Module 6 EET

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6.1. Technology and ethics

The Internet boom has provided many benefits for society, allowing the creation of new tools and
new ways for people to interact. As with many technological advances, however, the Internet has
not been without negative aspects. For example, it has created new concerns about privacy, and it
has been hampered by spam and viruses. Moreover, even as it serves as a medium for
communication across the globe, it threatens to cut off people who lack access to it.

Technology can serve to promote or restrict human rights. The Information Society should foster
the use of emerging technologies in such a way as to maximize the benefits that they provide while
minimizing the harms. In many cases, this promotion may be less a matter of technological control
than of oversight: establishing the proper legal or regulatory system to ensure that technology
capable of abuse is not in fact abused and that the benefits of technology are shared among all.
Ethics is particularly important for the accountancy profession, with a code for professional ethics
based on five basic principles – integrity, objectivity, competence and due care, confidentiality, and
professional behavior. However, the emergence of new technologies raises some new challenges
for the profession to address.

6.1.1. General ethical principles

1. Contribute to society and to human well-being, acknowledging that all people are
stakeholders in computing.

2. Avoid harm.

3. Be honest and trustworthy.

4. Be fair and take action not to discriminate

5. Respect the work required to produce new ideas, inventions, creative works, and
computing artifacts.

6. Respect privacy.

7. Honor confidentiality

6.1.2. Professional responsibilities

1. Strive to achieve high quality in both the processes and products of professional work.

2. Maintain high standards of professional competence, conduct, and ethical practice.

3. Know and respect existing rules pertaining to professional work.

4. Accept and provide appropriate professional review.

5. Give comprehensive and thorough evaluations of computer systems and their impacts,
including analysis of possible risks.

6. Perform work only in areas of competence.

7. Foster public awareness and understanding of computing, related technologies, and their
8. Access computing and communication resources only when authorized or when compelled
by the public good.

9. Design and implement systems that are robustly and usably secure.

6.1.3. Professional leadership principles

1. Ensure that the public good is the central concern during all professional computing work.

2. Articulate, encourage acceptance of and evaluate fulfillment of social responsibilities by

members of the organization or group.

3. Manage personnel and resources to enhance the quality of working life.

4. Articulate, apply, and support policies and processes that reflect the principles of the Code.

5. Create opportunities for members of the organization or group to grow as professionals.

6. Use care when modifying or retiring systems. Interface changes, the removal of features,
and even software updates have an impact on the productivity of users and the quality of
their work.

7. Recognize and take special care of systems that become integrated into the infrastructure
of society.

6.2.Digital privacy
Digital Privacy is the protection of personally identifiable or business identifiable information that
is collected from respondents through information collection activities or from other sources.

It is a collective definition that encompasses three sub-related categories; information privacy,

communication privacy, and individual privacy It is often used in contexts that promote advocacy
on behalf of individual and consumer privacy rights in digital spheres, and is typically used in
opposition to the business practices of many e-marketers/businesses/companies to collect and use
such information and data.
6.2.1. Information Privacy

In the context of digital privacy, information privacy is the notion that individuals should have the
freedom, or right, to determine how their digital information, mainly that pertaining to personally
identifiable information, is collected and used. Every country has various laws that dictate how
information may be collected and used by companies. Some of those laws are written to give

agency to the preferences of individuals/consumers in how their data is used. In other places, like
in the United States, privacy law is argued by some to be less developed in this regard, For
example, some legislation, or lack of, allows companies to self-regulate their collection and
dissemination practices of consumer information.

6.2.2. Communication Privacy

In the context of digital privacy, communication privacy is the notion that individuals should have
the freedom, or right, to communicate information digitally with the expectation that their
communications are secure; meaning that messages and communications will only be accessible
to the sender's original intended recipient. However, communications can be intercepted or
delivered to other recipients without the sender's knowledge, in a multitude of ways.
Communications can be intercepted directly through various hacking methods; this is expanded
upon further below. Communications can also be delivered to recipients unbeknownst to the sender
due to false assumptions made regarding the platform or medium which was used to send
information. An example of this is a failure to read a company's privacy policy regarding
communications on their platform could lead one to assume their communication is protected when
it is in fact not. Additionally, companies frequently have been known to lack transparency in how
they use information, this can be both intentional and unintentional. Discussion of communication
privacy necessarily requires consideration of technological methods of protecting
information/communication in digital mediums, the effectiveness, and ineffectiveness of such
methods/systems, and the development/advancement of new and current technologies.

6.2.3. Individual Privacy

In the context of digital privacy, individual privacy is the notion that individuals have a right to exist freely
on the internet, in that they can choose what types of information they are exposed to, and more importantly
that unwanted information should not interrupt them An example of a digitalbreach of individual privacy
would be an internet user receiving unwanted ads and emails/spam, or a computer virus that forces the user
to take actions they otherwise wouldn't. In such cases the individual, during that moment, doesn't exist
digitally without interruption from unwanted information; thus, their individual privacy has been infringed

6.2.4. Some digital privacy principles

 Data Minimization: collect the minimal amount of information necessary from individuals
and businesses consistent with the Department’s mission and legal requirements.

