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Vices and Its Effect

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This chapter consists of a review of the conceptual and research literature which is relevantto
the study. Relevant findings from previous studies are discussed to create the basis for
the possible outcomes of the current study. The concepts of the literature and the research of
differentstudies are reviewed and gathered by the researchers in determining the student’s
vices such asprocrastination and absenteeism in the academic performance.
Conceptual Literature
Based on the idea of Springer Encyclopaedia (2010), Procrastination is the thief of time.
On the mid-21st
century, procrastination meaning was someone who continually puts things offultimately
achieves little. Procrastination is a common human behaviour that involves delayingthe
initiation or completion of important tasks. In despite of that, behavioural
scientistshave paid only modest attention to procrastination. In this entry, the conceptual un
derpinnings of procrastination are first explored, with special attention that link between proc
rastination andself-efficacy for self-regulation, particularly in the context of
academic performance use.Adolescent procrastination is examined in diverse
contexts with a focus on cross-culturalcontexts and on students with special
needs. In the final section, treatment for academic  procrastination is considered and
avenues for future research as presented. Procrastination is thestudent's worst enemy.
Procrastination is the disease in eating away a student productivity–withexam season, and
we're facing an epidemic.In connection to that, Springer Encyclopaediastudy that there are
estimated over  70% ofstudents "exhibit behaviour". Students are biologically and socially
predisposed to put off.Procrastination as the avoidance of doing a task that needed to be
accomplished. It could be further

stated as a habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite its
negativeconsequences. It is a common human experience involving delay in everyday chores
even putting off salient tasks such as attending an appointment, submitting a job report or aca
demicassignment, or broaching a stressful issue with a partner. Various types of
procrastination such asacademic, non-academic, behavioral or indecisive have their own
underlying causes and effects.The most prominent explanation in present literature draws
upon "In temporal discounting, taskaverseness and certain personality traits such
as indecisiveness and distractibility" as the commoncauses of procrastination. As of the study
of Eneza Education Articles (2013),Absenteeism in school is the habit ofstaying away from
school without providing a genuine or any reason for not attending classes.Absenteeism is a
truant behaviour that negatively affects the performance among students. Absenteeism is
caused by many factors as such as: phobic adolescence, lack of interest, teacherapproach,
pamperness, private couching, diseases, school infrastructural facilities andentertainment.
Absenteeism can lead to depression and also result in poor quality of education asa result of
time lost while being away from school. It could also lead to moral degradation thatleads to
drug abuse, early pregnancies and unruly behaviour. Absenteeism can be remedied
by providing adequate co-curricular activities to students. Schools should strive
to have up to datelearning facilities like libraries as well as sporting facilities to make
students enhance studentretention.Absenteeism is not only under documented, but is also
detrimental to the success ofstudents as early as kindergarten. That said, almost of empirical
research has examined the effectsof chronic absenteeism on student outcomes. The findings
suggest that chronic absenteeismreduces math and reading achievement outcomes, reduces
educational engagement, and decreasessocial engagement. Hence, this study offers new
evidence on how an under measured aspect of

missing school impedes students’ attainment.
Absenteeism can be motivationally based, where astudent may not wish to
attend, these absences are generally a voluntary and deliberate decision,whereas
other absences are structurally based, where pupils must miss school due to their
lifeconditions having to move frequently, and thus  beyond
a student’s control
and are an involuntarydecision, student absenteeism often begins in.  In relation to
that, those articles and encyclopedia above has a connection to our ongoing
research study of student’s vices and academic performances because
it implicitly told us about
the shortcomings of student’s procrastination and student’s absenteeism in school matters.
it do really affect the performance of students in academic aspect and gives us a sense of a
reviewof a concept literature.

Research Literature

ACADEMICACHIEVEMENT 2015 conducted by Janssen Jill, Procrastination is a common
event and is oftenunavoidable because there are thousands of potential tasks that we could be
doing at any time.However, procrastination has been found to be domain-specific.
Researchers have identified sixdifferent aspects/domains of life where people procrastinate:
academic and work, everydayroutines and obligations, health, leisure, family and partnership,
and social contacts. Each
domain possesses different prevalence rate and correlations with other constructs, reasons, an
dconsequences. Thus, each domain should be analyzed independently to fully understand
itscharacteristics, impact, and theoretical approaches. People who procrastinate academically
may beconsciously or unconsciously aware they are engaging in the behavior.Furthermore,
the most accepted definition used for academic procrastination is
“intentionally delaying or deferring work that must be completed”. Academic procrastination
similar to general procrastination, it is negatively related to self-efficacy and life satisfaction
andalso positively related to stress and mental health. However, research has shown that
academic procrastination has a more significant impact than the other domain
s to an individual’s well
-beingand is related to depression, anxiety and guilt, irrational thinking and low self-esteem.
Academic procrastination also has a harmful impact on academic achievement including low
er grades,cheating, and lower grade point averages. Clearly, procrastination has a negative
impact on anindividual, but the actual profile of a person who procrastinates varies. Thus, due
to the wide rangeof characteristics there are some similarities that occur. One of the most
common reasons whyindividuals procrastinate on academic tasks, is task aversiveness.

et al. The term absenteeism has been defined as the conscious and deliberated action
of been away from the physical space of the University classroom conditioned. A quality
teachingand good academic performance is required that the students regularly assist to
classes.Absenteeism in education is considered a first order problem from the educational,
social,economic and personal point of view. In order to detect the main reasons that impact in
the decisionof not assisting to class, a study regarding the causes of absenteeism was created.
Different groupsof students and teachers were the one who create for the design of the study.
The study providesnew evidences on the importance of considering variables related to
physical, motivational andemotional facto
rs that affect the student’s absenteeism.
Also it confirms the results of the researchstudy through involving the factors related to the
nearness of observation and attendance of the
in universities and colleges and it was done by commitments. It was obtained
clearlystatistical evidence that the relationship between the absenteeism and academic grade
do reallymanifested and affected.In relation to that, those research study above has a
connection to our ongoing study of
student’s vices and its academic performances because
it implicitly told us about the incommodity
factors manifesting of student’s procrastination and student’s absenteeism in sc
hool matters. Thus,it do really affect the performance of students in academic avenues and
give us a sense of a reviewof research literature.

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