Stative Verbsnew

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- Do not involve actions

- Normally can’t be progressive

Categories Verbs
Mental activity amaze, anticipate, assume, consider, credit, find, *forget, imagine, *judge, *know, *mind, realize,
recognize, remember, suppose, suspect, *think, understand, *want, *wish, *wonder
Opinion accept, appreciate, *agree, *believe, disagree, doubt, *feel (=have an opinion), impress, *mean, need,
promise, refuse, swear, *trust
Feelings and emotions admire, adore, apologize, astonish, attract, confess, deny, *desire, detest, dislike, enjoy, fancy, forgive,
hate, hope, impress, like, loathe, *love, matter, please, prefer, *regret, satisfy, surprise,
Senses ache, *feel, *hear, *look,*notice, *see, *smell, *sense, *taste, sound
Possession belong, cost, *have, lack, own, possess
Measures comprise, consist, *constitute, contain, *fit,* include, last, measure, *weigh
Attitudes *appear, *be, *come from, concern, deserve, depend, exist, *expect, *keep, *look, matter, resemble,
seem, suit
Existence *be, exist

The verbs market * can be used in the continuous form, but with a different or active meaning

Naturally, we can use the verbs with the active meaning in the simple form, too:
How often do you see your dentist?
They usually have dinner at 6.

The progressive form of a verb (be + -ing) is not the same as the -ing form.
 I was not having a watch and so I didn’t how the time.
 I didn’t have a watch and so I didn’t know the time.
 Not having a watch, I didn’t know the time.
 When a verb is used to describe a state, the simple form and the -ing form may be used, but not the progressive form.

Verb Stative Example Dynamic Example
forget stop thinking/worrying He treated me so badly but I shall you have just remembered or been Oh yes, of course, I was forgetting: Tom’s
about sb or sth never forget him. reminded about sth birthday is on Saturday.
judge form or give an opinion We judge the success of a product by express the reasons why you have a I can't really be objective when I'm
the number of sales it brings in. particular opinion judging my daughter's work.
know  have information about  Who knows the answer? realize, find out about or understand
sth  “Are you seeing Jim tomorrow?” “I something
 be sure about something don’t know yet.”
 I’ve known her for twenty years.
 be familiar with a person,
place, etc.  Everyone knew immediately how
 feel very strongly that serious the situation was.
something is true
mind care about sth I don’t mind if we watch a movie look after / babysit At the moment, she is minding the
tonight. (be bothered by) children. (babysit)
I’m not being nosy. I’m minding my own
business! (look after)
think have an opinion or intention What do you think of the the process of thinking, considering / What are you thinking about? I'm
government? have in my head thinking about my next holiday
He thinks he’s really clever (=he I’m thinking about his offer(= I’m
believes) considering)
want people’s wishes I want to go to the cinema tonight.  show indirectness or politeness  I was wanting to ask you something.
Do you want a sandwich? Are you free right now?
 emphasize an ongoing or repeated  Now that she’s a teenager she’s
process wanting expensive things, you know,
computers, clothes, sports stuff.
wish want something I wish I had studied more. make a wish Blow all the candles out. What are you
wishing for?
wonder ask politely for sth I wonder if I might have a drink? be esp friendly or polite, particularly You said that there were only 50 books in
if we are unsure about sb’s feelings the boxes. I’m just wondering whether
towards sth or how he will react to you counted them all?
what we say.
agree  have/express the same  “This government is rubbish!” “I say that one will do sth which has By adding a comment on this post you
opinion about sth as sb agree. They’re terrible.” been suggested by another person are agreeing to abide by this set of

else standards.
 two pieces of information  Your story doesn’t agree with what
match or are the same the police have told us.
believe  be sure that sth is true or  You shouldn’t believe everything used when you are surprised that
that sb is telling the truth you read. sth is true
 think that sth is true or  Detectives believe that the house
possible, although you’re was built in 1735.
not completely sure
mean have or represent a I don’t know this word. Can you tell intend to do sth or intend that sb I’ve been meaning to ask you if you want
particular meaning me what it means? else should do sth to come for a meal next week.
trust believe in, rely on She trusts Alan implicitly. place reliance on (luck, fate, or She was trusting in the Providence of
chance) God’s sending for Charlie to help Adam.
desire want sth very much We all desire health and happiness. want (sb) sexually Here she was sitting in the fading light,
next to a man who is clearly desiring her,
but all she can think about is… is what?
love like in general I love good movies like specifically I’m loving/enjoying
regret used in official letters or We regret any inconvenience caused feel sorry about sth you have done
statements when saying that to our customers. and wish you had not done it
you’re sorry/sad about sth
feel  have an opinion  I don’t feel that this is a good idea. emotions, touching Ann is feeling the cat’s fur (she is
 have a texture or other  The silk shirt feels soft (it has a soft touching it)
quality texture) How have you been feeling? (asking
about physical state)
hear pick up with ears Do you hear music? listening to The judge will be hearing the evidence
later this week.
look seem You look great! (your current directing his eyes towards / He is looking at the painting (he is
appearance) watching viewing it)
It looks as if it’s going to rain (it
notice become aware of sth or sb Have you noticed any change in him? become aware of She didn't realize that he was noticing
the greenish bruises that still covered her
see  understand or  Do you see what I mean?  meet  I’m seeing Paula tonight.
 vision, notice with your  I see her now; she's just coming  have a relationship with  I’ve been seeing my boyfriend for
eyes along the road. three years.
 visiting  I’m seeing the dentist tomorrow.
 supervise  John’s down at the docks. He’s seeing
that our stuff gets loaded properly.
smell has a certain smell / state It smells good in here. sniffing at She’s smelling if the milk is spoilt.
Your perfume smells of apples (it has She‘s smelling the roses (she is trying the
the smell) smell of them)
sense become aware Lisa senses that he doesn’t believe be aware of (sth) without being able She'd been sensing the growing
her. to define exactly how one knows attraction between Grace and her father
for quite some time, and she always gave
them every opportunity.
taste has a certain taste / state This soup tastes great the action of tasting, testing The chef is tasting the soup.
What does it taste like? (what is its He is tasting the food if it’s good (he is
flavor) tasting the flavor)
have own / possession He has 2 houses (he owns, he part of an expression / actions He’s having lunch (he is eating)
possess) I’m having a party / a picnic / a bath / a
I have a headache, a cold. good time / a break
I have an idea!
constitute be considered to be sth The rise in crime constitutes a threat to officially form a group or [usually in passive]
to society. organization
several people or things are We must redefine what constitutes a
the parts that form sth family.
fit refers to size and shape This shirt fits me well. attaching/installing John is fitting a new lock on the front
include one thing has the second This cookbook includes a recipe for make someone or something part of
thing as one of its parts making bread. a larger group or set
weigh have weight The box is heavy. It weighs a lot. (its finding out / measuring the weight He is weighing the potatoes on the
weight is) scales.
appear seems He appears to be working (he seems make an appearance The opera singer is appearing on stage
to be) tonight.
be permanent quality You are stupid. (it’s part of your temporary behavior She's being silly again. (only now, not
personality you are) usually)
Bobby is naughty. (his character is Suzy is being very naughty now. (she is
bad) misbehaving)
You are my best friend. (it's a fact)
come from have as your place of birth She comes from London. start in a particular place or be Where’s that smell coming from?
or the place where you live. produced from a particular thing
expect assume I expect that you are tired. waiting for them to arrive Are you expecting visitors this evening?
keep not change, continue doing Don’t keep on interrupting me! delay sb He should be here by now. What’s
sth keeping him?


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