Comparison of Solution of 3x3 System of Linear Equ

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The Bulletin of Society for Mathematical Services and Standards Online: 2012-12-03

ISSN: 2277-8020, Vol. 4, pp 1-4

© 2012 SciPress Ltd., Switzerland

Comparison of solution of 3x3 system of linear equation in terms of

Associate professor in Statistics, G.S.Sci,Arts,Comm. College , Khamgaon 444303

Keywords: Simple Gauss elimination method, Gauss Jordan elimination method.

Abstract: The solution of a linear system is one of the most frequently performed calculations in
computational mathematics. Many numerical methods are involved to solve the system of linear
equations. There are two basic approaches elimination approaches and iterative approaches are used
for the solution. In this paper we describe the comparison of two popular elimination procedure
simple Gauss Elimination and Gauss Jordan elimination method on to the solution of 3 x3 system of
linear equation and find out the cost required to implement this procedures.

1. Introduction
Numerical methods are described to solve the system of linear equations. Every numerical
computation requires a finite amount of time to solve the system of linear equation. Computer
requires much time to work on a problem sometimes time is much more than user’s lifetime. Again
the linear equations may contain more equations hence the solution of such equations can be
performing by using computational mathematics.
We refer cost of a particular method as the number of algebraic equations used in solving
such linear system of equations. If any one method requires more algebraic equations to obtain
solution of the system of linear equations then it is said to be inefficient or expensive compared to
others. As we are doing additions, subtractions, multiplication and division on the system of
equations we should keep in mind that multiplication and division operation are more expensive and
also time consuming compare to addition and subtraction. Since addition and subtraction takes
almost the same amount of time so they are grouped together. In counting operations addition
includes both addition and subtraction operations. Similarly a multiplication includes both
multiplication and division.
There are two basic approaches to solve the system of linear equations
1. Elimination approach
2. Iterative approach.
In this paper we describe two popular elimination procedure simple Gauss elimination
method and Gauss Jordan elimination method and we count the number of algebraic operation
requires to work out with these two procedures.

2. Simple Gauss Elimination Method

Gauss elimination reduces the system of equations to the upper triangular form and then use
reverse substitution to solve. It consists of two phases, forward elimination phase and backward
substitution phase. The upper triangular form for the 3 system of equation in Gauss elimination
method is given as below.

The last equation contains only one equation in one unknown so we can easily get the solution of
that unknown. However if we count the number of basic algebraic operation to express the 3x3
system of linear equation in upper triangular form we get the number of algebraic equations as
follows. We consider a simple numerical example to illustrate this.

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2 Volume 4

Consider a 3x3 system of linear equation

2x – y +3z = 4
4x + 5 y -10 z = 13
We can express the above system of equation in matrix form as follows

Carrying the mathematical operation we can eliminate x1 from the second equation and we
eliminate x1 from the third equations as follows

In order to eliminate x1 from the second equation of the original matrix we have to carry out the
mathematical transformation as r2 - 2 r1 we multiply first, second, third and right hand side element
of the row one by the constant (-2) and added them to the first, second, third and right hand side
element of the row two. This requires 4 multiplication and 4 addition operations.
Hence r2 - 2 r1 counts 4 multiplication and 3 addition operations.
In order to eliminate x1 from the third equation of the original matrix we have to carry out the
mathematical transformation r3 - 4 r1 we multiply the first, second, third and right hand side element
of the row one by the constant (-4) and added them to first, second, third and right hand side
element of the row three. This again requires 4 multiplication and 3 addition operation.
To eliminate x2 from the third equation we have to carry out the mathematical operation r3 + (1\3) r2
to first augmented matrix we have to multiply the second row by the constant (1\3) i.e. we multiply
the second, third, and right hand side element of row two by constant (1\3) requires 3 multiplication
and we are adding them to second, third and right hand side element of row three requires 3
addition operation
Hence r3 + (1\3) r2 count 3 multiplications and 3 addition operation.
Thus the total operation count for forward elimination phase of Gaussian elimination is 11
multiplication 9 addition operations = 20 total operations
Back Substitution Phase
In the back substitution phase we require to compute the value of x3 from equation 3 which
can be done by dividing right hand side element of row 3 by the third element of row 3 requires 1
multiplication. Computation of x2 from the second equation requires 1 addition and 2
multiplications. To estimate the value x1 from the first equation we require 2 multiplications and 2
addition operation.
Hence in the back substitution phase we require 5 multiplication and 3 addition operation. The
complete solution of Gaussian elimination counts 28 algebraic operations.
The Bulletin of Society for Mathematical Services and Standards Vol. 4 3

3. Gauss Jordan Elimination method

Gauss Jordan method also uses the process of elimination like Gauss elimination procedure.
Gauss Jordan method resulting in identity matrix rather than upper triangular matrix so that we can
just directly read the values of x1, x2, x3.
To calculate the cost of Gauss Jordan elimination method we begin by counting the number of
arithmetic operations necessary to convert the coefficient matrix to diagonal matrix. Considering
the last augmented matrix of the Gaussian elimination method as the first matrix in the Gauss
Jordan method.

To eliminate x2 from the first equation we carry out the mathematical operation as
r1 + (1\3)r2 which requires 3 multiplication and 3 addition operation we get the matrix as

To make 1 on to the a33 position we carry out the mathematical operation as r3 which requires
2 multiplication operations. Hence we get matrix form as

To get Zero on to the a23 position we carry the mathematical operation as r2 – r3 operation which
requires 3 addition operations hence we get the matrix form as

To get Zero on to the a13 position we carrying the mathematical operation as r1 – (4\3) r3 which
requires 2 addition 1 multiplication operation.

and finally to make 1 on to the a22 position we carrying the mathematical operation as r2 = r2
we get the final matrix form as

The total counts in the Gauss Jordan method of elimination is therefore 8 multiplication and 8
addition operations
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4. Conclusion
In addition to 28 operations which we have seen in the Gaussian elimination method, Gauss
Jordan elimination method requires 16 more operation to obtain the values of x1, x2, x3. Hence
Gauss Jordan method requires 44 mathematical operations to compute the values whereas Gauss
elimination method requires only 28 operations. Hence considering the number of algebraic
operation Gauss Jordan method is very expensive as compared to the Gauss elimination method.
But though Gauss Jordan method is very expensive in terms of cost if we consider efficiency Gauss
Jordan method is very efficient as compared to Gauss Elimination method of solving system of
linear equation.

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