Nutshell Part 2

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Dental Anatomy & Dental Histology

Dental Anatomy & Dental Histology

Short Notes From Each Topic Development of Face and Oral Cavity
Short Essays
Introduction to Dental Anatomy
31 1. Mention the
derivatives of first pharyngeal arch and add a note on
28 development of mandible. (2+6-8) 2017 AUGUST 2010 Scheme
Dentin 2. Development of mandible 2018 JULY 2016 Scheme
Development and Growth of Teeth
Short Notes
Oral Mucous Membrane
15 1. Development of palate.
Salivary Glands
2. Development of tongue
Cementum 15
Development and Growth of Teeth
Maxillary Sinus 12 Long Essays
Bone 12 1. Define odontogenesis. Enumerate the various stages of odontogenesis.
Discuss advanced bell stage of tooth development with the help of a neat
Pulp (143+842-14)2016 AUGUST 2013 FEBRUARY Short Essays 2019
Anatomy JANUARY 2016 Scheme
Minerlisation Short Essays
Development of Face and Oral Cavity
1. Enumerate various stages of tooth development. Discuss cap stage of tooth
Difference b/w Decidous & Permanent. development with the help of neat diagram.
Age Changes in Oral Tissues (6+2-8) 2015 AUGUST 2012 FEBRUARY
2. Early bell stage.(January 2021, 2016 Scheme)
Tooth Eruption 4 3. Bell stage of tooth development
Mandibular Premolar 2019 JULY 2016 Scheme 2015 FEBRUARY 2011 AUGUST
4. Describe advanced bell stage with the help of a neat histology diagram. (5+3)
Histochemistry of Oral Tissues And..
(January 2021, 2010 Scheme)
Temporomandibular Joint 3 5. Name the stages of development of teeth. Add a note on root formation.
Periodontal Ligament (2+6-8) 2014 FEBRUARY
6. Enumerate the stages in tooth development. Describe histology of tooth germ
Maxillary Molar 2 in advanced bell stage with the help of a diagram
Deglution 2 (2+4+2-8). 2014 AUGUST
7. Describe incremental lines of the hard tissues with the help of a neat diagram.
Mandibular Molar 1
(5+3-8) 2016 FEBRUARY
Maxillary Premolar 1
Short Notes
Inscior 1
Shedding of Deciduous Teeth 1 1. Cervical loop
2. Enamel proteins.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
50 Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0 Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0 5 1
Dental Anatomy & Dental Histology
Dental Histology
Dental Anatomy &
4. Inter tubular dentin and Intra tubular dentin 2012 FEBRUARY
5. Theories of dentin hypersensitivity
Neural crest cells. 2012 AUGUST 2018 JULY 2016 Scheme
4. Epithelial rests of
5. Derivatives of neural crest
6. HERS- Hertwigs epithelial root sheath
in tooth development
7. Transitory structures note on bud stage.
and add a
tooth development
8. Name the stages of and fate. Short Notes
about its function
9. Define dental lamina. Explain
|1. Dead tract 7. Tertiary dentin.
Ename 2. Dentinoenamel junction 8. Tomes granular layer.
Incremental lines of dentin and cementum 9. Dentinogenesis
Long Essay 4. Sclerotic dentin 10. Hydrodynamic theory of dentin sensitivity
structure of enamel. Add a
composition and 11. Incremental lines of Von Ebner
1. Explain in detail the properties, 5. Structures arising from dentin-enamel
note on its clinical importance (4+8+2=14)2016 FEBRUARY junction 12. Inter tubular and intra tubular dentin
features of enamel. Add a note on the 6. Structures associated with dentino-enamel 13. Primary and secondary
2. Explain in detail the light microscopic 2010 Scheme) junction. 14. Types of dentin
chemical composition of enamel. (10+4) (January 2021,
ameloblasts. Discuss in
3. Enumerate various stages in the life cycle of the
detail amelogenesis
2010 Scheme 2015 FEBRUARY
Short Essays Short Essays
1. Discuss hypo calcified areas of enamel with a help of a neat diagram 1. Explain the zones of pulp with a neat diagram and add a note on age changes
JANUARY 2010 Scheme Scheme
(6+2-8)2017 FEBRUARY 2019 (5+3-8) 2013 FEBRUARY 2014 FEBRUARY 2019 JULY 2016
2. The structure of pulp 2020 January 2016 Scheme
Short Notes
3. Functions of pulp 2019 JANUARY 2016 Scheme 2012 FEBRUARY
A. Enamel lamella and enamel spindles Pulp stones 2020January 2010 Scheme
5 Cellular elements of pulp 2018 FEBRUARY 2010 Scheme
2. Enamel spindles
Adda note on its functions.
