Amdocs Open RAN Appledore Solution Profile 1apr21

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The key takeaways are that Open RAN aims to disaggregate the RAN to allow multi-vendor solutions and introduce more intelligence and automation. Its main components are the CU, DU and RIC.

Open RAN aims to disaggregate the radio access network (RAN) to allow more flexible and multi-vendor solutions. Its main components are the centralized unit (CU) which controls the network, distributed units (DU) that handle the radio functions and the RAN intelligent controller (RIC) which enables automation and intelligence.

Amdocs is involved in Open RAN through its systems integration capabilities as well as software development. It is working on a non-real time RIC as well as xApps and rApps. It is also leveraging its expertise in areas like radio planning and machine learning.

Solution Profile

March 2021

Open RAN

Author: Francis Haysom – Principal Analyst, BSS/OSS Strategy
Amdocs Open RAN - Solution Profile

Published by Appledore Research LLC • 44 Summer Street Dover, NH. 03820

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Cover image by Francis Haysom

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Amdocs Open RAN - Solution Profile

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... 4
ABOUT OPEN RAN................................................................................................................ 5
Control Interface.............................................................................................................7
Policy Interface ...............................................................................................................7
Management Interfaces..................................................................................................7
Telemetry Interfaces...................................................................................................... 8

AMDOCS AND OPEN RAN..................................................................................................... 9

Overview ........................................................................................................................... 9
Systems Integration........................................................................................................ 10
Software .......................................................................................................................... 11
STANDARDS INVOLVEMENT ............................................................................................. 11
O-RAN Alliance.............................................................................................................. 12
Telecom Infra Project (TIP) ........................................................................................... 12
THE RAN INTELLIGENT CONTROLLER (RIC) ........................................................................12
New Data = New Value .................................................................................................... 13
Machine Learning............................................................................................................ 14
PARTNERSHIPS ..................................................................................................................15


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Amdocs needs no introduction to readers of Appledore’s research: it is the pre-eminent provider of
OSS and BSS to the world’s telcos, fixed and mobile.

In the context of Open RAN, however, some of its less well-known assets gain a much greater
significance and relevance for CSPs.

Open RAN, the opening up of the proprietary functionality of a mobile radio access network, is
arguably the most significant initiative in the mobile telecom industry today. As a movement, its
ambition is far-reaching. It specifically intends to impact the entire mobile telecom supply chain
from chipset manufacturers to OEM/network equipment providers, all the way through to
communications service providers (CSPs) and their end customers.

Amdocs already has a strong and relevant footprint – and perhaps more importantly in-depth
technical knowledge and field experience – in RAN thanks to its Actix acquisition in 2013. This comes
in the form of ActixONE, a conventional RAN planning tool (90+ deployments) and Smart RAN, its AI-
enabled radio optimization product.

Through its engagement in SDOs and working groups (ONF, O-RAN Alliance), key partnerships (Intel),
Amdocs has already established a powerful ecosystem of partners and standards, that gives it both
influence (in shaping definitions, specifications, and capability statements) and reach (in ability to
deliver them).

Appledore believes that Amdocs is particularly well positioned to benefit from the Open RAN
movement and the new opportunities that it creates for CSPs. This will particularly be where Open
RAN begins to enable the disaggregation of the RAN control and management plane functions. Its
combination of systems integration expertise, but moreover its product capabilities and newer AI
and ML competencies distinguish it in the marketplace.

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Open RAN seeks to break open the “black box” of the RAN – the software, hardware and systems
integration (plus R&D, test, assurance, support and other adjacent services) – in such a way as to:

1. Allow greater choice for operators for each component (in order to meet distinct customer
needs better, create more competition between vendors).
2. Enable faster introduction of new network (RAN) capabilities into the network (by making
swap-out/swap-in easier).
By and large, smaller companies involved in Open RAN welcome the potential to win a piece of the
overall RAN cake and establish a position as a strong provider of a niche component. However, for
those larger companies already with well-established relationships with mobile CSPs, the question
is how to create new value from Open RAN?

The answer is that the architecture for a RAN based on open (that is, standardized and public)
interfaces exposes operational data, management and control capabilities that were previously
proprietary and internal to a given vendor’s RAN solution.

