CPL - 02 01 063
CPL - 02 01 063
CPL - 02 01 063
Cancellations: CPL 02-01-057, Compliance Directive for the Cranes and Derricks in
Construction Standard, Section R § 1926.1427. Operator Qualification and
Certification; 10/17/2014
State Impact: Notice of intent and equivalency required. See paragraph VII.
Douglas L. Parker
Assistant Secretary
Executive Summary
The crane standard that the new rule replaced, 29 CFR 1926.550, contained general safety
requirements in its regulatory text and incorporated by reference numerous equipment-specific
requirements of several consensus standards. The organization of the new crane standard is
complex because the majority of the equipment-specific requirements that were once
incorporated from other documents are now explicit requirements in the regulatory text,
minimizing the employer’s need to reference other documents for those requirements. This
directive provides supplemental guidance regarding the enforcement of the new crane standard.
Significant Changes
This version of the compliance directive replaces “R. Operator Certification from CPL 02-01-
057” with “R. Operator Training, Certification, and Evaluation.” The new section includes
inspection guidance and citation policy that reflects changes to 29 CFR 1926 Subpart CC—
Cranes and Derricks in Construction that were made in the final rule, Cranes and Derricks in
Construction: Operator Qualification, 83 FR 56198.
I. Purpose.................................................................................................................................1
II. Scope 1
III. References ............................................................................................................................1
IV. Cancellations ........................................................................................................................1
V. Action Offices ......................................................................................................................1
VI. Action ..................................................................................................................................1
VII. Federal Program Change......................................................................................................1
VIII. Key Elements of an Abbreviated Compliance Inspection of a Construction
Worksite on which there is a Crane ....................................................................................2
IX. Inspection guidance and Citation Policies ...........................................................................4
X. Appendices ........................................................................................................................ A1
I. Purpose. This compliance directive is intended to serve as a standard-specific reference
for OSHA Compliance Officers regarding the application of Subpart CC of 29 CFR Part
1926, providing supplemental compliance inspection guidance and recommended citation
policies for complex requirements.
III. References.
A. 29 CFR Part 1926, Subpart H—Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal
IV. Cancellations.
None. This is the first compliance directive issued regarding to the application of Subpart
V. Action Offices.
VI. Action.
Regional Administrators and Area Directors shall ensure that Compliance Officers who
must inspect worksites on which there are cranes are familiar with and follow the
inspection guidance provided in this compliance directive.
Notice of Intent and Equivalency required. This Instruction describes a Federal program
change which provides guidance to compliance personnel on performing inspections
where equipment covered by Subpart CC of 29 CFR Part 1926 is present on a
construction worksite. OSHA published a revised standard on Subpart CC Cranes and
Derricks in Construction on August 9, 2010, with an effective date of November 8, 2010.
States with OSHA-approved state plans were required to adopt standards at least as
effective as these revisions within 6 months of federal promulgation. States must
implement enforcement policies and procedures for their Cranes and Derricks standards
which are at least as effective as those in this Instruction.
States are required to notify OSHA within 60 days whether they intend to adopt policies
and procedures identical to those in this Instruction or adopt or maintain different policies
and procedures. If a state adopts or maintains policies and procedures that differ from
Federal policies and procedures, the State must identify the differences and may either
post its new or existing policies and procedures on its website and provide the link to
OSHA or submit an electronic copy to OSHA with information on how the public may
obtain a copy. If a state adopts identical policies and procedures, the State must provide
the date of adoption to OSHA. State adoption must be accomplished within 6 months,
with posting or submission of documentation within 60 days of adoption. OSHA will post
summary information on the state plan responses to this Instruction on its website.
A. Overview.
At a minimum, the following items should be considered for any abbreviated compliance
inspection of a worksite on which there is a crane. This information can serve as the basis
for development of related inspection checklists. However, whenever a fatality
investigation, complaint/referral inspection is conducted, or when hazardous conditions
on the worksite warrant, the Compliance Officer maintains the discretion to expand the
scope of the inspection to include all other applicable requirements of the crane standard.
In addition, the Inspection Guidance and Citation Policy section of this compliance
directive must be referenced for more requirement-specific guidance.
1. Determine the adequacy of ground conditions beneath the equipment set-up area
such as the support/foundation, matting, cribbing, blocking, etc.
3. When overhead power lines are on the construction site, ask if the utility
owner/operator was contacted and if the lines are energized. Obtain the voltage of
the power lines (if known). Verify whether a work zone around the crane was
demarcated and what encroachment prevention steps are being used.
5. Verify that the communication system being used by the crane operator and the
signal person is the one specified on the signal person’s qualification
6. If lift plans are being used, verify that they are being followed.
9. Inspect all rigging equipment that is available for workers to use (slings, chokers,
shackles, etc.) for damage, wear, safe working load tags, capacity, and safety
10. Verify that load chart and operations’ manuals are available, written in a language
that the operator understands (specified on the operator’s certification), and that
the information is applicable to the particular crane. Ask the operator or employer
where the documents are kept. For example, see if the serial number on the load
chart matches that of the crane. Typically, the serial number is found on the
nameplate in the cab and on the front cover of the manual.
11. Verify operator qualifications and training. Observe crane operations and
interview both the employer and the operator to determine whether the operator is
competent to operate the equipment safely.
12. Verify that the equipment and wire rope inspection requirements have been met
and that the documentation is available for all inspections of the equipment.
Identify who did the inspection and verify that inspector’s qualifications.
13. Determine, through interview and observation, if safety devices and operational
aids are functioning through interview or observation. For example, it is possible
that employees can be doing other things to compensate for aids and devices that
are not functioning properly. For operational aids that are not functioning and
have not been repaired, determine whether parts are on order. If parts have been
received, document the date of order and/or receipt.
14. Visually inspect the hoisting equipment, components, and load line for visible
deficiencies. If needed, use binoculars to examine ropes that cannot be inspected
closely from a safe position.
15. Ask what loads have been lifted and how the operator and/or rigger are
determining the weight of the load. For example, are they using a bill of lading or
marked weight, the load moment indicator, or crane scale? Verify that the weight
of the load(s) was within the capacity of the equipment or below 75% of capacity
if a load moment indicator was used.
b. Whenever workers are within the fall zone and hooking, unhooking, guiding a
load, or making the initial connection of a load to a component or structure, as
per § 1926.1425(c).
17. When A/D is being performed, ask who the A/D director is and verify whether
this person is at the worksite. This could be one person or a competent person
who is assisted by one or more qualified persons.
18. If there are mechanics and/or oilers working on or near the equipment:
b. Ask how they are communicating with the operator when the equipment is
being operated.
c. Verify that they are being protected in hazard areas in accord with
§§ 1926.1404(e) and .1424(a).
19. If fall protection is being used, inspect personal fall arrest systems for compliance
with Subpart M at § 1926.502(d). Note that the anchorage requirements at
§ 1926.502(d)(15) do not apply; the applicable anchorage requirements are at
§ 1926.1423(g). The requirements for boom walkways, handrails, steps, ladders,
and railings, etc., are in §§ 1926.1423(b) and (c).
Employee/Employer Interviews
Qualified Individuals
his or her relevant experience with the equipment at the site or similar sites,
his or her qualifications to perform the activity or make the required determination,
the extent and duration of his or her crane-related experience, and
any certificates, degrees, or other supporting documents related to the subject matter.
Tasks Required to be Performed by an Individual
In addition, several sections of the crane standard specify that safety-related tasks be
performed by particular individuals, like a signal person, A/D director, lift director,
equipment inspector, operator, registered professional engineer, or qualified rigger. Some
of these provisions work in tandem with § 1926.1400(f) to mandate that the employer
ensure that required tasks are performed by these specific individuals.
Requesting Documentation
As a general practice, make note of any documentation provided by the employer during
the inspection, such as inspection records, equipment operation manuals, employee
certifications, employer-developed procedures, and modification approvals. If possible,
obtain copies of such information.
A. § 1926.1400. Scope.
Subpart CC applies to power-operated equipment, when used in construction, that can
hoist, lower, and horizontally move a suspended load. In addition to the general
functional description of what the standard covers, the scope section lists examples of
the types of equipment covered by the standard. This dual approach (functional
description plus non-exclusive list of examples) is designed to accommodate
anticipated changes in technology for power-operated hoisting equipment.
Compliance Officers can find illustrations of different types of cranes in the ASME
B30 series available on the O: drive at:
O:\Region 3\FEDERAL\PITTSBURGH\B30 Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks,
Slings, etc.
Note that these are copyrighted standards and should not be used in public
[Reminder: “crane” in this directive refers to cranes, derricks, and all other equipment
covered by the standard.]
Such equipment includes, but is not limited to: articulating cranes (such as
knuckle-boom cranes); crawler cranes; floating cranes; cranes on barges;
locomotive cranes; mobile cranes (such as wheel-mounted, rough-terrain, all-
terrain, commercial truck-mounted, and boom truck cranes); multi-purpose
machines when configured to hoist and lower (by means of a winch or hook) and
horizontally move a suspended load; industrial cranes (such as carry-deck cranes);
dedicated pile drivers; service/mechanic trucks with hoisting devices; cranes on
monorails; tower cranes such as fixed-jib (e.g.,“hammerhead boom”) cranes,
luffing boom cranes, and self-erecting cranes; pedestal cranes; portal cranes;
overhead and gantry cranes; straddle cranes; sideboom cranes; derricks; and
variations of such equipment.
Inspection Guidance
2. § 1926.1400(b). Attachments.
Equipment is also covered by this standard when used with the attachments listed
in § 1926.1400(b) regardless of whether they are crane-attached or suspended.
Such attachments include, but are not limited to, hooks, magnets, grapples,
clamshell buckets, orange peel buckets, concrete buckets, drag lines, personnel
platforms, augers, or drills and pile driving equipment.
3. § 1926.1400(c). Exclusions.
and Tow
§ 1926.1400(c)(4) Digger When used in electric 29 CFR 1926.950,
Derricks power generation, Power Transmission
transmission, and and Distribution
distribution work.
§ 1926.1400(c)(8) Powered When not equipped with 29 CFR 1926.600,
Industrial a boom and hoist. (see Motor Vehicles,
Trucks guidance available on the Mechanized
(Forklifts) OSHA Cranes and Equipment, and
Derricks page of Marine Operations
§ 1926.1400(c)(9) Mechanic’s When used in activities Not covered by
truck with a related to equipment 29 CFR Part 1926
hoisting maintenance and repair.
§ 1926.1400(c)(12) Gin Poles When used for erection (5)(a) [ANSI TIA-
of communication towers 1019-A]
§ 1926.1400(c)(13) Equipment When used in tree Not covered by
meeting the trimming and removal 29 CFR Part 1926
functional work
or equipment
§ 1926.1400(c)(14) A vessel or When used for anchor 29 CFR 1926.600,
barge using handling or dredge- Motor Vehicles,
an affixed A- related operations Mechanized
frame. Equipment, and
Maritime Operations
§ 1926.1400(c)(17) Articulating/ When used to deliver 29 CFR 1926.600,
knuckle- building supply sheet Motor Vehicles,
boom truck goods and packaged Mechanized
cranes materials, the fork/cradle Equipment, and
is used; and the crane is Maritime Operations
equipped with a
functioning automatic,
device; to qualify for this
exclusion, the goods or
materials cannot be a
prefabricated piece or
arranged in a particular
Equipment Explicitly Excluded from Subpart CC
Section Equipment Applicable standard when Not
Covered by Subpart CC:
§ 1926.1400(c)(2) Power shovels, 29 CFR 1926.600, Motor Vehicles,
excavators, wheel Mechanized Equipment, and
loaders, backhoes, Maritime Operations
loader backhoes, and
track loaders
§ 1926.1400(c)(5) Machinery originally 29 CFR 1926.453, Aerial Lifts
designed as vehicle-
mounted aerial
devices and self-
propelled elevating
work platforms
§ 1926.1400(c)(6) Telescoping/hydraulic 29 CFR 1926.600, Motor Vehicles,
gantry systems Mechanized Equipment, and
Maritime Operations
§ 1926.1400(c)(7) Stacker Cranes 29 CFR 1926.600, Motor Vehicles,
Mechanized Equipment, and
Maritime Operations
§ 1926.1400(c)(10) Machinery that hoists 29 CFR 1926.554, Overhead Hoists
using a chainfall or
§ 1926.1400(c)(11) Dedicated drill rigs 29 CFR 1926.600, Motor Vehicles,
Mechanized Equipment, and
Maritime Operations
§ 1926.1400(c)(15) Roustabout 29 CFR 1926.554, Overhead Hoists
§ 1926.1400(c)(16) Helicopter Cranes 29 CFR 1926.551, Helicopters
Subpart CC - Scope
General Definition: Power- Not Covered Covered
operated equipment, when used Used with or
in construction, that can hoist, without
lower and horizontally move a
§ 1926.1400(b)
suspended load. Illustrative
examples listed in §
Powered industrial
trucks (forklifts)
with attachments Configured to hoist and
lower (by means of a
Mechanic's truck with a boom and hoist) and
hoisting device when horizontally move a
used in activities related suspended load
to equipment
maintenance and repair.
4. § 1926.1400(c)(4). Digger Derricks.
In the 2010 Final Rule for Subpart CC, OSHA exempted digger derricks when
used for augering holes for poles carrying electric or telecommunication lines,
placing and removing the poles, and handling associated materials to be installed
or removed from the poles. In a subsequent rulemaking, OSHA expanded this
exemption to also include digger derricks when used for any work subject to
Subpart V of 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart V. Any citations considered under these
circumstances must be issued under Subpart V and not under Subpart CC. [78 FR
The proposed change would exclude forklifts from coverage under the
standard unless they are equipped with a boom and a hoist and used like a
crane. OSHA believes that this amendment would ensure that the forklift
exclusion aligns with OSHA’s original intent when it issued the standard.
Therefore, any forklift that lifts with a boom (including the boom of the
forklift itself) and a hoist would be covered by requirements of the cranes a
derricks standard. For example, a variable-reach forklift would also be
covered by the cranes standard if it is configured with a hoist and used like a
crane. Otherwise, this forklift would continue to be covered by Subpart O of
29 CFR Part 1926, Motor Vehicles, Mechanized Equipment, and Marine
c. For more enforcement guidance regarding the use of forklifts with
attachments for hoisting suspended loads, review information accessible from
the OSHA Cranes and Derricks webpage of www.osha.gov/cranes-
derricks/faq.html or consult the Regional Construction Coordinator.
Regarding the coverage of dedicated pile drivers by the crane standard, the
preamble from the proposed rule explains:
Citation Policy
a. In general, delivery of equipment from the flatbed of a truck to the ground, not
positioning or arranging in a sequence for further hoisting, is not considered a
construction activity. The partial exclusion of articulating/knuckle-boom truck
cranes from the requirements of the crane standard is explained in detail in the
preamble to the final rule and information accessible from the OSHA Cranes
and Derricks webpage of www.osha.gov/cranes-derricks/faq.html.
Material Delivery
Articulating/Knuckle-boom truck cranes Not Covered Covered
8. § 1926.1400(e). Controlling Entities.
Citation Policy
This section requires the employer to ensure, via effective communication and
enforcement of work rules, that an operator, crew member, or other employee
performs the tasks specified for her or him by Subpart CC. Section 1926.1400(f)
is included to emphasize that, even when other provisions of Subpart CC do not
explicitly include language like “the employer must” or “the employer shall
ensure,” the employer is still responsible for ensuring that the requirements of
Subpart CC are met.
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
a. Observe the hoisting operation and document when work is being done on
power lines, transformers, or related equipment. Subpart V work typically
involves work performed on equipment that is owned and operated by a
utility. Under these conditions, the equipment must be operated by or under
the direction of (for operator in training) individuals who are qualified to
perform such work.
Citation Policy
d. § 1926.1400(h). When the tracks beneath the equipment are not regulated by
the FRA, consider citations for violations of applicable requirements of
§ 1926.1402. (See discussion of citation policy for § 1926.1402, Ground
Conditions, of this compliance directive for applicable requirements).
Paragraph (c) requires the controlling entity to provide for ground conditions that
meet the requirements of § 1926.1402(b). Paragraph (c) also requires the controlling
entity to inform the equipment operator of potential hazards beneath the equipment
set-up area if said hazards are identified by information in the controlling entity’s
possession. In the absence of a controlling entity, under paragraph (d), the obligation
to provide adequate ground conditions falls on the employer that has authority at the
site to make or arrange for ground preparations.
Inspection Guidance
a. Visually inspect the area around the equipment and note any conditions that
could contribute to an unstable foundation, such as:
ground that appears soft, such as loose fill that has not been compacted;
signs of utilities buried beneath the equipment, which may indicate voids
underneath the equipment;
excessive liquid or leaking hydraulic lines that could soften the foundation
beneath outriggers/stabilizers or other equipment supports;
lack of drainage from the set-up area so that rain may compromise the
equipment’s support.
b. Determine the degree of level of the equipment. The degree of level should be
measured as close to the turntable as possible. If out of level, ground
conditions may be inadequate to support the weight of the equipment.
c. Interview the operator, lift director, or competent person who inspected the
equipment to determine:
e. Obtain the weight of the equipment and the dimensions of the outriggers to
compare the load of the equipment at the outrigger pads to the bearing
capacity of the soil, when available.
Citation Policy
f. § 1926.1402(b). When the equipment has been assembled and used before the
requirements of § 1926.1402(b) have been met, consider a citation of this
2. § 1926.1402(c). When there is a controlling entity on the project, this entity must
arrange for preparations to ensure adequate ground conditions beneath the A/D or
set-up area underneath the equipment.
Inspection Guidance
a. Interview the controlling entity, the employer, operator, and lift director to
determine which one:
has the authority to make decisions and implement changes for ground
preparations before the equipment is assembled and used;
Citation Policy
c. § 1926.1402(c). When there is a controlling entity for the project and the
requirements of § 1926.1402(b) have not been met, consider citations for
violations of the applicable requirements of § 1926.1402(c). If a citation is
issued, it should be to the controlling entity and grouped with a citation of
§ 1926.1402(b).
Inspection Guidance
a. Use facts from interviews to determine which employer has the authority to
arrange for ground preparations and if that employer has made those
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
b. The inability of the operator, employer, A/D director, or the competent person
who inspected the equipment to describe how he or she determined that the
equipment was level may indicate that determinations regarding ground
conditions may not have been made at all. It may also indicate that no
discussion with the controlling entity occurred.
Citation Policy
5. § 1926.1402(f). The ground condition requirements of § 1926.1402 do not apply
to cranes designed for and used on railroad tracks regulated by the Federal
Railway Administration (FRA).
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy
C. §§ 1926.1403-.1406. Assembly/Disassembly.
Assembly/disassembly (A/D): the assembly and/or disassembly of equipment covered under this
standard. With regard to tower cranes, “erecting and climbing” replaces “assembly” and
“dismantling” replaces “disassembly.” Regardless of whether the crane is initially erected to its
full height or is climbed in stages, the process of increasing the height of the crane is an erection
All assembly and disassembly operations must comply with either the procedures specified by the
manufacturer or procedures developed by the employer that meet the criteria listed in Section
1406. Under either alternative, they must comply with all manufacturer prohibitions.
These sections of Subpart CC set forth the requirements that must be met when the
equipment is being assembled or disassembled (A/D). A/D work that occurs in the
vicinity of power lines are discussed in the section covering § 1926.1407 in this
compliance directive because it more closely relates to the provisions that address
hazards related to power lines.
Equipment Set-up
The provisions of §§ 1926.1403 - 1926.1406 do not apply to equipment set-up. Set-up consists of
procedures conducted to deploy an assembled crane. For example, if the equipment operator
merely unfolds and pins the boom of a fully assembled truck crane, it would be inappropriate to
apply A/D requirements. Another example of typical set-up operations is the deploying of
outriggers and leveling the equipment. Note that Subpart CC does have some requirements for
set-up, such as § 1926.1402(c)(2), requiring that the user be informed of hazards beneath the set-
up area, and § 1926.1431(c), requiring level ground conditions and use of any outriggers and/or
Inspection Guidance
How did she or he learn of the procedures?
What are the hazards addressed by the A/D procedures?
Based on the criteria listed under § 1926.1406, how are hazards specified
addressed by the employer-developed A/D procedures?
Are there any A/D hazards that are particular to the equipment being
assembled or disassembled?
During the A/D operation, have there been any changes in A/D procedures
or site conditions?
If the A/D procedures were revised, how were the changes
The information obtained from these interviews can also be used to verify
whether employer-developed A/D procedures meet the requirements of
§ 1926.1406.
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
If more than one individual has been assigned A/D roles, who is the
competent and/or qualified person?
Who determined that the A/D director(s) were qualified and/or competent
to be the A/D director(s)?
What qualifications of that individual(s) are relevant to A/D work?
If the A/D director is not on site, how is she or he effectively ensuring
compliance with Subpart CC of 29 CFR Part 1926?
If more than one individual has A/D responsibilities on the site, verify
how their duties are divided or shared to ensure that the requirements of
Subpart CC are met?
Citation Policy
b. When A/D was not supervised by an A/D director in accord with the
requirements of § 1926.1404(a), consider a citation of § 1926.1404(a)(1) or
4. § 1926.1404(b). The A/D Director’s Knowledge of Procedures.
The A/D director must understand the applicable assembly/disassembly
Inspection Guidance
b. § 1926.1404(b). When A/D was directed by an A/D director who did not
understand or did not know the applicable A/D procedures, consider a citation
for of § 1926.1404(b).
Note: An A/D director may be qualified/competent but still not meet the
requirements of § 1926.1404(b) for a particular piece of equipment.
Similarly, the individual may not be qualified/competent but still may be
knowledgeable of the applicable A/D procedures. Therefore, non-compliance
with § 1926.1404(a) or (b) can occur independently of one another and should
be considered and cited as such.
Inspection Guidance
a. In instances when the A/D director fails to demonstrate his or her knowledge
of A/D procedures , use facts obtained from interviews and collection of
information discussed above for the application of §§ 1926.1403 and .1404(b)
to determine when an A/D director should have reviewed procedures and if
that review was in fact conducted. See Inspection Guidance above for the
application of § 1926.1404(b).
Citation Policy
b. § 1926.1404(c). When it has been determined that the A/D director did not
understand the A/D procedures and a review of the procedures was not done
by the A/D director prior to the commencement of A/D work, consider a
citation of § 1926.1404(c).
6. § 1926.1404(d). Crew Instructions.
Before the commencement of A/D work, the A/D director must ensure that crew
members are trained to understand all of the information specified by
§ 1926.1404(d).
Inspection Guidance
a. When possible, observe the crew members’ performance of the A/D operation
to determine whether employees understand their roles and perform the work
b. Ask the A/D crew members to describe:
The hazard that was addressed by the communication with the operator
and/or signal person if he or she were to move to a hazardous location on
or around the equipment that was out of the view of the operator.
Whether employees should be underneath the boom when it is being
moved or its pins removed.
c. The depth of the knowledge needed to perform the A/D job safely depends
upon what tasks individuals are assigned to perform. The A/D director and
employer should be interviewed to determine when and what training was
provided to the crew members.
d. Interview the A/D supervisor and ask them to describe how they verified that
the crew members understood their responsibilities and the hazards associated
with A/D work.
Citation Policy
e. § 1926.1404(d). When crew members did not understand their duties prior to
commencing A/D operations, consider a citation of § 1926.1404(d). Group
this citation with § 1926.1400(f).
7. § 1926.1404(e). A/D Crew Member Out of View of Operator.
The employer must ensure that crew members comply with the requirements of
§ 19126.1404(e) when they are in hazardous areas on or around the equipment
that are out of view of the operator.
