32-846 ORHVS Regulations

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Title: Operating Regulations for Unique Identifier: 32-846 This specification is and remains the property of Eskom,
High Voltage Systems produced for its own purposes.

It is a policy of Eskom that standardised specifications,

Alternative N/A standards and other standardised documents of a non-
Reference confidential nature, such as this, may be made available to
Number: third parties for their use, on application, under the
following conditions:
Area of E
Applicability: 1. This specification may be used by such applicants for
their own exclusive purpose which may include the
preparation and issue of copies to prospective tenders
Documentation PC and other users within the scope of their operations.
2. Applicants may not exploit this material for financial
Revision: 0
3. The use, application, or interpretation of the material
is entirely at the applicant’s own risk and neither the
applicant nor anybody else shall have any claim
Next Review August 2015 against Eskom arising out of the use of the material.
4. Eskom is under no obligation to advise the applicant
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Compiled by Func. Responsibility Authorized by 6. Eskom reserves the right to modify and change the
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…………………………. …………………………. ………………………….
GP Davids S Matlala MM Ntsokolo 7. The material is and remains the property of Eskom, who
Senior Advisor Chairman, Eskom Managing Director has the exclusive right of dissemination and
ORHVS Transmission Division reproduction thereof.
National Committee
8. The material is protected by copyright and the applicant
may not reproduce or transmit the material by any
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Date: ………………….. Date: ………………….. Date: ………………….. except as is provided for in 1.

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9. No rights of ownership in the material or licence to the

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10. Except as may be provided for in a separate agreement,

Eskom shall not be obliged by virtue of the supply of the
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11. Eskom reserves the right to recover costs.

12. Application for material should be addressed to the for

Transmission Information Manager
P.O. Box 107
Germiston 1400

(These regulations issued on 1 August 2010 replace all previous regulations)

This book is the property of

and is issued to


who agrees to return it to the responsible official when called upon

to do so or upon leaving the service of Eskom.



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1. 2.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS GOVERNING THE WORKING OF THE 8. In cases where the Eskom power system is electrically
ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS OF ESKOM interconnected with that of another supply authority, such
instructions as are necessary for co-ordinating the operation of the
These operating regulations are the minimum requirements. two power systems thus interconnected, shall be issued as a special
Additional requirements must be applied where necessary. instruction under the joint authority of Eskom and the supply
authority concerned.
1. These operating regulations shall apply to all operating, 9. In cases where, for practical reasons, these regulations cannot be
maintenance and construction on the high-voltage apparatus of complied with and where safety is not compromised, an exemption
Eskom. Their purpose is to ensure the safety of all persons and must be applied for in writing to the Managing Director
to safeguard both the apparatus and the continuity of supply. (Transmission).
2. Every employee issued with this book must make himself 10. Any word in these regulations implying the masculine gender shall
thoroughly acquainted with, and shall be held responsible for also indicate the feminine and vice versa.
compliance with, the regulations contained herein.
11. These regulations will come into force on 1st August 2010.
3. A copy of this book shall be issued to all such employees and other
persons as the responsible manager may decide upon and the
procedure governing the issue, production upon request, and return
of such books shall be in accordance with rules approved by the
responsible manager.

4. Circulars or instructions, in addition to and in modification of those

contained in this book, may be issued from time to time, and when
any regulation is amended or cancelled by such circulars, this book
must be corrected accordingly. These circulars and instructions shall
be regarded as an extension of the regulations.

5. Employees who require information in connection with the power

system must apply to their immediate superior through whom
arrangements will be made by the head of the department to supply
the information and, if necessary, give practical demonstrations.

6. These regulations are an extension of and must be read in

conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of
1993) as amended and the regulations made there under.

7. Whereas not all the functions contemplated in these regulations may

be individually required in the case of every portion of the area(s),
the responsible manager may combine these functions to suit the
organisation and shall delegate authority in writing to any employee

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3.01 Access to live chambers, restricted or prohibited areas.
SECTION 2 : CONTROL OF THE POWER SYSTEM 3.01.1 Locking of doors and gates.

2.01 Duties and responsibilities of control officers 3.01.2 Persons authorised to enter live chambers, restricted or
prohibited areas.
2.02 Keeping of records 3.02 Procedure for access of persons to live chambers.
2.02.1 Operating authorisations.
2.02.2 Log. 3.03 Procedure for access of persons to prohibited areas.

2.03 Issue and receipt of operating instructions. 3.04 Procedure for access of persons to restricted areas.
2.03.1 Use of operating instruction forms.
2.03.2 Use of operating instruction form for transmitted operating
instructions. Issue and use of keys for live chambers, prohibited or restricted
areas at power stations.
2.03.3 Issue and receipt of instructions and use of operating
instruction form for pre-authorised operating. 4.01.1 Keys to be kept in a key cabinet.
4.01.2 Persons to whom keys may be issued.
2.03.4 Circumstances in which an operating instruction shall be 4.01.3 Issue of keys to be recorded.
cancelled. 4.01.4 Responsibility of persons authorised to use keys.
4.01.5 Marking of keys and locks.
4.01.6 Persons authorised to use power station master keys.
2.04 Control of loading of power stations under normal and abnormal 4.01.7 Requirements of a key safe system at power stations.
conditions. 4.01.8 Use of a key safe system at power stations.

2.05 Control of loading of distribution apparatus. 4.02 Issue and use of keys in the distribution system for live chambers,
prohibited or restricted areas.
2.06 Order of precedence in use of communication systems. 4.02.1 Keys to be kept in a cabinet.
4.02.2 Emergency access to key cabinets at substations.
4.02.3 Responsibility of persons authorised to use keys.
2.07 Making apparatus alive on first installation or after alteration or 4.02.4 Right to possess keys.
4.03 Surrender or loss of keys.
2.08 Taking plant off the system.
4.04 Use of locks and keys.
2.09 4.04.1 Use of locks and keys for isolators.
Use of operating diagram.
4.04.2 Use of locks and keys for truck-type switchgear.
2.10 Persons summoned to a substation. 4.05 Use of keys when changing over bus bars.

4.06 Locking of substations.

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5.01 Persons authorised to perform switching, linking, safety testing

and earthing operations

5.02 Procedure for work in live chambers.

5.02.1 On the Generation system.
5.02.2 On the Distribution system.

5.03 Making apparatus or lines safe to work on.

5.03.1 Requirements for safe operating.
5.03.2 Isolation from supply.
5.03.3 Safety-testing of apparatus after isolation from supply.
5.03.4 Prohibitory signs and earthing labels Exhibition of prohibitory signs.
Exhibition of earthing labels at power
5.03.5 Earthing. Minimum requirements. Additional requirements. Application. Earthing switches. Selective earthing.

5.03.6 Work on lines or apparatus Handing over a line, section of line or

apparatus for work. Work on a line or section of line at more

than one place. Work in close proximity to live conductors or
apparatus. Minimum safe working clearances

5.04 Returning lines or apparatus to service.

5.04.1 Under normal conditions.
5.04.2 When the authorised person is not available.

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5.05 Exception to general procedure.

5.05.1 Work on a line controlled from a single source of supply.

5.05.2 Replacing of drop-out fuse isolators without reference to the

control officer.
5.05.3 Piggyback systems.
5.05.4 Total Substation isolation.

5.06 Supervision.

5.07 Absence of authorised persons in charge of supervision.

5.08 No switching while work is in progress in a live chamber.

5.09 Testing of apparatus.

5.09.1 On the Generation System Testing apparatus – being energised from the

system Testing apparatus – not being energised from the

5.09.2 On the Distribution system


6.01 Abnormal conditions to be reported to the control officer.

6.02 Emergency switching.

6.03 Communication system.

6.04 Restoration of supply in the event of failure or absence of


6.05 Establishment of a temporary local control centre.


7.01 Authorised persons to be in charge of and to perform live work.

7.01.1 Persons in charge of live work.
7.01.2 Persons who may perform live work.

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7.02 Live work on the distribution system.
7.02.1 Preparation and handing over of apparatus for live work.
7.02.2 Restriction on reclosing breakers. Return to service.
7.02.3 Live work declaration form. Non-availability of original form. Non-availability of the responsible Person. Circumstances requiring a live work declaration
form 8.02.4 Original forms. Issue of a live work declaration form 8.02.5 Duration of work permit. Clearance of the live work declaration form. 8.02.6 Multiple work permits. Duration of a live work declaration. 8.02.7 Cases where a work permit is not required. Retention of forms. 8.02.8 Working on apparatus involving customers and contractors.
8.02.9 Workers register.
7.02.4 When the authorised person in charge of live work is not

7.03 Supervision of live work.


8.01 Work at Power stations carried out under a work permit.

8.01.1 Circumstances requiring a work permit.
8.01.2 Forms in duplicate.
8.01.3 Uses of work permit forms. Application and permit. Clearance. Return to service. Non availability of original form. Non-availability of the responsible person. Transfer of responsibility.
8.01.4 Original forms.
8.01.5 Duration of work permit.
8.01.6 Application forms made out in advance.
8.01.7 Multiple Work Permits.
8.01.8 Work permits are required for each portion of work.
8.01.9 Workers Register.
8.01.10 Computerised work permit system.
8.01.11 Fire on electrical apparatus.

8.02 Work on the distribution system carried out under a work permit.
8.02.1 Circumstances requiring a work permit.
8.02.2 Forms in duplicate.
8.02.3 Uses of work permit forms. Issue of work permit. Clearance.

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1 General requirements of the key safe.

2 Live work declaration form.
3 Work permit form for use at power stations.
4 Workers register form.
4(a) Transmission Risk Assessment form (to be printed back to
back with Annexure 4)
4(b) Generation Risk Assessment form.
4(c) Generation Risk Assessment form.
4(d) Generation Risk Assessment Chart. .
4(e) Generation Risk Assessment Work Site Standard.
4(f) Generation Pre-work checklist.
5 Work permit form for use on the distribution system.
6 High voltage authorisation form - Transmission or Distribution.
7 High voltage authorisation form - Live work.
8 High voltage authorisation form - Power Stations.
9 Operating instruction form.
10 Operating instruction form.
11 Computerised work permit form.
12 Earthing label.
13 Prohibitory Sign.
14 Standard abbreviations.
15 Amendment control sheet.

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DEFINITIONS 1.08 Auxiliary apparatus means the bus bars and apparatus at a
station, which are supplied by standby generators or the
Throughout these regulations, all references to terms defined in section secondary sides of station, unit or earthing transformers or from
1 appear in bold face. the tertiary windings of main transformers.
1.01 Alive or live means electrically connected to the power system 1.09 Barrier or Barricading or Barricade means any device
or electrically charged. designed to restrict approach to live high-voltage electrical
1.02 Apparatus means any generator, transformer, motor,
switchgear, isolator, feeder, electrostatic precipitator or 1.10 Breaker or Circuit Breaker means a device designed to make
any other high- voltage plant installed in a station. or break electric current under both normal and fault conditions.
1.03 Appointed operator in a power station means a person who is 1.11 Busbar means a conductor or group of conductors that serve as
authorised to do operating and is deemed to be an authorised a common connection for two or more electric circuits within a
person in terms of these regulations. station.
1.04 Approved means sanctioned for use by the Managing Director 1.12 Cable means a feeder, and includes the terminations.
or delegate.
1.13 Circuit means the whole of the conductors and apparatus from
1.05 Area operating regulations means any document issued as an and including the blades of all isolators or the contacts of other
extension of the ORHVS of Eskom, but where application is apparatus provided for completing the connection to the bus
restricted to the area concerned. bars.
1.06 Authorise or Authorised refers to the giving of permission in 1.14 Control centre means a place from where the safe operation of
writing to perform specific duties and responsibilities in terms of the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power to
these regulations. Authorisation remains valid for a maximum customers is controlled or directed.
period of three years.
1.15 Control earth: A control earth is either an earth switch or a
1.07 Authorised person means a person, who has been authorised portable earth that is applied and removed on instruction from
in terms of these regulations. the Control officer.
N.B. Only persons who have satisfied the designated persons in
terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of 1.16 Control officer or Controller means a person on duty at a
1993) (General Machinery Regulation 2(1)) that their knowledge control centre, who is responsible for the general operation of
is adequate to perform specific duties on specified plant and that the power system or a section thereof.
their knowledge of these regulations is sufficient, may be
authorised. 1.17 Control panel means the panel on which control switches and
other equipment are mounted for controlling the operation of

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1.28 Emergency switching means the opening of only such
1.18 Control switch means the switch or device that controls the breakers or switches as may be necessary to avoid imminent
operation of a breaker, switch, isolator or other apparatus. danger to life or damage to apparatus.

