MIL Reviewer
MIL Reviewer
MIL Reviewer
Communication is defined as the method Refers to the ability of knowing how to use
wherein language, symbols, or manners are technology, its tools or networks to find, create,
used to share information or to share or use information.
information or state opinions or thoughts.
Why Media and Information Literacy?
It is also defined as the exchange of information
and the expression of thoughts or notion that Recognizes the individual and society roles of
can result in understanding. media and information.
Promotes one’s right to communicate and
Basic Types of Communication
Non-verbal Communication Verbal Evaluates the sources, medium, and audience of
communication messages based on how they were created,
carried, and by identifying its listeners.
Signs Oral
What is MIL?
Symbols Written
Brings together disciplines that were originally
different and separate.
Gestures Inspire citizens with essential knowledge
Body Language Signifies important abilities and skills to equip
citizens in the present day
Facial Expression
How is communication affected by media and MEDIA
What is Media?
Media are communication tools that give information.
Media are the communication outlets or tools
Information is knowledge or data gathered through used to store and deliver information or data.
experiences or research. The term refers to components of the mass
Media Literacy media communications industry, such as print
media, publishing, the news media,
Refers to reading, analyzing, evaluating, and photography, cinema, broadcasting (radio and
producing communication in different media television), and advertising.
What is Traditional Media?
1st stage- a person needs to be aware of all the media
they consume in their day-to-day lives and manage this Any form of mass communication available
before the advent of digital media. This includes
2nd stage- to develop critical thinking television, radio, newspapers, books, and
3rd stage- to consider who is creating the media we
experience every day. What is New Media?
Information Literacy New media are forms of media that are native
to computers, computational and rely on
Refers to the ability to know when information
computers for redistribution.
is required.
Some examples of new media are telephones,
This is also pertains to the ability to find,
computers, virtual worlds, single media,
analyze, evaluate, communicate and use
website games, human-computer interface,
information effectively in different formats.
computer animation and interactive computer with each other by a number of different methods. Early
installations humans could express thoughts and feelings by means
of speech or by signs or gestures. They could signal with
fire and smoke, drums, or whistles.
Traditional Media
Industrial Age (1700s-1930s)
Media experience is limited
The ability to communicate across long
One- directional
distances improved dramatically during the
Sense receptors used are very specific (i.e. print
Industrial Revolution.
media – sense of sight, radio- sense of hearing,
It began with the invention of the electrical
TV and Film- sight and hearing.)
telegraph by Samuel Morse in 1844.
New Media This system allowed for messages to be
transmitted much quicker and cheaper than old
Media experience is more interactive methods.
Audiences are more involved and can send
feedback simultaneously People used the power of steam, developed
Integrates all the aspects of old media machine tools, established iron production, and the
manufacturing of various products (including books
Evolution of Media through the printing press).
Prehistoric Age Printing press for mass production
Anything prior to the first written accounts of Newspaper The London Gazette
history is prehistoric (meaning "before history"), Typewriter
including earlier technologies. Motion picture photography
About 2.5 million years before writing was Telegraph
developed, technology began with the earliest Punch cards
hominids who used stone tools, which they may Electric Telegraph (Georges Louis Lesage)
have used to start fires, hunt, cut food, and
bury their dead. Typographer (William Austin Burt)
Petroglyphs are images incised in rock, usually Telegraph (Samuel Morse)
by prehistoric, especially Neolithic, peoples.
They were an important form of pre-writing Modern Typewriter (Christopher Sholes)
symbols, used in communication from Telephone (Alexander Graham Bell)
approximately 10,000 B.C. to modern times,
depending on culture and location. Phonograph (Thomas Edison)
The Information literacy curriculum includes: You can the skill in Information literacy to
perform well in research papers, projects and
Tool literacy- The ability to use print and electronic presentations.
resources including software.
Resource literacy- The ability to understand the form,
format, location and access methods of information At work you will likely encounter situations
resources. where you must seek out new information to
make logical decisions.
Social-structural literacy- Knowledge of how
information is socially situated and produced. It Personal
includes understanding the scholarly publishing process.
In your home, you are constantly faced with Magazines are published weekly, monthly, quarterly, or
deciding consumer issues and forming opinions annually, and many of them are sold all over the world.
on social and political topics;
Newspapers- are the most popular form of print media.
They are generally delivered at home, or are available at
newsstands, and it is the most inexpensive way to reach
a huge mass of people quickly. Different types of
newspapers cater to various audiences, and one can
select the particular category accordingly.
A number of efforts have been made to better define
the concept and its relationship to other skills and forms
of literacy. Although other educational goals, including
Flyers- is also a part of print media. Some of the big
traditional literacy, computer literacy, library skills and
companies may not use this type for advertising of
critical thinking skills, are related to information literacy
targeting the market, but for small organizations, it can
and important foundations for its development,
be very useful and can help in generating business. A
information literacy itself is emerging as a distinct skill
flyer should always be crisp and eye-catching so that it
set and a necessary key to one’s social and economic
attracts people's attention.
well-being in an increasingly complex information
society. Newsletters- is a publication that mostly covers one
main topic. Sometimes, people have to subscribe for
the newsletters, or many a time, they are even free.
“Knowledge is of two kinds: We know a topic for Newsletters are generally used as information sources
ourselves or we know where we can find information for neighborhood, communities, and groups having an
upon it “ – Dr. Samuel Johnson 1775 interest about that particular topic, or event. They are
also used for promotional purpose, political campaigns,
LESSON 4: 3 TYPES OF MEDIA or for causes.
What is media? Books- are the oldest form of print media that are used
The term media, which is the plural of medium, refers as a way of communication and information piece. They
to the communication channels through which we give an opportunity to writers to spread their
disseminate news, music, movies, education, knowledge about a particular subject to the whole
promotional messages and other data. world. They are a diverse platform comprising varied
topics that include literature, history, fiction stories, and
THE THREE TYPES OF MEDIA: many more, that not only increase our knowledge but
Print Media also entertain us.
Broadcast Media Posters- is a temporary promotion of an idea, product,
New Media or event put up in a public space for mass
Print Media consumption." Typically, posters include both textual
and graphic elements, although a poster may be either
includes all types of publications, including wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to
newspapers, journals, magazines, books and be both eye-catching and informative.
reports. It is the oldest type, and despite
suffering since the emergence of the Internet, is Banners- at many places are made of cloth, or paper
still used by a major proportion of the and are used to show slogans, logos, or some messages.
population. It is also used for advertising brands in exhibitions,
giving out the names of products, or services that are
EXAMPLES OF PRINT MEDIA being provided. Like banners, posters also come under
the same category for the same purpose
Magazines- provide detailed articles on various topics,
like food, fashion, sports, finance, lifestyle, and so on. Billboards- have mostly become digital, but they qualify
under the category of print media after all, the
advertisements are printed on the billboard. These
include text and graphics mostly as a combination so as
to make it more appealing.