 Transparency: Notice covering the purpose of the collection and use of identifiable
information will be provided in a clear manner. Information collected will not be used for
any other purpose unless authorized or mandated by law.

 Accuracy: Information collected will be maintained in a sufficiently accurate, timely, and

complete manner to ensure that the interests of the individuals and businesses are protected.

 Security: Adequate physical and IT security measures will be implemented to ensure that
the collection, use, and maintenance of identifiable information are properly safeguarded
and the information is promptly destroyed in accordance with approved records control

6.3. Accountability and trust

When emerging technology creates far-reaching and rapid change, it can also bring new risks.
Understanding and mitigating them will help to build confidence. Often legal and regulatory
frameworks haven’t kept pace with digital transformation, and organizations are seeking guidance.

This challenge is exacerbated by the speed at which technological change is occurring and the
breadth of its adoption – which is introducing new risks that demand new responses.

Emerging technologies can provide improved accuracy, better quality and cost efficiencies for
businesses in every sector. They can enhance trust in the organization’s operations and financial
processes, which is crucial for sustainable success. But this can produce a paradox: the very
solutions that can be used to better manage risk, increase transparency and build confidence are
often themselves the source of new risks, which may go unnoticed.
There’s a danger that the use of technology will degrade people’s willingness to judge and
intervene because they feel that they are less personally connected to consumers and consumer
outcomes – the logic of the machine has taken over from individual responsibility.

The obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility
for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner. It also includes the responsibility for
money or other entrusted property.

6.4. Treats and challenges

6.4.1. Ethical and regulatory challenges

With Technology moving at a fast pace it is always been a challenge for Security. As security
professionals, we need to keep pace with ever-changing technology and be aware of the AI, IoT,
Big Data, Machine Learning, etc. It is no more Guards, guns & gates it is more than that & we
need to play a major role for a security professional to support business or rather we should be able
to understand the language of business and talk to the leaders in their language. With Growing
needs Cyber & Data Security is getting prominence that requires security practitioners to focus on
the business need for securing data, understanding security and risk from a business perspective
by extensively interacting with the business community in understanding their requirements or
what they want.

Emerging technologies are already impacting how we live and work. They're also changing how
we approach, plan, and integrate security operations. Certainly, we are living in an era where
innovation, agility, and imagination are all essential in order to keep pace with the exponential
technological transformation taking place. For security, both physical and cyber, the equation is
the same catalyzing many new potential applications for emerging technologies. Emerging
technologies are making an impact include:

1. Counter-terrorism and law enforcement informatics via predictive analytics and artificial

2. Real-time horizon scanning and data mining for threats and information sharing

3. Automated cybersecurity and information assurance

4. Enhanced Surveillance (chemical and bio-detection sensors, cameras, drones, facial

recognition, license plate readers)
5. Simulation and augmented reality technologies for training and modeling

6. Safety and security equipment (including bullet and bomb proof) made with lighter and
stronger materials

7. Advanced forensics enabled by enhanced computing capabilities (including future

quantum computing)

8. Situational awareness capabilities via GPS for disaster response and crisis response

9. Biometrics: assured identity security screening solutions by bio-signature: (every aspect of

your physiology can be used as a bio-signature. Measure unique heart/pulse rates,
electrocardiogram sensor, blood oximetry, skin temperature)

10. Robotic Policing (already happening in Dubai!)

Challenges in using Artificial Intelligence

AI is only as good as the data it is exposed to, which is where certain challenges may present
themselves. How a business teaches and develops its AI will be the major factor in its usefulness.
Humans could be the weak link here, as people are unlikely to want to input masses of data into a

Another dilemma that comes along with AI is its potential to replace human workers. As machines
become more “intelligent” they could begin to replace experts in higher-level jobs. Alternatively,
AI also has the potential to take the burden of laborious and time-consuming tasks from these
people, freeing up their time and brainpower for other things e.g. doctors using diagnostic AI to
help them diagnose patients will analyze the data presented by the AI and make the ultimate
decision. Managing the challenges posed by AI will require careful planning to ensure that the full
benefits are realized and risks are mitigated.

Challenges in using Robotics in manufacturing

With automation and robotics moving from production lines out into other areas of work and
business, the potential for humans losing jobs is great here too. As automation technologies
become more advanced, there will be a greater capability for automation to take over more and
more complex jobs. As robots learn to teach each other and themselves, there is the potential for
much greater productivity but this also raises ethical and cybersecurity concerns.
Challenges in using the Internet of Things

As more and more connected devices (such as smartwatches and fitness trackers) join the Internet
of Things (IoT) the amount of data being generated is increasing. Companies will have to plan
carefully how this will affect the customer-facing application and how to best utilize the masses
of data being produced. There are also severe security implications of mass connectivity that need
to be addressed.

