General Biology 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of Catanduanes
Gigmoto, Catanduanes

General Biology 1
Periodical Test 1 │ QUARTER 1 │ 1st SEMESTER

Name: ____________________________________ Date: September _____, 2022

Grade and Section: 11 STEM

a. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Direction: Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct

1. All organisms are made up of the smallest unit of life also known as ________________.
a. Organs c. Cells
b. Organ system d. Tissues
2. He used a handmade microscope to observe pond scum & discovered single-celled organisms.
a. Matthias Schlieden c. Robert Brown
b. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek d. Robert Hooke
3. He is a zoologist who concluded that all animals are made up of cells.
a. Matthias Schlieden c. Robert Brown
b. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek d. Robert Hooke
4. He is a botanist who concluded that all plants are made up of cells.
a. Matthias Schlieden c. Robert Brown
b. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek d. Robert Hooke
5. He noticed that pollen grains in water jiggled around which he described as the “Brownian Motion”
a. Matthias Schlieden c. Robert Brown
b. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek d. Robert Hooke
6. All of the following are the components of the cell theory, EXCEPT;
a. All organisms are composed of one or more cells.
b. The cell is the basic unit of life in all living things.
c. All cells are basically the same in chemical composition and metabolic activities.
d. All cells are produced by the division of preexisting cells.
7. All of the following organelles are found in a prokaryotic cell, EXCEPT;
a. Plasma membrane c. Ribosomes
b. Nucleus d. Cytoplasm
8. This type of cell is known to have a membrane-bound nucleus.
a. Eukaryotic cell b. Prokaryotic cell
9. This type of cell is known to have NO membrane-bound nucleus.
a. Eukaryotic cell b. Prokaryotic cell
10. This is one of the types of eukaryotic cell which has a cell wall.
a. Plant cell b. Animal Cell
11. Also known as the “little organs” specialized structures that perform specific jobs in the cell.
a. Cell wall c. Cell membrane
b. Organelles d. Cytoplasm
12. This is a watery matrix or jell-like fluid where organelles float in
a. Cell wall c. Cell membrane
b. Organelles d. Cytoplasm
13. A semi-permeable membrane allows nutrients in and waste products out.
a. Cell wall c. Cell membrane
b. Organelles d. Cytoplasm
14. This organelle is called the control center of the cell and it is where the DNA are being synthesized.
a. Cell membrane c. Nucleus
b. Cell wall d. Ribosomes
15. It is called the powerhouse of the cell because it makes energy which is need for a cell to perform
its specific function.
a. Nucleus c. Chloroplasts
b. Mitochondria d. Lysosome
16. Are fine, hairlike extensions attached to cell membrane
a. Flagella b. Cilia
17. These are large whiplike tail that pushes or pulls cell through water.
a. Flagella b. Cilia
18. All of the following are stages of the M-phase, EXCEPT;
a. Prophase c. Synthesis
b. Cytokinesis d. Telophase
19. All of the following are stages of the interphase, EXCEPT;
a. G1 Phase c. S-Phase
b. G2 Phase d. M Phase
20. The division of a single nucleus into two genetically identical daughter nuclei is also known as
a. Meiosis b. Mitosis c. Cell Division d. Cell Cycle
21. Is this stage the chromosomes are aligned at the middle plate
a. Interphase d. Anaphase
b. Prophase e. Telophase
c. Metaphase
22. During this stage chromatids condense becoming chromosomes
a. Interphase d. Anaphase
b. Prophase e. Telophase
c. Metaphase
23. This occurs at the end of the cell division where a cleavage furrow separates the daughter cells.
a. Cytokinesis c. Interphase
b. Prophase d. Telophase
24. _______________is important in sexual reproduction and genetic diversity among sexually
reproducing organism.
a. Mitosis c. Cell division
b. Meiosis d. Cell cycle
25. These organelles are mostly found in plant cells which contains green pigment, chlorophyll
needed for photosynthesis.
a. Nucleus c. Chloroplasts
b. Mitochondria d. Lysosome
26. This stage of Meiosis separates homologous chromosomes
a. Meiosis I b. Meiosis II
27. This stage of Meiosis separates sister chromatids.
a. Meiosis I b. Meiosis II
28. The following are importance of meiosis, EXCEPT;
a. independent assortment c. random fertilization.
b. crossing-over d. cell to cell recognition
29. This type of protein forms a channel that allows ions or other small molecules to pass.
a. Peripheral Protein b. Integral Proteins
30. ______________ reduces the amount of genetic information resulting to its importance in sexual
reproduction and genetic diversity among sexually reproducing organism.
a. Mitosis c. Cell division
b. Meiosis d. Cell cycle











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