3. Enamel tuft and lamellae Discuss the microscopic structure of pulp.
FEBRUARY 2016 Scheme
4. Incremental lines of retzius (6+2-8) 2015AUGUST 2018
note on defense cells of pulp.
5. Surface structures of enamel. 7Enumerate the functions of pulp and add a
(3+5 =
8) 2017 AUGUST 2010 Scheme
Dentin 8 Age changes of pulp 2011 AUGUST
Short Essays Short Notes
1. Discuss theories of pain sensation in dentin and add a note on inter globular 1. Zones of pulp 3. Zone of Weil
2. Plexus of Raschkow
(62-8)2017 AUGUST 2010 Scheme
2. Discuss the various types of dentin (January 2021, 2010 Cementum
3. Enumerate various types of dentin with neat diagrams. Add a note on clinical Short Essays
(4+2+2-8) 2015 AUGUST
Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0 5 3
52 Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0
Dental Anatomy & Dental Histology
Dental Anatomy &Dental Histology
Short Notes
Enumerate and discuss the differences between cellular and acellular
cementum with the help of diagrams 1. Fibroblast
(2+4+2-8). 2014 AUGUST 2. Sharpeys fibers
Describe denticles and cementicles with the help of a neat diagramm
(4+2+2) 2019 JULY 2010 Scheme Bone
Differentiate between acellular extrinsic tiber cementum and cellular intrinsic
fiber cementum Short Essays
(4+4))2018JULY2010 Scheme 1. Alveolar bone proper 2011 AUGUST
Short Notes 2. Role of osteoclast in tooth
3. Difference between resorption.2012 FEBRUARY
3.) Cementocytes cortical and cancellous bone 2018 JULY 2016 Scheme
Cellular cementum 4. Process of root resorption by odontoclast 2012 AUGUST
Cemento enamel junction Incremental lines ofsalter 5. Theories of calcification 2020
(5 Functions of cementum January 2016 Scheme
Write any three diferences between fibrillar and afibrillar cementum Short Notes
Periodontal Ligament 1. Bundle bone
4. Osteoclast
2. Lamina dura.
5. Functions of alveolar bone
Long Essay 3. Odontoclasts
6. Bone remodeling theory
7. List any three differences between
1. Define periodontium. What are the structures which constitute periodontium. Osteoblast & Osteoclast
Discuss the principal fibers of periodontal ligament. Add a note on the Oral Mucous Membrane
functions of periodontal ligament
(2+2+5+5) 2013 AUGUST Long Essa
2. Enumerate and describe the cells of the periodontal ligament. Add a note on 1. Define and
the functions of the periodontal classify oral mucosa. Describe in detail the macroscopic and
ligament. microscopic features of gingiva
2011 AUGUST 2017 AUGUST 2016 Scheme 2018 FEBRUARY 2016 Scheme
3. Define periodontium and name the 2018 JULY
periodontal tissues. Describe the principal
2016 Scheme 2019 JULY 2016 Scheme 2012 AUGUST
fibers of periodontal ligament in detail with the
help of a neat diagram. 2. Classify oral mucosa.
Discuss in detail macroscopic and microscopic structure
(243+7+2)2019 July 2010 Scheme Short Essays 2017 February 2017 August of tongue.
2016 Scheme
4. Describe in detail about principal fibers of (244+8-14)2014 FEBRUARY
periodontal ligament. Add a note on 3. Classify oral mucosa and enumerate its function. Describe
cells of periodontal ligament. masticatory
(7+7)2020 January 2010 Scheme 2020 January 2016 Scheme Short mucosa with the help of a neat diagram.