Challenges in Big Data

Almost all the technologies mentioned above have some relation to Big Data. The huge amount of
data being generated on a daily basis has the potential to provide businesses with better insight
into their customers as well as their own business operations.

Although data can be incredibly useful for spotting trends and analyzing impacts, surfacing all this
data to humans in a way that they can understand can be challenging. AI will play a role here.

6.4.2. Treats

New and emerging technologies pose significant opportunities for businesses if they utilize them
well and understand their true value early on. They also pose risks and questions not only to
business but to society as a whole. Planning for how to deal with these emerging technologies and
where value can be derived while assessing potential risks before they become a fully-fledged
reality is essential for businesses that want to thrive in the world of AI, Big Data and IoT.

Some risks of emerging technology are:

 Driverless car: while a compelling option for future fleer cars, companies could crash and
burn from claims related to bodily injury and property damage.
 Wearables: Google glass, Fitbit and other wearables can expose companies to the invasion
of privacy claims that may not be covered by general liability or personal injury claims that
weren’t foreseen.

 Drones: Turbulence is in the offing for manufacturers and organizations that fail to protect
themselves for property damage and bodily injury, as well as errors and omissions.
 Internet of things: The proliferation of sensors and cross-platform integration creates
potential exposure from privacy invasion, bodily injury and property damage that may
connect an organization to huge liabilities.

6.5 Blockchain technology

Originally blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked using
cryptography. Each block contains a cryptography hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and
transaction data (generally represented as a Merkle tree).

A blockchain is, in the simplest of terms, a time-stamped series of immutable records of data that
is managed by a cluster of computers not owned by any single entity. Each of these blocks of data
(i.e. block) is secured and bound to each other using cryptographic principles (i.e. chain).

“Blocks” on the blockchain are made up of digital pieces of information. Specifically, they have
three parts:

1. Blocks store information about transactions like the date, time, and dollar amount of your
most recent purchase from Amazon. (NOTE: This Amazon example is for illustrative
purchases; Amazon retail does not work on a blockchain principle)

2. Blocks store information about who is participating in transactions. A block for your
splurge purchase from Amazon would record your name along with, Inc.
Instead of using your actual name, your purchase is recorded without any identifying
information using a unique “digital signature,” sort of like a username.

3. Blocks store information that distinguishes them from other blocks. Much like you and I
have names to distinguish us from one another, each block stores a unique code called a
“hash” that allows us to tell it apart from every other block. Let’s say you made your
splurge purchase on Amazon, but while it’s in transit, you decide you just can’t resist and
need a second one. Even though the details of your new transaction would look nearly
identical to your earlier purchase, we can still tell the blocks apart because of their unique

When a block stores new data it is added to the blockchain. Blockchain, as its name suggests,
consists of multiple blocks strung together. In order for a block to be added to the blockchain,
however, four things must happen:

1. A transaction must occur. Let’s continue with the example of your impulsive Amazon
purchase discussed in the introduction part of blockchain technology. After hastily clicking
through multiple checkout prompt, you go against your better judgment and make a

2. That transaction must be verified. After making that purchase, your transaction must be
verified. With other public records of information, like the Securities Exchange
Commission, Wikipedia, or your local library, there’s someone in charge of vetting new
data entries. With blockchain, however, that job is left up to a network of computers. These
networks often consist of thousands (or in the case of Bitcoin, about five million )
computers spread across the globe. When you make your purchase from Amazon, that
network of computers rushes to check that your transaction happened in the way you said
it did. That is, they confirm the details of the purchase, including the transaction’s time,
dollar amount, and participants. (More on how this happens in a second.)

3. That transaction must be stored in a block. After your transaction has been verified as
accurate, it gets the green light. The transaction’s dollar amount, your digital signature, and
Amazon’s digital signature are all stored in a block. There, the transaction will likely join
hundreds, or thousands, of others like it.

4. That block must be given a hash. Not unlike an angel earning its wings, once all of a block’s
transactions have been verified, it must be given a unique, identifying code called a hash.
The block is also given the hash of the most recent block added to the blockchain. Once
hashed, the block can be added to the blockchain.

By design, a blockchain is resistant to modification of the data. It is "an open, distributed ledger
that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way".
For use as a distributed ledger, a blockchain is typically managed by a peer-to-peer network
collectively adhering to a protocol for inter-node communication and validating new blocks. Once
recorded, the data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all
subsequent blocks, which requires the consensus of the network majority. Although blockchain
records are not unalterable, blockchains may be considered secure by design and exemplify a
distributed computing system.