Inspection Guidance
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
g. § 1926.1404(g) through (q). Unless specified otherwise below, when
applicable requirements of § 1926.1404(g) through (q) have not be met,
consider a citation of the specific provisions violated.
h. § 1926.1404(h). When issuing a citation for failure to address one of the
hazards listed in § 1926.1404(h)(1) through § 1926.1404(h)(12), group each
item with § 1926.1400(f).
i. § 1926.1404(h)(4). When the loads imposed on an assist crane were not
verified in accord with § 1926.1417(o)(3) before A/D work began, consider a
citation of § 1926.1404(h)(4), grouped with a citation for the specific
provision(s) of § 1926.1417(o)(3) violated.
j. § 1926.1404(m)(1)(ii). Section 1926.1404(m)(1)(ii) shall not be cited because
it addresses only requirements of § 1926.1434 that must be met during A/D
work. When modifications of the equipment have been identified during an
OSHA compliance inspection that occurs during the performance of A/D work,
refer to the discussion of the citation policy for § 1926.1434, Equipment
Modification, of this compliance directive.
k. § 1926.1404(q)(5)(i). When the requirements of § 1926.1404(h)(2) and (h)(3)
have not been met, consider a citation of § 1926.1404(q)(5)(i) grouped with
each citation for the specific provision(s) of § 1926.1404(q)(h)(2) or (h)(3)
violated. The citation of § 1926.1404(q)(5)(i) identifies that the inadequate
blocking was particular to the support of outriggers during A/D work.
10. § 1926.1404(r). Rigging.
During the performance of A/D work, employers must ensure that the
requirements of § 1926.1404(r) are met regarding rigging of loads.
Inspection Guidance
a. All rigging required during the performance of A/D work must be performed
by a qualified rigger. Ask the employer to describe how the determination was
made that the rigger was qualified to perform the rigging necessary for the
particular A/D job.
b. Interview the rigger to verify her or his qualifications. Information obtained
from the rigger’s responses to the following questions may be relevant to their
qualifications and knowledge of rigging:
How long have you been rigging loads?
What is the nature of your training? When and where were you trained?
Have you received any certifications for rigging?
Describe your prior work experiences with the type of rigging job being
performed, as well as any related training.
How do you calculate the weight of the load and verify that it is within the
crane’s maximum capacity in the configuration that the crane will be
How do you determine the safe working capacity of the rigging, including
all components?
How do you determine that rigging equipment, such as slings and shackles
are compatible?
Describe an inspection of the rigging equipment?
How do you ensure that the load will stay in control and that it is rigged to
prevent displacement or unintended movement?
Describe potential hazards of the rigging methods used under that
worksite’s conditions, such as weather, and how those hazards have been
Were any synthetic slings used for rigging on this job and if so, for what
When do you determine when measures must be taken to prevent any
potential damage to the rigging during the lift? For example, when
softeners are needed for nylons slings or when padding is needed on edges
of load?
Employers must determine whether a person is qualified to perform specific rigging tasks. Each qualified
rigger may have different credentials or experience. A qualified rigger is a person that:
• can successfully demonstrate the ability to solve problems related to rigging loads.
The person designated as the qualified rigger must have the ability to properly rig the load for a particular
job. It does not mean that a rigger must be qualified to do every type of rigging job. Each load that requires
rigging has unique properties that can range from the simple to the complex. For example, a rigger may
have extensive experience in rigging structural components and other equipment to support specific
construction activities. Such experience may have been gained over many years. However, this experience
does not automatically qualify the rigger to rig unstable, unusually heavy, or eccentric loads that may
require a tandem lift, multiple-lifts, or use of custom rigging equipment. In essence, employers must make
sure that the person has the qualifications needed for the exact types of loads and lifts for a particular job
and with the equipment and rigging that will be used for that job.
c. Review any available instructions on site from the manufacturer of any
synthetic slings used, observe hoisting operations, and visually inspect any
synthetic slings on site to ensure that they are being used properly, are in good
condition, and have not been distorted, cut, or damaged by abrasive materials
during hoisting operations.
Use this information and interview evidence as described above for
§§ 1926.1403 and 1926.1404(a) through (q) to identify who the qualified rigger
is, her or his qualifications, and to verify that synthetic slings were used in
accord with the manufacturer’s recommendations, instructions, specifications,
and limitations.
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
a. When possible, observe the A/D operation and visually inspect the boom and
jib being assembled to verify that the requirements of § 1926.1405 have been
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
a. Use facts from interviews and collection of information discussed above for
§ 1926.1403(b) to verify that the employer’s A/D plan meets the criteria in
§ 1926.1406.
b. To determine if the employer can demonstrate that its A/D plan meets the
requirements of § 1926.1406, the employer and A/D director should be asked
to describe how unintended dangerous movement of the equipment and
potential collapse of parts have been addressed by requirements of the
employer’s A/D plan. Also, the employer should be asked to demonstrate
where protective measures have been implemented and/or what work
practices are used to address the hazards identified in § 1926.1406.
Citation Policy
The purpose of the power line safety provisions are to keep cranes (including cab,
boom, and wires and cables, and load) away from power lines. Distance from the
power lines is the primary source of safety, since many lines are not insulated. Cranes
must be kept farther away from power lines with higher voltages, since the higher the
voltage, the longer the distance a power source can arc to ground (here, via the crane).
Table A in the standard, found in 1926.1408, lists safe distances across several ranges
of voltages. Most residential power lines are below 50 kV (kilovolts); so, the closest a
crane can get to a neighborhood power line is normally 10 feet, either for
assembly/disassembly (A/D) or operations. However, operations closer than Table A
distance are permitted so long as provisions of 1926.1410 are followed. A/D closer to
energized power lines than Table A distance is never permitted.
None of the provisions of work near power lines apply to work performed under
Subpart V, Power Transmission and Distribution, which is work on power lines.
If a crane does contact the power line or become energized, employers should consult
any applicable manufacturer’s recommendations prior to returning the crane to
service. Such an event may require additional inspections if the manufacturer so
recommends, and such inspections would be mandatory under § 1926.1412(j).
1. §§ 1926.1407-.1411. Training.
Sections 1926.1408(g), 1926.1409, and 1926.1410(m) all require that the
employer meet the operator and crew member training requirements of
§ 1926.1408(g). However, these training requirements are not duplicated or
referenced for the application of §§ 1926.1407 and 1926.1411.
A/D operations must be performed closer to power lines than required clearance
The equipment operator, a dedicated spotter (if needed), and any other competent
person needed to make determinations required by § 1926.1411 must be trained as
required by other sections of Subpart CC. In addition to other applicable
requirements of Subpart CC, the employer’s compliance with operator
certification/qualification requirements of § 1926.1427, the dedicated spotter
training requirements of § 1926.1430(b), and for competent persons, the
definition in § 1926.1401, would be sufficient when the equipment is driven under
a power line with no load.
Inspection Guidance
a. Observe equipment operations for indications that employees may not have
been trained to perform their duties safely and interview individuals including
the employer, operator, and crew members to verify that they have been
trained in accordance with § 1926.1408(g) (all of the training requirements of
§ 1926.1408(g) also apply to §§ 1926.1409 and 1926.1410(m)).
b. To verify training through interviews, the operator and/or crew member can
be quoted elements of § 1926.1408(g)’s training requirements and asked to
discuss those elements and any training they received.
For example, the operator can be asked to describe the safest means for
evacuating equipment that has been energized from contact with a power line.
The crew members can be asked to describe how contact with the power lines
is being prevented on the worksite. Both can be asked to describe the hazards
that most affect crew members around the equipment or those who handle the
load in the event the equipment contacts a power line. These types of
questions can help determine if the individuals interviewed have been trained
on the topics specified by § 1926.1408(g).
c. Also, if available, request and review copies of training materials and any
records of training conducted by the employer.
Citation Policy
d. § 1926.1407. When an operator or crew member was not trained to, but was
performing, A/D work closer to a power line than required clearance distances
allow, consider citations for violations of applicable training provisions in
other sections of Subpart CC based on the role performed by the employee.
For example, consider citing § 1926.1404(d)(1)(ii) for crew members who
were not trained to understand the hazard of removing or not doing an
encroachment protection measure required by § 1926.1407(b). In such a case
the AVD of the citation should describe the hazard and provision of §
1926.1407(b) that the person was not trained to understand.
e. When an operator or crew member assigned to work with the equipment was
not provided training or training that included all of the subject matter
specified in § 1926.1408(g):
f. § 1926.1411. When an operator or crew member was not provided training that
covered the hazards associated with their tasks related to the equipment
traveling underneath an energized power line with no load, consider citations
for violations of applicable training provisions in other sections of Subpart CC
based on the role performed by the employee.
A citation can also be considered for a violation of § 1926.1430(b) when the
dedicated spotter was not trained as a signal person as the definition of
dedicated spotter specifies.
Inspection Guidance
Conduct a planning meeting with the A/D director, operator, A/D crew,
and other workers in the area [(b)(1)];
Use only non-conductive tag lines [(b)(2)]; and
At least one of following measures [(b)(3)]:
- Spotter;
- An elevated warning line.
“Elevated” means visible to the operator such that he or she can accurately gauge whether the load
and equipment is an appropriate distance from the power line. Typically, this will mean at least 2/3
the height of the power line.
- Proximity alarm
Note: The standard requires that proximity alarms be “NRTL approved.
When used to meet the requirements of § 1926.1407(b)(3), a proximity alarm must have been
approved by a Nationally Recognized Testing Lab (NRTL). To date, no proximity alarm meets
the NRTL requirements. Additionally, at this time, no NRTL is recognized by the Agency to
perform the required testing to list, label or accept either type device. Proximity alarms which do
not meet the NRTL requirements continue to be available, as they have for decades. These
versions have not been "...listed, labeled or accepted by a Nationally Recognized Testing
Laboratory." OSHA does not anticipate proximity alarms which meet the NRTL requirements to
be available in the near future.
Because no current proximity alarms meet the NRTL requirements, employers may not rely
solely on proximity alarms to comply with the requirements of the cranes standard. However, an
employer may use a crane/derrick in construction with a proximity alarm in conjunction with
another appropriate "measure" from §§ 1926.1407(b)(3) such as a "dedicated spotter" or "range
control warning device." This includes situations where voltages are over 350kV as referenced in
§ 1926.1409.
Inspection Guidance
b. § 1926.1407(a)(2). If A/D work was performed closer than 20 feet (following
Option 2) to an energized power line of up to 350 kV, or if a requirement of
§ 1926.1407(b) was not met, consider citations for a violation of
§ 1926.1407(a)(2). If a particular provision of (b) was violated, include a
description of it in the AVD.
c. § 1926.1407(a)(3). If a requirement of § 1926.1407(b) was not met (for
Option 3), consider citations for a violation of § 1926.1407(a)(3). If a
particular provision of (b) was violated, include a description of it in the
AVD. Also consider citing this paragraph if the employer did not determine
the voltage of the line.
d. § 1926.1407 (d). If A/D was performed closer to a power line than table A
distance, consider a citation of § 1926.1407(d). Also consider citing (d) if the
crane was reported to have contacted a power line or become energized, and
evaluate whether the provisions of (b) were followed.
e. § 1926.1407 (g). One electrocution hazard warning must be posted inside the
crane cab within view of the operator and at least two posted on the outside of
the crane (equipment). If any of these signs are not posted, consider a citation
for § 1926.1407(g).
5. § 1926.1408. Operations of Equipment Near Power Lines Up to 350 kV
Work zone: the entire area in which the equipment will be operated. If the equipment is
moved or its configuration changed, the employer must re-assess the work zone and the
proximity of power lines. If the equipment will be located in more than one location, the
work zone will need to include a maximum-working-radius circle at each location.
Maximum working radius: the maximum possible length of the boom (and attached jib, if
applicable) that can be extended (post-assembly) during equipment operations. In other
words, it is the maximum distance the boom could be extended for a fully assembled
crane/derrick with or without a load. At a minimum, demarcated boundaries are required if a
power line is located anywhere within 20 feet of the maximum working radius of the crane.
In general, the working radius of the equipment is calculated based on the boom angle and
the length of the boom. However, when a load is suspended from the boom, the distance
from the load line to the edge of the load must be included as well.
Before beginning crane operations, the employer must define the boundaries of
the work zone. There are two alternatives to defining a work zone: (1) with flags,
a device such as a range limiting device, a range control warning device, or other
method of signaling the work zone to the crane operator; or (2) the work zone
may also be defined as the entire maximum working radius of the crane, all
around the crane (360 degree swing).
If the work zone is defined as in the first alternative above, the employer must
prohibit the operator from operating the equipment past the boundaries.
However, if the boom is kept within the work zone at less than its maximum
radius, the employer does not have to follow the (b) encroachment precautions
(see diagram and example excerpted from an interpretation letter to Walter B.
Tucker [3/29/2012], below).
Once a work zone is defined, the employer must determine whether any part of
the equipment or load, while working within the work zone up to the crane’s
maximum working radius, could come within 20 feet of power lines. If it could,
then the employer must implement Option 1, Option 2, or Option 3 under
§ 1926.1408(a)(2). The options are described below.
If the demarcated boundary line is located at least the minimum clearance distance from the power
line, the operator must be aware that no part of the equipment or load may go past the demarcated
boundary line of flags, and can judge the position of the equipment with respect to the demarcated
boundary line, then §1408(a)(2) is satisfied and no further precautions are needed.
Example 1: Flags demarcate work zone. Within the work zone, the crane cannot reach
within 20 feet of the power lines.
However, based on the interpretation of work zones, the following scenario and
similar scenarios are also considered to be in compliance with the crane standard.
Example 2: Here the crane is capable of reaching within 20 feet of the power lines,
yet the flags define a smaller work zone. Where the operator can see the boundary
and understands not to extend beyond the work zone, the employer is in compliance
with the standard and need not implement one of the three options.
Inspection Guidance
a. The employer’s compliance with many of the power line requirements can be
confirmed by observing the operation of the equipment during hoisting or A/D
operations. Videos and/or photos (video is recommended) should be taken of
the equipment in operation next to the power lines to confirm the boom angle,
boom length, and section extensions of a hydraulic boom. Also document:
Where barriers, elevated warning lines, flags, warning signs and any other
markers have been erected.
Citation Policy
c. § 1926.1408(a)(1). There is no requirement that the employer’s identification
of the work zone be written or kept as a record. Thus, this provision will likely
only be cited if the employer acknowledges, in response to a question from a
Compliance Officer, that he or she did not identify a work zone. If that is the
case, consider citing § 1926.1408(a)(1).
d. § 1926.1408(a)(2). There is no requirement that the 20-foot determination in
§ 1926.1408(a)(2) be written or kept as a record. Thus, this provision will
likely only be cited if the crane comes within 20 feet and the employer
acknowledges, in response to a question from a Compliance Officer, that he or
she did not make an assessment of how close the crane or its parts could come
to power lines at the work site. If that is the case, consider citing
§ 1926.1408(a)(2).
6. § 1926.1408(a)(2). Operations that could come within 20 feet of power lines.
Power lines: electric transmission and distribution lines, including “drops,” or service
lines, to houses or businesses.
Only an individual who is qualified with regard to power distribution and transmission
equipment can determine when a line is deenergized and, especially, properly grounded.
If the crane, when used at its maximum working radius in the work zone, may
come within 20 feet of a power line, then the employer must implement Option 1,
Option 2, or Option 3 under § 1926.1408(a)(2).
Option 1: deenergize and visibly ground the line at the worksite; confirm
conditions with the utility.
Option 2: follow the requirements in paragraph (b) of a § 1926.1408 to keep
the crane 20 feet away; or
Option 3: the employer must determine the voltage and then the
corresponding Table A distance. Then, the employer must follow the
requirements in paragraph (b) of § 1926.1407 to keep the crane Table A
distance away from the line.
The encroachment precautions for A/D and operations are almost identical. Both require a
planning meeting, prohibit the use of conductive tag lines, and require the implementation of at
least one of 5 listed precautions. They only differ in that:
Employers engaged in A/D may use an elevated warning line as one of the 5 listed
precautions under § 1926.1407(b)(3)(v). An elevated warning line is always required for
operations under § 1926.1408(b)(3).
Employers engaged in operations may use an insulating link as one of the 5 listed
precautions under § 1926.1408(b)(4)(v). This option is unavailable for employers engaged
in A/D.
Put up an elevated warning line, barricade, or line of signs. If the operator
cannot see the lines, a spotter must be used. “Elevated” means visible to the
operator such that he or she can accurately gauge whether the load and
equipment is an appropriate distance from the power line; typically, this will
mean at least 2/3 the height of the power line.; and
At least one of following measures:
- Proximity alarm;
- Spotter;
- Range control device;
- Range limit device; or
- Insulating link.
Note: The standard requires that insulating links/devices and proximity alarms be
“NRTL approved,” see following text box for explanation of temporary
enforcement policy.
Temporary Enforcement Policy for the use of Insulating Links and Proximity Alarms
Because no current insulating links/devices or proximity alarms meet the NRTL requirements,
employers may not rely solely on an insulating link/device or proximity alarm to comply with
requirements of the cranes standard. However, an employer may use a crane/derrick in
construction with an insulating link and/or proximity alarm in conjunction with another
appropriate "measure" from § 1926.1408(b)(4), such as a "dedicated spotter" or "range control
warning device." This includes situations where voltages are over 350kV as referenced in §
Dedicated Spotter
Inspection Guidance [for A/D also]
a. Interview the employer, operator, and signal person (if any). Ask the employer
or operator:
Whether Option 1, Option 2, or Option 3 was chosen.
For Option 1, ask the employer if the power line has been deenergized and
if there is any available documentation from the utility operator/owner
confirming that the power lines have been deenergized and grounded. Use
this interview and documentation to determine when the utility/owner
operator was contacted and, if possible, when the utility last confirmed
that the power lines remain deenergized and grounded.
Ask if there are disconnects or reclosers on the power line and document
where they are located. This information may be important in determining
if the employer is operating the equipment closer than a required clearance
distance to an area of the power line where unintended reenergization of
the power line could occur. This information could also be used to confirm
that the employer continued to ensure that the power line was deenergized
when conditions of the power lines are subject to change, such as those
equipped with automatic reclosers.
For Option 3, ask when the utility/owner operator was contacted to get the
voltage of the power line and the identity of the employee of the utility
owner/operator who provided that information. If necessary, contact the
local utility to verify. The voltage information is necessary to determine
which of the power line sections apply and will also be useful in verifying
the employer’s compliance with minimum approach distances established
in Table A.
If possible, verify the height of the power line and T-arms of its support
structure. Obtain any available specifications of the utility lines, T-arms,
etc. This information can be used to estimate the distance from the
equipment to the power line and to obtain any related
recommendations/prohibitions from the utility owner/operator.
For Option 3, ask whether any determinations were made by the employer
or a qualified person, such as the operator or lift director, regarding the
ability to keep the equipment at Table A distances away from the power
line. When determinations were made, identify the person who made them
and ask that individual or the employer to describe their qualifications.
If possible, interview the person who made the determination regarding
work performed in proximity to the power line.
Confirm the dates, times, persons present, and content of any meetings
conducted to exchange information needed to work safely in proximity to
the power lines. Planning meetings are required under the encroachment
prevention methods to ensure that employees understand their
assignments, the hazards of working in the vicinity of the power lines, and
the protective methods being implemented.
Verify that, if used, the dedicated spotter(s) had no other duties to distract
from spotting duties.
Obtain copies of any precautionary plans that could be used to determine
if and how the employer planned to address the power line hazard. If the
plans are not written, individuals can be asked to describe any precautions
discussed and/or implemented on the worksite.
Document any visible information (name of the utility operator/owner,
contact number, pole identification number, voltage of lines, height of
pole, etc.) posted on the power line poles in case the utility must be
contacted later to get information about the power lines and support
Citation policy
b. § 1926.1408(a)(2). If the work zone allows for encroachment within 20 feet
and no option is implemented, consider issuing a citation for § 926.1408(a)(2).
c. § 1926.1408(a)(2). If the employer (following Option 1) does not confirm
with the electric utility that the line has been deenergized and continues to be
deenergized, consider citing § 1926.1408 (a)(2)(i) and (e). See guidance
provided about the phrase “continues to be deenergized” in the discussion of
§ 1926.1407(c).
d. § 1926.1408(c). If the electric utility does not provide the requested voltage of
the power line within two working days, consider a citation to the utility for
§ 1926.1408(c). Note that a unit of a local government may not be cited,
e. § 1926.1408(a)(2)(ii). If crane operations were performed closer than 20 feet
(following Option 2) to an energized power line of up to 350 kV, consider a
violation of § 1926.1408(a)(2)(ii). If a requirement of § 1926.1408(b) was not
met, consider a citation of § 1926.1407(a)(2)(ii). If a particular provision of
(b) was violated, include a description of it in the AVD.
f. § 1926.1408(a)(2)(iii)(A). If the employer was following Option 3 and did not
check the voltage, consider a citation for § 1926.1407(a)(2)(iii)(A).
g. § 1926.1408(a)(2)(iii)(B). If operations were performed closer to a power line
than table A distance (employer following Option 3), consider a citation of
§ 1926.1408(a)(2)(iii)(B), unless the employer followed the greater safety
precautions in § 1926.1410 (discussed below). Also consider citing
(a)(2)(iii)(B) if the crane was reported to have contacted a power line or to
have become energized.
h. § 1926.1408(a)(2)(iii)(B). If the employer did not implement the (b)
encroachment precautions (for Option 3), consider a citation of
§ 1926.1407(a)(2)(iii)(B). If a particular provision of (b) was violated, include
a description of it in the AVD.
i. § 1926.1408(c). If the electric utility does not provide the requested voltage of
the power line within two working days, consider a citation of the utility for
§ 1926.1408(c).
j. § 1926.1408(e). Consider citing § 1926.1408(e) if the employer followed
Option 1 and confirmed that the line was deenergized, but the line
subsequently became energized while operations were ongoing. See guidance
provided about the phrase “continues to be deenergized” in the discussion of
§ 1926.1407(c).
Violations by a Utility
A utility maybe cited for a violation of 29 CFR 1926.1407(e) or .1408(c) much like a Controlling,
Creating, or Correcting Employer that has no employees exposed on the job site. The utility has
two working days to provide voltage information to an employer working near power lines who
uses Option (3). The utility is under no obligation to de-energize a power line for an employer
pursuing Option (1). If the utility will not de-energize the line, Option (1) is not available to the
employer. For more procedural guidance regarding such a citation, please refer to the Multi-
Employer Citation Policy Directive, CPL 2-0.124.
b. § 1926.1408(d)(1). When the work or conditions at the site did not meet one
of the exceptions in § 1926.1408(d)(2) and a part of the equipment, load line,
or load (including rigging and lifting accessories) was below an energized
power line, consider a citation of § 1926.1408(d)(1).
8. § 1926.1408(f). Working near transmitters or communication towers.
When a crane is close enough to a transmitter or communication tower for the
equipment to induce a current or electrical potential in the crane, the transmitter
must be deenergized or the crane grounded and non-conductive tag lines used.
Inspection Guidance
a. Observe the operation of the equipment and photograph and/or video the
presence of any transmitters/communications towers in the vicinity of the
equipment or jobsite. This information would be relevant to a violation of
§ 1926.1408(f), discussed in the citation policy section below.
b. Observe the area around the crane and visibly determine if there is a
transmission/communication tower in sight. If there is, ask the employer or
crane operator if he or she is aware that the tower is there. If the employer or
operator is aware, document any determinations that have been made about
the potential hazard of the crane being energized by radiation from the tower.
When there is a concern that a transmission/communication tower is too close
to the crane, do not approach the crane as there may not be any obvious signs
that the crane may be energized. Under such conditions, verify from a reliable
source, such as the owner/operator of the tower or a qualified person, that the
crane is a safe distance from the transmission/communication tower or that the
tower is not transmitting.
c. When the employer determined that a transmission/communication tower
creates a hazard, verify and document the qualifications of the employees who
grounded the crane. Ask the employer, lift director, or operator to indicate
where the crane’s grounding points are. In addition, if tag lines were used,
verify that they were non-conductive.
Citation policy
d. § 1926.1408(f). When crane operations are proximate to a transmitter and
there may be a potential electric hazard on the crane, and the requirements of
§ 1926.1408(f) have not been met, consider citations of the applicable
provisions of § 1926.1408(f) and group them when appropriate.
9. § 1926.1409. Power line safety for A/D and operations over 350 kV.