Essays (3+4+7-14) 2017 AUGUST 2010 Scheme
2012 August
Short Essays Short Essays
1. Principal fibres of periodontal ligament(January 2021, 2016 1. Desmosomes 2011 AUGUST
2. Explain the cells of periodontal ligament and Scheme) 2. Desmosomal junction 2018 FEBRUARY 2010 Scheme
add a note
5+3-8) 2013 FEBRUARY
on age changes 3. Stratum basale and stratum spinosum 2012 FEBRUARY
3. Mention the functions of 4. Mention four non keratinocytes and add a note on Langerhans cells &
periodontal ligament and mention the
them. (3+5) (January 2021, 2010 Scheme)principal
&forces resisted by fibers melanocytes. (2+3+3) (January 2021, 2010 Scheme)
4. Fibres of 5. Discuss non keratinocytes of the oral mucosa 2015 FEBRUARY
periodontal ligament 2012 FEBRUARY
54 Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0 Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0 5 5
Dental Anatomy &Dental Histology
Dental Histology
Dental Anatomy&
2. Myoepithelial cells 2011 AUGUST
of gingiva.
(4+4=8) 2016 a Composition and functions of saliva (January 2021, 2016 Scheme)
Clinical features and
6. 4. Histologic features of sub mandibular salivary gland 2013 AUGUST
Describe the papillae
on tongue Scheme 2020 January 2016
7. JANUARY 2010 5. Describe the composition and functions of saliva.
Scheme 2019 Scheme
2018 JULY 2010
(3+5-8) 2013 February 2014 February 2017 August 2010 Scherne 2019
of the dorsum of the
detail structure
and describe in January 2016 Scheme 2020 January 2010 Scheme
8. Classify oral mucosa
2016 Scheme 6. Enumerate the major salivary glands and its main excretory duct. Describe
tongue with diagrams. FEBRUARY 2017 AUGUST
(2+6-8)2016 of a neat the histology of parotid gland.
of dento-gingival
junction with the help
9. Describe briefly the structure junction. (3+5) 2018 JULY 2010 Scheme
of dentogingival
diagram. Add a note on stages in shift (5+3-8)2016 AUGUST
Short Notes
1. Anti microbial properties of saliva 3. Structure of myoepithelial cell.
Short Notes
Non keratinized epithelium
2. Histology of mucous salivary gland 4. Von Ebner's glands
1. Fordyces granules 9 Non keratinocytes
2. Gingival group of fibers. 10. Odland bodies Tooth Eruption
3. Histology of taste buds 11. Specialized mucosa
junctional epithelium Long Essay
4. 12. Taste buds
Keratohyaline granules Add a
5. 13. Circumvallate papillae 1. Define eruption. Enumerate and describe theories of teeth eruption.
6. Microscopic features of palate teeth.
note on clinical considerations related to eruption of
7. Nerve supply of tongue 2010 Scheme
(2+8+4=14)2014 August 2015 August Short Essays 2019 July
14. Vermilion zone July 2016 Scheme
15. Shift of dentogingival junction eruption.
mucosa 2. Describe in detail the mechanism of tooth
16. Differences between keratinized
and non-keratinized
2019 JANUARY 2016 Scheme
Salivary Glands
Short Essays
Long Essay Discuss the phase of pre eruptive and eruptive tooth
between serous and mucous 2019 JANUARY 2010 Scheme 2011
1. Classify salivary glands. List the differences
acini. Add a note on ductal system of salivary glands eruption and discuss the most accepted eory
