Road construction

The solid residue has shown considerable potential for use in road pavement
construction in trials conducted at Dalyellup. This potential is confirmed by both in situ
and laboratory trials.

The EPA has approved the proposal, provided appropriate management of the following
issues was addressed:

solute leaching
dust during construction
construction methods

Monitoring of dust and solute leaching to date indicate radiation levels are well within
acceptable limits and only vary marginally from background levels.

Other potential uses

The solid residue has shown it has a high level of phosphorus retention and, as a result,
has excellent soil conditioning and potting mix potential. Trials conducted to date
indicate the residue compares favourably with other soil conditioners and potting mixes
currently available on the market.

Present radiation levels in the material make it difficult to obtain permission for the use
of the solid residue for these purposes, but reduction of the level of radiation in the
residue continues to be investigated.


Rehabilitation trials of the Dalyellup site have commenced. The trials, to date, indicate
that the site can successfully be returned to native bushland or planted with turf for
recreational use.

In the latest development at the site, SCM rehabilitated a blowout in the sand dunes by
filling the area with sand, and contouring, brushing and seeding the area.

Final rehabilitation of the site, in accordance with a Rehabilitation Management Plan

approved by the DEP, RCWA and Capel Shire Council, would occur once the site is

4.4.5 NOISE

Ambient noise measurements have been taken on an annual basis and these studies
indicate that SCM has met the licence requirements. SCM now conduct daily noise
monitoring at several locations in and adjacent to the KIP. The large buffer zone that
surrounds the Kemerton Industrial Park, and the location of the plant within SCM's site,
ensure any noise generated does not cause disturbance to residences outside the
Kemerton Industrial Park.


The RCWA licences the use of industrial gauges, X-ray analysis equipment and all
aspects of radiation procedures and management relating to the Kemerton plant, and the
disposal of wastewater and solid residue.

To ensure compliance with the appropriate regulations, minimise radiation doses to

employees and reduce environmental risks, a Radiation Management Plan has been
developed. The Radiation Management Plan was developed in consultation with the
RCWA and approved by the RCWA and the DEP. Implementation of the plan resulted
in measures including display of radiation warning signs, revised maintenance
procedures and implementation of decontamination procedures.

Radiation levels are measured at the plant area, in the waste water, in marine sediments
and at the Dalyellup residue disposal site. Monitoring results confirm that the solid
residue is not a radioactive substance as defined by the Transport Code 1990 nor Section
5.1 of Radiation Safety (General) Regulations 1983.

Monitoring of radioactivity levels, auditing of the management plan and investigations

will continue to be undertaken in accordance with the Radiation Management Plan. The
Radiation Management Plan will continue to be revised to minimise environmental
impacts, particularly if radioactivity levels change.


The DEP, in conjunction with the WRC, has set conditions regarding protection of
groundwater resources beneath or adjacent to the Kemerton site. As part of these
conditions, quarterly water level measurements and quality analysis, and an annual
review of groundwater status, are undertaken and reported.

The Kemerton plant was designed to protect the groundwater system. Possible spillage
areas have been sealed and bunded, and a network of monitoring bores are in place to

detect any changes to the groundwater beneath the site. Any spillage of potentially
polluting material must be reported to the WRC, along with the proposed corrective
action programme. Minor spillages have been successfully contained, and the clean-up
programmes have prevented any measurable effect on the groundwater system from
these incidents.

Monitoring of groundwater began in 1989 and is carried out each quarter. Monitoring
results indicate that operation of the raw pigment plant is having little or no effect on the
groundwater system beneath the plant site. The quality remains similar to that of late
1989, when monitoring commenced. Groundwater levels remain unchanged, apart from
the expected seasonal fluctuations.


Risks and hazards on the existing plant are effectively managed by a Total Hazard
Control Plan (THCP) developed to meet the requirements of the Department of Minerals
and Energy (DOME). The THCP sets out the management philosophy, organisation and
procedures put in place by SCM to control risks and hazards. It places strong emphasis
on the production management process and the importance of maintaining continuous
awareness through training and regular safety drills. In addition, SCM uses the
International Safety Rating System throughout its operations.

The aim of these systems is to keep employees and neighbouring communities free from
illness or injury caused by the Kemerton operation. The Total Hazard Control Plan and
safety programmes are regularly audited, internally and externally, to ensure compliance
to, and adequacy of, both these systems and to keep government authorities aware that
the controls are functional and maintained.

The effectiveness of the Total Hazard Control Plan and SCM's safety system is reflected
in its low 'lost time' incident rate. Since commissioning of the Kemerton plant in 1989,
there have been only two 'lost time' accidents in 1.7 million work hours. The most
recent annual audit, conducted by Stratex-EWI Pty Ltd in 1995 for DOME, found no
non-compliances with the Total Hazard Control Plan document, and no increase in risk
from the Kemerton operation.

Storage of dangerous goods, particularly inflammable liquids and titanium tetrachloride,

is licensed by DOME. Under an industrial poisons permit, the use and storage of
chlorine gas, manufactured for SCM by Nufarm, is controlled by the Health Department
of Western Australia.


SCM has implemented environmental management programmes in accordance with its

quality control system and environmental policy. Integrated environmental management
systems have been developed for all phases and facets of SCM's Western Australian
operations. Regular internal audits are undertaken to ensure adherence to the
environmental management plan and systems. SCM reports regularly to, and is also
audited by, Government authorities, and its parent company.

SCM has an exemplary record of environmental performance. Monitoring results

demonstrate excellent compliance with regulatory limits and conditions. An
environmental performance index, developed by SCM, shows a significant improvement
since 1990, reflecting the reduction in solid residue generated and an improvement in
control of gaseous emissions since the plant was commissioned.

Annual reports to the DEP demonstrate SCM's commitment to the minimisation of

environmental impacts, and to continuous improvements to environmental management
practices. No adverse long-term environmental impact has resulted from SCM's
operations at Kemerton.


This section discusses the public consultation activities that have been undertaken for
the proposal, the issues that have been raised, and where they are discussed.


As described in Section 4.3.2, SCM works closely with the community to further
awareness and care for the environment within the Bunbury region. This is achieved
by the following activities:

sponsorship of environmental education in schools and community projects;

presentations to community groups about SCM's actions and commitment to

sound environmental management;

providing opportunities for the community to visit each plant site to gain an
appreciation of the company's operations.

SCM had previously announced it's proposal to expand the pigment plant at
Kemerton to the community in July 1995.


With the announcement of SCM's proposal to proceed with the expansion of pigment
production to 195,000 t/a, the company has undertaken to advise the community about
the proposal by:

providing press releases to the local and regional media;

providing media releases in Australia and to International Trade Journals;

mailing information pamphlets to the local community to introduce the project

and seek community comment about the proposal and issues of concern to the
community as a whole or to individuals;

establishing information displays in local shopping centres (during the public

review period);

offering to make presentations to key community groups, Local Governments and
State Government agencies based in the Bunbury region.

Discussions and presentations have already been made to the following groups:

Communities for Coastal Conservation

Capel Shire Council
Harvey Shire Council
Kemerton Advisory Board
Bunbury Chamber of Commerce
State Government authorities including DEP, Water Corporation, DOME and
South West Development Corporation.

An offer has also been made to meet with the Conservation Council of WA

A plant Open Day was held at Kemerton on 22 March 1997. An information display
on the expansion was provided and copies of a summary of the CER were made
available. Questions were answered by personnel from the Environmental
Department. As the consultation programme continues, further presentations will be
made as required, and public information displays will be held at various community

To keep the local community and interested groups informed, a newsletter including a
summary of this CER will be produced.


The principal issues raised during the initial consultation programme and the section
of the document in which each issue is addressed are listed below. This list represents
issues raised and is not presented in any order of perceived importance.

The issues raised during the initial public consultation programme were:

Australind site—closure expectation (Section 1.2);

Ore and coke storage—expansion of the Stanley Road site (Section 3.2.1);

Number of jobs (Sections 2.3 and 3.8);

Use of local people in the construction phase (Section 7.9);

Local content policy (Section 2.3.2);

Water supply—concerns about quality, particularly during dam scouring. (Section


Odours—odour requirement is outside the KIP boundary, not near the site
(Sections 3.6.2 and 4.4);

Light spill (Section 7.7);

Rain water run off the site into pits in the ground (Section 3.7.1);

Sealing the entire site to prevent groundwater contamination (Section 3.7.1);

Wastewater discharge volumes (Section 3.6.3 and 7.3);

Re-use of the wastewater (Section 3.6.3);

Limit on recycling of water (Section 3.6.3);

Constituents of wastewater (Section 7.3);

Similarity of wastewater to sea water—it contains calcium chloride not sodium

(Section 7.3);

Concentration of radionuclides increasing when the amount of wastewater is

increased (Section 7.3);

Off-specification wastewater reaching the ocean (Section 7.3);

Problems with the Western Power pipeline right next to the SCM line (Section

Size of the affected area around the SCM diffuser (mixing zone) (Section 7.3);

Nature of the fenced structure in the sand hills on the pipeline near the beach
(Section 3.6.3);

Consequence of wastewater discharge not being permitted (Section 2.4);

Solid waste disposal (Sections 3.6.4 and 7.4);

Life of Dalyellup residue disposal site (Section 7.4);

Transport concerns and alternative routes when residential development takes

place (Section 7.8);

Residue uses (Sections 4.4 and 7.4);

Rehabilitation of Dalyellup—particularly the current work on the• southern

blowout (Section 4.4);

Security of Dalyellup site (Section 7.4);

Tip capping project (Section 7.4);

Increase in truck movements (Section 7.8);

Movement of the increased production through the Port of Bunbury or elsewhere

(Section 7.8.1);

DEP audit of environmental performance (Section 4.3);

Any other environmental auditing (Section 4.3);

Impact of the environmental control improvements on the existing operations

(Section 4.3).


This chapter describes the environment around the Kemerton processing plant, the
Dalyellup solid residue storage area, the land along the saline water pipeline route and
the area around the ocean outfall.


SCM's processing plant is situated in the Kemerton Industrial Park (KIP) (see Figure
3.6), which was established as the principal site for heavy industry in the south-west
region of Western Australia. The industrial park is in the Shire of Harvey, 140 km south
of Perth and 17 km north-east of Bunbury, with easy access Bunbury's associated social
and economic infrastructure (Kemerton Steering Committee et al. 1989.)

Bunbury is the major centre of the south-west region and is Western Australia's second
largest city. Outside the Perth metropolitan area, the south-west region is Western
Australia's most diverse and populous region, with a rapidly expanding population and
range of facilities. Agriculture, forestry and mining have traditionally been the main
industries and while these continue to develop, tourism and manufacturing are now also
becoming major industries for the region. From a deep water port at Bunbury, the
principal exports are alumina, wood chips and mineral sands (South-West Development
Authority 1995).

The KIP's core heavy industry zone, of some 1,250 ha, is surrounded by a multi-use
zone that provides a buffer of at least 1 km between the industries within it and any
future urban developments. The buffer zone approach locates high and medium risk
industries in the core zone and light industries in sections of the buffer zone.

The Kemerton buffer study (Dames and Moore 1991) concluded that KIP has substantial
capacity to accommodate additional high and medium risk industries.




The Kemerton Industrial Park has a Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers and
mild, wet winters. The mean annual rainfall is approximately 870 mm and the average
annual evaporation (1,490 mm) exceeds rainfall by approximately 620 mm. Average
daily temperatures in the Kemerton Industrial Park range from 12.3 to 22.9°C, based on
meteorological data collected at the KIP weather station.

Winds in summer are dominated by the local sea breeze—land breeze system, with
dominant light south-easterly winds in the early morning and at night, and stronger
south-westerlies during the day (Dames and Moore 1989).

Landform, geology and soils

The Kemerton Industrial Park lies on the western edge of the Swan Coastal Plain with
soil formation occurring from marine, riverine or aeolian processes. Most of the
landscape in the region consists of broad, low rises with intervening low-lying, poorly
drained valleys. These low-lying areas form an extensive chain of permanent and
seasonal wetlands.

The Bassendean Dune System covers all of the Kemerton Industrial Park. The dune
system consists of gently undulating dunes which are randomly orientated and seldom
more than 20 In. high. Soil mapping of the Bassendean Dune System by Dimmock
(1985) shows the site as consisting mainly of Jandakot and Gavin sands, as well as Joel
series and Swamp complex 2 sands.

The Leederville Formation, consisting of dune systems of Quaternary age, underlies the
surface soils and overlies sandstones, silts and shales of the Cretaceous period.
Underlying these systems are the Yarragadee and Cockleshell Gully Formations which
consist of interbedded sands and shales of the Jurassic period.

Surface water resources

The Leschenault Estuary to the west of the site receives water discharge from the Collie
River and its tributaries, the largest tributaries being the Brunswick River and the
Wellesley River (5 km east of the site) (see Figure 1.1). Peak flows in these
watercourses occur in winter and early spring.

There are numerous seasonally flooded wetlands near the site. Although many have
been degraded by agricultural land clearing, encroachment by stock and discharge of
fertiliser-enriched water, they are considered to retain high conservation values as they
provide an important wildlife refuge and contain a diverse wetland flora (Department of
Conservation and Environment 1985).

Water quality of the Brunswick River varies. The Collie River has a variable, and
comparatively high, salinity of an average 1,100 g/m3. The salinity exhibits short-term
fluctuations, between 2,000 and 2,600 g/m3, as a result of scouring from the Wellington
Dam (BHP Engineering 1993).

Groundwater resources

The regional groundwater consists of three deep semi-confined aquifers (within the
Leederville, Cockleshell Gully and Yarragadee Formations) and a unconfined surface
aquifer (within Bassendean and Karrakatta sands). The deep aquifers provide for
agriculture and industrial uses and the surface aquifer, extracted by low-yield bores, for

The shallow water table is 5-11 in above sea level. The unconfined surface aquifer is
fairly permeable with groundwater flows in the order of 50-100 rn/a Department of
Conservation and Environment 1985). The water table lies at an average depth of 2 in
during summer, and typically rises and falls according to the seasonal rainfall pattern.

A groundwater divide, aligned north-east to south-west and consistent with the

alignment of the eastern ridge, occurs to the west of the site. On the western side of the
divide, groundwater flows west towards the Leschenault Estuary and the sea, some of it
via the western Kemerton wetlands. To the east of the site, groundwater flows towards
the Wellesley River. Groundwater beneath the current and proposed site flows in a
south-westerly direction.

The salinity of the surface aquifer is variable and ranges from 500-1,000 g/rn3. Leakage
may occur between the surface aquifer and the semi-confined aquifers of the Leederville
and Yarragadee Formations. The salinity of the Leederville Formation groundwater is
approximately 1,000-1,200 g/m3, with an increase, with depth, in the concentration of
iron and other dissolved minerals. The quality of the groundwater decreases with depth
(BHP Engineering 1993).


SCM's Kemerton site has previously been cleared for agricultural purposes and the
present vegetation cover results from natural regeneration following the cessation of
grazing and agricultural activity. The diversity of flora on the site is significantly less
than would be expected in an undisturbed area of similar vegetation associations. The
original vegetation in the region, prior to its clearance, was eucalypt woodland. The site
itself previously supported a jarrah—banksia woodland with a moderate cover of
Xanthorrhoea pressei. Only remnants of some of these species are present on the area
of the proposed expansion.

Some of the tree species regenerating on the site include jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata),
Banksia grandis and B. attenuata, X. pressei, sheoak (Allocasuarina fraseriana) and
marri (E. calophylla). Shrub species present include Acacia stenoptera, Adenanthos
cygnorum, Calytrix flavescens, Conostephium pendulum, Kunzea ericfolia, E. vestita,
Jacksonia furcellata, Pericalymma ellipticum, Hibbertia hypericiodes and H. vaginata.

Surveys of the Kemerton area have recorded a total of twelve mammal species, seventy-
nine bird species, seventeen reptile species and eight amphibian species. The fauna is
typical of similar habitats elsewhere on the Swan Coastal Plain and the region is not
significant because of any single species. No gazetted rare and endangered species
occur in the Kemerton area. However, the potential presence of the honey possum
(Tarsipes rostratus) is noteworthy (EPA 1987b). No evidence of the honey possum was
found during an inspection of the proposed site for the plant expansion during visits to
the site in 1996. The paucity of proteaceous plant species and ground-covering heath
within the area of the plant site would be an attributing factor to low potential for the
presence of the honey possum at the site.

Conservation significance

No wetlands occur on or adjacent to the SCM site. Wetlands in the wider Kemerton
Industrial Park buffer zone that are subject to System 6 recommendations (EPA 1993) are
Mialla Lagoon, Leschenault Estuary and the Brunswick, Collie and Wellesley Rivers.

The Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM) has acquired System
C63 (Mialla Lagoon, 4 km north-west of the site) for conservation.

System C66 Leschenault Estuary (4 km west of the site ) is being implemented as

regional park and Class 'C' reserve.

The area of Wellesley River being implemented as regional park (System C67
Brunswick, Collie and Wellesley Rivers ) is located 5 km east of the site.

6.2.3 LAND USE

The Kemerton Industrial Park is part of an area previously used as dry land pasture and
fodder crop production. Other land uses in the region are described as dairy and beef
cattle grazing on irrigated pastures, special rural and irrigated fodder crops, market
gardens and orchards. The SCM plant is located within the industrial core of the
Kemerton Industrial Park.

The SCM site is within the Bunbury Region Plan Policy Area 11 and Shire of Harvey
Town Planning Scheme No. 10 (designated as an 'additional use' area), and located in
the Kemerton Industrial Park which is divided into four separate policy areas:

heavy industry
support industry
inter-industry buffer
parkland buffer.

Each policy area has a number of policy statements relating to the permitted use and
overall strategy for its future development. The SCM site is within, and is consistent
with, the heavy industry policy area.

The Australind piggery and the Goodchild abattoir are located 2 km and 2.5 km north-
west of the site respectively. Other industries include the Simcoa Operations Pty Ltd
silicon plant, the Nufarm Ltd chior-alkali plant, the BOC Gases of Australia Ltd air
separation plant and the Cockburn Cement lime slurry plant.


The Kemerton Industrial Park landscape study (Churchill 1992) describes a landscape
development concept that would create a series Df landscape zones within the industrial
park. The SCM plant and its ancillary service industries are located in an industrial
zone that provides for a heavy industry core, support industries and industry buffers.
According to the study's recommendations, SCM's plant is situated away from roads to
provide a buffer between park visitors and the industry site.

The study also seeks to minimise visual impact from within and beyond the park. The
SCM site is visually protected, by a row of dunes, from the Perth—Bunbury Highway.
However, it can be seen from the Darling Scarp and, to a lesser degree, from the South-
West Highway.

The current works are contained within the 400 m buffer zone between industrial and
recreational users of the park.