So, while the primary driver for Open RAN is (ostensibly) cost reduction, the speed/ease of
innovation is probably more important in the longer term, along with the potential to provide new
insights and analysis, new efficiencies, and new customer experiences for CSPs who embrace it, and
the vendors that support it.

Amdocs is one of those well-established vendors with strong relationships with mobile CSPs. This
profile analyzes Amdocs’ value proposition in Open RAN. First, some context.

Traditional (i.e., proprietary) RAN solutions are typically provided by a single vendor, as a vertically
integrated solution nationally or regionally, integrated via 3GPP backhaul interface standards with a
core network management solution.


RAN1 Network Core Network RAN2 Network

Management System Management System Management System

RAN1 Network Core RAN2 Network

Radio Radio

Backhaul Backhaul
Custom Hardware (3GPP) Custom Hardware (3GPP) Custom Hardware

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Figure 1: Traditional Proprietary RAN Architecture

Source: Appledore Research

By contrast, Open RAN dis-aggregates these proprietary stacks of equipment and software,
standardizing and making public the interfaces between component parts, making it possible for
more vendors to participate in the market. With increased competition and innovation, CSPs hope to
see reduced costs. In an open RAN, components from multiple vendors can (it is hoped) be mixed-
and-matched more easily.

The key disaggregated components of an Open RAN are illustrated in the following figure. (Red
arrows indicate existing 3GPP standards. Blue arrows indicate new O-RAN alliance interface
standards. Orange arrows indicate telemetry interfaces.)

Service Management and Orchestration

RAN Optimization Applications

Management Policy Telemetry RAN Coordination Telemetry

RAN Radio
RAN Controller Applications

Control Telemetry
Control Telemetry
BaseBand CP/UP Distributed
Backhaul Functions Midhaul BaseBand Functions Fronthaul

White box
Distributed Cloud Infrastructure

Figure 2: Simplified view of Open RAN network

Source: Appledore Research

All of the capabilities of a traditional RAN are still there in an open RAN. But in addition to potential
cost savings, an open RAN creates new opportunities.

To understand the value of Amdocs’ Open RAN offering, it is necessary to understand the proposed
architectures for Open RAN, focusing on the business opportunity enabled by each open RAN
disaggregation point (interfaces and functions). Each of these opens up distinct opportunities for
introducing multi-vendor solutions, technical innovation, service innovation, lower CAPEX cost and
lower operational cost.

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In the diagram above, the most important newly visible interfaces are identified:

• Control interfaces – between the RAN controller applications and (disaggregated) baseband
• Telemetry interfaces – providing a rich new set of data from the network up into higher-
order control, analysis or orchestration applications.
• Policy interfaces – defining and applying policies at different layers of the network.
• Management interfaces – providing co-ordination and orchestration between centralized
OSS, NMS functions and the RAN.

Control Interface
This interface enables the centralized management of RAN by a single RAN controller, termed the
Near Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) in O-RAN Alliance.

The intent and benefits of this are similar to that for SDN network controllers. It provides:

• Extensibility by enabling new applications for the management of the RAN, potentially
enabling innovation in areas such as mobility management and energy usage.

• Overhead reduction by providing a single point of RAN configuration.

The O-RAN Alliance refers to the interface between the RAN Intelligent Controller and the CU-User
Plane, the CU-Control Plane and the DU as the E2 interface.

Policy Interface
This interface splits the near real time control functions of a RAN controller, from the slower RAN
optimization processes. The interface opens up RAN to new forms of optimization, based on big data
analytics and AI/ML. Using network, subscriber and third-party data, offline optimization processes
can determine optimized RAN configuration policy that can be implemented by the near real time
RAN controller. Example optimized policy could include optimal spectrum utilization patterns,
optimal network traffic patterns, optimized user mobility and handover patterns tied to service type.

The O-RAN Alliance refers to the interface between the near real-time RAN Intelligent Controller and
the non-real time RAN Intelligent Controller refers the A1 interface.

Management Interfaces
RAN management has traditionally been bound up in proprietary EMS and NMS systems, with higher
OSS systems having limited visibility into the network and limited configuration capability.