2. Name theories of (2+6-8)2017 FEBRUARY
2010 Scheme
(2+6+6-14) 2017 February Short Essays 2020 January
Classity salivary glands. Describe in detail about the histology parotid
gland. (January 2021, 2016 Scheme) Short Notes
3. Classity salivary glands. Describe the histology of parotid gland. and its role in eruption of teeth
the differences between serous and mucous acini 1. Fibro nexus
2. Periodontal ligament traction theory.
(2+8+4)2018 February 2010 Scheme
3. Gubernacular canal and cord
4. Classity salivary glands. Describe in detail the light and electron microscopic
feature of a serous cell. Add a note on the ductal system of salivary gland 4. Submerged tooth
(2+8+4)2019 JANUARY 2010 Scheme Short Essays 2018 February 2016
Scheme Shedding of Deciduous Teeth
Short Notes
Short Essays
1. Explain ductal system of salivary gland and its role in modification of saliva
Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0 5 7
56 Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0
Dental Anatomy & Dental Histology Dental natomy & Dental Histology
Short Essays
1. Shedding of teeth
1. H&E staining procedure 2018
Steps in FEBRUARY 2010 Scheme
Temporomandibular Joint 2. histological processing of soft tissues
Short Ess ays Short Notes
the help of a neat diagram
1. Describe the muscles of mastication in detail with 1. Fixation of tissue
(5+3) 2019 JULY 2010 Scheme
2. Haematoxylin and eosin staining
2. Define mastication and discuss muscles of mastication. 3. Ground section of tooth
(2+6-8) 2016 AUGUST
3. Explain mastication and its importance Jntroductionto Dental Anatomy
(5+3-8) 2016 FEBRUARY
Tooth Numbering System
Short Notes
Short Essays
1. Articular disc of TMJ
1. Discuss various tooth numbering systems. Narrate the dental formula for
2. Ligaments associated with TMJ
functions. permanent and deciduous teeth.
3. Lateral pterygoid muscle -origin, insertion, nenve supply and
(6+2-8) 2015 AUGUST 2018 JULY 2016 Scheme
Maxillary Sinus 2. Explain systems of dental notation with example 2015 FEBRUARY
3. Enumerate and explain briefly the various tooth numbering systems
Short Essays
(2+6-8) 2017 FEBRUARY
1. Define maxillary sinus and explain about its histology and functions.
(2+3+3=8) 2016 AUGUST
Short Notes
Short Notes
1. FDI system 2. Palmar notation
1. Histology of maxillary sinus 3. FDI tooth numbering system for permanent and deciduous dentition.
2. Hiatus semilunaris. 4. Zsigmondy-palmer numbering system
3. Boundaries of maxillary sinus
Age Changes in Oral Tissues
Short Essays
Short Essays
ridge (1+2+2+3)2019 JULY 2010 Scheme
1. Define a pit, fossa, cusp and a
1. Age changes in dental tissues 2013 AUGUST 2. Define a ridge, groove lobes and give example for each 2012 February 2019
Short Notes July 2016 Scheme
3. Discuss the various ridges on tooth surface 2018 JULY 2010
1. Age changes in dentin
2. Age changes in enamel Short Notes
3. Age changes in the mandible 4. Mammelons
1. Accessory canals
2. Cusp of carabell 5. Oblique ridge
Histochemistry ofOral Tissues And Preparation of Specimens for Histologic 6. Spillway spaces
