June 10

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By Eucharistic Lay Ministry


JUNE 2010
HFCC Chaplain Fr. Alvin Parantar, MSP with the First Communicants displaying their First Communion Certificates to the community who witnessed their reception of the Lord Jesus Christ in Holy Communion for the very first time. Read the story on page 9.

Diplomatic Reception of the 112th Philippine Independence Day, Held

By Emely Dicolen-Abagat, Ph.D. Philippine Ambassador Luis T. Cruz hosted a diplomatic reception to commemorate the 112th Philippine Independence Day. Read the story on page 13.

Mga Pilipino sa Korea Nagdiwang sa Araw ng Kalayaan

Ni Pete Rahon His Excellency Archbishop Osvaldo Padilla, DD, Apostolic Nuncio to Korea, celebrates the Holy Mass with other Filipino priests in Korea. Read the story on page 13.

Public Speaking Seminar Part 2

Volume 15 Issue 16
By: Lyn C. Laurito

The participants of the seminar with the resource person Mr. Hermie Garrobo. Read the story on page 4.


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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 16



Emely Dicolen-Abagat, Ph.D. If I could get another chance another walk, another dance with him Id play a song that would never, ever end How Id love, love, love to dance with my father again
Luther Vandross, Dancing With my Father

Fr. Arvin G. Mosqueda, MSP

He was in South Korea way back 2004 for his 2year Overseas Training Program (OTP) as a seminarian. OTP is an essential part of his formation as a missionary for the Mission Society of the Philippines. During his OTP, he was exposed to the different problems encountered by Filipinas married to Koreans as well as workers. These gave him a taste of a true missionary life always ready to be of service to others 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Now he is back as a full-fledged missionary, an MSP Priest, to help Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP in the fulfillment of the MSP apostolate for the migrants in South Korea. He will assist Fr. Alvin in all the religious and spiritual needs of the HFCC and other Filipino communities who are in need of the presence of a Filipino priest for Filipino masses. To equip him with the language skill he needs to perform his apostolate more effectively, he will go to Sogang University to learn the Korean language. Fr. Arvin is from Sevilla. Bohol, born on February 11, 1972. His parents are Mr. Virgilio Digal Mosqueda and Praxedes Maleza Guatno. He earned his elementary education from Sevilla Central Elementary School, high school and college from Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, and his Theology from Divine Word Seminary in Tagaytay City. He was ordained as a Roman Catholic Priest on January 10, 2009 at the Mission Society of the Philippines Seminary. After his ordination, he was assigned several positions: Assistant Promotion Director- Luzon Area, Assistant Vocation Director- Luzon Area, and Assistant Associate Director- Luzon Area of the Mission Society of the Philippines. Now, we warmly welcome him back as he fulfills his mission in and among us the Filipinos in Korea. Maligayang pagbabalik Fr. Arvin.

This article that I am about to write is dedicated to all the OFW dads who have missed their families back home, especially their children. At the same time, to let all the dads know how your kids missed you a lot.your absence, be it temporarily (due to your work abroad) or permanently (due to a new found family here), have created some feeling of emptiness in them. Cases and personal circumstances may vary, but To all the fathers who have kept the committhis story might illustrate what I would like you ment with their families despite the distance and absence, I salute you! You deserve all the to realize. praises and appreciation in this world. Your One day, my daughter asked me to listen to a family is so lucky to have you as a dad.May song. She said she was crying while listening to the Lord continue to strengthen you and inspire it. Curiously, I did listen to the song. My heart you to live your vocation as a father. almost crushed and melted because I felt the longing in my daughters heart, I felt the craving To all the fathers who have missed this comfor a fathers love, the emptiness and the vac- mitment, there is always a chance, and never too uum created deep inside her due to the absence late to be united again and make up for the lost of a father in the family. If I could get another love and time togetherMay the Lord guide chance, Another walk, another dance with him, you as you search for the path back home. Id play a song that would never, ever end, How To all the fathers who have started a new home, Id love, love, love to dance with my father try to be the best dad in your new found home again May the Lord help you to learn from your past In another instance, my 9-year old son and I were having breakfast. Out of the blue he said, Ma, magasawa ka na lang uli. I got the shock of my life. I couldnt believe a young boy would be able to say it. I laughed loudly and asked him, Why do you want me to marry? He ran to me, hugged me, and with a trembling voice he said eh kasi naman gusto kong maranasan ang magkaroon ng papa. He cried on my shoulders. I, too, cried. He added, kasi nakakaingit yung ibang bata may daddy. I hugged him tightly and assured him that I am there for him.but how could a mother love her own child the same way a father does? I know my words were not enough to comfort him, nor make him feel and experience a fathers love. These two experiences illustrate the point I want mistakes and become better dads. To all the soon-to-be-fathers, try to prepare yourself for the future road that you are soon trekking. It wont be as easy as you may think May God guide you in your preparation. To all the dads and at the same time moms, congratulations!! You are doing extra laborious and tough jobs, but keep this in mind.your rewards are great in heaven! Dads, always remember: there will always be kids craving and longing to say If I could get another chance, Another walk, another dance with him, Id play a song that would never, ever end, How Id love, love, love to dance with my father again

to drive atA fathers love is different from a mothers love. I know the struggle and difficulty that OFW dads not only in Korea, but all over the world, are experiencing. Faithfulness and commitment to ones family and children has always been a pressing personal and moral issue. As I previously mentioned, different cases and situations apply to different people, but while the family is in tact- try to keep it that way, because first and foremost, the innocent children will suffer the most. This experience can make or break their future and we, as adults are held liable and accountable.

Homily by Archbishop Osvaldo Padilla, D.D.

Apostolic Nuncio to Korea
(Delivered on the occasion of the 112th Philippine Independence Day and 15th Migrant Workers Day, Pupyeong Community Welfare Center, Incheon City, 13 June 2010)

On the occasion of our Independence Day, we wish to join the just and legitimate aspirations of our people in our efforts to create a better society, a better Philippines, founded on democratic principles of liberty, justice and common efforts for progress and material wellbeing. One of the most respected festivals of each nation is that which concerns the National Day, which commemorates the search of freedom and the realization of the people being the authors of their own destiny. The Nation is a complex value, a common heritage, of which every human being should benefit and be willing to promote, cultivate and pass on to others. Our ancestors have fought for independence against the Spanish colonial rule. We have to cherish this freedom, otherwise we fall into

another kind of captivity, this time not against a foreign power, but against the dictatorship of our own. We have had experience of this in the recent past. We have to protect our democratic way of life, we have to protect the basic fundamental rights. For this reason, to commemorate the National Day is to bring together the past, present and future of the nation. It means celebrating the continuous efforts of citizens in building a national community united in brotherhood, respect for the dignity of the person and the willingness to work together. We honor the basic Filipino value which is the family. The Philippines is based on the family where family love and harmony reigns. Almost
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Volume 15 Issue 16

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

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The Hyehwadong Filipino Catholic Community (HFCC) wishes to thank the following people who participated in our yearly celebration of the Sntacruzan and May Flower Festival (Flores de Mayo), held on the 30th of May 2010. Reyna Banderada Susan Esmer and Rolly Pinlac Reyna Mora Zylynn Gaze David and Arnel del Rosario Queen of Faith Al Ann Ibanez and Eric Odvina Queen of Hope Analyn Regpala and Joven Cabreros Queen of Charity Gracey Maquiniana and Andres Aquino Queen of Justice Gloria Lapore and Ronald Pulido Queen of Sheba Angeline Lopez and Jonathan Eli Libut Queen of Esther Tina Kang and Marius Lee Queen of Samaritana Benny Item and Richard Eastburn Veronica Norma de Guzman and June Guerrero Three Martyrs Mary Magdalene Elsie de Guzman Mary Mother of Christ Vechell Alba and Ramil Alba Mary Mother of James Gina Voz and Joel Petallana Ave Marias Marina Park Jeong-I Yang Yeo Jin Park Yeong Yeon Kim Ye Rin Park Hae Rin Wang Su Jeong Allyn Queen Pechon Park Ji Yeon Divine Shepherdess Yola Corvera Queen of Stars Christine Papina and Rodel Prudente Rosa Mistica Mary Jane Diaz and Joel Tavarro Queen of Peace Gemma Tranilla and Ed Medrano Queen of Prophet Lyn Laurito and Orly Tunggala Queen of Flower Janet Arcilla and Santie Mendoza Queen if Virgins Raechelle Montalbo and Alex Martin Aquino Queen of Heaven Belen Rosario and Alex Custodio Emperatriz Dama Hannah Dimailig Queen of Emperatriz Emerald Ann Jorda and Aaron Vergara Queen Helena Karen Crisostomo and Mark James Evangelista Constantine Rocev Miguel D. Abagat Sincere appreciation is also given to the Worship, Sports and Recreation Committees headed by Ely Torres, Roger Amboy and Mike Panlilio for coordinating the whole event. Thanks to everyone who participated.

(Continued from page 1 - Public Speaking ...)

