Wastewater Treatment Objectives, and Processes: March 2016

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Wastewater Treatment Objectives, and Processes

Presentation · March 2016

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1 author:

Abdallah Al-S'uod
Budapest University of Technology and Economics


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 To remove enough solids (organic and inorganic) from
the wastewater .

 discharge treated water without harm to public

health, or when re-used again.
 Before the treatment plant
built we must take in
consideration That just
treatment plants sufficient
distance from the city and
within the network service

 That there should be a buffer

zone between the site and
residential areas is preferred
that these areas be buffer green
Mainly Treatment methods
- Removal of solids and debris.
- Improve the water quality.
- Chlorine, a strong oxidizing chemical, is used to kill bacteria and to slow down
the rate of decomposition of the wastewater in Chlorination process.
- Ozone, used as an oxidizing disinfectant.
- Neutralization, consists of the addition of acid or base to adjust pH levels back
to neutrality.
- microorganisms, mostly bacteria, used in the biochemical decomposition of
wastewater to stable end products.
- divided into, aerobic and anaerobic methods, based on availability of dissolved
Waste Water Treatment Process

Preliminary Treatment

Primary Treatment

Secondary Treatment

Tertiary Treatment
Typical WWTP
Preliminary Treatment

Removal of waste water constituents such as rags, sticks, floatable

grit, and grease that may cause maintenance or operational
problem with the treatment operations, processes, and systems.
Preliminary treatment consists of following units :

• Screening

- For removal of floating matter.

- separate large objects such as
sticks and rags from the water.
- Removing these large objects
protects pumps and other
rotating mechanisms.
Preliminary treatment consists of following units :

• Grit Chamber

- For removal of sand and grits.

- water is allowed to flow quickly

enough for the suspended organic
matter to remain suspended but slowly
enough for most of the grit and silt to
settle out.

The grit chamber needs to be cleaned

at intervals.
Preliminary treatment consists of following units :

• Comminuters

- For grinding large size suspended solids.

- exist before grit chamber.
Primary Treatment

Removal of a portion of the suspended solids and organic matter from the
wastewater using :

- primary Settling Tanks (primary clarifier ) :

allow more slowing for wastewater so that heavier organics fall to the bottom and
removed s solid sludge .

mechanical process used to remove the fats, oils, and greases that float to the top by
a skimmer (sometimes called a rake) which slowly skims the top of the water .

The fats, oils and greases that are scraped off the top are diverted to the digester.
Depending on the facility, these solids could
be moved to a digester, to a sludge press
or to a drying bed.

The sludge is removed and processed further

before, typically, being delivered to local
farmers for use as a soil conditioner or

Any scum that forms on the top of the tank

is skimmed off and added to the sludge.

The clearer water near the top of the tank is

drawn off and taken for secondary treatment.
Secondary (biological) Treatment

Secondary treatment is designed to reduce the level of organic material in the

water. Typically, 90% of the BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) is removed
during secondary treatment.

- Removal of biodegradable organic matter [insoluble or suspension state]

and suspended solids.
Secondary Treatment process types

- Aeration tanks :

Air is added to the aeration basins to create an

environment for helpful microorganisms to
grow and continue treating
the remaining pollutants in the wastewater.

These microorganisms "bugs" continue to

consume any remaining dissolved organic
material in the water.
Aeration tanks provides the
perfect environment for maximum
consumption of the organic wastes.

The process of using microbes to

consume wastes in this high oxygen
environment is called activated sludge.

Activated sludge looks like dark mud,

It is rich with active (live) microbes.

The microbes, digest and break down

organic material and then die when
they reach the end of their life
Since new wastewater, carrying new
organic material is added all the time,
the cycle continues and new microbes
are born.