The SCM solid residue disposal site located at Dalyellup is within the coastal interdunal
system, about 200 m from the ocean, 8 km south of Bunbury (Figure 1.1).

The topography of the area is steeply undulating, with a maximum elevation of

approximately 45 m Australian Height Datum (AHD). The dunes are generally well
vegetated and stable. A series of ridges are orientated parallel to the coastline. The
disposal site is situated in the swale or interdunal valley, between the vegetated linear
primary dunes and the vegetated parabolic secondary dunes.

The sediments below the disposal site are fine to medium grained lime sands, ranging in
depth from 10 to 20 m. Limestone, sand and sandy clays occur in the area at depths
between 10 and 30 m. Below these sediments are dark grey, silty, clays resembling
mica. Some heavy minerals and silty organic matter occur throughout the profile. The
secondary dunes are overlain by approximately 0.5-1 in of top soil.

The site is underlain by superficial formations which extend from ground surface to
approximately —10 in AHD. The superficial formations form an unconfined aquifer
which consists of sand and limestone with less permeable silty-sand and sandy-clay
horizons in the underlying section. The depth to the water table beneath the disposal
site is approximately 10 m and varies with topographic elevation and seasonal

fluctuation. The water table slopes in a westerly direction, with flow discharging across
a sea—water interface due west of the site.

The Yarragadee Formation directly underlies the superficial formations in the area and
forms a confined multi-layered aquifer. The aquifer comprises interbedded sandstone,
siltstone and shale. Regional groundwater flow in the Yarragadee Formation is in a
north-west direction and discharges via the superficial formations into the ocean.
Beneath the disposal site the natural groundwater salinity in the Yarragadee Formation
is between 600 and 1,000 g/m3 (SCM 1991).


Vegetation within the disposal site is representative of that within the primary and
secondary dune systems common in the area (Martinick and Associates 1987).

No gazetted Declared Rare Flora or Priority Flora species occur within the area of the
disposal site.

6.3.3 LAND USE

The disposal site covers an area of about 21 ha and is leased from LandCorp. The
nearest development to the disposal site is the Bunbury No. 2 waste water treatment
works, located 500 m to the north. The disposal site forms part of the buffer zone
around the waste water treatment works. The Gelorup rubbish disposal facility, now
closed, was located about 1,500 m to the east.



Between Kemerton and the ocean, the pipeline route traverses cleared private property
and road reserves situated along Marriott Road, the Perth—Bunbury Highway and
Buffalo Road, as shown in Figure 3.6. The land adjacent to Marriott Road and the
Perth—Bunbury Highway is mostly privately owned and comprises remnant tuart—jarrah
woodland or dry land pasture used for grazing. Two areas situated immediately north
and south of the intersection of the Perth—Bunbury Highway and Buffalo Road (on the
western side of the Perth—Bunbury Highway) are used for irrigated cropping and are
included in the Leschenault Estuary System 6 area. West of these areas along Buffalo
Road, land adjacent to the roadside mainly consists of remnant vegetation (scattered
tuart and tuart woodland) or cleared pasture used for grazing purposes.

From the end of the Buffalo Road, the pipeline crosses the nature reserve vested in the
National Parks and Nature Conservation Authority. In the reserve, the pipeline follows
a cleared access track and partly revegetated route to the break tank. From the break
tank, it crosses a naturally eroded area to the shoreline and continues to the diffuser


A chain of permanent wetlands running in a north-south direction occurs to the east of

the pipeline route where it traverses the Perth—Bunbury Highway. The most northerly of
these wetlands is Mialla Lagoon which is subject to System Six recommendations for
conservation. The lagoon has been acquired by CALM and was recommended as a
conservation park in CALM's 1992 draft south-west forests strategy (EPA 1993).

Immediately south of Mialla Lagoon lie the Kemerton wetlands, which consist of
sumplands that are seasonally inundated. These wetlands are fed by the waters of the
superficial and unconfined aquifers in the area. The salinity of these wetlands is
unknown but likely to be variable throughout the year, ranging from very low in winter
(almost fresh) to moderate in summer (2-5,000 g/m3).

Although these wetlands may have undergone varying degrees of degradation as a result
of agricultural clearing and grazing by stock, they provide suitable habitats for various
birds, marsupials, amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates and, as such, are of local
significance. Two of the wetlands situated immediately east of the Perth—Bunbury
Highway (see Figure 3.6) are protected by the Environmental Protection (Swan Coastal
Plain Lakes) Policy for lakes on the Swan Coastal Plain. Wetlands protected by this
policy have the highest level of protection under the Environmental Protection Act and
any unauthorised filling, mining, drainage, into or out of, or effluent discharge into these
lakes can result in prosecution under sections of the Act.

Two other wetlands in the area, situated immediately south and west of Marriott Road
and the Perth—Bunbury Highway respectively, are also protected by this policy . The
pipeline passes between these wetland areas prior to crossing the highway and entering
Buffalo Road.


The pipeline route runs along the north of the Leschenault Estuary, which is listed as a
recommended conservation area (C66) in the EPA System Six Red Book (EPA 1984).
The area is considered to have a high conservation value due to the presence of
samphire, sedgeland and woodland communities at the northern end of the estuary. The
estuary itself represents an important waterbird habitat, particularly at the northern end
which is used as a refuge by several species of water bird during mid and late summer
(EPA 1984). The shallow waters are saline and provide an important nursery ground for
numerous commercial species of fish and crustaceans. The samphire flats at the
northern shore of the Leschenault Estuary are directly connected to the estuary and
would periodically contain highly saline estuarine water.

The peninsula to the west of the northern extremity of the Leschenault Estuary, through
which the pipeline passes, comprises a beach ridge system with mobile and fixed dunes
over most of its surface. The pipeline follows Buffalo Road along a cleared access track
to a partly revegetated route passing through a natural gully between the beach


The saline water from the plant would be discharged into the ocean, off shore from the
Leschenault Peninsula. The area around the outfall consists of a gently sloping sea bed
as shown in Figure 6.1. The depth of the water increases gradually to reach a depth of
10 In approximately 700 In off shore, and a depth of about 20 m, approximately 6 km
offshore. The sea bed then remains relatively flat up to the edge of the continental shelf,
which is approximately 90 km offshore. There are no well-developed reefs in the
immediate vicinity of the proposed outfall, although isolated limestone outcrops occur
up to 750 m offshore.

A survey of the offshore area in the vicinity of the proposed outfall location has
identified three major sea floor habitat types:

bare sand—gently or deeply rippled;

limestone pavement covered in a thin veneer of sand with associated seaweed

(macroalgae) and seagrass;

exposed limestone pavement with rocky outcrops and associated seaweed.

The area of gently rippled bare sand occurs at depths of about 6 m, approximately 150-
250 In, offshore. The terrain seaward of this area, extending approximately 650 In
offshore, largely consists of exposed limestone pavement interspersed with rocky
outcrops. Some of these outcrops are colonised by red and brown macroalgae.

Occasional patches of seagrass (Posidonia sinuosa) occur in sand overlying the

limestone pavement. These patches range from 1 to 10 m2 in area and generally appear
as mounds on the sea floor. The seagrass patches seem to be more common directly to
the west of the existing outfall, and occur less frequently further north.

Macroalgae (seaweed) occur in large, continuous areas of sparse to moderate density.

They are found on limestone pavement with a thin veneer of sand and on rocky outcrops
in areas up to some 650 In off shore. Near the proposed location of the new outfall, the
sea bed consists predominantly of deeply rippled bare sand, at depths of 9-10 In, which
is occasionally interspersed with limestone pavement and associated macroalgae.

This section of coastline is classified as a 'high energy' coastline. The full force of the
ocean swell reaches the shoreline because there are no seaward reefs to act as barriers
and reduce the energy of the waves as they meet the shore. Due to this high energy, the
mosaic of coarse and fine grained sands along the coastline continually shifts (Kinhill
1991a and 1991b). For the same reason, turbidity in the water column is generally high
all year round as the fine grained sediments and other particulate matter are continually



4.0 - - 4.0
2.0 - - 2.0

______________________________ FINE SAND!

2.0- - 2.0 YELLOW SAND

40- U- -
60- I- - 6.0
-80 -60 40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320
Most of the reef areas, and seagrass and algal meadows in the area offshore from the
Leschenault Peninsula, are relatively low in both species composition and abundance
(Meagher and LeProvost 1975). Laurenson et al. (1993) reported the relative abundance
of marine fauna caught at nine survey sites between Fremantle and Geographe Bay in
199 1/92. At a shallow water site near Preston (almost directly offshore from the outfall
location), a total of 85 species were recorded, compared to a total of 202 species across
the whole survey area. Of the eight species caught in large numbers, only Upeneichthys
lineatus (Red mullet or Blue-striped goatfish) and Pteiygotrigla polyommata (Sharp-
beaked gunnard) were considered commercially marketable and none were listed as
important to recreational fishers. The Southern school whiting (Sillago bassensis), the
most commonly caught recreational species in the south-west of Western Australia, was
not recorded at this site.

Productivity of commercial species, such as fish and crustaceans, is relatively low and,
the inshore waters are not of major significance as commercial fisheries. Recreational
fishing is not intensive, although some beaches are fished regularly. The degree of
intensity of recreational fishing increases closer to Bunbury. Oceanic species that
migrate to nearshore areas are commonly targeted.


The mixing and dispersion of the saline water, discharged by SCM during the pigment
production process would largely be determined by the prevailing ocean conditions.

The coastline to the north of Bunbury is also described as highly energetic, resulting in
rapid initial mixing and dispersion of any water discharged into it. Wind and wave action
would ensure adequate mixing and dilution, even at a short distance from the shore.

Winds in the Bunbury region are predominantly southerly, with directional changes
occurring seasonally. During winter easterly winds generally occur at night, while
westerly winds are common in the afternoon. During the night in summer, strong south-
easterly winds are common, turning south-westerly in the afternoon.

Tidal currents in the nearshore area are very weak so currents are wind dominated. This
results in a distinct daily oscillation of current flow, which may also be influenced by
the swell and by sea surface waves (Imberger and Pattiaratchi 1990). However, the
predominantly southerly component of the sea breeze results in a northerly movement of
waters and sediments along the shore.

The movement of coastal waters further offshore is also dominated by wind-driven

currents. During the summer months, surface waters tend to move northwards over the
continental shelf. A flow reversal usually occurs during the winter months, with water
movement following a southerly direction past Cape Naturaliste and Cape Leeuwin, as
part of the Leeuwin current.

Offshore surface currents exert a minimal influence on the movement of inshore waters
off Bunbury (Steedman and Associates 1980). These currents would, therefore, have little

immediate effect on the movement of saline water discharged inshore at the proposed

It is therefore expected that dispersion of the saline water after discharge and initial
mixing would be variable, both seasonally and annually, and would depend on prevailing,
wind-driven currents. In general, the flow would be mainly northwards (parallel to the
coast), with occasional flow reversals during winter storms that have prevailing northerly


The social environment likely to be affected by expansion of the Kemerton plant is

covered by the Australian Bureau of Statistics census area of Preston. The City of
Bunbury and Shire of Harvey fall within this census area.

This region is only a few hours' travel from Perth and can draw on many of its services
and facilities. The major transport link to the region is by road, with the Perth-Bunbury
Highway passing along the western side of the industrial park.


The estimated resident populations for the Preston area are shown in Table 6.1. The
population growth associated with the Kemerton Industrial Park peaked with the
construction of its industrial buildings during the late 1980s. However, the population
growth within the region continues to expand at rates above the State's average. The
population growth rate for the whole of Western Australia for 199 1-92 was 1.94%, while
the Shire of Harvey's population grew by 3.76% over the same period.

Table 6.1 Population for the Preston census area

1986 1991 1996* 2001* 2006* %growth

Bunbury 23,031 25,662 28,900 30,800 32,600 1.84

Capel 3,740 4,931 5,900 6,800 7,600 4.03
Collie 9,077 9.058 9,700 9,800 10,100 2.85
Dardanup 4,159 5,037 5,800 6,400 6,800 4.49
Donnybrook 3,491 3,844 4,300 4,500 4,700 2.65
Harvey 9,609 12,394 14,800 16,800 19,000 3.76

Preston total 53,107 60,929 69,400 75,100 80,800 2.84

State total 1,406,929 1,586,393 1,796,100 1,954,300 2,117,200 1.94
* Projected Growth
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics.
South-West Development Authority 1995.

The 1991 census indicated that almost 40% of the population falls into the 20-44 age
bracket. This 'younger than average' population reflects the high employment and
education opportunities with the region.


There are significant variations in employment characteristics throughout the south-west

region, reflecting its economic diversity. Service related employment dominates the
area with more than 60% of the work force in the service sector.

Table 6.2 outlines the employment profile for the Preston census area in 1992.
Unemployment rates in Harvey and Bunbury were above the State's average.

Table 6.2 1992 Labour force and unemployment estimates

People employed % unemployment

Bunbury 15,004 12.1

Cape! 2,918 8
Collie 5,173 10.3
Dardanup 2,780 2.1
Donnybrook 2,421 9.4
Harvey 6,493 13

State total 853,600 10.6

Source: Department of Employment. Education and Training


The majority of dwellings in the Preston area are occupied, with a high percentage of
home ownership. Over 70% of the homes in Bunbury and Harvey are fully owned, or
being purchased, indicating a reasonably well established society (South-West
Development Authority 1995).


Bunbury is the regional center for educational facilities. There are some 150
government or private schools catering to more than 20,000 pupils in the south-west.

Tertiary education is provided by the Bunbury campus of the Edith Cowan University,
the South-West College of Technical and Further Education and several smaller
technical colleges and specialist institutes in other towns in the south-west.


The south-west region has a wide range of aboriginal ethnographic and archaeological
sites. However, during a survey of all 1,500 ha of the Kemerton Industrial Park
industrial zone, no archaeological sites were found (BHP Engineering 1993).


This chapter describes the potential environmental impacts associated with the
proposed plant expansion and the management objectives and measures proposed to
alleviate or minimise them. Sections 7.1 to 7.8 of this chapter cover operational
environmental management issues; Section 7.9 covers issues relating only to
construction; while Section 7.10 covers decommissioning. Section 7.11 and Table 7.6
describe the environmental management framework and summarize the management
objectives, management strategy and management actions.



SCM's objectives with respect to atmospheric emissions are as follows:

to ensure that atmospheric emissions comply with the DEP licence and do not
adversely affect the environment, or the health, welfare or amenity of nearby land
users by maintaining or reducing stack emissions and ensuring ground level
concentrations do not increase;

to minimise emissions of greenhouse gases;

to reduce fugitive emissions within the plant;

to ensure there is no unacceptable odour impact outside the boundary of the

Kemerton Industrial Park.


Atmospheric emissions would arise from the following sources:

main process/thermal converter stack

suction vent system stack
emergency high pressure release system
start-up stack
boilers and gas burning devices.


All process gaseous emissions from the existing plant pass through a multiple water
scrubbing system to remove particulates, hydrogen chlorine and chlorine prior to
discharging to the atmosphere through a 66 m stack. The exit gases currently contain
nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbonyl sulphide, hydrogen sulphide and
water vapour.

The new plant would incorporate a similar system in which all process gas emissions
from the existing and expanded raw pigment plant would pass through a gas scrubbing
train, consisting of a spray tower, a venturi scrubber and a packed tower. In addition,
the scrubbed gases would be passed through a thermal converter system where carbon
monoxide, carbonyl sulphide and hydrogen sulphide would be oxidised to carbon
dioxide and sulphur dioxide. The energy released in the thermal converter would be
used to generate steam in a waste heat boiler.

The thermal converter exhaust gases would be scrubbed in a caustic scrubber to

remove 95% of the resultant sulphur dioxide and then vented to the atmosphere
through the new main process stack, currently proposed to be 90 m high. The
resulting scrubber solution would be oxidised in a process developed by SCM, to
produce a sulphate solution that would be injected into the saline water for disposal.
The atmospheric emissions would be mainly carbon dioxide and nitrogen with minor
proportions of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide (the 5% that is
not scrubbed). The thermal converter is designed to meet the emission limits shown
in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1. Proposed emission limits from the process stack during thermal converter operation

Parameter Design limit (mg/Nm3)t

Carbon monoxide 100

Nitrogen oxides 200'
Acid gases (sulphur dioxide) 10
Hydrogen chloride 10
Chlorine and chlorine compounds 40
Hydrogen sulphide no odour beyond KIP*
Reduced sulphur compounds no odour beyond KIP*

Note at OC and 1 atmosphere pressure

at 701b oxygen
* Kemerton Industrial Park.

The thermal converter would be designed to handle all possible start-up, normal
running, upset and shutdown combinations. The thermal converter would be taken off
line while the process is being optimised and during regular maintenance. When the
thermal converter is off line, process gases would continue to be water scrubbed and
vented via the main process stack. Emissions would then include carbon monoxide,
carbonyl sulphide, and small amounts of sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide.


The existing plant has been designed to meet acceptable ground level concentration
criteria and has consistently done so since start up in 1989. Few problems or
complaints have been experienced in the past. Currently proposed design ground
level concentration criteria for residential areas 3,330 In west of SCM's plant (DEP
1997) are shown in Table 7.2.

Table 7.2. Proposed ground level concentrations of various gases at nearest residential area*

Parameter Design ground level Limit (ppm)t

concentrations (ppm)

Carbon monoxide 2.6 25

Carbonyl sulphide 0.14
Sulphur dioxide 0.024 0.2
Hydrogen sulphide 0.00005 0.0007

Note * 3,330 m west of SCM Kemerwn plant

Source: DEP (1997)
t SCM internal limit

The proposed plant would be designed to meet or better the criteria shown in Table
7.2 using Best Practice technology. This technology is based on the experience gained
from the company's plants overseas and further refined by a continuous improvement
programme . With the thermal converter on-line, all the gases listed in Table 7.2
would be effectively removed. Even with the thermal converter off line for
maintenance and process optimisation, computer modelling predicts that the ground
level concentrations of carbon monoxide, carbonyl sulphide, sulphur dioxide and
hydrogen sulphide would be well within the DEP guidelines at maximum production

The suction vent system would be based on the existing effective suction vent system.
All fugitive emissions collected by the suction vent system would be scrubbed and
released to the atmosphere via the existing 66 In tall stack currently used to discharge
process gas to the atmosphere from the existing plant.

Design of the proposed emergency pressure release systems would be based on the
existing plant design. The plant would operate at 30% of the bursting disc pressure.
The pressure release systems would vent to emergency relief stacks which would be
sized to ensure the appropriate design ground level concentrations are not exceeded.

Gas burned for heating or steam generation and process gases burned in the thermal
converter would generate carbon dioxide, water vapour, oxides of nitrogen and
sulphur oxides which are so-called greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gas emissions
would be managed according to a greenhouse gas control strategy. This strategy aims
to improve energy efficiency and minimise the net generation of greenhouse gases.