The follow-up on the Public Speaking Seminar organized by the Committee of Lectors and Commentators of Hyewhadong Filipino Catholic Community (HFCC) and joined by the PPFI Liturgical Ministry was held last 23 of May 2010 at the the Philippine Catholic Center. The said activity started at around 11:00 in the morning and ended at 5:00 in the afternoon. The invited resource speaker was Mr. Hermie Garrobo. The afternoon session started with the review and critique of the readers of that day. FeedEASY ENGLISH was the title of the Public back and comments were raised by the listenSpeaking Seminar which stands for Enhance ers. The purpose of this is not to embarrass the and Strengthen Your English with the purpose readers but rather to encourage them to imof developing the English accent of Filipinos prove more. Good feedback boosts the readers particularly the OFWs. Mr. Garrobo said that morale and pointing out the weak points may Public Speaking is one step higher, more exgive them a room for improvement. One has to pressive compared to personal conversation. believe that theres always something to be He mentioned some of the principles with re- improved and changed, because when you gard to voice usage, namely: It has to be intelli- think that you are the best, it is the time that gible; the volume of the voice must be loud you will decay and rot. enough to be heard at the back and should be He said, Dont be afraid when you commit a clear. Be sure to check the microphone and mistake because it is part of it. Through pracyour mouth at the proper distance to it. Varied: tice you will gain the competence that will lead in order to be understood and to get the attento gaining your confidence. tion of the listener, the speaker must have variation in his/her voice. One should practice The last part of the session focused on the corwhen to lower or get higher, and when to make rect word pronunciation. Though living in one it loud or soft so that it will not be boring to the country Filipinos have different ways of prolistener. It is for the purpose of helping the nouncing words, understandably because of the listener to understand, not to impress them. different regions comprising our country which And lastly it should be Conversational: which brought the regional defects. All the particimeans the speaker should be expressive, in this pants of the said seminar had a good time while way you help the listener to focus and direct practicing and pronouncing the words given by them to listen to you. But it should not be theat- the speaker. And his final words to us, As rical nor over acting. Filipinos we can be good English speakers and can neutralize the way we speak English He did mention also the different levels of through constant practice of pronouncing the communication: Intra; Intro; Small Group; and words correctly.
(Continued from page 3 - Homily by ...)

Public Communication. It is also very important for the speaker to know how to do the proper phrasing when reading. Phrasing helps the listener understand what the speaker is talking about and it gives the speaker the time to breathe when pausing. He advised everyone to practice deep inhale/exhale breathing especially when rattling in reading. He said that it will help you to get back to your senses and make yourself look as natural as you can.

come a climate of peace and reconciliation. Todays readings bring us a very personal message. The sinfulness of David in the first reading- the story about David and Batheseba how King David stole the wife of his army officer and then had him killed in battle is long and detailed but the conclusion is short because King David asks a pardon for his sins, He is forgiven by God.

all of you are here because of the family, so that your families can benefit from your sacrifices. It was the cohesion of the family values that saved us in difficult times of our own history. Our modern society, which is charged up with hopes and tensions needs the firm commitment of all of us to draw out of own heritage new energies of solidarity, of attentive application to current challenges, of orientation, of support for young generations, and of work and perseverance in their good intentions. National Day in the Philippines should also be a celebration of family values.

The Gospel gives us another setting of a sinner a prostitute, someone of so low a reputation that the people avoided her they were afraid her sinfulness will rub off on them. She was spiritually unclean: - however she was We have just celebrated our national elections, Jesus forgave her. She was clean before the this exercise has always been in our past a eyes of God. source of unity and at the same time of conflict and discord, especially during the electoral The lesson of the Gospel is that Jesus does the campaign and a source of dishonesty Today same also for us. Each of us could look to our we thank God because this time the democratic lives and be overwhelmed by the sheer malice exercise is over in peace and hopefully in har- of our sins and the enormity of Gods mercy. mony. Some say democracy has many effects, Perhaps we werent as evil as David. Maybe we know it has many failures, but still it is the we didnt have the reputation of the woman in best system of expressing the political will of the Gospel, but there are still many incidents of all the people. We thank God for peace and darkness we know in our lives that we would harmony, and in places in our country where rather remain hidden. But we could not dwell there are still tensions, we offer our prayers to (Continued on page 13) God, so that everywhere in the Philippines will

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 16


Doty Hospital - 42-5 Eung-am-dong, Unpyeong-gu, Seoul 122-906, tel. no. (02)3851. Period of application: Jan. 1 ~ Dec. 31, 2010 1477 Joseph Clinic - 423 Yeungdongpo-dong, Ye- 2. Minimum wage ung dongpo-gu, Seoul 150-030, Mon.-Fri. 1pm- Hourly wage rate : 4,110 won, daily wage rate (on a 8-hour basis): 32,880 won 9pm, Tel. No.(02)2634-1760 In the case of 40 hours per week (209 hours Raphael Clinic - inside Tong Song High per month) the monthly wage will amount School, every Sun. , 2-6 pm. 858,990 won. National Medical Center Dongdaemun Tel. In the case of 44 hours per week (226 hours No. 2260-7062 to 7063 per month) the monthly wage will amount Seoul Medical Center Gangnam Tel. No. 928,990 won. 3. Target of application : every business or 3430-0200 workplace employing workers MIRIAM COUNSELING Workers whose minimum wage can be reduced CENTER For Migrant Women Apprentices: his/her minimum wage may be 50-17 Dongsoong Dong Chongrogu Seoul reduced as much as 10% up to 3 months 110-809 near Maronnier Park. Tel #(02) 747(hourly wage rate : 3,699 won) 2086 E-mail: [email protected] (KCWC) Office hours: Mon-Fri. 11 am-5 pm Sat. day Surveillance or intermittent workers (when approved by Minister of Labor): Minimum off Sun. 3 pm-6 pm Activities: Emotional/ wage can be reduced as much as 20% spiritual counseling Womans rights and (hourly pay: 3,288 won). labor issues Korean language/culture study Workers who are not applied the minimum (men and women are welcome). wage MIGRANT CENTERS A person who has remarkably low abilities to work due to a mental or physical handiGuri Pastoral Center 031-566-1141 cap (when approved by the Minister of LaAnsan Galilea Center 031-494-8411 bor). Suwon Emmaus Center 031-257-8501 An employee who works for the workplace Friends Without Borders Counseling Office which employ only relatives living together 032-345-6734/5 or domestic workers. Gasan, Song-uri International Community A sailor who is subject to the seamen law or 031-543-5296 an owner of ship employing sailor. Uijungbu, Nokyangdong Migrant Center 4. Liability of the employer 031-878-6926 Liable to pay above the minimum wage to Masok Chonmasan Migrant Center the employee. 031-593-6542 An employer shall pay the workers at least Bomun, Seoul Foreign Workers Labor Counthe minimum wage rate or more. And no seling Office 02-928-2049/924-2706 employer may lower the previous wage level on the ground of the minimum wage. MGA IMPORTANTENG If a labor contract provides for a wage that PAALAALA is less than the minimum wage rate, it shall Mga kailangang dokumento sa paga-asikaso ng be considered to stipulate that the same mga reklamo tungkol sa sahod: wage as the minimum wage rate shall be 1. Pay Slip or any other proof of payment of paid. salary Obligation of notice of the minimum wage to 2. Daily Time Record (DTR) if available, or the worker self-made record of daily work attendance An employer shall inform the workers of specifying Regular Working hours, Overminimum wage rate, wages not included in time, and Night Differential. the minimum wage, effective date, and 3. Labor Contract workers being excluded from the minimum 4. Bank Book/ Passbook wage Act. 5. Alien Card and Passport 5. In the cases of the following, a contractor shall take responsibility for violating MiniPaanyaya: Ang lahat ay inaanyayahang mum Wage Act jointly with the subcontractor. ibahagi ang kanilang mga talent sa


1. Birth certificate ng batang bibinyagan 2. 2X2 ID pictures (2 pcs) 3. Application form (kumuha sa center) Kailangan ipasa ng mag-asawang magpapabinyag ng anak ang application form at sumailalim sa interview sa Catholic Center isang linggo bago dumating ang takdang araw ng binyag. Ang mga magulang, ninong at ninang ay bibigyan ng katekismo sa binyag na ginaganap tuwing ika-10 ng umaga, araw ng linggo (mismong araw ng binyag). Tanging ang mga pangalan ng mga nakadalo ng katekismo ang mailalagay sa Baptismal Certificate. Ang bilang ng mga ninong at ninang ay hindi dapat lalabis sa dalawampu. Ang lahat ay pinakikiusapang isaisip ang angkop na pananamit para sa okasyon.


Tinatawagan ang pansin ng lahat ng mga di pa nakakakuha ng Baptismal Certificates ng kanilang mga anak. Maaari ninyong kunin ang mga ito sa Catholic Center tuwing linggo sa ganap na alas 9:00 ng umaga hanggang ika 12:00 ng tanghali, at sa ganap na ika 4:00 hanggang ika 5:00 ng hapon. Maliban po lamang sa tuwing ikadalawang lingo ng bawat buwan. Makipag-ugnayan po kay Rebeck Beltran (010-8671-2761) o kay Edison Pinlac: (010-2906-3109) o sa kahit na sinong Lay Minister.

1. Birth Certificate ng mga ikakasal 2. Status of singleness from Census (notarized) 3. Parents consent as proof of singleness (notarized) 4. Baptismal Certificate for marriage purposes 5. Confirmation Certificate for marriage purposes 6. Passport (xerox copy) 7. Pre-Cana seminar na gaganapin bago ang takdang araw ng kasal. Makipag-ugnayan po lamang sa Catholic Center para sa schedule.


pagsusulat ng mga kuwento, sanaysay, karanasan at pagninilay upang ilathala sa babasahing ito. Ipadala lamang ito sa email address na ito: [email protected] o sa [email protected].

Para Po sa lahat na may E-9 VISA, may tatlo As for determining the unit labor cost lower pong tanging dahilan upang payagan kayong than the minimum wage at the time of the makalipat ng kumpanya. Ito po ay; signing of the contract; 1. Kayo ay dalawang buwang hindi pinasasaAs for lowering the unit labor cost to below hod the minimum wage in the middle of the con- 2. Kayo ay pisikal at verbal na sinasaktan, o tract period. di kayay 3. Bankrupt o lugi ang kumpanya

Volume 15 Issue 16

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 5

Dale Jeremy G. Tavarro Kinabukasan ng iyong anak sa yo nakasalalay Maaga pay bumabangon na upang maghanap-buhay Sapagkat sa tahanay walang katuwang at karamay Kayat mag-isa lamang sa supling ay bumubuhay. Pagtilaok ng manok, tangan na ang manibela Madaling araw pay papasada, hating gabi ang pahinga Nang maraming maisakay, makapag-uwi ng malaking kita Sinisikap na buhayin, pagbabata ay hindi alintana. Para sa lumpong anak na tanging sayo umaasa Ikaw ay huwaran, hinahangaan sa iyong pagkalinga Iniwan man ng asawa, di nabuwal, sa buhay ay sumagupa Padre de pamilya, pinupuri ka sa taglay na sipag at tiyaga. Tinig moy di natitigatig, pagdisiplina ay banayad Mithiing pangarap sa anak, sa iyoy hindi mapatulad Gintong pangaral, palaging dadalhin saan man mapadpad Ikaw ay ipinagpupugay, hinahangaat wala kang katulad. Sa bisig ni tatay, anak ay hindi nababahala Sapagkat sa kanyang lakas, lahat ay maaaring magawa Hirap ng kalooban, lungkot sa kanyay binalewala Haliging matibay, di natitinag, pundasyong hindi nagiba.