Over 350 to 1000 kV: For this voltage range, substitute all clearance requirements
of 20 feet (in § 1926.1407 A/D and § 1926.1408 Operations) with 50 feet. This
has the following implications:
The employer must determine whether any equipment could come within 50
feet during A/D or while working within the work zone, thus triggering the
requirement to complete one of Option 1, Option 2, or Option 3 under
.1407(a) or .1408(a).
Employers pursuing Option 2 for A/D or operations must implement
precautions outlined under § 1926.1407(b) or § 1926.1408(b), respectively, to
prevent encroachment within 50 feet.
Operations under power lines must be 50 feet or Table A distance away when
at true vertical for non-extensible booms, or fully extended and truly vertical
for extensible booms.
Over 1000 kV: Safe clearance distances over this range must be established by the
utility owner/operator or registered professional engineer qualified in electrical
transmission and distribution. Note that 1000 kV not only means that 20 or 50 feet
is insufficient clearance, but that the voltage is so high that Table A is inadequate
as well. Therefore, any safe distance determination under this section would affect
all distance requirements under § 1926.1407 and § 1926.1408, not merely those
for 20 feet.
Inspection Guidance
10. § 1926.1410. Power Line Safety (all voltages) equipment operations closer than
the Table A zone.
Section 1926.1410 specifies procedures that must be followed for operations in
which any part of the equipment comes closer than Table A distance. This section
does not apply to work covered by Subpart V, Power Transmission and
Distribution. As a threshold determination for work closer than Table A distance
covered by Subpart CC, the employer must first establish that:
It is infeasible to conduct the work with Table A clearance, and
It is infeasible to deenergize and ground the power line. This determination is
made only after “consultation with the utility”. It is always possible to
deenergize and ground the power line, but the cost of doing so and the legal or
regulatory responsibilities of the utility are factors weighing on infeasibility.
Infeasibility determinations are fact-dependent, and OSHA generally considers compliance with a
measure to be infeasible when it is impossible or would prevent performance of the work in
When used to comply with § 1926.1410(d)(4), an insulating link/device must have been approved
by a Nationally Recognized Testing Lab (NRTL). To date, no insulating link/device meets the
NRTL requirements. Additionally, at this time, no NRTL is recognized by the Agency to perform
the required testing to list, label or accept either type device. Insulating links/devices which do not
meet the NRTL requirements continue to be available, as they have for decades. These versions
have not been "...listed, labeled or accepted by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory."
OSHA does not anticipate insulating links/devices which meet the NRTL requirements to be
available in the near future.
Because no current insulating links/devices meet the NRTL requirements in the § 1926.1401
definition for "insulating link/device," employers may not rely solely on an insulating link/device to
comply with requirements of the cranes standard. However, until further notice, an employer may
use an insulating link/device manufactured on any date, as specified in § 1926.1410(d)(4)(v)(A),
and in conjunction with the additional protections in § 1926.1410(d)(4)(v)(B), such as insulated
gloves rated for the voltage involved.
Inspection Guidance
a. Observe, record, video, and/or take photos of equipment operations. Use this
information to determine how close the equipment is to the power line. For the
most part, the facts obtained from interviews and information discussed above
in sections 1 through 4 should also be considered when verifying the
employer’s compliance with § 1926.1410.
b. Section 1926.1410 differs from the other power line-safety sections in that this
section requires the employer to have discussions with a representative from
the utility owner/operator or a qualified person with respect to electrical
transmission and distribution systems. Therefore, the utility owner/operator or
registered professional engineer (with regard to Subpart V work) should also
be interviewed regarding the employer’s compliance with requirements of
§ 1926.1410.
c. Interview the employer, the utility owner/operator or RPE, the lift or A/D
directors (if any), and the operator to:
verify the time and date that the utility owner/operator was consulted;
get a description of, and document, the rationale for any claim it is
infeasible to maintain Table A distances, and for the utility to deenergize
and ground, or relocate, the power lines. If the employer contacted the
utility owner/operator and received a confirmation (with no rationale)
from the utility owner/operator that it was infeasible to deenergize and
ground, or relocate, the power lines, the employer has met its obligation
for compliance with § 1926.1410(b).
the time needed to bring the equipment, load, and load line to a complete
lightning; and
other observed worksite conditions that could affect the ability to prevent
electrical contact.
Citation Policy
e. § 1926.1410(c)(1). If the employer does not have an RPE or the utility make
the minimum clearance determination, consider a citation for
§ 1926.1410(c)(1).
develop new precautions or deenergize and ground, consider a citation for
§ 1926.1410(j).
Note: None of the provisions that require the employer to consult the utility
owner/operator or a RPE are citable against the utility owner/operator. The only
mandatory requirement for a utility owner/operator is to provide voltage
information under § 1926.1408(c) or § 1926.1407(e).
Inspection Guidance
If those devices are functioning properly at the worksite and are tested
When there are concerns regarding the use of an operational aid or safety
device, to determine whether the devices were used in accord with the
manufacturer’s procedures and conditions for use, request and review copies
of any available operations manuals for the safety devices.
Citation Policy
b. § 1926.1410(k). When the equipment was used closer to a power line than
Table A clearance distances allow and the employer did not comply with the
manufacturer’s procedures for the electrocution- or power line contact-
prevention device as required by § 1926.1410(k), consider a citation of
§ 1926.1410(k). It is also possible that citation of § 1926.1415 or § 1926.1416
may be considered if the operational aid or safety device was not operating
properly or was not used during the performance of the hoisting job. Refer to
citation policy discussion in section covering Safety Devices and Operational
Aids in this directive for additional guidance on the application of
§§ 1926.1415 or 1926.1416.
12. § 1926.1411. Power Line Safety While Traveling Under or Near Power Lines
with No Load.
When traveling under or near power lines with no load, the employer must ensure
that the boom or mast (and support system) is secured so that it will not contact
the power line; maintain applicable clearance distances based on the voltage of
the power line set forth in Table T; provide a dedicated spotter if the equipment
will get closer than 20 feet to the power line; and ensure that safety concerns are
addressed regarding visibility and the equipment’s path of travel.
Inspection Guidance
a. Observe the operation of the equipment and document (time, location, route
taken, piece of equipment used, configuration of the equipment, part of the
equipment nearest power line, etc.) when it has traveled under or near a power
line with no load.
b. Use information from this observation and any relevant facts obtained from
interviews and collection of information discussed above for sections
1926.1407-1409 to verify the employer’s compliance with § 1926.1411.
d. The operator and/or employer can be asked to describe the work practices
implemented to prevent contact with the power line.
Citation Policy
e. § 1926.1411(a). This provision should not be cited because it only reminds the
employer that compliance with §§ 1926.1408-1410 and/or § 1926.1417(u) is
required when the equipment travels with a load under or near a power line. In
that scenario, consider citations for violations of applicable provisions of
§§ 1926.1408-1410.
E. § 1926.1412. Inspections.
Below is a summary table of inspections required under § 1926.1412.
Equipment that has had modifications or additions affecting the equipment's safe
operation or capacity must be inspected by a qualified person before initial use.
Inspection Guidance
a. Interview the employer and/or the operator to identify who performed the
modification and required inspection.
Ask the inspector to describe what modifications were made, have them point
to where they are on the equipment and how she or he determined that the
modification was completed in accord with the modification approval.
c. Obtain and review a copy of the modification approval and any available
inspection records to ensure that the modification was completed and the
equipment has been operating properly.
Citation Policy
d. § 1926.1412(a)(1). If the equipment has been used and the required inspection
was not conducted by a qualified person or no inspection was completed,
consider a citation of § 1926.1412(a)(1).
e. §§ 1926.1412(a)(1)(i) and (a)(1)(ii). If there is a violation of a requirement of
§§ 1926.1412(a)(1)(i) and (a)(1)(ii), consider a citation of the specific
requirement of § 1926.1412(a)(1). Multiple violations of § 1926.1412(a)(1)
shall be described in the AVD of the citation.
f. § 1926.1412(a)(2). If the equipment was used even though the results of the
required inspection or functional testing indicated that the modification was
not done in accord with the modification approval or the equipment failed the
functional test, consider a citation of § 1926.1412(a)(2).
2. § 1926.1412(b). Repairs and Adjustments Inspection.
Before the equipment is used, a qualified person must inspect equipment that has
undergone repairs or adjustments that are related to its safe operation.
Inspection Guidance
a. Interview the operator, employer, and individual who conducted the required
inspection to obtain the information in support of the citation policy for
§ 1926.1412(a) as discussed above.
b. When conducting a visual inspection of the equipment and its structural
components, look at reasonably accessible areas of the equipment for
evidence of repairs, replacement parts, and fresh welds. Look for apparent
deficiencies in welds at sections of the boom such as fractures in the weld,
unusual discoloration from oxidation, separation of the weld from bonding
surfaces, and humps in excessively welded areas. These may be physical
indications of an inadequate weld, or that it may fail if not assessed by a
competent person.
c. When available, obtain and review manufacturer equipment criteria and any
required inspection documentation for any information that would be helpful
in determining if the repair/adjustment was done properly.
d. If the manufacturer equipment criteria was not available and the employer had
criteria developed by a qualified person or registered professional engineer,
request this information.
Citation Policy
e. § 1926.1412(b)(1). If the equipment has been used and the required inspection
was not conducted by a qualified person or the inspection was not done at all,
consider a citation of § 1926.1412(b)(1).
f. §§ 1926.1412(b)(1)(i) and (b)(1)(iii). If there is a violation of the requirements
of both §§ 1926.1412(b)(1)(i) and (b)(1)(ii), consider a citation of the specific
requirement of § 1926.1412(b)(1). Multiple violations of § 1926.1412(b)(1)
may also be grouped under one citation of § 1926.1412(b)(1).
For example, if a qualified person or registered professional engineer did not
develop equipment criteria when the criteria was not available from the
manufacturer and the inspection was completed, but not by a qualified person,
citations for violations of §§ 1926.1412(b)(1) and (b)(1)(ii)(A) may be
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy
d. § 1926.1412(c)(1). If the equipment has been used and the required inspection
was not conducted by a qualified person or the inspection was not done at all,
consider a citation of § 1926.1412(c)(1).
e. §§ 1926.1412(c)(2)(i) and (c)(2)(ii). If there is a violation of a requirement of
§§ 1926.1412(c)(2)(i) and (c)(2)(ii), consider a citation of the specific
requirement of § 1926.1412(c)(2). Multiple violations of § 1926.1412(c)(2)
may be grouped with a citation of § 1926.1412(c)(1).
f. § 1926.1412(c)(3). Consider a citation of § 1926.1412(c)(3) when the required
inspection was conducted by a qualified person and the equipment was used
even though the results of inspection concluded that:
the assembly of the equipment was not done in accord with available
equipment criteria; or
the assembly of the equipment did not meet the equipment criteria
developed under the conditions specified in § 1926.1412(c)(2)(i) when
equipment criteria was not available from the manufacturer.
4. § 1926.1412(d). Each Shift Inspection.
Before each shift, a competent person must begin an inspection of the equipment
that will be used. The inspection must be completed before or during that shift,
and must include observation for apparent deficiencies. Taking apart equipment
components and booming down is not required unless the visual inspection or trial
operation indicates that these actions may be necessary. Determinations made
during the inspection must be reassessed based on observations made during
Inspection Guidance
a. Observe the operation of the equipment (if being operated), and visually
inspect the equipment for any apparent deficiencies, such as signs of excessive
wear, rusting, damage, misalignment, leakage, missing components, etc., in
the items specified under §§ 1926.1412(d)(1)(i)-(xiv).
b. Since documentation of this inspection is not required by Subpart CC, the
competent person can be asked to describe what parts of the equipment he or
she inspected. If any apparent deficiencies are observed during the
Compliance Officer’s visual inspection of the equipment, interview the
inspector/competent person to determine:
if the inspection has been completed or how much has been done. This is
relevant because the inspector or the employer may try to argue that the
inspection has not been completed only after a deficiency is found during
the compliance inspection by the Compliance Officer.
if the competent person/inspector made any determinations regarding the
safety of any apparent deficiencies.
if an apparent deficiency found during the Compliance Officer’s
compliance inspection exists on an item that was already inspected by the
competent person or existed during the shift before. This is relevant
because if the competent person/inspector did find the deficiency (that is
determined to be a hazardous condition) during his or her inspection, this
would be an indication that the Compliance Officer needs to investigate
why the equipment has not been taken out of service.
how the competent person determined that an apparent deficiency was not
a safety hazard. Especially since the equipment may be operated while a
shift inspection is in the processes of being conducted, evidence regarding
knowledge of the hazard should be documented. Consult the Area Office
or Regional Construction Coordinator if there still are questions regarding
the safety of any apparent deficiency.
The information collected above can be compared to the 14 items specified in
§§ 1926.1412(d)(1)(i) through (d)(xiv) and used to gauge the level of
experience of the inspector and whether the inspection was conducted. In
addition, an employer's use of equipment for several months without retaining
monthly inspection records may indicate that inspections were not conducted
during each shift.
Citation Policy
A competent person must complete a monthly inspection of the equipment in
accord with the requirements of § 1926.1412(d).
Inspection Guidance
a. The same information obtained from the visual inspection and interviews with
employees described above for Each Shift Inspection can be used to verify
that a monthly inspection has been conducted.
b. Request and review the documentation from the last three months of monthly
inspections (Subpart CC requires the documents to be maintained for that
period.) Although the unavailability of required inspection records can be an
indication that the Monthly inspection was not conducted, the competent
person can be asked to describe what parts of the equipment he or she
inspected. This information can then be compared to the 14 items specified in
§§ 1926.1412(d)(1)(i) through (d)(1)(xiv) and used to determine whether the
inspection was conducted but not documented. Also, the lack of monthly
inspection documentation can also be an indication that Each Shift Inspections
have not been conducted.
c. Review the required monthly inspection documentation to determine if it
meets the requirements of § 1926.1412(e)(3).
d. If any items requiring repair or further observation are noted on the monthly
inspection records, document any information obtained from interviews
regarding how the safety of the equipment was ensured until the equipment
could be repaired.
e. Review prior inspection records for any further information that could be used
to gauge the duration and condition of an apparent deficiency.
Citation Policy
At least every 12 months, a qualified person must inspect the equipment in accord
with § 1926.1412(d) (each shift inspection) and the additional inspection criteria
specified under §§ 1926.1412(f)(2)(i) through (f)(2)(xxi).
g. § 1926.1412(f)(4). If a qualified person identified an apparent deficiency
during the annual inspection but did not immediately make a determination as
to whether the deficiency was a safety hazard, consider a citation of
§ 1926.1412(f)(4). If an annual inspection is in progress while the equipment
is still in service, a determination must be made regarding the safety of any
new apparent deficiencies identified by the Compliance Officer during the
compliance inspection. In addition, the equipment must be taken out of
service or appropriate corrective actions must be taken to prevent the
equipment from being used while an identified safety hazard exists on the
h. § 1926.1412(f)(5). If a qualified person determined that an apparent
deficiency was a safety hazard but the equipment was not taken out of service
and no temporary alternative measures allowed by Subpart CC were
implemented, consider a citation of § 1926.1412(f)(5).
i. § 1926.1412(f)(6). Consider a citation of § 1926.1412(f)(6) if, after a qualified
person determined that the deficiency was not yet a safety hazard and that the
deficiency still needed to be monitored, the employer did not ensure that the
deficiency was monitored in monthly inspections.
j. § 1926.1412(f)(7). If the inspection was completed but not documented,
maintained, and retained for 12 months by the employer that conducted the
inspection, consider a citation of § 1926.1412(f)(7). If the inspection was
maintained properly and documented but:
§ 1926.1412(f)(7)(i). If the documentation but did not include a list of the
items inspected and the results of the inspection, consider a citation of
§ 1926.1412(f)(7)(i).
§ 1926.1412(f)(7)(ii). If the documentation did not include the name and
signature of the person who conducted the inspection and the date,
consider a citation of § 1926.1412(f)(7)(ii).
Multiple citations proposed under § 1926.1412(f)(7) may be grouped under
one citation.
A qualified person must conduct an inspection of the equipment when the severity
of the equipment's use or conditions to which it has been subjected are such that
there is a reasonable probability of equipment damage or excessive wear.
Examples of such use or conditions include, but are not limited to loading the
equipment at or near its maximum rated capacity, shock loading the boom, or
prolonged exposure to a corrosive atmosphere and when harsh activities like pile
driving, demolition, and dredging are performed.
Inspection Guidance
Equipment that has been idle for 3 months or more must be inspected by a
qualified person in accordance with § 1926.1412(e) (monthly inspection).
Inspection Guidance
a. Typically, equipment covered by Subpart CC would not be sitting idle for
over three months on an active construction site. However, there may be
occasions when the use of the equipment to perform construction is:
infrequent on a site; has been interrupted for extended periods; or occurs on
the same site where general industry activities are more frequently performed
and the equipment is also stored until needed. Visually inspect the equipment
and area around it for signs that the equipment has been idle for an extended
period of time such as:
severe weathering of the equipment like light, flakey rust on the brakes,
visible wire ropes, hoisting mechanisms, exhaust manifolds, and other
frequently moved or heated parts;
vegetation growth around/underneath the equipment that is inconsistently
higher than on the rest of the construction site;
the absence of tracks to/from the equipment in loosely compacted soil;
the presence of expired tags or out-of-date inspection documentation.
b. If there is equipment on the site that appears to have been idle for an extended
period of time, ask the employer, operator, lift director, or maintenance
personnel to describe:
when was it last used and the construction activities the equipment was
used to support;
how frequently the equipment has been used at the site; and
the equipment’s status regarding who has inspected it, and how
inspections occurred.
This information, along with the start and stop dates of the construction
activities involving the equipment, may provide information regarding how
long the equipment was idle.
Citation Policy
c. When equipment has been idle for 3 months or more and has been used before
it was inspected in accordance with § 1926.1412(h), a citation of
§ 1926.1412(h) should be considered.
9. § 1926.1412(j). Manufacturer-Recommended Inspections.
The employer must comply with any part of the equipment manufacturer’s
procedures regarding inspections that relate to safe operation. For example, for
multi-purpose machines, sideboom cranes, and non-traditional hoisting equipment
such as forklifts configured like a crane, the manufacturer may recommend: more
frequent or extensive inspections; or the inspection of equipment parts not listed
in the requirements of Subpart CC. This provision requires the employer to
conduct the inspections as per the manufacturer’s recommendations when they
pertain to the safe use of the equipment. Another example would be the inspection
of a safety device, operational aid, or a critical part of a control system that is
more comprehensive or has a more frequent schedule of inspection than required
by § 1926.1412.
Inspection Guidance
All documents produced under § 1926.1412 must be available during the
applicable document retention period to all persons who conduct inspections
required by § 1926.1412.
Inspection Guidance
a. Interview the inspectors to ensure that the employer has made the information
available to them in accord with this provision.
b. Subpart CC occasionally specifies where particular documentation must be
kept, such as on the equipment. However, when records must only be
available, it is reasonable to allow employers time to access computers and
facsimiles to retrieve information electronically because many employers may
not keep the records at that particular jobsite.
Citation Policy
If the compliance inspection of the wire rope is a result of a rope failure, secure
seized sections containing broken pieces of the wire rope for subsequent forensic
analysis. Seizing is a method using wire to wrap the wire rope on both sides of an
area to be cut in order to keep the wire rope from unstranding. If the wire rope
appears to be worn, calipers can be used to measure the circumference of the rope as
The upper illustration shows
the correct method to
measure wire rope. Note that
the strands are oriented such
that the rope’s maximum
width is measured.
Deficiency Category Wire Rope Deficiency Description
Significant corrosion.
A broken strand.
1. § 1926.1413(a). Wire Rope--Shift Inspections.
A competent person must begin a visual inspection before each shift the
equipment is used and complete the inspection before or during that shift. The
competent person must inspect wire ropes (running and standing) likely to be used
during the shift for apparent deficiencies. Neither untwisting (opening) of wire
rope nor booming down is required. Booming down to perform this inspection at
the worksite may not be practical for a variety of reasons, therefore the
Compliance Officer should be prepared to inspect the boom at a distance in many
Inspection Guidance
a. Observe the operation of the equipment and visually inspect the wire rope for
any of the apparent deficiencies described in § 1926.1413(a)(2). Wires broken
from fatigue often can only be seen at close range, at perhaps from 3 to 4 feet.
Without booming down, or if the rope is moving rapidly, the broken wires
may not be seen. For example, the wire ropes that raise and lower the boom
on mobile cranes run over sheaves that may be 20 to 30 feet at the top of a
gantry or mast. If the boom is not raised or lowered significantly during use,
the working section of rope may not return to be visible on the winch drum
where it can be more easily seen. A significant amount of fatigue damage can
occur, leading to catastrophic failure before an annual inspection can be made.
Therefore, when necessary, binoculars should be used to facilitate spotting
signs of wire rope deficiencies like fatigue breaks, arc strikes, and valley
breaks due to shock loading.
c. b. Core damage in rotation resistant wire ropes, such as that which could
exist at connection and clipped termination points, is not easily detected
during a visual inspection. Therefore, if rotation-resistant rope is used for the
rigging in service, inspect the rigging and verify that it has been assembled
and used in accordance with also the recommendations of the manufacturers
of the rotation-resistant rope.If apparent deficiencies in the rope are observed
during the OSHA compliance inspection, use calipers to measure the rope’s
diameter at the damaged area, document the measurement, and compare it to
the specifications of the manufacturer. Use the manufacture’s
recommendation to determine if the wire rope should be replaced.
d. Since Subpart CC does not require documentation of shift inspections, ask the
inspector/competent person to describe the sections of the wire rope he or she
inspected. Compare this description with the deficiencies observed during the
OSHA compliance inspection to gauge the inspector’s experience level and to
verify that the inspector completed the inspection.
If there are doubts about whether the competent person completed the
inspection, or an apparent deficiency is observed during the OSHA
compliance inspection, ask the inspector/competent person:
g. If there are apparent deficiencies in the equipment, ask and document how the
competent person determined that an identified deficiency was not a safety
hazard. Use this information to confirm that the competent person conducted
the required inspection.
Citation Policy
This provision shall not be cited because it merely provides the employer with
a description of the types of deficiencies for which the wire rope must be
inspected. When these deficiencies are identified, the employer must comply
with the requirements of § 1926.1413(a)(4).
This provision shall not be cited because it merely provides the employer with
a description of a type of wire rope and areas of any wire rope that are more
likely to harbor damaged rope. When deficiencies are identified in rotation-
resistant rope or in the specified areas of any rope, the employer must comply
with the requirements of § 1926.1413(a)(4).
Inspection Guidance
If a competent person did not complete a monthly inspection of the wire ropes
in accord with § 1926.1413(a), Shift Inspection, consider a citation of
§ 1926.1413(b)(1).
If a wire rope deficiency identified during the annual inspection was not
monitored as per instruction from the annual inspection, consider a citation of
§ 1926.1413(b)(2).
If the employer:
At least every 12 months, a qualified person must inspect the entire length of wire
rope in use on the equipment, in accordance with § 1926.1413(a), Shift Inspection,
and the additional inspection criteria specified under § 1926.1413(c)(2)(ii).
Wire rope deficiencies that a qualified person has determined are not safety
hazards must still be monitored in monthly inspections. Wire rope with safety
hazards must be taken out of service and replaced, or repaired in accord with
applicable requirements of § 1926.1413.
The employer must retain documentation of the required annual inspection for a
minimum of 12 months.
Inspection Guidance
When wire rope in use on the equipment has not been inspected in over 12
months by a qualified person:
hazard, consider a citation for violations of applicable requirements of
§ 1926.1413(c)(3)(i).
§ 1926.1413(c)(3)(ii). Monthly Monitoring of Wire Rope Deficiencies. A
wire rope deficiency identified during the annual inspection was not
monitored during the monthly inspection as per instruction from the
annual inspection, consider a citation for violations of applicable
requirements of § 1926.1413(c)(3)(ii).
g. § 1926.1413(c)(4). Documentation for Annual Wire Rope Inspection.
