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OMB Nos. 1557-0159 (OCC), 3064-0046 (FDIC),

1550-0021 (OTS), and 7100-0247 (FRB), and
2502-0539 (HUD); NCUA number pending.



You must complete this transmittal sheet (please type or print) and attach it to the Loan/Application
Register, required by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, that you submit to your supervisory agency.

Agency Total line entries contained in

Reporter’s Identification Number Code Reporter’s Tax Identification Number attached Loan/Application Register

– –

The Loan/Application Register that is attached covers activity during the year and contains a total of

Enter the name and address of your institution. The disclosure statement that is produced by the Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council will be mailed to the address you supply below:

Name of Institution


City, State, ZIP

Enter the name, telephone number and facsimile number of a person who may be contacted about questions regarding
your register:

( ) ( )
Name Telephone Number Facsimille Number

An officer of your institution must complete the following section.

I certify to the accuracy of the data contained in this register.

Name of Officer Signature Date

Reporter's Identification Number Code
Name of Reporting Institution City, State, ZIP

All columns (except Reasons for Denial) must be completed for each entry. See the instructions for details.

Application or Applicant Information

Loan Information Action Taken Property Location A = Applicant CA = Co-Applicant

Race or Gross
Loan National Origin Sex Annual
Date Amount Four- Two- Three- Income Type of Reasons
Application Owner in Digit Digit Digit Six-Digit in Pur- for
Application or Received Pur- Occu- thou- Date MA State County Census A CA A CA thou- chaser Denial
Loan Number (mm/dd/ccyy) Type pose pancy sands Type (mm/dd/ccyy) Number Code Code Tract sands of Loan (Optional)

Example of Loan Originated

L B - 6 8 7 4 3 9 01/15/2003 2 1 1 65 1 02/22/2003 8840 51 059 4 2 1 9 . 8 5 3 8 1 4 24 7
Example of Application Denied
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 03/20/2003 1 1 1 125 3 04/30/2003 0450 01 015 0 0 2 1 . 0 0 5 4 2 1 55 0 415


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