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An Online Course


Bhagavad Gita



English Editors
Vipul Arora
Rahul Kothari

Hindi Editors
Anjali Chauhan
Jay Chitra

Video Editors
Sarvatma Shyam das

Course Coordinator
Madhusudan Mukunda das

Table of Content










Lesson1: Bhagavad Gita – The Timeless Science
exactly like a big reservoir of water that
Section 1 explains the essence of all Vedic literature and
indeed there is no need to resort to any other
literature in order to understand the science of
Setting the Scene for the Course:
Why should I study The Bhagavad
Bhagavad Gita - The Timeless
Bhagavad Gita is the most quintessential
literature among all Vedic compositions. This
composition as compiled by the great sage
Vyasadeva has been endearing to all those
who seek Truth, who look for perfection, who
are interested in a complete science of
everything irrespective of caste, creed, religion self-realization.
and nationality. This holy book presents the ● Whom is Bhagavad Gita endearing to?
science of life, as it is, which was originally ● In how many languages has Bhagavad Gita
spoken to Arjun by Lord Krishna, the Supreme been translated?
Personality of Godhead in the battlefield of
● Why is Bhagavad Gita timeless?
Mahabharata approximately 5000 years ago.
● Give an analogy to compare Bhagavad Gita
Through the ages, Srimad Bhagavad Gita has with other Vedic literature.
inspired and guided hosts of philosophers and
scientists. Its influence is not limited to India. Bhagavad Gita - The Torch-light
There is not a single language in the world in of Wisdom
which Bhagavad Gita has not been translated. Arjuna in the battlefield got confused about his
Just like the Quran and Bible are known all duty. Like Arjuna, we are all confused about
over the world, Bhagavad Gita is also known our duty. This world is a battlefield. It requires
and respected in the entire world. great humility to ask perfect questions. Arjuna
Bhagavad Gita is not the science of a particular had that humility and thus he surrendered to
community - it is the universal science of the Lord Krishna - the Absolute Truth, to get his
soul. It is a science that compels us to embrace confusion removed. Similarly we should also
divinity and divine qualities. All other bodies of surrender to Lord Krishna while seeking His
knowledge are subject to change but this body guidance. Lord Krishna's instructions are
of knowledge contained in Bhagavad Gita is compiled in Bhagavad Gita to guide us through
timeless - eternal. the ups and downs of life.

If a big reservoir of water is within one’s reach, Bhagavad Gita is meant for those who wish to
transcend all confusion. It seems that Krishna
then where is the need to go looking for a well spoke to Arjuna so it is meant only for him but
in order to quench thirst? Bhagavad Gita is that is not true. It is meant for everybody.

When you are confused in your search for “The marvel of the
truth, then the removal of that kind of Bhagavad-Gita is its
confusion will bring enlightenment to one and truly beautiful
all. Let’s see what some of the great historical revelation of life's
personalities have said about Bhagavad Gita. wisdom which enables
● What quality is needed to ask perfect philosophy to blossom
questions? into religion.” --
Herman Hesse, the author of the book
● How did Arjuna remove his confusion?
● Bhagavad Gita is a conversation between In this course we will follow
Krishna and Arjuna, why should I read it?
the textbook ‘Bhagavad
“When doubts haunt me, Gita-As It Is’ by HDG A. C.
when disappointments Bhaktivedanta Swami
stare me in the face, and I Prabhupada, the Founder
see not one ray of hope on Acharya of the
the horizon, I turn to International Society for
Bhagavad-gita and find a Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), popularly
verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin known as the Hare Krishna Movement.
to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow.
om ajñāna-timirāndhasya
Those who meditate on the Gita will derive
fresh joy and new meanings from it every day.”
-- Mahatma Gandhi chakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena
tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ
“When I read the
Translation: I offer my respectful obeisances
Bhagavad-Gita and
unto my spiritual master, who has opened my
reflect about how God
eyes, which were blinded by the darkness of
created this universe
ignorance, with the torchlight of knowledge.
everything else seems so
superfluous.” Does Scientific Knowledge make
me Humble?
-- Albert Einstein
The Solar system has been a great source of
“Gita is the most inspiration for early scientists in the modern
systematic statement of context.
spiritual evolution of
The astronomical data recorded by Tycho
endowing value to
mankind. It is one of the Brahe lead to the discovery of laws of
most clear and planetary motion by Johannes Kepler.
Subsequently Newton's Universal law of
comprehensive summaries of perennial
philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring gravitation captured the essence of it.
value is subject not only to India but to all of “The most beautiful
humanity.” system of the sun, planets
-- Aldous Huxley and comets could only
proceed from the counsel