When the inspection was not documented or documentation was not retained
in accord with § 1926.1412(f)(7), Annual/Comprehensive Inspection
Documentation, consider a citation of § 1926.1413(c)(4). The AVD for this
citation should state the provisions of § 1926.1412(f)(7) with which the
employer did not comply.
Inspection Guidance
a. Visually inspect accessible areas of the wire rope for improper lubricant.
b. When the suitability of the lubricant is in question, Compliance Officer should
consult the manufacturer of the wire rope or any relevant information that is
available to verify the lubricant recommended by the manufacturer for that
type of wire rope.
c. If the wire rope lubricant used by the employer differs from that
recommended by the manufacturer, through interviews, verify how the
employer determined that the lubricant used was suitable.
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
If the employer does not keep written copies of the required documents on
site, an inference should not be drawn that they may not have been made
accessible to inspectors through other means like computers and facsimiles.
Nor does the employer’s ability to produce the documents for the Compliance
Officer necessarily imply that the documents were made available to
individuals who conduct the required inspections. Although the employer is
not required by the crane standard to make the inspection documents available
to the Compliance Officer, if the equipment is being operated at the time of
the compliance inspection, information from required inspections, such as
about monitored equipment deficiencies or recorded safety determinations,
must be available to the individual who conducts or conducted each shift
Citation Policy
Types of Wire Rope
The verification of wire rope specifications is often a complex analysis and the Compliance
Officer may need to consult with a qualified person with regard to wire rope to be able to
identify the type of wire rope that is on the hoist line. This person could be the wire rope
manufacturer, or a qualified person such as a safety consultant, operator, mechanic, or wire
rope inspector.
Inspection Guidance
Inspection Guidance
a. Visually inspect wire rope used on the equipment or available for service on
the jobsite and use any relevant facts obtained from the required
documentation, interviews, and collection of information discussed for the
application of § 1926.1413 to verify that the wire rope is in good condition.
b. Use any relevant facts discussed above for the application of § 1926.1414(a)
and obtained from required documentation, such as inspection records
(§ 1926.1413(e)), recommendations from the manufacturer or equipment
inspectors (§ 1926.1413(c)(3)(ii)), and modification approvals
(§§ 1926.1434(a)(1)(i) and (b) and 1926.1414(e)(3)(iii)) to verify that the non-
rotation-resistant wire rope used meets the requirements of section 5-1.7.1 of
ANSI B30.5-2004 or the requirements of § 1926.1414(b)(2). If necessary,
consult the wire rope manufacturer or Regional Construction Coordinator for
guidance when making this verification.
Citation Policy
3. § 1926.1414(c). Compatibility.
Inspection Guidance
a. Use any relevant facts discussed above to confirm the type of rope used on the
b. Visually inspect the boom hoist reeving of the equipment to ensure that fiber
core and rotation-resistant ropes are only used in boom hoist reeving under the
conditions specified in § 1926.1414(d).
Citation Policy
Rotation-Resistant Wire Rope
There is an increased risk of damaging the core of some types of rotation-resistant ropes during
the performance of repetitive lifts or duty cycle work such as pile driving, material handling
such as clamshell or dragline work or using an electromagnet to handle scrap metal. Damage to
the internal core may not be easily detected during prolonged operation between inspections,
making some types of rotation-resistant wire rope unacceptable for this type of work.
What is Seizing?
Seizing is physical binding of wire rope needed to hold the wire in the strands and the strands
themselves together in place during the cutting of wire rope. Seizing of the strands keeps intact the
areas of the rope beyond the area to be cut. Seizing must be done in accord with the manufacturer’s
recommendations to prevent further damage to the rope. Seizing and subsequent cutting of failed
portions of rope should be conducted only by qualified individuals.
For compliance inspection purposes, it is also important that wire rope, which has been obtained
from the employer as evidence, has also been properly seized to prevent the unraveling of the
evidence rope.
The requirements of §§ 1926.1414(f) through (h) address hazards related to the use of
wire rope clips, sockets, and the seizing of wire rope that has been cut.
Inspection Guidance
a. Visually inspect the wire rope for apparent deficiencies, paying particular
attention to areas of the rope where rope clips and sockets are used and seizing
has been done. Ensure that the devices have been used and seizing has been
done in accord with the requirements of §§ 1926.1414(f) through (h).
Citation Policy
In general, proper operation of the specified safety devices and operational aids is
required. However, when an operational aid is not working properly, the employer,
while arranging to have the aid repaired or replaced, may implement temporary
alternative measures.
When the devices are not working properly, the equipment must be taken out of
service in accord with § 1926.1417(f) until the devices are repaired or replaced.
Inspection Guidance
a. It may or may not be evident through observation of the hoisting operation
that a safety device is not working properly. Occasionally, there may be other
visual indications of improperly operating safety devices or operational aids.
For example, when crew members or the operator appear to be taking
extraordinary precautions during the hoisting job that may be related to the
leveling or stability of the equipment, control of the boom or load line, or
braking of the equipment. These actions, while they could be the work
practices of a safety conscious employer, may also be an indication that there
are known deficiencies in safety devices or operational aids.
b. Interview the operator and maintenance personnel to verify that all safety
devices are present and functioning properly. Paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(7)
of § 1926.1415 can be used as a checklist. The operator can also be asked to
show where the devices are on the equipment.
c. If any of the devices listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(7) of § 1926.1415
are missing or not functioning, observe and document operation of the
equipment, interview the operator, maintenance personnel, lift director, and
employer, and review any available maintenance/repair documentation to
if and when the equipment was operated without properly working safety
whether proper tag-out procedures under § 1926.1417 were followed;
when the safety device was removed/or ceased to function;
when repair is scheduled to occur, or replacement parts were ordered and
scheduled to arrive; and
if any safety devices were inoperable when personnel were hoisted.
d. Note, in accord with § 1926.1417(j), the operator is required to inform, in
writing at the end of the shift, the person (such as the lift director or
maintenance personnel) designated to receive such information of needed
equipment repairs and adjustments. Ask for and make copies of any such
exchanges of information as this documentation may contain information
about deficiencies regarding safety devices.
If a device stops working properly during observation of the hoisting job or
the information about the deficient device is obtained from an interview,
verify and document whether the operator stopped the operation safely and the
worksite conditions under which the hoisting job was stopped.
Safely Stop
For the application of this provision, “safely stop operations” gives notice to the employer that the
operator is not necessarily expected to stop the equipment immediately if doing so would create a
hazardous situation. Under this provision, the operator must rely on her or his knowledge and
skills to determine when stopping the hoisting operation would present a hazard. Operations may
not resume until such time as the aid or device has been repaired, replaced, or a temporary
alternative measure is implemented when allowed by the standard.
For example, if stopping crane operations immediately would jeopardize the stability or structural
integrity of the crane, operations could continue until the crane or load could be positioned better.
For hoisting operations that would suspend the load over employees should operations be stopped,
the equipment could be safely operated longer to allow the load to be landed or swung and
suspended in/over a place that would not be a hazard.
Another example could be when stopping the hoisting operation would not allow a hoisted
structural member of a building to be supported and secured to stabilize the frame of the building.
Citation Policy
In contrast, when crane operation was stopped such that another hazardous
condition was created on the worksite, consider a citation for a violation of a
provision other than § 1926.1415(b) even though the operations where
stopped “unsafely”. For example, when the load was suspending over
employees as described in the text box, it would be more appropriate to
consider citations for violations of § 1926.1424, Working Area Control,
instead of § 1926.1415(b) for “unsafely” stopping the load.
g. § 1926.1417(f). If proper tag-out procedures were not followed when a safety
device was missing or was not functioning, consider citations for violations of
applicable requirements of § 1926.1417(f). Section 1926.1415(b) shall not be
cited for violations of tag-out procedures because § 1926.1415(b) serves to
remind the employer that compliance with the requirements of § 1926.1417 is
also required.
Categories of Operational Aids
Category I aids include: boom hoist limiting device, luffing jib limiting device, and anti-two
blocking device.
Category II aids include: boom angle or radius indicators, jib angle indicators, boom length
indicators, load weighing and similar devices, outrigger/stabilizer position sensors/monitors, and
hoist drum rotation indicators.
Category I operational aids that are not working properly must be repaired or
replaced within 7 days after the deficiency occurs unless the employer documents
that the repair/replacement parts will not be received in time.
Category II operational aids that are not working properly must be repaired or
replaced within 30 days after the deficiency occurs unless the employer
documents that the repair/replacement parts will not be received in time.
Section 1926.1416(e)(4) clarifies that if a replacement part is no longer available,
the use of a substitute device that performs the same type of function is permitted,
and is not considered a modification under § 1926.1434.
Inspection Guidance
a. Make all inquiries relevant to operational aids and use the Inspection
Guidance for § 1926.1415 to help verify employer compliance with
§ 1926.1416.
b. Interviews with individuals such as the employer and operator, maintenance
personnel, and lift crew should be conducted to verify that:
the operator and others working with the load understand the use and
purpose of temporary alternative measures when used instead of an
inoperable operational aid. Other crew members must also know this
information to be able to recognize the hazard that exists if the alternative
measures are not effectively implemented.
how the operator verifies, on a daily basis, that operational aids are
functioning properly.
c. If the equipment is being operated with a temporary alternative measure
obtain the date that the operational aid ceased to function properly;
confirm the temporary alternative measure implemented;
verify that the temporary alternative measure meets the applicable
requirements in §§ 1926.1416(d) and (e), or those of the manufacturer, if
the manufacturer’s requirements are more protective;
verify that the employer complied with the requirements of § 1926.1417(j)
regarding need for adjustments and repairs; and
verify and document the dates of any receipts for parts ordered to repair or
replace an operational aid or safety device and/or relevant installation
dates for parts.
Citation Policy
The AVD of the citation should list the specific missing or nonfunctioning
operational aid(s) noted in paragraphs (d) and (e) of § 1926.1416.
If a temporary alternative measure has been established, but not
successfully implemented, the AVD should list the specific temporary
alternative measure that the employer attempted to use and explain why it
was inadequate.
Even if multiple aids on one piece of equipment are not on the equipment
or not functioning, only one citation under § 1926.1416(a) and one citation
under § 1926.1416(b) may be issued.
f. § 1926.1416(c). Consider a citation of § 1926.1416(c) if an operational aid
ceases to function during operations, and the operator does not stop operations
when it is safe to do so. Group this citation with § 1926.1400(f).
Consider a citation for violation of § 1926.1416(b) when the compliance
inspection reveals the operator stopped operations upon discovery of the
deficiency, but then the operations resumed without repairing the operational
aid or implementing an alternative measure.
See the discussion of “safe to stop” provided in this compliance directive for
§ 1926.1415, Safety Devices.
When citing the employer for failure to implement the temporary alternative
measure specified in § 1926.1416(e)(5)(i), group the citation with
§ 1926.1400(f).
This section covers the general requirements for equipment operations. The employer
must comply with all manufacturer procedures, including those for the use of
attachments. These requirements address a variety of communication and safety
concerns, such as hazards related to:
The final rule focuses on concerns related to equipment operations that are very
common to construction activities. The standard specifies requirements for leaving
equipment unattended, that the operator’s attention not be diverted from the operation
of the equipment.
Section 1926.1417 includes several duties for the crane operator and other employees at the
worksite. Section 1926.1400(f) requires that the employer ensure, via effective communication and
enforcement of work rules, that an operator, crew member, or other employee performs the tasks
required by Subpart CC. Where an employee does not meet a requirement of Subpart CC, and there
is no language explicitly requiring the employer’s compliance, consider grouping the citation with
§ 1926.1400(f). See discussion of § 1926.1400(f) in the Scope section for additional guidance.
Inspection Guidance
1926.1418 can be confirmed by observing workers operating the equipment.
the condition of the equipment--are the tires inflated, are outriggers fully
extended, are panels missing, and are there any signs of fluid leakages?;
the time, date, and any construction activities being performed when it
appeared that the equipment was undergoing repairs or was idle;
how the loads are handled. For example: what kinds of loads are hoisted?
Are there any lifts out of the view of the operator? Does the crane have to
travel with the load?;
Remote Controls
The use of equipment with remote controls is becoming more common on construction sites,
especially when materials are hoisted onto a structure. Therefore, note when the operator uses
remote controls to position the load and also offload the equipment. In support of any citations
regarding the operator being distracted, it is important to document what activities distracted the
operator and how it was a distraction. Keep in mind that the operator is not operating the crane
using remote controls when he or she locks out the controls and then helps offload the crane.
Under a scenario like this, the offloading of the crane would not be considered a diversion. (Note
that the operator would still need to keep the remote controls immediately accessible to comply
with the requirements of .1417(e).)
c. Verify that the equipment’s operation procedures and load charts are available
to the operator in the cab and that they are applicable to the equipment being
used at the worksite.
Crane Identification
Often, the applicability of the operator’s manual and load charts to a piece of equipment can
be verified by ensuring that serial numbers or the make and model specified on the
documentation match that of the equipment being operated (§ 1926.1417(c)(1)).
Citation Policy
the employer did not develop and ensure compliance with all procedures
necessary for the safe operation of the equipment and attachments,
consider a citation of § 1926.1417(b)(1).
the operation procedures for the operational controls were not developed
by a qualified person, consider a citation of § 1926.1417(b)(2).
the operation procedures related to the capacity of the equipment were not
developed and signed by a registered professional engineer familiar with
the equipment, consider a citation of § 1926.1417(b)(3).
j. § 1926.1417(e). In cases when the operator left the controls while the load
was suspended and:
2. § 1926.1417(f). Tag-out.
Inspection Guidance
have they seen a warning tag on the out-of-service equipment and when;
to describe what terms like tagged-out and out of service mean to them;
Inspection Guidance
any needed repairs or adjustments of the equipment and when they were
first aware of them.
if the equipment was operated in excess of its rated capacity and if the
employer expressly required it. For example, an employer may have
directed the operator to operate the equipment in excess of its rated
capacity by relying on the equipment’s safety factor.
Repairs and Adjustments of Equipment
Citation Policy
For example, the equipment had a limiting device to help the operator prevent
the crane from tipping over when loads and boom lengths approach limits
specified on the load chart. During the hoisting operation, the operator relied
solely on the limiting device to warn her or him or to stop the equipment prior
to reaching the tipping point of the equipment. When it can be determined,
that the operator did not use her or his skill and experience with the equipment
to not exceed the limits specified on the load charts, consider a citation of
§ 1926.1417(k).
§ 1926.1417(o)(2). If the operator was expressly required to operate the
equipment in a manner that its rated capacity was exceeded, consider a
citation of § 1926.1417(o)(2).
§ 1926.1417(o)(3). If the operator did not verify the weight of the load as
being within the capacity of the equipment using one of the methods
specified in paragraphs (o)(3)(i) and (o)(3)(ii) of § 1926.1417, consider a
citation of § 1926.1417(o)(3). When the employer attempts to use one of
the specified methods for verifying the weight of the load but the method
was deficient, the provision of § 1926.1417(o)(3) which the employer used
and a description of its deficiency should be referenced in the AVD.
g. § 1926.1417(r). When loads were lifted over the front area of wheel-mounted
equipment in a situation not permitted by the manufacturer, consider a citation
of § 1926.1417(r). When appropriate, consider grouping with a violation of
§ 1926.1417(a).
h. § 1926.1417(t). When the load or the boom was lowered below the point
where less than two full wraps of rope remained on their respective drums and
this work practice was not permitted by the manufacturer, consider a citation
of § 1926.1417(t). When appropriate, consider grouping with a violation of
§ 1926.1417(a).
i. § 1926.1417(u). When the equipment was used to travel with the load:
j. § 1926.1417(x). When brakes are not adjusted in accord with manufacturer
procedures to prevent unintended movement, consider a citation of
§ 1926.1417(x). When appropriate, consider grouping citations under
§ 1926.1417(u)(2) with a citation of § 1926.1417(a).
Inspection Guidance
verify that the operator is aware that he or she has the authority to stop and
refuse to handle loads when there are concerns regarding the safety of the
hoisting operation.
determine if and how the operator may have been discouraged from
exercising her or his authority to stop operations.
Citation Policy
b. § 1926.1418. When there was a concern regarding safety and the employer did
not give the operator the authority to stop and refuse to handle loads until a
qualified person determined that safety was assured, consider a citation of
§ 1926.1418.
The equipment is traveling and the view in the direction of travel is obstructed
(§ 1926.1419(a)(2)).
The operator or person handling the load determines that a signal person is
necessary (§ 1926.1419(a)(3)).
Inspection Guidance
b. A live video system that provides a full view to the crane operator and enables
the operator to see all that is needed to operate the equipment safely satisfies
the “full view” requirement in § 1926.1419(a)(1), but a mirror system
generally does not. The sufficiency of any system depends on the particular
Citation Policy
c. §§ 1926.1419(a)(1) through (3). If a signal person is not being used and one or
more of the situations noted above is present, consider a citation for violation
of the standard. The citation should be for a violation of the most specific
provision applicable to the hazards present. For example, cite
§ 1926.1419(a)(1) if the operator does not have full view of the point of
operation and a signal person is not being used.
Citation Policy
3. § 1926.1419(c). Hand Signals. When hand signals are used, standard signals
described in Appendix A must be used, unless the employer can demonstrate that
standard signals are infeasible. In that case, non-standard hand signals are
permitted. When using non-standard hand signals, the signal person, operator, and
lift director (where there is one) must meet with each other prior to the operation
and agree on the non-standard hand signals that will be used.
Inspection Guidance
a. If hand signals are being used, look for a hand signal chart posted in the
vicinity (most likely on the crane). Observe the signal person to verify that
signals given are consistent with those on the chart.
b. If the hand signals in use differ from those on the chart, determine whether
standard hand signals would be infeasible. One consideration in making this
determination is whether there was a need to signal an action for which there
is no standard hand signal (e.g., when a particular attachment for which there
is no hand signal is used with the equipment).
that the operator, signal person, and lift director (where there is one) met
to discuss the signals before beginning the hoisting operation, and
Citation Policy
d. § 1926.1419(c)(1). If standard hand signals are not being used, but would be
feasible under the circumstances, consider a citation for violation of
§ 1926.1419(c)(1).
New signals are signals other than hand, voice or audible signals, and they are
permissible only if the employer demonstrates that:
the new signals are at least as effective as voice, audible or hand signals
(§1926.1419(d)(1)), or
the new signals comply with a national consensus standard that provides at
least equally effective communication as voice, audible or hand signals.
Inspection Guidance
a. If signal persons are observed using signals other than hand, voice or audible
signals, determine through observation and interview what system is being
employed (e.g., flag signals) and whether the system effectively conveys the
necessary signals.
Ask the signal person and operator to explain the signal system being used
and why the signal person and operator chose to use this system to
determine whether it is effective and whether both signal person and
operator have the same understanding of the system.
Ask the signal person and operator if there are any written materials on
site containing the employer’s policy on what signals should be given, or
if the signals are derived from a consensus standard, a copy of the
consensus standard or other source of the signals given.
Ask the operator if he or she could receive and understand the signals.
Citation Policy
5. § 1926.1419(e) requires that signals used and means of transmitting them must be
appropriate for site conditions.
Inspection Guidance
a. Observe the site for obstructions (e.g., visual or audible interference) which
might impact the transmitting of signals.
b. Ask the operator if he or she could clearly understand the signals given.
Citation Policy
6. § 1926.1419(f). The employer must ensure that the operator safely stops
operations if the ability to transmit signals between the operator and the signal
person is compromised or interrupted, and operations must remain stopped until
the ability to transmit signals is reestablished and a proper signal is given and
Inspection Guidance
a. If it appears that the ability to transmit signals between the operator and the
signal person was interrupted due to visual or audible disturbance, interview
the operator and signal person to determine whether the operator understood
the signals that the signal person was giving.
b. If the operator and signal person did not understand one another, ask the
operator why he or she did not stop operations.
Citation Policy
7. § 1926.1419(g). Under § 1926.1419(g), if the operator becomes aware of a safety
problem and needs to communicate with the signal person, the operator must
safely stop operations until the operator and signal person agree that the problem
is resolved. In addition, under 1926.1417(y), the operator is required to obey a
stop or emergency stop signal given by another person. See the Operation and
Authority to Stop section in this directive for additional guidance regarding
citations of § 1926.1417(y). If the operator does not stop, group this citation with
§ 1926.1400(f).
Inspection Guidance
Another example is where the signal person gives a hand signal but it
appears to the operator that the signal person is using the wrong signal.
The operator would be required to stop and communicate with the signal
person to resolve the problem.
Citation Policy
8. § 1926.1419(h). Only one person may give signals to a crane or derrick at a time,
unless one person is alerting the operator of a safety problem while another
person is giving a signal.
Inspection Guidance
Was one of the signals a stop or emergency stop signal? If so, did the
operator stop?
Citation Policy
9. § 1926.1419(j). Anyone who becomes aware of a safety problem must alert the
operator or signal person by giving the stop or emergency stop signal. The
operator is required to obey a stop or emergency stop signal under
§ 1926.1417(y). See section covering Operation and Authority to Stop in this
directive for additional guidance regarding citations of § 1926.1417(y).
Inspection Guidance
c. If persons are observed alerting the operator to stop and the operator neglects
such signals, interview the operator to determine the reason for not stopping
Citation Policy
10. § 1926.1419(k). All directions given to the operator by the signal person must be
given from the operator’s direction perspective. This means that the signal person
must give signals as if he or she was sitting in the operator’s seat and facing the
same direction as the operator.
Inspection Guidance
the operator appearing to question the safety of the actions that she or he
has been signaled to perform.
Citation Policy
c. § 1926.1419(k). If directions are being given from other than the operator’s
direction/perspective, consider a citation for violation of § 1926.1419(k).
11. § 1926.1419(m). If a signal person is in communication with more than one crane
or derrick, a system must be used for identifying which piece of equipment each
signal is for. That system must be at least as effective as § 1926.1419(m)(1),
which permits the signal person to identify the crane/derrick the signal is for prior
to giving the signal.
Inspection Guidance
b. Observe the operation for indications that a system is being used to distinguish
the signals given to various pieces of equipment and verify that a system has
been implemented through interviews.
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
- Use of a dedicated channel ensures that the operator and signal person are not
interrupted or confused by users performing other tasks or by instructions not
intended for them.
that the operator uses a hands-free system for receiving the transmission of
electronic signals, in accord with § 1026.1420(c). A hands-free system is a
system that does not require the operator to depress a button, manipulate a
switch, or take any action to receive the incoming signal.
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
signal person and/or lift director it the following requirements under this
section were met:
that voice signals were agreed upon by the operator, signal person, and lift
director before operations began and whenever another worker was added
or substituted during an operation, in accord with § 1926.1421(a),
that each voice signal contains the following three elements in that order:
(1) function (such as “hoist,” “boom,” etc.) and direction, (2) distance
and/or speed, and (3) function, then stop command, in accord with
§ 1926.1421(b), and
that the operator, signal person and lift director are able to effectively
communicate in the language the signals are given in, in accord with
§ 1926.1421(c).
b. An example of a proper voice signal would be: “hoist up; 10 feet; hoist stop.”
Actual words used may vary, but the order of the signals given must remain
consistent under § 1926.1421(b).
Citation Policy:
§ 1926.1421(a), if the operator, signal person and lift director do not share
the same understanding of what voice signals should be used,
§ 1926.1421(c), if the operator, signal person and lift director are not able
to communicate effectively in the language signals are given in.
Inspection Guidance
a. Visually inspect the equipment and worksite to ensure that there is a hand
signal chart visible (usually on the crane), and that the chart is legible and not
too weathered.
b. If the hand signal chart is not readily visible, ask the employer where it is
Citation Policy
N. §1926.1423—Fall Protection.
This section covers fall protection requirements that are applicable to equipment
covered by Subpart CC. This section outlines two important changes from the old
Subpart N:
• using the load line as an anchor for fall protection/restraint systems. This
section also clarifies that fall protection equipment is not required when an
employee is at or near the draw-works (when equipment is running), in the
cab, or on the deck.