Firstly, greenhouse gas emissions would be minimised by using fuels with low
greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon dioxide would be further reduced by installing a

thermal converter and reusing the heat generated in the waste heat boiler in the

Secondly, release of sulphur oxides would be minimised by removing it in scrubbers.

Thirdly, generation of nitrogen oxides would be minimised through the use of high
efficiency, low nitrogen oxide-emission burners. Other greenhouse gases such as
halons and CFCs would be phased out and a tree planting programme utilising native
species grown in the company nursery would be initiated.

SCM would amend and implement the company's Environmental Management Plan
and Systems Manuals to reflect the changes.

7.2 DUST


SCM's objective with respect to dust is to ensure there is no increase in dust

generation during normal operation of the plant.


The main potential source of dust from the proposed expanded plant would be from
the finishing section, where dust generation could occur once the pigment is dried.


Dust control would be achieved by building design and equipment specifications.

The finishing plant would be serviced by a dust collection system. This would
comprise a baghouse, a vacuum fan and a substantial vacuum reticulation system.
Pigment would be air conveyed between processing stages and collected in bag filters
that would be vented to the atmosphere through a duct at or near ground level.
Exhaust gases from the finishing plant driers would be filtered through bag filters
before being discharged through the stack. Rotary air valves would also be vented
through filter socks. Steam micronising exhaust would be vented through a condenser
and closed circuit cooling tower ioop. Bagging machines would be fully automatic
low dusting machines.


The maximum design emission from the bag filters would be 100 mg/rn3 (at 0°C and I
atmosphere) which represents 40% of the 250 mg/rn3 recommended in national
guidelines for control of emissions of particulate air pollutants from new stationary
sources (Australian Environment Council/National Health and Medical Research
Council, 1985). Actual dust emissions are likely to be much lower.

Bag filter collectors would be fitted with overpressure interlocks that automatically
shut down the pigment conveying system prior to venting. Emissions from the
cooling towers would be monitored by regular visual inspections of cooling water
colour to identify if filter socks are leaking pigment.

As a consequence of these measures, dust generated from the site during operation is
not expected to increase ambient levels of suspended particulates in areas outside the
boundaries of the plant. The potential for dust emissions to exceed these levels would
be further reduced in plant design by adoption of the best environmental management
technologies for dust control.

All transport of pigment would be in palletised, sealed, plastic-wrapped bags.

Therefore, there would be virtually no potential for dust emissions from product



SCM's objectives with respect to water management are as follows:

to continue to reduce overall water usage and saline water production;

. to ensure the saline water quality complies with the DEP licence;

to minimise and monitor the impact of the disposal of saline water on the marine

to maintain ocean water quality within the levels specified in the draft Western
Australian Water Quality Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Waters.


The chloride process plant would generate process water from the following sources:

sand filter backwash water;

water for scrubbing exit gases from the purification section;

regeneration and rinse waters from ion exchange water softening and

The finishing plant would generate process water from pigment washing.

In addition, the plant would accept process water for treatment from the following

the chior-alkali plant, supplying chlorine to the plant;

the air separation plant, supplying nitrogen and oxygen;
the lime plant.

The water flow is shown in diagrammatic form in Chapter 3 (Figure 3.3).


All liquid streams from the raw pigment production plant, the air separation plant and
the chior-alkali plant would be collected and neutralised. In the neutralisation process,
lime would be added to the liquids sequentially to raise the pH and precipitate the
solids. Following neutralisation, the pH of the liquids would have been returned to
near neutral condition. The solids, prior to washing and disposal, would be separated
from the neutralised solution in a clarifier. The neutralising system is illustrated in
Figure 3.3.

Process water from the finishing plant would be treated and reused where possible.
The finishing plant would produce about 150 m3/h of neutral saline water which
would either be combined with the raw pigment plant effluent in the neutralisation
plant or be directed to a dual-lined holding pond. Saline water from the neutralisation
plant would be discharged to a separtate dual-lined holding pond. The combined
treated saline water flow be about 376 m3/h.

The treated saline waters would then be pumped to the existing ocean outfall. The
outfall would consist of a discharge pipe, with a 'multi-port tee' diffuser constructed
on the end of the pipe. The existing saline water pipeline would require upgrading to
handle the proposed increases in volume. This may involve installing a new larger
pipeline and diffuser, or a second pipeline to separately handle the treated saline water
from the new finishing plant.


Whatever the ultimate design of the ocean outfall, it would be designed to ensure
adequate mixing of the saline water with the sea water occurs within 20 in of the
discharge point and the resultant water quality complies with water quality criteria
specified in EPA Bulletin 711 (EPA 1993b). In Table 7.3, the likely composition of
the treated saline water from the plant, both before and after mixing with sea water, is
compared with the composition of sea water and the water quality criteria (EPA

Table 7.3 Composition of treated saline water and water quality guidelines

Treated saline Water quality Water quality Typical sea

water 20m from dlffuser** gui dellne*** water****

pH 8.0 8.2 8-8.4 8.2

Total dissolved solids 29,700 34,450 32,800-36,200 34,500
Suspendedsolids 15 10 <l0%change 10
Calcium 10,500 500 NC 400
Magnesium 26.5 1,386 NC 1,400
Iron 0.2 0.012 NC 0.01
Manganese 0.2 0.004 NC 0.002
Chloride 15,110 18,960 NC 19,000
Sulphate. 2,890 2,450 NC 2,450
Bicarbonate ND 140 NC 140
Silica ND 6 NC 6
Nitrate (as nitrogen) 0.35 0.023 0.01-0.06 0.02ff
Phosphate (as phosphorus) 0.05 0.01 0.001-0.01 0.01 tt
Chlorate 50 0.50 NC
Cadmium <0.005 0.0001 0.0002t 0.0001
Chromium 0.1 0.001 0.002t 0.00005
Cobalt ND 0.0004 NC 0.0004
Copper <0.05 0.003 0.004f 0.003
Lead <0.05 0.00003 0.001t 0.00003
Mercury 0.0005 0.000055 0.0001 0.00005tff
Nickel <0.05 0.002 0.015 0.002
Vanadium 0.4 0.004 NC
Zinc <0.05 0.01 0.02 0.01
Radium 226 4 0.04 NC
Radium 228 12 0.121 NC
Thorium 232 0.2 0.002 NC
Hydrocarbons (total) ND 0 0.01 0

* All measurements g/m3, except pH (not applicable) and radium and thorium (kBq/m3 )
** At the perimeter of the mixing zone
*** Source: EPA 1993, Table 2.2 (except as noted)
**** Source: Fairbridge 1972 (except as noted)
t Source: EPA 1993. Table 2.7
tt Source: South West Development Authority 1992
ti? Source: Riley and Chester 1971
NC No criteria set.
ND Not detectable

The data in Table 7.3 indicate that the chemical composition following dilution would
fall within the limits specified by the EPA for the protection of aquatic ecosystems
and human consumers of fish and other aquatic organisms.

SCM would continue to explore opportunities to recycle and reuse process water
within the expanded Kemerton plant to further reduce the requirements for raw water.
It is anticipated that savings could be made by reuse of water from the finishing plant
in the process plant. However, these opportunities cannot be fully explored until the

plants are commissioned and their operations optimised. Reuse of water would
further concentrate the parameters altering the data shown in Table 7.3. However, the
total quantity discharged per year would be very similar. There could be slight
reductions as elements from the raw water would be reduced.



SCM's objectives with respect to solid residue are as follows:

to reduce the amount of solid residue produced per tonne of product;

to use the solid residue as a resource in building and road construction, soil
amendment and other potential uses;

to minimise the impact of solid residue disposal on the surrounding soil,

groundwater and land use;

to identify alternative disposal sites.


As a result of treating the process water streams from the raw pigment plant in the
lime neutralisation system, approximately 900 tid of residue slurry would be produced
containing 11-15% solids. Treatment of the process water from the finishing plant
would generate another 35 tld of residue slurry containing 11-15% solids.

The quantity of solid residue that would be produced by the proposed plant, compared
to the amount produced by the existing plant, is shown in Table 7.4.

Table 7.4 Solid residue production

Plant Finished pigment production (ha) Solid residue slurry (t/a)

Existing 79,000 136,000

Proposed 195,000 340,000

Solid waste from the finishing plant would form about 4% of the total solid residue.
The solid residue would consist mainly of unreacted ore and coke, and metal
hydroxides from the raw pigment process. Table 7.5 shows the elemental
composition of the solid residue.

Table 7.5 Elemental composition of typical residue solids*

Parameter Concentration (mg/kg unless otherwise stated)

Total solids @ 105°C 8.33%

Total organic Carbon 10%
Total Sulphur 0.90%
Loss on ignition 650°C 20.5%
Loss on ignition 950°C 22.3%
Aluminium 3.00%
Arsenic 3
Boron 43
Barium 310
Calcium 2.22%
Cadmium 4.6
Chloride 1.86%
Chromium 1,800
Cobalt 110.
Copper 93
Iron 13.1%
Lead 16
Magnesium 2.05%
Manganese 3.67%
Mercury <0.05
Nickel 370
Niobium 830
Phosphorus 970
Potassium 510
Selenium 14
Silicon 4.11%
Sodium 1,200
Thallium <0.5
Thorium 400
Titanium 4.87
Uranium 33
Vanadium 4,700
Zinc 72
* Composition in table does no: total 100% because elements are present as oxides, and oxygen content not listed


SCM is committed to investigating alternative uses for the solid residue. Research
programmes currently operating will continue and where feasible additional
programmes would be developed. Alternative uses currently being investigated for
the solid residue include the following:

road base
brick manufacture
soil conditioner
nutrient adsorption.

The Materials Engineering Section of Main Roads Western Australia has indicated
that the solid residue has appropriate properties, when mixed with sand, for use as a
road base (replacing limestone). SCM has constructed test sections of roads which are
performing satisfactorily; further roads are being considered. The cost of transporting
the material, however, could limit its use to the local region, which is probably not a
large enough market to use all the residue generated.

The solid residue has proven suitable in brick manufacture. However, the cost to
transport the product to Perth, the greatest potential market, might reduce demand.

Uses in soil mixes as conditioners, and to encourage nutrient absorption, have also
proven beneficial.

Studies are being undertaken to determine methods to reduce uranium and thorium
levels in the feedstock, which would result in a corresponding reduction in radioactive
levels of the residue. This would allow a wider use of the material in a number of
varied applications.

In addition to research into possible uses for the solid residue, SCM is committed to
continuing its research into residue minimisation, recycling and alternative methods of


The solid residue would continue to be transported to Dalyellup for disposal at the
existing, DEP approved, residue disposal site (SCM 1991 and 1993). The slurry
would be transported to Dalyellup by road tanker. Currently, tankers arrive at an
average of ten over 24 hours. After the expansion, this would increase to twenty four
tankers over 24 hours. The slurry would be discharged by gravity into the active pond.
To enable gravity discharge of the residue, and to alleviate effects from dust, the
residue would continue to be transported and disposed of in a slurry state. This slurry
would be moderately alkaline, with a pH of 8-10, and have a total dissolved solids
level of about 2,600 g/m3.

The expanded production rates would reduce the life of the Dalyellup disposal site.
Under current production rates, the existing areas would be full within ten years; the

actual time when the site would be fully utilised would be dependent on the expansion
commissioning time frame.

This proposal for expansion of the Kemerton titanium dioxide pigment plant does not
involve construction of any more storage areas at this time. SCM and relevant
Government authorities are actively investigating alternative disposal options or sites
for the long-term management of the solid residue produced by the plant. Any
alternative disposal method or site would require a specific environmental impact

A Government task force (consisting of representatives from DRD, LandCorp and the
DEP Office of Waste Management) is investigating possible alternative disposal sites.
The Department of Resources Development (DRD) has sought to commission a
consultant to report on the alternative sites available within the Bunbury region for
long-term disposal of solid wastes. SCM is maintaining contact with this task force to
stay informed of the progress of this study.


Operation of the existing solid residue disposal facility at Dalyellup was the subject of
a separate environmental assessment and approval process (SCM 1991). Following a
further environmental assessment (SCM 1993), approval was given by the Minister
for the Environment for disposal operations to continue for the "life of the site".

The potential impacts of the disposal of solid residue at Dalyellup were identified as
being the following:

incompatibility with neighbouring land uses;

direct impacts associated with construction of the ponds;
erosion and dust generation;
groundwater contamination;
increased background radiation levels.

These potential problems were addressed in the earlier Consultative Environmental

Review prepared for the continued operation of the Dalyellup site (SCM 1991), and
appropriate control measures have been incorporated into SCM's management

The Dalyellup site is located within the buffer zone of the Bunbury sewage treatment
plant. As a consequence, the site is relatively isolated from residential areas and there
are unlikely to be any requirements or plans for other uses of the area. To prevent
accidental entrance to the storage area, the site is fenced and patrolled by a security
firm. The effectiveness of these measures would continue to be assessed, and revised
if necessary.

Operational practices, including discharge of the solid residue as a slurry, have

prevented the generation of dust at the Dalyellup site becoming a problem.
Monitoring for dust during the initial years of operation showed that dust was not

generated and monitoring has ceased following approval from the DEP and RCWA.
The situation is regularly assessed and addressed in the annual environmental audit

Water infiltrating from the residue to the underlaying soil profile would have a slightly
elevated salinity level in comparison to the up gradient, natural groundwater.
Monitoring of the groundwater surrounding the Dalyellup site indicates that previous
disposal has resulted in the formation of a brackish plume beneath and down gradient
of the active ponds. The brackish water, following mixing and dilution with the
westward moving groundwater, discharges across the saline interface to the ocean.

The rate of deposition of the residue slurry would increase with the increased
production rate but the quality of slurry water would be similar. Therefore,
groundwater both up and down gradient of the disposal ponds should remain stable
and no significant adverse environmental effects should occur. The quality of the
groundwater at the disposal site is expected to remain within the current parameters
with only minor fluctuations occurring down gradient of the active ponds.

Monitoring data indicates that groundwater metal levels are similar to background
levels. Research has shown that this is most likely a consequence of the alkaline
nature of the solid residue and the alkalinity of the underlying soils, both of which
reduce the solubility of the heavy metal elements. SCM would continue to use this
natural buffer by ensuring management procedures maintain the alkalinity of the

Radiation monitoring is undertaken in accordance with the Radiation Management

Plan and forms part of the annual environmental audit report. Monitoring results
confirm there are no concerns for occupational radiation exposure from radon, thoron
or their daughters associated with residue disposal at Dalyellup (Terry 1993).
Combined with the inaccessibility, and limited use, of the site, the risk of exposure
would be below acceptable levels; as a result no additional measures are required to
limit exposure

The alkaline nature of the solid residue, supported by ongoing monitoring of current
disposal practices, indicates that no adverse environmental impacts are likely to occur
from the disposal of solid residue at the Dalyellup site.

All the disposal ponds given approval have been constructed. The top soil and
vegetation removed have been used in the rehabilitation of the area.

Following decommissioning, the site would be rehabilitated either to native vegetation

or to turf-based recreational facilities. Rehabilitation studies and trials have already
been undertaken, and show the site can be rehabilitated successfully.

SCM would continue monitoring and undertaking environmental audits at the solid
residue storage area at Dalyellup in accordance with their Environmental Management
Plan and the Radiation Management Plan, to the satisfaction of the DEP.



SCM's objectives with respect to noise are as follows:

to minimise noise generation to within regulatory standards as stipulated in the

proposed Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations when promulgated;

ensure that noise levels due to SCM's operations meet acceptable criteria at
residential areas adjacent to the Kemerton Industrial Park.


The expanded process plant would generate noise from the following sources:

sand milling;
gas scrubbers;
waste gas incineration;
cooling towers;
pigment surface treatment;
pigment filtration;
pigment drying;
pigment milling;
pigment packing
water treatment.

The total predicted sound power level from the expanded plant including the finishing
plant is expected to increase by approximately 7 dB(A).


In designing the new plant, particular attention would be paid to the major noise
contributing items to ensure the plant is as quiet as can be reasonably achieved by
incorporating Best Practice design features into the new plant. These features include
the following:

all items of equipment would comply with current occupational health and safety
noise specifications;

all major noise sources, such as micronisers, vacuum pumps and compressors,
would be housed in noise attenuation enclosures;

the micronisers, a major potential noise source, would be located at ground level;

major noise sources would be located on the east side of the finishing plant
building so that the building acts as a noise barrier between the noise source and
residential areas to the west of the plant.

The impact of noise on the surrounding environment as a result of the proposed plant
expansion was assessed through the computer noise modelling program ENM. A
summary of this noise modelling is presented in Appendix D.

The noise modelling shows that the noise levels outside the Kemerton Industrial Park
due to the proposed expansion of the raw pigment plant and development of a
finishing plant alone would be below 38 dB(A) under most no wind conditions. For a
2.5 m/s wind from the east/south-east or north-east, the noise levels outside the
Kemerton Industrial Park due to SCM's expanded plant alone would be
predominantly below 38 dB(A). However, there would be small areas to the east of
the plant near the Australind By-pass where noise levels would exceed 38 dB(A).
There would also be small areas to the east of the Brunswick River where noise levels
would exceed 38 dB(A) under a 2.5m/s west/south-west wind.

If the sound power levels of the microniser, surface treatment and spray drying areas
were reduced by 6 dB(A) using further noise control measures, then, with the
exception of a very small area east of the Brunswick River during an extreme
temperature inversion, the predicted noise level outside the Kemerton Industrial Park
would be below 38 dB(A) for all modelled meteorological conditions.



SCM's objectives with respect to radiation are as follows:

. to ensure radioactive materials introduced into the pigment plant are contained
within the pigment plant and the saline water or solid residue at a level that does
not compromise public or personnel safety;

to maintain a comprehensive and up to date radiation management plan and

ensure personnel are aware of its content and their responsibilities;

to comply with all regulations pertaining to radiation management.


The feedstock for the process plant, synthetic rutile, is derived from mineral sands.
Thorium, and to a lesser extent uranium, are present in the mineral sands of Western
Australia. While the mineral separation plants remove the majority of the impurities,
low levels of thorium and uranium impurities, and their decay products such as
radium and radon, remain from the original mineral sands ore. Minor quantities of
these elements are also present in the coke and lime slurry feeds.

Figure 7.1 shows the percentages of thorium and uranium in raw materials and
products at various stages of the chloride process. This figure shows that the vast
majority (99.9%) of the thorium and uranium initially present in the raw materials
would end up in the solid residue.

The solid residue would contain small quantities of radioactive elements, but the
radioactivity of the solid residue would be low. Consequently, the solid residue would
not be classified as a radioactive substance under the Transport Code.

During processing into raw pigment in the chloride process, the potential also exists
for thorium and uranium, and their decay products such as radium and radon, to be
released or become concentrated in certain areas of the plant.