Sis Ervie Glory Haligi ng tahanan ang bansag daw sa mga ama Matibay na pundasyon, di natitinag sa problema May hangarin maiahon sa hirap, dulutan ng saya Pamilyang binigyan ng buhay, tungkulin ng Ama. Sa nahirang na Ulirang Ama, pagbati koy tanggapin Dalangin sa Diyos manatiling tapat sa asawang ginigiliw Pagbabalik mo sa Pilipinas, karangalan pagyamanin Higit pa sa ginto at pilak iyong babaunin. Pinili ka sa karamihan dapat kang parangalan Amang sa kasalukuyan totoong mahirap matagpuan Amang bulag at bingi sa tawag ng kamunduhan Amang may pangarap, maka Diyos, malinis na kalooban. Sa mga amang nalilihis, naliligaw ng daan Imulat ang mata, pasalamatan biyayang ibinigay Pagod at hirap, bigyan mo ng kahalagahan Iwasan ang mga bagay nagdudulot ng kapighatian. Alalahaning may Diyos, punong puno ng kagalakan Nagbibigay ng lakas, pag-asa at tagumpay Suliranin at kalungkutan, handang dumamay Diyos Ama sa langit, Amang tapat pag-ibig walang hanggan.

jungonzales Sumaksi ako't nakinig nang una siyang umiyak Ako ang unang nalimbag sa kanyang balintataw nang siyay magmulat. tuwang-tuwa ako Gumagaan ang aking dibdib. sa tuwing sisilay ang kaniyang mga ngiti. Lumulukso naman sa galak ang damdamin sa bawat mataginting niyang hagikgik. Anong ligaya ko sa bawat dampi ng mumunti niyang palad sa aking pisngi. Hinahayaan kong humimlay siya ng mahimbing sa aking dibdib. kahit nangangalay na ang aking balikat. Ngunit binibiyak ng pag-aalala ang puso ko kapag narinig ang kaniyang palahaw.. sa tuwing siya ay maysakit.. Ngayon kita kinasasabikan, ngayon ko nasasaksihan Ang nakalimbag kong anyo sa iyong balintataw Ang ligaya mong tunay sa taginting ng aking hagikgik, Ang pagdurugo ng iyong puso nang ako ay maysakit. Ngayon kita namamasdan sa tahimik na gabi habang sa aking pagtulog ay nagbabantay Natititigan ko na ang himagal mong mga paa Nahahaplos ko na ang butuhan mong mga balikat Hindi lamang ang nais koy dampian ka ng aking mga palad sa iyong humpak na mga pisngi. Nais kitang yakaping muli.. aking anak.

TATAY Ni:Michael B. Balba T-angi kong nadarama pawang kalungkutan Sa muling pagsapit araw ng mga tatay Pagpatak ng luha hindi mapigilan Sa pangungulila na nararamdaman. A-king iniisip ang mahal kong ama Kaya lumuluha aking mga mata Kahit siya ngayon ay nasa langit na Sa puso at isip kapiling tuwina. T-atay ko'y dakila't tunay na mabait Kaya ng mawala ay napakasakit Sa tula kong ito dalangi'y kalakip Nawa ay payapa na siya sa langit. A-ma ko pong mahal maraming salamat Pagkat ikaw itay ay walang katulad Akong iyong bunso nangangakong ganap Susundin ko itay iyong mga yapak. Y-aong magagandang ating ala-ala Lalagi sa puso amang sinisinta Dalangin ko sa Diyos mahal nating Ama, Nawa sa piling N'ya ika'y maligaya...

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 16


Ang ginagawa mo sa iyong ama ay aalalaMarl Joshua G. Tavarro hanin ng Panginoon, at ang mga kasalanan moy matutunaw na parang yelo pagdating ng pagkat obligasyon ng isang padre de pamilya na bigyan ng magandang kinabukasan ang kantag-init.( Ecclesiastico 3: 15 ) aano nga ba ang maging isang ama? Sapat yang mga anak. Kung kaya matatawag kang na ba ang may mga anak ka upang masa- isang responsableng ama kapag naglalayon ka bing ikaw ay ama? Ang maipakitang ikaw ay ng ganito sa kanila. Minsan ay naitanong ko sa naghahanap-buhay para sa kanila? Isang batang aking sarili kung sapat na ba ang madalas kung mahirap at labis na naghihikahos sa buhay dahil nakakausap ang aking mga anak upang maihindi sapat ang kinikita ng kanyang ama upang padama kong mahal ko sila? Oo, alam kong makabili ng ibang bagay tulad ng laruan. Sapat naroon ang kanilang ina na pumapatnubay at lamang ito para sa kanilang pang-araw-araw na gumagabay sa kanila, subalit naiiba ang pagpagkain. Nakakahawak lamang siya ng laruan aasikaso at pagdidisiplina ng isang ama. May pagkakataong tumatanggap ng karangalan ang kapag may nagpapahiram sa kanya. iyong anak sa eskuwela at tiyak na papanhik ito Minsan ay mayroon siyang laruang naibigan sa sa entablado na ang tanging kasama ay ang ina. tindahan kaya't tinawag niya ang kanyang ama Hindi ba't parang may kulang? Kapag nakaupang ipabili ito. Hindi nakakibo ang ama dahil tanggap ng medalya ang iyong anak ay wala sa napakamahal na presyo nito kaya niyaya na namang maipagmalaking ama sa kanyang tabi. lamang ang anak papalayo sa lugar na iyon. Tila nawawawalan ng silbi ang kanyang pagpuUmiyak ang bata, nagtatampo at nagmamaktol. punyagi sa pag-aaral. Gaano kaya kasakit sa Dahil sa kamusmusan nito ay hindi niya pa kalooban ng isang ama ang may ganoong kalanaiintindihan ang mga bagay-bagay. Hindi niya gayan? nalalamang mas higit na nasasaktan ang kanyang ama kapag hindi natugunan ang pangan- Tunay ngang hindi biro ang sitwasyon ng mga amang nangingibang bayan. Nangungulila at gailangan ng kanyang pamilya. lumuluha sa gabi dahil palaging nasa isipan ang Maaaring hindi ito dinanas ng iyong mga anak mga anak na milya-milya ang layo sa bawat isa. sapagkat nandito ka sa bansang ito, nagtatra- Ginugugol nito ang kanyang sarili sa paghabaho at malaki ang kinikita. Madaling sabihing hanap-buhay upang matustusan ang pangunahmahal mo sila dahil sa iyong mga ipina- ing pangangailangan. At tunay na napakahirap padalang pera buwan-buwan. Ito ay tama, sa- ang tahanang walang kalasag, isang malakas na bisig na silbing taga-pagtanggol. Isang tanong ang dapat nating bigyan ng malalim na pagninilay, karapat-dapat ka bang tawaging isang ama? Isang "Ulirang Ama" na kahit hindi pararangalan sa pamamagitan ng plake ay maipagmamalaki ng mga anak? Kung isa ka sa mga ito, binabati kita at ipinagpupugay. Naranasan din natin ang maglambing at makipaglaro sa ating mga ama. Tumatanggap din tayo ng mga pagdidisiplina mula sa kanila. Katulad ng isang ina, naging takbuhan at silbing kanlungan din natin sila. Unang rumeresponde sa tuwing tayo ay naaapi, katuwang sa pagbangon sa tuwing nadarapa. Nagbibigay inspirasyon upang muling lumaban sa buhay, makibaka at magpatuloy. Kailan mo kaya huling nakausap o nakakuwentuhan ang iyong ama? Nakumusta mo ba siya at nabanggit ang ang katagang "Tatay, Papa, Amang, mahal na mahal kita!" Tumatanda sila at nakakarinig pa, kaya marahil ay ito ang tamang panahon upang maipaabot natin ito sa kanila. Lilipas pa ang mga panahon na hindi na sila makaririnig, baka maging huli na ang lahat bago pa ito maisipang gawin. Napakasarap namnamin ang pagbati mula sa iyong mga anak kapag naipaabot mo rin ang pagbati sa iyong ama. Dapat ka ngang parangalan at ipagpupugay bilang isang dakilang ama. Happy Father's Day!

Isa sa mga pinaka paborito kong kainin ay ang pansit. Kahit walang kaarawan lagi akong nagpapaluto sa nanay ko ng pansit sapagkat masarap siyang magluto ng pansit para sa akin, kung baga'y espesyal ang pagkakaluto para sa akin ng nanay ko. jyun gonzales mahabang panahon di mapalambot mga pusong tikom. Unti-unting inilalagay ang bihon iniingatang huwag lumabsa. Tulad ng bawat paglapit ko, nangingiming muling mapahiya. Luto na ang paborito kong pansit, bagong hango at umuusok pa. Pinagpagurang lutuin pero tulad ng dati, di maisip ang luto ng nanay para sa akin. Inihanda ko lahat ng rekado- mga gulay ginayat ng manipis, mga lahok-baboy, manok, laman loob hinimay at hiniwang maliliit. Sumasagitsit habang iginigisa ko ang bawang at sibuyas sa Habang nag iisa ako sa bahay at naka upo sa kumukulong mantika. Nakapagtataka may silya sa harap ng computer, naalala kong halimuyak na naglalago sa buong kusina. kumain ng pansit na luto ng nanay, pero alam Ngunit bakit sa bawat pagluluto ng pansit ay kong di mangyayari dahil malayo nga ako sa bumabalong ang mga alaala? kanila. Ang panimplang patis at pansabaw na tubig ay

Tumunog ang celphone ko, nakaidlip pala ako,akala ko'y kakain na ako, panaginip lang Naisipan kong magluto ng pansit dahil gusto sing-alat at sinlalim ng mga luha. pala. Naalala kong malapit na pala ang kong kumain. Naisipan kong gumayak para Ang paminta, maaanghang na salitang hindi kaarawan ko...sino kaya ang magpapa pansit manindahan. Kailangang maging espesyal dahil napigilang kumawala; Sabaw na pinakulo ng para sa akin??? paborito ko pa namang pagkain.

