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Atlas of 

Clinical Dermatopathology
Atlas of Clinical
Infectious and Parasitic
Günter Burg MD
Department of Dermatology
University of Zurich

Associate Editors
Heinz Kutzner MD
Department of Dermatology
Institute of Dermatopathology

Werner Kempf MD
Kempf und Pfaltz Histologische Diagnostik, Zurich, Switzerland
Department of Dermatology
University of Zurich

Josef Feit MD, PhD

Department of Pathology
University of Ostrava
Czech Republic

Omar Sangueza MD
Departments of Pathology and Dermatology
Wake Forest School of Medicine
This edition first published 2021
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Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data
Names: Burg, Günter, author. | Kutzner, Heinz, author. | Kempf, Werner,
  author. | Feit, Josef, author. | Sangueza, Omar P., author.
Title: Atlas of clinical dermatopathology : infectious and parasitic
  dermatoses / Editor-in-chief Günter Burg ; associate editors, Heinz Kutzner,
  Werner Kempf, Josef Feit, Omar Sangueza.
Description: Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2021. | Includes
  bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020028076 (print) | LCCN 2020028077 (ebook) |
  ISBN 9781119647065 (hardback) | ISBN 9781119647089 (adobe pdf) |
  ISBN 9781119647058 (epub)
Subjects: MESH: Skin Diseases, Infectious | Atlas
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LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020028076
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Cover Images: © Günter Burg, © Heinz Kutzner, © Werner Kempf
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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
To our families and teachers

1.4  Mycobacterial Infections 29
1.4.1 Tuberculosis Cutis 29
1.1 Staphylococcal and  Tuberculosis of
Streptococcal Infections 2 the Skin 30
1.1.1 Impetigo Contagiosa 2 BCG Vaccination
1.1.2 Ostiofolliculitis (Bockardt) 4 Granuloma30
1.1.3 Pseudomonas (Gram‐ Differential
Negative) Folliculitis Diagnosis: Lupus
(Whirlpool/Hot Tub Miliaris
Dermatitis)5 Disseminatus
1.1.4 Perianal Streptococcal Faciei (LMDF) 31
Dermatitis6 Lupus Vulgaris (LV) 32
1.1.5 Differential Diagnosis: Variant:
Acne Papulopustulosa 7 Tuberculosis
1.1.6 Differential Diagnosis: (Lupus) Cutis
Pseudofolliculitis Barbae 8 Verrucosa34
1.1.7 Ecthyma Gangrenosum 8 Variant:
1.1.8 Abscess 10 Tuberculosis
1.1.9 Furuncle 11 Cutis Colliquativa
1.1.10 Carbuncle 12 (Scrofuloderma)35
1.1.11 Erysipelas (Cellulitis) 13 Lichen
1.1.12 Phlegmon 15 Scrofulosorum
1.1.13 Necrotizing Fasciitis (Tuberculosis
(Streptococcal Gangrene)° 17 Cutis Lichenoides) 36
1.1.14 Hidradenitis Suppurativa Papulonecrotic
(Acne Inversa) 17 Tuberculid37
1.2 Other Bacterial Infections: Erythema
Corynebacteria18 Induratum
1.2.1 Erythrasma 18 Bazin38
1.2.2 Pitted Keratolysis 1.4.2 Atypical Mycobacteriosis:
(Keratoma Sulcatum) 19 Fish Tank (Swimming
1.2.3 Trichobacteriosis Pool) Granuloma 39
(Trichomycosis) Palmellina 20 1.4.3 Leprosy (Hansen Disease) 40
1.2.4 Erysipeloid 21 Tuberculoid
1.2.5 Anthrax 22 Leprosy41
1.2.6 Nocardiosis 23 Borderline Leprosy 42
1.2.7 Rhinoscleroma 24 Lepromatous
1.3 Rochalimaea/Bartonellae 25 Leprosy43
1.3.1 Bacillary Angiomatosis Variant: Histoid
and Cat Scratch Disease 25 Lepromatous45
1.3.2 Verruga Peruana 27 Variant: Erythema
1.3.3 Differential Diagnosis: Nodosum
Pyogenic Granuloma (Lobular Leprosum46
Capillary Hemangioma; 1.4.4 Buruli Ulcer 47
Botryomycosis)28 1.5 Actinomycosis 48

viii   Contents

1.6 Borrelia Infections 1.10.4 Psoriasis Pustulosa 72

(Lyme Disease) 49 1.10.5 Localized Neutrophilic
1.6.1 Variant: Erythema Eccrine Hidradenitis
(Chronicum) Migrans Associated with
(ECM) (Stage I) 50 Mitoxantrone Treatment 73
1.6.2 Variant: Lymphadenosis 1.10.6 Erosive Pustular Dermatitis
Cutis Benigna (Pustular Ulcerative
(Pseudolymphoma, Dermatosis) of the Scalp 74
Lymphocytoma Cutis)
(Stage I) 52
2.1 Superficial Cutaneous
1.6.3 Variant: Morphea/
Fungal Infections 78
Scleroderma‐Like Lesions
2.1.1 Variants: Tinea Corporis;
(Stage II) 55
Tinea Faciei 79
1.6.4 Variant: Acrodermatitis
2.1.2 Variants: Tinea Barbae;
Chronica Atrophicans
Tinea Capitis
(Stage III) 56
1.6.5 Variant: Juxta‐Articular
2.1.3 Granuloma Trichophyticum
Fibrous Nodules
(Majocchi’s Granuloma) 82
in Acrodermatitis
2.1.4 Candidiasis (Moniliasis) 83
Chronica Atrophicans
2.1.5 Candida Tropicalis
(Stage III) 58
and Candida Lipolytica 85
1.6.6 Differential Diagnosis:
2.1.6 Pityriasis (Tinea) Versicolor 86
Actinic Reticuloid° 59
2.1.7 Variant: Malassezia
1.7 Venereal Diseases 59
(Pityrosporum) Folliculitis 87
1.7.1 Gonorrhea 59
2.1.8 Differential Diagnosis:
1.7.2 Syphilis, Chancre 60
Seborrheic Dermatitis 88 Stage I 60
2.1.9 Tinea Nigra 89 Stage II 61
2.1.10 Piedra (Trichomycosis Stage III° 62
Nodosa Alba and Nigra)° 90
1.7.3 Ulcus Molle (Chancroid) 63
2.2  Subcutaneous Mycoses 90
1.7.4 Granuloma Inguinale
2.2.1 Sporotrichosis 90
(Donovanosis; Granuloma
2.2.2 Mycetoma (Madura Foot) 91
2.2.3 Chromo(blasto)mycosis
1.7.5 Lymphogranuloma
(Dermatitis Verrucosa) 92
2.3 Systemic Mycoses (Deep
Fungal Infections) 93
Venereum; Duran‐
2.3.1 Cryptococcosis (Torulosis,
Nicolas–Favre Disease) 64
European Blastomycosis) 94
1.8 Rickettsial Infections 65
2.3.2 North American
1.9 Dermatoses Associated
with Bacterial Infections 66
(Blastomycosis, Chicago
1.9.1 Staphylococcal Scalded
Skin Syndrome (SSSS) 66
2.3.3 Lobomycosis (Lobo Disease,
1.9.2 Differential Diagnosis:
Keloidal Blastomycosis,
Toxic Epidermal
Blastomycoid Granuloma) 98
Necrolysis (TEN) 67
2.3.4 Histoplasmosis 99
1.10 Dermatoses Mimicking
2.3.5 Coccidioidomycosis
Bacterial Infections 68
(Desert or Valley Fever,
1.10.1 Pyoderma
San Joaquin Fever) 100
2.3.6 Paracoccidioidomycosis
1.10.2 Infantile Acropustulosis 70
(South American
1.10.3 Acute Generalized
2.3.7 Emmonsiosis 102
Pustulosis (AGEP) 71
Contents ix

2.4 Opportunistic Fungal 3.2.5 Bowenoid Papulosis 135

Infections103 3.2.6 Epidermodysplasia
2.4.1 Aspergillosis (Alternaria) 103 Verruciformis
2.4.2 Zygomycosis (Lewandowsky–Lutz);
(Mucormycosis; Verrucosis Generalisata 136
Phycomycosis)104 3.3  Viral Exanthema 137
2.4.3 Hyalohyphomycosis 105 3.3.1 Measles 138
2.4.4 Phaeohyphomycosis 106 3.4 Parvovirus Infections and
2.4.5 Protothecosis, Cutaneous 107 Coxsackievirus Infections 139
3.4.1 Erythema Infectiosum;
(Slapped Cheek Disease;
3.1  Herpes Viruses 110
Fifth Disease) 139
3.1.1 Herpes Simplex
3.4.2 Papular Purpuric Gloves‐
(HSV‐1, HSV‐2) 110
and‐Socks Syndrome 140
3.1.2 Varizella/Zoster Virus 
3.4.3 Hand‐Foot‐and‐Mouth
Disease (Coxsackie Virus) 141 Varicella
3.5  Polyoma Virus Infections 142
3.5.1 Trichodysplasia Herpes Zoster
3.5.2 Merkel Cell Carcinoma Special Feature:
(Primary Neuroendocrine
Carcinoma of the Skin;
(Herpes) Zoster
Trabecular Carcinoma
of Toker)144 Special Feature:
3.6 Poxviruses 146
3.6.1 Orthopox Virus Infections 146
Vasculitis116 Cowpox (Catpox) 147 Postherpetic Vaccinia Inoculata 148
Cutaneous Smallpox
(Variola Vera) 148
3.1.3 Burkitt Lymphoma;
3.6.2 Parapox Virus Infections 149
Epstein‐Barr Virus Ecthyma
(HHV-4; EBV) 117
Contagiosum (Orf) 149
3.1.4 Hairy Leukoplakia  Variant: Milker’s
(HHV-4; Epstein‐Barr
Virus; EBV) 118 Molluscum
3.1.5 Cytomegalovirus
(CMV; HHV-5) 119
3.7 Other Skin Diseases
3.1.6 Exanthema Subitum
with Suspected Viral
(HHV-6) (Roseola
Infantum, 6th Disease) 120
3.7.1 Asymmetric Periflexural
3.1.7  Pityriasis Rosea (HHV-7) 121
Exanthema of Childhood 152
3.1.8 AIDS‐Kaposi Sarcoma
3.7.2 Eruptive
3.1.9 Multicentric Castleman’s
3.7.3 Gianotti–Crosti Syndrome 154
Disease (HHV-8) 127
3.7.4 Pityriasis Lichenoides 155
3.2 Human Papilloma Virus
3.2.1 Verruca Vulgaris 129 4.1  Protozoan Diseases 160
3.2.2 Variant: Verrucae Planae 132 4.1.1 Leishmaniasis 160
3.2.3 Variant: Condylomata 4.1.2 Variant: Leishmaniasis
Acuminata133 Mexicana162
3.2.4 Differential Diagnosis: 4.1.3 Amebiasis: Entamoeba
Acrokeratosis Histolytica163
Verruciformis (Hopf) 134 4.1.4 Rhinosporidiosis 164
x   Contents

4.2 Arthropod: Arachnids165 5.4 Cysticercosis 177

4.2.1 Mites 165 5.5 Sparganosis 177 Demodex 5.6 Schistosomiasis
Folliculorum166 (Bilharziasis)178 Scabies 167 5.7 Cercarial Dermatitis Variant: Scabies (Swimmer’s Itch) 179
Crustosa168 5.8 Annelida (Ringed Worms; Trombidiosis Segmented Worms)° 180
(Harvest Mites; 5.9  Hirudinea (Leeches) 180
Chigger Itch) 169
4.2.2 Spiders° 169
6.1  Septic Vasculitis 182
4.2.3 Ticks° 170
6.2  Bacterial Sepsis 185
4.2.4 Insects 170
6.2.1  Gonococcal Sepsis 185
4.2.5 Tungiasis (Sand Flea) 171
6.3  Fungal Sepsis 186
5 HELMINTHIC INFECTIONS 6.3.1  Variant: Penicillium
(PARASITIC WORMS) 173 Marinum Sepsis 186
5.1 Larva Migrans (Plumber’s 6.3.2  Variant: Candida Sepsis 187
Itch; Creeping Eruption) 174 6.3.3  Variant: Aspergillus Sepsis 187
5.2 Filariasis 175
5.3 Onchocerciasis (River

°no pictures

Atlas of Clinical Dermatopathology

Infectious and Parasitic Dermatoses

A myriad of microbes live in us, on us, and Since CFs and HFs are nonspecific in
around us in a symbiotic or parasitic relation­ many cases, searching for bacterial or
ship, fighting with our local cutaneous or sys­ fungal pathogens using special stains,
temic defense mechanisms. Without claim of microbiologic cultures, or PCR probes
being comprehensive or of following standard may be helpful tools in confirming the
biologic taxonomies, this third volume on diagnosis.
clinical dermatopathology contains more
than 100 infectious and parasitic dermatoses,
Günter Burg
the clinical features (CFs) and histological fea­
tures (HFs) of which are described with short Associate Editors
concise text and information in bullet‐point Heinz Kutzner
style. They are illustrated in over 600 high‐ Werner Kempf
resolution pictures with annotations. A final Josef Feit
chapter deals with sepsis. Omar Sangueza


Many of the histological images shown e‐learning platform DOIT (Dermatology

are taken from the Hypertext Atlas of Online with Interactive Technology:
Dermatopathology (https://atlases.muni. https://cyberderm.net/en/home/login.
cz/) edited by Josef Feit, Hana Jedličková, html).
Günter Burg, Luděk Matyska, Spasoje We are grateful to the following col­
Radovanovic, Werner Kempf, Leo Schärer leagues, who kindly have provided clinical
et  al.) Computational resources for the or hstological pictures: Luis Requena, MD,
atlases were provided by the CESNET Madrid/Spain; Marianne Gloor, MD, Zürich‐
LM2015042 and CERIT Scientific Cloud Bülach/Switzerland; Regina Fölster‐Holst,
LM2015085 large research and develop­ MD, Kiel, Germany.
ment programs. We appreciate the language editing by
The chapter on leprosy (Hansen disease) Angela Niehaus, MD, and Karen Strenge,
was prepared in cooperation with Ram MD, Wake Forest, North Carolina, United
Chandra Adhikari, MD, Consultant States, and by Aravind Kannankara, United
Dermatopathologist, DISHARC Hospital, Kingdom the support of the Wiley
Kathmandu, Nepal. Publishing Group and its co-workers, espe­
For basic information on clinical Derma­ cially by Bhavya Boopathi.
tology you may refer free of charge to the

C H APT ER   1

Bacterial Infections


1.1 Staphylococcal and Streptococcal Infections 1.6 Borrelia Infections (Lyme Disease)

1.1.1 Impetigo Contagiosa 1.6.1 Variant: Erythema (Chronicum)
1.1.2 Ostiofolliculitis (Bockardt) Migrans (ECM) (Stage I)
1.1.3 Pseudomonas (Gram‐Negative) 1.6.2 Variant: Lymphadenosis Cutis Benigna
Folliculitis (Whirlpool/Hot Tub (Pseudolymphoma, Lymphocytoma
Dermatitis) Cutis) (Stage I)
1.1.4 Perianal Streptococcal Dermatitis 1.6.3 Variant: Morphea/Scleroderma‐Like
1.1.5 Differential Diagnosis: Acne Lesions (Stage II)
Papulopustulosa 1.6.4 Variant: Acrodermatitis Chronica
1.1.6 Differential Diagnosis: Pseudofolliculitis Atrophicans (Stage III)
Barbae 1.6.5 Variant: Juxta‐Articular Fibrous
1.1.7 Ecthyma Gangrenosum Nodules in Acrodermatitis Chronica
1.1.8 Abscess Atrophicans (Stage III)
1.1.9 Furuncle 1.6.6 Differential Diagnosis: Actinic
1.1.10 Carbuncle Reticuloid°
1.1.11 Erysipelas (Cellulitis) 1.7 Venereal Diseases
1.1.12 Phlegmon 1.7.1 Gonorrhea
1.1.13 Necrotizing Fasciitis (Streptococcal 1.7.2 Syphilis, Chancre
Gangrene)° 1.7.3 Ulcus Molle (Chancroid)
1.1.14 Hidradenitis Suppurativa (Acne Inversa) 1.7.4 Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis;
1.2  Other Bacterial Infections: Corynebacteria Granuloma Venereum)
1.2.1 Erythrasma 1.7.5 Lymphogranuloma Inguinale
1.2.2 Pitted Keratolysis (Keratoma Sulcatum) (Lymphogranuloma Venereum;
1.2.3 Trichobacteriosis (Trichomycosis) Duran‐Nicolas–Favre Disease)
Palmellina 1.8 Rickettsial Infections
1.2.4 Erysipeloid 1.9 Dermatoses Associated with Bacterial
1.2.5 Anthrax Infections
1.2.6 Nocardiosis 1.9.1 Staphylococcal Scalded Skin
1.2.7 Rhinoscleroma Syndrome (SSSS)
1.3 Rochalimaea/Bartonellae 1.9.2 Differential Diagnosis: Toxic Epidermal
1.3.1 Bacillary Angiomatosis and Cat Scratch Necrolysis (TEN)
Disease 1.10  Dermatoses Mimicking Bacterial Infections
1.3.2 Verruga Peruana 1.10.1 Pyoderma Gangrenosum
1.3.3 Differential Diagnosis: Pyogenic 1.10.2 Infantile Acropustulosis
Granuloma (Lobular Capillary 1.10.3 Acute Generalized Exanthematous
Hemangioma; Botryomycosis) Pustulosis (AGEP)
1.4  Mycobacterial Infections 1.10.4 Psoriasis Pustulosa
1.4.1 Tuberculosis Cutis 1.10.5 Localized Neutrophilic Eccrine
1.4.2 Atypical Mycobacteriosis: Fish Tank Hidradenitis Associated
(Swimming Pool) Granuloma with Mitoxantrone Treatment
1.4.3 Leprosy (Hansen Disease) 1.10.6 Erosive Pustular Dermatitis (Pustular
1.4.4 Buruli Ulcer Ulcerative Dermatosis) of the Scalp
1.5 Actinomycosis
°no pictures

Atlas of Clinical Dermatopathology: Infectious and Parasitic Dermatoses, First Edition. Günter Burg,
Heinz Kutzner, Werner Kempf, Josef Feit, and Omar Sangueza.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

2   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

1.1 Staphylococcal and Streptococcal Infections

1.1.1 Impetigo Contagiosa

Multiple pustular
lesions with
crusts in the face

Subcorneal pustule,
spongiosis, and
edema in the upper
dermis (right)

Subcorneal pustules
filled with neutrophils ,

Figure Impetigo Contagiosa.

1.1: Staphylococcal and Streptococcal Infections 3

Subcorneal blister,
acantholysis, slight
infiltrate in the upper

Acantholysis of
granular layer.
Superficial blister
with neutrophils

bacteria (cocci)
within the blister

Figure Impetigo Contagiosa.

CF: Streptococcal infections initially HF:

induce erythematous patches with fragile •  Subcorneal vesicles filled with
subcorneal tiny vesicles, which easily rup- neutrophils
ture and develop into yellowish crusts. •  Acantholytic changes in the granular layer
Bullous lesions with thicker blister •  The thin roof of the pustule is often
roof are usually due to staphylococcal detached and replaced by necrotic crusty
infection. debris
The face and extremities of children are •  Neutrophil‐rich lymphohistiocytic infil-
the most common localizations. trate in the upper dermis
Impetiginization of various inflamma-
DD: Pemphigus foliaceus (similar histol-
tory skin disorders is caused by secondary
ogy, no bacteria, positive direct immuno­-
4   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

Reference Durdu, M., Baba, M., & Seckin, D. (2008).

The value of Tzanck smear test in diagnosis
Darmstadt, G. L., & Lane, A. T. (1994). of erosive, vesicular, bullous, and pustular
Impetigo: An overview. Pediatr Dermatol, skin lesions. J Am Acad Dermatol, 59(6),
11(4), 293–303. 958–964.

1.1.2 Ostiofolliculitis (Bockardt)

Small dome-shaped
pustules, involving
the upper
part of the follicle

Accumulation of
neutrophils within the
ostium of the follicle

Figure 1.1.2 Ostiofolliculitis (Bockhardt).

Folliculitis is a general term, describing i­nfectious, inflammatory, mechanical, or

inflammatory reactions within and chemical ones. In infectious folliculitis
around follicular structures. There are bacterial, fungal or viral agents can be
many types of folliculitis, including involved, mostly in conjunction with
1.1: Staphylococcal and Streptococcal Infections 5

­ redisposing factors like diabetes, atopic

p CF: Small yellow, dome‐shaped pustules
dermatitis, or immunodeficiencies. in a follicular distribution with the termi-
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyo­ nal or vellus hair in the center. Preferential
genes, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa most localizations are scalp, face, and axillae.
commonly affect follicular structures, lead- HF: Bacterial and fungal folliculitis show
ing to acute superficial folliculitis, with or similar microscopic features. Neutrophils
without deep abscess formation or chronic are present in the upper part of the folli-
granulomatous inflammation. Bacterial cle, the infundibulum, or the subcorneal
and fungal folliculitis show similar micro- layer of the epidermis.
scopic features. DD: Other forms of infectious, mechani-
cal, or chemical folliculitis.

1.1.3 Pseudomonas (Gram‐Negative) Folliculitis (Whirlpool/Hot Tub


pustules on the
buttocks and the leg

Intra-and perifollicular
mixed cellular
infiltrate ,

Figure 1.1.3 Pseudomonas (Gram‐Negative) Folliculitis (Whirlpool Dermatitis).

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gram‐negative or patients under immunosuppression,

bacterium which is part of the normal “whirlpool” or hot tub folliculitis may
flora of the large skin folds and intertrigi- develop.
nous areas. Under special local predispos- CF: Disseminated painful pustules, mostly
ing conditions or in patients with diabetes at body sites covered by bathing suit.
6   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

HF: Reference
•  Follicles, with follicle walls partly ruptured Mazza, J., Borkin, M., Buchholz, R., & Deleo,
•  Acneiform intra‐ and perifollicular V. (2013). Pseudomonas folliculitis con-
inflammatory infiltrate, predominantly tracted from rubber gloves: A public health
neutrophilic concern. J Am Acad Dermatol, 69(2),
•  Plasma cells and eosinophils may be e93–94.
present Yu, Y., Cheng, A. S., Wang, L., Dunne, W. M., &
Bayliss, S. J. (2007). Hot tub folliculitis or hot
DD: Acne; other bacterial, fungal (pity-
hand‐foot syndrome caused by Pseudomonas
rosporum) or viral (HIV‐associated) folli-
aeruginosa. J Am Acad Dermatol, 57(4),
culitis; demodex folliculitis.

1.1.4 Perianal Streptococcal Dermatitis

perianal erythema

lymphocytic infiltrate
with some eosinophils
and plasma cells
(middle and right)

Figure 1.1.4 Perianal Streptococcal Dermatitis.

This is caused by group B β‐hemolytic strep­ DD: Erysipelas; fungal infection; contact
tococci. Similar symptoms may more fre- dermatitis; psoriasis; Langerhans cell his-
quently be caused by perianal allergic, tiocytosis; zinc deficiency/acrodermatitis
toxic, seborrheic, or atopic dermatitis. enteropathica; intertrigo; lichen planus.
CF: Circumscribed pruritic eczematous
erythema in the gluteal and perianal Reference
region, mostly by bacterial dissemination
Kahlke, V., Jongen, J., Peleikis, H. G., &
from the upper respiratory tract, most
Herbst, R. A. (2013). Perianal streptococcal
commonly in young children but also in
dermatitis in adults: Its association with
pruritic anorectal diseases is mainly caused
HF: Variable nonspecific histologic fea- by group B Streptococci. Colorectal Dis,
tures. Diagnosis depends on positive swab 15(5), 602–607.
for β‐hemolytic streptococci. The rationale Serban, E. D. (2018). Perianal infectious der-
for taking a biopsy may lie in the exclu- matitis: An underdiagnosed, unremitting
sion of other conditions (differential diag- and stubborn condition. World J Clin Pediatr,
noses; see below). 7(4), 89–104.
1.1: Staphylococcal and Streptococcal Infections 7

1.1.5 Differential Diagnosis: Acne Papulopustulosa


barbae (right


infiltrate (left)
and granulomatous ,
reaction with
multinucleated cells

Figures 1.1.5 and 1.1.6 Differential Diagnosis: Acne Papulopustulosa and Pseudofolliculitis Barbae.

CF: Papulopustular lesions, preferentially •  Microorganisms (Propionibacterium acnes

in the face during puberty and in adoles- and Staphylococcus epidermidis) surrounded
cence. Various grades of severity: acne by infiltration with neutrophils
comedonica (I); acne papulopustulosa •  Foreign body (granulomatous) reaction
(II); acne conglobata (III).
HF (acne papulopustulosa): Reference
•  Ruptured hair follicle Leyden, J. J. (1995). New understandings of
•  Hyperparakeratosis in the ostium and the pathogenesis of acne. J Am Acad Dermatol,
infundibular parts of the hair follicles 32(5 Pt 3), S15–25.
with keratin and cellular debris
8   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

1.1.6 Differential Diagnosis: •  Foreign body reaction with multinucle-

Pseudofolliculitis Barbae ated giant cells
CF: Preferentially in black people with curly •  Fibrosis
hair, recurrent papular and pustular, acnei-
form lesions occur in the beard area, second- Reference
ary to razor shaving, and in the neck, where Perry, P. K., Cook‐Bolden, F. E., Rahman, Z.,
acne keloidalis nuchae is a frequent sequela. Jones, E., & Taylor, S. C. (2002). Defining
HF: pseudofolliculitis barbae in 2001: A review
•  Fragments of hair, penetrating into the skin of the literature and current trends. J Am
•  Perifollicular and follicular inflamma- Acad Dermatol, 46(2 Suppl Understanding),
tory infiltrate

1.1.7 Ecthyma Gangrenosum

Initial erythema,
pustule, and
dermal inflammation
on the leg, evolving
into necrotic
ulceration (left)

Superficial ulceration
with necrosis and
dermal inflammatory
infiltrate (right)

Neutrophilic dermal
infiltrate, spreading
between collagen ,
bundles (“Indian file”)

Signs of septic
thrombosed vessel
with paucicellular
infiltrate and
perivascular bacteria

Figure 1.1.7 Ecthyma Gangrenosum.

1.1: Staphylococcal and Streptococcal Infections 9

The term ecthyma is used in various seman- •  Signs of septic vasculitis may be pre-
tic combinations, which show different sent (thrombosed postcapillary venules
­etiologies: Ecthyma simplex is a superficial with very sparse adjacent inflamma-
ulcerating form of impetigo with “punched‐ tory infiltrate)
out” sharp borders. Ecthyma contagiosum •  Gram‐positive cocci, often adjacent to
(orf) is caused by parapox infection (orf thrombosed vessels
virus; see below). •  Sharply circumscribed “punched‐out”
Ecthyma gangrenosum is an ulcerative deep ulceration
variant of septic vasculitis caused by group •  Debris and necrotic material within the
A streptococci or S. aureus. It commonly is ulcer
found in tropical areas, in children, or in •  Mostly neutrophilic dermal infiltrate
patients with impaired immunity. DD: Ulcerating suppurative inflammation
CF: Starting with diffuse erythema, followed and septic vasculitis of other causes; reac-
by massive edema, pustulation and rapid tive perforating dermatosis (acute prurigo).
ulceration, often as sequela to minor trauma;
rapid evolution into sharply circumscribed Reference
deep ulceration with distinct borders. The
Greene, S. L., Su, W. P., & Muller, S. A. (1984).
limbs of children (buttocks) are preferentially
Ecthyma gangrenosum: Report of clinical,
affected. Dissemination may occur (requiring
histopathologic, and bacteriologic aspects of
rapid response with antibiotic treatment!). eight cases. J Am Acad Dermatol, 11(5 Pt 1),
Healing with scar formation. 781–787.
•  Initially massive edema with subtle
mixed inflammatory infiltrate
10   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

1.1.8 Abscess

Painful large, partly

pustular lesion
on the back with
central necrosis

dermal necrosis with
neutrophils, debris,
and bacteria
(below left and right)

Figure 1.1.8 Abscess.

CF: Mostly painful and highly inflamed HF: Intradermal necrosis and massive sup-
intradermal accumulation of pus, opening puration with intradermal pseudocystic
and draining to the surface. accumulation of neutrophils and debris.
DD: Furuncle; carbuncle; ecthyma.
1.1: Staphylococcal and Streptococcal Infections 11

1.1.9 Furuncle

Furuncle (left and


Dermal and
abscess formation

Necrosis, debris,
neutrophilic intra-and
perifollicular infiltrate

Figure 1.1.9 Furuncle.

CF: Under conditions of poor hygiene or in •  Neutrophils predominate

patients with diabetes or with reduced •  Follicular rupture with abscess
immune status, acute deep forms of follicu- formation
litis can develop, which – depending on the •  Granulation tissue with giant cells
size and depth – is referred to as furuncle. •  Bacterial organisms
HF: Deep folliculitis is usually accompa- •  Necrosis
nied by follicular destruction and resolves •  Scarring in late lesions
with scarring. DD: Abscess; carbuncle.
•  Mixed inflammatory intra‐ and perifol-
licular infiltrates
12   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

1.1.10 Carbuncle

Carbuncle showing
pus from multiple
notches and draining
pores (left)

Dermal and
intrafollicular infiltrate
with necrosis,
neutrophils and
multinuclear giant ,
cells next to the
follicle (top right and

Inset: mulinucleated
giant cells

Figure 1.1.10 Carbuncle.

CF: A carbuncle comprises a large nodular •  Abscess formation and necrosis

furunculoid coalescing purulent lesion involv- •  Granuloma formation with multinucle-
ing multiple follicles producing a circum- ated giant cells
scribed highly inflamed soft nodule, which •  Clusters of bacilli (Gram)
extrudes pus from multiple notches and open- •  Granulomatous reaction with multinu-
ings. Preferential localization is the trunk. cleated giant cells
HF: •  Resolves with scarring
•  Damage of dermal and adnexal structures
1.1: Staphylococcal and Streptococcal Infections 13

1.1.11 Erysipelas (Cellulitis)

Erythema and initial

blister formation on
the knee, lower leg,
and face

Edema, dilated
lymphatic vessels
(middle), and
sparse neutrophilic
infiltrate between
collagen bundles

Figure Erysipelas (Cellulitis).

14   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

swelling and blister
formation on the arm

blister, fibrosis,
necrosis with diffuse
and perivascular
neutrophilic infiltrate

Dilated lymphatic
vessels and
neutrophilic infiltrate

infiltrate, also
involving the vessel
lumen and vessel
wall (right)

Figure Erysipelas (Cellulitis), bullous.

CF: Following infection with streptococci involvement, necrosis and blister forma-
type A via interdigital maceration or tion, which may be hemorrhagic.
small defects, sharply demarcated periph- Associated general symptoms are fever,
erally spreading warm and painful ery- chills, and swelling of the regional lymph
thema develops along superficial lymph nodes. Erysipelas has a tendency to recur.
vessels, preferentially on the lower legs, HF:
arms, or face. Lymphedema is a predis- •  Dermal edema
posing factor. Nosologic relationship •  Dilated capillaries and lymphatic vessels
exists to phlegmon and necrotizing cel- •  Sparse mixed interstitial and perivas-
lulitis. Cellulitis is a maximal variant of cular infiltrate with neutrophils and
erysipelas with dermal and subcutaneous eosinophils
1.1: Staphylococcal and Streptococcal Infections 15

•  Neutrophils in vessel walls and dilated DD: Contact dermatitis, rosacea, lupus
lymphatic vessels erythematosus, seborrheic dermatitis: in
•  Occasionally subepidermal blister these conditions, fever and chills are char-
formation acteristically lacking.
•  Fibrosis in recurrent cases

1.1.12 Phlegmon

Edematous swelling
and inflammation
with erosion and
ulceration on the
hand (left)

Necrosis of
epidermal and
superficial dermal
(upper right and

Necrotic changes of
the dermis with
diffuse neutrophilic

Figure Phlegmon.
16   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

Subepidermal bulla.
Necrosis and
infiltrate in the

Clusters of bacteria
between collagen
bundles (middle and
bottom, arrow)

Figure Phlegmon, bullous.

CF: In immunodeficient patients, superfi- HF:

cial bacterial infections (staphylococci, •  Epidermis partially or completely necrotic
streptococci, and others) can rapidly •  Subepidermal blisters and bullae
spread within soft tissue, preferentially •  Dermal edema, neutrophilic infiltrate,
along fasciae, without respecting natural and bacteria
tissue compartments, and eventually •  Blood vessels may be thrombosed
evolve into necrosis of connective tissue,
DD: Erysipelas.
muscles, and fasciae.
1.1: Staphylococcal and Streptococcal Infections 17

1.1.13 Necrotizing Fasciitis CF: Painful erythema develops rapidly

(Streptococcal into blister formation, necrosis, and deep
Gangrene)° ulceration with subsequent gangrene.
This is a fulminant necrotizing process due HF:
to infection mostly with group A β‐hemo- •  Blistering
lytic streptococci. Impaired health condition •  Diffuse infiltration of the dermis with
and immunodeficiency are predisposing neutrophils and lymphocytes
factors in this rapidly developing and often •  Necrosis of soft tissue
fatal disease, which may follow minor •  Involvement of fasciae and muscles
trauma or surgery. •  Thrombosis with occlusion of vessels
DD: Phlegmon; panniculitis.

1.1.14 Hidradenitis Suppurativa (Acne Inversa)

Acute (left) and

chronic (scarring)
(right) hidradenitis

Dermal abscess, ,
necrosis, and
draining to the

infiltrate around
apocrine structures
and in the fat.
Septal scarring

Figure 1.1.14 Hidradenitis Suppurativa (Acne Inversa).

18   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

CF: Areas rich in apocrine glands, such as DD: Granuloma inguinale; Crohn’s disease;
axillae, groin, or buttocks, are preferen- Pemphigus benignus familiaris (Hailey‐
tially involved, showing painful purulent, Hailey); Actinomycosis; chronic fungal
furunculoid nodules and scarring with infection; Langerhans cell histiocytosis.
sinuses and fistulas. The disease is associ-
ated with acne conglobata. Reference
HF: Jemec, G. B., & Hansen, U. (1996). Histology
•  Dermal abscesses, draining to the surface of hidradenitis suppurativa. J Am Acad
•  Mixed inflammatory infiltrate Dermatol, 34(6), 994–999.
•  Neutrophils predominate Kalen, J. E., Shokeen, D., Mislankar, M., Wangia,
•  Lymphocytes, plasma cells, eosinophils, M., & Motaparthi, K. (2018). Langerhans cell
and fibrosis in later stages histiocytosis with clinical and histologic features
•  Granulomatous reactions with multi- of hidradenitis suppurativa: Brief report and
review. Am J Dermatopathol, 40(7), 502–505.
nucleated giant cells
Prens, E., & Deckers, I. (2015). Pathophysiology
•  Scarring fibrosis and destruction of
of hidradenitis suppurativa: An update. J Am
adnexal structures Acad Dermatol, 73(5 Suppl 1), S8–11.

1.2 Other Bacterial Infections: Corynebacteria

1.2.1 Erythrasma

Red brown macules

in the groin (left)
and in the axilla
Red fluorescence
under Wood’s light

Corynebacteria ,
within the compact
corneal layer (PAS)

Figure 1.2.1 Erythrasma.
1.2: Other Bacterial Infections: Corynebacteria 19

CF: Reddish brown macules in moist •  Tiny filamentous gram‐positive, PAS‐

intertriginous areas (groin, axillae) due to positive (slightly) rods within the corni-
infection with bacteria Corynebacterium fied layer
minutissimum. Coral red fluorescence •  Sparse dermal perivascular infiltrate
under UVA light (Wood lamp). may be present
HF: DD: Intertrigo, trichophytia, candidiasis,
•  “Invisible” dermatosis (i.e. distinct clini- toxic or allergic contact dermatitis.
cal findings correlating with inconspicu-
ous histopathological setting)

1.2.2 Pitted Keratolysis (Keratoma Sulcatum)

Defects and small

pits of the horny layer

Steplike erosion of
the cornified layer

Figure 1.2.2 Pitted Keratolysis (Keratoma Sulcatum).

CF: Mostly in association with hyperhi- Reference

drosis (occlusive footwear), small pits are
de Almeida, H. L., Jr., Siqueira, R. N., Meireles
seen within the thickened macerated cor-
Rda, S., Rampon, G., de Castro, L. A., & Silva,
neal layer of the soles, or occasionally of
R. M. (2016). Pitted keratolysis. An Bras
the palms, due to keratolytic enzymes Dermatol, 91(1), 106–108.
produced by Corynebacterium spp. or other
gram‐positive bacteria.
HF: Clefts and elongated spaces within
the corneal layer, containing bacteria.
Missing or sparse inflammation.
20   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

1.2.3 Trichobacteriosis (Trichomycosis) Palmellina

Axillary hair showing

yellowish sheath-like
casts of bacteria
(left and right)

Figure 1.2.3 Trichobacteriosis (Trichomycosis) Palmellina.

CF: This disorder, which formerly was (UVA light), revealing red fluorescence
considered to be a fungal infection, in due to bacterial protoporphyrin.
truth is caused by corynebacteria DD: Piedra; hair casts; taenia amiantacea.
(Corynebacterium tenuis), forming white‐
yellow, red or black, difficult‐to‐remove, Reference
compact deposits along the hair shafts, Rho, N. K., & Kim, B. J. (2008). A corynebac-
preferentially in the axillae, where hyper- terial triad: Prevalence of erythrasma and
hidrosis is a predisposing factor. trichomycosis axillaris in soldiers with pit-
HF: The diagnosis is made clinically, or by ted keratolysis. J Am Acad Dermatol, 58(2
microscopic examination of plucked hair Suppl), S57–58.
shafts, or preferentially with Wood’s lamp
1.2: Other Bacterial Infections: Corynebacteria 21

1.2.4 Erysipeloid

violaceus macular
lesion on the dorsum
of fingers and back
of the hand

and interstitial
infiltrate of
lymphocytes and
neutrophils. Dilated
lymphatic vessels

Figure 1.2.4 Erysipeloid.

This rare, acute, mostly self‐limited infection, •  Diffuse superficial and deep polymor-
resembling erysipelas, is caused by the gram‐ phous inflammatory infiltrate showing
positive bacillus Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils,
Infections result from direct contact with and plasma cells
swine or contaminated animal material. •  Organisms in most cases cannot be
Systemic symptoms, which are commonly detected with histological staining
encountered in erysipelas, as well as lym- •  Microbiology/molecular pathology
phangitis and lymphadenitis, are lacking. from skin specimens reveals infectious
CF: The painful violaceous, macular, well‐­ organisms
circumscribed lesion usually evolves from DD: Erysipelas; erythema migrans; con-
pinpoint injuries on the hands or fingers and tact dermatitis.
slowly spreads peripherally with central clear-
ing. There may be slight diffuse swelling.
HF: Reference
•  Dermal edema Varella, T. C., & Nico, M. M. (2005). Erysipeloid.
•  Dilatation of lymphatic vessels Int J Dermatol, 44(6), 497–498.
22   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

1.2.5 Anthrax

Pustule with central

necrosis (left)

Striking edema in the

upper dermis,
hemorrhage, and
necrosis (right)

Abscess formation in
the dermis and
gram-positive rods

Figure 1.2.5 Anthrax.