The blockchain network has no central authority; it is the very definition of a democratized system.
Since it is a shared and immutable ledger, the information in it is open for anyone and everyone to
see. Hence, anything that is built on the blockchain is by its very nature transparent and everyone
involved is accountable for their actions.
6.5.1 Blockchain Explained

A blockchain carries no transaction cost. (An infrastructure cost yes, but no transaction cost.) The
blockchain is a simple yet ingenious way of passing information from A to B in a fully automated
and safe manner. One party to a transaction initiates the process by creating a block. This block is
verified by thousands, perhaps millions of computers distributed around the net. The verified block
is added to a chain, which is stored across the net, creating not just a unique record, but a unique
record with a unique history. Falsifying a single record would mean falsifying the entire chain in
millions of instances. That is virtually impossible. Bitcoin uses this model for monetary
transactions, but it can be deployed in many other ways.

Think of a railway company. We buy tickets on an app or the web. The credit card company takes
a cut for processing the transaction. With blockchain, not only can the railway operator save on
credit card processing fees, it can move the entire ticketing process to the blockchain. The two
parties in the transaction are the railway company and the passenger. The ticket is a block, which
will be added to a ticket blockchain. Just as a monetary transaction on the blockchain is a unique,
independently verifiable and unfalsifiable record (like Bitcoin), so can your ticket be. Incidentally,
the final ticket blockchain is also a record of all transactions for, say, a certain train route, or even
the entire train network, comprising every ticket ever sold, every journey ever taken.

But the key here is this: it’s free. Not only can the blockchain transfer and store money, but it can
also replace all processes and business models that rely on charging a small fee for a transaction
or any other transaction between two parties.

Blockchain may make selling recorded music profitable again for artists by cutting out music
companies and distributors like Apple or Spotify. The music you buy could even be encoded in
the blockchain itself, making it a cloud archive for any song purchased. Because the amounts
charged can be so small, subscription and streaming services will become irrelevant.
6.5.2 The Three Pillars of Blockchain Technology

The three main properties of Blockchain Technology are:

1. Decentralization
 In a decentralized system (see Figure 7.2), the information is not stored by one single entity.
In fact, everyone in the network owns the information.
 In a decentralized network (see Figure 7.2), if you wanted to interact with your friend then
you can do so directly without going through a third party. That was the main ideology
behind Bitcoins. You and only you alone are in charge of your money. You can send your
money to anyone you want without having to go through a bank.

comparisons of a centralized and decentralized network

2. Transparency

 One of the most interesting and misunderstood concepts in blockchain technology is

“transparency.” Some people say that blockchain gives you privacy while some say that it
is transparent. Why do you think that happens?
 A person’s identity is hidden via complex cryptography and represented only by their
public address. So, if you were to look up a person’s transaction history, you will not see
“Bob sent 1 BTC” instead you will see “1MF1bhsFLkBzzz9vpFYEmvwT2TbyCt7NZJ
sent 1 BTC”.
 So, while the person’s real identity is secure, you will still see all the transactions that were
done by their public address. This level of transparency has never existed before within a
financial system. It adds that extra, and much needed, level of accountability which is
required by some of these biggest institutions.
3. Immutability

 Immutability, in the context of the blockchain, means that once something has been entered
into the blockchain, it cannot be tampered with.

 The reason why the blockchain gets this property is that of the cryptographic hash function.

 In simple terms, hashing means taking an input string of any length and giving out an output
of a fixed length. In the context of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, the transactions are taken
as input and run through a hashing algorithm (Bitcoin uses SHA-256) which gives an
output of a fixed length.

 Let’s see how the hashing process works. We are going to put in certain inputs. For this
exercise, we are going to use the SHA-256 (Secure Hashing Algorithm 256).

 As you can see, in the case of SHA-256, no matter how big or small your input is, the
output will always have a fixed 256-bits length. This becomes critical when you are dealing
with a huge amount of data and transactions. So basically, instead of remembering the input
data which could be huge, you can just remember the hash and keep track.

6.5.3 How Blockchain Works

Picture a spreadsheet that is duplicated thousands of times across a network of computers. Then
imagine that this network is designed to regularly update this spreadsheet and you have a basic
understanding of the blockchain.
Information held on a blockchain exists as a shared and continually reconciled database. This is a
way of using the network that has obvious benefits. The blockchain database isn’t stored in any
single location, meaning the records it keeps are truly public and easily verifiable. No centralized
version of this information exists for a hacker to corrupt. Hosted by millions of computers
simultaneously, its data is accessible to anyone on the internet.