and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Although you claim that you are the owner of
Being.” that house, the place is cohabited by
-- Sir Issac Newton numerous other living entities mostly
unnoticed by you. There are lizards,
These scientific laws may not make much mosquitoes and many other insects and
sense to ordinary populace, however, microscopic germs etc. which have forcefully
everybody can appreciate the fact that every occupied some of your space as well. If you
object (planets) in the solar system appears to count them they will surely exceed the number
be floating in space. For example, the planet of residents in your town. They are also as
Earth is like a sphere and it is spinning around important as you think of yourself, from their
her axis. If you think deeply, you will realize perspectives.
that all of us are actually hanging - our heads
being downward and legs upward. Everything Such introspection about your identity in this
is hanging under some force. Ocean water is gigantic solar system will naturally make you
hanging but it is not spilling out. This humble. In natural humility, one starts asking
observation led Newton to coin the concept of thought provoking questions. These questions
the gravitational force by which the objects may resemble some of those stated below:
near the surface of the Earth are drawn ● What is the purpose of this creation?
towards the Earth. Irrespective of Newton's ● Why is the solar system organized the
way it is?
● Why are there so many varieties of life-
● What is the purpose of my own
● What is my identity?
Numerous such questions may arise. When
one starts contemplating, introspecting and
questioning in this way, the search for Truth
Human life is very precious. In this life if we do
law of gravitation or Einstein's theory of space-
not give importance to the nature of the
time curvature, every great planet of this solar
Absolute Truth then our existence would be no
system has been perfectly situated from the
better than animals. Why things are the way
time of creation. In this sense, God's law of
they are, what substance we are made up of,
gravitation still remains a mystery.
what will be our destination when we die -
Solar System and My Tiny these are more important questions than the
Existence kind of questions that we are being
The radius of the Earth itself is 6371 km. The conditioned to ask. True humility awakens us
distance between Earth and Sun is and makes us bold to ask pertinent questions.
approximately 150 million km. The radius of
● What does the observation of floating planets
the Sun is 695500 km. The city where you are
have to do with our quest for the Absolute
sitting is just a tiny part of this universe. In that Truth?
tiny city, you live in a very small house.