The gram‐positive Bacillus anthracis finally turns black in the center (“­pustula
spawns permanent spores that are resist- maligna”).
ant in harsh environment, thrive in tis- HF:
sue, and produce exotoxins. Farmers, •  Striking edema in the upper dermis
veterinarians, butchers, and slaughter- •  Hemorrhage
house workers are especially vulnerable •  Necrosis
to infection. Remarkably, anthrax spores •  Diffuse lymphocytic and neutrophilic
have been misused as biological weapons infiltrate in the dermis
(respiratory infection). •  Abscess formation
CF: In cutaneous anthrax infection, •  Gram‐positive, markedly elongated
striking edema develops at the inocula- bacterial rods
tion site. A pustule forms, which
DD: Sporotrichosis; orf; arthropod bite reac-
becomes hemorrhagic, necrotic, and
tion; staphylococcal infection; tularemia.
1.2: Other Bacterial Infections: Corynebacteria 23

Reference Tutrone, W. D., Scheinfeld, N. S., & Weinberg,

J. M. (2002). Cutaneous anthrax: A concise
Dixon, T. C., Meselson, M., Guillemin, J., & review. Cutis, 69(1), 27–33.
Hanna, P. C. (1999). Anthrax. N Engl J Med,
341(11), 815–826.
Mallon, E., & McKee, P. H. (1997). Extraordinary
case report: Cutaneous anthrax. Am J
Dermatopathol, 19(1), 79–82.

1.2.6 Nocardiosis

Abscesses on the
limb along lymphatic
vessels (left and

Accumulation of
neutrophils (left) and
grains (right)

Figure 1.2.6 Nocardiosis. Source: The images top left and right is modified from Fukuda et al. (2008).
Lymphocutaneous type of nocardiosis caused by Nocardia brasiliensis: a case report and
review of primary cutaneous nocardiosis caused by N. brasiliensis reported in Japan.
J Dermatol, 35(6), 346-353. The images bottom left and right is modified from Bandeira
et al. (2019). Primary ­cutaneous nocardiosis. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. doi:10.1111/ddg.13770.

Nocardia species comprises a group of HF:

gram‐positive bacteria with low or moder- •  Suppurative infiltrate resembling
ate virulence, which branch with fila- actinomycosis
ments, and occur worldwide in soil, •  Large superficial neutrophilic abscesses
plants, and organic material. Cutaneous •  Granulomatous reaction at the periphery
nocardiosis in most cases is caused by •  Grains with pale center, surrounded
infection with Nocardia brasiliensis, mostly by  amorphous eosinophilic (pseudoac-
in immunocompromised patients. tinomycotic) bodies (Splendore–Hoeppli
CF: In sporotrichoid nocardiosis, abscesses phenomenon)
develop on the limbs along lymphatic
DD: Actinomycosis; sporotrichosis; deep
fungal and atypical mycobacterial infections.
24   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

Reference Naka, W., Miyakawa, S., Niizeki, H., Fukuda,

T., Mikami, Y., & Nishikawa, T. (1995).
Bandeira, I. D., Guimaraes‐Silva, P., Cedro‐ Unusually located lymphocutaneous nocar-
Filho, R. L., de Almeida, V. R. P., Bittencourt, diosis caused by Nocardia brasiliensis. Br J
A. L., & Brites, C. (2019). Primary cutaneous Dermatol, 132(4), 609–613.
nocardiosis. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges, 17(3), Warren, N. G. (1996). Actinomycosis, nocar-
327–329. diosis, and actinomycetoma. Dermatol Clin,
14(1), 85–95.

1.2.7 Rhinoscleroma

growth on the nasal
mucosa, spreading to
the oral mucosa (left)

hyperplasia and
dense dermal
infiltrate (right)

Mixed cellular
infiltrate, showing
granulocytes, and
many plasma
cells (left)

Large macrophages
with foamy
(Mikulicz cells)

Figure 1.2.7 Rhinoscleroma.

Rare infection by the gram‐negative HF:

Klebsiella pneumoniae rhinoscleromatis. •  Pseudocarcinomatous hyperplasia of
CF: The nasal mucosa is preferentially the mucosa
affected. Initially chronic rhinitis, followed •  Mixed diffuse and dense infiltrate of the
by granulomatous growth on the nasal upper and lower propria
mucosa, spreading to the oral mucosa. •  Lymphocytes, neutrophils, and many
Lesions resolve by scarring and permanent plasma cells with Russell bodies (cyto-
tissue destruction. plasmic deposits of immunoglobulin)
1.3: Rochalimaea/Bartonellae 25

•  Large macrophages with foamy cyto- Efared, B., Hammas, N., Gabrielle, A. E., Ben
plasm and bacilli (Mikulicz cells) Mansour, N., El Fatemi, H., & Chbani, L.
•  Special stains: silver, Gram, Giemsa, (2018). Rhinoscleroma: A chronic infectious
PAS (Russell bodies) disease of poor areas with characteristic his-
tological features  –  report of a series of six
DD: Leishmaniasis, NK/T-cell lymphoma. cases. Trop Doct, 48(1), 33–35.

1.3 Rochalimaea/Bartonellae
Ahmed, A. R., El‐Badawy, Z. H., Mohamed, I. R.,
& Abdelhameed, W. A. (2015). Rhinoscleroma: Gram‐negative bacteria (Bartonella hense­
A detailed histopathological diagnostic insight. lae or Bartonella quintana; formerly
Int J Clin Exp Pathol, 8(7), 8438–8445. Rochalimaea) are the causative agent in
Castanedo Cazares, J. P., & Martinez Rosales, bacillary angiomatosis, cat scratch disease‚
K. I. (2015). Images in clinical medicine.
and in verruga peruana.
Rhinoscleroma. N Engl J Med, 372(25), e33.

1.3.1 Bacillary Angiomatosis and Cat Scratch Disease

Bacillary angiomatosis:
nodules in a patient
with AIDS (left) *

Cat scratch disease:

swelling of inguinal
lymph node (right)

Bacillary angiomatosis:
vascular proliferation
with neutrophilic ,
infiltrate (middle left)
and karyorrhexis
Immunostain with
antibody (right)

Electron microscopy
of Bartonella
Henselae (right)

Inset: bacterial

Figure 1.3.1  Bacillary Angiomatosis and Cat Scratch Disease (top right).
*Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (p. 273). Oxford: Wiley.
26   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

Immunodeficient patients suffering from (angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosino-

AIDS are most commonly affected. philia); Kaposi’s sarcoma; verruga peruana.
CF: Pyogenic granuloma‐like, mostly mul-
tiple red hemorrhagic nodules or plaques.
Granulomatous swelling of the draining
lymph node in cat scratch disease. Amsbaugh, S., Huiras, E., Wang, N. S., Wever, A.,
Concomitant internal manifestation may & Warren, S. (2006). Bacillary angiomatosis
occur (peliosis hepatica). associated with pseudoepitheliomatous hyper-
HF: plasia. Am J Dermatopathol, 28(1), 32–35.
Kempf, V. A., Lebiedziejewski, M., Alitalo, K.,
•  Vascular proliferation resembling pyo- Walzlein, J. H., Ehehalt, U., Fiebig,
genic granuloma or granulation tissue J., . . . Autenrieth, I. B. (2005). Activation of
•  Blood vessels with large, activated epi- hypoxia‐inducible factor‐1 in bacillary angi-
thelioid endothelia, high mitotic activity omatosis: Evidence for a role of hypoxia‐
•  Conspicuous lack of fibrous septa inducible factor‐1 in bacterial infections.
between capillary lobules Circulation, 111(8), 1054–1062.
•  Edematous stroma Perez‐Piteira, J., Ariza, A., Mate, J. L.,
•  Neutrophil‐rich inflammatory infiltrate Ojanguren, I., & Navas‐Palacios, J. J.
with karyorrhexis (1995). Bacillary angiomatosis: A gross
mimicker of malignancy. Histopathology,
•  Causative bacteria can be demonstrated
26(5), 476–478.
by Warthin–Starry stain or immu-
Tsang, W. Y., Chan, J. K., & Wong, C. S. (1992).
nostains, preferentially in close proxim- Giemsa stain for histological diagnosis of
ity to vessels bacillary angiomatosis. Histopathology, 21(3):
DD: Pyogenic granuloma (lobular capillary 299.
hemangioma); epithelioid hemangioma
1.3: Rochalimaea/Bartonellae 27

1.3.2 Verruga Peruana

Multiple nodules on
the legs

Vascular proliferation
and neutrophilic
infiltrate (upper right
and middle)

Grocott stain

Figure 1.3.2  Verruga Peruana.

Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (p. 274).
Oxford: Wiley.

CF: Dermal papules and nodules, pedun- HF: Corresponds to bacillary angiomato-
culated, eroded or verrucous, resembling sis, albeit with exclusively intracytoplas-
bacillary angiomatosis. Verruga peruana is mic bacteria (Rocha–Lima bodies), while
the late stage of Oroya fever that is caused in bacillary angiomatosis infectious organ-
by Bartonella bacilliformis, almost exclu- isms thrive purely extracellularly.
sively in the Andes Mountains (Peru). DD: See bacillary angiomatosis.
Infectious vectors are sandflies.
28   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

Reference Bhutto, A. M., Nonaka, S., Hashiguchi, Y., &

Gomez, E. A. (1994). Histopathological and
Arias‐Stella, J., Lieberman, P. H., Garcia‐ electron microscopical features of skin lesions
Caceres, U., Erlandson, R. A., Kruger, H., & in a patient with bartonellosis (­verruga peru-
Arias‐Stella, J., Jr. (1987). Verruga peruana ana). J Dermatol, 21(3), 178–184.
mimicking malignant neoplasms. Am J Jimenez‐Lucho, V. (1998). Images in clinical medi-
Dermatopathol, 9(4), 279–291. cine. Verruga peruana. N Engl J Med, 339(7), 450.

1.3.3 Differential Diagnosis: Pyogenic Granuloma (Lobular Capillary

Hemangioma; Botryomycosis)

Exophytic vascular
partially eroded
lesion on the finger

Nodular lesion with

collarette of
acanthotic and
epidermis on the
finger (middle) and ,
on the toe (bottom)

Lobular arrangement
of capillary tufts
separated by broad
fibrous septa

Figure 1.3.3  Differential Diagnosis: Pyogenic Granuloma (Lobular Capillary Hemangioma;

Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (p. 270).
Oxford: Wiley.
1.4: Mycobacterial Infections 29

Benign vascular hyperplasia, histologi- Pyogenic granuloma‐like Kaposi’s sarcoma.

cally showing a lobular structure with J Cutan Pathol, 43(6), 549–551.
fibrous septa and accompanied by variable Vega Harring, S. M., Niyaz, M., Okada, S., &
inflammatory infiltrate. Kudo, M. (2004). Extramedullary hemat-
opoiesis in a pyogenic granuloma: A case
CF: Soft, friable, easily vulnerable and
report and review. J Cutan Pathol, 31(8),
bleeding, pedunculated exophytic nodu-
lar lesion. The lesion is surrounded by an
epithelial collarette. Fingers, palms, face,
and scalp are preferential sites. Pyogenic 1.4 Mycobacterial Infections
granuloma, however, may occur on any
Mycobacteria that cause tuberculosis and
other part of the body, including oral
leprosy are subsumed under the heading
mucosa. Superficial trauma is considered
of “typical” mycobacteria, while infec-
the most common cause. The growth of
tions caused by M. marinum (swimming
the lesion can be fostered by hormonal
pool or fish tank mycobacteriosis), M.
(pregnancy) and other factors (tretinoin).
ulcerans (Buruli ulcer), and M. kansasii are
commonly referred to as “atypical” myco-
•  Dome‐shaped lesion bacterioses. Histopathologically, all myco-
•  Epithelial collarette at the borders bacteria can be detected by Ziehl–Neelsen
•  Flat epidermis; superficial ulceration and stain (acid‐fast bacilli), immunohisto-
crust formation with bacteria are common chemistry, or by PCR.
•  Multilobular architecture with fibrous
septa between vascular lobules 1.4.1 Tuberculosis Cutis
•  Proliferation of capillaries (CD31; Depending on the immune status of the
CD34): central “feeder vessel” patient, various forms of cutaneous and
•  Mitoses of endothelial cells without cel- subcutaneous tuberculosis of the skin occur.
lular atypia
•  Variable inflammatory neutrophil‐rich Reference
infiltrate and edema; predominant Kannan, S., Simpson, G. L., Sheehan, D. J., &
fibrosis in advanced lesions Lesher, J. L., Jr. (2009). Giant verrucous
•  Remarkably, bacteria never occur within nodules in a patient with tuberculosis. Am J
the center of the lesion Dermatopathol, 31(6), 591–593.
DD: Granulation tissue; amelanotic Maldonado‐Bernal, C., Ramos‐Garibay, A.,
malignant melanoma; infantile/congeni- Rios‐Sarabia, N., Serrano, H., Carrera, M.,
Navarrete‐Franco, G., . . . Isibasi, A. (2019).
tal hemangioma; nodular Kaposi sarcoma;
Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction and
angiosarcoma; acquired tufted angioma.
Cutaneous Tuberculosis. Am J Dermatopathol,
41(6), 428–435.
Massi, D., Trotta, M., Franchi, A., Pimpinelli, N.,
Fortna, R. R., & Junkins‐Hopkins, J. M. (2007). & Santucci, M. (2004). Atypical CD30+ cuta-
A case of lobular capillary hemangioma neous lymphoid proliferation in a patient with
(pyogenic granuloma), localized to the sub- tuberculosis infection. Am J Dermatopathol,
cutaneous tissue, and a review of the litera- 26(3), 234–236.
ture. Am J Dermatopathol, 29(4), 408–411. Sharma, S., Sehgal, V. N., Bhattacharya, S.
Fukunaga, M. (2000). Kaposi’s sarcoma‐like N., Mahajan, G., & Gupta, R. (2015).
pyogenic granuloma. Histopathology, 37(2), Clinicopathologic spectrum of cutaneous
192–193. tuberculosis: A retrospective analysis of
McClain, C. M., Haws, A. L., Galfione, S. K., 165 Indians. Am J Dermatopathol, 37(6),
Rapini, R. P., & Hafeez Diwan, A. (2016). 444–450.
30   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections Primary Tuberculosis of the Skin

Primary tuberculosis
on the leg


Figure Primary Tuberculosis of the Skin.

Primary tuberculosis of the skin, caused by HF:

Mycobacterium tuberculosis inoculation via •  Abscess
superficial skin ulceration, is very rare and •  Necrosis
mostly occurs in children without previ- •  Many mycobacteria (Ziehl–Neelsen
ous mycobacterial contact or without stain)
Bacille Calmette‐Guerin (BCG) vaccina- •  Granulomatous reaction occurs many
tion. The immune status is anergic and the weeks later
tuberculin test negative; high numbers of
DD: Other primary mycobacterioses; for-
mycobacteria are present in the tissue.
eign body granuloma; actinomycosis;
CF: Papule or ulceration. Swelling of the
sporotrichosis; tularemia.
draining lymph node. BCG Vaccination Granuloma

lesion with erythema

infiltrate in the dermis

Figure BCG Vaccination Granuloma.

1.4: Mycobacterial Infections 31

CF: Papulopustular reaction with erythema. BCG vaccination: Case report and review of
HF: Granulomatous inflammation with the literature. J Dermatolog Treat, 22(6),
predominant epithelioid granulomas at 315–318.
the site of previous BCG vaccination. Lyu, S. M., Choi, Y. W., Oh, C. W., Choi, H. Y.,
& Byun, J. Y. (2013). Granulomatous reac-
DD: Insect bite; furuncle.
tion after BCG vaccination histologically
mimicking reticulohistiocytoma. Eur J
Dermatol, 23(4), 527–528.
Keijsers, R. R., Bovenschen, H. J., & Seyger, M.
M. (2011). Cutaneous complication after Differential Diagnosis: Lupus Miliaris Disseminatus Faciei


Tiny reddish brown


infiltrate with
(short arrow)
(long arrow)
Central caseating
(red arrowhead)

Figure  Differential Diagnosis: Lupus Miliaris Disseminatus Faciei.

Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 184). Oxford: Wiley.
32   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

LMDF originally was considered to be a •  All special stains and PCR for infectious
tuberculid, but eventually was subsumed organisms are negative
under the spectrum of granulomatous DD: Acne; rosacea; verrucae planae.
rosacea or acne agminata. However, the
disease occurs also in extrafacial areas. Reference
CF: Tiny reddish brown papules, simulating
Chougule, A., Chatterjee, D., Yadav, R., Sethi, S.,
acne (syn. Acne agminata and acnitis).
De, D., & Saikia, U. N. (2018). Granulomatous
rosacea versus lupus miliaris disseminatus
•  Small well‐circumscribed interfollicular faciei‐2 faces of facial granulomatous disor-
superficial granulomas in the upper dermis der: A clinicohistological and molecular study.
•  Admixture of neutrophils Am J Dermatopathol, 40(11), 819–823.
•  Marked central caseating necrosis Schaarschmidt, M. L., Schlich, M., Staub, J.,
devoid of any organisms Schmieder, A., Goerdt, S., & Peitsch, W. K.
•  Peripheral wreath of densely packed (2017). Lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei:
Not only a facial dermatosis. Acta Derm
histiocytes and multinucleate giant cells
Venereol, 97(5), 655–656. Lupus Vulgaris (LV)

Atrophic slightly
scaling reddish
brown plaque with

Epidermal atrophy
overlying dermal

Epithelioid cell
(left) with central
caseation necrosis
(right) surrounded by
and plasma cells

Figure  Lupus Vulgaris.

Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 179). Oxford: Wiley.
1.4: Mycobacterial Infections 33

Patients with LV have a positive Mantoux •  Caseating tuberculous granulomas,

test, which indicates a normergic immune composed of central necrosis, epithe-
response following post‐primary endoge- lioid cells, lymphocytes, multinuclear
nous reactivation or secondary external giant cells (Langhans type), plasma cells,
inoculation. and some neutrophils
CF: Slowly growing lesions are found •  Fibrosis
mostly at acral sites, for example, ears, •  Infectious organisms (M. tuberculosis)
nose, cheeks, and peripheral parts of are present in exceedingly low numbers
limbs. Tiny apple‐jelly‐colored reddish and can almost never be detected
brown «lupoid» nodules are highly char- microscopically
acteristic, and correlate to the granuloma- •  Confirmation by PCR (biopsy) is difficult;
tous infiltrate with macrophages and conventional microbiological methods
multinucleate giant cells, which can be (culture) are preferred
demonstrated easily by dermoscopy. DD: Other granulomatous infiltrates; sar-
Lesions resolve with atrophic and mutilat- coidosis, tuberculoid leprosy; granuloma
ing scars; recurrences are common. LV annulare; necrobiosis lipoidica; rheumatoid
may progress to various clinical variants: papule; rosacea; perioral dermatitis; deep
verrucous, hypertrophic, ulcerating, veg- mycosis; leishmaniasis; tertiary syphilis.
etating, mutilating types of LV. Tuberculosis
cutis colliquative and scrofuloderma are Reference
subcutaneous (lymph node) variants of LV.
Motswaledi, M. H., & Doman, C. (2007). Lupus
vulgaris with squamous cell carcinoma.
•  Epidermis is mostly atrophic, but in the J Cutan Pathol, 34(12), 939–941.
verrucosus variant of LV may show
pseudocarcinomatous hyperplasia
34   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections Variant: Tuberculosis (Lupus) Cutis Verrucosa

lesions on the chin

Fungating lesion
with draining follicular
sinuses (perforating
(top right and middle)

Acanthosis and
papillomatosis (left);
dermal granuloma
with multinucleated
giant cells (right)

Figure Variant: Tuberculosis (Lupus) Cutis Verrucosa.

Variant of lupus vulgaris with overlying ver- Lim, J. A., Tan, W. C., Khor, B. T., Hukam
rucous (pseudocarcinomatous) epidermis. Gopal Chand, S. D., & Palanivelu, T. (2017).
Early onset of squamous cell carcinoma aris-
Reference ing from tuberculosis verrucosa cutis. J Am
Coll Clin Wound Spec, 9(1–3), 35–38.
Chahar, M., Dhali, T. K., & D’Souza, P. (2015).
Multifocal tuberculosis verrucosa cutis.
Dermatol Online J, 21(1).
1.4: Mycobacterial Infections 35 Variant: Tuberculosis Cutis Colliquativa (Scrofuloderma)

Ulceration, fistulation,
and necrosis in the
neck area

hyperplasia overlying
perforating dermal
infiltrate with
caseation necrosis

Mixed cellular
infiltrate with
Langhans giant cell

(Ziehl–Neelsen stain;
arrows) (right)

Figure Variant: Tuberculosis Cutis Colliquativa (Scrofuloderma).

Chronic subcutaneous variant of tubercu- nodes in the head and neck area. Typical
losis with underlying normergic immune are painless swelling and ulceration with
status. necrosis and fistulation, leading to adher-
CF: Skin involvement may result from per ence of the overlying skin and finally scar
continuitatem draining infected lymph formation.
36   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

HF: Reference
•  Nonspecific epidermal hyperplasia Gupta, M., Gupta, M., & Kaur, R. (2013).
•  Massive necrosis Tuberculosis colliquativa cutis of the cheek:
•  Tuberculoid granulomas with Langhans An extremely uncommon manifestation of
giant cells primary extrapulmonary tuberculosis. BMJ
•  Mixed inflammatory infiltrate with lym- Case Rep, 2013.
phocytes, plasma cells, and neutrophils Tur, E., Brenner, S., & Meiron, Y. (1996).
•  Tuberculous pus Scrofuloderma (tuberculosis colliquativa
cutis). Br J Dermatol, 134(2), 350–352.
DD: Actinomycosis; deep fungal infec-
tions; lymphogranuloma; tertiary syphilis
(gumma). Lichen Scrofulosorum (Tuberculosis Cutis Lichenoides)

papules on the leg
(left) and on the trunk

Figure Lichen Scrofulosorum (Tuberculosis Cutis Lichenoides).

Hyperergic immune status, showing strongly •  Lymphocytes and histiocytes between

positive tuberculin test. Mycobacteria usually tuberculoid nodules
cannot be detected in the tissue, although •  Rarely, mycobacteria may be detectable
they may be present in very low numbers. in some cases by special stains (Ziehl–
CF: Tiny reddish brown follicular or peri- Neelsen) or by PCR
follicular papules clustered (“lichenoid”) DD: Lichen (ruber) planus; lichen nitidus;
in a circumscribed area of the trunk or lichen syphiliticus; lichen trichophyticus
extremities. Remarkable morphological
overlap with lichen nitidus. Reference
Ben Jazia, E., Hachfi, W., Trimech, M., Hmissa,
•  Follicular or perifollicular granuloma- S., Jeddi, C. H., & Omezzine‐Letaief, A.
tous infiltrate (2006). Detection of mycobacterial tubercu-
•  Epithelioid cell infiltrate with some losis DNA in lichen scrofulosorum. J Am Acad
Langhans giant cells Dermatol, 55(2 Suppl), S54–55.
1.4: Mycobacterial Infections 37

Camacho, D., Pielasinski, U., Revelles, J. M., mimicking lichen planus. Am J Dermatopathol,
Gorgolas, M., Manzarbeitia, F., Kutzner, H., 33(2), 186–191.
& Requena, L. (2011). Lichen scrofulosorum Papulonecrotic Tuberculid

lesions on the

Caseating granuloma
with central necrosis
(middle)* and
Langhans giant cells

Figure  Papulonecrotic Tuberculid.

*Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology. Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 182). Oxford: Wiley.

Immune status as in lichen scrofuloso- •  PCR/culture for mycobacteria may be

rum, that is, hyperergic with strongly pos- positive
itive tuberculin test. DD: Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis
CF: Symmetric disseminated erythema- acuta (PLEVA); leukocytoclastic vasculitis;
tous papulonecrotic and ulcerated lesions, prurigo.
mostly in acral localization; resolving with
scar formation. Reference
Jordaan, H. F., Van Niekerk, D. J., & Louw, M.
•  Wedge‐shaped infiltrate in the dermis (1994). Papulonecrotic tuberculid. A clinical,
•  Granulomatous infiltrate with caseous histopathological, and immunohistochemi-
necrosis cal study of 15 patients. Am J Dermatopathol,
•  Giant multinuclear cells (Langhans giant 16(5), 474–485.
cells) Victor, T., Jordaan, H. F., Van Niekerk, D. J., Louw,
•  Concomitant lymphocytic vasculitis M., Jordaan, A., & Van Helden, P. D. (1992).
•  Thrombosed blood vessels Papulonecrotic tuberculid. Identification of
•  Mycobacteria completely lacking (nega- Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA by polymer-
ase chain reaction. Am J Dermatopathol, 14(6),
tive Ziehl–Neelsen stain)
38   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections Erythema Induratum Bazin

Contusiform and
lesions on the
calves (left)*

Lobular and septal

panniculitis (right)

infiltrate in the deep
dermis and subcutis
(top right and middle)

Vasculitis of
arteria within the

Figure  Erythema Induratum (Bazin).

*Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 183). Oxford: Wiley.

“Classic” EIB is a subcutaneous variant of calves, simulating vasculitis or thrombo-

hyperergic reaction in patients who have phlebitis. Ulceration is rare, but may occur
or have had tuberculosis. The tuberculin at advanced stages.
test is strongly positive. Non‐tuberculous HF:
variants of EIB may occur, clinically and •  Lobular panniculitis, occasionally evolv-
histopathologically often overlapping ing into suppurative panniculitis
with nodular vasculitis. •  Granulomatous perivascular infiltrates,
CF: Contusiform plaques and intradermal mostly in the deep dermal plexus
nodular infiltration, often located on the •  Lipophagic granulomas in advanced lesions
1.4: Mycobacterial Infections 39

•  Nodular arterial subcutaneous vasculitis manifestations of tuberculosis. J Infect, 28(2),

is not an inherent part of “classic” EIB 193–197.
Wang, T. C., Tzen, C. Y., & Su, H. Y. (2000).
DD: Nodular vasculitis, erythema nodo-
Erythema induratum associated with tuber-
sum; sarcoidosis; pernio
culous lymphadenitis: Analysis of a case
using polymerase chain reactions with differ-
ent primer pairs to differentiate bacille
Roblin, D., Kelly, R., Wansbrough‐Jones, M., & Calmette‐Guerin (BCG) from virulent strains
Harwood, C. (1994). Papulonecrotic tubercu- of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex.
lide and erythema induratum as presenting J Dermatol, 27(11), 717–723.

1.4.2 Atypical Mycobacteriosis: Fish Tank (Swimming Pool)



with hyperkeratosis

Diffuse suppurative
granuloma formation

giant cell containing

Figure 1.4.2 Fish Tank (Swimming Pool) Granuloma.

40   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

Inoculation with Mycobacterium marinum Gerhard Armauer Hansen (1874). The

occurs via local trauma and exposure to armadillo is a natural carrier and serves
infested water, mostly in fish tanks or as a vector, without becoming ill.
swimming pools. Culturing of M. leprae has not been
CF: Hyperkeratotic lichenoid and granu- successful.
lomatous lesion with superficial ulcera- Lepra predominantly affects the skin
tion and crust formation. and preferentially the sensory nerves
HF: (pain and temperature) and is still consid-
•  Acanthosis and hyperkeratosis of over- ered a serious health concern in many
lying epidermis tropical and subtropical countries. The
•  Tuberculoid granulomas incubation period is very long (3–5 years).
◦◦ Central necrosis often present The Ridley–Jopling (R‐J) classification of
◦◦ Macrophages and multinucleated leprosy is widely used.
Langhans giant cells The early stage is called “indeterminate
◦◦ Mixed adjacent inflammatory infiltrate, lepra” and shows hypopigmented (dark‐
with neutrophils and lymphocytes skinned people) or slightly red (fair skin)
◦◦ Ziehl–Neelsen stain often positive spots. Histologically there may be mini-
showing few microorganisms mal inflammation with a few bacteria
•  Fibrosis present. Depending on the patient’s
immune status, tuberculoid, borderline,
DD: Other chronic infections and diseases
lepromatous lepra and intermediate
associated with granulomas and mixed
forms may evolve. For monitoring ther-
inflammatory dermal infiltrates.
apy, the bacterial index (1–6; depending
Reference on the number of bacteria found in the
skin) and the morphologic index
Boyd, A. S., & Robbins, J. (2005). Cutaneous percentage of solid staining bacteria)

Mycobacterium avium intracellulare infec- are applied. For the demonstration of
tion in an HIV+ patient mimicking histoid
lepra bacilli in the tissue, the Fite‐Faraco
leprosy. Am J Dermatopathol, 27(1), 39–41.
stain is more suitable than the Ziehl–
Breza T, J., & Magro, C. M. (2006). Lichenoid
Neelsen method. In situ hybridization
and granulomatous dermatitis associated
with atypical mycobacterium infections. and PCR analysis of specimens are
J Cutan Pathol, 33(7), 512–515. more sensitive.
Redbord, K. P., Shearer, D. A., Gloster, H.,
Younger, B., Connelly, B. L., Kindel, S. E., &
Lucky, A. W. (2006). Atypical Mycobacterium
furunculosis occurring after pedicures. J Am
Acad Dermatol, 54(3), 520–524. Jerath, V. P., & Desai, S. R. (1998). Diversities
in clinical and histopathological classification
1.4.3 Leprosy (Hansen Disease)1 of leprosy. Lepr India, 54, 130–134.
Leprosy is caused by the acid‐fast Walkar, S. L., & Lockwood, D. N. (2006). The
Mycobacterium leprae, which was identi- clinical and immunological features of lep-
fied by the Norwegian physician rosy. Br Med Bull, 78, 174–176.

 This chapter was prepared in cooperation with Ram


Chandra Adhikari MD, Consultant Dermato­

pathologist, DISHARC Hospital, Kathmandu/Nepal
1.4: Mycobacterial Infections 41 Tuberculoid Leprosy

lesion in the neck

Thickened nerve
(right, arrow)

infiltrate in the dermis
without grenz zone
(middle) and with
multinucleated giant
cells (bottom)

Figure Leprosy, Tuberculoid (Paucibacillary) (TT).

Tuberculoid leprosy is seen in individuals hypopigmented. One or two nerves near

with intact cell‐mediated immunity and is the skin lesion may be thickened. Internal
associated with high resistance to the organs are not involved. Loss of pain and
lepra bacilli. The lepromin test is strongly sensory functions may lead to injuries and
positive. mutilations on the acra.
CF: Preferentially on the trunk and limbs HF:
there are single or few asymmetrically dis- •  Epithelioid granulomas with Langhans
tributed anesthetic, anhidrotic macules or multinucleated giant cells and many
plaques with a sharply defined border. lymphocytes, a few plasma cells, and
The skin is dry, scaly, erythematous, or eosinophils
42   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

•  Infiltrates sometimes along nerves •  Granulomas may erode the epidermis

•  No grenz zone •  Acid‐fast bacilli are rare or absent
•  No caseous necrosis DD: Lupus vulgaris; sarcoidosis; leishma-
•  Partly destroyed dermal nerves by gran- niasis; xanthomas; granular cell tumor.
ulomas are diagnostic for leprosy Borderline Leprosy

and anesthetic
lesion on the arm

infiltrates (left)

Figure Leprosy: Borderline Tuberculoid (BT).

infiltrates with
thickened nerve (*)

Mycobacteria in
lepromatous leprosy
(Ziehl–Neelsen stain)

Figure Leprosy, Borderline Lepromatous.

1.4: Mycobacterial Infections 43

Borderline leprosy is an unstable form, lesions tend to be symmetrical. Nerves

constituting 10–15% of cases of leprosy may be irregularly thickened.
and can progress to either pole (tubercu- HF:
loid or lepromatous), depending on the •  Ill‐defined granulomas with unbal-
immune status. The lepromin test is posi- anced mixture of epithelioid cells,
tive or negative. ­lymphocytes‚ and macrophages
CF: Variable lesions between lepromatous •  Langhans multinucleated giant cells are
and tuberculoid leprosy. Multiple erythe- usually absent
matous copper‐colored patches of various •  Mycobacteria may be present, espe-
size and shape with punched‐out center cially in the BL‐variant
and ill‐defined border are seen. These
DD: Lupus vulgaris; Leishmaniasis. Lepromatous Leprosy

confluent macules
and plaques (left)

Facies leonina

Atrophy of the
epidermis; small
grenz zone. Dense
infiltrate in the dermis

Thickened nerve in
the subcutis (right)

Dermal infiltrate with

foamy bluish gray
macrophages (left)
with vacuoles
(Virchow cells, right)

Figure Leprosy, Lepromatous (LL).

44   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

Fite-Faraco stain (top

and bottom). Bacilli
clumped into globi

Figure  (Continued)

Lepromatous leprosy occurs in individuals with M. leprae (Virchow cells), diffusely

with poor cell‐mediated immunity to M. arranged or in large sheets, replacing
leprae. The lepromin test is negative. skin adnexal structures
Sensation may be intact. •  Lymphocytes are very few in number;
CF: Numerous hypopigmented or ery- however, there may be perineural and
thematous partly confluent macules, intraneural infiltration of nerves by
plaques, nodules, or diffusely infiltrat- lymphocytes
ing lesions (leonine facies) occur. They •  Numerous M. leprae are seen with Fite‐
are symmetrically distributed on the Faraco stain
face, trunk, and extremities and show DD: Atypical mycobacterial infections;
ill‐defined borders. Nerves are symmet- xanthoma; molluscum contagiosum.
rically enlarged. Internal organs may
become involved. Reference
Santos‐Arroyo, A. E., Nevares‐Pomales, O. W.,
•  Thin atrophic epidermis with grenz Almodovar, P. I., & Sanchez, J. L. (2014).
zone Molluscum‐like lesions in a 12‐year‐old boy:
•  Dermis shows numerous foamy bluish‐ Challenge. Lepromatous leprosy. Am J
gray macrophages with vacuoles, loaded Dermatopathol, 36(12), 984, 992.
1.4: Mycobacterial Infections 45 Variant: Histoid Lepromatous

Nodular infiltrates of
histoid cells in the
dermis (top and
bottom); (H&E left;
Fite-Faraco right)

Figure Leprosy, Histoid Lepromatous (HL).

This is an uncommon variant of leproma- •  High bacillary index, without globi for-
tous leprosy occurring in patients with mation of lepra bacilli
lepromatous leprosy and inadequate or •  Histologic variants comprise pure fuso-
irregular therapy. cellular, fusocellular with epithelioid
CF: Single or multiple well demarcated component, and fusocellular with vacu-
dermatofibroma‐like cutaneous and sub- olated (foamy) cells
cutaneous deep-seating nodules arising DD: Fibrous histiocytoma (dermatofi-
on normal skin. broma); keloid; erythema nodosum lepro-
HF: sum; sarcoidosis; reticulohistiocytosis;
•  Atrophy of the epidermis cutaneous metastases; atypical mycobac-
•  Subepidermal grenz zone teriosis; molluscum.
•  Interlacing bundles of spindle‐shaped
fusiform histiocytes in the dermis Reference
arranged in storiform or crisscross Kalla, G., Purohit, S., & Vyas, M. C. (2000).
pattern Histoid, a clinical variant of multibacillary
46   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

l­eprosy: Report from so‐called nonendemic Rodrigues Daxbacher, E. L., Cabrera Pereira, J.
areas. Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis, 68(3), P., Ramos de Oliveira, S., Duarte Tortelly, V.,
267–271. Carneiro, S., & Jeunon, T. (2020). The impor-
Punia, R. P. S., Dhingra, H., Baliyan, A., Handa, tance of the biopsy technique in the diagno-
U., Mohan, H., & Thami, G. P. (2017). sis of histoid leprosy. Am J Dermatopathol,
Clinicopathologic spectrum of histoid lepra 42(2),125–128.
International Journal of Current Research, 9(5),
50765–50769. Variant: Erythema Nodosum Leprosum

Soft (tender)
nodules on the
arm (left)

Inflammatory infiltrate
in the deep dermis
and subcutis

Foamy cells in the

infiltrate (left),
surrounding nerve

Anti-BCG staining

Figure Virchow cell-rich variant of ENL with minimal vasculitis.

Various immunological reactions may be treatment is referred to as type 1 (lepra)

seen in conjunction with (lepromatous) reaction. The Lucio phenomenon, pre-
leprosy. A shift toward the tuberculoid senting as small vessel vasculitis with hem-
pole with better immune status under orrhagic plaques (erythema necroticans),
1.4: Mycobacterial Infections 47

is called type 3 reaction and is seen in various tissue microorganisms. J Am Acad

patients with diffuse lepromatous leprosy. Dermatol, 38(1), 56–60.
Erythema nodosum leprosum, referred to
as a type 2 inflammatory reaction, shows a 1.4.4 Buruli Ulcer
shift of the immune status toward the lep- CF: Even minor injury may be followed
romatous pole with a high bacterial index. by infection with Mycobacterium ulcerans.
CF: Erythema nodosum leprosum (type 2 Characteristically infections occur in trop-
reaction) presents as multiple, tender, ical areas (Australia, Africa: Buruli is a dis-
contusiform red or violaceous swelling trict of Uganda) and slowly evolve into
and nodules, preferentially on the extrem- papules or nodules followed by painless
ities. Bullous variants have been reported. ulceration with subsequent mutilation of
HF: ENL is an immune complex‐mediated local tissue.
necrotizing vasculitis involving capillaries, HF:
arterioles, arteries, venules, and veins. •  Marked necrosis with complete destruc-
•  Dermis and subcutaneous tissue are tion of local tissue
involved •  Very sparse inflammation, starting in the
•  Small vessel vasculitis with endothelial septal portion of the subcutaneous fat
swelling and fibrinoid necrosis •  Giant cells
•  Fibrin in vessel walls •  Organisms at the borders of the ulcer
•  Focal necrosis (Ziehl–Neelsen)
•  Perivascular lymphocytic and neutro- DD: Ecthyma; squamous cell carcinoma;
philic infiltrates and nuclear debris melanoma.
•  Foamy macrophages containing numer-
ous bacilli Reference
DD: Other forms of nodular erythema. Portaels, F., Silva, M. T., & Meyers, W. M. (2009).
Buruli ulcer. Clin Dermatol, 27(3), 291–305.
Reference Walsh, D. S., Portaels, F., & Meyers, W. M.
(2008). Buruli ulcer (Mycobacterium ulcer-
Bakshi, N., Rao, S., & Batra, R. (2017).
ans infection). Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg,
Bullous erythema nodosum leprosum as the
102(10), 969–978.
first manifestation of multibacillary leprosy:
Zavattaro, E., Boccafoschi, F., Borgogna, C.,
A rare phenomenon. Am J Dermatopathol,
Conca, A., Johnson, R. C., Sopoh, G.
39(11), 857–859.
E., . . . Valente, G. (2012). Apoptosis in Buruli
Kutzner, H., Argenyi, Z. B., Requena, L.,
ulcer: A clinicopathological study of 45 cases.
Rutten, A., & Hugel, H. (1998). A new appli-
Histopathology, 61(2), 224–236.
cation of BCG antibody for rapid screening of
48   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

1.5 Actinomycosis

Indurated swelling
(left) and
abscess (right)

hyperplasia with
draining sinuses

Mixed cellular
infiltrate in the dermis
with “sulfur granules”
(left and top right),
containing a plethora
of bacterial rods
(bottom right)

Figure 1.5 Actinomycosis.