Women's Sports Fest 2010 by Ma. Teresa Solis

Every year HFCC held Womens Sports Fest for the Mothers Day celebration. This years sports fest was held last May 16, 2010 at the Catholic University Seminary grounds. Participants consisted of HFCC volunteers and churchgoers. There were three (3) games played: Badminton, Volleyball and Basketball. First game was the Volleyball, only 2 teams played consisted of 6 players. Team A players were: Juliet, Benny, Lorna, Jane, Angel and Ate Ely Torres. Team B players were: Ate Delia, Annie Cabreros, Tess dela Cruz, Tess Rapsing, Cecil Garcia, and Veronica Viray. Both teams had a guy playing on the first part of the game. Team B won and MVP was Tess Rapsing. Badminton and Basketball were played at the same time using different courts. Badminton players were Norma de Guzman, Cecil Garcia, Tessie, Benny, Tess dela Cruz, Tess Rapsing Annie Cabreros and Myla. Ms. Annie bested among the 7 players. Basketball game had 2 teams with 4 players each. Team A players were Beverly, Juliet, Benny and Jean. Team B players were Belinda, Yola, Veronica and Angel. On this game, Team A won and the MVP was Belinda from team B having the highest score. Each winner was given a plaque of appreciation. Referrees were Joven Cabreros for the Badminton; Raymond Macado for the Badminton and Gil Hizon for the Basketball. Everyone enjoyed the games. This event aims to promote happiness and enjoyment to working women in Korea.

Volume 15 Issue 16

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 7

- By Steve Ray

here is more than one opinion today on Josephs relationship to Jesus. Here are some you may have heard: Joseph was possibly the biological father of Jesus, but the Gospels deny it, claiming that Jesus was the product of a virgin birth, making him more than a man. Jesus was really the product of a rape, and Joseph stepped up to the plate and helped Mary and her baby. Joseph was not the father of Jesus because Jesus had no biological father; he was born to the Virgin Mary by the miraculous overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. So what is the truth? Is it theologically and historically correct to call Joseph the father of Jesus? The answer is both yes and no. Dont Confuse the Matter First, lets look at the reasons against calling Joseph the father of Jesus. One argument is that its not prudent given the current widespread theological confusion. Some influential modern theologians contend that the Gospels do not communicate the historical truth of Jesus but only pass on the wishful thinking or prejudices of early Christians. Skeptics now frequently question claims that have been made by the Bible and accepted by Christians for millennia. The Virgin Birth of Jesus often is denied in modern theological circles. Many writers and theologians try to "rethink" the birth of Christ in order to make it consistent with modern sensibilities. Luke Timothy Johnson gives a biting analysis of such theologians: "They conceive of their chore in therapeutic terms. They seek to help those still enthralled by faith to find their way to the condition of enlightenment enjoyed by the authors. Each writer also follows the predictable path of rationalist reduction. Historical difficulties in the texts as we have them are construed as hopeless obstacles, which must lead inevitably to skepticism. The void of skepticism is then filled with inventive speculation. The speculation is not a reasonable alternative reading based on the available evidence but a complete reshuffling of the pieces, yielding a picture more satisfying to the aesthetic or religious sensibilities of the authors" (The Real Jesus, HarperSanFrancisco, 32). So what do these skeptical theologians have to do with Jesus and Joseph? They reject the possibility of miracles, so they necessarily reject the possibility of the Virgin Birth. Here are just two examples: John Shelby Spong in his book Born of a Woman (HarperSanFrancisco) speculates that Mary was a teenager who bore a child conceived by rape and was later taken under Josephs wing. In his popular book Jesus: the Evidence (Regnery), Ian Wilson says that in his Gospel, Matthew "tries to justify Jesus apparent divine origin" (46). In this skeptical environment, many people would misunderstand if they heard someone call Joseph the father of Jesus. They would think he was his natural, biological father. Even within the Church, many of the poorly catechized would misunderstand the words to mean that Jesus was the result of sexual relations between Joseph and Mary. They might interpret the phrase "father of Jesus" as a denial of the Virgin Birth of our Lord. Of course, any person of good will can g.asp that a Creator who can create a universe ex nihilo (out of nothing) certainly can arrange a

virgin birth, and the Church has held to this teaching firmly and unshakably. The Nicene Creed states: "By the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary and became man." But given the widespread confusion about this central Christian doctrine, if we call Joseph the father of Jesus, we need to explain clearly what we mean: As Scripture and Tradition inform us, Joseph is not the biological father of Jesus because Jesus was born of a virgin without the participation of a man. Joseph is the father of Jesus through adoption, by the choice of God, and by marriage to Mary. Scripture and the earliest Tradition of the Christian faith are clear. Mary was a virgin at the time of Jesus birth and afterwards, and Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary without sexual relations. As such, Joseph was the foster father of Jesus, the legal, adoptive father of our Lordthe chosen father, specially chosen by God himself (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church 532). But with all of this understood, we still must ask: Is it biblically and theologically correct to refer to Joseph as the "father of Jesus"? To answer that, lets look at several respected authorities. What Scripture Says First, Luke informs us that when Joseph and Mary brought Jesus to the temple to be circumcised, "his father and his mother marveled at what was said about him" (Luke 2:33). Luke does not add the words adoptive, foster, or legal. He simply calls Joseph "his father." The same Luke who had written about the Virgin Birth now calls Joseph the father of Jesus. Second, when Mary and Joseph turned back to Jerusalem looking for Jesus and found him in the temple questioning the doctors of the law, Mary asked, "Son, why have you treated us so? Behold, your father and I have been looking for you anxiously" (Luke 2:48). It is certain here that Mary is using the word father to refer to Joseph and not the heavenly Father. Based on this scriptural precedent we are on solid ground. Augustine and Aquinas In his Summa Theologiae, Thomas writes, "According to Augustine (De Consensu Evangelistarum ii), Joseph is called the father of Christ just as he is called the husband of Mary, without fleshly mingling, by the mere bond of marriage: being thereby united to him much more closely than if he were adopted from another family. Consequently that Christ was not begotten of Joseph by fleshly union is no reason that Joseph should not be called his father, because he would be the father even of an adopted son not born of his wife" (ST III:28:1 ad 1). Pope John Paul II "And while it is important for the Church to profess the virginal conception of Jesus, it is no less important to uphold Marys marriage to Joseph, because juridically Josephs fatherhood depends on it. Thus one understands why the generations are listed according to the genealogy of Joseph: "Why, St. Augustine asks, should they not be according to Joseph? Was he not Marys husband? . . . Scripture states, through the authority of an angel, that he was her husband. Do not fear, says the angel, to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. Joseph was told to name the child, although not born from his seed. She will bear a son, the angel says, and you will call him Jesus. Scripture recognizes that Jesus is not born of

Josephs seed, since in his concern about the origin of Marys pregnancy, Joseph is told that it is of the Holy Spirit. Nonetheless, he is not deprived of his fatherly authority from the moment that he is told to name the child. Finally, even the Virgin Mary, well aware that she has not conceived Christ as a result of conjugal relations with Joseph, still calls him Christs father. "The Son of Mary is also Josephs Son by virtue of the marriage bond that unites them: By reason of their faithful marriage both of them deserve to be called Christs parents, not only his mother, but also his father, who was a parent in the same way that he was the mothers spouse: in mind, not in the flesh. In this marriage none of the requisites of marriage were lacking: In Christs parents all the goods of marriage were realizedoffspring, fidelity, the sacrament: the offspring being the Lord Jesus himself; fidelity, since there was no adultery: the sacrament, since there was no divorce. "It is to Joseph, then, that the messenger turns, entrusting to him the responsibilities of an earthly father with regard to Marys Son" (Guardian of the Redeemer 3; cf. Augustine, Sermo 51, 10, 16: PL 38, 342; De nuptiis et concupiscentia I, 11, 1213: PL 44, 421). True Fatherhood Fr. Larry M. Toschi, O.S.J., an expert on Joseph, concludes that "because of his true marriage to Mary, Jesus Mother, Joseph is truly Jesus father, though not in a natural, biological sense. . . . His legal fatherhood is certainly key to Matthew 1, and it must be understood that in Semitic thought it was as real as biological paternity. . . . Besides passing on a name in the line of David, Joseph also gives the faith name Jesus, meaning Savior (cf. Matt. 1:20, 25). . . . To all appearances Jesus is known as Josephs son, so much so that people have difficulty imagining anything different (cf. Matt. 13:55)" (Joseph in the New Testament, Guardian of the Redeemer Books, 38). Despite the scandal of those who deny the Virgin Birth, we should not deny Joseph his proper place and title as Jesus father. It is very clear that within a proper context of Jesus divine origin and Virgin Birthand by rejecting the secularism and skepticism of our current age we can understand the phrase "Joseph the father of Jesus" as completely faithful to Scripture, Catholic Tradition, the Doctors of the Church, and Pope John Paul II. With Mary we acknowledge Joseph as the legal father of our Lordthe father chosen by God himself. What a marvelous man he must have been; what a wonderful father he proved to be; what an example for all fathers today. St. Joseph, pray for us. --------------------------------------------------------Steve Ray discusses Joseph in his video Jesus, the Word Became Flesh, part of his series Footprints of God (Ignatius Press). He is the author of Crossing the Tiber, Upon This Rock, and St. Johns Gospel. He is also co-author of Catholic Answers Papacy Learning Guide. You may contact him through his web site, www.catholicconvert.com. --------------------------------------------------------This Rock Magazine Volume 16, Number 3 March 2005 http://www.catholic.com/thisrock/2005/0503fea3.asp