By opening up the management interfaces to all RAN components it enables flexible orchestration
of the individual components of the RAN by third party service management tools and orchestrators.
Orchestration can potentially be common and coordinated across other network technologies, like
core and transport enabling orchestrated scaling of all the network together, rather than
individually. This can enable increasingly automated and autonomous mobile networks.

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The O-RAN Alliance refers to the interface between service management and orchestration and the
components of the Open RAN as the O1 interface.

Telemetry Interfaces
A large amount of network and subscriber statistics are available from the RAN components, such as
the CU, DU and Radio Units. These are collected and used for optimization and policy models in
Non-Real time RIC. In addition, they are consumed by the near real-time RIC to support near real-
time control decisions using streamed data from the RAN components. Supporting open telemetry
interfaces opens the opportunity for innovation in both the near real-time and non-real-time RAN

The A1, O1 andE2 interfaces contain telemetry interfaces and are O-RAN alliance standards.

The following diagram shows the main components, annotated with the O-RAN Alliance official
references for key interfaces O1, A1 and E2:

Figure 3: O-RAN Alliance's Open RAN Architecture

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For CSPs, choosing to pursue an Open RAN strategy is not as simple a decision as choosing vendor A
over vendor B. In addition to the normal processes for RAN planning and engineering, rollout
program management, new activities and responsibilities must be accepted. For example:

• Selection of individual software components.

• Systems integration of new software components into overall network management.

• Analysis of new data and implications for new policies.

• Change from manual to automated processes (in particular, much faster cycles of network

• Participation in an industry work-in-progress, in exchange for the first-mover advantages it

will confer.

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This combination delineates a critical new partnership for CSPs to make in their Open RAN
programs: something more than traditional systems integration, but less than (and quite distinct
from) turn-key RAN delivery.

Amdocs is aspiring to have a role in three key areas for Open RAN success:

1. Building on its systems integration skills, it wants to compete in enabling CSPs and
enterprises to leverage Open RAN disaggregated solutions.
2. Building on its software assets and expertise (largely but not only via its Actix subsidiary),
with its radio planning, SON and radio site management expertise, it wants to play a leading
role in the analytics and control for both the non-real-time and near real-time RIC (RAN
intelligent controller).
3. Working with standards organizations and open-source development communities it is
looking to leverage and package these open-source solutions. Ultimately potentially leading
to a role in wider support of open-source Open RAN, akin to RedHat with Linux.

Systems Integration
In Open RAN, systems integration is widely understood to be the most important new activity for
CSPs to manage. The success of open RAN, somewhat ironically, depends on the choice of SI more
than the choice of RAN vendor.

Systems integration of complex and demanding telecom software systems is a core strength of
Amdocs, and it is applying its expertise to Open RAN. Amdocs aims to be the SI of choice across
open RAN, an ambition it is progressing with its support of the Telecom Infra Project’s
interoperability testing labs in Indonesia, for example.

Today, Amdocs is selling the SI services to deliver virtualized RAN (vRAN) components. This is
extending into lab test and interoperability testing services, potentially encroaching on the territory
of out-and-out test and assurance vendors such as Spirent, Keysight, or test-focused SIs such as
World Wide Technologies. (Amdocs also offers microservices CI/CD leadership with MS360 as an
enabler/differentiator for the future (largely software-driven) Open RAN.)

However, they acknowledge the need of CSPs for a complete solution with delivery management and
service guarantees, similar to that available from network equipment providers (NEPs). Amdocs
expect that their SI approach will evolve as Open RAN matures and they are able to offer a full stack.

In Open RAN, CSPs are still learning what they can do, and which parts of a RAN rollout can now go
to a cloud provider, which parts to a RAN integrator and so on. To some extent, Amdocs is competing
with a desire from CSPs to attempt to do their own systems integration. However, this is likely to
have limits and CSPs will gradually draw clearer lines around what they can do for themselves and
where they need greater experience. Amdocs is prioritizing CSPs with an interest in Open RAN who
already recognize they cannot do it all themselves. Given the breadth and depth of their experience,
Amdocs looks in a good position to help CSPs map out the Open RAN journey and its multiple
(disaggregated) responsibilities.

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In addition, one growing feature of the Open RAN market is the potential for its application to
private 4G and 5G networks. Even large enterprise customers are much less likely to have competing
in-house development or integration teams than a typical CSP.