Similar to most modern industrial complexes, radiation gauges and X-ray analysis
equipment would be used for process control purposes. These pieces of equipment
are classified as 'radiation sources' and are licensed by the RCWA Radiation Health
Branch. SCM's standard procedures for the use of this equipment are based on the
requirements of the National Health and Medical Research Council Codes of Practice.


As indicated in Section 7.4, the solid residue (which contains low levels of
radioactivity) would be disposed of at the approved disposal site at Dalyellup.
Materials and equipment from the process plant would be periodically examined and
removed. Only materials and equipment with surface contamination (alpha emitter)
levels not exceeding 3.7 x 103 Bq/m2 would be given unrestricted clearance for
disposal. Materials and equipment with levels above this would be decontaminated
and/or disposed of in a manner approved by the RCWA. Typically, decontamination
would involve descaling. Scale from the decontamination process would be gradually
fed back into the neutralisation plant for disposal in the solid residue.

Records would be kept of all radioactive substances on site. The results of annual
audits of radioactive substances and plant radiation surveys would be reported to the







0.07% 0 03%


99.9% NIL <0.1%



Figure 7.1

SCM's Environmental Manager has responsibility for the preparation of the Radiation
Management Plan and for ensuring compliance with the regulations. Under the
Radiation Safety (General) Regulations, an authorised Radiation Safety Officer must
be appointed. It is the responsibility of SCM's Radiation Safety Officer to ensure that
all applicable radiation safety regulations and codes of practice are adhered to. It is
also this officer's responsibility to ensure all personnel have an understanding of the
safe working procedures necessary to limit exposure to radiation sources.

SCM's Radiation Management Plan covers all their Western Australian operations

the Kemerton plant

the Australind plant
the saline water disposal system
the solid residue disposal system.

This plan has been approved by the RCWA.

SCM's general radiation protection procedures are designed to ensure that all
exposures are kept to the 'As Low As Reasonably Achievable' (ALARA) principle.
Radiation management procedures have been developed to ensure compliance with
appropriate regulations to minimise radiation doses to personnel. It is SCM's policy
to adopt the limits of exposure for members of the public for its own personnel, rather
than industrial or mining industry exposure limits which are substantially higher. The
proposed expansion would not alter the radiation flow path through the plant. The
established safe work practices and radiation management would still be applicable.

Radiological aspects of the solid residue have been considered in the disposal site
management. The assessment of radiation doses at the disposal site are detailed in the
Operational Radiation Monitoring Programme for the Dalyellup site. The results
indicated that there are no concerns for occupational radiation exposure from the
radon, thoron or their daughters associated with the residue handling facilities at
Kemerton, with transport or from solid residue disposal at Dalyellup.

The radiation aspects of any proposed alternative uses of solid residue have also been
addressed. Results show that all measured parameters are within environmental limits
and no concerns of increased risks have been determined to date.

Radiological aspects have been considered in the monitoring programme for the saline
water treatment system, the treated saline water and the receiving environment. Based
on monitoring to date, radon and other decay products at the neutralisation plant
would occur at normal environmental levels.

Current monitoring indicates uranium and thorium would not be detectable in the
treated saline water and radionuclide levels in the receiving ocean water would be
within normal environmental levels. Recent monitoring of the sediments around the

ocean outfall indicates that trace radionuclides are present at detection limits. While
there are naturally occurring patches of mineral sands in the area, the source of these
trace radionuclide levels has not been determined and monitoring is continuing.

SCM would continue to audit the effectiveness of its Radiation Management Plan.



SCM's objective with respect to risks and hazards is to ensure off-site risk is as low as
reasonably achievable and continues to comply with EPA Bulletin 611 (EPA 1992).
The risk criteria specified in EPA Bulletin 611 are as follows:

a level of risk in residential zones of one-in-a-million per year (1 x I 0 6/year) or

less is so small as to be considered acceptable to the EPA;

a risk level in 'sensitive' developments, such as hospitals, schools, child care

facilities and aged care housing developments, of between one half and one-in-
a-million per year (0.5 x 10 6/year and I x 10 6/year) is so small as to be
considered acceptable to the EPA;

risk levels from industrial facilities should not exceed a target of fifty-in-a-
million per year (50 x I 0 6/year) at the site boundary for each individual industry
and the cumulative risk level imposed upon an industry should not exceed a
target of one hundred-in-a-million per year (100 x 10 6/year); and

a risk level for any non-industrial activity located in a buffer zone between
industrial facilities and residential zones of ten-in-a-million per year or lower
(10 x I 0 6/year) is so small as to be acceptable to the EPA.


A Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) carried out by Cremer and Warner (1988) on
the original 70,000 t/a Kemerton plant identified the following three materials as
having the potential to result in hazardous conditions off-site if released in sufficient

hydrogen chloride
titanium tetrachioride.

Materials with secondary hazardous impacts such as carbon monoxide, carbon

dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, hydrocarbons and oxygen were also considered in the

A Preliminary Risk Assessment (PRA) of the proposed expanded plant has been
carried out by Stratex Worley Pty Limited (1996). A summary of this PRA is shown
in Appendix E.

The results of this PRA show that both individual and societal risk levels from the
proposed expansion fall within the EPA criteria. As shown in Appendix E, the one-
in-a-million risk contour for the proposed SCM plant and the neighbouring Nufarm
chlor-alkali plant falls almost entirely within the SCM property boundary.

A full Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) will be undertaken when the detailed
project design is completed.

The THCP will be amended prior to commissioning to incorporate the proposed

changes to the plant and meet the requirements of the DEP and DOME.



SCM's objectives with respect to social impacts are as follows:

to minimise any impact on the local and regional community resulting from
traffic movements or visual impacts;

to create positive links with the community and respond to concerns;

to minimise impact on archaeological or historical sites.


Traffic to and from the Kemerton site would be along Marriott Road and the Perth—
Bunbury Highway or the South-Western Highway, with most traffic gaining access to
the site via the Perth—Bunbury Highway. Total traffic movements at the intersection
of Marriott Road and the Perth—Bunbury Highway in 1991 were 503 movements each
day. Total traffic movements at the intersection of Marriott Road and the South-
Western Highway in 1992 were 228 movements each day.

Average daily heavy vehicle movements to and from the expanded Kemerton
operations are expected to be as follows:

10-15 loads of finished pigment to Fremantle

12 loads of raw pigment slurry to Australind
24 loads of residue slurry to Dalyellup
10 loads of rutile from Capel
6 loads of coke from coke store to plant
3 loads of general raw materials.

Although the proposed expansion would result in a significant increase in traffic
movements, a dual carriageway, with turning pockets for ingress and egress, has
recently been constructed at the intersection of Marriott Road and the Perth—Bunbury
Highway. This intersection has rendered the road network capable of accommodating
the additional number of traffic movements without affecting existing traffic flows or
safety levels.


The expansion of the plant would result in an increase in the number of large
structures on the site. This would result in the plant being more prominent, but only
from Marriott Road and not from the Perth-Bunbury Highway. Since Marriott Road
would have little general traffic, visual impacts on the general public would be

The tallest structure in the new plant would be the main process stack, which would
be about 90m high. The chosen height of the stack would be consistent with plume
dispersion requirements.

SCM would use lighting at the proposed expanded plant in accordance with the
requirements of the safe running of the plant and Occupational Health and Safety


The proposed expansion would result in increased employment, predominantly in the

Preston census area. Based on the 200 new personnel required for SCM's expanded
activity, and the fourfold multiplier effect of these jobs on the local economy, some
additional 1,000 job opportunities would be created in the area (Section 2.3). It is
anticipated that many of these new jobs would be filled by people already living near
to the Kemerton plant. However, even if all new jobs were filled by people moving
into the district, it is not expected that this would put an excessive strain on existing
community facilities.


There are no known Aboriginal cultural or archaeological sites that would be affected
by the proposed expansion. Similarly, no sites of European historical significance
would be affected by the expansion at SCM's Kemerton plant.


During the twenty four-month construction phase, employment for up to 500 people
would be provided. Western Australian contractors would be used where practical.
The Kemerton plant would remain operational during the construction period.

The scale of this proposal would not place any significant additional demands on
existing local community infrastructure.

The potential impacts of construction work for the proposed expansion are as follows:

loss, or clearing, of vegetation

noise and dust
transport movements.

These issues are addressed in the following sections.


SCM's objectives with respect to vegetation during construction are as follows:

to ensure Declared Rare Flora and Fauna are not disturbed as a consequence of

to retain and re-establish vegetation and conserve topsoil in order to maintain

biological diversity.

The proposal would require clearing of approximately 13.5 ha of scrub, including 3 ha

for a contractor's lay-down or temporary storage area. With an existing cleared area
of some 7.5 ha, the expanded Kemerton facility would effectively occupy only half of
the 55 ha lot. The undeveloped areas that would remain are to the south and west of
the lot. The existing vegetation would be retained as native bushland to act as a buffer
and visual screen. Topsoil cleared during the construction phase would be stored on
site and used for rehabilitation of the contractor's lay-down areas.

SCM has an existing landscaping plan and this would be revised to include the entire
area. Where possible, local species grown by SCM's nursery would be used.
Landscaping would be completed in a manner that takes account of the development
concepts described in the Kemerton Industrial Park landscape study (Churchill 1992).

The vegetation that would be cleared for the plant expansion is not unique and does
not have significant conservation value. However, replanting and rehabilitation in,
and around, the plant site would use species native to the area to maintain existing
conservation values and biodiversity.


SCM's objective with respect to noise and dust during construction is to ensure no
noise or dust nuisance is created.

All construction machinery would be fitted with appropriate noise suppression

devices. Construction noise levels would comply with the requirements of the

Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act. In addition, the combined noise
generated by plant operation and construction activities would be monitored by SCM.

Generation of dust would only occur in areas of site preparation involving earthworks.
Dust emission would be controlled by standard suppression measures, including water
sprays and minimising the area cleared of vegetation during the construction process.
The focus of dust control would be on material stockpiles and areas subject to traffic.

7.9.3 SAFETY

SCM's objective with respect to safety during construction is to maximise the safety
of the workforce.

Safety issues arising during construction include those arising from construction
activities, as well as interaction with continued plant operations.

SCM would prepare a specific construction safety plan to ensure safety levels are
maintained during construction. This plan would cover the following issues:

contractor selection, monitoring and assessment;

joint pre-job safety meeting;
construction safety plan;
safety induction for constructors' work force;
monitoring contractors' safety performance;
security arrangements.

The construction site would be fenced off to separate construction and operational
activities wherever possible. All construction personnel would be required to use
SCM's security arrangements. Where interface with the existing plant did occur,
SCM safety procedures, including work permits and tags, would be adopted.

The layout of the proposed plant, and its construction work, would be designed to
ensure that the risks and hazards of the operating plant were not increased.


SCM's objective with respect to traffic during construction is to minimise any impact
on the local and regional community resulting from traffic movements.

Construction would require mobilisation of plant and machinery and employment of a

construction work force. As a result, it is expected that there could be some
disruption to local traffic associated with movement of plant components to the site.
SCM would aim to minimise the effect of construction traffic by transporting large
prefabricated components of the plant during periods of low traffic volume.


This CER is concerned with the chloride process titanium dioxide plant and the
finishing plant at Kemerton. The existing finishing plant at Australind and the solid
residue disposal area at Dalyellup are the subject of separate approvals and ministerial

No definite project life has been proposed for the plants at Kemerton. Should the
plants be decommissioned, the sites would be rehabilitated according to guidelines
laid down for the Kemerton Industrial Park. Future land use would almost certainly
be an alternate heavy industry.

Decommissioning of the process operations would be carried out in accordance with

the requirements of any relevant government authority and include the preparation and
approval of decommissioning Management Plan(s), decommissioning Radiation
Mangagement Plan(s), and Rehabilitation and Monitoring Plan(s).

Established programmes to monitor groundwater and the receiving marine

environment would be continued as long as the DEP considered it to be necessary.
Similarly, environmental radiation surveys would continue to be conducted as
required by the DEP.


A management framework for operation and construction of the expanded Kemerton

pigment plant would be proposed for the development of management plans. The
framework would includes the following:

a management strategy;
management objectives;
a series of management actions where these can be described.

The management framework has been divided into operational and construction
elements as shown in Tables 7.6 and 7.7 respectively.

Table 7.6 Management framework—operations

Issue Management objective Management strategy Management actions

Atmospheric Ensure that atmospheric emissions comply with Reduce the level of carbon monoxide, carbonyl Install a thermal converter to oxidise carbon
emissions current standards and do not adversely affect the sulphide, hydrogen suiphide and sulphur dioxide monoxide, carbonyl suiphide and hydrogen suiphide
environment, or the health, welfare or amenity of emitted from the process to carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide
nearby land users;
Install a scrubber to remove 95% of the resultant
Maintain or reduce stack emissions and ground level sulphur dioxide
concentrations of licensed gases;
Discharge gaseous emissions and black smoke
Ensure there is no unacceptable odour impact outside through the chlorinator stack only under start up
the boundary of the Kemerton Industrial Park; conditions on the chlorinator units
Minimise dust emissions during operation. Ensure emergency discharges would only occur
through vent stacks

Install chlorine detectors in main process stack

Undertake stack and ambient air quality monitoring
and report to the DEP in accordance with licence
Maintain ground level concentrations of licensed Improve scrubbing efficiencies within the process
gases at levels equivalent to existing levels after stack
commissioning of the expansion Construct the main process stack with sufficient
height to ensure adequate dispersion
Reduce the overall level of emissions to the Hydrolyse any chlorine to hydrochloric acid
atmosphere Scrub the exit gases to remove hydrochloric acid
Review total gaseous emissions and reduce these
emissions as part of SCM's continuous improvement

Table 7.6 Management framework—operations

Issue Management objective Management strategy Management actions

Atmospheric Minimise emissions of greenhouse gases Reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen Utilise hot waste gases from the thermal converter to
emissions oxides produce steam
Optimise process and thermal converter efficiency to
reduce emissions
Install low NOx emitting burners to gas fired systems
Reduce fugitive emissions within the plant Collect and treat fugitive emissions Extend the existing suction vent system to remove
fugitive emissions and direct them to the current 66 m
stack and scrubbing them with caustic soda before
Minimise dust emissions during operation Collect dust from finishing plant stacks Install bag filters on finishing plant stack
Monitor bag filter integrity

Saline water Reduce overall water usage and saline water Continue recycling of process water and seek further Investigate potential for reuse and recycling within
production opportunities to reduce water usage expanded Kemerton pigment plant
Identify opportunities for treatment of saline water to
enable reuse and recycling

Minimise impact of saline water disposal on the Maintain ocean water quality within the levels Develop a new outfall diffusion system to maintain or
marine environment specified in the draft Western Australian Water improve dispersion of the saline water into the marine
Quality Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Waters environment
(EPA Bulletin 711) Maintain current sampling program of saline water
Maintain current sampling programme of water and
sediment quality
Establish an environmental monitoring programme to
investigate the effect of the saline water on marine
life around the ocean outfall

Table 7.6 Management framework—operations

Issue Management objective Management strategy Management actions

Saline water Minimise impact of saline water disposal on the Report findings of investigations to the DEP Continue current programme of reporting to the DEP
marine environment
Minimise impact of saline water disposal on the Construct pipeline on land or offshore with minimal Construct expanded or duplicate pipeline in same
terrestrial environment clearing and construction alignment
Bury and mark pipe and rehabilitate any disturbed

Solid residue Dispose of solid residue by utilising methods that Continue disposal at the Dalyellup site which has an Fully neutralise, treat and wash solid residue
minimise environmental impact expected life of 10 years at current rates Use pond management techniques to minimise
Continue disposal of the solid residue as a slurry
Continue research into suitable rehabilitation
techniques for the Dalyellup site
Ensure the integrity of the disposal site by continuing Continue radiation and groundwater monitoring in
the current monitoring and audit programme accordance with Environmental Management Plan,
Radiation Management Plan and systems manual
Undertake and submit an annual audit report for the
Dalyellup disposal site and associated processes to
the DEP

Dispose of solid residue by utilising methods that Identify alternative sites and options for disposal of Investigate the capability of the Dalyellup site to
minimise environmental impact solid residue accommodate future solid residue disposal needs
Establish the suitability of alternative solid residue
disposal sites in consultation with the Government
task force
Locate and seek approval for alternative disposal sites
in consultation with the Government task force

Table 7.6 Management framework—operations

Issue Management objective Management strategy Management actions

Solid residue Reduce the amount of solid residue produced per Continue to pursue residue minimisation programme
tonne of product
Find alternative uses for the solid residue Use solid residue as a resource in building and road Identify suitable market opportunities for proven
construction, soil amendment and other potential uses potential uses of solid residue
Pursue the competitive opportunity for the product
Explore options for beneficial use of the solid residue Continue the research and development programme
to establish viable alternative uses for solid residue
Seek approvals from the relevant authorities to use
the solid residue for identified beneficial uses

Groundwater No groundwater contamination beneath process areas Prevent groundwater contamination from process Seal and bund process area
areas Direct all process area drainage to wastewater
treatment plant
Direct stormwater to infiltration ponds
Continue groundwater monitoring near the process
Prepare and submit an annual report to the DEP and
Water and Rivers Commission

Noise Ensure that noise levels due to SCM's operations Reduce noise emissions Consider noise emission factors during design phase
meet acceptable criteria at residential areas adjacent Enclose noisy machinery, position equipment or fit
to the Kemerton Industrial Park suppression devices where required
Model the noise emission contours to establish the
current and future zones of influence
Undertake regular ambient and source noise

Table 7.6 Management framework—operations

Issue Management objective Management strategy Management actions

Radiation Ensure that all radiological impacts are in accordance Ensure radioactive materials introduced into the Maintain an up-to-date Radiation Management Plan
with the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) pigment plant are contained within the pigment plant and ensure personnel are aware of its content and
principle and comply with currently accepted and its solid waste at a level that does not responsibilities
standards and Codes of Practice compromise public or personnel safety Revise the Radiation Management Plan to include
changes resulting from the expansion of the Kemerton
pigment plant
Advise all personnel of changes
Provide training to all personnel with specific
responsibilities to allow those changes to be
Comply with all the appropriate regulations Undertake sampling of solid and liquid wastes to
establish gross alpha and beta activity
Report findings to the Department of Environmental
Dispose of waste material in accordance with the
Code of Practice on the Management of Radioactive
Waste from the Mining and Milling of Radioactive
Ores (1982)

Ensure that all radiological impacts are in accordance Ensure personnel will not be exposed to unacceptable Install warning signs and control employee exposure
with the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) radiation levels to the public limit
principle and comply with currently accepted Measure radiation levels on all process vessels
standards and Codes of Practice Monitor radiation levels and personnel radiation
exposure in accordance with the Radiation
Management Plan
Implement decontamination procedures