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 16

Bro. Joel Tavarro At sinabi Niya sa lahat, Kung ibig ninumang sumunod sa Akin, limutin niya ang ukol sa kanyang sarili, pasanin araw-araw ang kanyang krus, at sumunod sa Akin. Ang naghahangad magligtas ng kanyang buhay ay siyang mawawalan nito; ngunit ang mag-alay ng kanyang buhay alang-alang sa akin ay siyang magkakamit noon. ( Lucas 9:23-24 )

ay isang magaling na sekretarya sa isang kumpanya, halos lahat ay kaya nitong gawin sa opisina at malaki ang tiwala ng amo niya sa kanya. Minsan inutusan siyang dumalo sa isang pulong sapagkat walang panahon ang kanyang amo dahil abala rin sa ibang gawain. Nagpaliwanag ang sekretarya na may hinihintay siyang importanteng tao subalit nagalit ang amo kaya naman napilitan siyang sumunod. Samakatuwid walang naiwan sa kanilang kumpanya na maaaring makausap ng isang kliyente na nangangailangan ng kanilang serbisyo. Limpak na salapi sana ang maaring ihatid nito sa kanila subalit sa pagkakataong iyon ay umalpas. Nabatid ito ng amo at nanghinayang subalit huli na ang lahat dahil lumipat na sa ibang kumpanya ang kliyente. Hindi niya magawang sisihin ang sekretarya sapagkat sumunod lamang siya sa pinag-uutos. Hindi rin naman niya maaaring sisihin ang sarili kung bakit siya sinunod. Marahil isa ka na sa mga nakaranas na kutyain at pagtawanan ng iba magmula nang magdesisyong maglingkod sa simbahan. Isang napakainam na pagbabalik pasasalamat sa Diyos na hindi nababatid ng ilan na ang paglilingkod sa simbahan ay isang malaking prebiliheyo. Maraming kapamaraanan ang Diyos sa pagtawag sa atin at ang lahat ay may nakatakdang panahon sa panawagan sa paglilingkod subalit iilan lamang ang tumugon dito upang maging tagasunod Niya. Kadalasan, yaong nasa panahon tayo na kung saan ay bagsak at batbat ng mga suliranin sa buhay na tila wala ng pagasang natatanaw. Halos apat na taon na rin na naglilingkod ang kaibigan ko sa ubasan ni El Shaddai. Pinagnilayan niya kung hangang saan na ang narating niya sa buhay pananampalataya mula ng dinggin ang panawagan. Ano ang mga naging bunga nito o naging benipisyo para sa kanya. Kung ano ang pakay ng Panginoon nang gawin siyang tagapagsaka sa Kanyang ubasan sa kabila ng walang direksyon at nangangapa sa dilim noong araw. Natagpuan niya ang mainam na puno upang masilungan mula sa pagkakabilad sa nakapapasong init ng sanlibutan. Minsan sumagi sa aking isipan na maaaring siya ay hinirang upang maging tagapangalaga o silbing kalasag para sa mga nasasalantang kalaban. Malakas ang loob niya noong lumang buhay, ngayon pa kaya siya makakaramdam ng takot gayong nasa panig na siya ni Kristo? Ipinagsisigawan kong karangalang hindi maglalaho kailanman ang dinggin ang panawagan ni Kristo at makibahagi sa kanyang paghahari.

May ilang nag-iisip na pinabayaan na sila ng Diyos kung kaya hindi na nagpatuloy pa. Marami na rin ang nakarinig ng Mabuting Balita, talinghaga na tungkol sa binhing hinasik subalit hindi naman namunga at lumago. Ang iba ay nadala o inanod ng mga alalahanin, kaguluhan at pagsubok. May mga hindi magandang pangyayari sa ating buhay na kung ating pagninilayan sa isang positibong pananaw ay biyaya din na masasabi dahil sa ganung sitwasyon ay nalalaman nating umaangat na pala ang antas ng ating pananampalataya dahil sa bunga ng pagsunod. Ang pagsunod kay Kristo ay tila isang misteryo na napakahirap ipaliwanag sapagkat kahit pagod at lupaypay na ang katawan sa pagtatrabaho sa kanyang banal na ubasan, sa ating pag-uwi naman ay may bitbit tayong isang ilaw na halos hindi mapawi sa puso dahil sa kagalakan na magdadala sa kapahingahan ng ating kaluluwa. Ang pagsunod ay hindi pagalingan at pabilisan kundi kung paano sumusunod ng may kababaang-loob. Mayroong ibat ibang salamin ng pagsunod depende sa pagkakatawag kung saan angkop na gagamitin at kung paano tutugunin na parang instrumento sa paglikha ng musika. Ang pagsunod sa panawagan ay hindi madali sa una sapagkat isa itong argumento sa isipan na ikaw lamang ang makalulutas at makapagdedesisyon kung handa nang magsakripisyo na walang hinihintay na kapalit. Maraming bagay na dapat hubarin sa katawan upang mabihisan ng kalinisan at kabanalan. Maraming mga pagsubok at pag-aalinlangan ngunit dapat may linaw at direksiyon ang iyong pananaw upang makita kung ano ang iyong patutunguhan. Kailangan din na ganap na isusuot sa leeg ang pingkaw at tanggapin na wala tayong magagawa kung tayo ay nakahiwalay sa Kanya. Ang pagsunod sa panawagan ay may kaakibat na mga suliranin. Ang anumang suliranin kapag ipinagkatiwala kay Kristo Jesus ito ay Kanyang lulutasin. Tayong mga nilalang ay parang sasakyan dito sa lupa na sa sandaling masira, ang tanging makapagkukumpuni lamang nito ay si Kristo. Dahil tayo ay mga bago nang muli, magsilbing huwaran o magandang halimbawa naman sa iba. Katulad sa mga pangarerang, kabayo mayroon itong tabing sa kanilang mga mata upang hindi lumingon sa kapuwa kabayo. Ganyan din sa paglilingkod kailangan hindi lingunin ang mga ginagawang pamumukol ng iba upang hindi matisod. Nang sa gayon, marating ang pinakadulo hanggang sa tagumpay.
Bible Sharing........... Ansan Sundays: Fellowship; Praise and Worship service.........

Gayong nasimulan na ang pagsunod, panatilihing maging ilaw naman sa iba at hindi dapat manghinawang maglikom. Humayo kayo at unawain ninyo ang kahulugan nito, Habag ang ibig ko at hindi hain. Sapagkat naparito Ako upang tawagin ang mga makasalanan at hindi ang mga banal. (Mateo 9:13) Ang pagsunod sa panawagan ay parang tulad ng mga berdeng dahon sa puno hindi lamang tayo dapat manatiling lumago ng lumago at yumabong kailangan din na maghain tayo ng mga hitik na bunga!
(Continued from page 1 - HFCC ADMINISTERS FIRST ...)

In celebration of Corpus Cristi, First Communion was given to six children ( Sun Kim, Zylin, Rocev Miguel Abagat, Kee Yok Park and Rean Park) on June 6, 2010 at the at the St. Benedict (Hyehwadong) Catholic Church, officiated by Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP. Series of seminars were conducted on May 22, 29, 30 and June 5, facilitated by the group of Eucharistic Lay Ministry. The topic on the first day of the seminar was on Creation and Gods Lovethe importance of everything that exists and that no matter what color or race we have, He loves us unconditionally. It also encourages the children to value God and the people (family, friends) who love them. On the second day, the 10 Commandments were explained by watching the movie The 10 Commandments of God. On the third session, they were taught how to sing praises to God. The children were also taught about Penance or Confession and Holy Eucharist. Focus was given on Gods love and forgiveness. Gods forgiveness is celebrated in the Holy Mass. The first communicants were taught how to go to confession. On the last day of the catechism, recital of prayers and the actual training of how to go to confession were done. Activities related to each topic were given to elaborate more of their understanding of God. The first communicants were joined by their parents and the community in their reception of the Body of Christ. This is the first time the Hyehwadong Filipino Catholic Community (HFCC) is providing such an opportunity to welcome the children into the community. As an offshoot of this project, the Lay Ministers and parents planned this to be an ongoing education for the children and those interested to join.
For inquiries, Prayer and Counseling, please call: PPFI Center : 02-794-2338 or the ff. persons 1. Bro. Henry Rendon 2. Bro. Avelino Cielo 3. Sis. Liza Bernardo 4. Sis. Linda Aonuevo 010-5815-0130 010-3304-3527 010-2958-2629 010-6872-2844

Praise and Worship Holy Mass............ Bokwang Dong REGULAR ACTIVITIES Tuesdays: Bible Sharing .............. Incheon Wednesdays: Prayer Intercession..... Itaewon Fridays: Bible Sharing........... Itaewon, Sangmun, Chang Wi-2 dong, Myonmok Dong, Songsu Dong Saturdays: Prayer Intercession.. Bokwang Dong

Sungdong Social Welfare Majangdong *Every 1st Sunday: Mass and Healing

Volume 15 Issue 16

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 9

The Filipino Warriors Remembered

I was on my way to Daejeon to give a leadership seminar to the officers of a community of Filipino workers. On the train, an elderly Korean lady, maybe in her late 70s, asked my friends and me, Eodiseo osyeosseoyo? (Where are you from?), maybe because she noticed we were speaking in Tagalog, so we introduced ourselves as Filipinos. She then started thanking us, the Filipinos, for helping Korea during the Korean War. She started recounting stories about the Filipino soldiers who came to fight during those turbulent years. She said that Koreans are indebted to us, the Filipinos.
By Emely Dicolen-Abagat, Ph.D.

mas, homesickness and death. Col. Francisco Tamondong from Pangasinan, born in 1923, was part of the 10th BCT. He was at the prime of his youth when he joined the battle. He left his family behind because he was ready to fulfill the call of duty. He was literally one of the first overseas Filipino warriors in Korea, because he, along with two other soldiers, belonged to the first group of fighters, T he a ut ho r w i t h t he F il i pi no W a r r io r s who first came by ship and brought 17 tanks to be used for the war. When I asked him what sustained his courage and allowed him to go on with the fight, he said, with teary eyes and a trembling voice, Whenever I looked at the Philippine flag, I thought about my country. Then I regained my courage and the strength to continue the fight.