When the microbes die, their dead

cells stick together in clumps.
- Secondary sedimentation tanks (secondary clarifier ) :

After leaving the aeration basin, the water

goes to a second clarifier ( secondary
clarifier or sedimentation tanks).
A portion of the sludge is sent to the

Some of it is sent back to the aeration tank

as additional food for microbes to
assist them in treating new wastewater
called return activated sludge.
The discharged water
from secondary tanks
on a good degree of
organic purity.
Aeration tanks and secondary clarifier
- Trickle filtration
In trickly filtration water is sprayed over a
bed of fine stones on which are growing
natural micro-organisms (such as algae),
and other small life-forms such as flies and

These feed on the organic matter in the

water and, provided there is sufficient
oxygen, effectively convert it into carbon
dioxide, water and various nitrogen
This also consumes some of the nitrate
ions and phosphate ions present in the

The bed of stones is typically about 2

meters deep and designed to have a
large surface area.

The Removal efficiency of Total Organic

Carbon (T. O. C.) from Trickling Filter is
greater than 90% .
Top view of Trickling Filter
- The activated sludge process

The activated sludge process is an

alternative form of secondary treatment
to trickle filtration,

its for treating sewage and industrial

wastewater using air and a biological
floc composed of bacteria and protozoa.
The general arrangement of an activated
sludge process:

-Aeration tank where air (or oxygen) is

injected in the mixed liquor.

-Settling tank (usually referred to as "final

clarifier" or "secondary settling tank") to
allow the biological flocs (the sludge
blanket) to settle, thus separating the
biological sludge from the clear treated
In this process the sewage is stirred up
with bacteria to form a sludge and air is
bubbled through the mixture.

This encourages the micro-organisms

to grow and in doing so they consume
some of the organic matter in the

Any organic nitrogen or phosphorus in

the mixture is converted into nitrate
(NO3-) and phosphate ions (PO43-).
-A final settlement stage is used to separate
the purified water from the remaining
sludge and any remaining fine particles are
removed by passing the water through sand
(a process known as sand filtration or

-The combination of wastewater and

biological mass is commonly known
as mixed liquor
- In all activated sludge plants, once the
wastewater has received sufficient
treatment, excess mixed liquor is
discharged into settling tanks and the
treated supernatant is run off to undergo
further treatment before discharge.

-Part of the settled material, the sludge, is

returned to the head of the aeration
system to re-seed the new wastewater
entering the tank. This fraction of the floc
is called return activated sludge (R.A.S.).

-Excess solids must be removed from

the system wasted or Surplus activated
sludge (WAS)/(SAS)
Efficiency measurement :

-many methods to do this as , Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) , BOD

(Biochemical oxygen demand), and COD (Chemical oxygen demand).

- Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) :

- is the concentration of suspended solids, in an aeration tank during the activated

sludge process, the units MLSS is primarily measured in are milligrams per liter (mg/L) .

- MLSS is an important part of the activated sludge process to ensure that there is a
sufficient quantity of active biomass available to consume the applied quantity of
organic pollutant at any time. This is known as the food to microorganism ratio, more
commonly notated as the F/M ratio
The total weight of MLSS within an aeration tank can be calculated by multiplying the
concentration of MLSS (mg/L) in the aeration tank by the tank volume (L).

-Effects of MLSS in water treatment :

-If MLSS content is too high

-The process is prone to bulking of solids and the treatment system can become
-This can cause the dissolved oxygen content to drop; this may reduce the efficiency
of nitrification and the settle ability of the sludge.
-Excessive aeration will be required which wastes electricity.
-it will create thick foam on upper layer.
If MLSS content is too low

-The process may not remove sufficient organic matter from the wastewater.
-The sludge age may be too low to enable nitrification.

The typical control band for the concentration of MLSS in wastewater is 2,000 to 4,000
mg/L for conventional activated sludge, or up to 15,000 mg/l for membrane bioreactors.

Calculations of MLSS :

MLSS (mg/L) = [SV(1000 mg/g)]/SVI


SVI= sludge volume index (mL/g), the volume of settled sludge in milliliters occupied by 1
gram of dry sludge solids after 30 minutes of settling in a 1000 milliliter graduated cylinder.
SV= Volume of settled solids per 1 liter
-Oxidation ditch

In some areas, where more land is available, sewage is treated in large round or oval
ditches with one or more horizontal aerators typically called brush or disc aerators which
drive the mixed liquor around the ditch and provide aeration.

