(Dmit) : Debre Markosuniversity Institute of Technology
(Dmit) : Debre Markosuniversity Institute of Technology
(Dmit) : Debre Markosuniversity Institute of Technology
NAME =Yeshiwondim Eniyew
ENTERPRISE Id Ter/1300/08
Duration of internship program
march 10/03/2019-july 28/08/2019
THAT`S ITS BEAUTY” Submitted to MR. yehenew
Submission date 18/09/2019
Internships are seen by college students as potentially valuable tools to explore
general career avenues and secure good work experience. With this regard, I have been working
at AKIR Road Construction P.L.C, Debark-Buahit Road upgrading project from October
14/2015 to February 6/2016. AKIR Road Construction PLC, is one of the local construction
companies focusing and specializing on road construction, airport and other building
construction works. Since its establishments, the company has been marking maximum effort in
contributing its fair share in the development of national road infrastructure.
The design is done based up on ERA design manual. Also other highway handouts and
books were used as a reference. Based on terrain type of the route corridor and the traffic
volume, DS4 road which function as a link road is designed.
I spent the four months of the internship program at this company performing
various activities. The major ones were designing of structures, laboratory tests, office work and
compiling reports. I was also carrying out practical activities such as performing field tests,
surveying activities and field works.
The program was tremendously helpful that I gained experience that will be useful in my
professional and even personal future, developed technical and interpersonal skills, strengthen
social and professional links, improved the perspectives of my study, adapted to the work
environment and valued differences that exist between co-workers.
firstly, my gratitude and an endless thanks goes to work inspector MR.TIZAZU
ABDU YASIN who helped me for the project to reach the final stage without any restriction
entirely with his valuable guidance, encouragement, respected hospitality, fatherly and energetic
approach. And he also share his life style how to communicate with others and give respect for
other workers.
Secondly, I would like to say thanks office engineer MR. HABTEYESUS who helped me
to do different office works related to the site activities and other software’s which related to the
road works.
I am ineffably indebted to my advisor MR. MENGISTU for conscientious guidance and
encouragement to accomplish this report.
Above all thanks to GOD he makes me stronger to face obstacles through my whole life.
This report includes my overall internship practice in AKIR road Construction PLC in the
2008 EC academic year. It is important inputs for the intended program in order to know how I
perform the program of the institution properly. It consists of four major sections with brief
The first part contains about introduction to internship and the profile of the hosting
company such as its capacity, establishment, and company related issues.
The next part is fully dedicated to the overall internship experience includes the way how I
joined in to the company, works that I have been participated, and the organizational work flow
of the company as a whole including my performance and challenges I have been facing. And
also general description of the project is described here.
The third part includes the whole advantage of internship in terms of aspects like
practical skill, work ethics, leadership skill, team playing skills, upgrading in theoretical
knowledge, communication skills, entrepreneurship skills etc.
Recommendation and conclusion are included at the last part of the paper. Reference parts are
also included here.
List of tables
Table 1 alignment passing towns and villages name...................................................................................3
Table 2 mean monthly max.and min.temprature of the project area............................................................3
Table 3 organization work flow...................................................................................................................7
Table 4 No of equipment and machineries...............................................................................................19
Table 5No of man power...........................................................................................................................20
Table 6 earth work flow chart....................................................................................................................26
Table 7 sub base work flow.......................................................................................................................28
Table 8 specification for different type of material....................................................................................43
Table 9 specification requirement for sub base material............................................................................44
Table 10 requirement for base course material..........................................................................................44