To go in deeper with the Google spreadsheet analogy, read the following scenario:

“The traditional way of sharing documents with collaboration is to send a Microsoft Word
document to another recipient and ask them to make revisions to it. The problem with that scenario
is that you need to wait until receiving a return copy before you can see or make other changes
because you are locked out of editing it until the other person is done with it. That’s how databases
work today. Two owners can’t be messing with the same record at once. That’s how banks maintain
money balances and transfers; they briefly lock access (or decrease the balance) while they make
a transfer, then update the other side, then re-open access (or update again). With Google Docs
(or Google Sheets), both parties have access to the same document at the same time, and the single
version of that document is always visible to both of them. It is like a shared ledger, but it is a
shared document. The distributed part comes into play when sharing involves a number of people.

Imagine the number of legal documents that should be used that way. Instead of passing them to
each other, losing track of versions, and not being in sync with the other version, why can’t all
business documents become shared instead of transferred back and forth? So many types of legal
contracts would be ideal for that kind of workflow. You don’t need a blockchain to share
documents, but the shared documents analogy is a powerful one.”

The reason why the blockchain has gained so much admiration is that:

 It is not owned by a single entity, hence it is decentralized 

 The data is cryptographically stored inside

 The blockchain is immutable, so no one can tamper with the data that is inside the


 The blockchain is transparent so one can track the data if they want to.

6.5.4 Applications of blockchain

A. The sharing economy

 With companies like Uber and Airbnb flourishing, the sharing economy is already a proven

success. Currently, however, users who want to hail a ride-sharing service have to rely on
an intermediary like Uber. By enabling peer-to-peer payments, the blockchain opens the
door to direct interaction between parties a truly decentralized sharing economy results. 

B. Crowdfunding
 Crowdfunding initiatives like Kickstarter and GoFundMe are doing the advance work for

the emerging peer-to-peer economy. The popularity of these sites suggests people want to
have a direct say in product development. Blockchains take this interest to the next level,
potentially creating crowd-sourced venture capital funds. 
 In 2016, one such experiment, the Ethereum-based DAO (Decentralized Autonomous

Organization), raised an astonishing $200 million USD in just over two months.
Participants purchased “DAO tokens” allowing them to vote on smart contract venture
capital investments (voting power was proportionate to the number of DAO they were

C. Governance
 By making the results fully transparent and publicly accessible, distributed database
technology could bring full transparency to elections or any other kind of poll taking.
Ethereum-based smart contracts help to automate the process.
 The app, Boardroom, enables organizational decision-making to happen on the blockchain.
In practice, this means company governance becomes fully transparent and verifiable when
managing digital assets, equity or information.

D. Supply chain auditing
 Consumers increasingly want to know that the ethical claims companies make about their
products are real. Distributed ledgers provide an easy way to certify that the backstories of
the things we buy are genuine. Transparency comes with blockchain-based timestamping
of a date and location — on ethical diamonds, for instance — that corresponds to a product
 The UK-based Provenance offers supply chain auditing for a range of consumer goods.
Making use of the Ethereum blockchain, a Provenance pilot project ensures that fish sold
in Sushi restaurants in Japan have been sustainably harvested by its suppliers in Indonesia.

E. File storage
 Decentralizing file storage on the internet brings clear benefits. Distributing data
throughout the network protects files from getting hacked or lost.
 Interplanetary File System (IPFS) makes it easy to conceptualize how a distributed web
might operate. Similar to the way a BitTorrent moves data around the internet, IPFS gets
rid of the need for centralized client-server relationships (i.e., the current web). An internet
made up of completely decentralized websites has the potential to speed up file transfer
and streaming times. Such an improvement is not only convenient. It’s a necessary upgrade
to the web’s currently overloaded content-delivery systems.

6.6 Cloud and quantum computing

6.6.1 Cloud computing

Cloud computing is a means of networking remote servers that are hosted on the Internet. Rather
than storing and processing data on a local server, or a PC's hard drive, one of the following three
types of cloud infrastructure is used.

The first type is a public cloud. Here a third-party provider manages the servers, applications, and
storage much like a public utility. Anyone can subscribe to the provider’s cloud service, which is
usually operated through their own data center.

A business or organization would typically use a private cloud. This might be hosted on their on-
site data center, although some companies host through a third-party provider instead. Either way,
the computing infrastructure exists as a private network accessible over the Internet.

The third option is a hybrid cloud. Here private clouds are connected to public clouds, allowing
data and applications to be shared between them. Private clouds existing alone can be very limiting,
and a hybrid offers a business more flexibility. Often a hybrid cloud includes multiple service
providers. Hybrids can offer more computing capacity for a business application when the need
for its spikes. This sudden expansion into the public cloud is known as cloud bursting. Hybrids
also enable applications to keep sensitive client data in a private cloud but connect to end-user
software in a public cloud.