1.19 Danger/dangerous means a condition/substance that 1.29 Employee means a person employed by Eskom.
constitutes a risk of personal injury, impairment of health, death
or property damage. 1.30 Equipotential zone: means a safe work area created to ensure
that any two or more conducting parts that can be touched by a
1.20 Dead means that any apparatus so described is at or about zero person simultaneously are bonded together by approved
potential and disconnected or isolated from any live power earthing leads to ensure a zone of equal potential between
system. Rotating plant shall not be regarded as dead until it is different parts of the working area.
stationary or is being slowly rotated by means of barring gear
and is not excited. 1.31 Feeder means a line or cable in or from power stations or
1.21 Dead-ended feeder means a feeder that gives supply to a
circuit or circuits for which no alternative supply is available, and 1.32 Generator circuit means the electrical portion of generating
no feedback is possible from said circuit or circuits. A dead- plant, its circuit shall include all the apparatus between its
ended feeder can give supply to several such circuits. outgoing terminals and the bus bar isolators and between its
neutral terminals and earth.
1.22 Distribution system means all apparatus and feeders forming
part of the power system, except that portion of the apparatus in 1.33 Ground or Floor level means a permanent structure that is
a power station as defined. designed to walk on and can be elevated.

1.23 Double circuit structure means two circuits supported on the 1.34 Hazard(s) - means a source of or exposure to danger.
same structure but situated on opposite sides of the centre of
the structure. 1.35 High-voltage means a nominal AC or DC voltage greater than
1 000 volts.
1.24 Earthing or Earthed means the connecting of apparatus
electrically to the general mass of earth in such a manner that it 1.36 High-voltage authorisation form means the printed form used
will ensure an immediate safe discharge of electrical energy at for detailing in writing the extent of authorisation in terms of
all times. these regulations.

1.25 Earthing gear or Earth means the fixed or portable devices 1.37 In commission means the state of apparatus that is available
used for earthing electrical apparatus. for immediate use, although it may not actually be in service.

1.26 Earthing label means a printed form used at power stations, for
affixing to control panels, to indicate that apparatus has been

1.27 Earthing switch or earth switch means a device that is

intended to connect phase conductors to earth for safety

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1.38 Isolate or Isolated or Isolation or Isolating refers to the
disconnecting of the apparatus to form a visible air gap from all 1.46 Live work declaration form means a printed form containing
possible sources of electrical potential. In cases where a visible declarations and clearance sections for the authorisation of all
air gap cannot be created, equipment specific isolation live work to be done on live, operational apparatus in terms of
procedures will apply. In the above context, isolation may be these regulations.
obtained by:
(a) the opening and removal of fuses/solids 1.47 Live work warning notice means a portable or other warning
(b) the opening of isolators notice provided to indicate that live work is in progress on
(c) the removal of jumpers/droppers apparatus and to indicate any special operating condition in
(d) the opening of air break switches force on any panel or circuit whilst live work is in progress.
(e) the racking out of truck-type switchgear
(f) the immobilisation of breakers having visible contact 1.48 Operate or Operating means switching, linking, safety testing
separation, and not fitted with grading capacitors. and earthing.

1.49 Operating diagram means the permanent diagram in a control

1.39 Isolator means a device provided for the purpose of isolating centre or in a power station control room indicating the operating
apparatus from the source of electrical potential. position and state of all apparatus.

1.40 Key cabinet means a locked or sealed cabinet provided for safe 1.50 Operating instruction form means a printed form used for
custody of keys. Each key shall be adequately labelled. recording instructions issued by the control officer relating to the
operating to be carried out on electrical apparatus.
1.41 Key safe means an approved device for the secure retention of
safety lock keys used to lock isolations, earthing or other safety 1.51 Operating lock means an approved lock forming part of a
devices necessary for the issue of a work permit. series of locks operable by common keys in the possession of
authorised persons only.
1.42 Line means an exposed overhead feeder, and includes the
supports and all terminal equipment up to but excluding the line 1.52 Operating stick means the approved insulated rod provided to
isolator, transfer or bypass isolators and line earth switches. enable live isolators and fuses to be operated and to carry out
safety testing and earthing.
1.43 Linking means the opening or closing of isolators.
1.53 Out of commission means the state of any apparatus, which
1.44 Live chamber means any chamber, enclosure or any situation has been taken out of service and is not available for immediate
in which inadvertent human contact with conductors or live parts use.
of electrical apparatus working at high voltage is possible from
ground/floor level. 1.54 Panel or bay means all the apparatus in the same circuit
situated in live chambers, prohibited or restricted areas, from
1.45 Live work or live working means maintenance, repair, building and including the bus bar isolators.
and construction work carried out on live and operational
apparatus using approved techniques and equipment as 1.55 Piggyback system means a system where more than one
specified in the standard for live work. circuit of different high voltages are supported on the same
structure. This term excludes double circuit structures and high-
voltage structures carrying low-voltage conductors.

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1.64 Safety or Non-standard lock means an approved lock for
1.56 Power station means a site on which electrical energy is which only one unique key is available.
generated and shall also comprise all works necessary or
incidental thereto, including buildings and all apparatus up to the 1.65 Safety panel means apparatus or line that has been isolated
point where energy is ready for distribution. It may or may not and earthed as a precautionary measure to prevent contact with
include any substation situated within the precincts of the power the live high-voltage apparatus or line where there is a risk of
station, as determined. encroaching in person or with machinery or objects on the safe
working clearances when work is being performed near or close
1.57 Power system means the power stations, feeders, stations and to such apparatus or line.
apparatus whereby electrical energy is made available to the The apparatus or line is therefore deemed to be safe only if it is
customers’ points of supply. isolated and earthed in accordance with the ORHVS.

1.58 Pre-work checklist – means a form on which dangers and 1.66 Safety testing means the testing of apparatus to ascertain
hazards are noted as identified by the risk assessment and whether it is alive or dead by means of approved equipment
which must be discussed with all the workers allocated to do provided for the purpose.
work under a specific work permit.
1.67 Station means a power station or a substation.
1.59 Prohibited area means an enclosed area in which live
conductors or live parts of electrical apparatus working at high- 1.68 Standards for live work means written instructions for the safe
voltage are accessible, but situated in such a position that execution of work on live apparatus, constituting an extension of
inadvertent human contact therewith is not possible from these regulations, stating exactly how live work, referred to in
ground/floor level. these regulations, is to be done.

1.60 Prohibitory sign means an approved sign attached to a point of 1.69 Substation means a site on which any transforming, switching
isolation and/or control panel indicating work in progress and or linking apparatus forming part of the power system is situated
prohibiting interference with the apparatus to which it is and on which no active power-generating equipment other than
attached. auxiliary generating sets is situated. The term ‘substation’
includes distribution stations and switching stations.
1.61 Responsible person means a person, who has been
authorised to be responsible for ensuring that the work on the 1.70 Supervision or Supervise refers to the overseeing of the
apparatus covered by a work permit can be, carried out with actions of a person or persons so as to prevent any act that
safety and within the terms of these regulations. could be dangerous or in contravention of these regulations.

1.62 Restricted area means an enclosed area that is neither a live 1.71 Switch means a device, other than a breaker, designed for
chamber nor a prohibited area as defined, and that is enclosed making or breaking a rated flow of electric current. The term
for the purpose of power system security and the safety of includes air break switches or weight-operated disconnects and
personnel. similar devices.

1.63 Risk assessment means the process/program to determine as 1.72 Switching means the opening and closing of breakers
far as reasonably possible, what the electrical dangers/hazards or switches.
to the health and safety of persons attached to any activity or
work and the precautions that are to be taken to mitigate the
risks, dangers and hazards.

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1-9 2-1

1.73 Warning notice or sign means an approved notice or sign SECTION 2

calling attention to the danger of approach to, or interference
with, the apparatus to which it is attached and to indicate any CONTROL OF THE POWER SYSTEM
special operating condition.
1.74 Work or Working or Worked refers to all physical activities in
connection with apparatus, excluding operating and any non- The control officer shall be responsible for carrying out the
dangerous activities that will not affect the health and safety of following duties in addition to duties detailed elsewhere in these
workers or the safe operation of apparatus. regulations in so far as they apply:

1.75 Working earth means a supplementary portable earthing device 2.01.1 Ensuring the safety of persons and the continuity of the
used on apparatus in such a position that it is visible from power supply to customers.
and applied as close as possible to the point of work in such a
manner that an equipotential zone is created. 2.01.2 Issuing instructions for the loading of plant and the
control of frequency and voltage in connection with the
1.76 Work permit means a written declaration on the work permit form section of the power system under his control.
signed by the appointed operator or authorised person and issued
to the responsible person. 2.01.3 Issuing instructions for all operating in connection with
the section of the power system under his control with
1.77 Work permit form means a printed form containing the the following exceptions:
application, work permit and clearance for the authorisation of all
work to be done on apparatus in terms of these regulations. Emergency switching.

1.78 Workers register means a register of workers allocated to do Operating on dead-ended feeders and
work. An authorised or responsible person must complete the auxiliary apparatus in power stations
workers register. excluded by means of area operating
regulations. Operating on those feeders or apparatus

on the distribution system excluded by
means of area operating regulations. Working earths on lines and totally

isolated substations as per reg.

2.01.4 Operating via supervisory control as the power system


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2-2 2-3

2.01.5 Before issuing operating instructions to authorised 2.02.2 LOG

persons, ensure that all parties have corresponding
diagrams in their possession. A record shall be kept at power stations
and substations, in which the authorised
2.01.6 Keeping a record of the time and details of all operating person shall record a summary of
carried out by him or under his instructions, including the activities, stating the date and times and
names of persons instructed to carry out such operating. shall print his name and add his signature
2.01.7 Keeping a record of the time and details of emergency
switching, including the names of persons who have
carried out these operations.
2.01.8 The manipulation of the operating diagram in the
control centre to indicate, at all times, the state of 2.03.1 USE OF OPERATING INSTRUCTION FORMS
breakers, switches and isolators and position of
earths throughout the section of the power system All instructions from the control officer
under his control and recording the names of persons to relating to the operation of apparatus shall
whom feeders or apparatus are handed out. be given in detail, without abbreviations,
stating the name of the apparatus, the
2.01.9 Giving the relieving control officer all the relevant nature of the operating and the time of
information regarding the state of the power system confirmation of the instruction. These
and all other necessary information for the proper instructions may be pre-written by the
execution of his duties. It shall also be the duty of the authorised person doing the operating or
control officer taking over to obtain this information and person authorised to transmit operating
to read and endorse the relevant entries in the records. instructions on the operating instruction
form provided for that purpose. The
operating instructions shall be written and
carried out sequentially. If the instructions
have been incorrectly pre-written, they are
2.02 KEEPING OF RECORDS to be cancelled and are to be completely re-
written at the instruction of the control
2.02.1 OPERATING AUTHORISATIONS officer. Should the instructions not be pre-
written, they are to be written down on the
A record shall be maintained in each operating instruction form as issued by
control centre, except for National the control officer.
Control, for the section of the power
system under its jurisdiction, of the
names and telephone numbers of all
persons authorised to operate in terms
of these regulations and the extent of their