The anaerobic saprophytic gram‐positive individuals. Actinomyces israelii is also the

bacterium Actinomyces israelii thrives in most common cause of chronic suppura-
the autochthonous flora of the mouth tive infection of the mucosa, often in the
and the gastrointestinal tract of healthy course of dental or surgical procedures.
1.6: Borrelia Infections (Lyme Disease) 49

Pulmonary or gastrointestinal involve- 1.6 Borrelia Infections (Lyme

ment is not unusual. Disease)
CF: Typical clinical features are erythema
and concomitant indurated swelling, sub- Lyme disease, named after a small town in
sequent abscess formation, and purulent Connecticut, is caused by the spirochete
discharge with tiny granules draining Borrelia burgdorferi, transmitted by the tick
through sinusoidal tracts into the cervico- Ixodes dammini (North America) or
facial premandibular area. Ixodes ricinus (Europe).
HF: Early (stage I) disease presents with a
•  Pseudocarcinomatous mucosal slowly expanding erythema (chronicum)
hyper­plasia migrans. If not treated, systemic neurologic,
•  Purulent suppurative infiltrate cardiac, and other symptoms as well as
•  Neutrophils, eosinophils, plasma cells, additional skin lesions may develop (stage
histiocytes II) due to hematogenous spread of the bac-
•  Basophilic aggregates of Actinomyces teria. In late disease (stage III), edema even-
organisms (“sulfur granules”) tually transforms into atrophic (wrinkled
•  Actinomyces can be detected by Giemsa “cigarette paper‐like”) skin (acrodermatitis
or Gomori silver stains chronica atrophicans), which may be
◦◦ in smears accompanied by juxta‐articular fibroid nod-
◦◦ in histological specimens ules and migratory monarthritis.
◦◦ by cultivation Serologic tests (specific IgM antibodies)
•  Fibrotic induration and scarring and/or detection of Borrelia sp. DNA by
PCR confirm the diagnosis.
DD: Scrofuloderma, gumma (tertiary
syphilis), lymphogranuloma venereum, Reference
Nocardiosis, metastases
Kempf, W., Kazakov, D. V., Hubscher, E., Gugerli,
Reference O., Gerbig, A. W., Schmid, R., . . . Kutzner, H.
(2015). Cutaneous borreliosis associated
Cirillo‐Hyland, V., Herzberg, A., & Jaworsky, C. with T cell‐predominant infiltrates: A diag-
(1993). Cervicofacial actinomycosis resem- nostic challenge. J Am Acad Dermatol, 72(4),
bling a ruptured cyst. J Am Acad Dermatol, 683–689.
29(2 Pt 2), 308–311. Kempf, W., Kazakov, D. V., Hubscher, E., &
De, D., Dogra, S., Kanwar, A. J., & Saikia, U. N. Tinguely, M. (2015). Cutaneous borreliosis
(2011). Actinomycosis presenting as a with a T‐cell‐rich infiltrate and simultaneous
destructive ulcerated plaque on the palate involvement by B‐cell chronic lymphocytic
and gingiva. J Am Acad Dermatol, 65(6), leukemia with t(14,18)(q32;q21). Am J
1235–1236. Dermatopathol, 37(9), 715–718.
50   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

1.6.1 Variant: Erythema (Chronicum) Migrans (ECM) (Stage I)

Ixodes ricinus
in action (left top)

Ixodes ricinus
and Borrelia
Burgdorferi in
dark-field microscopy
(left bottom)

Annular erythema
(top middle and
Moulage (top right)

infiltrate in
the upper dermis

Female tick replete

with ingested
blood (right)

Perivascular and
infiltrate with
few plasma cells
(left). Pseudo-rosette
pattern around
free-floating collagen
fibers (right, arrows)

Figure 1.6.1 Variant: Erythema (Chronicum) Migrans (ECM) (Stage I).

1.6: Borrelia Infections (Lyme Disease) 51

CF: ECM, which is typically an erythema- ◦◦ Plasma cells, with diffuse splaying in
tous, slowly expanding annular patch, the upper dermis, may be rare
appears at the site of a previous tick bite. •  Center of the lesion
A few weeks later, after the erythema has
◦◦ Eczematous changes of the epidermis
faded, a papule or a small nodule (lym-
◦◦ Chitinous remnants of the tick
phadenosis cutis benigna, lymphocytoma
cutis: see below) may develop at the site
◦◦ Slight edema with dilated blood vessels
of the tick bite or at a distant site, follow-
◦◦ Mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate
ing hematogenous spread of the spiro-
◦◦ Eosinophils (early stages) and plasma
chetes (stage II).
cells (advanced stages) commonly
HF: The diagnosis is based on the patient’s
history, clinical presentation, and serologic
◦◦ Granulomatous reaction (advanced
tests/PCR, respectively. Immunohisto­
chemical demonstration of spirochetes is
◦◦ Spirochetes can be identified only
rarely feasible. In the center of the lesion,
in exceptional cases (immunohisto-
chitinous remnants of the tick (hypos-
tome) and a neutrophil‐rich inflamma-
tory infiltrate followed by granulomatous DD: Erysipelas; insect bite; acute urticaria
changes may occur. (hives); tinea; all other annular (allergic)
•  Erythematous patch or peripheral
annular rims Reference
◦◦ Missing or only slight spongiosis with
exocytosis Celebi Cherukuri, N., Roth, C. G., Aggarwal,
◦◦ Sparse patchy lymphoplasmacytic N., Ho, J., Gehris, R., & Akilov, O. E. (2016).
Cutaneous small/medium CD4+ pleomor-
perivascular or interstitial (Indian file‐
phic T‐cell lymphoma‐like nodule in a
like) infiltrate in the upper dermis
patient with erythema chronicum migrans.
◦◦ Eosinophils in early stages more
Am J Dermatopathol, 38(6), 448–452.
frequent Wilson, T. C., Legler, A., Madison, K. C., Fairley,
◦◦ Interstitial lymphohistiocytic infiltrate, J. A., & Swick, B. L. (2012). Erythema
sometimes in pseudo‐rosette pattern migrans: A spectrum of histopathologic
around free‐floating collagen fibers changes. Am J Dermatopathol, 34(8), 834–837.
52   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

1.6.2 Variant: Lymphadenosis Cutis Benigna (Pseudolymphoma,

Lymphocytoma Cutis) (Stage I)

swelling of the concha

Follicular infiltrates

Germinal center
formation (left) with
tingible body
macrophages (right)

Figure  Variant: Lymphadenosis Cutis Benigna (Pseudolymphoma; Lymphocytoma Cutis)

(Stage I).
Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (p. 393).
Oxford: Wiley.
1.6: Borrelia Infections (Lyme Disease) 53

Lymphocytes and eosinophils in the Indian file-like distribution of lymphocytes

interfollicular area (left) between collagen bundles

Tingible body macrophage with Regular network of CD21+ follicular dendritic

phagocytized nuclear debris (tingible bodies) cells

Figure  Variant: Lymphadenosis Cutis Benigna (Pseudolymphoma; Lymphocytoma Cutis)

(Stage I).
Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (p. 394).
Oxford: Wiley.

In Europe, in a minority of cases pseudo- nose, nipples, inguinal area, and the
lymphomatous infiltrates most commonly scrotum.
occur some weeks after infection with HF: Nodular dermal infiltrates, mainly
Borrelia burgdorferi at the site of a previous located in the upper and mid‐dermis, occa-
tick bite (Ixodes ricinus). sionally extending into the deep dermis.
CF: Mostly solitary, rarely multiple or dis- •  Preserved subepidermal grenz zone
seminated soft red, sharply bordered nod- •  Dense and diffuse lymphoid infiltrates
ules on the head, preferentially on the ear •  Reactive lymph follicles
lobes. Other predilectional sites are the
54   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

•  Follicle centers with “starry sky”‐pat- s­tudies in lymphadenosis benigna cutis].

tern: macrophages containing phagocy- Hautarzt, 26(3), 124–132.
tosed nuclear material (Fleming’s Baefverstedt, B. (1944). Ueber lymphadenosis
tingible body macrophages) benigna cutis. Eine klinische pathologisch‐
anatomische Studie. Acta Derm Venereol (Suppl
•  Follicle centers with large (centroblasts)
XI) (Stockh), 24, 1–102.
and small (centrocytes) follicle center cells
Buechner, S. A., Lautenschlager, S., Itin, P.,
•  Small lymphocytes around reactive
Bircher, A., & Erb, P. (1995). Lymphoproliferative
lymph follicles responses to Borrelia burgdorferi in patients
•  Interfollicular area composed of small with erythema migrans, acrodermatitis chron-
B‐cells, diffusely splayed small T‐cells, ica atrophicans, lymphadenosis benigna cutis,
histiocytes, and a few eosinophils and and morphea. Arch Dermatol, 131(6), 673–677.
plasma cells Colli, C., Leinweber, B., Mullegger, R., Chott,
•  Characteristically, there is diffuse splaying A., Kerl, H., & Cerroni, L. (2004). Borrelia
of round cells between collagen or smooth burgdorferi‐associated lymphocytoma cutis:
muscle bundles (e.g. at the nipple), subse- Clinicopathologic, immunophenotypic, and
quently creating the impression of smudg- molecular study of 106 cases. J Cutan Pathol,
31(3), 232–240.
ing borders  –  whereas cutaneous B‐cell
Grange, F., Wechsler, J., Guillaume, J. C., Tortel,
lymphoma typically presents with sharply
J., Tortel, M. C., Audhuy, B., . . . Cerroni, L.
demarcated borderlines
(2002). Borrelia burgdorferi‐associated lympho-
•  Immunophenotype: Polyclonal B‐cell cytoma cutis simulating a primary cutaneous
infiltrate; monotypic expression of large B‐cell lymphoma. J Am Acad Dermatol,
kappa or lambda chains is exceptional. 47(4), 530–534.
Regular and sharply demarcated net- Moulonguet, I., Ghnassia, M., Molina, T., &
work of CD21+ follicular dendritic cells Fraitag, S. (2012). Miliarial‐type perifollicu-
within the reactive lymph follicles lar B‐cell pseudolymphoma (lymphocytoma
cutis): A misleading eruption in two women.
DD: Cutaneous B‐cell lymphomas (mar-
J Cutan Pathol, 39(11), 1016–1021.
ginal zone lymphoma; follicle center lym-
Rijlaarsdam, J. U., Meijer, C. J., & Willemze, R.
phoma); other pseudolymphomas caused
(1990). Differentiation between lymphaden-
by other microbiological, physical, or osis benigna cutis and primary cutaneous
chemical agents. follicular center cell lymphomas. A compara-
tive clinicopathologic study of 57 patients.
Reference Cancer, 65(10), 2301–2306.
Braun‐Falco, O. B., & Burg, G. (1975). Watanabe, R., Nanko, H., & Fukuda, S. (2006).
[Lymphoreticular proliferations in the Lymphocytoma cutis due to pierced earrings.
skin.  Cytochemical and immunocytological J Cutan Pathol, 33(Suppl 2), 16–19.
1.6: Borrelia Infections (Lyme Disease) 55

1.6.3 Variant: Morphea/Scleroderma‐Like Lesions (Stage II)

violaceous indurated
lesions on the legs

dermal infiltrates
and interstitial foci
between thickened
collagen bundles
(top right and below)

Figure 1.6.3 Variant: Morphea/Scleroderma‐Like Lesions (Stage II).

Plaque‐like erythematous indurations HF:

which closely resemble early morphea/ •  Diffuse granulomatous dermal infil-
scleroderma  –  occasionally presenting trates, with characteristic splaying of tiny
with edematous and granulomatous infil- granulomatous interstitial foci, often
trates (early stages). spilling over into the upper subcutis
CF: A few weeks following prior ECM •  Multiple tiny wreath‐like granulomas
manifestation, plaque‐like indurated (“micro‐rosettes”) with telltale free‐
lesions develop at the site of the resolving floating thickened collagen bundles at
ECM. Clinical and histopathological differ- the center and pale histiocytes at the
ential diagnoses of early stages (lilac ring) periphery
comprise interstitial granulomatous der- •  Additionally, throughout the entire der-
matitis, interstitial granulomatous drug mis sparse diffuse mixed infiltrate, often
reaction, morphea/scleroderma (lilac ring), containing histiocytes, eosinophils, and
and granuloma annulare (diffuse type). plasma cells
56   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

•  Preserved elastic fiber network; no Breier, F., Khanakah, G., Stanek, G., Kunz, G.,
scarring Aberer, E., Schmidt, B., & Tappeiner, G.
(2001). Isolation and polymerase chain reac-
DD: Remarkably, a similar  –  if not identi-
tion typing of Borrelia afzelii from a skin
cal – histopathological pattern (biopsy taken
lesion in a seronegative patient with general-
from inflamed periphery/lilac ring) may be ized ulcerating bullous lichen sclerosus et
encountered in morphea/scleroderma, atrophicus. Br J Dermatol, 144(2), 387–392.
interstitial granulomatous dermatitis (in Breier, F. H., Aberer, E., Stanek, G., Khanakaha,
conjunction with rheumatoid arthritis or G., Schlick, A., & Tappeiner, G. (1999).
with other autoimmune disorders), and Isolation of Borrelia afzelii from circum-
interstitial granulomatous drug reactions. scribed scleroderma. Br J Dermatol, 140(5),
Reference Wackernagel, A., Bergmann, A. R., & Aberer,
E. (2005). Acute exacerbation of systemic
Aberer, E., Klade, H., Stanek, G., & Gebhart, scleroderma in Borrelia burgdorferi infec-
W. (1991). Borrelia burgdorferi and different tion. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 19(1),
types of morphea. Dermatologica, 182(3), 93–96.

1.6.4 Variant: Acrodermatitis Chronica Atrophicans (Stage III)

Slightly violaceous
discoloration and
puffy swelling of
the right hand

Scarce perivascular
infiltrate. Loss of
elastic fibers (not
shown in H&E stain)
in the upper dermis

Figure Variant: Acrodermatitis Chronica Atrophicans (Stage III).

1.6: Borrelia Infections (Lyme Disease) 57

Atrophy of the
Loss of papillae

infiltrate with coarse
collagen fibres

Dermal fibrosis with

thickened collagen

Abundance of
plasma cells

Figure Variant: Acrodermatitis Chronica Atrophicans (Stage III).

CF: In stage II of borreliosis (usually •  Loss of rete ridges and cutaneous

months or years after infection) – prefer- adnexa (late)
entially on the limbs, mostly unilaterally, •  Dilated superficial blood vessels (early
rarely bilaterally  –  a violaceous puffy and late)
edema appears that gradually evolves into •  Diffuse superficial round cell infiltrate,
cutaneous atrophy (“cigarette paper‐type” hugging the epidermis (“pseudo‐MF”)
skin, telangiectasias, red‐brownish color) •  Additional perivascular infiltrates,
with characteristically translucent superfi- superficial and deep, with conspicuous
cial blood vessels. Fibrosis and sclerosis plasma cells
with scleroderma‐like collagen changes, •  Dense, diffuse interstitial round cell infil-
ulnar and tibial fibro‐sclerotic bands, and trate with abundant plasma cells (late)
juxta‐articular fibrous (fibroid) nodules •  Rarely, adjacent paucicellular fibroid
are accompanying features of advanced nodules surrounded by abundant
acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans. plasma cells at periphery (late)
HF: Remarkably, in some cases of advanced
•  Dermal edema and mucin deposits (early) Borrelia infection, T‐cell rich infiltrates com-
•  Markedly thinned, atrophied epidermis posed of small T‐cells with or without plasma
(late) cells develop that may mimic mycosis
58   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

f­ ungoides (“Pseudo‐MF” pattern of borrelio- Kempf, W., Kazakov, D. V., Hubscher, E.,
sis) both clinically and histologically. Gugerli, O., Gerbig, A. W., Schmid,
DD: Anetoderma; atrophoderma of Pasini R.,  .  .  .  Kutzner, H. (2015). Cutaneous bor-
and Pierini; varicose veins; actinic reticu- reliosis associated with T cell‐predominant
infiltrates: A diagnostic challenge. J Am Acad
loid  –  with histopathological morphological
Dermatol, 72(4), 683–689.
overlap, albeit clinically completely different.
Tee, S. I., Martinez‐Escaname, M., Zuriel, D.,
Fried, I., Wolf, I., Massone, C., & Cerroni, L.
Reference (2013). Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans
with pseudolymphomatous infiltrates. Am J
Gulseren, D., Cerroni, L., Hofmann‐Wellenhof, Dermatopathol, 35(3), 338–342.
R., & Arzberger, E. (2018). Correlation of Zalaudek, I., Leinweber, B., Kerl, H., & Mullegger,
reflectance confocal microscopy and der- R. R. (2005). Acrodermatitis chronica atrophi-
matopathology findings in a case of cans in a 15‐year‐old girl misdiagnosed as
Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans. Am J venous insufficiency for 6  years. J Am Acad
Dermatopathol, 40(5), 367–370. Dermatol, 52(6), 1091–1094.

1.6.5 Variant: Juxta‐Articular Fibrous Nodules in Acrodermatitis

Chronica Atrophicans (Stage III)

Red fibro-sclerotic
nodules on the elbow
Moulage (bottom)

Abundant fibrosis
and sclerosis
with sparse
infiltrate (top right,
bottom left, and right)

Figure 1.6.5  Variant: Juxta‐Articular Fibrous Nodules in Acrodermatitis Chronica Atrophicans

(Stage III).
1.7: Venereal Diseases 59

CF: Reddish to violaceous juxta‐articular CF: Clinically, there is remarkable thicken-

subcutaneous nodules, preferentially ing and coarse wrinkling of the skin, almost
close to the elbows, often with concomi- exclusively at sun‐exposed sites (face).
tant translucent atrophic skin. Remarkably HF: There may be slight morphological
hard consistency (“wood‐hard” nodules). overlap with the incipient stage of
HF: Lamellated compact paucicellular borreliosis.
fibrosis and sclerosis, with abundant poly- •  Parakeratosis, acanthosis, spongiosis
clonal plasma cells at its outer fringes. •  Dermal dendrocytes and multinucle-
DD: Rheumatoid nodule; dermatofibroma; ated giant cells
keloid and hypertrophic scar; erythema •  Lichenoid lymphocytic infiltrate, contain-
elevatum diutinum (advanced stage). ing many plasma cells and eosinophils
•  Fibrosis
DD: Borreliosis; cutaneous T‐cell lym-
Espana, A., Torrelo, A., Guerrero, A., Suarez, phoma; eczema, persistent light reaction;
J., Rocamora, A., & Ledo, A. (1991). phototoxic and photoallergic dermatitis.
Periarticular fibrous nodules in Lyme borre-
liosis. Br J Dermatol, 125(1), 68–70. Reference
Messer, L., Felten, R., Moreau, P., Freisz, M. C.,
& Mahe, A. (2015). Fibrous nodules over the Sidiropoulos, M., Deonizio, J., Martinez‐
patella revealing acrodermatitis chronica Escala, M. E., Gerami, P., & Guitart, J. (2014).
atrophicans. Joint Bone Spine, 82(3), 208. Chronic actinic dermatitis/actinic reticuloid:
Netherton, E. W., & Hubler, W. R. (1945). A clinicopathologic and immunohistochemi-
Acrodermatitis atrophicans chronica with cal analysis of 37 cases. Am J Dermatopathol,
fibrous cutaneous nodules. Arch Derm 36(11), 875–881.
Syphilol, 52, 416. Toonstra, J., Henquet, C. J., van Weelden, H.,
van der Putte, S. C., & van Vloten, W. A.
1.6.6 Differential Diagnosis: (1989). Actinic reticuloid. A clinical photo-
Actinic Reticuloid° biologic, histopathologic, and follow‐u study
UV‐light induced disorder; often idiopathic of 16 patients. J Am Acad Dermatol, 21(2 Pt 1),
or associated with sensitizing chemical 205–214.

1.7 Venereal Diseases
1.7.1 Gonorrhea

Discharge of pus
from urethra

diplococci (right)

Figure 1.7.1 Gonorrhea.
60   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

CF: Burning sensation of urethra in con- well‐defined clinicopathological stages.

junction with pus‐laden discharge. Remarkably, at each stage syphilis may
Associated systemic (“benign”) gonococ- mimic various non‐venereal diseases.
cal sepsis may occur in rare cases (see Conversely, inflammatory dermatoses of
chapter on sepsis). various origin may show morphological
HF: Direct identification of bacteria in overlap with Treponema pallidum infection,
smears, showing intracellular gram‐nega- for example, pustular psoriasis and pustu-
tive diplococci. Supportive diagnostic lar stage II of syphilis.
methods: Immunofluorescence, culture,
PCR (urine, smear, biopsy). Reference
DD: Non‐gonococcal urethritis. Borroni, G. (1988). A case of late congenital syph-
ilis at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
1.7.2 Syphilis, Chancre
York. Am J Dermatopathol, 10(5), 448–450.
Treponema pallidum infection is acquired
Ober, W. B. (1989). To cast a pox. The iconog-
mostly via direct sexual contact. Classically, raphy of syphilis. Am J Dermatopathol, 11(1),
untreated syphilis evolves through three 74–86. Stage I

Primary lesion
On the penis (left)
and on labia (middle)

Spirochetes in
dark-field microscopy

Figure Syphilis (Stage I).

CF: After an incubation period of about microscopy) and by serological tests, which
2–3 weeks, ulcus durum (chancre)  –  the become reactive/positive 2–3 weeks after
first visible manifestation of T. pallidum primary infection (specific IgM antibodies).
infection – develops at the primary site of HF:
infectious entry, typically at the penis •  Shallow ulceration, often with serum
(sulcus coronarius), vulva, cervix uteri, and debris
perianal skin, lips, or oral cavity. The ulcer •  Accompanying edema
is painless; there is always associated •  Dense mixed inflammatory infiltrate
regional lymphadenitis. •  Abundant plasma cells
At this early stage of disease, diagnosis •  Dilated postcapillary venules with
can be established by the direct demonstra- swelling of endothelial cells
tion of spirochetes (smears; dark field
1.7: Venereal Diseases 61

•  Histopathological demonstration of Reference

Treponema pallidum by Warthin–Starry sil-
Carlson, J. A., Dabiri, G., Cribier, B., & Sell, S.
ver stain and/or immunohistochemically
(2011). The immunopathobiology of syphi-
DD: Non‐infectious balanitis plasmacellu- lis: The manifestations and course of syphilis
laris Zoon; chancroid of Haemophilus are determined by the level of delayed‐type
ducreyi infection. hypersensitivity. Am J Dermatopathol, 33(5),
433–460. Stage II

lesions on the trunk
and in the face

Psoriasiform lichenoid
inflammatory pattern
with dense plasma
cell-rich infiltrate in
the papillary dermis

Inflammatory infiltrate
containing many
plasma cells (left)

Treponema pallidum
immunostain (right)

Figure  Syphilis, Papular (Stage II).

Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (p. 398). Oxford: Wiley.
62   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

CF: In the early secondary stage of syphi- DD: Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis
lis (8–12 weeks after infection), distinct acuta (PLEVA); pustular psoriasis; lym-
tiny macules (roseola) may appear on phomatoid papulosis; cutaneous lym-
trunk and extremities, that are easily phoma (mycosis fungoides); drug reaction;
overlooked and regress spontaneously. In tick bites; leprosy.
the late stage of secondary syphilis
(>2 years after untreated infection), dis- Reference
seminated small papules and papulosqua- Alessi, E., Innocenti, M., & Ragusa, G. (1983).
mous lesions may appear on head, trunk, Secondary syphilis. Clinical morphology and
extremities, and on mucous membranes, histopathology. Am J Dermatopathol, 5(1),
presenting as plaques and patches on the 11–17.
palms and soles (“pustular psoriasis”) or Jordaan, H. F. (1988). Secondary syphilis. A
as condyloma‐like lesions in the anogeni- clinicopathological study. Am J Dermatopathol,
tal region. 10(5), 399–409.
HF: Pettit, C., McMurray, S., Randall, M. B., Jones,
A., & Fisher, K. (2019). Highlighting a potential
•  Macular lesions: Nonspecific sparse
pitfall: Positive Treponema pallidum immuno-
interstitial infiltrate; few plasma cells as histochemical stain in a patient without syphi-
a telltale sign of infectious origin lis. Am J Dermatopathol, 41(12), 924–926.
•  Maculopapular lesions in late secondary Rosa, G., Bennett, D., & Piliang, M. P. (2015).
syphilis Eosinophil‐rich syphilis: A report of four
◦◦ Interface dermatitis; often associated cases. J Cutan Pathol, 42(8), 554–558.
with spongiosis with subcorneal Rysgaard, C., Alexander, E., & Swick, B. L.
spongiform pustulation (2014). Nodular secondary syphilis with
◦◦ Dermal edema associated granulomatous inflammation:
◦◦ Superficial and deep perivascular and Case report and literature review. J Cutan
Pathol, 41(4), 370–379.
interstitial infiltrate
◦◦ Mixed infiltrate: lymphocytes, histio- Stage III°
cytes, mostly scattered – occasionally CF: Two years after primary infection, the
numerous – eosinophils course of disease – provided there was no
◦◦ Sheets or small focal clusters of plasma appropriate treatment  –  reaches its third,
cells – as a clue to the diagnosis latent stage. Clinical symptoms are mani-
◦◦ Histiocyte‐predominant granuloma- fold: gummatous superficial or deep ulcer-
tous features at advanced stages ating skin lesions, cardiovascular (aorta),
◦◦ Spirochetes may be detected either by peripheral and central neurologic symp-
Warthin–Starry silver stain or immu- toms (progressive paralysis, tabes dorsalis).
nohistochemically, preferentially in HF:
the upper dermis and epidermis
•  Small granulomas composed of epithe-
•  Verruciform condylomata lata  –  with
lioid cells and multinucleated giant cells
markedly spongiform pustulation – and
•  Lymphohistiocytic infiltrates with
ulcerating lues maligna  –  with broad
plasma cells
shallow ulcers and massive debris – are
•  Dilated vessels with swollen endothelia
variants of secondary syphilis at special
•  Central caseating necrosis
sites, preferentially in immunocompro-
mised patients. Spirochetes may be DD: Sarcoidosis; tuberculosis; leprosy;
abundant in these conditions leishmaniasis (advanced).
1.7: Venereal Diseases 63

1.7.3 Ulcus Molle (Chancroid)

Soft ulcus with

undermined borders

Elongated bacterial
rods in swab smears
(middle and right)

Figure 1.7.3 Ulcus Molle (Chancroid).

Haemophilus ducreyi is a gram‐negative DD: Other ulcerating venereal disease;

rod‐like bacterium that infects the skin or herpes genitalis.
mucous membranes via small superficial
injuries. Reference
CF: The most frequent sites of primary Freinkel, A. L. (1987). Histological aspects of
infection are the female labia majora and sexually transmitted genital lesions.
minora and the inner fold of the foreskin in Histopathology, 11(8), 819–831.
men. The initial papule evolves into a pain- King, R., Gough, J., Ronald, A., Nasio, J.,
ful ulcus with elevated undermined bor- Ndinya‐Achola, J. O., Plummer, F., & Wilkins,
ders, from which a diagnostic smear may J. A. (1996). An immunohistochemical anal-
be taken for microscopic investigation. ysis of naturally occurring chancroid. J Infect
HF: Smears taken from the base of the ulcus Dis, 174(2), 427–430.
or its borders reveal large numbers of
Haemophilus ducreyi, arranged in long chains.

1.7.4 Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis; Granuloma Venereum)

hyperplasia and
ulceration in the
genital area (left)

granulomatis in
(Donovan bodies)
(right). Electron
microscopy (inset)

Figure 1.7.4 Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis; Granuloma Venereum).

64   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

Granuloma inguinale is caused by the HF:

gram‐negative bacterium Klebsiella granu­ •  Pseudocarcinomatous epithelial hyper-
lomatis (Calymmatobacterium granulomatis). plasia at the outer border of the ulcer
Granuloma inguinale (syn: granuloma •  Central ulceration with prominent
venereum) is not to be confused with necrosis
lymphogranuloma inguinale (syn: lym- •  Diffuse inflammatory infiltrate, con-
phogranuloma venereum), which is a taining macrophages, plasma cells, and
venereal infection caused by Chlamydia neutrophils
trachomatis. •  Macrophages with intracytoplasmic
CF: Small papules evolving into chroni- inclusion (Donovan bodies)
cally progressive painless ulcers, preferen- •  Demonstration of bacterial rods in sem-
tially at the male genitalia; mostly in ithin sections (toluidine blue or Giemsa
tropical and subtropical regions. Ulcers stain)
with characteristically hypertrophic lat-
DD: Ulcus mole (chancroid); ulcus durum
eral borders. Concomitant lymphadenop-
(syphilis); herpes simplex/genitalis.
athy is usually absent.

1.7.5 Lymphogranuloma Inguinale (Lymphogranuloma Venereum;

Duran‐Nicolas–Favre Disease)

Swelling of inguinal
lymph node (left).
Chlamydia in lymph
node (immunostain
with anti-
Chlamydia antibody)

Figure 1.7.5  Lymphogranuloma Inguinale (Lymphogranuloma Venereum; Durand–Nicolas–Favre


This sexually transmitted infection caused or in the rectum. In stage II, the regional
by Chlamydia trachomatis should not be lymph node is involved (bubo), which
confused with another, sound‐alike vene- shows abscess formation with ulceration
real infection – granuloma inguinale (syn: and draining to the surface. Stricture and
granuloma venereum)  –  which is caused fibrosis in stage III (elephantiasis) eventu-
by the gram‐negative bacterium Calymma­ ally evolve into massive lymphatic edema
tobacterium granulomatis. and urethral‐vaginal fistulas.
CF: Primary lesion (stage I) is an ulcerating HF: Unspecific findings with ulceration
papulopustule, usually in the genital region and granulomatous abscess formation.
1.8: Rickettsial Infections 65

Fibrosis and scarring at later stages. The immunohistochemical methods (specific

lymph nodes show granulomatous monoclonal antibodies).
inflammation with many plasma cells DD: Syphilis; granuloma inguinale; her-
and abscess formation. Chlamydia organ- pes simplex/genitalis; other genital ulcers.
isms preferentially are demonstrated by

1.8 Rickettsial Infections

papulopustular lesion
with central black
necrosis (eschar) on
the leg (left)

Lymphocytic infiltrate
(top right,
middle left)

Occlusive vasculitis
with focal thrombi

Figure 1.8 Rickettsial Infections.

Rickettsiae comprise a family of gram‐­ in particular, Q‐fever, where the vector

negative intracellular parasites (Rickett­ is not an arthropod; infectious organisms
siaceae family), which are transmitted are inhaled.
by various vectors (ticks, mites, flees, CF: Diffuse exanthema – often associated
lice) and cause spotted fever, endemic with fever and chills – or solitary papulo-
typhus, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, pustular lesion with marked central
Mediterranean tick fever, African tick necrosis and hemorrhagic crust; the cen-
bite fever, Rickettsial pox, and others. tral eschar is highly characteristic.
The different rickettsial diseases are sub- Occasional swelling of the draining lymph
sumed under various groups: spotted node. Milder forms may be associated
fevers‐group, typhus group, and others – with itching sensation.
66   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

HF: Histologic changes of solitary lesion, DD: Mosquito bite; furuncle; leishmania-
for example, in Mediterranean tick fever: sis; ecthyma; orf; anthrax (solitary lesion
•  Flat ulcer with superficial necrosis and with eschar).
crust formation (eschar)
•  Superficial and deep perivascular Reference
infiltrate Montenegro, M. R., Mansueto, S., Hegarty, B.
•  Focal leukocytoclastic vasculitis with C., & Walker, D. H. (1983). The histology of
small thrombi (telltale sign) “taches noires” of boutonneuse fever and
•  Organisms may be demonstrated immu- demonstration of Rickettsia conorii in them
nohistochemically or by immunofluo- by immunofluorescence. Virchows Arch A
rescence. Rickettsiae often thrive within Pathol Anat Histopathol, 400(3), 309–317.
the walls of small inflamed vessels

1.9 Dermatoses Associated with Bacterial Infections

1.9.1 Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSSS)

Initial scarlatiniform
eruption (left),
evolving into

subcorneal flaccid
blister, limited to the
granular layer

Figure 1.9.1 Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSSS).

Also known as dermatitis exfoliativa neo- of the superficial epidermal layers, resem-
natorum, Ritter [von Rittershain] disease, bling acute burn. Causative agent is the
staphylococcal Lyell syndrome, Pemphigus toxin‐producing (exfoliative toxins A and
neonatorum. B) Staphylococcus aureus, often of phage
Toxin‐mediated epidermolytic derma- group II.
tosis, primarily in small children, charac- CF: Initially, there is a mild scarlatiniform
terized by erythema and widespread loss rash with associated fever. Widespread
1.9: Dermatoses Associated with Bacterial Infections 67

erythema evolves into marked tenderness •  Frozen sections preferred for rapid
with small unstable flaccid bullae that diagnosis
quickly erode and lead to burn‐like loss of DD: Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) show-
superficial epithelial layers. The clinical ing full‐thickness epidermal detachment.
course often is acute with systemically ill
patients. Reference
Cribier, B., Piemont, Y., & Grosshans, E. (1994).
•  Subcorneal acantholysis and blister for- Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome in
mation with a marked split high in the adults. A clinical review illustrated with a new
epidermis case. J Am Acad Dermatol, 30(2 Pt 2), 319–324.
•  Blister roof composed exclusively of stra- de Dobbeleer, G., & Achten, G. (1975).
tum corneum (versus blister formation Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. An
in TEN, where full‐thickness epidermal ultrastructural study. J Cutan Pathol, 2(2), 91–98.
blister roof occurs) Elston, D. M., Stratman, E. J., & Miller, S. J.
•  Little or no inflammatory infiltrate (2016). Skin biopsy: Biopsy issues in specific
diseases. J Am Acad Dermatol, 74(1), 1–16.

1.9.2 Differential Diagnosis: Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN)

Numerous apoptotic
keratinocytes (arrow)
throughout the
entire epidermis,
evolving into
epidermal necrosis

Figure 1.9.2 Differential Diagnosis: Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN).

Severe immunological drug‐induced (in Advanced lesions with full‐thickness epi-

particular, antibiotic and antiepileptic drugs) dermal necrosis. Necrotic epidermis often
skin reaction, characterized by complete completely detached from underlying cutis.
epidermal necrosis (keratinocyte necrosis) The inflammatory infiltrate may be very
and associated mucosal involvement. sparse (versus erythema multiforme and
CF: Incipient confluent maculopapular fixed drug eruption with marked interface
exanthem, followed by hemorrhagic blisters dermatitis). Frozen sections should be pre-
and widespread epidermal necrosis result- ferred for rapid histopathological diagnosis.
ing in wide denuded areas of skin. Positive DD: Staphylococcal scaled skin syndrome
Nikolski’s sign. Massive periorificial mucosal (with flaccid subcorneal bullae); acute
erosions are common. burns; erythema multiforme; fixed drug
HF: At early stages, scatter of necrotic eruption; pemphigus and pemphigoid
keratinocytes throughout the epidermis. variants; linear IgA disease.
68   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

Reference Paquet, P., & Pierard, G. E. (1997). Erythema

multiforme and toxic epidermal necrolysis: A
Naik, H., Lockwood, S., & Saavedra, A. (2017). comparative study. Am J Dermatopathol,
A pilot study comparing histological and 19(2), 127–132.
immunophenotypic patterns in stage 4 skin Schwartz, R. A., McDonough, P. H., & Lee, B. W.
graft vs host disease from toxic epidermal (2013). Toxic epidermal necrolysis: Part  I.
necrolysis. J Cutan Pathol, 44(10), 857–860. Introduction, history, classification, clinical
Ondhia, C., Kaur, C., Mee, J., Natkunarajah, J., features, systemic manifestations, etiology,
& Singh, M. (2019). Lichen planus pemphig- and immunopathogenesis. J Am Acad
oides mimicking toxic epidermal necrolysis. Dermatol, 69(2): 173.e1–13; quiz 185–6.
Am J Dermatopathol, 41(11), e144–147.

1.10 Dermatoses Mimicking Bacterial Infections

1.10.1 Pyoderma Gangrenosum

papulopustular lesion
with erythema (left)

Flat ulcer with thick

necrotic borders

reaction and fibrosis
in the dermis and
subcutis (right)

Subepidermal edema
and ulceration with
undermined border

cellular infiltrate.
Secondary vasculitis
and hemorrhage

Figure 1.10.1 Pyoderma Gangrenosum.

1.10: Dermatoses Mimicking Bacterial Infections 69

The key pathogenetic process in the HF:

uncommon disorder bearing the misno- •  Incipient (unspecific) suppurative “fol-
mer “pyoderma gangrenosum” is a mas- liculitis,” followed by shallow ulcer
sive suppurative infiltration with formation
neutrophils and associated vessel damage. •  Shallow ulcer with undermined
PG and Sweet syndrome are paradigmatic borders
autoinflammatory disorders and should •  Subepidermal edema evolving into dif-
be evaluated and treated under this par- fuse neutrophil‐rich infiltrate
ticular etiopathogenetic concept. PG fre- •  Predominantly neutrophilic infiltrate,
quently is associated with inflammatory accompanied by few lymphocytes, plasma
bowel disease (colitis ulcerosa), rheuma- cells, and histiocytes. Morphological over-
toid arthritis, autoinflammatory disorders, lap with Sweet syndrome‐like pattern
hepatitis or occurs as a sequela to trau- •  Secondary vasculitis with intraluminal
matic or surgical wounds in patients with fibrin deposits and neutrophils
a distinctive predisposition to PG. •  End stage of PG with deep‐reaching
CF: Typically, banal postoperative or trau- (unspecific) ulceration involving the
matic wounds rapidly enlarge, and evolve subcutaneous fat
with centrifugally expanding erythema
DD: Ecthyma; artifact; deep fungal or bac-
into a central pustular or bullous eruption
terial infection.
with subsequent fulminant ulceration.
Ulcers show pathognomonically under- Reference
mined borders with necrosis and hemor-
rhage. The lower leg is the preferential Azar, M. M., Relich, R. F., Schmitt, B. H.,
site. Multiple lesions may coalesce. Lesions Spech, R. W., & Hage, C. A. (2014).
Cutaneous blastomycosis masquerading as
resolve from the center, leaving typical
pyoderma gangrenosum. J Clin Microbiol,
cribriform scars.
52(4), 1298–1300.
Variants of PG include bullous, superfi-
Saunderson, R. B., Tng, V., Watson, A., & Scurry,
cial granulomatous, pustular vegetative, J. (2016). Perianal herpes simplex virus infec-
peristomal, genital, and postoperative tion misdiagnosed with Pyoderma gangreno-
types. Remarkably, PG may show a pleth- sum: Case of the month from the Case
ora of different histopathological patterns. Consultation Committee of the International
Diagnosis therefore should always be based Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease.
on strict clinic‐pathological correlation! J Low Genit Tract Dis, 20(2), e14–15.
70   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

1.10.2 Infantile Acropustulosis

Multiple pustules on
sole and heel (left
and middle)

Resolving lesions
with collarette scales
and crust

subcorneal pustule,
with many
neutrophils and

Figure 1.10.2 Infantile Acropustulosis.