Table 7.6 Management framework—operations

Issue Management objective Management strategy Management actions

Risks and Ensure off-site risk is as low as reasonably achievable Operate plant in accordance with Total Hazard Prepare and maintain Total Hazard Control Plan
hazards and complies with EPA Bulletin 611 which Control Plan Maintain high plant safety rating through plant design
establishes levels of individual and cumulative risk and maintenance planning
which is considered acceptable by the EPA Undertake regular internal and external audits to
ensure Total Hazard Control Plan remains effective
Reduce risks and hazards Undertake Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) to
confirm the results of the Preliminary Risk Analysis
to the satisfaction of the Department of Minerals and
Energy and to meet EPA criteria

Social impacts Create positive links with the community Provide assistance to schools with environmental Provide sponsorship of environmental education
management initiatives resources for local schools that focus on the local
Provide resoutce materials to students to assist with
student projects
Provide work experience opportunities for students
with an interest in environmental management
Increase community interest and knowledge about Provide resources to increase community awareness
their environment of their local environment
Give the community the opportunity to participate in
environmental care programmes initiated by SCM
Fulfil the Responsible Care commitments to involve
and inform the community on all relevant company

Table 7.6 Management framework—operations

Issue Management objective Management strategy Management actions

Social impacts Ensure the community understands the place SCM Seek opportunities to work with the community to
has within the community, the benefits it offers and address their broader concerns
the environmental commitment it has undertaken Provide information to the community on the value
SCM contributes to the community
Offer opportunities for the community to visit and
review SCM's operation and provide feedback on it's
perception of SCM's performance

Table 7.7 Management framework—construction

Issue Management objective Management strategy Management actions

Clearing Retain and re-establish native vegetation and conserve Retain existing vegetation outside the construction Define the extent of the construction area with clear
topsoil to maintain the biological diversity of the area as a site buffer and visual screen markings
Kemerton site Fence the construction site when definition and initial
clearing is completed

Use local native species in landscaping to maintain Select plants for use in landscaping by survey of the
the natural bio-diversity of the plant site areas surrounding the plant site and reference to
documentation of the flora of the Kemerton Industrial
Select place of plants in landscaping having
consideration for the form the plants adopt in the
surrounding vegetation

Noise and Minimise noise and dust generation to within Comply with the requirements of occupational Undertake routine noise monitoring identify noisy
Dust acceptable community and regulatory standards health, safety and welfare legislation workplace environments
Ensure noise emissions do not exceed licence limits Fit noise suppression devices to construction

Suppress dust generation during site preparation Minimise surface area exposed
Use water sprays/trucks as required
Ensure dust generation within the construction site Keep all trafficked areas of soil surface moist
does not exceed occupational health and Keep all operating stockpiles surface moist
environmental limits

Table 7.7 Management framework—construction

Issue Management objective Management strategy Management actions

Safety Minimise incidents relating to safety in the workplace Clearly define construction zones within the plant Provide barrier fencing between construction and
site operations zones
Clearly describe delineation of zones in site and
training literature
Provide a site induction safety training seminar for Develop a training course for existing and new
all employees and contractors prior to employees and contractors that describes changes to
commencement of work on the site conditions on the site, their definition and
Ensure each new employee or contractor receives
induction training prior to commencement of work
Establish methods for identification of work site
hazards within induction training
Identify those hazards and their management in
induction training
Clearly define areas of hazard using standard Establish a marking/barrier system to delineate
definition devices hazards and their severity and apply the system on the
Use work permits/tags to identify potential hazards

Transport Minimise the effect of construction traffic on local Ensure disruption to local traffic associated with Arrange all movements of large prefabricated
road use movement of plant components to the site is minimal components to occur during periods of low traffic
Reduce the effect of construction traffic on local and Arrange conditions of engagement to reduce effect of
regional traffic movements transport on local and regional road networks


This section describes the proposed environmental monitoring and reporting

programmes associated with the proposed plant expansion. The programmes would be
similar to the established procedures outlined in SCM's Environmental Monitoring and
Reporting Procedures Manual, M054-1.

SCM's expanded operations would still require the premises to be defined as prescribed
premises under Section 5 of the Environmental Protection Act, 1986. The company
would continue to operate under a number of licences issued by the DEP, Water
Corporation, WRC, Health Department, RCWA and DOME. Environmental
monitoring, reporting and auditing criteria would be in accordance with licences and the
company's environmental system manuals.


The expanded plant would incorporate into its design advanced logic control systems
linked to the upgraded central computer to ensure process control and provide advanced
warning of any abnormal operation conditions that could result in equipment failure.
Regular inspections, preventative maintenance and replacement of vulnerable equipment
would continue to be undertaken.

Atmospheric emissions from the raw pigment plant would result from the controlled
releases of specified substances through the main process stack, the suction vent stack,
the boiler stack, heater stacks and the ore/coke recovery stack. Atmospheric emissions
from the finishing plant would be generated from the drier vent stacks and bag filter
vents and from fugitive dust emissions.

The main process stack would be monitored weekly, using the established procedure, to
measure the licence parameters. The chlorine emissions from the main process stack
would be monitored continuously by chlorine detectors with a manual backup.
Carbonyl sulfide would be monitored three times per week, while hydrogen suiphide
would be monitored continuously. Sulphur dioxide would be monitored continuously.
During the initial stages of the expanded plant operation, carbonyl suiphide, carbon
monoxide and carbon dioxide would also be measured.

Dark smoke emissions are only predicted to occur at chlorinator 'start up'. These, and
any other dark smoke emissions, would be monitored by visual inspection.

The finishing plant drier vent stack and bag filter vents would be monitored to ensure
particulate emissions comply with the statutory emission levels of 250 mg/rn3 by the
following procedures:

regular, documented, physical inspections of the filter socks and the plenum
regular, documented, sampling of particulate emissions in the spray drier stacks;
immediate replacement of filter socks on detection of pigment leakage;
scheduled maintenance recording and replacement of filter socks
visual inspection of stack appearance;
visual inspection of condensing water colour to identify Hot Bag Filter

Any emissions resulting from emergency venting would be recorded.


A series of groundwater monitoring bores has been established around the Kemerton
site. This network would be extended to include the new finishing plant site.

The established groundwater monitoring programmes would be continued. The

parameters listed below would be measured quarterly and annual reports would be
prepared for the DEP and the WRC.

The monitored groundwater parameters are:

Static water level

Electrical conductivity
Total Dissolved Solids
Total Suspended Solids
Total iron
Oil and grease
Gross alpha and beta activity
Trace heavy metals

This monitoring would continue to be undertaken by person(s) approved by the DEP.
Reports and data analysis would be done by a qualified hydrologist.

SCM would continue monitoring and reporting of the production water bores in
accordance with the conditions of the WRC Well Licence. Monthly usage, quarterly
bore water levels and monthly salinity monitoring would continue. Biannually water
samples would be chemically analysed as required in the licence.

The following parameters would continue to be measured and reported to the regulatory

Static water level

Electrical conductivity
Total Dissolved Solids
Total Suspended Solids
Total iron
Oil and grease
Gross alpha and beta activity
Trace heavy metals


The saline water would continue to be monitored at the discharge point from the
neutralisation plant in accordance with the established programmes. The monitoring
results are reported quarterly to the DEP.

The following parameters are continuously monitored with summaries provided of the
daily average, maximum and minimum recorded value:

flow rate in cubic metres per hour

temperature in degrees Celsius

Daily composite samples are analysed for:

total suspended solids
total dissolved solids

Six monthly samples are taken and analysed for:

radium 226
radium 228
thorium 228

The receiving marine environment is monitored twice a year by an approved marine

environmental consultant. Annual reports are presented to the DEP summarising the
results. Water samples, pre and post pipe scouring events, are taken from the ocean near
the diffuser and analysed for the following parameters:

water temperature
dissolved oxygen as percentage of saturation
total suspended solids.

Sediment samples are also taken and analysed for the following parameters;

loss of ignition as a percentage;

radium 226.

Due to the high energy nature and lack of suitable habitat of the receiving ocean at the
ocean outfall, no naturally occurring sensitive fauna exist around the outfall or the
mixing zone.


In accordance with the ALARA Principle, all Kemerton and Australind plant personnel
are non-designated employees. Therefore, the annual effective dose equivalent limit for
employees is the general public limit of 1 mSv/yr. To limit radiation exposures, those
areas of the plant where radiation levels may be above 7.5 iGyIhr are classified as
controlled areas. These controlled areas, mainly process tanks, are clearly signposted
and access times limited.

Radiation surveys of the neutralisation plant area are conducted annually.

Environmental radiation surveys are also conducted at the solid waste disposal site.
Analyses of the treated saline water and groundwater at both Kemerton and Australind
for radionuclides are carried out in accordance with DEP licence conditions. Solid
residues are monitored for uranium and thorium levels as detailed in the RMP and
operational radiation monitoring plan (Terry 1989).

The results of the surveys and analyses are reported annually to the statutory. authorities
In addition to the routine surveys and audits, all company Occupational Health and
Safety procedures, including radiation procedures, are subject to an annual audit by the
SCM Group Occupational Health and Safety Department (USA).

Monitoring programmes have been established for both the discharge saline water and
the receiving environment.


Monitoring of noise emissions and ambient noise levels would be undertaken as



This section summarises the environmental commitments made in this CER. It also
shows the obligations detailed in the ERMP and ministerial conditions for the existing
plant at Kemerton.



SCM will ensure that the company's operations and management programme for the
expanded Kemerton Plant are compatible with the management objectives developed for
the Kemerton Community Park concept.

SCM will amend procedures manuals (Standard Operating, Process Control,

Maintenance and Safety Procedures) to reflect any changes to the operations.

SCM will amend and implement changes to management plans and system manuals to
reflect any changes to the operation.

SCM will continue to implement the company's Environmental Systems Manuals and
audit their effectiveness.

SCM will amend and facilitate training programmes for safety, environmental
awareness and operational procedures to reflect changes to the operations.

SCM will continue to carry out regular preventative maintenance.

SCM will continue the current monitoring programmes and expand monitoring where


SCM will install an integrated thermal converter system to reduce the volume of
carbonyl sulphide, hydrogen suiphide and carbon monoxide emissions and recycle waste

SCM will install a scrubber system capable of removing about 95 percent of sulphur
dioxide emissions.

Design of the new stack will ensure that ground level concentrations of licence
emissions from the expanded operation will not exceed current levels, even with
bypassing of the thermal converter.

The appropriate computer modelling techniques will be used at the works approval stage
to confirm that ground level concentrations of licenced emissions meet DEP


SCM will continue to explore opportunities to further recycle and reuse process water
within the expanded Kemerton Plant.

SCM will continue to control surface runoff from the plant site.

SCM will continue to operate, and monitor, the neutralisation plant and discharge
wastewater to the ocean.

SCM will develop the ocean outfall diffusion system to maintain or improve dispersion
of the wastewater into the marine environment.

SCM will continue to monitor the receiving environment to the satisfaction of the DEP.


SCM will continue to investigate and operate residue minimisation programmes.

SCM will continue to undertake investigations into the beneficial use and options for
alternative disposal of the solid residue.

SCM will continue to liaise with the Government Task Force to establish alternative
solid residue disposal options or sites.

SCM will continue to monitor and undertake environmental audits of the solid residue
storage area at Dalyellup in accordance with their Environmental Management Plan.

9.1.5 SAFETY

SCM will amend and continue to conduct regular safety audits.

SCM will ensure safe plant layout and operate the plant in a safe manner.


SCM will continue to implement the company's Radiation Management Plan and audit
its effectiveness.


SCM will undertake technical and hazard reviews at all significant process changes and
continue to implement the centralised control policy regarding changes to plant detail.

SCM will amend and implement the company's Total Hazard Control Plan to reflect any
changes to the operation and audit its effectiveness.

9.1.8 NOISE

The proposed plant expansion will be designed so no significant contributions to current

noise levels, resulting in a breach of existing conditions, will occur.


Western Australian contractors will be used where practical.


SCM will adhere to codes for construction materials and construction practices.


SCM will carry out rehabilitation and landscaping following commissioning of the
expanded plant to create an aesthetically pleasing operation that is complimentary to and
maintains the integrity of the surrounding environs and meets the requirement of the


SCM will prepare and issue reports on monitoring results to the appropriate government
agencies in accordance with conditions specified in any licence.

SCM will provide written advice of any analytical results or measurement taken in
accordance with any condition of licence that is shown to be in contravention of a
condition of the licence to the appropriate government agency.


The following commitments were detailed in the ERMP submitted to the Environmental
Protection Authority prior to construction of the existing titanium dioxide plant at
Kemerton (Kinhill Steams 1986). Table 9.1 summarises the current status of the
commitments and the full list is included in Appendix H.

Table 9.1 Summary of previous management commitments made by the SCM Chemicals in
reference to the existing titanium dioxide plant
Subject Existing Status
Noise, dust and traffic to be minimised during construction Cleared
Construction in accordance with Australian or International codes Cleared, replaced in CER
2.1 Wastewater
Monitoring vegetation on banks of Collie R. Old, no discharge to Collie R.
Control of surface runoff Current
Monitoring discharge to Collie R. Old
Wastewaters can be discharged to Wellesley and Collie Rivers Old
No infiltration of wastewater on site, disposal of wastewater from Current
thickener underfiow
Reduction of manganese levels in wastewater Old, treatment process changed
pH of wastewater Old, treatment process changed
Lime treatment of wastewater Old, treatment process changed
Monitoring sediments of Collie R. for radionuclides Old, now applies to ocean
Impact of temperature on aquatic organisms Old
Commitment to alter wastewater disposal if problems detected Current
Monitoring vegetation on banks of Wellesley R. Old, no discharge to Wellesley R.
Regular monitoring of wastewater discharge from Kemerton site Current
2.2 Aesthetics/Noise/Odour
Control of dust Current
Noise within statutory requirements Current
Design and landscaping of plant site Cleared, landscaping is ongoing
Negligible odour impact on residential areas Current
No odours to originate from plant during normal operation Current
2.3 General
Regular preventative maintenance of plant Current
Disposal of waste products in environmentally safe manner in Current
accordance with statutory requirements
Risk analysis to be completed Cleared, new risk analysis in place
Hazards and operability study to be commissioned and personnel Cleared, with ongoing training
trained in safe operating practices and emergency procedures
Wastes monitored for radio-nuclides Current
Central Control Policy Current, since upgraded
Groundwater extraction not to impact on wetlands Current
Need to advise EPA about chlor-alkali production Cleared
3. Safety Features
Design of titanium tetrachloride vaporiser Cleared

Subject Existing Status
Pressure sensing instrumentation in chlorination section Cleared
Process control, temperature and pressure monitoring, water- Cleared
cooling of chlorinator and solids build-up in overhead mains
Maintenance of heat exchangers Old
Replacement of sensors in oxidation section Current
Logic system to control reactor trip system Cleared
Isolation of chlorine pumps Cleared
On-line scrubbing for 'hygiene snake' system Cleared
3.2 Chlor-alkali Plant Nufarm now responsible
3.3 Storage on SCM Site
14 Commitments relating to storage of chlorine and other Cleared.
chemicals, some related to design of storage vessels
3.4 Layout
Location of air separation plant, hydrogen, liquid chlorine and Cleared
hydrogen tetrachioride pipelines
Cranes not to lift over storage vessels Cleared
Design of plant to minimise chlorine inventory Cleared
3.5 Maintenance
Preventative maintenance scheme Current
Clearing and testing of the chlorine sensor in the tail gas line Current
Maintenance and testing of all sensors Current
3.6 General
Use of a non-explosive grade of coke Cleared
Corrosion monitoring techniques Cleared
Design of fuel management system Cleared
Shut-down of plant from control room Cleared
Chlorine detectors Cleared
Emergency Plan
Emergency plan and procedures Old
Formulation of public emergency and contingency plans Cleared
Monitoring and Auditing
Regular safety audits Current
Hazard and risk management programmes Cleared
Interchange of personnel with Baltimore during development of Cleared
programmes, followed by auditing from Baltimore
External audit via 'Permission for Change' system Cleared
Overseas training Cleared
Senior Operator and Shift Supervisor training courses Cleared
Development of procedure manuals Cleared
Planned operational life and need for another environmental Current
impact statement should plant be used for another purpose

Source: Environmental Protection Authority Bulletin 283, July 1987


The following recommendations and conclusions have been extracted from the report
and recommendations of the Environmental Protection Authority, made in response to a
proposal by SCM Chemicals Ltd to construct a titanium dioxide plant at Kemerton
(EPA 1987b). Table 9.2 summarises the current status of the recommendations and
conclusions and the full list is included in Appendix I.

Table 9.2 Summary of previous recommendations and conclusions made by the EPA in
reference to the existing titanium dioxide plant

No. Subject Existing Status

1 Acceptability of original proposal Ongoing

2 Acceptability of Kemerton site Cleared
3 Need for risk assessment strategy Cleared, replaced in CER
4 Restrictions on chlorine storage at Kemerton
5 Restrictions on sale and transport of chlorine from Kemerton Nufarm now responsible
6 Safeguards for chlor-alkali production Nufarm now responsible
7 Overall responsibility for chlor-alkali production Nufarm now responsible
8 Need to integrate emergency plans with local agencies Cleared
9 Prevention of groundwater contamination Current
10 Discharge of wastewater into Wellesley R. Old, no longer applies
Need for assessment of alternatives for wastewater discharge Cleared
11 Scrubbing system on chlor-alkali plant Nufarm now responsible
12 Need for assessment of solid waste management and disposal Cleared
13 Need for approval of solid waste disposal sites by Cleared
Government agencies
14 Need to develop radiation management programme Cleared
15 Need for a detailed water supply proposal Cleared
16 Need for contingency plan for transport of reagents Cleared
17 Need for approval for titanium tetrachloride transport by Cleared
Government agencies
18 Wastewater discharge into Collie R. Old, no longer applies
19 Wastewater monitoring for Collie R. Old, now applies to ocean
Need for monitoring programme for Leschenault Inlet Cleared
20 Need for contingency plan for spills of effluent or chemicals Old or cleared
into Collie R., Leschenault Inlet or ocean
21 Maintenance of pipeline across Leschenault Inlet Old, no longer applies
22 Closure of sulphuric acid and sulphate-process plants at Old, no longer applies
23 Liquid effluent disposal at Australind Old, no longer applies
24 Australind plant site inappropriate for heavy industry Old, no longer applies
25 Need to liaise with CALM re management of Kemerton site Old, no longer applies
26 Need to meet costs of monitoring environmental performance Cleared
of Australind and Kemerton plants

Source: Environmental Protection Authority Bulletin 283, July 1987


Australian Environment CouncillNational Health and Medical Research Council.

1986. National guidelines for control of emmission of pollutants from new
stationary sources. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.

BHP Engineering Pty Ltd. 1993. Kemerton Industrial Park water supply—public
environmental review. Water Authority of Western Australia Report
No. WP 138.