Have I given a thought on some basic relationships that we see in this world.
fundamental aspects of life? These relationships become sublime and pure
Everybody is a servant when grounded in eternity and selfless
Parents serve their
children. A leader In the Introduction to Bhagavad Gita, Srila
serves his followers. A Prabhupad talks about this. We all have a
student serves his relationship with the absolute truth. God is not
teacher and a teacher something inanimate, God is a person. So as a
serves his students. person we can approach him. The moment
Plants and animal God is impersonal you can’t approach Him. If
kingdom serve human society and vice-versa. you simply think that God is gigantic and
If you take care of your garden you will get infinite then how will you approach Him?
flowers and fruits. If you take care of your
paddy crops you will get rice and wheat. If you
take care of water bodies then you will get
fresh water. Nothing is free for us - we must
serve to survive.
Whoever is serving nicely they are very happy.
If you observe your mother, she serves you
and you can always see happiness on her face.
As long as you are happy, she is also happy.
There are thus two distinct observations:
But anyone can understand scientifically that
● We are all servants God is a person and you can approach Him as
● Service must be selfless to become
his father, mother just like Nanda Maharaja
and Yashoda Maiya approached Him. You can
● In what way does a blade of grass serve?
approach him as a servitor like Hanumanji, as
● In what way does a house fly serve? a friend like Arjuna, Sudama, Uddhava, etc.
We will learn from Bhagavad Gita that The trees and cows in Vraj, all have affection
for Krishna. Gopis approached Krishna as their
"We must selflessly serve with devotion to the lover. So these are the aspects that are also
Absolute Truth to become happy.” explained in Bhagavad Gita.
We all seek relationships We seek possession or
As human beings, we are committed to various proprietorship
relations in this world. Parental relationships Each one of us is very proud of our own body
bind father and mother to their kids. A servant and would like to have this body for eternity.
is bound by a servitor relationship with his/her Do you possess your body? Now you are young
master. and you don't want to become old but is that
Friendship is something that we crave for, possible? Youth is given to you and it will also
while conjugal love adds another dimension to be snatched away from you. Time takes away
our human bonding. There are some for whom everything. Time gives you everything and
we reserve our awe and reverence. These are time takes it back. Time gives you family and
time will snatch you away from the same achievement, at the end, this body will be
family. Do you possess your car, your home, taken on four bamboos to the cremation
your intellect, your memory, your wealth, your ground. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita
followers etc? Margaret Thatcher, the British 8.15:
prime minister, was a very powerful woman. mām upetya punar janma
During her last days she lost her memory and duḥkhālayam aśāśvatam
she didn't even realize that her husband had nāpnuvanti mahātmānaḥ
already died. saḿsiddhiḿ paramāḿ gatāḥ
Who can thus claim that he/she has Translation: “After attaining Me, the great
proprietorship over his/her memory, intellect souls, who are yogīs in devotion, never return
etc.? Do we possess our wealth? You can see to this temporary world, which is full of
in this world that the people who were very miseries, because they have attained the
rich finally have to part with it at the time of highest perfection”.
So Bhagavad Gita is that timeless science
As one introspects this way, he/she attains which enlightens people of all ages in such
wisdom. In that state, he/she recognizes that deliberations. We are always servants, we seek
God is the ONLY proprietor. Thus true
renunciation leads to wisdom. Detachment is
the sign of wisdom. The moment you
recognize that you own nothing in this world,
you will be a wise person. The man who is
attached to this world cannot be a person with
wisdom; he is simply an ignorant fool.
Temporariness pervades this
Everything in this world is temporary. The
United Kingdom is smaller in size to Uttar
pure and eternal relationships, we owe no
Pradesh, one of the provinces in India. Yet at
proprietorship in this world and our so called
one point of time, British ruled almost the
identities and existence are devoured by the
entire world. That vast British Empire is no
temporariness of this world. Nobody can deny
more. The great USSR is no more. Many great
these observations. Thus Lord Krishna advises
civilizations have come and gone by the