CF: At birth or during the first year of •  Bacteria or fungi are not demonstrable
life, pruritic pustules with an erythema- with special stains
tous base occur on hands and feet, resolv- DD: Scabies; impetigo; pustular psoriasis;
ing with collarette‐type scale‐crusts, in acrodermatitis continua suppurativa
most cases within two years. Unknown Hallopeau; IgA bullous dermatosis; IgA
etiology. pemphigus.
•  Unilocular, subcorneal or intraepider- Reference
mal vesicle or pustule Hürlimann, A., Wüthrich, B., & Burg, G.
•  Sparse spongiosis at the periphery of (1992). Infantile Akropustulose. Z Hautkr,
the lesion 67(12), 1073–1079.
•  Pustules contain a mixed round cell Paloni, G., Berti, I., & Cutrone, M. (2013).
infiltrate, with predominant neutrophils Acropustulosis of infancy. Arch Dis Child Fetal
and eosinophils Neonatal Ed, 98(4), F340.
1.10: Dermatoses Mimicking Bacterial Infections 71

1.10.3 Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis (AGEP)

pustular exanthema

subepidermal edema
with neutrophils and
scale crust

Intra- and subcorneal

aggregates with
pustule formation

Figure 1.10.3 Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis (AGEP).

Most eruptions of AGEP are caused by HF:

antibiotic drugs. Historically, mercury •  Superficial intra‐ or subcorneal pustule,
has played a significant role in some filled with neutrophils
cases. •  Spongiosis at the margin of the lesion
CF: Sudden eruption of myriads of small •  Edema of the papillary dermis
pustules on erythematous ground, com- •  Sparse mixed cellular inflammatory
bined with fever and leukocytosis. infiltrate in the upper and deep dermis
72   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

•  Almost always erythrocyte extravasation Poeschl, M. D., Hurley, M. Y., Goyal, S. D., &
•  Leukocytoclastic vasculitis may be pre- Vidal, C. I. (2014). Targetoid eruptions: Acute
sent (facultative) generalized exanthematous pustulosis. Am J
Dermatopathol, 36(10), 827–828, 838.
DD: Pustular psoriasis; Sweet syndrome;
Sidoroff, A., Halevy, S., Bavinck, J. N., Vaillant,
Sneddon–Wilkinson syndrome; impetigo; L., & Roujeau, J. C. (2001). Acute general-
Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic ized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP)  –  a
Symptoms (DRESS); leukocytoclastic vas- clinical reaction pattern. J Cutan Pathol,
culitis; incipient stage of erysipelas. 28(3), 113–119.
Vyas, N. S., Charifa, A., Desman, G. T., &
McNiff, J. M. (2019). Distinguishing pustular
psoriasis and acute generalized exanthema-
Ballmer, B. K., Widmer, M., & Burg, G. (1993). tous pustulosis on the basis of plasmacytoid
Acetylsalicylsäure‐induzierte generalisierte dendritic cells and MxA protein. J Cutan
Pustulose. Schweiz med Wschr, 123, 542–546. Pathol, 46(5), 317–326.

1.10.4 Psoriasis Pustulosa

Myriads of tiny
pustules on
erythematous ground
on the back (left) and
palm (right top)

Erosive pustulosis on
the thumb in
continua suppurative
(right below)

pustule with adjacent
Sparse infiltrate in
the dermis.
Note characteristic
pustulation at the
periphery of the
pustule (arrow)

Figure 1.10.4 Psoriasis Pustulosa.

1.10: Dermatoses Mimicking Bacterial Infections 73

CF: Generalized pustular psoriasis (von •  Sparse to moderate predominantly neu-

Zumbusch type) is characterized by gener- trophilic infiltrate in the dermis
alized eruption of aggregated tiny pus- •  No infectious organisms
tules, densely grouped pustular lesions on DD: Pustular drug reaction; impetigo
a macular erythema, and associated fever contagiosa.
and malaise.
Acrodermatitis continua suppurativa Reference
(Hallopeau) is a localized clinical variant of
Kardaun, S. H., Kuiper, H., Fidler, V., &
psoriasis pustulosa at acral sites, mostly on
Jonkman, M. F. (2010). The histopathologi-
the fingers and toes.
cal spectrum of acute generalized exanthe-
HF: matous pustulosis (AGEP) and its
•  Acanthosis and papillomatosis, slightly differentiation from generalized pustular
psoriasiform, often with accompanying psoriasis. J Cutan Pathol, 37(12), 1220–1229.
scale crust Sanchez, N. P., Perry, H. O., & Muller, S. A.
•  Pathognomonic “spongiform pustula- (1981). On the relationship between sub-
tion”: Subcorneal pustules, filled with corneal pustular dermatosis and pustular
psoriasis. Am J Dermatopathol, 3(4), 385–386.
neutrophils, and neutrophil‐rich spongi-
Vyas, N. S., Charifa, A., Desman, G. T., &
osis at the edges of the lesion  –  corre-
McNiff, J. M. (2019). Distinguishing pustular
sponding to Kogoj’s “unicellular pustule”
psoriasis and acute generalized exanthema-
•  Spongiform changes at the bottom and tous pustulosis on the basis of plasmacytoid
at the outer edges may predominate in dendritic cells and MxA protein. J Cutan
early lesions Pathol, 46(5), 317–326.

1.10.5 Localized Neutrophilic Eccrine Hidradenitis Associated

with Mitoxantrone Treatment

Papular lesions
following therapy
with mitixantrone
Neutrophils below
the stratum corneum
and the epidermis -
in vicinity of
acrosyringium (middle)
within the sweat duct
epithelium (right)

Figure 1.10.5 Localized Neutrophilic Eccrine Hidradenitis.

74   CHAPTER 1: Bacterial Infections

CF: In this self‐limited disorder, which occasional apoptosis; complete necrosis

frequently is a sequela to treatment with does not occur
anthracyclines, multiple small firm red- DD: Other chemotherapy‐induced drug
dish sweat‐gland‐bound papules or pus- eruptions
tules appear on the limbs or on the trunk.
Underlying hematologic or other malig- Reference
nancies (treatment) are almost always
Brehler, R., Reimann, S., Bonsmann, G., &
Metze, D. (1997). Neutrophilic hidradenitis
induced by chemotherapy involves eccrine
•  Predominantly neutrophilic round cell and apocrine glands. Am J Dermatopathol,
infiltrate next to or within the subepi- 19(1), 73–78.
dermal acrosyringeal portion of the Burg, G., Bieber, T., & Lanecker, P. (1988).
eccrine (and apocrine) sweat ducts Lokalisierte neutrophile ekkrine Hidradenitis
•  Sweat glands and duct epithelium may unter Mitoxantron: Eine typische Zytostati­
show only minor vacuolization and kanebenwirkung. Hautarzt, 39, 233–236.

1.10.6 Erosive Pustular Dermatitis (Pustular Ulcerative Dermatosis)

of the Scalp

Widespread pustules
and erosions
on the scalp (left)

Subcorneal pustule
and necrosis
(top right)

interstitial infiltrate
and dermal collagen
(bottom right)

Figure 1.10.6 Erosive Pustular Dermatitis of the Scalp.

Rare disease of unknown etiology, pri- CF: Crusty erosions and pustules on the
marily seen in elderly patients. A nosologic scalp.
relationship with pyoderma gangrenosum HF: Erosive pustular dermatitis of the
has been suggested. scalp may mimic a plethora of superficial
1.10: Dermatoses Mimicking Bacterial Infections 75

erosive dermatoses in sun‐damaged skin. Reference

Histopathological changes are often
Bieber, T., Ruzicka, T., & Burg, G. (1987).
Erosive pustulöde Dermatitis des
•  Subcorneal pustules (early)  –  often in Kapillitiums. Hautarzt, 38, 687–689.
association with actinic keratosis Starace, M., Loi, C., Bruni, F., Alessandrini, A.,
•  Flat erosion evolving into shallow ulcer Misciali, C., Patrizi, A., & Piraccini, B. M.
with slightly hyperplastic borders (late) (2017). Erosive pustular dermatosis of the
•  Accompanying massive actinic elastosis scalp: Clinical, trichoscopic, and histopatho-
and solar keratosis (telltale signs) logic features of 20 cases. J Am Acad Dermatol.
•  Neutrophil‐rich diffuse infiltrate with- 2017 Jun;76(6):1109–1114.e2.
Tomasini, C., & Michelerio, A. (2019). Erosive
out vasculitis and without demonstrable
pustular dermatosis of the scalp: A neutro-
infectious organisms
philic folliculitis within the spectrum of neu-
DD: Subcorneal pustular dermatosis trophilic dermatoses: A clinicopathologic
(Sneddon–Wilkinson); pyoderma gan- study of 30 cases. J Am Acad Dermatol, 81(2),
grenosum; primary or secondary bacterial 527–533.
or fungal infection of the scalp; IgA pem-
phigus (advanced).
C H APT ER   2

Fungal Infections


2.1  Superficial Cutaneous Fungal Infections 2.3  Systemic Mycoses (Deep Fungal Infections)
2.1.1 Variants: Tinea Corporis; Tinea Faciei 2.3.1 Cryptococcosis (Torulosis, European
2.1.2 Variants: Tinea Barbae; Tinea Capitis Blastomycosis)
(Trichophytia) 2.3.2 North American Blastomycosis
2.1.3 Granuloma Trichophyticum (Majocchi’s (Blastomycosis, Chicago Disease)
Granuloma) 2.3.3 Lobomycosis (Lobo Disease, Keloidal
2.1.4 Candidiasis (Moniliasis) Blastomycosis, Blastomycoid
2.1.5 Candida Tropicalis and Candida Granuloma)
Lipolytica 2.3.4 Histoplasmosis
2.1.6 Pityriasis (Tinea) Versicolor 2.3.5 Coccidioidomycosis (Desert or Valley
2.1.7 Variant: Malassezia (Pityrosporum) Fever, San Joaquin Fever)
Folliculitis 2.3.6 Paracoccidioidomycosis (South
2.1.8 Differential Diagnosis: Seborrheic American Blastomycosis)
Dermatitis 2.3.7 Emmonsiosis
2.1.9 Tinea Nigra 2.4 Opportunistic Fungal Infections
2.1.10 Piedra (Trichomycosis Nodosa Alba 2.4.1 Aspergillosis (Alternaria)
and Nigra)° 2.4.2 Zygomycosis (Mucormycosis;
2.2 Subcutaneous Mycoses Phycomycosis)
2.2.1 Sporotrichosis 2.4.3 Hyalohyphomycosis
2.2.2 Mycetoma (Madura Foot) 2.4.4 Phaeohyphomycosis
2.2.3 Chromo(blasto)mycosis (Dermatitis 2.4.5 Protothecosis, Cutaneous
°no pictures

Atlas of Clinical Dermatopathology: Infectious and Parasitic Dermatoses, First Edition. Günter Burg,
Heinz Kutzner, Werner Kempf, Josef Feit, and Omar Sangueza.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

78   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

Reference ITS2), with the latter method being faster

and much more precise.
Hibbett, D. S., Binder, M., Bischoff, J. F.,
From a dermatological and practical
Blackwell, M., Cannon, P. F., Eriksson, O.
point of view, fungal infections are best
E., . . . Zhang, N. (2007). A higher‐level phy-
logenetic classification of the Fungi. Mycol classified into superficial and deep types.
Res, 111(Pt 5), 509–547. Established clinical nomenclature prefers
the prefix “tinea” with the appropriate suf-
fix, naming the infected anatomic structure
or site, for example, tinea corporis, tinea
2.1 Superficial Cutaneous barbae, tinea manuum, tinea pedum.
Fungal Infections Deviant terminology referring to the path-
Fungi comprise a very large number of ogenic species or to the distinct anatomic
species (“the kingdom of fungi”). The tax- structures is also used in exceptional cases.
onomy of fungi differentiates divisions, As this is not a review of mycology, in the
subdivisions, classes, and subclasses. Only following the clinical and histopathologic
a minority of these fungal species is clini- features of the most common cutaneous
cally relevant in humans. Fungi with fungal infections are displayed irrespective
pathogenic potential for the skin are clas- of their taxonomic orders.
sified into three categories:
1. Dermatophytes, including Microsporum,
Epidermophyton, and Trichophyton
(growing with hyphae, which are Gupta, A. K., Chaudhry, M., & Elewski, B.
multicellular filaments) (2003). Tinea corporis, tinea cruris, tinea nigra,
2. Yeasts (eukaryotic single‐celled micro- and piedra. Dermatol Clin, 21(3), 395–400.
organisms) Gupta, A. K., Ryder, J. E., Nicol, K., & Cooper,
E. A. (2003). Superficial fungal infections:
3. Molds (growing with hyphae, which
An update on pityriasis versicolor, seborrheic
are multicellular filaments)
dermatitis, tinea capitis, and onychomycosis.
Identification and classification of fungi Clin Dermatol, 21(5), 417–425.
traditionally is done with the help of spe- Schwartz, R. A. (2004). Superficial fungal
cial culture media, or by PCR (ITS1 and infections. Lancet, 364(9440), 1173–1182.
2.1: Superficial Cutaneous Fungal Infections 79

2.1.1 Variants: Tinea Corporis; Tinea Faciei

Annular lesions with

central clearing on
the arm (left) and
face (right)

cornified layer

Sparse dermal

Hyphae in the
cornified layer.
PAS stain (arrows)

Figure 2.1.1  Variants: Tinea Corporis; Tinea Faciei.

Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 75). Oxford: Wiley.

The term “tinea” in conjunction with the site example, tinea (taenia) amiantacea, which is
of infection (tinea corporis, capitis, barbae, a bacterial infection. Clinical features largely
manus, pedis, inguinalis) commonly charac- depend on the anatomic site (glabrous or
terizes a cutaneous infection with dermato- non‐glabrous skin, intertriginous sites,
phytes. As always in dermatology, there are mucous membranes). Tinea corporis is the
confusing “sound‐alike” exceptions of prototypical infection with dermatophytes.
nomenclature with no nosological relation- CF: Small pustules, crusts and scaling with
ship to classic fungal infection at all, for centrifugal growth, and tendency to
80   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

regression in the center of the circum- DD: Eczema; lichen planus.

scribed lesions (“tinea” = ringworm).
HF: Reference
•  Compact orthokeratosis with promi- Kash, N., Ginter‐Hanselmayer, G., & Cerroni,
nent scales, albeit very little serum exu- L. (2010). Cutaneous mycotic infections with
date (“hyphae do not swim”) pseudolymphomatous infiltrates. Am J
•  Neutrophilic granulocytes within cor- Dermatopathol, 32(5), 514–517.
neal layer as a pathognomonic sign Miedema, J. R., Merritt, B., & Zedek, D. (2012).
(“neuts in the horn”) Dermatophyte infection resembling a lichen
planus‐like keratosis. J Cutan Pathol, 39(9),
•  Neutrophil‐predominant dermal infiltrate
•  Hyphae and spores often in or around hair
Meymandi, S., Silver, S. G., & Crawford, R. I.
shaft within hair follicle (tinea profunda)
(2003). Intraepidermal neutrophils  –  a clue
•  PAS stain demonstrates hyphae and to dermatophytosis? J Cutan Pathol, 30(4),
spores, and therefore is mandatory for 253–255.
all neutrophilic dermatoses

2.1.2 Variants: Tinea Barbae; Tinea Capitis (Trichophytia)

Diffuse inflammation,
pustules, and crusts
in the beard region

Diffuse and
perifollicular infiltrate
in the dermis

Peri- and
inflammatory infiltrate
with predominant
neutrophils and
fungi (arrows) in and
around hair shafts
(PAS left; HE top
right; Grocott bottom

Figure  Variant: Tinea Barbae (Trichophytia).

2.1: Superficial Cutaneous Fungal Infections 81

infiltrate with fungal
organisms in follicle
ostium (PAS below)

Figure  Variant: Tinea Barbae (Trichophytia).

Fungal infection of the hair. Tinea favosa •  Hyphae and spores within (endotrich)
(favus) is an endemic variant due to infec- and around (exotrich) the hair shaft
tion by Trichophyton schoenleinii, mostly on DD: Eczema; bacterial folliculitis; alope-
the head of children. cia areata; lichen planopilaris; mucinosis
CF: Inflammatory plaques and infiltration follicularis.
of the skin with pustules, crusts‚ and
(temporary) hair loss. Reference
Amer, M., Helmy, A., & Amer, A. (2017).
•  Neutrophil‐predominant mixed inflam- Trichoscopy as a useful method to differenti-
matory infiltrate throughout the dermis ate tinea capitis from alopecia areata in chil-
•  Hair follicle with neutrophils and incipi- dren at Zagazig University Hospitals. Int J
ent abscess formation Dermatol, 56(1), 116–120.
•  Follicular and perifollicular debris and El‐Taweel, A. E., El‐Esawy, F., & Abdel‐
granulomatous infiltrate (late) Salam, O. (2014). Different trichoscopic
82   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

features of tinea capitis and alopecia areata Case report and review]. Hautarzt, 70(8),
in pediatric patients. Dermatol Res Pract, 601–611.
2014, 848763. Singh, S., Sondhi, P., Yadav, S., & Ali, F. (2017).
Kirsten, H., Haiduk, J., Nenoff, P., Uhrlass, S., Tinea barbae presenting as kerion. Indian J
Ziemer, M., & Simon, J. C. (2019). [Tinea barbae Dermatol Venereol Leprol, 83(6), 741.
profunda due to Trichophyton mentagrophytes:

2.1.3 Granuloma Trichophyticum (Majocchi’s Granuloma)

Reddish blue papules

and plaques on the
lower leg and on the feet

infiltrate in the
dermis with
predominant granulocytes

Numerous plasma cells

and fungal organisms
(Grocott right)

Figure 2.1.3  Granuloma Trichophyticum (Majocchi’s Granuloma).

2.1: Superficial Cutaneous Fungal Infections 83

Granulomatous reaction following follicu- Reference

lar infection with dermatophytes, often
Kaneko, T., & Kaneko, M. (2017). A patient
combined with granulomatous perifollic-
with cystic granuloma trichophyticum who
ular foreign body reaction; preferentially
required surgical resection. Med Mycol J,
on lower legs of women (secondary to 58(1), E29–E32.
hair shaving of the legs). Nishiyama, C., Miyaji, M., & Morioka, S. (1983).
DD: Other granulomatous infections, for A case of generalized granuloma trichophyti-
example, granulomatous folliculitis and cum. Mycopathologia, 82(2), 77–82.
granulomatous rosacea.

2.1.4 Candidiasis (Moniliasis)

Superficial and
intertriginous, oral,
interdigital, and
infections with
Candida albicans

Intracorneal spores
and hyphae (arrow)

Branching hyphae in
the corneal layer.
PAS stain

Figure 2.1.4  Candidiasis (Moniliasis).

84   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

Candidiasis is an originally harmless com- HF:

mensal colonization with opportunistic •  Thick hyphae and pseudo‐hyphae
yeasts of the genus Candida which in the (induced by repeated budding) and
presence of predisposing factors (diabetes, spores in the upper corneal layer (PAS)
obesity, corticosteroids, antibiotic therapy, •  Hyperkeratosis, focal parakeratosis, and
immunosuppression, malnutrition, severe papillomatosis (late)
illness) has evolved into a long‐lasting •  Mixed inflammatory infiltrate in the
cutaneous infection of mucous mem- upper dermis
branes or skin. Most candida infections •  Granulomatous changes with multinu-
are caused by Candida albicans, which is a cleated giant cells may be present in
common organism in the autochthonous chronic variants
microbiome of the oral cavity, gastrointes- •  Mucous membranes of the oral cavity often
tinal tract, and external genitalia. Apart show secondary candidiasis overlying leu-
from C. albicans, there are several other koplakia and squamous cell carcinoma
candida species which  –  less fre-
DD: Eczema; psoriasis; lichen planus on the
quently – may be pathogenetic.
mucosa; stomatitis and glossitis ­geographica;
CF: Pruritic erythema, erosions, rhagades,
bacterial infections; pityriasis versicolor
maceration and easily removable whitish
plaques of the mucous membranes.
Underlying granulomas or pustules and
folliculitis may present various clinical Hauser, F. V., & Rothman, S. (1950). Monilial
pictures, depending on the site of infec- granuloma; report of a case and review of the
tion. Sites of predilection are the oral and literature. Arch Derm Syphilol, 61(2), 297–310.
genital mucosa, the large skin folds, the Kugelman, T. P., Cripps, D. J., & Harrell, E. R.,
interdigital and intertriginous areas, and Jr. (1963). Candida granuloma with epider-
mophytosis. Report of a case and review of
nails with their paronychia.
the literature. Arch Dermatol, 88, 150–157.
2.1: Superficial Cutaneous Fungal Infections 85

2.1.5  Candida Tropicalis and Candida Lipolytica

Pustular lesion
with abscess and
necrosis (left) and
fungal elements
(PAS right)

Candida lipolytica

infiltrate in the dermis
(left). Numerous
spores are seen
within multinucleated
giant cells
(PAS right)

Figure 2.1.5  Candida Tropicalis and Candida Lipolytica.

These are rare mostly systemic infections, Candida tropicalis. J Am Acad Dermatol, 16(3 Pt
seen preferentially in neutropenic or 1), 623–624.
immunocompromised patients. Walsh, T. J., Salkin, I. F., Dixon, D. M., &
Hurd, N. J. (1989). Clinical, microbiological,
Reference and experimental animal studies of
Candida  lipolytica. J Clin Microbiol, 27(5),
Benson, P. M., Roth, R. R., & Hicks, C. B. (1987). 927–931.
Nodular subcutaneous abscesses caused by
86   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

2.1.6 Pityriasis (Tinea) Versicolor

(winter, left) and
(summer; middle and
right) scaling lesions
on the trunk

hyphae and spores
in H&E stain:
so-called invisible
dermatosis. Very
subtle or no
inflammatory reaction

Multiple hyphae and

spores in the stratum
corneum (left) and
the hair follicle
ostium (right)(PAS

Figure 2.1.6  Pityriasis (Tinea) Versicolor.

The dimorphic lipophilic yeast Malassezia form in healthy skin to a pathogenic myce-
furfur (Pityrosporum ovale or orbiculare) is part lial form in diseased skin. Azelaic acid,
of the normal skin flora and presents with which is produced by the yeasts, blocks mel-
varying phenotypes. Hyphae and spores anin synthesis and serves as a blanching
may regularly be found in the f­ollicle ostia. agent, which in conjunction with the UV‐
Massive expansion of Malassezia colonies shielding effect of the overlying scales at
preferentially affects young adults during affected sites accounts for the changes in
summer months, mostly in humid climates, skin color: whitish in the summer and
with hyperhidrosis and occlusive dressing, brownish in the winter.
but also immunocompromised patients CF: Small, sharply demarcated hypo‐ or
with subfebrile body temperature (telltale hyperpigmented leaf‐like or geographical
sign). Pityriasis versicolor is a result of the patches with discrete pityriasiform scal-
yeast’s transformation from a saprophytic ing, preferentially on the trunk.
2.1: Superficial Cutaneous Fungal Infections 87

HF: DD: Seborrheic dermatitis; pityriasis

•  Inconspicuous, regular skin at scanning rosea; postinflammatory hyper‐ or hypo-
magnification (“invisible dermatosis”) pigmentation; pityriasis alba in young
•  Compact orthokeratosis patients with atopy; vitiligo (no scaling).
•  Numerous PAS‐positive hyphae and
spores (“spaghetti and meatballs”) Reference
•  Very scant inflammatory infiltrate in Gupta, A. K., Batra, R., Bluhm, R., Boekhout,
the upper dermis, suggesting diagnosis T., & Dawson, T. L., Jr. (2004). Skin diseases
of vitiligo associated with Malassezia species. J Am Acad
•  The marked discrepancy between the Dermatol, 51(5), 785–798.
large number of fungal elements and Veerappan, R., Miller, L. E., Sosinski, C., &
the scant accompanying inflammatory Youngberg, G. A. (2006). Narrow‐spectrum
staining pattern of Pityrosporum. J Cutan
infiltrate is characteristic for pityriasis
Pathol, 33(11), 731–734.

2.1.7 Variant: Malassezia (Pityrosporum) Folliculitis

Agminated acneiform

Follicle filled with

debris and
hyphae and spores
(PAS right)

Figure 2.1.7  Variant: Malassezia (Pityrosporum) Folliculitis.

88   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

Infection of hair follicles, preferentially in DD: Acne; “Mallorca acne”; other forms
immunocompromised patients. of infectious and non‐infectious folliculi-
CF: Monomorphic eruption of small tis; neonatal cephalic pustulosis.
acneiform lesions, mostly on the trunk.
HF: Reference
•  Malassezia furfur, hyphae and spores, Clemmensen, O. J., & Hagdrup, H. (1991).
within follicle and follicle ostium Splendore‐Hoeppli phenomenon in Pity­
•  Dense perifollicular infiltrate with pre- rosporum folliculitis (pseudoactinomycosis
dominant neutrophils of the skin). J Cutan Pathol, 18(4), 293–297.
•  Neutrophils in follicular wall Sina, B., Kauffman, C. L., & Samorodin, C. S.
•  Perifollicular debris and granulomatous (1995). Intrafollicular mucin deposits in
Pityrosporum folliculitis. J Am Acad Dermatol,
infiltration (late)
32(5 Pt 1), 807–809.

2.1.8 Differential Diagnosis: Seborrheic Dermatitis

Erythema and slight

scaling in nasolabial

acanthosis and
papillomatosis with
mounds of
parakeratosis around
the follicle ostia
(telltale sign)

Figure 2.1.8  Differential Diagnosis: Seborrheic dermatitis.

Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 55). Wiley.
2.1: Superficial Cutaneous Fungal Infections 89

CF: Erythema and scaling, preferentially HF: Psoriasiform acanthosis and hyper-
in the centrofacial area, breast, scalp. parakeratosis overlying hair follicle ostia,
exocytosis of neutrophils.

2.1.9 Tinea Nigra

Pigmented macule
on the palm
produced by

Pigmented hyphae in
the cornified layer
(arrow middle: H&E
bottom: PAS left and
Grocott right)


Figure 2.1.9  Tinea Nigra.

Superficial mycotic infection by the geo- HF: Elongated empty spaces and gaps
philic and dematiaceous mold Hortaea wer- within the thickened cornified layer,
neckii (formerly Exophiala werneckii). often associated with cloudy whitish foci
CF: Preferentially in tropical climates, a where PAS stain may show pigmented
circumscribed asymptomatic lentiginous hyphae and spores. Although Hortaea
hyperpigmentation occurs on the soles, werneckii is a melanin‐producing fungus,
rarely on the palms. Clinically diagnosis is immunohistochemical stains with anti‐
usually missed as the lesions appear to be melanocytic antibodies (HMB45) are
of melanocytic origin. usually negative.
90   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

2.1.10 Piedra (Trichomycosis CF: Tiny firm nodules, attached to the

Nodosa Alba and Nigra)° hairs of the scalp (black piedra) or the
Piedra (Spanish “stone”) is an asympto- axillae, the pubes, beard, and eyebrows
matic superficial fungal infection of the (white piedra).
hair shaft. The black variant of piedra is HF: Diagnosis is made clinically.
caused by Piedraia hortae (a mold) in tropical DD: Trichobacteriosis (trichomycosis)
areas; the white variant usually is caused palmellina; nits; hair casts; hair shaft
by Trichosporon asahii. anomalies like trichorrhexis nodosa.

°no pictures

2.2 Subcutaneous Mycoses
2.2.1 Sporotrichosis

Linear “sprotrichoid”
spreading nodules on
the lower arm (left)

dermal infiltrate

Yeasts in
multinucleated cells
(right, arrow)

yeasts in giant cells
(PAS left)

Yeasts (Grocott
middle and PAS
right, arrows)

Figure 2.2.1  Sporotrichosis.

Sporothrix schenckii is a saprophytic dimor- HF:

phic fungus. Percutaneous inoculation •  Inflammatory dermal granulomatous
from soil or wood occurs mostly by infiltrate
trauma. •  Sporotrichon within the cytoplasm of
CF: Cutaneous and subcutaneous firm large, multinucleated histiocytes (PAS)
nodules, spreading from the inoculation •  Many plasma cells and neutrophils
site in a moniliform pattern (“sporotrichoid •  Asteroid bodies in 40% of specimens
spreading”) along lymphatics, from where •  In cases with ulceration, pseudocarci-
the infectious process can disseminate into nomatous epithelial hyperplasia at the
adjacent soft tissue. Nodules often ulcerate. outer fringes of the lesion
2.2: Subcutaneous Mycoses 91

DD: Other deep fungal and mycobacte- of cutaneous sporotrichosis in Rio de Janeiro:
rial infections, leprosy, syphilis, A series of 119 consecutive cases. J Cutan
leishmaniasis. Pathol, 38(1), 25–32.
Rodriguez, G., & Sarmiento, L. (1998). The
asteroid bodies of sporotrichosis. Am J
Reference Dermatopathol, 20(3), 246–249.
Zhang, Y. Q., Xu, X. G., Zhang, M., Jiang, P., Zhou,
Quintella, L. P., Passos, S. R., do Vale, A. C., X. Y., Li, Z. Z., & Zhang, M. F. (2011). Sporo­
Galhardo, M. C., Barros, M. B., Cuzzi, trichosis: Clinical and histopathological mani­
T., . . . Schubach Ade, O. (2011). Histopathology festations. Am J Dermatopathol, 33(3), 296–302.

2.2.2 Mycetoma (Madura Foot)

Madura Foot due to

bacterial infection.
(grains, right)

Figure 2.2.2  Mycetoma (Madura Foot).

Mycetoma is an uncommon chronic HF:

infection of skin and subcutaneous tis- •  Chronic fibrosing inflammation
sues in tropical countries. Percutaneous •  Grains of the causative fungi or bacteria
inoculation by various eumycotic fungi, (PAS, Gram, or silver stain)
which thrive mostly in soil, or by
DD: Chronic fibrosing swelling and
Actinomyces (bacteria), produces chronic,
inflammation due to various causes;
localized infection of the skin and the
subcutaneous tissue, often involving
adjacent muscle and bone. A definite
histopathological and microbiological
­ Reference
examination is mandatory because the
treatment may be entirely different. Alam, K., Maheshwari, V., Bhargava, S., Jain,
A., Fatima, U., & Haq, E. U. (2009).
CF: Massive erythematous disfiguring
Histological diagnosis of madura foot (myce-
edema and swelling, preferentially on the
toma): A must for definitive treatment.
foot, with discharge of white or yellow J Glob Infect Dis, 1(1), 64–67.
grains via broad sinuses.
92   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

2.2.3 Chromo(blasto)mycosis (Dermatitis Verrucosa)

Verrucous lesions on
the hand (left)

Acanthosis and
Diffuse inflammatory
infiltrate in the
upper dermis

Pigmented spores
and hyphae (arrows)


Figure 2.2.3  Chromo(blasto)mycosis (Verrucous Dermatitis).

Several darkly pigmented fungi that thrive in evolving into a papillomatous plaque with
soil and in decaying wood, mostly in tropical verrucous hyperkeratosis. These lesions
and subtropical areas, cause chromoblastosis. may enlarge to wide verrucous plaques,
Sites of predilection are the feet where infec- covering most of the foot.
tion occurs mostly via banal superficial HF:
wounds. Five organisms are responsible for •  Acanthosis and papillomatosis
most cases: Fonsecaea pedrosoi, Phialophora ver- •  Variable hyperkeratosis, often associ-
rucosa, Fonsecaea compacta, Cladosporium carrio- ated with marked pseudocarcinomatous
nii, and Rhinocladiella aquaspersa. hyperplasia
CF: At the site of inoculation – mostly the •  Granulomatous infiltrate in the dermis
feet  –  a slowly growing papule occurs, with small abscesses
2.3: Systemic Mycoses (Deep Fungal Infections) 93

•  Round or oval copper‐colored organ- 2.3 Systemic Mycoses (Deep

isms with thick walls and septation (so‐ Fungal Infections)
called “Medlar bodies,” sclerotic bodies,
or copper pennies). Spores within giant Systemic dissemination of fungal infections
cells and extracellularly are visible even usually occurs via primary pulmonary
without special stains infection, mostly in immunocompromised
•  Numerous plasma cells and eosinophils patients. Conversely, primary cutaneous
DD: Phaeohyphomycosis (budding but no fungal infection with subsequent dissemi-
septation of hyphae); other deep fungal or nation is the exception.
mycobacterial infections, for example,
tuberculosis cutis verrucosa or leprosy;
tertiary syphilis; leishmaniasis; sporotri-
chosis; verrucous carcinoma. Abbott, J. J., Hamacher, K. L., & Ahmed, I.
(2006). In situ hybridization in cutaneous
deep fungal infections: A valuable diag-
Reference nostic adjunct to fungal morphology and
­tissue cultures. J Cutan Pathol, 33(6),
Elgart, G. W. (1996). Chromoblastomycosis. 426–432.
Dermatol Clin, 14(1), 77–83. Fernandez‐Flores, A., Saeb‐Lima, M., &
Lokuhetty, M. D., Alahakoon, V. S., Kularatne, Arenas‐Guzman, R. (2014). Morphological
B. D., & De Silva, M. V. (2007). Ziehl‐Neelsen findings of deep cutaneous fungal infections.
and Wade‐Fite stains to demonstrate medlar Am J Dermatopathol, 36(7), 531–553.
bodies of chromoblastomycosis. J Cutan Kauffman, C. A. (2006). Endemic mycoses:
Pathol, 34(1), 71–72. Blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, and sporotri-
Minotto, R., Albano Edelweiss, M. I., & chosis. Infect Dis Clin North Am, 20(3),
Scroferneker, M. L. (2017). Study on the 645–662.
organization of cellular elements in the Lupi, O., Tyring, S. K., & McGinnis, M. R.
granulomatous lesion caused by chromo- (2005). Tropical dermatology: Fungal tropi-
blastomycosis. J Cutan Pathol, 44(11), cal diseases. J Am Acad Dermatol, 53(6),
915–918. 931–951.
Skupsky, H., & Junkins‐Hopkins, J. (2017). Wiley, E. L., Beck, B., & Freeman, R. G. (1991).
Counterfeit pennies: Distinguishing chromo- Reactivity of fungal organisms in tissue sec-
blastomycosis from phaeohyphomycotic infec- tions using anti‐mycobacteria antibodies.
tions. Am J Dermatopathol, 39(6), 485–487. J Cutan Pathol, 18(3), 204–209.
94   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

2.3.1 Cryptococcosis (Torulosis, European Blastomycosis)

Molluscoid lesions on
the arm (left)

molluscoid lesion

Schematic drawing
of cryptococci with
distinct “halo”

Cryptococci with
mucoid capsules
(middle-right and

Figure  Cryptococcosis (Spores with Mucoid Capsule).

2.3: Systemic Mycoses (Deep Fungal Infections) 95

infiltrate with
multinucleated cells
containing spores
(top and middle)

Cryptococci in the
dermis and in
multinucleated cells.
PAS stain (left)

Grocott stain

Figure  Cryptococcosis, Granulomatous (Spores without Mucoid Capsules).

Cryptococcus spp. is a spherical opportunis- present as acneiform papules, pustules,

tic yeast and comprises various serotypes plaques, or umbilicated nodules resem-
(A‐D). Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii, bling molluscum contagiosum, abscesses,
which preferentially thrive in soil contam- or ulcerations without specific causes.
inated with the droppings of pigeons, may HF:
cause acute infections preferentially in •  Characteristic yeast surrounded by a
immunocompromised patients. Primary wide clear mucoid capsule (Alcian blue
cutaneous disease is rare; cutaneous and mucin stains are strikingly positive)
symptoms are nonspecific. Remarkably, •  Spores without gelatinous capsules
the infection is often overlooked, and may be present in large numbers,
patients often are not aware that they mostly within a mixed granulomatous
have cryptococcosis. infiltrate containing many multinucle-
CF: Primary cutaneous infection by ated giant cells
Cryptococcus spp. is rare. Infections usually •  Often, exclusively intracytoplasmic spores
start with pulmonary or CNS involvement, (multinucleate giant cells) without capsule
followed by hematogenous spreading. DD: Blastomycosis; histoplasmosis; lobo-
Concomitant cutaneous symptoms may mycosis; molluscum; creeping skin lesions.
96   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

Reference Ramdial, P. K., Calonje, E., Sing, Y., Chotey, N.

A., & Aboobaker, J. (2008). Molluscum‐like
Chayakulkeeree, M., & Perfect, J. R. (2006). cutaneous cryptococcosis: A histopathologi-
Cryptococcosis. Infect Dis Clin North Am, cal and pathogenetic appraisal. J Cutan Pathol,
20(3), 507–544, v–vi. 35(11), 1007–1013.
Dimino‐Emme, L., & Gurevitch, A. W. (1995). Walsh, T. L., Bhanot, N., Murillo, M. A., Uchin,
Cutaneous manifestations of disseminated J. M., & Min, Z. (2017). Creeping skin
cryptococcosis. J Am Acad Dermatol, 32(5 Pt lesions: Primary cutaneous cryptococcosis.
2), 844–850. Am J Med, 130(6), 666–668.

2.3.2 North American Blastomycosis (Blastomycosis, Chicago Disease)

Verrucous plaques
on the nose

infiltrate in the dermis

Intraepidermal and
dermal abscesses

Multinucleated cells
harboring fungi
(middle-right and
bottom left;
Grocott stain)

Schematic drawing
of blastomycetic
spores within
multinucleated cell

Figure 2.3.2  North American Blastomycosis.

2.3: Systemic Mycoses (Deep Fungal Infections) 97

Blastomyces dermatitidis, the causative organ- •  Granulomatous infiltrate with giant

ism of North American Blastomycosis, is a cells in the dermis
dimorphic fungus that affects humans and •  Necrosis
animals. Blastomycosis is a systemic dis- •  Double‐contoured (refractile double
ease and usually starts with pulmonary wall) thick budding organisms (PAS or
infection via inhalation of spores that are Gomori silver stain), extracellularly in
present in moist soil or rotten wood. the necrotic center, and within giant cells
Hematogenous dissemination leads to DD: Pyoderma gangrenosum; tuberculo-
infection of the skin and other organs. sis; coccidioidomycosis; chromoblastosis;
Primary cutaneous blastomycosis with Sweet syndrome.
characteristic sporotrichoid spreading is
very rare and may also occur in immuno- Reference
competent healthy persons. Paracoccidioides
Azar, M. M., Relich, R. F., Schmitt, B. H., Spech,
brasiliensis and Cryptococcus neoformans are
R. W., & Hage, C. A. (2014). Cutaneous blas-
responsible for the South American and
tomycosis masquerading as pyoderma gan-
the European forms of blastomycosis, grenosum. J Clin Microbiol, 52(4), 1298–1300.
respectively. Ladizinski, B., & Piette, W. (2018). Disseminated
CF: The preferential site is the face. Slowly cutaneous blastomycosis. N Engl J Med,
spreading verrucous papules or plaques, 379(1), 74.
showing pustules and crusts, occasionally Ouchi, T., Tamura, M., Nishimoto, S., Sato, T.,
with raised borders and central regression & Ishiko, A. (2011). A case of blastomycosis‐
and necrosis are typical. like pyoderma caused by mixed infection of
HF: Staphylococcus epidermidis and
Trichophyton rubrum. Am J Dermatopathol,
•  Dense inflammatory infiltrate in the
33(4), 397–399.
dermis Wilkerson, A., King, R., Googe, P. B., Page, R.
•  Intraepidermal and dermal neutrophilic N., & Fulk, C. S. (2003). Sweet’s syndrome‐
•  Microabscesses, reminiscent of pemphi- like blastomycosis. Am J Dermatopathol, 25(2),
gus vegetans or iododerma 152–154.
98   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

2.3.3 Lobomycosis (Lobo Disease, Keloidal Blastomycosis,

Blastomycoid Granuloma)

Keloidal nodules on
the earlobe (left)

Dense infiltrate in the

dermis (right)

with plethora
of fungi, intra- and
(left and right)

(Langhans cell) with
asteroid body
(left, long arrow) and
adjacent spore
(left, short arrow)

Grocott (middle).
Schematic drawing

Figure 2.3.3  Lobomycosis (Keloidal Blastomycosis).