Churchill, T. 1992. Kemerton Industrial Park landscape study. Prepared for the
Kemerton Advisory Board. Perth: Department of Conservation and Land

Dames and Moore. 1989. Public environmental review for aluminium smelter at
Kemerton. Produced for Kemerton Aluminium Ltd. Dames and Moore Job
No. 17252-002-071.

Dames and Moore. 1991. Kemerton Core/Buffer Definition Study. Produced for
Kemerton Advisory Board. Dames and Moore Job No. 14740-007-071.

Department of Conservation and Environment. 1985. Proposed aluminium smelter—

Kemerton International Aluminium Consortium Bulletin No. 214. Perth:
Department of Conservation and Environment.

Department of Environmental Protection. 1997. Determination of acceptable air

discharges from stationary sources. Draft Report. Perth: Department of
Environmental Protection.

Dimmock, G.M. 1985. Programme of studies on environmental impacts of an

aluminium smelter. A preliminary field assessment of soils and vegetation at
the Kemerton site. Interim report (6 May 1985) to the Department of
Conservation and Environment and the Environmental Protection Authority.

Environmental Protection Authority. 1984. Conservation reserves for Western

Australia, System Six Red Book recommendations. Perth: Environmental
Protection Authority of Western Australia.

Environmental Protection Authority. 1987a. Report and recommendations by the
Environmental Protection Authority. The proposed chloride process titanium
dioxide plant at Australind. Bulletin 275. Perth: Environmental Protection
Authority of Western Australia.

Environmental Protection Authority. I 987b. Report and recommendations by the

Environmental Protection Authority. The proposed chloride process titanium
dioxide plant at Kemerton. Bulletin 283. Perth: Environmental Protection
Authority of Western Australia.

Environmental Protection Authority. 1992. Bulletin No. 611. Perth: Environmental

Protection Authority of Western Australia.

Environmental Protection Authority. 1993. Red Book Status Report (1993) on

implementation of conservation reserves for Western Australia (1976-1 984).
Perth: Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia.

Environmental Protection Authority. 1993b. Draft Western Australian water quality

criteria for fresh and marine waters. Bulletin No. 711. Perth: Environmental
Protection Authority of Western Australia.

Environmental Protection Authority. 1994. Water supply for Kemerton Industrial

Park. Bulletin No.758. Perth: Environmental Protection Authority of Western

Fairbridge, R.W. 1972. The encyclopaedia of geochemistry and environmental

sciences. Vol. IVA. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.

Imberger, J., and Pattiaratchi, C., eds. 1990. A regional study in climate change: A
status report of previous activities. Report No. P90-32—JI. Perth: Centre for
Water Research.

Kemerton Steering Committee et al. 1989. Kemerton Park—final report. Perth:

Feilman Planning Consultants, Town Planners.

Kinhill Engineers. 1991 a. Environmental monitoring studies of SCM Chemicals Ltd

wastewater ocean outfall at Kemerton: Year 2 post-commissioning. Report
prepared for SCM Chemicals Ltd. Bunbury, Western Australia.

Kinhill Engineers. 199 lb. Kemerton plant ocean outfall wastewater dilution study.
Report prepared for SCM Chemicals Ltd. Bunbury, Western Australia.

Kinhill Engineers. 1995. Environmental monitoring studies of the wastewater ocean

outfall at Kemerton—Year 6—December 1994-April 1995. Report prepared for
SCM Chemicals Ltd. Bunbury, Western Australia.

Kinhill Stearns. 1986. Stage 2 Environmental review and management programme:

Proposed chloride process titanium dioxide plant. Report prepared for SCM
Chemicals Ltd. Bunbury, Western Australia.

Laurenson, L.J.B., Unsworth, P., Penn, J.W., and Lenanton, R.C.J. 1993. The impact
of trawling for saucer scallops and western king prawns on the benthic
communities in coastal waters off south-western Australia. Fisheries Research
Report No. 100. Perth: Fisheries Department of Western Australia.

Martinick and Associates. 1987. Minninup deposit; vegetation, flora and fauna of
the beach and foredune. Unpublished report to Cable Sands (WA) Ny Ltd.

Meagher and LeProvost. 1975. A review of effluent and ecology in relation to the
coastal environment at Bunbury. Report prepared for Laporte Australia Ltd.
Perth, Western Australia.

National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Committee. 1994. Australian methodology for

estimation of greenhouse gas emissions and sinks. Workbook 1.0. Canberra:
Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories.

Riley, J. P., and Chester, R. 1979. Introduction to marine chemistry. London:

Academic Press.

SCM Chemicals Ltd. 1991. Consultative Environmental Review. Proposed use of

existing SCM solid residue disposal site at Dalyellup from March 1992 to
March 1994. Bunbury: SCM Chemicals Ltd.

SCM Chemicals Ltd. 1993. Proposal for the continued use of existing residue
disposal site at Dalyellup. Bunbury: SCM Chemicals Ltd.

South West Development Authority. 1992. Bunbury harbour city redevelopment.

Public Environmental Review. Bunbury: South West Development Authority.

South West Development Authority. 1995. The South West—A profile. Bunbury:
South West Development Authority.

Steedman and Associates. 1980.' Prediction of the Laporte iron-acid waste

dispersion in the Bunbury coastal waters, Western Australia. Report No. R87.
Report prepared for Laporte Australia Ltd and the Public Works Department of
Western Australia.

Stratex Worley Pty Limited. 1996. Preliminary Risk Assessment of the proposed
Expansion of the SCM Chemicals Ltd, Kemerton Facility. Report prepared for
SCM Chemicals Ltd. Bunbury, Western Australia.

Terry, K.W. 1993. Radon and thoron daughter concentrations associated with solid
residue at Kemerton and Dalyellup. Perth: Katee Enterprises.

Water Authority of Western Australia. 1993. Kemerton Industrial Park water supply.
Public Environmental Review. Perth: Water Authority of Western Australia.

Appendix A
Appendix A

ACIC Australian Chemical Industry Council

AHD Australian Height Datum
ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable
AS Australian Standard
AS/NZS ISO Australian Standard and New Zealand Standard International
Standard Organisation
BOC BOC Gases of Australia Ltd
C Carbon
CALM Department of Conservation and Land Management
CER Consultative Environmental Review
CFC Chlorofluorocarbon
Cl Chlorine
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
Cwlth Commonwealth
DCE Department of Conservation and Environment
DEP Department of Environmental Protection
DOME Department of Minerals and Energy
DRD Department of Resources Development
EMP Environmental Management Plan
EPA Environmental Protection Authority
ERMP Environmental Review and Management Plan
Hanson PLC Hanson Proprietary Limited Company
HCl Hydrogen chloride
HDWA Health Department of Western Australia
ISRS International Safety Rating System
KIP Kemerton Industrial Park
LIMA Leschenault Inlet Management Authority
NOT Notice of Intent
NOx Nitrogen oxides
PACIA Plastics and Chemical Industry Association
QRA Quantitative Risk Assessment
RCWA Radiological Council of Western Australia
RGC RGC Mineral Sands Limited
RMP Radiation Management Plan
RMS Radiation Management Strategy
SCM SCM Chemicals Ltd - Asia/Pacific
SCM Chemicals Inc SCM Chemicals Inc - USA
THCP Total Hazard Control Plan
TiC14 Titanium tetrachloride
Ti02 Titanium dioxide
WRC Water and Rivers Commission

Appendix B
Appendix B

% percent
degrees Celsius
.tGy/hr microgray per hour
Bq/m2 becqueral per square metre
dB(A) decibel
g/m3 gram per cubic metre
ha hectare
kBq/m3 kilobecquerel per cubic metre
kg kilogram
km kilometre
kPa kilopascal
m metre
mIs metres per second
rn3 cubic metre
m3ih cubic metres per hour
mg/rn3 milligram per cubic metre
mm millimetres
Mm3/a mega cubic metre per annum
mSv/yr millisievert per year
Nm3 normal cubic metres
ppm parts per million
t tonne
t/a tonnes per annum
tld tonnes per day

Appendix C

aeolian air-deposited
alkaline basic, the opposite of acidic
alpha particle a positively charged, sub atomic particle
aquifer a layer of rock or soil capable of holding or transmitting
artesian basin a geological structural feature or combination of such
features in which water is confined under pressure
carbonyl suiphide a compound containing a carbon, oxygen and sulphur
cathode a negative electrode
caustic soda sodium hydroxide; a white, deliquescent solid that dissolves
in water to give an alkaline solution
chlor-alkali plant a plant which produces sodium hydroxide and chlorine
through the electrolysis of a salt solution
chlorate a salt of chloric acid
chlorine a greenish-yellow, poisonous gas of pungent odour, with a
strong bleaching, oxidising and disinfecting action
chromium a hard, white metal used in heat-resistant alloys and
corrosion-resistant plating
coke a fuel derived from distilling coal
combustion the burning of an organic substance yielding energy
Cretaceous the third and latest period included in the Mesozoic era
diffuser a mechanism that enhances the natural spread of a liquid
stream into the environment
effluent wastewater stream
electrolysis the chemical decomposition of substances (electrolytes) by an
electrical current passed through the substance in a dissolved
feedstock the raw material(s) supplied to a plant
fissile capable of being split or divided
ilmenite natural ferrous titanate, an ore of titanium
in situ an action that is occurs 'on site' rather than within a
ion an electrically charged atom, radical or molecule resulting
from the loss or gain of electrons
Jurassic the period within the Mesozoic era preceding the Cretaceous
period and following the Triassic period
leachate impurities carried by water and percolating through the earth
lime calcium oxide, an alkaline solid

mica any member of a group of minerals, hydrous disilicates of
aluminium, that separate readily into thin layers
micronising to break up into very small particles
rutile a naturally occurring form of titanium dioxide
natural gas a gaseous mixture of hydrocarbons, primarily methane,
extracted from the earth
neutralisation the addition of an acid to an alkali, or vice versa, so as to
render each ineffective
nuclide the nucleus of an atom
oxide a compound of oxygen with one other element
pH measure of acidity
pneumatic operated by air
radiation the emission and propagation of subatomic particles
radionuclide a nuclide that is radioactive
radium a naturally occurring radioactive metallic element. Radium
226 and radium 228 are isotopes of radium.
radon a rare chemically inert, radioactive gaseous element produced
by the disintegration of radium
refractory lined lined with a heat resistant material
rutile titanium dioxide pigment in rutile crystal form
shale a layered rock consisting of fine silt or clay particles
silicate compound of silicon and oxygen
sluice to flush or cleanse with a rush of water
slurry a fluid mixture of fine solids and water
sodium carbonate a white, crystalline, soluble, alkaline salt
synthetic rutile ilmenite that has been chemically upgraded to a higher
titanium dioxide content
thorium a silvery white, naturally occurring radioactive metallic
element. Thorium 228 and thorium are isotopes of thorium
thoron a rare chemically inert, radioactive gaseous element produced
by the disintegration of thorium
titanium a white, metallic element found in nature only in combined
titanium dioxide a white, insoluble powder used as a white pigment in the
production of paints, paper and many other products
titanium tetrachloride a colourless liquid consisting of titanium and chlorine that is
used in the manufacture of titanium metal and many other
vanadium a very hard, white metallic element used mainly in producing
vanadium steel
volatile passing off readily from water solution in the form of vapour

Appendix D
Noise Predicitons for the
Kemerton Plant Expansion

Prepared for:
SCM Chemicals Pty Ltd
Western Australia

Report details:
Report 9637 Rev 2
Enineering Dynamics Consultants Pty Ltd
21s March, 1997

N. ....
U...... Dynamics.

Unit 4/12-14 Thelma Street

West Perth, 6005, AUSTRALIA
Phone (09) 321 3306
Fax (09) 481 0629
..u..* a,D2ATh fly UD
Noise Predictions for Kemerton Expansion

Title: Noise Predictions for the

Kemerton Plant Expansion
Key words: Noise predictions, sound power measurements

Document Control: File ref: 9637 report rev 2.doc

Report prepared for: SCM Chemicals Pty Ltd

Bunbury, W.A.

Report prepared by: Engineering Dynamics Consultants Pty Ltd

Unit 4,12-14 Thelma Street
Perth, 6005, W.A.

Phone: (09) 321 3306

Paul Baster,
Fax: (09) 481 0629

.. ..(_-
Date: ........ 2/..3'7

Reviewed by: Mark Thrift,

Date: .... 2.:..?"......... ....................

Revision History: Date issued:

Issue 0.0: 22/8/96
1.0 25/9/96

2.0 21/3/97
Plant location changed
integrated with Rep 9518
Revised for 38 dB contours
Distribution: Copy No: 2.. Issue No: Location:
1,2 2.0 SCM

3 2.0 EDC

21/3/97 Report 9637 Rev 2 2

Noise Predictions for Kemerton Expansion

Executive Summary
SCM Chemicals Pty Ltd is planning an extension of its Kemerton Plant. This
includes a new Finishing Plant and expansion of the current process plant.
Engineering Dynamics Consultants Pty. Ltd. was commissioned to determine
the noise Contours from this plant enlargement.

The results show the following

The sound power levels will increase by approximately 7 dBA with the
expansion of the Kernerton Plant.
For most of the conditions modelled, the noise level outside the Industrial
Park from the plant expansion will only exceed 38dBA in small areas.
If the sound power levels of the microniser, surface treatment and spray
drying areas are reduced by 6 dBA using further noise control measures
then, with the exception of a very small area east of the Brunswick River
during an extreme temperature inversion condition, the predicted noise level
outside the Industrial Park will he below 38 dBA for all modelled
meteorological conditions.

21/3/97 Report 9637 Rev 2 [3

U...... DynaJcs D
Noise Predictions for Kemerton Expansion

1. Introduction
SCM Chemicals Pty Ltd is planning an extension of its Kemerton Plant. This
includes a new Finishing Plant and expansion of the current plant. Engineering
Dynamics were conmñssioned to determine the change in noise levels from this
plant enlargement.

To determine the change in noise levels, the total Sound Power Levels (PWL)
of the current plant were determined. Also, the PWL of individual items and
SeCnoflS which are to be added, had to be determined by

Site measurement for items currently at Kemerton and

Calculation from previous measurements for items currently at Australind.

2. Methodology
Previous noise measurements at the Australind Plant were used to determine
the PWL of the new Finishing Plant.

No such study had been conducted at the Kemerton Plant. The sound power
levels of items of equipment and buildings containing equipment were
ascertained by using sound level meter with a directional microphone. This
method is ideally suited for this plant as each section of the plant is reasonably
well separated from other sections. This method involves taking numerous
sound pressure readings over fixed areas. The calculated total sound power
level was then correlated with readings at a distance from the plant.

The sound power levels presented in this report are A-weighted.

21/3/97 Report 9637 Rev 2 4

::::::: Enghieerig
....... flun.i
0•• Wfl*NTS fly ijo
Noise Predictions for Kemerton Expansion

3 Results

3.1 Finishing Plant

The proposed new Finishing Plant includes the following signilicauL noise

Surface Treatment (external heated tanks and pumps)

Filtration Building (vacuum Pumps external)
> Spray Drying (external)
Microniser Building
> Packing
Water Treatment
The sound power levels for these items as measured at Australind are
tabulated in Table 1.

3.2 Extension of Current Process Plant

The extension of the current process plant includes the following significant
noise sources;

1. Duplication of;

Sand milling
2. Expansion of:

Cooling towers
Gas scrubber
The sound power levels for these items are tabulated in Table 1 along with the
sound power levels measured at the current Process Plant. The proposed
Waste Gas Incinerator has not been included as no data on its sound power
levels has been received.

21/3/97 Report 9637 Rev 2 05

. I
Noise Predictions for Kemerton Expansion

3.3 Expanded Kemerton Plant

The total predicted sound power level from the expanded plant including the
finishing plant is presented in Table 1. These results show that there will be
approximately a 7 dBA increase in sound power levels with expansion of the
Kemerton Plant.

To produce the noise contours for this plant, the noise sources were input into
the noise computer modelling program ENM. The ground contours were
digitised using maps provided by Kinhill Engineers. ENM predicts the noise
contours based on the meteorology, ground type and barriers resulting from
the ground contours.

Meteorological conditions have a significant impact on the transmission of

noise. Figure 11 shows a wind rose for Kemerton and indicates the dominant
wind directions are from 1200 (East / South East) and 2551, (West / South
West). These wind directions were modelled along with wind from 45° (North
East) because it would have the most impact on local residences.

Temperature inversion conditions cause a downward refraction of sound

waves, hence, higher noise levels at ground level. The Dames and Moore study
(provided by Kinhill Engineers) of the Kemerton Industrial Park reported a 2
degree per 1(X) metre temperature gradient during worst case propagation
conditions. This gradient was modelled with a wind velocity of 2.5 rn/s in the
above wind directions.

It should be noted that higher wind velocities result in higher noise levels
further downwind, however, this also results in higher background noise.
particularly in areas with significant flora.

Higher temperature gradients have been experienced, generally but not always,
in combination with low wind velocities. Figure 12 shows temperature
gradients of up to 7 degrees per 100 metres under almost stagnant wind
conditions. This situation has also been modelled. It should be noted that
higher temperature gradients also result in higher background noise due to
better transmission of general noise such as traffic, machines, animals etc.

An air temperature of 10°C and 50% humidity was used in the modelling and
the resultant noise contours are presented in Figures 1 to 5.

These maps show the following:

I. For a 2.5 ni/s wind velocity from the North East direction and typical
temperature inversion conditions, the predicted noise level outside the
Industrial Park, from the expanded plant, is only above 38 dBA in a small
area near the Australind by-pass.
2. For a 2.5 m/s wind velocity.from the East / South East direction and
typical temperature inversion conditions, the predicted noise level outside
the Industrial Park, from the expanded plant, is predominantly below 38
dBA with only a small area north of the Australind by-pass exceeding 38

21/3/97 Report 9637 Rev 2 .6

..fl...ttJ1iA1flEpry in
Noise Predictions for Kemerton Expansion

For a 2.5 m/s wind velocity from the West / South West direction and
typical temperature inversion conditions, the predicted noise level outside
the Industrial Park, from the expanded plant is above 38 dBA in an area
east of the Brunswick River.
The predicted noise level outside the Industrial Park. from the expanded
plant, is below 38 dBA under zero wind and typical temperature inversion
conditions. A small area east of. the Brunswick River is above 38dBA.
For extreme temperature inversion and zero wind conditions, the predicted
noise level outside the Industrial Park, from the expanded plant, exceeds 38
dBA both cast and west sides of the Industrial Park.

To reduce these boundary noise levels various additional noise control

measures were imposed in the model. Reduction of the microniser, surface
treatment and spray drying areas by 6 dBA reduced the noise levels to an
acceptable level. The overall sound power level was reduced by 2.5 dBA.

