The Momentous Transition To Multicellular Life May Not Have Been So Hard After All - Science - AAAS

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24/4/23, 12:09 The momentous transition to multicellular life may not have been so hard after all | Science

n so hard after all | Science | AAAS

The momentous transition to multicellular life may not have been so ha

after all
Single cells had many of the genes and functions needed for complex life to evolve



Billions of years ago, life crossed a threshold. Single cells started to band together, and a world of formless, unicellu
evolve into the riot of shapes and functions of multicellular life today, from ants to pear trees to people. It's a transiti
the history of life, and until recently we had no idea how it happened.

The gulf between unicellular and multicellular life seems almost unbridgeable. A single cell's existence is simple and
microbes need only be concerned with feeding themselves; neither coordination nor cooperation with others is neces
occasionally join forces. In contrast, cells in a multicellular organism, from the four cells in some algae to the 37 tril
their independence to stick together tenaciously; they take on specialized functions, and they curtail their own reprod
growing only as much as they need to fulfill their functions. When they rebel, cancer can break out.

Multicellularity brings new capabilities. Animals, for example, gain mobility for seeking better habitat, eluding pred
prey. Plants can probe deep into the soil for water and nutrients; they can also grow toward sunny spots to maximize
massive reproductive structures to spread their spores. But for all of multicellularity's benefits, says László Nagy, an
Biological Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Szeged, it has traditionally "been viewed as a
genetic hurdles to it."


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Now, Nagy and other researchers are learning it may not have been so difficult after all. The evidence comes from m
evolutionary histories of some groups of organisms record repeated transitions from single-celled to multicellular for
could not have been so high. Genetic comparisons between simple multicellular organisms and their single-celled re
much of the molecular equipment needed for cells to band together and coordinate their activities may have been in
multicellularity evolved. And clever experiments have shown that in the test tube, single-celled life can evolve the be
in just a few hundred generations—an evolutionary instant.

Evolutionary biologists still debate what drove simple aggregates of cells to become more and more complex, leadin
of life today. But embarking on that road no longer seems so daunting. "We are beginning to get a sense of how it mi
Ben Kerr, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Washington in Seattle. "You take what seems to be a major s
a series of minor steps." 1/7
24/4/23, 12:09 The momentous transition to multicellular life may not have been so hard after all | Science | AAAS

Nicole King, a biologist at the University of California (UC), Berkeley, found a revealing window on those ancient t
choanoflagellates, a group of living protists that seems on the cusp of making the leap to multicellularity. These sing
endowed with a whiplike flagellum and a collar of shorter hairs, resemble the food-filtering "collar" cells that line th
Some choanoflagellates themselves can form spherical colonies. More than 2 decades ago, King learned to culture an
creatures, and by 2001 her genetic analyses were starting to raise doubts about the then-current view that the transitio
major genetic leap.

Her lab began turning up gene after gene once thought to be exclusive to complex animals—and seemingly unneede
Choanoflagellates have genes for tyrosine kinases, enzymes that, in complex animals, help control the functions of s
insulin secretion in the pancreas. They have cell growth regulators such as p53, a gene notorious for its link to cance
have genes for cadherins and C-type lectins, proteins that help cells stick together, keeping a tissue intact.

All told, by surveying the active genes in 21 choanoflagellate species, King's group found that these "simple" organi
families once thought to be exclusive to multicellular animals, they reported on 31 May in eLife. If, as she and other
offer a glimpse of the one-celled ancestor of animals, that organism was already well-equipped for multicellular life.
protists at the front of research to address animal origins," says Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo, an evolutionary biologist at the Sp
Council and Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain.