However, the assets and expertise from its 2013 Actix acquisition, with more of a focus on near-real-
time RIC and non-real-time RIC and related RAN optimization functions, may prove a significant
differentiator against other SI firms.

Amdocs is looking to build its Open RAN position based on its strong experience in RAN planning
with the ActixONE RAN analytics platform. They understand traditional RAN and have good visibility
on both NEP and CSP need.

Amdocs acquired Actix in 2013 for $120m. Since its foundation in 1991, it had developed considerable
footprint in RAN engineering and optimization (including SON) software. Amdocs understood that
customer experience was becoming an overriding concern for mobile operators, and it made sense
to combine Actix’ access to low-level network data (and related intelligence) with Amdocs’ BSS and
OSS data. At the time of its acquisition, Actix reported over 350 deployments at mobile operators.
Unusually for Amdocs, Actix retains a direct identity (listed as “an Amdocs company”) – perhaps
reflecting the strong brand value that Actix had already established with its customer base.

Under the Actix sub-brand, the portfolio consists of:

• Smart RAN: vRAN compatible analytics and optimization x/rApps delivered on top of a RIC

• ActixONE: a unified analytics and optimization platform for multi-G networks

• Actix Analyzer: a desktop-based drive test survey analytics tool

The Smart RAN components from Actix, will ultimately lead to a series of new xApps that can run in
the near real time RIC.

In addition, it has leveraged AI and Machine Learning technology to provide insights into vertical
specific mobile network application experiences (“Smart Mobility”) and network investment planning
(“Smart Capacity”).

Amdocs also has extensive capabilities in the OSS domain, Amdocs NEO for orchestration and
management of the RAN. This will be increasingly important as open RANs will operate alongside
conventional RAN for many years to come, so having higher level systems and processes that can
manage across both open and traditional RANs will be an inevitable requirement for CSPs.

Amdocs has a significant involvement in all the major Open RAN standards development
organizations (SDOs) and initiatives:

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O-RAN Alliance
Amdocs has voting rights in O-RAN Alliance Working Groups 1 (“Use Cases and Overall Architecture”)
and 2 (“Non-Real-Time RIC and A1 Interface”). (The O-RAN Alliance has nine Working Groups and a
Test & Integration Focus Group.)

Within O-RAN Alliance, there is a program to develop an open-source RAN Intelligent Controller
(RIC). There is a somewhat competing effort to develop an opensource RT RIC from ONF (SD -RAN)
however there is an agreement to align SDKs. Facebook is a significant driver of both O-RAN Alliance
and ONF efforts.

Amdocs is extremely experienced with industry open-sourcing initiatives and their pros and cons
thanks to its earlier work on AT&T-led ONAP initiative. So far in Open RAN, though active, open-
source code does not seem to be a top priority for the driving CSPs.

Telecom Infra Project (TIP)

TIP RIA is TIP’s New Radio RAN Intelligence and Automation (subgroup within 5G SD-RAN) which
“aims to deploy AI/ML-based applications (xApps) for a variety of RAN use cases (incl SON, MIMO).”

Under TIP’s New Radio RAN Intelligent Automation (RIA) subgroup, operators were polled for the top
priority use cases for Open RAN proving. The top cases were then matched against vendors
preferences, and the result is the collaborative lab activities (such as in Indonesia, for which Amdocs
is providing supporting systems integration services). Massive MIMO is regarded by CSPs as a critical
use case (and proof point) for Open RAN.


The RAN Intelligent Controller is a major new function identified by the O-RAN Alliance. This is where
greater intelligence and automation can be applied, fed with data from the edge of the network.
While still at an early stage, the RIC (particularly in its near-real-time form), is the most important
potential for differentiation and customer experience for CSPs using Open RAN. Amdocs is already
well-advanced in its development of a RIC, and the sorts of analytics and optimization applications
(xApps) that it enables.

Amdocs is working closely with the ONF open-source initiatives for the RIC controllers leveraging
from their µONOS SD-RAN RIC controller as Amdocs-powered RIC platform, with a possible role
similar to ONAP in providing a RedHat-like support package for these components. xApps and rApps
are the areas where Amdocs and its Actix sub-brand can differentiate RIC solutions.