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2-4 2-5 The completion and time of completion of

Following the issuing of the instructions by operating instructions shall, as soon as
the control officer, such instructions shall possible, be reported to the control officer.
be read back to the control officer, who
shall confirm or, if necessary, correct the The operating instruction form relating to
instructions. The receiver of the instruction, completed operating shall be retained for a
thereafter, shall sign the operating minimum period of three months.
instruction form. Each separate step in the
operating instruction shall commence on a 2.03.2 USE OF OPERATING INSTRUCTION FORM FOR
new line on the operating instruction TRANSMITTED OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS
In cases where the absence of direct communication
Standard abbreviations as detailed in the between a person who is operating and the control
annexure to these regulations may be used officer makes it necessary for operating instructions to
when writing the instruction. In the case of be transmitted through a third person, such third person
a person in training, the form shall be in addition to the person operating, shall comply with
countersigned by the authorised person regulations and
responsible for the operating.
taken to the place where the operating is to AUTHORISED OPERATING
be carried out and the instructions shall be
read by the authorised person carrying out When operating has to be done on the
the operating, who shall check that the distribution system and where there is no
apparatus and the intended operating communication with the control centre and
corresponds with the written instruction the transmitting of operating instructions by
before the operating detailed on it is a third person is not practicable, the
commenced. operating instructions as detailed in area
operating regulations shall apply.
The authorised person who received the
instructions from the control officer shall On the distribution system the procedure
carry out each instruction on the operating for ‘permission to operate and work’ or
instruction form in its entirety. When a permission to sectionalise may be applied
person in training is being trained for and shall be in accordance with the area
operating, both the authorised person operating regulations.
and the person in training shall satisfy
themselves that the apparatus and
intended operating corresponds with the Pre-authorised operating instructions may
written instruction before the operating is be given to power station staff when it is
commenced necessary to synchronise, load, change-
over auxiliary supplies, off-load and shut Each item as detailed on the operating down one or more generators.
instruction form shall be ticked off as each
step of operating is completed.

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2-6 2-7

The authorised person to whom pre- In the event of conditions arising at a power station, which may
authorised operating instructions are affect the health of generating plant, the official in charge of that
issued shall comply with regulation 2.03.1. plant shall take the necessary action to safeguard the plant and
shall immediately notify the control officer of its condition and
If any change in the running arrangement of possible impact on previous arrangements.
a power station should occur for any
reason after the issuing of the pre- For work on generating plant at a power station, the official in
authorised operating instructions, the pre- charge shall make the necessary arrangements with the control
authorised operating instructions must be officer for the plant to be taken out of commission. On
cancelled. completion of the work, this official shall notify the control officer
that the plant is available for service. Should any delay arise in Pre-authorised synchronising of generators returning the plant at a pre-arranged time, this official shall
with the system shall not be permitted at immediately advise the control officer of the delay so that other
system frequencies above 50, 3 Hz. arrangements may be made.

Pre-authorised disconnection of generators Plant shall be considered to be out of commission immediately

from the system shall not be permitted at after the control officer has given permission for work to be
system frequencies below 49, 7 Hz. started thereon, and plant shall be considered to be in
commission as soon as the control officer has been advised
that such plant is available for service.
INSTRUCTION SHALL BE CANCELLED Should abnormal conditions arise requiring deviation from any pre-
arranged programme, all concerned will co-operate in adjusting to
Should any circumstances arise to prevent or delay the the altered conditions in the most efficient and expeditious
carrying out of an operating instruction such instruction manner. Should any question arise as to the measures to be
shall be cancelled and the operating deferred until it taken, the matter will be referred to the senior officials of the
can be completed without interruption. In such departments concerned.
circumstances a new operating instruction shall be
NORMAL AND ABNORMAL CONDITIONS Subject to the provisions laid down in regulation 2.01, the official in
charge shall be responsible for the apparatus on load. Whenever
The official in charge of loading at a power station and the apparatus has to be taken out of commission at a substation,
responsible control officer shall effectively exchange all the due to failure or for work to be carried out thereon, this official
relevant information pertaining to the loading of plant and shall make arrangements with the control officer and the
continuity of supply. The control officer shall keep this official customers where necessary, to prevent overloading of apparatus
fully informed as to the expected loading of plant and the capacity remaining in service.
to be kept in reserve. The official shall inform the control officer
from time to time on the condition of the plant and any change that In an emergency the control officer shall take the necessary
might affect previous arrangements. action and notify the official in charge of all actions taken.

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2-8 2-9


SYSTEMS From this stage, the control officer shall be responsible
for all earths on the apparatus being commissioned,
Messages from and to the control officer shall at all times take and the procedure detailed in section 5 shall be
precedence over all other calls or messages. followed.

Apparatus shall not be considered to be part of the power
2.07.1 Any apparatus, on first installation or after alterations or system when it has been disconnected and declared out of
repairs, shall not be placed in commission without prior commission from the power system by:
handing over for service to the control officer by an
official of the department concerned. No commissioning (a) either the removal of droppers / jumpers or
shall be carried out unless all apparatus and control (b) by the opening of isolators. When opened, these isolators
panels are suitably labelled. shall be locked with safety locks and the keys placed in the
custody of a person not directly involved with the operating.
The control officer shall ensure that all necessary
high-voltage testing of apparatus and the checking of The person in charge of work shall be responsible for applying
all phasing, synchronising equipment and protection earths on apparatus that has been disconnected from the power
equipment is carried out on first installation or after system.
alterations or repairs.
A note to this effect, including the names and
designations of persons responsible for such tests, shall The operating diagrams at the control centres and power
be logged by the control centre concerned. stations shall be adjusted as may be necessary on completion of
any operating. Such operating shall not be deemed to be
The control officer shall be responsible for arranging, completed until the operating diagram concerned has been
where necessary, for temporary settings of relays on adjusted to indicate the correct state of the apparatus affected.
first installation of apparatus, and thereafter for the final
settings of the relays for normal working conditions. 2.10 PERSONS SUMMONED TO A SUBSTATION

2.07.2 Apparatus that is being installed does not fall under the When an authorised person is summoned to a substation he
responsibility of the control officer until the installation must immediately contact the relevant control centre to report his
reaches the stage at which the making of connections arrival.
between the apparatus and the power system will
enable some part of the apparatus to be made alive.

The control officer shall then immediately be advised

of the status by the authorised person who shall give
the control officer all required details of the apparatus,
including the number and position of any earths which
are at that time affixed to the apparatus.

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3-1 3-2

SECTION 3 An unauthorised person shall remain on ground level unless the

working area is suitably demarcated by means of barriers to
ACCESS ensure that inadvertent human contact with live apparatus
adjacent to or above the demarcated area is not possible from
3.01 ACCESS TO LIVE CHAMBERS, RESTRICTED OR within the barriers. In addition a work permit shall be issued
PROHIBITED AREAS detailing the apparatus on which he is required to work, unless
he is working on the distribution system under the supervision
3.01.1 LOCKING OF DOORS AND GATES of an authorised person in accordance with regulation 8.02.7.

Every door and gate giving access to a live chamber, If a section of a prohibited area and the access to that section in
restricted or prohibited area shall normally be closed which work is to be carried out is effectively segregated so as to
and locked. To facilitate an emergency exit, a door or prevent dangerous approach to live apparatus, such section
gate giving access to a live chamber, restricted or shall no longer constitute a prohibited area and no supervision
prohibited area shall remain unlocked while work or by an authorised person shall be required.
operating is in progress provided no unauthorised
person may gain unrestricted access. 3.04 PROCEDURE FOR ACCESS OF PERSONS TO RESTRICTED
CHAMBERS, RESTRICTED OR PROHIBITED AREAS Access to restricted areas shall be allowed only to persons who
have obtained permission, through an authorised method.
Only authorised persons may enter live chambers,
restricted or prohibited areas without having to obtain
special permission except as provided for in regulations
3.02, 3.03 and 3.04.



Only authorised persons or persons under supervision of an

authorised person may enter a live chamber.



A person may enter a prohibited area only if he is:

(a) an authorised person or

(b) under the supervision of an authorised person or
(c) working under a work permit

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4-1 4-2


Subject to the provisions of regulation 5.07, a person who
4.01 ISSUE AND USE OF KEYS FOR LIVE CHAMBERS, PROHIBITED has unlocked a door or gate giving access to a live
OR RESTRICTED AREAS AT POWER STATIONS chamber, prohibited or restricted area shall, during the
period when the door or gate is unlocked, be responsible
4.01.1 KEYS TO BE KEPT IN A KEY CABINET for enforcing compliance with regulations 3.02, 3.03 and
Keys to live chambers prohibited or restricted areas
and to apparatus must be kept under lock and key in the On withdrawing from a live chamber, prohibited or
key cabinet provided for that purpose. The key to this restricted area for any reason, the person to whom a key
key cabinet must be kept in the custody of the person on to a live chamber, prohibited or restricted area has
duty responsible for the issue and return of keys to live been issued shall be responsible for seeing that all
chambers prohibited or restricted areas. persons have withdrawn from the live chamber,
prohibited or restricted area and that the doors or gates
4.01.2 PERSONS TO WHOM KEYS MAY BE ISSUED are securely locked before returning the key to the person
responsible for the custody of the key. Under no
Keys to live chambers, prohibited or restricted areas circumstances may the key to a live chamber, prohibited
may be issued only to a person authorised in terms of or restricted area be left in the lock or be kept for longer
regulation 3.01.2 who will be held solely responsible for than is necessary by the person to whom it has been
these keys while they are in his possession. He must not issued.
let any of these keys pass out of his possession until they
are returned to the person responsible for the safe 4.01.5 MARKING OF KEYS AND LOCKS
custody of the keys. Refer to regulation 5.02.1
At power stations, each door or gate giving access to a
4.01.3 ISSUE OF KEYS TO BE RECORDED live chamber, prohibited or restricted area shall be
marked with the name of the live chamber, prohibited or
When a key to a live chamber, prohibited or restricted restricted area and, where necessary, with a
area is issued to a person in terms of regulation 4.01.2, distinguishing number close to the lock. A label marked
the particulars of the key, the identity of the person to with the name of the live chamber, prohibited or
whom the key is being issued and the time and date of restricted area and the distinguishing number
issue must be recorded. In all cases the signature of the corresponding to the lock shall be attached to the key by
person receiving the key and that of the person issuing the means of a suitable key ring.
key must be entered against the record. Similarly, when
a key to a live chamber, prohibited or restricted area is 4.01.6 PERSONS AUTHORISED TO USE POWER STATION
returned, its receipt shall be recorded. MASTER KEYS

Only authorised persons shall use master keys for

access to prohibited or restricted areas at power

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4-3 4-4

No person may at any time forcibly open, damage or interfere A key safe shall conform to the general with a key safe, its locks or the keys retained thereon.
requirements as shown in Annexure 1. Each
key safe at a site shall be clearly marked with a No operating lock may be removed from a key safe whilst
unique identifying number. any safety lock is still applied on that specific key safe,
except under the following conditions: An operating lock series shall be different from
any other series in use at that site. If the (a) if it becomes necessary to gain access to the keys on the
operating locks are not clearly discernible from key safe for any reason other than for testing in terms of
other series in use at that site, they shall be regulation 5.09, permission must be obtained from the
provided with a permanent common identifying relevant head of department, who must personally witness
feature. the procedure. The occurrence must be recorded in the
appropriate authorised person’s logbook or A safety lock shall:
(b) if the key safe has to be extended as per regulation
(a) be marked with an individual number.