Cloud computing services can focus on infrastructure, web development or a cloud-based app. These
are often regarded as a stack; all are on-demand, pay-as-you-go. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
gives you management of the whole deal: servers, web development tools, applications. Platform as
a Service (PaaS) offers a complete web development environment, without the worry of the hardware
that runs it. Finally, Software as a Service (SaaS) allows access to cloud-based apps, usually through
a web browser interface. SaaS is the top of the stack. Cloud computing has been around since 2000.
Yet it’s only in the last 10 years that major players like IBM, Amazon, and Google have offered
commercially viable, high-capacity networks.

6.6.2 Advantages of cloud computing

Well, much like with any utility -a business benefits from economy of scale, which means cheap
computing power. Because a cloud provider’s hardware and software are shared, there’s no need
for the initial costly capital investment. And it goes much further than that. Businesses save on the
electricity required 24/7 to power and cool that computing infrastructure. In effect, energy costs
are shared.

It gets better. Cloud providers have vast resources of computing power at their fingertips. They
can allocate these whenever required with just a few mouse clicks. Cloud providers source on a
global scale, so they can deliver the precise bandwidth, storage and power business needs when it
needs it.

The cloud allows you and multiple users to access your data from any location. Smartphone,
laptop, desktop, wherever you are, you can access the data you need at any time.

With cloud computing a business processes its data more efficiently, increasing productivity.
Maintenance is much cheaper, often free, so reliability is rarely a worry. Cloud computing allows
CEOs to focus on running their business.
6.6.3 Quantum computing

Quantum computers truly do represent the next generation of computing. Unlike classic
computers, they derive their computing power by harnessing the power of quantum physics.
Because of the rather nebulous science behind it, a practical, working quantum computer still
remains a flight of fancy.

Give clients access to a quantum computer over the internet, and you have quantum cloud
computing. Currently, the only organization which provides a quantum computer in the cloud is
IBM. They allow free access to anyone who wishes to use their 5-qubit machine. Earlier this year
they installed a 17-qubit machine. So far over 40,000 users have taken advantage of their online
service to run experiments.

Not to be outdone, Google provided the fastest quantum computer with 53qubits and speed of 200
seconds computation while the supercomputer took 10000 years.

So, what is qubit and how many do you need?

Qubit is short for a sequence of quantum bits. With a classic computer, data is stored in tiny
transistors that hold a single bit of information, either the binary value of 1 or 0. With a quantum
computer, the data is stored in qubits. Thanks to the mechanics of quantum physics, where
subatomic particles obey their own laws, a qubit can exist in two states at the same time. This
phenomenon is called superposition.

So, a qubit can have a value of 1, 0, or some value between. Two qubits can hold even more values.
Before long, you are building yourself an exponentially more powerful computer the more qubits
you add.

Quantum computer theory was first rooted in the 1980s and only now are the first rudimentary
machines being constructed. Quantum computers are big machines, reminiscent of the old
mainframe computers of the 1960s. One serious logistical problem is the need for deep-freezing
of the superconducting circuits. Only at sub-zero temperatures can the qubits maintain a constant,
predictable superposition. Heating up qubits can result in calculation errors.
6.6.4 Advantages of quantum computing

Getting a quantum computer to function usefully is an exciting prospect for scientists. Their
gargantuan computing power would allow them to crunch very long numbers. They would be able
to make complex calculations that would only overwhelm classic computers.

Accessing a cloud-based quantum computer combines the benefits of both technologies

exponentially. Quantum computing could help in the discovery of new drugs, by unlocking the
complex structure of chemical molecules. Other uses include financial trading, risk management,

and supply chain optimization. With its ability to handle more complex numbers, data could be
transferred over the internet with much safer encryption.

6.7 Autonomic computing (AC)

Autonomic computing (AC) is an approach to address the complexity and evolution problems in
software systems. It is a self-managing computing model named after, and patterned on, the human
body's autonomic nervous system. An autonomic computing system would control the functioning
of computer applications and systems without input from the user, in the same way, that the
autonomic nervous system regulates body systems without conscious input from the individual.
The goal of autonomic computing is to create systems that run themselves, capable of high-level
functioning while keeping the system's complexity invisible to the user.

It refers to the self-managing characteristics of distributed resources, adapting to unpredictable

changes while hiding intrinsic complexity to operators and users. Initiated by IBM in 2001, this
initiative ultimately aimed to develop computer systems capable of self-management, to overcome
the rapidly growing complexity of computing system management, and to reduce the barrier that
complexity poses to further growth.