CF: This variant of blastomycosis, caused resembling scars or keloids. Exophytic,

by Lacazia loboi and discovered by the cauliflower‐like lesions are not unusual.
Brazilian dermatologist Jorge Lobo, is a HF:
chronic granulomatous disease of the skin •  Granulomatous inflammation in the
and the subcutaneous tissue, producing dermis
nodular and keloidal lesions on the face, •  Diffuse proliferation of fungi
ears, and the limbs but also on any other •  Fungi between and within histiocytes
site of the skin. Infections commonly and Langhans cells
occur in South and Central America.
DD: Blastomycosis; keloid.
Typical are smooth‐surfaced nodules
2.3: Systemic Mycoses (Deep Fungal Infections) 99

Reference Fuchs, J., Milbradt, R., & Pecher, S. A.

(1990). Lobomycosis (keloidal blastomyco-
Cabrera‐Salom, C., Gonzalez, L. F., Rolon, M., sis): Case reports and overview. Cutis,
& Sanchez, B. F. (2017). Keloids on the ears. 46(3), 227–234.
Int J Dermatol, 56(8), 819–821.

2.3.4 Histoplasmosis

Nodular lesions on
the back

infiltrate (left) with
spores in
(PAS right)

PAS-positive spores
in macrophages
and extracellular
(left PAS; inset:
Grocott; right anti-
BCG antibody

Figure 2.3.4  Histoplasmosis.

The dimorphic fungus Histoplasma capsu- immunocompromised patients are at an

latum thrives in soil contaminated with increased risk of infection.
bats’ or birds’ droppings. Primary pulmo- CF: Primary cutaneous histoplasmosis that
nary infection occurs via inhalation of is caused by local infection is extremely rare
spores, often followed by hematogenous and may present with a characteristic chan-
spread to other organs. Children and criform ulcer. In general, hematogenous
100   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

dissemination of Histoplasma capsulatum to Reference

the skin shows a plethora of different clini-
Honarpisheh, H. H., Curry, J. L., Richards, K.,
cal lesions: mostly multiform erythema,
Nagarajan, P., Aung, P. P., Torres‐Cabala,
erythema nodosum, panniculitis, papules,
C. A., . . . Tetzlaff, M. T. (2016). Cutaneous
nodules, or small ulcers. histoplasmosis with prominent parasitization
HF: of epidermal keratinocytes: Report of a case.
•  Lymphohistiocytic infiltrate with J Cutan Pathol, 43(12), 1155–1160.
plasma cells (early) or granulomatous Medeiros, A. A., Marty, S. D., Tosh, F. E., &
infiltrate (late) Chin, T. D. (1966). Erythema nodosum and
•  Small non‐capsulated spores (PAS‐posi- erythema multiforme as clinical manifesta-
tions of histoplasmosis in a community out-
tive) mostly in macrophages
break. N Engl J Med, 274(8), 415–420.
•  Leukocytic vasculitis may be present
Ollague Sierra, J. E., & Ollague Torres, J. M.
•  Prominent parasitization of epidermal
(2013). New clinical and histological patterns
keratinocytes has been observed of acute disseminated histoplasmosis in human
DD: Leishmaniasis (showing PAS‐nega- immunodeficiency virus‐positive patients with
tive amastigotes); cryptococcosis; granu- acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Am J
loma inguinale; erythema nodosum. Dermatopathol, 35(2), 205–212.

2.3.5 Coccidioidomycosis (Desert or Valley Fever, San Joaquin Fever)

Swelling and
superficial ulceration
of the elbow

infiltrate in the dermis

infiltrate composed
of histiocytes,
plasma cells, and
(left and right)

Large spherules,
replete with
endospores (arrows
left and right, and
bottom: schematic

Figure 2.3.5  Coccidioidomycosis.

2.3: Systemic Mycoses (Deep Fungal Infections) 101

CF: Pulmonary infection with the HF: Granulomatous inflammation, contain-

highly  infective and ubiquitous soil ing large spherules, containing endospores.
fungus Coccidioides immitis or the DD: Erythema nodosum; arthritis; bursitis.
closely related Coccidioides posadasii.
Coccidioidomycosis is a potentially fatal Reference
disease. Dissemination is rare and usu-
ally involves the bone and CNS. Carpenter, J. B., Feldman, J. S., Leyva, W. H.,
Cutaneous lesions may present as ery- & DiCaudo, D. J. (2010). Clinical and patho-
logic characteristics of disseminated cutane-
thema nodosum, diffuse maculopapular
ous coccidioidomycosis. J Am Acad Dermatol,
exanthem, erythema multiforme, pap-
62(5), 831–837.
ules, and nodules. Verrucous lesions, DiCaudo, D. J. (2006). Coccidioidomycosis: A
ulcers, and deep abscesses with draining review and update. J Am Acad Dermatol,
sinus tracts are not uncommon. 55(6), 929–942.

2.3.6 Paracoccidioidomycosis (South American Blastomycosis)

Midfacial swelling
and inflammation
with involvement of
the nasal mucosa

Ulcerating lesion on
the lip and nose
(right) (Courtesy of
R. Azambuja, M.D.;

inflammation with
yeasts showing
configuration (inset).
(PAS, right)

Figure 2.3.6  Paracoccidioidomycosis.

102   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

This deep mycotic disease is caused by hyperplasia in the dermis. PAS‐positive

inhalation of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. yeasts show a typical steering‐wheel pat-
Paracoccidioidomycosis is endemic in tern with multiple narrow‐spaced tiny
South and Central America. buds radiating peripherally from the
CF: The acute pulmonary infection may round to oval center of the spore.
resemble pneumonia. Hepatosplenomegaly DD: Other deep fungal infections.
and bone marrow dysfunction are other
systemic symptoms of the potentially fatal Reference
infection, particularly in young patients.
Catano, J. C., & Morales, M. (2015). Cutaneous
Cutaneous facial lesions are common, paracoccidioidomycosis. Am J Trop Med Hyg,
around the nose and the mouth, often in 93(3), 433–434.
conjunction with painful, slowly expand- Garcia Bustinduy, M., Guimera, F. J., Arevalo, P.,
ing, hyperkeratotic mucosal ulcerations. Castro, C., Saez, M., Dorta Alom, S., . . . Garcia
HF: Plasma cell‐rich granulomatous infil- Montelongo, R. (2000). Cutaneous primary
trate, mostly under a hyperkeratotic paracoccidioidomycosis. J Eur Acad Dermatol
epidermis, with pseudoepitheliomatous
­ Venereol, 14(2), 113–117.

2.3.7 Emmonsiosis

Papular and
ulcerating lesion on
the upper arm

infiltrate in the dermis

Intracellular and
extracellular budding
of yeast-like
Inset: Grocott stain

Figure 2.3.7  Emmonsiosis.

2.4: Opportunistic Fungal Infections 103

Emmonsia, a dimorphic fungus with phy- Reference

logenetic relationship to Blastomyces.
Feng, P., Yin, S., Zhu, G., Li, M., Wu, B., Xie,
Emmonsia comprises various species,
Y., . . . Lai, W. (2015). Disseminated infection
including Emmonsia pasteuriana, which
caused by Emmonsia pasteuriana in a renal
may be pathogenic to humans, especially transplant recipient. J Dermatol, 42(12),
in advanced HIV disease. Pulmonary 1179–1182.
involvement is frequent. Clinically, histo- Kenyon, C., Bonorchis, K., Corcoran, C.,
pathologically, and radiologically, emmon- Meintjes, G., Locketz, M., Lehloenya,
siosis masquerades as histoplasmosis. R., . . . Govender, N. P. (2013). A dimorphic
CF: Erythematous plaques and papules with fungus causing disseminated infection in
central umbilication, necrosis, and ulceration. South Africa. N Engl J Med, 369(15),
HF: Chronic inflammation with granuloma 1416–1424.
formation. Intracellular and extracellular Malik, R., Capoor, M. R., Vanidassane, I.,
Gogna, A., Singh, A., Sen, B., . . . Chakrabarti,
budding of yeast‐like elements are seen in
A. (2016). Disseminated Emmonsia pasteuri-
over 90% of biopsies. Organisms highlighted
ana infection in India: A case report and a
by PAS, Grocott methenamine silver stain
review. Mycoses, 59(2), 127–132. doi:10.1111/
(GMS), or by Histoplasma antigen (cross‐ myc.12437
reactivity with Emmonsia spp.). Confirmation Schwartz, I. S., Govender, N. P., Corcoran, C.,
of the diagnosis should be based on fungal Dlamini, S., Prozesky, H., Burton, R., . . . Kenyon,
culture or sequence molecular analysis. C. (2015). Clinical characteristics, diagnosis,
DD: Other deep fungal infections; histo- management, and outcomes of disseminated
plasmosis; sporotrichosis; blastomycosis; Emmonsiosis: A retrospective case series. Clin
varicella; Kaposi sarcoma; drug reaction. Infect Dis, 61(6), 1004–1012.

2.4 Opportunistic Fungal Infections

2.4.1 Aspergillosis (Alternaria)

induration with
papulopustules (left)

Hyphae and spores

(Grocott, right)

Branching hyphae
and spores in the
dermis (circle)

Figure 2.4.1  Aspergillosis (Alternaria).

104   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

Aspergillosis is an infection by the oppor- •  Associated thrombi

tunistic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus or •  GMS-, PAS-positive hyphae and
other Aspergillus species (A. niger, A. fla- spores
vus), which are ubiquitously found in air, •  Concomitant inflammatory reaction
soil, and decaying organic matter. •  PCR for demonstration of Aspergillus
Immunocompromised patients carry an spp. in the blood (fungemia)
increased risk of infection. DD: Mucormycosis (Zygomycosis;
CF: Primary pulmonary infection, rarely Phycomycosis).
with pulmonary fungal ball (aspergilloma)
in a preexisting lung cavity. Disseminated Reference
disease with cutaneous fungal emboli
showing black cutaneous eschars and Goel, R., & Wallace, M. L. (2001). Pseudoepi­
infarcts, often evolving from banal superfi- theliomatous hyperplasia secondary to cuta-
neous aspergillus. Am J Dermatopathol, 23(3),
cial wounds in immunosuppressed patients.
Shinohara, M. M., Miller, C. J., & Seykora, J. T.
•  Aspergillus hyphae within vessel (2011). Pigmented fruiting bodies and bire-
lumina, walls, and in adjacent dermis fringent crystals in a surgical wound: A clue
•  Hyphal septation with 45° dichotomous to Aspergillus niger infection. J Cutan Pathol,
branching 38(8), 603–606.

2.4.2 Zygomycosis (Mucormycosis; Phycomycosis)

Ulcerating and
necrotic lesion on the
face (left)

Large hyphae
amid dense
Grocott (right)

Figure 2.4.2  Zygomycosis (Mucormycosis; Phycomycosis).

The ubiquitous saprophytic organisms of cellulitis, nasal discharge, and cavernous

the  Mucor spp., Rhizomucor, Rhizopus, and sinus thrombosis are common findings in
Cunninghamella are found in soil and in decay- acute infections.
ing organic material but rarely cause disease. HF:
CF: Diabetic and immunocompromised •  Large hyphae branching at right angles
patients are at risk of developing i­ nfection, •  Lack of septa
in particular, of the nasal cavity •  Fungi invade vessel walls and show
and  sinuses, which may be followed by intravascular growth
systemic spread to the brain and the •  Inflammatory reaction may vary
­respiratory system. Facial edema, orbital
2.4: Opportunistic Fungal Infections 105

DD: Aspergillosis (hyphae with typical Requena, L., Sitthinamsuwan, P., Santonja, C.,
septa and not branching at right angles); Fernandez‐Figueras, M. T., Rodriguez‐
granulomatous pyoderma. Peralto, J. L., Argenyi, Z.,  .  .  .  Kutzner, H.
(2012). Cutaneous and mucosal mucormy-
Reference cosis mimicking pancreatic panniculitis and
gouty panniculitis. J Am Acad Dermatol, 66(6),
Geller, J. D., Peters, M. S., & Su, W. P. (1993). 975–984.
Cutaneous mucormycosis resembling super- Umbert, I. J., & Su, W. P. (1989). Cutaneous
ficial granulomatous pyoderma in an immu- mucormycosis. J Am Acad Dermatol, 21(6),
nocompetent host. J Am Acad Dermatol, 1232–1234.
29(3), 462–465.

2.4.3 Hyalohyphomycosis

nodular lesion (left)
due to Fusarium

Dense nodular
infiltrate in the dermis

Figure 2.4.3  Hyalohyphomycosis.

The relevant infectious organisms are DD: Other deep fungal infections;
Fusarium and Pseudallescheria boydii that ecthyma gangrenosum; bacterial abscess;
are hyaline, colorless molds, ubiquitously squamous cell carcinoma.
present in soil. These molds are glassy
(hyalo‐), non‐pigmented, and have sep- Reference
tate hyphae. Arrese, J. E., Pierard‐Franchimont, C., &
CF: Superficial hemorrhagic and necrotic Pierard, G. E. (1996). Fatal hyalohyphomy-
skin lesions, ecthyma gangrenosum‐like cosis following Fusarium onychomycosis in
flat ulcers, subcutaneous nodular and an immunocompromised patient. Am J
mycetoma‐like infiltrates are found Dermatopathol, 18(2), 196–198.
mostly in immunocompromised patients. Bushelman, S. J., Callen, J. P., Roth, D. N., &
Secondary infection of superficial wounds Cohen, L. M. (1995). Disseminated Fusarium
may occur. solani infection. J Am Acad Dermatol, 32(2 Pt
HF: Inflamed nodules and eschars with 2), 346–351.
Griffin, T. D., McFarland, J. P., & Johnson, W.
ischemic necrosis, resulting from septic
C. (1991). Hyalohyphomycosis masquerad-
fungus‐invasion into vessels. PAS‐positive
ing as squamous cell carcinoma. J Cutan
Pathol, 18(2), 116–119.
106   CHAPTER 2: Fungal Infections

2.4.4 Phaeohyphomycosis

Verrucous (left) and

exophytic lesions
with ulceration
(middle) (Courtesy of

with granulomatous
infiltrate (right)

Pigmented spores
and hyphae
(left, arrows)

PAS (right)

Figure 2.4.4  Phaeohyphomycosis.

CF: The term dematiaceous denotes organ- •  Abundant budding spores and branch-
isms, in particular fungi, which produce a ing pigmented hyphae
dark pigment. This group of pathogenic •  Demonstration of melanin by Fontana‐
organisms causes the fungal infections phae- Masson stain
ohyphomycosis (phaeo‐ also meaning pig- DD: Chromoblastomycosis; mycetomas.
mented) and chromoblastomycosis, which
may present with various clinical symptoms,
ranging from superficial pigmented lesions Reference
as tinea nigra to subcutaneous nodules and
fulminant abscess formation. Systemic dis- Kapatia, G., Pandey, T., Kakkar, N., Kaur, H., &
semination via hematogenic spread in Verma, R. (2019). Facial phaeohyphomyco-
sis in an immunocompetent individual: A
immunocompromised patients results in a
rare presentation of a rare fungus. Am J
severe life‐threatening condition.
Dermatopathol, 41(2), 137–139.
HF: Ronan, S. G., Uzoaru, I., Nadimpalli, V.,
•  Pseudocystic and dermal neutrophilic Guitart, J., & Manaligod, J. R. (1993).
abscesses Primary cutaneous phaeohyphomycosis:
•  Granulomatous inflammation with Report of seven cases. J Cutan Pathol, 20(3),
plasma cells 223–228.
2.4: Opportunistic Fungal Infections 107

2.4.5 Protothecosis, Cutaneous

Ulcerated lesion with

infiltrate (left)

Algae with septation

(inset, and middle,
arrows). PAS (right)

Figure 2.4.5  Protothecosis, Cutaneous.

CF: Prototheca wickerhamii and Prototheca zopfi, DD: Granulomatous foreign body reac-
achlorophyllic algae, are ubiquitous present tions; deep mycoses.
in soil, plants, and contaminated water.
When entering skin wounds in immuno- Reference
compromised patients, they may produce a Hillesheim, P. B., & Bahrami, S. (2011).
nodular and ulcerating inflammation. Cutaneous protothecosis. Arch Pathol Lab
HF: Inflammatory reaction with necrotiz- Med, 135(7), 941–944.
ing and caseating granuloma, containing Walsh, S. V., Johnson, R. A., & Tahan, S. R.
algae extracellularly or within giant cells. (1998). Protothecosis: An unusual cause of
Typically, the large, round organisms chronic subcutaneous and soft tissue infec-
show internal septation with endospores. tion. Am J Dermatopathol, 20(4), 379–382.
C H APT ER   3

Viral Infections


3.1  Herpes Viruses 3.4 Parvovirus Infections and Coxsackievirus

3.1.1 Herpes Simplex (HSV‐1, HSV‐2) Infections
3.1.2 Varizella/Zoster Virus (VZV/HHV-3) 3.4.1 Erythema Infectiosum; (Slapped Cheek
3.1.3 Burkitt Lymphoma; Epstein‐Barr Virus Disease; Fifth Disease)
(HHV-4 EBV) 3.4.2 Papular Purpuric Gloves‐and‐Socks
3.1.4 Hairy Leukoplakia HHV-4; Epstein‐Barr Syndrome
Virus; EBV) 3.4.3 Hand‐Foot‐and‐Mouth Disease
3.1.5 Cytomegalovirus (CMV; HHV-5) (Coxsackie Virus)
3.1.6 Exanthema Subitum (HHV-6) (Roseola 3.5  Polyoma Virus Infections
Infantum, 6th Disease) 3.5.1  Trichodysplasia Spinulosa
3.1.7  Pityriasis Rosea (HHV-7) 3.5.2 Merkel Cell Carcinoma (Primary
3.1.8 AIDS‐Kaposi Sarcoma (HHV-8) Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Skin;
3.1.9 Multicentric Castleman’s Disease (HHV-8) Trabecular Carcinoma of Toker)
3.2 Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) 3.6 Poxviruses
3.2.1  Verruca Vulgaris 3.6.1  Orthopox Virus Infections
3.2.2  Variant: Verrucae Planae 3.6.2  Parapox Virus Infections
3.2.3 Variant: Condylomata Acuminata 3.7 Other Skin Diseases with Suspected Viral
3.2.4 Differential Diagnosis: Acrokeratosis Association
Verruciformis (Hopf) 3.7.1 Asymmetric Periflexural Exanthema
3.2.5  Bowenoid Papulosis of Childhood
3.2.6 Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis 3.7.2 Eruptive Pseudoangiomatosis
(Lewandowsky–Lutz); Verrucosis 3.7.3  Gianotti–Crosti Syndrome
Generalisata 3.7.4  Pityriasis Lichenoides
3.3  Viral Exanthema
3.3.1 Measles °no pictures

Atlas of Clinical Dermatopathology: Infectious and Parasitic Dermatoses, First Edition. Günter Burg,
Heinz Kutzner, Werner Kempf, Josef Feit, and Omar Sangueza.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

110   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

Viruses (DNA and RNA) are obligate reaching from inconspicuous exanthemas
intracellular parasites. Their replication
­ to papules, vesicles, and necrotic lesions.
depends on the metabolism of the host These morphological patterns allow for a
cells. Viruses, due to their tropisms for dif- more practical and clinical approach
ferent tissues (epithelia, endothelia, nerv- toward differentiation of the various viral
ous system, vascular structures), cause a dermatoses than the taxonomy of viruses.
plethora of clinical cutaneous symptoms,

3.1  Herpes Viruses

3.1.1 Herpes Simplex (HSV‐1, HSV‐2)

Herpes simplex on
the lips (left), penis
(middle), and finger

Figure 3.1.1  Herpes Simplex.

The clinically relevant human herpes ­ rimary eczematous (atopic) dermatosis

virus (HHV) family comprises eight types with herpes viruses results in widespread
of herpes virus. Herpes simplex virus type skin involvement (eczema herpeticatum;
1 and 2 (HSV‐1, HSV‐2) are the most Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption).
common ones. HSV‐1 and 2 together HF: The histopathologic changes in her-
with varicella zoster virus (VZV/HHV‐3) pes simplex and in varizella/zoster erup-
belong to the α‐subfamily of human her- tions are basically the same. Differentiation
pes viruses. Primary infection in children can be achieved by immunohistochemis-
may be subclinical in most cases, or pre- try or PCR.
sents as herpetic gingivostomatitis, some- •  Inter‐ and intracellular edema of the
times with severe symptoms (Aphthoid epidermis
Pospischill–Feyrter). In a minority of •  Intraepidermal acantholytic blister
adults, recurrent labial or genital herpes formation
simplex may appear, following reactiva- •  Epidermis:
tion by various external or internal ◦◦ Ballooning degeneration of
stimuli. keratinocytes
CF: Pathognomonic indicators are burn- ◦◦ Necrotic keratinocytes with swollen
ing and itching sensations followed by the pyknotic (“steel‐gray”) nuclei
eruption of grouped tense vesicles with ◦◦ Syncytial multinucleated epithelial
erythema, preferentially on the lips (HSV giant cells (positive Tzanck smear)
type 1) or the genital mucosa (HSV type •  Dermal edema
2). Rapid erosion of vesicles is followed •  Predominantly lymphocytic, mixed cel-
by  crust formation. Chronic ulcerative lular infiltrate in the dermis with many
lesions are seen in immunocompromised eosinophils
individuals. Secondary inoculation of •  Lymphocytic vasculitis
3.1: Herpes Viruses 111

•  Secondary leukocytoclastic vasculitis Laggis, C., Wada, D., Shah, A., & Zussman, J.
exclusively in VZV infection (this virus is (2020). Eosinophils are surprisingly common
both epitheliotropic and endotheliotropic) in biopsy specimens of cutaneous herpes
•  Concomitant cytomegalovirus infection simplex virus and varicella zoster virus infec-
tions: Results of a comprehensive histo-
may alter the histological features
pathologic and clinical appraisal. J Cutan
DD: Other viral eruptions; drug eruption; Pathol, 47(1), 6–11.
acute graft‐versus‐host reaction; erythema Pomerantz, H., Wang, H., Heilman, E. R.,
multiforme; non‐viral ulcers; pyoderma Sharon, V. R., & Gottesman, S. P. (2020).
gangrenosum; Rickettsiosis. Peculiar vegetative tumor‐like genital herpes
simplex nodules with brisk tissue eosino-
Reference philia in patients with human immunodefi-
ciency virus infection. J Cutan Pathol, 7(2),
Boyd, A. S., Zwerner, J. P., & Miller, J. L.
(2012). Herpes simplex virus‐induced plas-
Saunderson, R. B., Tng, V., Watson, A., &
macytic atypia. J Cutan Pathol, 39(2),
Scurry, J. (2016). Perianal herpes simplex
virus infection misdiagnosed with pyoderma
Garib, G., Hughey, L. C., Elmets, C. A., Cafardi,
gangrenosum: Case of the month from the
J. A., & Andea, A. A. (2013). Atypical pres-
Case Consultation Committee of the
entation of exophytic herpes simplex virus
International Society for the Study of
type 2 with concurrent cytomegalovirus
Vulvovaginal Disease. J Low Genit Tract Dis,
infection: A significant pitfall in diagnosis.
20(2), e14–15.
Am J Dermatopathol, 35(3), 371–376.

3.1.2 Varizella/Zoster Virus (VZV/HHV-3)

(left and right)

Herpes zoster
(shingles). Segmental
and generalized
lesions (left and right)

Necrotizing zoster
(bottom right)

Figure 3.1.2  Varicella/Zoster.

112   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

The VZV/HHV-3 virus infection surfaces (chickenpox), secondary virus reactiva-

under different clinical morphologies, tion in the elderly or in immunocom-
depending on the age and the immune promised individuals, in particular in
status of the patient: while the initial HIV/AIDS patients, manifests as herpes
VZV contact in children causes varicella zoster.  Varicella (Chickenpox)

blisters (left)

Blister with
containing viral
(immuno-stain with
anti-VZV antibody,

Ballooned necrotic
keratinocytes with
“steel-gray” nuclei.
Few multinucleated
keratinocytes. (left)
Immunostain with
anti-VZV antibody

Ball. Ballons

Herpes virus infection

(Original artwork: 200
Table XIX from PG 200 Oedem d.
Unna’s Histologischer Stachelsch.
Oedem d.
Atlas zur Pathologie Stachelsch.
Serofibrin Exsudat Ballonirte Epithelien
der Haut, Fig. 76.
Leipzig 1910)

Figure  Herpes Simplex; Varicella (Chickenpox)/Zoster (Shingles).

CF: Highly contagious viral disease, which c­ haracteristically sparing the palms and soles.
primarily affects the respiratory tract and Cutaneous lesions usually are in different
then spreads hematogenously, producing a stages of evolution, showing early lesions
characteristic polymorphic papulovesicular and older necrotizing lesions with crust for-
eruption, involving almost all parts of the mation side by side (the so‐called metachro-
integument as well as the palate, but nous synchrony of cutaneous lesions).
3.1: Herpes Viruses 113

HF: The histopathological pattern is iden- zoster‐discussion of current aspects of vari-

tical with herpes simplex infections, albeit cella zoster virus vasculopathy. Am J
with the production of rather large flaccid Dermatopathol, 40(8), 602–604.
acantholytic vesicles. King, D. F., & King, L. A. (1986). Giant cells in
lesions of varicella and herpes zoster. Am J
DD: Generalized zoster; other vesicular or
Dermatopathol, 8(5), 456–458.
pustular dermatoses; psoriasis pustulosa;
McDonald, H. H., Corsini, L. M., Siddiqui, H.
smallpox; monkey pox (which may look
A., & Kowalewski, C. (2018). Granulomatous
identical both clinically and histopatho- reaction after complete resolution of primary
logically; endemic to Central Africa/ varicella. Am J Dermatopathol, 40(1), 49–51.
Democratic Republic of Congo). Porto, D. A., Comfere, N. I., Myers, L. M., &
Abbott, J. J. (2010). Pseudolymphomatous
Reference reaction to varicella zoster virus vaccination:
Role of viral in situ hybridization. J Cutan
Burgard, B., Smola, S., Vogt, T., & Muller, C. S.
Pathol, 37(10), 1098–1102.
L. (2018). Small vessel vasculitis in herpes  Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

Acantholytic and
necrotic (ballooned)
keratinocytes with
smudged nuclei

keratinocytes with
“steel-gray” nuclei
(middle and bottom)
H&E stain

Figure  Herpes Simplex; Varicella (Chickenpox)/Zoster (Shingles).

114   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

detection of
varicella-zoster virus
with anti-VZV

Figure  Varicella (Chickenpox)/Zoster (Shingles).

Complete or partial loss of immune pro- DD: Varicella; zosteriform herpes

tection against varicella/zoster virus in simplex.
conjunction with various external or
internal factors leads to reactivation of the Reference
“dormant” virus (latent infection with Boer, A., Herder, N., Blodorn‐Schlicht, N., &
virus within the ganglions of nerves) and Falk, T. (2006). Herpes incognito most com-
to the development of mostly unilateral monly is herpes zoster and its histopatho-
dermatomal cutaneous lesions. Rare logic pattern is distinctive! Am J Dermatopathol,
“ectopic” and generalized eruptions occur 28(2), 181–186.
via hematogenous spread. Burgard, B., Smola, S., Vogt, T., & Muller, C. S.
CF: Painful segmental unilateral or gener- L. (2018). Small vessel vasculitis in herpes
alized eruption of papulovesicles, which zoster  –  discussion of current aspects of
may be hemorrhagic and become varicella zoster virus vasculopathy. Am J
Dermatopathol, 40(8), 602–604.
Ferenczi, K., Rosenberg, A. S., McCalmont, T.
HF: Histology is the same as in herpes
H., Kwon, E. J., Elenitsas, R., & Somach, S.
simplex or varicella. Remarkably, herpes
C. (2015). Herpes zoster granulomatous der-
zoster may go along with leukocytoclastic matitis: Histopathologic findings in a case
vasculitis and vasculopathic changes, series. J Cutan Pathol, 42(10), 739–745.
often remote from the primary site of King, D. F., & King, L. A. (1986). Giant cells in
cutaneous infection. lesions of varicella and herpes zoster. Am J
Dermatopathol, 8(5), 456–458.
3.1: Herpes Viruses 115 Special Feature: Necrotizing (Herpes) Zoster Folliculitis

“Zoster incognito”:
note sparing of the
Necrosis of only hair
follicle and
sebaceous glands
(“sebaceitis”) with
dense inflammatory

Figure  Special Feature: Necrotizing (Herpes) Zoster Folliculitis.

CF: Expanding widespread and painful •  Immunohistochemical demonstration

papulonecrotic lesions, which may be of virus within follicle epithelium
confluent, eventually resolving with scars. DD: Bacterial folliculitis.
Vesicles are usually lacking.
HF: Reference
•  Necrosis of only hair follicles and Boer, A., Herder, N., Winter, K., & Falk, T.
adnexal structures (sebaceous glands) (2006). Herpes folliculitis: Clinical, histo-
•  Marked absence within the epidermis pathological, and molecular pathologic
(“zoster incognito”) of ballooning, acan- observations. Br J Dermatol, 154(4),
tholysis, blister formation, and multinu- 743–746.
cleated giant cells Nikkels, A. F., & Pierard, G. E. (2003).
•  Accompanying dense dermal mixed Necrotizing varicella zoster virus folliculitis.
inflammatory infiltrate, often resem- Eur J Dermatol, 13(6), 587–589.
bling lymphoma or pseudolymphoma
116   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections Special Feature: Zoster‐Associated Vasculitis

Epidermal necrosis

Obliterating, mostly
vasculitis: swelling of
vessel walls,
prominent thrombi,
neutrophils, and
neutrophilic dust
(middle and below)

Figure  Special Feature: Zoster‐Associated Vasculitis.

The VZV is both epitheliotropic and endo- Synchronous involvement of both cuta-
theliotropic‚ which explains the involve- neous sites and internal organs (e.g. liver)
ment of adjacent vessels in cutaneous VZV is not unusual in herpes zoster.
infection/herpes zoster. Lesions of herpes
zoster may be hemorrhagic‚ and adjacent Reference
leukocytoclastic vasculitis is not unusual. Burgard, B., Smola, S., Vogt, T., & Muller, C. S.
Remarkably, concomitant vasculopathic L. (2018). Small vessel vasculitis in herpes
changes may occur remotely from the site zoster – discussion of current aspects of vari-
of the cutaneous infection, for example, cella zoster virus vasculopathy. Am J
in the brain or in internal organs. Dermatopathol, 40(8), 602–604.
3.1: Herpes Viruses 117

Clark, A. K., Dhossche, J., Korcheva, V. B., & •  Granulomatous folliculitis

Keller, J. J. (2018). Herpes zoster presenting as •  Granulomatous vasculitis
unilateral vasculitis. Dermatol Online J, 24(11). •  Lichen planus
Gilden, D. H., Lipton, H. L., Wolf, J. S., •  Lichen sclerosus
Akenbrandt, W., Smith, J. E., Mahalingam,
•  Pseudolymphoma
R., & Forghani, B. (2002). Two patients with
•  Keloid
unusual forms of varicella‐zoster virus vascu-
lopathy. N Engl J Med, 347(19), 1500–1503. For further description and illustra-
Wollina, U., & Schonlebe, J. (2012). Segmental tion,  see Volume I on “Inflammatory
leukocytoclastic vasculitis in herpes zoster. Dermatoses.”
Int J Dermatol, 51(11), 1351–1352.
Reference Postherpetic Cutaneous
Reactions° Baalbaki, S. A., Malak, J. A., al‐Khars, M. A., &
Natarajan, S. (1994). Granulomatous vascu-
At sites of previous herpes zoster, various
litis in herpes zoster scars. Int J Dermatol,
cutaneous reactions can occur:
33(4), 268–269.
•  Granuloma annulare
•  Sarcoidal granulomas

3.1.3 Burkitt Lymphoma; Epstein‐Barr Virus (HHV-4 EBV)

Monomorphous non-
infiltrate of lymphoid

Starry sky pattern

with tingible
(arrows) (left)
vacuoles (lipid
droplets) in
lymphoid blood
cells (top right,
Intranuclear EBV
virus, shown by
(EBER) in situ
hybridization (right

Figure 3.1.3  Burkitt Lymphoma (HHV-4; Epstein‐Barr Virus; EBV).

Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (p. 459). Oxford: Wiley.
118   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

Burkitt lymphoma is a highly aggressive DD: Other B‐cell lymphomas and

B‐cell lymphoma, associated with Epstein‐ ­
p seudolymphomas; T‐cell rich B‐cell
Barr virus/HHV-4 infection, featuring lymphoma; lymphocyte‐rich Hodgkin
t(8;14) translocation with rearrangement lymphoma.
of the myc‐gene. HIV‐induced immunode-
ficiency or malaria may be a predisposing Reference
factor. Burkitt, D. (1958). A sarcoma involving the
CF: In equatorial Africa‚ Burkitt lym- jaws in African children. Br J Surg, 46(197),
phoma preferentially involves the jaws of 218–223.
children. Outside of Africa, Burkitt lym- Jacobson, M. A., Hutcheson, A. C., Hurray, D.
phoma sporadically surfaces in children H., Metcalf, J. S., & Thiers, B. H. (2006).
and in young adults. Immunocompromised Cutaneous involvement by Burkitt lym-
patients (HIV/AIDS) are at particular risk phoma. J Am Acad Dermatol, 54(6),
of developing Burkitt lymphoma. The 1111–1113.
skin most commonly is affected by sec- Mann, R. B., Jaffe, E. S., Braylan, R. C., Nanba,
K., Frank, M. M., Ziegler, J. L., & Berard, C.
ondary invasion via regional lymph nodes.
W. (1976). Non‐endemic Burkitts’s lym-
phoma. A B‐cell tumor related to germinal
•  Diffuse cohesive monomorphous round centers. N Engl J Med, 295(13), 685–691.
cell infiltrate, lacking epidermotropism Pettey, A. A., & Walsh, J. S. (2007). Cutaneous
•  Medium‐sized lymphoid cells with large involvement with Burkitt‐like lymphoma.
nuclei and narrow basophilic cytoplas- Am J Dermatopathol, 29(2), 184–186.
matic rim showing small intracytoplas- Rogge, T. (1975). [Burkitt’s lymphoma with
mic lipid vacuoles (adipophilin positive) skin infiltrates]. Hautarzt, 26(7), 379–382.
•  Many mitotic figures and apoptotic cells Rogers, A., Graves, M., Toscano, M., & Davis,
L. (2014). A unique cutaneous presentation
•  Scattered pale macrophages (with distinct
of Burkitt lymphoma. Am J Dermatopathol,
starry sky pattern), containing ingested
36(12), 997–1001.
remnants of apoptotic tumor cells

3.1.4 Hairy Leukoplakia (HHV-4; Epstein‐Barr Virus; EBV)

Hairy leukoplakia on
the lateral site of the
tongue (left, circle)
sandwich pattern
(“red-white-red”) with
superficial eosinophilic
jagged parakeratosis,
overlying pale
edematous acanthosis
with edematous clear
cells (right)
Pale epithelial clear
cells with edema in
the middle-mucosa

Nuclear EBV
(EBER in situ
hybridization, right)

Figure 3.1.4  Hairy Leukoplakia (HHV-4 Epstein‐Barr Virus; EBV).

3.1: Herpes Viruses 119

CF: Distinct whitish hyperkeratosis (“lat- Reference

eral leukoplakia”), usually on the lateral
Fernandez, J. F., Benito, M. A., Lizaldez, E. B.,
side of the tongue, mostly in immuno-
& Montanes, M. A. (1990). Oral hairy leuko-
compromised patients.
plakia: A histopathologic study of 32 cases.
HF: Am J Dermatopathol, 12(6), 571–578.
•  Verrucous acanthosis and papillomato- Sandvej, K., Krenacs, L., Hamilton‐Dutoit, S.
sis with superficial clefting J., Rindum, J. L., Pindborg, J. J., & Pallesen,
•  Marked layering (red‐white‐red) of the G. (1992). Epstein‐Barr virus latent and rep-
mucosal epithelium licative gene expression in oral hairy leuko-
•  Central “white” parts of epithelium plakia. Histopathology, 20(5), 387–395.
Southam, J. C., Felix, D. H., Wray, D., & Cubie,
showing epithelial clear cells with swol-
H. A. (1991). Hairy leukoplakia – a histologi-
len, edematous cytoplasm and with
cal study. Histopathology, 19(1), 63–67.
prominent nuclei (“fish eye” cells)
Winzer, M., Gilliar, U., & Ackerman, A. B.
DD: Precancerous leukoplakia; candida (1988). Hairy lesions of the oral cavity.
infection. Clinical and histopathologic differentiation
of hairy leukoplakia from hairy tongue. Am J
Dermatopathol, 10(2), 155–159.

3.1.5 Cytomegalovirus (CMV; HHV-5)

Erythema and blister

formation (arm left)*

Multiple perianal
ulcers (middle)

dermal infiltrate

large stromal or
endothelial cells
with swollen nuclei
(arrows, left)

Owl’s eye cells

(lung) (right)*

immunostain (bottom

Figure 3.1.5  Cytomegalovirus (CMV; HHV-5).

*Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 90). Oxford: Wiley.
120   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

The infection starts with viremia, follow- CF: The skin is only rarely involved,
ing primary oropharyngeal inoculation showing small blisters with superficial
with the cytomegalovirus. Preferentially ulceration and scale crust formation.
immunosuppressed and post‐transplant HF: A telltale sign are swollen and slightly
patients are at risk of infection. detached endothelial cells with intracyto-
Pathognomonic in the skin are small plasmic round basophilic inclusions
ulcers, but other clinical presentations of (“owl’s eye” cells). Rarely, these virus‐
cytomegalovirus infection are not laden cells may also be found in other tis-
unusual. sue components (fibroblasts).
DD: Ecthyma contagiosum.

3.1.6 Exanthema Subitum (HHV-6) (Roseola Infantum, 6th Disease)

Rubella-like macular
viral rash

Figure 3.1.6  Exanthema Subitum (HHV-6) (Roseola Infantum).