(b) have only one available key permanently Before a work permit is issued, all points of
marked with the same number. isolation shall be immobilised by the application of
a safety lock in such a manner that inadvertent
(c) form part of a series different from any operation of the point of isolation is impossible.
other series in use at that site. The
available key shall be affixed to a key ring The integrity of isolation is ensured by the
in such a manner as to preclude its application of safety locks and prohibitory signs
removal without the use of tools. at each point of isolation. These locks shall be
Furthermore, the dimensions of the ring applied by the authorised person.
shall be such that destruction of the ring is
necessary before it can be removed from a The keys for the safety locks used for isolation as
locked key safe. No master keys must be required before issue of a work permit shall be
available for safety locks. If the key is placed together on one key safe. The key safe
lost, the relevant head of department will shall be locked by the authorised person with an
be in charge of the removal of the safety operating lock and a safety lock. The key to this
lock. The incident must be recorded in the safety lock shall be handed to the responsible
appointed operators’ logbook and the person together with the work permit.
head of shift’s logbook.

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4.02.3 RESPONSIBILITY OF PERSONS AUTHORISED TO USE Where it is necessary to use some, or all of the KEYS
original isolation points, in addition to other
isolation points, for another work permit, an Subject to the provisions of regulation 5.07, a person who
additional safety lock must be applied to the has unlocked the door or gate to a live chamber,
original key safe. The key for this lock, together, prohibited or restricted area shall, during the period when
with the safety lock keys for the additional the door or gate is unlocked, be responsible for enforcing
isolating points, must be placed on another key compliance with regulations 3.02, 3.03 and 3.04.
safe and locked with an additional operating lock Immediately on entering a live chamber, prohibited or
and safety lock. Cross-referencing of these work restricted area he shall lock the door or gate through which
permits is required. he has entered, except as provided for in regulation 3.01.1.
On withdrawing from a live chamber, prohibited or
4.02 ISSUE AND USE OF KEYS IN THE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FOR restricted area for any reason, the person to whom the key
LIVE CHAMBERS, PROHIBITED OR RESTRICTED AREAS. has been issued, shall be responsible for seeing that all
persons have been withdrawn and that the doors or gates
4.02.1 KEYS TO BE KEPT IN A CABINET are securely closed and locked. Under no circumstances
may the key to the live chamber, prohibited or restricted
Where keys to live chambers, prohibited areas or area be left in the lock.
restricted areas are kept at a substation, they shall be kept
in a locked or sealed cabinet. Each key shall be adequately 4.02.4 RIGHT TO POSSESS KEYS
Keys shall be issued only to authorised persons. All
4.02.2 EMERGENCY ACCESS TO KEY CABINETS AT persons who have been issued with keys shall be
SUBSTATIONS responsible for the safe custody thereof and shall not
transfer them to any other person.
Any person may open the key cabinet in an emergency,
where human life is endangered or in abnormal 4.03 SURRENDER OR LOSS OF KEYS
circumstances to obtain keys to gain access to live
chambers, prohibited areas or restricted areas. The Any person to whom keys have been issued in terms of these
person shall, as soon as possible, advise the official in regulations shall surrender such keys to Eskom on request. Loss of
charge or the control officer on duty. keys shall be immediately reported to the relevant head of the
In the event of a person breaking into the key cabinet or
finding it broken, shall take possession of all keys contained 4.04 USE OF LOCKS AND KEYS
in the cabinet and return them, as soon as possible, to the
official responsible for their custody. The official shall return 4.04.1 USE OF LOCKS AND KEYS FOR ISOLATORS
the keys to their normal position and replace the lock or seal
of the key cabinet. Where isolators have manually operated mechanisms,
these operating mechanisms shall be fitted with locking
facilities and locks. These mechanisms shall be locked
irrespective of whether the contacts are in the open or in the
closed position. This excludes isolators that are operated
by means of an operating stick.

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Truck-type switchgear shall be locked irrespective of 5.01 PERSONS AUTHORISED TO PERFORM SWITCHING, LINKING,
whether in the racked-in or racked-out position. For SAFETY TESTING AND EARTHING OPERATIONS.
isolation purposes, truck-type switchgear shall be racked
out and locked in that position or, if with drawn, the shutters Only authorised persons shall carry out switching, linking, safety
or other barrier devices shall be in place and locked. testing and earthing activities to the extent of their authorisation,
except where persons are being trained for operating authority.
4.05 USE OF KEYS WHEN CHANGING OVER BUS BARS These trainees shall operate under the supervision of an authorised
person, provided that the control officer has been duly informed of
In order to facilitate the changing over of bus bars in substations with such an arrangement.
manually operated isolators, the isolators may be unlocked in
advance. On completion of the entire operation, the isolators shall be The switching of power stations' auxiliary motor circuits by remote
locked again, except under emergency conditions when the locking of control shall be excluded from this regulation.
the isolators may be deferred until normal conditions are restored.
5.02.1 On the Generation System
Substations shall be kept closed and locked when unattended.
No person shall enter or be allowed to perform any activity
or work in a live chamber, unless the live apparatus in the
chamber has been effectively barricaded or isolated and
earthed. In addition he shall work in accordance with
regulation 8.01.

5.02.2 On the Distribution System

No person shall perform any work in a live chamber,

unless the apparatus to be worked on is isolated, earthed
and the rest of the live apparatus is effectively barricaded.
Work shall be performed in accordance with regulation 8.02.

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5-2 5-3

5.03 MAKING APPARATUS OR LINES SAFE TO WORK ON Where it is impracticable for one or more authorised
persons to communicate directly with the control officer,
5.03.1 REQUIREMENTS FOR SAFE OPERATING instructions may be relayed through a person authorised to
transmit operating instructions. These authorised persons
Note: No persons shall carry out work on any apparatus or must comply with the procedure set out in regulation 2.03.
lines unless the apparatus or lines have been prepared in
accordance with these regulations or area operating Where a breaker or isolators can be controlled from a
regulations. remote point over which the authorised person has no
control, such facilities shall be made inoperative before
All operating on apparatus or lines on the power system isolation is commenced.
shall be carried out under instruction from the control
officer at the appropriate control centre. The only 5.03.3 SAFETY-TESTING OF APPARATUS AFTER ISOLATION
exceptions shall be those mentioned in regulations 2.01.3 FROM SUPPLY
and 5.05.2.
Immediately before applying an earth at a point, the
Before any instructions are issued, the authorised person authorised person shall satisfy himself, by using an
or persons shall discuss in detail with the control officer, all approved testing device provided for the purpose that such
work to be carried out, including potentially hazardous apparatus is dead at each point where an earth is to be
conditions which may exist. All parties shall refer to applied.
corresponding diagrams and shall agree to the relevant
operating. The authorised person shall satisfy himself that the testing
device is in proper working order before use.
In the case of certain apparatus that cannot be safety
Where it is necessary to operate at two or more points tested before earthing, the earth shall be applied in a
situated some distance apart, the operating may be manner approved by the local area procedures.
performed by a corresponding number of authorised
persons, but all the operating detailed under these Where cables have been isolated and earthed and work
regulations must be performed by one authorised person on either of the end terminals is necessary, without these
only for each point. The control officer shall not give an end terminals yet having been tested, the terminal boxes will
instruction for any earthing operation to be carried out until be opened employing approved work procedures and the
isolation has been completed at all points. The control terminals tested with an approved testing device. Covered
officer shall inform the authorised person that the terminals shall be tested before any attempt is made to
breakers and isolators at each point controlling the feeder intrude on the covering.
have been opened.
Where a cable has to be cut, and cannot be positively
Where continuous work is in progress, the authorised identified, the cable shall be spiked by means of an
person may hand over to the authorised person relieving approved spiking device before the cable is cut.
him, provided that all operating instructions issued by the
control officer to the off-going authorised person have After apparatus has been earthed the authorised person
been fully carried out. shall satisfy himself that the apparatus is free from
induction at the point of work by suitable earthing.

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The authorised person shall remove an
5.03.4 PROHIBITORY SIGNS AND EARTHING LABELS earthing label after the operation of removing
the earthing gear to which it relates is Exhibition of prohibitory signs completed at the instruction of the control
Before apparatus is isolated a prohibitory
sign shall be affixed on each control panel 5.03.5 EARTHING
corresponding with such apparatus. No
isolation of apparatus shall be deemed Note: All earths applied or removed in a substation will be
complete until a prohibitory sign has been applied or removed at the instruction of the control officer.
affixed at each point from which such
apparatus can inadvertently be made alive. Minimum requirements

The prohibitory signs must not be detached When apparatus other than a line or a busbar
until all earths have been removed and the has been isolated from all points of supply and
apparatus is ready to be made alive. tested in accordance with these regulations
such apparatus shall be earthed at all such
Prohibitory signs on the control panel shall points of supply.
be the last to be removed.
After apparatus has been earthed the Exhibition of earthing labels at power stations. authorised person shall satisfy himself that the
apparatus is free from induction at the point of
As soon as the completion of the earthing work by suitable earthing.
operation has been reported to the control
officer, an earthing label shall be completed by When a line or section of a line has been
the authorised person stating the number and isolated from all points of supply and tested in
position of all earths and the work permit accordance with these regulations, at least one
number, if one has been issued. The original control earth shall be applied to the line or
form shall be detached and affixed to the control section of line, between the point of isolation
panel of the apparatus so earthed. This shall and the first place of work excluding Single Wire
apply when any apparatus at a power station Earth Return lines. The authorised
is earthed in preparation for work on it, or any person shall then apply sufficient working
feeder panel is earthed for work external to the earths on the line to enable the work to be
station by the Distribution Section. carried out in an equipotential zone.

At power stations where electronic mimic The control earth on a isolated Single Wire
panels are in use, the electronic earthing label Earth Return line or a section of the line must be
must be visible at the point where the earth is applied across the terminals and the earth point
applied to the mimic panel; the electronic of the isolation transformer or a load transformer
earthing label must be printed, signed and as close as possible to the worksite, even if it is
attached to the copy of the work permit. beyond the point of work.

Where sections of the overhead guard

conductor of a line are insulated from the tower,

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5-6 5-7

the overhead guard conductor shall also be Additional Requirements

On exposed conductor systems, if it is not
When a static var compensator or capacitor obvious from the place of work that the
bank has been isolated from all points of supply apparatus has an earth applied, earths which
and tested in accordance with these regulations, are clearly visible and as close as possible to
it shall be earthed at all such points of supply. the place of work shall be affixed to the
And adequate earths shall be applied in apparatus.
accordance with equipment-specific earthing
procedure to ensure that all possible trapped Persons in charge of work may also, at their
charges will be discharged for the duration of discretion, arrange for additional earths that are
the work. to be affixed to the apparatus.

When a busbar has been isolated from all Application

points of supply and tested in accordance with
these regulations it shall be earthed at one When portable earthing gear is
point at least. being used, it must first be
connected to an earthed metal
When a transformer has been isolated from all structure, or to a suitable spike
points of supply and tested in accordance with driven into the ground. The
these regulations each primary, secondary and earthing gear shall then be
tertiary winding of the transformer shall be connected to the apparatus to be
earthed at its point of supply. earthed by means of an operating
When a transformer winding cannot be earthed
at its point of supply, or at any other part of the Where this is not possible due to
circuit between the winding and its point of space limitations (e.g. indoor
supply, work on this circuit is permitted, substations) application of earths
provided that it has been isolated in shall be covered by area operating
accordance with these regulations, and that the regulations.
other windings have been earthed at their
points of supply. An auxiliary or tertiary low Earthing switches
voltage supply from a transformer must be
isolated at all points of supply and the When apparatus equipped with
breakers and isolators locked in the open earthing switches needs to be
position. earthed at more than one place,
the earthing switches shall always
Totally enclosed metal clad switchgear shall be be closed first, and thereafter any
earthed only by means of the approved necessary earthing gear may be
earthing gear provided as part of the affixed to the apparatus.

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5-8 5-9

Whenever earth switches on open all times.

conductor systems are closed, a
portable earth shall be applied in The conductors that do not have
parallel to provide additional working earths applied must be
protection This portable earth shall treated as alive at working voltage.
be applied and removed at the
instruction of the control officer. During work on vertical or delta
configurations, any phase or
This excludes non-ganged earthing phases below the phase being
switches in indoor substations worked on shall be earthed by
and reticulation lines. means of working earths.