The above contours were recalculated usin2 this lower sound power level and
the resultant noise contours are presented in Figures 6 to 10. The results show.
with exception of a very small area east of the Brunswick River (luring an
extreme temperature inversion condition, the predicted noise level outside the
Industrial Park is below 38 dBA for all modelled conditions.

21/3197 Report 9637 Rev2 - 7

Ioctave Band liz 31.5 63 125 250 50() 1000 2000 400() 8000 Overall
iew rinisning riant dBA
Surface Treatment 54 78 98 107 108 108 100 101 96 113
Filtration Building 65 78 93 lO() 103 105 103 98 91 109
Spray Drying External 69 92 104 106 105 110 104 96 84 114
Microniser Building 78 91 101 107 111 111 107 106 94 116
Packaging 51 72 87 95 95 95 91 85 72 100
WaterTrcatment 49 71 85 96 105 106 104 96 87 110

PWL New Finishing Plant 79 95 107 112 114 116 111 108 99 120

Process Plant Extension

Sandrnill 72 79 89 98 lOS 102 96 88 77 108
Oxidation 71 78 84 95 99 98 96 95 85 104
Cooling tower 78 96 99 104 103 103 101 95 85 110
Gas Scrubber 51 70 88 91 94 98 91 93 75 101
Purification 62 79 88 98 102 109 104 95 85 111
Filter 61 79 88 96 97 98 97 92 83 104
Boiler Plant 67 82 95 99 105 105 104 101 93 110
Refrigeration 48 62 75 89 95 95 92 89 80 100

PWL Extension of Process Plant 80 97 101 107 111 112 109 104 95 117

PWL Current Kemerton Plant 80 96 101 107 110 112 108 103 92 116
PWL Expanded Kemerton Plant 84 101 109 114 117 118 114 110 101 123

Table 1: A-weighted Sound Power Levels (PWL) in dBA

0 ................................... El KERTI
MD ]

Predicted noise
BUFFALO AD ...&....c ..:. . .•.•..•. .. .:...
In contours for
SCM Kemerton
Plant Expansion
40 Wind direction:
45° NE
.......... ..... Wind velocity:
. . . .. . .. . .
CM.. ... . .. 2.5 rn/s
........:... Temperature
2°/i OOm
00 Temperature:

ENM Version 3,06

Predicted noise
contours for
SCM Kemerton
Plant Expansion
Wind direction:
1200 E/SE
Wind velocity:
2.5 m/s
2°/i OOm



Predicted noise
contours for
SCM Kemerton
Plant Expansion
Wind direction:
255° W/SW
Wind velocity:
2.5 m/s
2°/i OOrn
Predicted noise
contours for
SCM Kemerton
Plant Expansion
Wind velocity:
2°/i OOm

C _3
............... ...................

:. ................ ..

/ . 2KM
/ ....... : •.• ....: . 2 .\.•..:::: ...

Predicted noise
contours for
...:.:......::.:...:........:... ••
SCM Kemerton
Plant Expansion
Wind velocity:
i i / zero
K) CM gradient:
7°/i OOm
c7 MARRIOT ROAD Temperature:
4 50%
. . . /
. . . //
\ C. . 30
.6::7 /
[NM Version 3.06




Predicted noise
BUFFALO ROAD / I contours for

SCM Kemerton
Plant Expansion
with noise
Wind direction:
I 45° NE
Wind velocity:
2.5 rn/s
MARRIOT ROAD Temperature
2°/i 00m
- / Temperature:
/ Ok 50%

( ENM Version 3.06


I C-) .................................... El
I 0 ...................................

..... . . . .. • .... . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . ..... . .....

2 KM
--. - - /

Predicted noise
contours for
SCM Kemerton
Plant Expansion
(I / \I with noise
U Wind direction:
SCM 120° E/SE
Cj Wind velocity:
\ . . . . . .......:. . . .. Temperature
2°/i OOm
I -oY


J7 ENM Version 306


Predicted noise
contours for
SCM Kemerton
Plant Expansion
with noise
Wind direction:
255° W/SW
Wind velocity:
2.5 m/s
2011 OOm




2 KM

Predicted noise
contours for
SCM Kemerton
Plant Expansion
with noise
Wind velocity:
2°/i OOm

. I
. ...... Predicted noise
contours for
SCM Kemerton
'- r- Plant Expansion
// .
\ ... with noise
Wind velocity:
. ..... . . MARRIOT ROAD grad lent:
7°/i OOm
I - Io 10°C

I /
Wind rose for
28 July 1995 to
75 June 1996



1400 - -. 0637
1300 - - - 0908 '


ieee FIOURE 12
Graph of
900 \\ temperature
I- vanations with
lU 800 height. This is
an example of
an extreme
gradient during
Fl temperature
lii i \\ inversion
500 I situation in early
400 morning.

300 -
p1 N
-1-,. N
100 \ \ N
o ---
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 26 30 32 34


17 September, 1997

Addendum to Report 9637

Wind Statistics
The easterly wind condition is considered the predominant direction likely to cause annoyance.
The predicted noise levels analysed were at a maximum wind velocity of 2.5 m/s. Levels
above 2.5 m/s are considered to be of less annoyance as the background noise levels
significantly increase. To determine the statistical data, we analysed the wind data from the
weather station at Kemerton in the following range:

Wind direction 450 to 1350

Wind Velocity 2 to 3 m/s

Period 1/7/95 to 30/6/96

The results indicated that the wind velocity and wind direction were in this range br 6.2% of
the total period as detailed in the following table:

Percentage of time the wind velocity is

2-3m/s and insector45°to 1350

July to September 1995 8.1%

October to December 1995 4.8%

January to March 1996 3.3%

April to June 1996 8.7%

July 1995 to June 1996 (1 year) 6.2%

Table 1: Percentage of time the wind velocity is between 2 to 3 rn/s and

in sector 450 to 135°

Neighbourhood Noise Levels

The soon to be enacted environmental noise regulations require the noise levels at the adjacent
industrial properties to be a maximum of 65 dBA. The noise levels at the boundary of the
Sirncoa plant were determined for an easterly wind velocity of 2.5 rn/s, temperature inversion
of 20C/100m and a temperature of 10°C. The noise level at the Simcoa boundary is predicted
to be 62 dBA. With noise control measures outlined in the report, this level reduces to 57

Vibration & Noise Investigations • Plant Dynamic Design Audits • Machine Condition Monitoring
Computer Simulations and Predictions of Stress & Vibration • Stress & Fatigue
Appendix E




SCM Chemicals Ltd currently operates a facility at Kemerton, Western Australia, for the production
of titanium dioxide. The existing facilities were designed to produce a nominal 70,000 tonnes per
annum of titanium dioxide (h02 ), which were recently upgraded to 79,000 tonnes per annum. A
proposed expansion of the facility will increase the nominal production to 190,000 tonnes per annum.

The risks associated with the proposed expansion to the titanium dioxide production facility at the
SCM Chemicals Ltd Kemerton site, are to be assessed as part of the Consultative Environmental
Review (CER) for the proposed expansion. Submission of the CER to the Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP) requires that such a Preliminary Risk Assessment (PRA) is
undertaken. if the CER submission is acceptable and the proposed expansion sanctioned, then a full
Quantitative Risk Assessment will be undertaken at a later stage in the project when more detailed
design information becomes available.

This PRA does not assess the risk associated with the existing Nufarm facilities, nor any increase in
any chlorine production facility, to meet the increased chlorine requirements of the SCM Chemicals
Ltd facility. The increase in import facilities from Nufarm, however, is covered. Risk contours for
the Nufarm plant have been taken, by SCM Chemicals, from a separate assessment, and combined
with the SCM risk contours to give overall contours for the area.

The PRA has assessed the risks to the public and other industrial sites and compared the risks levels
predicted against the acceptable criteria stated in the DEP Bulletin 611.

This report predicts that:

Maximum individual risk levels beyond the overall site boundary do not exceed 5 x 10,5 yr'. No
housing falls within this area, and the risk contours are therefore within the criteria laid down in
DEP 61 1.

Maximum individual risk levels seen by SCMs neighbouring plants, eg BOC and Cockburn
Cement do not exceed I x 10 yr. The risk levels seen by Simcoa are less than 1 x 10- yr'. The
risk levels at the Nufarm Chlor Alkali plant range between 5 x 10 and I x 10 fatalities per year.
This is also within the criteria laid down in DEP 611.

The addition of individual risks from Nufarm does not significantly alter the risks from SCM
alone. The SCM and Nufarm combined risk map show that the risk contour of I x I 0 per year is
increased by about 200 m eastward. There is no effect on the risks in other areas of the site.

There are no 'sensitive developments' within the predicted consequence contours, so the proposed
expansion is acceptable in terms of this criteria.

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The societal risk associated with the development is considered acceptable, in comparison with
the published guidelines.

Although the predicted risk levels fall within the EPA criteria, a number of recommendations have
been made for further risk reduction. This is in line with SCM's policy of continuing improvement.

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Appendix F
-i -
Appendix F

SCM Chemical's Environmental Policy is:

To be committed globally to the principles of Responsible Care. Employees

throughout the company will be given the necessary training, instruction and
information to be involved in and carry out this commitment.

To give customers, suppliers, the local community and statutory bodies relevant
information on the measures employed by the company to protect the environment
from any effects of our business.

To conduct company activities in full compliance with all applicable statutory and
regulatory obligations. Assessment of environmental performance will be made
regularly to monitor progress toward reduction and minimisation of wastes as well as
compliance with environmental laws and regulations. Continuous improvement is the
ongoing goal of this effort.

To involve all relevant outside parties in working toward continuous environmental


To include environmental considerations in investment and business decisions. SCM

Chemicals will participate in actively contribute to the dialogue relating to the
identification and development of pragmatic solutions to environmental issues.

The general manager of each SCM Chemicals business unit or subsidiary shall be
responsible for implementing and managing all aspects of SCM Chemicals'
environmental policy.
Appendix G



All environmental reviews have the objective of protecting the environment, and environmental
impact assessment is specifically a public process in order to obtain broad ranging advice. The
review requires the proponent to describe the proposal, receiving environment, potential
environmental impacts and the management of the issues arising from the environmental
impacts, so that the environment is protected to an acceptable level.

If the proponent can demonstrate that the environment would be protected from unacceptable
environmental impacts, then the proposal would be found environmentally acceptable; if the
proponent cannot demonstrate this, then the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) would
recommend against the proposal.

Throughout the assessment process it is the objective of the Department of Environmental

Protection (DEP) to assist the proponent to improve the proposal such that the environment is
protected in the best manner possible. The DEP would co-ordinate relevant government
agencies and the public in providing advice about environmental matters during the assessment
of the Consultative Environmental Review (CER) for this proposal.

These guidelines have been prepared to assist the proponent in identifying key issues which
should be addressed within the Consultative Environmental Review (CER) for the proposed
expansion of the existing titanium dioxide plant to 190,000 tpa at Kemerton Industrial Park,
Western Australia. They are not intended to be exhaustive and the proponent may consider that
other issues should also be included in the document.

Purpose of the CER

The principal function of the CER is to facilitate a review of key environmental issues, by:

communicating clearly with the public (including government agencies), so that the
EPA can obtain informed public comment to assist in providing advice to government;

describing the proposal adequately, so that the Minister for the Environment can
consider approval of a well-defined project; and

providing the basis of the proponent's environmental policy and principles, which
show how the environmental issues resulting from the proposal will be approached and
acceptably managed.

Objectives of the review

The CER should have the following objectives:

to place this proposal in the context of the local and regional environment;

to explain the issues, decisions and feasible alternatives which led to the choice of this
proposal at this place and at this time;

to set out the specific environmental impacts that the proposal may have; and

for each impact, to describe how the proponent would avoid, mitigate or ameliorate that
The CER should focus on the key environmental topics for the proposal and anticipate the
questions that members of the public will raise. Data describing the environment should be
directly related to the discussion of the potential impacts of the proposal. The discussion
should then relate directly to the actions proposed to manage those impacts.

The document

The contents of the CER should be concise and accurate as well as being readily understood.
Specialist information and technical description should be included only where it assists the
understanding of the proposal. Where specific information has been requested by a
government department or the local authority this should be included in the document.

It is not intended that the document be unduly lengthy. Rather it is intended that all relevant
material should be succinctly presented in order that the key environmental issues may be

A copy of these guidelines should appear in the CER document.

The language used in the body of the CER should be kept simple and concise, considering the
audience includes non-technical people, and any extensive, technical detail should either be
referenced or appended to the CER. Remember that the CER would form the legal basis of the
Minister for the Environments approval of the proposal and, hence, should include a
description of all the main and ancillary components of the proposal, including options if

The contents of the CER should include:

a summary of the CER (including a brief description of the proposal);

introduction of the proponent, the project and location;

the legal framework, decision making authorities and involved agencies;

description of the components of the proposal, particularly the difference between this
proposal and the current, approved project, including:

a table summarising the mass balance of raw materials (inputs) and products and
wastes (outputs) for the processing plant;

type and location of structures to be built at the plant site; and

provision of services and drainage;

plans of the area to be affected by the proposal, showing:

the location of the proposal and associated infrastructure;

existing land uses and land status;

timing (staging) and location of areas for residue disposal; and

major traffic routes to be used.

identification of the potential impacts, treating construction impacts separately from

operational impacts;
description of the receiving physical, biological and human environment which may be
impacted by this project;

discussion of the key issues, including an assessment of the significance as related

to objectives or standards which may apply;

discussion of the management of the issues, including commitments to appropriate

action; and

a summary of the environmental management programme, including the key

commitments, monitoring work (frequency and location), strategies,
audits and
reviews that may be employed to rectify unacceptable environmental impacts.

Key environmental topics

The key topics can be determined from the potential impacts from the various components of
the proposal on a receiving environment, including social surroundings. The CER should
focus on the key topics for the proposal, and it is recommended that these be agreed in
consultation with the DEP and relevant public and government agencies. A description of the
project component and the receiving environment should be directly included with, or
referenced to, the discussion of the issue. The technical basis for measuring the impact and any
objectives or standards for assessing and managing the issue should be provided.

The CER should provide sufficient information for the environmental impacts of the proposal to
be placed in the context of what is happening with the existing approved operations.
Certification of compliance with existing environmental approvals should be demonstrated.
Where necessary, the proponent may refer to publicly available information associated with
previous approvals.

Emphasis should be placed on the proponent's performance to date in managing environmental

impacts associated with the existing operations, and how the incremental effects associated with
this proposed expansion would affect the environment.

In this case the key environmental topics include:

flora and fauna impacts resulting from plant construction, operation and residue
disposal, including overburden, topsoil and dewatering management;

solid waste generation (nature, analysis, quantity), minimisation, disposal and


long term management of the solid wastes including liability;

liquid waste generation (nature, analysis, quantity), minimisation, recycling, treatment

and disposal;

marine impacts from liquid waste disposal;

risks and hazards (see below);

impacts from transport of raw materials and products, particularly hazardous


radiation issues:

the CER should account for all radionuclides, by showing a mass balance of
radionuclides entering the plant (in feed stock) and leaving the plant (via the solid
and liquid waste streams);
radiation issues should be addressed in solid and liquid waste disposal; and

plans should be put in place to check and control radioactive build-up in pipes
and tanks.

requirements for and provision of buffer zones around the project site based on
predicted impacts which cross the property boundary (including noise, dust, air
quality, risk);

monitoring and management of:

ground and surface water impacts;

dust and gaseous emissions (chlorine, carbon oxysuiphides, NOx, S02,

Greenhouse gases inventory);

noise levels at nearest residences and other sensitive human environments;

contaminants and radiation levels at waste disposal sites, particularly in

sediments and sensitive fauna (mussels) near the outlet pipe of the liquid waste

visual impacts;

any other impacts which might be apparent to the proponent; and

rehabilitation/decommissioning and final land use.

Further key topics may be raised during the preparation of the CER, and on-going consultation
with the DEP and relevant agencies is recommended. Minor topics which can be readily
managed as part of normal operations for similar projects may be briefly described.
Information used to reach conclusions should be properly referenced, including personal
communications. Assessments of the significance of an impact should be soundly based rather
than unsubstantiated opinions, and the assessment should lead to a discussion of the
management of the issue.

Predicted environmental impacts and proposed measures to overcome or minimise these

problems should be discussed in sufficient detail so as to allow an adequate assessment to be

Risk management

Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA):

The QRA should provide a detailed assessment of the risks associated with the proposal to the
satisfaction of the DEP on advice from the Department of Minerals and Energy (DOME). The
QRA needs to provide risk contours for individual fatality and societal F/N curves, and should
provide advice on compliance with risk criteria. Key issues include:

identification and management of risks and hazards for the new plant;

potential for impact on sunounding industries and adjoining premises (off-site chlorine
and titanium tetrachioride releases);

potential cumulative impacts of risks and hazards of the total plant on existing
developments in the Kemerton area; and
impacts of existing plant operations upon construction phase safety.

Total Hazards Control Plan (THCP):

The existing site THCP should be amended prior to commissioning to incorporate the proposed
changes to the plant, to the requirements of DEP on advice of DOME.

Environmental management

The EPA considers that the proponent should approach environmental management in terms of
best practise. Best practice environmental management includes:
development of an environmental policy;
agreed environmental objectives;
management of the environmental objectives;
involve the public as appropriate;
audit environmental performance against agreed indicators;
regular reporting to the DEP and/or nominated agencies;
commitment to a quality assured management system and continuous improvement; and
periodic (for example 5 yearly) review in conjunction with the DEP and/or nominated

The proponent should provide a table which describes the following:

the present state of the environment;
potential impacts of the proposal on the environment
nominate environmental management objective(s) for those aspects which require
environmental management response to manage impacts to meet the above
objective(s); and
envisaged resultant state of the environment.

under three major headings:

biophysical environment;
pollution potential; and
social surroundings.

The environmental management programme for the proposal should be developed in

conjunction with the engineering and economic programmes of the proposal. Hence, the CER
should be designed to be immediately useful at the start of the proposal, and the DEP
recommends that the basis of an environmental management and audit programme be developed
as a concluding part of the CER.

Public participation and consultation

A description should be provided of the public participation and consultation activities

undertaken by the proponent in preparing the CER. Cross reference should be made with the
description of environmental management for the proposal which should clearly indicate how
community concerns have been addressed. Where these concerns are dealt with via other
departments or procedures out side the Environmental Protection Authority process, these can
be noted and referenced in this section.


Where a social or bio-physical environmental problem has the potential to occur, the proponent
should consider addressing this potential problem with a commitment to rectify it. Where
appropriate, the commitments should include:

who is responsible for the commitment and who will do the work,
what is the nature of the work,
when and where the work will be carried out, and
to whose satisfaction will the work be carried out.

A summary of commitments in numbered form should be given. A set of well written concise
commitments covering the key issues of the proposal and its effects will help to expedite
assessment of the proposal.