us through Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita 5.29:
influence of great time (kala).
Neither happiness nor misery is permanent. bhoktāraḿ yajña-tapasāḿ
Neither success nor failure is permanent. All of sarva-loka-maheśvaram
one’s achievements and accomplishments suhṛdaḿ sarva-bhūtānāḿ
hardly make any sense at the end of his life. jñātvā māḿ śāntim ṛcchati
Even great leaders like Ronald Reagan, Translation: “A person in full consciousness of
Margaret Thatcher, and Indira Gandhi had to Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary
submit to this temporariness of this world. We of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme
are mere mortals. As Indians, we know very Lord of all planets and demigods, and the
well that in spite of all our so-called benefactor and well-wisher of all living
entities, attains peace from the pangs of already given. We can use genetic
material miseries.” manipulation and produce more fruits and
Original Wonders of Creation: vegetables. We can put more urea in the field
and get more yields. This kind of manipulation
we can do but we cannot self-replicate the
process, the way nature self-replicates. This
particular aspect of nature has attracted many
A Self-replicating Machine
A self-replicating
machine is a
construct that is
capable of
manufacturing a
copy of itself using
Where is the Miracle? raw materials taken
Our Living Body from its
There are 8.4 million different varieties of environment, thus
species in this world as explained in Padma exhibiting self-
Purana - one of the Vedic literatures. Each replication in a way analogous to that found
bodily form evolves from a single cell. Let’s in nature.
look at the human body that evolves from only A detailed conceptual proposal for a physical
one cell - a combination of half of mother's cell non-biological self-replicating system was first
and half of the father's cell at the time of put forward by mathematician John von
conception. This original cell through repeated Neumann in lectures delivered in 1948 and
cell division gives rise to your bones, nails, hair, 1949, when he proposed a kinematic self-
different body organs, skin and what not. reproducing automaton model as a thought
Plants also grow like this. Every form of life experiment.
whether insects, birds, reptiles etc. follow the John Von Neumann thus dreams that one day
same process. a single automaton - a computing machine
Have you ever pondered over these with a single memory - will grow in terms of
observations? How is hair growing on your hardware as well as software such that this
body? When you cut your hair you do not feel machine will be a Noble prize winner. This
pain but when you cut your skin, you feel the dream has its inspiration in the way the human
pain. Have you ever thought about it? In the body evolves as explained in this section. The
same body, you can cut your hair, you can cut human body evolves from one cell both in
your nails, but you can’t cut your hand. terms of hardware and software, i.e. bodily
The miracle is that even if we can observe this growth and mental and intellectual growth. So
process of development of a living body from can we create a machine that starts from a
a single cell, we cannot replicate the process. single automaton and this machine grows in
Scientists can only play with what God has terms of hardware, in terms of size and also in
terms of software and in other words becomes in cultivation. You can create a machine in the
intelligent? If we can do so, then one may form of a motor that will help you to bring
claim that there is no need of God or that God water from deep in the ground but you can’t
is irrelevant entity. However, even if such a create a machine that will create water. Water
machine is ever created it cannot solve most of has to be taken from nature. Air has to be
our problems especially those related to taken from nature.
hunger and food production, which are rated If we maintain cows in a healthy manner, then
topmost among world development issues. food security will be guaranteed, but instead
Thus we are worried about self-replicating
● Self-Replicating machines will not machines. All these people who are thinking
solve food security problems. about self-replicating machines, if they would
● Machines do not produce food that have invested their energy in taking care of
will sustain the creation. cows properly, innocent people would not
Cows eat grass and give us milk. If we maintain have been subject to purchasing synthetic milk
cows in a healthy manner, food security will be and impure ghee in the market.
guaranteed. Thus formation of a living body is a mystical
coupling of the soul (anti-material) with the
body (material). This forms a substantial
portion of the subject matter of the Bhagavad