Should an earth switch on open

conductor systems be suspect, a 5.03.6 WORKING ON LINES OR APPARATUS
full rated portable earth is to be
applied in parallel. Handing over a line, section of line or apparatus
for work
In the process of removing the
earths in preparation for making the When a line, section of line or apparatus has
apparatus alive, all earthing gear been prepared for work in accordance with
shall first be removed and earthing these regulations, the line, section of line or
switches shall be opened last. apparatus shall be handed over to the
authorised person by the control officer. The Selective Earthing control officer shall allow the application of
working earths, on lines only and on
When it is necessary to work on completion of the work the removal of all such
less than all the phases of a line earths. Immediately after a line, section of line
with a nominal voltage of 44 kV or or apparatus has been handed over to an
higher, working earths may be authorised person the control officer shall
selectively applied to the phase or record the name of the authorised person to
phases that are to be worked on, the line, section of line or apparatus on the
provided safe working clearances to operating diagram.
the other phases can be maintained
at all times. Working on a line or section of line at more than
one place
No person shall work on a line
whose phases are selectively For work on a line at several places remote
earthed unless supervised by an from one another, provided the line has been
authorised person who knows prepared as detailed in these regulations, the
which phases do not have working line or section of line may be handed over to
earths applied, and who will ensure more than one authorised person. The control
that safe working clearances to the
unearthed phases are maintained at

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5-10 5-11

officer shall record on the operating diagram inoperative.

the names of each person to whom the line or
section of line has been handed. (c) The live line or apparatus shall be
handed over to the authorised persons Close proximity to live conductors or apparatus responsible for supervising the work

If work is of such a nature that a person, (d) The control officer shall attach the
machine or object could inadvertently encroach names of the authorised persons to the
on the minimum safe working clearance apparatus on the operating diagram.
according to regulation, then this is
interpreted as close proximity. (e) No breaker controlling the supply to the
apparatus shall be reclosed after a
The following precautions shall be taken prior to breaker trip until the control officer has
the commencement of work that could confirmed with the authorised persons,
inadvertently encroach on the minimum safe to whom the live line have been handed
working clearance to a live line or apparatus over, that it is safe to do so.
according to regulation
(f) All work shall be supervised by an
authorised person, who shall ensure
(a) The auto-reclose features on all breakers that minimum safe working clearances
controlling the supply to the live line shall are maintained at all times.
be made inoperative.
When the minimum safe working clearance
(b) The relevant prohibitory signs shall be between persons, machinery or objects and live
displayed on the control panels. Where apparatus or lines cannot be maintained such
the auto-reclose function of a line is live apparatus or lines shall be isolated and
made inoperative via supervisory, it will earthed as a safety panel.
not be necessary to apply a prohibitory
sign to the control panel. If the auto-
reclose is rendered inoperative manually, Minimum safe working clearances
the prohibitory sign shall be applied.
Prohibitory signs shall be displayed on A.C. Voltages D.C. Voltages
all Supervisory Control And Data
Acquisition systems irrespective of the 800kV – 6.0 m
method used to render the auto-reclose 400kV – 4.0 m 600kV – 5.0 m
275kV – 3.0 m 450kV – 4.0 m
220kV – 2.5 m 300kV – 3.0 m
132kV – 2.0 m 150kV – 2.0 m
88kV – 1.5 m
66kV – 1.3 m
1 – 44kV – 1.0 m

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5-12 5-13


5.04.1 UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS Should the time have come to return apparatus to service,
but the authorised person to whom the apparatus has
Before returning any apparatus or line, on which work has been handed over for work is for any reason not available,
been carried out, to service the authorised person shall the control officer shall consult with the official in charge,
first personally satisfy himself that all persons have been who shall then decide what other authorised person shall
withdrawn from the apparatus or line and from all be instructed to return the apparatus to service.
chambers and enclosures containing such apparatus or
line and that any permanent barriers have been replaced. The official in charge shall take all reasonable steps to
ensure that no dangerous condition arises from such
The authorised person shall then advise the control transfer of responsibility.
officer that the work has been completed and that he is
handing back the apparatus or line.
The control officer shall then remove the name of the
authorised person from the apparatus or line on the 5.05.1 WORK ON A LINE CONTROLLED FROM A SINGLE
operating diagram and shall then issue instructions for the SOURCE OF SUPPLY
removal of all other earths. Where a line has been handed
to more than one authorised person no control earths When work has to be done by an authorised person on a
shall be removed from the line until all authorised line on the distribution system which is controlled from a
persons involved have reported the completion of their single source of supply, the authorised person may make
work and the removal of all working earths from their complete arrangements with the control officer to open,
portion of the line. isolate and earth the line and subsequently return it to
service in accordance with regulations 5.04, with the
When work is done at more than one place on a circuit, exception that it will not be necessary to advise the control
each work permit shall be cancelled by the issue of a officer that work has been completed before the line is
clearance on the completion of each separate item of the made alive.
work. No earths shall be removed from any portion of the
apparatus or line until clearances have been received for 5.05.2 REPLACING OF DROP-OUT FUSE ISOLATORS WITHOUT
all work permits, which were issued to work on the REFERENCE TO THE CONTROL OFFICER
An authorised person may replace and close dropout fuse
Before finally returning the apparatus or line to service the isolators without reference to the control officer once
authorised person must ensure that all prohibitory signs only. This shall not include replacing any dropout fuses
and earthing labels which were affixed in accordance with should all fuses have blown, or when all fused isolators
regulation. 5.03.4 have been removed. are found open.

The control officer shall be notified as soon as possible

after the fuse has been replaced and closed.

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5-14 5-15


When work has to be done by an authorised person on
the piggyback system, all lines on the said structure shall Should any switching, other than emergency switching, be
be open, isolated and earthed and handed over in necessary at any station on apparatus in a live chamber in which
accordance with these regulations before work may inspection or maintenance work is in progress, all persons shall be
commence on any one of these lines. withdrawn from the chamber until such switching has been
completed. The relevant control officer shall be notified before
5.05.4 TOTAL SUBSTATION ISOLATION persons enter live chambers at substations with supervisory
Where total substation isolation is requested, the
substation shall be isolated and earthed at all points of
isolation. 5.09 TESTING OF APPARATUS

The substation shall be handed over to one authorised 5.09.1 ON THE GENERATION SYSTEM
person, with permission to apply and remove working
earths as required. The number of working earths that Testing apparatus – being energised from the
were applied and removed shall be declared at hand back. system

5.06 SUPERVISION Where it becomes necessary for the purpose

of carrying out testing, to energise the
Authorised and responsible persons will be held responsible for apparatus from the system while such
the safe execution of all work and activities as far as compliance with apparatus is in an abnormal condition.
these regulations is concerned. The workers register shall be
completed as per regulations 8.01.9 and 8.02.9. The department concerned must make special
arrangements with the official in charge so that
5.07 ABSENCE OF AUTHORISED PERSONS IN CHARGE OF the operating procedure can be agreed to
SUPERVISION before hand.

When it is impossible for the authorised person responsible for The existing work permit/s, on which work
supervision to be present for the duration of the work in progress, was performed, must be cleared.
this person shall, before departing, delegate the task of supervision, A new work permit with the title “Test as per
to another authorised person. The name of this authorised person procedure under Regulation” must
must be recorded in the workers register. Should another then be issued affecting the tests to be carried
authorised person not be available then all workers shall be out, indicating and the state of isolations and
withdrawn from the work during the absence of the authorised earths required to carry out the tests.
person in charge.

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5-16 5-17

It shall be the responsibility of the before hand. The test procedure must be
responsible person for each test to warn attached to the work permit.
workers and or temporarily withdraw the
workers involved from the apparatus for the It shall be the responsibility of the responsible
duration of the test. person for each test to warn workers and or
temporarily withdraw the workers involved from
The operating shall then be carried out in the apparatus for the duration of the test.
accordance with the agreed procedure and in
accordance with the regulations in so far for The operating shall then be carried out in
as they apply. accordance with the agreed procedure and in
accordance with the regulations in so far as
The operating as per the agreed test they apply.
procedure shall be done by the appointed The operating as per the agreed test
operator in conjunction with the responsible procedure shall be done by the appointed
person. operator in conjunction with the responsible
For the purpose of this regulation, an
abnormal condition is one in which the 5.09.2 ON THE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM
apparatus is not in a condition to take normal
load owing to jumpers being broken or to Where it is necessary for tests to be carried out on
temporary connections having been made, apparatus, the control officer shall issue instructions for
protection settings not verified, any protection the apparatus to be isolated and earthed in accordance
out of commission, temporary earths with regulation 5.03, after which he shall permit the
applied, or some similar reason. authorised person to remove the earths, if necessary, for
the specific tests. Where a work permit has been issued Testing apparatus – not being energised from the authorised person may then only remove such earths
the system. under the supervision of the responsible person.

Testing of apparatus as per this regulation It shall be the responsibility of the responsible person or
may be done on the original work permit authorised person carrying out the tests to warn workers
provided that the testing has been indicated on and where necessary, temporarily withdraw workers from
the scope of work and the risk assessment the apparatus for the duration of the tests.
determines that it is safe.
If the risk assessment indicates the need for a On completion of the tests the earths shall be replaced by
new work permit, this new work permit must the authorised person under the supervision of the
be taken out under regulation responsible person and the control officer shall be
informed that the apparatus has been restored to the
If it is necessary, for the purpose of carrying original condition as stipulated on the work permit.
out testing to energise the apparatus, from a
source other than from the system, the If it is necessary, for the purpose of carrying out testing, to
department concerned must make special energise the apparatus from the system while such
arrangements with the official in charge so that apparatus is in an abnormal condition, the department
the test procedure can be agreed to concerned must make special arrangements with the

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5-18 6-1

official in charge so that the operating procedure can be SECTION 6

agreed to beforehand.
This agreed operating shall then be carried out in
accordance with these regulations in so far as they apply. 6.01 ABNORMAL CONDITIONS TO BE REPORTED TO THE
For the purpose of this regulation, an abnormal condition is
one in which the apparatus is not in a condition to take In the event of any failure or interruption of supply to any part of the
normal load owing to jumpers being broken or to temporary power system owing to whatever cause, or should any abnormal
connections having been made, or some similar reason. conditions arise, including signs of approaching inclement weather,
the control officer must be advised as soon as possible.


Any person is permitted to carry out emergency switching.

In the event of any emergency switching having been carried out,
the control officer must be informed as soon as possible.


Messages to and from control officers shall take precedence at all

times in accordance with regulation 2.06.

During periods of abnormal system conditions, the control officer

may interrupt calls or messages not relating to the control of the
power system.



In cases where communication with the control officer cannot be

established, authorised persons may, at their discretion, close
breakers in order to resume supply. Where two or more feeders
enter a substation, only the breakers of feeders originating from
one point may be closed without the permission of the control

The closing of a breaker to resume supply shall be reported to the

control officer as soon as possible thereafter.

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6-2 7-1


If necessary, a temporary local control centre may be established LIVE WORK

by an authorised person who will assume the duties of the control
officer over the areas affected. 7.01 AUTHORISED PERSONS TO BE IN CHARGE OF AND TO
A temporary local control centre shall only be established after:
(a) the control officer has given permission or after all efforts to
contact the control officer have failed. Only those persons who have been specifically authorised
to be in charge of live work shall take over live apparatus
(b) all authorised persons operating in the area affected have for live working and issue a live work declaration form.
been advised that a temporary local control centre is to be

During this period all operating must be logged. When Only those persons who have been specifically authorised
communications or normal conditions have been restored, the may be permitted to perform live work.
control officer must be given full details of operating as well as the
positions and status of all breakers, isolators and earthing gear. An exception to the above requirement is that unauthorised
persons may be permitted to perform live work whilst
The person acting as local control officer shall be responsible for undergoing training, provided that such persons are under
the operation of such local section of the power system, in the supervision of an instructor authorised in terms of
accordance with these regulations, but shall not personally carry out regulation 7.01.1.
any operating.



