Film Review Sample
Film Review Sample
Film Review Sample
spectacular that the audience will be amazed, The actors give a
brilliant performance and the directing is superb. What is more, the
then answer the questions.
1 soundtrack, mostly by Aerosmith, is fantastic.
A magazine has asked its readers ;! J [!] I thoroughly recommend this film. If you like excitement, it will
to submit reviews of films that they
have recently seen and think would
,. <.:1
definitely keep you on the edge of your seat. Don't miss it!
be of interest to other people. ,
1 Who is going to read your review?
2 Which of the following must you 10 a) Read the rubric, underline the key words, then answer thequestions.
include? Tick (I).
A main points of the plot Your teacher hasasked youto write a film review for the school magazine.
B ,. number ofscatsin the cinema Write your review for the magazine, mentioning the main points of the
plot, general comments about the acting, the directing. the prot, etc, as
C type of film. name ofdirector well as your recommendation(1 20· 180 words).
D recommendation
E main characters and names I Who is going to read your review? What tenses should you use?
of actors who portray them 2 Which of the following shouldyou use? Tick (v").
F ...... general comments about passive voice _: variety of adjectives _; colloquial language _
acting, soundtrack, etc complex sentences _; abbreviations _ ;
3 a) What type of film is it? b) Who directed it? c) Who stars in it?
b) Read the film review. What
d) What characters do they play? e) What is the film about'?
is each paragraph about?
How does the writer 4 What are themain points of the plot? What general commentswould you
recommend the film? make? Howwould you recommend the film?
If JOu were to recommend
this film, how would JOU b) Use your answers in Ex. lOa to write your film review. You can U5<"
recommend it'! the review in Ex. 9 as a model.