Steel Joist Institute Engineering Design Guide Procedure For Steel Joists K-Series LH-Series DLH-Series and Joist Girders

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Engineering Design Guide Procedure

for Steel Joists
Joist Girders

Approved by the Board of Directors

November 10, 2014

Revision 1 - Approved April 27, 2020

Revision 2 – Approved November 14, 2022

Table of Contents

Section Description Page


1.1 General Notes
A. Accuracy 2
B. Analysis 2
C. Shear 2
D. Effective Depth 4
E. End Web Working Point 4
F. Effective Bearing Length 4
1.2 Specific Design Information
A. Cold-Formed Members 4
B. End Panel Design Requirements 5
C. Eccentricity Formulas for Web Design 6
D. Uncrimped Single Angle Web Members 11
E. Definition of Top Chord End Panel 13
F. KCS Joist Top Chord Design 14


EXAMPLE 1A K-Series Rod Web LRFD 15
EXAMPLE 1B K-Series Rod Web ASD 52
EXAMPLE 2A K-Series Modified Warren Web LRFD 89
EXAMPLE 2B K-Series Modified Warren Web ASD 124
EXAMPLE 3A KCS Joist Modified Warren Web LRFD 159
EXAMPLE 3B KCS Joist Modified Warren Web ASD 189
EXAMPLE 4A LH-Series Modified Warren Web LRFD 219
EXAMPLE 4B LH-Series Modified Warren Web ASD 250
EXAMPLE 5A Joist Girder Modified Warren Web LRFD 281
EXAMPLE 5B Joist Girder Modified Warren Web ASD 305


Design Submittal Notes
Design Submittal Requirements
Presentation of Engineering Data




As approved by the Board of Directors of the Steel Joist Institute on April 27, 2020.

The following comments and sample calculations are offered to:

1) Aid the satisfactory presentation of design data.
2) Assist in the efficient review of this data by the Consulting Engineer of the Steel Joist

A member company of the Steel Joist Institute is responsible for updating its design in accordance
with specification changes. The revised design must be approved within the time frame as specified
by the Board of Directors, following written notification from the Managing Director.

When a member company makes substantive changes to their previously submitted designs, in terms
of geometry, types of material, or design program, a resubmittal is required, and the Managing Director
shall be notified of the changes.



A. Accuracy – Mathematical correctness is necessary; a stress ratio not exceeding 1.00 is

B. Analysis – Member forces shall be determined from a first order elastic analysis method.

Definition of Design Length - Design Length = Span - 0.33 ft.

See the Specification for the definition of Span.

The Design Length is based on the end reaction work point being located at two inches from the end
of the joist Span. The joist moment and shear values shall be calculated using the joist end reaction
work point along with the Design Length.

C. Shear

For the purposes of web shear calculation, the loads shall be considered as being applied at the top
chord panel points.

In determining the axial force in the top chord in the end panel for the combined stress calculation, the
shear may be calculated as
V = R – W(E/2)

E = the center-to-center length of the end panel, ft. (m)
R = the joist end reaction, lbs. (kN)
W = the total uniform design load, plf (kN/m)
The vertical shears to be used in the design of the primary web members shall be equal to the actual
force determined by static stress analysis, but in no case shall they be less than 25 percent of the
maximum end reaction from the design load combinations.

Additionally, for joists only, excluding KCS-Series, since unbalanced uniform loads produce a shear
envelope that differs from a uniform load across the full span, the following two equations define a
parabolic shear envelope for which the web members are to be designed which accounts for both the
minimum shear and stress reversal due to varying unbalanced uniform loads. For minimum shear,
the web members shall be designed for a vertical shear not less than magnitude V: (parabolic line
from end of joist to centerline in shear diagram)

V = 0.75 ER (1 - Xpe/L)2 + 0.25 (ER - 2XpeER/L) (Eq.-V1)


ER = End reaction based on the maximum uniform design total load occurring across the full length
of span, not including any other design loads, lbs. (kN)

L = Joist design length between end reaction working points.

Xpe = Distance from the end reaction work point to the panel point nearest this end reaction to which
the web connects. Xpe < L/2

For stress reversal, the joist tension web members, except for KCS-Series, shall be designed for an
axial compression force due to a vertical shear of magnitude V: (parabolic line from centerline out to

V = 0.75 ER (Xpc/L)2 - 0.25 (ER - 2XpcER/L) only if V > 0 (Eq.-V2)


Xpc = Distance from the end reaction work point to the panel point nearest joist centerline to which the
web connects. Xpc <= L/2

Example Shear Diagram: Span = 40’-0”, Total Load = 400 plf

Design all webs from 0’ to 20’ and 40’ back to 20’ for a vertical shear per Eq.-V1.
Design all tensions webs from centerline out to X-intercept for compression vertical shear per Eq.-V2
(depicted in the yellow shaded area in the shear diagram below).

Redundant web members used in modified Warren type web systems shall be designed to resist the
gravity loads supported by the member plus an additional axial load of 0.5 percent of the top chord
axial force. For a Joist Girder, this total axial load shall not be less than 2 percent of the top chord axial

For Joist Girders, the tension web members shall be designed to resist at least 25 percent of their
axial force in compression.

A shear check in the chords should be made at all joints.

D. Effective Depth – No variation from the nominal depth is permissible in design calculations.
The effective depth shall be the distance between the centers of gravity of the top and bottom

E. End Web Working Point – Intersection of end web centroid and chord centroid.

F. Effective Bearing Length – Distance from interior edge of support to end of joist base length.


A. Cold-Formed Members

When cold-formed members are used for chords and webs the following requirements apply:

1) Cold-Formed Angle Chords:

a. Q shall be calculated based on the following equation 1:
w 63.3
F = 0.6F for ≤
t F
w 63.3 w 144
F = F (0.767 − 0.00264 F ) for < <
t F t F
8000 144 𝑤
𝐹 = for ≤ ≤ 25
𝑤 𝐹 𝑡
b. Use 2020 SJI Specification Equations to determine the chord available strength.
c. Use a resistance factor, , of 0.9 and a safety factor, Ω, of 1.67.
2) Other Cold-Formed Chord Shapes:
a. Use the AISI Standard North American Specification for the Design of Cold-
Formed Steel Structural Members for the calculation of nominal strength.
b. Use a resistance factor, , of 0.85 and a safety factor, Ω, of 1.765.

3) Cold-Formed Angle Webs:

a. Determine Q values based on the equation given in Section 1.2, Part A, Item 1a.
b. Use 2020 SJI Specification Equations to determine the web available strength.
c. Use a resistance factor, , of 0.9 and a safety factor, Ω, of 1.67.
4) Other Cold-Formed Web Shapes:
a. Use the AISI Specifications for the calculation of nominal strength.
b. Use a resistance factor, , of 0.85 and a safety factor, Ω, of 1.8.

Based on the 1980 AISI Specification

B. End Panel Design Requirements - To account for eccentricity for standard end bearing seats
that are allowed a minimum bearing length of 2½” on steel, (identified by standard
designation section number per SJI Specification Table 5.4-1, or for joists without a
designation section number having a depth less than or equal to 32” and a top chord vertical
leg less than or equal to 2”), the required or allowable stresses of certain members shall
incorporate a 0.9 factor as shown below (this encompasses all K-Series and KCS-Series
joists, plus LH-Series 02 through 06 and their equivalents):

1) First Tension Diagonal Web Member

a. The design (LRFD) tensile stress for the first tension diagonal is equal to

f ≤ 0.9ϕ F where ϕ = 0.9

b. The allowable (ASD) tensile stress for the first tension diagonal is equal to

F 1
f ≤ 0.9 = 0.9(0.6)F where Ω = 1.67 → = 0.6

2) First Compression Web Member

a. Where only three (3) members meet at the first bottom chord joint, the design
(LRFD) or allowable (ASD) compressive stress for the first compression web
member is 0.9Fn or 0.9Fn/Ω, respectively.

b. Where four (4) or more members meet at the first bottom chord joint, no reduction
in design (LRFD) or allowable (ASD) stress for the first compression web member
is required. Therefore, use Fn or Fn/Ω , respectively.

3) Top Chord End Panel (This applies only to the first end panel (EP) nearest to
the end of the joist, as defined in the next section.)

a. Regardless of the length of the top chord end panel, the sum of the required
(LRFD) stresses at the first top chord joint shall not exceed
f +f ≤ 0.9(0.9)F
b. Regardless of the length of the top chord end panel, the sum of the required (ASD)
stresses at the first top chord joint shall not exceed
f + f ≤ 0.6(0.9)F
c. Regardless of the length of the top chord end panel, the following design (LRFD)
interaction equation for the interior of this panel shall be used:
for ≥ 0.2
ϕ F

f 8 C f
+ ≤ 0.9
ϕ F 9 f
1− Qϕ F
ϕ F′

for < 0.2
φ F

f C f
+ ≤ 0.9
2φ F f
1− Qφ F
φ F′
d. Regardless of the length of the top chord end panel, the following allowable (ASD)
interaction equation for the interior of this panel shall be used:
for ≥ 0.2

f 8 C f
+ ≤ 0.9
F 9 1.67f
1− QF
for < 0.2

f C f
+ ≤ 0.9
2F 1.67f
1− QF

Alternatively, for the members identified in 1), 2), and 3) when an eccentricity is specified, or required,
and when the moments and shears due to the eccentricity are determined and included in the design,
the 0.9 factor is not required.

Comment: As an example, if an eccentric bearing condition is specified, such as may be the case at
an expansion joint, the eccentricity is known, and the joist is required to be designed for a local moment
equal to the end reaction times the eccentricity from the design work point. Thus, when the effects of
this local moment are being designed for, it is not necessary to use the 0.9 factor in addition for the
affected end of the joist.

C. Eccentricity Formulas for Web Design

According to Section 4.5.4 of the Standard Specification, due consideration shall be given to the effect
of eccentricity.

Members connected at a joint shall have their center of gravity lines meet at a point, if practical. Ends
of joists or joist girders shall be proportioned to resist bending produced by eccentricity at the support.

For a single component web member, the eccentricity shall be permitted to be neglected when it does
not exceed the lesser of 3/4 of the over-all dimension of the chord or 2” (51 mm). This eccentricity,
measured in the plane of the joist, shall be the perpendicular distance from the centroidal axis of that
web member to the point on the centroidal axis of the chord which is vertically above or below the
intersection of the centroidal axis of the web member(s) forming the joint (Ref. Figure 4.5-1).

For a web member composed of at least two shapes, the eccentricity on either side of the neutral axis
of chord members, measured in the plane of the joist at the joint work point, shall be permitted to be
neglected when the web intersect point does not exceed 1.5 times the distance between the neutral
axis and the back of the chord (Ref. Figure 4.5-2).

If these limits are exceeded, provision shall be made for the stresses due to eccentricity.

Figure 4.5-1 Figure 4.5-2

Only the end web strut must be investigated further for eccentricity.

In general, the formulas shown below are to be used in the design of the end web strut where the joist
possesses a Warren truss (web) configuration. In these formulas, the value of “e1” is the vertical
distance from the intersection of the two web members to the center of gravity of the bottom chord.
The eccentricity at the top chord joint is never to be used, even if the value is greater numerically than
that of the bottom chord.

The reduction in stress due to this eccentricity need not be considered in the following cases:

1) Cold-formed bottom chords which are continuous in being bent up to form the end
2) Joists in which the vertical displacement referred to as “e1” lies above the center
of gravity of the bottom chord.
3) Joists in which a redundant member frames into the usual three-member
intersection (bottom chord, end bar and first primary compression web) of the first
lower chord joint; or joists in which the first primary compression web is always a
vertical member, with the first diagonal in the first interior panel being a tension
member. All eccentricities are subject to the “3/4 Rule” (see Figures above).


Steel with minimum yield strength of 50,000 psi

L/r Fu
 2 
0 to 112  25750  1.108  L   7842  e1  461 e12  60  e1  L   1.5
 r   r  

 2 
112 to 127  18540  0.574  L   6940  e1  408  e12  53  e1  L  1.5
 r   r  

 
 
127 to 200  149000000 2 
  380  e1  180  e1  1.5
 L 
   
 r
  


Steel with minimum yield strength of 50,000 psi

L/r Fa
L L
0 to 112 25750  1.108    7842  e1  461 e12  60  e1  
r  r 
L L
112 to 127 18540  0.574    6940  e1  408  e12  53  e1  
  r 
127 to 200  380  e12  180  e1
 
r 

Where L is the unbraced length clear of attachments, Fu is the required (LRFD) axial stress and Fa is
the allowable (ASD) axial stress. These formulas apply to solid round web members only. For other
web shapes, and alternatively and more conservatively, for solid round web members, the following
procedure applies:

Web members and bottom chord are shown as centerlines only.

Lw = Clear length of first tension web

Lc = Clear length of first compression web
LT = Bottom chord panel length
Iw, Ic, IT = Corresponding moments of inertia in the plane of the joist
Detail of first bottom chord panel point:

Nominal joint moment:

Mj = Pex (taking moments about A)


P = Nominal force in the first compression strut

ex  e1 Cos B2 Tan B1  Tan B2 

Nominal column end moment:

IcLc  Pex
Mcn 
Ic Lc  Iw Lw  IT LT
For LRFD: fau  u ; fbu  cu ,

Mcu  b Mcn where b  0.9

For ASD: fa  ; fb  c ,
Mcn 1
Mc   0.6 Mcn where b  1.67   0. 6
b b

The following equations need to be checked (see Specification Section 4.4)


at the panel point: + ≤ 0.9


at the mid panel: for ≥ 0.2 + ≤ 0.9

φ φ φ
φ ′

for < 0.2 + ≤ 0.9

φ φ φ
φ ′
For ASD:

at the panel point: + ≤ 0.9


at the mid panel: for ≥ 0.2 + . ≤ 0.9

for < 0.2 + . ≤ 0.9

For members other than solid rounds: Fn = Fy

bFn = 0.9Fy (LRFD)

Fn/Ωb = 0.6Fy, (ASD), and

For webs of solid round bar: Fn = 1.6Fy

bFn = 1.45Fy (LRFD)

Fn/Ωb = 0.95Fy (ASD)

Fa and Fcr are determined by the formulas given in Specification Section 4.4, except that an effective
length may be used for the computation of Fa and Fcr. The effective length may be determined by a
buckling analysis, or an effective length factor of 0.9 may be taken (see Chapter 3, Section 3.4.3
Effective Length of Columns in Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures, Sixth
Edition, edited by Ziemian, R. D., Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010).

D. Uncrimped Single Angle Web Members

The following design requirements are to be met by the manufacturer when using 1 inch uncrimped
single angles for web members where one leg is placed flat against one chord member.

Due consideration for eccentricities in loading shall be considered in the design.

A minimum of 50 percent of the required weld shall be deposited to each chord angle.

For angles subjected to tensile loading, the following requirements shall be met:

fau + fbu ≤ 0.9Fy

For ASD:
fa + fb ≤ 0.6Fy

For angles subjected to compressive loading, the following requirements shall be met:

at the panel point:
fau + fbu ≤ 0.9Fy

at the mid length, the strength shall be the lesser of:

≤ 1.0
ϕ F


for ≥ 0.2 + ≤ 1.0

ϕ ϕ ϕ
ϕ ′

for ≤ 0.2 + ≤ 1.0

ϕ ϕ ϕ
ϕ ′

For ASD:
at the panel point:

fa + fb ≤ 0.6Fy
at the mid length, the strength shall be the lesser of:
≤ 1.0

for ≥ 0.2 + . ≤ 1.0

for < 0.2 + . ≤ 1.0

fau = Pu/A = Required tensile or compressive stress, ksi (MPa)
Pu = Required axial strength using LRFD load combinations, kips (N)
A = Area of the uncrimped angle web, in.2, (mm2)
fbu = Mu/S = Required bending stress, ksi (MPa)
chord gap
Mu = Required flexural strength = 0.5P − y , kip-in. (N-mm)
S = Minimum elastic section modulus, in.3 (mm3)
fa = P/A = Required tensile or compressive stress, ksi (MPa)
P = Required axial strength using ASD load combinations, kips (N)
fb = M/S = Required bending stress, ksi (MPa)
chord gap
M = Required flexural strength = 0.5𝑃 − 𝑦 kip-in. (N-mm)
Fax = Nominal axial compressive stress in ksi (MPa) based on K/rx, where K = 0.75
Faz = Nominal axial compressive stress in ksi (MPa) based on K/rz, where K = 1.0
Fb = Allowable bending stress; 0.6Fy, ksi (MPa)
Fcrx = Nominal axial compressive stress in ksi (MPa) based on K/rx, where K = 0.75
Fcrz = Nominal axial compressive stress in ksi (MPa) based on K/rz, where K = 1.0
Fy = Specified minimum yield strength, ksi (MPa)
Cm = 1.0

F =( )
, ksi (MPa), where l is the appropriate web length, rx is the radius of gyration
about the axis of bending, and K = 0.75
Q = Form factor defined in Section
b = Resistance factor for flexure = 0.9
c = Resistance factor for compression = 0.9

Alternate methods of design are permitted provided they provide strength equal to or greater than
those given. Alternate design procedures must be submitted to the consulting engineer for approval.

E. Definition of Top Chord End Panel

An end panel, EP, of a joist is defined as the top chord panel(s) of a joist between the end bearing and
where two primary web members come together to form a joint at the top chord.

The interior panels, IP, of a joist top chord start only after two primary web members come together to
form a joint.

The layout drawings that follow show examples of joist end panels, EP, and joist interior panels, IP.






F. KCS Joist Top Chord Design

Illustrated in Examples 3A and 3B are calculations demonstrating the design methodology.

For KCS joists, the moment capacity is constant for all interior panels which results in the chords being
designed for a corresponding constant axial force. There is a transition in the axial force from interior
panels to the panels near the end of the joist which have a lower axial force, thus it is permitted to use
the actual axial force in the end panels and 90% of the top chord axial force derived from the maximum
moment for the design of the first two interior panels and associated panel points.




The K-Series for this example is shown in Figure 1: 16K6 @ 32'-0" span.


1A.1 Given:

Yield Stress: Modulus of Elasticity:

Required ultimate design load, from SJI Load Capacity Tables:

L/360 (red) load, from SJI Load Capacity Tables:

(Load producing L/360 deflection - assumed live load for example)

Total depth of joist: Joist Span:

Design Length:

Check Span/Depth Ratio: SJI Spec 5.2

(This function returns "OK" if true, "NG" if not true)

(Ref. SJI Spec 5.2)

Panel Spacing: First End Panel Length:

Second End Panel Length:

Interior Panel Length:

Max. Deck Weld Spacing:

1A.2 Design of Chords:

Assume Top and Bottom Chord Sizes:

Top Chord: 2 - L1¾x1¾x0.143 Bottom Chord: 2 - L1½x1½x9/64

Effective depth:

Gap between chord angles: (Assumed rod diameter)

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: The angles selected for the top chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Similarly, the angles selected for the bottom chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Maximum Required Moment:

Chord Force in Center Panel:

1A.2.1 Check Bottom Chord (Tension):

Resistance Factor: Specification Section

Design Capacity:

Check Slenderness Ratio:

Specification Table 4.3-1 Part

Bottom chord slenderness ratio check assumes no fillers in panels. Note that /
must also be checked based on the spacing of the bridging rows.

1A.2.2 Check Top Chord (Compression):

Resistance Factors: Specification Section &

Reduction factor for unstiffened elements in single angle, Q: AISC 360-10 Spec E7.1(c)

1A.2.2.1 Check Top Chord Interior Panels:

Assume there are no fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I:

For Interior Panel

Calculate Design Stresses: "k" values for calculation of from Table 4.3-1 Part I.B.2 w/out fillers.

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for

bending at interior panels per Table 4.3-1 Part I.C

Critical Stress:

Axial Stress:

Calculate Bending:
For purposes of this analysis, the interior panel is considered to be a fixed-fixed beam. A more
rigorous analysis may be performed considering the top chord to be a continuous member/ beam
subject to combined axial and bending stresses per SJI Spec 4.4.1.

At Panel Point: In Panel:

Check Top Chord Center Panel for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eqs. 4.4-6 & 4.4-7

Add fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I.A with fillers:

Calculate Design Stress: "k" values for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part I.B.1

"k" value for calculation of slenderness ratio for for bending

Critical Stress:

Axial Stress:

Check Top Chord Center Panel for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eqs. 4.4-6 & 4.4-7

Check Top Chord Panel Point for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eq. 4.4-5

1A.2.2.2 Filler Schedule:

Fillers are required for the interior panel checked in this example. The design of other interior
panels must be checked in the same manner to determine if fillers are required. The
manufacturer has the option to increase the top chord size to reduce the number of fillers
required or eliminate the need for top chord fillers.

Filler Weld Design:

Design for required weld length of top chord fillers:

Given: E70 electrodes for welding,

Rod filler with (Assume 1/2" diameter rod filler)

Weld Throat: based on flare bevel weld per SJI Spec, Eq. 4.2-18a

Min. Weld Length = 4 times weld size

Force to be resisted = 2% of chord force:

Resistance factor for weld: SJI Spec

Nominal strength of weld: 0.6Fexx SJI Eq. 4.2-15

Required flare bevel weld length:

Use two flare bevel welds 3/4" long to each top chord angle.

1A.2.2.3 Check Top Chord End:
For this example, it is assumed that all panels except the end panels have the same spacing. The
bending moments in the end panels will be determined from a four panel continuous beam, as
shown in Figure 2. Other methods of moment analysis is required for varying panel lengths.



Bending Moment in end panel (at panel point):

The corresponding bending stress equals:

Bending Moment in end panel:

The corresponding bending stress equals:

The axial and shear force in the top chord end panel is determined from the loading and the geometry
shown in Figure 3.


Shear Force in End Panel Chord:

Axial Force in the End Panel Chord:

Axial Stress in the End Panel Chord:

Check End Panel - Panel Point for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-5


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements
for use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and
panel point.

Check End Panel for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-6 & 4.4-7

Assume no fillers in the end panel.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part II.A:

Calculate Design Stress: "k" values for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part II.B.2
w/out fillers

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for bending
at end panels per Table 4.3-1 Part II.C


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements
for use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and
panel point.

Check Second End Panel:

The second end panel, , shall be checked in a similar manner to end panel and shall use
the criteria of Table 4.3-1 for an end panel and the appropriate value for end panels. The
second end panel need not consider the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio as noted in Section 1.2B of
the Design Guide.

1A.3 Moment of Inertia of Joist:

Required moment of inertia: Based on Max. LL Deflection = L/360: Note:

Load Table "Red" Load is the load that will produce a deflection
approximately equal to L/360.

1A.4 Lateral Stability of Joist During Erection:

For a 16K6 w/ Span = 32'-0"

The required number of bridging rows is given in Table 5.5-1.

For 16K6 w/ Joist Span >31 to 42 feet,

Per Spec. 5.5.3, the maximum spacing of bridging lines shall be the lesser of:

SJI Eq. (5.5-2a)

SJI Eq. (5.5-3)

(Eq. 5.5-2a)

(Eq. 5.5-3)

Bridging Spacing =

Therefore, the assumed chords are satisfactory with maximum bridging spacing of 13'-0" (156").

Check if bolted-X erection bridging is required per Spec. Section

St. Venant torsion constant:

Distance from centroid of top chord to centroid

of joist cross section:

Joist Moment of Inertia about Y-axis: (For erection bridging check, use chord gap = 0.50 in)

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: Manufacturer may use actual chord gap.

Joist Moment of Inertia about X-axis:

Distance from joist centroid to shear center:

Warping Constant:

Cross Sectional Parameter:

Vertical location of load P from shear center

(locate at joist center of gravity):

SJI Eq. (5.5-1)

For the example, 20% is added to account for the weight of the webs. Designs should use the
actual joist weight.

1A.5 Check Modified Shear Capacity of Chord: (Ref SJI Eq. 4.4-11)

In this example, the first bottom chord panel point is checked. The shear in the top chord must also be
checked. Shear check is not required when a round web bar is continuous through the joist. Figure
4 illustrates the location where this shear check is to be performed:


Shear Force in Bottom Chord:

Axial Tension in Bottom Chord:

Shear Stress in Bottom Chord:

Axial Stress in Bottom Chord:

Modified Shear Stress in Bottom Chord: (Ref. SJI Spec 4.4.1)

Nominal Shear Capacity:

Resistance Factor: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.4-11)

1A.6 Web Members:

Figure 5 depicts the web configuration and geometry. The panel shear force used to determine the
web forces may be calculated by resolving the uniform load(s) into concentrated loads at panel
points as shown in Figure 5.


1A.6.1 Member Lengths:

(Typical rod web design length)

1A.6.2 Panel Shear Forces and Member Forces:
Per SJI Specification 4.4.2, the vertical shears to be used in the design of the web members shall be
determined by including all loads, but such vertical shears shall be not less than 25% of the maximum end
reaction from the design load combinations or equation .

Additionally, tension webs shall be designed for a compression force due to a vertical shear calculated from
equation when that calculated vertical shear is greater than 0. Figure 6 is a sketch depicting the
dimensions for and for equations and .


Calculate Web Shears for Required Loads:

Calculate Minimum Shear based on 25% of End Reaction:

Calculate Minimum Shear based on SJI Eq. and :


where: = the distance from the end reaction work point to the panel point
nearest the end reaction to which the web is connected.
R = Maximum End Reaction


where: = the distance from the end reaction work point to the panel point
nearest the joist centerline to which the web connects.
R = Maximum End Reaction

Calculation variable & for Webs:

Calculate Web Minimum Shears based on SJI Eq. :

Because the variable for web minimum shear is 0 for Web W2, the "minimum shear" from
equation V1 may be considered to be equal to the shear in the end web.

Otherwise, solve using the equation for :

Calculate Minimum Shear for Tension Web Compression Check per Eq. . If shear is less
than 0, compression check is not required.

Webs W10, W12, and W14 will require an axial compression check.

Calculate Required Web Axial Forces:

Web SV is considered a redundant web member and is designed per SJI Spec Section
The vertical load used for the web member design is equal to the gravity load supported by the
member plus 0.5% of the top chord axial force.

Add 0.5% of the top chord axial force at the web member for the redundant web
required load per SJI Spec Section

1A.6.3 Web Member Design:

For this example, all webs are rods or single component members. From SJI Table 4.3-1 Part
IV.B, the "k" values for the calculation of the effective slenderness ratio to determine for
compression members are given below.

Note: When the end tension web is in compression = 0.8

Design W2 Web - Tension Member:

Try 13/16" diameter rod:

Check Slenderness:

Check Strength:


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for the use
of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end web.

Check is OK, therefore, use 13/16" diameter rod

Design SV Web - Compression Member: For the given joist web configuration, this web is
considered a redundant web member and is designed per SJI Spec Section

Try 5/8" diameter rod.

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 5/8" diameter rod.

Design W3 Web - Compression Member:

Try 5/8" diameter rod

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 5/8" diameter rod

Design W4 Web - Tension Member:

Try 5/8" diameter rod

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength - Tension:

Use 5/8" diameter rod

Design W5 Web - Compression Member:

Try 5/8" diameter rod

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 5/8" diameter rod

Design W6 Web - Tension Member:

Try 5/8" diameter rod

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength - Tension:

Use 5/8" diameter rod

Design W7 Web - Compression Member:

Try 5/8" diameter rod

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 5/8" diameter rod

Design W10 Web - Tension Member:

Try 9/16" diameter rod

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength - Tension:

Check W10 for Minimum Compression:

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 9/16" diameter rod

Webs W12 an W14 must be designed and checked for their compression forces
in the same manner as Web W10.

1A.7 Design of Typical Weld:

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the diagonal, W2:

Force in Member:

Minimum required weld strength must be 50% of member strength.

Resistance factor of weld: SJI Spec

Tensile strength of E70XX electrodes:

Nominal Shear Strength of Weld:

Rod web diameter:

Weld Effective Throat per SJI Spec

Required Weld Length:

Use 1½" Long weld length at each end of the web to each chord angle.

Welds for other webs shall be designed in a similar manner.

1A.8 Joint Eccentricity Check:

It is not possible to construct webs such that their centroidal lines intersect exactly at a point that lies on
the centroidal axis of the chord(s). The resulting eccentricity must, however, not be excessively large.
The SJI Specifications, Section 4.5.4 Eccentricity requires that "For a single component web member,
the eccentricity shall be permitted to be neglected where it does not exceed the lesser of three-quarters
of the over-all dimension of the chord or 2" (51 mm). This eccentricity, measured in the plane of the joist,
shall be the perpendicular distance from the centroidal axis of that web member to the point on the
centroidal axis of the chord which is vertically above or below the intersection of the centroidal axis of the
web member(s) forming the joint." The geometric relationships are shown in Figures 7A and 7B. The joist
manufacturer shall determine the eccentricity based on the particular geometry of the joist being
designed and on the diameter and bend radius of the web bar. This eccentricity must be given in the
design submittal documents and it must be less than 3/4 of the chord depth or 2".



Check the vertical measurement of eccentricity. The web bend of W4/W5 is flush
with the bottom chord, thus making all other webs less than flush by the difference
between their diameters and that of the W4/W5.

Use Web W4 as the example:

From SJI Spec 4.5.4:

Check Eccentricity:



The K-Series for this example is shown in Figure 1: 16K6 @ 32'-0" span.


1B.1 Given:

Yield Stress: Modulus of Elasticity:

Required total allowable uniform load, from SJI Load Tables:

L/360 (red) load, from SJI Load Capacity Tables:

(Load producing L/360 deflection – assumed live load for example)

Total depth of joist: Joist Span:

Design Length:

Check Span/Depth Ratio: SJI Spec 5.2

(This function returns "OK" if true, "NG" if not true)

(Ref. SJI Spec 5.2)

Panel Spacing: First End Panel Length:

Second End Panel Length:

Interior Panel Length:

Max. Deck Weld Spacing:

1B.2 Design of Chords:

Assume Top and Bottom Chord Sizes:

Top Chord: 2 – L1¾x1¾x0.143 Bottom Chord: 2 – L1½x1½x9/64

Effective depth:

Gap between chord angles: (Assumed rod diameter)

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: The angles selected for the top chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Similarly, the angles selected for the bottom chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Maximum Required Moment:

Chord Force in Center Panel:

1B.2.1 Check Bottom Chord (Tension):

Safety Factor: Note: Specification Section, Eq. 4.2-2 uses

Allowable Stress = i.e., 1/ = 0.6

Allowable Capacity:

Check Slenderness Ratio:

Specification Table 4.3-1 Part

The bottom chord slenderness ratio check assumes no fillers in any panels. Note that /
must also be checked based on the spacing of the bridging rows.

1B.2.2 Check Top Chord (Compression):

Safety Factor: Note: Specification Section uses 1/ = 0.6.

i.e., Allowable Stress = 0.6 Eq. 4.2-4

Reduction factor for unstiffened elements in single angle, Q: Ref. AISC 360-10 Spec E7.1I

1B.2.2.1 Check Top Chord Interior Panels:

Assume there are no fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I:

For Interior Panel

Calculate Allowable Stresses: "k" values for calculation of from Table 4.3-1 Part I.B.2 w/out

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for

bending at interior panels per Table 4.3-1 Part I.C

Critical Stress:

Axial Stress:

Calculate Bending Stresses:

For purposes of this analysis, the interior panel is considered to be a fixed-fixed beam. A more rigorous
analysis may be performed considering the top chord to be a continuous member/ beam subject to
combined axial and bending stresses per SJI Spec 4.4.1.

At Panel Point: In Panel:

Check Top Chord Center Panel for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eqs. 4.4-9 & 4.4-10

Add fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I.A with fillers:

SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I.A

Calculate Allowable Stress: "k" values for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part I.B.1

"k" value for calculation of slenderness ratio for for bending

Critical Stress:

Check Top Chord Center Panel for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eqs. 4.4-9 & 4.4-10

Check Top Chord Panel Point for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eq. 4.4-8

1B.2.2.2 Filler Schedule:

Fillers are required for the interior panel checked in this example. The design of other interior
panels must be checked in the same manner to determine if fillers are required. The
manufacturer has the option to increase the top chord size to reduce the number of fillers
required or eliminate the need for top chord fillers.

Filler Weld Design:

Design for required weld length of top chord fillers:

Given: E70 electrodes for welding,

Rod filler diameter (Assume 1/2" diameter filler rod)

Weld Throat: based on flare bevel weld per SJI Spec, Eq. 4.2-18a

Min. Weld Length = 4 times weld size

Force to be resisted = 2% of chord force:

Safety factor for weld: SJI Spec

Nominal strength of weld: SJI Eq. 4.2-15

Required flare bevel weld length:

Use two flare bevel welds 3/4" long to each top chord angle.

1B.2.2.3 Check Top Chord End Panels:

For this example, it is assumed that all panels except the end panels have the same spacing. The
bending moments in the end panels will be determined from a four panel continuous beam, as
shown in Figure 2. Other methods of moment analysis is required for varying panel lengths.



Bending Moment in end panel (at panel point):

The corresponding bending stress equals:

Bending Moment in end panel:

The corresponding bending stress equals:

The axial and shear force in the top chord end panel is determined from the loading and the geometry
shown in Figure 3.


Shear Force in End Panel Chord:

Axial Force in the End Panel Chord:

Axial Stress in the End Panel Chord:

Check End Panel - Panel Point for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-8


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements
for use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and
panel point.

Check End Panel for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-9 & 4.4-10

Assume no fillers in the end panel.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part II.A:

Calculate Allowable Stress: "k" values for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part II.B.2 w/out fillers

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for bending
at end panels per Table 4.3-1 Part II.C


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements
for use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and
panel point.

Check Second End Panel,

The second end panel, , shall be checked in a similar manner to end panel and shall use
the criteria of Table 4.3-1 for an end panel and the appropriate value for end panels. The
second end panel need not consider the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio as noted in Section 1.2B of
the Design Guide.

1B.3 Moment of Inertia of Joist:

Required moment of inertia: Based on Max. LL Deflection = L/360: Note: Load Table "Red"
Load is the load that will produce a deflection approximately equal to L/360.

1B.4 Lateral Stability of Joist During Erection:

For a 16K6 w/ Span = 32'-0"

The required number of bridging rows is given in Table 5.5-1.

For 16K6 w/ Joist Span >31 to 42 feet,

Per Spec., the maximum spacing of bridging lines shall be the lesser of:

SJI Eq. (5.5-2a)

SJI Eq. (5.5-3)

(Eq. 5.5-2a)

(Eq. 5.5-3)

Bridging Spacing =

Therefore, the assumed chords are satisfactory with maximum bridging spacing of 13'-0" (156").

Check if bolted-X erection bridging is required per Spec. Section

St. Venant torsion constant:

Distance from centroid of top chord to centroid

of joist cross section:

Joist Moment of Inertia about Y-axis: (For erection bridging check, use chord gap = 0.50 in)

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: Manufacturer may use actual chord gap.

Joist Moment of Inertia about X-axis:

Distance from joist centroid to shear center:

Warping Constant:

Cross Sectional Parameter:

Vertical location of load P from shear center

(locate at joist center of gravity):

SJI Eq. (5.5-1)

For the example, 20% is added to account for the weight of the webs. Designs should use the
actual joist weight.

1B.5 Check Modified Shear Capacity of Chord: (Ref SJI Eq. 4.4-12)

In this example, the first bottom chord panel point is checked. The shear in the top chord must also be
checked. Shear check is not required when a round web bar is continuous through the joist. Figure
4 illustrates the location where this shear check is to be performed:


Shear Force in Bottom Chord:

Axial Tension in Bottom Chord:

Shear Stress in Bottom Chord:

Axial Stress in Bottom Chord:

Modified Shear Stress in Bottom Chord: (Ref. SJI Spec 4.4.1)

Nominal Shear Capacity:

Safety Factor: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.4-12)

1B.6 Web Members:

Figure 5 depicts the web configuration and geometry. The panel shear force used to determine the
web forces may be calculated by resolving the uniform load(s) into concentrated loads at panel
points as shown in Figure 5.


1B.6.1 Member Lengths:

Typical rod web design length.

1B.6.2 Panel Shear Forces and Member Forces:
Per SJI Specification 4.4.2, the vertical shears to be used in the design of the web members shall be
determined by including all loads, but such vertical shears shall be not less than 25% of the maximum end
reaction from the design load combinations or equation .

Additionally, tension webs shall be designed for a compression force due to a vertical shear calculated from
equation when that calculated vertical shear is greater than 0. Figure 6 is a sketch depicting the
dimensions for and for equations and .


Calculate Web Shears for Required Loads:

Calculate Minimum Shear based on 25% of End Reaction:

Calculate Minimum Shear based on SJI Eq. and :


where: = the distance from the end reaction work point to the panel point
nearest the end reaction to which the web is connected.
R = Maximum End Reaction


where: = the distance from the end reaction work point to the panel point
nearest the joist centerline to which the web connects.
R = Maximum End Reaction

Calculation Variables & for Webs:

Calculate Web Minimum Shears based on SJI Eq. :

Because the variable for web minimum shear is 0 for Web W2, the minimum shear from
equation may be considered to be equal to the shear in the end web.

Otherwise, solve using the equation for :

Calculate Minimum Shear for Tension Web Compression Check per Eq. :
If shear is less than 0, compression check is not required.

Webs W10, W12, and W14 will require an axial compression check.

Calculate Required Web Axial Forces:

Web SV is considered a redundant web member and is designed per SJI Spec Section
The vertical load used for the web member design is equal to the gravity load supported by the
member plus 0.5% of the top chord axial force.

Add 0.5% of the top chord axial force at the web member for the redundant web
required load per SJI Spec Section

1B.6.3 Web Member Design:

For this example, all webs are rods or single component members. From SJI Table 4.3-1 Part
IV.B, the "k" values for the calculation of the effective slenderness ratio to determine for
compression members are given below.

Note: When the end tension web is in compression = 0.8

Design W2 Web - Tension Member:

Try 13/16" diameter rod:

Check Slenderness:

Check Strength:


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for the use
of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end web.

Check is OK, therefore, use 13/16" diameter rod

Design SV Web - Compression Member: For the given joist web configuration, this web is
considered a redundant web member and is designed per SJI Spec Section

Try 5/8" diameter rod

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength -- Compression:

Use 5/8" diameter rod

Design W3 Web - Compression Member:

Try 5/8" diameter rod

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 5/8" diameter rod

Design W4 Web - Tension Member:

Try 5/8" diameter rod

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength - Tension:

Use 5/8" diameter rod

Design W5 Web - Compression Member:

Try 5/8" diameter rod

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 5/8" diameter rod

Design W6 Web - Tension Member:

Try 5/8" diameter rod

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength - Tension:

Use 5/8" diameter rod

Design W7 Web - Compression Member:

Try 5/8" diameter rod

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 5/8" diameter rod

Design W10 Web - Tension Member:

Try 9/16" diameter rod

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength - Tension:

Check W10 for Minimum Compression:

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 9/16" diameter rod

Webs W12 an W14 must be designed and checked for their compression forces in the same
manner as Web W10.

1B.7 Design of Typical Weld:

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the diagonal, W2:

Force in Member:

Minimum required weld strength must be 50% of member strength.

Safety factor of weld: (Ref. SJI Spec

Tensile strength of E70XX electrodes:

Nominal Shear Strength of Weld: (Ref. SJI Spec 4.2-15)

Rod web diameter:

Weld Effective Throat per SJI Spec

Required Weld Length:

Use 1½" Long weld length at each end of the web to each chord angle.

Welds for other webs shall be designed in a similar manner.

1B.8 Joint Eccentricity Check:

It is not possible to construct webs such that their centroidal lines intersect exactly at a point that lies on
the centroidal axis of the chord(s). The resulting eccentricity must, however, not be excessively large.
The SJI Specifications, Section 4.5.4 Eccentricity requires that "For a single component web member,
the eccentricity shall be permitted to be neglected where it does not exceed the lesser of three-quarters
of the over-all dimension of the chord or 2" (51 mm). This eccentricity, measured in the plane of the joist,
shall be the perpendicular distance from the centroidal axis of that web member to the point on the
centroidal axis of the chord which is vertically above or below the intersection of the centroidal axis of the
web member(s) forming the joint." The geometric relationships are shown in Figures 7A and 7B. The joist
manufacturer shall determine the eccentricity based on the particular geometry of the joist being
designed and on the diameter and bend radius of the web bar. This eccentricity must be given in the
design submittal documents and it must be less than 3/4 of the chord depth or 2".



Check the vertical measurement of eccentricity. The web bend of W4/W5 is flush
with the bottom chord, thus making all other webs less than flush by the difference
between their diameters and that of the W4/W5.

Use Web W4 as the example:

From SJI Spec 4.5.4:

Check Eccentricity:



Figure 1 shows the joist configuration for this example: 26K6 @ 42'-0" span.


2A.1 Given:

Yield Stress: Modulus of Elasticity:

Required ultimate design load, from SJI Load Capacity Tables:

L/360 (red) load, from SJI Load Capacity Tables:

(Load producing L/360 deflection - assumed live load for example)

Total depth of joist: Joist Span:

Design Length:

Check Span/Depth Ratio: SJI Spec 5.2

(This function returns "OK" if true, "NG" if not true)

Panel Spacing: First End Panel Length:

Second End Panel Length:

Interior Panel Length:

Max. Deck Weld Spacing:

2A.2 Design of Chords:

Assume Top and Bottom Chord Sizes:

Top Chord: 2 - L1½x1½x3/16 Bottom Chord: 2 - L1½x1½x5/32

Effective depth:

Gap between chord angles:

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: The angles selected for the top chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Similarly, the angles selected for the bottom chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Maximum Required Moment:

Chord Force in Center Panel:

2A.2.1 Check Bottom Chord (Tension):

Resistance Factor: Specification Section

Design Capacity:

Check Slenderness Ratio:

Specification Table 4.3-1 Part

In this example, the maximum bottom chord panel length is 2 times the top chord interior
panel length with no bottom chord fillers.
Note that / must also be checked based on the number and spacing of bridging rows.

2A.2.2 Check Top Chord (Compression):

Resistance Factors: Re. SJI Spec &

Reduction factor for unstiffened elements in single angle, Q: AISC 360-10 Spec E7.1(c)

2A.2.2.1 Check Top Chord Interior Panels:

Assume there are no fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I:

For Interior Panel

Calculate Design Stresses "k" values for calculation of from Table 4.3-1 Part I.B.2 w/out fillers.

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for

bending at interior panels per Table 4.3-1 Part I.C.

Critical Stress:

Function created to get

given governing KL/r and Q.

Axial Stress:

Calculate Bending Stresses:

For purposes of this analysis, the interior panel is considered to be a fixed-fixed beam. A more
rigorous analysis may be performed considering the top chord to be a continuous member/ beam
subject to combined axial and bending stresses per SJI Spec 4.4.1.

At Panel Point: In Panel:

Check Top Chord Center Panel for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eqs. 4.4-6 & 4.4-7

Add fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I.A with fillers:

SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I.A

Calculate Design Stress: "k" values for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part I.B.1 w/ filler

"k" value for calculation of slenderness ratio for for bending

from Table 4.3-1 Part I.C

Critical Stress:

Axial Stress:

Check Top Chord Center Panel for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eqs. 4.4-6 & 4.4-7

Check Top Chord Panel Point for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eq. 4.4-5

2A.2.2.2 Filler Schedule:

Fillers are required for the interior panel checked in this example. The design of other interior
panels must be checked in the same manner to determine if fillers are required. The
manufacturer has the option to increase the top chord size to reduce the number of fillers
required or eliminate the need for top chord fillers.

Filler Weld Design:

Design for required weld length of top chord fillers:

Given: E70 electrodes for welding,

Angle type filler. Assume 1/8" fillet weld

Min. Weld Length = 4 times weld size

Force to be resisted = 2% of chord force: SJI Spec 4.4.3

Resistance factor for weld: SJI Spec

Nominal strength of weld: 0.6Fexx SJI Eq. 4.2-15

Required fillet weld length:

Use two 1/8" x 3/4" long fillet welds to each top chord angle.

2A.2.2.3 Check Top Chord End Panels:

For this example, it is assumed that all panels except the end panels have the same spacing. The
bending moments in the end panels will be determined from a four panel continuous beam, as
shown in Figure 2. Other methods of moment analysis is required for varying panel lengths.



Bending Moment in end panel (at panel point):

The corresponding bending stress equals:

Bending Moment in end panel:

The corresponding bending stress equals:

The axial and shear force in the top chord end panel is determined from the loading and the geometry
shown in Figure 3.


Shear Force in End Panel Chord:

Axial Force in the End Panel Chord:

Axial Stress in the End Panel Chord:

Check End Panel - Panel Point for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-5


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for
use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and panel point.

Check End Panel for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-6 & 4.4-7

Assume no fillers in the end panel.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part II.A:

For End Panels

Add filler at the midpanel in the first end panels and recheck slenderness ratios.

Calculate Design Stress: "k" values for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part II.B.1 w/ filler

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for bending
at end panels per Table 4.3-1 Part II.C


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for
use of the 0.900 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and panel

Check Second End Panel:

The second end panel, , shall be checked in a similar manner to end panel and shall use
the criteria of Table 4.3-1 for an end panel and the appropriate value for end panels. The
second end panel need not consider the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio as noted in Section 1.2B of
the Design Guide.

2A.3 Moment of Inertia of Joist:

Required moment of inertia: Based on Max. LL Deflection = L/360: Note: Load Table "red" Load is
the load that will produce a deflection approximately equal to L/360

2A.4 Lateral Stability of Joist During Erection:

For a 26K6 w/ Span = 42'-0"

The required number of bridging rows is given in Table 5.5-1.

For 26K6 w/ Joist Span >41 to 54 feet,

Per Spec., the maximum spacing of bridging lines shall be the lesser of:

SJI Eq. (5.5-2a)

SJI Eq. (5.5-3)

(Eq. 5.5-2a)

(Eq. 5.5-3)

Bridging Spacing =

Therefore, the assumed chords are satisfactory with maximum bridging spacing of 13'-10" (166").

Check if bolted-X erection bridging is required per Spec. Section

St. Venant torsion constant:

Distance from centroid of top chord to centroid

of joist cross section:

Joist Moment of Inertia about Y-axis: (For erection bridging check, use chord gap = 0.00 in)

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: Manufacturer may use actual chord gap.

Joist Moment of Inertia about X-axis:

Distance from joist centroid to shear center:

Warping Constant:

Cross Sectional Parameter:

Vertical location of load P from shear center

(locate at joist center of gravity):

SJI Eq. (5.5-1)

For the example, 20% is added to account for the weight of the webs. Designs should use the
actual joist weight.

2A.5 Check Modified Shear Capacity of Chord: (Ref SJI Eq. 4.4-11)

In this example, the first bottom chord panel point is checked. The shear in the top chord must also be
checked. Shear check is not required when a round web bar is continuous through the joist. Figure
4 illustrates the location where this shear check is to be performed. Similar checks must be done at each
top and bottom chord panel point.


Shear Force in Bottom Chord:

Axial Tension in Bottom Chord:

Shear Stress in Bottom Chord:

Axial Stress in Bottom Chord:

Modified Shear Stress in Bottom Chord: (Ref. SJI Spec 4.4.1)

Nominal Shear Capacity:

Resistance Factor: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.4-11)

2A.6 Web Members:

Figure 5 depicts the web configuration and geometry. The panel shear force used to determine the
web forces may be calculated by resolving the uniform load(s) into concentrated loads at panel
points as shown in Figure 5.


2A.6.1 Member Lengths:

2A.6.2 Panel Shear Forces and Member Forces:

Per SJI Specification 4.4.2, the vertical shears to be used in the design of the web members shall be
determined by including all loads, but such vertical shears shall be not less than 25% of the maximum end
reaction from the design load combinations or equation .

Additionally, tension webs shall be designed for a compression force due to a vertical shear calculated from
equation when that calculated vertical shear is greater than 0. Figure 6 is a sketch depicting the
dimensions for and for equations and .

Calculate Web Shears for Required Loads:

Calculate Minimum Shear based on 25% of End Reaction:

Calculate Minimum Shear based on SJI Eq. and :


where: = the distance from the end reaction work point to the panel point nearest
the end reaction to which the web is connected.
R = End Reaction based on the maximum uniform total design load occurring
across the full length of the span - not including any other design loads.


where: = the distance from the end reaction work point to the panel point nearest
the joist centerline to which the web connects.
R = End Reaction based on the maximum uniform total design load occurring
across the full length of the span - not including any other design loads.

Calculation Variables & for Webs:

Calculate Web Minimum Shears based on SJI Eq. :

Because the variable for web minimum shear is 0 for Web W2, the "minimum shear" from
equation V1 may be considered to be equal to the shear in the end web.

Otherwise, solve using the equation for :

Calculate Minimum Shear for Tension Web Compression Check per Eq. :

If shear is less than 0, compression check is not required.

Webs W8 and W10 will require an axial compression check.

Calculate Required Web Axial Forces:

Web SV is considered a redundant web member and is designed per SJI Spec Section
The vertical load used for the web member design is equal to the gravity load supported by the
member plus 0.5% of the top chord axial force.

Add 0.5% of the top chord axial force at the web member for the redundant web
required load per SJI Spec

For Vertical Webs:

Add 0.5% of the top chord axial force at the web member for the redundant web
required load per SJI Spec

2A.6.3 Web Member Design:

For this example, the end web is a rod and all interior webs are single angle component members.
From SJI Table 4.3-1 Part IV.B, the "k" values for the calculation of the effective slenderness ratio
to determine for compression members are given below.

Note: When the end tension web is in compression = 0.8

Based on the definitions of and in Section 4.3, the x-axis is the horizontal axis of the joist
cross section and the y-axis is the vertical axis of the joist cross section.

Design W2 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1" diameter rod:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength:


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for the use
of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end web.

Check is OK, therefore, use 1" diameter rod

Design SV Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1 x 1 x 0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle

and cross section as defined in Section 4.3:

NOTE: The example considers the L1x1 will be a crimped angle. If the manufacturer chooses to use the
angle as uncrimped with one leg placed flat against the chords, the angle must be checked in accordance
with the requirements of "Uncrimped Single Angle Web Members" in Section

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

From Table 4.3-1 Part IV: (For Calculation of )

Since this member is a crimped angle compression web intersecting at the first bottom chord
panel point, determine Q from SJI Eq. 4.2-8a.

w = angle leg length, inches

t = angle leg thickness, inches

Use crimped 1-L1x1x0.125

Design W3 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1¾x1¾x0.187

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

Since this member is a crimped angle compression web intersecting at the first
bottom chord panel point, determine Q from SJI Eq. 4.2-8a.

Use 1-L1¾x1¾x0.187

Design W4 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength - Tension:

Use 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Design Vertical V1 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength:

From Table 4.3-1 Part IV.B.3, the k values for calculation of are:

Use 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Design W5 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.1875

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 1-L2x2x0.1875

Design W6 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for compression member)

Check Strength:

Use 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Design W7 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1¾x1¾x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength:

Use 1-L1¾x1¾x0.125

Design W8 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1-L1½x1½x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(Tension Member)

Check Strength:

Check W8 for Minimum Compression:

Check Strength -- Compression:

Use 1-L1½x1½x0.125

Web W10 must be designed and checked for its compression force in the same manner as
Web W8.

2A.7 Design of Typical Weld:

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the tension diagonal, W2:

Force in Member:

Minimum required weld (joint connection) strength must be 50% of member strength.
Ref SJI Spec

Resistance factor of weld: (Ref. SJI Spec

Tensile strength of E70XX electrodes:

Nominal Shear Strength of Weld: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.2-15)

Rod Diameter:

Weld Effective Throat: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.2-18a)

Required Weld Length:

Use 1½" minimum weld length at each end to each chord angle

Welds for other webs shall be designed in a similar manner.



Figure 1 shows the joist configuration for this example: 26K6 @ 42'-0" span.


2B.1 Given:

Yield Stress: Modulus of Elasticity:

Required total allowable uniform load, from SJI Load Capacity Tables:

L/360 (red) load, from SJI Load Capacity Tables:

(Load producing L/360 deflection - assumed live load for example)

Total depth of joist: Joist Span:

Design Length:

Check Span/Depth Ratio: SJI Spec 5.2

(This function returns "OK" if true, "NG" if not true)

Panel Spacing: First End Panel Length:

Second End Panel Length:

Interior Panel Length:

Max. Deck Weld Spacing:

2B.2 Design of Chords:

Assume Top and Bottom Chord Sizes:

Top Chord: 2 - L1½x1½x3/16 Bottom Chord: 2 - L1½x1½x5/32

Effective depth:

Gap between chord angles:

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: The angles selected for the top chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Similarly, the angles selected for the bottom chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Maximum Required Moment:

Chord Force in Center Panel:

2B.2.1 Check Bottom Chord (Tension):

Note: Specification Section, Eq. 4.2-2 uses

Safety Factor: Allowable Stress = 0.6Fy i.e., 1/ = 0.6

Allowable Capacity:

Check Slenderness Ratio:

Specification Table 4.3-1 Part

In this example, the maximum bottom chord panel length is 2 times the top chord interior
panel length with no bottom chord fillers.
Note that / must also be checked based on the number and spacing of bridging rows.

2B.2.2 Check Top Chord (Compression):
Note: Specification Section, Eq 4.2-4 uses
Safety Factor: Allowable Stress = 0.6 i.e., 1/ = 0.6.

Reduction factor for unstiffened elements in single angle, Q: AISC 360-10 Spec E7.1(c)

2B.2.2.1 Check Top Chord Interior Panels:

Assume there are no fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I:

For Interior Panel

Calculate Allowable Stresses: "k" values for calculation of from Table 4.3-1 Part I.B.2 w/out fillers.

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for

bending at interior panels per Table 4.3-1 Part I.C.

Critical Stress:

Function created to get

given governing KL/r and Q.

Axial Stress:

Calculate Bending Stresses:

For purposes of this analysis, the interior panel is considered to be a fixed-fixed beam. A more
rigorous analysis may be performed considering the top chord to be a continuous member/ beam
subject to combined axial and bending stresses per SJI Spec 4.4.1.

At Panel Point: In Panel:

Check Top Chord Center Panel for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eqs. 4.4-9 & 4.4-10

Add fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I.A with fillers:

SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I.A

Calculate Allowable Stress: "k" values for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part I.B.1

"k" value for calculation of slenderness ratio for for bending

from Table 4.3-1 Part I.C

Critical Stress:

Axial Stress:

Check Top Chord Center Panel for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eqs. 4.4-9 & 4.4-10

Check Top Chord Panel Point for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eq. 4.4-8

2B.2.2.2 Filler Schedule:

Fillers are required for the interior panel checked in this example. The design of other interior
panels must be checked in the same manner to determine if fillers are required. The
manufacturer has the option to increase the top chord size to reduce the number of fillers
required or eliminate the need for top chord fillers.

Filler Weld Design:

Design for required weld length of top chord fillers:

Given: E70 electrodes for welding,

Angle type filler. Assume 1/8" fillet weld

Min. Weld Length = 4 times weld size

Force to be resisted = 2% of chord force: SJI Spec 4.4.3

Safety factor for weld: SJI Spec

Nominal strength of weld: SJI Eq. 4.2-15

Required fillet weld length:

Use two 1/8" x 3/4" long fillet welds to each top chord angle.

2B.2.2.3 Check Top Chord End Panels:

For this example, it is assumed that all panels except the end panels have the same spacing. The
bending moments in the end panels will be determined from a four panel continuous beam, as
shown in Figure 2. Other methods of moment analysis is required for varying panel lengths.



Bending Moment in end panel (at panel point):

The corresponding bending stress equals:

Bending Moment in end panel:

The corresponding bending stress equals:

The axial and shear force in the top chord end panel is determined from the loading and the geometry
shown in Figure 3.


Shear Force in End Panel Chord:

Axial Force in the End Panel Chord:

Axial Stress in the End Panel Chord:

Check End Panel - Panel Point for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-8


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for
use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and panel point.

Check End Panel for Combined Stress: SJI Eqs. 4.4-9 & 4.4-10

Assume no fillers in the end panel.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part II.A:

For End Panels

Add filler at the midpanel in the first end panels and recheck slenderness ratios.

Calculate Allowable Stress: "k" values for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part II.B.1 w/ filler

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for bending
at end panels per Table 4.3-1 Part II.C


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for
use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and panel point.

Check Second End Panel:

The second end panel, , shall be checked in a similar manner to end panel and shall use
the criteria of Table 4.3-1 for an end panel and the appropriate value for end panels. The
second end panel need not consider the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio as noted in Section 1.2B of
the Design Guide.

2B.3 Moment of Inertia of Joist:

Required moment of inertia: Based on Max. LL Deflection = L/360: Note: Load Table "red" Load is
the load that will produce a deflection approximately equal to L/360

2B.4 Lateral Stability of Joist During Erection:

For a 26K6 w/ Span = 42'-0"

The required number of bridging rows is given in Table 5.5-1.

For 26K6 w/ Joist Span >41 to 54 feet,

Per Spec., the maximum spacing of bridging lines shall be the lesser of:

SJI Eq. (5.5-2a)

SJI Eq. (5.5-3)

(Eq. 5.5-2a)

(Eq. 5.5-3)

Bridging Spacing =

Therefore, the assumed chords are satisfactory with maximum bridging spacing of 13'-10" (166").

Check if bolted-X erection bridging is required per Spec. Section

St. Venant torsion constant:

Distance from centroid of top chord to centroid

of joist cross section:

Joist Moment of Inertia about Y-axis: (For erection bridging check, use chord gap = 0.00 in)

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: Manufacturer may use actual chord gap.

Joist Moment of Inertia about X-axis:

Distance from joist centroid to shear center:

Warping Constant:

Cross Sectional Parameter:

Vertical location of load P from shear center

(locate at joist center of gravity):

SJI Eq. (5.5-1)

For the example, 20% is added to account for the weight of the webs. Designs should use the
actual joist weight.

2B.5 Check Modified Shear Capacity of Chord: (Ref SJI Eq. 4.4-12)

In this example, the first bottom chord panel point is checked. The shear in the top chord must also be
checked. Shear check is not required when a round web bar is continuous through the joist. Figure
4 illustrates the location where this shear check is to be performed. Similar checks must be done at each
top and bottom chord panel point.


Shear Force in Bottom Chord: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.4-12)

Axial Tension in Bottom Chord:

Shear Stress in Bottom Chord:

Axial Stress in Bottom Chord:

Modified Shear Stress in Bottom Chord: (Ref. SJI Spec 4.4.1)

Nominal Shear Capacity:

Resistance Factor: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.4-12)

2B.6 Web Members:

Figure 5 depicts the web configuration and geometry. The panel shear force used to determine the
web forces may be calculated by resolving the uniform load(s) into concentrated loads at panel
points as shown in Figure 5.


2B.6.1 Member Lengths:

2B.6.2 Panel Shear Forces and Member Forces:

Per SJI Specification 4.4.2, the vertical shears to be used in the design of the web members shall be
determined by including all loads, but such vertical shears shall be not less than 25% of the maximum end
reaction from the design load combinations or equation .

Additionally, tension webs shall be designed for a compression force due to a vertical shear calculated from
equation when that calculated vertical shear is greater than 0. Figure 6 is a sketch depicting the
dimensions for and for equations and .

Calculate Web Shears for Required Loads:

Calculate Minimum Shear based on 25% of End Reaction:

Calculate Minimum Shear based on SJI Eq. and :


where: = the distance from the end reaction work point to the panel point nearest
the end reaction to which the web is connected.
R = End Reaction based on the maximum uniform total design load occurring
across the full length of the span - not including any other design loads.


where: = the distance from the end reaction work point to the panel point nearest
the joist centerline to which the web connects.
R = End Reaction based on the maximum uniform total design load occurring
across the full length of the span - not including any other design loads.

Calculation Variables & for Webs:

Calculate Web Minimum Shears based on SJI Eq. :

Because the variable for web minimum shear is 0 for Web W2, the "minimum shear" from
equation V1 may be considered to be equal to the shear in the end web.

Otherwise, solve using the equation for :

Calculate Minimum Shear for Tension Web Compression Check per Eq. :

If shear is less than 0, compression check is not required.

Webs W8 and W10 will require an axial compression check.

Calculate Required Web Axial Forces:

Web SV is considered a redundant web member and is designed per SJI Spec Section
The vertical load used for the web member design is equal to the gravity load supported by the
member plus 0.5% of the top chord axial force.

Add 0.5% of the top chord axial force at the web member for the redundant web
required load per SJI Spec

For Vertical Webs:

Add 0.5% of the top chord axial force at the web member for the redundant web
required load per SJI Spec

2B.6.3 Web Member Design:

For this example, the end web is a rod and all interior webs are single angle component members.
From SJI Table 4.3-1 Part IV.B, the "k" values for the calculation of the effective slenderness ratio
to determine for compression members are given below.

Note: When the end tension web is in compression = 0.8

Based on the definitions of and in Section 4.3, the x-axis is the horizontal axis of the joist
cross section and the y-axis is the vertical axis of the joist cross section.

Design W2 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1" diameter rod:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength:


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for the use
of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end web.

Check is OK, therefore, use 1" diameter rod

Design SV Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1 x 1 x 0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle

and cross section as defined in Section 4.3:

NOTE: The example considers the L1x1 will be a crimped angle. If the manufacturer chooses to use the
angle as uncrimped with one leg placed flat against the chords, the angle must be checked in accordance
with the requirements of "Uncrimped Single Angle Web Members" in Section

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

From Table 4.3-1 Part IV: (For Calculation of )

Since this member is a crimped angle compression web intersecting at the first bottom chord
panel point, determine Q from SJI Eq. 4.2-8a.

w = angle leg length, inches

t = angle leg thickness, inches

Use crimped 1-L1x1x0.125

Design W3 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1¾x1¾x0.187

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

Since this member is a crimped angle compression web intersecting at the first
bottom chord panel point, determine Q from SJI Eq. 4.2-8a.

Use 1-L1¾x1¾x0.187

Design W4 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength - Tension:

Use 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Design Vertical V1 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength:

From Table 4.3-1 Part IV.B.3, the k values for calculation of are:

Use 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Design W5 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.1875

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 1-L2x2x0.1875

Design W6 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength:

Use 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Design W7 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1¾x1¾x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength:

Use 1-L1¾x1¾x0.125

Design W8 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1-L1½x1½x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength:

Check W8 for Minimum Compression:

Check Strength -- Compression:

Use 1-L1½x1½x0.125

Web W10 must be designed and checked for its compression force in the same manner as
Web W8.

2B.7 Design of Typical Weld:

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the tension diagonal, W2:

Force in Member:

Minimum required weld (joint connection) strength must be 50% of member strength.
Ref SJI Spec

Safety factor of weld: (Ref. SJI Spec

Tensile strength of E70XX electrodes:

Nominal Shear Strength of Weld: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.2-15)

Rod Diameter:

Weld Effective Throat: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.2-18a)

Required Weld Length:

Use 1½" minimum weld length at each end to each chord angle

Welds for other webs shall be designed in a similar manner.



Figure 1 shows the joist configuration for this example: 26KCS5 @ 39'-0" span


3A.1 Given:

Yield Stress: Modulus of Elasticity:

Required design moment, from SJI Load Table:

Required design reaction from SJI Load Table:

Total depth of joist: Joist Span:

Design Length:

Check Span/Depth Ratio: SJI Spec 5.2

(This function returns "OK" if true, "NG" if not true)

(Ref. SJI Spec 5.2)

Panel Spacing: First End Panel Length:

Second End Panel Length:

Interior Panel Length:

Max. Deck Weld Spacing:

Bottom Chord End Panel


3A.2 Design of Chords:

Assume Top and Bottom Chord Sizes:

Top Chord: 2 - L2½x2½x0.250 Bottom Chord: 2 - L2½x2½x0.230

Effective depth:

Gap between chord angles:

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: The angles selected for the top chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Similarly, the angles selected for the bottom chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Chord Force in Center Panel:

3A.2.1 Check Bottom Chord (Tension):

Resistance Factor: Specification Section

Design Capacity:

Check Slenderness Ratio:

Specification Table 4.3-1 Part

In this example, the maximum bottom panel length is 2 times the top chord interior panel
length with no bottom chord fillers.
Note that / must also be checked based on the number and spacing of bridging rows.

3A.2.2 Check Top Chord (Compression):

Resistance Factors: Re. SJI Spec &

Reduction factor for unstiffened elements in single angle, Q: AISC 360-10 Spec E7.1(c)

3A.2.2.1 Check Top Chord Interior Panels:

Assume there are no fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I:

For Interior Panel

Calculate Design Stresses "k" values for calculation of from Table 4.3-1 Part I.B.2 w/out fillers.

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for

bending at interior panels per Table 4.3-1 Part I.C.

Critical Stress:

Function created to get

given the governing KL/r and Q.

Axial Stress:

Calculate Bending Stresses:

For purposes of this example the interior panel is considered to be a fixed-fixed beam. A more rigorous
analysis may be performed considering the top chord to be a continuous beam.

Per SJI Spec 4.4.1, the top chord interior panels shall be designed for an axial stress resulting from the
constant moment capacity plus bending stresses from the smaller uniform load derived from the
constant moment and constant shear.

At Panel Point: In Panel:

Check Top Chord Center Panel for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eqs. 4.4-6 & 4.4-7

Add fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I.A with fillers:

SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I.A

Calculate Design Stress: "k" values for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part I.B.1

"k" value for calculation of slenderness ratio for for bending

from Table 4.3-1 Part I.C

Critical Stress:

axial stress:

Check Top Chord Center Panel for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eqs. 4.4-6 & 4.4-7

Check Top Chord Panel Point for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eq. 4.4-5

3A.2.2.2 Filler Schedule:
Note: Because Mu remains constant for all interior panels and fillers were used, they are required at all
interior top chord panels.

Filler Weld Design:

Design for required weld length of top chord fillers:

Given: E70 electrodes for welding,

Angle type filler. Assume 1/8" fillet weld

Min. Weld Length = 4 times weld size

Force to be resisted = 2% of chord force: SJI Spec 4.4.3

Resistance factor for weld: SJI Spec

Nominal strength of weld: 0.6Fexx SJI Eq. 4.2-15

Required fillet weld length:

Use two fillet welds 1/8" x 3/4" to each top chord angle

3A.2.2.3 Check Top Chord End Panels:
For this example, it is assumed that all panels except the end panels have the same spacing. The
bending moments in the end panels will be determined from a four panel continuous beam, as
shown in Figure 2. Other methods of moment analysis is required for varying panel lengths.



SJI Spec 4.4.1 requires that the end panels of KCS joists
be designed for a uniform load of 825 plf (LRFD).

Bending Moment in end panel (at panel point):

The corresponding bending stress equals:

Bending Moment in end panel:

The corresponding bending stress equals:

The axial and shear force in the top chord end panel is determined from the loading and the geometry
shown in Figure 3.


Shear Force in End Panel Chord:

Axial Force in the End Panel Chord:

Axial Stress in the End Panel Chord:

Check End Panel - Panel Point for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-5


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for
use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and panel point.

Check End Panel for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-6 & 4.4-7

Assume no fillers in the end panel.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part II.A:

For End Panels

Calculate Design Stress: "k" values for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part II.B.2

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for bending
at end panels per Table 4.3-1 Part II.C


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for
use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and panel point.

Check Second End Panel,

The second end panel, , shall be checked in a similar manner to end panel and shall use
the criteria of Table 4.3-1 for an end panel and the appropriate value for end panels. The
second end panel need not consider the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio as noted in Section 1.2B of
the Design Guide

3A.3 Moment of Inertia of Joist:

Required moment of inertia (From SJI KCS table):

3A.4 Lateral Stability of Joist During Erection:

For a 26KCS5 use 26K12 to determine bridging requirements and Span = 39'-0"

The required number of bridging rows is given in Table 5.5-1

For 26K12 w/ Joist Span > 29 to 47 feet,

Per Spec., the maximum spacing of bridging lines shall be the lesser of:

SJI Eq. (5.5-2a)

SJI Eq. (5.5-3)

(Eq. 5.5-2a)

(Eq. 5.5-3)

Bridging Spacing =

Therefore, the assumed chords are satisfactory with maximum bridging spacing of 19'-2" (230").

Check if bolted-X erection bridging is required per Spec. Section

St. Venant torsion constant:

Distance from centroid of top chord to centroid

of joist cross section:

Joist Moment of Inertia about Y-axis assuming 1 inch chord gap:

Joist Moment of Inertia about X-axis:

Distance from joist centroid to shear center:

Warping Constant:

Cross Sectional Parameter:

Vertical location of load P from shear center

(locate at joist center of gravity):

SJI Eq. (5.5-1)

For the example, 20% is added to account for the weight of the webs. Designs should use the
actual joist weight.

3A.5 Check Modified Shear Capacity of Chord: (Ref SJI Eq. 4.4-11)

In this example, the first bottom chord panel point is to be checked since there is discontinuity
in the web system and it is the worst case for the bottom chord. Shear in the top chord must
also be checked. Shear check is not required when a round web bar is continuous
through the joist. Figure 4 illustrates the location where this shear check is to be performed:


Shear Force in Bottom Chord:

Axial Tension in Bottom Chord:

Shear Stress in Bottom Chord:

Axial Stress in Bottom Chord:

Modified Shear Stress in Bottom Chord: (Ref. SJI Spec 4.4.1)

Nominal Shear Capacity:

Resistance Factor: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.4-11)

3A.6 Web Members:

Figure 5 depicts the web configuration and geometry.


3A.6.1 Member Lengths:

3A.6.2 Panel Shear Forces and Member Forces:

Since the KCS Joist is designed for a constant shear, the shear force in each web is equal to the
shear force in the end panel, Ru.

3A.6.3 Web Member Design:

For this example, the end web is a rod and all interior webs are single angle component members.
From SJI Table 4.3-1. Part IV.B, the "k" values for the calculation of the effective slenderness ratio
to determine for compression members are given below.

Note: When the end tension web is in compression = 0.8

Based on the definitions of and in Section 4.3, the x-axis is the horizontal axis of the joist
cross section and the y-axis is the vertical axis of the joist cross section.

Specification Section "Webs" requires that all webs of KCS Joists be designed for
100% full stress reversal except for the first tension web.

Design W2 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1" diameter rod:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength:


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for the use
of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end web.

Check is OK, therefore, use 1" diameter rod

Design SV Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.187

Considering a single crimped web angle

and cross section as defined in Section 4.3:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength -- Compression:

From Table 4.3-1 Part IV: (For calculation of )

Since this member is a crimped angle compression web intersecting at the first bottom chord
panel point, determine Q from SJI Eq. 4.2-8a.

w = angle leg length, inches

t = angle leg thickness, inches

Check Strength - Tension:

Use 1-L2x2x0.187

Design W3 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.1875

Considering a single crimped web angle

and cross section as defined in Section 4.3:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength -- Compression:

Since this member is a crimped angle compression web intersecting at the first
bottom chord panel point, determine Q from SJI Eq. 4.2-8a.

Check Strength - Tension:

Use 1-L2x2x0.1875

Design W4 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.176

Considering a single crimped web angle

and cross section as defined in Section 4.3:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength --

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 1-L2x2x0.176

Design Vertical Web V1 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1.75x1.75x0.143

Considering a single crimped web angle

and cross section as defined in Section 4.3:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

From Table 4.3-1, the k values for calculation of are:

Check Strength - Tension:

Use 1-L1.75x1.75x0.143

Design W5 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.176

Considering a single crimped web angle

and cross section as defined in Section 4.3:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

Check Strength - Tension:

Use 1-L2x2x0.176

The calculation for the other webs will be typical with Webs W4, V1, and W5.
Considering a symmetrical joist, webs W2, SV, and W3 at the right end will be the
same as the webs at the left end.

3A.7 Design of Typical Weld:

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the tension diagonal, W2:

Force in Member:

Minimum required weld (joint connection) strength must be 50% of member strength.
Ref SJI Spec

Resistance factor of weld: (Ref. SJI Spec

Tensile strength of E70XX electrodes:

Nominal Shear Strength of Weld: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.2-15)

Rod Diameter:

Weld Effective Throat: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.2-18a)

Required Weld Length:

Use 2.5" minimum weld length at each end to each chord angle.

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the compression member, SV:

Use fillet weld thickness equal to material thickness.

Required Weld Length:

Use 2" minimum weld length at each end to each chord angle

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the compression member, W3:

Use fillet weld thickness equal to material thickness.

Required Weld Length:

Use 2" minimum weld length at each end to each chord angle

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the tension member, W4:

Use fillet weld thickness equal to material thickness.

Required Weld Length:

Use 2.5" minimum weld length at each end to each chord angle

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the compression member,

Use fillet weld thickness equal to material thickness.

Required Weld Length:

Use 2.25" minimum weld length at each end to each chord angle

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the compression member, W5:

Use fillet weld thickness equal to material thickness.

Required Weld Length:

Use 2.5" minimum weld length at each end to each chord angle

The weld length calculations for the other webs will be typical with webs W4, V1,
and W5. Considering a symmetrical joist, webs W2, SV, and W3 at the right end
will be the same as the webs at the left end.


Figure 1 shows the joist configuration for this example: 26KCS5 @ 39'-0" span


3B.1 Given:

Yield Stress: Modulus of Elasticity:

Allowable moment, from SJI Load Table:

Allowable reaction, from SJI Load Table:

Total depth of joist: Joist Span:

Design Length:

Check Span/Depth Ratio: SJI Spec 5.2

(This function returns "OK" if true, "NG" if not true)

(Ref. SJI Spec 5.2)

Panel Spacing: First End Panel Length:

Second End Panel Length:

Interior Panel Length:

Max. Deck Weld Spacing:

Bottom Chord End Panel


3B.2 Design of Chords:

Assume Top and Bottom Chord Sizes:

Top Chord: 2 - L2½x2½x0.250 Bottom Chord: 2 - L2½x2½x0.230

Effective depth:

Gap between chord angles:

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: The angles selected for the top chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Similarly, the angles selected for the bottom chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Chord Force in Center Panel:

3B.2.1 Check Bottom Chord (Tension):

Safety Factor: Note: Specification Section, Eq. 4.2-2

Allowable Stress = 0.6Fy i.e., 1/t = 0.6

Design Capacity:

Check Slenderness Ratio:

Specification Table 4.3-1 Part

In this example, the maximum bottom panel length is 2 times the top chord interior panel
length with no bottom chord fillers.
Note that / must also be checked based on the number and spacing of bridging rows.

3B.2.2 Check Top Chord (Compression):
Note: Specification Section, Eq 4.2-4 uses
Safety Factor: Allowable Stress = 0.6Fcr i.e., 1/ = 0.6.

Reduction factor for unstiffened elements in single angle, Q: AISC 360-10 Spec E7.1(c)

3B.2.2.1 Check Top Chord Interior Panels:

Assume there are no fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I:

For Interior Panel

Calculate Allowable Stresses: "k" values for calculation of from Table 4.3-1 Part I.B.2 w/out fillers.

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for

bending at interior panels per Table 4.3-1 Part I.C.

Critical Stress:

Function created to get

given the governing KL/r and Q.

Axial Stress:

Calculate Bending Stresses:

For purposes of this example the interior panel is considered to be a fixed-fixed beam. A more rigorous
analysis may be performed considering the top chord to be a continuous beam.

Per SJI Spec 4.4.1, the top chord interior panels shall be designed for an axial stress resulting from the
constant moment capacity plus bending stresses from the smaller uniform load derived from the
constant moment and constant shear.

At Panel Point: In Panel:

Check Top Chord Center Panel for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eqs. 4.4-9 & 4.4-10

Add fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I.A with fillers:

SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I.A

Calculate Allowable Stress: "k" values for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part I.B.1

"k" value for calculation of slenderness ratio for for bending

from Table 4.3-1 Part I.C

Critical Stress:

Axial Stress:

Check Top Chord Center Panel for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eqs. 4.4-9 & 4.4-10

Check Top Chord Panel Point for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eq. 4.4-8

3B.2.2.2 Filler Schedule:
Note: Because remains constant for all interior panels and fillers were used, they are required at all
interior top chord panels.

Filler Weld Design:

Design for required weld length of top chord fillers:

Given: E70 electrodes for welding,

Angle type filler. Assume 1/8" fillet weld

Min. Weld Length = 4 times weld size

Force to be resisted = 2% of chord force: SJI Spec 4.4.3

Safety factor for weld: SJI Spec

Nominal strength of weld: SJI Eq. 4.2-15

Required fillet weld length:

Use two fillet welds 1/8" x 3/4" to each top chord angle

3B.2.2.3 Check Top Chord End Panels:
For this example, it is assumed that all panels except the end panels have the same spacing. The
bending moments in the end panels will be determined from a four panel continuous beam, as
shown in Figure 2. Other methods of moment analysis is required for varying panel lengths.



SJI Spec 4.4.1 requires that the end panels of KCS joists
be designed for a uniform load of plf (ASD).

Bending Moment in end panel (at panel point):

The corresponding bending stress equals:

Bending Moment in end panel:

The corresponding bending stress equals:

The axial and shear force in the top chord end panel is determined from the loading and the geometry
shown in Figure 3.


Shear Force in End Panel Chord:

Axial Force in the End Panel Chord:

Axial Stress in the End Panel Chord:

Check End Panel - Panel Point for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-8


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for
use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and panel point.

Check End Panel for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-9 & 4.4-10

Assume no fillers in the end panel.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part II.A:

For End Panels

Calculate Allowable Stress: "k" values for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part II.B.2

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for bending
at end panels per Table 4.3-1 Part II.C


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for
use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and panel point.

Check Second End Panel,

The second end panel, , shall be checked in a similar manner to end panel and shall use
the criteria of Table 4.3-1 for an end panel and the appropriate value for end panels. The
second end panel need not consider the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio as noted in Section 1.2B of
the Design Guide

3B.3 Moment of Inertia of Joist:

Required moment of inertia (From SJI KCS table):

3B.4 Lateral Stability of Joist During Erection:

For a 26KCS5, use 26K12 to determine bridging requirements and span = 39'-0".

The required number of bridging rows is given in Table 5.5-1.

For 26K12 w/ Joist Span > 29 to 47 feet,

Per Spec., the maximum spacing of bridging lines shall be the lesser of:

SJI Eq. (5.5-2a)

SJI Eq. (5.5-3)

(Eq. 5.5-2a)

(Eq. 5.5-3)

Bridging Spacing =

Therefore, the assumed chords are satisfactory with maximum bridging spacing of 19'-2" (230").

Check if bolted-X erection bridging is required per Spec. Section

St. Venant torsion constant:

Distance from centroid of top chord to centroid

of joist cross section:

Joist Moment of Inertia about Y-axis assuming 1 inch chord gap:

Joist Moment of Inertia about X-axis:

Distance from joist centroid to shear center:

Warping Constant:

Cross Sectional Parameter:

Vertical location of load P from shear center

(locate at joist center of gravity):

SJI Eq. (5.5-1)

For the example, 20% is added to account for the weight of the webs. Designs should use the
actual joist weight.

3B.5 Check Modified Shear Capacity of Chord: (Ref SJI Eq. 4.4-12)

In this example, the first bottom chord panel point is to be checked since there is discontinuity
in the web system and it is the worst case for the bottom chord. Shear in the top chord must
also be checked. Shear check is not required when a round web bar is continuous
through the joist. Figure 4 illustrates the location where this shear check is to be performed:


Shear Force in Bottom Chord:

Axial Tension in Bottom Chord:

Shear Stress in Bottom Chord:

Axial Stress in Bottom Chord:

Modified Shear Stress in Bottom Chord: (Ref. SJI Spec 4.4.1)

Nominal Shear Capacity:

Resistance Factor: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.4-12)

3B.6 Web Members:

Figure 5 depicts the web configuration and geometry.


3B.6.1 Member Lengths:

3B.6.2 Panel Shear Forces and Member Forces:

Since the KCS Joist is designed for a constant shear, the shear force in each web is equal to the
shear force in the end panel, Ru.

3B.6.3 Web Member Design:

For this example, the end web is a rod and all interior webs are single angle component members.
From SJI Table 4.3-1. Part IV.B, the "k" values for the calculation of the effective slenderness ratio
to determine for compression members are given below.

Note: When the end tension web is in compression = 0.8

Based on the definitions of and in Section 4.3, the x-axis is the horizontal axis of the joist
cross section and the y-axis is the vertical axis of the joist cross section.

Specification Section "Webs" requires that all webs of KCS Joists be designed for
100% full stress reversal except for the first tension web.

Design W2 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1" diameter rod:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength:


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for the use
of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end web.

Check is OK, therefore, use 1" diameter rod

Design SV Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.187

Considering a single crimped web angle

and cross section as defined in Section 4.3:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength -- Compression:

From Table 4.3-1 Part IV: (For calculation of )

Since this member is a crimped angle compression web intersecting at the first bottom chord
panel point, determine Q from SJI Eq. 4.2-8a.

w = angle leg length, inches

t = angle leg thickness, inches

Check Strength - Tension:

Use 1-L2x2x0.187

Design W3 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.1875

Considering a single crimped web angle

and cross section as defined in Section 4.3:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength -- Compression:

Since this member is a crimped angle compression web intersecting at the first
bottom chord panel point, determine Q from SJI Eq. 4.2-8a.

Check Strength - Tension:

Use 1-L2x2x0.1875

Design W4 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.176

Considering a single crimped web angle

and cross section as defined in Section 4.3:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength --

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 1-L2x2x0.176

Design Vertical Web V1 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1.75x1.75x0.143

Considering a single crimped web angle

and cross section as defined in Section 4.3:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

From Table 4.3-1, the k values for calculation of are:

Check Strength - Tension:

Use 1-L1.75x1.75x0.143

Design W5 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.176

Considering a single crimped web angle

and cross section as defined in Section 4.3:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

Check Strength - Tension:

Use 1-L2x2x0.176

The calculation for the other webs will be typical with Webs W4, V1, and W5.
Considering a symmetrical joist, webs W2, SV, and W3 at the right end will be the
same as the webs at the left end.

3B.7 Design of Typical Weld:

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the tension diagonal, W2:

Force in Member:

Minimum required weld (joint connection) strength must be 50% of member strength.
Ref SJI Spec

Safety factor of weld: (Ref. SJI Spec

Tensile strength of E70XX electrodes:

Nominal Shear Strength of Weld: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.2-15)

Rod Diameter:

Weld Effective Throat: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.2-18a)

Required Weld Length:

Use 2.25" minimum weld length at each end to each chord angle

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the compression member, SV:

Use fillet weld thickness equal to material thickness.

Required Weld Length:

Use 2" minimum weld length at each end to each chord angle

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the compression member, W3:

Use fillet weld thickness equal to material thickness.

Required Weld Length:

Use 2" minimum weld length at each end to each chord angle

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the tension member, W4:

Use fillet weld thickness equal to material thickness.

Required Weld Length:

Use 2.5" minimum weld length at each end to each chord angle

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the compression member,

Use fillet weld thickness equal to material thickness.

Required Weld Length:

Use 2.25" minimum weld length at each end to each chord angle

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the compression member, W5;

Use fillet weld thickness equal to material thickness.

Required Weld Length:

Use 2.5" minimum weld length at each end to each chord angle

The weld length calculations for the other webs will be typical with webs W4, V1,
and W5. Considering a symmetrical joist, webs W2, SV, and W3 at the right end
will be the same as the webs at the left end.



Figure 1 shows the joist configuration for this example: 32LH10 @ 50'-0" span.


4A.1 Given:

Yield Stress: Modulus of Elasticity:

Required ultimate design load, from SJI Load Capacity Tables:

L/360 (red) load, from SJI Load Capacity Tables:

(Load producing L/360 deflection - assumed live load for example)

Total depth of joist: Joist Span:

Design Length:

Check Span/Depth Ratio: SJI Spec 5.2

(This function returns "OK" if true, "NG" if not true)

(Ref. SJI Spec 5.2)

Panel Spacing: First End Panel Length:

Second End Panel Length:

Interior Panel Length:

Max. Deck Weld Spacing:

4A.2 Design of Chords:

Assume Top and Bottom Chord Sizes:

Top Chord: 2 - L2½x2½x5/16 Bottom Chord: 2 - L2½x2½x¼

Effective depth:

Gap between chord angles:

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: The angles selected for the top chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Similarly, the angles selected for the bottom chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Maximum Required Moment:

Chord Force in Center Panel:

4A.2.1 Check Bottom Chord (Tension):

Resistance Factor: Specification Section

Design Capacity:

Check Slenderness Ratio:

Specification Table 4.3-1 Part

In this example, the maximum bottom chord panel length is 2 times the top chord interior
panel length with no bottom chord fillers.
Note that / must also be checked based on the number and spacing of bridging rows.

4A.2.2 Check Top Chord (Compression):

Resistance Factors: Re. SJI Spec &

Reduction factor for unstiffened elements in single angle, Q: AISC 360-10 Spec E7.1(c)

4A.2.2.1 Check Top Chord Interior Panels:

Assume there are no fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I:

For Interior Panel

Calculate Design Stresses "k" values for calculation of from Table 4.3-1 Part I.B.2 w/out fillers.

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for

bending at interior panels per Table 4.3-1 Part I.C.

Critical Stress:

Function created to get

given governing KL/r and Q.

Axial Stress:

Calculate Bending Stresses:

For purposes of this analysis, the interior panel is considered to be a fixed-fixed beam. A more
rigorous analysis may be performed considering the top chord to be a continuous member/ beam
subject to combined axial and bending stresses per SJI Spec 4.4.1.

At Panel Point: In Panel:

Check Top Chord Center Panel for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eqs. 4.4-6 & 4.4-7

Check Top Chord Panel Point for Combined Axial and Bending: (SJI Eq. 4.4-5)

4A.2.2.2 Filler Schedule:

The selected top chord was controlled by z-axis buckling without fillers; therefore, no fillers are
required. If fillers were needed, then the top chord panels should be checked with the
appropriate kl/r factors. For this example, fillers were not required, but for completeness of this
design guide and for future reference, filler weld design method has been included.

Filler Weld Design:

Design for required weld length of top chord fillers:

Given: E70 electrodes for welding,

Angle type filler. Assume 1/8" fillet weld

Min. Weld Length = 4 times weld size

Force to be resisted = 2% of chord force: SJI Spec 4.4.3

Resistance factor for weld: SJI Spec

Nominal strength of weld: 0.6Fexx SJI Eq. 4.2-15

Required fillet weld length:

Use two 1/8" x 3/4" long fillet welds to each top chord angle.

4A.2.2.3 Check Top Chord End Panels:
For this example, it is assumed that all panels except the end panels have the same spacing. The
bending moments in the end panels will be determined from a four panel continuous beam, as
shown in Figure 2. Other methods of moment analysis is required for varying panel lengths.



Bending Moment in end panel (at panel point):

The corresponding bending stress equals:

Bending Moment in end panel:

The corresponding bending stress equals:

The axial and shear force in the top chord end panel is determined from the loading and the geometry
shown in Figure 3.


Shear Force in End Panel Chord:

Axial Force in the End Panel Chord:

Axial Stress in the End Panel Chord:

Check End Panel - Panel Point for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-5


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for
use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and panel point.

Check End Panel for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-6 & 4.4-7

Assume no fillers in the end panel.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part II.A:

For End Panels

Calculate Design Stress: "k" values for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part II.B.2 w/out filler

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for bending
at end panels per Table 4.3-1 Part II.C


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for
use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and panel point.

Check Second End Panel:

The second end panel, , shall be checked in a similar manner to end panel and shall use
the criteria of Table 4.3-1 for an end panel and the appropriate value for end panels. The
second end panel need not consider the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio as noted in Section 1.2B of
the Design Guide.

4A.3 Joist Moment of Inertia:

Required moment of inertia: Based on Max. LL Deflection = L/360: Note: Load Table "red" Load is
the load that will produce a deflection approximately equal to L/360

4A.4 Lateral Stability of Joist During Erection:

For a 32LH10 w/ Span = 50'-0"

The required number of bridging rows is given in Table 5.5-1.

For LH10 w/ Joist Span > 28 to 54 feet,

Per Spec., the maximum spacing of bridging lines shall be the lesser of:

SJI Eq. (5.5-2a)

SJI Eq. (5.5-3)

(Eq. 5.5-2a)

(Eq. 5.5-3)

Bridging Spacing =

Therefore, the assumed chords are satisfactory with maximum bridging spacing of 19'-10" (238").

Check if bolted-X erection bridging is required per Spec. Section

St. Venant torsion constant:

Distance from centroid of top chord to centroid

of joist cross section:

Joist Moment of Inertia about Y-axis:

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: Manufacturer may use actual chord gap.

Joist Moment of Inertia about X-axis:

Distance from joist centroid to shear center:

Warping Constant:

Cross Sectional Parameter:

Vertical location of load P from shear center

(locate at joist center of gravity):

SJI Eq. (5.5-1)

For the example, 20% is added to account for the weight of the webs. Designs should use the
actual joist weight.

4A.5 Check Modified Shear Capacity of Chord: (Ref SJI Eq. 4.4-11)

In this example, the first bottom chord panel point is checked. The shear in the top chord must also be
checked. Shear check is not required when a round web bar is continuous through the joist. Figure
4 illustrates the location where this shear check is to be performed. Similar checks must be done at each
top and bottom chord panel point.


Shear Force in Bottom Chord:

Axial Tension in Bottom Chord:

Shear Stress in Bottom Chord:

Axial Stress in Bottom Chord:

Modified Shear Stress in Bottom Chord: (Ref. SJI Spec 4.4.1)

Nominal Shear Capacity:

Resistance Factor: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.4-11)

4A.6 Web Members:

Figure 5 depicts the web configuration and geometry. The panel shear force used to determine the
web forces may be calculated by resolving the uniform load(s) into concentrated loads at panel
points as shown in Figure 5.


4A.6.1 Member Lengths:

4A.6.2 Panel Shear Forces and Member Forces:

Per SJI Specification 4.4.2, the vertical shears to be used in the design of the web members shall be
determined by including all loads, but such vertical shears shall be not less than 25% of the maximum end
reaction from the design load combinations or equation .

Additionally, tension webs shall be designed for a compression force due to a vertical shear calculated from
equation when that calculated vertical shear is greater than 0. Figure 6 is a sketch depicting the
dimensions for and for equations and .

Calculate Web Shears for Required Loads:

Calculate Minimum Shear based on 25% of End Reaction:

Calculate Minimum Shear based on SJI Eq. and :


where: = the distance from the end reaction work point to the panel point nearest
the end reaction to which the web is connected.
R = End Reaction based on the maximum uniform total design load occurring
across the full length of the span - not including any other design loads.


where: = the distance from the end reaction work point to the panel point nearest
the joist centerline to which the web connects.
R = End Reaction based on the maximum uniform total design load occurring
across the full length of the span - not including any other design loads.

Calculation Variables & for Webs:

Calculate Web Minimum Shears based on SJI Eq. :

Because the variable for web minimum shear is 0 for Web W2, the "minimum shear" from
equation V1 may be considered to be equal to the shear in the end web.

Otherwise, solve using the equation for :

Calculate Minimum Shear for Tension Web Compression Check per Eq. :

If shear is less than 0, compression check is not required.

Webs W8 and W10 will require an axial compression check.

Calculate Required Web Axial Forces:

Web SV is considered a redundant web member and is designed per SJI Spec Section
The vertical load used for the web member design is equal to the gravity load supported by the
member plus 0.5% of the top chord axial force.

Add 0.5% of the top chord axial force at the web member for the redundant web
required load per SJI Spec

For Vertical Webs:

Add 0.5% of the top chord axial force at the web member for the redundant web
required load per SJI Spec

4A.6.3 Web Member Design:

For this example, the end web and first primary compression web are double angle members. All
other interior webs are single angle component members. k values for the effective slenderness
ratio calculation to determine for compression members are from SJI Table 4.3-1. Part IV.B.

Based on the definitions of and in Section 4.3, the x-axis is the horizontal axis of the joist
cross section and the y-axis is the vertical axis of the joist cross section.

Design W2 Web - Tension Member:

Try 2-L1½x1½x0.187 w/ filler/tie angle at midspan:

(assume 1" gap)

Check Slenderness Ratio:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength:

*** (Joist is larger than an LH06 Designation)

*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for the
use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end web.

Use 2-L1½x1½x0.187

Design SV Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1¾x1¾x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle

and cross section as defined in Section 4.3:

Check Slenderness:

(Compression Member)

Check Strength - Compression:

From Table 4.3-1 Part IV: (For Calculation of )

Since this member is a crimped angle compression web intersecting at the first bottom chord
panel point, determine Q from SJI Eq. 4.2-8a.

w = angle leg length, inches

t = angle leg thickness, inches

Use 1-L1¾x1¾x0.125

Design W3 Web - Compression Member:

Try 2 - L1¾x1¾x0.125 with filler/tie angle at mid length

(Assume 1" gap between angles)

Check Slenderness:

(Compression Web)

Check Strength - Compression:

Since this web is a double angle (built-up member), check Modified Slenderness Ratio
per Specification Section 4.3.5.

Per Spec. Section 4.3.5, the modified slenderness ratio will be used in lieu of in
equations 4.2-5, 4.2-6, and 4.2-7.

= 0.5 for angles back-to-back

=0.75 for channels back-to-back

k factors for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part IV:

Use 2 - L1¾x1¾x0.125

Design W4 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.145

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength:

Use 1-L2x2x0.145

Design Vertical Web V1, Compression Member:

Try 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(Compression Web)

Check Strength:

From Table 4.3-1, the k values for calculation of are:

Use 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Design W5 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.232

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

From Table 4.3-1 Part IV.B.3, the k values for calculation of are:

Use 1-L2x2x0.232

Design W8 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1-L1½x1½x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

Check Strength:

Check W8 for Minimum Compression:

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 1-L1½x1½x0.125

Web W10 must be designed and checked for its compression force in the same manner as
Web W8.

4A.7 Design of Typical Weld:

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the tension diagonal, W2:

Force in Member:

Minimum required weld (joint connection) strength must be 50% of member strength in
tension or compression. Ref SJI Spec

Resistance factor of weld: (Ref. SJI Spec

Tensile strength of E70XX electrodes:

Nominal Shear Strength of Weld: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.2-15)

Thickness of angle:

Fillet Weld Size:

Required Weld Length: (Divide by two since the end web is composed of two angles)

Use 5½" long weld at each end of each web member to each chord angle

Welds for other webs shall be designed in a similar manner.



Figure 1 shows the joist configuration for this example: 32LH10 @ 50'-0" span.


4B.1 Given:

Yield Stress: Modulus of Elasticity:

Required total allowable uniform load, from SJI Load Capacity Tables:

L/360 (red) load, from SJI Load Capacity Tables:

(Load producing L/360 deflection - assumed live load for example)

Total depth of joist: Joist Span:

Design Length:

Check Span/Depth Ratio: SJI Spec 5.2

(This function returns "OK" if true, "NG" if not true)

Panel Spacing: First End Panel Length:

Second End Panel Length:

Interior Panel Length:

Max. Deck Weld Spacing:

4B.2 Design of Chords:

Assume Top and Bottom Chord Sizes:

Top Chord: 2 - L2½x2½x5/16 Bottom Chord: 2 - L2½x2½x¼

Effective depth:

Gap between chord angles:

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: The angles selected for the top chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Similarly, the angles selected for the bottom chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Maximum Required Moment:

Chord Force in Center Panel:

4B.2.1 Check Bottom Chord (Tension):

Note: Specification Section, Eq. 4.2-2 uses
Safety Factor:
Allowable Stress = 0.6Fy i.e., = 0.6

Design Capacity:

Check Slenderness Ratio: Specification Table 4.3-1 Part

In this example, the maximum bottom chord panel length is 2 times the top chord interior
panel length with no bottom chord fillers.
Note that / must also be checked based on the number and spacing of bridging rows.

4B.2.2 Check Top Chord (Compression):

Safety Factor: Note: Specification Section, Eq 4.2-4 uses

Allowable Stress = 0.6Fcr i.e., = 0.6.

Reduction factor for unstiffened elements in single angle, Q: AISC 360-10 Spec E7.1(c)

4B.2.2.1 Check Top Chord Interior Panels:

Assume there are no fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I:

For Interior Panel

Calculate Allowable Stresses: "k" values for calculation of from Table 4.3-1 Part I.B.2 w/out fillers.

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for

bending at interior panels per Table 4.3-1 Part I.C.

Critical Stress:

Function created to get

given governing KL/r and Q.

Axial Stress:

Calculate Bending Stresses:

For purposes of this analysis, the interior panel is considered to be a fixed-fixed beam. A more
rigorous analysis may be performed considering the top chord to be a continuous member/ beam
subject to combined axial and bending stresses per SJI Spec 4.4.1.

At Panel Point: In Panel:

Check Top Chord Center Panel for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eqs. 4.4-9 & 4.4-10

Check Top Chord Panel Point for Combined Axial and Bending: SJI Eq. 4.4-8

4B.2.2.2 Filler Schedule:

The selected top chord was controlled by z-axis buckling without fillers; therefore, no fillers are
required. If fillers were needed, then the top chord panels should be checked with the
appropriate kl/r factors. For this example, fillers were not required, but for completeness of this
design guide and for future reference, filler weld design method has been included.

Filler Weld Design:

Design for required weld length of top chord fillers:

Given: E70 electrodes for welding,

Angle type filler. Assume 1/8" fillet weld

Min. Weld Length = 4 times weld size

Force to be resisted = 2% of chord force: SJI Spec 4.4.3

Safety factor for weld: SJI Spec

Nominal strength of weld: 0.6Fexx SJI Eq. 4.2-15

Required fillet weld length:

Use two 1/8" x 3/4" long fillet welds to each top chord angle.

4B.2.2.3 Check Top Chord End Panels:

For this example, it is assumed that all panels except the end panels have the same spacing. The
bending moments in the end panels will be determined from a four panel continuous beam, as
shown in Figure 2. Other methods of moment analysis is required for varying panel lengths.



Bending Moment in end panel (at panel point):

The corresponding bending stress equals:

Bending Moment in end panel:

The corresponding bending stress equals:

The axial and shear force in the top chord end panel is determined from the loading and the geometry
shown in Figure 3.


Shear Force in End Panel Chord:

Axial Force in the End Panel Chord:

Axial Stress in the End Panel Chord:

Check End Panel - Panel Point for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-8


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for
use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and panel point.

Check End Panel for Combined Stress: SJI Eq. 4.4-9 & 4.4-10

Assume no fillers in the end panel.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part II.A:

For End Panels

Calculate Allowable Stress: "k" values for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part II.B.2 w/out filler

"k" value for calculation of effective slenderness ratio for for bending
at end panels per Table 4.3-1 Part II.C


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for
use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end panel and panel point.

Check Second End Panel:

The second end panel, , shall be checked in a similar manner to end panel and shall use
the criteria of Table 4.3-1 for an end panel and the appropriate value for end panels. The
second end panel need not consider the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio as noted in Section 1.2B of
the Design Guide.

4B.3 Joist Moment of Inertia:

Required moment of inertia: Based on Max. LL Deflection = L/360: Note: Load Table "red" Load is
the load that will produce a deflection approximately equal to L/360

4B.4 Lateral Stability of Joist During Erection:

For a 32LH10 w/ Span = 50'-0"

The required number of bridging rows is given in Table 5.5-1.

For LH10 w/ Joist Span > 28 to 54 feet,

Per Spec., the maximum spacing of bridging lines shall be the lesser of:

SJI Eq. (5.5-2a)

SJI Eq. (5.5-3)

(Eq. 5.5-2a)

(Eq. 5.5-3)

Bridging Spacing =

Therefore, the assumed chords are satisfactory with maximum bridging spacing of 19'-10" (238").

Check if bolted-X erection bridging is required per Spec. Section

St. Venant torsion constant:

Distance from centroid of top chord to centroid

of joist cross section:

Joist Moment of Inertia about Y-axis:

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: Manufacturer may use actual chord gap.

Joist Moment of Inertia about X-axis:

Distance from joist centroid to shear center:

Warping Constant:

Cross Sectional Parameter:

Vertical location of load P from shear center

(locate at joist center of gravity):

SJI Eq. (5.5-1)

For the example, 20% is added to account for the weight of the webs. Designs should use the
actual joist weight.

4B.5 Check Modified Shear Capacity of Chord: (Ref SJI Eq. 4.4-12)

In this example, the first bottom chord panel point is checked. The shear in the top chord must also be
checked. Shear check is not required when a round web bar is continuous through the joist. Figure
4 illustrates the location where this shear check is to be performed. Similar checks must be done at each
top and bottom chord panel point.


Shear Force in Bottom Chord:

Axial Tension in Bottom Chord:

Shear Stress in Bottom Chord:

Axial Stress in Bottom Chord:

Modified Shear Stress in Bottom Chord: (Ref. SJI Spec 4.4.1)

Nominal Shear Capacity:

Safety Factor:

4B.6 Web Members:

Figure 5 depicts the web configuration and geometry. The panel shear force used to determine the
web forces may be calculated by resolving the uniform load(s) into concentrated loads at panel
points as shown in Figure 5.


4B.6.1 Member Lengths:

4B.6.2 Panel Shear Forces and Member Forces:

Per SJI Specification 4.4.2, the vertical shears to be used in the design of the web members shall be
determined by including all loads, but such vertical shears shall be not less than 25% of the maximum end
reaction from the design load combinations or equation .

Additionally, tension webs shall be designed for a compression force due to a vertical shear calculated from
equation when that calculated vertical shear is greater than 0. Figure 6 is a sketch depicting the
dimensions for and for equations and .

Calculate Web Shears for Required Loads:

Calculate Minimum Shear based on 25% of End Reaction:

Calculate Minimum Shear based on SJI Eq. and :


where: = the distance from the end reaction work point to the panel point nearest
the end reaction to which the web is connected.
R = End Reaction based on the maximum uniform total design load occurring
across the full length of the span - not including any other design loads.


where: = the distance from the end reaction work point to the panel point nearest
the joist centerline to which the web connects.
R = End Reaction based on the maximum uniform total design load occurring
across the full length of the span - not including any other design loads.

Calculation Variables & for Webs:

Calculate Web Minimum Shears based on SJI Eq. :

Because the variable for web minimum shear is 0 for Web W2, the "minimum shear" from
equation V1 may be considered to be equal to the shear in the end web.

Otherwise, solve using the equation for :

Calculate Minimum Shear for Tension Web Compression Check per Eq. :

If shear is less than 0, compression check is not required.

Webs W8 and W10 will require an axial compression check.

Calculate Required Web Axial Forces:

Web SV is considered a redundant web member and is designed per SJI Spec Section
The vertical load used for the web member design is equal to the gravity load supported by the
member plus 0.5% of the top chord axial force.

Add 0.5% of the top chord axial force at the web member for the redundant web
required load per SJI Spec

For Vertical Webs:

Add 0.5% of the top chord axial force at the web member for the redundant web
required load per SJI Spec

4B.6.3 Web Member Design:

For this example, the end web and first primary compression web are double angle members. All
other interior webs are single angle component members. k values for the effective slenderness
ratio calculation to determine for compression members are from SJI Table 4.3-1. Part IV.B.

Based on the definitions of and in Section 4.3, the x-axis is the horizontal axis of the joist
cross section and the y-axis is the vertical axis of the joist cross section.

Design W2 Web - Tension Member:

Try 2-L1½x1½x0.187 w/ filler/tie angle at midspan:

(assume 1" gap)

Check Slenderness Ratio:

(240 for Tension Member)

Check Strength:


*** Refer to Section 1.2B of the Design Guide for application of and the requirements for the
use of the 0.90 Stress Interaction Ratio for design check of first end web.

Use 2-L1½x1½x0.187

Design SV Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1¾x1¾x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle

and cross section as defined in Section 4.3:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for Compression Member)

Check Strength - Compression:

From Table 4.3-1 Part IV: (For Calculation of )

Since this member is a crimped angle compression web intersecting at the first bottom chord
panel point, determine Q from SJI Eq. 4.2-8a.

w = angle leg length, inches

t = angle leg thickness, inches

Use 1-L1¾x1¾x0.125

Design W3 Web - Compression Member:

Try 2 - L1¾x1¾x0.125 with filler/tie angle at mid length

(Assume 1" gap between angles)

Check Slenderness:

(200 for Compression Member)

Check Strength - Compression:

Since this web is a double angle (built-up member), check Modified Slenderness Ratio
per Specification Section 4.3.5.

Per Spec. Section 4.3.5, the modified slenderness ratio will be used in lieu of in
equations 4.2-5, 4.2-6, and 4.2-7.

= 0.5 for angles back-to-back

=0.75 for channels back-to-back

k factors for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part IV:

Use 2 - L1¾x1¾x0.125

Design W4 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.145

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for tension member)

Check Strength:

Use 1-L2x2x0.145

Design Vertical Web V1, Compression Member:

Try 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for Compression Member)

Check Strength:

From Table 4.3-1, the k values for calculation of are:

Use 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Design W5 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.232

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for compression member)

Check Strength - Compression:

From Table 4.3-1 Part IV.B.3, the k values for calculation of are:

Use 1-L2x2x0.232

Design W8 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1-L1½x1½x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for Tension Member)

Check Strength:

Check W8 for Minimum Compression:

Check Strength - Compression:

Use 1-L1½x1½x0.125

Web W10 must be designed and checked for its compression force in the same manner as
Web W8.

4B.7 Design of Typical Weld:

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the tension diagonal, W2:

Force in Member:

Minimum required weld (joint connection) strength must be 50% of member strength in
tension or compression. Ref SJI Spec

Safety factor of weld: (Ref. SJI Spec

Tensile strength of E70XX electrodes:

Nominal Shear Strength of Weld: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.2-15)

Thickness of angle:

Fillet Weld Size:

Required Weld Length:

(Divided by two since the end web is composed of two angles)

Use 5½" long weld at each end of the web member to each chord angle

Welds for other webs shall be designed in a similar manner.



The joist girder configuration for this example is shown in Figure 1: 40G7N11.6F, 35'-0" span


5A.1 Given:
Yield Stress: Modulus of Elasticity:

Dead Load: Live Load:

Factored Loads: SJI - COSP 2020

LRFD Basic Load Combinations

End Reaction:

Total depth of Joist Girder: Joist Span:

Design Length:

Check Span/Depth Ratio: SJI Spec 5.2

(This function returns "OK" if true, "NG" if not true)

Panel Spacing: First End Panel Length:

Interior Panel Length:

First Bottom Chord Panel Length:

5A.2 Design of Chords:

Assume Top and Bottom Chord Sizes:

Top Chord: 2 - L2½x2½x5/16 Bottom Chord: 2 - L2½x2½x5/16

Effective depth:

Gap between chord angles:

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: The angles selected for the top chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Similarly, the angles selected for the bottom chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Determine Maximum Moment (@ centerline):

Chord Force in Center Panel:

5A.2.1 Check Bottom Chord (Tension):

Resistance Factor: Specification Section

Design Capacity:

Check Slenderness Ratio: No fillers in bottom chord panels. (Ref. SJI Table 4.3-1 Part III)

Determine number of bottom chord knee braces required. For purposes of this calculation, the
bottom chord effective length is considered to be equal to the joist girder design length. Actual
bottom chord unbraced length shall be used in design.

n = number of knee Maximum Bottom Chord Y-axis Slenderness Ratio:


Max. Bracing Length:

Therefore, use 1 bottom chord knee brace.

5A.2.2 Check Top Chord (Compression):

Resistance Factor: Re. SJI Spec

Reduction factor for unstiffened elements in single angle, Q: AISC 360-10 Spec E7.1(c)

5A.2.2.1 Check Top Chord Interior Panels:

Assume there are no fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

The actual distance between joists or the members supported by the joist girder shall be used
for determination of Ly.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I:

For Interior Panel

Calculate Design Stresses: "k" values shall equal 1.0 for all components of joist girders.

(SJI Table 4.3-1)

The radius of gyration of the top chord about its vertical axis shall not be less than Span/575.
(SJI Spec 4.4.1)

Critical Stress:

(SJI Spec Eq. 4.2-5 & 4.2-6)

Axial Stress:

Add filler at the midpanel of the top chord center panel.

5A.2.2.2 Filler Schedule:

Filler Weld Design:

Design for required weld length of top chord fillers:

Given: E70 electrodes for welding,

Angle type filler. Assume 1/8" fillet weld

Min. Weld Length = 4 times weld size

Force to be resisted = 2% of chord force: SJI Spec 4.4.3

Resistance factor for weld: SJI Spec

Nominal strength of weld: SJI Eq. 4.2-15

Required fillet weld length:

Use two 1/8" x 1/2" long fillet welds to each top chord angle.

All top and bottom chord panels must be checked in a similar manner using the
maximum moment in the panel and the actual joist girder geometry.

5A.3 Check Modified Shear Capacity of Chords: (Ref SJI Eq. 4.4-11)
In this example, the first bottom chord panel point is checked. The shear in the top chord must also be
checked. Shear check is not required when a round web bar is continuous through the joist girder.
Figure 2 illustrates the location where this shear check is to be performed. Similar checks must be done
at each top and bottom chord panel point.


Shear Force in Bottom Chord:

Axial Tension in Bottom Chord: Determine from moment at vertical web location.

Shear Stress in Bottom Chord:

Axial Stress in Bottom Chord:

Modified Shear Stress in Bottom Chord: (Ref. SJI Spec 4.4.1)

Nominal Shear Capacity:

Resistance Factor: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.4-11)

Check Modified Shear Stress in Top Chord:

Axial Compression in Top Chord: Determine from moment at panel point.

Shear Stress in Top Chord:

Axial Stress in Top Chord:

Modified Shear Stress in Top Chord: (Ref. SJI Spec 4.4.1)

Nominal Shear Capacity:

Resistance Factor: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.4-11)

5A.4 Check Local Bending in Top Chord Outstanding Leg:
Figure 3 shows joists supported on the joist girder top chord. The outstanding leg
of the joist girder top chord must be checked for bending in accordance with
SJI Specification 4.4.1 Equation 4.4-3.


From SJI Spec 4.4.1:

SJI Eq. 4.4-3

Top Chord Leg Length:

Top Chord Leg Thickness:

Top Chord "k" dimension:

Width of Joist bearing


Required Compressive Stress in Top Chord:

Joist Girder Panel Point Force, P:

Determine Plastic Failure Mode Pp:

5A.5 Web Members:
Figure 4 shows the web configuration and geometry.


5A.5.1 Member Lengths:

5A.5.2 Panel Shear Forces and Diagonal Web Member Forces:

5A.5.3 Member Forces for Vertical Webs:

SJI Specification states "Redundant web members used in modified Warren type web systems
shall be designed to resist the gravity loads supported by the member plus an additional axial load of ½
of 1 percent of the top chord axial force. For a joist girder, this total axial load shall not be less than 2
percent of the top chord axial force."

(For all redundant webs)

In this example, the vertical webs aren't loaded directly so only 2% of the chord force is considered. For
simplicity, it is assumed the chord force is constant for all vertical webs. However, 2% of the actual
chord force where the web is located is the minimum requirement. The same is true for a vertical web
subjected to direct loading. The force would be the actual force plus 0.5% of the chord force where the
web is located.

5A.5.4 Web Member Design:

Vertical shears used for calculating web member design force shall not be less than 25% of the
maximum end reaction. SJI Spec. 4.4.2

Design W2 Web - Tension Member:

Try 2-L1½x1½x0.187 w/ filler/tie angle at midspan:

(assume 1" gap)

Check Slenderness Ratio:

(240 for Tension Members)

Slenderness ratio about the member y-axis may control for some unequal leg angles.

Check Strength:

Check Primary Tension Web in Compression for 25% of the Axial SJI Spec

"k" values shall equal 1.0 for all components of joist girders.

Since this web is a double angle (built-up member), check Modified Slenderness Ratio
per Specification Section 4.3.5.

Therefore, check modified slenderness ratio per SJI Eq. 4.3-1.

Per Spec. Section 4.3.5, the modified slenderness ratio will be used in lieu of in
equations 4.2-5, 4.2-6, and 4.2-7.

= 0.5 for angles back-to-back

= 0.75 for channels back-to-back

(SJI Eq. 4.3-1)

Use 2 - L1½x1½x0.187 w/ filler/tie angle at midspan

Design V1 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for Compression Members)

Check Strength:

Since this member is a crimped angle compression web intersecting at the first bottom chord
panel point, determine Q from SJI Eq. 4.2-8a.

w = angle leg length, inches

t = angle leg thickness, inches

From Table 4.3-1, the k values for calculation of are:

Use 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Design W3 Web - Compression Member:

Try 2 - L2x2x0.250 w/ filler/tie angle at midspan:

(Assume 1" gap between angles)

Check Slenderness:

(200 for Compression Members)

Check Strength - Compression:

Since this web is a double angle (built-up member), check Modified Slenderness Ratio
per Specification Section 4.3.5.

Therefore, check modified slenderness ratio per SJI Eq. 4.3-1.

Per Spec. Section 4.3.5, the modified slenderness ratio will be used in lieu of in
equations 4.2-5, 4.2-6, and 4.2-7.

= 0.5 for angles back-to-back

= 0.75 for channels back-to-back

(SJI Eq. 4.3-1)

k factors for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part IV:

Use 2 - L2x2x0.250 with filler/tie angle at midspan

Design W4 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.187 - crimped web:

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for Tension Members)

Check Strength - Tension:

Check Primary Tension Web in Compression for 25% of the Axial (SJI Spec

Use L2x2x0.187

Design V2 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for Compression Members)

Check Strength:

From Table 4.3-1, the k values for calculation of are:

Use 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Design W5 Web - Compression Member:

Try 2 - L2x2x0.156 w/ filler/tie at midspan:

(Assume 1" gap between angles)

Check Slenderness:

(200 for Compression Members)

Check Strength - Compression:

Since this web is a double angle (built-up member), check Modified Slenderness Ratio
per Specification Section 4.3.5.

Therefore, check modified slenderness ratio per SJI Eq. 4.3-1.

Per Spec. Section 4.3.5, the modified slenderness ratio will be used in lieu of in
equations 4.2-5, 4.2-6, and 4.2-7.

= 0.5 for angles back-to-back

= 0.75 for channels back-to-back

(SJI Eq. 4.3-1)

k factors for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part IV:

Use 2 - L2x2x0.156 with filler/tie angle at midspan

Remaining diagonal webs shall be designed in the same manner as shown in the previous

5A.6 Web Weld Design:

Tensile strength of E70XX electrodes:

Resistance factor of weld: (Ref. SJI Spec

Nominal Shear Strength of Weld: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.2-15)

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the tension diagonal, W2 - 2 - L1½x1½x0.187:

Force in Member: Thickness of Angle:

Fillet Weld Size:

Minimum required weld (joint connection) strength must be 50% of member strength.
Ref SJI Spec

Required Weld Length:

(Divide by two since W2 web is composed of two angles)

Use 5½" long weld at each end of the web member to each chord angle

For Web V1 1 - L1¼x1¼x0.125:

Force in Member: Thickness of Angle:

Fillet Weld Size:

Minimum required weld strength must be 50% of member strength:

Required Weld Length:

Use 2" long weld at each end of the web member to each chord angle

For Diagonal Web W3 - 2 - L2x2x0.250

Force in Member: Thickness of Angle:

Fillet Weld Size:

Minimum required weld strength must be 50% of member strength:

Required Weld Length:

(Divide by two since W2 web is composed of two angles)

Use 5½" long weld at each end of the web member to each chord angle

For Diagonal Web W4 - 1 - L2x2x0.187:

Force in Member: Thickness of Angle:

Fillet Weld Size:

Minimum required weld strength must be 50% of member strength:

Required Weld Length:

Use 4" long weld at each end of the web member to each chord angle

Welds for all other webs shall be designed in the same manner.



The joist girder configuration for this example is shown in Figure 1: 40G7N8.0K, 35'-0" span

5B.1 Given:

Yield Stress: Modulus of Elasticity:

Dead Load: Live Load:

Factored Loads: SJI - COSP 2020

ASD Basic Load Combinations

End Reaction:

Total depth of Joist Girder: Joist Span:

Design Length:

Check Span/Depth Ratio: SJI Spec 5.2

(This function returns "OK" if true, "NG" if not true)

Panel Spacing: First End Panel Length:

Interior Panel Length:

First Bottom Chord Panel Length:

5B.2 Design of Chords:

Assume Top and Bottom Chord Sizes:

Top Chord: 2 - L2½x2½x5/16 Bottom Chord: 2 - L2½x2½x5/16

Effective depth:

Gap between chord angles:

Calculate y-axis Moment of Inertia for top and bottom chord:

Note: The angles selected for the top chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Similarly, the angles selected for the bottom chord in this example are equal leg angles.


Be sure the appropriate section properties are used if this is not the case.

Determine Maximum Moment (@ centerline):

Chord Force in Center Panel:

5B.2.1 Check Bottom Chord (Tension):

Safety Factor: Specification Section

Design Capacity:

Check Slenderness Ratio: No fillers in bottom chord panels. (Ref. SJI Table 4.3-1 Part III)

Determine number of bottom chord knee braces required. For purposes of this calculation, the
bottom chord effective length is considered to be equal to the joist girder design length. Actual
bottom chord unbraced length shall be used in design.

n = number of knee Maximum Bottom Chord Y-axis Slenderness Ratio:


Max. Bracing Length:

Therefore, use 1 bottom chord knee brace.

5B.2.2 Check Top Chord (Compression):

Safety Factor: Re. SJI Spec

Reduction factor for unstiffened elements in single angle, Q: AISC 360-10 Spec E7.1(c)

5B.2.2.1 Check Top Chord Interior Panels:

Assume there are no fillers at the midpanel of the top chord center panels.

The actual distance between joists or the members supported by the joist girder shall be used
for determination of Ly.

Check slenderness ratio per SJI Table 4.3-1 Part I:

For Interior Panel

Calculate Allowable Stresses: "k" values shall equal 1.0 for all components of joist girders.

(SJI Table 4.3-1)

The radius of gyration of the top chord about its vertical axis shall not be less than Span/575.
(SJI Spec 4.4.1)

Critical Stress:

(SJI Spec Eq. 4.2-5 & 4.2-6)

Axial Stress:

Add filler at the midpanel of the top chord center panel.

5B.2.2.2 Filler Schedule:

Filler Weld Design:

Design for required weld length of top chord fillers:

Given: E70 electrodes for welding,

Angle type filler. Assume 1/8" fillet weld

Min. Weld Length = 4 times weld size

Force to be resisted = 2% of chord force: SJI Spec 4.4.3

Safety factor for weld: SJI Spec

Nominal strength of weld: SJI Eq. 4.2-15

Required fillet weld length:

Use two 1/8" x 1/2" long fillet welds to each top chord angle.

All top and bottom chord panels must be checked in a similar manner using the
maximum moment in the panel and the actual joist girder geometry.

5B.3 Check Modified Shear Capacity of Chords: (Ref SJI Eq. 4.4-12)

In this example, the first bottom chord panel point is checked. The shear in the top chord must also be
checked. Shear check is not required when a round web bar is continuous through the joist girder.
Figure 2 illustrates the location where this shear check is to be performed. Similar checks must be done
at each top and bottom chord panel point.


Shear Force in Bottom Chord:

Axial Tension in Bottom Chord: Determine from moment at vertical web location.

Shear Stress in Bottom Chord:

Axial Stress in Bottom Chord:

Modified Shear Stress in Bottom Chord: (Ref. SJI Spec 4.4.1)

Nominal Shear Capacity:

Safety Factor: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.4-12)

Check Modified Shear Stress in Top Chord:

Axial Compression in Top Chord: Determine from moment at panel point.

Shear Stress in Top Chord:

Axial Stress in Top Chord:

Modified Shear Stress in Top Chord: (Ref. SJI Spec 4.4.1)

Nominal Shear Capacity:

Safety Factor: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.4-12)

5B.4 Check Local Bending in Top Chord Outstanding Leg:
Figure 3 shows joists supported on the joist girder top chord. The outstanding leg
of the joist girder top chord must be checked for bending in accordance with
SJI Specification 4.4.1 Equation 4.4-4.


From SJI Spec 4.4.1:

SJI Eq. 4.4-4

Top Chord Leg Length:

Top Chord Leg Thickness:

Top Chord "k" dimension:

Width of Joist bearing


Required Compressive Stress in Top Chord:

Joist Girder Panel Point Force, P:

Determine Plastic Failure Mode Pp:

5B.5 Web Members:
Figure 4 shows the web configuration and geometry.


5B.5.1 Member Lengths:

5B.5.2 Panel Shear Forces and Diagonal Web Member Forces:

5B.5.3 Member Forces for Vertical Webs:

SJI Specification states "Redundant web members used in modified Warren type web systems
shall be designed to resist the gravity loads supported by the member plus an additional axial load of ½
of 1 percent of the top chord axial force. For a joist girder, this total axial load shall not be less than 2
percent of the top chord axial force."

(For all redundant webs)

In this example, the vertical webs aren't loaded directly so only 2% of the chord force is considered. For
simplicity, it is assumed the chord force is constant for all vertical webs. However, 2% of the actual
chord force where the web is located is the minimum requirement. The same is true for a vertical web
subjected to direct loading. The force would be the actual force plus 0.5% of the chord force where the
web is located.

5B.5.4 Web Member Design:

Vertical shears used for calculating web member design force shall not be less than 25% of the
maximum end reaction. SJI Spec. 4.4.2

Design W2 Web - Tension Member:

Try 2-L1½x1½x0.187 w/ filler/tie angle at midspan:

(assume 1" gap)

Check Slenderness Ratio:

(240 for Tension Members)

Slenderness ratio about the member y-axis may control for some unequal leg angles.

Check Strength:

Check Primary Tension Web in Compression for 25% of the Axial SJI Spec

"k" values shall equal 1.0 for all components of joist girders.

Since this web is a double angle (built-up member), check Modified Slenderness Ratio
per Specification Section 4.3.5.

Therefore, check modified slenderness ratio per SJI Eq. 4.3-1.

Per Spec. Section 4.3.5, the modified slenderness ratio will be used in lieu of in
equations 4.2-5, 4.2-6, and 4.2-7.

= 0.5 for angles back-to-back

= 0.75 for channels back-to-back

(SJI Eq. 4.3-1)

Use 2 - L1½x1½x0.187 w/ filler/tie angle at midspan

Design V1 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for Compression Members)

Check Strength:

Since this member is a crimped angle compression web intersecting at the first bottom chord
panel point, determine Q from SJI Eq. 4.2-8a.

w = angle leg length, inches

t = angle leg thickness, inches

From Table 4.3-1, the k values for calculation of are:

Use 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Design W3 Web - Compression Member:

Try 2 - L2x2x0.250 w/ filler/tie angle at midspan:

(Assume 1" gap between angles)

Check Slenderness:

(200 for Compression Members)

Check Strength - Compression:

Since this web is a double angle (built-up member), check Modified Slenderness Ratio
per Specification Section 4.3.5.

Therefore, check modified slenderness ratio per SJI Eq. 4.3-1.

Per Spec. Section 4.3.5, the modified slenderness ratio will be used in lieu of in
equations 4.2-5, 4.2-6, and 4.2-7.

= 0.5 for angles back-to-back

= 0.75 for channels back-to-back

(SJI Eq. 4.3-1)

k factors for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part IV:

Use 2 - L2x2x0.250 with filler/tie angle at midspan

Design W4 Web - Tension Member:

Try 1-L2x2x0.187 - crimped web:

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(240 for Tension Members)

Check Strength - Tension:

Check Primary Tension Web in Compression for 25% of the Axial (SJI Spec

Use L2x2x0.187

Design V2 Web - Compression Member:

Try 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Considering a single crimped web angle:

Check Slenderness:

(200 for Compression Members)

Check Strength:

From Table 4.3-1, the k values for calculation of are:

Use 1-L1¼x1¼x0.125

Design W5 Web - Compression Member:

Try 2 - L2x2x0.156 w/ filler/tie at midspan:

(Assume 1" gap between angles)

Check Slenderness:

(200 for Compression Members)

Check Strength - Compression:

Since this web is a double angle (built-up member), check Modified Slenderness Ratio
per Specification Section 4.3.5.

Therefore, check modified slenderness ratio per SJI Eq. 4.3-1.

Per Spec. Section 4.3.5, the modified slenderness ratio will be used in lieu of in
equations 4.2-5, 4.2-6, and 4.2-7.

= 0.5 for angles back-to-back

= 0.75 for channels back-to-back

(SJI Eq. 4.3-1)

k factors for calculation of per Table 4.3-1 Part IV:

Use 2 - L2x2x0.156 with filler/tie angle at midspan

Remaining diagonal webs shall be designed in the same manner as shown in the previous

5B.6 Web Weld Design:

Tensile strength of E70XX electrodes:

Safety factor of weld: (Ref. SJI Spec

Nominal Shear Strength of Weld: (Ref. SJI Eq. 4.2-15)

Determine the required weld length at the ends of the tension diagonal, W2 - 2 - L1½x1½x0.187:

Force in Member: Thickness of Angle:

Fillet Weld Size:

Minimum required weld (joint connection) strength must be 50% of member strength.
Ref SJI Spec

Required Weld Length:

(Divide by two since W2 web is composed of two angles)

Use 5½" long weld at each end of the web member to each chord angle

For Web V1 1 - L1¼x1¼x0.125:

Force in Member: Thickness of Angle:

Fillet Weld Size:

Minimum required weld strength must be 50% of member strength:

Required Weld Length:

Use 2" long weld at each end of the web member to each chord angle

For Diagonal Web W3 - 2 - L2x2x0.250

Force in Member: Thickness of Angle:

Fillet Weld Size:

Minimum required weld strength must be 50% of member strength:

Required Weld Length:

(Divide by two since W2 web is composed of two angles)

Use 5½" long weld at each end of the web member to each chord angle

For Diagonal Web W4 - 1 - L2x2x0.187:

Force in Member: Thickness of Angle:

Fillet Weld Size:

Minimum required weld strength must be 50% of member strength:

Required Weld Length:

Use 4" long weld at each end of the web member to each chord angle

Welds for all other webs shall be designed in the same manner.



A. Standard SJI joists shall be designed as uniformly loaded trusses.

B. The examples that follow indicate the general and specific data that is to be shown or is
necessary for arriving at the final design.
C. Requests for clarification of points regarding either design or physical tests should be directed
to the Managing Director or to the Consulting Engineer of the SJI.
D. Lateral stability during erection must be assured by properly designed and spaced bridging
lines. A check for lateral stability during erection was included in the preceding examples.
E. Weld design is the responsibility of the applicant and is not included.
F. The design data must include actual moments of inertia for each joist designation, and these
must be equal to or larger than the values as derived from the RED Load Tables values, or as
tabulated in the KCS Load Table. Joist girder design shall show the moment of inertia.


Designs submitted for Steel Joist Institute design check must be in accordance with the Standard
Specifications and Load Tables shown in the current edition of the Institute’s catalog.

The principles involved in the design of the chords, webs and welds are explained in the accompanying
material in a typical example. It is not to be inferred that the applicant must use the modified Warren
joist configuration of the illustrative examples, or panel lengths, or chord sizes used therein. The
examples are merely presented to help illustrate the general engineering principles as applied to steel
joists or joist girders which are accepted as the basis of the design by the Steel Joist Institute.

An applicant submitting a design SJI approval must verify the chords and webs as outlined in the
following procedure. The stress of the top chord must be calculated at all critical panel points and
mid-panel points in accordance with the Steel Joist Institute specifications. If the panel lengths are
varied within a joist, panels other than the end or center may be critical.

The web system must be verified to be capable of resisting the vertical shear as calculated from the
applicable uniform loads shown in the applicable Load Table.


The preceding examples are intended to illustrate the methods of calculating and presenting the final
design information for an SJI design check.

Joist configurations differ and a literal interpretation of the design procedures and final presentation
must be supplemented by the realization that the end result is to be a complete description of the joist,
in terms of geometry and strength. Hence, all tables and drawings submitted for approval must
represent the joist of the applicant, which might be comprised of cold-formed sections, hot rolled
angles top and bottom, have variations in web systems, or be of some basic configuration other than
the modified Warren truss system. For example, if the 32LH10 joist chosen herein had a structural
tee for the bottom chord instead of angles, all tables and drawings submitted would have to reflect the
situation of the applicant’s design.

Submittal for the Steel Joist Institute approval must contain the following information for the use of the
Consulting Engineer in checking, as well as for the files in the SJI headquarters and Consulting
Engineer’s office:

A) A table of all relevant cross-sectional properties of sections to be used for chords and
webs and a drawing with all relevant information concerning the geometric
configuration (e.g. panel spacing and panel configuration, truss type, gap between
multiple component members, etc.). Details of the web to chord joint configurations
and eccentricities shall be submitted.

B) A description of the logic used in preparing the design program and a detailed output
of the design program annotated with appropriate comments to indicate where each
of the relevant requirements of the Standard Specification are complied with.
Comments relating to the structural analysis, to the scheme of iterating to the final
selection of members and to the assumptions used, shall be provided.

C) Provide complete designs using ASD and LRFD as indicated below for each of the
following designations and lengths:

10K1 12 ft. (ASD and LRFD)

24K8 38.5 ft. (ASD)
30K12 50 ft. (LRFD)

16KCS2 30 ft. (ASD and LRFD)

30KCS5 50 ft. (ASD)

18LH02 26 ft. (ASD and LRFD)

32LH10 55 ft. (ASD)
32LH10 55 ft. with a single pitch TC 1/4” per foot (ASD)

72DLH19 144 ft. (ASD and LRFD)

40G8N12K 40 ft. (ASD)

40G8N18F 40 ft. (LRFD)

40G4N56K 35 ft. (ASD)

84G16N18F 80 ft. (LRFD)

Additional designs may be requested by the Consulting Engineer or may be required

if the above listed designations do not reflect all typical geometric configurations or
types of construction. This information may be presented in the form of tables or a
computer printout. The format for presenting the design data must be properly labeled
and sufficiently detailed so that all relevant checking steps can be readily identified
and verified by manual calculation.

D) Provide a table or chart to define the array of basic geometry (IE Warren, Pratt,
Modified Warren), the material type (hot rolled, cold-formed), and the material shape
(rods, angles, channels) for the range of SJI products.

E) A statement that the design program was prepared in accordance with the “SJI
Standard Specifications” of latest adoption by a registered professional engineer or
by a person under the close supervision of a registered professional engineer. The
signature and seal of this professional engineer must be included with the design

The Consulting Engineer of the Steel Joist Institute will verify that the submitted design scheme will
produce joist designs which fulfill all requirements of the SJI Standard Specifications and this will be
stated in the recommendation for approval. In order to expedite the approval process, it is desirable
to arrange for a personal interview between the Consulting Engineer and the professional engineer
preparing the design program.

The member company will be responsible for updating their designs in accordance with specification
changes. The revised design must be approved within eighteen months, or as otherwise specified by
the Board of Directors, of written notification from the Managing Director of the required change.

The Steel Joist Institute retains the right to require any member company with a design to submit a
complete design of any joist designation at any time. This design may be for any increment of span
between the limits shown in the applicable Load Tables. The design information must be available to
the SJI headquarters within 24 hours after notification is received by the member company concerned.

Notes Regarding Presentation of Data

1. A Chord Properties Table must be submitted with the design data. For nonstandard shapes
such as cold-formed sections, not only must the geometric properties be shown, but also all
dimensions necessary to describe the sections.

2. All dimensions such as the radii of bends, the distance from the end of the joist to the center
of the bend of the end bar, and others, must be clearly indicated.

3. The clearances from the outside surface of the chords to the back of the web bend must be
indicated for all joists.

4. Wherever the framing of a joint is too complex to be clearly defined, large scale drawings must
be submitted.

5. Hand or Mathcad example calculations, or a more detailed than typical computer printout must
accompany the design submittal. There needs to be sufficient detail to understand the
component of the calculations, not just the result. The designations listed in item C above
shall be submitted. The Consulting Engineer may request the additional detail for other
designations if necessary to confirm a particular design aspect.

Presentation Summary

The following shall be submitted:

1. A description of the computer program.

2. Example designs for each designation provided:
a. Member sizes and properties
b. Dimensions
c. Required force (Pu or Pa) for each member if it is an LRFD or ASD design, respectively
d. Check for bridging spacing
e. Joint eccentricities
f. End seat design and details
g. Combined stress check
h. Moments of inertia; furnished and required
i. Filler Table
3. Properly dimensioned drawings of joist configurations and end seat details.
4. Cover letter affixed with P.E. stamp.


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