Fill in the Blanks
Can I replicate the Miracle? 1. The Bhagavad Gita is a Vedic literature
Although one can observe the process compiled by _____________ .
of self-replication in nature, one cannot 2. This holy book presents the
replicate the process. The reason has been _____________ of life as it is.
3. Though the Bhagavad Gita was spoken
explained in Srimad Bhagavatam as follows:
by Lord Krishna to Arjuna 5000 years
“The Personality of Godhead said: Under the ago, it is still relevant to us because the
supervision of the Supreme Lord and knowledge contained in it is
according to the result of his work, the living ___________.
entity - the soul, is made to enter into the 4. Seeing ourselves as a tiny part of the
womb of a woman through the particle gigantic Solar System can make us
of male semen to assume a particular type of _____________.
body. (SB 3.31.1)” 5. When one starts introspecting and
questioning one’s existence, the search
Thus, when we cannot replicate even for ___________ begins.
grass, what can we speak of any higher form of
Answer the following questions based on
living entity? Machines do not produce food
your own experience
that will sustain the creation. Machines are
there to enhance our comfort level. You can 1. What kind of questions cripple you?
use a machine like a tractor that will help you 2. What kind of questions rejuvenate
3. Have you ever read/heard Bhagavad the baby frog if the creature was as big as itself
Gita? What kind of expectations do you now. Each time the frog bloated itself more,
have when you turn your attention to the baby would say “No. Bigger”! In this way
the Bhagavad Gita? the mother frog gradually puffed up her body
4. What kind of proprietorship does a jiva and when it went beyond limit, it exploded
or soul have? Narrate from your with a big bang.
This instructive story could well be our own
5. Everybody in this world is a servant. when we get very puffed up of our own limited
Justify your answer by relating the knowledge and assume that there is nothing
different roles that you play in your life. beyond matter. However, our narrow
Answer the following questions based on understanding could cripple us just like that
Section 1: exploding frog.
1. Explain the process of the evolution of a
human body or any living form.
2. Self-replicating machines as dreamt by
Von Neumann have not been actualized
by current researchers. Do you think
that this is possible in the future?
3. Will self-replicating machines be able to
solve the problems of this world? Why?
4. How is self-replication in nature What does the Bhagavad Gita
different from a self-replicating say?
We saw in Section 1 that our body is a mystical
5. What do you understand by miracle as coupling of the body that is material and soul
explained in this lesson?
that is anti-material. Thus Bhagavad Gita
teaches us about objects consisting of two
natures - spirit and matter in the following
Section 2
● The world that we perceive is a
Spirit of the Bhagavad Gita place where unlimited jivas (atomic
Is there something beyond souls) are encaged in 8.4 million
different bodies.
● The world is there to help us to
The Exploding Frog rediscover our divinity – to purify
Very often it is assumed that there is very little our consciousness.
beyond what we have seen. Because of our ● All our endeavor must be to
limited experience we tend to dismiss anything ascertain the Truth – not to get
entangled in ignorance.
anti-material or anything beyond matter. Our
● Distinguishing spirit from matter is
situation is like that of a frog whose baby one
the first step in this process.
day claimed to have seen a very big creature.
The mother frog in its attempt to fathom the In the Introduction to Bhagavad Gita Srila
size of the creature began bloating itself asking Prabhupada says - That destination is called
the sanātana sky, the eternal, spiritual sky. In compiler. You will see in Bhagavad Gita
this material world we find that everything is whenever Krishna speaks, Vyasadeva didn't
temporary. It comes into being, stays for some write Sri Krishna uvaca, rather he writes this as
time, produces some by-products, dwindles Sri Bhagavan uvaca.
and then vanishes. That is the law of the Everybody knows that Krishna spoke Bhagavad
material world, whether we use as an example Gita then why did he write “Sri Bhagavan
this body, or a piece of fruit or anything. But uvaca”? Because he anticipated that a time
beyond this temporary world there is another will come in future when people will ascribe
world of which we have information. That Lord Krishna as a mere human being. Such
world consists of another nature, which understanding would minimize the Absolute
is sanātana, eternal. Jīva is also described position of Bhagavad Gita. Therefore to
as sanātana, eternal, and the Lord is also prevent such abuse of this great literature,
described as sanātana in the Eleventh Srila Vyasadev wisely preserves Lord Krishna’s
Chapter. We have an intimate relationship supreme position. Krishna is God Himself.
with the Lord and because we are all That's why Bhagavad Gita is very enduring. It is
qualitatively one with the God’s instructions for humanity.
the sanātana Supreme Personality of Godhead
— the whole purpose of Bhagavad-gītā is to Vyasadeva divided Veda into four divisions for
revive our sanātana occupation, or sanātana- people of the age of Kali. He also wrote
dharma, which is the eternal occupation of the Puranas, Itihasas like Mahabharata, and finally
living entity. We are temporarily engaged in he wrote Brahma sutra (or Vedanta sutra).
different activities, but all of these activities After writing Brahma sutra he felt very
can be purified when we give up all these dissatisfied at heart and finally after being
temporary activities and take up the activities guided by his spiritual master, Srila Narada, he