When live work is to be carried out on any high-voltage

apparatus, the authorised person in charge of the live
work shall notify the control officer of the following:

(a) the apparatus to be worked on

(b) the nature of the work to be carried out

(c) the time that the work is to commence and the

estimated duration of the work.

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The authorised person in charge of the live work shall 7-3
arrange with the control officer for live work warning
notices to be affixed to all control panels of breakers During the time that the apparatus is handed over, no
controlling the supply to the apparatus concerned and for breaker which controls the supply to the apparatus and
all auto-reclosing features on these breakers to be switched which has tripped for any reason, shall be reclosed until
off or otherwise made inoperative. such time as the authorised person in charge of the live
work has contacted the control officer and has stated that
Where the auto-reclose function of a line is made it is safe for the breaker to be reclosed.
inoperative via supervisory, it will not be necessary to apply
a live work warning notice to the control panel. If the 7.02.3 LIVE WORK DECLARATION FORM
auto-reclose is rendered inoperative manually, the live work
warning notice shall be applied. Live work warning Circumstances requiring a live work declaration
notices shall be displayed on all Supervisory Control And form
Data Acquisition systems irrespective of the method used to
render the auto-reclose inoperative. A live work declaration form is required for all
live work on live, high-voltage apparatus at any
When live work warning notices have been affixed to all place on the distribution system.
control panels of breakers controlling the supply to the
apparatus concerned and all auto-reclosing features on Issue of a live work declaration form
these breakers have been switched off or made inoperative,
the control officer will inform the authorised person in The authorised person in charge of live work, to
charge of the live work that this has been done and shall whom the control officer has handed over
then hand over the apparatus to the authorised person in apparatus for live work, shall explain to all the
charge of live work. persons who will be engaged in the live work the
arrangements made with the control officer. The
For live work on lines of 33kV and below, it may not be authorised person in charge of the live work
necessary for auto-reclose features to be switched off or shall:
otherwise made inoperative. The controller must then
record this and a live work warning notice must be (a) identify the apparatus to be worked on,
displayed on Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition . It
will not be necessary to apply a live work warning notice (b) the operational voltage of the apparatus to
to the control panel, provided all work is done in strict be worked on and
accordance with the applicable standards for live work.
(c) the corresponding safe working clearances

When the control officer has handed over apparatus for The authorised persons to be engaged in the
live work, the name of the authorised person in charge of live work shall acknowledge their understanding
the live work shall be affixed to the operating diagram in of these details and restrictions by signing the live
the control centre. No operating other than the emergency work declaration form. They may then proceed
opening of breakers shall be performed on the breakers with the work.
controlling supply to the apparatus until the authorised
person has handed back the apparatus to the control

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7-4 7-5 Clearance of the live work declaration form 7.02.4 WHEN THE AUTHORISED PERSON IN CHARGE OF LIVE
When live work has been completed, or is
suspended for any reason, and the apparatus is If the authorised person to whom apparatus has been
to be returned to normal service, the authorised handed over is for any reason not available, another person
person in charge of the live work shall withdraw authorised in terms of regulations 7.01.1 shall take over the
all personnel from the live apparatus. He shall responsibilities of the authorised person in charge of the
remove all tools and equipment to a safe position live work.
in relation to the live apparatus.
This person shall countersign the live work declaration
The authorised person in charge of live work form to indicate that he is fully aware of what must be done
shall advise the authorised persons who were on the apparatus and take over the apparatus from the
engaged in the live work that the apparatus is to control officer. The control officer shall remove the name
be handed back to the control officer and that no of the original authorised person from the operating
further work may be performed. diagram in the control centre and shall record the name of
the authorised person now in charge of the live work.
The authorised person in charge of the live
work shall notify the control officer that live 7.03 SUPERVISION OF LIVE WORK
work is complete or otherwise the exact state of
the apparatus and whether tools or equipment The authorised person in charge of live work will be held
have been left on the apparatus. responsible for the safe execution of live work in so far as these
regulations and the standards for live work are concerned.
The authorised person in charge of the live
work shall complete and sign the clearance The authorised person in charge of live work shall at all times
section of the live work declaration form. observe the work in progress to ensure that it is carried out in a safe
manner. When the authorised person in charge of live work needs Duration of a live work declaration to withdraw from the work site he shall hand back the apparatus to
the control officer and regulation 7.02.4 shall apply.
It is the responsibility of the authorised person in
charge of the live work to decide when conditions Where the authorised person in charge of live work cannot
are such that live work can no longer proceed observe part of the work, observation of that area of activity shall be
safely and the live work declaration shall be delegated to another person authorised in terms of regulation
cleared as provided for in regulation 7.01.1. Retention of forms

Live work declaration forms related to complete

or suspended live work shall be retained at the
headquarters of the persons authorised for live
work for a period of three months before being

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8-1 8-2


WORK PERMIT SYSTEM Application and permit

8.01 WORK AT POWER STATIONS CARRIED OUT UNDER A WORK When work under the work permit procedure is
PERMIT to be carried out, the responsible person shall fill
in and sign the application stating:
(a) the apparatus required to be made dead;
Risk Assessments and pre-work checklists must be
completed for all work under any work permit. (b) the nature of the work to be carried out in
The responsible person must complete the pre-work
checklist in conjunction with the workers register. The (c) the points of isolation;
risk assessment shall be initiated and conducted by the
responsible person in concurrence with the appointed (d) the number and position of earthing gear
operator. required and;

A work permit is required for all work on apparatus or for (e) the time and date on which the work is to
work in prohibited or restricted areas by any person. be commenced;

If the original scope of work changes, the original work (f) any special requirements including
permit must be cleared and a new work permit shall be identified dangers and hazards;
(g) the risk assessment number must be
No work shall be allowed on apparatus in a live chamber. entered on the work permit application;
Refer to 5.02.1.
The appointed operator on duty shall verify that dangers
8.01.2 FORMS IN DUPLICATE and hazards have been identified on the application section
of the work permit, before he signs the application. Where
Work permit forms shall be made out in duplicate. The applicable, the appointed operator will make arrangements
original shall be retained by the responsible person and with the control officer to have the apparatus isolated and
the copy by the appointed operator. earthed.

The “test before touch” principle must be adhered to.

After the isolating and earthing has been done in

accordance with these regulations both the
appointed operator and the responsible person
must satisfy themselves that the apparatus has
been made safe to work on.

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After signing and recording the time on the work
permit, , the appointed operator shall issue the He shall then fill in and sign both copies of the
work permit to the responsible person together with clearance portion of the work permit form and
the key safe key and any keys necessary to give shall then return any keys issued for access and
access to the apparatus concerned. the key safe key, together with the original of the
work permit form, the workers register and all
The appointed operator must now allow the responsible relevant documents to the appointed operator.
person to accept the work permit after verification of the
risk assessment. Return to service

The responsible person shall thereafter sign the work On receipt of the clearance, the workers register
permit and shall then be deemed to have taken over the and all relevant documents, the appointed
apparatus to be worked on. operator shall immediately complete the
clearance by signing both copies and shall notify
the control officer, where applicable, that he has
No alteration shall be allowed on an issued work received a clearance for the apparatus, which
permit. may then be returned to service in accordance
with regulation 5.04. Clearance Non – availability of original form
On completion of any work for which a work
permit has been issued, the responsible person If the original of the work permit form is not
shall ensure that: available when the clearance of such work
permit is required, the appropriate head of
(a) all workers who have been engaged in the department or, in the case of a non-employee, the
work have been withdrawn from the site representative of that company, must confirm
apparatus or from any prohibited or that all workers have been withdrawn from the
restricted area concerned. This must be work place and the appropriate section of the
confirmed by the responsible person workers register has been signed.
signing the appropriate section of the
workers register. The head of department must then countersign
the copy of the work permit. This signature
(b) the apparatus can be returned to service authorises the appointed operator to clear the
safely and that all tools, debris and loose work permit in question.
material have been withdrawn from the
(c) all doors or gates giving access to the Non – availability of the responsible person
apparatus have been locked.
In the event of the responsible person to whom a
work permit has been issued not being available
to clear the work permit, the official in charge shall

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8-5 8-6

decide which other responsible person shall clear 8.01.4 ORIGINAL FORMS
the work permit.
All original work permit forms and all relevant documents
Such responsible person shall first countersign shall be kept on completion of the work for which they were
the work permit, and/or complete the “change of issued. Each completed work permit book containing the
responsibility” portion on the computerised work copies of work permit forms shall be returned to the office
permit form as well as the workers' register, risk of the official in charge when a new book is taken into use.
assessment and pre-work checklist, to indicate The completed book may be destroyed at the instructions of
that he is fully aware of what was to be done on the the official in charge after a lapse of one year, provided that
apparatus. no query has arisen regarding any entry contained in it.

He shall supervise the completion of the work, fill

in and sign the clearance on the work permit 8.01.5 DURATION OF WORK PERMITS
form and return the work permit form and all
relevant documents to the appointed operator A work permit shall remain in force until it is cancelled by
concerned. the issue of a clearance.

The official in charge shall take all reasonable 8.01.6 APPLICATION FORMS MADE OUT IN ADVANCE
steps to ensure that no dangerous condition arises
from such transfer of responsibility. Work permit applications may be filled in and signed by a
responsible person at any time in advance of the time Transfer of responsibility work will be started. The appointed operator, who will
prepare the apparatus and issue the necessary work
In the event of another responsible person permit for the work, shall sign such application when the
becoming responsible for the work, both the necessary operating is to be done.
original and the copy of the work permit must be
accepted, as well as the workers' register, risk 8.01.7 MULTIPLE WORK PERMITS
assessment and pre-work checklist, these must
be endorsed with the date and time when the new A responsible person may be issued with more than one
responsible person assumes the responsibilities work permit at a time, provided that an adequate level of
as the responsible person. supervision is provided at each place of work.

The change of responsibility section on the work Each individual work permit must be issued with separate
permit form must be signed by both the outgoing workers registers, risk assessments and pre-work
and incoming responsible person. checklists.

Transfer of responsibility may only be used twice No worker may work under more than one work permit at a
on one work permit form, should there be a need time.
for further transfer of responsibility the work
permit must be cleared and a new work permit
must be issued.

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8-7 8-8

In the case of a computerised work permit system, the
When it is necessary for work to be done on apparatus at responsible person in charge of the work must log onto
a power station in more than one chamber on the same the computerised work permit system using an
circuit, a separate work permit shall be issued for the authorised password only.
work in each separate chamber.
The responsible person or authorised person must fill
in the permit application section stating:
(a) the apparatus required to be made dead,
The responsible person shall explain the nature of the
work covered by the work permit, isolation points and (b) the nature of the work to be carried out in detail,
the dangers as per the pre-work checklist, attached
thereto to all the workers who will be engaged in this (c) the points of isolation,
work, and shall then complete the workers register.
(d) the number and position of earths required,
The workers register shall be current at all times.
If work extends over a period of time especially more than (e) any special requirements including identified
one day or shift, on completion of work or at the end of dangers and hazards,
shift, the workers register must be signed. When the
work resumes on the next day or the next shift, a new (f) the time and date on which the work has to
workers register must be signed. This is also applicable commence and
when a person is delegated from one Job / Work to
another. (g) the risk assessment number must be entered on to
the work permit prior to printing.
This regulation shall be read in conjunction with regulation
After isolation by the appointed operator, the
The “test before touch” principle must be adhered to. responsible person must first sign the application section
of the work permit, satisfying himself of the correctness
of the apparatus detail, the job detail and the dangers

After signing the application the responsible person

shall then satisfy himself that the isolations and earths
as specified on the work permit, have been correctly
applied and that it is safe to carry out the work as

The remainder of regulation 8.01.3 shall then apply.