3. Embrasure
Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0 5 9
58 Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0
Dental Anatomy & Dental Histology ntal Anatomy &Dent
1. Discuss the chronology and
7. Oblique ridge 9. Define embrasure; cingulum; furcation
diagrams and morphology of
enumerate the differences maxillary first premolar with neat
8. Contact areas and embrasures 10. Line angles and point angles between maxillary first and second
11. Define Cusp: Groove; Fossa, along with exampies for each
12. Define set traits, arch traits, class traits and type traits
(8+2+4=14) 2014 February 2016 February 2018
February 2010 Scheme
2018 July 2010 Scheme 2012
22. Add a note on the chronology of February
Chronology and second pre molars development of maxillary and mandibular first
Short Essays (6) 2018 JULY 2010 Scheme
Short Ess ays
1. Discuss sequence of eruption of deciduous and permanent dentition (5+3=8)
2014 FEBRUARY 1. Occlusal aspect of maxillary 2nd premolar 2011
2. Chronology of permanent dentition 2013 AUGUST
Short Notes
1. Differences between permanent maxillary first and second premolars
Long Essay 2. Two salient features on the mesial
aspect of maxillary first premolar
1. Describe in detail about the morphology of permanent maxillary central incisor Mandibular Premolars
2020 January 2016 Scheme
Long Essay
Short Notes
1. Describe the chronology and morphological aspects of permanent mandibular
1. Labial aspect of maxillary central incisor second premolars.
2019 JANUARY 2016 Scheme
2. Describe in detail the morphology of the permanent mandibular first premolar.
Add a note on its chronology
(12+2=14) 2012 AUGUST
Short Essays
Long Essay
Occlusal morphology of permanent mandibular second premolar(January
1. Describe the chronology and morphological aspects of permanent maxillary 2021, 2016 Scheme)
canine 2. Describe occlusal anatomy of mandibular second premolar
2018 JULY 2016 Scheme 2019 JANUARY 2010 Scheme 2018 FEBRUARY 2016 Scheme
2. Describe the morphology of permanent maxillary canine with neat diagrams.
Explain the differences between permanent maxillary and mandibular canine Short Notes
(7+3+4)2019 JULY 2010 Scheme 1. Groove patterns in occlusal surface of mandibular second premolar
Short Essays 2. Occlusal aspect of mandibular I pre molar
1. Incisal aspect of canine 2012 FEBRUARY Maxillary Molars
Maxillary Premolars Long Essay
Long Essay
Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0 6 1
60 Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0
Dental Anatomy & Dental Histology
Anatomy &Dental Histology
Long Essay
1. Describe the various morphological aspects of permanent maxillary 1st molar
and mention the chronology of permanent maxillary molars. (10+4) (January List the morphological and
2021, 2010 Scheme)
permanent teeth. Add a note
differences between deciduous &
2. Describe in detail the morphology of permanent maxillary first molar with the on
(5+5+4=14)2014 August 2017 August of eruption of
deciduous teeth.
help of neat diagrams. Add a note on its chronology. Enumerate the Essays 2018 February 2010 2010 Scheme 2019 July 2016 Scheme
Scheme 2011 Short
differences between the permanent maxillary first molar and permanent August 2012 August 2017 August 2016
mandibular first molar. 2. Describe the differences between Scheme
(8+2+4=14)2016 August 2017 February 2017 August 2016 Scheme 2018 detail. Add a note on the deciduous and permanent dentition in
February 2016 Scheme
eruption for primary and permanent
of primary dentition. List the sequence of
Short Essays
(6+543=14) 2013 FEBRUARY
1. Explain occlusal surface of the permanent maxillary first molar Difference Between two types of tooth,
2019 January 2010 Scheme 2011 August 2020 January 2016 Scheme Short Essays
Short Notes 1. Differences between maxillary and mandibular canine 2020 January 2010
Maxillary molar primary cusp triangle.
Short Notes
Mandibular Molars
. Any three differences between maxillary central and mandibular central
Long Essays
1. Describe in detail about the morphology of permanent mandibular first 2. Differences between maxillary first premolar and maxillary second premolar.
molar(January 2021, 2016 Scheme) 3. Mention two similarities & two differences between
maxillary and mandibular
2. Describe the morphology of permanent incisors.
neat diagram
mandibular first molar. with helpof
3. Enumerate four differences between permanent mandibular and Occlusion
maxillary first
molars. (10+4)2013 AUGUST Short Essays
4. Enumerate differences between permanent mandibul first and second
molar. 2020 January 2010 Scheme 1. Define occlusion, over jet, over bite and compensatory curves (2+2+2+2-8)
5. Add a note on its chronology of development. 2016 FEBRUARY
(9+3+2=14) 2011
Short Notes
1. Curve of spee 5. Primate spaces
2. Curve of Wilson. 6. Compensatory curves.
3. Keys of occlusion 7. Leeway Space of Nance
Short Essays
4. Over jet and over bite
1. Describe the occlusal morphology of permanent mandibular Mineralization
first molar with
help of diagram (6+2-8) Short Essays
2014 August 2012 February 2019
January 2016 Scheme 1, Enumerate and discuss the theories of
mineralization. (2+6=-8) 2014 AUGUST
Difference Between Deciduous and Permanent Teeth,
Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0 6 3
62 Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0
Dental Anatomy & Dental Histology
Model Questions
Short Notes
Long Essays
1. Matrix vesicle theory
2. Robinsons alkaline phosphatase theory Classify dural venous
sinuses. Describe the cavernous
the following headings sinus in detail under
Deglutition. a. Situation/ Location
Short Essays b. Relations
C. Tributaries
1. Briefly describe the three phases of deglutition 2012 FEBRUARY
2. Infantile swallowing 2011 AUGUST 2. Describe posterior triangle as under:
3. Oral phase of deglutition 2017 AUGUST 2016 Scheme a. Boundaries (3)
4. Phases of deglutition 2018 FEBRUARY 2016 Scheme b. Contents (5)
Applied anatomy (2)
Others d. Subdivisions (2)