6.7.1 Characteristics of Autonomic Systems

An autonomic system can self-configure at runtime to meet changing operating environments, self-
tune to optimize its performance, self-heal when it encounters unexpected obstacles during its
operation, and of particular current interest. Protect itself from malicious attacks. An autonomic
system can self-manage anything including a single property or multiple properties (see picture
Autonomic Characteristics

Autonomic systems/applications exhibit eight defining characteristics:

 Self-Awareness: An autonomic application/system “knows itself” and is aware of its state

and its behaviors.
 Self-Configuring: An autonomic application/system should be able to configure and
reconfigure itself under varying and unpredictable conditions.
 Self-Optimizing: An autonomic application/system should be able to detect suboptimal
behaviors and optimize itself to improve its execution.
 Self-Healing: An autonomic application/system should be able to detect and recover from
potential problems and continue to function smoothly.
 Self-Protecting: An autonomic application/system should be capable of detecting and
protecting its resources from both internal and external attacks and maintaining overall
system security and integrity.
 Context-Aware: An autonomic application/system should be aware of its execution
environment and be able to react to changes in the environment.
 Open: An autonomic application/system must function in a heterogeneous world and
should be portable across multiple hardware and software architectures. Consequently, it
must be built on standard and open protocols and interfaces.
 Anticipatory: An autonomic application/system should be able to anticipate to the extent
possible, its needs and behaviors and those of its context, and be able to manage itself
6.8 Computer vision

6.8.1 Definition
It is an interdisciplinary scientific field that deals with how computers can be made to
gain a high- level understanding of digital images or videos. From the perspective of
engineering, it seeks to automate tasks that the human visual system can do.

Computer vision tasks include methods for acquiring, processing, analyzing and
understanding digital images, and extraction of high-dimensional data from the real
world in order to produce numerical or symbolic information, e.g. in the forms of
decisions. Understanding in this context means the transformation of visual images (the
input of the retina) into descriptions of the world that can interface with other thought
processes and elicit appropriate action. This image understanding can be seen as the
disentangling of symbolic information from image data using models constructed with
the aid of geometry, physics, statistics, and learning theory.

Another way to define computer vision is through its applications. Computer vision is
building algorithms that can understand the content of images and use it for other

6.8.2 How computer vision works

1. Acquiring an image: Images, even large sets, can be acquired in real-time

through video, photos or 3D technology for analysis.
2. Processing the image: Deep learning models automate much of this process,
but the models are often trained by first being fed thousands of labeled or pre-
identified images.
3. Understanding the image: The final step is the interpretative step, where an
object is identified or classified.

There are many types of computer vision that are used in different ways:

 Image segmentation partitions an image into multiple regions or pieces to be

examined separately. 

 Object detection identifies a specific object in an image. Advanced object

detection recognizes many objects in a single image: a football field, an offensive

player, a defensiveplayer, a ball and so on. These models use an X, Y coordinate
to create a bounding box and identify everything inside the box.

 Facial recognition is an advanced type of object detection that not only recognizes

a humanface in an image but identifies a specific individual. 

 Edge detection is a technique used to identify the outside edge of an object or

landscape to better identify what is in the image.

 Pattern detection is a process of recognizing repeated shapes, colors and other

visual indicators in images.

 Image classification groups images into different categories. 

 Feature matching is a type of pattern detection that matches similarities in images

to help classify them. 

Simple applications of computer vision may only use one of these techniques, but more
advancedusers, like computer vision for self-driving cars, rely on multiple techniques to
accomplish their goal.

6.8.3 Applications of computer vision

Computer vision is being used today in a wide variety of real-world applications, which

 Optical character recognition (OCR): reading handwritten postal codes on

letters and automatic number plate recognition (ANPR);

 Machine inspection: rapid parts inspection for quality assurance using stereo
vision with specialized illumination to measure tolerances on aircraft wings or
auto body parts or looking for defects in steel castings using X-ray vision;

 Retail: object recognition for automated checkout lanes 

 Medical imaging: registering pre-operative and intra-operative imagery or

performing long-term studies of people’s brain morphology as they age;

 Automotive safety: detecting unexpected obstacles such as pedestrians on the

street, underconditions where active vision techniques such as radar or lidar do
not work well.

 Surveillance: monitoring for intruders, analyzing highway traffic (Figure 7.5f),

and monitoring pools for drowning victims;

 Fingerprint recognition and biometrics: for automatic access authentication as

well as forensic applications.

Some industrial applications of computer vision: (a) optical character recognition (OCR) (b) mechanical inspection
(c) retail (d) medical imaging (e) automotive safety (f) surveillance and traffic monitoring

6.9 Cybersecurity

6.9.1 Definition
It is the protection of computer systems from the theft of or damage to their hardware,
software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services
they provide.
The field is becoming more important due to increased reliance on computer
systems, theInternet and wireless network standards such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi,
and due to the growthof smart devices, including smartphones, televisions, and the
various devices that constitute the Internet of Things. Due to its complexity, both in terms
of politics and technology, cybersecurity is also one of the major challenges in the
contemporary world.

Cybersecurity is often confused with information security but it focuses on protecting

computer systems from unauthorized access or being otherwise damaged or made
inaccessible. Information security is a broader category that looks to protect all
information assets, whether in hard copy or in digital form.