You take what seems to be a major step in evolution and make it a series of min

The ancestral versions of those genes might not have done the same jobs they later took on. For example, choanoflag
proteins crucial to neurons, and yet their cells don't resemble nerve cells, King says. Likewise, their flagellum has a p
helps create the body's left-right asymmetry, but what it does in the single-celled organism is unknown. And choanof
anticipate multicellularity in every respect; they lack some critical genes, including transcription factors such as Pax
animal development. The missing genes give us "a better idea of what the actual animal innovations were," King say

As cells banded together, they didn't just put existing genes to new uses. Studies of Volvox, an alga that forms beauti
shows that multicellular organisms also found new ways to use existing functions. Volvox and its relatives span the tr
Whereas Volvox individuals have 500 to 60,000 cells arranged in a hollow sphere, some relatives, such as the Gonium
four to 16 cells; others are completely unicellular. By comparing biology and genetics along the continuum from one
biologists are gleaning the requirements for becoming ever more complex. "What this group of algae has taught us is
in the evolution of a multicellular organism," says Matthew Herron, an evolutionary biologist at the Georgia Institute

These studies show that many functions of specialized cells in a complex organism are not new. Instead, features and
celled organisms are rearranged in time and space in their multicellular relatives, says Corina Tarnita, a theoretical b
University. For example, in a unicellular relative of Volvox, Chlamydomonas, organelles called centrioles do double
lifetime they anchor the two whirling flagella that propel the cell through the water. But when that cell prepares to re
flagella, and the centrioles move toward the nucleus, where they help pull apart the dividing cell's chromosomes. La
regrow the flagella. Chlamydomonas can both swim and reproduce, but not at the same time.

Multicellular Volvox can do both at once, because its cells have specialized. The smaller cells always have flagella, w
the Volvox's surface and help it swim. Larger cells lack flagella and instead use the centrioles full time for cell divisio

Multicellularity made easy

Researchers got single-cell yeast to evolve multicellularity in the lab, demonstrating the relative ease of the transition. 2/7
24/4/23, 12:09 The momentous transition to multicellular life may not have been so hard after all | Science | AAAS

1 Selection
As single yeast cells grow, the larger on 3/7
24/4/23, 12:09 The momentous transition to multicellular life may not have been so hard after all | Science | AAAS
 those cells are allowed to reproduce; repeated rounds ofselection result in ever-bigger yeast.Some cell assemblages d
thrive; others do not.Each freed tip proliferates, and many varieties of multicellular snowflakes form.A few cells speciali
cells at the tips of the snowflake to start new snowflakes.A single mutation causes a reproducing yeast’s daughter cells
snowflake structures form.Daughter cells

Volvox has repurposed other features of the single cell ancestor as well. In Chlamydomonas, an ancient stress respon
reproduction at night, when photosynthesis shuts down and resources are scarcer. But in Volvox, the same pathway is
swimming cells, to keep their reproduction permanently at bay. What was a response to an environmental signal in th
been co-opted for promoting division of labor in its more complex descendent, Kerr says.

3 Differentiation
A third set of organisms hints at how this repurposing of existing genes and functions could have taken place. Over t
and his colleagues have compared more than a dozen protist genomes with those of animals—a comparison that und
complexity of the animal genomes, they reported on 20 July in eLife. But a more telling finding came when Ruiz-Tri
now at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel; and Luciano di Croce at Barcelona's Centre for Genom
protist Capsaspora's portfolio of gene-regulating signals. They found that the protist uses some of the same molecule
on and off at particular times and places: proteins called transcription factors and long strands of RNA that don't enc
promoters—the regulatory DNA that interacts with transcription factors—were much shorter and simpler than in ani
19 May 2016 in Cell, suggesting less sophisticated regulation.

To Ruiz-Trillo and his team, the finding points to a key to multicellularity: increased fine-tuning of gene regulation.
from single-celled ancestors looks less daunting if it was partly a matter of resetting the genetic switches, enabling e
new times and places. "This is what evolution always does, makes use of things that are around for new purposes," s
Georgia Tech.

That thrifty repurposing may explain the swift transitions that have unfolded in Ratcliff 's lab. Instead of looking at t
comparing genomes of existing organisms, he has recreated evolution in lab cultures. "My own research has been no
happened in the real world, but to look at the process of how cells evolve increased complexity," he explains.