Almost all children show evidence of HF:

HHV-6 infection early in life. The virus •  Superficial lymphocytic dermal infil-
remains in a latent state, but reactivation trate – similar to other viral and paravi-
may occur. ral exanthems
CF: Sudden onset of high fever is followed •  Sparse spongiosis with minimal exocy-
by a transient rubella‐like rapidly clearing tosis. Vasculitic changes are lacking
macular exanthem, sparing the face with
DD: Other viral exanthemas allergic drug
no enanthem.
reactions (rare).
3.1: Herpes Viruses 121

3.1.7  Pityriasis Rosea (HHV-7)

patches, pityriasiform
scales, and telltale
peripheral collarette

Acanthosis and
Erythrocytes within
superficial infiltrate

Figure  Pityriasis Rosea (HHV-7).

Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 28). Oxford: Wiley.

Superficial edema,
and inflammatory
infiltrate; moderate

Signs of acute
erythrocytes within
the epidermis
and within the upper
dermis (arrow); no
signs of vasculitis

Figure  Pityriasis Rosea (HHV-7).

Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 29). Oxford: Wiley.
122   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

A causative agent in pityriasis rosea, most •  Exocytosis of erythrocytes, but no vas-

likely the human herpes virus 7 HHV-7, is culitic changes
highly suggestive, but has not yet defi- DD: Other viral exanthema; secondary
nitely been confirmed. syphilis (with plasma cells!); tinea corpo-
CF: Disseminated small erythematous ris; drug eruption; erythema multiforme.
patches with superficial peripheral scal-
ing; incipient solitary oval herald patch Reference
(tâche mère) with prominent collarette.
Drago, F., Broccolo, F., & Rebora, A. (2009).
HF: Corresponds to eczematous dermatitis
Pityriasis rosea: An update with a critical
•  Focal psoriasiform hyperparakeratosis appraisal of its possible herpesviral etiology.
(often with serum exudate) J Am Acad Dermatol, 61(2), 303–318.
•  Slight spongiosis and exocytosis, some- Friedman, S. J. (1987). Pityriasis rosea with
times with intraepidermal erythrocytes erythema multiforme‐like lesions. J Am Acad
(acute stage) Dermatol, 17(1), 135–136.
•  Patchy lymphocytic infiltrate in the
upper dermis; remarkably, plasma cells
are lacking

3.1.8 AIDS‐Kaposi Sarcoma (HHV-8)

Macular lesions on
the soles (left)

Bizarre thin-walled
jagged vessels in the
upper dermis
(right top and bottom)

Figure  Kaposi Sarcoma; Patch (Macular) Stage (HHV-8).

Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (pp. 298–299).
Oxford: Wiley.
3.1: Herpes Viruses 123

Bluish red plaques on

the legs

Vascular slits in
conjunction with
regular vessels (top
right and bottom left)

Thin-walled, newly
formed vascular
spaces, engulfing
preexisting vessels
(“promontory sign”)

Figure  Kaposi Sarcoma; Plaque Stage (HHV-8).

Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (pp. 298–299).
Oxford: Wiley.
124   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

Nodular lesions in a
patient with AIDS
(left and top right)

Nodular lesions in
the dermis (bottom

Dense proliferation of
spindle cells without
Slit-like vascular
spaces filled with

(“hyaline globules”)

Figure  AIDS‐Kaposi Sarcoma; Tumor Stage (HHV-8).

Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (pp. 300–304).
Oxford: Wiley.
3.1: Herpes Viruses 125

Bizarre lymphatic
spaces in the upper
and mid-dermis
closely reminiscent of

Jagged vascular
spaces amid a
dense collagenous
stroma (left)

“Promontory sign”

Figure  Special Feature: AIDS‐Kaposi Sarcoma (HHV-8), Lymphangioma‐Like Pattern.

Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (pp. 300–304).
Oxford: Wiley.

Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a multicentric proliferation,” occurring preferentially

vascular tumor of low‐grade malignancy, in immunocompromised HIV/AIDS
also called a “vascular lesion of indeter- patients; “whether it qualifies as a true
minate malignant potential” by some sarcoma is still a matter of debate.”
authors, albeit with the potential of clas- CF: Under clinical and etiopathogenetic
sic sarcomatous transformation. Its true aspects, KS can be subdivided into the fol-
origin (blood or lymphatic vessels or lowing variants: (i) classical/Mediterranean
pluripotential stem cells) is still under KS; (ii) African‐endemic KS; (iii) immu-
debate, as is its underlying reactive or nosuppression‐associated KS (mostly
neoplastic nature. In WHO Classification associated with iatrogenic immunodefi-
of Skin Tumors (2018), KS has been ciency in transplant recipients); (iv) epi-
defined as an “HHV‐8 associated vascular demic KS (HIV/AIDS–related).
126   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

In classic Mediterranean KS, there is a •  Plaque Stage (

high prevalence of elderly males, with a ◦◦ Involvement of entire reticular dermis:
15:1 male/female ratio. Most patients are plasma cells, lymphocytes, siderophages
of Jewish or Mediterranean descent. and prominent neo‐vascularization:
Incipient KS presents with bluish or brown ◦◦ Angulated irregular thin‐walled small
macules and lymphedema, preferably on vascular structures and slit‐like thin‐
the lower extremities. Lesions slowly walled vascular spaces, often “envel-
expand, spreading into adjacent anatomi- oping” preexisting venules and
cal sites. Within months or years, there is capillaries and adnexal structures
transformation of flat lesions into infil- (“promontory sign”)
trated plaques and nodules, which finally ◦◦ Focal proliferation of isomorphic spin-
ulcerate, bleed, and produce exophytic dle cells (CD31+; CD34+; D2‐40/
nodular crusted tumors. Mucosal involve- podoplanin+; nuclear HHV-8+)
ment may occur but is rare. Patients often arranged as tiny fascicles and strands
die from KS after the tumor has spread to ◦◦ Mitotic activity; marked lack of
visceral organs. pleomorphism
In immunodeficiency‐associated KS ◦◦ Hemorrhage with intra‐ and extravas-
(HIV/AIDS; immunosuppressive therapy; cular erythrocytes, siderophages, and
chronic renal failure), small firm red or stacking of erythrocytes
bluish papules and elongated nodules ◦◦ Rarely, eosinophilic intracytoplasmic
appear preferentially on the trunk and PAS+ hyaline globules (phagocytized
along skin tension lines and on the mucosa, erythrocytes) within fusiform tumor
here initially presenting as multiple patchy cells
bluish enanthems. ◦◦ Dilated lymphatic lacunar spaces with
HF: The histologic features of all types of characteristic “stuffing” of intralumi-
KS are identical, albeit with slight differ- nal erythrocytes
ences in chronologic evolution of lesions. •  Nodular/Tumor Stage (
While classical KS slowly evolves from ◦◦ Cellular tumor nodules with densely
macular to plaque and finally to the tumor arranged fusiform cells
stage, HIV/AIDS‐related KS rapidly pro- ◦◦ Mitotic activity; lack of nuclear
duces nodular and exophytic tumors. pleomorphism
•  Patch (Macular) Stage( The histo- ◦◦ Hyaline intracytoplasmic globules and
logic picture may be inconspicuous, extracellular stacking of erythrocytes
often suggesting an inflammatory skin •  Special feature: AIDS‐KS (HHV-8),
condition (“pseudogranulomatous” pat- Lymphangioma‐Like Pattern (
tern of KS) ◦◦ Bizarre jagged lymphatic spaces in the
◦◦ Dense and diffuse mixed round cell upper and mid‐dermis, suggesting
infiltrate within the upper dermis progressive lymphangioma/benign
(“pseudogranulomatous” pattern) lymphangioendothelioma
◦◦ Irregular thin‐walled vascular spaces ◦◦ Very sparse accompanying inflamma-
between collagen bundles. Regular tory infiltrate
endothelia co‐expressing D2‐40/ ◦◦ Nuclear positivity of endothelial
podoplanin and CD34 tumor cells for HHV-8 (immuno­
◦◦ Interstitial hemosiderin deposits and histochemistry)
siderophages DD: Kaposiform hemangioendotheli-
◦◦ Plasma cells as a telltale sign of infec- oma; angiosarcoma; epithelioid
tious origin ­hemangioendothelioma; pseudomyogenic
3.1: Herpes Viruses 127

hemangioendothelioma; hemosiderotic Pyogenic granuloma‐like Kaposi’s sarcoma. J

dermatofi­broma; acroangiodermatitis Mali Cutan Pathol, 43(6), 549–551.
(pseudo‐Kaposi); benign lymphangioendo- O’Donnell, P. J., Pantanowitz, L., & Grayson,
thelioma/progressive lymphangioma; bacil- W. (2010). Unique histologic variants of
cutaneous Kaposi sarcoma. Am J
lary angiomatosis; granuloma pyogenicum;
Dermatopathol, 32(3), 244–250.
spindle cell hemangioma; lymphatic vascu-
Ramirez, J. A., Laskin, W. B., & Guitart, J.
lar malformations (“hemato‐lymphangi-
(2005). Lymphangioma‐like Kaposi sarcoma.
oma”); malignant melanoma J Cutan Pathol, 32(4), 286–292.
Sutton, A. M., Tarbox, M., & Burkemper, N. M.
Reference (2014). Cavernous hemangioma‐like Kaposi
Chor, P. J., & Santa Cruz, D. J. (1992). Kaposi’s sarcoma: A unique histopathologic variant.
sarcoma. A clinicopathologic review and dif- Am J Dermatopathol, 36(5), 440–442.
ferential diagnosis. J Cutan Pathol, 19(1), Tappero, J. W., Conant, M. A., Wolfe, S. F., &
6–20. Berger, T. G. (1993). Kaposi’s sarcoma.
Cossu, S., Satta, R., Cottoni, F., & Massarelli, G. Epidemiology, pathogenesis, histology, clini-
(1997). Lymphangioma‐like variant of cal spectrum, staging criteria and therapy. J
Kaposi’s sarcoma: Clinicopathologic study of Am Acad Dermatol, 28(3), 371–395.
seven cases with review of the literature. Am Yang, S. H., & LeBoit, P. E. (2014). Angiomatous
J Dermatopathol, 19(1), 16–22. Kaposi sarcoma: A variant that mimics heman-
Kao, G. F., Johnson, F. B., & Sulica, V. I. (1990). giomas. Am J Dermatopathol, 36(3), 229–237.
The nature of hyaline (eosinophilic) globules Yu, Y., Demierre, M. F., & Mahalingam, M.
and vascular slits of Kaposi’s sarcoma. Am J (2010). Anaplastic Kaposi’s sarcoma: An
Dermatopathol, 12(3), 256–267. uncommon histologic phenotype with an
McClain, C. M., Haws, A. L., Galfione, S. K., aggressive clinical course. J Cutan Pathol,
Rapini, R. P., & Hafeez Diwan, A. (2016). 37(10), 1088–1091.

3.1.9 Multicentric Castleman’s Disease (HHV-8)

Concentric rings of
small lymphocytes
penetrated by

Figure 3.1.9  Multicentric Castleman’s Disease (HHV-8).

128   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

CF: Castleman’s disease (CAD) is an unu- cells within the interfollicular areas.
sual lymphoid hyperplasia. The disease Subtle hyalinization of vessel walls
may be systemic or localized and can DD: Glomeruloid hemangioma; follicular
involve lymph nodes and extra nodal lymphoma.
sites. Cutaneous CAD characteristically
presents with solitary or multiple asymp- Reference
tomatic nodules on the trunk. The plasma
Chan, J. K., Fletcher, C. D., Hicklin, G. A., &
cell‐rich variant of multicentric CAD in
Rosai, J. (1990). Glomeruloid hemangioma.
HIV patients is associated with HHV-8.
A distinctive cutaneous lesion of multicentric
HF: Castleman’s disease associated with POEMS
•  Nodular, well‐circumscribed round cell syndrome. Am J Surg Pathol, 14(11),
infiltrate in the dermis and subcutis 1036–1046.
•  Prominent follicular growth pattern Chen, H., Xue, Y., Jiang, Y., Zeng, X., & Sun, J.
with atrophic germinal centers F. (2012). Cutaneous and systemic plasmacy-
•  Concentric rings of small lymphocytes, tosis showing histopathologic features as
mixed‐type Castleman disease: A case report.
penetrated by interfollicular capillaries
Am J Dermatopathol, 34(5), 553–556.
•  Germinal centers with multinucleated
Naghashpour, M., Cualing, H. D., Szabunio,
giant cells of the Warthin–Finkeldey type
M., & Bui, M. M. (2010). Hyaline‐vascular
(that are usually encountered in measles) Castleman disease: A rare cause of solitary
•  Mixed infiltrate of epithelioid histio- subcutaneous soft tissue mass. Am J
cytes and lymphoplasmacytoid B‐cells. Dermatopathol, 32(3), 293–297.
Pronounced vascularity with large num- Yang, S. G., Cho, K. H., Bang, Y. J., & Kim, C.
bers of small vessels and thickened hya- W. (1998). A case of glomeruloid hemangi-
linized vessel walls oma associated with multicentric Castleman’s
•  The plasma cellular type of CAD con- disease. Am J Dermatopathol, 20(3), 266–270.
tains abundant sheets of mature plasma

3.2 Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

Various types of HPV are associated with

Type of Wart HPV Type

Verrucae plantares 1,2,4
Verrucae vulgares 1,2,3,4
Verrucae planae juveniles 3,10
Epidermodysplasia verruciformis 5,8,9,12,14,15,17,19,20,21,47
Condylomata acuminata 6,11
Larynx Papilloma 6,11
Condylomata plana 6,11 und 16,18,31
Bowenoide Papulosis 16, 18 (and seldom 31, 33, 35, 39, 53)
Morbus Heck 13,32

Figure 3.2  Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Infections.

3.2: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) 129

3.2.1  Verruca Vulgaris

Verrucae vulgares on
the fingers (left) and
on the tip of the nose

“Digitate” verrucous

Figure  Verruca Vulgaris.

Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 93). Oxford: Wiley.
130   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

(long arrow)

(short arrow)

Inset: Papilloma virus

immunostain with
anti-HPV L1 antibody

inflammatory infiltrate

Figure  Verruca Vulgaris.

Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 94). Oxford: Wiley.
3.2: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) 131

Plantar warts

Pincer-like collarette
with central verrucous
(upper right and
bottom left)

Anti-HPV L1
immunostain of HPV
viral capsid (upper

Figure  Variant: Verruca Plantaris.

Cl: Solitary or grouped papules showing •  Intracorneal inclusions of hemorrhagic

massive hyperkeratosis and sometimes exudate (“papillary body thrombi”)
significant inflammation. Depending on •  Hypergranulosis with coarse keratohya-
the anatomical site, warts may show lin granules
either endophytic or verrucous‐exophytic •  Koilocytes (“Bird’s‐eye” cells) in the
morphology (verrucae on the soles versus granular layer and in the upper stratum
verrucae on the dorsum of the hands). spinosum
HF: •  Dilated vessels in the papillary dermis
•  Epidermal hyperplasia with a digitate •  Inflammatory infiltrate in the upper
(“multiple raised fingers”) silhouette dermis
•  Plantar warts with central papillom­ DD: Condylomata lata; dyskeratosis folli-
atosis and pincer-like acanthosis at the cularis (Darier); syringocystadenoma papil-
borders liferum; chronic graft‐versus‐host disease;
•  Hyperkeratosis with focal parakeratosis acrokeratosis verruciformis.
132   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

Reference Park, J. H., Lester, L., Kim, J., & Kwong, B. Y.

(2016). Acral verruca‐like presentation of
Cesinaro, A. M., & Maiorana, A. (2002). chronic graft‐vs.‐host disease. J Cutan Pathol,
Verruca vulgaris with CD30‐positive lym- 43(3), 236–241.
phoid infiltrate: A case report. Am J Xu, X. L., Zhang, G. Y., Zeng, X. S., Wang, Q.,
Dermatopathol, 24(3), 260–263. & Sun, J. F. (2010). A case of zonal syringo-
Fried, I., Kasper, R. S., Hegyi, I., & Kempf, W. cystadenoma papilliferum of the axilla mim-
(2018). Black dots in palmoplantar warts‐ icking verruca vulgaris. Am J Dermatopathol,
challenging a concept: A histopathologic 32(1), 49–51.
study. J Am Acad Dermatol, 79(2), 380–382.

3.2.2  Variant: Verrucae Planae

Flat brown papules

Koilocytes (arrows)
under basket-weave

Figure 3.2.2  Variant: Verrucae Planae.

Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 95). Oxford: Wiley.
3.2: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) 133

Cl: Flat, slightly hyperkeratotic papules. •  Basket‐weave orthokeratosis

HF: •  Confluent band of koilocytes (“Bird’s‐
•  Hyperkeratosis eye” cells) within the granular layer
•  Moderate acanthosis, but no distinct

3.2.3 Variant: Condylomata Acuminata

like proliferations

dilated vessels;
no hyperkeratosis

Figure 3.2.3  Variant: Condylomata Accuminata.

Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (p. 34, 37). Oxford:

Cl: Papular and verruciform lesions at (“naked seborrheic keratosis”). Koilocytes

anogenital sites. may be present but are extremely sparse.
HF: Acanthopapilloma with focal hyper-
parakeratosis and lack of pseudocysts
134   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

3.2.4 Differential Diagnosis: Acrokeratosis Verruciformis (Hopf)

Flat verruciform
papules (left)

Wavy “church spire”

acanthosis and
narrow papillae (right)

Figure 3.2.4  Differential Diagnosis: Acrokeratosis Verruciformis (Hopf).

Acrokeratosis verruciformis Hopf is an HF:

autosomal dominant genodermatosis •  Orthohyperkeratosis
closely linked with Darier disease (and •  Wavy (church spire) acanthosis
also caused by mutations in the SERCA2‐ •  Papillomatosis
ATPase gene) in which multiple papules, •  Thinned papillae
resembling plane warts, develop on the
dorsa of the hands and fingers and to a Reference
lesser extent on the feet, forearms, and
legs. Lesions identical to those of idio- Bergman, R., Sezin, T., Indelman, M., Helou,
pathic acrokeratosis verruciformis occur W. A., & Avitan‐Hersh, E. (2012).
Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf showing
in patients with Darier’s disease (AVH and
P602L mutation in ATP2A2 and overlapping
DD as allelic disorders) or with epidermo-
histopathological features with Darier dis-
dysplasia verruciformis. In the latter, rela-
ease. Am J Dermatopathol, 34(6), 597–601.
tionship with HPV infection has been Matsumoto, A., Gregory, N., Rady, P. L., Tyring,
discussed. S. K., & Carlson, J. A. (2017). Brief report:
Cl: Multiple flat hyperkeratotic papules HPV‐17 infection in Darier disease with
on peripheral parts of the limbs (dorsa of acrokeratosis verrucosis of Hopf. Am J
the hands, feet, forearms). Dermatopathol, 39(5), 370–373.
3.2: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) 135

3.2.5  Bowenoid Papulosis

Flat papules
on the glans penis

papillomatosis, (right)

epithelial cells,
atypical mitoses
(arrows), pyknoses

Figure 3.2.5  Bowenoid Papulosis.

Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (p. 35, 36). Oxford:

Cl: Solitary or confluent flat papular Reference

­eruptions in anogenital localization, often
Kazlouskaya, V., Shustef, E., Allam, S. H., Lal,
associated with high‐risk oncogenic HPV
K., & Elston, D. (2013). Expression of p16
infection (HPV16, HPV18).
protein in lesional and perilesional condy-
HF: Scattered atypical epithelial cells with loma acuminata and bowenoid papulosis:
nuclear pleomorphism and mitotic activ- Clinical significance and diagnostic implica-
ity. Positivity for p16. Often with increased tions. J Am Acad Dermatol, 69(3), 444–449.
136   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

3.2.6 Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis (Lewandowsky–Lutz);

Verrucosis Generalisata

Plaques and papules

at the lower leg (left
and middle)

Multiple verrucae in
EV (right)

Plump acanthosis
and papillomatosis

keratinocytes with
basophilic cytoplasm
(“blue cells”)

Figure 3.2.6  Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis (EV) (Lewandowsky–Lutz).

3.3: Viral Exanthema 137

In a minority of patients with EV, there is epidermodysplasia verruciformis‐like fea-

autosomal recessive inheritance, while tures in a patient with Schimke immune‐
most cases of EV are sporadic. EV is associ- osseous dysplasia. J Cutan Pathol, 45(6),
ated with oncogenic HPV infection (EV‐ 465–467.
Morrison, C., Eliezri, Y., Magro, C., & Nuovo,
types of HPV) and may progress to
G. J. (2002). The histologic spectrum of epi-
squamous cell carcinoma.
dermodysplasia verruciformis in transplant
Cl: Circumscribed small confluent
and AIDS patients. J Cutan Pathol, 29(8),
plaques, mostly on sun‐exposed sites. 480–489.
Lesions may either be flat and resemble Tomasini, C., Aloi, F., & Pippione, M. (1993).
pityriasis versicolor, or more lichenoid, Seborrheic keratosis‐like lesions in epider-
resembling plane warts. The mucosa is modysplasia verruciformis. J Cutan Pathol,
spared. 20(3), 237–241.
HF: Intraepidermal enlarged keratino-
cytes with swollen and smudged bluish 3.3  Viral Exanthema
cytoplasm (basophilic “blue cells” as a tell-
tale sign). Dyskeratotic and pyknotic cells Viral exanthema present with a plethora
may be present in small numbers. of cutaneous lesions, some of them sug-
Detection of beta‐HPV types by PCR. gesting allergic or reactive conditions.
DD: Squamous cell carcinoma; seborrheic Traditional taxonomy of viral eruptions
keratosis. originally comprised six viral exanthems
(“the six diseases”): Measles, scarlet fever,
Reference German measles, rubeola scarlatinosa,
Champagne, C., Moore, L., Reule, R., Dyer, J. erythema infectiosum, and exanthema
A., Rady, P., Tyring, S. K., & North, J. P. subitum. This classification is obso-
(2015). Cornoid lamella‐like structures in lete – but the underlying problem remains:
HIV‐associated Epidermodysplasia verruci- The diagnoses of these six viral exan-
formis: A unique histopathologic finding. Am thema are usually made clinically rather
J Dermatopathol, 37(12), 929–932. than histologically and are difficult to dif-
Collins, M. K., Peters, K., English, J. C., 3rd, ferentiate from each other by the inexpe-
Rady, P., Tyring, S., & Jedrych, J. (2018). rienced eye.
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma with
138   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

3.3.1 Measles

Measles exanthema
on trunk, extremities,
face, and palate
(Koplik spots, arrow)

Dermal edema and

perivascular infiltrate

perivascular infiltrate,
swelling of vessel
walls (middle and

Figure 3.3.1  Measles.

Measles is caused by an RNA paramyxovi- trunk, and extremities. Lesions may get
rus. Non‐vaccinated young children are at hemorrhagic. Mucosal involvement is
a particularly high risk of infection due to common: typical Koplik spots on the pal-
the high contagious potential of the mea- ate are a telltale sign of measles infection.
sles virus. HF:
CF: Following a prodromal phase with •  Follicular necrotic keratinocytes and
fever and general malaise, skin lesions small intraepidermal clusters of follicu-
appear as a generalized eruption of red locentric necrotic keratinocytes are the
macules and papules, starting behind the leading histopathological criterion of
ears and spreading to the face, neck, measles virus infection
3.4: Parvovirus Infections and Coxsackievirus Infections 139

•  The cytoplasm of these necrotic keratino- with new findings. Am J Dermatopathol,

cytes stains positive with anti‐measles 37(7), 563–566.
antibody (immunohistochemistry) Liersch, J., Omaj, R., & Schaller, J. (2019).
•  Dermal edema, rarely associated with Histopathological and immunohistochemical
characteristics of measles exanthema: A
lymphocytic vasculitis and hemorrhage;
study of a series of 13 adult cases and review
with diffuse scarce infiltrate composed of
of the literature. Am J Dermatopathol, 41(12),
lymphocytes, eosinophils, plasma cells.
Multinucleated giant cells (Warthin– Magdaleno‐Tapial, J., Valenzuela‐Onate, C.,
Finkeldey cells) in the lymph node; simi- Giacaman‐von der Weth, M., Ferrer‐Guillen,
lar cells may be present in the epidermis B., Garcia‐Legaz Martinez, M., Martinez‐
DD: Drug eruptions; other viral Domenech, A., … Alegre‐de Miquel, V.
exanthema. (2019). Follicle and sebaceous gland multi-
nucleated cells in measles. Am J Dermatopathol,
Reference 41(4), 289–292.
Tirado, M., Adamzik, K., & Boer‐Auer, A.
Sidhu, H. K., Lanoue, J., Nazarian, R., Mercer, (2015). Follicular necrotic keratinocytes  –  a
S. E., Gordon, R. E., & Phelps, R. G. (2015). helpful clue to the diagnosis of measles.
Histopathology of measles: Report of 2 cases J Cutan Pathol, 42(9), 632–638.

3.4 Parvovirus Infections and Coxsackievirus Infections

3.4.1 Erythema Infectiosum; (Slapped Cheek Disease; Fifth Disease)

Red “slapped” cheeks

(Courtesy of
M. Gloor,MD)

Figure 3.4.1  Erythema Infectiosum; (Slapped Cheek Disease; Fifth Disease).

CF: Parvovirus B19 (PVB19) infection HF°: Sparse perivascular lymphocytic

causes confluent livedo reticularis‐like infiltrate in the upper dermal plexus. No
gyrate erythema on the cheeks, followed vasculitis.
by gyrate and wreath‐like erythema on DD: Drug eruptions; other viral
the arms. exanthemas.
140   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

3.4.2 Papular Purpuric Gloves‐and‐Socks Syndrome

Tiny hemorrhagic
papules in a
pattern” (left and

Sparse perivascular
lymphocytic infiltrate
in the upper dermal
plexus (bottom left)

Immunostain with
anti-PVB19 antibody
showing virus capsid
within endothelia
(bottom right)

Figure 3.4.2  Gloves‐and‐Socks Sndrome. Source: Courtesy of L. Requena,MD, Madrid.

CF: Parvovirus B19-induced eruption of Reference

confluent small erythematous and purpu-
Cioc, A. M., Sedmak, D. D., Nuovo, G. J.,
ric papules at body sites that are often cov-
Dawood, M. R., Smart, G., & Magro, C. M.
ered by gloves and socks, preferentially
(2002). Parvovirus B19 associated adult
palms and soles and adjacent marginal Henoch Schonlein purpura. J Cutan Pathol,
skin (“gloves‐and‐socks” pattern of cuta- 29(10), 602–607.
neous lesions). Harms, M., Feldmann, R., & Saurat, J. H. (1990).
HF: Sparse perivascular lymphocytic infil- Papular‐purpuric “gloves and socks” syndrome.
trate in the upper dermal plexus, often J Am Acad Dermatol, 23(5 Pt 1), 850–854.
associated with slight lymphocytic vascu- Santonja, C., Nieto‐Gonzalez, G., Santos‐Briz,
litis and discrete extravasation of erythro- A., Gutierrez Zufiaurre Mde, L., Cerroni, L.,
cytes. Remarkably, immunohistochemistry Kutzner, H., & Requena, L. (2011).
may show intracytoplasmic viral deposits Immunohistochemical detection of parvovi-
rus B19 in “gloves and socks” papular purpu-
within endothelia and – rarely – adjacent
ric syndrome: Direct evidence for viral
round cells. PCR from lesional skin may
endothelial involvement. Report of three
be misleading (high percentage of false
cases and review of the literature. Am J
positives) as majority of patients has had Dermatopathol, 33(8), 790–795.
prior PVB19 infection and is harboring Smith, S. B., Libow, L. F., Elston, D. M.,
virus in the blood. Bernert, R. A., & Warschaw, K. E. (2002).
DD: Drug eruptions; other viral Gloves and socks syndrome: Early and late
exanthema. histopathologic features. J Am Acad Dermatol,
47(5), 749–754.
3.4: Parvovirus Infections and Coxsackievirus Infections 141

3.4.3 Hand‐Foot‐and‐Mouth Disease (Coxsackie Virus)

Eroded blisters on
the palate (left)

Blisters on fingers,
sole, and palm (right)

Spongiotic vesicle
and ballooning
epidermal necrosis

Figure 3.4.3  Hand‐Foot‐and‐Mouth Disease.

Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 91). Oxford: Wiley.

The highly contagious disease caused by CF: The infection primarily involves
Coxsackievirus A16 commonly affects chil- palms, soles, buttocks, and palate with
dren and adolescents. The highly conta- conspicuous intact blisters at the acral
gious Coxsackie virus A16 is a member of sites and eroded erythematous lesions on
the Picornaviridae family of small RNA the mucous membrane. The buttocks may
viruses. Enterovirus 71 and others may show eruptive small vesicles with rapid
induce identical clinical symptoms. subsequent erosion. There may be a slight
142   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

accompanying fever, but patients gener- Reference

ally do not feel sick.
Boer‐Auer, A., & Metze, D. (2019).
Histopathology of hand‐foot‐mouth disease
•  Spongiosis with conspicuous reticular in adults and criteria for differentiation from
epithelial degeneration showing elon- erythema multiforme. Am J Dermatopathol,
gated (“stretched”) keratinocytes amidst 41(4), 273–280.
massive intercellular edema Herrero, M., Kutzner, H., Fraga, J., & Llamas‐
•  “Stretching” and ballooning (intracyto- Velasco, M. (2019). Immunohistochemical
plasmic edema) of epidermal cells study of 2 cases of Coxsackie A6‐induced
•  Spongiotic blister formation atypical hand‐foot‐and‐mouth disease. Am J
Dermatopathol, 41(10), 741–743.
•  Absence of distinct necroses and
Second, J., Velter, C., Cales, S., Truchetet, F.,
Lipsker, D., & Cribier, B. (2017).
•  Edema in the papillary dermis with
Clinicopathologic analysis of atypical hand,
lymphocytic infiltrate; without vasculo- foot, and mouth disease in adult patients.
pathic changes J Am Acad Dermatol, 76(4), 722–729.
DD: Herpes simplex; varicella; ery-
thema multiforme; dyshidrosiform (aller-
gic) eruption.

3.5  Polyoma Virus Infections

3.5.1  Trichodysplasia Spinulosa

Multiple spiny
keratotic papules on
the forehead (left)

Accumulation of
parakeratotic debris
within hair follicles

Electron microscopy
of intranuclear
polyoma virus
structures (right

Figure  Trichodysplasia Spinulosa.

3.5: Polyoma Virus Infections 143

Follicular spicules of
the nose in multiple
myeloma (left)

Immunoglobulins in
follicular ostium. IgM
immunostain (inset)
(Courtesy of
L. Requena, MD,

Figure  Differential Diagnosis: Follicular Spicules in Myeloma (Nazzaro Syndrome).

This rare folliculocentric cutaneous dis- (2012). Ultrastructural and molecular confir-
ease is commonly associated with human mation of the trichodysplasia spinulosa‐asso-
polyoma virus infection (Trichodysplasia ciated polyomavirus in biopsies of patients
spinulosa human polyoma virus/Ts‐HPyV) with trichodysplasia spinulosa. J Cutan Pathol,
39(11), 1004–1009.
in immunocompromised patients.
Kadam, P., Pan, T., Gates, R., Rivetz, J., Rady, P.,
CF: Small, follicle‐bound, spiny, keratotic
Tyring, S., & Carlson, J. A. (2017). Detection
papules mostly on the face, resembling fine
of beta‐human papillomavirus in a child with
hairs or follicular spicules. Subsequently, polyomavirus‐associated trichodysplasia spi-
eyebrows and eyelashes disappear due to nulosa. Am J Dermatopathol, 39(12), 928–931.
destruction of hair follicle epithelium. Kaddu, S., Soyer, H. P., & Kerl, H. (1995).
HF: Palmar filiform hyperkeratosis: A new para-
•  Granular hair shafts with coarse kerato- neoplastic syndrome? J Am Acad Dermatol,
hyalin granules 33(2 Pt 2), 337–340.
Matthews, M. R., Wang, R. C., Reddick, R. L.,
•  Accumulation of granular parakeratotic
Saldivar, V. A., & Browning, J. C. (2011).
debris within hair follicle
Viral‐associated trichodysplasia spinulosa: A
•  Disorganized eosinophilic inner
case with electron microscopic and molecu-
root  sheath cells with few necrotic lar detection of the trichodysplasia spinu-
keratinocytes losa‐associated human polyomavirus. J
•  Conspicuously large trichohyalin gran- Cutan Pathol, 38(5), 420–431.
ules within keratinocytes of inner root Nazzaro, P., Argentieri, R., Balus, L., Bassetti,
sheath F., Fazio, M., Giacalone, B., & Ponno, R.
DD: Warts; keratosis pilaris; ulerythema (1974). [Paraneoplastic syndrome with pap-
ulo‐keratosic lesions of the extremities and
ophryogenes; follicular spicules of the nose,
diffuse spinulose pilar keratosis]. Ann
associated with multiple myeloma (para-
Dermatol Syphiligr (Paris), 101(4), 411–413.
neoplastic (Nazzaro) syndrome).
Paul, C., Fermand, J. P., Flageul, B., Caux, F.,
Duterque, M., Dubertret, L., & Aractingi, S.
(1995). Hyperkeratotic spicules and mono-
Elaba, Z., Hughey, L., Isayeva, T., Weeks, B., clonal gammopathy. J Am Acad Dermatol,
Solovan, C., Solovastru, L., & Andea, A. 33(2 Pt 2), 346–351.
144   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

Requena, L., Sarasa, J. L., Ortiz Masllorens, F., nose: A peculiar cutaneous manifestation of
Martin, L., Pique, E., Olivares, M., … Gomez multiple myeloma with cryoglobulinemia.
Octavio, J. (1995). Follicular spicules of the J Am Acad Dermatol, 32(5 Pt 2), 834–839.

3.5.2 Merkel Cell Carcinoma (Primary Neuroendocrine Carcinoma

of the Skin; Trabecular Carcinoma of Toker)

Tumor plaques on
cheek and nose

Sheets and clusters

of infiltrating cells in
the dermis (top, right,
and middle)

Uniform, small, round,

blue cells with
granular and
vesicular nuclei and
with scant cytoplasm

Inset: CK20-positive
tumor cells with
perinuclear dot-like

Figure 3.5.2  Merkel Cell Carcinoma (Primary Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Skin; Trabecular
Carcinoma of Toker).
Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (pp. 360, 361).
Oxford: Wiley.
3.5: Polyoma Virus Infections 145

The so‐called Merkel cells of Merkel cell in all carcinomas of neuroendocrine

carcinoma (MCC) are neoplastic epithelial origin); BerEP4 (also expressed
cells of neuroendocrine origin  –  most in BCCs)
likely unrelated to autochthonous intraep- DD: High‐grade cutaneous (B‐cell)
idermal Merkel cells. Although it has been lymphoma; B‐CLL; other primary and
suggested that MCC might originate from secondary cutaneous neuroendocrine car-
autochthonous follicle‐bound genuine cinomas; metastasizing lung carcinoma;
Merkel cells, this hypothesis has not yet sweat gland carcinoma; squamous cell
been unequivocally proved. About half of carcinoma; basal cell carcinoma; Bowen’s
all cutaneous MCCs harbor Merkel cell disease; melanoma.
polyomavirus (MCPyV), which belongs to
the family of human polyoma viruses Reference
(HPyV). The other half of cutaneous MCCs
Bandino, J. P., Purvis, C. G., Shaffer, B. R., Gad,
is MCPyV‐negative and often shows mor-
A., & Elston, D. M. (2018). A comparison of
phological overlap with conventional
the histopathologic growth patterns between
squamous cell carcinoma (hybrid variants non‐merkel cell small round blue cell tumors
of MCC). and Merkel cell carcinoma. Am J
Cl: The sun‐exposed head and neck sites Dermatopathol, 40(11), 815–818.
of elderly patients are most commonly Feng, H., Shuda, M., Chang, Y., & Moore, P. S.
affected by this highly aggressive, dome‐ (2008). Clonal integration of a polyomavirus
shaped, rapidly growing, and infiltrating in human Merkel cell carcinoma. Science,
tumor, which shows early metastases to 319(5866), 1096–1100.
regional lymph nodes and visceral organs. Heath, M., Jaimes, N., Lemos, B., Mostaghimi,
HF: A., Wang, L. C., Penas, P. F., & Nghiem, P.
(2008). Clinical characteristics of Merkel cell
•  Dermal nodular sheets and clusters of carcinoma at diagnosis in 195 patients: The
darkly basophilic round tumor cells AEIOU features. J Am Acad Dermatol, 58(3),
without distinct borders. Arrangement 375–381.
mostly in sheets, occasionally in a tra- Hwang, J. H., Alanen, K., Dabbs, K. D.,
becular pattern. Often suggesting high‐ Danyluk, J., & Silverman, S. (2008). Merkel
grade cutaneous B‐cell lymphoma cell carcinoma with squamous and sarcoma-
•  Predominance of monomorphous large tous differentiation. J Cutan Pathol, 35(10),
hyperchromatic round basophilic tumor 955–959.
cells with smudged cytoplasmic borders Jackson, C. R., & Linos, K. (2019). SOX10 dot‐
like paranuclear positivity in Merkel cell car-
•  Tumor sheets interspersed with numer-
cinoma: Report of 2 cases. Am J Dermatopathol,
ous mitoses and apoptoses
41(9), 694–695.
•  Focal squamous transformation (SCC)
Koba, S., Nagase, K., Ikeda, S., Aoki, S.,
in about half of the cases Misago, N., & Narisawa, Y. (2015). Merkel
•  Azzopardi phenomenon (i.e. basophilic cell carcinoma with glandular differentiation
granular nuclear DNA lacing the walls admixed with sweat gland carcinoma and
of small vessels), which is typically spindle cell carcinoma: Histogenesis of
found in small cell carcinoma of the Merkel cell carcinoma from hair follicle stem
lungs, is lacking in cutaneous MCC cells. Am J Dermatopathol, 37(3), e31–36.
•  Immunophenotype: expression of Le, M. D., O’Steen, L. H., & Cassarino, D. S.
­neurofilament, CK20 (dot‐like intracy- (2017). A rare case of CK20/CK7 double
toplasmic pattern), CAM5.2, chro- negative Merkel cell carcinoma. Am J
Dermatopathol, 39(3), 208–211.
mogranin, synaptophysin, InsM1 (found
146   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

Miraflor, A. P., LeBoit, P. E., & Hirschman, S. A. Histologically, in acute lesions, there is
(2016). Intraepidermal Merkel cell carci- prominent reticular degeneration and
noma with pagetoid Bowen’s disease. J Cutan necrosis of the epidermis, ballooning, and
Pathol, 43(11), 921–926. necrosis of keratinocytes. Blister formation
Mitteldorf, C., Mertz, K. D., Fernandez‐
may be minimal. Multinucleated giant
Figueras, M. T., Schmid, M., Tronnier, M., &
cells can be present. Accompanying papil-
Kempf, W. (2012). Detection of Merkel cell
lary edema with erythrocyte extravasation
polyomavirus and human papillomaviruses
in Merkel cell carcinoma combined with and inflammatory infiltrate consisting of
squamous cell carcinoma in immunocompe- lymphocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils
tent European patients. Am J Dermatopathol, is seen in the upper and mid‐dermis.
34(5), 506–510. DD: Due to their significant morphologi-
Succaria, F., Radfar, A., & Bhawan, J. (2014). cal overlap, poxvirus infections are
Merkel cell carcinoma (primary neuroendo- exceedingly difficult to differentiate from
crine carcinoma of skin) mimicking basal cell each other (e.g. variola vera versus mon-
carcinoma with review of different histo- key pox). Advanced molecular diagnostic
pathologic features. Am J Dermatopathol, methods (PCR; sequencing methodology;
36(2), 160–166.
electron microscopy/negative staining) in
Veija, T., Kero, M., Koljonen, V., & Bohling, T.
conjunction with clinical and historical
(2019). ALK and EGFR expression by immu-
data are mandatory. Remarkably, poxvi-
nohistochemistry are associated with Merkel
cell polyomavirus status in Merkel cell carci- ruses, in particular monkey pox, are
noma. Histopathology, 74(6), 829–835. endemic in large parts of Africa
(Democratic Republic of the Congo);
acute infections with monkey pox may
3.6 Poxviruses mimic variola vera; impetigo contagiosa;
Poxviruses are large complex DNA viruses, dermatitis due to mites; varicella; pustula
comprising the family of orthopox viruses maligna (anthrax).
(cowpox/catpox, monkey pox, vaccinia,
and variola), parapoxviruses (ecthyma
contagiosum/orf and milker’s nodule), Asiran Serdar, Z., Yasar, S., Demirkesen, C., &
and molluscum pox viruses. Aktas Karabay, E. (2018). Poxvirus‐induced
vascular angiogenesis mimicking pyogenic
3.6.1  Orthopox Virus Infections granuloma. Am J Dermatopathol, 40(9),
Orthopox virus infections have clinical e126–129.
and histological features in common. Molina‐Ruiz, A. M., Santonja, C., Rutten, A.,
Differences may be subtle. Cerroni, L., Kutzner, H., & Requena, L.
Clinically, there usually is erythematous (2015). Immunohistochemistry in the diag-
swelling at the site of inoculation with a nosis of cutaneous viral infections‐ part II:
papulovesicular eruption, evolving into Cutaneous viral infections by parvoviruses,
poxviruses, paramyxoviridae, picornaviri-
umbilicated pustules with focal hemor-
dae, retroviruses and filoviruses. Am J
rhagic necrosis and crust formation.
Dermatopathol, 37(2), 93–106.
3.6: Poxviruses 147  Cowpox (Catpox)

inflammatory infiltrate
in the dermis

Inset: papulopustular
lesion with central

degeneration and
necrosis of
keratinocytes. Telltale
large intracytoplasmic
globular deposits of
virus capsid (right,

Figure  Cowpox (Catpox).