ERA Ethiopian Road Authority
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation officials
AACRA Addis Ababa City Road Association
CBR California Bearing Ratio
FI Flakiness Index
PI Plastic Index
PL Plastic Limit
LL Liquid Limit
LAA Los Angles Abrasion
FDT Field Density Test
ACV Aggregate Crushing Value
TFV Ten Percent Fine Value
RW Retaining Wall
OMC Optimum Moisture Content
MDD Maximum Dry Density
DBST Double Bituminous Surface Treatment
ETB Ethiopian Birr
DS5 Design Standard 5
Bd Bulk Unit Weight Of Sand
WS Weight Of Soil
PS Unit Weight Of Clean Sand
MC Moisture Content
Dd Dry Density
NMC Natural Moisture Content
Declaration and approval…………………………………………………………………..I
Acknowledgment ……………………………………………………………………………III
Executive summary ………………………………………………………………………….IV
List of figures ………………………………………………………………………………...V
List of tables…………………………………………………………………………………..VI
Table of contents……………………………………………………………………………...VIII
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………....1
1.1. Brief history of the company……………………………………………………………...1
1.1.1.back ground of hosting company………………………………………………………..1
1.2. Location of the project…………………………………………………………………….2
1.3. Overall organization and work flow………………………………………………………5
1.3.1. Organization set up………………………………………………………………….5 Particular data of the project…………………………………………………….6
1.4. AKIR project organization chart…………………………………………………………..7
2. Overall internship experience………………………………………………………………9
2.1. How do I get in to the company………………………………………………………...9
2.2. Office work activities…………………………………………………………………...9
2.2.1. Office crew………………………………………………………………………….10
2.3. Site activities categories…………………………………………………………………11
2.3.1. Structural work…………………………………………………………………….12
2.3.2. Earth work………………………………………………………………………….18
2.3.3. Earth work equipment’s…………………………………………………………....24
2.3.4. Pavement works……………………………………………………………………..26
2.3.5. Surveying activities………………………………………………………………….29
2.4. Field and laboratory tests…………………………………………………………………..31
2.4.1. Soil test……………………………………………………………………………….32
2.4.2. Laboratory test………………………………………………………...……………..34
2.4.3. Aggregate test………………………………………………………………………..40
3. Benefit, performance and challenge ………………………………………………………….45
3.1. Benefit I have got from the internship……….…….…………………………………..45
3.1.1.improving my personal skill……….…….………………………………….................45
3.1.2. Upgrading theoretical knowledge……….…….
1.1. Brief history of the company
Akir construction plc is one of the leading Construction companies in Ethiopia Registered as General
Contractor Grade I, established in 1990.
Since its establishment, AKIR has played an enormous role in the nations endeavor to bring a change in
the construction sector by delivering various construction projects of high magnitude in all administrative
regions of the country. The wide range of infrastructure development activities include: Roads, Buildings,
air ports and Irrigation schemes. Until now AKIR Construction has completed Road projects (large
airport) in azezo.
AKIR is a reliable and competent construction firm, and if given the chance pledges to execute the
construction of structures to the best quality within the scheduled time and budget.
AKIR PLC envisions growing in to a share company so as to become an internationally reliable and
leading company in the construction sector.
Our mission is to meet the expectation of our clients and stakeholders by constructing high quality roads
at reasonable cost and within the contract period.
In order to achieve this, the company will
Put in place strong and modern construction management systems and technologies to grow in to
a financially sound construction company;
Take a long term perspective by implementing important changes, more effectively and
efficiently than our competitors, to improve the quality of road construction management in the
Engage in a business of construction related supplies to ensure reliability and delivery of
construction works on time and within stated quality standards.
Foster improved staff motivation & retention.
Cultivate life-long learning and employee team spirit.
Model and reward good behavior (honesty, loyalty, resourcefulness)
Focus on staff to gain their full support and commitment
Contractor is carrying the site preparation activity with the following resources :
1.1.1. Background of the internship hosting company
KIR construction plc. is one of the leading company in Ethiopia registered as grade-1
construction companies and established in 1990 E.C. in Ethiopia. This company have been
involved in different type of construction projects and play active developmental role in the
construction sectors such as: construction of buildings, depot, undertaking gravel and asphalt road, air
field and others.
The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) as part of its Road sector
Development program intends to adopt road-upgrading policies as a major element of road
management. To this effect, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) represented by the
Ethiopia Roads Authority has tendered for the procurement of the design and built works on the
Debark – Buahit-Dilyibza Road Project, lot-1,Debark-Buahit(with an assumed length of ±65 km) and
awarded the contract to AKIR Construction P.L.C. Accordingly, a Contract Agreement was signed on
the 29thof March 2011 between the Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) and AKIR Construction P.L.C
to perform the design and construction of the Project. Subsequently, a notice to commence the works
was issued to the Contractor on July 04, 2011.
On the other hand, PANAFRICAN Consultants P.L.C in JV with YIDIDYA CONSULTANTS
P.L.C has won the consultancy service for the Construction Supervision of this project and the Contract
Agreement was signed between the Ethiopian Roads Authority and the Consulting JV on the 13 rd of June
11. The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) funds the Project.
Now the FDRE, represented by Ethiopian Roads Authority, has allocated sufficient budget to finance
payments for the design and construction works of Debark- Buahit Road Project.
The work under this contract consists of Design and Construction (Design and Build) of new road, to
Double Bituminous Surface Treatment (DBST) road standard and construction of minor and major
drainage structures.
Hence, ERA intends to construct the road from Debark to Dilyibza lot I: Debark to Buahit using the
services of a Contractor experienced in the investigation, design and Construction of Roads engaged
under the Contract.
The project involves new construction of road to DS5 Double Bituminous Surface Treatment (DBST
standard). The works includes and construction of new culverts and Bridges if required .
The request of Janamore Administration and consideration of the same by the Employer results in a
change in the control points from the original project requirement so that the proposed route shall touch
Mekanebirhan Town, capital of JanamoreWereda.As a result of the request of Janamore Administration,
the Employer has changed the primary control points to Debark – Park Gate – Belegez River –
Mekanebirhan – Denkoloko – Buahit and the Contractor has also been instructed to propose alternate
routes of the same.
A. Length
The Project road starts just at Debark town from the main route to Shire adjacent to the Mosque with a
total estimated length of ±65 km and ends at Buahit.
B. The Topography
The project area is part of a high mountain massive in northern Ethiopia with altitude ranging at the
beginning from 2800m to 1875m amsland at the middle of the project from 1875m to 4300mamsl.
M.M rainfall,
10 1 25 50 100 150 400 400 100 100 25 10
Donkoloko village
To Gondar village
The qualified, well-trained and committed workforce also enables it to uphold project schedules, even
under adverse circumstances. All the achievements of the company have been made possible by the
dedicated efforts of executives and qualified personnel.
Employees at AKIR construction plc. Are working towards continuing success with the help of a
committed leadership and highly motivated workforce by enduring close relationships with clients and
alliance partners.
The Company is highly increasing its manpower in all levels of responsibility and professional practice
pertaining to construction work. This has created a relaxed and easy handling of a number of significant
projects at a time.