Fall Protection Equipment: guardrail systems, safety net systems, personal fall arrest
systems, positioning device systems or fall restraint systems.
Personal fall arrest system (PFAS): a system used to arrest an employee in a fall from
a working level. It consists of an anchorage, connectors, and a body harness, and may
also include a lanyard, deceleration device, lifeline, or suitable combination of these
1. §1926.1423(a). Application.
Inspection Guidance
a. If tower cranes are present, note that only the fall protection requirements of
paragraphs (c)(1), (c)(2), (c)(4), (d), (g), (h), (j), and (k) of § 1926.1423 apply
to tower cranes.
Paragraphs (b), (c)(1), (c)(2),(c)(3), (d), (e), (f),(g), (j), and (k) of § 1926.1423
apply to all other equipment covered by Subpart CC.
b. Visually inspect the worksite, observe the hoisting operations (when possible),
and interview the employer, operator, lift director (if any), maintenance
personnel, and crew members to determine when and where employees must
work at elevated locations on the equipment. Fall protection requirements
vary depending on the elevation; therefore, it is critical to determine and
document the elevations at which employees are working.
Citation Policy
c. § 1926.1423(a)(1). This provision should not be cited, as it only establishes
the scope for the application of the requirements of §§ 1926.1423(b) through
with walkways on lattice booms when the vertical profile of the boom from
cord centerline to cord centerline is 6 or more feet.
to provide safe access and egress between the ground and the operator work
station(s), including the forward and rear positions, by the provisions of such
devices as steps, handholds, ladders, guardrails and railings.
Inspection Guidance
a. Verify and document the manufacturing date of the equipment in use.
When the boom of the equipment is not down, examine design specifications
of the walkway system possibly in the operator’s manual and/or available
maintenance manuals. In addition to the review of the manuals, verify from
the operator, employer, and/or maintenance personnel that the walkway
system on the equipment is the same as specified in the manuals.
d. When possible, observe how the operator accesses and egresses the work
station and document when it appears that devices such as steps, handholds,
ladders, guardrails and railings are needed to aid the operator’s movement on
the equipment. Review of the operations manual may provide
recommendations regarding how to safely access and egress the operator work
station of equipment, as well as the devices that were provided by the
manufacturer to facilitate safe access and egress.
In situations where replacement parts have been used, document any instances
where devices are missing or have not been properly maintained.
e. Under conditions when it appears that the work station cannot be safely
accessed and egressed, ask the employer to describe why the required
safeguards or devices were not provided and document explanations regarding
the feasibility of providing these safeguards or devices.
measure and document the: width of the walkway, height of the guardrails
and/or handrails, distance between rungs if bent, broken, or missing, fall
distances from work positions on the equipment, cord widths, and brace
dimensions, and take any other measurements necessary to verify the
employer’s compliance with § 1926.1423(c).
boom walkways are required and the boom was not configured with a
walkway, or the walkway does not meet the requirements of
§ 1926.1423(b)(2)(i).
4. §1926.1423 (d) through (h). Personal Fall Arrest, Positioning Device, and Fall
Restraint Systems.
These paragraphs set forth requirements for when personal fall arrest systems,
positioning devices, or fall restraint must be used and the criteria that those
systems and their components must meet.
When Fall Protection Equipment Must Be Used By Workers While On the Equipment
a. Visually inspect the hoisting equipment, and identify and document (by
measurement, camera, or video) elevated areas of the equipment at which fall
protection must be used.
d. Visually inspect any fall protection systems available for use on the jobsite to
verify that they have been maintained in good condition, appear to be
compatible with the system’s other components and that they and their
components meet the requirements of § 1926.502(d), except the system
anchorage requirements of §§ 1926.502(d)(15) and (e)(2) are not applicable.
However, the requirements of §§ 1926.502(d)(15) and (e)(2) are used as
references for a competent person when considering the suitability of a
substantial part of the crane as a possible anchorage for a fall protection
e. When fall protection equipment has been anchored to parts of the crane,
identify the competent person who determined that the anchorage would be
sufficient. If possible, interview the competent person to verify the
individual’s expertise regarding the subject matter and to obtain and document
a description of how the competent person made this determination.
Citation Policy
f. § 1926.1423(d). When the use of a personal fall arrest or fall restraint system
is required and the employer did not meet the requirements of a
§ 1926.502(d), consider a citation of § 1926.1423(d). The AVD should also
identify what requirement of § 1926.502(d) was violated.
h. § 1926.1423(g). When the use of fall protection equipment was required and
its anchorage did not meet the requirement § 1926.1423(g), consider citations
for violations of applicable provisions of § 1926.1423(g). The AVD should
also describe what provision of § 1926.502(d)(15) or § 1926.502(e)(2) the
competent person knew or should have known the anchorage would not meet.
This paragraph specifies the conditions under which fall protection equipment can
be anchored safely to the load line of equipment covered by Subpart CC.
Inspection Guidance
when and how the operator was notified that the equipment is being used
to anchor fall protection on the worksite;
if other loads were also suspended from the load line when the workers
were also anchored to the load line;
when employees are being hoisted by the load line and lanyard and the
employer has not met the requirements of § 1926.1431, Hoisting
b. When fall protection equipment was used and anchored to the load line of
hoisting equipment, interview the employer, operator, and workers to identify
the qualified person who made the determinations required by
§ 1926.1423(j)(1).
Citation Policy
e. § 1926.1423(j). When fall protection equipment was anchored to the load line
and the requirements of § 1926.1423(j) were not met, consider citations for
violations of applicable provisions of § 1926.1423(j).
6. §1926.1423 (k). This provision specifies the training that must be provided to
workers who work at elevated locations on equipment covered by Subpart CC.
Inspection Guidance
a. Observe the actions of, and interview, individuals to verify that they were
trained to use required fall protection equipment in accord with the
requirements of § 1926.1423(k). Elements of §§ 1926.1423, 1926.500, and
1926.502 can be used to form questions that may obtain information regarding
their training.
Citation Policy
Superstructure/upperworks means the revolving frame of equipment on which the operating
machinery (and in many cases the engine) are mounted along with the operator’s cab. The
counterweight is typically supported on the rear of the superstructure/upperworks and the boom or
other attachment is mounted on the front.
When such equipment is used, the employer must meet the requirements of
§ 1926.1424(a)(2)
Inspection Guidance
a. Visually inspect, and observe the operation of, the equipment to determine
whether the equipment has a rotating superstructure that presents “reasonably
foreseeable” swing radius hazards in areas that are accessible to workers. If
so, document by camera/video any hazard areas around the equipment and any
signs, warning/control lines, railings, or similar barriers in those areas. This
information will also be used to verify the employer’s compliance with the
hazard area designation requirements of § 1926.1424(a)(2)(ii).
Reasonably Foreseeable
Example #1: The bottom of the rear of the rotating superstructure is 12 feet above the ground. An
employee standing on the ground within that swing radius could not be struck by the rotating
superstructure since the rotating superstructure would swing well above him/her. There is nothing
within that area on which the employee could stand. In this example the area does not pose a
reasonably foreseeable risk of being struck or pinched/crushed.
Example #2: Same scenario as example #1 above, except that a truck with material that is to be
unloaded from its bed is within the swing radius. If an employee were to stand on the truck bed
the employee would be within the swing radius. In this example, there is a reasonably foreseeable
risk of an employee being stuck or pinched/crushed.
Citation Policy
b. Observe the actions of and interview individuals that were assigned to work
on or near the equipment, to verify if they were trained to protect themselves
from the hazard areas. When employees do not appear to recognize the barrier
around the hazard area, ask about their work actions and training.
Citation Policy:
When the employer claims that it was infeasible to erect and maintain
methods of demarcation around the perimeter of the hazard area, the AVD
must also explain if the employer’s rationale for infeasibility is deficient.
employees with knowledge of the presence of workers in the hazard area from
rotating the superstructure until he/she is informed that they are in a safe position.
Below are some examples of acceptable communication systems between equipment operators
and workers in the hazard area:
--use of a signal person who can give a prearranged “all clear” signal to the operator when the
hazard area is clear of workers
--use of portable air horns by the workers in the hazard area to signal the equipment operator when
it is safe to rotate the superstructure
Inspection Guidance
a. When there are accessible hazard areas around the equipment’s superstructure,
document when and under what conditions workers entered those areas and
what workers were doing while there. In addition, document the location of
hazard areas that are out of the view of the operator.
b. Interview the crew members, operator, lift director, and lift crew members to:
determine whether the employer has established and enforced the use of
notification procedures when employees must go in the hazard areas out of
the view of the operator.
Often there are indications that employees have entered hazard areas, such as
footprints in the mud or items in the areas like signaling flags, water coolers,
lunchboxes, gloves, jackets, helmets, tool boxes, etc. If such indications are
present, search for further evidence of employee presence in hazard areas.
Citation Policy
When multiple pieces of equipment are positioned and used so that they have
overlapping working radii, this provision requires the controlling entity to
institute a system that coordinates their activities. For example, meeting this
requirement would prevent: the equipment from colliding with one another; or the
striking, or pinching in between moving equipment, of workers who are within
the working radii of both pieces of equipment. In the absence of a controlling
entity on a work site, the employer(s) operating the equipment must institute such
a system.
Inspection Guidance
a. Refer to the Inspection Guidance provided above under § 1926.1402(c)
(Ground Conditions) of this directive for guidance on determining the
existence of a controlling entity on the work site.
b. Interview the employer, controlling employer (if there is one), the operator,
lift director (if there is one), and lift crew members, to determine which
employer is responsible for the operation of each piece of equipment in use at
the work site.
P. § 1926.1425. Keeping Clear of the Load.
This section identifies the employees that may and may not be in the fall zone of the
load and under the lift routes of the loads that must be hoisted. The section also
outlines requirements on the location of employees during tilt-up and tilt-down
Inspection Guidance
Fall zone: the area (including but not limited to the area directly beneath the load) into
which it is reasonably foreseeable that partially or completely suspended materials could
accidently fall.
Directly under the load: applies when a part or all of an employee is partially or
completely directly beneath a suspended load.
b. Note the types of loads suspended by the equipment and when and where
employees are in the fall zones of those loads. Look for other potential
hoisting routes and load staging areas that the employer could use that would
not put employees in the fall zone.
c. Interview the employer, operator, and lift supervisor (if any) and document
how and why the hoisting route was chosen and why the hoisting job could
not be done using a safer hoisting route and load staging area. Be sure to ask
about and document any hoisting-related local requirements, such as public
safety codes, that may limit the employer’s options for hoisting routes. Ask
why that particular hoisting route was chosen.
Fall zone and Travel Path of the Load
When determining the size of a fall zone, the type of load being hoisted should be factored into this
consideration. For example, a solid load such as a concrete block, would have a much smaller fall
zone than a bundle of pipe or a tank of liquid should there be loss of control of the load, especially
when the load is moving. The hazard area is wherever the employee can be struck by the load.
Public Safety: Many, especially urban, construction sites may have relatively small footprints that
may be bound on all sides by roads, sidewalks with high vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Due to
the employer’s compliance with local and public safety requirements, it may not always be feasible
for the employer to provide a hoist route that does not fly any loads over the heads of employees
who are concentrated within the small footprint of the construction site to perform construction
activities. Therefore, where possible, hoisting routes must be used that minimize the exposure of
employees to hoisted loads to the extent consistent with public safety.
Citation Policy
The AVD of the citation should describe how the hoisting route could have
been altered to better protect employees from the hazard of suspended loads.
2. §§ 1926.1425(b) through (d).Working within the Fall Zone and Rigging of the
This section specifies the only conditions (other than for tilt-up or tilt-down
operations) under which employees are allowed to be in the fall zone of a load
when the operator is not moving the load.
Inspection Guidance
a. Photograph and document when and where an observed hoisting activity
involves: tilt-up or tilt-down operations, the use of a concrete bucket; the
initial connection of the load to a component or structure; or a load that must
be hooked, guided, or unhooked. Note which employees were in the fall zone,
the extent of the exposure, and what they were doing while there.
b. Interview the crew members, employer, operator, and lift director (if any) to
document why employees are in the fall zone and to verify the employer’s
compliance with §§ 1926.1425(b) and (d).
c. When employees were in the fall zone to hook, unhook, receive, or guide
loads, document who did the rigging and verify whether the rigging was done
by a qualified rigger. See the Assembly/Disassembly section in this directive
for the definition of qualified rigger and for guidance in assessing the
individual’s qualifications.
g. § 1926.1425(d). When an employee was not needed to receive the load and
the employee was in the fall zone of the load, consider a citation of
§ 1926.1425(d).
Either detaching the load from, or initially attaching the load to, another
component or structure.
Inspection Guidance
a. Photograph and document when and where an observed hoisting is a tilt-up or
tilt-down operation. Note what employees were in the fall zone and what they
were doing while there.
b. Use any relevant information collected from inspection guidance discussed
above for the application of §§ 1926.1425(a) through (d) to help verify the
employer’s compliance with the requirements of § 1926.1425(e).
Citation Policy
c. § 1926.1425(e). When an employee was in the fall zone of a load while
engaged in tilt-up or tilt-down operations and the employee was either directly
under the load or not engaged in an activity specified in § 1926.1425(e)(2),
consider a citation of applicable requirements of § 1926.1425(e).
This section discusses requirements relating to free fall of the boom and load line.
Included are provisions addressing the prohibitions that apply if the equipment has a
boom that is designed to free fall, as well as some specified methods of preventing
free fall of the boom.
This section also addresses hazards related to the operation of hydraulic, telescoping
booms requiring an integrally mounted holding device to prevent the boom from
retracting if there is a hydraulic failure.
In addition, hazards related to free fall of the load line are addressed. Free falls are
prohibited under specified conditions.
1. §§ 1926.1426(a) and (b). Prohibitions and Prevention of Free Fall of the Boom.
Typically, equipment with boom mechanisms that have free fall capability (“live
booms”) are found on older friction cranes, derricks, and cranes designed for use
on barges.
Live booms on equipment manufactured on or after October 31, 1984 are not
Paragraphs (a) and (b) of § 1926.1426 work in conjunction to allow older models
of equipment with live booms (manufactured before October 31, 1984) to be used
safely by restricting the equipment’s use to operations where none of the
following worksite conditions are present:
When the load or boom is directly over or within Table A (1408) distance of
the power line including the radius of vertical travel of the boom/load ;
When the load is over a shaft and employees are in the shaft;
When the load is over a cofferdam and an employee is in the fall zone of the
boom/load; and
Under these conditions, free fall of the boom is prohibited when loads are hoisted
with equipment (manufactured before October 31, 1984) unless the equipment is
equipped with the secondary braking mechanisms/devices listed in
§§ 1926.1426(b)(1) to (4).
Inspection Guidance
Calculating Boom and Load Fall Radius
When calculating the boom radius, consider both the vertical fall radius as well as a potential
swing radius equal to the length of the boom itself when measured from the pivot point at center
pin. When the pivot point of the equipment is not obvious, it can be determined through review
of the operations/service manuals or by asking the operator, maintenance personnel, or employer.
When calculating load fall radius, this would be a similar calculation to the “Fall Zone” as
identified in § 1926.1425. The fall zone depends on the load itself. A bundle of pipe or vessel
full of liquid would have a much larger fall zone than a single block of concrete.
d. When equipment with a live boom is used to move loads over a shaft,
document when employees were present in the shaft during lifts.
e. When equipment with a live boom is used to move a load over a cofferdam,
document if employees are present in the cofferdam during lifts and for how
long. However, note that there is no violation of § 1926.1426(a)(2) except
when the employees in the cofferdam were in the actual fall zone of the boom
or load.
if the live boom has a friction drum, verify by visual inspection, employee
interviews, and/or equipment manuals that there is a friction clutch and a
braking device, plus a secondary braking or locking device.
if the live boom has hydraulic boom cylinders, verify by visual inspection,
employee interviews, and/or equipment manuals that all hydraulic boom
cylinders have an integrally mounted holding devices.
Citation Policy:
The AVD of the citation should list the specific conditions in paragraphs
(a)(1)(i) through (a)(1)(vi) of § 1926.1426 that existed when free fall of the
boom occurred.
2. § 1926.1426(c). Preventing Uncontrolled Retraction.
Citation Policy
Load line Free Fall: Where only the brake is used to regulate the descent of the load line
(the drive mechanism is not used to drive the load down faster or retard its lowering).
Controlled Load Lowering: Lowering a load by means of a mechanical hoist drum device
that allows a hoisted load to be lowered with maximum control using the gear train or
hydraulic components of the hoist mechanism; requires the use of the hoist drive motor,
rather than the load hoist brake, to lower the load.
Controlled lowering of the load line is required and free fall of the load is not
allowed under the following worksite conditions:
When the load is over a cofferdam and employees are in the fall zone of the
Inspection Guidance
a. Observe the operation of the equipment and interview the operator, and/or use
camera/video equipment when loads are permitted to free fall in any of the
five situations listed above. If using video, maximize audio gain to capture the
presence or absence of hoist drive motor sounds. Absence of hoist drive motor
sounds may indicate a free fall of the boom or load.
b. When operation of the equipment with load line free fall is observed in
proximity to a power line, be sure to photograph/video and document all
measurements necessary to determine boom and load fall radius and Table A
clearance distances, including the equipment’s position relative to the power
line, boom length, load dimensions, power line height, and power line voltage.
This information will be used to verify the employer’s compliance with Table
A clearances distances and § 1926.1426(a)(2).
Citation Policy:
The AVD of the citation should list the specific condition in paragraphs (d)(1)
through (d)(5) of § 1926.1426 that existed when free fall of the load line
§ 1926.1427. Operator Training, Certification, and Evaluation.
Operator Competency
When an employee of the U.S. military (not including contractors) has been qualified
by the U.S. Military
o This qualification is valid only where the operator is employed by the U.S.
Military and performing work for that employer.
When the following equipment is operated (see § 1926.1427(a)(3)):
- Derricks (§ 1926.1436);
- Sideboom cranes (§ 1926.1440); or
- Equipment with a maximum manufacturer-rated hoisting/lifting capacity of 2,000
pounds or less (§ 1926.1441).
OSHA’s crane operator requirements allow employers flexibility in how they ensure the
competency of their operators but provide some specificity in the kinds of information that
construction employers commonly assess when making determinations about the operator’s
knowledge and abilities.
Crane Operator Development:
There is no particular order in which an employer must comply with certification and
evaluation requirements for crane operators. For example:
• Inexperienced Operators can be- Trained → Certified → Evaluated
• Inexperienced Operators can be- Trained → Evaluated → Certified
• Experienced Operators can be- Hired Already Trained → Evaluated → Certified
• Experienced Operators can be- Hired Already Trained → Certified → Evaluated
• Certified Operators can be- Hired Already Certified → Trained → Evaluated
* Provided by the employer (in bold)
** Additional training and evaluation is required when the operator needs new knowledge or skills to
operate different equipment or complete new tasks
Multi-Employer Worksites and Contracts - The crane standard specifies minimum duties of
controlling employers (see 1926.1402 and 1926.1424), but is not intended to discourage
controlling employers from continuing to implement additional measures that have been
determined effective for ensuring crane safety at their jobsites. Please refer to the analyses
provided in the Multi-Employer Citation Policy, CPL 02-00-124, for additional guidance.
Controlling contractors must exercise reasonable care to prevent and detect violations
of the crane standard at the construction site (it should already be a customary work
practice for controlling employers to obtain some information from employers on their
construction sites about their overall safety programs and to confirm that crane
operators are trained and qualified to do the work they will perform).
Controlling contractors assume a heightened duty to monitor an operator who is
allowed on the site without providing evidence that the operator has been
certified/licensed and evaluated in accordance with the crane standard. For example,
when employees could be exposed to hazards of crane operation by an
uncertified/unlicensed self-employed crane operator not required to comply with
OSHA standards, the controlling contractor would need to observe the operation of the
crane to ensure that the uncertified/unlicensed operator is not lifting loads over
employees at the site or operating too close to power lines that could electrocute an
employee if disturbed.
If the controlling contractor informs the other employers on the site that the crane
operator has not provided evidence of certification/licensing, each employer could
then take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of its own employees to fulfill its
duties as an exposing employer.
Employers at the worksite other than the worker’s employer may share obligations
regarding the safe operation of cranes as creating and being able to correct conditions
when crane operators are not trained, certified, or evaluated as required but are still
allowed to operate cranes on construction sites. In addition to an analysis of the
Darden factors to determine whether an employer/employee relationship exists,
contracts between employers should also be reviewed at multi-employer sites to
determine corresponding safety and health responsibilities.
Inspection Guidance
Documentation of Operator Qualifications
a. Typically, Compliance Officers inspect cranes and interview crane operators as part of
broader programmed inspections of construction worksites, inspections triggered by
observed violations of the crane standard (including referrals and complaints), incident
investigations, or because of a crane hazard emphasis program.
Compliance Officers should request the following crane operator documentation,
which may be in hard copy or electronic form:
A license or certificate (§ 1926.1427(c) and (d)); and
Documentation of the operator’s evaluation(s) (§ 1926.1427(f))
Absent safety concerns about the condition of a crane, its set-up, operation, or the
tasks for which it is being operated, this documentation should be sufficient to confirm
the employer’s compliance with the requirements of § 1926.1427(a).
b. If unsafe operation or the condition of a crane causes a Compliance Officer to have
concerns about the competency of the crane operator, they should document any unsafe
operations or conditions and conduct interviews of the crane operator(s), employer, and if
available, trainers, hoist director and hoist crews to verify the qualifications of the
c. If an operator lacks the required documentation for licensing/certification or evaluation,
the Compliance Officer should interview the employer and document the operator’s
explanation regarding the reason for the lack of documentation. The employer’s and
operator’s statements should also be noted regarding whether the operator has in fact
been licensed/certified and evaluated for any specific equipment or tasks. In some cases,
the operator has been trained, certified, and evaluated on some equipment or tasks, but
not for the operator’s current equipment or task.
If an operator lacks the required documentation for licensing/certification or evaluation,
the Compliance Officer should determine if the operator is an operator-in-training and, if
so, the name of the trainer who is providing continuous supervision and his/her employer
and trainer qualifications.
NOTE: For more specific inspection guidance and citation policy, the Compliance
Officer shall refer to the Field Operations Manual and other sections of this directive
regarding specific requirements for crane operator training, certification/licensing, and
Citation Policy
d. § 1926.1427(a). When an employer has not provided training, a required
certification/license, or conducted an evaluation, and has not attempted to meet
operator-in-training requirements, consider a citation for a violation of § 1926.1427(a).
e. § 1926.1427(a). When an employer has tried and failed to meet the training,
certification/licensing, or evaluation requirements, and has not attempted to meet
operator-in-training requirements, consider a citation for a violation of § 1926.1427(a)
grouped with citations for violations of particular requirements of § 1926.1427(b) –
training, § 1926.1427(c)- state or local licensing, (d)- accredited certification, (e)-
audited employer program and certification, (f)- operator evaluation, and (h)(1)-
language and literacy.
f. § 1926.1427(a)(1). When an operator-in-training operates equipment but the employer
did not meet all requirements of § 1926.1427(b), consider a citation for a violation of §
1926.1427(a)(1) grouped with citations for violations of particular requirements of §
g. § 1926.1427(a)(2). Do not cite this provision because it is only information about an
exception to the requirements of § 1926.1427.
NOTE: A safety violation related to the crane does not necessarily mean there is a
violation of these requirements.
2. §1926.1427(b). Operator-in-training
Purpose: Compliance with this section allows an employee to continue operating cranes
when an employee is not yet certified/licensed or evaluated as required, but in such cases
the operation must be under supervision of a trainer.
This flowchart is designed to assist Compliance Officers in determining whether an employer has met the
operator-in-training requirements. If the operator is not an operator-in-training and has not been certified
and evaluated, consider a citation of § 1926.1427(a). Note: Violations in this flowchart should also be
grouped with a citation for violation of § 1926.1427(a)(1). See Citation Policy.
Is a trainer assigned to
continuously monitor the operator- No Possible § 1926.1427(b)(2)
in-training as that person operates violation
the crane?