On another occasion, I met an elderly Korean priest in his early 80s who was originally from North Korea but had to escape during the war and managed to come to South Korea. On his way to the South, he met a Filipino soldier. They became good friends, and with the sol- Col. Jovencio Dominguez, born in 1931 and also from Pangasinan, belonged to the 19th dier, he smoked his first cigar. BCT. He was only 19 years old when he joined Honestly, before I came to Korea I never knew the troupe sent to Korea. His motto, He who about the heroism and gallantry of the Filipino does not learn to obey does not hope to comsoldiers who participated in and sacrificed their mand, served as his inspiration. So despite his lives during the Korean War. I had never heard homesickness, he managed to fight. Letters any of my history teachers lecturing about this from family and friends, he said, sustained in my classes or my grandparents telling me our morale .?.?. So all of us were always exstories about it. I believe other Filipinos as well cited to see if there was mail for us. Prayer as Koreans, especially the members of the was also a great help, he said. With the spiritual younger generation, are as ignorant as I regard- guidance of their chaplain, they were strengthing this historic act of heroism by our Filipino ened. soldiers and the 60 years of friendship between Maj. Maximo Young, born in 1922 in Cebu, the Philippines and Korea. belonged to the 10th BCT. With joy and exciteMy encounters with these Koreans made me ment, he talked about how they picked apples, want to discover more about these unsung, plums and chestnuts to feed themselves. He unrecognized and underappreciated heroes. also remembered how Korean children treated Some day, I promised myself, I will meet them them. As we began to immerse ourselves in the Korean way of life, we could see children in person and listen to their stories. who, regardless of their age, never showed any The Philippines was among the first countries fear or indifference to us soldiers. Perhaps, to respond to the United Nations call for aid though they were young, they already knew when South Korea was invaded in 1950. A that we were defending them from [communist] send-off rally for the 10th BCT (Brigade Comaggressors. bat Team) was held at the Quirino Grandstand in Manila on Sept. 2, 1950. The Philippine flag When I asked them about their wish for the was handed to Col. Mariano Azurin, the com- future, all of them said that they wished that manding officer of the battalion. The book more people, especially the young generation of The Fighting Tenth by Mariano Manawis Koreans and Filipinos, could be made aware of quotes His Excellency, President Elpidio Quir- this important part of history, and that the ties, ino, during his send-off speech as saying: friendship and collaboration between the two Today, we begin to write a wonderful page in countries could become stronger so that the our history. Many of you have fought on our long-standing relationship would not go to own soil to secure our freedom. You now go waste. forth to a foreign land to fight for the preservation of that freedom. The gallant soldiers left These are just some of the revealing and memoPhilippine soil on Sept. 15, 1950, and landed at rable accounts of the gallant and chivalrous men who faced death to defend South Korea Busan on Sept.19, 1950. from communism. They deserve our heartfelt Last year, Korea and the Philippines launched a recognition and appreciation. As Korea and the year-long celebration of the 60th Anniversary Philippines celebrate the 60th anniversary of of the Philippines-Korea Bilateral Relations. the Korean War this year, may we recall the One of the highlights of the launch was a memories of the past with gratitude in our screening of the movie The Forgotten War, hearts, and look forward to a better, more directed by Carlo Cruz. This movie intensified peaceful future between the two countries. my desire to meet veterans of the Philippine *This article was published in the April 26, Expeditionary Forces to Korea. 2010 issue of JoongAng Daily under the opinMonths later, I met some of the PEFTOK veter- ion column Pinoy Voices. ans over several occasions. I had such an inspirhttp://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/ ing encounter with these brave and courageous view.asp?aid=2919624 men. Despite their age, they were excited as they shared their difficult yet inspiring fights, against all odds - the cold winter, lonely Christ-

I Have Heard the Devil's Confession

Winning Story of the Competition Priestly Anecdotes ROME, MAY 28, 2010 (Zenit.org). - Here is the winning story of the competition "Priestly Anecdotes," convoked by the Spanish Web site of Catholic.net, in which 820 priests from 78 countries shared their stories. The following entry was submitted by Father Manuel Julian Quiceno Zapata, of the Diocese of Cartago, Colombia. His prize is a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. *** Of what I experienced before hearing his confession, I remember the following. As parish priest of a small village, I would often go out through the streets on Sunday, to greet people and give them a written catechesis, especially those who for different reasons did not go to church. In the parish dedicated to St. Joseph, many had a habit that they fulfilled every Sunday without fail, as if it was a duty. This was to drink "some cold ones" -- as they called beer. Hence, it was easy to know where to find this type of "faithful," and he was also among them. One day, when I finished my run, a lady approached me to ask me if I had recognized the "diablo" [Spanish for devil]. According to her, I had greeted him and he had received one of the pamphlets that I gave out. I had not seen the "diablo," or at least I don't remember having seen any woman or man who looked like him. On another occasion I had to go to the neighboring village to help a brother priest, but the parish car broke down and so I needed some one to take me. What was my surprise when on asking some people who might help me with this service, a boy immediately said to me: "Father, if you like I'll call 'el diablo' to take you." You can't imagine what I thought at that moment. It seemed a
(Continued on page 11)

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 16

Departure Support Program for Illegal Sojourners

To: His Excellency Ambassador Re: Request for cooperation regarding Departure Support Program for Illegal (Exemption of penalty and employment support Sojourners for employers) 1. The Ministry of Justice of Republic of Ko- To ensure safety during the G20 Summit and rea extends its highest respect to Your Emreduce aliens in Korea, the Ministry of Jusbassy for the active support and contributice plans to launch a strong campaign to tion to the development of relationship crackdown illegal workers and their embetween Korea and your country. ployers in June. The crackdown operation will be a government-level joint operation 2. The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of where the Ministry of Justice, the National Labor has ever been implementing a tempoPolice, the Ministry of Labor and other rary Departure Support Program (May 6 to relevant agencies participate. Aug. 31, 2010 to encourage the 180,000 illegal workers to volunteer to ext Korea. In line with the crackdown camoaign, the 3. We hereby ask for your support to promote more participation on illegal stayers in the program and help them understand benefits of voluntary departure: they can avoid fines and the ban on re-entry. Major Contents of Departure Support Program Departure Support Program for Illegal Sojourners to hire replacement workers among Koreans and foreigners changing workplace (provided that the employment is subject to the EPS)

Cooperating employers are 1) those who

accompany illegal employees and visit immigration office at a port to report illegal employment. S/He shall make sure the foreigner carries a ticket for departure and exit the country on the day of reporting . 2) visit a local Immigration Office (may not accompany his illegal employee) and report illegal employment , resulting in the arrest of or voluntary departure of the reported employee. The voluntary departure must take place within a month of reporting.

Self-deporting overstayers: Exemption of

fines and entry ban (nationals subject to the EPS MOU will be eligible for Korean Language Test)

eligibility to re-enter Korea for foreigners who meet the visa requirements. illegal stayers discovered involuntarily: Fines (from June 1, 2010) and entry ban will be imposed imposing fines on illegal stayers will remain effective indefinitely

Self-reporting employers: exemption of

penalties for illegal employment and support for replacement workers (for EPS jobs)

Employers found to have employed illegal stayers will be imposed with fines amounting to sentencing standards and restriction of foreigner employment for up to three years.

Ministry of Justice implements Departure Support Program (may 6 August 31, 4 months) to ptovide benefits for overstayers However, employers who is found to hire and illegal employers who join the program illegal aliens by the authority will face fine while toughen regulations for those who are sup to 20 million won (or criminal charges) involuntarily apprehended. Therefore the and barred from hiring foreigners for up to Ministry of Justice hereby asks for your three years. interest and support for the Departure SupIncentives for illegal sojourners who exit port Program. Korea voluntarily: Foreigners: Exemption of fines and entry ban. Eligibility for Korean Lan- The Ministry of Justice will exempt illegal aliens from fines and entry ban. The Korean guage Test embassies overseas do not impose disadvan Employers: Exemption of penalties for tage on the foreigners when they apply for illegal employment. Support for hiring visa issuance based on the history of illegal replacement workers (EPS eligible busipresence in Korea. ness only) The Ministry of Justice provides self heavier administrative sanctions for illegal deporting overstayers the eligibility to take workers and employers who are detected by Korean Language Test so that those foreignimmigration enforcement officers (fines, ers can participate in the EPS to return to entry ban, restriction on foreigner and emKorea lawfully. ployment, etc) However, illegal sojourners whoa re arrested Incentives for employers who cooperate in by the authority will face fines, deportation the voluntary departure of illegal employees: and ban on re-entry. The Ministry of Justice will exempt em fines on illegal aliens will continue to be ployers from penalties. imposed after the termination of the Departure Support Program. The Minsitry of Labor will help employers who had been waiting for a priest for several days, was Ramon, the one whom they called "el diablo"; a man of the "campo" who had lived a very difficult life. He could not remember when or why they began to call him [el diablo], but he had grown used to it. Now, lying in his bed, he was suffering from a terrible cancer and his end was approaching. about it (and I was also thinking about it): I have heard the devil's confession! ============ ========= ========= ZE10052812 2010-05-28 ============ ========= ========= This article is from the ZENIT news agency. If you are interested in receiving news from ZENIT, you can subscribe for FREE at this link http://www.zenit. org/spanish/ subscribe. html ZENIT is an international news agency. Visit us at: http://www.zenit. org ZENIT is free for personal use.

(Continued from page 10 - I Have Heard ...)

joke, but then I accepted the proposal and that day I saw him for the first time.