In order to develop the culture of organizational pride and a climate of success, AKIR construction Plc.
appreciates and recognizes the commitment, loyalty and faithful service of its employees. Particulars Data of the Project
Project: - Debark-Buahit-Dilyibza Design and Build Road Project:-Lot 1: Debark-Buahit
Location: Amhara Regional State North Gondar
Client: - Ethiopian Roads Authority
Consultant: - Construction Design S.Co
Commencement Date: 4th July, 2011
Contract Duration: 1096 Cal. Days
Completion date: 4th July 2014
Type of work : Double Surface treatment Road
Type of Contract :Design and Build Project
Project Value : 699,465,650.00 ETB
Project Length: ±65 Km AND Mobilization period: 120 calendar days
Project Manager: - is the person who manages and controls the overall activities in that
project. All the departments are responsible to the project manager and they should present weekly and
monthly performance report.
Construction engineer: - Is a person who directly manages and controls the man power and
construction activities on the site. The construction engineer controls the activities of the site engineers,
foreman’s, and other persons who have direct contact with the construction activity.
Office Engineer :-The main responsibility of this staff is preparation of weekly and monthly
reports of the activities on the project and reporting to the project manager and to head office. Some of
the thing that should be included in the weekly and monthly reports are:-
Profit gained
expense of the project
amount of work
problem faced
Some of the responsibilities of the Office Engineer Staff are:-
Preparation of Direct Cost
Preparation of weekly and monthly expense for
Machine and equipment
Administration head: - is a staff in which its responsibility is directly to the project manager.
The main activity of the Administration are solving conflicts between employees,
Administrating the comp, communication with the local government and providing food.
But before am going to AKIR construction plc. I have got a chance to get in the ERA road project which
is located on northern part of Gondar particularly in adi-arkay woreda. But they told me that already the
project is attended on the finishing part of the project so you can not perceive or get knowledge what you
have got on the intern program. This is the reason why I have choice the AKIR construction plc. Not only
this I have many advantages when am working on AKIR construction. Those are: - I spent the intern
program months with my family because my home town is debark town, this helps me to save my money.
And also it was not difficult to adapt the weather condition of the site because am familiar to the weather
condition before.
As I have mentioned before I spent four months on the company doing different work activities
Office work
Site work activities
Laboratory different tests
Mix design and gathering information
2.2.1.Office Crew
From office crew stuff members, office designers has a boundless role in designing process of a highway
project. Here are some of the important tasks that are performed by office designers.
Scheduling: - Sequential order of work flow. Scheduling has grate role to accomplish the
desired task on time, with the allocated resource and without bankrupting.
Evaluating the schedule and daily reports: - Checking weather all activities of the
construction are taking place based on the schedule made.
Preparing weekly and monthly reports: - Summarizing all reports based on the
accomplished tasks and material used.
Designing template’s and structures: - Designing and making working drawings by using
software’s named AutoCAD and eagle point.
Preparation of payment certificates:-Payment certificate is made by using the approved
tasks. This task is done by using the software’s called AutoCAD, Excel and eagle point.
Quantification of the designed templates and structures: - Enumerating the designed
template and structures in terms of costs depending up on the unit cost.
Cost break down: - Preparing unit cost for different activities and tasks.
On my apparent time on the first three weeks I was engaged on preparing a calculation on quantity work
by using different software like AUTO-CAD, EXCEL and EAGLE PONT, MS PROJECT
A quantity work can be done for different pavement layers for sub-base and base course to determine or
to know the volume of excavation and fill for the payment. And also this can be done for different
structures like for pipe culvert, retaining wall, ditches, slab culvert, box culvert etc.
(A) When We Cut Or Fill The Earth Structure?
We cut the earth structure when there is a highly mountain those are out of the design of the alignment or
when it is difficult for the construction of alignments and for leveling of the road.
If we cut above 25% of the earth we have to use cut bench method. This is mainly used for protecting
The sliding of the soil on the other hand we use fill bench method when the earth surface fill above 25%
of the earth.
Mainly those two methods are used for protect sliding of the soil and safety for the pavement.
The Use of Making Quantity Work
To determine how much amount volume of soil, rock and other material will
To determine how much amount volume of soil, rock and other material will fill.
To determine the bill quantity of work. i.e how much money will pay for this work?
To make profit and loss analysis
1. By using topography surveying data (northing, easting and elevation) put the stream line and
2. Draw a contour line on the EAGLE POINT using the topography data, this shows us the top view
of our alignment including all terrains and water bodies
3. Draw the template of the alignment at 20m difference of the station by section view but this
station is not obvious for all type of alignment because it might be on 10m difference if the
alignment is curve. It shows the different section of the pavement layer.
4. By using area-volume method we can calculate the quantity of the alignment at different station.
Volume=area*length where volume in m3
Area in m2
Length in m
(C) How To Use Excel And Auto-Cad Simultaneously
We can use excel and auto-cad simultaneously for different works. For example to determine the
OGL of different cross sections, to draw the top view of the structure, and its elevation from different
sides and for different purposes.
Steps to draw OGL of the cross section
First data’s are given by the surveyor those data’s include northing, easting and
elevation of the topography.