Inspection Guidance
a. If the employer has designated the crane operator as an operator-in-training, the
Compliance Officer should:
Request and review any written training program materials the employer has
Although the standard does not require employers to create and maintain training
records, ask for training records for each training requirement, if available (i.e.,
written exams, evaluations, sign-in sheets, curriculums).
Interview the employer and employees to determine what training the employer
has provided.
- Do employees understand what was conveyed/covered in the training?
- Do the employees feel that the training is useful? What did they learn?
- When is training provided? How frequently? How long does training last?
- When was the employee last trained? What was the training about?
- Did the training involve operating equipment or performing activities, or
was it verbal training only?
- Is training provided by the employer directly or an outside vendor?
- How did the employer determine that the trainer was qualified to train the
- Did the employer comply with all other operator-in-training requirements,
including the trainer’s presence and activities at the worksite to comply
with continuous monitoring requirements (29 CFR 1926.1427(b))?
Note: Training not provided by current employer can be accepted if verified. Not all
operators-in-training will be inexperienced operators or unfamiliar with the crane(s)
they operate. They may be operating in a status pending certification or evaluation. In
such cases, the employer should have determined that the operator has been sufficiently
trained by a prior employer or other means, such as a labor union, and is familiar with
the crane(s) and its operations such that additional training is not required. Therefore, it
is reasonable that the employer may not have a record of providing formal and practical
instruction for particular operators as long as the employer complies with the
certification and evaluation requirements of the standard.
When there are concerns about the operator(s) familiarity with the crane operated and
the task assigned, and whether sufficient training was provided, the Compliance Officer
should interview the employer, crane operator(s), and operator’s trainer(s) to document
any training provided (if any), and how the employer determined that crane operation
and tasks assigned are within the ability of the crane operator (including any
documented evaluations). Note that training under a previous employer may be
acceptable if verified by the current employer – employers need not re-train an
experienced operator just because the operator switches employers. Ultimately,
however, it is the employer’s duty to ensure the operator is trained.
b. Retraining- Retraining is required when the operator’s performance, or an evaluation of
the operator’s knowledge, indicates that the operator did not fully grasp initial training.
Employers have a continuing duty to monitor the performance of their operators to
determine whether retraining is necessary. For example, construction employers often
rely on evaluations or other feedback about the performance of crane operators,
especially about near-miss incidents or reports of other unsafe operation received from
site supervisors, hoist crews, lift directors, trainers, and other employers who have
worked with or around the crane. These entities should be interviewed to determine what
steps the employer has taken to identify any concerns about the operator’s ability to
safely operate the crane, perform assigned tasks and what steps the employer has taken
when such concerns have been identified.
Citation Policy
c. Both §1926.1427(b) and §1926.1430(c) include training requirements for operators, but §
1926.1430(c) refers back to § 1926.1427(b) for most operators. Only cite to §
1926.1430(c) if the equipment being operated is a derrick, a sideboom crane, or has
a capacity of less than a ton (for those, cite § 1926.1430(c)).
d. § 1926.1427(b). Consider a citation for a violation of § 1926.1427(b) grouped with
citation for a violation of § 1926.1427(a)(1) when the employer attempted to comply with
operator-in-training requirements, but did not make efforts to determine that the operator
was sufficiently trained for the assigned tasks.
The AVD should describe how the lack of formal or practical training deprived the
operator of the opportunity to become familiar with the crane(s) and assigned task(s),
creating a hazardous worksite condition.
e. § 1926.1427(b)(1). Consider a citation for a violation of § 1926.1427(b)(1) grouped with
citation for a violation of § 1926.1427(a)(1) when an employer provided training, but it
was inadequate because:
the training provided did not cover the requisite knowledge and skills listed in
paragraphs (j)(1) and (2) of § 1926.1427.
the assigned task was beyond the ability of the operator-in-training; or
the operator-in-training was not certified/qualified in accordance with §
1926.1427 and was performing an assigned task listed in § 1926.1427(b)(3)(i)-(v).
The AVD must describe how the task assigned was not within the ability of the operator-
in-training. In some cases, it may be evident that the employer did not make any efforts to
make this determination. In others, the employer’s determination may be subjective and
should be balanced with other evidence.
h. § 1926.1427(b)(4). Consider a citation for a violation of § 1926.1427(b)(4) when the
qualifications of the person monitoring the operator-in-training did not comply with all
requirements of § 1926.1427(b)(4). Any citations for violations of §
1926.1427(b)(4)should be grouped with citations for violations of § 1926.1427(b)(2) and
§ 1926.1427(a)(1). The AVD should specify which provision of § 1926.1427(b)(4) has
been violated.
i. § 1926.1427(b)(5). Consider a citation for a violation of 1926.1427(b)(5) grouped with a
citation of 1926.1427(a)(1) when the employer allowed an operator to operate a crane and
there was an indication that retraining was needed and was not provided.
The AVD of the citation must describe any facts that were evident to the employer, or
presented to the employer, and triggered a need for retraining of the operator. In some
cases, near-miss incidents or observed hazardous conditions that were created, or t not
recognized or averted by the operator should be used in support of the citation. The
AVD should also include the hazardous condition(s) that could have been prevented
through retraining of the operator.
3. §1926.1427(c). Operator Certification and Licensing.
Except as identified earlier, employers must ensure that their operators are certified or
licensed through at least one of the following:
Certified by a testing body accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting
Certified by the employer through an audited employer program that meets all of
the criteria in § 1926.1427(e).
Licensed by a state or local government authority who has determined that its
certification/licensing programs meet the requirements of paragraphs (c)-(e) of §
This flowchart is designed to assist Compliance Officers in determining whether an employer
has met the operator certification/licensing requirements. This flowchart should be used after
determining that the equipment operated is within the scope of the rule (see § 1926.1400) and
that none of the exceptions of § 1926.1427(a) apply. For jurisdictions requiring licenses,
Compliance Officers should determine whether the operator has the jurisdiction’s license and
whether the jurisdiction’s license meets the federal floor. Note: Violations under § 1926.1427(c)
in this flowchart should also be grouped with a citation for violation of § 1926.1427(a).
Violations under § 1926.1427(d) should also be grouped with a citation for violation of §
1926.1427(a) and § 1926.1427(c)(2). See Citation Policy.
Possible violation of
§ 1926.1427(c)(1) or (d)
Yes Go to Operator-in-Training
flow chart to verify
compliance with operator-in-
training requirements.
Possible violation of §
State/local government Licensing- A single state or local license may satisfy OSHA and
state/local government requirements.
If the state or local license meets OSHA’s minimum “federal floor”
requirements, then OSHA’s standard requires an operator to obtain that
license to operate within that jurisdiction. See discussion of “federal floor”
If a state or local government’s licensing program does not meet the minimum
“federal floor” requirements specified by OSHA, employers operating cranes
within those jurisdictions must meet one of the other options for
certification/qualification as specified by § 1926.1427.
A state or local government may choose to require employers operating cranes
within its jurisdiction to provide crane operators with certifications issued by a
particular accredited testing organizations chosen by the state or local
government. As long as the state or local license meets all requirements in §
1926.1427, the operator must obtain that certification to comply with OSHA’s
Meeting the Federal Floor
The “federal floor” refers to OSHA’s base criteria for a state or local crane operator license.
The “federal floor” requirements are intended to ensure that state and local licensing
requirements meet most of the same minimum requirements specified for an accredited
certification body. An oversight office—in addition to the licensing office—is one of the
requirements for a state/local licensing program to meet the “federal floor.” That oversight
office must declare that the licensing program:
It is anticipated that the license will either include that declaration or indicate that the licensing
authority has posted that declaration on its website. Consult the Regional Office or DOC for
more guidance on whether such declaration has been made or if an inquiry must be initiated.
In order to meet the federal floor, the licensing program must also include a specific re-licensing
Training and Testing Provided by the Same Testing Organization- Compliance with §
1926.1427(c)(4) is intended to prevent a licensing/testing organization’s training arm
from “teaching to the test,” which would undermine the test’s ability to determine the
individual’s true subject matter expertise for safe operation of equipment. If a
Compliance Officer becomes aware of any allegations that a licensing/testing
organization is also providing training and “teaching to the test,” they should
immediately contact the Regional Construction Coordinator and inform/consult with
the National Office about such allegations.
Inspection Guidance
When a license or certification is required, the Compliance Officer should:
a. Ask operators if they have a certificate or card or ask the employer to make the
certification available for review. Operators may carry a certification/license with them,
while some employers may keep copies of those documents in a central location to
facilitate accessibility. Electronic documents are acceptable.
b. Verify that equipment operators have been certified/licensed in accordance with the
requirements of § 1926.1427(a) to operate assigned equipment.
c. If the documentation is a state or locally-required license, verify that the license meets the
“federal floor” requirements of 29 CFR 1926.1427(c)(1) (discussed above). If necessary,
contact the Regional Office Enforcement Programs for guidance, and, if necessary, the
Directorate of Construction.
d. If there are any concerns regarding the information provided by an accredited testing
organization or compliant state or local government program about their programs,
contact the Regional Office Enforcement Programs for guidance and, if necessary, the
Directorate of Construction (DOC).
e. There may be attempts to create fraudulent certification cards that may raise concerns
during inspections. If there are concerns about whether the certification/license is
genuine, contact the testing organization to verify the validity of the certification. It is
common practice for testing organizations to keep record of certified operators. Also, if
necessary, contact the Regional Office Enforcement Programs for guidance and the
Directorate of Construction (DOC).
f. Verify that the certification/licensing documentation:
identifies the operator and the accredited certifier;
specifies the type, or type and capacity, of equipment for which the operator is
certified to operate;
specifies the language in which the operator is certified; and
has not exceeded the expiration date specified by the certification, or five years
(whichever is shorter).
For certifications, confirm that the testing organization is accredited to perform tests
for the type of equipment listed on the certification.
g. If the equipment is not of the type listed on the operator’s certification/license, then
document the make and model of equipment operated and obtain a copy of the operator’s
certification. To determine the type of equipment, note the equipment’s design and
function, and if necessary, review the operations manual or contact the manufacturer.
Contact the testing organization, if necessary, for assistance determining if the equipment
is within the type specified on the certification/licensing documentation or similar.
h. If it is unclear whether there is a certification available for similar equipment, contact the
testing organization and, if necessary, consult with the Regional Office of Enforcement
Programs and Directorate of Construction.
i. Verify that the language specified on the operator’s certification/license documentation is
the same as that in the crane manual, load charts, etc., in the equipment operated at the
j. Interview the operator to determine who paid for the operator’s certification or license
(including recertification). If the operator paid, Compliance Officers should ask when the
operator was certified, whether the operator was employed by the employer at that time,
and whether the operator was reimbursed. Employers are required by § 1926.1427(c)(3)
to pay for the certification of operator’s they employ, but only for certifications after the
effective date of the revisions to the standard: February 7, 2019. While payment for
recertification of an employed operator is covered under this provision, payment for test
preparation for certification testing is not covered. Employers may devise various
arrangements to pay for certification of an operator, so evaluate these arrangements on a
case-by-case basis.
k. An operator’s non-compliance with provisions of Subpart CC may be an indication that
they need retraining or the employer may not have effectively communicated and
enforced work rules to ensure compliance with the requirements. The Compliance Officer
should interview the operator, employer, and A/D/lift director (if there is one) to
determine what was observed by workers/employees regarding the unsafe operations of
the crane and any actions taken by the employer to address concerns about the
l. If Area Offices experience difficulties in obtaining information from testing
organizations, state or local governments, or accrediting agencies necessary to the
Compliance Officer to an evaluation about particular licenses or certifications used at
worksites, the Regional Office of Enforcement Programs and if necessary, the National
Office should be contacted for assistance.
Citation Policy
m. § 1926.1427(c)(1). Consider a citation for violation of § 1926.1427(a) grouped with §
1926.1427(c)(1) when:
the employer operates a crane within the jurisdiction of a state or local
that state or local government requires a license to operate a crane within its
the license meets requirements of § 1926.1427(c); but
the operator has not acquired the required license
n. § 1926.1427(c)(2). Consider a citation for a violation of § 1926.1427(c)(2) grouped with
a citation for a violations of § 1926.1427(a) when:
a license is not required and the operator is not certified as specified under §§
1926.1427(d) and (e)
o. § 1926.1427(c)(3). Consider a citation for a violation of § 1926.1427(c)(3) grouped with
a citation for violation of § 1926.1427(a) when the employer has not complied with the
requirement to ensure that certification or license is provided at no cost to its employee.
4. § 1926.1427(d). Certification by an Accredited Crane Operator Testing Organization.
Inspection Guidance
a. Refer to inspection guidance provided in this directive for § 1926.1427(a)-(c).
Citation Policy
b. § 1926.1427(d). Consider a citation for violations of specific requirements of §
1926.1427(d) grouped with citations for violations of § 1926.1427(c)(2) and §
1926.1427(a) when the operator’s certifying body is not accredited or otherwise fails to
satisfy the specific requirements of § 1926.1427(d). Multiple violations of §
1926.1427(d) should be grouped together with § 1926.1427(c)(2) and § 1926.1427(a) in
one citation. If there is evidence suggesting that the certification might not satisfy
OSHA’s requirements, the Compliance Officer must consult with the national office.
5. § 1926.1427(e). Certification by an Audited Employer Program.
Under this option, employers can certify their own crane operators. However, the
program’s written and practical tests must be either: developed by an accredited crane
operator testing organization or approved by a third-party auditor in accordance with
requirements specified by § 1927.1427(e)(1)(ii)(A)-(D).
Inspection Guidance
a. Refer to inspection guidance provided in this directive for §1927.1427(a)-(c).
b. If the employer provides its own certifications and that is the only certification the
operator has, ask the employer to provide information or documentation about its
certification program, including evidence that its testing program was audited by an
accredited crane operator testing organization or audited by a third-party certified auditor.
c. If there are any concerns about whether the employer’s audited program satisfies the
requirements of §1927.1427(e), such as its approval status, contact the auditor or auditing
company using information obtained from the employer.
d. Contact the national office.
Citation Policy
e. § 1926.1427(e). Consider a citation for violations of specific requirements of §
1926.1427(e) grouped with citations for violations of § 1926.1427(c)(2) and §
1926.1427(a) when the operator’s only certification is a certification issued under an
employer audited program certification that does not meet the requirements of §
1926.1427(e). Multiple violations of § 1926.1427(e) should be grouped together with §
1926.1427(c)(2) and § 1926.1427(a) in one citation.
6. § 1926.1427(f). Evaluation.
OSHA does not expect the assessment criteria provided in §1926.1427(f) to change
significantly when and how Compliance Officers assess operator competency. Long
before the 2010 crane rule became effective, 29 CFR 1926.20(b)(4) required employers
to permit only those employees qualified by training or experience to operate equipment
and machinery. The 2018 operator qualifications rule provided criteria and accepted
means for evaluating an operator’s experience in operating cranes.
The evaluation requirements of 29 CFR 1926.1427(f) are intended to provide the
necessary specificity and notice to employers to ensure that an evaluation satisfies the
minimum criteria necessary for the safe operation of cranes by operators. It also provides
employers with flexibility in how they may conduct such evaluations.
The main focus of the evaluation requirements are to ensure that the operator has the
knowledge, skills and abilities to operate:
the assigned equipment
for specified assigned tasks
Previously evaluated operators must therefore be re-evaluated when new knowledge,
skills or abilities are required for new tasks or operating different equipment,
configurations, etc.
Documentation- As a new requirement, the 2018 crane rule requires that employers must
document the completion of the evaluation in accordance with § 1926.1427(f)(6) and
make the document available at the worksite for as long as the employer employs the
operator. The employer is only required to document the following information:
1. operator’s name;
2. evaluator’s name and signature;
3. date the evaluation was completed; and
4. make, model, and configuration of the crane(s) that the operator can safely operate for
construction tasks
A Compliance Officer, the operator’s employer, or other interested parties such as
employers on multi-employer worksites can compare this baseline information for the
equipment on which the operator was originally evaluated to the crane that is being
operated to determine whether the operator has been appropriately evaluated for the
current equipment. The focus should be on whether operation of the different equipment
requires different knowledge, skills, or abilities to recognize and avert risk. Employers
have traditionally been able to communicate this kind of information to labor unions,
rental companies, and subcontractors when they identify the types of cranes that are
needed for a project and to match the skills and abilities of operators to that particular
equipment. The same make and model of cranes can be configured in many ways and
include varying operating systems. Some makes and models of cranes may be so similar,
even between manufacturers and models, that typically operators can safely operate them
without the need for additional training. In such cases, employers would not need to
document separate evaluations on each of those equipment. Employers need only
document baseline evaluations and then evaluations for different equipment that requires
increased levels of operator training and/or familiarization. In addition, employers only
need to distinguish and list operational aides and safety devices on an operator’s
evaluation documentation to the extent that they require operators to acquire differing
skills, crane knowledge or familiarity with the equipment. For examples of safety
devices, refer to 29 CFR 1926.1915. For examples of operational aides, refer to 29 CFR
1926.1416. These are not comprehensive lists of safety devices and operational aides.
Note: Violations in this flowchart should also be grouped with a citation for violation of §
1926.1427(a). See Citation Policy.
See Operator-in-Training
flowchart for additional
compliance with the standard
Did the evaluator determine the
operator is competent to operate No
a crane which is similar to that
assigned, and for a task similar
to that assigned?
See Certification flowchart for
additional compliance with the
Possible § 1926.1427(f)(1) standard
Yes violation
Possible § 1926.1427(f)(4)
Inspection Guidance
i. For operators employed prior to December 10, 2018, in cases where the employer has
determined that the evaluations are still applicable to the equipment operated, that
employer (or an evaluator) may sign and date documentation supporting previous
successful evaluation(s) in lieu of conducting a new evaluation. This is an acceptable
practice and no citations will be issued to employers who have evaluated their operators
prior to the rule and documented it appropriately.
j. In some cases, compliance issues may arise regarding the accuracy of an operator’s
evaluation, especially in light of an operator’s violations of other provisions of the crane
rule (e.g., keeping the load clear of workers and away from power lines, operating on a
level surface, etc.). In these situations, refer to Paragraphs f, g and h of this section for
inspection guidance.
k. The Compliance Officer should discuss any significant concerns regarding an employer’s
evaluation with a supervisor and if necessary, a Regional Construction Coordinator and
the Directorate of Construction in the National Office.
Note: If the employer has not conducted the required evaluation(s) of the operator that
serves as the basis for the operation of particular equipment for the particular task, then
the operator shall be considered an operator-in-training with respect to that equipment
or task. In such cases, the employer is subject to the requirements of § 1926.1427(b) and
the operator-in-training may only operate a crane that is within the operator’s
knowledge and abilities. The employer is not required to document the knowledge and
abilities of the operator-in-training, but any descriptions obtained from interviews should
be documented by the Compliance Officer.
Citation Policy
The AVD of the citation should describe the facts supporting the violated provisions of §
1926.1427(f). For example, if the employer did conduct an evaluation but did not
properly document the completion of the evaluation, then cite § 1926.1427(f)(6) and
describe the deficiency of the documentation.
m. If the employer evaluated an operator on assigned equipment, but has not evaluated the
operator since changes to the equipment that would require new skills or knowledge
(different software, new attachments, longer boom length, etc.), cite § 1926.1427(f)(1)(i)
grouped with citation for a violation of § 1926.1427(a).
n. If the employer evaluated the operator on assigned equipment and for previous tasks, but
not for a new assigned task that requires additional knowledge or skill level (e.g., a blind
lift), cite § 1926.1427(f)(1)(ii) grouped with citation for a violation of § 1926.1427(a).
Accredited organizations can administer tests for certifying crane operators in languages
other than English. However all certifications must specify the language in which
operators originally took them. Certification testing is specifically intended to confirm
that operators in the construction industry can effectively use required information about
the crane, including load charts and manufacturer instructions typically kept in the cab of
the crane. It is therefore essential that this required information is immediately available
to the operator in the cab, and is in the language for which the operator has already
demonstrated competency during their certification exam. A Compliance Officer should
make this inquiry in addition to any another violation related to the crane and its
Inspection Guidance
a. Document the language specified on the certificate. Determine whether the load charts
and other written materials in the cab are in that language.
b. In some cases, the operators may be bilingual to varying degrees. The extent to which
someone can understand another language well enough to effectively use load charts,
operation manuals, and other required information may also vary from person to person.
Thus § 1926.1427(h)(2) mandates that the load charts and materials in the cab must
match the language of the operator’s certification test.
Citation Policy
c. Consider a citation for a violation of § 1926.1427(h)(1)(i) grouped with § 1926.1427(a)
when an operator is operating equipment and a test administered under this section was
administered verbally without evidence the operator passed a written demonstration of
literacy relevant to the work.
a test under this section was administered in a language the operator did not
the operator’s certification did not note the language in which the test was given,
the testing language specified by the operator’s certification is not the same as
that of information about the crane that is required by § 1926.1417(a).
If there are no other concerns about the operator’s ability to make determinations
regarding crane safety, and the employer did not provide information required by §
1926.1417(a) in the language specified by the operator’s certification but can demonstrate
that the operator understands the materials in the language in which they are printed, a
citation for a violation of §1926.1427(h)(2) shall be considered as other than serious.
Note that if an operator’s certification lists more than one language, the employer would
be in compliance if the materials in the cab are in any one of the languages specified on
the certification.
Please contact the Directorate of Construction prior to issuing any citations for violations
of § 1926.1427(h).
This paragraph specifies criteria that a certification testing program must assess for that
certification to meet the requirements of § 1926.1427(c). Accrediting agencies are tasked
to verify when organizations meet industry-recognized criteria for written testing
materials, practical examinations, test administration, grading, facilities/equipment, and
Employers acting in good faith will typically meet most requirements of § 1926.1427(j)
by ensuring that a testing organization that has certified its operators is accredited; a
state’s or local government’s licensing program has been declared compliant by its
government authority; or a certified auditor has approved an employer’s certification
Citation Policy
Do not issue stand-alone citations for violations of § 1926.1427(j) requirements without
consulting the national office. Establishing a violation of that provision will likely
require an examination of the testing procedures of the certification or licensing body and
the reasonableness of the employer’s reliance on the testing by that entity.
1. § 1926.1428(a). Employers must ensure that each signal person meets the
Qualification Requirements in § 1926.1428(c) before that person may give any
signals. Employers have two options for meeting this requirement:
§ 1926.1428(a)(2) (Option (2)). The employer’s qualified evaluator has
assessed the signal person and provided documentation that he or she met the
Qualification Requirements.
Qualified Evaluators
Qualified evaluator (third-party) is an entity that, due to its independence and expertise, has
demonstrated that it is competent in accurately assessing whether an individual meets the
qualification requirements for a signal person.
- OSHA does not evaluate or endorse specific products or programs, and makes no
determination as to whether a certification program meets the definition of a "qualified evaluator
- Labor-management joint apprenticeship training programs that train and assess signal persons
would typically meet the definition for a third-party qualified evaluator.
Qualified evaluator (not a third-party) is a person employed by the signal person’s employer
who has shown that he/she is competent in assessing whether an individual meets the
qualification requirements for a signal person.
Inspection Guidance
a. Ask the employer to see qualification documentation for all signal persons on
Verify that the method/types of signals used during the operation are
consistent with those specified on the signal person’s qualification
f. If an audited employer program (Option (2)) was used, review the program to
evaluate whether it covers the Qualification Requirements of § 1926.1428(c).
Determine by observation and interviews if there are indications that signal
persons may not have been properly trained, and interview the employer to
determine how the qualified evaluator’s qualifications were confirmed. If
there is no written program, interview the employer to determine whether the
program ensures that signal persons meet the Qualification Requirements of
§ 1926.1428(c).
Citation Policy
the employer does not have qualification documentation for all signal
persons giving signals,
the signal person is using types of signals that he or she is not qualified to
use, or
the employer relies on a qualified evaluator program under Option (2) that
does not satisfy the Qualification Requirements of § 1926.1428(c). If an
inadequate employer qualified evaluator program is the basis for a
§ 1926.1428(a) citation, the AVD accompanying the citation should list
the specific provision(s) of § 1926.1428(c) that the employer’s program
failed to address.
the documentation does not specify type(s) of signals for which the signal
person meets the Qualification Requirements.