The term cybercrime is used to describe an unlawful activity in which computer or

computing devices such as smartphones, tablets, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), etc.
which are stand- alone or a part of a network are used as a tool or/and target of criminal
activity. It is often committed by the people of destructive and criminal mindset either
for revenge, greed or

adventure. Combating this is a multi-disciplinary affair that spans hardware and software
throughto policy and people all of it aimed at both preventing cybercrimes occurring in
the first place, and minimizing its impact when it does.

6.9.2 Cybersecurity measures

The following are some security measures to be taken to prevent cybercrimes:

 Staff awareness training: - Human error is the leading cause of data breaches,
so you need to equip staff with the knowledge to deal with the threats they face.
Training courseswill show staff how security threats affect them and help them
apply best-practice advice to real-world situations.
 Application security: - Web application vulnerabilities are a common point of
intrusion for cybercriminals. As applications play an increasingly critical role in
business, it is vitalto focus on web application security.
 Network security: - Network security is the process of protecting the usability
and integrity of your network and data. This is achieved by conducting a network
penetration test, which scans your network for vulnerabilities and security issues.
 Leadership commitment: - Leadership commitment is the key to cyber
resilience. Without it, it is very difficult to establish or enforce effective processes.
Top management must be prepared to invest in appropriate cybersecurity
resources, such as awareness training.
 Password management: - Almost half of the UK population uses ‘password’,
‘123456’ or ‘qwerty’ as their password. You should implement a password
management policy that provides guidance to ensure staff create strong passwords
and keep them secure.

6.9.3 Types of cybersecurity threats

 Ransomware: - It is a type of malicious software. It is designed to extort money

by blocking access to files or the computer system until the ransom is paid. Paying
the ransom does not guarantee that the files will be recovered or the system

 Malware:- itis a type of software designed to gain unauthorized access or to cause

damageto a computer[64].
 Social engineering: - it is a tactic that adversaries use to trick you into revealing
sensitive information. They can solicit a monetary payment or gain access to your
confidential data. Social engineering can be combined with any of the threats listed
above to make you morelikely to click on links, download malware, or trust a
malicious source.
 Phishing: - it is the practice of sending fraudulent emails that resemble
emails from reputable sources. The aim is to steal sensitive data like credit card
numbers and login information. It’s the most common type of cyber-attack. You
can help protect yourself through education or a technology solution that filters
malicious emails.

Benefits of cyber security :

Benefits of utilizing
cybersecurity include:

 Business protection against malware, ransomware, phishing, and social engineering.

 Protection for data and networks.
 Prevention of unauthorized users.
 Improves recovery time after a breach.
 Protection for end-users.
 Improved confidence in the product for both developers and customers.
6.10 Additive manufacturing (3D Printing)

Are “3D printing” and “additive manufacturing” (AM) the same thing? In general, we
know that terms stretch over time to include more than just their default meanings.
Whatever the name, newways of fabricating directly from bytes to stuff are radically
changing the what, where, how, and when of making objects. What roles, then, do the
two terms “additive manufacturing” and “3D printing” play in describing new ways of

Let’s start by considering what the experts have to say:

 The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) equates the two terms

in their definition: “Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, uses

computer-aided design to build objects layer by layer.” 

 Wikipedia says, “Today, the precision, repeatability, and material range has

increased to the point that 3D printing is considered as industrial production

technology, with the nameof additive manufacturing.”

 Author Deve Turbide puts it simply, suggesting that additive manufacturing is

“the industrial version of 3D printing”.

6.10.1 3D Printing: It's All About the Printer

When MIT invented binder jet printing in the 1980s, they wrote: “three-dimensional
printing is a process under development at MIT for the rapid and flexible production of
prototype parts, end- use parts, and tools directly from a CAD model.”

Today our concept of “3D printing” is much broader, but the term is often
associatedwith filament-based plastic printers, which are the pride and joy of many a
hobbyist and self- described maker. But there are also binder jet printers, laser metal 3D
printers, as well as glass andclay 3D printers.

6.10.2 Additive Manufacturing: A Bytes-to-Parts Supply Chain

“Additive manufacturing” (AM) is a big-picture term more at home in the boardroom

than the factory floor or garage. Naturally, AM separates itself from older, subtractive
technologies like milling. Otherwise, the term is less about the 3D printer itself, and more
about the manufacturing process transformed by 3D printing.
AM is flexible in the time it takes to load a file, from anywhere in the world. It enables
customized parts, in volume, and involves stocking raw materials like filament and
printing spare parts on demand.

Additive manufacturing (AM) describes types of advanced manufacturing that are used
to create three-dimensional structures out of plastics, metals, polymers and other
materials that can be sprayed through a nozzle or aggregated in a vat. These constructs
are added layer by layer in real-time based on digital design. The simplicity and low cost
of AM machines, combined with the scope of their potential creations, could profoundly
alter global and local economies and affect international security.

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