From this data we have to calculate different equations those helps us to draw the OGL
on the cross section of the alignment like concatenate and make a distance calculation
then make copy the concatenate value (elevation and distance) from the excel to the
auto cad and paste the value on the drawn cross section. But the cross sections were
drawn by eagle point because they are very tedious to draw each cross sections in
different cross sections.
On the same procedure we can draw top view of different structures. This is drawn on the top view of the
alignment after that those all data are given to the surveyor and the surveyor starts his work.
Office work mainly concern to know the profit of the company. Before we have to know the list below
Daily evaluation
Direct cost analysis
Cost break down (unit rate)
2.3. Site Activity Categories
Structural work
Earth work
Pavement work
Surveying activities
Ropes used to erect the 30X30cm
PAD is one of the structures of retaining wall it differ from the above structure by its reinforcement bar.
Mostly we use Φ 16 bars.
After we construct the pad the next step is constructing the retaining masonry. The masonry course stone
size is 30cm x 30cm.
The mortar mix design used for retaining wall is 1:3 (1 bag of cement and 3 box of sand)
Formwork for
1 1 2.07+0.518=2.59
Erect the profile by using surveying data. Those surveying data are located on the
ground or the starting point of the masonry work and also to set out the profile.datas
are from the office.
After they erect the profile the top of the ditch point is also given by the surveyor by
using leveling instrument
After that they start working or built the masonry work using their drawing.
Mostly the design height of the ditches is 1m and the asphalt sides of the ditch have a
small battering (slope) 1:1.3 but the other sides have no slope.
The first courses of the ditches are paved. This is used for transporting water and
flood that comes from different catchment and from the asphalt surface. And its width
is mostly 0.6m only the inner part of the ditch. But the whole width of the ditch is
Above the first course they start to construct the side of the ditch. One side of the
ditch width is 0.3m but the other sides have different width at the bottom and the top.
The bottom width of the ditch is 0.6m and the top width is 0.3m.
The other structure constructed with the ditch is called curb stone
Curb stone is the structure which is constructed with the side of the ditch. This is used for
to give strength for asphalt and protect the ditch from erosion of water which percolates from the asphalt.
And it resist the force which comes from the asphalt laterally. Mostly this structures were built on U-type
(rectangular) ditches and on the side of cobblestone works .
V-ditches are mostly constructed if the amount of flood which comes from different catchment is
Figure for both Ditches and Curbstones
10cm height for
ditch cover
Formwork for
Figure 6 curb stone formwork and fill with the concrete respectively
(C) Bridge
Bridge is one of a major structure that is built around the wide river for crossing the highway.
Bridges may be categorized according to their main use, such as highway bridges, railway Bridges,
pedestrian bridges, etc. They may also be sorted according to the material used in their construction, such
as reinforced concrete bridges, steel bridges, stone bridges, timber Bridges, etc.
They may also be sorted into rigid, removable and floating bridges. In this manual, the type of
design is used to categorize the bridges: slab bridges and girder bridges, which are called framed if the
slabs or beams are rigid at the supports, tube bridges, Arch bridges, truss bridges, cable bridges and
suspension bridges.
Apart from these means of grouping bridges, there are a great number of combinations and
Variations depending on purpose, economy, and site condition.
Basically on the site the constructing type of bridge is framed structure which is a combination of
both the slab and girder beam. This bridge contain different structures those are
Girder beam
Wing wall
But the above listed structures can be categorized under sub-structure and super-structure from those
deck, girder and slap are the super-structures and the rest are sub-structures.
Super-structures are the main part of the bridge because they are used to carry the load of the vehicles
and the pedestrians and they transfer the load to the abutment and the pier.
Sub-structure those are used for to transfer the load to the foundation which comes from the super
Slab is the structure which is found before the girder beam which transfer its load to the abutment and it
have different bar arrangement to that of the girder beam.
Girder Beam is the middle part of the bridge which transfer its load to the pier. And it has its own bar
Abutment which is construct from masonry and it support the slab and the deck is construct on it.
Pier which is reinforced and it is construct like column it support the girder beam and transfer the load to
the foundation.
Deck it has L shape structure which holds the girder beam and the bearing on it.
Bearing is act like a support to minimize the vibration of the bridge .
Girder beam
Figure 7 bridge structure before constructing girder beam and fill the girder beam .
5. Test should undertake after compaction this test is compaction test. To know the compaction
strength of the pipe bed.
6. Put the pipes closely and plaster it by cement.
Note after we put the pipes other stone materials around the pipe are not allowed to put
because if we put stone around the pipe they crush the pipe when the load is applied (vehicle pass above
the pipe).
7. Build the outlet by masonry
8. After those all action are done the last step is back fill of the pipe.this can be done by man
power to compact the backfill material by using compactor.
Before commencing the clearing and grubbing works, the following operations will be carried out under
the supervision of the Engineer:
Re-surveying of the road,
Inventory of trees and properties,
Identification of right of way problems and resolve.
Preparations and approval of cross section drawings (templates) and quantities.
Getting consent as to the limits of clearing and grubbing,
Setting out the road reserve that fall within the limits of the road prism,
Arrange dumping area for disposal of excess or unsuitable cleared and grubbed materials.
All clearing and grubbing works will be done immediately before the subsequent construction activities in
order to avoid re-clearing works. The disposal of material will be executed after written authorization
from concerned authority for the use of the land for this purpose.
