Open Banking Api Service Factsheet

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Credit Suisse’s

“Open Banking API” – Services

1 Services Description and Benefits

Description Client Benefits

Cash Account APIs Our Cash Account APIs deliver you real-time Use these APIs to monitor your accounts and to
information of your accounts e.g. the currency, IBAN, optimize your intraday balance management with this
account owner, account description and interest rates. real-time information. This service will therefore help
Furthermore, they deliver the balances of your you to mitigate risks.
accounts covering the book balance, the value date It also increases transparency over liquidity and enables
balance including or excluding provisions and you to forecast your flows effectively in order to
transactions information incl. booking amount and ringfence the right amount of liquidity for payment
booking balance per transaction. processing.
Continuous Linked Our API dedicated to the CLS Third Party Service This Open Banking API service for our CLS Third Party
Settlement API provides you information regarding counterparty UTI clients provides you an auto-update of the relevant
information related to matched and settled CLS trades, trades with the counterparty UTI information. By
along with all other relevant trade details for a specified invoking this service you may retrieve the information,
date range. The aim of the service is to provide you whenever it is required, and necessary reports can be
this information to our CLS Third Party clients who created accordingly.
require it for regulatory reasons. The information is
available on each CLS-eligible business day after 2am
(C.E.T). Between 1am and 2am, data will be partially
Custody Holdings APIs Our Custody Holdings APIs deliver you real-time Use these APIs to monitor your positions and validate
information on safekeeping account(s) by retrieving your securities transactions. This service will therefore
positions or transactions data, as well as account help you to mitigate risks and enables you to optimize
information (e.g. account numbers, account ongoing reconciliation, position transfers and/or
designations). These APIs provide you access to corporate action measures.
detailed information about your custody holdings
positions across accounts and enhance visibility, thereby
achieving higher flexibility to respond to rapid changes in
the macro landscape.
Securities Settlement Our Securities Settlement API enables you to The API provides you on demand, real-time
API increase your flexibility in the direct inquiry of real- settlement status information for your trades when
time settlement status information for all markets you need it and with the frequency you require.
supported or to interface your own back-office
systems to Credit Suisse’ settlement system to Access to real-time settlement status information
achieve greater STP. through APIs can increase self-service and will provide
you with the option to filter what information is
While standard SWIFT messages are provided required.
whenever the status changed or as batch reports of all Furthermore, it can reduce time-consuming queries
pending transactions at the End of Day, such by phone or emails.
information/reports can be provided through APIs real-
time and whenever needed.

2 Pricing
As per individual client offer.

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3 Procedure
In order to make use of this new service offering please follow the process as described below.
For further details, please contact your Relationship Manager.

Sign Application Onboard your Procure your
form Developer certificate

4 Conditions of use
It is the client’s obligation to do the necessary security assessments on the client’s side (system, devices, applications, etc.) and to
mitigate timely any high risks identified. The Terms of Use for Digital Services of Credit Suisse apply.

5 Document and Contacts

Open Banking API information page

Onboarding Guide Developer

General Information on Open Banking [email protected]

APIs / Support Contact

CREDIT SUISSE (Switzerland) Ltd

P.O. Box 100
CH-8070 Zürich

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