I kept silent for a long time, as it was the first time I was making such a trip. Moreover, I thought, what can I talk about with "el diablo"? Then I spoke to him, but it seemed more like an interview than a conversation. That day, before I remember very well what he said to me that ending the trip and without saying anything, I day: "Father, do you remember me? I am the left a scapular of Our Lady of Carmel in his car. one they call "el diablo," but I do not leave my soul to him, it belongs to God! Please, can you Henceforth I saw him everywhere; now I recoghear my confession?" nized him and, although I always invited him to Mass, he always said: "not now, I'll do so one It was a very special moment, but even more so when I saw what he had in his hands while I day, I have my reasons." heard his confession: a scapular, precisely the Time passed, and one day a boy who was wait- one I had left in his car. Now he was taking it ing at the door of the church told me that some- on his journey to eternity. Later, in that house I one needed me urgently, and that he didn't want also saw a pamphlet on confession, one of those to go before speaking with me. The boy ex- that I myself had left with him one Sunday at plained that it was a gravely ill man. Then, I midday. quickly looked for everything that was necesHow great and mysterious God is. He works in sary for the visit. silence and with simplicity, but in addition, he How surprised I was when, arriving in the lets us share with everyone the gift he has given place, I discovered that the gravely ill man, us. And that day the whole village was talking

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Volume 15 Issue 16

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 11

Migrant Worker in Korea Wins Essay Writing Contest on Rizal

27 May 2010 Philippine Ambassador to Seoul Luis T. Cruz announced today that Mr. Christian Romero, an employee of the Samsung Corporate Research and Development Institute, won the embassy-sponsored essay-writing contest held from February to April 2010 as part of activities to commemorate the 149th anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizals birthday on 19 June 2010. Mr. Romero bested other contestants under Category B of the essay-writing contest, which focused on the theme Finding Jose Rizal in South Korea: A Migrants Perspective. The category was open to all migrant Filipinos in South Korea, including students, workers and spouses of Korean nationals. In his essay, Mr. Romero discussed how it was like for Rizal as a migrant Filipino during his time and compared Rizals experiences with the present situation of OFWs. [Today,] access to emigration is seen by many as the only viable way out of poverty... While most of us found financial liberty abroad, Rizal found intellectual freedom and enlightenment, Mr. Romero wrote, asserting that from [Rizals] time until today, poverty is still an enemy that enslaves our nation. Mr. Romero emphasized that Rizal, too, found difficulties as a migrant. Just like the migrants I knew from the international migrant center in my small Filipino community, Rizal had his own false expectations and was also likely a victim of circumstances, he stated. Mr. Romero, a native of Pangasinan, has been living in South Korea for three years. He learned of the contest while gathering information about the Overseas Absentee Voting from the embassys website. With his experience as a migrant, Rizal found a door to vast opportunities, narrated Mr. Romero, adding that Rizal dedicated himself to learning and eventually returned to the Philippines with maturity, fully armed to face challenges and defeat the enemy. If every Filipino will take rigid adhesion to Rizals own perspective as a migrant perhaps we can be set free from the enemy, he concluded. Other winners were Mr. Alfonso Delgado, who wrote, in Tagalog, a fictional letter by Rizal addressed to OFWs that landed him in second place. Mr. Vicente Angel Ybiernas and Mr. Inrico Orbe, who tied for third place, identified attributes common between Rizal and migrant Filipinos, such as perseverance and a drive for excellence. Meanwhile, Category A of the essay-writing contest was open to Korean nationals who were required to write about The Philippines and the Korean War in commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Korean War this year. The Philippines deployed more than 7,000 soldiers to help in the defense of South Korea from 1950 to 1955. Mr. Kim Jae-ho, Mr. Lee San-ha and Ms. Kyu Moon-na won first, second and third places, respectively. Mr. Kim called for greater cooperation between the Philippines and South Korea, recalling the bond that had formed between the two countries over the years. He traced the development of ties from military collaboration in the past to a comprehensive partnership today that included robust trade and people-topeople exchange. The top winners from both categories will each receive a Medal of Academic Excellence from the Office of the President, a roundtrip ticket to the Philippines and a cash prize, while the

Reminder of the Philippine Embassy to Filipinos in South Korea Regarding Recent Developments in the Peninsula

TIN Required for Drivers License in the Philippines

The Land Transportation Office (LTO) and the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) signed a Memorandum of Agreement on 25 November 2009 requiring applicants of a drivers license in the Philippines to also present a Tax Identification Number (TIN). Applications from the following are covered by the agreement:

The Philippine Embassy in South Korea has reported to the Department of Foreign Affairs that, despite recent developments surrounding the sinking of Cheonan on 26 March 2010, the security situation in the country remains stable, 1. Student permit (if employed); peaceful and calm. 2. Student Permit to non-professional (if emThe Philippine Embassy further reported that ployed); there is absolutely no cause for concern and 3. Student permit to professional; panic as South Korea is expected to elevate the 4. Non-professional to professional; matter to the United Nations. The general mood 5. New conductors license; in South Korea is one that is cautious but 6. Conversion of foreign license to nonconfident in the support of the international professional (if employed); and community and the resolution of the issue. 7. Conversion of foreign license to professional. Economic activities continue as usual while The following are exempted: travel in and out of the country is normal. The Philippine Embassy nevertheless calls on 1. Accredited foreign personnel of diplomatic missions and international organizations, Filipinos in South Korea to remain vigilant and, such as WHO, ADB, UNESCO, World Bank, as with any country they visit, keep themselves etc., subject to presentation and submission abreast of important developments. Filipinos in of photocopies of diplomatic IDs; South Korea can rest assured of the general and relevant mantle of protection guaranteed to 2. Individuals not engaged in business, such as them by Philippine law. The rights and welfare minors, students, house helpers, housewives, of the 46,000-strong Filipino Community in balikbayan and the like, provided that they South Korea are priorities of the Philippine are securing a non-professional drivers liGovernment that the Philippine Embassy is cense; prepared to carry out in any scenario. 3. Foreign applicants, such as tourists, foreign The Philippine Embassy reiterates its strong students, foreign missionaries, subject to belief that the current dispute will be solved presentation and submission of photocopy of through peaceful and diplomatic means. valid passport/visa; and

The Philippine Embassy in Seoul is advising Filipinos in Korea to be alert against the use of fake Philippine Immigration exit stamp on their Philippine passports to expedite travel to Korea. Some unscrupulous individuals entice travelers to apply through them for a fee with a promise to facilitate their entry to Korea through the use of fake exit immigration stamps. Ambassador Cruz appealed to the Filipino community to be cautious and avoid dealing with fixers before leaving the country. It is important that Filipino travelers should be aware that under Korean Immigration Laws, the penalty for this kind of immigration fraud is immediate deportation and ban from traveling to Korea for a period of five (5 ) years.

4. Professional members of religious organizations, such as priests, pastors, nuns, lay minister, missionaries and the like subject to presentation and submission of photocopies of missionary ID card / religious mission order.

HFCC Volunteer Invitation

Inaanyayahan po ang lahat ng interesadong maging volunteer sa mga sumusunod na grupo. CHOIR - nangangailangan po ng miyembro sa Alto, Soprano, at Tenor. Makipagugnayan lamang po kay Ate Ely Torres 010-8061-9143. ALTAR BOYS - Makipagugnayan lamang po kay Bro. Rebeck Beltran 010-8671-2761. IT Committee - Makipagugnayan lamang po kay Rogelio Domingo o kaninuman sa IT Committee - CP No. 010-8696-4984/010-4997-4974 or at [email protected]

SAMBAYANAN Newsletter - nangangailangan po ng manunulat sa News, Feature, at Reflections. Pati na rin po sa photojournalist at layout. Makipagugnayan lamang po kay Doc The Embassy has recommended a thorough Ems 010-5160-2928. investigation of this form of Immigration fraud to the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs. runners-up will receive a Certificate of Excellence from the Philippine Embassy in South Korea. The Awarding Ceremony will take place at the Seoul Global Center on 19 June 2010, Jose Rizals birthday. The essay-writing contest was conducted in partnership with the Philippine Daily Inquirer, the Resource Persons Group (an association of Filipino professors based in South Korea), the Seoul Global Center, Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific.

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 16

13th HFCC Basketball Conference

The 13th Basketball Conference organized by the Hyehwadong Filipino Catholic Community is going to open on the 20th of June 2010 at the Tongsong High School Grounds at 3:00 in the afternoon. The teams are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Aguman Team Ilocano Team Ilonggo Team Mindoro Team Pangasinan Team Rosarian Team Tambayan Team Visdak Team

(Continued from page 1 - Mga Pilipino sa Korea ...)

Ipinagdiwang ang ika-112 na Anibersaryo ng Araw ng Kalayaan at ng ika-15 Filipino Migrants Workers Day na may temang Kalayaan 2010: Tagumpay ng Bayan. Ito ay idinaos sa Pupyeong Community Welfare Center sa Incheon City noong ika-13 ng Hunyo 2010.