- They have the advantage that they are relatively easy to maintain and are resilient to
shock loads that often occur in smaller communities (i.e. at breakfast time and in the
A Typical Oxidation Ditch
A View of Oxidation Ditch
-Aerated lagoon

An aerated lagoon or aerated basin

is a holding and/or treatment
pond provided with artificial aeration to
promote the biological oxidation
of wastewater.

These are slow, cheap, and relatively

inefficient, but can be used for
various types of wastewater. They rely on
the interaction of sunlight, algae,
microorganisms, and oxygen (sometimes
-Rotating biological contactor (RBC)
is a biological treatment process used in the treatment of wastewater
following primary treatment.
The RBC process involves allowing the
wastewater to come in contact with a
biological medium in order to remove
pollutants in the wastewater before
discharge of the treated wastewater to
the environment, usually a body of
water (river, lake or ocean).
A rotating biological contactor
consists of a series of closely
spaced, parallel discs mounted
on a rotating shaft which is
supported just above the surface of the
waste water.
Microorganisms grow on
the surface of the discs where biological
degradation of the wastewater
pollutants takes place.
Tertiary (Advanced)Treatment

Tertiary treatment is designed to remove any undesirable

species from the water prior to discharge into a river.

Involves a series of additional steps to further reduce

organics, turbidity, N, P, metals and pathogens.
Some Tertiary treatment methods :

Sand filtration removes much of the
residual suspended matter.

Filtration over activated carbon, also

called carbon adsorption, removes
residual toxins.
Wastewater Filtration can be achieved in a
variety of ways, depending on it's
industrial, commercial or domestic.

These areas have different requirements and

amounts of water to filter so the wastewater
treatment systems used vary depending on
where they are required.
- Activated carbon

Is one of the most effective media

for removing a wide range of
contaminants from industrial and
municipal waste waters,
landfill leachate
and contaminated groundwater.
The benefits of this process include:

-Improved removal of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD),

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), non-biodegradable organic compounds and toxicity.

-Increased stability to shock loads.

- Removal of inhibitory compounds including for nitrifying bacteria.

- Improved sludge dewatering.

- Reduced aerator foaming.


The purpose of disinfection in the treatment of wastewater is to

substantially reduce the number of microorganisms in the water to be
discharged back into the environment for the later use of drinking,
bathing, irrigation, etc.

- Common methods of disinfection include ozone, chlorine,

ultraviolet light, or sodium hypochlorite .

Chlorine is added to the wastewater to satisfy all chemical demands.

When these initial chemical demands have been satisfied, chlorine will react with
substances such as ammonia to produce chloramines and other substances
which, although not as effective as chlorine, have disinfecting capability.

Control of the disinfection process is usually based on maintaining total

residual chlorine of at least 1.0 mg/L for a contact time of at least 30
minutes at design flow.
Ultraviolet (UV) light

can be used instead of chlorine, iodine, or

other chemicals. Because no chemicals are
used, the treated water has no adverse effect
on organisms that later consume it, as may be
the case with other methods. UV radiation
causes damage to the genetic structure of
bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens,
making them incapable of reproduction.

Disadvantages of UV disinfection are the

need for frequent lamp maintenance and
Ozone (O3)
is generated by passing oxygen (O2) through a high voltage potential resulting in a third
oxygen atom becoming attached and forming O3.

Ozone is very unstable and reactive and oxidizes most organic material it comes in contact
with, thereby destroying many pathogenic microorganisms.
Ozone is considered to be safer than chlorine because, unlike chlorine which has to be
stored on site (highly poisonous in the event of an accidental release), ozone is generated
on-site as needed.
Ozonation also produces fewer disinfection by-products than chlorination.

A disadvantage of ozone disinfection is the high cost of the ozone generation equipment
and the requirements for special operators.
- References

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