Short Notes
Short Essays
1. Canine fossa 4. Morula Name the para nasal sinuses and mention
2. Inferior alveolar nerve its functions. Where do each of
5. Nerve supply of mandibular teeth them open. Mention its clinical importance.
3 Meckel's cartilage 6. Nerve supply of tongue Explain maxillary sinus in detail
Muscles of larynx attachments, actions and nerve
5. Optic pathway
supply (3+3+2)
6. Auditory tube
Short Notes
7. Cricothyroid muscle.
8. Sulci and gyri of inferior surface of cerebrum
Pes anserinus
10. Corpus callosum
|1. External features of midbrain
12. Mesodermal derivatives of second pharyngeal pouch
13. Synovial joint
14. Levator Palpebrae Superioris
15. Articular Disc
16. Mylohyoid Muscle
Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0 65
64 Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0
Model Question Papers
Long Essay Dental Anatomy and
help of a
Dental Histology
Descnbe the structure of neuromuscular junction with the neat Long Essays
labeled diagram. Discuss how a nerve impulse is transmitted across the Enumerate various stages in the life cycle of the
neuromuscular junction.
amelogenesis ameloblasts. Discuss in detail
9 Describe the chronology and
Short Essay second premolars. morphological aspects of permanent mandibular
2. Draw a diagram to show the innervation of urinary bladder. Explain micturition Short Essays
3. Enumerate the homones secreted by the anterior pituitary. Describe the 3. Explain occlusal surface of the permanent maxillary first molar
actions of growth hormone 4 Oral phase of deglutition
Short Notes 5. Describe incremental lines of the hard tissues with
the help of neat
Describe the uterine changes during menstrual 6 Theories of dentin hypersensitivity a
4 cycle correlating them with Short Notes
hormonal changes.
1. Cemento enamel junction
5. Explain ECG with the help of a neat labeled diagram.
6. Artificial respiration 2. Sharpeys fibers
7. What is saltatory conduction. Mention its 3. Lamina dura.
8. Refractory errors of eyes and their corrections 4. Odland bodies
5. Gubernacular canal and cord
Paper-2 Biochemistry 6 Articular disc of TMJ
7. Hiatus semilunaris.
Long Essay 8. Spillway spaces
1. Outline the reactions of glycolysis. Calculate the energy yield 9. Keys of occlusion
during aerobic 10. Robinsons alkaline phosphatase theor
and anaerobic glycolysis. Explain the fates of pyruvate.
Short Essays
2. Describe the role of carnitine in
fatty acid oxidation. Narrate the steps of beta
oxidation of Palmitic acid. Add a note on its
3. energetics
Classify jaundice and mention thelaboratory findings for each category
Short Notes
4. Wald's visual cycle.
5. Mention the biological functions, deficiency and toxic manifestations of fluoride
6. Antibiotics interfering in
7 Kidney function tests
8. Rapport Luberg Cycle
66 Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.0 Dentistudy's Nutshell 2.067
Stay calm and ventilate yourself

Tips for Writing Exam

Read all the questions carefully
Manage your time CHOICE
3 hours divided by 3
1 hour each for writing 2 long Essays, 4 short essays and 10 short notes
Fees Structure
Structure your answers Starting from
1. Separate table of contents for Long essays and Short essays
Endo/Ortho -7 Lacs/Year
Describe the sub mandibular gland under following headings Oral Surgery-7 Lacs/Year
a. Parts (1) d. Duct (2)
b. Relations (6) e. Applied anatomy (2)
Prostho- 4.5 Lacs/Year
C. Nerve supply (3) f. Surfaces and borders (4) Pedo-4.5 Lacs/Year
Ans: Heading( Submandibular Gland Perio -3.5 Lacs/Year
Table of Contents Non Clinicals-2 lacs/Year
O Superficial
Nerve supply
Applied anatomy
Surfaces and borders
2. Underline all the important points STATES AT DCI APPROVED COLLEGES
3 Include maximum diagrams and flowcharts in your answers
4Something is better than nothing. better to guess the answer than
leaving it blank
5 If there is time left, review your answers thoroughly UTTAR PRADESH
Best Wishes from
Dentistudy's Nutshel
Prince Peter
Ajai Joy
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