Following thorough investigation of the scope of the works, contractor noted that the volume of works
involved in site preparation is insignificant and therefore not critical.
Contractor is carrying the site preparation activity with the following resources:
Equipment and Machineries
Type No
Dozer D8R, 305Hp 1
Grader 140K, 185Hp 1
Total station 1
50 meter steel meter 1
Vehicle 1
Manpower No
Earthwork Forman 1
Surveyor 1
Chainman/ Grade checker 2
Dozer & Grader Operator 2
Operator helper 2
Mechanic 1
Driver 1
Unskilled laborers 3
Table 5No of man power
The above machineries are not expected to be engaged in this activity full time. Three fourth of their
capacity will be sufficient to carry this activity and hence their one fourth capacities will be utilized in
other activities, like temporary diversion.
(B) Common Excavation
Common excavation work includes common excavation to waste, common excavation to stock, free
hauling, embankment placing, road bed preparation, sub grade preparation & road widening, fill
activities. All these activities will be executed according to the specifications and with the consent and
approval of the Engineer. The quantity of earth work in this project is significant.
Wasting of surplus or unsuitable materials will be carried out by dozers and excavators where nearby
disposal area is available and/or hauled to disposal area using dump trucks as per the requirement of the
Excavated and stock pilled materials will be used for embankment material by dozing to nearby cut to
fill areas using dozers and excavators. This material will be spread, watered, mixed and compacted using,
graders, water trucks and compactors. Free hauling of stockpiled material to fill areas will be carried out
using Excavator and dump trucks.
Placing of hauled embankment material will be placed in conformity with the specifications using
graders, compactors and water trucks. Embankment construction will be under taken by spreading,
watering, mixing and compaction as per the specification. Quality tests, level check, close supervision
will be conducted to assure quality control and approva
This alignment is the junction to
sawre village
Embankment is a portion of road prism composed of approved fill material (by the consulting
engineers), which lies above the original ground level and is bounded by the side slopes, extending
downward and/or outwards from the outer shoulder breakpoints(outer edge of the shoulder) and on which
the pavement is constructed.
And when we say embankment work it means placement of material from cut section or any other
selected material that is imported to the work site on undisturbed ground to obtain the desired elevation.
Embankment is classified as
earth embankment
rock fill embankment
Embankment is constructed as follows
The surveyors fix the slope stake limits according the design data
Removal of any unsuitable material and with appropriate materials as per the engineer’s
preparation of the road bed
Field density test is done to check whether the necessary compaction have been attained at the
optimum moisture content
After water showering the road bed the calculated volume of fill material is dumped
The dumped fill material is mixed and placed at moisture content near the Optimum
Moisture Content (OMC) using grader.
The mixed and placed material is compacted using roller to attain 95% compaction on the field.
Whereas when there is high fill, it will not be economical to use normal fill material with
20cm fill depth per layer, so if it is allowed by the engineers, rock fill embankment can be used with
higher depth of fill per layer (up to 50cm). Unlike normal, fill placing of rock fill material is done using
doze and mixing and smoothing id done using grader.
The material to be used for embankment work should have CBR of greater than 5% and PI value of less
than 30, when determined using AASHTON method.
(D) Watering/Showering/
Watering , shall consists of providing and spreading over water required in the compaction of
embankments, road way beds, back fill, special sub base, course and surface course. We use watering
when the pavement layer is not attain the compaction or to
Figure 11showering/watering/
(E) Compaction
Compaction is defined as a procedure that increases the density of a particular material by expelling air
from the voids in the material and there by bringing the particles into more intimate contact with each
Compaction is the cheapest and simplest method of improving the shearing resistance of the soil
and minimizing future settlements. Therefore, soils in embankments and subgrades in cuts are
usually always compacted using special equipment (rollers, vibrators, tampers, etc…).
The result of compaction work depends on moisture content of the soil, type of soil, equipment
used and the energy applied.
(F) Borrow
Where sufficient quantities of suitable material are not available from roadway excavation as
planned, additional materials shall be excavated from borrow pits indicated on the plans or approved
by the Engineer.
Where is the location of borrow material?
- The location of borrow material (i.e. approved borrow pit) is predetermined by the designers. Site
engineers can easily find the borrow pits from designed plans.
How can we obtain borrow material?
- Borrow materials is not obtained from roadway excavation but secured by widening cuts, flattening
back slopes, excavating from sources adjacent to the road within the right-of-way, or from selected
borrow pits as may be noted on the plans.
(G) Waste
Material excavated from roadway cuts but not required for making the embankment. Here in our
project, sometimes the waste can be used to construct access road for quarry sites, alternative earth
road for the farmers and also it can be used as a flattening material for side fill.
2.3.3. Earth Work Equipment’s
Bull Dozer
Clearing and grubbing
Removal of unsuitable material
Construction, maintenance and repairing of temporary diversion(i.e. detours)
Motor Grader
Construction, maintenance and repairing of temporary diversion(i.e. detours)
Preparing the road bed for compaction
Placing of different materials and blending
Wheel/Chain Loader
Construction, maintenance and repairing of temporary diversion(i.e. detours)
Loading of materials
Rollers/Tempers …
Water truck
Earth Work
Pavement work means the order of the pavement layers starting from the natural subgrade
level to the asphalt layers. But before starting the layers we have to cut the normal ground level 20cm to
avoid unwanted materials like huge stones, grass, roots and other small plants. And then by using
surveying data that comes from the office engineer we put the level of OGL.