As a postdoc working with Michael Travisano at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul, Ratcliff subjected yeast cu
selection. He allowed only the biggest cells—measured by how fast they settled to the bottom of the flask—to surviv
months, multicellular clusters began to appear, as newly formed daughter cells stuck to their mothers and formed bra

As each culture continued to evolve—some have now been through more than 3000 generations—the snowflakes go
became more durable and more elongated, and a new mode of reproduction evolved. In large snowflake yeast, a few
undergo a form of suicide, releasing the cells at the tip to start a new snowflake. The dying cell sacrifices its life so th
It's a rudimentary form of cell differentiation, Ratcliff explains. He has just started to explore the genetic basis of the
appears to be a mix of existing genes being co-opted for new functions and other genes—such as one that helps divid
becoming disabled.

The yeast also developed a safeguard that is key to multicellularity: a way to keep cellular cheaters at bay. Such chea
make some cells different from others, and possibly less cooperative. In complex organisms such as humans, protect
having an immune system to destroy aberrant cells. It also depends on a bottleneck between generations, in which a
for example) serves as the starting point for the next generation. The result is that all cells in the new generation start
New mutation
Snowflake yeasts have their own way of purging themselves of deviant cells. Because mutations accumulate over tim
are found at the tips of the snowflakes. But they break off to form new colonies before they have a chance to become

This mechanism also enables group traits to evolve in the yeast. Mutations in the cells released from each snowflake
4 Bottleneck
cells in the next colony. Consequently, subsequent snowflakes start out with new group traits—in the size and numbe
and locations of suicide cells, for example—that become grist for further evolution. From that point on, it's the assem
that's adapting.

The yeast results weren't a fluke. In 2014, Ratcliff and his colleagues applied the same kind of selection for larger ce
single-celled alga, and again saw colonies quickly emerge. To address criticism that his artificial selection technique
Herron then repeated the Chlamydomonas experiment with a more natural selective pressure: a population of parame
eat Chlamydomonas—and tend to pick off the smaller cells. Again a kind of multicellularity was quick to appear: W
about a year—two of five experimental populations had started to form and reproduce as groups, the team wrote 4/7 on
24/4/23, 12:09 The momentous transition to multicellular life may not have been so hard after all | Science | AAAS

Comparing Volvox, an alga with hundreds of cells (bottom), with its simpler relatives—the single-celled Chlamydomonas (top left) and th

If multicellularity comes so easy, why did it take several billion years after the origin of life for complex organisms t
established? Traditionally, researchers have blamed the early atmosphere's low oxygen levels: To get enough oxygen
highest possible ratio of surface to volume, which forced them to stay small. Only after oxygen levels rose about 1 b
multicellular organisms arise.

In 2015, however, Nicholas Butterfield, a paleontologist at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, pro
levels actually favored the evolution of multicellularity in ancient marine organisms. Larger, multicellular organisms
were better at sweeping water past their cell membranes to harvest oxygen. Scarce nutrients in the ancient seas woul
step, the evolution of specialized cell types, because more complex organisms can harvest food more efficiently. As
took so long to emerge, Butterfield thinks the lag reflects the time it took to evolve the more sophisticated gene regu

Butterfield's theory "is really quite elegant and simple, building on first principles of physics and chemistry, set into
biogeochemical, and biophysical context," says Richard Grosberg, an evolutionary biologist at UC Davis.

Once organisms had crossed the threshold to multicellularity, they rarely turned
back. In many lineages, the5/7 number
continued to grow, and they developed ever-more-sophisticated ways to coordinate their activities. Ratcliff and Eric
24/4/23, 12:09 The momentous transition to multicellular life may not have been so hard after all | Science | AAAS
"The idea that cancer represents a release of ancient genes from multicellularity is very appealing," says Mark Vince
the London Health Sciences Centre in Canada. "It explains a lot about what is otherwise mysterious about cancer," s
resistance arises, he says, explaining that "a lot of the treatments we have mimic ancient threats, which eukaryotic c

doi: 10.1126/science.aau5806




Elizabeth Pennisi

Liz Pennisi is a senior correspondent covering many aspects of biology for Science.


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