2. § 1926.1428(b). Employers must not allow a signal person who has
documentation that meets the requirements of § 1926.1428(a), but whose actions
indicate that he or she does not meet the basic knowledge requirements under
§ 1926.1428(c), to give signals during operations until he or she is retrained and
Inspection Guidance
a. If there are indications that a signal person does not meet the requirements in
§ 1926.1428(c), determine by whether the signal person is qualified and
whether he or she has undergone subsequent assessment.
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
Method of hand signals. To determine whether § 1926.1428(c)(1) is satisfied,
consider the following:
If hand signals are given, look for the hand signal chart posted in the
vicinity (most likely on the crane).
Where possible, observe the signal person in action to verify that signals
given are consistent with those on the chart.
Observe the site for obstructions (e.g., visual or audible interference) that
might make the type of signals used inappropriate for the job.
Assess whether the operator understands the signals given by the signal
Assess whether the signal person has a basic understanding of operations and
equipment limitation, including how the crane and load will move in response
to various signals.
§ 1926.1429(a)(2); The personnel operating the crane must either operate the
equipment under the direct supervision of an operator who meets the certification
requirements of § 1926.1427 (§ 1926.1429(a)(2)(i)) or be familiar with the
operations of the equipment (§ 1926.1429(a)(2)(ii)).
Inspection Guidance
a. Ask personnel whether they are maintenance, inspection, or repair persons and
by observation, interview and review of documentation determine if the
employer is complying with § 1926.1429(a)(1) by considering the following:
Citation Policy
c. § 1926.1429(a)(1). If the operation of the crane/derrick exceeded necessary
functions for performing maintenance, inspection, or performance
verification, consider a citation for violation of § 1926.1429(a)(1).
d. § 1926.1429(a)(2). If personnel operated the crane and were not familiar with
the equipment, consider a citation for violation of § 1926.1429(a)(2).
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy
T. § 1926.1430. Training.
Section 1926.1430 applies to all equipment covered under Subpart CC except for
equipment covered under § 1926.1441 (Equipment with a rated hoisting/lifting
capacity of 2,000 pounds or less). Section 1926.1430 includes three types of
Training requirements that are identical to, or overlap substantially with training
requirements found in other sections of Subpart CC;
training requirements not found in other sections of Subpart CC; and
Because the steps for evaluating the effectiveness of training requirements are similar
for most kinds of training, the first part of this section, Inspection Guidance, provides
general guidance for collection of information related to training during a worksite
inspection and some specific guidance for collecting information related to specific
training requirements in § 1926.1430. Because many of the training requirements in
§ 1926.1430 overlap with training requirements in other sections of Subpart CC, the
second part of this section, Citation Policy, provides a basic hierarchy for determining
which training requirement to consider for citations. Additionally, a chart which
summarizes Subpart CC training requirements, including § 1926.1430 and other
sections, provides citation policy for these requirements.
Inspection Guidance:
b. Request and review any written training program materials the employer may
have available.
c. For each training requirement, ask for training records (i.e., written exams,
evaluations, sign-in sheets, curriculums). Note that the employer is generally
not required to maintain written records of training unless required by a
Do the employees feel that the training is useful? What did they learn?
When is training provided? How frequently? How long does training last?
When was the employee last trained? What was the training about?
e. Many of the training requirements in Subpart CC have an evaluation
component. In addition, § 1926.1430(g)(1) requires employers to evaluate
each employee required to be trained under Subpart CC to confirm that the
employee understands the training. Interview the employer and employees to
determine the following:
How does the employer confirm that the employee understands training
Has this employee ever been retrained? Have any employees been
What is the system for determining when retraining is needed? Are there
regular evaluations?
Does the employee have an understanding of the activity and what is being
done incorrectly?
interview the employer and employees to determine whether employees ever
had to pay for training.
Citation Policy:
Consider citations under the most applicable vertical standard in Subpart CC.
If the vertical standard does not cover the training violation, consider citations
for violation of the requirements under § 1926.1430.
If no vertical standard applies and § 1926.1430 does not cover the training
violation, consider citations under the more general § 1926.21 (safety training
and education).
Provision(s) Training Requirements
§ 1926.1408(g)(1)–(3) Power line safety: For operations covered by §
1926.1408, § 1926.1409 and § 1926.1410, the
§ 1926.1410(m) employer must train each operator and crew member
assigned to work with equipment in the topics in §§
§ 1926.1430(a) 1926.1408(g)(1) through (3). See power lines sections
of this directive for additional guidance regarding
citations for violations of §§ 1926.1408-
Provision(s) Training Requirements
§§ Swing radius hazards: Under § 1926.1424(a)(2)(i),
1926.1424(a)(2)(i)through employees assigned to work on or near the equipment
(ii) (“authorized personnel”) must be trained to recognize
struck-by and pinch/crush hazard areas of rotating
§ 1926.1430(e) superstructures. Under § 1926.1424(a)(2)(ii), if the
employer uses warning signs and high-visibility
markings to protect against swing radius hazards, the
employer must train employees to understand these
markings. See section covering Work Area Control in
this directive for additional guidance on citations for §§
1926.1424(a)(2)(i) through (ii).
Provision(s) Training Requirements
§ 1926.1427(a) Operator training: The employer must ensure that the
person operating equipment covered by Subpart CC is
operating the equipment during a training period in
accord with § 1926.1427(f), or qualified or certified to
operate the equipment in accordance with §§
1926.1427(a)(1) through (4).
Provision(s) Training Requirements
§ 1926.1427(f)(1) Operator trainee/apprentice: Section 1926.1427(j)
provides minimum operator qualification and
§ 1926.1427(j) certification criteria.
Provision(s) Training Requirements
§ 1926.1427(k)(2)(ii) Operator training during phase-in period: Under
§ 1926.1427(k)(2)(ii), during the § 1926.1427 phase-in
§ 1926.1430(c)(2) period, an employee assigned to operate the equipment,
who does not have the knowledge or ability to operate
it safely, must be provided with necessary training
before operating the equipment. The employer must
ensure that the operator is evaluated to confirm that he
or she understands the training. This requirement is
effective November 8, 2010 through November 9,
Provision(s) Training Requirements
§ 1926.1430(c)(3) Operators of equipment excepted from § 1926.1427:
Equipment covered under § 1926.1436 (Derricks),
§ 1926.1436(q) § 1926.1440 (Sideboom cranes) and § 1926.1441
(2,000-pound maximum rated capacity) are exempted
§ 1926.1441(e) from the requirements of § 1926.1427.
Provision(s) Training Requirements
§ 1926.1430(c)(4)(ii) Operator training—emergency procedures (halting
unintended movement): Where available, operators
must be trained on the manufacturer’s emergency
procedures for halting unintended equipment
§ 1926.1428(b) Signal person retraining: Under § 1926.1428(b), an
employer must provide retraining for a signal person
§ 1926.1430(b) who does not meet the qualification requirements of
§ 1926.1428(c) before allowing that person to continue
giving signals.
Provision(s) Training Requirements
§ 1926.1427(j)(2)(iv) Tag-out: Under § 1926.1427(j)(2)(iv), operator
certification must include application of safe shut-
§ 1926.1430(f) down and securing procedures. See the Operator
Certification and Qualification section in this directive
for additional guidance regarding citations of §
U. § 1926.1431. Hoisting Personnel.
The threshold for infeasibility has not changed from similar requirements in the old crane
standard, § 1926.550(c)(2) of Subpart N of 29 CFR Part 1926.
Inspection Guidance
that the equipment was uniformly level and the surface beneath the
equipment was firm and stable;
that all required safety devices and operational aids are on the equipment
and working properly;
that a competent person: conducted the duties required for a trial lift, proof
testing, and inspection;
that pre-lift meetings were conducted and attended by the operator, signal
person, employees to be hoisted, and the person responsible for the task to
be performed;
the use of personnel hoists and access equipment (other than cranes) and
where this equipment is being used.
b. Ask the employer to describe why it is not feasible for employees to use other
equipment, such as aerial lifts, stairways, ladders, scaffolds, or personnel
hoists, to access work positions. Document this rationale.
Citation Policy
some requirement for the operator, signal person, or other employee, group
each with § 1926.1400(f).
the required devices were not working properly when the crane/derrick
was operated, consider citations of § 1926.1431(d)(5)(vii); group this
citation with § 1926.1400(f).
Inspection Guidance
a. Using the inspection guidance provided above for general requirements of this
section, and through interviews and observation of the hoisting activity, verify
that employees have been hoisted by crane/derrick in or out of drill shafts.
Citation Policy
4. § 1926.1431 (p). Provisions that are Specific to Personnel Hoisting for Pile
Driving Operations.
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
this section, and through interviews and observation of the hoisting activity,
verify that employees have been hoisted by crane/derrick during marine
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
When more than one crane or derrick will support the load, employers must plan
the operation in accord with the following criteria:
Inspection Guidance
a. When a load is observed being hoisted by more than one crane, determine
whether the employer has developed a plan meeting the requirements of
§§ 1926.1432(a)(1-3).
b. The multiple-crane lift plan does not have to be in writing. If the plan is in
writing, examine the plan. If not, interview the employer and lift director to
determine what the plan was and whether the requirements in
§§ 1926.1432(a)(1-3) are met.
c. Confirm that a qualified person developed the lift plan. If possible, interview
the qualified person to assess their qualifications.
d. Through review of the written or described multi-crane lift plan, confirm that
the plan was designed to meet the requirements of Subpart CC. For example,
consider whether the plan addresses hazards such as:
ground conditions,
proximity to power lines,
hazardous weather conditions,
rigging (any custom rigging),
work area control, and
worksite communication.
e. Through interviews, determine if there were problems with the lift plan and if
the qualified person requested engineering expertise from the employer.
Citation Policy
The above list contains some requirements of the standard that could be
implicated by a multiple crane lift operation. When the crane engaged in a
multiple lift violated some part of Subpart CC, and the lift plan was not
designed to prevent the violation, consider a citation for § 1926.1432(a)(2)
grouped with each applicable requirement of Subpart CC violated.
a. Interview the lift director, if the employer has one, and other employees
involved in the lift to verify that that a person or persons meeting the
requirements of § 1926.1432(b)(1) directed the lift. If there are indications
that the performance of a multiple-crane lift is unsafe, evaluate whether the
lift director was a qualified person. Obtain information about the level of
experience, knowledge, training and authority of the lift director and gauge
the applicability of this knowledge and experience to the hoisting job being
performed. Interviews may cover subjects such as:
a description of the multi-crane lift plan;
what ground conditions were addressed and how they were addressed;
any determinations made about hazards identified and how the lift director
addressed these hazards;
b. Interview the lift director, employer, and employees to determine whether a
meeting with all workers involved with the lift took place, and whether
employees were apprised of the plan during the meeting. If the lift director
modified the plan, did he or she hold another meeting to present the modified
Citation Policy
c. § 1926.1432(b)(1). If the person or persons who directed the lift do not meet
the requirements of this standard, consider a citation for § 1926.1432(b)(1).
Specify in the AVD what deficiencies in the lift director’s or directors’
qualifications were present (e.g., that the lift director was qualified, but not
competent). Also consider citing this standard if no one was assigned to direct
the lift.
Section 1926.1433(e) provides a “safe harbor” for employers who can show
manufacturer documentation indicating that the equipment is in compliance with
§§ 1926.1433(a) through (c) and §§ 1926.1433(d)(7) through (d)(13). This
provision does not apply if the equipment is modified, unless said modifications
are in compliance with § 1926.1434 (Equipment Modifications).
Inspection Guidance
a. Inspect the equipment and interview the employer and operator to determine
whether the equipment is manufacturer-designed and built, employer-
modified, or employer-built. If the employer modified the equipment, ensure
compliance with the requirements of § 1926.1434.
c. If there are concerns that manufactured equipment does not comply with
§§ 1926.1433(a)-(c) or §§ 1926.1433(d)(7)-(d)(13), contact the equipment
manufacturer to obtain the manufacturer’s documentation.
Citation Policy:
If the manufacturer’s documentation reveals that the equipment does not meet
these requirements, advise the employer that it must either bring the
equipment into compliance or stop using it. The employer may be subject to
future citations under §§ 1926.1433(a)-(c) or §§ 1926.1433(d)(7) through
(d)(13) once this notice is provided. Similarly, if the employer is otherwise on
notice that manufactured equipment is out of compliance with requirements
under §§ 1926.1433(a) through (c) and §§ 1926.1433(d)(7) through (d)(13),
for example, if OSHA publishes a statement about a particular piece of
equipment that generally does not comply with §§ 1926.1433(a) through (c)
and §§ 1926.1433(d)(7) through (d)(13), or if the employer’s RPE has given
the employer notice that the equipment is out of compliance with
§§ 1926.1433(a) through (c) and §§ 1926.1433(d)(7) through (d)(13), the
employer may be subject to citations under these provisions.
Note: OSHA anticipates that in most cases, the manufacturer will provide
documentation consistent with the requirements of this section. Noncompliance
with §§ 1926.1433(a) through (c) and §§ 1926.1433(d)(7) through (d)(13) is thus
most likely where the equipment is designed or built by the employer or another
non-manufacturer entity.
Inspection Guidance:
a. Inspect the equipment and interview the employer and operator to confirm
compliance with §§ 1926.1433(d)(1) through (d)(6). The requirements under
§§ 1926.1433(d)(1) through (d)(6) may be used as a checklist.
b. Ask the operator or other personnel to see the rated capacity and related
information that must be available in the cab under § 1926.1433(d)(1).
Review the information for the minimum required information listed in
§ 1926.1433(d)(1)(i) through (xvi).
c. Inspect the equipment and interview the employer and operator to confirm
that load hooks, ball assemblies and load blocks meet the requirements of
§§ 1926.1433(d)(2) through (d)(3).
d. Ensure that all hooks are equipped with latches meeting the design
requirements of § 1926.1433(d)(4)(iii), unless (A) a qualified person
determined that it was safer to hoist and place the load without latches or with
the latches removed/tied back; and (B) the route for the load was pre-planned
to ensure that no employee (except employees necessary for hooking or
unhooking the load) was in the fall zone.
e. If latches are not used, interview the employer and operator to identify the
person who made safety determinations under § 1926.1433(d)(4)(ii)(A), and
verify that the person was qualified. Observe the operation of the equipment
to determine whether non-essential personnel were in the fall zone in violation
of § 1926.1433(d)(4)(ii)(B).
g. Ask the operator or other personnel to see the fire extinguisher and verify that
it is located on the equipment in accord with § 1926.1433(d)(6).
Citation Policy
h. §§ 1926.1433(d)(1) through (6). If the employer has not satisfied one of the
requirements listed in §§ 1926.1433(d)(1) through (d)(6), consider a citation
for violation of that provision. The citation should reference the most specific
provision(s) applicable. If the employer violates multiple requirements listed
in §§ 1926.1433(d)(1) through (d)(6), consider separate citations for each
violation. Citations may be grouped for penalty purposes.
This section uses the term modification/addition to clarify that an addition to the
equipment is a type of modification. For example, the addition of a generator to
the back of the cab of a crane may be an addition that affects the capacity or safe
operation of the equipment because it alters backward stability.
Inspection Guidance
c. If the employer does not have written approval from the manufacturer, ask
whether the employer requested manufacturer approval and whether any of
the situations in §§ 1926.1434(a)(2) through (4) applied. The employer must
have provided a detailed description of the proposed modification to the
manufacturer and asked the manufacturer to approve the particular
Ask the employer for copies of written requests for approval sent to the
Did the manufacturer refuse the request to review approval, and if so,
When did the employer send the request to review to the manufacturer?
Did the manufacturer respond within 30 days to acknowledge the request
or initiate the review?
Did the manufacturer agree to review the request? If so, when? Have 120
or more days elapsed since the manufacturer agreed? Does the employer
have documentation to show that the manufacturer agreed to review the
e. If the employer did not obtain written approval from the manufacturer, but
one of the circumstances in §§ 1926.1434(a)(2) through (5) applies, the
employer must satisfy the requirements of §§ 1926.1434(a)(2)(i) through (ii).
This section allows an employer to make modifications or additions that do
not reduce the original safety factor of the equipment by using a qualified
RPE. The RPE must also update load charts, procedures, manuals and
plates/tags/decals to reflect the modification.
Citation Policy
If the manufacturer rejects the proposed modifications and provides reasons for
the rejection in writing, the employer may not make modifications or additions to
the equipment.
Inspection Guidance
c. If the employer does not have written approval from the manufacturer,
interview the employer to determine whether the employer requested
manufacturer approval and whether the employer received a response.
Citation Policy
Do not group the citation with § 1926.1434(b) because the employer has
satisfied the requirements in § 1926.1434(b), and the manufacturer’s
inadequate rejection notice is the equivalent of a refusal to review the request
in § 1926.1434(a)(2).
g. § 1926.1434(b). Consider a citation of § 1926.1434(b) if the employer
modifies/adds to equipment after the manufacturer has rejected the proposed
modification/addition in writing and explained the rejection.
Tower Crane: a type of lifting structure which utilizes a vertical mast or tower to
support a working boom (jib) in an elevated position. Loads are suspended from the
working boom. While the working boom may be of the fixed type (horizontal or angled)
or have luffing capacity, it can always rotate to swing loads, either by rotating on the top
of the tower (top slewing) or by rotation of the tower (bottom slewing). The tower base
may be fixed in one location or ballasted and moveable between locations. Mobile
cranes that are configured with luffing jib and/or tower attachments are not considered
tower cranes under this section.
Citation Policy
Assembly/disassembly (A/D): the assembly and/or disassembly of equipment covered under
this standard. With regard to tower cranes, “erecting and climbing” replaces “assembly” and
“dismantling” replaces “disassembly.” Regardless of whether the crane is initially erected to its
full height or is climbed or jumped in stages, the process of increasing the height of the crane is
an erection process.
All assembly and disassembly operations must comply with either the procedures specified by
the manufacturer or procedures developed by the employer that meet the criteria listed in §
1406. Under either alternative, they must comply with all manufacturer prohibitions.
Climbing or Jumping: these two terms, which have the same meaning, refer to the process in
which a tower crane is raised to a new working height. In many cases, a tower crane is first
erected and used at one height, and then as the height of the structure being built increases, the
height of the tower crane is increased in stages to keep pace with it, either by adding additional
tower sections to the top of the crane (top climbing), or by a system in which the entire crane is
raised inside the structure (inside climbing). (The term “jumping” is also used in reference to
derricks, but it has a different meaning.)
Inspection Guidance
a. Inspect the rigging used for erecting and dismantling. Conduct this inspection
even if no erecting or dismantling is underway.
b. Verify if the manufacturer’s procedures call for specific rigging fixtures for
hoisting the sections.
Citation Policy:
A self-erecting tower crane is a tower crane that erects while controlled from ground
level without the assistance of another crane.
During erection, climbing and dismantling, no one is permitted to be in or under
the tower, jib or rotating portion of the crane until a competent person indicates it
is safe and the crane is secured in a locked position unless (1) the manufacturer’s
instructions direct them to be there, and (2) the personnel under the tower, jib or
rotating portions of the crane are necessary personnel.
Other personnel may enter the area in or under the tower, jib or rotating portion of
the crane only after the competent person in charge indicates it is safe and the
crane is secured in a locked position.
Inspection Guidance
Ask the operator or employer who the competent person was, and, if
possible, interview that person to verify that person is competent. Ask the
competent person how he or she knew that it was safe to enter these areas.
c. If the crane was not secure or a competent person did not indicate it was safe
to be in or under the tower, jib or rotating portion of the crane:
Citation Policy:
if there were personnel in the area under the tower, jib, or rotating portion
of the crane before it was secured, and the manufacturer’s instructions do
not require personnel to be in this area in order to erect, climb, or
dismantle the crane, or
if there were personnel in the area under the tower before it was secured,
but they were not determined to be necessary personnel by the employer,
operator or other competent person involved in the erecting, climbing, or
dismantling of the crane, or they are not performing tasks required by the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Inspection Guidance
Request and inspect any documentation that shows who designed the
foundation and structural support of the crane. (The building department’s
approval documentation may be evidence.) Note that the employer is not
required to have such documentation on site.
Examine any documentation and/or ask the employer to describe how the
crane’s foundation was built. Look at the foundation and supports. Is there
evidence that it was built according to the engineer’s plans and
If there are doubts that the foundation or structural support were designed
by the manufacturer or an RPE, or that they comply with that design,
request that the employer obtain records of the foundation and structural
support design from the manufacturer or RPE and make those available
for inspection.
Citation Policy:
Inspection Guidance
Who trained the A/D director?
Citation Policy:
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy:
6. § 1926.1435(b)(6). Where there is more than one fixed jib (hammerhead) tower
crane, cranes must not be able to come in contact with one another. Cranes may
pass over one another without violating the standard.
Inspection Guidance
a. If there are multiple cranes, determine if they may be able to contact one
another. If so, address this during employer and operator interviews.
Citation Policy
b. § 1926.1435(b)(6). If there are multiple fixed jib tower cranes that could
potentially come in contact with one another, consider a citation of this
Climbing: the process in which a tower crane is raised to a new working height, either by
adding additional tower sections to the top of the crane (top climbing), or by a system in
which the entire crane is raised inside the structure (inside climbing).
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy:
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy
b. § 1926.1435(b)(8)(i). Consider a citation of this standard if the employer did
not meet the manufacturer’s or RPE specifications for the amount and position
of counterweight/ballast being used.
Inspection Guidance
a. Verify the location of signs and interview the employer to determine whether
the manufacturer’s specifications or RPE specifications were used.
c. If RPE provided size and location requirements for signs, ask to review
written specifications.
Citation Policy
10. § 1926.1435(d). The safety devices requirements of § 1926.1415 does not apply
to tower cranes (see § 1926.1435(d)(1)). Instead, Section 1926.1435(d) contains
the requirements for safety devices that are applicable to tower cranes:
Inspection Guidance
a. Verify through operator interview that safety devices are present on the
equipment and that they are functioning properly. The devices listed in
§ 1926.1435(d)(2) can be used as a checklist. Ask the operator to point out the
devices listed.
whether the equipment is being operated, and if not, when the equipment
was last operated;
when the safety device was removed/when the safety device ceased to
d. For the application of this provision, “safely stop operations” gives notice to
the employer that the operator is not necessarily expected to stop the
equipment immediately if doing so would create a hazardous situation. Under
this provision, the operator must rely on her or his knowledge and skills to
determine when stopping the hoisting operation would create a greater hazard.
Operations may not resume until such time as the aid or device has been
repaired or replaced.
Citation Policy
if a device ceases to function, and the operator does not stop operations;
group this citation with § 1926.1400(f);
The AVD of the citation should list the specific safety device(s) in
§§ 1926.1435(d)(2)(i) through (d)(2)(x) not functioning.
Inspection Guidance
a. Verify that operational aids are present on the equipment and functional. The
equipment listed in §§ 1926.1435(e)(5) through (e)(6) can be used as a
checklist. Ask the operator to point out the devices listed.
Note that three of the operational aids are only required on equipment
manufactured after November 8, 2011 (hoist drum lower limiting device
under § 1926.1435(e)(5)(iv), hook radius indicators on hammerhead tower
cranes under § 1926.1435(e)(6)(i)(B), and load indicating devices under
§ 1926.1435(e)(6)(vi)).
b. Observe and note whether the tower crane is operated without the operational
aid or temporary alternative measure.
d. If the tower crane is not observed in operation, but an operational aid listed in
§§ 1926.1435(e)(5) through (e)(6) is missing and no temporary alternative
measure is properly in place, determine:
f. If a wind speed device is not used, ask the employer and operator who
determined that wind was not a factor. Verify that the individual who made
the determination meets the definition of a competent person for that task and
if possible, ask for a description of how the determination was made.
Citation Policy:
The AVD of the citation should list the specific missing or nonfunctioning
operational aid(s) noted in §§ 1926.1435(e)(5) through (e)(6).