After we find the OGL we start put the grade of each pavement layer by using total station and other
Base course
Bituminous asphalt surface
Check and
Spreading,mixing ,Plac approve the
ing and Compaction mat. by the
(B) Dumping
Dumping means placing a material of the layers which comes from the production of materials. For
different layers we have different type of materials
For the first layer the dumping material is borrow which means only a soil without any stone
For the second layer the dumping material is aggregate below 4.75mm sieve size ( for 1 st and 2nd
layer of sub base)
For the third layer the dumping material is crushed stone aggregate<=50mm.
For the asphalt 00 aggregate mix with range material
Calculation for Number of Dumping and Its Volume
read the thickness of the pavement on the right, center and left side from the surveyor
take average of the three reading
L+C+R = thickness where L= left side cut or fill elevation
3 C= center cut or fill elevation
R= right side cut or fill elivation
Figure 15 dumping
In order to apply topographic survey, suitable position have to be selected for control points on
which GPS observation are made. The positions have to be free from any obstruction and that will help to
obtain a good quality signal.
In our project, there are several GPS Points have been established along the project at 3km intervals. .
Each GPS contains
After the GPS’s are installed, bench mark points are known and detail engineering designs are carried out
by Associated Engineering Consultants.
* Associated Engineering Consultants is the company which secured the design bid proposed by
After ERA granted the contract to the contractor, the surveying crew of contractor will cross check
either the grounded GPS or the bench mark data’s are correct or not. This is done by running traversing
and differential leveling. If there is anything wrong with the coordinates of the GPS and the benchmark,
ERA will install a new GPS and make a new benchmark.
The first task after cross checking, is to identify the center line of the route, gather cross-sectional data
and prepare well organized data.
Before any construction activities, all survey data and results will be submitted to the office engineers in
well-organized format. Then after, the office engineer will approve the data and order them to start a new
activity called setting out.
Based on surveying data, office engineers will design a template [i.e. cross sectional working drawings]
by using the software called Eagle Point. Next to this, the template will be approved and the surveyors
immediately begin setting out works.
Before any construction activities begin, the surveyor’s will provide the following data to the Forman.
Boundary of earthwork activities;
Depth for cut and fills;
Center line, Fixing and locating position for any structures
The information that are provided for the Forman can be written on the:-
Buried rocks;
Features etc…
The essential data are listed as follows: -
Offset distance from centerline;
Slope ratio;
Depth of cut and fill;
Generally, the tasks that are performed by surveyors during a highway constructions are;
Cross check the grounded GPS;
Establish Bench marks;
staking out the center line;
Gathering of cross-sectional topographic data;
Editing data’s;
Slope Staking;
Staking out of structure;
Blue top works;
As built Readings.
The data is collected using total station and leveling. The total station works either in resection
method which is free on a sector to set out the instrument at a place or from known azimuth which is
based on benchmark. The output of the data may be extracted from the instrument using cable or cards.
The extracted data is then edited and submitted to the office. The office engineer process it and prepares
working drawings. Then the surveyor setout required points using design template
Leveling: is a surveying operation in which height of objects and points are determined relative to a
specific datum usually the mean sea level.
Total station: Using total station the following tasks were performed. These are setting out of excavation
and structural layout for culverts, Stake out of centerline for the road and for cross sectional survey.
2.4.1.Soil Tests
(A) Field density test (FDT)
This test is done to determine the actual in site density of embankments, structural back fills, sub
grade layer, sub base layer, and base course layers. If the work field FDT the engineers may recommend
rapping and reworking or if the material found to be unsuitable replacement of material may be
The field density requirement for any earth work is specified as the percentage of the maximum dry
density (MDD) found in laboratory test as compared to the field dry density.
Procedure for FDT
Sand cone (replacement) method
Calibrated and standardization of density sand
1. Wash the sand to clean dust particles.
2. Dry it and sieve the washed sand using sieve size 600mm and 300mm and use sand passing sieve
size 600mm and retained on sieve size 300mm.
3. Determine mass of calibrated sand to require filling the cone.
Mass of jar + sand before pouring = a
Mass of jar + sand after pouring = b
Mass in cone=c=a-b
Volume of cone=v—from given data
Bulk unit weight of sand (Bd) =c/v (ps)
Procedure of FDT
Inspect all density apparatus and assemble the density jar apparatus.
Select allocation that is representative of the area.
Place the material plate centrally hole plate on the leveled surface.
Nail it in four positions.
Excavate the hole through the center hole.
Carefully trim the sides of excavation and continue excavation to a depth of 15 cm.
Clean the sides and bottom of test pit.
Weigh the removed sample using benzene to determine moisture content.
Weigh calibrated sand and the jar before pouring and port the sand on the test when it being stops
pouring into test pit close the density value.
Weigh the remaining sand and jar.
Clean all the used apparatus
-After all: determine the volume of test hole.