Ang unang bahagi ay sinimulan sa pagdiriwang ng Banal na Eukaristiya na pinangunahan ni Archbishop Osvaldo Padilla, DD, ang Apostolic Nuncio to Korea, kasama ang ilang mga Pilipinong pari na sina Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP, Fr. Alvin Mosqueda, MSP, Fr. Mandy Dayao, OSA, Fr. Jun Nohara, OSA, Fr. Froilan Cruz, OFM, Fr. Sebastian Gabuya, OFM, Fr. Willy Jesena, CSSr., Fr. Gerry Malatamban, at Fr. Danny Ceniza, para sa isang araw na seleThe special guests and judges for the Best Muse brasyon. and Best in Uniform are Amb. Luis T. Cruz, Ms. Dinah Magat and Prof. Emely Dicolen- Sinundan ito ng isang maikling palatuntunan na tinampukan ng pagbasa ng mga mensahe mula Abagat. sa Pangulong Gloria Macapagal Arroyo ni Amb. The program for the opening ceremonies is as Luis T. Cruz, DFA Secretary Alberto Romulo follows: ni Consul general Sylvia Marasigan, DOLE Sec. Marianito Roque ni Labor Attache Felicitas 1. Parade of Teams 2. National Anthem and Doxology Bay. Personal din na bumati sina Honorable Ahn Sang-Soo, ang Mayor ng Incheon, at Jung HFCC Choir 3. Welcome Remarks Fr. Alvin Paran- Ill Sang, mula sa HRD-Korea. tar, MSP Itinampok din ang mga talento ng PBMK Peace 4. Inspirational Message Amb. Luis T. Kids sa pagpapamalas ng mga katutubong Cruz sayaw ng Pilipino at ni Laarni Gon ng isang 5. Parade of Muses madamdaming awiting Ako ay Pilipino. 6. Intermission Number Laarni Gon 7. Oath of Sportsmanship Damasco - Nagtapos ang unang bahagi sa ribbon cutting 12th Conference Best Player ceremony at pagbubukas ng mga booth na pi8. Closing Remarks Fr. Arvin nangunahan ni Amb. Luis Cruz at iba pang mga Mosqueda, MSP panauhin. 9. Announcement of Winners Maliban sa mga ibat-ibang grupo ng mga Best Team Uniform samahang Pilipino sa Korea, nakibahagi din sa Best Team Muse pagtayo ng mga booths ang ilang bangko at iba First game of the conference / Show time pang kompanya o serbisyo para sa mga migranteng manggagawa at mga pamilyang multicul(Continued from page 4 - Homily by ...) tural. Sila ay nagbigay ng mga papremyo sa on our pasts. Because God dont want us mga paligsahan, pa-raffle at namigay ng mga bogged down in the past. He wants us to recog- give-aways. nize His Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness and Ang ikalawang bahagi ng pagdiriwang ay nagbring this love we have received to others. As we ask forgiveness, we also need to forgive others. Quite often we hear stories about people who would rather die than to forgive someone. Maybe there is someone in each of our pasts who has hurt us and sought forgiveness and whom we have walked away from rather than be reconciled to. We have an exigency to forgive. Jesus gives life. Hatred kills. He has forgiven us, and offered His life. We need to accept His life and forgive others. Forgive us our trespasses, our sins, as we forgive those who trespass, sin against us, is more than a rote conclusion to the Our Father. Those words contain the fundamental action of the Christian: Forgive and love for we have been forgiven and loved.
(Continued from page 1 - Diplomatic Reception ...)

bukas sa pamamagitan ng pambungad na pananalita ni Amb. Luis T. Cruz. Binigyang diin niya na pagkain at larong pinoy ang pinakatampok sa pagdiriwang sa taong ito upang mapalaganap ang multikulturalismo. Kaniya ding hinimok ang mga kababayan na makibahagi sa inisyatiba sa higit pang pagpapakilala sa kulturang Pilipino. Malugod na binati ni G. Willie Eugenio, Pangulo ng Incheon Filipino Community ang mga lumahok sa selebrasyon. Sa kaniyang pananalita hiniling niya ang pagkakaisa ng lahat ng Pilipino para sa ganap na kalayaan ng bansa mula sa kahirapan. Binasa din ni Welfare Officer Rosario Ilo ang mensahe mula sa OWWA Administrator Carmelita Dimzon. Suot ang Barong Tagalog masayang binati ni Ambassador Kwang Yul Shin ang mga nagsipagdalo. Higit sa kaibigan, itinuturing niyang ka-pamilya ang mga Pilipino at ninanais na ituring din na gawing sariling bayan ang siyudad ng Incheon. Ilang mga indibidwal at mga organisasyong napili ay nabigyan ng mga parangal bilang pagkilala sa kanilang malaking tulong upang isulong ang kapakanan ng mga Pilipinong migrante dito sa Korea. Nagkaroon nga mga paligsahan tulad ng sack race, kadang-kadang, basagan ng palayok at pabitin para sa mga bata. Si Gng. Geraldine Mortel ang nagwagi sa Best Cuisine sa kaniyang Korean-Filipino fusion dish. Ginataang kalabasa na may hipon, rice ball, crab meat na nakalagay sa talukap ng alimasag. Samantala ang Bucheon Filipino Migrants Community naman ang nagwagi sa Best Booth na itsurang bahay kubo gawa sa ginupit na sako. Sila din ang naghakot ng maraming premyo sa ibat-ibang palaro. Sa pagtatapos ng pagdiriwang ibat-ibang premyo ang napalunan ng mga dumalo mula sa raffle draw kabilang na dito ang sako ng bigas, mobile phones, PAL round-trip tickets at iba pa. planting participated in by the honorable guests. In his speech, His Excellency Amb. Luis T. Cruz said: As a show of solidarity with South Koreas and the global communitys- efforts to protect the only planet where all of us have found timeless stories of human conviction, hope and purposeful march towards progress, we are dispensing tonight with the usual cakecutting ceremony. Instead, .a symbolic tree planting ceremony. The actual plants were planted in Incheon City during the Philippine Migrant Workers Day Celebration on June 13, 2010.

Tha Bayanihan Dance Troupe entertained the guests in their showcase of Filipino traditional In the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord called us The event was highlighted by the symbolic tree dances. the Light of the World. There are so many people who are living in darkness. Many of us have lived in darkness ourselves. The Lords 2010 HFCC Beach Outing Light dispels the darkness, the darkness in our lives, in the lives of those who have hurt us and July 17-18 in the lives of those who are seeking guidance Ebenezer Pension w/ swimming pool from the abyss of immorality. We pray today Tean Chungchong-namdu that we might be people of Mercy, people of 90 persons reservation Forgiveness, people of Light. Amen. Register with Precy or Edison

A diplomatic reception to commemorate the 112th Philippine Independence was held on June 7, 2010 at the Seoul Millennium Hilton. The said event, headed by His Excellency Amb. Luis T. Cruz, was graced by H. E. Chang TaePyeong, Minister of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, H.E. Lee Hye-Min, Vice Minister for Trade and incoming Ambassador to the Philippines, H.E. Choi Jong-moon, DirectorGeneral for South Asian and Pacific Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ambassadors from ASEAN Member countries, His Eminence Archbishop Osvaldo Padilla, DD and other distinguished guests.

Volume 15 Issue 16

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 13

Phil.Embassy (Labor Office) (Consular Office) (Hotline) Philippine Airlines Fr. Alvin Parantar, MSP Sr. Miguela Santiago Edison Pinlac (Pres/JPC) Bro. Jimmy Villaflor (VP) El Shaddai (Bro.Henry/Avel) Masok (Gil Maranan) Taerim Community (Dan) Worship Ministry (Ely) Recreation Ministry (Mike) 3785-3634/3785-3624 796-7387 to 89 ext. 103 011-273-3657 774-35-81 010-4922-0870 016-706-0870 010-2906-3109 010-2572-8515 794-23-38 010-5822-9194 (031) 593-6542 010-8684-7897 010-8061-9143 010-2762-9906

Education (Emely) Youth Ministry (Weng) IT Committee

N O S .
010-5160-2928 010-5821-7799 010-4220-1422 010-8671-2761





Lay Eucharistic Ministry (Rebeck) FMAA (Norma) LRC (Mhar) CWI 010-2408-1554 010-8683-3826 010-6871-0870

published monthly by the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center for Filipino Migrants which is being administered by the Mission Society of the Philippines under the auspices of Seoul Archdiocese.

Mokdong Immigration Processing (Detention) Center 02-2650-6247 Hwaseong, Suwon Immigration Processing (Detention) Center 031-355-2011/2 Chungju Immigration Processing (Detention) Center 043-290-7512/3 Yang Seung Geol Han Suk Gyu 011-226-9237 010-5348-9515


115-9 Songbuk-gu, Songbuk 1dong, Seoul, South Korea 136-020 Telephone Number: (070) 8161-0870 or (070) 8161-0873/74 e-Mail Addresses: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Sunday: Cycle C

2010 June - July

Weekday: Year 2

Editor-in-Chief : Emely DicolenAbagat, Ph. D. News Editor : Ma. Teresa Solis Literary Editor : Bro. Allan Rodriguez Bro. Joel Tavarro Catholic Faith Editor / Lay-out Artist : Roberto Catanghal Webmaster : Engr. Rogelio Domingo Contributors : Amie Sison Michael Balba Johnny Maliglig Ervie Glory Felipe Lagunda Lyn Laurito Pete Rahon Circulation Manager : Fr. Arvin Mosqueda, MSP


Eucharistic Lectors & Commentators FMAA Choir Sports & Recreation IT Youth Prayer Partners LRC and CWI : Rebeck Beltran : Jovito Gonzales Jr. : Tess dela Cruz : Elisea Torres : Mike Panlilio : Ma. Teresa Solis : Weng Santos : Sis. Melody Palana : Mhar Gonzales

J u n e
02 - Charlize Maria Nicdao Leana Marisse C. Laurito 03 - Jhuanna Marie Manuel 04 - Michel Miranda 05 - Bobet Maglantay Lisa Tavarro 06 - Jun Agcoili 07 - Wilson Bernardo 09 - Norma de Guzman Euviet Garcia 10 - Ronnie Silva Shiela Tuala 14 - Jenin Pulido Ely Torres

2 0 1 0
16 - Judith Baliquig Marl Joshua Tavarro Ezekiel Manuel Gelacio Remedios Ydel 17 - Leo Maglantay 19 - Nancy Loyola - Racquel Helena Dicolen Abagat 20 - Tess dela Cruz Nica Viray 21 - Melani Catanghal 26 - Marites Cueto 28 - Jason Cadungo 30 - Glenn Palana

Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP Adviser/Chaplain

Page 14

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 16


Contact Persons: Rod and Debbie Chung GokDong Seoul, Korea (010-8061-5403)

Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Bulacan, Bataan, Pampanga, Tarlac, Zambales, Nueva Ecija, Pangasinanm Nueva VIzcaya, La Union, Baguio City Proper

Quezon, Bicol, Isabela, Benguet, Mt. Province, Ifugao, Ilocos Region, Cagayan Valley and CAR



Regular Jumbo
X Jumbo XX Jumbo

W80,000 W95,000 W105,000 W115,000

W90,000 W105,000 W115,000 W135,000

W100,000 W115,000 W125,000 W145,000

W115,000 W130,000 W140,000 W165,000

W115,000 W130,000 W140,000 W165,000


Volume 15 Issue 16

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 15

Page 16

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 16

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