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FCE Listening Practice Test 27 Printable


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Part 1

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You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the
best answer (A, В or C).

1. You hear a man telling a police officer about a robbery he saw. What was stolen?

A watches

B silver vases
C jewellery

2. You hear a doctor examining a patient. What is wrong with the patient?

A a sore throat
B a swollen eye

C a bad cut

3. You hear a man talking to a colleague. What does he want her to do for him?

A send a fax

B attend a meeting

C make some photocopies

4. You hear a husband and wife talking about their plans for a trip. When are they going to

A Wednesday

B Friday

C Saturday

5. You hear two co-workers discussing plans for something. What are they trying to

A a meeting

B a party
C lunch

6. You hear a woman phoning to make a doctor’s appointment. When will she see the

A this Wednesday
B this Friday

C next Wednesday

7. You hear a student talking about his school books. Where did he leave them?
A in the library

B at school

C at home

8. You hear a husband and wife discussing what to call their new baby. What name do
they choose?
A Stuart

B Gregory
C Steven

Part 2

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You will hear a lecture given to a group of parents about keeping children safe in water.
For questions 9-18, complete the notes below which summarise what the speaker says.


The speaker says a 9 ______ may be dangerous for small children.

The 10 ______ of the Royal Lifesaving Society website can be found on the fact sheet.

A child can start swimming lessons when it is 11 ______ old.

their 12 ______.
During swimming lessons, very young children learn to roll onto

At a private pool, there should be one supervisor for every 13 ______ children.

Children must learn not to go close to the 14 ______ unless an adult is supervising them.
There are many more 15 ______ in private swimming pools than public pools.

At home, put an alarm on the rear 16 ______ so you hear a noise if your child has gone
into the garden.

Apart from public and private pools, the 17 ______ can also be dangerous to children.
At the beach, a 18 ______ flying is a sign which means you must not swim.

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