Volume of hole (V) = ws/ps
Where: ws-wet of soil
Ps- unit weight of clean sand
-Determine the in place bulk density (Bd)
Let M1-wet weight of soil form hole container
M2- mass of container
V –volume of hole
-Determine the in situ moisture content
Let a-wet weight of soil + container
b- Dry weight +container
-determine the in situ dry density
-determine the percentage of compaction
MDD obtained from proctor test on the laboratory
C= DD/MDD*100
(B) Slump test
Objective- This test is used for determining the workability of fresh concrete. The method applies to
cohesive concrete of medium to high workability and with maximum aggregate size of 40mm.
Main principle- During the construction of the structures the freshly mixed sample is taken from
the mixed concrete and it is carried out by filling a specified mold shaped as the frustum of a cone in three
layers. Tamp each layer with 25 strokes of the tamping rod. Remove the mold; allow the concrete to
subside and measure the slump after removal of the mold.
- slump cone,
- hay
- metal rod (lamping rod)
- knife
Procedure - The slump cone is filled with 3 layers each with 25 blows per layer.
- Then trim the surface smoothly and press it to degree.
- Remove the slump cone from the sample carefully.
- Put the slump cone adjacent to the sample.
- Put the material rod on top of the slump cone.
- Measure the difference in height of the slump cone and that of the sample of /the
gap between the sample and the metal rod.
- Compare the result with the specification standards
- Specification limit; 25mm-75mm
(C) Compressive strength test
Objective- this covers to check the characteristics of the concrete that have we have used
in the construction of structures .The concrete strength is normally tested at the age of 28 days but, for
purpose of proceeding works it can be tested at the age of 7 days.
Main principle- During the construction of structure, the concrete was mixed with the ratio ;to
check the sample of the concrete was casted in the mold (15mm*15mm*15mm) and socked in the water
for 28 days /7 days then it is broken by the compressive strength machine. I f the concrete type is c-25,
the compressive strength at the age of 7 days should attain 12 percent of its strength and 28 days should
attain 25 percent of its strength.
Determine the moisture content of sample on each container and take the average water
content. This value sands for the plastic limit of the sample.
Then; PI=LL-PL
A 12 5000
B 11 5000
C 8 5000
D 6 5000
Calculation: % of LAA= Where: M1= mass of sample before test and M2=mass of sample after
test retained on 0.0175 sieve,
(B) Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV)
The Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) gives a relative measure of the resistance or strength of
coarse aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied load. Aggregates used in road construction
should be strong enough to resist crushing under traffic wheel loads. If the aggregates are weak,
the integrity of the pavement structure is likely to be adversely affected .
Main Principles
The Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) was determined by measuring the material passing a
specified sieve (2.36mm sieve) after crushing under 400KN load. The test is applicable to a standard
fraction aggregates passing 14mm sieve and retained on a 10mmsieve. The method is not suitable for
testing soft aggregates with an ACV higher than30.
Calculate the Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) expressed as the percentage of the material
passing the 2.36mm sieve (in g) to mass of the test specimen (in g):
ACV= 100× (M2/M1), where M1= total test specimen (in g),
M2=the material passing the 2.36 mm sieve (in g).
(C) Ten Percent Fines Value (TFV)
Objective: Ten Percent Fines Value (TFV) gives a relative measure of the resistance of coarse aggregate
to crushing under a gradually applied load. Aggregates used in road construction should be strong enough
to resist crushing under traffic wheel loads. If the aggregates are weak, the integrity of the pavement
structure may be adversely affected.
Main Principles: The 10% Fines Value (TFV) was determined by measuring the load required to
crush a prepared aggregate sample to give 10% of the material passing a specified sieve (2.36mm
sieve) after crushing. The test can be performed in both a dry condition and in a soaked condition. The
test is applicable to both weak and strong aggregates. The standard size fraction is passing a 14mm sieve
and retained on a10mm sieve. (The TFV test resembles the determination n of the Aggregate Crushing
Value (ACV), which requires a force equal to 400KN to be applied on the test sample).
Calculate the force F(in KN),to the nearest whole number , required to produce 10% fines for each test
specimen, with the percentage of material passing in the range 7.5%-12.5%, from the following
TFV= 14f/ (m+4), w/r f=is the maximum force (in KN),
m=is the percentage of material passing the 2.36mm sieve at the maximum force. Calculate the mean of
the two results to the nearest 10KN for forces of 100KN or more, or to the nearest 5KN for forces less
than 100KN and report the mean as T en Percent Fines Value (TFV).
(D)Flakiness Index (FI)
This test is done for base course and asphalt aggregate for this project.The flakiness index of an
aggregate is the percentage by weight of an aggregate whose least thickness is less than 60% of the mean
thickness. For base course and wearing course the presence of flaky aggregate is a desirable as they may
cause inherent weakness with possibility of breaking down under heavy loads.
The aggregate is gauged with thickness gauge each size fractions separately with hand so that the flaky
aggregate is separated.
Soils used for improved sub grade layers shall be non-expansive and non-
dispersive. They shall comply with the requirements shown in Table
Material properties Required limits
CBR at 95% MDD(AASHTO T-180 D) Min 8
CBR-swell% Max 2
PI% Max 25
Selected fill materials for the construction of embankments shall fulfill the following
CBR……………………………………Min 8%(AASHTO T-193)
Swell…………………………………..Max 2% (AASHTO T-193)
Liquid Limit………………………….Max 60%(AASHTO T-89)
Plastic Limit…………………………..Max 25%(AASHTO T-90)
Max particle size: the fill material shall not contain particles a max dimension
exceeding two third of the specification layer thickness after compaction, except in the
case of rock fills.