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Figure 4: The RAN Intelligent Controller

Source: O-RAN alliance and Linux foundation, OLF networking

Amdocs is working on a real-world scale deployment, with a RIC providing AI control and
coordination across hundreds of eNodes.

New Data = New Value

For a company such as Amdocs, the OpenRAN E2 interface (between CU/DU and Real-time RIC) is a
goldmine of new, previously inaccessible, data that will make possible a smarter, more efficient RAN.
The E2 interface presents data from a lower part of the protocol stack (Layers 1 and 2) that relates to
key 5G and massive MIMO capabilities such as beam forming. This opens the possibility for new
forms of optimization, and software-based control – especially over multi-vendor RANs.

As Amdocs puts it:

“RAN optimization software now has direct access to all of the disaggregated component
processes, including the non-real-time RAN intelligent controller (RIC) and the near-real-
time RIC, both defined by the O-RAN Alliance, as well as the CU and DU processes that
make up the baseband unit (BBU).”

RF Planning traditionally involves a lot of “what if”. Creating alternate network configurations,
locations, placements, signal strengths, angles and other parameters to test network behaviour.
Thanks to the data now becoming available via Open RAN, this sort of activity can now be done
much more frequently and automatically within the RAN itself. This may be why massive MIMO holds
such appeal for operators. It is the most complex RF access technology configuration to plan and

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manage, so the potential to automate that process, and continuously optimize it, is powerful. Here
particularly, Amdocs’ acquired knowledge from Actix and TTI is a potential trump card against other
more general SIs. Knowledge is power!

While Open RAN spec is open, it is not inextensible. That is, there is room for expansion and
innovation – the Open RAN specs do not mandate a specific service model, for example. This would
permit creation of proprietary applications within the CU or DU operating on the service layer data -
applications that may be tuned to different RAN contexts such as a private network for a hospital
versus an oil refinery. Amdocs’ involvement in the Open RAN standards working groups has allowed
them to build up considerable knowledge of how to develop and leverage the E2 interface.

Machine Learning
One of the principal ideas in Open RAN is greater intelligence within the formerly closed, black box
of the RAN. rApps in the non-real-time RIC can bring machine learning to bear on the problems of
coordinating hundreds of network nodes. Machine learning relies on data. Lots of data. This learning
can then be deployed, with ongoing optimization, as policy to be implemented in xApps in the near
real time RIC.

Amdocs is leveraging its knowledge from radio planning simulation in its work on the near real-time
RIC. They are using simulation to reinforce machine learning models (an interesting use of a “digital
twin”). RF simulation that was used to support planning is now used to pre-train RIC models. Among
SIs, this seems a unique differentiator in our discussions to date.

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One characteristic feature of the Open RAN landscape is that no single vendor provides a complete
Open RAN solution. The proof of openness is precisely the existence of meaningful partnerships with
other vendors who provide complementary pieces of the Open RAN.

Amdocs has partnerships with Intel, through its Netbuilders initiative. Their relationship with Intel is
enabling them to leverage data from the physical layer for better analytics, as well as using their
optimized SDK and compilers.

(Amdocs’ relationship with Intel helps explain one of the finer points of Intel’s positioning in Open
RAN. Intel’s FlexRAN is a reference implementation of a chipset optimized to process the new data
available via the E2 interface. Intel has created source-code-compatible libraries and a customized
compiler that makes ML application code run more efficiently on its chips. Effectively providing
application-specific acceleration, but not through hardware.)

Amdocs has a strong set of products and capabilities to offer to operators (or private network
customers) pursuing an open RAN rollout. This portfolio includes:

• Actix SmartRAN.

• A Non-Real-time RIC (RAN intelligent controller).

• New xApps (near RT RIC apps).

• New rApps (non-RT RIC apps at the Orchestration/service management level).

• Deployment of opensource RIC (along the ONAP model) where a customer chooses this.

• Systems integration (including some test and simulation functions).

• Custom software development.

Amdocs is investing in Open RAN for its long-term potential. While the Open RAN movement is
travelling fast, real business will arrive only gradually. While Open RAN undoubtedly offers
opportunities for new and smaller vendors, those with deeper pockets, committed to invest over the
long-term, are likeliest to be the big winners – whatever shape the market takes.

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