Unit 2 Test 2 Grammar

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2 Unit 2 Test
Grammar 2 the like film they did

1 Complete the biography in the past tense.

3 the late was plane

4 have what you did eat night last to

5 did where she yesterday go

Score [ /5]

3 Tick () or correct the sentences.

0 I seed your brother yesterday.
1 We heared some bad news.

2 I made a big mistake in the exam.

Patrick Swayze (1952 – 2009) 3 When he asked me the question, I sayed ‘yes’.

Patrick Swayze 0_was (be) born in Texas, USA in 1952.

He 1 (move) to New York in 1972, where he 4 My grandparents selled their house last week.
(study) to be a dancer. He soon 3
(get) work as an actor too, and he 4 (appear)
5 The train didn’t went to the right station!
in his first film in 1979. But he 5 (not / become)
famous very quickly. Finally, everything 6
(change) with his first big film, Dirty Dancing in 1987 Score [ /5]
– when Patrick was already 31! His success 7
(not / stop) there, because he 8 (have) a lot of
other hit films in the 1980s and 1990s too, especially 4 Circle the correct option.
Ghost in 1990.
0 I am / was born in 1988.
Patrick was very healthy. He 9
(love) sports 1 She goes / starts school next week.
and riding his horse, so it was a real shock when he
2 I became / got my first moped when I was 17.
(die) of cancer in 2009 at the young age of
57. 3 I graduated / left from university in 2007.
4 My mum did / had her first baby when she was
Score [ /10] 23 – me!
5 In my country, most people go / leave school
2 Order the words to make questions.
at 18.
0 born where you were 6 We got / had married in church.
_Where were you born? 7 I was / went abroad for the first time in 1999.
1 time up John did what get 8 I met / spoke my partner for the first time at a
party – he’s now my husband!

Score [ /8]
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2 Unit 2 Test

5 Tick () if the words have a sound from the

But today, well, I have two grandsons and they spend
box. Cross ( ) if the word doesn’t have a
all day in the house. They play computer games all the
sound from the box.
time. I think it’s terrible. Children played outside in the
/d/ /j/ /h/ /g/ /w/ /ʤ/ 1950s. But also, we never went abroad. Flights were
very expensive then. My first trip aboard was a week in
0 [] grey 7 [ ] hour Norway in 1970 – and we went by boat!

1 [ ] juice 8 [ ] stopped Marion Cunningham

2 [ ] week 9 [ ] orange
7 Read the text again. Answer the questions.
3 [ ] church 10 [ ] fight
4 [ ] hurried 11 [ ] arrived 0 Does Marion prefer life in the past or life
5 [ ] checked 12 [ ] you
_She doesn’t know.
6 [ ] between
1 What sport did Marion like?
Score [ /12]

Reading 2 Why didn’t Marion go dancing?

6 Read the text. True or False?

3 What type of food does Marion like?
0 Marion is in her 60s. True

1 Marion had brothers and sisters. 4 What did Marion often eat in her childhood?
2 Marion loved the 1960s
3 Marion had good food at school. 5 What do Marion’s grandchildren usually do?
4 Marion hardly ever ate potatoes in her
6 How did Marion travel on her first foreign
5 Marion is a mother. holiday?

6 Marion often travelled to other countries.

Score [ /6]
Score [ /6]
8 2.2 Listen to a conversation between two
Life back then people. Complete the sentences with one or
I was born in 1950, and when I was a child, life was two words.
very different. Do I prefer life now or in the past? I 0 Laura had a _terrible weekend.
don’t know. I was an only child, but I was very happy. I
1 Laura’s sister got married in .
had lots of friends and we often went cycling together at
the weekends. That was my favourite hobby. We didn’t 2 Stefan is Laura’s .
go to discos because my parents didn’t like them. This 3 They checked in on the .
was before the Swinging Sixties, you know! They were 4 It was o’clock when they arrived at
a lot of fun – I was 14 in 1964, the perfect age! the airport.
5 Laura and Stefan forgot their .
One thing I remember – the food was horrible. We ate
lunch at school and I still remember the smell! Today 6 People in Britain don’t have
it’s easy to eat international foods like curry and chilli, .
and that’s great. They weren’t very common in the 7 Stefan went home in a .
1950s. We just had “meat and two veg” – vegetables 8 Laura’s sister is not at the moment.
(one of which was usually potatoes!).
Score [ /8]
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2 Unit 2 Test

9 In pairs, get a card from your teacher.
Role-play the conversation.

Score [ /5]

10 Look at Brian’s timeline.
Write his biography.
Write one sentence for 1–5.

born 1970 in Kenya  1 study at Cambridge
University 1988–1995  2 return Kenya 1995
 3 work with giraffes in safari park  4 meet
girlfriend Denise 1995 (Denise, tourist in
Kenya)  5 write book in 1999 “My life with
animals” – big success!

_Brian was born in Kenya in 1970.

Score [ /10]

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