Field voles, rats, and mice are the natural the conjunctivae is particularly dangerous
reservoir of the virus. Transmission to and often clinically missed. Deer pox (in
humans occurs via cats or directly via rats hunters) may cause identical symptoms.
that are kept by young people as pets.
Remarkably, a high percentage of cats Reference
harbor not only cowpox virus but also Nasemann, T., Mayr, A., Schaeg, G., Kimmig,
Bartonella under their claws and conse- W., & Mahnel, H. (1987). [Cowpox virus
quently are a great infectious peril for infection in a young girl]. Hautarzt, 38(7),
immunocompromised people. Symptoms 414–418.
include a mild fever and lymphadenopa- Wienecke, R., Wolff, H., Schaller, M., Meyer,
thy. Rarely, lesions may present with mas- H., & Plewig, G. (2000). Cowpox virus infec-
sive edema, erythema, focal blistering, tion in an 11‐year‐old girl. J Am Acad
and large black eschars. Involvement of Dermatol, 42(5 Pt 2), 892–894.
148   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections  Vaccinia Inoculata

lesion with central
necrosis (left)

Schematic drawing
of histopathologic
changes in variola
(right). Original
artwork: Table XXV
from PG Unna’s
Histologischer Atlas
zur Pathologie der
Haut, Leipzig 1910

Moulage (Museum
Zürich) showing
Smallpox (Variola
Vera) (left)

Figures and  Vaccinia Inoculata; Smallpox (Variola Vera).

History of previous poxvirus vaccination. to the 1980 declaration of the World

General dissemination of vaccinia virus pref- Health Organization (WHO); albeit, virus
erentially occurs in patients with atopic der- strains are kept for research purposes by
matitis, evolving into eczema vaccinatum. the Centers of Disease Control and Russian
laboratories. Remarkably, clinical and his-
Reference topathological symptoms of monkey pox
Landthaler, M., Strasser, S., & Schmoeckel, C. (Democratic Republic of the Congo) and
(1988). [Vaccinia inoculata]. Hautarzt, 39(5), variola vera overlap. Consequently, thor-
322–323. ough clinical and diagnostic vigilance is
paramount.  Smallpox (Variola Vera) The clinical course is severe and associated
with general malaise from the beginning
Smallpox is highly contagious and often a of the infection. The umbilicated lesions
lethal disease caused by Poxvirus variola. appear and mature simultaneously,
Smallpox has been eradicated according sequentially producing papules, vesicles,
3.6: Poxviruses 149

pustules, crusts, finally leaving typical Reference

umbilicated “varioliform” scars with
Nuovo, G. J., Plaza, J. A., & Magro, C. (2003).
eschars. Marked involvement of face, scalp,
Rapid diagnosis of smallpox infection and
palms, and soles with sparing of axillae and
differentiation from its mimics. Diagn Mol
groins is typical. Pathol, 12(2), 103–107.

3.6.2  Parapox Virus Infections Ecthyma Contagiosum (Orf)

Tense pustule with

central necrosis (left)
and hemorrhagic
blister (middle).

Crusty lesions on the

nose of the sheep

vesicles and reticular
degeneration of the
epidermis. Necrosis
and hemorrhage in
the upper dermis.
Dense inflammatory
Infiltrate (left)

“Tricolore sign” of the

epidermis (right)
infiltrate with plasma
cells and eosinophils
(top left).
activated lymphocytes
(bottom left)
inclusions (“Guarnieri
bodies”, right, arrows)
Inset: Poxvirus
shown by electron
microscopic negative

Figure  Ecthyma Contagiosum (Orf).

150   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

The causative agent is Parapoxvirus ovis (orf •  Dermal round cell infiltrate, often studded
virus). Goats, sheep‚ and lambs are the natu- with multiple CD30‐positive lymphocytes
ral reservoir of the virus. Infection occurs via and CD123‐positive plasmacytoid den-
direct animal contact (shepherds, butchers). dritic cells (remarkably an almost identical
CF: Marked erythematous swelling at the immunophenotype may be found in
site of inoculation with erythema and iris‐ inflamed molluscum contagiosum)
like edematous blister formation, often •  Excessive neovascularization of densely
hemorrhagic and crusted, followed by packed capillaries and venules may
eschar formation. occur beneath the lesion, often suggest-
HF: ing a benign vascular tumor
•  Reticular degeneration of upper parts of DD: Erythema multiforme; milker’s nod-
epidermis with telltale “tricolore sign” ule; pyogenic granuloma.
showing blue‐white‐red tinged epider-
mal layers Reference
•  Marked ballooning of keratinocytes Asiran Serdar, Z., Yasar, S., Demirkesen, C., &
•  Eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclu- Aktas Karabay, E. (2018). Poxvirus‐induced
sions of virus capsid in keratinocytes vascular angiogenesis mimicking pyogenic
(Guarnieri bodies) granuloma. Am J Dermatopathol, 40(9),
•  Necrosis and hemorrhage (late) e126–129.  Variant: Milker’s Nodule

Crusty lesion on a
cow’s udder (left)

Tense blister on the

finger (right)

Figure  Variant: Milker’s Nodule.

Milker’s nodule may be considered as a •  Reticular epidermal degeneration and

morphological variant of orf. This parapox vesicle formation in the acanthotic
virus is transferred via direct contact from epidermis
cow’s udder to the farmer’s finger. The •  Ballooning of keratinocytes with
virus is not identical with “cowpox” virus Guarnieri bodies
(the latter is a misnomer: cowpox virus •  Giant cells and inclusions in keratino-
should be termed field‐vole virus). cytes may occasionally be absent
CF: Small brown nodule or multiple nod- •  Edema and mixed cellular inflammatory
ules with whitish central necrosis at the site infiltrate in the dermis, occasionally simu-
of inoculation. Moderate inflammation. lating CD30-positive lymphoproliferation
HF: Ecthyma contagiosum (orf) •  Prominent postcapillary venules
3.6: Poxviruses 151

DD: Ecthyma contagiosum; insect bite; Milker’s nodule in a healthy young woman.
bacterial folliculitis. J Am Acad Dermatol, 49(5), 910–911.
Werner, B., Massone, C., Kerl, H., & Cerroni, L.
Reference (2008). Large CD30‐positive cells in benign,
atypical lymphoid infiltrates of the skin. J
Werchniak, A. E., Herfort, O. P., Farrell, T. J., Cutan Pathol, 35(12), 1100–1107.
Connolly, K. S., & Baughman, R. D. (2003).  Molluscum Contagiosum

Grouped umbilicated

symmetric tumor with
molluscum bodies

Molluscum bodies
inclusions: basophilic
virus capsid)

Figure  Molluscum Contagiosum.

Source: Burg et al. (2019). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts (p. 38). Oxford: Wiley.

CF: Molluscum poxvirus is the causative are mostly multiple, inflamed, or eczema-
agent. Typically, children and immuno- tous. Characteristically, the lesions are ele-
compromised patients are affected. Lesions vated papules with a central dell.
152   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

HF: 578 cases. Am J Dermatopathol, 23(2),

•  Exophytic symmetrical umbilicated epi-
Ishikawa, M. K., Arps, D. P., Chow, C., Hocker,
thelial tumor with sharp margins
T. L., & Fullen, D. R. (2015). Histopathological
•  Central dell filled with necrotic
features of molluscum contagiosum other
keratinocytes that harbor large, baso- than molluscum bodies. Histopathology,
philic intracytoplasmic inclusions (mol- 67(6), 836–842.
luscum bodies); virus capsid may show Lee, S., Park, J., Kim, D., & Na, G. (2004).
immunohistochemical positivity for Flame figures in molluscum contagiosum.
MelanA Am J Dermatopathol, 26(5), 441–442.
•  Surrounding cellular inflammatory
infiltrate may mimic lymphoprolifera- 3.7 Other Skin Diseases
tive process due to high number of
with Suspected Viral
interspersed CD30‐positive lympho-
cytes and CD123‐positive plasmacytoid
dendritic cells. Similar immunopheno- Paraviral exanthems are nonspecific reac-
types may be encountered in parapox tions in which viruses cannot be identified
virus infection (orf) in the skin. This heterogeneous group of
•  Flame figures may be present diseases includes asymmetrical periflex-
DD: Verrucae planae; lepromatous ural exanthema, eruptive pseudoangio-
leprosy. matosis, virus‐associated trichodysplasia
spinulosa, Gianotti–Crosti syndrome,
Reference gloves and sock syndrome, pityriasis
rosea, pityriasis lichenoides, eruptive
Cribier, B., Scrivener, Y., & Grosshans, E.
hypomelanosis, lichen planus, systemic
(2001). Molluscum contagiosum: Histologic
patterns and associated lesions. A study of lupus erythematosus.

3.7.1 Asymmetric Periflexural Exanthema of Childhood

exanthema (left)
(courtesy of
R. Fölster-Holst,
M.D., Kiel)

Mild perivascular,
(top right)

staining with anti-
PVB19 antibody:
virus capsid within the
cytoplasm of the
endothelial cells
(bottom right, arrows)

Figure 3.7.1  Asymmetric Periflexural Exanthema of Childhood.

3.7: Other Skin Diseases with Suspected Viral Association 153

The disease occurs in children and in demonstration of parvovirus B19 viral protein
adults. 2 in periflexural exanthema in an adult, sup-
CF: Tiny papules, asymmetrically, distrib- porting antibody‐dependent enhancement as
uted preferentially in the unilateral axil- means of endothelial uptake of the virus. Am J
Dermatopathol, 40(2), e19–e24.
lary region of one side of the trunk.
Santonja, C., Requena, L., Polo Sabau, J., &
HF: Sparse perivascular, mostly lympho-
Pielasinski Rodriguez, U. (2018). Image gal-
cytic inflammation.
lery: Immunohistochemical detection of par-
DD: Pityriasis rosea; drug reaction; con- vovirus B19 VP2 in periflexural primary
tact dermatitis; Gianotti–Crosti syndrome. infection in an adult female patient. Br J
Dermatol, 178(1), e65.
Santonja, C., Pielasinski, U., Polo, J., Kutzner, H.,
& Requena, L. (2018). Immunohistochemical

3.7.2 Eruptive Pseudoangiomatosis

Tiny erythematous
papules on the arm,
surrounded by a faint
hypopigmented halo
(left, arrows). Ectatic
small vessels in the
dermis (right)

Ectatic vessels in the

upper dermis with
prominent endothelia

Figure 3.7.2  Eruptive Pseudoangiomatosis.

154   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

One of the so‐called paraviral exanthe- Reference

mas, which may be associated with echo-
Chuh, A., Panzer, R., Rosenthal, A. C., Proksch,
virus or adenovirus infections.
E., Kempf, W., Zawar, V., … Folster‐Holst, R.
CF: Multiple tiny erythematous annular
(2017). Annular eruptive pseudoangiomato-
papules, often surrounded by a faint sis and adenovirus infection: A novel clinical
hypopigmented halo. variant of paraviral exanthems and a novel
HF: virus association. Acta Derm Venereol, 97(3),
•  Slightly ectatic agminated vessels in the 354–357.
upper dermis Fölster‐Holst, R., Zawar, V., & Chuh, A. (2017).
•  Hobnail‐like endothelial cells [Paraviral exanthems]. Hautarzt, 68(3),
•  Sparse lymphocytic infiltrate
Neri, I., Patrizi, A., Guerrini, V., Ricci, G., &
•  No viruses detectable in the skin
Cevenini, R. (2000). Eruptive pseudoangio-
DD: Other viral exanthemas; drug matosis. Br J Dermatol, 143(2), 435–438.
eruption; small plaque eruptive psoria-
­ Restano, L., Cavalli, R., Colonna, C., Cambiaghi,
sis;  telangiectatic vascular (capillary/ S., Alessi, E., & Caputo, R. (2005). Eruptive
angiokeratoma‐like) malformation; insect pseudoangiomatosis caused by an insect bite.
bite. J Am Acad Dermatol, 52(1), 174–175.

3.7.3  Gianotti–Crosti Syndrome

Small papules

Focal scale crust,

hyperkeratosis, and
slight spongiotic
Incipient epidermal

Figure 3.7.3  Gianotti–Crosti Syndrome.

Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 34). Oxford: Wiley.
3.7: Other Skin Diseases with Suspected Viral Association 155

Suspected association with hepatitis B, syndrome:a retrospective analysis of 308 cases.

coxsackievirus A‐16, herpes simplex, J Am Acad Dermatol, 26(2 Pt 1), 207–210.
Epstein‐Barr or other virus infections. James, W. D., Odom, R. B., & Hatch, M. H.
CF: Small red papules in the face or on the (1982). Gianotti‐Crosti‐like eruption associ-
ated with coxsackievirus A‐16 infection.
J Am Acad Dermatol, 6(5), 862–866.
HF: Early lesions
Lee, S., Kim, K. Y., Hahn, C. S., Lee, M. G., & Cho,
•  Spongiosis, foci of epidermal necrosis C. K. (1985). Gianotti‐Crosti syndrome associ-
•  Exocytosis of neutrophils and ated with hepatitis B surface antigen (subtype
eosinophils adr). J Am Acad Dermatol, 12(4), 629–633.
•  Intraepidermal accumulation of Lowe, L., Hebert, A. A., & Duvic, M. (1989).
Langerhans cells Gianotti‐Crosti syndrome associated with
Epstein‐Barr virus infection. J Am Acad
DD: Lichenoid dermatitis; other viral
Dermatol, 20, 336–338.
Smith, K. J., & Skelton, H. (2000).
Histopathologic features seen in Gianotti‐
Crosti syndrome secondary to Epstein‐
Caputo, R., Gelmetti, C., Ermacora, E., Gianni, Barr virus. J Am Acad Dermatol, 43(6),
E., & Silvestri, A. (1992). Gianotti‐Crosti 1076–1079.

3.7.4  Pityriasis Lichenoides

Small patches with

peripheral scaling

parakeratosis on top
of slight spongiotic
dermatitis with focal
vacuolization. Sparse
infiltrate (right)

Figure  Pityriasis Lichenoides.

Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 32). Oxford: Wiley.
156   CHAPTER 3: Viral Infections

lymphocytic infiltrate
with spongiotic

Vacuolization at
junctional zone.
Exocytosis of

Figure  Pityriasis Lichenoides.

Source: Burg et al. (2015). Atlas of Dermatopathology: Practical Differential Diagnosis by
Clinicopathologic Pattern (p. 33). Oxford: Wiley.

CF: Incipient pityriasis lichenoides presents HF:

with erythematous small patches or papules •  Focal pityriasiform and psoriasiform
covered by delicate pityriasiform scales. scale with neutrophils and necrotic
Acute variants pityriasis lichenoides et vari- epithelia
oliformis acuta (PLEVA) may rapidly evolve •  Sparse acanthosis
into lesions with superficial ulceration (“var- •  Apoptotic keratinocytes in variable
ioliformis”). Pityriasis lichenoides is known numbers
for its wide clinicomorphological spectrum •  Interface dermatitis with vacuolization
with PLEVA and pityriasis lichenoides of the basal zone
chronica (PLC) at either polar end and pity- •  Exocytosis of mostly CD8‐positive
riasis lichenoides subacuta in the center. lymphocytes
3.7: Other Skin Diseases with Suspected Viral Association 157

•  Band‐like lymphocytic infiltrate in the Kim, J. E., Yun, W. J., Mun, S. K., Yoon, G. S.,
upper dermis with interface pattern Huh, J., Choi, J. H., & Chang, S. (2011).
•  Remarkably, lymphomatoid papulosis Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis
type D may present with identical mor- acuta  and pityriasis lichenoides chronica:
Comparison of lesional T‐cell subsets and
phology as pityriasis lichenoides, albeit
investigation of viral associations. J Cutan
with a high number of intraepidermal
Pathol, 38(8), 649–656.
CD30‐positive lymphocytes
Nanda, A., Alshalfan, F., Al‐Otaibi, M., Al‐
•  PLEVA (acute variant of PL): Thick Sabah, H., & Rajy, J. M. (2013). Febrile
scale‐crust with necrotic epithelia, ulceronecrotic Mucha‐Habermann disease
often  overlying flat erosion, with adja- (pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta
cent dense epidermotropic CD8‐positive fulminans) associated with parvovirus infec-
round cell infiltrate (interface type), and tion. Am J Dermatopathol, 35(4), 503–506.
necrotic keratinocytes Tomasini, D., Tomasini, C. F., Cerri, A., Sangalli,
G., Palmedo, G., Hantschke, M., & Kutzner,
DD: Drug eruption; small plaque eruptive
H. (2004). Pityriasis lichenoides: A cytotoxic
psoriasis; lymphomatoid papulosis type D
T‐cell‐mediated skin disorder. Evidence of
(with predominant CD30‐positive epider-
human parvovirus B19 DNA in nine cases.
motropic round cells). J Cutan Pathol, 31(8), 531–538.
Zaaroura, H., Sahar, D., Bick, T., & Bergman, R.
Reference (2018). Relationship between pityriasis
Benmaman, O., & Sanchez, J. L. (1988). lichenoides and mycosis fungoides: A clin-
Comparative clinicopathological study on icopathological, immunohistochemical, and
pityriasis lichenoides chronica and small molecular study. Am J Dermatopathol, 40(6),
plaque parapsoriasis. Am J Dermatopathol, 409–415.
10(3), 189–196.
C H APT ER   4



4.1  Protozoan Diseases 4.2 Arthropod: Arachnids

4.1.1 Leishmaniasis 4.2.1 Mites
4.1.2  Variant: Leishmaniasis Mexicana 4.2.2 Spiders°
4.1.3 Amebiasis: Entamoeba 4.2.3 Ticks°
Histolytica 4.2.4 Insects
4.1.4 Rhinosporidiosis 4.2.5  Tungiasis (Sand Flea)
°no pictures

Atlas of Clinical Dermatopathology: Infectious and Parasitic Dermatoses, First Edition. Günter Burg,
Heinz Kutzner, Werner Kempf, Josef Feit, and Omar Sangueza.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

160   CHAPTER 4: Parasitoses

In parasitic infections and infestations s­ ubcutaneous tissues and include Sarcoptes

(parasitoses), the organism, preferentially scabiei, Demodex species, Tunga penetrans,
an arthropod, thrives within or on the and Myiasis‐causing fly larvae.
surface (ectoparasites) of its host. Protozoal parasites such as Leishmania
The review by Norgan and Pritt (2018), may also be common in some settings.
which is cited below, summarizes this com­ Helminths are less often seen, and include
plex field as follows: round worms (e.g. Dirofilaria spp.), tape­
«A variety of arthropods, protozoa, and worms (e.g. Taenia solium, Spirometra spp.),
helminths infect the skin and subcutane­ and flukes (e.g. Schistosoma spp.)”.
ous tissues and may be identified by ana­
tomic pathologists in standard cytology Reference
and histology preparations. The specific
Norgan, A. P., & Pritt, B. S. (2018). Parasitic
organisms seen vary greatly with the infections of the skin and subcutaneous tis­
patient’s exposure history, including travel sues. Adv Anat Pathol, 25(2), 106–123.
to or residence in endemic countries. Nor, N. M., & Baseri, M. M. (2015). Skin and
Arthropods are the most commonly subcutaneous infections in south‐east Asia.
encountered parasites in the skin and Curr Opin Infect Dis, 28(2), 133–138.

4.1  Protozoan Diseases

4.1.1 Leishmaniasis

Nodular ulcerated
lesions on the arm

infiltrate (right)

infiltrate (left) with
histiocytes replete
with amastigotes

Amastigotes in
histiocytic giant cell
(left, arrow).
stain with polyclonal
antibody (right)

Figure  Leishmaniasis.

4.1: Protozoan Diseases 161

Ulcerated lesion on
the cheek (left)

infiltrate (right)

infiltrate (left). Large
histiocytes containing
(right, arrow)

Figure  Leishmaniasis.

Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), mucocuta­ ◦◦ Advanced lesions with abundant plasma

neous leishmaniasis, visceral leishmania­ cells may resemble pseudolymphoma
sis (VL) or kala‐azar occur by protozoan ◦◦ Late lesions may be deep and present
infection via female Phlebotomus sand flies. with a sarcoidal, non‐caseating granu­
CF: In cutaneous leishmaniasis, prefer­ loma; plasma cells may be sparse
entially on the face, forearms, and legs, •  Plasma cells in conjunction with clus­
solitary or multiple crusted erythematous ters of pale histiocytes at subepidermal
papules occur, which slowly evolve into sites are a telltale sign of cutaneous
open sores, exclusively at the site of previ­ leishmaniasis
ous Phlebotomus bites. •  At all stages, amastigotes can be detected
HF: easily by immunohistochemical stains,
•  Sheet‐like non‐caseating granuloma, preferentially at the center of the lesion,
“touching the epidermis” on a broad front beneath the epidermis or the flat erosion
•  Clusters of pale histiocytes, surrounded •  Eosinophils
by lymphocytes and densely aggregated •  Calcified bodies (Michaelis‐Gutmann,
plasma cells Schaumann, psammoma, conchoidal)
◦◦ Amastigotes (clue: intracytoplasmic may be rarely found
black “double dots”) are preferentially •  Anti‐CD1a may be a helpful marker for
found within the aggregated pale his­ some species of Leishmania
tiocytes in the center of the lesion, DD: Impetigo contagiosa; abscess; squa­
preferentially close to the surface mous cell carcinoma; various inflamma­
◦◦ Flat erosions may occur tory and neoplastic disorders.
162   CHAPTER 4: Parasitoses

Reference Salgueiro, M., de Camargo Ferreira e

Vasconcellos, E., . . . de Oliveira Schubach, A.
Alvarez, P., Salinas, C., & Bravo, F. (2011). (2011). Cutaneous leishmaniasis with pseu­
Calcified bodies in New World cutaneous leish­ doepitheliomatous hyperplasia simulating
maniasis. Am J Dermatopathol, 33(8), 827–830. squamous cell carcinoma. Am J Dermatopathol,
Dias‐Polak, D., Geffen, Y., Ben‐Izhak, O., & 33(6), 642–644.
Bergman, R. (2017). The role of histopathol­ Saab, J., Fedda, F., Khattab, R., Yahya, L.,
ogy and immunohistochemistry in the diag­ Loya,  A., Satti, M.,  . . .  Khalifeh, I. (2012).
nosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis without Cutaneous leishmaniasis mimicking inflam­
“discernible“ Leishman‐Donovan bodies. Am matory and neoplastic processes: A clinical,
J Dermatopathol, 39(12), 890–895. histopathological and molecular study of
Ferrufino‐Schmidt, M. C., Bravo, F., Valencia, 57 cases. J Cutan Pathol, 39(2), 251–262.
B. M., Llanos‐Cuentas, A., Boggild, A. K., & Thilakarathne, I. K., Ratnayake, P., Vithanage,
LeBoit, P. E. (2019). Is CD1a useful for leish­ A., & Sugathadasa, D. P. (2019). Role of
maniasis diagnosis in the New World? J Cutan histopathology in the diagnosis of cutane­
Pathol, 46(1), 90–92. ous leishmaniasis: A case‐control study
Quintella, L. P., Cuzzi, T., de Fatima Madeira, in  Sri Lanka. Am J Dermatopathol, 41(8),
M., Valete‐Rosalino, C. M., de Matos 566–570.

4.1.2 Variant: Leishmaniasis Mexicana

Amastigotes in
(left, arrows), anti
(polyclonal antibody)

Figure 4.1.2  Variant: Leishmaniasis Mexicana.

Leishmania mexicana, like all Leishmania spp., and histopathology in C3H mice. Exp
is an obligate intracellular protozoan para­ Parasitol, 50(1), 45–56.
site which is endemic to Mexico and Central Andrade‐Narvaez, F. J., Medina‐Peralta, S.,
America. Clinical and histologic features are Vargas‐Gonzalez, A., Canto‐Lara, S. B., &
Estrada‐Parra, S. (2005). The histopathol­
identical with other forms of cutaneous
ogy of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to
leishmaniasis. Differentiation is feasible by
Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana in the
molecular methods (PCR/sequencing).
Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. Rev Inst Med
Reference Trop Sao Paulo, 47(4), 191–194.

Grimaldi, G., Jr., Moriearty, P. L., & Hoff, R.

(1980). Leishmania mexicana: Immunology
4.1: Protozoan Diseases 163

4.1.3 Amebiasis: Entamoeba Histolytica

Inset: multiple leg


Trophozoites with
eccentric nuclei (top
and bottom)

Figure 4.1.3  Amebiasis: Entamoeba Histolytica.

Amebiasis primarily occurs in tropical and vulva, or via liver abscess perforating to
and  subtropical areas; rarely in Europe. the abdominal wall. Acanthamebiasis (e.g.
Gastrointestinal infection is caused by via contaminated contact lenses) may cause
Entamoeba histolytica. The skin may get keratitis, followed by CNS involvement.
affected via primary infection or more fre­ CF: Nodular and cystic lesions, which
quently by per continuitatem extension of evolve into deep ulcers with undermined
rectal amebiasis to the anus, perianal skin, and elevated borders.
164   CHAPTER 4: Parasitoses

HF: DD: Abscess; cysts; tropical ulcer.

•  Pseudocarcinomatous (pseudoepitheli­
omatous) hyperplasia of the spongiotic Reference
epidermis with liquefactive necrosis,
Magana, M., Magana, M. L., Alcantara, A., &
bordering shallow ulceration
Perez‐Martin, M. A. (2004). Histopathology
•  Hematophagous trophozoites (erythro­ of cutaneous amebiasis. Am J Dermatopathol,
phagocytosis) in the dermis, showing 26(4), 280–284.
clear cytoplasm and an eccentric nucleus. Ramdial, P. K., Calonje, E., Singh, B., Bagratee,
(Clue: ganglion‐cell like organisms) J. S., Singh, S. M., & Sydney, C. (2007).
•  Admixed granulomatous or suppura­ Amebiasis cutis revisited. J Cutan Pathol,
tive infiltrate 34(8), 620–628.

4.1.4 Rhinosporidiosis

Hyperplastic nasal
(left and right)

Large spherules,

PAS stain

(methenamine silver)

Figure 4.1.4  Rhinosporidiosis.

4.2: Arthropod: Arachnids 165

Rhinosporidium seeberi, the causative agent DD: Lethal midline granuloma (NK/T‐cell
of rhinosporidiosis, is an aquatic proto­ lymphoma); cryptococcosis.
zoon, morphologically mimicking a fun­
gus. Preferential sites of infection are the Reference
nasal or ocular mucosa. Males in tropical
de Silva, N. R., Huegel, H., Atapattu, D. N.,
areas are more often infected than females.
Arseculeratne, S. N., Kumarasiri, R.,
CF: The cornified skin is only rarely
Gunawardena, S.,  . . .  Fernando, R. (2001).
affected. Mucosal surfaces are primarily Cell‐mediated immune responses (CMIR)
involved. Papules and large strawberry‐ in  human rhinosporidiosis. Mycopathologia,
like polyps occur on the nasal, ocular, and 152(2), 59–68.
nasopharyngeal mucosa. Sudarshan, V., Gahine, R., Daharwal, A.,
HF: Kujur, P., Hussain, N., Krishnani, C., &
•  Polypoid exophytic mass Tiwari, S. K. (2012). Rhinosporidiosis of the
•  Presence of sporangia (large spherules, parotid duct presenting as a parotid duct
cyst  –  a report of three cases. Indian J Med
replete with small round “endospores”)
Microbiol, 30(1), 108–111.
in the submucosal propria (Grocott and
•  Mixed accompanying round cell 4.2 Arthropod: Arachnids
­infiltrate with histiocytes, neutrophils,
lymphocytes and plasma cells, and few 4.2.1 Mites
giant cells in the adjacent propria There is a large variety of different mites,
•  No cellular atypia (versus lethal midline and apart from scabies and harvest mites,
granuloma [NK/T‐cell lymphoma] with include Cheyletiella mites, poultry mites,
marked pleomorphism) house dust mites, and other species.
166   CHAPTER 4: Parasitoses  Demodex Folliculorum

Mites in hair follicles.

Gnathostoma is
always pointed

Inset: papules and

pustules on the left

Touch preparation of
a mite (left)

Drawings of mites
(right) (from Simon,

Figure  Mites: Demodex Folliculorum.

CF: Demodex folliculorum mites thrive •  Mononuclear and neutrophilic infiltrates

within hair follicles, induce acute folliculi­ around and in the involved follicle
tis, and present as papules and pustules, •  Perifollicular granulomatous infiltrate (late)
typically mimicking rosacea.
DD: Rosacea; perioral dermatitis; sebor­
rheic dermatitis.
•  Dilated follicle ostia
•  Follicles containing keratotic debris and Reference
mites, single or in groups Helou, W., Avitan‐Hersh, E., & Bergman, R.
•  Heads of mites (Gnathostoma) typically (2016). Demodex folliculitis of the scalp:
directed downward towards the hair clinicopathological study of an uncommon
bulb entity. Am J Dermatopathol, 38(9), 658–663.
4.2: Arthropod: Arachnids 167 Scabies

Eczematous lesions

Nodular lesions on
the arm of a child

Nodular lesions on
the penis shaft (right)

Mites, ova, and

debris sub- and
infiltrate with multiple
eosinophils in the

Scabies mite (left)

Feces (scybala)

Ova with mites (right)

Figure  Mites: Scabies.

This is an ectoparasitic infection by sites, on the wrists and on the penis. In

the  mite Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. young children, palms and soles may also
Transmission is via direct body contact or be affected. Feces and proteinaceous
contact with garments infested with mites deposits of the mites may cause additional
or eggs. The male mite dies after mating pruritic allergic eczematous reactions.
while the female is tunneling through the Scratching‐induced bacterial superinfection
stratum corneum, laying eggs, and depos­ may evolve into severe impetiginization.
iting brownish feces (scybala). Variants: Crusted (“Norwegian”) scabies;
CF: Pruritic eczematous papules and exco­ nodular scabies (mimicking pseudo­
riations, preferentially at the interdigital lymphoma).
168   CHAPTER 4: Parasitoses

HF: DD: Langerhans cell histiocytosis; CD30-

•  Acanthosis with exocytosis and positive lymphoma; lymphomatoid papu­
spongiosis losis; pseudolymphomas.
•  Dermoscopy reveals intracorneal tun­
nels with mites at the end of the tunnel Reference
•  Step sections show intracorneal or sub­ Bhattacharjee, P., & Glusac, E. J. (2007).
corneal burrows with mites, eggs, and Langerhans cell hyperplasia in scabies: A
brownish feces (scybala) mimic of Langerhans cell histiocytosis. J
•  Perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate with Cutan Pathol, 34(9), 716–720.
eosinophils and few plasma cells Foo, C. W., Florell, S. R., & Bowen, A. R.
•  Scabies granuloma (late): Nodular pseu­ (2013). Polarizable elements in scabies infes­
tation: A clue to diagnosis. J Cutan Pathol,
dolymphomatous infiltrates with many
40(1), 6–10.
CD30‐positive cells may mimic lympho­
Gallardo, F., Barranco, C., Toll, A., & Pujol,
matoid papulosis or pseudolymphoma
R. M. (2002). CD30 antigen expression in
•  Crusted (“Norwegian”) scabies: Thick, cutaneous inflammatory infiltrates of sca­
layered hyperkeratosis containing a bies: A dynamic immunophenotypic pattern
plethora of mites that should be distinguished from lympho­
•  Polariscopic examination (birefrin­ matoid papulosis. J Cutan Pathol, 29(6),
gence) may be a helpful clue for the 368–373.
visualization of mites and scybala  Variant: Scabies Crustosa

Thick crusts and

hyperkeratoses on
the trunk (left) and
hands (middle).
Swarm of mites after
removal of crusts

Figure  Variant: Scabies Crustosa.

Crusted scabies is a rare variant of scabies, on the face and capillitium. The crusts are
occurring preferentially in immunocom­ highly contagious, as they are replete with
promised people. The suffix “Norwegica,” myriads of mites.
which traditionally has been used, is a HF: Massive hyperkeratotic scales with a
misnomer: this variant of scabies does not plethora of scabies mites, ovula, and scybala.
have any Scandinavian ties at all. DD: Other hyperkeratotic disorders, pso­
CF: Massive hyperkeratotic crusts are riasis vulgaris, tylotic eczema.
found preferentially on the extremities,
4.2: Arthropod: Arachnids 169 Trombidiosis (Harvest Mites; Chigger Itch)

Papulovesicles on
the back (left) and
groin (top right).
Detail (bottom right)

Trmbidium (inset left)

and larva (inset right)

Figure  Trombidiosis (Harvest Mites; Chigger Itch).

In the fall (in Europe), the larva of occur. Spider bites also may be  a possible
Trombicula autumnalis, which may tem­ trigger for acute generalized exanthema­
porarily attach to the skin and suck tous pustulosis (AGEP).
blood, causes pruritic allergic reactions HF:
mostly in people who have been in the •  Necrosis at the site of spider bite
outdoors. •  Hemorrhage and accompanying vascu­
CF: Small itchy macules appear preferen­ lopathy (thrombi)
tially at the rims of tight clothing (socks, •  Polymorphous dermal infiltrate, con­
underwear, belt), which evolve into tiny sisting of lymphocytes, neutrophils,
papulovesicles. Excoriation and bacterial eosinophils
superinfection may result from vigorous
DD: Pyoderma gangrenosum; pyogenic
granuloma; vasculitis; trauma; thrombotic
or embolic infarction.
•  Slight superficial erosion or spongiosis
only Reference
•  Moderate lymphocytic infiltrate in the
Davidovici, B. B., Pavel, D., Cagnano, E.,
dermis with eosinophils
Rozenman, D., Halevy, S., EuroScar, & Regi, S.
•  Mites not present
s. g. (2006). Acute generalized exanthematous
DD: All other arthropod bite reactions. pustulosis following a spider bite: Report of 3
cases. J Am Acad Dermatol, 55(3), 525–529.
4.2.2 Spiders° Elston, D. M., Eggers, J. S., Schmidt, W. E.,
CF: Painful erythema followed by urticarial Storrow, A. B., Doe, R. H., McGlasson, D., &
or papular induration and central hemor­ Fischer, J. R. (2000). Histological findings
rhagic necrosis at the site of previous spider after brown recluse spider envenomation.
bite. Systemic symptoms (pain, fever) may Am J Dermatopathol, 22(3), 242–246.
170   CHAPTER 4: Parasitoses

4.2.3 Ticks° or histologically in the center of the lesion.

Ticks may serve as vectors for bacterial There is a dense superficial and deep mixed
(Borrelia, Ehrlichia) or viral organisms. infiltrate, containing many eosinophils, fol­
Sometimes chitinous remnants of the tick’s lowed by granulomatous changes (late).
head (hypostome) can be detected clinically Vasculopathy is not unusual (early).

4.2.4 Insects

Quasi regular curved

traces of Cimex bites
(left). Inset: Cimex

“Dirty” irregular
eczematous lesions
on the neck (right).
Inset: Pediculus

Figure 4.2.4  Arthropods: Insects Cimex Lectularius; Bedbugs (left). Pediculosis Capitis (right).

A variety of insects may be involved in cuta­ •  Subepidermal edema, occasionally

neous infestations, mosquito bites being the evolving into subepidermal bulla
most common ones. Clinical inspection and •  Bullous reactions may show hemorrhage
demonstration of the ectoparasites and their •  Superficial and deep, wedge‐shaped
eggs or larvae is diagnostic in most cases. lymphocytic infiltrate with eosinophils
The group of clinically relevant insects •  Neutrophils en masse, particularly in
includes bedbugs (Cimex lectularius), various lesions induced by lice
types of pediculi, fly larvae (myiasis), which •  Eosinophils in the dermis, occasionally
grow within the dermis, and may also be invading the epidermis, are a strong
found on open wounds. diagnostic hint
CF: The cutaneous reactions range from •  Vasculopathy or secondary leukocyto­
simple pruritic erythema to bluish, hem­ clastic vasculitis may occur
orrhagic macular lesions, papules, long‐
DD: All parasitoses; mantle cell lym­
standing wheals, and strong hemorrhagic
phoma; eruptive pseudoangiomatosis.
bullous reactions with necrosis. Exaggerated
insect bite reactions may be seen in hyper­ Reference
ergic individuals or patients with leukemia/
lymphoma or positive for HIV. They are Haddad, V., Jr., Cardoso, J. L., Lupi, O., &
at  a particular risk of developing mas­ Tyring, S. K. (2012). Tropical dermatology:
Venomous arthropods and human skin: Part
sive  arthropod bite reaction (e.g. classic
I. Insecta. J Am Acad Dermatol, 67(3), 331.
Khamaysi, Z., Dodiuk‐Gad, R. P., Weltfriend,
S., Ben‐Arieh, Y., Dann, E. J., Sahar, D., &
•  Spongiosis and exocytosis Bergman, R. (2005). Insect bite‐like reaction
4.2: Arthropod: Arachnids 171

associated with mantle cell lymphoma: Exaggerated insect bite reactions in patients
Clinicopathological, immunopathological, positive for HIV. Military Medical Consortium
and molecular studies. Am J Dermatopathol, for the Advancement of Retroviral Research.
27(4), 290–295. J Am Acad Dermatol, 29(2 Pt 1), 269–272.
Smith, K. J., Skelton, H. G., 3rd, Vogel, P.,
Yeager, J., Baxter, D., & Wagner, K. F. (1993).

