M06a - The Database Management System

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The DBMS is a special software system that is programmed to know which data elements each
user is authorized to access. The user’s program sends requests for data to the DBMS,


1) hierarchical model – Database model that represents data in a hierarchical structure and
permits only a single parent record for each child record.
2) network model – Variation of the hierarchical model
3) relational models - Data model that is more flexible than traditional navigational models.
It allows users to create new and unique paths through the database to solve a wide range
of business problems.


1) USERS – Individuals who employ systems, receive information, and act on the
information received. Two ways how users access the database:
a. Via user application programs that systems professionals prepare. These
programs send data access requests (calls) to the DBMS, which validates the
requests and retrieves the data for processing. Under this mode of access, the
presence of the DBMS is transparent to the users. Data processing procedures (both
batch and real-time) for transactions such as sales, cash receipts, and purchases are
essentially the same as they would be in the flat-file environment.
b. Via direct query, which requires no formal user programs. The DBMS has a built-
in query facility that allows authorized users to process data independent of
professional programmers. The query facility provides a friendly environment for
integrating and retrieving data to produce ad hoc management reports
2) DBMS – Software system that controls access to the data resource.
Typical features of DBMS
a. Program development – The DBMS contains application development software.
Both programmers and end users may employ this feature to create applications to
access the database
b. Backup and recovery – During processing, the DBMS periodically makes backup
copies of the physical database. In the event of a disaster (for example, disk failure,
program error, or malicious act) that renders the database unusable, the DBMS can
recover an earlier version that is known to be correct. Although some data loss may
occur, without the backup and recovery feature, the database would be vulnerable
to total destruction.
c. Database usage reporting – This feature captures statistics on what data are being
used, when they are used, and who uses them. This information is used by the
database administrator (DBA) to help assign user authorization and maintain the
d. Database access – The most important feature of a DBMS is to permit authorized
user access, both formal and informal, to the database.

Three software modules that facilitate database access

1. Data definition language (DDL) – is a programming language used to define
the database to the database management system. It enables users to define the
record structure of any particular database table tab (i.e., the individual fields
that each record will contain). Thus, DDL is the language that DBMSs use to
create the data dictionaries. Data dictionary is description of every data
element in the database. DDL has three levels, called views:
a. the physical internal view – The physical arrangement of records in the
database is presented through the internal view. This is the lowest level of
representation, which is one step removed from the physical database. This
internal view describes the structures of data records, the linkages between
files, and the physical arrangement and sequence of records in a file. There
is only one internal view for the database
b. the conceptual view (schema) – describes the entire database. This view
represents the database logically and abstractly, rather than the way it is
physically stored. There is only one conceptual view for a database.
c. the external view / user view (subschema) – defines the user’s section of
the database—the portion that an individual user is authorized to access.
To a particular user, the user view is the database. Unlike the internal and
conceptual views, there may be many distinct user views. For example, a
user in the personnel department may view the database as a collection of
employee records and is unaware of the supplier and inventory records
seen by the users in the inventory control department.
2. Data manipulation language – is the proprietary programming language that
a particular DBMS uses to retrieve, process, and store data. Entire user
programs may be written in the DML or, alternatively, selected DML
commands can be inserted into programs that are written in universal
languages, such as JAVA, C++, visual basic 6, visual studio.net and even older
languages such as COBOL and FORTRAN. Inserting DML commands enables
standard programs, which were originally written for the flat-file environment,
to be easily converted to work in a database environment. The use of standard
language programs also provides the organization with a degree of
independence from the DBMS vendor. If the organization decides to switch
vendors to one that uses a different DML, it will not need to rewrite all user
programs. By replacing the old DML commands with the new commands, user
programs can be modified to function in the new environment.
3. Query language = The query capability of the DBMS permits end users and
professional programmers to access data in the database directly without the
need for conventional programs. IBM’s structured query language (SQL,
pronounced sequel) has emerged as the standard query language for both
mainframe and microcomputer DBMSs. SQL is a fourth-generation,
nonprocedural language with many commands that allow users to input,
retrieve, and modify data easily. The SELECT command is a powerful tool for
retrieving data.
3) DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR (DBA) – Individual responsible for managing the
database resource. The person responsible for supervising the design, development, and
installation of a large database system; this person is also responsible for maintaining,
and securing the data within the database system.

Functions of the Database Administrator

Database Planning: Implementation
Develop organization’s database strategy Determine access policy
Define database environment Implement security controls
Define data requirements s Specify tests procedures
Develop dictionary Establish programming standards

Design: Operation and Maintenance:

Logical database (schema) Evaluate database performance
External users’ views (subschemas) Reorganize database as user needs
Internal view of databases Review standards and procedures
Database controls
Change and Growth:
Plan for change and growth
Evaluate new technology

The Data Dictionary

Another important function of the DBA is the creation and maintenance of the data
dictionary. The data dictionary describes every data element in the database. This
enables all users (and programmers) to share a common view of the data resource, thus
greatly facilitating the analysis of user needs. The data dictionary may be in both paper
form and online. Most DBMSs employ special software for managing the data

4) PHYSICAL DATABASE - Lowest level of the database and the only level that exists in
physical form. The physical database consists of magnetic spots on metallic coated disks.
The other levels of the database (the user view, conceptual view, and internal view) are
abstract representations of the physical level. At the physical level, the database forms a
logical collection of records and files that constitute the firm’s data resource. This section
deals with the data structures used in the physical database.

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