Appendix H

Management Commitments made by the Proponent in the ERMP, in the

proponent's response to issues raised in submissions and to issues raised by
the EPA, and in the Notice of Intent (June 1987).


NIB * indicates modifications or additions proposed in Notice of Intent (June

* Owing to the changed scope of the plant and split location, all the
management commitments made in the Stage II ERMP are not necessarily
relevant. There also need to be further commitments made for the management of
the environment in the Kemerton area.


During the construction phase of the project, the proponent would

liaise with local authorities to ensure that noise, dust and traffic
impacts were minimised.

All construction materials and practices would be in accordance with

the relevant Australian or international codes.


The proponent has made the following commitments to environmental

management during plant operation:

2.1 Wastewater:

The vegetation on the banks of the Collie River adjacent to the plant
would be regularly monitored.

Surface runoff from the plant would be controlled.

Regular monitoring of the discharge to the Collie River would be

implemented to ensure that the system operated as predicted.
* • Waste waters can be appropriately discharged, after suitable treatment,
to the (Wellesley and) Collie River(s).

No wastewater will be infiltrated at the site. The proponent will be

filtering the thickener underfiow to reduce its water content and
disposing of the filtrate with the balance of the wastewater.

The proponent gave a commitment to alter the wastewater treatment

process to reduce manganese levels to concentration of the order of
parts per million.

The alkalinity of the wastewater will be raised to about pH 9.0 in order
to precipitate manganese and heavy metals, although the latter are not
expected to be present in. significant quantities. The pH of the
wastewater would then be adjusted to neutral level prior to disposal.

The lime treatment used to neutralise the wastewater is known to cause

effective precipitation of the radionuclides under consideration. The
modified wastewater treatment process to remove manganese will
further remove radionuclides to levels much less than those discussed
in the ERMP.

The proponent will regularly monitor the wastewater discharge and

bed sediments in the Collie River for radionuclides; to assure the
relevant authorities that the proposed disposal practice does not cause
an unacceptable accumulation of radionuclides.

Special consideration will be given to controlling the impact of

temperature upon marine (aquatic) organisms.

Commitments have been given to further modify the wastewater

treatment should problems be detected. This monitoring will include
analysis for heavy metals, even though these are not expected to be
present in significant quantities.
* • The vegetation on the banks of the Wellesley River, adjacent to the
confluence of the wastewater drain, would be regularly monitored.
* • Regular monitoring of the wastewater discharge from the Kemerton
site would be implemented to ensure that the system operated as

2.2 Aesthetics/Noise/Odour:

On-going control of dust would be implemented.

Noise levels within the plant would be in accordance with statutory


The plant site would be attractively landscaped, and buildings would be

aesthetically designed.

There would be negligible odour impact to surrounding residential

areas arising from the proposed development.

Odours would not originate from the proposed plant during normal

2.3 General:

The plant would undergo regular preventative maintenance.

. All waste products would be disposed of in an environmentally safe

maimer and in accordance with statutory requirements.

A detailed final risk analysis would be undertaken in conjunction with

the plant designers to confirm or improve upon the recommendations
made in the risk assessment (Cremer & Warner, 1986) (see also
Sections 4 and 5).

A full hazards and operability study would be commissioned, and plant

personnel would be trained in safe operating practices and emergency
procedures. Training would be based upon the extensive experience
available to the proponent from the existing Australind operations and
chloride-process plants operating in the United States of America and
the United Kingdom (see also Sections 5 and 6).

All wastes would be regularly monitored for radio-nuclides.

A centralised control policy would be implemented, whereby no

changes to plant detail could be made until approved by the
proponent's worldwide Central Safety Department.
* • Groundwater extraction from any surficial aquifiers would be
conducted in such manner to avoid significant environmental impact on
wetlands an their associated vegetation.

The proponent will advise the EPA of their decision on a chior-alkali

plant operator as soon as this is decided.


* The newly proposed plant will still contain tried and proven control
technology and will still remain a very modern safe plant, equivalent to the
latest installations effected elsewhere in the world by SCM.

The safety features that would be incorporated into the plant are summarised
as follows:

3.1 Chloride-process plant:

Design and operation of titanium tetrachioride vaporiser and oxygen

preheater in accordance with the British Standard BS 5885 (British
Standards Institution, 1980).

Duplication and frequent replacement of temperature and pressure-
sensing instrumentation in the chlorination section.

Careflul process control, accurate temperature and pressure monitoring,

even water-cooling of chlorinator and prevention of solids build-up in
the overhead mains.

* . Maintenance and cleaning of heat exchangers will be done in a well

ventilated open area on a concrete pad whose run-off is directed to the
wastewater treatment plant.

Duplication and frequent routine replacement of sensors in the

oxidation section.

Reliable logic system to control reactor trip system.

Provision of double remote acting block valves to isolate all chlorine


Provision of an on-line scrubbing system for the 'hygiene snake' system

(proprietary equipment), and scrubbing system stacks to be 46 metres

3.2 Chlor-alkali plant:

Automatic tripping of direct current power to the membrane cells.

Duplication of pumps, provision of back-up emergency power supply

and appropriate instrument monitoring of the chlorine absorption plant.

Plant design to the standards of the Chlorine Institute (United States)

and the Bureau International Technique du Chlor (Europe).

Gravity feeding of brine from storage tanks to membrane cells.

Monitoring of brine feed to individual cells.

Fitting of brine feed to individual cells.

Fitting of brine head tanks to cells to maintain differential pressure

across the membrane in the event of sudden loss of brine flow.

Installation of emergency buttons in the cell room; controlled shut-

down of chlorine manufacturing and liquefaction facilities.

0 Provision of a back-up absorption column.

Minimum instrumentation of absorption unit to consist of monitoring
alarms for caustic concentrations and flows, chlorine concentration in
the vent streams, low caustic levels in recirculation tanks and high
temperature in the column(s) liquor.

Height of absorption unit column to be 46 metres.

Absorption unit that allows for electrical voltage fluctuations and

power failures; provision of a diesels generator as a back-up to drive
the caustic recirculation pumps and extraction fans.

Provision of double remote acting block valves to isolate all chlorine


3.3 Storage

Total storage capacity of approximately 100 tonnes of liquid chlorine

as intermediate storage between the two process plants with average
storage of 50 tonnes.

Design of storage vessels and supports to withstand the worst

foreseeable earthquake loading.

Fully refrigerated liquid chlorine storage at -34°C.

Insulation of storage vessels, and operation at ambient temperature.

Except for a blanked drain connection, no bottom connections on the

chlorine storage vessels.

Elimination of the possibility of hydrogen/chlorine explosions in

chlorine storage tanks by appropriate design of the membrane cell

Liquid chlorine will be pumped to the storage tank at -34°C and

maintained at that temperature by withdrawing vapour to the hypo
scrubber, thereby making storage temperature maintenance
independent of refrigeration plant failure.

Installation of remotely-operated valves on the liquid chlorine line from

the liquefiers to the storage area, and the main chlorine connection on
each tank, these being able to be operated either locally, from a safe
location or from the control room.

Design of storage vessel instrumentation and relief facilities in

accordance with recognised codes of practice (eg Bureau International
Technique du Chior).

* • Chlorine storage tanks will be individually bunded to fi.ill height with
concrete bunds.
* • The bunds will be lined with insulating tiles to prevent rapid heat
transfer from the bund to the liquid chlorine.
* • Foam suppression - foam generators will be installed in the titanium
tetrachioride and chlorine storage areas to provide a stable insulating
barrier on top of the chlorine to suppress gas evolution.
* • Isolating valves will be installed on the main storage tanks, as well as
excess flow check valves.

Provision of double remote acting block valves to isolate all chlorine


3.4 Layout

Location of air separation plant away from titanium tetrachioride

storage areas.

Location of hydrogen away from chlorine compression and liquefaction


Location of liquid chlorine and titanium tetrachioride pipelines away

from the bottom rung on pipe tracks, particularly across roads;

Protection of storage vessel areas by traffic barriers (kerbing).

Design of layout such that cranes may remove items for maintenance
without having to lift over storage vessels.

Design of plant such that close coupling of each section to minimise

chlorine inventory is ensured.

3.5 Maintenance:

Preventative maintenance scheme to replace vulnerable equipment

before a failure becomes likely.

Clearing and testing of the chlorine sensor in the tail gas line once per
eight-hour shift, with provision to inject caustic into the scrubber,
should chlorine be detected.

Regular and frequent maintenance and testing of all sensors as required

by service duty.
3.6 General:

Use of a non-explosive grade of coke

Use of corrosion monitoring techniques such as ultra-sonic thickness


Design of fuel management system in accordance with BS 5885

(British Standards Institution, 1980) on prevention of explosions.

Ability to operate plant from the control room for sufficient time to
enable safe shut-down from there.

Installation of chlorine detectors at appropriate points of the plant site.

* • The proponent's emergency plan and procedures will be integrated with
the proposed State Emergency Services' Bunbury Regional Counter
Disaster plan.

The proponent will afford all practical co-operation in the formulation

of public emergency and contingency plans.


Regular safety audits would be conducted to monitor the effectiveness

of the proponent's commitments to safeguard people and property, and
to ensure that they were being completely executed.

Hazard and risk management programmes are in place at all sites and
are monitored and audited currently by the Manager - Loss Prevention
in Baltimore. A similar comprehensive programme is being developed
for Bunbury, modelled substantially on the well-proven
Stallingborough system.

Significant interchange of appropriate personnel will be required during

development of the programmes. Performance thereafter will be
audited by Baltimore on a regular basis for hazard, safety and industrial
hygiene management standards, as for existing sites.

A further external audit on operations will take place via a system of
"Permission for Change" which operates already on our existing plant,
whereby all significant process changes are notified fonnally to
Stallingborough, prior to implementation, for technical and hazard
review. No changes are implemented without formal approval from
the Hazard and Risk Manager at Stallingborough.


Overseas training will take place at all levels down to, and including

Senior operator and Shift Supervisor training has commenced locally,

utilising 27 and 18 week courses specifically designed in conjunction
with Bunbuty TAFE.

Standard operating, process control, maintenance and safety

procedures are being developed in conjunction with our
Stallingborough and Baltimore site personnel. fill procedure manuals
are available from all existing sites and a set of Bunbury specific
manuals will be developed well prior to start up, to facilitate training.


Unlike a mineral development project whose life-span is limited to the period

over which a particular resource can be exploited, the proposed plant does
not have a planned operational life, although the proponent estimates this to
be at least fifty years.

Decommissioning might simply involve the plant being used for other
purposes, in which case, another environmental impact study would be
required; or could involve dismantling and removal of the facilities from the

Appendix I


Report and Recommendations

of the
Environmental Protection Authority

Environmental Protection Authority

Perth, Western Australia
Bulletin 283 July 1987
The Authority has reiterated its earlier recommendation that the existing sulphuric acid
and sulphate-process plants should not operate beyond 30 June 1990 (or at an extension
of time under the Pigment Factory (Australind) Agreement Act 1986).

During the period of concurrent operations of the sulphate-process plant (Australind)

and the chloride-process plant (Kemerton), the EPA has recommended environmental
performance guidelines for air emissions at Australind. This will enable the Government,
should it so wish, to consider the merits of operation of the sulphuric acid and the
redundant sulphate process plants at Australind beyond 30 June 1990 in the context of
the Company's overall environmental performance.

The Authority has also made recommendations on the management of the waste disposal
on the Leschenault Peninsula until the termination of the current disposal practice.

There are a number of other issues which have been assessed and discussed in this
Assessment Report, including the issue of titanium tetrachloride transportation from
Kemerton to Australind. The general conclusion is that these can be managed in an
environmentally acceptable manner.

The Authority would require regular reporting from the proponent or the Company's
management and monitoring programme for both the Kemerton and Australind sites.

The Environmental Protection Authority has made the following recommendations and

(1) The Environmental Protection Authority concludes that the proposal is

environmentally acceptable and recommends that it could proceed subject to:

the relevant coniinitments made by proponent for the titanium dioxide

plant and listed in Appendix 2 of this Report;

the EPA's conclusions and recommendations in this Assessment Report.

(2) The Environmental Protection Authority concludes that the Kemerton site is
an acceptable area to locate the chloride-process titanium dioxide plant.
(3) The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that a condition of
approval should be the preparation in stages of a comprehensive and
integrated hazard and risk management strategy, to the Authority's

This should consists of the following with the results being forwarded to the
Environmental Protection Authority:

the HAZOP study to be completed and submitted before construction

commences and to be conducted in a manner approved by the EPA. This
HAZOP study should especially discuss the risk effects of the safeguards
removed due to the plant being located at Kemerton;

a final risk analysis report incorporating the plant design after HAZOP
and (taking into consideration any additional safeguards/modifications
arising out of the HAZOP analysis), to be submitted soon after

a hazard analysis update (including a fire safety study, and a study

detailing the management of the commissioning stage and a study of
emergency procedures) to be submitted before plant commissioning; and

an audit of risk and hazards to be submitted to the EPA upon request.

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that no more than 50

tonnes of chlorine should be stored at the Kemerton plant location in
containers not exceeding 25 tonnes capacity.

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that there be no sale of

chlorine from the Kemerton site without a further specific assessment by the
EPA and that the management of the transport of chlorine for commissioning
should be discussed with the relevant Government agencies prior to

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that its requirements in

terms of safeguards for the Kemerton proposal should be the same as those
required for the chlor-alkali plant at Kwinana (EPA Bulletin 216). In
addition the Authority endorses the commitment, made by the proponent, to
install the following at Kemerton:

full height concrete bunding;

insulation tiles in the bunds;

a foam suppression system; and

isolating valves on the main storage tanks and process items. Storage
tank isolation valves require two actuation points.

The Environmental Protection Authority notes that the proponent is
investigating sub-contracting the chior-alkali plant. While the Authority
approves of this procedure, it recommends that the proponent be held
responsible for the environmental performance of the chlor-alkali plant,
regardless of the operating company.

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that the proponent's

emergency plan and procedures be integrated with the proposed State
Emergency Services' Bunbuiy Regional Counter Disaster Plan.

It is understood that the Regional Counter Disaster Plan will cover

contingencies for chemical release emergencies as well as natural
emergencies such as floods and fire.

In addition, the EPA recommends that the proponent participate in the

development of a fire management strategy for the Kemerton region and
contributes towards its implementation.

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that the underfiow

from the thickener at the Kemerton site be treated in such a manner so as to
prevent the likelihood of groundwater contamination at the Kemerton site.

The Environmental Protection Authority concludes that the proposal to

discharge wastewater into the Wellesley River would be environmentally

The Authority recommends that the proponent investigates alternative

approaches to the management of wastewater discharge (eg: ocean discharge
or deepwell injection). In this regard the Authority considers that a properly
designed and managed ocean outfall could be environmentally acceptable.
The proposal for wastewater discharge would need to be submitted to the
EPA for its assessment.

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that the proponent

should install a chlorine scrubbing system on the chlor-alkali plant with
sufficient back-up capacity to be able to absorb all of the chlorine produced
at the full production rate for one hour.

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that the Company's

proposal for solid waste management and disposal from both sites be
submitted to the EPA for assessment prior to completion of construction of
the Kemerton plant.

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that the disposal
site(s) for solid waste, including that generated during concurrent operation
of both plants, should be approved by appropriate Government agencies
including the Radiological Council.

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that a radiation

management programme should be developed by the proponent for the
commissioning and operation of the proposed plant to the satisfaction of the
Radiological Council.

The Environmental Protection Authority has been informed by the Water

Authority of Western Australia (WAWA) that there is adequate fresh water
available for the proposed plant at Kemerton.

However, the EPA concludes that insufficient detail has been provided to
enable the Authority to provide advice and make recommendations on water

Accordingly the EPA recommends that the detailed water supply proposal be
referred to EPA for assessment.

The Environmental Protection Authority concludes that the transport of

reagents, especially titanium tetrachioride, should be undertaken in a safe
manner and recommends that the proponent undertakes appropriate
transport safeguards and prepares a contingency plan to the satisfaction of
the relevant Government agencies.

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that the safeguards

required for the storage of titanium tetrachioride at the Australind site should
be discussed with the relevant Government agencies and be taken into
consideration into the HAZOP analysis.

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that the wastewater

discharge to the Collie River from the Australind site conforms with the
marine and estuarine water quality criteria in 7(2) of the DCE Bulletin 103
(1981) for the maintenance and preservation of aquatic ecosystems.
(19) The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that the proponent
undertakes periodic wastewater monitoring including:

temperature of the wastewater discharge and of the surface waters of the

Collie River an appropriate distance upstream and downstream from the
point of discharge;

pH total dissolved solids, level of radioactivity, levels of chromium and

manganese, and total suspended solids of the effluent;

baseline (that is pre-discharge) and post-discharge characterisation of the

benthos of the Collie River in the vicinity of the outfall; and

volume and velocity of flow of the Collie River under low flow

The proponent should develop a monitoring programme in consultation with

the Leschenault Inlet Management Authority and for the approval of the

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that the proponent

prepare a contingency plan at both the Australind and the Kemerton sites in
consultation with the Leschenault Inlet Management Authority and to the
satisfaction of the EPA, which addresses the management actions to be taken
in the event of failure of any part of the effluent management or chemical
containment and handling systems of the proposed plant as they may impact
upon the Collie River or the Leschenault Inlet, or the ocean.

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that the pipeline

across Leschenault Peninsula be maintained until monitoring results of
wastewater effluent discharge to the Collie river demonstrate to the
Authority's satisfaction that unacceptable environmental impacts have not

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that the existing

sulphuric acid plant and the existing sulphate-process plant (as described
redundant in the ERMP) at Australind should not operate beyond 30 June
1990 (or at an extension of time determined under the Pigment Factory
(Australind) Agreement 1986). Up until this time the EPA recommends the
following guidelines apply to these plants:

Until 30 December 1987, the sulphur dioxide emissions from the

Australind plant should not exceed 1 000 micrograms per cubic metres
averaged hourly; and

from the 1 January 1988, and until the cessation of the concurrent
operating period, the sulphur dioxide emissions from the combined
Australind plant should not exceed 1 000 micrograms per cubic metres at
any time in any residential area.


The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that the management

strategy for liquid effluent dispoal on the Peninsula until 30 June 1990 (or
an extension of time determined under the Pigment Factory (Australind)
Agreement Act 1986) should maximise the use of existing lagoons and the
reactivation of old lagoons so as to avoid further degradation of the northern
end of the Peninsula.

The Environmental Protection Authority concludes that the existing

Australind plant site is an inappropriate location for heavy industry.

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that the proponent

liaises with the Department of Conservation and Land Management to ensure
that the Company's operation and Management Programme for the Kemerton
plant site is compatible with the Management objectives developed for the
Kemerton Community Park concept.

The Environmental Protection Authority recommends that the proponent be

required to meet the reasonable costs associated with monitoring the
environmental performance of the construction and operational phases of the
Australind and Kemerton plants.

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