4.2.5  Tungiasis (Sand Flea)

Flat papules with

central necrosis on
tip of the toe

Intradermal flea with

exoskeleton and ova
within body cavity
(middle and bottom)

Inset: sand flea eggs

Figure 4.2.5  Tungiasis (Sand Flea).

172   CHAPTER 4: Parasitoses

The female sand flea (Tunga penetrans) DD: Subungual warts; pyogenic granuloma.
thrives in the skin, where it produces sev­
eral hundred eggs. Reference
CF: In tropical climates, small pruritic
Coates, S. J., Thomas, C., Chosidow, O.,
centrally ulcerated papules or nodules Engelman, D., & Chang, A. Y. (2020). Part
preferentially occur on the toes, under the II  –  Ectoparasites: Pediculosis and tungiasis.
toenails, and at interdigital sites. J Am Acad Dermatol, 82(3), 551–569.
HF: Intradermally located female flea, Nazzaro, G., Genovese, G., & Veraldi, S. (2019).
bearing hundreds of eggs within its body. Clinical and histopathologic study of 39
Accompanying polymorphous round cell patients with imported tungiasis. J Cutan
infiltrate. Pathol, 46(4), 251–255.
C H APT ER   5

Helminthic Infections (Parasitic Worms)


5.1 Larva Migrans (Plumber’s Itch; Creeping 5.6  Schistosomiasis (Bilharziasis)

Eruption) 5.7  Cercarial Dermatitis (Swimmer’s Itch)
5.2 Filariasis 5.8  Annelida (Ringed Worms; Segmented Worms)°
5.3  Onchocerciasis (River Blindness) 5.9  Hirudinea (Leeches)
5.4 Cysticercosis
5.5 Sparganosis °no pictures

Atlas of Clinical Dermatopathology: Infectious and Parasitic Dermatoses, First Edition. Günter Burg,
Heinz Kutzner, Werner Kempf, Josef Feit, and Omar Sangueza.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

174   CHAPTER 5: Helminthic Infections (Parasitic Worms)

Helminths are macroparasites, usually by direct penetration into the skin. There is
affecting the intestinal tract, the lymph, or no consistent taxonomy of helminths. The
blood vessels, and occasionally the skin. main groups comprise roundworms (nem­
Humans are infected by eggs or larvae, atodes), tapeworms (cestodes), and flukes
which are either ingested, transmitted by (trematodes).
bite of an insect, which serves as vector – or

5.1 Larva Migrans (Plumber’s Itch; Creeping Eruption)

Winding superficial
tunnel on the back of
one foot (left)

spongiotic vesicles,
filled with fluid and
inflammatory cells

Figure 5.1  Larva Migrans (Plumber’s Itch; Creeping Eruption).

In tropical and subtropical countries, lar­ tunnel. Accompanying dermal edema

vae of various nematodes of the hook­ with inflammatory lymphocytic infiltrate
worm family, most commonly Ancylostoma and many eosinophils.
braziliense, which is present in animal DD: Other creeping eruptions; cutaneous
feces and in the soil, cause cutaneous cryptococcosis; loiasis.
“creeping eruption.” Larva currens that is
caused by the roundworm Strongyloides
stercoralis presents with rapidly progress­
ing migratory paths in the skin. Lockmann, A., Seitz, C. S., Schon, M. P., &
CF: Slightly elevated pruritic erythema­ Mossner, R. (2018). Creeping eruption and
tous winding path, preferentially on the eosinophilic folliculitis: Atypical cutaneous
feet and the buttocks. The jagged and larva migrans. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges, 16(2),
characteristically winding erythematous
Ma, D. L., & Vano‐Galvan, S. (2016). IMAGES
path is highly characteristic and pathog­
nomonic of larva migrans. tion  –  Cutaneous larva migrans. N Engl J
HF: Intraepidermal spongiotic vesicles, Med, 374(14), e16.
left by the slowly migrating larva. In cuta­ Vanhaecke, C., Perignon, A., Monsel, G.,
neous biopsies, larvae are seldom demon­ Regnier, S., Paris, L., & Caumes, E. (2014).
strated as they migrate up to few Aetiologies of creeping eruption: 78 cases.
millimeters ahead of the clinically visible Br J Dermatol, 170(5), 1166–1169.
5.2: Filariasis 175

5.2 Filariasis

Dirofilariasis: nodular
infiltrate containing
roundworm with
signature crenelated
surface (left, arrow
and right)

Filariasis: inflammatory
infiltrate in the upper
dermis (left) and
microfilariae (right,

Figure 5.2  Filariasis.

Culex or Aedes mosquitoes serve as vec­ lymphocytic inflammatory reaction with

tors  for human roundworm infection. many eosinophils. In advanced stages,
Subcutaneous filariasis is caused by Loa loa edema gradually resolves and is replaced
(eye worm). In classic filariasis, humans are by fibrosis.
the only host. The adult female filaria of the DD: Lymphedema caused by metastatic
Wuchereria bancrofti species within lymph obstruction of lymph vessels; lymphangio­
nodes release microfilaria into the blood sarcoma.
stream. In particular, they cause obstruction
of lymph vessels that eventually results in Reference
massive lymphedema (elephantiasis). Krishnamoorthy, N., Viswanathan, S.,
CF: Apart from potentially severe extracuta­ Rekhi,  B., & Jambhekar, N. A. (2012).
neous symptoms, obstruction of the lymph Lymphangiosarcoma arising after 33 years
vessels leads to massive edematous swelling within a background of chronic filariasis: A
(elephantiasis) and subsequent fibrosis, case report with review of literature. J Cutan
preferentially on the legs and the scrotum. Pathol, 39(1), 52–55.
HF: Edematous and fibrotic thickening of Wiwanitkit, V. (2012). Lymphangiosarcoma
the skin with dilated lymph vessels. Dense and filariasis. J Cutan Pathol, 39(8), 813.
176   CHAPTER 5: Helminthic Infections (Parasitic Worms)

5.3 Onchocerciasis (River Blindness)

nodule (left, long
arrow) and
hypopigmented spots
(left short arrows)

Nodular fibrotic
infiltrate (middle) with

Figure 5.3  Onchocerciasis.

In endemic areas of Africa and Central •  Microfilaria in the papillary dermis

America, the black fly (buffalo gnat) is the •  Subepidermal edema and strong inflam­
vector for Onchocerca volvulus. Subsequent matory response with formation of
to the bite of a fly, larvae develop and microabscesses around necrotic larvae
migrate via blood vessels into the subcuta­ •  Mixed cellular infiltrate, with histio­
neous tissue, where they mature into adult cytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosino­
worms, the microfilaria. In endemic areas, phils, and plasma cells
onchocerciasis is one of the most frequent DD: Filarial lymphedema; other worms;
causes of (“river”) blindness. mycobacterial or fungal infections; lipoma.
CF: Subcutaneous nodules replete with
organisms, itching onchocercal dermatitis,
lichenoid plaques, spotted depigmentation Reference
(“leopard skin”), and accompanying blind­
Lai, J. H., Walsh, N. M., Pritt, B. S., Sloan, L.,
ness are the leading clinical symptoms.
Gibson, L. E., Desormeau, L., & Haldane, D.
HF: J. (2014). Cutaneous manifestations of a
•  Multitude of entangled worms of both zoonotic Onchocerca species in an adult
sexes (paired worms) within encapsu­ male, acquired in Nova Scotia, Canada. J Clin
lated nodules (onchocercoma) Microbiol, 52(5), 1768–1770.
5.5: Sparganosis 177

5.4 Cysticercosis

Cysticercus larva of
Taenia solium with
typical scolex that is
“watching you”
(as signature

Figure 5.4  Cysticercosis.

Infection occurs via fecal‐oral spread: the limbs. There often are characteristic
ingestion of the tapeworm eggs that are accompanying neurological symptoms
shed with the feces of humans harboring (seizures).
adult Taenia solium. Humans are the inter­ HF: Larva with typical scolex.
mediate host for the larvae, which may DD: Lipoma; subcutaneous cyst;
migrate to the brain and cause neurologi­ pseudotumor.
cal symptoms (seizures). Infiltration into
other organs (heart, eyes), including the Reference
skin, is not uncommon. Ponnighaus, J. M., Nkhosa, P., & Baum, H. P.
CF: Swelling and subcutaneous painful (2001). [Cutaneous manifestation of cyst­
lumps with cysts, mostly on the trunk and icercosis]. Hautarzt, 52(12), 1098–1100.

5.5 Sparganosis

with central excretory
canal (left, arrow)

Tegument of the
larva with adjacent
bodies (right, arrows)
and vertically
oriented muscle

Figure 5.5  Sparganosis.

178   CHAPTER 5: Helminthic Infections (Parasitic Worms)

Ingestion of contaminated water (cyclops, Reference

“water fleas”) or contact with an interme­
Chang, J. H., Lin, O. S., & Yeh, K. T. (1999).
diate host can lead to infection where
Subcutaneous sparganosis  –  a case report
humans are the second intermediate host
and a review of human sparganosis in
of the tapeworm larva (sparganum). Taiwan. Kaohsiung J Med Sci, 15(9), 567–571.
CF: Swelling with subcutaneous nodule. Etges, F. J., & Marinakis, V. (1991). Formation
HF: Free‐floating larva (sparganum) and excretion of calcareous bodies by the
within a wide, non‐encapsulated cavity. metacestode (Tetrathyridium) of Mesocestoides
The sparganum shows a typical central vogae. J Parasitol, 77(4), 595–602.
canal, surrounded by multiple basophilic Sarukawa, S., Kawanabe, T., Yagasaki, A.,
calcareous bodies, small muscles bundles, Shimizu, A., & Shimada, S. (2007). Case of
and a crenelated tegument. subcutaneous sparganosis: Use of imaging in
DD: Lipoma. definitive preoperative diagnosis. J Dermatol,
34(9), 654–657.

5.6 Schistosomiasis (Bilharziasis)

(left, arrows) within a
dense inflammatory
infiltrate. Overlying

Multiple ova of
(right: detail)

Figure 5.6  Schistosomiasis (Bilharziasis).

The endemic infection is caused by water, are the primary sources of

various  species of the superfamily
­ Schistosoma eggs. In the water, these eggs
Schistosomatoidea. The most common develop into miracidia, which enter the
species that cause infection in humans bodies of snails, where they mature.
are S. haematobium, S. japonicum, and S. They finally leave their snail hosts as
mansoni. fork‐tailed cercariae. Finally, waterborne
Life cycle of the Schistosoma species: cercariae enter the human body via the
Infested human urine or human feces, skin (legs). In the human host, cercariae
which is shed into shallow bodies of migrate via veins and lymphatic system
5.7: Cercarial Dermatitis (Swimmer’s Itch) 179

to the splanchnic and urogenital venous are dense infiltrates mainly composed of
plexus, where they mature into adult neutrophils and eosinophils. In routine
worms. sections, cercariae can be found in excep­
Migration of parasites to the skin into tionally rare cases.
preexisting pathologic conditions may DD: Arthropod bites; urticaria; other
occur (bilharziasis cutanea tarda). worm infections.
CF: Pruritic papular dermatitis, preferen­
tially on the legs (early), followed by aller­ Reference
gic febrile reaction with accompanying Davis‐Reed, L., & Theis, J. H. (2000). Cutaneous
urticaria, edema, arthritis, eosinophilia schistosomiasis: Report of a case and review
(intermediate stage). Chronic stage with of the literature. J Am Acad Dermatol, 42(4),
involvement of internal organs (lungs, 678–680.
liver, bladder, CNS). In the skin, often Eulderink, F., Gryseels, B., van Kampen, W. J.,
intensive inflammation with verrucous & de Regt, J. (1994). Haematobium schisto­
papules and nodules, preferentially at per­ somiasis presenting in the Netherlands as a
skin disease. Am J Dermatopathol, 16(4),
ineal and gluteal sites. These inflamed
skin lesions may contain Schistosoma eggs,
Matz, H., Berger, S., Gat, A., & Brenner, S.
albeit in very low numbers. (2003). Bilharziasis cutanea tarda: A rare
HF: Eggs are rarely found in chronic skin presentation of schistosomiasis. J Am Acad
lesions. Leading histopathological changes Dermatol, 49(5), 961–962.

5.7 Cercarial Dermatitis (Swimmer’s Itch)

Papular eruptions
(left) (Courtesy of
H.C. Korting, M.D., †)

Dermal neutrophilic
and eosinophilic
infiltrate around
cercaria (middle and
right, arrow)

Figure 5.7  Cercarial Dermatitis (Swimmer’s Itch).

Fresh water fowl (ducks) are the primary human skin (incomplete life cycle). At the
hosts of schistosomes of the Trichobilharzia site of infection, intensely pruritic urticar­
genus. Infected ducks release cercariae ial erythema develop (swimmer’s itch).
into the water, where they usually infect CF: Macular and papular intensely pru­
snails (complete life cycle). Instead, bath­ ritic and urticarial lesions, preferentially at
ing humans may get infected per chance, water‐exposed body sites.
albeit only very superficially, with cercar­ HF: Only in exceptional cases, cercariae
iae not being able to pass through the may be encountered in the subepidermal
180   CHAPTER 5: Helminthic Infections (Parasitic Worms)

dermis, surrounded by perivascular eosin­ 5.8 Annelida (Ringed Worms;

ophilic infiltrate. Segmented Worms)°
DD: Irritant or allergic contact dermatitis.
They are ectoparasites and do not belong
to the helminths sensu stricto. Helminths
Reference are endoparasites, thriving in the gut, in
Soldanova, M., Selbach, C., Kalbe, M., the lymph and blood vessels. The term
Kostadinova, A., & Sures, B. (2013). Swimmer’s “ringworm” (“taenia,” “tinea”) is mislead­
itch: Etiology, impact, and risk factors in ing as it traditionally designates fungal
Europe. Trends Parasitol, 29(2), 65–74. infections (dermatophytosis).

5.9  Hirudinea (Leeches)

Papular lesions as a
sequela to treatment
with leeches

infiltrate in the

Figure 5.9  Hirudinea (Leeches).

Hematophageous leeches of the species HF: Remarkably cellular pseudolymphoma­

Hirudo medicinalis are ectoparasites and tous infiltrate, occasionally with germinal
are not classified as helminths, which centers, with eosinophils and plasma cells.
are endoparasites. Traditionally they have DD: Characteristic erythematous maculo­
been applied in medicine for a variety of papular and nodular lesions at the sites of
indications. With their sharp teeth, they previous leech bites.
attach to their host, and while sucking
blood, they release anticoagulant and Reference
anesthetic saliva into the host. Cross‐­ Khelifa, E., Kaya, G., & Laffitte, E. (2013).
infection with the gram‐negative bacte­ Cutaneous pseudolymphomas after leech
rium Aeromonas hydrophila, which is therapy. J Dermatol, 40(8), 674–675.
present in the mouth and the gut of the Beer, A.‐M., Fey, S., Kuhnen, C., & Mentzel, T.
worm, must be considered when working (2001). Kutane Arthropodenreaktion nach
with Hirudo medicinalis. Blutegeltherapie. Akt Dermatol, 27, 42–46.
C H APT ER   6



6.1  Septic Vasculitis 6.3  Fungal Sepsis

6.2  Bacterial Sepsis 6.3.1  Variant: Penicillium Marinum Sepsis
6.2.1  Gonococcal Sepsis 6.3.2  Variant: Candida Sepsis
6.3.3  Variant: Aspergillus Sepsis

Atlas of Clinical Dermatopathology: Infectious and Parasitic Dermatoses, First Edition. Günter Burg,
Heinz Kutzner, Werner Kempf, Josef Feit, and Omar Sangueza.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

182   CHAPTER 6: Sepsis

6.1  Septic Vasculitis

Necrotic (left),
pustular (middle),
and hemorrhagic
lesions of advanced
septic vasculitis

blistering and

perivascular and
interstitial infiltrate

Figure 6.1.1  Septic Vasculitis.

6.1: Septic Vasculitis 183

Leukocytoclastic vasculitis with

signature open vascular lumen

lesions on the hands
(top left and bottom)

differences between
vasculitis (top right)
and septic vasculitis Septic vasculitis with signature
(bottom right): the thrombosed vascular lumen
latter showing
signature thrombi –
the former with
distinctly patent
vessel lumen.
Neutrophils (black
dots) and karyorrhexis
(tiny black dots) are
present in either
condition (red dots:

signature fibrinoid
thrombi within vessel
lumina of
postcapillary venules.
Note paucity of
inflammatory infiltrate
with extremely scarce

Figure 6.1.2  Septic Vasculitis.

184   CHAPTER 6: Sepsis

Signature thrombi
with secondary
hemorrhage. Paucity
of adjacent

Incipient thrombi and

sparse perivascular
infiltrate containing

Figure 6.1.3  Septic Vasculitis.

In the skin, multiple microorganisms range from small splinter‐like cutaneous

(gonococci, meningococci, staphylococci, hemorrhagic lesions (e.g. in gonococce-
Pseudomonas, Aspergillus) may induce sep- mia) to large dusky‐hemorrhagic and
tic vasculitis. Depending on the status of purpuric “geographic” patches and
the patient’s immunocompetence, clinical necroses (e.g. in disseminated intravas-
symptoms and course of the vasculitis cular coagulation of purpura fulminans,
may range from localized to lethal. which is the most severe form of menin-
CF: Initially, there are widespread, gococcal sepsis).
mostly small erythematous, pustular, or HF:
purpuric macular lesions (petechiae), •  Fibrin thrombi within dilated postcapil-
particularly at acral sites. The size and lary venules of the upper dermal plexus
morphology of individual lesions may are the leading telltale sign
6.2: Bacterial Sepsis 185

•  The (expected) accompanying neutro- show massive hemorrhage, thrombi,

philic perivascular infiltrate may be very and necrosis of adnexa and epidermis
sparse or totally lacking (early) DD: Other variants of vasculitis, purpura,
•  Advanced lesions present with signs and DIC.
of leukocytoclastic vasculitis (neutro-
philic granulocytes, karyorrhexis,
erythrocyte extravasation) in conjunc-
tion with obliterated vessel lumina Lipper, S., Watkins, D. L., & Kahn, L. B. (1980).
with conspicuous thrombi (telltale Nongranulomatous septic vasculitis due to
sign) miliary tuberculosis. A pitfall in diagnosis for
•  Organisms (bacteria) may be found in the pathologist. Am J Dermatopathol, 2(1),
small clusters preferentially in the outer 71–74.
Park, J. Y., Shin, D. H., Choi, J. S., Kim, K. H.,
vessel wall or the adjacent stroma
& Bae, Y. K. (2012). Unilateral cutaneous
mycotic septic vasculitis in a patient with
•  Late lesions present with epidermal Aspergillus vegetation in the ascending
involvement (neutrophilic pustules, aorta. J Dermatol, 39(9), 799–801.
erosions, necrosis) Tomasini, C. (2015). Septic vasculitis and vas-
•  Purpura fulminans and all variants of culopathy in some infectious emergencies:
disseminated intravascular coagulation The perspective of the histopathologist. G Ital
(DIC) in the course of septic events Dermatol Venereol, 150(1), 73–85.

6.2  Bacterial Sepsis

6.2.1  Gonococcal Sepsis

lesions (left and

Occlusive vasculitis
with neutrophils

Figure 6.2.1  Variant: Gonococcal Sepsis.

Gonococcal infection may lead to hema- staphylococcemia and other variants of

togenous dissemination and immunore- bacterial sepsis.
active septic vasculitis not only in the skin HF:
but also in other organs with arthritis and •  Thrombi in postcapillary venules (early)
systemic clinical symptoms. •  Thrombi in conjunction with signs of
CF: Erythematous and papulopustular leukocytoclastic vasculitis (advanced)
small lesions, preferentially on the hands •  Infectious organisms usually not detect-
and feet. Similar lesions may occur in able with conventional staining methods
186   CHAPTER 6: Sepsis

DD: Other types of sepsis and leukocyto- HF:

clastic vasculitis. •  Diffuse dermal degeneration
•  Fungal organisms both intra‐ and
Reference extravascular, mostly in conjunction
Bjornberg, A. (1970). Benign gonococcal sep- with thrombotic vasculitis
sis. A report of 36 cases. Acta Derm Venereol, •  Tissue often replete with fungi
50(4), 313–316. •  Nuclear cellular debris (“dirty” dust)
Shapiro, L., Teisch, J. A., & Brownstein, M. H.
DD: Other types of sepsis and of leukocy-
(1973). Dermatohistopathology of chronic
toclastic vasculitis.
gonococcal sepsis. Arch Dermatol, 107(3),
Nor, N. M., & Baseri, M. M. (2015). Skin and
6.3  Fungal Sepsis
subcutaneous infections in south‐east Asia.
CF: Corresponds to other forms of sepsis. Curr Opin Infect Dis, 28(2), 133–138.

6.3.1  Variant: Penicillium Marinum Sepsis

Dermal necrosis (left)

and small
vacuoles (right)

Intra- and
accumulation of
organisms and
cellular debris

Figure 6.3.1  Variant: Penicillium Marinum Sepsis.

6.3: Fungal Sepsis 187

6.3.2  Variant: Candida Sepsis

PAS-positive spores
(arrows) adjacent to

Figure 6.3.2  Variant: Candida Sepsis.

6.3.3  Variant: Aspergillus Sepsis

Necrotic lesion on
the lower arm (left)

edema. Dense
infiltrate in the dermis
(right) and
vasculopathy (arrow)

Septic thrombotic
vasculitis with
hyphae (left, arrows).

Aspergillus hyphae
within vessel lumina,
walls, and in adjacent
dermis. Anti-BCG
staining (right) cross-
reacting with fungal

Figure 6.3.3  Variant: Aspergillus Sepsis.


abscess 10–11 bartonellae 25–29
acanthamebiasis 163 Bazin’s disease (erythema induratum)  38–39
acantholysis BCG vaccination granuloma  30–31
bacterial infections  3, 67 bedbugs 170
viral infections  110, 112, 113, 115 bilharziasis 178–179
acne agminata  32 bird’s‐eye cells see koilocytes
acne inversa  17–18 black flies  176
acne papulopustulosa  7 Blastomyces dermatitidis 97
acnitis 32 blastomycoid granuloma  98
acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans  49, 56–59 blastomycosis 96–98
juxta‐articular fibrous nodules  58–59 European 94–95
acrodermatitis continua suppurativa keloidal 98
(Hallopeau) 72, 73 North American  96–97
acrokeratosis verruciformis Hopf  134 South American  101–102
acropustulosis, infantile  70 blisters
actinic reticuloid  59 cytomegalovirus 119
actinomycosis 48–49 ecthyma contagiosum  149, 150
acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis erysipelas 14
(AGEP) 71–72 hand‐foot‐and‐mouth disease  141
Aeromonas hydrophila 180 herpes simplex  110
AIDS, Kaposi sarcoma  122–127 impetigo contagiosa  3
algae 107 phlegmon 16
Alternaria 103–104 septic vasculitis  182
amastigotes  160, 161, 162 staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome  66, 67
amebiasis 163–164 toxic epidermal necrolysis  67
Ancylostoma braziliense 174 varicella zoster virus infections  112
Annelida 180 blue cells, basophilic  136, 137
anthrax 22–23 Bockhardt’s ostiofolliculitis  4–5
aphthoid Pospischill–Feyrter  110 Borrelia infections (Lyme disease)  49–59
arachnids 165–170 differential diagnosis  59
arthropods  160, 165–172 stage I  50–54
aspergillosis 103–104 stage II  55–56
Aspergillus sepsis  187 stage III  56–59
asymmetric periflexural exanthema of botryomycosis 28–29
childhood 152–153 bowenoid papulosis  128, 135
atypical mycobacterioses  29, 39–40 bubo 64
Azzopardi phenomenon  145 bullous lesions see blisters
Burkitt lymphoma  117–118
bacillary angiomatosis  25–26 Buruli ulcer  29, 47
Bacillus anthracis 22
bacterial infections  1–75 calcified bodies  161
dermatoses associated with  66–67 Calymmatobacterium granulomatis  63, 64
dermatoses mimicking  68–75 Candida albicans 84
bacterial sepsis  185–186 Candida lipolytica 85

Atlas of Clinical Dermatopathology: Infectious and Parasitic Dermatoses, First Edition. Günter Burg,
Heinz Kutzner, Werner Kempf, Josef Feit, and Omar Sangueza.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

190   Index

Candida sepsis  187 enterovirus 71: 141

Candida tropicalis 85 epidermodysplasia verruciformis  128, 136–137
candidiasis 83–85 Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)  117–119
carbuncle 12 erosive pustular dermatitis, scalp  74–75
caseating necrosis  31, 32, 35, 37 eruptive pseudoangiomatosis  153–154
Castleman’s disease, multicentric  127–128 erysipelas 13–15
catpox 147 erysipeloid 21–22
cat scratch disease  25–26 erythema induratum Bazin (EIB)  38–39
cellulitis 13–15 erythema infectiosum  139
cercariae 178–179 erythema (chronicum) migrans  49, 50–51
cercarial dermatitis  179–180 erythema necroticans  46–47
chancre, syphilitic  60–61 erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL)  46–47
chancroid 63 erythrasma 18–19
Chicago disease  96–97 erythrophagocytosis  124, 163, 164
chickenpox see varicella European blastomycosis  94–95
chigger itch  169 exanthema subitum  120
Chlamydia trachomatis 64–65
chromo(blasto)mycosis 92–93 facies leonina  43, 44
coccidioidomycosis 100–101 fifth disease  139
conchoidal bodies  161 filariasis 175
condylomata acuminata  128, 133 fish eye cells  119
condylomata lata, verruciform  62 fish tank mycobacteriosis  29, 39–40
condylomata plana  128 Fite‐Faraco stain  40, 44, 45
corynebacteria 18–20 foamy cells  45, 46, 47
cowpox 147 follicular spicules of nose, multiple sclerosis  143
Coxsackie virus infections  141–142 folliculitis
creeping eruption  174 Bockhardt 4–5
crusted scabies  167, 168 deep 11–12
cryptococcosis 94–95 Demodex 166
Cryptococcus gattii 95 differential diagnosis  7–8
Cryptococcus neoformans  95, 97 Malassezia (Pityrosporum) 87–88
cysticercosis 177 necrotizing zoster  115
cytomegalovirus 119–120 Pseudomonas 5–6
superficial 4–6
Darier’s disease  134 fungal infections  77–107
deer pox  147 opportunistic 103–107
dematiaceous organisms  106 subcutaneous 90–93
Demodex folliculorum mites  166 superficial cutaneous  78–90
dermatitis exfoliativa neonatorum  66–67 systemic (deep)  93–103
dermatitis verrucosa  92–93 fungal sepsis  186–187
dermatophytes  78, 79–81 furuncle 11–12
desert fever  100–101 Fusarium 105
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)  185
Donovan bodies  63, 64 Gianotti–Crosti syndrome  154–155
donovanosis 63–64 gloves‐and‐socks syndrome  140
Duran‐Nicolas‐Favre disease  64–65 gnathostoma 166
gonococcal sepsis  185–186
eccrine hidradenitis, mitoxantrone‐associated localized gonorrhea 59–60
neutrophilic 73–74 Gram‐negative folliculitis  5–6
ecthyma contagiosum  9, 149–150 granuloma inguinale (venereum)  63–64
ecthyma gangrenosum  9–10 granuloma pyogenicum  28–29
ecthyma simplex  9 granuloma trichophyticum  82–83
ectoparasites  160, 165–172, 180 Guarnieri bodies  149, 150
eczema herpeticum  110 gummatous lesions  62
elephantiasis  64, 175
emmonsiosis 102–103 Haemophilus ducreyi 63
Entamoeba histolytica 163–164 hairy leukoplakia  118–119
Index 191

hand‐foot‐and‐mouth disease  141–142 koilocytes  130, 131, 132, 133

Hansen disease see leprosy Koplik spots  138
harvest mites  169
Heck’s disease (morbus Heck)  128 Lacazia loboi 98
helminthic infections  173–180 Langhans giant cells
herpes simplex (HSV‐1, HSV‐2)  110–111, 112 fish tank granuloma  39, 40
herpes viruses  110–128 leprosy  41, 43
herpes zoster  111, 112, 113–117 lobomycosis 98
associated vasculitis  116 tuberculosis  35, 36, 37
folliculitis, necrotizing  115 larva currens  174
postherpetic reactions  117 larva migrans  174
hidradenitis, mitoxantrone‐associated neutrophilic larynx papilloma  128
eccrine localized  73–74 leeches 180
hidradenitis suppurativa  17–18 Leishmania mexicana 162
Hirudinea 180 leishmaniasis 160–162
Hirudo medicinalis 180 leonine facies  43, 44
histoid leprosy (HL)  45 lepromatous leprosy  43–44
histoplasmosis 99–100 leprosy 40–47
hookworms, larva migrans  174 borderline 42–43
Hortaea werneckii 89 classification 40
hot tub dermatitis  5–6 lepromatous 43–44
human herpes virus 3 (HHV‐3) see varicella zoster virus tuberculoid 41–42
human herpes virus 4 (HHV‐4)  117–119 variants 45–47
human herpes virus 5 (HHV‐5)  119–120 leukocytoclastic vasculitis
human herpes virus 6 (HHV‐6)  120 acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis  72
human herpes virus 7 (HHV‐7)  121–122 herpes simplex  111
human herpes virus 8 (HHV‐8)  122–128 herpes zoster  114, 116
human herpes virus (HHV) infections  110–128 insect bites  170
human papilloma virus (HPV) infections  128–137 Mediterranean tick fever  66
hyaline globules  124, 126 septic vasculitis  183, 185
hyalohyphomycoses 105 Lewandowsky–Lutz dysplasia see epidermodysplasia
hyperhidrosis  19, 20 verruciformis
hyperpigmentation 89 lichen scrofulosorum  36
hypostome  51, 170 lilac ring  55
Loa loa 175
impetigo contagiosa  2–3 Lobo disease  98
Indian file‐like infiltrates  9, 51, 53 lobomycosis 98
infantile acropustulosis  70 lobular capillary hemangioma  28–29
insects 170–172 localized neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis,
invisible dermatosis  86, 87 mitoxantrone‐associated 73–74
Ixodes ticks  49, 50 Lucio phenomenon  46–47
lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei (LMDF)  31–32
juxta‐articular fibrous nodules, acrodermatitis chronica lupus verrucosa  34
atrophicans 58–59 lupus vulgaris (LV)  32–36
Lyme disease see Borrelia infections
Kaposi sarcoma  122–127 lymphadenosis cutis benigna  51, 52–54
classic Mediterranean  126 lymphocytoma cutis  51, 52–54
immunodeficiency‐associated 126 lymphogranuloma inguinale (venereum)  64–65
lymphangioma‐like pattern  125, 126 lymphoma, Burkitt  117–118
macular (patch) stage  122, 126
plaque stage  123, 126 Madura foot  91
tumor/nodular stage  124, 126 Majocchi’s granuloma  82–83
Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption  110 Malassezia (Pityrosporum) folliculitis  87–88
keloidal blastomycosis  98 Malassezia furfur  86, 88
keratoma sulcatum  19 Mantoux test  33
Klebsiella (Calymmatobacterium) granulomatis  63, 64 measles 138–139
Klebsiella pneumoniae rhinoscleromatis 24 Mediterranean tick fever  66
192   Index

Medlar bodies  93 parasitoses  159–172, 173–180

meningococcemia 183 paraviral exanthems  152–157
mercury 71 parvovirus infections  139–140
Merkel cell carcinoma  144–145 pediculi 170
Merkel cell polyomavirus  145 pemphigus neonatorum  66–67
Michaelis‐Gutmann bodies  161 Penicillium marinum sepsis  186
Mikulicz cells  24, 25 perianal streptococcal dermatitis  6
milker’s nodule  150–151 periflexural exanthema of childhood,
mites 165–169 asymmetric 152–153
mitoxantrone‐associated localized neutrophilic eccrine phaeohyphomycosis 106
hidradenitis 73–74 Phlebotomus sand flies  161
molds 78 phlegmon 15–16
molluscum bodies  151, 152 phycomycosis 104–105
molluscum contagiosum  151–152 piedra 90
moniliasis 83–84 Piedraia hortae 90
monkey pox  146, 149 pitted keratolysis  19
morbus Heck  128 pityriasis lichenoides  155–157
morphea 55–56 pityriasis lichenoides chronica (PLC)  156
mosquitoes  170, 175 pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta
mucormycosis 104–105 (PLEVA)  156, 157
multiple sclerosis, follicular spicules of nose  143 pityriasis rosea  121–122
mycetoma 91 pityriasis (tinea) versicolor  86–87
mycobacterial infections  29–47 Pityrosporum (Malassezia) folliculitis  87–88
Mycobacterium kansasii 29 Pityrosporum ovale or orbiculare 86
Mycobacterium leprae 40 plantar warts (verrucae plantaris)  128, 131
Mycobacterium marinum  29, 40 plumber’s itch  174
Mycobacterium tuberculosis  30, 33 polyoma virus infections  142–145
Mycobacterium ulcerans  29, 47 postherpetic cutaneous reactions  117
mycoses see fungal infections poxviruses 146–152
mycosis fungoides‐like borreliosis  57–58 promontory sign  123, 126
myiasis 170 protothecosis, cutaneous  107
protozoan diseases  160–165
Nazzaro syndrome  143 psammoma bodies  161
necrotizing fasciitis  17 Pseudallescheria boydii 105
necrotizing (herpes) zoster  111 pseudofolliculitis barbae  8
necrotizing (herpes) zoster folliculitis  115 pseudolymphoma 52–54
neuroendocrine carcinoma of skin, primary, Pseudomonas folliculitis  5–6
144–145 pseudo‐rosette pattern  50, 51
neuts in the horn  80 psoriasis pustulosa  72–73
nocardiosis 23 purpura fulminans  185
North American blastomycosis  96–97 pustula maligna  22
Norwegian scabies  167, 168 pustular ulcerative dermatosis, scalp  74–75
pyoderma gangrenosum  68–69
onchocerciasis 176 pyogenic granuloma  28–29
opportunistic fungal infections  103–107
orf  9, 149–150 Q‐fever 65
Oroya fever  27
orthopox virus infections  146–149 rhinoscleroma 24–25
ostiofolliculitis (Bockhardt)  4–5 rhinosporidiosis 164–165
owl’s eye cells  119, 120 rickettsial infections  65–66
ringed worms  180
panniculitis 38 ringworm see dermatophytes
papular purpuric gloves‐and‐socks Ritter disease  66–67
syndrome 140 river blindness  176
papulonecrotic tuberculid  37 Rocha–Lima bodies  27
paracoccidioidomycosis 101–102 Rochalimaea 25–29
paralysis, progressive  62 roseola infantum  120
parapox virus infections  149–152 Russell bodies  24, 25
Index 193

sand flea  171–172 tinea capitis  80–81

San Joaquin fever  100–101 tinea corporis  79–80
scabies 167–168 tinea faciei  79–80
scabies crustosa (Norwegian scabies)  167, 168 tinea favosa  81
scabies granuloma  168 tinea nigra  89
scalp, erosive pustular dermatitis  74–75 tinea profunda  80
Schaumann bodies  161 tinea (pityriasis) versicolor  86–87
schistosomiasis 178–179 tingible body macrophages  53, 54
scleroderma‐like lesions  55–56 torulosis 94–95
scrofuloderma 35–36 toxic epidermal necrolysis  67
scybala  167, 168 trabecular carcinoma of Toker  144–145
seborrheic dermatitis  88–89 Treponema pallidum 60–62
segmented worms  180 trichobacteriosis (trichomycosis) palmellina  20
sepsis 181–187 Trichobilharzia 179
bacterial 185–186 trichodysplasia spinulosa  142–143
fungal 186–187 trichomycosis nodosa alba and nigra  90
septic vasculitis  182–185 Trichophyton schoenleinii 81
Aspergillus sepsis  187 Trichosporon asahii 90
ecthyma gangrenosum  9, 10 tricolore sign  149, 150
gonococcal sepsis  185 trombidiosis 169
sexually transmitted infections  59–65 trophozoites  163, 164
shingles see herpes zoster tuberculoid leprosy  41–42
sixth disease  120 tuberculosis cutis  29–39
slapped cheek disease  139 primary 30
smallpox 148–149 variants 34–36
South American blastomycosis  101–102 tuberculosis cutis colliquativa  35–36
sparganosis 177–178 tuberculosis cutis lichenoides  36
spider bites  169 tuberculosis cutis verrucosa  34
Splendore–Hoeppli phenomenon  23 tungiasis 171–172
spongiform pustulation  72, 73
sporotrichosis 90–91 ulceration
staphylococcal infections  2–18 Buruli ulcer  47
staphylococcal Lyell syndrome  66–67 coccidioidomycosis 100
staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome  66–67 ecthyma gangrenosum  9
starry sky pattern  118 emmonsiosis 102
steel‐gray nuclei  110, 112, 113 Entamoeba histolytica 163
steering wheel pattern  101, 102 erosive pustular dermatitis of the scalp  75
streptococcal gangrene  17 leishmaniasis  160, 161
streptococcal infections  2–18 paracoccidioidomycosis 101
Strongyloides stercoralis 174 phaeohyphomycosis 106
sulfur granules  48, 49 pyoderma gangrenosum  68, 69
Sweet syndrome  69 venereal disease  60, 63, 64
swimmers’ itch  179–180 ulcus molle  63
swimming pool mycobacteriosis  29, 39–40
syphilis 60–62 vaccinia inoculata  148
stage I, 60–61 valley fever  100–101
stage II, 61–62 varicella  111, 112–113, 114
stage III, 62 varicella zoster virus (VZV) infections  111–117
variola vera  148–149
tabes dorsalis  62 vasculitis
Taenia solium 177 erythema nodosum leprosum  46–47
thrombi  183, 184, 185 herpes simplex  110–111
ticks 170 leukocytoclastic see leukocytoclastic vasculitis
Lyme disease  49, 50, 51 pyoderma gangrenosum  68, 69
rickettsial diseases  65 rickettsial infections  65, 66
tinea  78, 79–81 septic see septic vasculitis
tinea amiantacea  79 zoster‐associated 116
tinea barbae  80–81 venereal diseases  59–65
194   Index

verrucae planae  128, 132–133 whirlpool dermatitis  5–6

verruca plantaris  128, 131 worms, parasitic  173–180
verruca vulgaris  128, 129–131 Wuchereria bancrofti 175
verruciform condylomata lata  62
verrucosis generalisata  136–137 yeasts 78
verruga peruana  27
viral exanthema  137–139 zoster‐associated vasculitis  116
viral infections  109–157 zoster folliculitis, necrotizing  115
Virchow cells  43, 44 zoster incognito  115
von Rittershain disease  66–67 zygomycosis 104–105

Warthin–Finkeldey cells  128, 139

warts 128–133

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