Compaction requirement: each layer of fill shall be compacted not less than 95% of the
MDD when determined in accordance with AASHTO-180.
Max layer thickness: fills other than rock fill, shall deposited in layer not exceeding
200 mm compacted thicknesses. Each layer shall extend over the full width of the
Moisture content: the moisture content of fill material at the time of compaction shall
be the optimum for the equipment being used and not more than 2 % above the
optimum moisture content.
Material source for sub bases
Material used for the construction of sub base layers shall be either:
Natural gravel
Crushed gravel
Crushed rock or crushed boulders
Specification requirements for sub base material
Property Gravel sub base Crushed stone sub base
PI Np 6
FI <30% <30%
Abrasion <45%
Data’s used for to prepared cross section and template of the alignment in the EAGLE POINT are listed
Horizontal alignment data which includes easting, northing, elevation and radius of the
Vertical alignment which also include length of curve, elevation on tangent and elevation
on curve
3.2. Performance
The time I spent in AKIR Construction Company has offered chance for me to see mine own
performance level as a civil engineering student. I have spent the time learning new things,
gathering information, trying to learn from my mistakes and creating myself as a
At the beginning of the internship program I was learning different things from the
professionals and also revising many documents, to prepare myself for some real practical work.
As I was mainly focusing on the design works, I immediately started practicing on
different construction and design works of structures which are already constructed and under
construction. After my company mentors saw my works and become aware of my progress, they
have started to give me part in actual design .consulting some works with the consultant side and
construction works. Throughout the internship time with the help of my mentors, I have
managed to complete different works, Besides the design construction works, I have also
worked on some quantity works with the help of the office engineer. From these and other points, I can
say my performance level was great.
3.3. Challenges
Even if I can say that I have completed the internship time with a success of fulfilling its
objectives, it doesn‘t mean that there were no challenges during the time.
The first challenge that I have faced on the first month in my intern ship program was getting a service or
transportation to the camp of the AKIR construction on this month am so getting annoyed and I haven`t
initiation to go to the work because those consultants who give me a service are not voluntary to give me
a service.
The other challenge I have faced in the internship time was the fact that we haven‘t took some courses
focusing on road construction and those we took was given to us as Block Course. In my internship time
this problem has been a big obstacle on the works I have been participating in. This includes the difficulty
in the designing, laboratory testing and on the supervision part. In the first weeks of my internship
program, my best friend work inspector MR. TIZAZU ABDU was helping me to know the basic of
these techniques. As I proceed to work on actual works, I have started reading books with the aim of
improving my theoretical knowledge. These measures have helped me improve my understanding.
On the other side communicating with the employers was also my challenge on the intern program
this has its own effect during working time to ask a question but thanks to TIZAZU he introduce me to
different peoples those helping me the works I have been executing.
The first part is shifting the center line of the alignment. This problem is occurred due to
longitudinal crack of the alignment this longitudinal crack can cause sliding of the road so
they are taking a remedial action to shifting 4.5m of the center line of the alignment.
The second one is constructing a big retaining wall. This solution is taking for the soil
which have sliding effect before they start constructing the RW they are waiting the sliding
effect until it reaches its slope stability. After they know the slope stability start construction
of the retaining wall.
Considering the working I have been taking part, my performance on the tasks I was given in the
company, the responses I have been getting from the staff members I have been working with and the
benefits I have gained professionally, socially and ethically, I can conclude that I have completed
the internship program effectively and the program was totally productive and help full.
4.2. Recommendation
All the workers in this company were positive to help me during execution of my tasks. They also
taught me each and every steps of construction. So I would like to recommend all the workers to
continue their positive behavior for all the students they would get as an intern student in their future
working life.
Recommendation for AKIR construction plc.
I would like to recommend AKIR Construction plc. That they have to reinforce the work flow
in section.
I suggest that it is advisable compacting the fill right after showering and ripping.
I think it is wise using crushed stones while constructing structures like culvert wing walls.
I also like to recommend to the AKIR construction plc. To do their job responsibly and
I would like to recommend all the workers to continue their positive behavior for all the
students they would get as an intern student in their future working life.
Finally, I would like to recommend the company to continue their assistance for the students
in order to create properly learned and experienced future generations
Most of the Forman’s are not working well they are also cheating on different structures those they are
given to supervise well. Like when they construct pad for retaining wall the mixing ratio was not well
proportioned and they do not use spacer for the pad bars away from the ground level.
And when they construct a retaining wall they used unwanted stones those are not fit to the structure and
not contact with the mortar. And I would like to recommend them do their job well.
I would like to recommend to the laboratory technicians they are cheating most of the time when they are
working a tests results like FDT they increase the bulk density of the test by adding some materials which
is out of the testing place. And other laboratory tests have also some kind of cheating.so I would like to
recommend them do not do it for the future and some supervision must have done by material engineers.
1 Reference
AASHTO “American Association of State Highway and Transportation
AAKRA, Addis Ababa City Road Authority, “Design and Construction
Standards and Technical Specifications” November 2003.
AKIR construction company profile.
Bahir dar university “lecture note”, Unpublished.
Contract document of the company.
Ethiopian road authority, “ERA technical specification and pavement
design manual volume 1”, 2002.