All original work permit forms and all relevant documents

shall be kept on completion of the work for which they

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8-9 8-10

were issued. The copies of work permit forms shall be 8.02.3 USE OF WORK PERMIT FORMS
returned to the office of the official in charge and
destroyed at the instructions of the official in charge after a Issue of work permits
lapse of one year, provided that no query has arisen
regarding any entry contained in it. Where work on apparatus requires a work
permit it shall only be issued for apparatus
The work permit, original and copy shall be printed once. that has been isolated, earthed and handed
over in accordance with these regulations.
The authorised person, to whom the
The appointed operator must isolate the apparatus apparatus or line has been handed over, shall
from all points of supply. fill in the work permit form stating the
apparatus, the nature of the work to be
Inform the Fire Station Official that the apparatus is safely carried out and the date and time.
isolated and that he may now extinguish the fire.
Both the authorised person and the
responsible person shall agree at the place
of work that the apparatus has been made
After the above has been completed the responsible safe to work on. If they are both satisfied,
person and the appointed operator must complete the they will both sign the permit section and the
work permit forms as required for normal isolation authorised person will issue the work permit
purposes. to the responsible person and give him
access. At this point, it is deemed that the
8.02 WORK ON THE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM CARRIED OUT UNDER responsible person has taken over the
A WORK PERMIT apparatus to work on.


Except as provided for in regulation 8.02.7, a work On completion of work and after all persons
permit is required for all work on apparatus performed have been withdrawn, the responsible person
in live chambers, prohibited areas or restricted areas shall fill in and sign the clearance section of the
or at any place on the distribution system, and may work permit form, after which he shall hand
only be issued to a responsible person. the form to the authorised person.

8.02.2 FORMS IN DUPLICATE Return to service

Work permit forms shall be made out in duplicate. The On receipt of the signed clearance, the
responsible person shall retain the original and the copy authorised person shall complete the
shall be left in the work permit book, which shall be clearance by signing it and, where necessary,
retained by the authorised person. hand back the apparatus to the control officer.
The apparatus may then be returned to service
in accordance with these regulations.

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8-11 8-12 Non – availability of original form 8.02.6 MULTIPLE WORK PERMITS

If the original of the work permit form is not A responsible person may be issued with more than one
available when the clearance of such work work permit at a time, provided that an adequate level of
permit is required, the copy of the permit shall supervision is provided at each place of work.
be endorsed and signed stating that the original
form is lost. No worker may work under more than one work permit
at a time. Non – availability of the responsible person.
In the event of the responsible person to
whom a work permit has been issued not being (a) No work permit is required when work is carried
available to clear the work permit, the official in out on apparatus by authorised persons and by
charge shall decide which other responsible persons working under their supervision
person shall clear the work permit.
(b) No work permit is required when specific activities
Such responsible person shall first are being carried out in a prohibited area by
countersign the work permit to indicate that he persons authorised for this duty.
is full aware of what was to be done on the
apparatus. He shall supervise the completion
of the work, fill in and sign the clearance on the 8.02.8 WORKING ON APPARATUS INVOLVING CUSTOMERS
work permit form and return the work permit AND CONTRACTORS
form to the authorised person concerned. Where it is necessary for Eskom to isolate
The official in charge shall take all reasonable and make safe the supply to apparatus for a
steps to ensure that no dangerous condition customer or contractor to enable them to
arises from such transfer of responsibility. work on such apparatus, a work permit
form shall be used.
The representative from the customer or
All original work permit forms and completed work contractor shall sign the work permit form as
permit books shall be retained for a period of three the responsible person.
months before being destroyed. Where apparatus is to be isolated by a
8.02.5 DURATION OF WORK PERMITS customer, who has no established control
centre and there is a possible back feed into
A work permit shall remain in force until it is cancelled by the Eskom system, it will be the responsibility
the issue of a clearance. of the authorised person, to ensure that the
isolation remains in force for the period that
the Eskom work is in progress.

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8-13 If the customer has a recognised control

centre, the work permit procedure need not
Development Team
apply, and all required operating shall be
effected between the control centres
concerned. This document has been developed and reviewed by the National ORHVS
Committee in collaboration with the various Study Groups in the Transmission,
Distribution, Generation and Enterprises Divisions and has been read and
8.02.9 WORKERS REGISTER accepted by the following line group representatives:

The authorised or responsible person shall explain the Names Group

nature of the work and the dangers attached thereto to all Mirek Bizior Generation
the workers who will be engaged in this work, and shall Derik Sadler Transmission
then complete the workers register. Rob Ferguson Distribution
Wollie Wolmarans Enterprises
The workers register shall be current at all times. Keith Rodseth Enterprises

This regulation shall be read in conjunction with regulation Note: This document is a revision of ESKPVAEY6 REV. 0

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These annexures are minimum requirements, which means that the format may be
changed and site specific needs added to these requirements, but the minimum is

175 + 25
Minimumof 6 holes < 1 x hole
< 100 diameter

Min. 10
o o o o oo Max.20
for any
Securely attached to solid permanent

Dimensions in millimeters
Material: Steel
Holes: Clearance size for Safety Lock

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I, the undersigned authorised person in charge of live work confirm that:
In terms of Regulation 7.02.3 all auto-reclosing features of the breaker(s) controlling the supply ________STATION
have been made inoperative, warning notices *have / have not been affixed to the control panels I, the responsible person, require to carry out work as detailed below and II hereby request the appointed operator
of the breaker(s) concerned, and the apparatus is handed over to me for live work, and that : to prepare the necessary apparatus in accordance with the regulations
the operational voltage is ..........................................................................................................................
the safe working clearance is .................................................................................................................... Apparatus to be worked on
live work to be done is ............................................................................................................................. _____________________________________________________________
Work to be carried out in DETAIL
.......................................................................................................................................... _____________________________________________________________
Date ................................................. Time .................... Auth Person ……………………Print
Points 1) ________________________________________________________________________
We, the undersigned persons authorised to perform live work, confirm that the apparatus to be isolation 2)_________________________________________________________________________
worked on is as stated above and that we understand the details and restrictions of the work to be 3) _________________________________________________________________________
carried out.
4) _________________________________________________________________________

Date ................................................. Time .................... Auth. person ……………………Print 5) _________________________________________________________________________

6) _________________________________________________________________________
Date Time .................... Auth. person ……………………Print
Date ................................................. Time .................... Auth. person ……………………Print Position of 1) __________________________________________________________________________
name……………… earthing gear 2) __________________________________________________________________________
Date ................................................. Time .................... Auth. person ……………………Print
name……………… 3) __________________________________________________________________________
Date ................................................. Time .................... Auth. person ……………………Print 4) __________________________________________________________________________
5) __________________________________________________________________________

CLEARANCE BY PERSON AUTHORISED IN CHARGE OF LIVE WORK 6) __________________________________________________________________________

Total number of earths:

Live work on the above-mentioned apparatus has been *completed/suspended. ______________________________________________________________________
The persons authorised to perform live work have been withdrawn from the apparatus and the
apparatus is handed back to the control officer. Responsible Person: ___________________Appointed Operator: ______________________

Date ......................... Time ............. Auth. person……………………Print name .………… Date: ___________________________ Time required:
*Delete whichever is not applicable.

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WORK PERMIT NO ______________________
I, the appointed operator, hereby notify the undersigned responsible person that the apparatus
detailed in the above application has been prepared in accordance with the regulations and we
mutually agree that the work can be safely carried out.

Appointed Operator ______________________ Print name _____________________

Date: ____________________ Time __________________

Responsible Person _______________ Print name ______________Date ______________
Time __________

Unique no of key safe key_____________________ Key safe No _______________

CLEARANCE I hereby declare that work permit number.....................has been shown to all the workers registered below for this work
I, the responsible person hereby notify the undersigned appointed operator that the work detailed
in the above work permit has been completed, all workers have been withdrawn from the chamber
or apparatus and the apparatus is ready to be returned to service in accordance with the and
Special comments on work performed: I also declare that the nature and location of this work or activity as well as all the precautions, special conditions and
dangers involved, have been explained to them
Responsible Person: ____________________ Print name: _______________ Date:
____________ Time: ___________ NAME (print) UNIQUE NUMBER WORKING WITHDRAWN
Appointed Operator: _______________ Print name: ______________ Date: ____________ 2
Time: ___________ 3
Change of Responsible Person for HV Work Permit 6
Time: _______________ Time: ____________ Time: _____________ Time: _____________ 7
Incoming Responsible Person Outgoing Responsible Person
Name:______________ Name: ____________ Name: ____________ Name: ___________



Withdrawal: I hereby declare that all workers involved in this work have been withdrawn from the work, and that they
have been informed that it is no longer safe to work and that the permit to work will be cleared


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Transmission Risk Assessment Form Generation Risk Assessment Form

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Work Permit No:………………………………………………..
Visit the workplace: Apply Integrated Business Initiative (IBI) Principles, e.g.: STAR, 3-way
communication, risk assessment,
Pre-job preparation.
Positive identification of apparatus to be S
worked on…………………………………….…………………………………………………………..
SITE: ________________________________________________________
Drainage completed Pressure at zero ……………………………………………………………..…
Valves locked open …………………………………………………………………………………..... APPARATUS TO BE WORKED ON:

Valves locked closed ………………………………………………………….……………………..… ______________________________________________________________________________

Prohibitory signs attached…………………………………………………………………………….
Lines disconnected/blank flange inserted if necessary ……………………………………………..
Purged with air/steam/inert gas/detergent……………………………………………………………. ______________________________

Workplace free of toxic material/hazardous substances……………………………………………. WORK TO BE CARRIED OUT:

Workplace free of flammable material (Hot Work Approval)……………………………………..... ______________________________________________________________________________
Fresh air available Natural or force…………………………………………………………………….
Gas test certificate…………………………………………………………………………………..….
Environmental certificate ………………………………………………………………………..….. ______________________________

Radioactive sources isolated………………………………………………………………………..

Electrical isolations effected………………………………………………………………………..… PERMIT

Approved adequate lighting………………………………………………………………………..…. • I, the authorised person, hereby declare that the apparatus detailed above has been
Can pollution occur…………………………………………………………………………………..…. prepared in accordance with the Operating Regulations for High-Voltage Systems.

Other permits on same • We, the undersigned, mutually agree that the apparatus to be worked on has been made
apparatus……………………………………………………………………………………………..… dead and is safe to work on.
If “Yes” can work continue safely………………………………………………………………..…... SPECIAL ENDORSEMENT (If any)
Apply “Test before Touch” principle……………………………………………………………..……. ........................................................................................................................................................
“Hook up at heights" principle………………………………………………………………………....
Flash hazard assessment ......………………………….……………………………………………...
Any other precautions that must be maintained: Permit issued by Authorized Person – Operating)

Signature:.......................................Date:......................... Time:.................
Responsible Person/Appointed Operator:
Name (Print)………………………........................
………………………. Date:……………………

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Signature:........................................Date:......................... Time:................. ANNEXURE 6

Name (Print).........................................................

I, the Responsible Person/Customer/Contractor, hereby notify the Authorised Person that the
work detailed in the above permit has been completed, all workers have been withdrawn, and the AREA: ................................................................... SECTION:
apparatus is ready to be returned to service. ..........................................................
NAME: .................................................................. UNIQUE No.:
(Responsible Person / Customer / Contractor) DESIGNATION: ................................................

In terms of the Operating Regulations for High-Voltage Systems you are hereby
Signature:...........................................................Print name……………….................................... authorised to perform the duties as defined below:

Date:........................................................Time:..................................... NOTE: ALL DETAILS NOT APPLICABLE MUST BE DELETED.