Even if multiple aids on one piece of equipment are not present or not
functioning on a particular tower crane, only one citation under
§ 1926.1435(e)(2) and one citation under § 1926.1435(e)(3) or may be
Generally, when operations have been stopped and it is determined that doing
so created a hazardous condition, this provision would not be cited by itself
because it is more likely that another applicable provision of 29 CFR Part
1926 was violated. Therefore, a grouped citation could be considered. For
example, a provision under § 1926.1424, Working Area Control, could have
been violated if the load is left suspended over employees. Consider grouping
citations for violations of § 1926.1435(e)(4) and the applicable requirement of
§ 1926.1424.
Where the inspection reveals the operator halted operations upon discovery of
the deficiency, but then resumed operations, then this provision may be
grouped along with § 1926.1435(e)(3).
If there are multiple operational aids in disrepair for more than 7 days,
only one citation should be issued.
Citation Policy
13. § 1926.1435(f)(2). Components are often damaged during shipping to a jobsite.
This paragraph establishes the following requirements for a pre-erection
b. Ask who conducted the inspection and verify if that person is qualified.
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
a. Ask for monthly and annual inspection reports for crane and wire rope. Shift
inspection reports are not required to be written, but check if they are
b. Ask who conducted the required inspections and verify if that person is
c. If the person who conducted the inspection is on site, verify that the specific
items listed were checked during the inspection. If there is a deficiency in one
of the items listed for inspection, ask whether or not that item was checked
during the appropriate inspection.
Citation Policy
Only climb tower cranes after having received the Area Director’s approval, proper
training, and equipment.
Derrick: powered equipment consisting of a mast or equivalent member that is held at or near
the end by guys or braces (with or without a boom) and its hoisting mechanism. The mast or
load is moved by the hoisting mechanism and operating ropes.
- Derricks include A-frame, basket, breast, Chicago boom, gin pole (except when used for
erection of communication towers), guy, shearleg, and stiffleg derricks, as well as variations of
such equipment.
- Gin poles used to erect communication towers are not covered by subpart CC
Citation Policy
Under section 1926.1436 the following general requirements apply to all derricks
as well:
Inspection Guidance
a. Determine through interviews whether the derrick has been taken out of
service. If, so verify that the boom has been secured in accord with one of the
methods specified under § 1926.1436(m)(2).
b. Observe the operation of the derrick, ask the employer, and use information
obtained from interviews, to verify:
the type of derrick used at the jobsite.
the manufacturing date of the derrick and its capacity. For equipment
manufactured after November 8, 2011, ask the operator whether the
equipment has a load weight/capacity device listed in § 1926.1436(f)(3)(i),
and verify whether the device is functional. Ask the operator locate the
device on the derrick.
Section 1926.1417(a) requires that the employer comply with all manufacturer procedures for
operations. Section 1926.1417(b)(2) provides that, if these procedures are unavailable, a qualified
person may develop procedures, and under § 1926.1417(b)(3), procedures related to capacity must
be developed and signed by an RPE who is familiar with the equipment.
In operations using derricks, the qualified person may or may not be employed by the employer.
Because many derricks are custom-built, it is essential for derrick operators, inspectors,
maintenance personnel and hoisting crew to be able to access information developed by a
qualified person to assure safe use of the derrick.
that a qualified person determined if any special testing was needed of any
rock or hairpin anchorages that were used.
Hairpin anchor: a hairpin-shaped, guy-supporting anchor that is placed in footings or walls
before concrete is poured and is held in place by the cured concrete.
Rock anchor: an anchoring device inserted in a hole drilled into rock or concrete. The device is
secured in the hole to withstand a predetermined load.
if the derrick has had any repairs or modifications that would affect its
capacity or safe use.
that the operator and employees have been trained in their duties regarding
the safe use of the derrick.
c. Ask for and review the monthly and annual inspection documentation to
verify that the required inspections have been completed by a person meeting
the requirements of either a competent or qualified person as required to
conduct the inspection.
e. During interviews, identify the individual who ensured that the derrick was
designed and constructed in accord with § 1926.1436(c)(1)(i). If possible,
verify the qualifications of that person.
f. Inspect the guy derrick and verify through interview that anchoring data was
developed by the manufacturer or a qualified person and that information was
used in accord with § 1926.1436(d).
g. If there are observed deficiencies in the welds of the derrick’s load sustaining
members, refer to ANSI/AWS D14.3-94 and AWS D1.1M:2002 and any other
applicable guidance to verify that the employer ensured the safety of those
welds in accord with section 1926.1436.
i. If a base mounted drum hoist is used, inspect the derrick to verify the drum
hoist’s compliance with incorporated provisions of ASME B30.7-2001.
j. If power failure of the derrick is observed or has occurred, determine by
observation and interview of the operator whether the requirements of
§§ 1926.1436(j)(1)-(j)(2) were met. Verify:
that the clutch and power controls were moved to the off position.
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
a. Determine through interviews whether the derrick has been taken out of
service. If, so verify that the boom has been secured in accord with one of the
methods specified under § 1926.1436(m)(2).
b. Use the inspection guidance provided in bullets 1 and 2, above, for general
requirements that are applicable to guy derricks.
c. Inspect the guy derrick and verify that: the mast base is anchored and guys are
secured to the ground or firm anchorage in accord with the requirements of
§ 1926.1436(d); and the derrick is supported by at least 6 guys.
d. If there are less than 6 guys or the guys are unequal, ask the employer or
operator who made the determination the guys were sufficient to support the
derrick and, if possible, document how that determination was made.
e. When there are questions regarding the construction of the guy derrick, ask
for and review any information that the employer has from the manufacturer
or a qualified person regarding specifications of the derrick. Verify that the
employer has the information required by § 1926.1436(c)(2)(ii).
Citation Policy
g. § 1926.1436(m)(2)(iii). Even though this provision is specific to guy derricks,
compliance with § 1926.1436(m)(2)(iii) is but 1 of 4 options for securing the
boom of a guy derrick when taken out of service for 30 days or more, consider
a citation of § 1926.1436(m)(2) when none of the options have been met.
Inspection Guidance
a. Use the inspection guidance provided in bullets 1 and 2, above, for general
requirements that are applicable to stiffleg derricks.
b. Inspect the stiffleg derrick to verify that: the derrick is supported by at least
two stifflegs and a base as required by § 1926.1436(c)(3); and the mast
base/stifflegs are anchored and designed in accord with the requirements of
§ 1926.1436(d)(3).
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
a. Inspect the gin pole derrick, observe its operation, and through interviews,
verify whether the derrick was used in an unstable position and that the gin
pole and its anchorage meets the requirements of § 1926.1436(c)(4)(ii) and
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy
The requirements of this section primarily address the safety of the methods of
flotation that are used to support a crane. The other sections of Subpart CC cover the
crane and where referenced in this section may be replaced or supplemented by the
requirements of § 1926.1437. This section does not apply to barges when the jacks
are deployed to the sea, lake, or river bed and the barge is fully supported.
Jacks and Spuds
Jacks are long steel members that hold a floating vessel rigidly to a specific location
relative to the sea bed.
Spuds are long steel members that prevent a floating vessel from moving in a specific
direction. Unlike a vessel on jacks, one restrained by studs remains floating on the
Paragraphs (a) through (k) of § 1926.1437 apply to both cranes and derricks
unless otherwise specified.
1. General Requirements that Apply to both Cranes on Barges and Floating Cranes.
Inspection Guidance
Waterway Jurisdiction
OSHA’s jurisdiction over work activities performed over water depends on several factors,
including the location of the vessel/barge. For further guidance regarding jurisdictional issues,
consult the Construction Coordinator in the Regional Office. For additional information, consult
OSHA Authority Over Vessels and Facilities on or Adjacent to U.S. Navigable Waters and the
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). OSHA Directive CPL 02-01-047, (2010, February 22).
c. When there are concerns about the safety of the means of flotation or the
hoisting operation being performed, ask for and review (with the assistance of
a Regional Maritime Coordinator, if needed) any information available from
the employer regarding any hazardous condition observed. Interview the
employer, operator, and lift director (if any) to confirm that required
equipment specifications were developed by the manufacturer or a qualified
person and have been made available by the employer. If necessary and
possible, contact the manufacturer or the qualified individual to discuss any
concerns about the observed conditions.
d. Inspect the area on the barge/means of flotation for hazardous areas in which a
person can be struck, pinched, or crushed when the equipment is operated and
are demarcated by one of the methods allowed under § 1926.1437(c), Work
Area Control. If one of the options allowed for work area control has been
implemented, verify and document which option the employer selected.
Note: Due to the limited space available for equipment on the decks of barges
and other means of flotation, the requirements of § 1926.1425, Keeping Clear
of the Load, do not apply to hoisting jobs performed with equipment covered
by § 1926.1437.
f. Ask for and review any required documentation of inspections to verify that
the inspections were conducted and documented in accord with
§ 1926.1437(h).
Purpose of § 1926.1437(h)
Inspections required by § 1926.1437(h) ensure the safety of the means of attachment and
flotation for floating cranes/derricks or land cranes/derricks on barges or other means of flotation.
The inspection requirements of § 1926.1437(h) are supplemental to those of § 1926.1412, which
ensure the safety of the crane/derrick and the hoisting activity performed. Mating a crane to a
new method of flotation does not automatically trigger the need for a new four year inspection of
the flotation device.
g. Every four years, the internal portion of the barge, pontoons, vessels, or other
means of flotation must be surveyed for deficiencies by a:
marine engineer;
marine architect;
licensed surveyor; or
One four year inspection must be conducted before November 10, 2014 unless the floating
crane/derrick or land crane on a barge or other means of flotation was first put into service after
November, 8, 2010. Under such circumstances, at least one four year inspection of that
equipment must be conducted four years from the date the equipment was put into service after.
the deficiency was not a safety hazard.
verify that required safety devices are on the equipment and function
properly. If necessary, ask the operator to show where the devices are
located on the equipment.
verify that required operational aids are on the equipment and function
properly. If necessary, ask the operator to show where the aids are located
on the equipment, noting that:
k. Observe the jobsite and worksite activities to determine whether the work
performed is likely to require the use of a diver and crane/derrick. If so,
interview the employer and operator to confirm whether or not a diver has or
is being used to perform the job. If a diver is being used at the time of the
compliance inspection, observe operations to verify the employer’s
compliance with the requirements of § 1926.1437(j). For example, note and
where the operator is and what he or she is doing when the diver is in the
whether the operator has a clear line of sight to the diver, and whether a
tender was used;
any other jobs performed by the crane/derrick when working with a diver;
who is giving the operator signals and how those signals are being
communicated; and
l. Determine if the crane/derrick has a cab and verify that the procedures for
operation of the equipment, including operating speed, load charts, etc., have
been made accessible to the operator in accord with § 1926.1417 (with a cab)
or § 1926.1437(g) (without a cab). If necessary, have the operator or employer
show you where the procedures are located.
Citation Policy
has not met the requirements of one of the two options for work area
control specified by § 1926.1437(c)(2), consider a citation of
§ 1926.1437(c)(2). (i.e., used control lines, warning lines, barriers, or a
combination of warning signs and markings)
q. § 1926.1437(d). Paragraph (d) of § 1926.1437 should not be cited as it only
informs the employer that § 1926.1425 does not apply to floating
crane/derricks or land cranes/derricks on barges or other means of flotation.
The AVD of the citation should list the specific missing or nonfunctioning
operational aid(s) noted in paragraphs (f) of § 1926.1437.
Even if multiple operational aids on one piece of equipment are not on the
equipment or are not functioning, only one citation should be issued for
§ 1926.1416(a).
has a cab and the operating procedures and load charts are not readily
available in the cab at all times , consider a citation of § 1926.1417(c).
Section 1926.1437(g) shall not be cited when the crane/derrick has a cab.
has no cab, and the operating procedures are not readily available on board
the vessel or the load charts are not posted at the operator’s station, or on
the equipment if the operator’s station is moveable, consider citations of
applicable provisions of § 1926.1437(g).
crane/derrick attachment:
have been conducted but apparent deficiencies exist in the items that must
be inspected in accord with § 1926.1412, consider citations of specific
inspection provisions of § 1926.1412.
v. § 1926.1437(j)(2). When the operator does not remain at the controls while
working with a diver, consider a citation for § 1926.1437(j)(2) grouped with
§ 1926.1400(f).
Inspection Guidance
a. Through interviews, visual inspections of the floating equipment, and review
of any available information from the manufacturer or employer, determine
whether the crane/derrick is permanently attached to its means of flotation.
b. Ask to see the manufacturer’s load chart to verify the availability of the
information and that the chart includes considerations for minimum wind
d. When the observed design and structural integrity of the means of flotation are
questionable, ask the employer to provide any information available to verify
compliance with the requirements of § 1926.1437(m)(5) such as any available
equipment design or relevant maintenance manuals. If necessary, the
manufacturer or Regional Maritime Coordinator may need to be consulted.
Citation Policy
specifies limits for the leveling of the land crane/derrick and its means of
flotation; and
Inspection Guidance
determine if the floating equipment is a mobile auxiliary crane or a land
crane/derrick that is not permanently attached to its means of flotation.
Confirm this determination during interviews with individuals such as the
employer, operator, maintenance personnel, or equipment inspectors (if
verify that the employer meets the list/trim and buoyancy requirements
specified in §§ 1926.1437(n)(3) and (4).
verify that the employer has documented an alternate attachment plan and
can demonstrate that the means of physically attaching an auxiliary crane
to its means of flotation meets the requirements of § 1926.1437(n)(6).
Only under those circumstances are the requirements of
§ 1926.1437(n)(4), Physical attachment, not required for the use of an
auxiliary crane on a means of flotation.
b. When there are concerns about the structural sufficiency of the means of
flotation due to an incident that is observed or reported, or if an apparent
deficiency is observed, it may be necessary to contact the Regional Maritime
Coordinator for assistance, or (if possible) the marine engineer/registered
professional engineer who designed the attachment system.
Citation Policy
If the employer attempted to use one of the options or the exception allowed
under § 1926.1437(n)(5) but there was some deficiency in its implementation,
the AVD of the citation must describe the option implemented and how it was
This section clarifies what standards apply to overhead and gantry cranes used in
construction. Overhead and gantry cranes have requirements based on the type of
Overhead and gantry cranes: This term includes overhead/bridge cranes, semigantry,
cantilever gantry, wall cranes, storage bridge cranes, launching gantry cranes, and
similar equipment, irrespective of whether it travels on tracks, wheels or other means.
Subpart CC does not apply to permanently installed overhead and gantry cranes
used in construction. Instead, the substantive requirements of § 1910.179
(Overhead and gantry cranes) apply, except for § 1910.179(b)(1) (the
general industry scope section was excluded in the rulemaking to prevent
Inspection Guidance
On the other hand, most overhead and gantry cranes used for construction
activities are not permanently installed. They tend to be easier to assemble or
disassemble. For example, if an employer merely attaches the base of a
gantry crane to a concrete slab for use in constructing the building, it is not
permanently installed.
Citation Policy
2. § 1926.1438(b). Overhead and Gantry Cranes That Are Not Permanently Installed
in a Facility.
For overhead and gantry cranes used in construction not permanently installed in
a facility, § 1926.1438(b) lists the applicable requirements from subpart CC,
§ 1910.179, and ASME standards incorporated by reference.
§ 1926.1438(b)(2)(iii). Several sections of ASME B30.2-2005 apply to
equipment manufactured on or after September 19, 2001 (see
§ 1926.1438(b)(2)(iii) for a list of applicable sections). These ASME sections
discuss foundations and anchorages, crane runways, welded construction of
cranes, service platforms, bumpers, rail sweeps, hoist control braking, lifting
magnets, drums, ropes, hooks, and warning devices.
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy
Dedicated pile drivers are included in the list of specific equipment covered by
Subpart CC in § 1926.1400(a), even though pile drivers are not always traditional
cranes. Pile drivers were included in Subpart CC due to certain mechanical
similarities that present hazards similar to those associated with traditional cranes. In
addition to the requirements of Subpart CC, pile-driving equipment continues to be
covered by § 1926.603 (Pile driving equipment) in cases where the equipment in
question is not designed to function exclusively as a pile driver. Note that vibratory
pile drivers are not dedicated as they can be used to extract piles.
Dedicated pile driver: a machine that is designed to function exclusively as a pile driver.
These machines typically have the ability to both hoist the material that will be pile-driven
and to pile drive that material. Dedicated pile drivers include, but are not limited to,
hydraulic and diesel hammers, post pounders, and other similar equipment. § 1926.1401.
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy:
Section 1926.1416 contains the requirements for operational aids which are
required on equipment covered by Subpart CC. Section 1926.1416(e)(4) contains
requirements for load weighing and similar devices for equipment manufactured
after March 29, 2003 with a rated capacity over 6,000 pounds, and for articulating
cranes manufactured after November 8, 2011. The requirements of
§ 1926.1416(e)(4) are therefore only applicable to dedicated pile drivers with a
rated capacity over 6,000 pounds manufactured after November 8, 2011. See the
Safety Devices and Operational Aids sections in this directive for additional
guidance regarding citations of § 1926.1416(e)(4).)
Inspection Guidance
a. If the employer is using a dedicated pile driver, verify the date of manufacture
for the equipment and the rated capacity. Ask the employer for any
documentation which includes this information.
b. For dedicated pile drivers manufactured after November 8, 2011 with a rated
capacity over 6,000 pounds, determine whether the equipment has at least one
of the devices required by § 1926.1416(e)(4) (load weighing device, load
moment (or rated capacity) indicator, or load moment (or rated capacity)
limiter), or whether a temporary alternative measure is properly in place
consistent with §§ 1926.1416(b) and (e).
Citation Policy
4. § 1926.1439(d). This section exempts requirements under § 1926.1433 (design,
construction, and testing), except §§ 1926.1433(d) and (e).
Citation Policy
Sideboom Crane: a track-type or wheel-type tractor having a boom mounted on the side
of the tractor, used for lifting, lowering or transporting a load suspended on the load
hook. The boom or hook can be lifted or lowered in a vertical direction only.
The limited requirements for sideboom cranes in subpart CC, compared to the
requirements for other types of cranes, reflects the specific construction and limited
functions of a sideboom crane. Sideboom cranes are limited in capacity and require
relatively simple operation.
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
a. If the employer is using a sideboom crane with a boom that is designed to free
fall, verify the date of manufacture for the equipment. Ask the employer to
examine any documentation which includes this information.
Citation Policy
Review and apply the citation policy provided in the Free Fall of the Boom
and Controlled Load Lowering section in this directive for additional
inspection guidance regarding citations for requirements under § 1926.1426.
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy
If the employer has violated ASME provisions under different ASME sections
that are incorporated into §§ 1926.1440(c)(1) through (12) under different
standards, consider citations for each standard. For example, for a violation of
ASME standard 14-1.7.6, General Requirements—Clutch and Brake
Protection which is incorporated at § 1926.1440(c)(8), and a violation of
ASME standard 14-3.1.3, Operator Qualifications, which is incorporated at
§ 1926.1440(c)(10), consider citations of § 1926.1440(c)(8) and
§ 1926.1440(c)(10).
This section specifies the requirements for employers using equipment with a
maximum rated hoisting/lifting capacity of 2,000 pounds or less. These provisions
cover equipment that is designed and built by the employer, as well as manufactured
Inspection Guidance
a. Before proceeding with an inspection related to these provisions, determine
the rated capacity of the crane/derrick. Request documentation, such as a
manufacturer’s manual, to verify the capacity. Ensure that any load charts are
consistent with this capacity. If the crane or derrick has a rated capacity of
2,000 pounds or less, the requirements of § 1926.1441 apply, as well as the
sections of Subpart CC listed in § 1926.1441(a).
b. Refer to the applicable sections in this directive for guidance on whether the
standards applicable to this equipment, listed in § 1926.1441(a), have been
Citation Policy
c. Subpart CC. For the Subpart CC provisions listed in § 1926.1441(a) that are
applicable to equipment with a maximum rated hoisting/lifting capacity of
2,000 pounds or less, when the provisions are not met, consider citations
under the provision within that standard containing the most specific
applicable requirement.
Inspection Guidance
c. Verify by interview with the employer, operator, and other personnel that
manufacturer prohibitions were complied with during the assembly or
g. Determine whether a post-assembly inspection was conducted and whether
the inspection requirements of § 1926.1412(c) for a post-assembly inspection
have been met. Request documentation of the inspection.
Citation Policy
3. § 1926.1441(c)(1-2). Section 1926.1441(c) contains requirements for operation of
equipment with a maximum capacity of 2,000 pounds or less. Under
§ 1926.1441(c)(1), the employer must comply with all manufacturer procedures,
including procedures for use with attachments. If the manufacturer’s procedures
are not available, the employer must develop procedures in accord with the
requirements in § 1926.1441(c)(2)(i) through (iii):
The employer must develop and ensure compliance with all procedures
necessary for safe operation.
Inspection Guidance
c. Verify that the operator understands the procedures to be followed and that the
employer is enforcing these procedures.
d. If the operating procedures were developed by the employer, rather than the
manufacturer, determine:
whether the RPE was familiar with the equipment and what the RPE’s
experience was. If possible, verify the RPE’s credentials.
Citation Policy
4. § 1926.1441(c)(3). The employer must ensure that the load chart is available
at the control station, and that procedure documents listed in
§ 1926.1441(c)(3)(ii) are readily available for the operator’s use. If rated
capacities are only available electronically, and they become unavailable due to
electronic failure, the operator must immediately cease operations or follow safe
shut-down procedures until this information is restored.
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy
5. § 1926.1441(d). This section contains two requirements for safety devices and
operational aids on equipment with a maximum rated hoisting/lifting capacity of
2,000 pounds or less. These provisions apply in place of the requirements of
§§ 1926.1415 and 1926.1416. Sections 1926.1415 and 1926.1416 specifically
exclude equipment with a capacity of 2,000 pounds or less.
Under § 1926.1441(d)(1), all safety devices and operational aids that are part
of the original equipment must be maintained in accordance with the
manufacturer’s procedures. Note that this requirement applies to anti two-
block devices if it is part of the original equipment for equipment
manufactured on or before November 8, 2011.
Inspection Guidance
b. Ask the operator to point out all safety devices that are listed in the
manufacturer’s procedures.
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
Observe operations and interview the operator to see whether the operator
has knowledge and understanding of the equipment. For example, ask the
operator to demonstrate her or his ability to use the operator’s manual,
load chart, and other written materials in the cab. Ask questions about the
equipment and the functions being performed.
Ask the employer for the training program for operators. If there is no
written program, interview the employer to determine whether the
program is adequate to meet the requirements of this section.
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
a. Determine if there are indications that the signal person may not have been
properly trained by the employer.
Interview the signal person to determine whether he or she was trained and
what that training involved, including what kinds of signals he or she was
trained to give. Interview the operator to ensure that the operator
understood the signals being given.
b. Ask the employer for the training program for signal persons. If there is no
written program, interview the employer to determine whether the program is
adequate to meet the requirements of this section.
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
a. Review the manufacturer’s procedures to determine what inspections, if any,
are required. Interview personnel to determine whether inspections are being
conducted and with what frequency. Request all inspection records.
Citation Policy
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy
10. § 1926.1441(k). The employer must ensure that the equipment is designed by a
qualified engineer. The purpose of this provision is to ensure that if the employer
builds a small crane or derrick, that the design of such cranes is sufficient to
protect employees.
Inspection Guidance
Citation Policy
Appendix A – Reference Documents
The following resources may be helpful to understanding and enforcing the standard.
1. Sling Safety. This document describes the various sling types and includes information
regarding the design of a type and its usage.
Fact Sheets
Standard Interpretations
Appendix B — Sample Crane Inspection Questionnaire
# of Lifts: # of Lifts:
2) 2)
3) 3)
4) 4)
5) 5)
Check load charts and determine if lifts done in accord with Manufacturer’s specs (include
weight of rigging and all attachments used during lifts)
Damaged/defective Devices:
Devices out of service:
Date of damage/defect: