Development of Gluten Free Energy Bars

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Development of gluten free energy bar and its proximate analysis

Article · June 2022


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3 authors, including:

Dr Devraj Singh Abhirup Mitra

Invertis University Invertis University


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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2022; SP-11(6): 569-576

ISSN (E): 2277-7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23 Development of gluten free energy bar and its
TPI 2022; SP-11(6): 569-576
© 2022 TPI proximate analysis
Received: 01-04-2022
Accepted: 04-05-2022 Asha Verma, Devraj Singh and Abhirup Mitra
Asha Verma
Student, Department of Abstract
Agriculture, Invertis University, Energy bars were sample prepared with dried fruits, seeds, dates powder, and jaggery powder in addition
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India to cereals with varying levels of sweeteners (45, 50, and 55%) to deliver nutritious food to the consumer.
The developed bars were evaluated for textural, color, nutritional quality, sensory attributes, and total
Devraj Singh microbial load. Different levels of flaxseed and sweeteners significantly affected the hue and Chroma
Assistant Professor, values of the energy bar. In general, the level of flaxseed in the energy bar did not affect the hardness but
Department of Agriculture,
it was decreased with increasing levels of sweeteners except in the control sample. The total calories
Invertis University, Bareilly,
obtained from the energy bar showed a significant increase with the increasing levels of flaxseed, the
Uttar Pradesh, India
maximum (397.95 kcal) being for bars with 20% flaxseed and 45% sweeteners. This energy bar sample
Abhirup Mitra also showed the maximum protein (12.41%), crude fat (11.86%), ash (1.65%), iron (3.77 mg/100 g),
Assistant Professor, crude fiber (2.18%) and omega-3 as alpha-linolenic acid (22.50%, fatty acid basis) content. The overall
Department of Agriculture, mean sensory score for overall acceptability for samples with 10% flaxseed and 55% sweeteners and
Invertis University, Bareilly, 15% flaxseed and 45% sweeteners were at par but the omega-3 and other nutrients in the latter sample
Uttar Pradesh, India were higher than the former sample, hence, 15% flaxseed and 45% sweeteners along with other
ingredients may be considered for the production of acceptable quality omega-3 fatty acid-rich energy
bar at commercial scale, which also stored well at refrigerated condition.

Keywords: Sweeteners, energy bars, flaxseed, omega-3 fatty acid, free fatty acid, sensory evaluation,
nutrition, food composition

1. Introduction
Energy bars are an excellent option for breakfast or sports workouts. The variety of dry fruits,
seeds, and soluble and insoluble dietary fiber in the bar, composition allows for their easy
adoption into a diet as a source of slowly digestive carbohydrates, micro, and micronutrients
(22 June 2013).
The inclusion of natural sweeteners such as dates powder and jiggery powder, dried fruits, dry
mango, kiwi fruit, and cranberry, increased the energy value of bars. Energy bars provide the
majority of their food energy in carbohydrates. Energy in food comes from all three main
sources – fat, protein & carbohydrates but mostly from carbohydrates. To provide energy
quickly, most of the carbohydrates are various types of jaggery powder and dry dates powder
like fructose, glucose, dextrose, and others in various ratio Peter M. (1 August 2004)
.Energy bars are supplemental bars containing dry fruits and other high-energy foods
targeted at people that require quick energy but do not have time for a meal. The first energy
bar in the American marketplace was space food sticks which Pillsbury Company created in
late 1960 for the space program. The energy bar is mixed with jaggery and other ingredients
such as dry fruits and dry dates powder to produce several locally marketed and consumed
delicacies by its color. A healthy diet is required for the well-functioning of the body of an
individual but due to certain circumstances often people niggled consuming essential nutrients
and rather than healthy eating they to eating junk food or packaged chips (Habib et al. 2014)
also because the options available in the market to buy healthy bars and food are very limited
and more often most of the conveniently available food products and the healthiest food is too
expensive, and not easily accessible. This issue observed we have developed an energy bar
which a healthy all the junk foods and to satisfy that is not only healthy and nutritious but also
Corresponding Author delicious. The product is carefully made by using all-natural ingredients. Dates have endless
Abhirup Mitra benefits and contain a substantial amount of CHO, protein, vitamins, high fiber, and
Assistant Professor, antioxidants. Jaggery is a great source of vitamins and minerals, energy making it
Department of Agriculture, comparatively heal they’re than white sugar. It is a type of sugar. Other dried fruits used are
Invertis University, Bareilly,
muskmelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, flake
Uttar Pradesh, India
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Seeds, almonds, cashew, walnut, oats, sesame, chironji, of Nutrition. The paper presents the study done to determine
peanuts, dates, and jaggery powder, kiwi fruits, cranberry, the availability, compositional differences, and economic
mango, etc. Which are everyday dried fruits one should never value of the energy bars marketed by companies in India and
skip Ashish Kumar (29 February 2020) [9]. These nuts are the United States. (Constantine et al., 2018)
known to be the powerhouse of goodness and are also
considered brain fruits. These nuts help in maintaining 1.1 Ingredients & Nutritional Properties
healthy cholesterol levels and also maintain normal blood 1.1.1 Pumpkin Seeds
pressure. Seeds like flaxseed, sesame seed, pumpkin seeds, Pumpkin (Cucurbita) belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae
muskmelon seed, and oats which are present in the energy bar generally grown in the regions of the globe as vegetables.
add to the overall nutritional profile. Seeds are a great source These are grown up in cucumbers and squash (Pepitas 11
of vegetarian protein and energy, healthy fats, fiber, and February 2013) [16]. There are three types of pumpkins present
antioxidants. (Williams, 2006) [11]. names “Cucurbita pepo” “Cucurbita maxima” and “Cucurbita
Energy bars are healthy, convenient, and proportioned snacks, moschata”.for the purpose vegetables and medicinal
providing nutrients in adequate amounts Also known as snack pumpkins are grown throughout the world. On many counts,
bars, they are usually marketed as ‘ready-to-eat’ formulations ries the pumpkin has been conventionally used as a remedy in
that are based on whole cereal grains. Energy bars are dense China, Pakistan, India, Yugoslavia, Argentina, Mexican
and portable foods were fat, protein and carbohydrates are the regions, America and Brazil Smith, Bruce D. (May 1997) [16].
primary sources of calories. Thus, they boost energy levels on The physical proportion was determined by an investigator
consumption and can often replace a meal. Reported that an and his colleagues who found that pumpkin seeds contained
energy bar (45-80g) supplies about 200-300 kcal (840- 41.59% oil, 25.4% protein, 5.2% moisture, 25.19%
1,300kj), 3-9g fat, 7-15g protein, and 20-40g carbohydrates. carbohydrates, 5.34% fiber, and 2.49% total ash. Total
(Ho et al., 2018, Mridula et al. 2011) [12]. Approximately phenolic compounds, total sterols, waxes, and total
ninety percent of Australians regularly consume confections tocopherols were 66.25% (mg gallic acid per kg oil), 1.86%,
such as energy bars. Mainly consumers such as athletes and 1.56%, and 882.65(mg tocopherol per kg oil) respectively
sportspeople, who do not have adequate time for a full meal, Ardabil. (YK, WI Chung, H Ezura (2003).
require energy bars as a quick source of energy. However,
people on a diet and individuals with nutritional problems or
irregular meals can also utilize energy bars for nourishment.
Snack bars are highly versatile foods and confer nutritional
benefits (high-quality proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids,
minerals, vitamins, and fiber) apart from necessary energy.
They are convenient and are available in easy-to-store and
carry packages. (Arshad et al., 2019).
Studies report that energy bars can act as good carriers of
healthy nutrients, bioactive compounds (such as
phytochemicals and essential fatty acids), and dietary fiber.
Thus, it is an edible food commodity potentially able to be
classified under the category of functional foods, such foods Fig 1: Pumpkin Seeds
are known to private additional health benefits apart from
original nutrients, and such foods can be developed by 1.1.2 Flaxseeds
fortification and enrichment with other bioactive components. Flaxseed is one of the oldest crops, having been cultivated
(Ho et al., 2016). Therefore, modifications in product since the beginning of civilization. We, in India, have an
formulations and the adoption of new technologies in amazing capacity to ignore our plant kingdom riches and
processing have allowed a significant improvement in the consign them to the archives, till someone from the developed
nutritional quality of bars and have allowed meeting countries publishes exciting news about the medical and other
consumer requirements as well. Many firms in the processed- uses of such .(H Morris 2007). There was so much one read
food industry manufacture ultra-processed foods including about flax seeds, all the time. How useful they were, how best
cereal bars, snack bars, and candy bars which are prevalent to take them, how Not to take them, the quantities, the various
among adolescents, because of enhanced desirability recipes, and so on. The Latin name of the fake seed is Linum
characteristics (flavor, color, and texture), convenience usitatissimun, which means“very useful”. Flake was first
(portability, shelf life, and preparation time) and efficiency, introduced in the United States by colonists, primarily to
the use of energy bars in the United States has rapidly produce fiber for clothing. The protein content in flaxseed has
increased owing to these important food environment been reported to be between 10.5% and 31%. Khategaon
characteristics. However, ultra-processes foods can cultivars grown in India had a protein content of 21.9%.
potentially be largely composed of additives including Differences in protein can be attributed to both genetics and
synthetic colors, flavors, sweeteners, emulsifiers, and the environment. (P Ganorkar 2013) [19]. The proximate
preservatives which can compromise food safety (Svisco et protein content of dehulled and defatted flaxseed varied
al, 2019) [13]. Therefore, several attempts have been made to considerably depending upon cultivar growth location
develop natural, nutritious, and cost-effective bars to ensure content. The major protein in flax is albumin and albumin
food quality as well. Frying, molding, and hydrogenation are constitutes about 26.6% of total protein. Flake seed proteins
some techniques that are commonly involved in the are relatively high in arginine, aspartic acid, and glutamic
processing of such food products. Moreover, fortification of acid, while lysine is limiting. High cysteine and methionine
food with micronutrients is widely done and is important for contents improve the antioxidant levels, thus helping in
meeting the RDA specifications set by the National Institute reducing the risk of cancer. (Goyal 2014) [2]
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ascorbic acid, 0.120 mg of thiamine, 0.016 mg of riboflavin,

and 0.301 mg of niacin. (N Halligudi .2012) [18]. the nut is
composed of kernel and pericarp or shell. The kernel is
slightly curved back on itself and forms two cotyledons,
representing about 20-25% of the nuts weight. It is a kidney-
or heart-shaped achene, in any normal variety. Its color varies
from bottle green to greyish brown (dried fruit). It is attached
to the end of a fleshy footstalk or peduncle, which is the
receptacle of the flower, that is, broadened and swollen, and
forms the false fruit. (Larsson SC, Drca n, Björck 2017.) [21]
The annual production of cashew nuts is the highest of all tree
nuts, with a value of more than 3.5 million tons. Cashew nuts
contain 50% fats. It is a good source of vitamin E and
Fig 2: Flaxseeds minerals, especially magnesium and zinc. It is wrapped in a
thin, difficult-to-remove peel (tests), reddish-brown
1.1.3 Almonds membrane, which in turn approximates 5% of the whole nut.
Almonds (Prunus amygdales) are one of the important stone Cashew is of considerable have numerous use. (Julia F.
fruit grown in Pakistan. It is also included in nuts according to Morton. 18 March 2007.) [22]
its usage. Almond is a high-value crop and one of the most
non-perishable nut fruit. (Guasch-Ferré M, Liu X, Malik VS,
2017 Nov 21) [20]. Almonds are 4% water, 22%
carbohydrates, 21% protein, and 50% fat. In a 100-gram
reference amount, almonds supply 2,420 kilojoules (579
kilocalories) of food energy. The almond is a nutritionally
dense food, providing a rich source (20% or more of the daily
value) of the B vitamins riboflavin and niacin, vitamin E, and
the essential minerals calcium, copper, iron, magnesium,
manganese, phosphorus, and zinc. Almonds are a moderate
source (10-19%DV) of the B vitamins thiamine, vitaminB6,
folate, choline, and the essential mineral potassium. (Martin
N, Germane R, Hartley L,) [20] They also contain substantial Fig 4: Cashew
dietary fibre, monounsaturated fat, oleic acid, and seeds,
almonds are a source of phytosterols such as beta-sitosterol, 1.1.5 Walnuts
stigma sterol, Campestrol, sitosterol, and campestanol. It is While walnuts are known for their healthy fat content, they
also included in nuts according to its usage. It is very are a good source of protein and other nutrients as well. Along
delicious with high nutritional value because of its oil with 654 calories per 100g, the USDA list walnuts as
contents. (SC, Drca N, Björck M,) [21] containing protein of 15.23g, and fat of 65.21g. Walnut trees
are native to eastern North America but are now commonly
grown in China, Iran, and within the United States in
California and Arizona. Beneath the husk of the walnut fruit
is a wrinkly, globe-shaped nut. (Anderson K.J.; Teuber S.S.;
2001.) [4]Walnuts is the common name for any of the large,
deciduous trees comprising the genus Juglans of the flowering
plant family Juglandaceae, which is known as the walnut
family. Walnut is also the name for the nuts or edible, the
ridged seed of these trees, or for their hardwood. This article
provides a nutritional breakdown of walnuts, a look at its
possible health benefits, how to incorporate more walnuts into
the diet, and any potential health risks of consuming walnuts.
The walnut is split into two flat segments to be sold
Fig 3: Almonds commercially. (James A Duke (1983). Walnuts are available
both raw or roasted and salted or unsalted.
1.1.4 Cashew Nuts
Cashew nut is made up of a fruit in which the Kernel is
embedded. The real fruit of the cashew is commonly a nut.
Cashew also contains vitamin C and B. According to the US
Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Nutrient
Database, 1 ounce of raw cashews (28.35g) contains 157
calories, 8.56g of carbohydrates, 1.68g of sugar, 0.9g of fiber.
5.17g of protein, 12.43g of total fat, 10 mg of calcium, 1.89
mg of iron, 83 mg of magnesium, 168 mg of phosphorous,
187 mg of potassium, 168 mg of phosphorous, 187 mg of
potassium, 3 mg of sodium, 1.64 mg of zinc, 0.1 mg of
Fig 6: Walnut
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1.1.6 Oats greatest of any seed. It is a common component in cuisines

Oats have played a significant role in farming systems from across the world because of its rich, nutty flavor. Sesame oil
domestication to the present due to the versatile uses of the is most widely utilized in bakeries. (Hyun T, Barrett-Connor
grain and plant. They are most commonly rolled or crushed E, Sept. 2004) [28] Protein, vitamins, dietary fibre, phosphorus,
and can be consumed as oatmeal or used in baked goods, iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, copper, and zinc are
bread, muesli, and granola. Whole grain oats are called oat all abundant in sesame seeds. Regularly eating substantial
groats. They are most commonly rolled or crushed into flat portions of these seeds – not just an occasional sprinkling on a
flakes and lightly toasted to produce oatmeal. (Anderson K.J.; burger bun- may aid blood sugar control, combat arthritis
2001) [4].World oat production was similar to millet and pain, and lower cholesterol.
exceeded rye and triticale. Oats (Avena sativa) is a whole-
grain cereal mainly grown in North America and Europe.
They are a very good source of fiber, especially beta-glucan,
and are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The
nutrition facts for 3.5 ounces of raw oats are calories 389,
water 8%, protein 16.9gm, carbs 66.3 gm, sugar 0 gm, fiber
10.6 gm, fat 6.9 gm. Oats are high in many vitamins and
minerals, including Manganese, Phosphorus, Copper,
vitamins, Iron, Selenium, Magnesium, Zinc, etc. Oats
currently rank sixth in the world production of cereals after
maize, rice, wheat, barley, and sorghum. (James A Duke
(1983) Whole oats are the only food source of
avenanthramides, a unique group of antioxidants believed to
protect against heart disease. Due to their many benefits, such
as lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels, oats have
gained considerable attention as a health food. Fig 7: Sesame Seeds

1.1.8 Chironji
Most people know this name as an ingredient used for
dressing the various sweet dishes cooked in their kitchen on
special occasions. It is a wild plant growing in the forests of
North, Central, and Western India, mainly in the states of
Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, and
Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, A Andhra Pradesh, and
Maharashtra. (Singh MK, Das BK, Patidar p 2016) [29] As it
replaces the almonds, it is also called ‘Cuddapah almond’. It
is also known as chironji tree, almondette, calumppong nut,
cheronjee, or hamiltonmombin. The tree has leathery leaves
with a blunt tip and rounded base, often identified by its
Fig 6: Oats crocodile bark with a red blaze. When it comes to the
nutritional profile of chironji, just like their nut family, they
1.1.7 Sesame Seeds are rich in essential nutrients like protein, fiber,
Sesame seeds are a good source of healthy fats, protein, B carbohydrates, and essential oils like omega-3 fatty acids
Vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and other beneficial along with omega-6. Chironji is also rich in important
plant compounds. Sesame (Sesame indicum L.) is the oldest vitamins like Vitamins A, I, U, C, D, E, and K. Covering
indigenous oilseed crop, with the longest history of essential minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium,
cultivation in India. Or gingerly is commonly known as til sodium, zinc, copper, and manganese, chironji boasts a
(Hindi, Punjabi, Assamese, Bengali, Marathi), tal (Gujarati), nutrients profile that provides your body with all the essential
Tuvalu, manchi (Telugu), ellu (Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada), nutrients that it needs every day to stay healthy and build a
tila/pitratarpana (Sanskrit) and rasi (Odia) in different parts of strong immunity system. (Prasad, S., 2020.) [47] The fruit of
India. India ranks first in the world with 19.47 Lakh ha area the chironji tree bears a single edible seed, which is known as
and 8.66 Lakh tonnes of production. (Hirata F, Fujita K, chironji. The health benefits of chironji go without saying that
1996) [27] The average yield of sesame (413 kg/ha) in India is it has labeled itself as one of the best dry fruits that everyone
low as compared with other countries in the world (535kg/ha). should add to their diet to treat various ailments and keep
The main reasons for the low productivity of sesame are its their body strong and strong and healthy. Chironji has a
rainfed cultivation in marginal and input starved conditions. special place etched in Indian history in the form of
However, improved varieties and agro production Ayurvedic books where it is written about being used as a
technologies capable of increasing the productivity levels of vital ingredient to make medicines to treat various diseases
sesame are now developed for different agro-ecological like cough, fever, jaundice, breathing difficulties, heart
situations in the Country. A well-managed crop of sesame can problems, etc.(Singh MK, Das BK, 2016) [29]
yield 1200-1500 kg/ha under irrigated and 800-1000 kg/ha
under rainfed conditions. The crop is grown in almost all parts
of the country. (The Whole Grain .2016).More than 85%
production of sesame comes from West Bengal, Madhya
Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh,
and Telangana. The oil content of sesame is among the
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The botanical definition of a nut is “a fruit whose ovary wall

becomes hard at maturity”. Using this criterion, the peanut is
not a nut. However, peanuts are usually categorized as nuts
for culinary purposes and in common English more generally.
(Abbas M, Asi MR, Yaqub T (2013) [35] the peanut belongs to
the botanical family Fabaceae, commonly known as the
legume, bean, or pea family. Like most other legumes,
peanuts harbor symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root

Fig 8: Chironji

1.1.9 Muskmelon seeds

Muskmelon provides almost all the fat and water-soluble
vitamins except vitamin D and E. A small quantity of vitamin
E is also present in muskmelon flesh and a higher content of
tocopherol is found in seeds. Muskmelon also contains
vitamin K, which plays a vital role in blood clotting and this
makes the fruit very useful in the prevention of cardiovascular
diseases. (Oxford Dictionary". 2012) Although Muskmelon
does not contain vitamin A as such, the content of pro-vitamin Fig 10: Peanuts
A, carotenoid, is high in most of the yellow and orange-
fleshed fruits. In addition to α and ß carotene, melon fruits are 1.1.11 Jaggery Powder
also good sources of cryptoxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Jaggery Powder is fae than sugar, as it is made up of longer
Muskmelon provides most of the essential amino acids chains of sucrose. Jaggery contains more nutrients than
required for normal functioning, which include glutamic acid, refined sugar because of its molasses content. (Shahi HN.
alanine, and aspartic acid in major concentrations, and 2011) Molasses is a nutritious by-product of sugar making
arginine, glycine, lysine, and proline in lower concentrations. process, which is usually removed when making refined
(Nutrition Facts for 100 g of melons, cantaloupe, raw sugar. Including the molasses adds a small number of
[includes USDA. (kumar.P 2014.)Cysteine and tryptophan micronutrients to the final product. The exact nutrition profile
were not detected in the muskmelon. It is very important that of this sweetener can vary, depending on the type of plant
is essential for maintaining good health and a higher used to make it. (Nath A, Dutta D, 2015) [38] The jaggery
supplement is essential during pregnancy and for the contains 60-85% sucrose, 5-15% glucose, and fructose along
prevention of macular degeneration. The content of ascorbic with 0.4% of protein 0.1% of fat, and 0.6 to 1.0% of minerals
acid is more than 40 mg/100g of fresh weight. Additionally, (8 mg of phosphorous, 11.4 mg of iron per 100 gm of
muskmelon also contains vitamins B1, B3, and B6, which jaggery). Jaggery has got better nutritional properties
makes it a special fruit compared to others. (Hu Mian-hao, compared to sugar hence jaggery is more valued for its
AoYansong. 2007)Muskmelon and other melon fruits are also nutritional and medicinal value. Jaggery is a traditional non-
rich in folate which is also known as vitamin B9. centrifugal cane sugar consumed in South Asia and some
other countries in Asia and the Americas. According to one
source, 100 gm of jaggery may contain calories 383, sucrose
65-85gm, fructose and glucose 10- 15gm, protein 0.4gm, fat
0.1 gm, iron 11mg, or 30% of the RDI, manganese 0.2-0.5mg,
or 10-20% of the RDI. However, keep in mind that this is a
100-gm serving, which is much higher than you would
generally eat at once (. Asokan S. Sugarcane 2007) [39]. It is
also found to contain traces of vitamins, amino acids, and

Fig 9: Muskmelon seeds

1.1.10 Peanuts
Peanuts are similar in taste and nutritional profile to trees such
as walnuts and almonds, and as a culinary nut, are often
served in similar ways in Weston cuisines.(CM, Mattes RD
(2002) [34] Calories of the 161 calories in peanuts, 78% of
them come from fat, 18% come from protein, and the rest
come from carbs. Peanuts provide healthy mono and
polyunsaturated fat, fiber, and protein. They also provide
important nutrients including niacin, vitamin E, manganese,
folate, and thiamine. The capacity to fix nitrogen means and
improve soil fertility, making them valuable in crop rotations. Fig 11: Jaggery Powder
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1.1.12 Dates powder are produced in false whorls called verticillate. The corolla is
The dried version of dates is an excellent source of protein, two-lipped with four sub equal lobes, the upper lobe usually
fiber, and a powerhouse of calcium and vitamin C. Sukhee the largest. The fruit is a nutlet, containing one to four seeds.
khajoor or dry dates are mentioned extensively in Ayurvedic Chewing leaves of mint freshens breath and offers
scriptures like Bhojana for combating issues related to data micronutrients such as calcium, potassium magnesium, iron,
and pitta doshas. It describes kharijoor as a fruit that has dietary fiber, and manganese. Essential oils are loaded with
Madhura Rasa (sweet to taste), Guru (heavy for digestion), antioxidants which help to promote the immune system in the
and Snigdha Guna (slimy to touch), with a Shita Virya (cold body. It is free of cholesterol. (Botainian. 2018) Menthol or
potency). Dates exude a natural cooling effect and pacify the Mint oil which is extracted from the herbs is used as a
body besides boosting immunity. (Bhaduri, S. 2013) [42] flavoring agent in mouthwashes, toothpaste, mouth
Researchers believe that the sugars in this fruit are complex fresheners, and chewing gums. It is used in oral care products
carbohydrates, heavy o digest, and aid in the slow release of and also used in shampoos, soaps, and oils for massage or
energy into the bloodstream by keeping you satiated for a aromatherapy. Mint extracts are used to provide relief from
long time, and that’s why Ayurveda strongly recommends stomach upsets, nasal congestion, headache, col, Inc., and
eating soaked dry dates before lunch or dinner to feel food gingivitis.
and cut down on food. Dry dates are as nutritious as ripe ones
and these fruits do not contain moisture, look hard, and are
shrivelled to the touch. Constipation is caused due to lack of
fiber in the food, dehydration, or can be an indication of some
underlying condition. Dry dates are loaded with huge amounts
of dietary fiber and serve as a natural laxative and regulate
bowel movements. (Frampton, 6 April 2017.) [46] The cooling
effect of these fruits brings down acidity and soothes the
tummy. Digestive issues like acidity and constipation can be
dealt with effectively by including dry dates in the daily diet.
Dry dates contain cholesterol in very negligible amounts and
can regulate the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL or
bad cholesterol in the bloodstream. Blood pressure patients
Fig 13: Mint Powder
should make it a habit to consume at least three dry dates
daily as it is high in potassium, but low on sodium making it 2. Materials and Methods
an ideal diet for regulating blood pressure. (W.P 19 March Muskmelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, almonds,
2018)Traditional medical practitioners recommend soaking 4 cashew, walnut, oats, sesame, chironji, peanuts, dates powder,
to 6 dry dates overnight and consuming them daily in the jaggery powder, kiwi fruit, cranberry, mango were procured
morning, along with water for boosting immunity. from a supermarket of Bareilly. This chapter delineates
information pertaining to the research design and
methodological steps used for investigation. The research
procedure has been distinctly described as under in the
following heads:

2.1 Procurement of material: For the present investigation

material i.e. Muskmelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds,
almonds, cashew, walnut, oats, sesame, chironji, peanuts,
dates powder, jaggery powder, kiwi fruit, cranberry, mango
were procured from the local market of Bareilly U.P. The
Fig 12: Dates powder procuring was done in signal a lot to avoid variation
compositional differences so that the quality differences
1.1.13 Mint Powder: Mint is known for its refreshing aroma should be rules out.
and cool feel. Mint leaves are a great source of vitamin C, A,
and E as well as beta carotene. Mentha is a member of the Table 1: Ingredients and Proportion
tribe Mentha in the subfamily Nepetoideae. The tribe contains Ingredients Amount
about 65 genera, and relationships within it remain obscure. Pumpkin seeds 20gm
Authors have disagreed on the circumscription of Mentha. For Flake seeds 20gm
example, M.cervina has been placed in Pulegium and Preslia, Almonds 20gm
and M.cunninghamii has been placed in Micromeria. In 2004, Cashew 20gm
a molecular phylogenetic study indicated that both M. cervine Walnuts 20gm
and Cunninghame should be included in Mentha. (Euro, Oats 15gm
Med.2012)Mints are aromatic, almost exclusively perennial Sesame seeds 15gm
herbs. They have wide-spreading underground and over Chironji 15gm
ground stolon’s and erect, square, branched stems. The leaves Muskmelon seeds 15gm
are arranged in opposite pairs, from oblong to lanceolate, Peanuts 20gm
Jaggery powder 280gm
often downy, and with a serrated margin. Leaf colours range
Date powder 50gm
from dark green and grey-green to purple, blue, and
Mint Powder 1gm
sometimes pale yellow, the flowers are white to purple and

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The Pharma Innovation Journal

Fig 14: Flow Diagram of Energy Bar

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