1.61 Responsible person restricted to: (e.g. line work only, cable work
(Authorised person - Operating) only)
Signature:...........................................................Print name……………….................................... ................................................. Operating on excluded systems (state apparatus)

Date:........................................................Time:..................................... ..............................
2.03.2 Transmission of messages. Acceptance of pre-authorised instructions Taking permission to operate and work (if restricted state feeders):

…………… Taking permission to sectionalise (if restricted state feeders):

2.07.1 Checking of phasing (if applicable state restriction):

3.01.2 Access to prohibited areas / live chambers/restricted area (if restricted state which
areas / chambers):


4.02.4 Right to possess keys for (state category / type of key):

range and / or specific feeders):

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ANNEXURE 7 Take handover (if restricted state apparatus):

5.05.2 Replace D.O.F.I. (if restricted state feeders and / or voltages):
5.06 Supervising of persons working in live chambers, prohibited and restricted areas (if HIGH-VOLTAGE AUTHORISATION
restricted state nature of work): DISTRIBUTION LIVE WORK
5.09.2 Testing of equipment (if restricted state which tests and / or apparatus and / or AREA: ................................................................................ SECTION:
……………………………….......................................................……………………… ...................................................
………....... NAME: ................................................................................ UNIQUE N°:
6.04 Restoration of supply (if restricted state feeders / substations / voltages):
.......................................................................................………………………………… ................................................
……………… DESIGNATION: .................................................................
6.05 Establish a temporary local control (if restricted state feeders / substations /
voltages): In terms of the operating regulations for high-voltage systems you are hereby authorised to
.................................................................………………………………………………… perform the duties as defined below:
…………… Issue work permits (if restricted state voltages and / or nature of work): 1. You are hereby appointed in the .............................................. area as an:

…………………..........................................................................................………………………… AUTHORISED PERSON for the following duties:

7.)...................................................................................................................................... 1. * Gloving method limited to attached procedures
2. * Stick method limited to attached procedures
NOTE: THIS AUTHORITY SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS AUTHORITIES. 3. * Barehand method limited to attached procedures
4. * Aerial method limited to attached procedures
RECOMMENDED BY: .......................……………............ DATE:
1. * Gloving method limited to attached procedures
(Signature) (Print) 2. * Stick method limited to attached procedures
3. * Barehand method limited to attached procedures
AUTHORISED BY: ...........................…………………....... DATE: 4. * Aerial method limited to attached procedures
1. * Gloving method limited to attached procedures
EXPIRY DATE: ........../.........../.......... 2. * Stick method limited to attached procedures
3. * Barehand method limited to attached procedures
I UNDERSTAND THE AUTHORISATION DETAILED ABOVE AND I ACCEPT THE 4. * Aerial method limited to attached procedures

SIGNATURE: ...................................PRINT…………………………... DATE: 3. In terms of Regulation 4.02.4 you are issued with the following keys to carry out the above duties

NOTE: This authorisation supersedes all previous authorisations.

* All items not applicable must be deleted.
* Authorisations are valid for three years.

RECOMMENDE .................................……………… AUTHORISED ....................................……………

D: ….

DATE: ............./.........../......... DATE: ............./............./...........

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EXPIRY DATE: .........../.........../...........

SIGNATURE ...................................PRINT………………...... DATE: ............./............./...........

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6.04 Restoration of supply in the event of failure or absence of communications, restricted to



Authorisation number: ………………………

Other authorisations .............................................................................................................................................................................

NAME ....................................................................................................... DESIGNATION ............................................ 2. You are hereby authorised as a responsible person, restricted to

In terms of the ESKOM Operating Regulations for High Voltage Systems- …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

1 You are hereby authorised to perform the duties as defined below/. NOTE: (A) This authority supersedes all previous authorities.
(B) All details not applicable must be deleted.

Recommended .............................................................................................. Authorised ..........................................................................................

2.03.2 Transmitting of messages
Signature: Print: Signature: Print:
3.01 Access to Prohibited or restricted areas/live chambers, restricted to
Date ......................................................................................................... Date ...................................................................................................
I understand the authority detailed above and I accept the duties and responsibilities set out therein.
4.01.6 Right to possess keys for: ....................................................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................
5.01 Persons authorised to perform switching/linking/safety-testing/earthing operations, restricted to
Signature Print Date

Supervision of non-authorised staff-in-training carrying out the operating

5.06 Supervision of work restricted to/ ...........................................................................................................................................................

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NOTE: Refer to local operating instructions

Signature of authorised person:.............................................Print:..............................................................

Time received.........................................................

Signature:............................................................... Print...............................................................

Time completed................................................................

Time reported.....................................................................................................................Form 0.4

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PERMIT NO. (IF ANY)........................................................................





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Only the following abbreviations may be used as instructions written on the operator’s
instruction form:
ARC Auto Re-close
Aux. Auxiliary
B PH Blue Phase
B/B Busbar
B/Cpl Bus Coupler
Brkr Breaker
B/Sect Bus Section
CX Capacitor
C/O Chop over or Change over
CMS Control mode switch
CT Current Transformer
E/F Earth Fault
E/Sw Earth Switch
Fdr Feeder
H/B Hand back
H/O Hand over
Isol Isolator
I/C In Commission
kV Kilovolt
Neut Neutral
NEC Neutral Earthing Compensator
NETW Network
No Number
NECR Neutral Earthing Compensator and Resistor
OOC Out of Commission
O/C Over current
PTO Permission to operate
PTS Permission to Sectionalise
R PH Red Phase
ROT Risk of Trip
RX Reactor
S/S Substation
SE/F Sensitive earth fault
Sup Supervisory
SVC Static Var Compensator
Trfr Transformer
T/T Trip Testing
V/T Voltage Transformer
W PH White Phase

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Changes for 2005

Renumbering of the definitions as some was deleted.
1 Section 1
Changes for 2002 Replaced “/ ” with or
2 1.10 Deleted
1 Book Tidy up grammar 3 1.11 Changed wording. To accommodate 1.15
2 1.30 New definition (Equipotential zone) 4 1.15 Deleted
3 1.33 New definition (Ground or floor level) 5 1.46 Deleted
4 1.74 Changed wording. 6 1.59 Deleted
5 2.04 Changed wording first 2 paragraphs
6 2.05 Changed wording
7 1.65 Changed wording
7 2.06 Changed wording 8 3.02 Changed wording
8 2.07.1 Changed wording 1st and 3rd paragraphs 9 3.03 Changed wording
9 2.07.2 Changed lay out. 10 5.02 Split into two regulations.
10 3.03 Changed lay out. 11 5.02.1 Generation Regulation
11 4.01.5 Changed lay out. 12 5.02.2 New Distribution Regulation
12 4.02.2 Changed wording. 13 Changed wording
13 4.04.1 Changed wording. 14 Added sub heading
14 5.01 Changed wording. 15 Changed total regulation
15 5.03.2 Changed wording.
16 Changed wording.
16 5.04.1 Deleted At power stations in 4th paragraph
17 Changed wording 3rd and 4th paragraphs 17 5.09 Spilt into two regulations. Leave heading as is.
18 Changed wording 1st paragraph 18 5.09.1 New Generation Regulation
19 Total new regulation 19 5.09.2 Distribution Regulation
20 Changed wording 2nd paragraph 20 Section 7 Restructured complete section
21 5.04.1 Changed wording 2nd paragraph 21 8.01.10 Changed wording
22 5.04.4 Changed wording. 22 Changed wording
23 5.05.4 New regulation 23 Changed wording
24 5.06 Changed wording. 24 Changed wording
25 5.09 Changed wording 1st and 3rd paragraphs
26 6.05 Changed layout and wording
25 8.02.9 Added word activity after work
27 7.02.3 Changed layout and wording 26 Annexures Deleted 2nd Annexure in the heading
28 7.02.5 Changed wording. 27 Annexure 6 Deleted 3.02 & 8.02.7
29 7.02.7 Changed wording. 28 Annexure 8 Changed lay out and wording
30 7.03 Changed wording.
31 Changed layout and wording
32 Changed layout and wording
33 Changed wording.
34 Changed wording.
35 8.01.10 Changed layout
36 Changed wording.
37 Changed wording.
38 Changed wording.
39 8.02.9 Changed wording.

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Changes for revision 32-846 (2010)

Changes for revision 32-846 (2010) cont.
General Changed wording in points 4 & 11
2 Contents Changed 2.07.2 to 2.08 27 2.01 Changed responsibility to responsibilities
3 4.01.1 Changed key safe to key cabinet 28 2.02.2 Content reworded
4 Moved to new regulation Added jumper after dropper. Changed to new heading 2.08
29 2.07.2
5 Added Transfer of Responsibility TAKING PLANT OFF THE SYSTEM
6 Added 8.01.11 Fire on electrical apparatus 30 2.07.3 Becomes 2.07.2
7 Annexures Added annexures 4 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) & (f) 31 2.08 Becomes 2.09
8 1.02 Added electrostatic precipitator 32 2.09 Becomes 2.10
Deleted Electrified fence 33 4.01.1 Changed heading from key safe to key cabinet
Deleted on a feeder 34 4.01.2 Added reference to regulation 5.02.1
9 1.03 Changed an employee or another person to a person 35 4.02.1 Deleted breakable transparent window
10 1.04 Changed executive to managing 36 4.02.2 Deleted breakable transparent window
11 1.07 Changed whether an employee or a non-employee to a 37 5.03.3 Added “and cannot be positively identified” in paragraph 5
person 38 Deleted suitable
12 1.15 Added a new definition Control Earth 39 Added new paragraph
13 1.16 Changed an employee to a person Earth replaced with control earth
14 1.19 Added new definition Danger/dangerous Added “between point of isolation and first place of work”
15 1.34 Added new definition Hazard 40 in paragraph 3. Earth replaced with control earth
16 1.38 Added the word “droppers” and changed wording (g) deleted Added new paragraph 4
17 1.40 Added new definition Key cabinet 41 Deleted “against induction” in 2nd paragraph
18 1.54 Added in live chambers, prohibited or restricted areas Added paragraph 4
Deleted on one or more floors in a building or buildings 42 Changed to safe working clearances
Deleted or throughout a structure 43 Deleted regulation. Becomes regulation
19 1.58 Added a new definition-work checklist Changed wording from “authorise to allow” in 1st paragraph.
20 1.61 Deleted whether an employee or a non employee 44 Deleted bonding or shunt conductors
21 1.63 Added new definition Risk assessment Changed reference from to
22 1.65 Changed work clearances to working clearances changed wording in the b) paragraph changed live line or
23 1.68 Added live apparatus.
24 1.74 Deleted "other" 46 Safe working clearances moved from to
25 1.75 Deleted this includes personal earths and bonding/shunt and added A.C and D.C voltages to table.
conductors 47 5.06 Changed wording
26 1.76 Deleted last part of definition 48 Changed complete regulation
49 Changed complete regulation
Abbreviation (SCADA) replaced with Supervisory Control
50 7.02.1
And Data Acquisition
51 8.01.1 Changed complete regulation
52 Changed wording

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ANNEXURE 15 Authorisation
This document has been seen and accepted by:

Changes for revision 32-846 (2010) cont. Name Designation

E Johnson Chief Officer (Customer Network Business)
BA Dames Chief Officer (Generation Business)
57 Changed complete regulation MM Ntsokolo Managing Director (Transmission Division)
58 Changed wording and added workers register, risk
assessment and pre-work checklist A Noah Managing Director (Distribution Division)
59 New Regulation Transfer of responsibility K Steyn Acting Managing Director (Enterprises
60 8.01.4 Changed wording Division)
61 8.01.7 Added second paragraph
K Lakmeeharan Managing Director (System Operations and
62 8.01.9 Re-worded regulation
Planning Division)
63 8.01.10 Re-worded regulation
64 8.01.11 New regulation. Fire on electrical apparatus T Govender Managing Director (Generation Division)
65 8.02.1 Deleted or any activity
66 Changed wording of last paragraph of regulation
67 Removed or activity
68 Added dangerous
69 Reworded
70 Changed Possibility of back feed to possible back feed
71 8.02.9 Added dangers

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