which are prescribed by the Supreme Lord and gave a natural commentary to Brahma sutra in
that is our pure life. the form of Srimad Bhagavatam. This literature
directly narrates the transcendental glories of
All our endeavor must be to search for Lord Krishna in the form of His name, activities,
absolute truth, not to get entangled in form and abode. Bhagavad Gita is a part of the
ignorance. Distinguishing spirit from matter is Mahabharata.
the first step in this process. So the aim of this
course will be to motivate you that there is Bhagavad Gita is the juice of all Upanishads
something beyond matter, something hence it is also known as Gitopanishad.
spiritual, something eternal, and something Not only the great Vyasadeva ascertains Lord
timeless, which we are made up of. Krishna to be the Absolute Truth, all great
acharyas (spiritual authorities) such as Adi
Understanding the Spirit of the
Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, Nimbarka
Bhagavad Gita
swami, Vishnu swami, and Sri Chaitanya
Spirit I – Lord Krishna, the
Mahaprabhu also confirm this truth. In all
Absolute Truth Vedic literatures, this truth that Lord Krishna is
Sri Krishna the Absolute Truth and He is the the Supreme Personality of Godhead has been
speaker of Bhagavad Gita. Thus the message of established by great spiritual authorities like
Bhagavad Gita is Absolute - not subject to any Srila Narada, Bhishma deva, Lord Shiva, Lord
interpretation. Vyasadeva is merely the Brahma, Sage Kapila, Prahlada, Janaka,
Sukadeva Goswami, Manu, Four Kumaras, Bali anything. The moment you are biased, you
Maharaja, and Yamaraja. cannot become a right thinker. That's why the
Spirit II – Becoming a Right yogis of India leave everything - family, home
and fame - and enter the caves of Himalayas or
take shelter in holy places. There they perform
A right thinker can churn the nectar from severe austerities and spiritual practices to
Bhagavad Gita. Bhagavad Gita makes a person gain neutrality. Neutral position means neither
think. A person who always acts from a neutral you have any hatred nor you are partial to
position is a right thinker. Lord Krishna defines anyone. You are able to see everyone as God's
such a right thinker in Bhagavad Gita 2.58 as: dear child.
yadā saṁharate cāyaṁ One thinker is sufficient to guide 1000 people.
kūrmo ’ṅgānīva sarvaśaḥ Taking into account that the current
indriyāṇīndriyārthebhyas population is at 7 billion, we need 7 million
tasya prajñā pratiṣṭhitā people who are educated in Bhagavad Gita.
Translation: “One who is able to withdraw his These 7 million thinkers will be able to guide
senses from the sense objects as the tortoise the world of 7 billion in the path of self-
draws its limbs within the shell, is firmly fixed enlightenment, prosperity and peace. Then
in perfect consciousness.” the world will become “Vasudhaiva
Lord Krishna further distinguishes right Kutumbakam.”
thinkers from those who are very ordinary in The real problem is that we don’t have right
Bhagavad Gita 2.69 as: thinkers. Srila Prabhupada once said that every
yā niśā sarva-bhūtānāṁ village and city of India must be converted to
tasyāṁ jāgarti saṁyamī Gita-nagari following in the foot-step of
yasyāṁ jāgrati bhūtāni Mahatma Gandhi. Thus we have endeavored
sā niśā paśyato muneḥ to run this Bhagavad Gita correspondence
course to reach out to all those who have no
Translation: “What is night for all beings is the
opportunity to be properly educated in the
time for awakening for the self-controlled, and
science of Bhagavad Gita.
the time of awakening for all beings is night for
the introspective sage.” Spirit III- Building a Relationship
with the Lord
Although Bhagavad Gita is literature for those
Besides being a right thinker, one must be a
who can think, anybody who starts taking
friend and devotee of Lord Krishna. He should
interest in Bhagavad Gita starts thinking. This
have simple faith in Lord Krishna's instructions.
is the underlying sublime principle by which
As Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita 4.3:
Bhagavad Gita works. Isn't it a wonderful
thing? That is the sublime aspect of Bhagavad sa evāyaḿ mayā te 'dya
Gita. Anybody who will take shelter of yogaḥ proktaḥ purātanaḥ
Bhagavad Gita, he will become a right thinker. bhakto 'si me sakhā ceti
A person who always acts from a neutral rahasyaḿ hy etad uttamam
position is a right thinker. He is not biased by Translation: “That very ancient science of the
his selfish mentality, he is not biased by other’s relationship with the Supreme is today told by
selfish mentality, he is not biased by his own Me to you because you are My devotee as well
name and fame, and he is not biased by
as My friend; therefore you can understand This Bhagavad Gita has revolutionized hearts
the transcendental mystery of this science.” of millions across the globe. Srila Prabhupada
is against the idea of using selected verses
One must accept Bhagavad Gita As It Is as Lord
from Bhagavad Gita to put forth one's
Krishna spoke to Arjuna – no addition or no
misdirected ideas. There are 700 verses in
deletion to His instructions. As Srila
Bhagavad Gita and one must accept all the
Prabhupada says in the Introduction:
verses, just like as per your medical
The spirit of Bhagavad-gītā is mentioned in prescription you have to accept all medicines -
Bhagavad-gītā itself. It is just like this: If we you cannot reject one and accept another.
want to take a particular medicine, then we
have to follow the directions written on the Subject Matter of the Bhagavad
label. We cannot take the medicine according Gita
to our own whim or the direction of a friend. It The Bhagavad Gita deals with five subject
must be taken according to the directions on matters which are as follows:

the label or the directions given by a physician. 1. Isvara (God)

Similarly, Bhagavad-gītā should be taken or 2. Jiva (living entity)
accepted as it is directed by the speaker 3. Kala (time)
Himself. 4. Prakriti (nature)
5. Karma (action)
Ultimately Lord Krishna will reveal this
knowledge to us if we sincerely surrender unto Among these five topics, Lord Krishna deals
Him. He is there within our hearts and He will mostly with the fifth topic, i.e. karma. Karma
reveal this knowledge as we hear from the means the form of duty that liberates us from
bonafide spiritual master. That is why in this the influence of ignorance. Thus Lord Krishna
correspondence course we will follow prescribes duties in the form of Karma Yoga,
Bhagavad Gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A. C. Jnana Yoga, Dhyana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. The
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada as the yoga system that is spoken in Bhagavad Gita is
textbook. duty because anything that is duty must
connect you to Lord Krishna. You are doing
something but you are not getting connected We are servants, who is the master? Bhagavad
to Lord Krishna that means you are wasting Gita answers this question very lucidly. Lord
your human life. So this is the most talked Krishna is the ONLY master. He is also known
about subject in Bhagavad Gita. We all must be by different traditions as Allah, Jehovah, God
situated in the yoga system and according to etc.
Bhagavad Gita the highest form of yoga is We crave for relationships – but all of them are
Bhakti yoga. temporary – some of them are even source of
Definition of God agony. Bhagavad Gita answers the nature of
Parasara Muni, in Vishnu Puran, gave the this pure relationship and its shelter. When we
definition of Bhagavan. He said that Bhagavan connect ourselves in yoga-system with Lord
is that person who possesses six opulences in Krishna, we establish our divine relationship
full: with Him. This in turn makes our filial or
worldly relationships also divine. Everything
1. All beauty here is temporary – what is permanent?
2. All wealth Bhagavad Gita again provides a wonderful
3. All power/strength answer stating that the shelter of the Lord, His
4. All knowledge abode and His devotional service are eternal.
5. All fame
6. All renunciation We are here in this material world because we
want to become God. Suppose you have
This is Bhagavan and the goal of Bhagavad Gita created a robot. You will make all planning in
is to know Him and get connected to Him such a way that this robot will follow you.
through prescribed yoga system - in particular Would you like a robot that will revolt against
Bhakti Yoga. you? So that's the difference between you and
Conclusion God. God has created you but has given you
Bhagavad Gita (BG) is a complete science of freedom as well. It is up to you to use your
both spirit and matter from a holistic freedom, to use your free will to accept God or
perspective. This book provides time-less reject Him. He is your loving father after all.
science that is applicable to every human race Thus Bhagavad Gita is that timeless science
in every corner of the society. which has answers to all your thought
Bhagavad Gita informs us that we are tiny provoking queries.
divine particles having the same quality as that Questions
of the Absolute divinity – Lord Krishna. Daily
bathing in the message of Bhagavad Gita will Choose the correct word from the
help us to revive our divinity – spiritual parenthesis
qualities. 1. The world is here to help us rediscover
There has been debate among intellectuals our (humanity/divinity).
about the chemical origin of life or life eternal 2. In this material world we find that
– Bhagavad Gita speaks of the latter. Our everything is (eternal/temporary).
empirical observations show that matter 3. The Lord is described as sanatana or
comes from life not vice versa. eternal and the Jiva is described as
(also eternal/ temporary).
4. We are (qualitatively/quantitatively)
one with the Lord.
5. The whole purpose of the Bhagavad
Gita is to revive our (eternal
occupation/ eternal ignorance)
Answer the following questions
1. How is a living body different from
dead matter?
2. Who is a right thinker? Quote the
verse from BG with meaning.
3. What is the best way to become a
right thinker?
4. Mention the name of acharyas who
have ascertained Lord Krishna to be
the Supreme Absolute Truth?
5. Name the spiritual authorities
mentioned in the Vedic literature
who ascertain that Lord Krishna is
the Absolute Truth.
6. Narrate three aspects of spirit with
which the subject matter of BG
must be approached.
7. Enumerate five topics discussed in
8. Which topic is most talked about in
9. What is the definition of God?
10. What is the link between one's duty
and yoga systems as presented in


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